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Scottsville Sun, 03 April 1952

Scottsville Sun, 03 April 1952

• , "

_FPUR I ~~=- '~~T~H~E~SC~O~'~I"l"SVILLE~U_}' THURSDAY; APRIL 3, 1952 AN The Scottsville Sun \ To The Editor. lup my war m~o.rial Highway and put this store I.?"r .what hav~ Y~'~~~~h~--:here ~e' attended the ])j THE NEIGHBORING COMM . 'illy Fluvanna country. back f,ar enougn JD the begmnrngiillonthly meeting a,f the Women's MARi.E PLUVAI-.lNA AN 7" UNITIES IN ALBE- Questi.on: But Iookjiere, I've been so the State wouldn't. have to come IMissionary Society.

J SERVING THE PEOPLE OF~:EUCKINGHAM COUNTIES .Sur'veys are now being made for planning to build a store rb-ht along and move me out, Wonder l I Mr. and M:'s, J, L, Proffitt and

Edit0r . TC?WN OF SCOTTSVILLE Route 15 through Fluvanna. This close to the present edge of Route why my Dad didn't find out ahout \ June were visitors in Richmond ___. . .. J Be d M D 'highway is to have a r-ight of way ]5, my land runs right up to the this to sta t wien -r But I guess in this weetc. Mana,'~iJlg.J Editor '__,_.___ ------, mar,'E c earmon of 110 feet. This right of way will' present edge of Route 15 - you those days they didn't ~ave a Zon- 'I Miss M-ary 'Walton attended the Charl()~~~sville Manage;-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--·------·------·_ ltz.abeth Wimer be taken \by the- state as part of I mean to tell' me that a bunch of ing Ordinance td warn a fella I State W.M$. meeting in Danville Officf' !"htnauer ------.------.Lmdsay Mount the state twenty year plan for the \,p';'l~~rscan come stomping on to uer e he could PH~ h.s business or llast week. 12,50 a year in Alb~_;;,'~-;;~--F;~_,.------Mrs" Annie Clements Melton development of Virginia highways. my property and t.ell me I've got I his house and know that it could [ Mes, W, P, Thurst.on spent . '. anna, Buckmgham and Nelson Counties In 1949 Route 15 through Flu- Ito put my etore back a certain I slay put there for keeps," and not I 'I'hursday shopping' in Richmond. ~3.00 a year. ants ide. of th.,·ese .cOUntIes vannn was adopted as a War Me-!. ditstance from the highway, when I h..ave t0 'Pay a~I'th Lese ext ra I.axes ~ Mr. and Jl4rs. A, D. Lamont of Published weekly every Thursday of the ·YeB.T morial to tfte Veterans of World Iit's mv OW!j LAND I want ta'l be ause or the moving." I Richmond were week-end guests of Entered as second-class matter at th Wars I and n. This route was' build it on? ·1 ISO, YOU SEE, THIS ~ONING I M'.'. and Mrs. Dabney Cosby, Virg'l~la,. . October 0, 1951. e post office at Scott svn:e," selected as a War Memorial be- Answer : Look, pal, you've gotl· ORDINANOE'' . . ~'S YOUR, AND Mrs. E. B. 'wrtght and ehtldren ;"ause of the fact that Route 15, this t.hi'ng wrong, It's not a bunch I VOUR KID'S BEST FRIEND. ',Of Newark, ;Del. s,pent last ,weel{ ~ei.ng the only FedeI1al highway of guys in FJ1UV;iTInawho can t;:l1j Submitted b~ Se~reta:y. of I with Mr. and Mrs: R. B. Holber-- iR'ecor~ Travel Year ~nthe county, would b~_the m:ost\yoa t~is. ',Bercre ,any ,man, woman! W,ar Mem'Ol'lal Associatlon \ tor· All' d· ,- l'mrp.ortant highway in the county. or ChIld, In, lnu,·m:t'.a C(J;_iTIty or\ _, --L- ! ------

