
#• • •::••

Hagasan Msmorlal Library Page Sixteen East Haven, Conn. THE BRAHFORD REVIEW-EAST HAVEN NEWS Thursday, December G, 1951 cat. Also for the first time In anv Cat Exposition oaslcrn feline exposition. judRini' Emma M. Blair Rites DONKEY POLO will be conducted under a special This Week Draws llfthdnR arranKciheni, dayllKhl for I I I I Ir niKhlJudghiR. Held This Morning Over 20p2elines Three JudRlnR rings have hcon Funeral services for Kmma I.'. Oef Quick Gash Results set up. .ludRhiR Ihe All Rreed will lilair were held this mornlnR from w The best .and most InlerestlnR of bo Mrs. Wllllom Iledrlcb of Andover, the W. S. Clancy Memorial Home at nil Connectlciii Cat Shows Is expect- Ohio. The Siamese rlnR will be pre­ sided over by Mrs. G. Kolsey from 8;.30. A requiem hlRli funeral mfl« SELL at AUCTION 0(1 Friday nnil SnlUrdny of lliis WoslcHester, Pn., and the T.ibby, wa.s' RUnR hy the liev. Wlllnm wct!l< when more llinn 200 cats will rortlcs and ,Solid Colors will be Whihey In SI. Mary'i! Church at n Combined With The Branford Review ho honchcd at the Second Cliam- JudRcd by Mrs. Christine Ilarlmann o'clock. Burial was in Ml. SI. Dene- lilon.slilp Show (o be held at the of Long Island. diet's Cemetery in llarlford FINE FURNITURE, RUGS, ANTIQUES, ART IIolol Gnrde, New Haven, from 10 Mrs. Hlalr, wife of Ihe late ICd- VOL. VII—NO. 13 EAST HAVEN, CONNECTICUT, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 13, 1951 S Cents Per Copy—S2.50 A Year A. M. until 10, P. M. ward BInir, died Monday cvcnlnR al PAINTINGS, CHINA, SILVER, GLASS 1 Mrs, Florence Kanoffo of North PAST MATRONS MEET The Past Matron's Assoclailoti of the home of her son. Homer E. lilair, Branford, Show Manager, said to­ Paw.son Park, after a .short illiWi. AUCTIONEERS — APPRAISERS day that every'lype of cat will be on GeorRia Chapter, O, K. S., Will hold She was in her 7f)th year. (IlKplay; Ihe Rlamorous Persians, Ms annual moellnR and election of r "ff cers at the homo of Mrs. William Born In Quebec, Canada, Mr.^. CONSULT US WITHOUT OBLIGATION •A exotic .Siamese, popular shorl-hnlr niair had lived In this country sin<'e FREE CESSPOOL CLEANING domestics, rare Abysslnlnns and Wll.son, Ilonson Avenue, on Monday lier childhood. Prior to making iier TOWN Jusl household pels. cvonlnR. The moolInK will bo pre­ homo with her son throe years aRo, For Uio flrsl lime In any cat show, ceded by a covered tllsh supper at .she was resident of New Haven. Ihe public will be Invllcfl in vole on li-.im P. M. Member!; arc romlndotl to Her son. Homer E. Blair, is tiie Phone Branford 8-248G Branford, Conn. PROGRAM ASSURED IN TOWN their opinion of (he most popular lirlnR n Rift for the Rrab h.nR. sole survivor. Wo can BOO onco more tho handwriting of firfi cator Al Tlic w.iy wa.s clonrcrt last Knight over tho doorways of Tiuirsday iiiRlit- for the ocsspuol Firo headquarters. His Santa c'icaninR service in East Haven. Glaus and rolndeex decoration Tlie tneasure, one of tlie features PUBLIC PRESENTATION again adds to tho Xmaj Cheer nl the Reputjlican pre-election cam­ piuvailing. '; paign, became a reality wlien a iiaiiutui of voters Kutiiered for a PLANNED IN' MOMAUGUIN Joe Mines and his missus are re­ pulilic hearing in iiio Town Hail ceiving compllinents by the busliel 1 MIX Aurtitoriiini to repeal nn obsolete since little daughter, "i Anne, has (ALTHOUGH THESE MEN may iiovcr make tlie U. S. Olympic Polo ordinance which forbade the open­ REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT taken over the slnging."chorcs at Si Easl Haven lown officials nro In '^ Toem riding burros, tlicy nro linvinii fun playing the Rnmo witir ing of cesspools during tho lalo Clare's. Tho litlle iniss has one of dllomma today following Uie varUtions in Saudi Arnbln. In thoir vcraion of the sport called donkey hours. lliose sweet voices, easy^to listen to. Christmas Festival Starts action by the voters lnil Monday .polo,' thoy rido burro.i ln«toad of ponie.i; wear cutdown construction Alexander Doran, chairman of tlio East Haven Rodevclop- ', Movio mogul Abet Jacqclca whk:h calls for tho removal of park­ niit« tor holmots; and awlnR at a ball Instead of the conventional "Public approval of this measure means t^e installation of the free ment Agency intimated over the week-end that final plans for ts on an East HayMi to . San ing meters from the town's main • polo ball, using: mnllots fashioned from broom Imndics. The players, Francisco and back pt 10 days streets as tiulckly ns possible. all omployccs of Arabian American Oil Company, report that the burro service lii tho near future," Barker tlie proposed redevelopment ol' Iho Mohiauguiii -shorofront will With Street Parade Tonight said today. trip to sec his son who makes The spoclnl town inoRllnE, hold • , steps briskly down the strnlRht-a-wnys, but l)alka on tho turns, (level- be ready for presentation to area resident's within a few wcplis Ills homo on the woatjeoast. I oping a situation which can ijo .upscttinR as this action photo shows. Anotiicr item I'onsidorod al llio in Ihe town hall auditorium* nlao Under agreed . Icniis the federal Harold (East Haven'ftoal and Oil) The ioiiR invaltccl start of East Htivoii'.s ChrJsliiia.s Fe.stlval approved a motion to eslnbllish one meeting — an amendment of the govcniinenl will assist in paying for Nash resorted lo gas when he drove will Kct underway this evening. town's plumbing ordlniincc.• was tiie project. The local commission Biiildmg Up $1,254,400 hour parking from 9 A, M, to G P. M,' spent Itself, ad the ban was liflod. both favored and opposed l)y mem­ up lo ills Massachusetts prep scliool. Highlighting the period in which shops and stores.will re­ on weekdays and from 0 A, M, to Mince-Meat Pies Have A pie which no other can ap- lias hcon oiicrathiR here for more Mount Herman, to alterin lo matters 0 P, M, on Fridays. proucli in the intricacies of its crea­ bers of tlic audience. The final de- than six months on a federal grant Over Last Year's Costs .IS chairman of the school's, five main open weekdays until 9 l^.M. will bo a pai-ado with two tion, mlnce-meat pics orlRlnnlly cusion, however, will be up to the of $1.5,000. musical units and several floats, a (ire'engine, Santa Claus, the Two oilier items on the coll wero Wealth Of Tradition selectmen, since a public liearlng mail Club Coinmissioiii'. unanimously approved, the acccp. were made almost entirely of moat The change intoWn politics wliicli For New GonstrucHon high school pep elubund several floats. 'I'lie parade will start .seh.soned with spices. Fruit, chiefly can only express opinion on mat­ Hero's a tip from'; Santa for tniico of several now rends as liigh­ Hidden Under Crust ters brought Ijefore it. restored tlie Republican Party to those who ore decorating a tree at (5;li5, according to chaii'man Dominic Forrara, ways ami ft'resolullon which em­ currants, was added, and probably power last October may affect The cost of new building in East because the dish was regnrdcd as Judge Vincent J. Fasano, speaking Haven during the fiscal year from to enter in the JChambor's The festival is planned as part powered the selectmen to mnlto now A wenth of tradition Is covered by public thinking in the matter, it was Christmas Lighting Contest, volers. , • a sweet, the fruit content was in favor of repealing the cesspool privately cxjircssed this week. The October 1, 1350 to September .10, 1951 of the town's Christmas ob.scrvance, c tho crust of the Yulellde mince meat ordinance said the law was out­ is osllniated at S2,7G6.920 by Build­ short stocky trees with, heavy and Is sponsored by the local Clintn- Xmas Lighting Contest The dlttlculty before tho town pie. Rraduaily Increased until mince­ project had the endorsement of De­ base growth are best lighted meat became a mixture of fruit and dated and 'obviously has been vio­ mocratic officials but was l?cpt out ing Inspector Clement Catalnno. Tho her of Commerce. tatliers now Is concerned with Althouph few people today know lated in the pa.st." He favored cor­ figure represents an increase of by strings of treo lights fastened • The pnrado will start nl 6:15 P. M. Attracts iVIany Entries; wliclher townspeople shall be forced spices, with or witiiout tije addition of the campaign. Former First in straight vertical. linos. Tall. it, the.pie represents Hie cradle of of meal. ; recting the ordinance in light of Selectman Frank S. Clancy was a $1,23"1,'100 over last year's total of at Partloc Place Exlcnsion, and will to use the meters unlll tliolr Irlnl B the Christ Child surrounded l)y the present-day conditions. 5].512,.520. trees are lighted best by drap­ proceed around the Green lo the Closes December 21st period expires on April first, and, Tlic whole world has a part in the firm believer in Moinuuguln Ke- ing strings ol bulbs diagonally lown hull, Ferrara said. gifts of the MaRl. It was made Questions Rights development. • Catalano's stalemenis were con­ secondly. It the one hour piirklng orlglally In oval form, to symbolize maklnR of a mlnce-meat pic. There tained in his department's annual around the troc to emphasize its A police car will lead 11)0 iinrade, Many East Haven residents of limit as adopted In an amendment are lemons citrons, and orannes Democratic Town Corrimitlce Federal Funds Certain symmefry. But no matter what followed by Santa. Claus, the Brad­ the ci;adle, and the varied in­ u Chairman James Gartland said he. report to the town. homes, apurlmcnl owners, and lo Attorney Thomas F. nqllly'.s gredients were the gifts. from Florida and ; apples Politics are not expected to affect According to the report a total of your ideas Join in iho fun ol ford Manor Drum Corps, tievernl business owners liave entered the motion by Mhttliow Anaslnslo does>' from a half a dozen states; currants too, was in favor of repealing tlic the ability of EastMlaVen to secure beautifying your homo and Hoats, the high school band, high not supercede tho present rule on At one time mince-moat pie was ordinance, but questioned tlie power 2,5G2 permits were issued iiy Hie community during the holiday Christmas Lighting Contest being banned, and at still another time in from Greece; rnlsns from the Pacific federal funds, however, if the public building department during the school Pep Club and a fire engine sponsored by Ihe East Haven Cliam­ tho use of motors. • ,' Coast: sugar and .syrups from of the Board of Selectmen to do so. decides tliat it wants the area-to be season by entering tho, contest from Company No. 1. Its history,vit. was the ,cau.se of Gartland said if a public hearing, year, of which IGS were for build­ today. bcr of Comniercc. Conlcst officials First Selectman Frank A. Barkoi-' Christmas Itself being abolished for Louisiana and Cuiia; suet from the face-lifted. ings. Last year 2,212 permits wore !i"errara snld floats are nbw being report wide-sin-oad enthusiasm Middle West; spices from far-away rather tiian a town meeting, was all planned by various service clubs, snld last night that tlio,. Board ot a brief period. that was needed to cliange the or­ Doran siiid that, conversation are issued, of whicli 369 were for build­ .Eighty memliers of Kr. Regan throughout the town. Public Safety, ot which lio Is nn ox- Ceylon; and other Ingredients from ings. Council K of C, participated in a fraternal groups, lown merchants For'many years in England dur­ far and near. dinance he had no objection, but now being carried oh with interested The town will be divided Into oflloio member, would bo called In he wished to have the correct residents and properly owners in The total revenue taken in by llio corporate communion la.st Sunday !>nd other organizations. ' to special session to consider thp ing the time of Oliver Cromwell, tlic Hu „„,, ,„.„„ mlr„.r. ,r,n„l r,l„c method of repeal clarified. Momauguin aiid that plans for re­ department tills year was .1111,2Gfl..50 morning, at 9:30 in St Clare's Cliambcr of Commerce memliers three districts Momauguin, tho iillght. Barker furllier stated that If habilitation of tlie area arc pro­ compared to SS,242 last year, Cil- Church. After gathering al the Main serving on Hie commllloe with For- cenlcr and i'"o.Non, Three divisions tlio Board wished to remove the Judge Fasano, who also is town gressing rapidly. • . alano reported. St. Council rooms. The group drove rara include Michael Como, Hcrnian will be Judged, the best doorway, motors in the Chld.soy.lIomlnRway ' counsel, said a public hearing was to SI. Clare's and entered Ihe church Scliurf, Daylon Well, John Melzo the best nlildoor troc and tho most in order, adding that since the Members of the agtjncy have been PermlLs to install cicclrical units anri Elwod Scobie. artlslic scene, : block and retain them In tlic bttsl- making the mincemeat weelts ... meeting at least 'twice a month lo were issued to 5-13 persons or con­ in a body. Fr. Fury, Curate al Hie noss sector at Ihe olhor end of Main pie durlngthe holiday season. This advance of the actual pie baking. original ordinancevvas adopted by Momauguin house of worship, and Stores along Main Street will be There will be llirce first prl"/.0SvOt prejudice was finally overcome after a Board of Selectmen that tlie pres­ discu.ss Hie project and review the tractors during the year, amounting .$10 each and six second place SIrcot, in accord with the wishes History, tradition, and Its own to- a total revenue of ,'51,086. Also a memlocr of the local council, "con­ decorated for the season, and be­ of the otfected merchants, he snw tlie nestorntloii. ;,',. ent board was in a position to re­ survey, Loran said. . Tlic actual ducted tho Mass. Upon conclusion ginning on Ihe night of the parade awards 'of $5 oncli. In addition merits have made mlnce-meat pie peal it. Masano said the town lias plans arc being prepared by Hie noted in the report were the Issii honorable mention cortlflcates will no reason wliy such n plan slioulil jIn tho'New World, during the first one of tlie most Interesting of all ance of 340 plumbing permits, cost of the religious observance, tlie will be open weekday evenings for not be Irlod but. half century after the Pilgrims' nr- the power to make certain laws reg­ Technical Planning Associates of members then motored ,lo the Annex Ihe remainder of llie sliopping 1)0 given. , food producl.s—rlRhtfully occupyiuR ulating health without first present­ New Haven. ,. ' ing S2,040, and 2S8 oil burner per It' isn't lo Into to submit your The narlthiE meler motion pro- rival-at, Plymouth, similar troubles its place of honor at the Yuletido mils totaling S45G. House lo partake of a prepared iiorlod. caused the banning of mlnce-meat ing sucli laws to a town meeting. The agency also has retained breakfast entry. Entry blanics and suggestion sonled by nollly, which was carried • feast. Charles Bcau.soieli, 51 Cliff Street, Otlier permits issued included 203 booklets may bo secured from East pies and Christmas. In 1659, and 'riie other item considered at tlic septic tank permits costing .