March 12, 2017 Second Sunday of the Great Fast – St. Gregory Palamas – Tone 2 Our Venerable Father and Confessor Theophanes of Mount Sigriana ن Schedule of Services for the week of March 6 – March 12

Wednesday, March 15 – The Holy Agapius and the six with him, Timolaus, Romel, Alexander, Alexander, Dionysius and Dionysius 6:30 PM – Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts Friday, March 17 – Our Venerable Father Alexis, the Man of God; Patrick, the Enlightener of Ireland 9:30 AM – Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts Saturday, March 18 – 3rd All Souls Saturday; Our Holy Father Cyril, archbishop of 9:30 AM – Divine Liturgy For all our faithful departed 6:00 PM – Great Vespers Sunday, March 19 – 3rd Sunday of the Great Fast - Veneration of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross; The Holy Martyrs Chrysanthus and Daria, his wife 9:30 AM – Divine Liturgy For All Parishioners

During the Great Fast, the Liturgy of the Presanctified Did You Know? Gifts will be offered on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 Geese fly in the V-formation PM and Friday Mornings at 9:30 AM. Each Wednesday, because when each bird following the Presanctified Liturgy, there will be a Lenten flaps its wings, it creates an uplift for the bird immediately following. Meal and a Spiritual Talk. We need volunteers to prepare By flying in the V-formation, the whole the soup for the dates of 3/15, 3/22, 3/29, 4/5 and 4/12. flock can fly at least 71% further than if each Please talk to Olena Bankston to volunteer. bird flew on its own. Christians who share a common direction and sense of community Lenten Services at can also get where they are going quicker Holy Angels Byzantine Church and easier because they are traveling on Each Friday during the Great Fast, Holy the thrust and uplift of one another. What a Angels celebrates the Presanctified Liturgy great image for Great Lent! at 6:00 PM. Holy Angels is located at 2235 Warm Welcome! Galahad Road San Diego, CA 92123-3931 We warmly welcome all of our visitors! Cards for sale It’s good to have you with us! Easter Cards, and various other greeting Looking Ahead: cards are available for sale in the church hall  March 18th – 3rd All Souls Saturday following each Divine Liturgy. See Mary  Kitt to purchase. March 19th – Sunday of the Holy Cross  Saturday March 25th – Annunciation Don’t Wait Until It Is Too Late  April 1st – Akathist Saturday Start arranging your schedule today so that  April 8th – Lazarus Saturday you can be present for as many of the Lenten  April 9th – Flowery Sunday services as possible. Put God first.  April 16th – Pascha