d so' In lcatll}J13 point to' a record year of" trav"l th'15 5'pnng Ques t'wn:Do you want to attract "·v ~"01' 'd,a f ~upervlS~rs0 ' t-"ou,ng'l i C 1 bO~,', N P,'\lmYr'a News ~n6 ummer. n _one cay, In the month of Match, mOre than tOUI'Ists to Fluvanna ',' \~f any (jHhnance, your"state Le~~ .uO ,urn ....a ews ~ (ContillllHXl j'rom p1l.ge three) , 00 passengers rleparted flom New York by sl f E Ans.wer: Of course, because tour- lslature. at the requCl3t of yo, 'bv_ Mrs, H. S. Mosby I chi1cl\'en,of Chester, Va. <1reSl)cl!d- . IIp or 'lUQ1"'call St t H hi D t t d \ ports. ThIS 1l1dlcates the extent of AmeriCan ave _ t f ;sts spend money in a county. '. a! ,e Ig way ~ar m~n, e- Mrs. W'. F. Kayser is spending \.jng the week-end with her par- pected tillS year. r,eas rave ex- QueeUon: What attr~cts tourists cHied that the, nght-of-way of I some time with be>' mother, Mrs, ents, Mr, and Mrs, W, N, Hannah, Offi." ,Rnd makes them stop in a county Route 15 was gomg to be 110 feet IArthur Walton while ::,ecoverin;; Mrs. Stafford Pace and little son . ,Clals say the departure o~ this number of passengers \and spend money. ,~:c1e, an~ you. !tnorw ~~~n the '[from a rficent op~ration. \ visited in the L. E. Minter i:orne 111~ne day, as early as :rvlarch constItutes a new record for ol:e' Answer: An att::active highway, a .' a,te seL a r~.R"htof \.:-._\, thley, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Griffin nndlove, the week-end. It was nire ' 1 M I 'I ' [- pia h' do,"t do too m:lch asl':."n'" t ley I ", seas lave. eanwl1 e a.,'tomobl'le cllJ'bs al1no ti '9- ce w, ere they WIll want to stop . ~"sons Bartwell and- Eugene, left,h'lVlll,o' them wIth us at Sunday . t l • ,unce lat 1 '1) d I . r.ake the l'1"'rht of way, very ....,~-, .1 . . I "" IS ex pected to be a recorc f I ' . . ~an oak. . _ hI· t ; Saturday £0-::' a FlorIda vacatIOn. I s~hool. 't d 5t t . 1.. year or trave on the ll1ghways of the Question: But tal'en't tourists go- lltely a~d leg' ~re the p'roud p",.rents of aithroUO"h a spell of flu. ee on ay 1st h 1 tl' h' .' ' . ·olf you:'s that you coun op. eav-I " .,.. "" eff. t .M . e on y 11llg W leh \\'1.11 :iornewhat mar ['nd spend mOn2Y·No tourist stops~,. t th .".. _t· ~,arughter Anne Cameron born, -.---- ..------thts record vacation traffic;i the collective trag~aly of '["Itl, ,( in an ugly spot if they can help "1,~' ','011'> Htore .0,' e 1;:;...,,·1 C.IS g~~'March 2~ in 'CharlottesviJl~. Visi~' tl l' I • Co. on· t·· ..10" D rome a eng, ,-,n ~\JU .... - 1e 11g~1ways aUG skyw?ys which is sure to becur ' t 1.; OUrIsts.do drIve slowly to .en-I VO~l: kid on ihp. shoulde~ and SfY tors to see them Sunday wp.re!

The slaughter on ollr 1 . h d' I' JOYatbacttve-scenery and a hIgh- :'How came ,,'.'ur store j~; .s~~~r:g-Mrs. W. F. Kayser\ Mrs. A:thur I· l1g ways to ay IS arge~y unnecessary "'fly that has been beautified. I t "'h h' h' t· t' ·t Walton the Misses Mary Alice,! an per Japs t 1C O"reatest blight h' Q t' t Sl) ('1,1~' 0 f'. Ig, \V'.t) nn l' ' , . d'.. I I ::., . on our Qlt erwlse super-modern ,ues.lOn: How can we have.an a -I ~ornes \\'itr,:n the 110 reet t"te Anne ·and Nancy WaltDn and Mrs'" cl~t11zJ.tIOn .. The. best SOllltlO11 at present seems to lie in qener t,ra'~tIve War Memorial Hlg~WaYJf·tate decided v."as going to ne :n \ : s. Mos,by. \ : drtve~ qua~lficatlOn laws) .stricter permit tests, more stric 1. l}nd yet not work. a .h:'trdsh1p on, this highway? IVl.ig'hty so_ry, but .~1;rs. J. S, ?illard of stage .l_~nc: enforced highway regulation d' I h ' ,iY our FI~vanna busmess fiems and you've got to be moved back", bon waS m town Wedneoua~ Doesn't tJ':rivin rac' , s an a~pea s to t e publlc for safer farmers? So you :,;ec, (t-e ordin!lUl'e is for , ( Cost a an -g p ~lC,es.The ~Fpe~l to d~lvers .to adopt more cautious Answer: By getting our ~u.siness your prote~;:;on - w1}~t i~l'ea}ly _d S:l£er drr:'lng practiCes IS especIally timely on the eve of the ~en and farmers to p.ut t~el~ large sayS. to you IS: "Dan~~·",_"-watt:tl VICTORY CENT- biggest vacation spree ever witnessed in the United St t E f sl.gns back from the hl-ghway a out, j l "oene lao c1os~ 10 this Instead the best vacation is' a flo when ' a es .. ~en dlstance of 25 feet, where they high\vay with your buildi.m;--Gon't f '1 t . p one or more of the vacatlOners I can be seen and yet where they you l'no\', .his ic the hig'w:a" 'hat THEATRE IT PAYS al 0 return home~ due to an automobile accidel~t. will not mar the looks of the War the ~tate ~,3Vf';'- will ':'e·qtlir~·110 A PROFIT ____ ' Memorial Highway .. ~n o:he-rI fect rigHt-elf '~f ay, Liste':l. oe a Scottsville words, keep our advertISI~g Slg~S ·wi.se guy and ]:.ut your stor," (('r The cows give more milk-the hogs and beef put on weight faBter-the 1;Jut keep them the reqm-:'ed .d~s-I your permanent pasture, or your. chickens lay more eggs when runninl tance from the Memorbl ~Igl1~I fish pond, or your orchard, or your THURS. & FRI. water is always before them. In the Country Lawyet home. mother gets her washing done way. In this way, thN€' WIll be, harn, o~' your house) back outside April 3-4 . quicker-her dishes washed-noora , no hardshilp on the advertisers 'this area, ....and then YOUI' kind scrubbed and meals prepared with less ~- "The inspector fatigue--the health features of indoor By Walter JoYImmn I very fundamental right. their signs can be seen from this won't say some day, "Gee, I wish General" toilets-the comforts of bath rooms- The very bread of our Republi- Even after you have'" uought the distance; and no hardship on the myoId m'1n had been sma~ and all these blessings actually make ~ Starrin 10< ean form of self-[''Overnment is the right to vote from your state gov~ War Memoriail HiKhway either. fluff rage of the people. Too few ernmEmt you must take one more which will- not be ma--red QY haV--l .people\ exercise that right. Too I'ltep. This is tricky too 'Qut not too I '"' many want to ride along withOut dJfficult if yoU Ut'

