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Amanualofprayers1888.Pdf |-.-- | - - . · | - | . -- - - - . ~--------- |× ſae , -; O'Nei .N.Y. r S ſ in of God. Son of Mary. ------------ - - - - r -- - ---- *u. “Avvº. Litvº 3 S → *ttu au A *of } { PRAYERS tº YER ***** *** ** :: *. F. ºf IC LAITY. ---- AN ºn Pºs ºf Fº ---->ER toº risis: - Count ºil of 3 ºf Zºo ---w York - tº Biſcariº Society Cº. ---L-- * * *x filº * ** * G \tes, Limited _ | ºw. CAutºA. Litvº 3 S → *tva L A. MANUAL OF PRAYERS - - -- *** * -- - For the Use of THE CATHOLIC LAITY. PREPARED AND PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE THIRD PLENA R P COUNCIL OF BALTIMORE. NEW York : THE CATHolic PUBLICATION SocIETY Co., 9 BARcLAY STREET. London : BURNS & OATES, Limited. The Prayer Book ordered by the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore, having been diligently compiled and examined, is hereby approved. Archbishop of Baltimore, Apostolic Delegate-- Baltimore, May 17, 1889. *24-e-…--& +*-2-42.… 2-ea Cze. Aee - & acc-. Copyright, 1888, BY CLARENCE E. WOODMAN. All rights reserved, and making extracts or selections from this book without the proper permission is strictly prohibited. 22 1326 G X HOW 19 |9|8 2. \ | O & , ra 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS. (For full alphabetical Indear see end of book.) Devotions to which Indulgences are attached are marked thus: (i) - page: Calendar, . - - - - - - - - - . I Movable Feasts, Tables of, - - • . I4. Days of Obligation and Devotion, . - - . 16 Abridgment of Christian Doctrine, . e . 20. Christian Faith and Practice, . • ... • . 25 Morning Prayers (Prime), . 37 Another Form, - - - - - ... 5 I Acts of Faith, Hope, etc., - - . 53 Angelus, etc., - - - - Grace before and after Meals, . - - . 58 Litanies of the Holy Name and of Loreto . 6o Evening Prayers (Compline), - - - . 69 Another Form, - - - - - . 81 Devotions for Mass, . - - - - - . 89 Manner of Serving Mass, - - - - - IO6 Blessing of Water and Asperges, . - - - IO9 Ordinary of the Mass, - - º - • II.4 The Te Deum, etc., - - - - e I6O. Vespers, . - - e - - e - . 178 iii iv TABLE OF CONTENTS. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, Occasional Offices—Blessing of Candles, Blessing of Ashes, Blessing of Children, Seven Penitential Psalms, and Litany of the Saints Devotions for Confession, - - Devotions for Communion, Visit to the Blessed Sacrament, Way of the Cross, - Seven Words upon the Cross, Rosary (with form of Blessing), Scapular (with form of Investing), . The Sacraments in General, Holy Baptism, . Reception of Converts, Confirmation, . S - - Matrimony—The Ceremony, . Nuptial Mass, Mixed Marriages, Churching of Women, Devotions for the Sick, Communion of the Sick, . Extreme Unction, Visitation of the Sick, Last Indulgence, . - - - Recommendation of a Soul departing, Burial of the Dead, Adults, Infants, Hymns and Sequences, . - e Collects, Epistles and Gospels, etc., e Qºbe calenbar OF FEASTS CELEBRATED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. - / (Holydays of Obligation are marked with a +.) ABBREVIATIONS ExPLAINED : Ap. signifies Apostle or