Nov. 29, 1951 Improvement in This Paper
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FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE Semester I, 1951-52 8-11 a.m. 1-4 p.m. Monday, Jan. 21 Group X II Group V II Tuesday, Jan. 22 VIII II Wednesday, Jan. 23 IX X Thursday, Jan. 24 XI XVII Friday, Jan. 25 XIII XIV Saturday, Jan. 26 XV XVI Monday, Jan. 28 VI XVIII NEWHAMPSH Tuesday, Jan. 29 XIX IV . ... Wednesday, Jan. 30 XX XXII Thursday, Jan. 31 XXI I VOL. No. 41 Issue 10 Z413 Durham, N H., November 29, 1951 PRICE 7 CENTS Friday, Feb. 1 III V "Morality Among CollegeStudents” Seven Finalists for Cadet Colonel Religious Emphasis Week Feature By Barbara Bruce Chosen; Election to be Held Wed. The annual Religious Emphasis week will get underway on Monday night, Dec. 3, 7 p.m. with an all-campus convocation at By Lou Thompson Students will have the rare oppor New Hampshire Hall with speakers representing the three largest tunity to chose, from a field of seven groups delivering the address. Ed Douglas, president of the Inter beauteous campus coeds, the girl who faith Council, will preside at the convocation, and special music is destined to reign as Cadet Colonel of the annual Mil Art Ball. From an for the service will be provided by the University Glee Club. original group of 21 girls, an impartial The special activities planned for the committee of judges narrowed the week include discussions in each hou^ afternoon and evening, and Friday number- of candidates to a slate of ing unit, a tea for the speakers and stu afternoon, and the Hillel Club will seven. dent body, a seminar, and a faculty club have a service and a meeting on From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Wednes pi ogram. Thursday night. day, Dec. 5, voting bootns will be The tea will be held in Congreve North placed under T-Hall arch tor the vot on Tuesday afternoon between 4 and 5 All-Campus Convo p.m. under the direction of Jane Emer ing on the seven finalists. son. For the Catholic students there will Prior to the Thanksgiving recess, Morality Discussion be daily services at St. Thomas More the housing units nominated a girl to The housing units discussions are Chapel. become the leading lady in the year’s scheduled to begin at 7 p.m.. the time first formal. On Monday, Nov. 19, a Three outstanding religious leaders total of 21 candidates and a group of being tentative. Each housing unit has will be brought for the all-campus been assigned a priest, minister, or rab’- five judges were guests at an informal bi as the house has requested. convocation in New Hampshire Hall. tea held at Theta Chi. It was original- The interfaith seminar at the Notch Dr. Frederick H. Thompson who has lv planned to eliminate all but six of on Wednesday afternoon will be on traveled extensively in Europe, the the candidates through a screening “Morality among College Students” and Near East, and North Africa is the process. A close judges decision will be lead by a Greek Orthodox min Congregational minister who is spon forced the committee to chose seven ister. sored by the Christian Association, and finalist to compete for the honors. The Faculty Night program is being is now a pastor in Portland, Maine. The seven finalists to face the stu planned and directed by a committee of The Newman Club is sponsoring the dent body at the polls on Wednesday Rev. George V. McCabe S.J., a pro Pictured above are the seven finalists in the contest for Cadet Colonel faculty members, Dr. J. K. O’Loane, From left to right: front, Lois Marcou, Lynne Dickenson, Elaine Henderson, are: Elaine Henderson, Chi Omega, acting as chairman. fessor at the Jesuit Seminary in Wes ’53; Gerene Trudeau, Alpha Chi ton, Mass., and assistant professor of Marjorie Hesse, and Gerene Trudeau; rear, Sally Walcott, Carol Christianson. Separate Protestant seminars will be Voting will be held under T-Hall Arch from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Dec. 5 Omega, ’52; Marjorie Hesse, Fair held on Wednesday night, Thursday education at Boston College child, ’54; Lynne Dickenson, Sawyer, ’55; Lois Marcou, Fairchild, ’54; Carol Christianson, Alpha Xi Delta, Open Letter to Students Senate Gov’t. Works ’54. Discriminatory Clauses Discussed At the IFC workshop the ’53; Sally Wolcott, Alpha Chi Omega, Gov.