in 1\; . f 'he poll tax must be. ~tate county and ,precinct -tourist sees and -::·eadsyour Sign, can start your boy's or, girl' 5 ;"l,nd hIS or l' I ~ ~ , 25 t f ' the edge 'd The pitfall or t~'ap to catch which he last voted. (,a big one fee rom. musical education at nom i- Tylor Robertson, dealer points out th~t nal . 's the 'fact the poll \ It is wroncr that you should be' of the highfWay) - .tourist stops the unwary 1 . n.. I '. t t' this is Durely a local contest, that someone m aid for 3 years and renllired to bUy the right to votE::Ito .buy gas at your fillIng s a lOn, tal, cost. Pay by the month, tax mu::;t be P I " V' f or apple" ',h a'd ix months before from the Commonwealth of lr- '\or cattle at your arm, - either as rent, or on purchase his 'are;' must win. "The amateur has just a! it mu!"t .e pIS -' . t hard } , " I' \ o-jnia It is also wrong that regls- or peaches a your arc '. ,much chance as ,1be expert, "h e sal 'd "becaustc .-lp"hon lme.· .~. ·t 1 k rke )f a Lester Piano, ~ 1·... this year will be on tration should be purposely made I Question: Say, then, 1 00 s 1 As e ce..lon . I. 1M' I H'ghw and even the chickens themselves don't know how 1\ per 4th the Doll taX must so diffiCUlt, But that 1S he aw ~this Wa-::' emana. I. a~ I W rite or phone us about our ~Tov€'n:" b fo,re Mav 3rd. Ifl imposed upon u,s by those we 1·Z'::mingOrdinanlCe 1d.ea1S gomg to fast they will glOW." b paId -on or e '1". ' d t" g MONTHLY PLAN for giv- e, ' hal' eable with the pDH choose .to ~present US in 0 U r· ~ive me a lot of good a vel' Ism , 1 you arc c Ig t three vears yoU I state 13.1w-makingbody. It will re- isn't it? You k.now, I've been ing your child rhmie lessons t:"-lX 100"-' the as - \ ' . " 1 - . I t if b k but ,L • of 'I ediately with main the law until enQugh n8 thinking It was a a () un, !JOW. The contest will r\ln for several weeks, and shoUld checlc lfim er If it isn·t vote a~d are able to select repre· looks like I had it wrong - it's I I CHARLOTTESVILLE the person whose guess is nearest to the actual your County Tre~:iUr.t Ev n .if you owe sentatives more 'considerate of th e· teaIllY a pretty smar t Sta te and paid thel). P~~a~~~h: tota1. with peo;le of Virginia. ~he general as- \ County set·up to make my County weight of ,the birds at the close 01' the c'ontest for three ,y d $500 to' m,bly should run a bull dozer Imol'e attractive, to hel'P me ad- will 'be given the chickens free of charge, A 100- It. should be un e-r· se "t pena.les, din No matter along the road to the voting booth vertise my business. _You can lb. bag' of feed is being ,offered as second prize. ret III good stan ~. th propoSi- and clear out the inexcusable ab .. \ beat Old F1lu--!Boy, Let me go see Contest blanks maybe obtained at the dealer's ~?W much you detes 'on:'ealth of stacles noW in the path. my Supervisor, ?ut quick,. and. tell .117 EAST MAIN sTREET tion that the Gomm h' 'ght I him to Js.eep thlS Memo:::1alHIgh- store, Vugima_ .' s110fUldt sellem~ingvoU thatt e 1'1yOU, Noah's Ark was built of gopher way and, ~oning Ordinance Idea. \ "all the best" " ~_,' to vote the ac:r <. th~t d going, so that NOBODY can mess •••••• IIII•• IIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIII.. ;:'•• l1li ,