$406; 157 72 to 53, moved that the Board Ot tor several years Uiorenfter, there As SamuelPepys staled in life hearing would change the plumbing for consullation in real estate mat­ Tom Gagliardi acted as toast- Church Of Christ ilnvcn Hardware Store, Western Public Safety which liislalletl the ters,, Doran • said,' Bea'usoloil has excavation permits, costing $1.57; master where he Introduced Fr. Auto, Carroll's. Cut Uale, Goody's was no Christmas In New England famous diary about his 16G2 Clirist- ordinance to ' require plumbers to 195 power pump clean out permits, motors be advised Hint if sonllmopt :\s a result of an argument over the mas dinner: place a temporary cold patch on made an extensive survey of prop- Michael ' McVerry as special Benefited By Yule Hardware Store, . Atidorijon's Auto Was against such motcru'thofHiny . ei'tits in the area in coiialioratlon coating ,$196; 34 range oil slorngc guest and spsakcr, Tlio Rev, Mc Accessories, 'i'own 5 arid 10 and Wol iiliape and meaning of mince meal "We had, besides a good chine of streets dug up for excavation and permits costing .$17; plumbing per-. siiould bo moved us soon.as poH- pio?., Eventually the Indignation beef and otlier Rood cheer, elRlitccn later having a permanent patch ap­ with tho planning firm in order lo Vetry, an authority on the Worth 5 and 10, •, sltllc,:. _ ...-', e.stabllsli h .sound basis for deter- mils, costing S13S; one gasoline Diocesan and Labor Council, Sale Held Recently Entries must be accompnnlod;^b,v;M mlnce-meat pies." plied liy the town at a cost to tiic tank permit at ?2;-.and two perinits '•' Rolily loltl the meoilng bo' was plumber of $15 per square yard. inination of the future plans, Doran [qve an interesting ta)k. on one dollar.' They may be tile,iU-)n:liyjsgainsv t motors wiiolcsale," but said. - •• •, -.SJ:, •••;!.'•:••- " ', '. .t'ovmoyb bulltJHi"gi',':wstlhg'$10 each. ?deology of .man. down through Mrs., Robert D, Schroedcr wus any of "the above sl.oresi '.livvi Jj Objection Raised > : ".Licenses werevl.s.sued 10-87.-(ilec-' chairman of tile . Christmas fair CBpoclally In the Chldsoy Avcliuo to •'iJlil fObjootion - to,, the ..proposal .was Create Year Houiid'HoiiieB s'- .''. tho'^ages.'---'jj.V,::,: ''"' lield recently '.In, the-:parish, .Theconlosl.cl,.,sosj^rlday,pec9m4?^^^^^^ raised-by Dwlght i Jurani, a.' local It Is proposed 16 create - In Mii?- triart! '-contractors,.' bj"JnglnB..ln ..liSe.S, : • - Fr. • OSDon nol 1, "reelitr.' dioH oerzj..e-^^-.,-.,;v ..:-•,.,:.,,: . .::- ,-j-;|MnlivStreet.'H6..sald the tovvn-wa.s mauguin a year round residential and to 97 plumbing contractors, "of Ch'ri.sl Eiilscopili,. ' ^Churcli,'- Eas't j Deconition wlf'Ji'':ifg'litS"'ls""ri'fgoo'tl plumber, who asked why a cliarge amount ing to .$1,02.5. Also i.ssucd opened and closed 11Ir e breakfast [not roody for motors,' and 'added' 'i M shouki be necessary, since other community, Doran said. The plans occasion with appropriate prayer. Haven, by the Women of Iho'church • wa.y of expressing one's ClirlBlmas that the, townspeople iiaci nof.hnd. will provide tor-retaining houses were 44 licenses to sell fuel oil, Chairmaii of decoriillons for llio greetings lo friends and lielghliors, towns repaired such places at town amounting to .$220, and 19 licenses Tho Mariin Olsons Jr., are the proper opportunity lo bo.honrd expense. Barker .said ehdrging a fee which are sui)st.intial in structural about settled in their grand new fair WHS Mr.s. Kenneth yoi'l

. l»oge Two THE BRANTOHD HEVIEW - EAST HAVEN NEWS Thursday, Dccomber 13. 19S1 Thursday, December 13, 1951 THE DRANFGRD REVIEW j EAST HAVEN NEWS Mrs. Charlotte Watson Charles J. Dempsey, Mrs. Clark Elliott Verna M. Hartman gago TKtf Mrs. Ora Bak^r. 73, nett Tuesday at 2:30 and burial Television Programs Funeral Service Friday; Transportation Official, Mrs. Alice M. Bolton, was in the Central Cemetery, Bran­ Rites Held Yesterday; Rites Held Saturday Funeral Held Fri. A Light Christmas OUR DEMOCRACY- -hyMak ford. The Rev. Dr. Paul Sylvester Eastern Star Member Was Once East Havener The funeral of Verna M. Hartman, RUBBING Formerly Of Branford, of Edgewood Church conducted the Thirty Years In Area Funeral services for Mrs. Alice On December 24,1851, the Reverend Henry Schwan lighted services. (CHANNEL G—WNHC-TV) 4:00—Kale Smith Sings Ilolden Elliott, wife of Clark M. widow of Frank C. Hartman. for- 5:00—Film Short Mrs. C'harlotic l-'rcnman W.ilson, Funeral .sorvicos for former East merlv of East Haven, was held from the nrst tree at an American Christmas service at tho Eion ELBOWS Was Prominent Pianist SundOY. December 16 Funeral .qorviccs wore held wife of Louis WalKon of .VI Ilryan Haven resldont Charles J. Demp.scy. Elliott Sr., of G13 Laurel Street. East the \V. S. Clancy Funeral Home, 5:15—Time For Beany llavert, wore held last Saturday Church in Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. nnd Mrs. Francis J, O'Con­ 10:00—Frontiers or Fnilli 5:30—Ilowdy Doody Wednesday afternoon from the Road, Branford, dlcrl Tuesday. Her manager of the Now llavon Division East Haven, Friday afternoon. Alice T. Peterson Mrs. Alice Meigs liolton, wife of nor, of 83G5 Loon Street, Forcat- Curtis Funeral Home for Mr.s. Ora age was 03. She was a incml)or of of the Connecticut Company, were morning at 11 In the Grady Funeral viilo, Wa.shlngton, D. C, announce 10:30—Versatile Varieties 0:00—Kit Doodle Home, New Haven. Ucv. Robert Dull, The Rev. Alfred Clark ot Christ Since 1951 will mark the one-hundredth anniversary of this WARMTH AND LIGHT FROM THti FIB-EPLACE ON AWINTER, William S. Bolton ot 7,30 George ll.;00—Ranger Joe 6:25—Weatller Forecast Laolier Barker, widow of Loren C. the Trinity Episcopal Churclr and liold from the SIsk Brothers Funeral Episcopal Church officiated and also Street. Now llnvon, who tieforo lior the birth ot tlieir third daughter, Baker, of Bnyberry Lane, Branford, Georgia Chapter No. 4H, Order of Home, 12« Dwight Street, Tuesday pastor ot the East Pearl Street, M. E. event, it is particularly appropriate that tlio East Haven Cham­ EVBbTlNG- THE SMELL AND NOISE OF POPPING KERt^ELS - UNSELFISH GIVING Kathleen Pnlricia, on November 27. 11:15—Industry On Parade B:30—News Church offlcl.ited. read-the committal .service at East marriage in 1920, was widely known 11:30—Kit Corson 6:45—In the Public Interest and Whitnoyville, who died Monday Eastern Star. at 8:30 and a solemn requiem high Lawn Cemetery. ber of Commerce has cliosen this year to inaugurate its Christ­ APPLES FROM THE BARREL IN THE CELLAR.- lldtiort Stephens ot Newark, N. J., as a piano teacher In that city, died Mrs. O'Connor is the former Made- aa:00—All Star Revue 7:00—Kukla, Fran and Ollle in Chester at tiie age of 73. A native of An.sonia, Mrs. Wal.son mass was celebrated at St. Aedan's A native ot East Haven she was draij;ncr of tiie 1951 Cliristmiis Seal, at her lioine Saturday night." lino T. Fitzgerald of East Haven. Church at !) o'clock. Burial was in the daughter of the late Albert and Mrs. Hartman, wrio died at the mas Lighting and Home Decoration contest. was a newspaper man, an iron 1:00—Date With Judy 7;ir—Bob and Ray Interment vfas In Conler Come- was the sister of tiie late Charles home of her daughter. Mrs. Russell Until recent years, she had boon 1:30—Cisco Kid 7:30—Campus Quarterback lory, with the Rev, Floyd Fuller of Freeman. St. Michael's Cemetery, Springfield, Margaret Burke Holden, and for The Chamber is to be congratulated, not only for commem­ worker, a restaurant cashier, an an At a recent election of the Haven Mass. many years sang In the ;";ast Pearl Mallinson, of West Haven, is also toacher and researcher, and a U.S. a member nt vnrlous times of the Estate Clvle Association of East 2:00—Hopalong Cassldy 7:45—Nowsrecl the Whitneyvllle Church officiating. Other R\jrvlvors aro two daughters, survived by two .sons. Capl. Robert choirs of the Edgewood nnd the 3:00—Chance Of A Lli:etlnie 8:00—Milton Borle Demp.sey died at Ills homo at 210 Street Church choir. orating the centennial, but for taking the initiative in making ^rmv rambal engineer betoro he Haven the following officers were Born In Ulster County, N. Y., Mrs. Mrs. Carl Potts ot Waterbury, and S. Hartman, with the CW Division In sotilivi down to his present occupn- Plytnouth CongroEatlonnl churches chosen: President, Ray Laeurie; vice 3:30^ Juvenile Jury •• n;00^-Crimo Syndicated Baiter hadlivod In this area for 30 Mrs. Robert E. Till ot Wallingford; Lawn Crest Road, New llavon, late Besides her husband, .she leaves Germany, and Frank C. Hartman, ot East Haven's Christmas brighter. Dedication to civic better­ 4:00—Moot The Press 9:30—Suspense Saturday night. He was 50. In fail- three sons, Jarvis Elliott, of Los liuii of oonuiiorclai artist art Mrs. Bolton was tho dnughler of president, Stuart Koeler; secretary, years. S'lc was a momHcr of Mnrtlia two sisters, Mrs. Curtis Williams New Britain, and four gramlchlkiron. ment and service ot this nature tends to improve, beautify and director. the late Charles I, Meigs of Bran­ ,Tolin Angu.s, nnd treasurer, Joseph 4:30—Ono Mort'a Family 10:00—Amateur Hour Chapter No. 21, O. E. S., of New of North. HaVen, and Mrs. William Irig health for a long period, ho had Angeles, Cal., Clark, Jr., of East 11:00—Amazing Mr. Malonc continued to handle his admlnistra- ford, long active In Rcpubllean af­ Mulcnhy. 5:00-i-Stu Erwin Show Britain; Hamden Grange 00, and Chlsiiolth of .Orange, also throe Haven and John Elliott, al.so of East publicize the community. 'I'lio artist was born 45 years ago fairs In tills part of the state. 5:30—Super Circus 11:30—Charlie Wild the Whilneyvlllo Church .Woman'.-) grandchildren. llye duties. Haven. Interment was In Fair Hiiven Further the contest will contribute immeasurably to the in Scianton, Pa. and later moved to 6:00—Fred Waring 12:00—News Club. ' The funeral will take place from The transportation executive had Union Cemetery, whefe tho Rev. Mr. 'Mf(^:jSNiVf-' Wilkesliarrc where he was gfaduat- A natWe of Derby, Mrs. Bolton •' 7:00—Paul Whitemnn the parlors of the Curtis Funeral been superintendent of the New Bull read the committal service. oyer-all Christmas spirit. The results of it will bo a source of ed from lilgh school. While attend- spent most ot her girlhood In Bran­ • AAA* 7:30—This IB Show Business Wednesday, Docombor 19 She leaves a son, Loron E. Baker iiiK Syracuse (N. V.) University, Mr. ford. Subsequently, in New llavon, ofClinlon; a daughter, Mrs, Le- Homo, Branford, Friday afternoon at Haven Division since 1947. civic pride for the adults and a focal point of joy and excite­ 8:00—Toast ot the Town 11:30 to 0:00—Same as Monday ex. 2100. Rev. Thbmas Shannon will of­ Dempsey started his service with Sli'plu'iis spent his summers as an she studied the piano under Miss East Haven Green Garage molnc Bakor Neumann of Ilamdon; iron wi>rker. and tlion came to New Untherlne Blalchley, a noted pian­ 0:00—TV Playhouse I cept a l)rolher, Edwin D. Lasher ol New ficiate. The burial will bo In Oak the utility at Bridgeport 37 years ment for the youngsters. 10:00—Celebrity Time 4:00—Frank Sinatra Show Cliff Cemetery, Dcrliy. ago, as a motorman. He was later Voik t:ily to study art nt tlie Art ist ot her day. Domlnlck II. Ferrnra Britain; n Mister, Mrs. Alma Rath- /^•SAFEl Don't you, Mr. and Mrs. East Haven, miss the opportunity Students Lcadiie. In New York ,he Besides her husbnnd. .she is sur­ 10:30—You Asked For It a;00f-Song Premiere gun of New London; three grand­ transferred to the repair shop in Loul.H L. Mngnlorc 11:00—Sunday News Special that city, and came to New Haven of having the brightest Christmas ever in your community. Join supported himself by working as a' vived by a daURlitor, Mrs. Itonald 6;25i-Weatlier Forecast children and two great-grandchil­ rest,\iuant casliler between art W, Miner ot New Haven, and a GENiaiAL KKPAIRINfl 11:15—Firesldo Theatre 6:30—News • dren. Diversif ed Activities At in 1920. Ho was subsequently ad­ 11:45—20 Questions G:45—Vanity Fair Theatre vanced to foreman at the oUI Jarnns your neighbors this year and say "Merry Christmas" with an classes. brotiier, Vincent I. Mclgs of Ham­ ON ALL niAKKS OF CARS 12:15—News ' 7:00—Kukla, Fran and Ollle Grove J. Tuttle School Street carbarn and repair shop. attractively lighted and decorated home. Mr. Slephons left Now York City den. 175 Main St. East Haven 7:30—Ct. Spot light In 1938, Demp.'sey was transterrOd ^'C4li^ fur a Willie to work on the Provi­ Final services were hold in the Phone HO 7-373S Monday, Dccombor 17 7:45—Newsroel Informal Supper Starts Hold Student Attention to the englnoi_i'ing department, and dence Hi. i.) Journal, and then came funeral home of Bceclier and Ben­ 10:30 LnnRford-Ameclie Show B'OO—Arthur Godfrey In 1942 he was made superintend­ liai'k to New York to paint murnls 11:30—Strike It Rich 9:00-^trll{O It Rich A report of activities currently ent ot transportation, continuing in Discover tho bkssingi of Lennox .iiiil make displays for the Amorldan 12:00—50 Club 9:30—Plainclothesman Education Association's this post until he was made man­ Miiseiiiii of Natural History. hcing conducted l)yj)upils in vari'- bom* heatingi Freedom from 32:15-r-Love Of Life 10:00—Blue Ribbon Bouts Meeting In Cafeteria ous grades at the Grove J. Tuttle ager of the New Haven Division. No Minimum Balance LET'S AT lieluniing Inter to Rhode Island, 12:30—Search for Tomorrow 10:45—Sport Spot School, East Haven, was released As manager, Dempsey supervi.sod "flwoating," cold floors, draft« lie studied fine art under John 12:45—Nancy's Kitchen , U;00—Colgate Comedy Hour this week by. the school's teachers. the .switch over from trolley cars No Charge For Deposits ;.. automatic tompcratura con­ Fra/.ier at the School of