The Lives of the Saints
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ll|i r: III i lllitlil ll!!li!llllli!l ""'"''''''"""^'^ i iiilii 1! ; i I ! liiiii iiiiilllllillil i illliilllli I i 111" (mil Iliiiilillil I ! diiiliiliiliilfl!"'' i 11 if I! f Hi mil! il ! iiEiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiilliiii! ' Ill ' I "1 I Pill CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY L Cornell Universily Library BR 1710.B25 1898 V.6 Lives of the saints. 3 1924 026 082 580 Cornell University Library The original of tiiis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. ^ -i^ THE %i)[)t^ of t!)e ^atntiS REV. S. BARING-GOULD SIXTEEN VOLUMES VOLUME THE SIXTH ^ ^ f- ; \ V i> III I 1^ PENTECOST—DESCENT OF THE HOLY GHOST. After Henm-nling, Museum at Munich. rjuno.—Front, — * 5< -* THE Eibes of tfie gjainte REV. S. BARING-GOULD, M.A. New Edition in i6 Volumes Revised with Introduction and Additional Lives of English Martyrs, Cornish and Welsh Saints, and a full Index to the Entire Work ILLUSTRATED BY OVER 400 ENGRAVINGS VOLUME THE SIXTH Sune LONDON JOHN C. NIMMO NEW YORK: LONGMANS, GREEN, 6- CO. MDCCCXCVIII , * ' ^^ — Printed by BalLANT^NE, HANSON & CO. At the Ballantyne Press Ij(- -* ' 1 - ' ;i LiL. CONTENTS SS. Aucejas and Luceja 342 . Adalbert . 361 „ Aureus and Justina 221 ^milian . 360 S. Aventine .... 75 Agrippina .... 308 „ Avitus . 237 Alban, M., at Mainz 288 Alban, M., at Veru- 1am 294 B ,, Aldate of Gloucester 203 Alena S. „ 246 Babolen . 373 B. Aleydisof Scharem- B. Bardo of Mainz . 133 beke . ... 147 S. Barnabas .... 139 S. Aloysius Gonzaga . 291 „ Bartholomew of Anectus . „ 387 Fame ' . 338 „ Anthelm of Bellay . 378 „ Basil the Great 192 „ Antidius . - 352 SS. Basilides and comp. 149 „ Antony of Padua . i8i S. Benno of Meissen 222 „ Aphrodisius . 282 Bernard of Menthon 213 „ Aquilina . .177 Bessarion .... 236 SS. Ariald and Herlem- Boniface of Mainz . 41 bald .... 389 Botulph . 247 B. Arnulf of Villars . 488 Breacha .... 36 *- -*- •Jl- -^ VI Contents c . *- -9 Contents Vll S. John the Baptist, SS. Marcus and Marcel- Nativity of . 323 linus . 251 „ John of Chinon . 388 S. Margaret ... 136 the . „ John of Goths 374 )J Mark of Lucera .191 „ John Francis Regis 225 )) Martial of Limoges 463 SS. John and Paul . 366 SS. Martyrs under Nero 334 S. John of Rome . 309 )) Martyrs ofSandomir 21 „ John of Sagahun . 172 B. Mary d'Oignies . 319 SS. Judith and Salome. 455 S. Mary the Mother of S. Juliana Falconieri . 267 Mark .... 454 SS. Julitta and Cyriac . 219 Mary the Sorrowful 254 . 221 „ Justina and Aureus . 221 SS. Maurus and Felix s. Maxentius . 371 K Maximus of Aix Maximus of Turin 353 S. Kevin 27 Medard of Noyon . 79 Methodius, Patr. of Constantinople . 204 Metrophanes ... 33 S. Ladislas .... 400 SS. Modestusand others 207 „ Landelin . .212 S, Moling of Ferns . 249 SS. Laurence and Pere- grinus .... 22 S. Leo II., Pope . 413 N „ Leo III., Pope . 156 Nativity of S. John the SS. Leontius and comp. 250 S. Leutfried .... 290 „ Lietbert of Cambrai 310 SS. Luceja and Aucejas 342 S. Lucina 462 „ Luperculus . 410 M S. Macarius . .271 „ Macra . • . 146 „ Maen, or Meven . 288 SS. Manuel, Sabiel, and Ismael .... 234 „ Marcellinus and comp 19 „ Marcellinus and Marcus . .251 „ Marcian, Nicander, and comp. ... 39 „ Marcian and Nican- der 231 >B- -»J< vm Contents *- ->J< LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Pentecost : Descent of the Holy Ghost Frontispiece After a Picture by Hemmling in tlK Museum at Munich. Corpus Christi toface p. I From the Vienna Missal. Pentecost : Descent of the Holy Ghost S. Clotilda After Cahier. Baptism of Clovis ,> 24 After a Painting by D. F. LaugiJe. A Semi-choir of Friars on f>. 29 S. Boniface, Archbishop of Mainz to face p. 48 ' From an Fngraving in ' Images de Saints et Saintes issus de la famille de TEm;pereur Maxi-milien ler.'' S. Claudius 56 After Cahier. S. Gilbert of Auvergne 66 S. Medard 80 After Cahier. vol, VI. «- -* * ^- -U( X Lu^ of Illustrations B. Juliana Falconieri {see p. 267) onf). 86 S. Landric, Bishop of Paris to face p. 132 After Cahiee. S. Barnabas, Apostle 140 From the Vienna Missal, A Semi-choir of Franciscan Friars . on p. 148 . S. Antony of Padua . , tofacep. 182 After Cahiee. Church of S. Antony at Padua 186 S. Antony of Padua—The Miracle of THE Host From a Miniature in a MS., " Hours of Anne of Brittany," Fifteenth Century, in the Bib. Nat., Paris. S. Antony of Padua—The Self-mutila- tion inflicted by one of his Peni- tents . ... on p. 189 After Cahiee. Vision of S. Basil — The Martyr of C^SAREA, S. Mercury, sent from Heaven by Jesus Christ to pierce THE Emperor Julian the Apostate . iofacep. 