8-5 a c~tizen. must humbly bUY \ woo. I III THREE

THU.l'tS12.~Y, APRIL 3, 195:2 __ ~_--=.T:::::H~E~S_COTT'SVTLI.E' . SLJN ,Nj~s 1 Ann-i p: cston Shepherd \'~llse 0 a vacancy hithere ofh W. hA.s S'ho'ol'baseball onteamthe metMrIntireMcIntireDiamondHigh C has been quite ill in Richmond. MdClanahan, as rer, W 0 a ... nr~ 1 \ Mr. ancl Mrs W,; Eustler werc\ p . News She had to undergo a serious op- been transferred to Charlottes- in Charlottesville Friday afternoon t/ .""0na s !,week.end ,gue~t.s 0(' hee' mother', alm yra c" as an aJtcrmath of the vJle. Thll' is qUlt~ a blow to the at 3 P.M. The score was Fluvanna P Mrs. Oeorsre Bragg of Palmyra. Wt.rnte, By Mrs.'parI"",C, C. Conrad,of NewportST, flu. ;ommunityas Mr. Morris has been 7 and Mcln t ire 4 . By AII1!!.ieC. Melton '\ . D' _ '=' J '1' Pat-ons of the Palmyra Branch here for several years and bas Mrs Lottie Halterman who bas Mr. and Mrs. Gieason Giannini Mr. and Mrs. Otis Dennis, Mrs. , .of the Nall'o '" Bank & Trust Co. .nved his customers well and in, been ill since Janiuary is jmprov-. ,,'.v,> has been visiting his pa.>- '", ' of Richmond and Claude P. But~ \ Billy Wlalc1en.and Mr. and' Mrs. received lette"n thiS ,wecrl: f:om the en admir",ble manner. It ts with ;ng r,atfsfaetorilY we are glad to vu.s. Mr. ::l,ndMrs. Winst.on Pork- ' ~ ler, of West Point visited their \':i1UO Do:::rier a~d .daughter, Judie president, H, A, Haden, of Char- t ue ,regret that we will see him report. mother Mrs. Ella Butler Sunday. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. lottesville saying our present and Mes. Bill Lloyd and rour ___ John Dunn, of CharlQttesville. reave. ' },{.. cashier, Ed Morris would be trans- InLlv,~nna'" cou"n~t~,Y.. ;H~i~g~'h~;s;e;h;o;o~I.... ~(~C~o;,,~t;'in~l;';'ed.i"i"~paagllle.fil,,.ulr.)... Mrs, Tom Payne, of "payne's' 'Mill" Buoktnoham spent this past. Miss Dolly Dorrier, of Charlot- fOd"'l'to the Fod' Union Branch JiiIA<'~:.oL • 7 II,. week-end iri Philadelphia, Pia. vis- tesville spent Saturday night with a of the first of the month be- ;ting vejatlves there. Mrs. Billy Walden. you are cordially' invited to attend house to see the 1952 Frigi~ ~ open stoves, daire refrigerators, electric v,rashers and deep freezers on Thurs~ day, Friday and'Saturday, April 10, 11 and 12. PARR'S FURNITURE STORE Phone 46 Scottsville

.._------f,t§~ 1FP'*'~"------

lAFAYETTE Charlottesville, Va.

Every kernel of Southern THEATRE States Hybrids is given a Friday & Saturday protective chemical coating !REX ALLEN and KOKO against: in ._- ~~- Seed Borne I ."COLORADO SUNDOWN" Q]) Diseases, ~~----.,,-- Sunday & Monday Soil Borne FOREST TUCKER and EDMOND O'BRIEN Diseases Vb 1[, Insect "WARPATH" ([I} Damage , i --_...... ------Tuesday only RESULT I Plants get off to JOE SAWYER in ! • healthy start, increasing , Mrs. Carl Combs and sman vour chances for a good crop. "AS YOU WERE" dau~:hteT, of Alber'ene, spent \ Thursday with her monther-i.n-law, \ I : Wednesday & Thursday M:rs, Come CCllI'"ttbs. \ I JEAN \pETERS and LOUIS J'ORDAN I i.t, ' Miss Patricia Whtted, ","ho is a I in student at Mary Washington cOl-l lege in F'redericksbul'g spent the I ANNF. of The INDIES" week-end with he:' parents, Mr. ------and Mrs, C. A, Wfiitted, of War- \ Scottsville Open 1 pm except Saturday-ll am Saturday ren. llIil!J@:i ?zaQi-- .1]L~"SE I,' ...... " ...... ~~.,.,~~' ...,;' ,..,?>.. ",-.-.'" .- Mrs. Bm :Moore, of Warren spent. Ln ------~~=~==~---=''-----=------Friday w~th her mother M:s. Ora 1 It>ousands and thou sondE of crippled r Bell. o:hildren 100\0;. to yotJ for help 0.1 Eoste ------lime. rhe proper care ;10W will help Mr, and ~s. C. C. Conrad, Jr.· them ,temd on their {)wn or:d groW 'md IitUe Mary Curtis were Sun- \ ~.---' day guests in the home of his pa~- up strOll!:1' ';.... led 0 hand, won't ----- yO'J? C-'" l.ll.-rlr.g t!1e 2.000 ents Mr, and Mrs, C. C. conrad, naY>, 1lith S1'.,of Palmyra. Annual Easter St:ol./.ppcoL ------_.:...... ------~ ~1~'::~~· ~. BUDGET 8AByeu/ers 4&5 • t~ousand.s of coc~v"ls.TO ~e gi\len. .way ..bsotut",tvhlte, and wd:~out obl~gatiof1,. TOPS FOR SPRING Lim.it _ to So family. . dere's a fashion note f ci r An we ask 1s that you bring S P r i n g I Sparkling color· your own contalner .. prefer- DOORS OPEN ably a shoe box. Don't miss bright toppers - waiting to this chance .. come early and be sure of getting yours. 10:00 A.M. shine in the Spring Parade. Crisp. new straw hats - tbe SATURDAY UL Please rill in the coupon A B,AU1IF NIW aOOM lighter, bright spring CO'lo[s, below for presentatlOQ at APRIL 12 the door. ~ 8A~ YOUR HOMI! suits, handbags and shbes in all new spung styles and • No need to get along with old, worn.. \:"YOURBASY·CHi·ci(··c·OUPO"t.j'\ out fixtures any longer. You caDbring colors .. WITH TJ.-:cSE fEATURES: Dewbeauty-new convenience-to your Name i Dial-ese Controls -as easy to home with a Crane quality bathroom. Welcome Spring with a turn as the dial on your radio. Not only are these fixtures new in styl- j:. Street Rt •• __ Box'_ ~ Bath and lavatory of porce- ing, but they possess such important smart outfit hom our. large : : lain enamel on cast iron- engineering features as Dial-ese faucets cleans a! the touch of a that open and dose at a finger's touch. assortment. See them t0day. \ '~:,TownGOOD ONLY ON ABOVE DATE \ damp c1o"," Best of all, these fixtures represent a I Toilet 01 v'treous chino- new high in valuejan~ are available on : q~iel,efficient fl.shing action, our convenient time payment plan. Bathtub has flat salety bol~ Call us today or, better yet, drop in tom-low 14 in. height- GARMENT SHOP \ tNOCHI~_Il£~N _U_N_LE_IS~W-IT-_H_P"'_I2ENTS1- ....- \ easy fa step in and GUt.. and ·talk it over. I