Apostles; M., Martyr or Martyrs, P., Pope, Abp., Archbishop, B., Bishop, C., Confessor, D., Doctor; Abb., Abbot, V., Virgin, W., Widow, K., King; Q., Queen, Pr., Priest, H., Hermit. - OTHER MOVABLE FEASTS NOT INCLUDED IN THE FOL LOWING CALENDAR. Second Sunday after Epiphany—Holy Name of Jesus. Friday after Quinquagesima–Passion of our Lord. Friday after First Sunday in Lent—Holy Crown of Thorns. Friday after Second Sunday in Lent—Spear and Nails. Friday after Third Sunday in Lent—Five Wounds. Friday after Fourth Sunday in Lent—Most Precious Blood. Friday after Passion Sunday–Seven Sorrows of the B. V. M. Third Sunday after Easter—Patronage of St. Joseph. Thursday after Trinity Sunday—Corpus Christi. Friday after Octave of Corpus Christi—Sacred Heart of Jesus. First Sunday of July—Most Precious Blood. Sunday within the Octave of the Assumption—St. Joachim, Fa ther of the B. V. M. Sunday within the Octave of Nativity of B. v. M.–Holy Name of Mary. Third Sunday of September—Seven Sorrows of the B. V. M. First Sunday of October—Rosary Sunday. Third Sunday of October–Maternity of the B. V. M. Second Sunday of November—Patronage of the B. V. M. I (IDC Calcitoar. JANUARY. Hath 31 days. ... + CIRCUMCISION OF OUR LORD. Octave of St. Stephen, First Martyr. Octave of St. John, Ap. and Evangelist. Octave of Holy Innocents, M. Vigil. EPIPHANY OF OUR LoRD. Of the Octave. Of the Octave. 9. Of the Octave. Io. Of the Octave. II. Of the Octave. 12. Of the Octave. 13. Octave of the Epiphany. 14. St. Hilary, B.C.D. 15. St. Paul, First H. St. Marcellus, P.M. St. Anthony, Abb. St. Peter's Chair at Rome. 19. St. Canute of Denmark, K.M. SS. Fabian and Sebastian, M. St. Agnes, P.M. SS. Vincent and Anastasius, M. Espousals of the B. P.M. St. Timothy, B.M. 5. Conversion of St. Paul, Ap. St. Polycarp, B.M. St. John Chrysostom, Patriarch, C.D. St. Agnes, the second time. - . St. Francis de Sales, B.C. D. St. Martina, P.M. St. Peter Nolasco, C. ~be Calenbar. FEBRUARY. Hath 28 or 29 days. St. Ignatius, B.M. PURIFIcAtion of THE B. V. M. St. Blase, B.M. St. Andrew Corsini, B.C. St. Philip of Jesus, M. St. Titus, Abp. C. St. Romuald, Abb. St. John of Matha, C. St. Cyril of Alexandria, B.C.D. St. Scholastica, P. St. Raymond of Pennafort, C. - St. Agatha, V.M. Of the Season. St. Valentine, Pr.M. SS. Faustinus and Jovita, M. Of the Season. Of the Season. St. Simeon, B.M. Of the Season. Of the Season. Of the Season. St. Peter's Chair at Antioch. St. Peter Damian, B.C.D. Vigil. St. Matthias, Ap.” . Of the Season. Of the Season. Of the Season. Of the Season. * In Leap Year, on the 25th. I |||| | Willy ... v. - - “* * * ***** * ~be calensar. MARCH. Hath 31 days. Of the Season. Of the Season. Of the Season. St. Casimir, C. Of the Season. Of the Season. St. Thomas Aquinas, C.D. St. John of God, C. St. Frances of Rome, W. The Forty Martyrs. Of the Season. - St. Gregory the Great, P.C.D. : . Of the Season. Of the Season. Rsº . Of the Season. Of the Season. I 7. St. Patrick, Abp.C., Apostle of Ireland. § 18. Sf. Gabriel, Archangel. I9. St. Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church. 