• , " _FPUR I ~~=- '~~T~H~E~SC~O~'~I"l"SVILLE~U_}' THURSDAY; APRIL 3, 1952 AN The Scottsville Sun \ To The Editor. lup my war m~o.rial Highway and put this store I.?"r .what hav~ Y~'~~~~h~--:here ~e' attended the ])j THE NEIGHBORING COMM . 'illy Fluvanna country. back f,ar enougn JD the begmnrngiillonthly meeting a,f the Women's MARi.E PLUVAI-.lNA AN 7" UNITIES IN ALBE- Questi.on: But Iookjiere, I've been so the State wouldn't. have to come IMissionary Society. J SERVING THE PEOPLE OF~:EUCKINGHAM COUNTIES .Sur'veys are now being made for planning to build a store rb-ht along and move me out, Wonder l I Mr. and M:'s, J, L, Proffitt and Edit0r . TC?WN OF SCOTTSVILLE Route 15 through Fluvanna. This close to the present edge of Route why my Dad didn't find out ahout \ June were visitors in Richmond ___. .. J Be d M D 'highway is to have a r-ight of way ]5, my land runs right up to the this to sta t wien -r But I guess in this weetc. Mana,'~iJlg.J Editor '__,_.___ ---------------------, mar,'E c earmon of 110 feet. This right of way will' present edge of Route 15 - you those days they didn't ~ave a Zon- 'I Miss M-ary 'Walton attended the Charl()~~~sville Manage;-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--·---------·-------·_ ltz.abeth Wimer be taken \by the- state as part of I mean to tell' me that a bunch of ing Ordinance td warn a fella I State W.M$. meeting in Danville Officf' !"htnauer ---------.-------------.Lmdsay Mount the state twenty year plan for the \,p';'l~~rscan come stomping on to uer e he could PH~ h.s business or llast week. 12,50 a year in Alb~_;;,'~-;;~--F;~_,.-------Mrs" Annie Clements Melton development of Virginia highways. my property and t.ell me I've got I his house and know that it could [ Mes, W, P, Thurst.on spent . '. anna, Buckmgham and Nelson Counties In 1949 Route 15 through Flu- Ito put my etore back a certain I slay put there for keeps," and not I 'I'hursday shopping' in Richmond. ~3.00 a year. ants ide. of th.,·ese .cOUntIes vannn was adopted as a War Me-!. ditstance from the highway, when I h..ave t0 'Pay a~I'th Lese ext ra I.axes ~ Mr. and Jl4rs. A, D. Lamont of Published weekly every Thursday of the ·YeB.T morial to tfte Veterans of World Iit's mv OW!j LAND I want ta'l be ause or the moving." I Richmond were week-end guests of Entered as second-class matter at th Wars I and n. This route was' build it on? ·1 ISO, YOU SEE, THIS ~ONING I M'.'. and Mrs. Dabney Cosby, Virg'l~la,. October 0, 1951. e post office at Scott svn:e," selected as a War Memorial be- Answer : Look, pal, you've gotl· ORDINANOE'' . ~'S YOUR, AND Mrs. E. B. 'wrtght and ehtldren ;"ause of the fact that Route 15, this t.hi'ng wrong, It's not a bunch I VOUR KID'S BEST FRIEND. ',Of Newark, ;Del. s,pent last ,weel{ ~ei.ng the only FedeI1al highway of guys in FJ1UV;iTInawho can t;:l1j Submitted b~ Se~reta:y. of I with Mr. and Mrs: R. B. Holber-- iR'ecor~ Travel Year ~nthe county, would b~_the m:ost\yoa t~is. ',Bercre ,any ,man, woman! W,ar Mem'Ol'lal Associatlon \ tor· All' d· ,- l'mrp.ortant highway in the county. or ChIld, In, lnu,·m:t'.a C(J;_iTIty or\ _, --L- ! ----------- d so' In lcatll}J13 point to' a record year of" trav"l th'15 5'pnng Ques t'wn:Do you want to attract "·v ~"01' 'd,a f ~upervlS~rs0 ' t-"ou,ng'l i C 1 bO~,', N P,'\lmYr'a News ~n6 ummer. n _one cay, In the month of Match, mOre than tOUI'Ists to Fluvanna ',' \~f any (jHhnance, your"state Le~~ .uO ,urn ....a ews ~ (ContillllHXl j'rom p1l.ge three) , 00 passengers rleparted flom New York by sl f E Ans.wer: Of course, because tour- lslature. at the requCl3t of yo, 'bv_ Mrs, H. S. Mosby I chi1cl\'en,of Chester, Va. <1reSl)cl!d- . IIp or 'lUQ1"'call St t H hi D t t d \ ports. ThIS 1l1dlcates the extent of AmeriCan ave _ t f ;sts spend money in a county. '. a! ,e Ig way ~ar m~n, e- Mrs. W'. F. Kayser is spending \.jng the week-end with her par- pected tillS year. r,eas rave ex- QueeUon: What attr~cts tourists cHied that the, nght-of-way of I some time with be>' mother, Mrs, ents, Mr, and Mrs, W, N, Hannah, Offi." ,Rnd makes them stop in a