Gubernamentalidad Y Construcción De Sentidos De Ciudadanía Y Criminalidad En La Narcoliteratura

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Gubernamentalidad Y Construcción De Sentidos De Ciudadanía Y Criminalidad En La Narcoliteratura GUBERNAMENTALIDAD Y CONSTRUCCIÓN DE SENTIDOS DE CIUDADANÍA Y CRIMINALIDAD EN LA NARCOLITERATURA by LUZ MIREYA ROMERO MONTAÑO A DISSERTATION Presented to the Department of Romance Languages and the Graduate School of the University of Oregon in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy December 2015 DISSERTATION APPROVAL PAGE Student: Luz Mireya Romero Montaño Title: Gubernamentalidad y Construcción de Sentidos de Ciudadanía y Criminalidad en la Narcoliteratura This dissertation has been accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy degree in the Department of Romance Languages by: Dr. Analisa Taylor Chairperson Dr. Claudia Holguín Core Member Dr. Pedro García-Caro Core Member Dr. Carlos Aguirre Institutional Representative and Dr. Scott L. Pratt Dean of the Graduate School Original approval signatures are on file with the University of Oregon Graduate School. Degree awarded December 2015 ii © 2015 Luz Mireya Romero Montaño iii DISSERTATION ABSTRACT Luz Mireya Romero Montaño Doctor of Philosophy Department of Romance Languages December 2015 Title: Gubernamentalidad y Construcción de Sentidos de Ciudadanía y Criminalidad en la Narcoliteratura In this dissertation, I argue against the idea that literary works that portray drug- trafficking or “narconovelas,” are mere apologias for drug-trafficking and governing failures unique to Colombia and Mexico. In order to problematize that statement, it is necessary to understand how drug-trafficking and its policies started, changed over time, and came to shape our contemporary practices of citizenship and our sense of justice. Drawing on Foucault’s concept of “governmentality”, I argue that a political reading of narconovelas will help us to rethink categories of governmentality such as governed subjectivities, governed bodies and inhabited spaces. In narconovelas, these categories reveal the construction of a criminal otherness, which is portrayed as antagonistic to an ideal middle-class model of citizen. In other words, readers of “narconovelas” do not learn about “narcoculture” or drug-trafficking but paradoxically about the markers of a middle-class citizen: “well spoken,” educated, able to control his/her own pleasures, conservatively dressed, and responsive to the disciplining of security dispositifs. In the first part of this dissertation, I explain how the opium policies and wars in China during the 19th century as well as the colonialist efforts of the United States established a precedent for the governing of drugs on a global level. Colombian and Mexican governing of drugs is linked not only to that precedent but also to the neoliberal ways of the governing of drugs. The second part of this work contains the literary analysis. I found that feminine subjectivities are constructed by highlighting the differences between a middle-class woman and a subaltern woman, and the body of the criminal is constructed based on distinctions of social class; in addition, the micro- iv politics for the representation of bodies derive from the colonial assumption that bodies can be owned, abused and disposed. I also found that narconovelas reverse our understanding of the center and the periphery; some novels even depict a transforming sense of citizenship by reimaging the inhabited spaces. With this work, I demonstrate that cultural production and in particular the narconovelas reinforce, challenge or remain ambiguous to the various biases that shape contemporary categories of governmentality such as gender, body and space. This dissertation is written in Spanish. v CURRICULUM VITAE NAME OF AUTHOR: Luz Mireya Romero Montaño GRADUATE AND UNDERGRADUATE SCHOOLS ATTENDED: University of Oregon, Eugene Instituto Caro y Cuervo, Seminario Andrés Bello, Bogotá, Colombia Universidad Distrital José Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá, Colombia DEGREES AWARDED: Doctor of Philosophy, Romance Languages, 2015, University of Oregon Master of Arts, Latin American Literature, 2007, Instituto Caro y Cuervo, Colombia Bachelor of Modern Languages, 2003, Universidad Distrital Franciso José de Caldas, Colombia AREAS OF SPECIAL INTEREST: Discourse, Language and Power. Governmentalities Interdisciplinary Approaches to Cultural Production. Gender Studies. Representations of Women. 