Don’t Wait Until It Is Too Late Start arranging your schedule today so that you can be present for as many of the Lenten services as possible. Put God first. Друга неділя Великого посту Встань, візьми твоє ліжко й ходи. – Марко 2, 1 – 12 Упродовж цього Великого посту Господь наше спасення у повноті. Святий Дух сам закликає нас молитися щиріше. Після того, є відпущенням гріховного стану нашої як відбулася Його зустріч з паралітиком, душі. Збагнімо, що Ісус зціляє гріховний Він бажає пережити таку зустріч і з нами. стан нашої душі, тобто стан серця, з Ця подія може допомогти нам зрозуміти, якого витікають наші судження, наші а отже, і переживати, правдиву молитву, слова, вчинки. Також не забуваймо про молитву серця. Ми десь розуміємо, що опущення добрих діл. Тобто Ісус зціляє все полягає вона в тому, аби шукати Ісуса з те, що ранить инших людей, а найперше наполегливістю тих чотирьох чоловіків, – Господа, живим образом, нехай і шукати, поки не подолаємо всіх перешкод, понівеченим, Якого вони є. аби бути покладеними перед Ним такими, Наш гріх у тому, що ми не перебуваємо як ми є, з усіма тими каліцтвами, які нам в єдності з Богом, що наше серце закрите, дошкуляють. Вони дошкуляють нам і зайняте саме собою, позбавлене любови, спонукають покласти перед Господом наші паралізоване, втратило зв’язок зі своїм потреби, наші бажання. Але дивовижно те, Господом і з дітьми Отця. Саме цю пустку що Ісус проникає набагато далі, глибше, приходить заповнити Святий Дух. Він сам аж до глибинної хвороби наших сердець, і – сопричастя. Він дає нам життя, віддаючи якраз це ми мали б переживати у молитві. себе нам. Саме Його дає нам Ісус. Святий Ісус не забуває про наші каліцтва, Дух повертає нас до єдности з Отцем та з але головним чином виліковує наш гріх, иншими, і то «сімдесят раз по сім» (Мт. 18, гріховний стан нашої душі. Можна зрозуміти 22). Цьому слід не дивуватися, але тішитися, обурення книжників, які кажуть: «Хто може адже саме завдяки ньому наша молитва прощати гріхи, крім одного лише Бога?» може безнастанно підноситися до Ісуса. (Мр. 2, 7). Це правда, і ми це добре знаємо, Що ж викликало таке неочікуване адже просимо Отця простити нам наші прощення, яке Він подарував паралітикові? гріхи. Дивовижний дар прощення походить Це віра, віра тих чотирьох чоловіків, від Отця, тому Ісус веде тих, які заперечують які принесли його, а також віра самого Йому, до відкриття цієї істини, відповідаючи хворого. Бо саме вірою ми відповідаємо на їм: «Син Чоловічий має владу на землі гріхи той великий дар любови Ісуса, безнастанно відпускати» (Мр. 2, 10) . Син Чоловічий, дарований нам Отцем. Віра полягає в тобто Син самого Отця, Який воістину тому, щоб віддати себе Його милосердній став людиною, аби взяти на себе гріхи світу, любові, любові, яка покриває всі наші гріхи всіх людей, гріхи кожного з нас. Лише біди. Наша віра співмірна щирості нашого улюблений Син отримує від Отця, будучи в серця. У глибині нашого серця перебуває людській природі, владу давати життя, владу Бог – Отець, Син і Дух Святий. І саме тут воскрешати і відпускати гріхи. Але зрозуміти потрібно бути щирими, тобто визнавати, це можливо було лише після того, як Ісус що ми нездатні любити і жити без Нього. довершив спасення людства, віддавши задля Тоді наша молитва виражає найбільше любови до нас своє життя на хресті. бажання нашого серця, линучи до того, Це і є та велика новина, Добра Новина, хто любить нас. Віра струмить із серця яку Він звіщає апостолам у день свого смиренного. воскресення: «Прийміть Духа Святого! Кому відпустите гріхи – відпустяться Жан Корбон, Це називається світанком, їм» (Йо. 20, 22-23). Ці слова виявляють Львів, Свічадо 2007 What is “a Catholic in Good Standing?” In a poll conducted by in the U.S. which Matins on Sundays and holy days in any was released in April of 2008: , our faithful should as a rule • 68% of all Catholics surveyed believed attend their own parish church,” and Article that they could be in good standing with 460 further reiterates this: “The celebration the Church without going to Mass / Divine of the Canonical Hours, especially Matins Liturgy weekly. and Vespers must be introduced where they have fallen into disuse in parishes, • 30% said they go to Confession especially since the decision of the (Reconciliation-Penance) less than once a Holy See (of ) now allows these year and canonical services to satisfy the Sunday • 45% said they never go at all. and Holydays obligation of the faithful by their participation in them.” So if – on a The truth of what “a Catholic in good standing” particular Sunday - the Divine Liturgy is must do is summed up in the following six items being celebrated at an inconvenient time, known officially as “Precepts of the Catholic one may attend the Matins or the Vespers, Church” (Церковні заповіді): rather than not attending any service at all. The five precepts of the Church are set in the 2. The second precept “You shall confess your context of a moral life bound to and nourished sins at least once a year” ensures preparation by liturgical life. The obligatory character of for the Eucharist by the reception of the these positive laws decreed by the pastoral sacrament of reconciliation (confession- authorities is meant to guarantee to the faithful penance), which continues Baptism’s work the indispensable MINIMUM in the spirit of of conversion and forgiveness. prayer and moral effort, in the growth in love of God and neighbor. 3. The third precept “You shall humbly receive your Creator in Holy Communion at least 1. The first precept “You shall attend Mass during the Easter season” guarantees as a (Divine Liturgy) on Sundays and holy minimum the reception of the Lord’s Body and days of obligation” requires the faithful to Blood in connection with the Paschal feasts, the participate in the Eucharistic celebration origin and center of the Christian liturgy. when the Christian community gathers together on the day commemorating the 4. The fourth precept “You shall keep holy Resurrection of the Lord. In 1996 the the holy days of obligation” completes the Vatican’s Instructions for Applying the Sunday observance by participation in the Liturgical Prescriptions of the Code of principal liturgical feasts which honor the Canons of the Eastern Churches (http:// mysteries of the Lord, the Virgin Mary, and the . Ukrainian Catholics have recognized in paragraph 64, that “The all Sundays, the Twelve Major Feasts, and Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches the Patronal Feast of the parish as the thus provides for the possibility, inspired minimum requirement for being a “Catholic by n. 15 of the Orientalium Ecclesiarum, in good standing”. So if, for example, you to satisfy the precept of Sunday either by ask a priest to issue a sponsor certificate for participating in the Divine Liturgy, or by you, claiming in effect that he is a credible taking part in the Divine Office.” Thus, witness to your being a “Catholic in good the 1999 PASTORAL GUIDE OF THE standing,” and he refuses to do so, that UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC CHURCH IN probably means, for starters, that you are THE USA, states: “Art. 170 - Although not living up to precepts one, two, four and every Catholic may fulfill his obligation of six in such a way that he can say, without assisting at the Divine Liturgy, Vespers or lying, that he personally witnesses you as doing so. You may either see if another The Sacrament of Confession priest can honestly be your witness; or, is one of reconciliation with God, have courage and take the hint for what it bringing about not only a clearing of the is: you are subtly being invited to become conscience through the remission of sins, a Catholic in good standing. Try and see it from his point of view: are you perhaps but also a healing of the soul through our asking a priest “to participate in your sins”? recommitment to Christ. This Sacrament Why are you surprised he doesn’t want to should therefore be received frequently by do so? Do you really want your priest to lie all Catholic Christians but especially during for you or to cheat for you? each of the fasting seasons, including the 5. The fifth precept “You shall observe the Great Fast. For those who wish to receive prescribed days of fasting and abstinence” Holy Communion, the Sacrament of ensures the times of asceticism and penance Confession is indispensable and absolutely which prepare us for the liturgical feasts; they necessary to maintaining our spiritual health help us acquire mastery over our sinful instincts and well being. Fr. James is available to (passions) and acquire freedom of heart. hear confessions following any service or at 6. The sixth precept also states that the faithful any other time by appointment. have the duty of providing for the material needs of the Church, each according to his/her abilities. Each of us should volunteer our time, offer our talents without a salary, or donate from our “treasure”, for the good of the Church. One must be a Catholic in good standing in On Keeping a Spiritual Fast order to serve on any of the parish committees. There is both a physical and a spiritual fast. In the For the official texts please refer to # 2041- 2047 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church physical fast the body - Катехизм Католицької Церкви abstains from food and drink. In the spiritual fast, English: the faster abstains from evil intentions, words and p3s1c3a3.htm#ten deeds. One who truly fasts Ukrainian: abstains from anger, rage, malice, and vengeance. One php?option=com_content&task=view&id=92& who truly fasts abstains Itemid=42 from idle and foul talk, empty rhetoric, slander, condemnation, flattery, lying and all manner of spiteful talk. In a word, a real faster is one who Let also the mouth fast from disgraceful withdraws from all evil. speeches and railing. For what does it – St. Basil the Great profit if we abstain from birds and fishes; and yet bite and devour our brethren? The Flower Collection evil speaker eats the flesh of his brother, Special envelopes are available in the back and bites the body of his neighbor. of the church do help with the purchase of – St. John Chrysostom, on fasting flowers for the Feast of Pascha. “The commandments are not unto death on a Cross’ (Phil. 2:8). impositions from some despot, The keeping of the commandments but rather the therapeutic cure is the precise means of communion for a complete recovery from the between the personal God and corruption of our nature. The man. Lord did not give commandments from the height of His Divine Today’s man has been brought greatness, but rather came down up on materialistic ideologies among us and observed these and has little or no idea of the commandments Himself, first, inner peace and calm bestowed exhorting us to imitate Him as by the Holy Spirit upon those His true friends (see John 15:14). who live in harmony with His Therefore, Christianity is not an commandments. Thus the general abstract ideology, but a practical self-discipline with regards to and concrete confession. In the the sensual pleasures and the face of every sensual enticement laborious attempt to acquire the of sin encountered by man from holy virtues - which have as a the spirit of the world, the flesh basis the sacrifice of ourselves for and the devil, the Christian the sake of others - are regarded confesses his faith in Christ our by most as ‘folly’. This ‘folly’ of the God by rejecting the sin, and thus Cross and the Gospel is summed up showing his love for God by the in the words of our Lord, ‘If any keeping of His commandment. ‘He one would come after Me, he must who has my commandments and take up His cross, and follow me’.” keeps them, he it is who loves Me’ (John 14:21) Christ taught us to - Elder Ephraim of Vatopedi fulfill the will of the heavenly From the Prologue of the biography Father, just as to the Father He of Elder the Hesychast became ‘obedient unto death, even