PJ=b~~.H~,~~~n:"t" S::T":.~:LE \...""....'-·-Ill"..··.._~-_....'- .. ·tJA,_ .. _-~ .... ~ .... fIIC..... ···--;E""""·~~·~·~.....R'~~SO-N---M-IL;L~S:::=:=~:::~-'

Phone 78F42\~.---_·-llI!Iw_""~ \ SCOTTSVILLE, \ VA. Scottsville, Va. r-----~------'-:---'-----l.',"~-_~....=-':'__-""~== ...... ,...... "'.'__=_~_'__", .L---='-'--==:!"""~~~~I1!!!!!!!•••••••••• I11!1•••••••

I ! • 'l'HU}{::)DAY, Arl\,l ""3 195::- ~ Household~Hints r ' K~-m~l;nR'-\ Scotts " FIVh. _. ' 11 ove.. for .nat missing button, i Hit By School Bus ' Lrcspttal authcrittes said she April the "----,-'."V'r'l'S' VILLI> 'VIRGIN. I Ahat.l,ittl~ gem or q pUb, liealion,: I had a separated shoulder 'and I.- magical and muslcaj v~~rWord ~v _----' "'_, , .:~ _-"Ii 0,d 'I'imes, has In Its Aprtl Jo Rose, 77-year-old Negro wo-r eel attone.

nice name A 'oS even fl. charming series of Illua- J'H\Jl t "1 Id t h d Th ror a O'jv'l Y h ti -,, was repor ed in satisfactory J ic acci en eppene ura- . see Or hea <:> ~. ou do ,ps along with 'an article condition at the University Hos.lohy morning' while a school bU8 t kind f r .much of the elabor'- r.J nrc I ItO A!prn foot jokes that us - ,old homes and gardens in pttal Fl'iday morning with tnjur- Idri il9n . by Robert 'Parsons, of t .0 be played. Perhaps th ' -s- 'Dhe pictures are paint- ics received Thursday when she Howardsvtlle, was turning around , ,IS lOsing its sense of h e wor TJ-LFl METHOf. homes and gardens by was knocked down oy a school bus I on uhe Warren Road, a few miles rtist 1 I dEevelOPinga less SlapSti~:O~{: RCOrrTSVU.l. Homes Day, one- near' her home in Buckingham: south of Howardsville In Bucklng- ven AI' Car. th' JaCI){ B, ~nt of Amherst county, County. Ir.ar I County. j • a t.or of 'Ll'I J:'P,.Alb" at whimsi'cal' jl captured the color and ,•••• Ir lllIlll!IIliIIma:ll!4'f1.i1D~. ji wp:;:;re .....~~, , 1t..; i. h I ner and Daisy 1 S' ,..-~~' '.. ,'~I,1 ..as observed that peoPle' a:c\ 'Jof ma,ny lovely spots: J ~ , .....- '" (. mg the al~ility to laugh at tn,. nhur('.h SchogTirginra. I L '- ~ selves WhtC'h is d 'X Omohundro)..;' E. F, W, ... -' J .... '~aaolbserva M' W I and not in keoping with th " ornmg