194 After a Greek Painting of the Fourteenth Century. S. Methodius . on p. 206 SS. Vitus, Modestus, and Crescentia to face p. 206 After Cahiek. >5&- — ^- -* List of Illustrations XI S. Bernard of Menthon {see p. 213). on p. 218 Tailpiece .... „ 230 SS. Peter and Paul {see June 2gth) . „ 281 S. Alban to face p. 296 Nativity of S. John the Baptist . on p. 322 Zacharias writing the Name of John . tofacep. 324 After John D. Ghirlandago. S. John bidding Farewell to his Parents „ 324 After Fea Filippo Lippi. S. John the Baptist in the Desert 326 After Campagnola. S. John baptizing Jesus 328 From a Fresco. Beheading of S. John the Baptist . 330 The Blinding of S. Solomon 340 S. Sampson Xenodochus {see p. 387) 385 S. Ladislas 406 tofacep. 418 S. Peter . ... S. Peter cutting off the Ear of Malchus —The Disciples flee away ... ,,420 Sixteenth Prom u. Painting on wood by Ducio, Century, in the Cathedral of Sienna. ^- -* *- -|J< Xll List of Illustrations Martyrdom of S. Peter toface p. 430 FTom a Fresco by FiLIPPINO LiPPI, in the CMtrch of S. A'f. del Carmine at Florence. Martyrdom of SS. Peier and Paul 432 From a Window in the Cathed7'al at Bourses. S. Peter and S. Paul . 432 After Bronzes at the Second or coviinencement of the Third Centztry, in tlie Christian Museum of the Vatican. S. Paul—Church of the Three Foun- tains, Rome 454 ^- -^ -* CORPUS CHRISTI. From the Vienna Missal. *- -i^ Lives of the Saints Jtine 1. S. NicoMEDE, P.M. at Rome, nrc. a.d. go (see Seft. xsth). S. Clarus, B.M. at Lecioure in France.^ SS. Florentinhs and Comp., MM. at Perugia. SS. Gratian and Felinus, MM. at Perugia. SS. Ammon, Zeno, and Othees, MM. at Alexandria, a.d. 24,. SS. Revekian, B. and Comp., MM. at Antun, a.d. 272. S. Secundus, M. at Amelia, in Umtria, circ. a.d. 303. S. Pamphilds, P.m., Valens, D.M., and Paul, M. at Ca-sarea in Palestine, A.D. 309. S. Capra-SIUS, Ah. ofLerins, circ. A.D. 430. S. Ronan, H. in Brittany, 6th cent. S. WiSTAN, K.M. at Evesham, a.d. 749. S. Symeon, H. at Treves, a.d. 1035. S. Inigo, Ai. at Ogni, near Burgos, in Spain, A.D. 1057. S. CuNO, Archi. Elect 0/ Treves, M. at Tholey, A.D. 1066. S. Peter of Pisa, H. at Montebello, in Umbria, a.d. 1435. SS. GRATIAN AND FELINUS, MM. (uncertain.) [Roman Martyrology, inserted by Baronius in these words: — "At Perugia the holy martyrs Gratian and Felinus, soldiers who, after suffer- ing various tortures under Decius, received the crown of martyrdom." And Baronius quotes as his authority the Acts preserved at Perugia. But he laboured under a very serious mistake. The so-called Acts of SS. Gratian and Felinus, used as lections in the Arona Passionale, are ex- tracted from the Acts of SS. Florentinus and Companions, martyrs at Perugia commemorated the same day. But these Acts are in their turn not genuine ; they are, in fact, the Acts of SS. Secundianus and Comp. (Aug. gth), which have been adapted "by some monk, more pious Ihan learned," says Henschenius, —we should have said "as unscrupulously as ignorantly," — by merely altering the names of persons and places so as to make the Acts serve for the Perugian martyrs, of whom, therefore, we may con- clude that nothing was known. Consequently the less said about SS. Gratian and Felmus, patrons of Arona, or of SS. Florentinus and Companions at Perugia, the better. The relics of SS. Gratian and Felinus are now at Arona. Those of S. Florentinus were translated to Douai.j ^The Bollandists suppose that several—perhaps five—saints of the same name have been confounded in one, consequently the life of S. Clarus is in inextricable confusion. VOL. VI. I *- -* 1^ ^ 2 Lives of the Saints. rjune i. SS. PAMPHILUS AND OTHERS, MM. (a.d. 309.) [Roman Martyrology, together with the Deacon Valens, and Paulus and seven others, MM. But by Usuardus, Ado, Notker, &c., Pamphilus alone, and the others on Feb. i6th. Authority : —Eusebius, a friend, perhaps a kinsman of S. Pamphilus. Eusebius says in his Eccl. Hist, that Pamphilus was "a name thrice dear to him." "Pamphilus was a man distinguished above the rest of us by his devotion to the Holy Scriptures." Eusebius wrote a separate life of his friend, and refers to this in his history. The life, which was in three books, has been lost, but Metaphrastes apparently borrowed from it his account of the saint.] fAINT PAMPHILUS was a native of Berytus, and was of a rich and honourable family. In his youth he studied in the famous schools of his native town, and attained great proficiency in every branch of learning then taught. He afterwards moved to Alexandria, and became a disciple of Pierius, the scholar of Origen, in the great catechetical school of Alexandria.