FOR CONSIDERATION On one of the stones in the Church of Hagia Sophia, the following words were engraved: “Wash your sins, not only your face.” Whoever entered this glorious church read this inscription and remembered that the Christian Faith requires of him moral purity: purity of the soul, purity of the heart and purity of the mind. Just as in the heart of man is concentrated the complete spiritual man, this is what the Lord also said, “Blessed are the pure of heart” (St. Matthew 5:8). Total external cleanliness does not help at all in gaining the kingdom of heaven. Oh, if only we would invest as much effort in washing ourselves from sins as we invest daily in washing our faces, then God would truly be seen in our hearts as in a mirror! TO THINK ABOUT The three temptations by which Satan tempted the Lord Jesus after His Baptism in the Jordan River: 1. Gluttony: The temptation with bread; 2. Pride: Lifting Him above the Temple; 3. Greed: Offering Him the possession of the entire world. From January 8th of the Prologue of Ochrid By Nikolai Velimirovich On the Mystery of Confession By Saint John of Kronstadt The person who is accustomed to give account of his life at Confession will not fear to give an answer at the awesome Judgment Seat of Christ. For this purpose was the mild tribunal of penance instituted, that we may give an answer without shame, having been cleansed and healed through repentance here below. The more sincerely we confess our sins, the more calm will the soul be afterwards. For sins are secret serpents, gnawing at the heart of a man, and never letting him rest; they are prickly thorns, constantly piercing the soul, they are spiritual darkness. Bear the sufferings of the operation so that you may be restored to health – I speak of Confession. I mean that at Confession, you must declare all your shameful deeds to your confessor, without concealment, though it may well be painful, shameful, ignominious, and humiliating. Otherwise, the wound will remain unhealed, will continue to pain you, will undermine your spiritual health, and will become a cause for other spiritual weeknesses or sinful habits or vices. As soon as you have told the Lord your sins, with a contrite heart, they melt away; as soon as you have sighed and sorrowed for them, they are no more Confession can be heard following any service or by appointment. Please speak with Fr. James if you have any questions or if you would like to schedule and appointment.