Old hose make excellent dusting of th~ year. After all, the calen-' ,Holy Wee,. <'"'--' - -, - ..... cloths. Just cut off tJle feet and dar is only a sheet of paper. Yrm 'Senmon b-':OTHERS nable papertl and 'artic1e~ In your Illume. The}' are 'tin danger, of use the tops. 'Dhey are free of lint. OWn yea::, can start whenever you Mqnda:y j When paper becomes stuc'k to want it to. ~...ot' some it starts wit Rcvi;al ~ ~ loss from fire and bUl'gIa,ry. It Is po~sible 'lJhat some ir'repla:,~ble the- poliShed surface of a table, the school year in September, 0 document mft,y get into ~he halndsr oIlf littI~ children, '\-\'iltomay soften it with a little olive oil and on their birthday, but I prefer i Morning ~me then rub wiah a soft cloth. This to start when the sap rises in t- Suncllay by. bmocently cut paPed" dolls from these valuable IlocUJneJ1tswhich will remove the paper w.ith'out any trees and the gray tiglht buds \ ,of new R'" • liltarlie L. Scott mark. gin to show their colors. Co~ ISupper, ~ervlce you may ha.ve·pla,~ed in ,what ~'ou ~hought was Ii" safe place. It When using peroxide' to remove Ibursts out everyv..rhere and t~ ChUI'ch,S'" is not necessary to risli suc.1thazardlS when you can Tent a sate stain, be sute to wash thoroughly clouds ~ce a'cross the sky. 1Ft D' N J Ch It L terson, Q d ll-" to cJ b f .. Every now' and then 0 .,' j or IX, • . - ar e . an a vV\' ,y e ore lronmg. t bl. I s me ffilScott of ScoH.sville has arrived Phone 43-J ()JlJy R deposit ?OX in our vaults for a few cents a week. In a safe troning while still damp may leave co-mes ou pu lC y and hollq here and has been assigned to Go. Church a rust stain. lo~dly at the gross negligence 04., 39th Inf. Regiment of the 9th ISCC::::::~:::::::: deposit box all oj "your valuable 8i1"ticlesarnd tmporbJint papers Afternoon I If you are having t.rouble with Wlves wlho put avmy ~hirts w1th'nfantry Division for 16 weeks of mon by !Pi uneven and ur1shapely loaves of out 'buttons anct socks wiUh holes . t ' , will be completely safeguarded against fire~ theft, miSJlla.~e- . • 'nslC rammg. per. brend. t.ake more care when plA.c- One ,man ha:'3 sug,gested that all Private ;Sl tt. is the son of Mr. co Easter ij ing brB..~din t.he oven. See that such horrifying articles should he'd Mrs Robert E. Scott of' Route . ment 31ndloss fIoT24 hours a day. Rent a safe deposit box today the pans 'lteitller touch tlhe side,~ dumped in a heap on the livir.g scott~vme. cola nex~ ~d enjoy peace 0'1mind and complete pl'otection from disaster of the OVfln nnr touch one another.' room floo~'.It is .something to po.n- i'rior to ente=ing service Private For those who have trlOuble del' and somethmg for the statIs- ,tt attended Scottsville Hjgh whioh may result fl'om the l{)$ "of vuihmble ·papers atnd articles. wash_ing lacy linlgelie and dainty ticians bo work on as to bhe com- <001. blouses. try making a bag of any ?arat~ve n~ber of wive.s·who err Juring his training period he cotton mesh. 'Dh~ open weave of I m tJhlS fashion and the husbands 11 receive instruction in general . the cloth insures C'omplete sudsing who drop whatever they may be -litary subjeots infantry weap- 10.00. A. C NATIONAL BANK & TRUST COMPANY action. This is also good protec-l,-weari~g at bhe time ~hey either gf>ns and tactics a~ ,wedlas a char- ~:.r;~t A tion for. ruffled curt.a::n<; and small I to beo, get up, or deClde to chang~cte,. guidance nrogram which iq " . . th . h d I . ~f- l' ~ Sel'mon AT CHARI,OTTESVlLLE, VIRGINIA items l!ke tbaiby clothes. " ell' CI~t es an eave said r\unde!' the supervision of the Post I To avoid keeping nn:ightly rag~1 rncnt on the fl?or eXiactly ~:.fChaplan. Upon completion of his St. Ste· tucked away out cf SIght, keep a dropped off bhelr frames. v;,; 1\1_ basi,c training he will be eligible 10:00 Branches: IV,es! rna - ScoN,ville - Fork Union small rubber spcnge in the bath-l have been a-dvised to leave all s~ for consderation to receIve addi- Holy Palmyrt;, - Louisa' - Mineral room :lnd use it to clean the lav'],- : :'''PH t tional instruction in a leadership ,Sermon tOTY. I - .:~Course and may submit. appltca- 11:00 S: _!. . ew V<::.W!.e ..Wi .... When ~.'QWillgrm materials su('h· ~~ , tion to attend Officer Candidate St. A.nn as silk, pin a towe~ over tJhe end Ii 'I '[ School. 8:00 P.