^ Sherman Adams is scheduled relationship between the fra On Christmas Parties to preside over the Cadet Colonel coro In Proposed Senate Amendment ternities and chaperones was nation and will be assisted by Presi- discussed. It was felt that Calling for the removal of discriminatory clauses from fraterni Better cooperation between the Sen (continued on page eight) due to a misunderstanding ate Welfare Committee and housing ties and sororities, an amendment to the Student Senate constitu on the part of the fraterni units in planning parties for children tion will be brought up for action at next Monday’s meeting of the was requested at the last Student Sen ties, fraternity-chaperons re Music Dept. Holiday Senate. The proposed amendment is the result of work done by ate meeting. In its report to the Sen lations were not as cordial the Senate Discrimination Committee and is to be presented before ate, the Committee stated that it will as desired. The fraternities act as a clearing house for all parties Concert Scheduled the Senate members as the majority report of the committee. felt that the chaperons ex raven by housing units for the benefit Approximately 300 students of the The proposed amendment states that for underprivileged children and or University of New Hampshire will that there is definite evidence of hope in isted only to send in a “warn phans. participate in the annual Christmas all campus organizations having _ consti getting the national clauses eliminated. tutions with provisions which limit or ing report” Monday morning Houses planning such parties are re Concert in New Hampshire Hall, on prohibit membership because _ of race, Voting Procedure describing the “goings on” quested to contact either Brent Bat- Dec. 12-13. color, religion, or national origin must A two-thirds vote is necessary for the of the previous Saturday tersby or the Student Government Cooperating with the Department of eliminate those clauses by 1956. If the amendment to pass in Student Senate. Music in the annual Christmas pro night’s party. It was brought Office, stating preference as to number clauses are not removed by then, a peti If it does pass, it will be incorporated of children, age group of children de duction will be the speech Division of tion in the form of a Senate resolution into the constitution. out that their reports were sired, and special group. This will the English Department, Ihe Depart will be sent to the University Senate, The Discrimination Committee will al voluntary and in many in alleviate the conditions of previous ment of the Arts, and the Dance Administration, and Board of Trustees so present its minority report in the form years in which the same children were Club. requesting that the organizations be of a resolution. This states that the stances reports were sent in Musical organizations active in the commenting on the hospitali invited to several parties a' the Uni denied a place on campus. fraternities and sororities themselves are versity. production will be the University Sym responsible for removing their restrictive ty of the houses. Actually phony Orchestra, Concert Choir, Wo Ruling Exceptions Joining the National Student Asso clauses and that the Senate recommends it is the responsibility of the men’s Glee Club, and Men’s Glee Exceptions to the above ruling are action to be taken by them. This will ciation, an organization of student sen Club, under the direction of Prof. Karl provided for organizations whose func also be voted on by the Senators. individual house members ates from all over the country, was al Bratton, Prof. George Reynolds and tions are primarily religious. However, and their officers to see that so discussed. Foreign students on Miss Elaine Majchrzak, Assistant Pro the group would have to present _ con an orderly party is conduct campus attended the meeting on a fessor of Music. crete evidence of its connection with a special invitation to acquaint them Blewett and Moss To Attend ed, leaving the chaprones free As a special feature of this year’s church to be exempt from the contents with our methods of student govern Christmas program, members of the of the amendment. Indications of the Boston Educational Meeting to enjoy themselves as right ment. Dance Club, under the direction ot religious nature of the fraternity or Edward Y. Blewett, Dean of the ful and honored guests. The next Senate meeting will be Miss Patricia George, of the Women’s sorority include evidence that one tenth Monday night, Dec. 3, at 7 p.m. in or all total dues collected from members College of Liberal Arts, and Herbert Respectfully, Physical Education Department, will J. Moss, Secretary of the University, the Organizations Room of Commons. perform to the music of “In dulci ju- are contributed to a church or religious The following agenda has been an organization. will be the delegates from the Uni Robert Leavitt, Sec. bilo”, an ancient German carol. nounced by the Executive Council. Lighting effects for the production Also exempt from the amendment rul versity of New Hampshire at the Inter Fraternity Council sixty-sixth annual meeting ot the New 1. Report of the Finance Commit are under the direction of Prof. J. ing would be those fraternities and Donald Batcheller.