Parish Committees Sunday offering for March 5 Finance Committee: Myra Heltsley Amount Number Stephen Hojsan $5.00 1 Maria Hughes $20.00 2 $40.00 4 Pastoral Council: $50.00 2 Vladimir Bachynsky $75.00 1 Olena Bankston $85.00 1 Espedal $90.00 1 Mark Hartman $100.00 2 Luke Miller $160.00 1 $200.00 1 $400.00 1 Stewardship (fundraising) Committee: $1565.00 Susan Avant John Heltsley (fundraising consultant) Parishioner Total: $1565.00 Social Committee Average / parish household (43): $20.06 Olena Bankston Weekly Stewardship Goal: $1288.00 Olga Fedunyak Mary Kitt Surplus: $277.00 Miller Olga Miller Lubomyra Yoldas Українська Греко-Католицька Церква Святого Йоана Хрестителя St. John the Baptizer Ukrainian Greco-Catholic Church

4400 Palm Avenue La Mesa, CA 91941 Parish Office: (619) 697-5085 Website: Pastor: Fr. James Bankston [email protected] Fr. James’ cell phone: (619) 905-5278

Eastern Christian Bulletin Service – PO Box 3909 – Fairfax, VA 22038-3909 Phone: 703-691-8862 – Fax: 703-691-0513