The Lives of the Saints, and Were Filled with Admira- Tion for Their Heroism, and with Eager Desire to Follow in Their

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The Lives of the Saints, and Were Filled with Admira- Tion for Their Heroism, and with Eager Desire to Follow in Their CORNELL NIVERSITY LIBRARY Cornell University Library BR 1710.B25 1898 V 12 Lives of the saints. 3 1924 026 082 648 The original of tliis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. q< * THE Jltbes of tl)e ^atnts; REV. S. BARING-GOULD SIXTEEN VOLUMES VOLUME THE TWELFTH ^ ^ p tri < a a — •il— ^ THE ilitieg of t|)e faints; BY THE REV. S. BARING-GOULD, M.A. New Edition in i6 Volumes Revised with Introduction and Additional Lives of English Martyrs, Cornish and Welsh Saints, and a full Index to the Entire Work ILLUSTRATED BY OVER 400 ENGRAVINGS VOLUME THE TWELFTH ©ctober part n LONDON JOHN C NIMMO NEW YORK : LONGMANS, GREEN, S- CO. , MDCCCXCVIII , Printed by Ballantynk, Hanson <5h Co. At the Ballantyne Press «- -* '///f|i|!\; CONTENTS A S. Abban of Killabban 652 „ Abban of Maghar- noidhe . „ Acca, B. of Hex- ham . „ Agleus ... SS. Alexander & comp. „ Alodia and Nunilo . S. Ambrose, B. of Cahors .... SS. Amplias and comp. „ Anastasia the Elder, and Cyril . S. Andrew of Crete SS. Aneurin & Gwynoc S. Arilda . „ Artemius .... „ Asterius „ Austrude .... •3 *- -Ifl Contents Vll O PAGE PAGE S. Levan 658 S. Oda 578 „ Louthiern .... 438 „ Odhran. .... 668 SS. Lucian and Marcian 644 „ Lucilla and Neme- sius 725 „ Lucius and Ptole- S. Peter of Alcantara . 487 maeus . 478 SS. Philip of Heraclea S. Luke, Evan. 467 and comp . 565 „ Lullus, Abp. of S. Proclus, B. of Con- Mainz .... 434 stantinople . 605 SS. Ptolema;us & Lucius 478. M S. Maglorius, B. of S. Quintin 725 Dol 6i6 „ Quodvultdeus . 645 „ Magnobod, B. of Angers . .428 „ Malchion .... 695 R „ Malchus .... 530 S. Regulus .... 454 Marcellus . „ .719 SS. Rogatianus and SS. Marcian and Lucian 644 Felicissimus . 644 S. Margaret 642 .... S. Romanus, B. of B. Margaret- Mary Rouen . 577 Alacoque . 465 „ Rusticus, B. of S. Mark, B. of Jeru- Narbonne . 645 salem .... 564 „ Marnock .... 639 „ Martin, Ab. of S Vertou . .618 SS. Sabina and comp. 649 SS. Martinian & comp. 416 S. Salome 562 S. Maruanus . .658 SS. Saturian and comp. 416 „ Moderan, or Moran 573 S. Senan 658 „ Mummolin . 430 „ Serapion, B. of Antioch. 717 N „ Sigebert . 712 „ Simon, Ap. 671 S. Narcissus, B. of „ Solina 437 Stachys . .724 Jerusalem . 701 „ SS. Narcissus andcomp. 724 „ Nemesius & Lucilla 725 S. Nothelm, Abp. of Talarican . Canterbury . 449 S. .721 Disc. SS. Nunilo and Alodia . 575 „ Thaddseus, 679 VOL. XII. b *- * *- -* VIU Contents V S. Thecla 357 PAGE .Others „ Theonestus . 720 SS. Varus and .480 „ Theresa .... 358 „ Vincent, Sabina, and „ Tryphonia .... 471 Chrysteta . .649 U W S. Uni 658 SS. Urban and comp. 724 S. Wendelin . 561 „ Ursula and Eleven „ Wolfgang, B. of ThousandVirgins 535 Ratisbon 728 *- -* * . ^ LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS S. David's Cathedral Frontispiece S. Theresa to face p. 370 S. Theresa Writing ..... „ 372 Christus Consolator ..... „ 414 S. Etheldreda „ 440 S. Luke painting the Virgin ... „ 468 After the Picture by jEAN GOSSAERT at the Cathedral of Prague. S. FRIDESWIDE „ 484 S. Ursula ,,536 Reliquary of S. Ursula .... ,,540 By Hans Memling, in the Chapel of S. John's Hospital at Bruges. S. Gregory the Great {see March 12th) . „ 642 An early Portrait. From a MS. Station by Adam Krafft .... „ 670 S. JUDE, Ap. {see p. 674). .... on p. 700 IX ij, —& ^ ^ . * X List of Ilhistrations S. Thadd^US {see p. 679) .... onp. yi6 S. Simon, Ap. {see Oct. ^Zth) .... ,,723 S. QuiNTiN . to face p. 724^ After