Design there 1:30—Garry Moore Concl. News The East Haven Education As- Grade two students, under Mrs. to buses in September, 1918. The trol ... complete aafety;.. maxi­ THE BOOKS ami It was then tho water colors on ] :15—Behind Headlines .soclation held an informal supper Barbara Cote, arc weaving Christ­ new $2,000,000 bus terminal at Stale THE SECOND HATIONAl'S yj i.. wliieli he luul boon working began V!:00—Garry Moore Show . Thuroday, December 20 meeting on Monday evening Decem­ and James Streets was erected sev­ mum fuel aavinga. A BKB and I mas gifts which will be displayed typo of Lennox Heating Syatom j to win lionors. Since then, his work It I.s always a ploii.siiro for us to announce a new 2:30—First 100 Years 11:30 to 0:00—ealhe as Tuesday cx^ ber 10, In the High School Cafeteria. in the room when tlnishod. The sec­ eral years ago, wl.ile ho managed li.'is lieoii accepted In permanent service and also ono tliat we hope will be helpful to 2:45—Bride and Groom cept Following the supper, a musical ond grade pupils also have boon the IVew Haven Division. " '&ec^P^^ to aolvo your heating problem* i with ALBA M. FRATONI carols, with tiie audience participat­ gettcr books which have been pub­ A. Knopf — 3.50 tho central theme, not only because the bank. Tuesday, Decombor 18 12:30—Search For Tomorrow ary. ing In the singing ot "Silent Night." WHAT NOTS I it was seasonal, but also because lished this year. The follow alpha­ MelvUie Goodwin U.S.A. — Jolin P. 10:30 to 6:00—Same as Monday ex­ 12:45r-Fun With Food Saturday, December 22 Miss Joyce Alkir'e's fourth grade betically arranged by authors Marquand. Little Brown — 3.75 BY GITA ROUND '^ Santa Claus Is tho .symbol of un­ Those who have tlie cash have always saved at class has been studying maps to ^ One ot her three wishes, for Chiistmas x selfish giving. cept 1:30—Garry Moore 9:30—Foodlni, Tiic Groat names; Insurrection — Liam O'Flahorty. •Hamilton's. Now you, too, can have the cash by using 12:45—Italian Cookery learn how to distinguish various Little, Brown — 3.00 1:45—Conn. Club Reporter , 10:00—1110 Big Top geographical areas by their dlftor- Humor A penny here, a penny there. our now budget plan. You can select totms best suited 1:30—Steve Allen 2:00—Garry Moore 11:00—Wild Bill HIckok AMERICAN LEGION Tho Farmer's Hotel — John O'Hara. cnt colors on the maps. from ... ' & Bella, Bella, Kissed A Fella—Arthur You pay out calmly everywhere. John F. Hawkins, 3:45—Garry Moore Show 2:30—First Hundred Years 11:30—Smilin' Ed The fifth grade, under Miss Kober. Random House—2.75 Random House — 2.00 to your need, the cash discount we allow you will 2:30—First 100 Years 2:45—Bride and Groom 12:00-Betty Crocker Star Matinee Evelyn Eherth, has boon participat­ A Mouse Is Born — Anita Loos. Rock Wagram — William Saroyan. But this time of year usually more than pay tho bank iiitcrcst. Come in to­ 2:45—Bride and Groom 3:00—Miss Susan ]2;.30—Personal Appearance BINGO Doubleday — 2.50 Doubleday — 3.50 You can't relax Boating Enthusiast, ing in various, activities on Satur­ The Troubled Air — Irwin Shaw. morrow. Lot's discuss your problem and find out how 3:00—Miss Susan 3:1!)—Here's Looking At You 1:00—Boston Blackle days, including an arts and crafts EVERY Luci lie's Liberated Latin — Dick Shaw (Il­ Every present is stamped with tax, tax, tax. 3;T5—Here's Looking at you 3:,30—Bert Parks 1:30—Film Shorts workshop, square dancing and two lustrations by O. Soglow). Double- Rand House — Dies In 56th Year wo can help you. 3:30—Bill Goodwin' 4:00—Film Short 4:00—Racket Squad hikes In nearby area. Currently SATURDAY NIGHT day -- 1.75 President's Lady — Irving Stone. Gurd Bradley seriously ill in Now Murphy is a firm ijollover of mail- 4:15—Kate Smith Sings 4 ;,30—Garry Moore scheduled Saturday activities will The Many Loves Of Dobie Glllis — Doubleday — 3.50 Haven Hospital and is recuperating ing Christmas cards early, but then John Frederlclt Hawkins, husband 5;0n—Space Cadet ,5:00—Gabby Hayes 1)0 devoted to designing and making Tow-t Hall, East Haven Max Shulman. Doubleday — 2.50 Tiie Wanderer — MIka Waltari. from an operation performed Satur- they are sent to Germany, Korea, of Mae Sansono Hawkins, of Grove 5:15—Time For Beany Putnam — 3.75 day Tho former First Selectman Alaska, Japan, Africa to her former Street, Short Bench, nnd 90 Marvel 5:30—Nature Of Things scenery for the Christmas play and SATURDAY, DEC. 15th Political Tlie Hand Of The Hunter — Jerome A.C.P. Electrical 5:30—Howdy Doody 5:45—On Tlie Line to making Christmas gifts. Peace Can Be Won — Paul G. Hoff­ and P'rank J. Kinney, Sr., both cele- pupils .... "Makes it'a pretty small Road, New Haven, died in tiie New- THE HAMILTON SHOPS 6:01)—Date at Six ; Weldman. Harcourt Brace — 3.00 brated their birthdays last Tuesday world" .... Mrs. Kay Kllgorman ington Veterans' Hospital on Friday 0:00—Better Homes Sliow I Special Attendance Prize man. Doubleday — 2.50 The Caine Mutiny — H. Wouk. 36-38 Eadcs Street Branford •--0 Service, Inc. r.:2n—Weather Forecast 6:30—Lone Ranger . . , :The Voice Ot Asia — James A. .... Warren Hopper, Uconn student, expected home this weekend feeling at the age of 56. 6:30—News • Doubleday — 3.95 delighted with Onlvorsity life fit a^ a fiddle aflorJJ-ecenl operation Born In New Haven, Mr. Hawkins 7:00—Grouclio Marx Concert At Haganian SATURDAY, DEC. 22nd ' Sizes 32-48 Free Gift Wrapping ' Michener.. Random House — 3.50 I feel certain that a great many INDUSTRIAL, COMMERCIAL G;45—Sport SpoUlght , ' , 7:30—Alan'Young , - Man Was Meant To Be Free—Harold Junior and Senior • High School at St. Raphael's HiApitaJ .... Don was employed tor the last 15 years 7:00—Kultln Fran and 6lllt 8;0Or-Ken,. Murtay J Open Evenings 'till 9 P.M., Dec.lBthiu 23 : of your friends will be delighted faculty to'hold< annual Christrrias ThoTntonr'chairman, o5,; the Now as a salesman for Petroleum Prod­ and RESIDENTIAL WIRING By Frifend^ Of Music TURKEYS TO ALL E. Stassen. Doubleday — 3.50 by receiving a book, and as equally party this evening In the high Year's Eve Ball at tndState Arhiory, 7:1,')—Hob and Ray • i .9:00—Show ot Sliow.9 Policy Fpr The West — Barbara ucts. Ho was vice! commander of COMPLETE LINE OF 7:30—Tlio.se Two 10;.30—lilt Parade SINGLE WINNERS I PHONE HO 7-5551 sure that your local bookshop will school cafeteria .... Miss Mac T. .says reservations are going fast .. the Branford Yacht Club and was 7:45^—News Caravan Ward. W. Norton — 3.75 be pleased to Christmas wrap them 11:00—Wrestling from Chicago Has Eighty. Listeners Miscellaneous "Buy me this. Daddy?" '• •' a member of American Loglon Post ELECTRICAL FIXTURES K;On—Mama Concl—News Bulletins - I 179 Main Street East Haven for you — thus 'eliminate further •17 of Now Haven. 11 APPLIANCES AND 8:;in—Wo The People An audience of approximately 80 'Ross and The New Yorker — Dale fussing on your part. Mama said with a wlnlc Known as "Fred" • Hawkins, lie !):0()—The Big Story pc'r.sons attended Sunday after­ I think 'twas a stole— was a prominent figure in local SUPPLIES n:;w—Aldrlch Family noon's Christmas concert in East CHHISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICE boating circles. During World War 1 RE-UPHOLSTERING FIRST CHURCH OF Either sable or xhink. 407 Main Street East Haven Haven presonlod by the Friends of Christ Church Notes ho served as a machinist's mate In Music at the Hagaman Memorial .. At Moderate Cost... ..CHRIST, SCIENTIST, Pa pondered the problem, th(i U. S. Navy. 3 691 Whitney Avenue Sunday, December 16 — A gleam in his eye. SHOPPING Lilirnry. By Expert Craftsmen 3rd Sunday in Advent — Ho leaves his wife; five slster-s, Giiost soloists on the program New Haven, Connecticut "This lathe will do nicely. ... Lillian Sabine of Branford, Grace Sunday Services are at 11 A.M. 8:00 A.M. Holy Communion wort! Miss Margaret Wacry and 9:30 A.M. Church School This, Ma, will I buy." ...... Stuart ot East Haven, Charlotte FRIDAY William Ha.s.so Jr. Others participat- Castle Shop and-4:30 P.M. Sunday School con- Sorronllnn of Hartford, Nellie Csa- LINDEN REST HOME voritjs at 11 A.M. A nursery for in­ 11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer and George "Battler" Laich has the his North Main Sireot .shop after merda of West Haven,-and Virginia DECORATORS fants is maintained during the Sun­ sermon by the rector answer to your Tnoving problems completing a week's- refresher Souls, of Now York; nnd four and GONVALESGENT day morning Service. The Wednes­ 5:00 P.M. Vesper Service yPF. either local or long distance ,... course at tlio^ Evinrude faclorj; In brothers, Paul and Alfred Hawkins STEVE PRUSSICK Designers and Manufacturers of day evening testimony service Is at Address l)y the Rector. Immediate Has recently become agent for-Hod Milwaukee, Wis' Promised Living Room Furniture of North Branford; Theodore Haw­ GARAGE 8. The Reading Room is located at after this service the YPF will be' Bali Motor Lines .... Imagine Mrs. headlines not forth coming as GOP kins of Hamden; and George Haw­ All work done right on our 152 Temble Street and is open week­ given a Suki-Yaki supper by' the Harry Juniver's plight';' Was on parly returns to even keel .... Mrs. kins, of New Smyrna Beach, Fin. Mrs, Kay Anastasio, Prop. EQUIPPED TO REPAIR days from -9 A.M. to 8:15 P.M. Rector and' Mrs. Clark • and the Chicago's Breakfast Club of the Air iVlyrtlo Baldwin added another premises Wardens and their wives. Funeral .sorvicoH wore held from Registered Nurses in ALL MAKES OF CARS Wednesday until G. ALL ARE and.remembered she loft turkey in candle to her lilrthday cake last the Curtis Funeral Home Tuesday PHONE HO 7-7G30 INVITED. Tuesday, Docombor IS — the oven The 70 odd youngsters Tuesday .... Credit Joe Kllmas Attendance Day and Night W, Mail, SI. Tol. 8-SJtS Bnnlord 228 Main Street East Hoven 8:00 P.M. Mr. and Mrs. Clark will at 2 P. M. Interment w.is East Lawn "God 'The Preserver Of Man" will who assisted' In redecorating the with the smartest costume at the Cemetery. Carefully Prepared Meals STOP IN hold their December meeting aiid Community Center were given a Freshman Shipwreck party .... ho bo the subject of the Lesson-Sermon Christmas Party, in the church hail The Rev. Alfred Clark of the and Diets for Sunday, December 16, 1951. banquet last night .... Director Joe came sm.-irtly dressed in a sport Episcopal Church in E.isl Haven of­ Thursday, December 20 — Trapasso, Frank Kinney, Jr., Jolin outfit and over his shoulders hung PHONE HO 7-5828 Tho Golden Text is from Pasalms ficiated. Tlie active bearers were all 7:00 P.M.-The Junior and Boys Walsh were tho official potato jioci- a sign "I missed tho boat" .... Ann Branford Yacht Club membors, as­ 83 Main Street East Haven 62;7. "In God is my salviitlon and Choir of Christ! Church with Johnson antl Mary my glory: the rock of my strength, ers ...; Mrs. Kinney and Mr.s. rm-jPetola, Marsh sociated with Hawkins for many Momauguin wi|I rehearse, in the strong cooked 52 pounds of turkey i Jano Wheeler wore among the years in ills boating aollvitics. They The and,my refuge. Is in God." church. Kids arc real proud of their of- costume winners .. ..Indian Neck wore, Edward SmolonskI, (Chester .Selections from the Bible include 7:45 P.M. The Senior Choir of forls-and so is the Roc Advisory Yacht Club Drag-Net Party success- Miller, William Crawford, Stephen MODERNIZE YOUR tlie following: "Come unto me, all Christ Church and Momauguin will Board .... Harry Johnson hack utiful ..._. Koczak, Richard Cronan nnd Alfred ye that labour and are heavy laden, hold a rehearsal. Johnson. KITCHEN Mariner and I will give you rest. Take my Friday, December 21 —- Extra help yoke upon you, and learn of me; 7:30 P.M.. Christ Church Sunday On the postal scene wHh baked-on wliito enamel tnstal for I am meek and lowly ot heart: Scliool Christmas Party Festival, So send yours off MAKE HER CHRISTMAS GIFT CABINETS and yo shall find rest unto your in the Church. And don't be mean Ceramic Tile Installation jOR souls." For my yoke Is easy, and MOMAUGUIN MISSION THE KIND THAT GOES ON GIVING^ Floor and wall modelt avallabia my burden is light," (Matt. 11:28-30) 101 Dewey venue FLOORS AND WALLS jvWo died Friday after a short ill­ The Uev. Irving Alkln.s, pastor ot Correlative passages from the Sunday, December 16 — Immecliata Denvary ness. He was in his 83d year. St. Stephen's Church, officiated at SEE THE NEW ELECTRIC Christian Science texbook, "Science 3rd Sunday in Advent — Born in Sunbury, N. C, Mr. Bea­ Venecion Tile Compan'y . THE CONN. PLUMBING and Health with Key to the Scrip­ 0:30 A.M. Morning prayer and mon had lived with his iaughlor the .services. Interment was in Cen­ East Main St. Branford 8-9691 tures" by Mary Baker Eddy, include sermon by Mr. George Stiegler. since June. ter Cemetery. TOASTERS NOW ON DISPLAY' AND LUMBER CO. SMIiGiSBiR OIl|vialtttaa l^nurHl the following (p- 494): "Divine Love 10:40 A.M. Church School always has met ^and always will Wednesday, December 19 — AT YOUR APPLIANCE DEALER'S. 1730 Stata SI. Naw Havan, Coaa. meet every human need. It is not 7:40 P.M. Mission Church School Tal. 7-0294 well to imagine that Jesus demon­ Christmas Party Festival at 101 5 to 8 P. M • • strated' the divine power to heal Dewey Avenue. only for a select number or for a All Residents of Branford Area limited period of time, since to all THE CONNEQICUT LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY mankind and in every hour, divine Mrs. Alma Johnson, 87, The answers to everyday A Buslnoi%-ManagQd, Tax-Paying Company East Haven News Love supplies all good." Was Buried Today, insurance problems • ANNOUNCING THE OPENING ^iti«r((i«intiif Capitol Theatre OPEN EVERY Tho Riverside Fire Department By Bay Plant, Jr. Buying and Service Guide will be host to firemen of all East Lived Here 64 Years OF THE 271 MAIN ST., EAST HAVEN Haven companies oti Saturday at 8 <$^ P. M. in Riverside Hall. Ail firemen Mrs. Alma Charlotte Grlnnen f:^=^^b^44 From where I sit... &y Joe Marsh are invited. Johnson, wife of Samuel Johnson, of Sun. Mon. Tue., Dec. 16-17-18 | 93 High Street, East Haven, died NATIONAL CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC EAST HAVEN WATCHES — DIAMONDS DAY and NIGHT Tuesday at tho age of 87 after a HARDWARE STORE Tanks Are Coming long illness. t SONDERGAARD s ©Ifi? Sranfnrii l&tmm Points — Glass — Toys — also — (ESTASLISIIEO IK 102B) Born in Sweden, Mrs. Johnson ACADEMY ON THE GREEN Sign of a Nice Guy Cleaning Supplies — Garden 250 Main St. Branford AND had lived here for 64 years. Supplies — Household Needs 'Moke this beautiful, pructiccl tone She leaves her husband; a daugh­ Tel. 8-'Jl32 Anne of the Indies Cedor Chest her first "very own" ter Mrs. Tracy McEwen of Shelton; QUESTION: When a tree or large 319 Main St., cor. Elm Street Sljf Sast i^nwn N^uia limb is blown down by the wind Learn how to secure the greatest benefits for you or 9 AM. TOO RM. 