county Route 15 was gomg to be 110 feet IArthur Walton while ::,ecoverin;; Mrs. Stafford Pace and little son . ,Clals say the departure o~ this number of passengers \and spend money. ,~:c1e, an~ you. !tnorw ~~~n the '[from a rficent op~ration. \ visited in the L. E. Minter i:orne 111~ne day, as early as :rvlarch constItutes a new record for ol:e' Answer: An att::active highway, a .' a,te seL a r~.R"htof \.:-._\, thley, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Griffin nndlove, the week-end. It was nire ' 1 M I 'I ' [- pia h' do,"t do too m:lch asl':."n'" t ley I ", seas lave. eanwl1 e a.,'tomobl'le cllJ'bs al1no ti '9- ce w, ere they WIll want to stop . ~"sons Bartwell and- Eugene, left,h'lVlll,o' them wIth us at Sunday . t l • ,unce lat 1 '1) d I . r.ake the l'1"'rht of way, very ....,~-, .1 . I "" IS ex pected to be a recorc f I ' . ~an oak. _ hI· t ; Saturday £0-::' a FlorIda vacatIOn. I s~hool. 't d 5t t . 1.. year or trave on the ll1ghways of the Question: But tal'en't tourists go- lltely a~d leg<t_JY:but they take'; Mr. a'nd MTS. W. M. Quick -and II Mrs. Clyde Hasher. of Richmond lea es. ,ino- th it. And If vou 1:'ul1d your st'J::e, or ... , Un . ; b rough anyway en a larg0 " t h t children were called to NashvIlle, \spent. sometIme recently WltD hee hat These IndlCations, ftc'ded to the/reduced airline f-11-es tC)IIFeder311 Hd.'l"'h,way? \'d· .h atvhe, .';:,u..:.,up ~tt..' ..pre:::erlans I Tenn because of the death of Mr. mother and sister, Mrs. Belle Hef- . .' Answ F' Of ' ' I. e ge 0 f e hl':"/Uway,I JUS"ml1 ' ' - . h llrope an otlet P01l1ts are conclusive proof tl ttl' " be. course, but thats JUs Ith t .th ~, '1' t" \QUiC'k'S brother.' .ner and Mrs. Lotbe Fles man re~ E d I l a recorLl travel year Ai:li 1 f.J 13.... us IS to e the p'Oint - we want them not a. 1 e. ,e~ CI~I.lfl:~. yo~I' t~~~ .:~ M'I·'and Mrs J'ohn Otis Willia.ms Ipectively and helped nu-::se them "T i e passenger are rel1_uctions "frO into only to go t.hrough but to stoP]"!" l-,_·rmg "le ne~Ime (Itt al I 'J>' ~re the p'roud p",.rents of aithroUO"h a spell of flu. ee on ay 1st h 1 tl' h' .' ' . ·olf you:'s that you coun op. eav-I " .,.. "" eff. t M. e on y 11llg W leh \\'1.11 :iornewhat mar ['nd spend mOn2Y·No tourist stops~,. t th .".. _t· ~,arughter Anne Cameron born, -.---- ..------ thts record vacation traffic;i the collective trag~aly of '["Itl, ,( in an ugly spot if they can help "1,~' ','011'> Htore .0,' e 1;:;...,,·1 C.IS g~~'March 2~ in 'CharlottesviJl~. Visi~' tl l' I • Co. on· t·· ..10" D rome a eng, ,-,n ~\JU .... - 1e 11g~1ways aUG skyw?ys which is sure to becur ' t 1.; OUrIsts.do drIve slowly to .en-I VO~l: kid on ihp. shoulde~ and SfY tors to see them Sunday wp.re! The slaughter on ollr 1 . h d' I' JOYatbacttve-scenery and a hIgh- :'How came ,,'.'ur store j~; .s~~~r:g-Mrs. W. F. Kayser\ Mrs. A:thur I· l1g ways to ay IS arge~y unnecessary "'fly that has been beautified. I t "'h h' h' t· t' ·t Walton the Misses Mary Alice,! an per Japs t 1C O"reatest blight h' Q t' t Sl) ('1,1~' 0 f'. Ig, \V'.t) nn l' ' , . d'.. I I ::., . on our Qlt erwlse super-modern ,ues.lOn: How can we have.an a -I ~ornes \\'itr,:n the 110 reet t"te Anne ·and Nancy WaltDn and Mrs'" cl~t11zJ.tIOn .. The. best SOllltlO11 at present seems to lie in qener t,ra'~tIve War Memorial Hlg~WaYJf·tate decided v."as going to ne :n \ : s. Mos,by. \ : drtve~ qua~lficatlOn laws) .stricter permit tests, more stric 1. l}nd yet not work. a .h:'trdsh1p on, this highway? IVl.ig'hty so_ry, but .~1;rs. J. S, ?illard of stage .l_~nc: enforced highway regulation d' I h ' ,iY our FI~vanna busmess fiems and you've got to be moved back", bon waS m town Wedneoua~ Doesn't tJ':rivin rac' , s an a~pea s to t e publlc for safer farmers? So you :,;ec, (t-e ordin!lUl'e is for , ( Cost a an -g p ~lC,es.The ~Fpe~l to d~lvers .to adopt more cautious Answer: By getting our ~u.siness your prote~;:;on - w1}~t i~l'ea}ly _d S:l£er drr:'lng practiCes IS especIally timely on the eve of the ~en and farmers to p.ut t~el~ large sayS.
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