of the seyving machine. 'l.'he mate-. Ulil I I ~, , ' t I' ff du"'n the .~.'MdM fJ'>'.rHt d'Z'OI' CROS'!ll3WW WI (/fl/~ rIal wlll no s Ip o. .L< g East r Be"a better cook with p,ewing process. ," _~~RI _ SAT _ APRIL 4- 5 J e • StOl'~ your ball 'If ~;t!'ing in that _,_ '\ , t 10' sod tearoL _whi."1 is no elUlg u ~1- "Cop -".~~ PYREX Percolator Le~ loose end of C'ord dangle from PYREX Percolators take aU the guesswork OUl of coffee- the spout. RA.Y MlLLAND making! Watch the coffee perk tilJ the color tells you To keep soapy p:hampoo wah~r it's just right I It's a good-Iook.ing percolator that make~ cut of yOUI' eyes, rnb petroleum delicious coffee .•. e~ery rimeI j0liy across the forehr:lacl before T-W'O sl10ws SAT. 7 - 9 PM ~tarting to si~:1.~tmpoothe . 4-cup size _$2.4.5- To dress HI:' eggs for children~ 6-cupsize $2.95 t:y making th€!1TIin pen,...-uins.Peel SUN. MON" APRIL 6 - 7 9-cup size Whatever the occasion .. $3.45 hard cool;:ed,eggs ana" ellnl. Ma'kB JOHN GARFIELD whatever you are wearing .. legs by inserting two toath'Rick'O SHELLY WINTERS into large' end of egg and aff:x we have a Picturesque feet of two hab:ed pitted blae}.:, .Designer Stocking that :'ipe olives. Put third ,pick int.:> "He Ran ;:;1 The Way" 11 will add excilemenL ... If 'bacl;:, slan1:iw'ise,to form a tripod TWO Shows SUN, 7-9 P.M, i transform a dress into a so bird can stand. Stick fOurth piC'k thl'Qugh eg:g to' hold on flip- significant fashion •.. Of> a gown into a truly dramatic, pers (two ;halvefl pitted olives). TUES. - WED" APRIL 8 - 9 I,I Run fifth pick through olive on memorable creation! Jh, PYREX Mixing Bowls the slant so ~hat one end sticks Many styles, priced 1.95 to 7.50 ",.", ...-- out for a beak and spear other GORDON MACRAE I . Rounded inside foreasiest m; in ing by hand or electricmixe end into top' of egg fa.: head. _ I! • If yOU have no ring mold for I! Flat bases for steadiness. Thre<; , , "Daughter Of handy sizes for mixing. bakinl;> jello 'salads, place a small glass· Shown; Aladdin's Lam'p-a, anrl serving. filled with chopped ice on the cen- Rosie O'Grady" very provocatiye touch • ter of a·· boWl. pour your salad black velvet-ydee.or ' NeSlof3 $1.39 (on both stockingst mixture around glass an'cl set in nillRS, ONLY-APRIL 19 refrigerato,:' to ~ongeal. To serve Sizes 8';4 to ~ .•• l..:.9~pr. GINGER ROGERS remove ,glass and invert boWl. f Did you know tlhat celery leaves JACK CARSON have three times the food value in found in the stalks and you Clan\ "The Groom Wore - do lots of things with pretty green celery leaves. Wa.sh leaves, then Spurs"· PYREX Utility Dish sbo:'e in, re~rigerator in covered I _ .._-----~-- PYREX Loaf Pon dish. Here al'e some uses: i FRI. - SAT. - APRIL 11 - 12 FUR SCARFS :now at For baking cakes, biscuits. Just what you need for meal 1. ;;3lprinlde as you would chOP-I baked apples, macaroni '0 loaf, nut bread, baked beans! FOREST TUClillR peel parsley, for a garnish. cheesel Keeps food'hot •• > a The handles are a blessing! 2. Add a few leaves to mixed j ADELE MARA Pre-Easter SAVINGS! dreamto clean.2-qt.osize.89¢; Bakes and serves your food. in green salad. in 1-qt. size, SLOO. 'ltyle! l0!2-in. size, 89¢. 3. cook wit.'1 spinach or other " Pa'ssage" l-qL size 69¢ 9-in. size 69¢ greens. 4. Mince, and add to soups, cr'O- 'luetts, salads, sandwiCh fillings,. I TWO SHOWS SAT.• SUN" c. H. WILLIAMS sauces or cas~erole dishes. OMOHUNDRO HARDWARE CO. 5. Chap, and. add to boiled or \ CARFULL FOR $1.20 '~,ax Incl. PHONE 6-J ste,a:m,eclpotatoes, carrots, onions, \ Charlottesville's Leading Dep't. I etc. I


57 Wi &a •

,', ';eg Ann" Preaton Shepherd I-riuse 0 a vacar THUR 1QAY, APRIL 3, 1952 ~IX .' THE SCO'l>een qutte ill in Richmond. MdClanahan, C( --';_~----~_:._=_:_=______~ "",had to undergo a 3erlOUS op- been transfer{, died Saturday in Wash- I I • h 'N O·'-~l ~IS an aftermo.th of the v.Hc. Th~S ~D. c. I n Memoriam CIa s si f jeD- Flower Lore Cunnmg am ewt'"" I h ;1mmumtY;\]es her husband, she is sur- .In me~ory of .;;; Desir Br..ther Tatnms ~f the Pa myra Brune here for,r by the following children: 01 'f' I I By Frances Taylor the Nationa l Bank & Trust Co. '~ived~. Be· -a f G " h Alfred G. Winks. Died one year t asar le~.g are sotd fl." -ce rate of Mrs. Roy Parrish, Mrs. WCF1eceivedletters thtsrweea 'f:am the nn adm- .1 J' h a~ ~". a M :'ec~wl:.C, ag0'f"\pril the 1st. 1961. wo cen a a word, 00 cents mjni- \ by Norma Todd-Davis Parrish and Mrs. Frank Schut- '1presIdent, H. A Haden, of Char- t He.re~~·; b.~tn M' ~n, ~. ~arlJCY./, Sister aud Brother y mum. Display crasstfteds 60 cents VIOLET AND PANSY I Red ero-ss solicitors, ~lq;\ lottesvtlle saying our present leave ,eMs.l' Ed ra. Mane C· arr ] On yea~ has passed alnee that Ftn inch. . . r- • • ISS I na 9.€ atn, at i ~~ d "Violet is 'for faithfulness which II$54.00. mt the Cunnlngha ( casbtcr, Ed Morns would be trans- F'Iuver svasmug,;,...... toon, D. Cd'., an .LvII'S.Il'\7lh<>~~ ay I d . , _ ionme shall abide. muntty, oward the Distr [C" red ' to the For-k Union Branch .'_.r;',.".'....r- L p I ~II one we ove was called 'I,. . . lar- -~ . ayne,,of Hampton. ,.... . REAL ESTATE flopinO' likewise that from your T,he sollcltors 'WIsh to tha,;, f a of the first of the month be-I " C. , ,away . •' 1:\' " ,,0 "l. ' a.m was the daughter of I G . ~ . LIST YOUR FARMS I, heart I who ,helped to makJ this'l\: . 1r.. ,Jlod~ took hlm home--It wall HIli I • .." cord ;Yo ,.~ y ~emue G. ,Sll1pman, of Wash- ! will OR TIMBER You w.\Jl not let It shde. ';n~ .. OU and sister of Vvilliam G- I /.' , WITH US So sings Shakespeare, the great- . Mrs. John Parker, who ha 1 "l~lin our h0M'ts he liveth stili. I •• ~. ... f,.J.n, John B. ShIpman and. " W, R. PITTS e~t of all poets. Wordsworth ha.:J \'I~I