'piece of fumiiure! In its sweet a .son, Samuel Einer Johnson of fiol HO nrnund these p'artH that From where 1 sit, Happy lia« PUBLISHED EVERY THUBSDAY and damages a roof, what form your child's musical education. All instruments taught Wed., Thurs., Dec. 19-20 smelling red cedar interior she'll Orange; and six grandchildren. everywhere a hunter wentllilH foil, onco again shown why ho gets MEYEE LESHINE and 30KS E. IJOEB, of insurance covers the damage? by qualified instructors. Low tuition rates. Register along with ovcryono and why AUGIE'S AUTO REPAIR THROUGH DECEMBER 21st find the safe, private sanctuary publlsbers Funeral services were held from he came up a(;ninist HlKtiD sayinf( Central Cleaners & Dyers WILLIAM J. AHEEK, Editor the Curtis Funeral Home, 69 South ANSWER: Several kinds of poli­ NOW as enrollment i.s limited. "PlilVATK I'KOl'KHTV, NO IIUNTINB, everyone respects him. Happy's, Let's Dance she has olways wantetf for Alico T. Peterson, Associate Editor Main Street, Branford, at 2 this Home of Distinctive Cleaning GENERAL REPAIRING Except SATURDAYS her most personal ^ cies cover damage of that type KKEI' OFi'." Hut not out at Happy likes and dislikes might not be the ; J/ ' — also — THE BEAlfrORD EEVIEW, INC. afternoon. Interment was in the but the least expensive broad some' OS his neighbors', but that Wo Operate Our Own Plant TIRES — BATTERIES treasures. Just one ^ 7 EoBo Street Tel. 8-2431 Branford West Grove Cemetery, with Rev. Al­ O Modern, approved methods IVenton'R place! I'HB EAST HAVEN NEWS fred Clark of Christ Church officiat­ coverage is contained in the Ex­ doesn't stop him from iindcrsfand- 4-HQur Cleaning Service Union Station dollar delivers it and Tel. Branford 8-2431 I Happy's Bifc'ns nay "PBIVATB AAA SERVICE AAA FREE PARKING — Tydol Station ing. tended Coverage clause added to 9 Progressive and psychological approach inn. When it comes to opinions on Coll For and Deliver Phone HO 7-5218 439 Main St. then you get weeks" P. 0. Box 215 Eaat Haven your fire policy. I'Roi'EiiTy, coon HUNTING, BUT BE '^Ml 'and jweeks to poyl CABEFUL." hunting, fishing, politics, ways of 322 Main St. Phono HO 7-0070 Fri., Sat., Dec 21-22 SUBHOEIPTION • Pleasurable and interesting farming, or whether your favorite GEORGE at ORANGE J2.B0 per year, payable in advance* Thomas Beamon, 83, "Don't Imnt myself," Happy aays, •If you'll address your own in­ beverage Is beer or cider, try to be •I H ADVEETISINO BATES OM APPLICATION BARKER TRUCKING CO. The Fighting Died Following Illness; surance questions to this ofllce, • Guidance for parents "but Iherc'H plenty ot xame on my like,Happy and the chances are GEORGE A. SISSON Eatered as second class matter October we'll try to give you the correct property. I tell the huntcra where Local and Long Distance SHOP AND PARK IN EASE TOMMY'S FURNITURE HOUSE 18 1026 at the Post Office at Branford, you'll be really hoppyl INSURANCE Sullivans Conu., under Act of March 3,1870. answers and there will be no the best spotK arc—away from Moving, Crating. Storage Center Cemetery Burial charge or obligation of any kind. — also — 149 ^lain St., 0pp. Green East Haven, Conn. where I'm worlcint; and where no­ FIRE — BONDS 5 Urb Avenue, East Haven Shop, Cham^erlains! The Review and The Neva velcomo contrl- WILLIilM M. TflGGARD, Local Registrar body else In huntini;, It works out bntiona from reader* upon any aubject of Funeral services were held Mon­ Automobile - Casualty Office Residence Salerno Beachhead > D. Thomas Onofrio Phone-HO 7-1707 DUbllo Interest. All communtcatlona must be day afternoon in St. Stephen's A. M. Palmer-Plant pretty well all-around." 21 Chldsey Avenue Hast Haven 7-4873 F. A. BARKER HO 7-OGOl Bliraed; Blffinturea wlU be withheld neon re- E. ZIon Church for Thomas Henry Call Branford 8-1561 lor complete information qnoBt, Anonymoufl coutributlona will be dli- Deamon, fatiior of Mr.'. Carrie \Vi\- Z60 Main St. Branford 8-1729 retarded' , Hams ot 22 Church Street, I!ran(ovd, Cojiyrlgtii, tOai, Bretucrs Foundtttion *' bii^^^^^^^^^^ • -^|ji= f'

rage Flva THE BRANFQRD REVIEW-EAST HAVEN NEWS Thursdciy, December 13, 1951 Thursday. Doccmbcr 13. 1951 Pago Four THE BnANKORD nEVIgW - EAST HAVEN NEWS levoning at Mrs. Herman Mlchacl'.s, , ,. , call 8-1148 It Interest- ' home.-Those present were the Mrs. weeks old .. East Haven Knights Mildred Ames, Peggy Fraitklsb, led Nancy Eleanor Lincoin Rena L. Pevetty Rosemary Carlson To Selectman Hill Sees State Urges More short Beach Briefs Claire Plcrsort,"Kay Mahan, Althea Plan New Year's Eve North Branford Bridge Completion Soon North Branford 420 Youngsters Graded With HonorsJanlt a S. Scliulze Tel. 8-1M8 Hudlverdl, • Atkinson , nnd Yours CHILDREN'S PARTY To Be Bride Dec. 29 Of Becomes Bride Of Wed Jerome Hayward Truly The 24.hour vlrus-grlppo The children's dhrlstmas parly of Party Rt Clubrooms CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH sweeping round and round Short Navalo Council No. 54, D, of P., will Rev. Richard Kozelka, Pastor First Selectman Aidoii S. Illii re­ Land For School UNION CHURCH Beach this last week or so, upsetting Father Regan Council, 3300, Pfc. John Davies, USA Mr. Ervine Bell QUALM ports that the con.struction of the Mr. Rodney B. Snedeket. Pastor at least one member In each fninlly be hold Saturday In the town hall I, who looked at Summer Mrs. Arthur Maynard new bridge on Augur Road in Norlii- In Branford School System, First basement. Members arc asked to Knights of Columbus has announc-. Christ Church, East llnven, was Organist and Clioir Director In connection with tlie negotia­ 9:45 Church School and entire families In some cases, A cd plans tor a New Year's even Miss Nniiey Elpnnor Llncnln. With suth acquisitive ford Is expected to be finished be­ cold spell win kill that jusl about call IIO7-1096, HO7-2100 or IIO7-2039 (InuRhtor of Mr. nnd Mrs. Hiiwlov the scene of a pretty wedding bil And avid eyes for every 11:00 Morning Worship fore Christmas. tions for the property for .school 11:00 Worship Service as soon ns possible If thoy Intend celebration. Tickets have already Wnrclell Lincoln of infjO Old llnrl- Saturday afternoon, November Z-llli, Beauty It could give, additions First Selectman Aiden- S. now to bring any children to the parly, gone on sale and reservations must Hill further reports that August ST. ELIZABETH CHimCH This Sunday, kids, December IGlh, be made by December 20th. ford Turnpike, Norlli llavpn, will lip at 2 1'. M. when Miss Uena L Feel ,a lUHo guilty ZION EPISCOPAL CHURCH Querfcld of Foxon Road, North Hill reports that .lohn JakubLszyn in Marking Period Report Indicates Pastor, Rev. John F, O'Donnetl so (hat all may receive n gift mnrrlert to Tfc. John DHVIOH, U. H.t'cvetty , daughter of Mr, nnd Mrs Since earth and trees are bare The Hov, Frances J. Smith, Rector Branford, has been appointed as a Northford is interested in selling h'is our Firo Department Xmas Party Army, son of Mr. and Mr.s. Evan Chnrles , Pevetty of l.')2 Burgess Could I have worn them ragged Edmund L. Stoddard, Lay Reader entire piece of property to tlie toWn AsslstAnt, Rev. T. Fury will be under way at 2:00 P. M. so special constable. Stearns, Margaret Cooke and Joan don't be late In getting to the new Dnvlcs of 210 HlRh SIrcel, KasI Ilii- Street, East Haven, Was married to With my constant stare? Mrs. Paul Hawkins, Organist QuCrfeld is on duty to (urn on for .school use. Appro.xlmately •120 students of the Commercial Course; Janis Bram­ 10:30 A, M. Saturday Religious von, on Saturday afternoon, Decem­ Mr. Ervlnc S. Boll t)f Cambridge, Mrs. Edmund L. Stoddard The parcel consists of approxl^ I'aine. Instructions school It you live m the third voting Mass. The Rev. Alfred Clark official J. H, HoarchanI the traffic light at the Intcr.sectinn Branford Schools have obtained ble, Ann Cudgma and Virginia dislrlci. CJolng to bo lots of tun ber 29, at 3 o'clock In the Old .Stone Choir Director of Route 80 and Route 22 in the mateiv five acres. •' ' honor ratings for the first marking Hooghkirk. Grade 5; Peler Magee, William Masses: 8:30 — 10:30 Church, East Haven. - The Ilcv. oil. , The Christmas meeting of the n;.'OT Morning nervtcc and Sermon At (lie October 8 town meeting Dow, Steplien McDonald and Mavis Confessions: Also, tilts Sunday evening, at the center of North Branford cadi scliool Jakuhiszyn's price of SIO.OOO for two period, it was announced from Ihc Special Course; I'aula Kiczynski Union Chapel, do try to get to the James E. Waory will offlclnle Given In marriage by her fnlhor, Branford Garden Club was held at 10:00 Cliurch School on Saturday day morning. He is ai.so on duty oflice of the Superintendent of and Arlene Evis. Burns. Saturday 4:00 P.M. — 7:00 PM. assisted by the Rev. Joseph C. Rob- the bride wa.i attended by her sIS' the Baptist Church parlors on Frl. morning. ' and stationed at llie inler.seclion acres with about 125 front feet was Musical by the choirs at 7:30 P.M, bins of. Calvary BaptLsl Church, rejectctl and the selectmen were Schools Raymond E. I'inkham this HARBISON AVE SCHOOL Grade 6; Diane Dooley and Patricia C.Y.O. Thurada.v 6j45 PM. under (ho direction of Mrs. Loon Icr, Ml.ss Carolyn I'cvotly of Miami. day, December 7 at 2:15 P, M. during the noon hour of each scliool week. Gr.ide 1: Billy Prout, Jcrrv Clrie, Fla., as maid of honpt. ST. AUGUSTINE'S H' C CHURCH authorized to proceed with the ac­ Ricciottl. HI Again; jShorev .... Got your Grab Bnb 10c A reception win follow the cere­ Mrs, WInthrop Towner, presldenl, day to a.ssist th'o.so children who quisition of the land by the process Listed by schools they are; Junior Gary Miller, Tommy Cate, Edward OLD SHORT BEACH SCHOOL present ready for'tlio P.T.A. "Xmas mony In the High Lane Club. , Mr. Allan Bell of Hartford attend­ presided, ncports were Iven by Mrs. The Rev. John J. McCarthy, Pastor go homo to luncii and (hose wlio are and Senior High School, 119; Harri­ Cimino, Richard Zuwallack, Paul Grade 1; William Ahem, Robert Glad (0 hoar Mrs. Fred Voos is ed his brother as best man. Ushers W. D. Stanley, secretary pro-, permitted to go from school to of legal condemnation.. back on Main Street after a little Open House' nt the new .school FOR YOUR SELECTION Miss Nitnoy C, Eckle of North Ha­ Felix Magulre, Curate Now, according to Hill, the State son Avenue, 51; Canoe Brook, 5S; Kobinson, William Harrison, Tommy Nary, Lorraine DombroskI, Gayle Monday next,'December 17th at 8:00 were Messrs. Eugene Monocchl, Mrs. R. F. Bailey treasurer and Mrs. Mr. Frank Frawley, Organist Dwyer's Store. Indian Neck, 86; Stony Creek, 52; Collopy, David Richkowski, Fred- Mahan, Judith Peterson nnd Clare stay at Grace Hospital recently ven win serve as maid of honor, and Frank Wllllftms, William .Johnson, Burton Mac Kon/.lc, Corresponding Is requiring 200 front feet for the Mrs. Brandrlff and Mr-s. Leo Polrlcr P. M.? Know you're busy getting OF the bridesmaids will be Miss Mary and Choir Director proposed addition at William Doug­ and Short Beach, 54. lerick Jenkins, Richard Warman, IKelsey, Carol Kimball, Martha ready to liolp Santa Claus at your Anne Lincoln of Branford, cousin of and Daniel Borshleu. " secretary. Mr. Robert M. Williams Mrs. Ruth Donadio, Asst., Organist Suzanne Konz, Frances Connor, An­ Taggard. busy with 'aprons and Mrs. W. The couple left for a wedding was appointed an honorary mem­ Laurel Street School las- which means another town The youngsters are classified as Grade 2; William Aines, Peter Thebault with Infants' wear in their house, but please (ry to attend, Mrs. Miss Lincoln, and Miss Florence Ma.ss 7:00 - 9:15 • 10:15' meeting for the authority to acquire tbllovvs; nette St. John, Judy Finta, Francos Ruth Frisclikorn of New Haven Is Davlos,'slster of Pfc. Davlcs, trip following a. reception In the ber of the club. K:00 Northford Prisiiwaiko, Carol Enlund, Carol Goddard, Jon Scoley, Jean Charles, sowing classes under Mrs. Ariilta bringing her Glee Club to entertain Castle. They will reside In Cam­ One new member, Mrs. Elwood tile additional 75 front feet. Junior Senior High School Plant and Kathleen Ncuman. Natalie Costigan, .Joyce Cummlngs, Dow at the Branford High Night Mr. Evan Davies Jr., will serve us PTA Has Annual Party First Selectman HIH said that a Grade 7: . Lee Morton, Robert for a Utile while, the Grab Bag will CHRISTMAS GIFTS bridge, Mass., upon.their i-oturn. TIcc of HotchklsB Grove was ac­ Judith Monroe, Valaric Samuclson School Venison Dinner (Ills best man for his brother. Ushers arc Jo.seph *A. Breton, divil Defense town meeting wijl bo called to con­ Qulnn, John Covert", John Qulnn, Grade 2; Robert Donnorummo, follow, then tliere will be a most In­ to be Mr; Hnwloy Wardwell I^lncoln The bride attended Washington cepted. Director, called together the officials The annual Christmas party of Richard Carlson, Robert Finta, and Grotcl Uhl. Saturday evening at the home of teresting "Xmas Home Decoration" Academy In Maine and Mount Ida The revLsed Con.stltution nnd By­ Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Carlson of of fhe town and heads of .service or- the Laurel Slrdet School P. T. A. sider this matter with several other Fred Dudley, Maurice Metcalfe, Grade 3; Robert Finch, Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Walter Silverman with 3d, of Branford, brolher of the pros- Hotchlciss Grove, Branford, an­ to\vn matters right after the first of Allan Smith, Richard Arnold, Arden David Prather, Robert Preller, Kath­ theme (uscussed by Mrs. Ray Plant, THE FRIENDLY STORE poctlvo bride, and Mr. Elmer Jones Junior College. Her husband was laws were road by Mrs. Frederick T. gnnization.s, on Monday night In the will bo held at the regular meeting leen Chomicz, Diana Nalmo, Eliza­ Kehlenbach, Lawrence Piscatelll, ;uesls, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clnrk, Jr., who has kindly consented to graduated from Oxford