Rrnour to Love Sales ,Laff Here Publishers on Bank

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Rrnour to Love Sales ,Laff Here Publishers on Bank Hfppf"^ fmt With tke Mews! For Value—Shop The Ads , p Astride All the Acttvtttw K) r (The Town With Joip Th* Ltf|cM Ami Bwl Shop* And Hnm«-Tewn Pap* Soviets In The An* An Our Adrertisen. Htronlsc thcml XXX-NO. 43 CARTERET, N. J., FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1952 PRICK FIVE CENTS ^rrnour To Junior Achievement Group: Carteret Youths in Business Publishers on Bank Board Brook Is love Sales Fighting ,laff Here For Permit ,,l,i!K SliopNow Being Council Hold* Hearing ;. III,I(I(1<<1 for Offices, On KHRPX Si. Lodging ,,.,,|( i Reveals And Rooming Permit , MKRET—Armour Fer- CARTERET The Borough i i';nii|)any will move its Council last nlnht held a public hearlriR on the application of John , ,i"|i,'M-l,ment from New H. Brooks, 39 Essex Slrfrt. for * ,, 11 this borough this permit to opernti a boarding and lodging house In the borounh. was revealed today by The Brooks' petition has been. previously refused by the Borouttf1' souder, manager of Council. He also has been refused Fertiliser works. B permit to remodel the EsseSk that a part of the Street premises which were badljf machine shop is CHARLES E. GREGORY 1-/UII, V. MURPHY dRmaged by fire. d ito ffi CARTERET—Charles E. Grejory, WoodbrltUr. publisher of Brooks, through his attornn$"J The independent Leader, Carn-rt-t Press uml Kiiritan Township- liouls L. Forman, of Elizabeth, hw Fords Deacon, and Paul V. Murphy, publisher of tin' Perth Ambcy taken the matter to the courts, iw is located at 120 Evening Ntwn, wer* nworn In AS lnrmbrrs of the Rniirit of Directors Superior Court Judge Ralph J,*' Mr. souder mid. "it of the First Bank and Tntst Company, Port It Amboy, Tuesday Smalley at a pre-trial hearing, or- ; that the deptrttnent afternoon, dered the public hearing to deter-;, 1.1 Carteret sometime Mr. Gregory Is also president of the Hoard o( Governors of mine if Brooks Is normally qufi ^ CARTJEKKT—Junior %ehievrment PlaRtio Company, a youth to teach young people the fundamental* of forming and operating the Perth Amboy General Hospital. fled to obtain such a license for th« ;\ iliat key men In the troup sponsored by the It. S. Metals Refining Company, will be a business. Olher directors of the bank are C. F.. Allen, president of the rooming house. Meanwhile he di- rnt which U headed by ready to offer \\s wares at thr end of this month. Members of the company shown in this picture are: left In California Reflnlnx Co.; Edwin Ci. Kraser, real estate and insur- rected that building permit be riflit, front row, Barbara McLaln, Olga Bodner, Theresa Uledvetz, wdmer, divisional sales Under the trade mark of WACO, the company Is minufaetur- ance; ,la<'Ob Greenspan, president of Flagstaff Food*; Dr. Joseph granted Brooks forthwith will locate tore, Other inj desk sets mad* of vlnyllte plastic Three attractive sets Include Matulda Muras.Rose Marie Kudrock and Shirley ICIko; tup row, M. Gulrtwskl, [iliyslcliui; Dr. Armand Hummer, president of United Phyllis Bozykowskl, Florence Kp»her, Gwendolyn Brown, Francis Forman told the Council thqi •*•• Mtivp staff needed wll personalized book ends, a paper weight a fid letter opener. Distillers of America; Irving A, Hnnsen, president-treasurer of Brooks Is entitled to a permit, but locally. The company comprises students of the Carteret Hlf(h School. PirronK, Betty Toth, Blanrlie Stanton and James Napy. Missing Fords Porcelain Works; Lorin W. Kemp, manager of International arc George Snow, Florence Poll and Dolures Hemsel. Borough Attorney B. W. Hanlng-. i xporlence with local help It is one of many units In thr nation, the purpose of which is Smeltinp and Refining Co.; Matthew F. Melko, attorney and ton had a different viewpoint. He -I,is b?cn satisfactory," Mr. former prosecutor; Axel Olnen, president of Perth Amboy Dry said the Council should deny the Dock Co.; Joseph Slutzker, chief consulting engineer, Voro- permit, because Brooks cannot ,,•:•. on remodelliuT the prem- Budget Is Drafted Women's Club Unit Collects \Hit-Run Victim I Indonesia Corporation; David T. Wilentz, attorney and former comply with requirements of the !:••! oftires will take anothe stale attorney general, and James C. Wilson, president of the borough ordinance dealing with bank. i ihree months. The sales lodging houses. Harrington brought •nictit. Is a separate par By Presbyterian 84 Pair of Glasses for Needy Still in Hospital; out that although Brooks had op- ; i:: plant management, erated a lodging house before, he CARTERET Continuing its The collection was made under oik-r is supervising tin Health Here h Good; Iiever had a license to do so. , welfare work, the Evening De- the direction of Mrs. Helen Nle- Reports Are Heard ..'i;ti;! job. He has been with Driver Being Held 'Health Inspector Michael Ynr-' ; Church for 1952 partment of the Carteret Wo- miec, chairman of welfare. (.olds About Average ,, miiany for 42 years md the cheskl was the first witness. He man's Club has collected 84 !.i vcirs he has been at the Sometime ago, the Evening CAUTERET—The health of read from his report to the Council pair of eyeglasses which will be Soui.ii Orange Chauffeur On Civil Defense n: plant. Ordination S<Tvk'<' Is Department carried on a costly (!;irtcret residents eenerally is dealing with the Brooks house and sent to the Eyes for Needy, Short' Kood, despite sharp temperature alleged violations. in MM- Fertilizer Works be- Arranged for Sunday Hills, an organization supplying project which aimed at restor- Is Accused of Striking npciations in Carteret in ing the eyesight of a Carteret llui .u;itlons in the weather this Lukach Reporto That A number of other witnesses For New Officers glasses to those who cannot af- Carteret Youth on Uoad wintrr, Health Inspector Michael • Business conditions In the ford to pay. boy. West (larteret Has a were called to substantiate the :, .t-r field this year are nor- Yarcheski reported today. Borough's contention that Brooks Mrs, Theodore Kleban, presi- Mrs. Kleban was elated over CARTERET — Albert Sabo, 17 iit- said. CARTERET- - The budget "We have quite a few colds New Fire Reserve Unit 72 Sharot Street, is in the Railway is not morally responsible and ,'.v hope It's going to keep of the First Presbyterian dent, said the unit took up this the large collection, a report of and upper respiratory infec- therefore not entitled to a lodging project, in response to a plea which was made at this week's Memorial Hospital suciTring from tions in the borough, but no more CARTERET—A luncheon meet- mi." Mr. Souder said. "But Church for this year has Injuries sustained Simduy at 2 and rooming license. JII'I foretell with so many re- made at the last State conven- meeting held In the home of Mrs. than in previous years" Yar- ing, was held Monday by the Car- been set at $8,855.25, at the tion. Stephen Baksa, Roselle. A. M. when struck by a hit-and- chrski said. teret Civil Defense at which Prank •.Kiiis facing the Industry." run car, annual meeting of the Con- Just how many people have Jurlck, former chairman, was a gregation and Corporation, Accused is George Walker, 39 colds cannot be estimated, since guest. James Lukach, chairman, Sisterhood Picks Rev. Orion C. Hopper Jr., pas- P.B.A. Lists Acts Polio Fund Social 1S1 Wyoming Avenue. South Or- thf health department does not presided. iremen's Affair tor, announced today. The ange, a chauffeur. Magistrate An- report on colds and most res- It was announced that a Civilian drew W. Desmond, Woodbridge, is piratory diseases. Defense Fire Reserve unit has been Leaders for 1952 figure is about the same as tioWini; him pendfng outcome o formed in West Carteret at a meet- last year. For March 2d Show Committee Listed He sakl the borough has a. few Double Tribute Sabo'a injuries. cases o|.nuuogi, bui no measles ing In the home of Julius Klsh. The St. Demitrins' Unit On Sunday, an ordination, ser- the ywth, struck at Randolph or chicken iifo cries, following officers were elected: vice will be held at the church, Leading Talent Secured . Tuohey fleads Unit Avenue and Hart Street, suffered Oscar Miller, president; Joseph Is Lauded by Pastor <1<H | Ex-Chief'Happy when newly elected elders and * For Annual Review; For March of Dimes fractures of the skull and pelvi; Leschek, vice president; Raymond fo tine Work IU> Son Receives deacons will be installed. and possible internal injuries. Hi M. Sul, secerlary, anM Frank Plrlg- Elected as elder was Prank Col- 6 More Bookcases Acts Are Announced Party, February 14 was taken to Railway Memoria. yi, treasurer. CARTEIRET—The annual meet- i liicfs Badge lins; as deacons, Mrs. Edward 1 Hospital by the Woodbridge Firs Given to Library Max Kraus, Stanley Ogarek and ing of the Sisterhood of tha Kudnski. John Etheridge, Walter CARTERET — Final arrange- Aid Squad. Lloyd Lawlor were named to the Charles Morris Schafthauser: as trustees, William CARTERET— Carteret Local 41. Blessed Virgin Mary of the St. : Patrolmen's Benevolent Associa- ments have been completed by the Police of two neighboring com. board of trustees. Kish was elected Demetrius Uki'ainlan Church was i'.aunts oldest Uvlng flic Eliiott Jr.. John Oartley and Lea- Carteret Chapter, Infantile Paraly- munities collaborated in the up Ethel Keller Unit Is fire chief; Albert Fenske, foreman, held Wednesday evening. Officcn '; : .ml 75 guests had a swell lie Van Pelt. tion has engaged an excellent vari- sis Foundation for the social to be and Edward E. Sul, ussistant fore- prehension of Mr, Walker.
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