Cahier. Altar at Ratisbon . - . onp. 732 - ^ - 1^ ^ Ij, Lives of the Saints October 15. S. Agleus, M. at Cartilage. SS. CCCLX. Moors, MM. at Cologne; circ. a.d. 286. S. AuRELiA, V. at Ratisbon; ^tk or $th cent. S. CoNOGAN, B, ofQuhnperin Brittany ; 6ik cent. S. LeonarDj C. at Autnn ; circ. a.d. 570. S. Thecla, V. Abss. at Kitzingen inFranconia; Zthcent. S. Sabinus, B. of Catania in Sicily ; Zth cent. S. Theresa, V. at Alva in SJictin; a.d. 1582. S. AGLEUS, M. (uncertain date.) [Modern Roman Martyrology, inserted by Baromus arbitrarily on this <iay. In the Carthaginian Kalendar on Jan. 25, and on the same day in the Epternach copy of the Martyrology of Jerome.] AUGUSTINE preached a sermon on the festival of S. Agleus, and mention is made of the church dedicated to this saint in the life of S. Fulgentius of Ruspe. S. Gregory the Great received the relics of the saint from Dominicus, Bishop of Carthage, as appears from a letter of the great pope which is extant. S. THECLA, V. ABSS, (8th cent.) [Roman and German Martyrologies. Wyon, Wilson, and Bucelinus.] S. Thecla was a virgin in Wimborne Abbey, who accom- panied S. Lioba to Germany when the latter was summoned thither by her kinsman, S. Boniface. Thecla was apparently also related to S. Boniface ; she was made by him abbess of the monastery of Kitzingen- on-the-Maine, on the death of S. Hadeloga in 766. Before that she ruled the abbey of Ochsenfiirt. VOL. XIL I * ' * i^ . ^ 358 Lives of the Saints. [Oct. 15. S. THERESA, V. (a.d. 1582.) [Roman Martjnrology. Canonized by Gregory XV. in 1621. Autho- rities : —A Life by Francis de Ribera, S.J., written in 1590. "Testimonia de S. Teresia, prolata a Didaco Yepes," pub. in 1606. Also, S. Theresa's own Memoirs, wiitten at the command of her director, and her Book of the Foundations. Also her Letters.] S. Theresa was born on the 28th of March, i5r5, of noble parents, at Avila in Old Castile. Her father's name was Alphonso Sanchez de Cepeda, who was married twice. His first wife, Catharino del Peso y Essai, presented him with two sons and a daughter. His second wife, Beatrix D'Avila y Ahumada, was the mother of our saint, and of eight other children— Ferdinand, Roderic (born before Theresa), Laurence, Antony, Peter, Jerome, Augustine, and Joanna. A convent of the Order of the Discalced Carmelites now occupies the site of the old house in which S. Theresa was born, and the room in which she entered the world is con- verted into a little chapel. She was baptized on the day she was born, in the neighbouring church of S. Bartholomew. The font is still preserved. " She writes : I had virtuous parents, and such as feared God. My father took great delight in reading good books, and he had them in Spanish, that his children might be able to read them also. This circumstance, together with the care my mother took to make us say our prayers, and to show us how to be devout to our Lady and some other saints, began to affect me when I was about six or seven years old. My father was exceedingly charitable towards the poor, and kind to the sick and infirm ; and even to his *•- -•J* -^ Oct. isJ S. Theresa. 359 servants he was so considerate, that he never would keep slaves. Once there was a slave in his house who belonged to a brother of his, and he treated him as if he were one of his own sons, and said he could not bear to see men not free. He was a great lover of truth ,; no one ever heard him swear or disparage others ; he was also exceedingly chaste. My mother likewise had many virtues, and she passed through life under great infirmities. She had a sweet disposition and a sound understanding. The afflictions she bore all her life were very numerous ; and when she