College, Catlln and will ho voted upon at nounce the engagement of their town liall to listen to Mr. Bishop tonight al 8 o'clock. the year. Crocker, Katherine Rartgcn, Char­ Ronald Rodabaugli, Gay Boswell, Air. and Mrs. Earl Blake, Mr. and of East Hovcn. daughter, nosemary, to Seaman lotte Langdale, Linda liitchic, Betsy beth Ander.son, Patricia Bohle. Ilsa come and show her Ingenious Ideas Cambridge, Mass.. He served for the January 'I, 13r)2 meeting. In­ Von VVcttberg explain the need for Games and entertainment will lie Gabel, Janet Morton, Anne Plant, MIchalah Bracken, Sharon Cusack, Mrs. Elwood Dow, Mr. and Mrs. John and interesting tricks tor lixlng up PHONE 8-1G64 — WE DELIVER lliroe years In the Army with 18 vitations to the Mllford and Chesh­ Jerome W. Hayward, Jr., U.S.N., son and duties of Civil Defense. The features on the program and each WELCH'S HAVE FIRST SON '! f Armstrong, Leah Wall, Louise Had­ Charles and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Talbot. of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome W. Hayward dock, Concelia Borzille, Mary Carol RiclikowskI, Barbara Teftt and Patricia Dombrowskl and Joanne I your homes for the hollclays. Troth Announced Of months' service In the South Pacific, ire Garden Club Christmas sales composition and duties of the Ad­ memlier is asked to br-ing a 50 cent Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Welch, of Irene Zdanowicz. Fritz. I Born to Mr. arid Mrs. Stanley Bush |HoB(csses tor that evening will be were read. of Short Beach, Branford. Mr. Hay­ visory Council were explained. The grab, bag gift. A short business ,52 Cedar Street, announce tlie.blrtli Margaret Beach, Patricia Smith, |of Westwood Road, n daughter, their ward is now stationed at Great Nancy Jones, Linda Kamh, Noreen CANOE BHOOK SCHOOL NEW SHORT BEACH SCHOOL the First Grade Molliers under (he Mrs. John H. Mc Cabo, program need for fingerprinting at this time meeting will precede the party, with of their third child, a son, Dougdas John Duffy, Lawrence Meeker, third child, at Saint Rnphael's direction of Mrs. William Taggard. MissEleanore Farkash Lakes. Illinois. (Photo by Colter) was also explained. Mrs. William Lynehan presiting. C. Jr., November 25 in New Haven Noiiman, Carol Dahlqulst and Jane Grade 1; Richard DeAngelo, Dwight H. Carter, Jr.. chairman Introducdd the guests McDonald. Midiacl Stcgina, William , Zvon- Vivien Novlckl, Carol Rodnbaugh, Hospital on December Bth Hoar Sandy Swanson nnd Curtis speakpr Mrs. , WoKscy Conover of Refresiiments will be served by Hospital. Mrs. Welch is llie former Anne Godwin, Karyl Roganson, Michael are that way" about each Mr. and Mrs. Josepli Farknsh of Following the general meeting Grade 8: David Barker, D.ivid kovic, Bonnie Dykun, Cheryl La- Birthday Party Sunday afternoon ^^. Marries Grace Daniel Guilford, a former president of the Mr. VonWetthorg conferred witii Mrs. Edward Lewandoski, Mrs. Eliza Barnes. 'I'he couple also lias Janice Blake and Margo Woodman. last for three year old Sandy Foxon Rond, North" Branford, an. Connecticut , Federated Garden Florence Pascarella To Charles Fallon and llio second grade two daughters. Libbey, Elliott Sampson, James croix and Kathleen Si


Thursday, December 13, 1951 THE BRANFORD REVIEW-EAST HAVEN NEWS Paae Sevon t'gge tslx THE BHANFOKD REVIEW-EAST HAVEN HEWS Thursday. December 13. 1951 East Haven Seeks First liViii At Cijin, Friday by a singlo pin when he hit 120. 10-1 Hi*aiiford Opeiiis Court i§easoii Friday Night and 121 for a 345 count, a single pin \ \ - BOWLING - better than Hugh Gartland who Crisafi Hopeful Of Team Po By-Laws Announced incmliors of a liiKh .school, prepara­ Dccemlicr inih— compiled 124. 115 and 105 listings CLINTON SPRINGS SLEEPER tory school or n university squad Gunners vs Car\'ers Split Decision Common for 344 plnfall. St. Mary's Of iNew Haven will not be .lilowod to pnrticinaie in Meadow ResL vs Glordanos Tex. St. Vincent's No. 1 team came Rebounding This Weekend ..ci^. By Trapasso For llie league. Earth Runners vs Independent hack strong after losing their first Amusement In East Shore League game to' St. Augustine's No 2 477 .'). Each .Si|ua

PggaEIyht THE BRANFORD REVIEW-EAST HAVEN NEWS Tliur.sday, December 13, 19S1 Miss Joan Morton, corps majorette, press it.'i gratitude to all who hclpod I Bradford Manor Drums won a first prize In nor compotl- in their campaign and all who con­ lion, and Miss Kitty Pollard look tributed. The committee hopes to re­ Up More First Place first place In twirling competition. STONY CREEK ceive a movie .soon, that will show CLASSIFIED ADS The meet was sponsored by the By Nancy Hafner — Telephone 8-3181 what the Homo Is and does. Awards At Waterbury E.nst End Communlly Senior Com­ The Cub Scouts will hold their bination Corp.s of Waterbury. pack meeting In ttic Stony Creek HELP WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Enst Haven's Bradford Manor Miss Pollard also won three first CHUHCH or CHnisT • Tlio cook books, "Favorile Recipes School on Monday, December 17. BUY - RENT SELL - .HAVE IT REPAIRED prizes In twirling competition hold The meeting will be hold at seven, Drum Corps, lis majorette, and ncv, Arnold R. Vail, Pastor of stony Creek", complied by the and will be open to the parents. the week before at Bridgeport, un­ RidS Church School Phllonlans with Mrs. Richard Mur­ twlrler won itirst place awards In der auspices of the Connecticut phy as Editor, are now ready to be The Girl Scouts are. now working FOUR tliolr respective groups at tlio final •Superintendent, Howard Kelsoy on their Chrl.stmas products, as are SInle Baton TWflrllng Aasoclallon, 11:00 Morning Worship 1 defivcred. lliosc who have ordered TIMES $1.50 competition of the year held re- Winners of the Bridgeport meet 7;00 Pilgrim Fellowship thm may call Mfa. Michael Oryl or the Mariners who are makijig 25 r?!?/ 50/^ icntly In Waterbury. Mrs. Albert Williams. The books will stuffed animals and other hand­ One 7/m« arc ellglhle to compete In national The Service next Sunday will In­ made articles. . The corps received the first prize twirling baton championshiipit p com clude a Christmas message by the also be on .-eale at Charles Baker*.'; Classified Advertising Musi Bo Prepaid for playing' rn"""combrii'a~tlon'"ciass". Ipolltlon In MInncapotIlis In .lanuary. Rev. M. Vail. Stony Crock Food .'?lorc. • . Troop 1, BSA, are planning to go The Phllonlans and the Women's caroling on Christmas Eve. Their For ad over 25 words, 10 cenfs for each addHional 5 words Auxiliary are now making wreaths' Christmas parly will be held on ST. THEHESA'S CHUHCH December 19, and each person at­ for order of anyone wishing beauti­ Rev. Fronds Breen, Pastor ful Christmas greens. Anyone who tending Is asked to bring a grab CLASSIFIED DISPLAY wishes to order these should call Masses SiOO and 9:.30 a.m. .fUnd.iy for the grab bag. All scouu? are also CHRISTMAS Mrs. John Hoss. Confessions 7:30 p.m. Saturday reminded that registration fees are 50c per column inch due before Saturday, December 15. On Sunday December 3, Bible Mr. and Mrs. .John Rus.soll ob­ Sunday was celebrated and very The Christmas pageant of the Classified ads must be reoeived by 5:00 F-M. Wednesday served their ,52nd wedding anniver­ Church of Christ will be held Sun­ STORE well attended. Many old Bibles wore sary at their home on December 7. for publication in Thursday edition. on display, the oldest, being pub­ day evening, December 23. It will be Mr. and Mr.s. Kussell (who Is the an original play, written by Mrs. lished In 1712. This Bible, the pro­ former Mary McNally) wore mar­ perty of Mr. Lawrence Lcete of Roljert MacKenzIo, and featuring The Branford Review - East Haven News ried in Guilford, and have lived in the Junior Choir. i TREE ORNAMENTS 5c"' Leeto's Island, was founti to con­ Stony Creek since their marriage. c-o THE BRANFORD PRINTING CO. tain a sermon written in longhand The couple have one daughter, Mrs. M. SRI- Frank JannettI Is home on PHONE 8-2431 BRANFORD, CONN. by the Rev. Mr. Dulton, on March Herman Edwards of Main Street, leave after 32 months in J^pan. Ho up 15,1857... has been In the Army eight yeans. 0 TREE LIGHT SETS $1.19 and three grandchildren, Herman His wife and two children, the On Saturday, December 15, the Edwards, .tr., lohn Edwards, and LEGAL NOTICES IMMEDIATE DELIVEHY: Iron Ena- Betty Edwards. Iliey also have one youngest of which, Dcnnl.s. was horn Manger Scene will l)o erected on the October 2!), 10.50, in the Army Hos­ DISTRICT OF BRANFOUD, <••».. PRO­ mel Drainboai'd Sinks, ond Lavo- Church lawn. This .scone, admired greatgrandchild, Billy, .son of Mr. JVo Store Anywhere Beats Our Low, Low, Prices and Mrs. .lohn Edwards of paved pital In Kokohoma, Japan, accom­ RATE COURT, December 7, 1S,')1 tories; Chiome Bross Toilet Ac­ la.it year by many people from all panied the Sergeant to Japan. From Estate of JUUA P.ULLIVANT late over the state, will contain, as It Street. cessories; Copper Gutter and Tokyo, to Wake Island, to San of Branford, in .said District, de- Leaders; Roofing ,and Insulation. TRY MARCUS THIS YEAR FOR did last year;' nine llgures. These Mrs. Herbert Allen, Mrs. John Con- Francisco, to Chicago, to New York ceased- figures whose faces were fashioned solo. Mrs. Charles Esterby, .Mr.-i. was the Hying route the Jannottles THE CONN. PLUMBING AND entirely of Plaster of Paris by Mrs. The Court of Probate for the Dis­ IjUcy Palma, and Mrs. Anna Skidgell took, on their way home. Next they trict of Branford, hatli limited ami LUMBER COMPANY HOUSEWARES, TOYS Uobert MacKcnzlc and the Rev. Mr. visited the Nevvlnglon Home for will proccde to Sgt. Jannettl's new Vail, will be garbed in traditional allowed six months from the date 1730 State St. Now Haven, Conn. Crippled Children recently witli two assignment In Oakland, Calif, In the hereof, for the creditors of said es­ costumes. The figures in the scone carloads of clothing and toys. While meantime, the family is visiting Mr. Tel. 7-0294 HOUSE and STREET DRESSES wlil -he Iho Christ Child, Mary, .los- tate to exhibit their claims for set­ thorn, Ihey saw Iho various activi­ and Mrs. Josepii JannettI of Watrous tlement. Those who neglect to pre- eph, the Three Wise Men, two shop- ties of the Home, Including the R()/id. BRANFORD WRECKING COMPANY hrds, and a lamb. The scene will be Pool, the recreation .sent their accounts properly attest­ • EASY PARKING -« enclosed by a rustle straw hut, made rooms and the new Homo Economics ed, within said time, will be de­ Cedar Street—Phone 8-9093 by Mr. Howard Kelsey. barred a recovery. All pcrson.s in­ Room. The committee wishes to ex- Seance Demonstrated debted to said Estate are requested WILL BUY to make Immediate payment to YOUR USED CAR OR TRUCK MARCUS BRANFORD Sidney E, lladlcy. To Women's Club Administrator. Regordless of Condition Members of the East Haven Address; Pawson Park, We also have a line of Used Parts Women's Club held a Christmas Branford, Conn. (12-'.i7 Sewing Machine party following a brief business DISTRICT OF BRANFORD, ss., PRO meeting last night in the Hagaman WOOD STORM WINDOWS Memorial Library. BATE COURT, November 29, 1051 Mrs. Molvin Biodryck, program Estate of JULIA A. MEYER late of MADE TO ORDER CLEANING & REPAIRING Operators chairman presented I he evening's Branford, in said District, deceased. c The Court'of Probate for the Dis­ S4.25 and up OF guest, Madame Dclmater. TWadame trict of Branford, hath limited and Delmatcr held a seance to demon allowed 'Six months from the date QUICK DELIVERY strale her pyschic powers. hereof, for the creditors of said es­ for Corset Making Members brought canned goods tate to exhibit their claims for set­ £ for the welfare basket, a gift for a MEFFEHT LUMBER CO. CHIMNEYS child, a gift for patients at the tlement Those who neglect to pre­ APPLY sent their accounts properly attest­ North Main St. Bronford 8-3484 Mlddletown Hospital and a grab ed, within said time, will be de­ bag gift. barred a recovery. Ail persons- in­ I ALSO POINTING I. NEWMAN & SONS, INC. Hefreshments wore served by debted to said Estate arc requested SIIOKE LINE SCHOOL OF DRIV- Mrs. Frank Clancy, hostess tor the to make immediate payment to ING—Courteous - Careful - Cap­ WHITE BOX 97 EAST HAVEN, CONN. 45 HARBISON AVENUE, BRANFORD, CONN. evening assisted by Mrs. Willis P. The Citizens and Manufacturers able. Qualified Women and Men F', Hondriciis, Mrs.. Albert Jacob and National Bank of Waterbury, Instructors. Dual controlled and Mrs. Donald Hoare. lieavily Insured Cars. Call Guil­ Executor ford 392 for appointment. By Paul A. Monroe, Vice- President and Trust Ollicer FOR RENT—Garage r5pacc in Bran­ (12-20 ford Center. Tel. 8-2500. / PAIR OF WHITE FIGURE ICE SHOE 5th Grade Presentation SftATES and White Chicago Roll­ er Skates, both size 6,for sale. Tel. A Highlight Of Gerrish HO 7-4437. Ave. PTfl Xmas Party LOST—Pass Book~No. 2G3S. If found return to Branford Federal .Sav­ ings and Loan Association (12-27 B A Christmas parly will be held by the Gerrish Avenue School P. LEGAL NOTICES T. A. Tonight at .S o'clock in the school library, followed by I lie DISTRICT OF BRANFORD, s,s. PRO: i monthly business meeting. MATE COURT, December 7, JD51 The children of Grade Five will Estate of AAGE de PLACE late.of present a nativity play, directed liy Branford in said District, deceased. their teacher and .the school's prin­ Upon the application of Beulah L. cipal. Miss Mary Cunningham. The !.de Place of Branford praying that sciiool choir also will sing a .selec­ Letlors of Administration may be y tion of Christmas carols, directed granted on said estate,-as per ap­ by Miss Ceil McGos'ern. plication on file more'fully appears A report on the recent fair will it is . be read at the business meeting, ORDERED—That said application together with a report by a corri- be heard' and determined at .