(RPe notes 8 & 9) Union with Mrs. J. H. Yeatman Democracy." I scott.sville. Chss 27 _ Speciomen Flowering as co-hostess. Miss Ontohundro Sho'\'led slides 1950 Plymouth 2 Dr" Deluxe-Beater Shrub -Mrs. William J. Smitll, J-. Pres- i .pertaining to indoo:" stol"'3.ge Mrs, Bryon B. Cain Chevrolet 4 Dr., Fleetmaster - Radio &: Division V-Potted Plants ident, 'Wtasse-Ie'Ctedas delegate to ; spaces. 1948 Heater (]V(rl'l.R. B. Hol1Jerton, Chai:lffian the state meeting to be held May I' Mrs. Mered,ith Minter and Mrs. I Mra. Frances Luci1le Cain, wife Division V) 13, 14, and ]5 at The Chamber· C. S. Duncan 'were. ho,gtesses and of Byron B. Cain~ USMC, who re- Studebaker Coupe--Champion, R&H 1947 • Cl~ss 28-African violets~blue or lain Hotel, Old Point Comfort, Vir- served strarw.berry lce cream and \ sides at "Elm Hill' on the Scotts- 1946 C1}evrolet 2 Dr. Fleetmaster - Radio & purple g-inia, with Mrs. H. M. Bransford, 'home-made angel food cake I Heater Class 29 - African violets~pink State Chairman of Junior Garden Th -f 1'1" -..".------'\ Class 30 - African violets-white Club of Piedmont District as' alter- ( ·0 oWIng c'an now go out: 1942 Chevrolet Sport Coupe, Sp. Deluxe, Heater Division VI-Education-al Display nate. l 1941 Plymouth 4 Dr. special Deluxe r:'Unharnessed Forces of Conser~ The club voted to place a benrh D 1 h" " S dr "b d I 1939 Ford 2-dr., S cy\., Heater vution" (By Junio,' Garden Clubs) With a bronze plaque, ca,rying e p IDlum, nap', agons m .u " I 1938 Chevrolet-4 Dr.-Rough 1936 Plymouth-2 Dr.-Rough ~~~i~n~~:L~~~~~gi:e;i~:~;e ~~,~;:,.t~Columbine, Sweet William and Larkspur" I of the mill stone that had been r 1936 Chevrolet 2 Dr. TRUCKS s,,~~~;~:~~s for the fl<>wershow, Cabbages, Southern and Home-grewn 1950 Chevrolet 3-4 Ton Pickup-9000 miles "Flowers on Parade" which will 1949 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery-Heater be held on April 9, were distribut- now ready" 1948' Ford 3-4 ton Pickup, H '. 1947 Studebake}' 1 1,2 Ton S.W.B., 2 speed- ::;;~la~~il~,,,~~~ne,;::, g~~e th: ' I Vegetable Plants In Season Good Tjres most interesting and informative FOB Gr nh e 1947 Dodge Dump 1 1-2 Ton, 2 speed - Good taH, on "Wild Flowers", She ex- . " "" ee ous hibited many pressed sl;lecimens Tires of her own during the talk. 1946 Ford 1-2 Ton Panel The ref:reshments were delicious 1942 Ford 1 1-2 T. Flat Excess Postage RetuiTIed PLEASE' and decorations in which the 1939 Chevrolet 1 1-2 Ton Thousal'lds and thousond~ of Q'lppl~d , sh~mro(}ks and sta~'S were fe~tur- children look to you for h~lp ell Eo"'" ed lent a most delightfUl touch of lime. rhe proper core now will help "The Irish" to the occasion. \ them stand on their own and grow J. J. Ambler, 1\1 ~~!T~CHEVROL~TS~m~£ up .trong. $0 kind" u hond, won', \. Labor Day is the only national you? 0,,,,," now. during the 18ih holiday recognized ,by Ctmgres~ Amherst, Va. sionarl action, -.;;. SALES gC!li' ;ERVICE Annual Ea51er Sll=alAppeal. -----.,.------.-.:...- I -~-_:....-:.=:.:..-..-.:..=:=-~