died she made a most Christian end. There were three sisters and nine brothers ; all resembled our parents in being good, ex- cept myself, though my father loved me best of all. My brothers in no way prevented me from serving God. One of them was about my age, and I loved him more than all the rest ; though, at the same time, I must add that I loved them all very tenderly, and they loved me." This little brother and Theresa, as children, began reading together the lives of the saints, and were filled with admira- tion for their heroism, and with eager desire to follow in their steps. In their childish excitement they set ofi" together to go to Morocco, in hopes of being there martyred for the faith, but their mother sent servants after them and brought them home. Then the children attempted to build hermitages in the garden, into which to retire and imitate the Fathers of the Desert, but the stones tumbled down. Theresa lost her mother when she was only twelve years old. " When I began to understand what a loss I had sustained, I was greatly afflicted, and I threw myself before an image of our Lady, beseeching her, with many tears, to be a mother to me. And though I performed the act in simplicity, yet I think I gained benefit thereby, for I have clearly experienced the assistance of the Sovereign Virgin whenever I have recom- mended myself to her." The death of her mother was a ; great loss to Theresa in more ways than one. She took to romance reading, but secretly, lest her father should know it as he objected to these books, which were not harmless, like many modern novels^ but contained much which was calcu- lated to injure the modesty of a young girl's soul. " I spent many hours, both of the day and night, in this vain exercise," says S. Theresa, "unknown to my father. But I was so addicted to the habit, that if I could not obtain a new book I was miserable. I began at the same time to wear smart clothes, and to take care of my looks.
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    CONTEXTS FOR PASTORAL CARE: ANGLO-SAXON PRIESTS AND PRIESTLY BOOKS, C. 900–1100 Gerald P. Dyson PhD University of York History March 2016 3 Abstract This thesis is an examination and analysis of the books needed by and available to Anglo-Saxon priests for the provision of pastoral care in the tenth and eleventh centuries. Anglo-Saxon priests are a group that has not previously been studied as such due to the scattered and difficult nature of the evidence. By synthesizing previous scholarly work on the secular clergy, pastoral care, and priests’ books, this thesis aims to demonstrate how priestly manuscripts can be used to inform our understanding of the practice of pastoral care in Anglo-Saxon England. In the first section of this thesis (Chapters 2–4), I will discuss the context of priestly ministry in England in the tenth and eleventh centuries before arguing that the availability of a certain set of pastoral texts prescribed for priests by early medieval bishops was vital to the provision of pastoral care. Additionally, I assert that Anglo- Saxon priests in general had access to the necessary books through means such as episcopal provision and aristocratic patronage and were sufficiently literate to use these texts. The second section (Chapters 5–7) is divided according to different types of priestly texts and through both documentary evidence and case studies of specific manuscripts, I contend that the analysis of individual priests’ books clarifies our view of pastoral provision and that these books are under-utilized resources in scholars’ attempts to better understand contemporary pastoral care.
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