«the mitteo selected to investigate safe­ Probate OlUce in Branford in said ty of children in the Biirr Street DislrinI, on the 17 day of December section. A.D. 1051 at 2:30 o'clock in the af­ Mrs. R. M. Fasanella. member­ ternoon, and tiiat pulilic notice he ship cliairman, invites all parents given of the iiendency of .said ap­ not yet members of the P. T. A. lo plication and of the time and place attend tlie sj^ecial Christmas party of hearing thereon, by publishing and meeting. this order three times in some news­ Hostesses for the evening will be paper published in New Haven the third grade mothers, assisted by l^iunly and having a circulation in Mrs. Pasquale Streelo, Mrs. Mlcliaol said District, and l)y posting up a Esposito, Mrs. William Cappelli and copy thereof on the public sign-post' Mrs.'William Naylor. in the Town of Branford, in said District. By tlio Court: Flora K. Goldsmilli, 12-13) Clerk DISTRICT OF BRANFORD, ss., PRO­ jgure BATE COURT, December 4, 1951 Estate of EDWARD FOSTER HAM­ The estimated cost of building In MOND in said district,.deceased. East Haven during Urn month of The Admini.stratrix having oxhib- November was set at SML;,120 by itt'd her administration account Building tni;peotor Clement Cata- with said.estate to this Court for Jano today. allowance, it is A total of $781. was received by ORDERED—That liio 17th day of the department for various permits, December A.D. 1951 at 2 o'clock in licenses, and inspection tees during tlic afternoon, at the Probate OfTice the month, Catalano reported. in Branford, be and the same is as­ Forty-two building permits for 20 signed for a hearing on tlie allow­ dwellings were Issued by the build­ ance of said administration account ing department, bringing in S325 in wllh said estate, and this Court di­ fees. Also i.ssued during Nos'cmber rects Flora K. Goldsmith to cite all were 65 electrical permits, eost.- persons interested therein to appear ing a total of $130. Thirteen plumb­ at said time and place, by publish­ ing perrhits at S6 each and one $4 ing this order in some newspaper plumbing pcrmil, at a lotal coal of publlsiied in New Haven County $S2, were jeportcd by Catalano. aiui having a circulation in said dis­ Other Items included in the trict, and by posting a copy on the monthly report were: 24 oil burner public sign-post in the Town of permits, costing SIS; '12 power pump Branford ..where the decea.sed last cleanout permits, totaling .'S-ia; 13 dwelt. spolic tank permits, .$26; 11 street By the Court: excavations, $11; and one range oil storage permit, costing 50 cents. Flora K. Goldsmith, Tltore's really no way to tell you how It feels • Catalano reported that four 12-20) Clerk to drive a great new Pontlac with,DuaI-Range licenses were issued to electrical Seven extra electric inspections, perforninnce—you simply must put yourself contractors and one license to a totalling $14, and one extra plumb­ plumbing contractor, costing .?25 In the driver's seat, put your own foot on the ing inspection costing $2, also were md .?50 respectively. Five licen.ses reported by Catalano. One zoning accelerator and break Into a smile! ...%. n. :U $5 each were issuc(.l for the in­ map, at 59 cents, was sold during stallation of oil burners. There has never before been anything quite the month. like this combination of Pontiac's liigh- compression engine, the new GM Dual-Range Ilydra-Matic* and Pontiac's high-perform- anc6, economy axle. You can select, with a flick of your finger, exactly the power you want, ii)/iCK you want itund Pontiac delivers It tt'bcre you want it —instantly, autoinatically! When you combine this basic engineering advance with Pontiac's distinctive Ijcauty and woHd'-wide reputation for economy and dura­ Ofien Thursday Ts!! 9 P.M. bility you can see wliy dollar for dollar you TilK M'OWtilt YOV WAAT • WIIKIV YOU W^AIVT Ml • WMIEItli YOV WA\T IT cnn't beat a Pontiac. Come on in and drive it! , 'OMic-^Ul ILrira Out ® UIWU C«.tH'IU;S.S10.y KX(il.Mi © i\KW l»l'.\I..H.\X«l': IIVUILV-.tlATIC ® KmV liCO.NV.tlV A.VLB CLOSED EVIONDAY 'i'.' 0«i,S.AK FOB UOLLAK VOV CANT HEAT A I'ONTIAC Open Other Days 9:30 to 5:45 CENTRAL GARAGE, INC. 64 Main Street Branford, Conn. ELM STREET AT ORANGE•U I

Page Eight THE BRADFORD REVIEW-EAST HAVEN NEWS Raganan Msmiiiirlal Libraiy Thursday, Dccembor 13. 1951 East Haven, Conn. Miss .loan Ilorton, corns mnjorolto, Bradford Manor Drums won a first prize in her competi­ press Its gratitude to all who help'.:d \Wn.^nf\AJV^.y.W tion, and Miss Kitty Pollard look In their campaign and all who con­ first place In twIrllnR competition. tributed. The committee ho|)Os to le- Up More First Place STONY CREEK e(Mve a movie soon, that will show CLASSIFIED ADS The meet was sponsored by the what the Home Is and does. Help Buy Awards At Waterbury E.nst End Community Senior Com­ By Nancy Hafner •— Telephone 8-3181 'I'he Cub Sceiuls will hold their Fight '• ^^N Christmas bination Corps of Waterbury. pack meeting In the Stony Creek HELP WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Miss Pollard also won throe first •ps^vi East Haven's Bradford Manor CHUnCH OF CHniST > The cook books, "f-'avoHtc Recipes School on Monday, December 17. T B Seals Drum Corps, Its majorette, and prizes In twirling competition held Bev, Arnold R. Vail, Pastor The meeting will be held at seven, BUY . RENT SELL - HAVE IT REPAIRED the weeit before at Bridgeport, un­ of Stony Creek", compiled by the twlrler won first place awards In gMS Church School I'hilonlans with Mrs. Richard Mur­ and will be open to the parents. lEaat Hauftt Nftus der auspices ot the Connecticut The Girl Scouts are now working their respective groups at the final State Baton Twirling Association, Superintendent, Howard Kclsoy phy as Kdltor, are now ready to be WORDS FOUR si competition of the year held re- 1];B0 Morning Worship lieflvcred. Those who have ordered on their Christmas products, as are Winners of the Bridgeport meet 7:00 Pilgrim Fellowship thm may call Mrs. MIcliael Oryl or the Mariners who are making 25 or LESS 50/ TIMES $1.50 Combined With The Branford Review cohtly in Waterbury. are eligible to compete In national The Service next Sunday will In­ Mrs. Albert Wllllums. The books will stuffed animals and other hand­ One Timo The corps received the first prize twirling baton championship. com clude a Christmas message by the nl.so be on sale at Charles Bakcr'r: made articles. EAST HAVEN. CONNECTICUT, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 20. 1951 5 Cents Per Copy—S2.S0 A Year fur playing in combination class, |petition In Minneapolis In Janu.iry. Rev, M. Vail. Stony Creek Fond Store, Troop 1, BSA. are planning to go Classified Advertising Must Bo Prepaid VOL. VII—NO. 14 The Phllonians and the Women's caroling on Christmas Eve. Their For ad over 25 words, 10 cents for each addMional 5 words Auxiliary are now making wreaths' ST. THERESA'S CHURCH Christmas parly will be hold on tor order ot anyone wishing beauti­ December 19, and each person at­ ful Christmas greens. Anyone who Rev. Francis Brecn, Pastor tending Is asked to bring a grab JOY TO THE (BATTERED OLD) WORLD! Barker Issues Safety wishes to order these .should cull Ma.s.ses 8:00 and n:.30 a.m. .'hmday for the grab bag. All scouts are al.so CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CHRISTMAS Mrs. John Boss. Confessions 7:30 p.m. Saturday reminded that registration foes are 50c per colun^n inch Proclamation To Town On Sunday Docomhor !), Hible due before Saturday, December 15. Parl&iiig Meter Mr. and Mr.s. .lohn Russell ob­ STORE Sunday was celebrated and vnrV served their .')2nd wedding anniver­ The Christmas pageant of the Classified ads must be reoeived by 5:00 P.M. Wednesday WHESEAS the 'practice i ol well attended. Many old Bibles were sary at their home on December 7. Church of Christ will bo held Sun­ for publication in Thursday edition. safety on the highways, in in­ MARGU; on display, the oldest being pub- day evening, December 23. It will be dustry, and in the homo for the Mr. and Mr.s. Russell (who is the ILshed in 3712. This* liiblo, the pro­ former Mary McNally) were mar­ an original play, written by Mrs. avoidance ol preventable acci­ perty of Mr. Lawrence Leete of ried in Guilford, and have lived in Robert MacKcn'/.le, and featuring The Branford Review - East Haven News Jim Carr, moitar and pestle dents is always on objective ol TREE ORNAMENTS 5c"' Locto's Island, was found to con­ the Junior Choir. man at Motcal's Drug Store re­ great local as well as national Isisiie Depenclsi On Stony Creek since their marriage. CO THE BRANFORD PRINTING CO. tain a sermon written In longhanil M. !3gt. Frank Janneltl Is liome on covered from a one day bout concern; and in tlitcse troublou.i The couple have one daughter, Mrs. PHONE 8-2431 BRANFORD, CONN. by tlio Itov, Mr. Dutton, on March Herman Edwards of Main Street, leave after 32 months in .bipan. He (Monday) with that virus germ. times the combined efforts' ol 15, 1857., • has been In the Army eight years. Tlie Misses .lean Clough and all our citizens are required in TREE LIGHT SETS $1.19"' and three grandchildren, Herman Claire Slavin With their fiances will On Saturday, December I.'), the Edwards, .Ti'., .lohn Edwards, and Ills wife and two children, the LEGAL NOTICES IMMEDIATE DELIVERY: Iron Ena. the forging ol o defense pro­ Manger Scone will be eroded on the Betty Edwards. They also have one youngest of which, Denni.s, was born spenil Cliristmas with their parents gram upon which so many ol October 29, 1D50, in the Army Hos­ mel Drainboard Sinks, and Lava­ here. The Cloughs lives on Francis our sons in the field are now afety Meeting Wo Store Anyvrbeie Beats Our Low, Low. Prices Church lawn. This .scone, ndmhod greatgrandchild, Billy, .son of Mr. DISTRICT OF BRANFORD, !•:;.. VV.O- last year by many people from all and Mrs. John Edward:; of Paved pital in Kokohoma, .Tapan, accom- BATE COURT, December 7, 1051 tories; Chrome Brass Toilet Ac­ Street and the Slavlns on Frank and in the future moy bo in­ over the state, will contain, as It Street. parded the Sergeant to Japan. I'l-om Estate of JULIA BULLIVANT late cessories; Copper Gutter and Avenue. creasingly dependent; and The action of East Haven resi­ Tokyo, to Wake Island, to San TRY MARCUS THIS YEAR FOR did last year; nine llgures. These of Branford, in said District, de­ Leaders; Rooting and Insulation. Andy Molzo's Santa Claus WHERE instead of conserving dents In calling for Iho removal of Mrs. Herbert Allen, Mr.s. John Con- Francisco, to Chicago, to New York ceased. costume highlighted the Cham, figures whoso faces were fashioned solo, Mrs. Charles Eslerby. Mrs. our resources to the utmost Iho Cesspool Cleaning Program parking meters ittay not mean any­ entirely of Plaster of Paris by Mrs. was the flying route the Janncttles The Court of Probate for the Ijis- THE CONN. PLUMBING AND ber of Commerce parade last stark tact is that as a people thing. HOUSEV^^ARES, TOYS I^ucy Palma, and Mrs. Anna Skidgoll took, on their way home. Next they LUMBER COMPANY Thursday night. Feature of the Robert MacKenzIc and the Rev. Mr. visited the Novvlnglon Home for trlcl of Branford. hath limited and we are guilty of scandalous This was learned at a prese con­ Vail, will bo garbed In traditional will precede to Sgt. Jannettl's new allowed six months from the date 1730 State St. Now Haven, Conn. event wos Rudolph, the Red waste of our national substance ference with First Selectman Frank Crippled Children recently with two assignment In Oakland, Calif. In the Nosed Reindeer. The deer was Slated To Start January 15 co.stumes. The figures In^tlio .scene carloads ot clothing and toys. While hereof, for the creditors of said es­ Tel. 7-0294 in our continued tolerance ot i\. Barker yesterday morning, HOUSE and STREET DRESSES will .bo the Christ Child, Mary, ,los- meantime, the family Is visiting Mr. tate to exhililt their claims for .set­ Harry McLay's dlmunitlve pony preventable accidents; and the "The Board of I'ublic Safety hoS there, Ihoy saw the various activi­ and Mrs. Joseph Jannetll of Watrous decked out with artidciol horns First Selectnum Frank A. Barker eph, the Three Wl.se Men, two shot)- ties of llie Home, including the tlement. Tho.se who neglect to pre. owlul toll of lives is o grave; in­ nnnmmced today that Fast Haven's the final .say," Barker said. The hrd.s, and a lamb. The scone will be l{(|/id. , sent their accounts properly attest­ BRANFORD WRECKING COMPANY and a red flashlight on the dictment of our patriotic Intent; South School Plans Board normally mecLs on tlic final EASY PARKING •« Swimming Pool, the recreation bridle. cesspool cleaning plan woidd go In­ enclosed by a rustic straw hut, made rooms and the new Homo Economics ed, within said time, will be de­ Cedar Street—Phone 8-9093 and to operation on or about January Tuesday ot each montli. by Mr. Howard Kelsey. barred a recovery. All persons in­ Eager Ben Santuccl (He's the prop WHEREAS we are now In the In Town Hall Pending Although the Board can Insist Room. The committee wishes to ox- of Santucci's Market) didn't want a 15th. Seance Demonstrated debted to said Estate are reciuestcd WILL BUY midst of a holiday season; wliich Although complete details are not that the parking meter .system in to make immediate payment to fi'levision .set until Christmas hut will be the occasion for n^oto vogue here be still used, it is MARCUS BRANFORD YOUB USED CAR OR TRUCK when he made up his mind, he Finance Board Okay available. Barker said that the To Women's Club Sidney E. lladloy, than ordinarily heavy traffic on systeni.would he operated on a bid probable that the dictates of the Administrator. Regardless of Condition bought in five minutes. Wife, Ro.se. the streets and highwovs voting public will be followed. f I Address: Pawson Park, figures she's going to be ancliored Final revl.sod plans for the South basis iind not l)y town employees. Members of the East Haven We also have o line of Used Farts throughout the land, and whilo School wore received In the First Barker .said that bids are being The town voted against llic to ilio house from henceforth. such season of the year should meters In the only public expression Sewing Machine Women's Club held a Christmas Branford, Conn. (12-'27 Mrs. Herbert Barker looking .Selectman's office on Tuesday after­ acx-epted on a private basis and party followlnfj a brief business be a joyous one, it. wRl . bo noon, it was announced this week would tornilnalo on .Tan. 7th. Three of them at a special meeting held DISTRICT OF BRANFORD, ss., PRO­ forward to a holiday visit at the marred and saddened by useless on Monday evening, December 11. meeting last night in the llagaman WOOD STOHM WINDOWS home of her daughter ond son- by Frank A. Barker. ' or four sucli applications to do the Memorial Library, •«» BATE COURT, Novemljer 29, 1951 loss and blighting ol