20th-21st Century Latin American Literature; Cultural Studies; Language Teaching, Spanish as a Second Language, Spanish as Heritage Language, Spanish for the Professions: Media and Literary Translation, Health Care Interpreting PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Graduate Teaching Fellow, Language, Literature and Research in Education, University of Oregon, Sep. 2009- Dec. 2015 Visiting Professor and Full Time Instructor, Department of Latin American Studies, University of Ulsan, Feb. 2006-Aug.2009. vi GRANTS, AWARDS, AND HONORS: Beall Graduate Fellowship, Gubernamentalidad y Construcción de Sentidos de Ciudadanía y Criminalidad en la Narcoliteratura University of Oregon, 2013 The Daesan Foundation Translation Grant, Translation and literary style revisions of Korean literature, South Korea, 2009 Instituto Caro y Cuervo Fellowship, Course work and research, Instituto Caro y Cuervo, 2004-2005 PUBLICATIONS: Romero M, Luz M. “El Género Policíaco Colombiano” (The Colombian Detective Genre), Lingüística y Literatura, Universidad de Antioquia, No. 55, January-June 2009 Romero M, Luz M; Song, Sun Byeong “César Vallejo en Corea” (Cesar Vallejo in Korea), Revista Asia y América, Instituto de Estudios de Asia y América Universidad Dankuk, Seúl, Corea, Vol. 9, No. 2, May 2009. Romero M, Luz M “Raíces Históricas de la Toma de Posición Fatalista en la Nueva Novela Policíaca Colombiana,” (Historical Roots of the Fatalistic Vision in New Colombian Detective Novels) Asian Journal of Latin American Studies, Vol. 20, No. 4, 2007 vii TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Page I. INTRODUCCIÓN: GUBERNAMENTALIDAD Y NARCOTRÁFICO ................ 1 Gubernamentalidad: clave para problematizar el Estado ....................................... 4 ¿Cómo y por qué estudiar las gubernamentalidades? ............................................ 9 La gubernamentalidad moderna ............................................................................. 12 Biopolítica .............................................................................................................. 13 Homo economicus y homo juridicus ..................................................................... 16 Economía criminal ................................................................................................. 17 Economía criminal, droga y soberanía sobre el cuerpo ......................................... 18 Las drogas desde una gubernamentalidad moderna ............................................... 21 Biopolítica .............................................................................................................. 22 Las drogas desde una gubernamentalidad neoliberal ............................................. 25 Biopolítica ............................................................................................................. 29 Conclusión: Gubernamentalidad, literatura y drogas ............................................ 32 II. MOMENTOS HISTÓRICOS EN LA CONSTRUCCIÓN GLOBAL DEL NARCOTRÁFICO COMO DISCURSO ..................................................................... 35 La politización del opio en China .......................................................................... 36 China, el comienzo de una aporía aún vigente: La politización de las drogas ...... 41 Ilustraciones y adicción en China en el siglo XIX ................................................. 52 La aporía en las Américas: del tráfico de chinos coolies hacia una agenda política en contra de las drogas que conjuga prácticas eugenésicas y racistas ...... 56 Disciplina, cuerpo y cine........................................................................................ 64 Las políticas antidrogas en Colombia y México .................................................... 69 De las políticas eugenésicas al narcotráfico ........................................................... 69 Dos magnicidios y la implementación de la gubernamentalidad neoliberal.......... 77 Representación del narcotráfico en la literatura latinoamericana contemporánea ....................................................................................................... 81 Los antecedentes: Sicaresca y Narcocorrido.......................................................... 82 viii Chapter Page La narcoliteratura ................................................................................................... 86 El debate mexicano ................................................................................................ 86 Las mirada de la crítica .......................................................................................... 89 Melodrama y neopolicial en la narcoliteratura ...................................................... 93 Conclusión ............................................................................................................ 97 III. LAS MUJERES DEL NARCO: PERFIL DE LA SUBJETIVIDAD FEMENINA EN PERRA BRAVA, COLECCIONISTAS DE POLVOS RAROS Y LA MUJER DE LOS SUEÑOS ROTOS ................................................................... 101 El escenario familiar ............................................................................................. 107 Los roles sexuales .................................................................................................
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