2O. St. Cyril of Jerusalem, B.C.D. 2I. St. Benedict, Abb. 22. Of the Season. N 23. Of the Season. w 24. Of the Season. 25. ANNU.NcIATION OF THE B. V. M. 26. Of the Season. 27. Of the Season. 28. Of the Season. 29. Of the Season. 30. Of the Season. y 3I Of the Season. º *. i - | All s LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN Cbe calenbar. º APRIL. Hath 30 days. Of the Season. St. Francis of Paola, C. Of the Season. St. Isidore, Abp. C.D. St. Vincent Ferrer, C. Of the Season. Of the Season. Of the Season. Of the Season. - Of the Season. St. Leo the Great, P.C.D. Of the Season. St. Hermenegild of Spain, K.M. St. Justin, M. Of the Season. Of the Season. St. Anicetus, P.M. Of the Season. Of the Season. Of the Season. St. Anselm, Abp. C.D. SS. Soter and Caius, P.M. St. George, M. St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen, M. St. Mark, Evangelist. SS. Cletus and Marcellinus, P.M. St. Turibius, B.C. St. Paul of the Cross, C. St. Peter, M. St. Catherine of Siena, l’. ! | * ~be Calellbär. MAY. Hath 31 days. S.S. Philip and James, Ap. St. Athanasius, P. C. D. Finding of the Holy Cross. St. Monica, It'. St. Pius V., P.C. St. John before the Latin Gate. St. Stanislaus, B.M. Apparation of St. Michael, Archangel. 9. St. Gregory Nazianzen, Patriarch, C.D. Io. St. Antoninus, Abp. C. II. Of the Season. 12. SS. Nereus, Achilleus and Comp., M. 13. Of the Season. 14. St. Boniface, M. 15. Of the Season. 16. St. Ubald, B.C. 17. St. Paschal Baylon, C. 18. St. Venantius, M. 19. St. Peter Celestin, P.C. 20. St. Bernardine of Siena, C. 21. Of the Season. 22, St. John Nepomucene, M. 23. Of the Season. 24. Our Blessed Lady, Help of Christians. 25. St. Gregory VII., P.C. St. Philip Neri, C. St. Mary Magdalen de' Pazzi, V. St. Augustine of Canterbury, B.C. Of the Season. , St. Felix, P.M. St. Angela Merici, V. (Ibe CalentCat. JUNE. Hath 30 days. Of the Season. SS. Marcellinus and Peter, 11. Of the Season. St. Francis Caracciolo, C. St. Boniface, .45p.M. St. Norbert, Abp.C. Of the Season. Of the Season. SS. Primus and Felician, M. St. Margaret of Scotland, Q. W. St. Barnabas, Ap. St. John of San Fagondez, C. St. Anthony of Padua, C. St. Basil the Great, Abp. C.D. SS. Vitus and Modestus, M. St. John Francis Regis, C. Of the Season. SS. Mark and Marcellian, M. St. Juliana de' Falconieri, V. : . St. Silverius, P.M. 2I. St. Aloysius Gonzaga, C. St. Paulinus, B.C. Vigil. Nativity of St. John the Baptist. St. William, Abb. SS. John and Paul, M. Of the Octave. St. Irenaeus, B.M. Vigil. SS. PETER AND PAUL, Ap. (Solemnity| transferred to following Sunday.) . Commemoration of St. Paul, Ap, ºſº *-*…] (Ibe Calentar, JULY. Hath 51 days. Octave of St. John the Baptist. Visitation of the B. V. M. Leo II., P.C. - . St. Of the Octave. SS. Cyril and Methodius, B.C. Octave of Ss. Peter and Paul, Ap. Of the Season. St. Elizabeth of Portugal, Q. V. Of the Season. Seven Brothers, M. St. Pius I., P.M. 12. St. John Gualberto, A55. 13. St. Anacletus, P.M. 14. St. Bonaventure, B.C. D. 15. St. Henry, K.C. 16. Our Lady of Mount Carmel. 17. St. Alexius, C. 18. St. Camillus de Lelli, C. 19. St. Vincent of Paul, C.
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