mbny Barker said that the plans have J3arkcr said that lie thought it was Estate ot JULIA A. MEYER late of in-law Mr. and Mrs. Charles precious lives if wo do not re­ work liave already been received. CLEANING & REPAIRING Mrs. Molvin Biedryck, program MADE TO ORDER Hitchcock of Stamford, Conn. the complete backing of^ the Board Barker said. good governinent to follow the Operators chairman presented 'the evening's Branford, in .said District, deceased. cognize our obligotion to ob­ of Education and the School Build­ public's wishes In such matters and Tlie Court of Probate for the Dis­ Tlilrty eight members of the Town serve the highest degree ^ ot The chief executive outlined OF guest, Madame Delmaler. Tviadame 34.25 and up Hall force enjoyed their annual ing Committee. They were designed several reasons why tlie project looked for a repeal of the system Delmater held a seance to demon­ trict of Branford, hath limited and sober care in our use ol motor according to stale specifications by probably after tlie present contract allowed 'Six months from the date QUICK DELIVERY Christmas party at the Annex House vehicles during that period; and would be better operated by outside strate her pyschle powers. on Tuesday niglit. the School Building Committee firms the first ot wlilcli was the with the meter company expires. . ( " hereof, for the creditors of said es­ WHEREAS; laws and regula­ arcliitecl Harold Davis. It Selectman Barker's cxulanatlon for Corset Making Members brought canned goods tate to exhibit their claims for set­ Residents can look forward to tions ' in themselves, no matter prolilem of ' dispo.sal. Under bid for the welfare basket, a gift for a MEFFEHT LUMBER CO. The new plans wore called for terms, the contractors must provide that the Board of Public Safety Is the CHIMNEYS child, a gilt for patients at the tlement. Those who neglect to pre­ wall: signs on the stop lights how effective their enforcement, final tribunal to decide on meters APPLY cannot adequately serve unless when the Board of Finance said tlial dlsi)osnl areas. i MIddletown Hospital and a grab sent their accounts properly attest­ North Main St. Branford 8-3484 on Main Street, it is being the cost of bulldiiig the proposed Is correct, then the puliUe is still ed, within said lime, will bo de­ rumored about. they ore implemented by an Another good reason advanced was obliged to pay for parking service bag gift. aroused-public consciousness, a school In the South End would be loo that It would not be necessary to ALSO POINTING i. NEWMAN & SONS, ING. •Hcfrcshments were served Ijy barred a recovery. All persons- in­ Johnny Malier and his missus will As tlio world turns its eyes bacl< onco more nearly two expensive under the old plans which on Main Sitrcel and in Momauguin. debted to said Estate ai'o requested SHORE LINE SCHOOL OF DRIV- be in town next Thursday to referee recognition of the deep personal keep a.town crew In abeyance daily Barker .said that town offlclal.l Mr.s. Frank Clancy, hostess for the thousand years toward a small stable in the town of Bethlehem, responsibility that rests upon Included a complete playground waiting for calls which mighin t WRITE BOX 97 evening a.sslsted by Mrs. Willis P. to make Immediate p.ayment to ING—Courteous - Careful - Cap­ the High Scliool-Alumni game at and a large utility and all pur|)ose were in reality pidiltc servants and EAST HAVEN, CONN. 45 HARRISON AVENUE, BRANFORD, CONN. The Citizens and Manufacturers able. Quallfled Women and Men the high school gym. John will be in aommemoration oC the birth of Jesus, the Prince of Pedce, each and every one of us; come for a week or more on some It Is practically a mandate to carry Hendricks, Mrs. Ailjert Jacob and National Bank of Waterbury, Instructors. Dual controlled and guest for dinner at the home ot his loom and auditorium. occasions. Under the proposed plan Mrs. Donald Hoarc. who established his church on earth, that world pauses in botli NOW, THEREFORE, 1 Frank The new plans call for a saving of contracts, the town would not lie out the public's wishes. It was .for Executor heavily Insured Cars. Call Guil­ protege, Frank Crisafi. sacred contemplation of the past and fearful speculation of the A. Barlcer, First Selectman of tills reason that he looked for'Board ford 392 for iippointment. of $200,000 through the elimination paying for lost time. ot Public Safety In folloxYlng the By Paul A. Monroe, Vice- The artistic hand of Helen future. , the Town ol East Haven do of several of the original features. Full details will be announced to President and Trust Olllcer Malone in seen in the attractive fervently appeal to oil my'Iol- recent action of the voters which FOR RENT—Garage Space in Bran­ At no time in twenty long centuries has manlcind approach­ Barker said that the start of the (he public after the bids have been called for the removal af the meters (12-20 window murbls at Gerrish low-citizens to throw off. the meeting with the Board ot Finance received. ford Center. Tol. S-2500. ,- Avenue School. ed the Christmas season with more ominous forebodings than tragic apathy which is costing as quickly as possible. The vote was construction was dependent on a carried 72 lb S3. PAIR OF WHITE FIGURE ICE SHOE Charley Coyle's injured ankle now in this very hour. And, in this grave moment, we feel the im­ us so dearly, and to tolce on its . and Selectmen at which the School 5th Grade Presentation SJtATES and White Chicago Roll­ okay. Cast was removed this week mensity of the inward struggle that tears at the very core of stead a militant determination Building Committee would be Invit­ Custodians Ponder The Safety Board will probably er Skates, both size G, for sale. Tel. In time for him to complete his that avoidable accidents - shall ed to sit in on the proceedings. dl.scuss two angles at their coming R Highlight Of Gerrish HO 1A13~. Christmas shopping. civilization. cease; each so to resolve lirmly This meeting will probably lake Probable Salary meeting. Have tlic melers been a Matty Anostsio wears his From the very depth of antiquity there comes a voice ring­ lor himself and to demond of place after the Christmas holidays. isafety proiYiotlon tor East Haven Ave. PTil Xmas Party LOST—Pass Book No. 2(>3S. If found Santa Clous uniform well, ac­ others during the forthcoming and can the town afford to ]osc the , Wkat cording to the 700 children of ing through the ages: "What have ye done with iny command holiday season and throughout Loss In Schedule II revenue derived from their use. . return to Branford Federal Sav­ ings and Loan Association (12-27 Sargent Company employees to love thy neighbor as thy.self ? Where is your hope, your faith, the New Year of 1952. The parking situation has bc«n A Christmas party will be held who were guests last Saturday your charity?" Santa Claus Receives When is a raise not a raise'/ cased by the meter Installation but', by the Gerrish Avenue School P. LEGAL NOTICES at a huge Christmas party ot I East Haven school custodians some complaints have been rcgintett T. A. Tonight at S o'clock in the Loew's Poll Theater, In these momentous days, with humanity's existence hang­ A Very Warm Reception •were pondering that question this ed ' by businessmen who reported a, school library, followed by the DISTRICT OF BRANFORD, ss. PRO. Faye Garvin started her Christ­ ing in the balance, our first thoughts must be directed inwardly Publicity For Sclioois loss of business and potential monthly buslne.sM meeting. Iweol^ after receiving an. offer of MATE COURT, Dcceinbcr 7, 1951 mas vacation from the University to seek the ways of justice and love in order to solve the pro- Despite The Cold Night 1 raises of from SIQO to $300 per man. customers., D '. , .I 'X) 'I'he children ot Grade Five will i;stato ot AAGE de PLACE late.of of Cohhecticut in an auspicious Will Be Handled 5v Outside sources said yesterday present a nativity play, directed hy blems-of the-f utiire.'':.r--.«i,i-'?-it«--• ^ .' •• i • The fly In tho olntmont,-nccordliig ~^\ Bianford in said District, deceased. manner on Tuesday night by watch­ to their way of thinking stems that the question of revenue wa.s their teacher and .the school's prin­ Upon the application of Beulah L. ing the school team defeat Yale There are dilTicult days ahead, in which, we shall once Committee Of Five Largo numbers of /csldenis turn . not one tor Iho .Safety Board to cipal, Miss Mary Cunningham. The ,de Place of Branford praying that University on the spacious Payne more suffer the loss of loved onces and know the painful sacri­ ed out despite cold weather to watcli from the fact that the raises are notdetermin e and that such wnys llrtd school choir al.so will sing a soiec- last Thursday night's street parade|based on the Salary schedules for Letters of Administration may be Whitnejt court. With her were; her fices to our ideals of freedom and dignified living. • A public relations committee for In East Haven as the town's Christ-I'elght rooms schools, four room means of raising money Is ohlj' tion ot Christmas carols, directed granted on said estate, as per ap­ dad and mother and of course the In East within the province ot the Bodrd of Ijy Miss Ceil McGovern. On a bleak hill, in a far-off-land, humanity crucified its Ml East Haven .schools has been mas Festival period was officially schools and the twoo rooroom South plication on tlie moro'fully appears boy friend. appointed by Supl. of Schools Wil­ School. Finance. ' ,'.'•; A report on the recent fair will it Is Members of the 1951 varsity Saviour. Yet, througli the centuries, the Spirit ot His Love has opened. be read at the business meeting, liam K. Olllis. Ilightllghls of the parade, which The pay schedule for 1950-1951 ORDERED—-That said application football team were thrilled with comforted the countless millions that have raised their hearts Committee members are: Mr.s. was .$2800 for an eight room school; together with a report by a com­ be heard'.ind determined at^the the banquet given to them by was sponsored by the Chamber of Bertil Klockars Elected mittee selected to investigate sate- to Him. Ann Turcio of Momauguin .School, Commerce, were the appearance of $25.50 for a four room school and Probate Oflice in Branford in said town's services clubs and the chairman, Mi.ss Alice Zelgler of $1800 for two room schools. ty of children in ihe Biirr Street District, on the 17 day ot December Chamber of Commerce. On Mon­ Let us not forget the glory of Christmas amid the vain Santa Claus In a open car, floats Worshipful Master Here section. day they learned of another sur­ glorious rush for mad pleasiires and the lust for power. Let us South School, Mrs. Mary .Stevens by the Exchange Club and Fire De­ This schedule was made available A.D. 1951 at 2:;K) o'clock in the ;if- of Gerrish Avenue School, Miss partment, and the high school band through the retirement of certain Mrs. R. M. Fasanella, momljcr- Icrnoon. and that public notice loe prise. They are to receive a return in thought to kneel at the crude manger to renew our iilizabeth Hogan of Hlghitrnd custodians and the resignation of At the regular stated communlca- ship chairman, invites all parents given of the pendency of said ap­ plaque from the Connecticut and Bradford Manor Drum Corps. lion and annual meeting ot not yet members of the P. '1'. A. to Interscholastic Athletic Confer­ faith in our Saviour and in mankind. School, and Ernest MarzuUo of Metzo Bros, pair of equine rein­ others. plication and of the timo and place .South School. Although the janitors no longer Momauguin Loilge No. 138 held on attend the special Ciiristiiias party ot hearing thereon, by publishing ence as one of the top Gloss B "In Hoc Signo Vinces" was carved on the cross of the em­ deers, complete even to Rudolph's Monday December 17, 1951 the fol­ and meeting. teams in the state. The others Gillis said the committee would red no.se and driven by a lean Santa drive school bussesi they have not tills order tlireo times in some news­ peror Constantino. It shall remain the key to the salvation of plan news and radio relea.ses con­ been docked since the service was lowing officers were elected for tiid Hostesses tor tlio evening will be paper published in Nov/ Haven are Middletown, Southington were a crowd pleaser. year 1952; Worshipful Master Bertbl the third grade molhers. assisted by and Killingly. East Haven was mankind. With Christ in our heaits, there can be no fear of the cerning .school activities and also Fire Department Company One, taken over. Suneh an eventuality t'ounty and having a circulatkin in would plan the Saturday morning will come to pass on January 1, If Zito; Junior Warden, Edwin M. Mrs. Pasqiiale Sli'cclo, Mr.s. Michael said District, and by iiosting up :i, first named of the lour. future. We stand strong and determined, with faith in God. using one ot its trucks as u float, B. Klockars; Senior Warden. John Esposito, Mrs. William Cai)i3elli .'tnd Tinsel-time dance postponed be- radio program presented by the featured a .spot-ilghted Christmas they accept the new schedule offer­ copy tliereof on the public sign-post' May the blessings of Christmas be with you in the.se dark schools. ed this week. Morse; 'I'reasurer, Lewis H. Belding, Mr.s.'William Naylor. ill the Town of Branford, in said cau.se of Friday's bad weather gets hours. May the light of the great promise of salvation shine tree and a words "Make this a p. M.; and .Secretary, Winchester M. District. another chance next Saturday night. fire-safe Christmas." The Excliangc Tlio custodians had been promised Andrews, Plans for the Installation It is sponsored by the Music De­ beyond the darkne.s.s, for in that light all darkness must vanish. Club float was based on the club's increases along with their annual and dinner to be held on Monday, By tlio Court: partment of the high school. Daniel Taylor Listed seal. Other units In the parade Increments, they say. This has been J'Mora K. Goldsmilh, FRANK A. BARKER lost in the new schedule, they feel. Jan. 7, 1952 will be s hortly an­ The East Haven High Web- were a police car escort and the nounced." 12-13) Clerk First Selectman high school Pep Clul). The new salary sciiedulo de­ Ss Estimated M feet start their swimming On W & L Honor Roll creases four custodial salaries from DI.STRICT OF BRANFORD, ss., PRO­ schedule on January 5th against 'I'he parade began at Pardee Place, SlOO to $300 on the strength of the 2O.O_0_FigMye BATE COURT, December 4. 1951 West Haven in the YMCA pool. Daniel Walklns Taylor, .son of Dr. marched around the Green, and jobs they are now doing and offers Esther Howell On Slate Estate of EDWARD FOSTER HAM­ It's a long vacation for town hall Barker Named Honorary and Mrs. Robert M. Taylor, of 578 ended at the toWn hall, where First a $200 raise to 2 custodians whicli 'riie estimated co,st of building in MOND in said district, ciecea.sed. oinployeos who close up shop on Thompson Avenue. East Haven, has Selectman Frank A. Barker turned Is $200 less than that paid In the Of Adventist Officers East Haven fluring llu? month c)f Friday afternoon at 5 and do not re­ been listed on the mid..semester a switch Illuminating two large 'i'he Administratrix having exhib­ trees and a garland of holly in front 1950-51 .schedule lor an 8 room Novemher was set at .$1'I2,I20 by ited tier administration account turn again until Wednesday. Chairman Of Polio Drive academic honor roll at Washington school. One custodian will receive E.stlier Howell of 29 Martin Road, Building Inspector Clement Cata- and Lee University, Lexington, Va., of the building. with said, estate to this Court for neighbors thousands of miles away, $300 which is $400 less than that Eo.st Haven, is listed among the of­ Jano today. allowance, it is The 1952 Polio campaign will be Taylor, a senior majoring in Committee members tor the pa­ paid In the 1950-51 schedule for a ficers of the Seventh Day Adventist A total of S'?S1 w'as received liy conducted In East Haven and though they were obviously employ­ English is a member of laigma Chi rade Included Dominie Ferrara, 4 room school. The remaining ORDERED—That the 17th flay of Christmas Assembly ed to help their country in quite chairman 'Michael Cuomo, Herman Church for 1952, It has been an­ the department for various permits, December A.D. 1951 at 2 o'clock in throughout the nation during tlie fraternity and serves on the staff custodians will receive $100 raises. nounced by Harold J. Brendel, licenses, and inspection fees during four week period from Jan. 2-31, another way. They gave because of the Shenandoah, student literary Scharf, Dayton Weil, John Metzo The custodians feel,^ in view ot tlie afternoon, at the Probate Oflice To Mark Start Of they wanted to give — voluntarily. and Elwood Scoble. pastor. the month, Catalano reported. In Branford, he and the same is as­ Mr. Mathow Anastasio,, — Cam­ magazine. these facts, that the salary schedule With her husband, Thomas, she paign Director, said He predicted It has become axiomatic ot the Forty-two building permits for 20 signed for a hearing on the allow­ American people that they give offered in 1951-52 Is lower than In Is co-treasurer and is likewise dwellings were issued by the build­ ance of said administration account Holiday Vacation the drive would'be,the most inten­ 1950-51. At this time, the cUstodlans named us church organist with Jane ing department, bringing in ,$32.5 in sive of its kind in local history. voluntarily or not at all—and when Marine Creighton Sabo Lions' Roar Heard fit have not definitely decided' on any •^ with said estate, and this Court di­ The annual Christmas A.ssembly they want to give, nothing can stop Johlmpn. tce.s. ALSO Issued during November rects l^lora K. Goldsmith to cite all "Recalling as we do the tragic action in reference to this offer al­ She Is organist of the Sabbilth wore ()5 electrical permits, cost,- ot the Jr. and Sr. High Schools will them. Climaxes Boot Training though the union does feel that the I he ^^'^^^^yewI}:/D^^^^^^ persons interested therein to appear take place on Friday morning in the polio epidemics just past", Mr. An- The East Haven Campaign Di­ Charter Presentation School and Missionary Volunteer ing a total of 5130. Thirteen plumb­ at said time and place, by publish- aiitasio said, "each member of our men transferred to the elementary pianist besides serving as chairman ing permits at SO each and one .?'l high .school auditorium. Mrs. John rector revealed that plans for schools have the ability and arc ing this order in some newspaper various March of Dimes committees campaign activities are now being Feast Held Last Night ot press relations. plumbing pennit, at a total cost of pulilished in New Haven County Strandberg In faculty advisor. is determined that this year's fund- fully quallfled having over 5 years Dedicatory service for the newly 3S2. were Reported by Catalano. The program is based on Bible reviewed and that committee mem­ service and are entitled to an equal aiid liaving a circulation in said dis­ raising drive to aid polio patients bers and other workers are receiving elected church officers will take Other Items included in the trict, and by posting a copy on the Readings and Carol singing. must be the greatest In the 14-year HI ..A dinner and semi-formal dance amount to the men they replaced In lace during church services on Adoramus Te, Paleslrina, Glee a final briefing on the work ahead accoinpanled the charter [tre.senta- service. monthly report were: 2'1 oil burner public sign-post in the Town of history of the National Foundation during the four week period of the gaturday morning, Dec, 22. permits, costing SIS; '12 power pump Bi-anford v.liere the decea.sed last Clubs. for Infantile Paralysis." tion of the new East Haven Lions clcjinout permits, totaling .'5'12; 1.3 dwelt. Noel, Noel, Stainer, Glee Clubs., local drive. Club last night In Carnevale's Colon­ spotic tank permits, .'i;2B; U street The Bible Reading, St. Luke 1 Many years of tragic experience "The people of East Haven have nade, Momauguin. Dick Searles Assumes excavations, §11; and one range oil Bv the Court: V. 26-31 James Streeto. with polio have proved that no com­ always had the welfare ot their Chairmafl Thomas Gagliardi and Ralph Fiengo Elected There's really no way to tell j'ou how It feels storage permit, costing 50 cents. Flora K. Goldsmitli, Companions, All Sing Loudly, munity in the nation can stand children at heart and have always his committee were responsible for • Catalano reported that four 12-20) Clerk alone against the onslought of a demonstrated their loyalty and a large attendance, with delega­ Riverdale Presidency to drive a great new t'ontlac with .Dual-Range Basque Carol, Lillian Thomas. poliq epidemic — neither the great­ Junior Class Prexy iiccn.ses wei'e Issued to electrical Seven extra electric inspections, Bible Reading, St. Matthew 1, support In the fight against the tions from Lions Clubs of Ansonia, performance—you simply must put yourself contractors and one license to a est cities nor the .smallest towns. cruel disease-infantile paralysis. In Branford, Derby, Devon, Gullfordi The regular meeting of the River- totalling $14, and one extra plumb­ v. 22-23, James Streeto. ' When an epidemic strikes in virul­ In Tight Balloting In the driver's seat, put your own foot on the plumbing contractor, costing .$25 ing inspection costing S2, also were O Come, O Come Immahuel, that knowledge, your local March of Hamden, Mllford New Haven, Wood- dale Civic A.s.sociation ot Ea.st Haven and $50 respectively. Five licen.ses Gregorian, Boys and Glee Club. ent force, almost everything that is Dimes volunteers will go all-out bridge and West Haven. Members of was held Monday night in the home accelerator and break into a smile! .,•^. ». reported Ijy Catalano. One zoning needed is lacking — until outside Ralph Fiengo was elected presi­ at S5 each WITC issued for the in­ map, at 59 cents, was .sold during Bible Reading, St. Luke 11, y. 1,3,7, during the drive to make this cam­ the Chamber of Commerce Rotary of Mr, and Mrs. J. Warren Johnson, stallation of oil burners. help arrives. This help 'consists' of paign the phenomenal success it and Exchange Clutjs of East Haven, dent of the junior class at East 152 Borrmann Koad. There has never before been anything quite the month. James Streeto. . doctors, nurses, physical therapists, To Us Is Born a little' Ohild, must' be, "Mr. Ana.sta.sio concluded. were among those asked to attend. Haven High School recently in an ' The new president. Dick Searles, like tliis combination of Pontiac's liigli- iron lungs, hotpack machines, rock­ First Selectman Frank A. Barker election which was as closely con­ presided. Other new officers are compression engine, tlie new GM Dual-Uange German, Lillian Lewandoskl. ' ing beds and all the other equip­ Invited guests included Frist Bible Reading, St. Luke 11 v. 8, has been named honorary chairman Selectman Frank A. Barker, Rev. tested as the senior elections of Mrs. Raymond Pratt, vice president; Hydra-Matic" and Pontiac's higli-perform- ment which moves swiftly through for East Haven's March ot Dimes, it a month ago. Mr.s. Gerald Cullcn, .secretary; and James Streeto. the supply-linos of the National John O'Donnell, Merrill A. Louks ancc, economy axle. You can select, with a While Shepherds Watched. Their was announced this week by chair­ of Newlngton, secretary of District Other junior class officers chosen Frank Nolan, treasurer. Foundation for Infantile Paralysis man Mathew Anasasio. Co-chairmen 23; J. Sidney Wakely of Waterbury, tn the election were Ed Post, vice flick of your finger, exactly the power you Flocks, Handel, Louise and Lorraine and which is made pcssible by theI are Mr.s. Lois Hartman and Mr.s. president; Harriet Brown, secretary, want, when you want it and Pontiac delivers it Whitney. March ot Dimes. District Governor; Dr. Robert Bible Reading, St. Luke 11 v. 13, Emma Fasano. Herman Hackbarth Bunnell of Merlden, Deputy District and Paula Andrews, treasurer, the Maureen Wayand Voted where you want it—instantly, automatically! James Streeto. So deep-rooted in the soli of our is threasurer. Governor; Harold - A. A,shley of latter by unanimous vote. When you conibinc this basic engineering Angels We Have Heard on High, Old culture is this spirit of helping — or Salvatore Longabrdi heads the Waterbury, Past International Di­ Fiengo, an liour student from 4-H Fair Assn. Director giving — or sharing :— that It fol­ Marine Private First Class rector; and Alflo UrbanatI of Nor­ homo room 302, was in a variety . advance witli Pontiac's distinctive beauty and French; Glee Clubs. comrnittee which will distribute the Crighton P. Sabo, son of Mrs. flihle Reading, St. Luke 11 v. 15,-lows Americans even into battle. coin boxes and William E. Gillis wich, Lions International Field show put on recently by a group Miss Maureen Wayand of 133 wor(d>-wide reputation for economy and dura­ Open Thursday T\\\ 9 P. m. For example, there Is an epic ot the Mary Sabo, 56 French Ave., Representative, who acted as toast- of students for the entire .student Short Beach Road, East Haven, was James Streeto. will handle the details of the .school East Haven. Conn., recently body. The show was produced, di­ bility you can see why dollar for dollar you TMIK t'OlVMilt VOV WAXT • IViUiX YOU iVAiVT i1 • WHKHii YOV WAXT IT What-Child Is This, Old English; Korean war treasured by the March campaign. Paul Stevens, Joan Arm­ master. elected a director for three years of Dimes organization. In the midst climaxed training here at the rected and announced by Vin Bruno, at the recent annual meeting of the can't beat a Pontiac. Come on in and drive it! Glee Clubs. strong and William Ahem constitute Marine Corps Recruit Depot also an outstanding junior. Bible Reading, St. Matthew 11 v. of last year's hottest fighting and the publicity committee. New Haven County 4-H Fair As­ •Ol'Ifwal at lixlra Call © IIIVU C'O.Ml>nliSSIO.\ KN'tilXK [T) KKW IUHI-il.\.\<;K HVl>K.\-.^l.VTIi: © .\KW KCO.^O.MV A.VLiI coldest weather, our , embattled 'Forris Island, S. C, by receiving sociation in North Branford. GLOSEO MONDAY 1, 2; James Streeto. marines,. ground-troops and sea- Members of the committee repre­ a promotion to his present rank Alderman N. Levine We Three Kings ot Orient Are, and winning the silver badge of SANTA'S DISTAFF SIDE The main spealter of the evening M«i.M.An FOB UOLhAH VOV CAX'T USAT A, i'OXTMAV fighters found time to conduct their senting organizations and business­ Members ot the East Haven was Miss Barbara Juniver of North Hopkins; Robert Burwell, JoHn Clark own March of Dimes campaign. No men and the personnel of the mail­ Marine Marksman. Talks To Women Dems and George Wolcott. ing and theatre committees will be Woman's Club have vountecrcd to Branford. She gave an Illustrated one had proposed it to them. No one Sabo finished training in be helpers during Santa Claus daily talk on her Experiences as ah In­ Bible Reading, St. Matthew 11 urged it. These men raised many announced at a later date. field tactics, precision drill, Norton Levine, majority leader of Open Other Days 9:30 to 5:45 : v. 11, James Streeto the Democratic aldermen of New appearances this week in the town ternational Farm Youth Exchange- CENTRAL GARAGE, ING. thousands of dollars on Korean .sofl militory courtesy and Marine hall as pirt of the Christmas activi­ delegate to Ireland this..'past Lullaby. Thou Little.Tiny Child, and in Korean waters simply be­ Corps history. Haven, is the guest speaker at the English, Glee Clubs. Linden Prann will take part in annual Christmas dinner of the East ties sponsored by the Chamber of summer and fall. Miss Juniver,. a 64 Moin Street cause the date reminded'them ;that the "Teen-Age Forum of the Air on He fired other infantry Commerce. Junior at the University ot Connect!* Branford. Conn. ELM STREET AT ORANGE Joseph, 0 Dear Joseph Mine, the March of Dimes was going on Saturday morning at 11:30 over weapons in addition tto the Haven Women's Democratic Club cut, was President of the New.Ha­ German, Soprano Solo; Marilyn back home. Garond rifle, ond observed tonight in the Adam House Restaur Each day -until December 22, Morgan, Tenor Solo, Edmond Henry. WAVZ. ^ Topical subject will, be ant. Mrs. Alice Anderson Is chair .Santa Glaus will greet the town's ven County 4-H Fair ssoclatlon m "Religious Education in the operation ol the machine gun, 1950. , ..,. O Holy Night, Adam. "Here, indeed, was faith In'actlon mortar and flame thrower. man of the affair. children from 2 to 5 P. M, O Sanctissima, Sicilian These Americans helped their'Schools."

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