
PAGE FOUR LAUREL OUTLOOK Wednesday, February 19, 1947

POPPY MAKING REACHES The disabled veterans are the PEAK only paid workers in the Auxiliary’s Making of memorial poppies for j P°PPy program, Mrs. Sterrett ex- ★I; Auxiliary Poppy day next May was expected i plained. The women who distribute oyal Theatre to reach a peak during February, ! the flowers on Poppy day serve as ' unpaid volunteers, all of the funds RWEEKLY PROGRAM according to Mrs. Sterrett, poppy I r Activities chairman of the Laurel unit of the contributed going to American Thou-1 Legion and Auxiliary rehabilitation American Legion Auxiliary, f THREE BIG DAYS LEFT The social meeting of the Amer­ sands of disabled veterans of both} an(l child welfare work. THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY ican Legion Auxiliary was held at world wars are being given employ­ 4 Sponsors Quit Council of the home of Mrs. Almeda Paisley ment in the work. February 20-21-22 American-Soviet Friendship with Mrs. Carolynn Albertus assist­ Poppies are being made for the Here’s the picture you’ve been wait­ Auxiliary in veterans hospitals and ing hostess. This being American- NEW YORK. — National Council ing to see. Roaring out of the plains, convalescent workshops in every of American-Soviet Friendship an- robbing and risking all, comes the ism month, the Americanism pro-1 part 0f the country, said Mrs. Ster- nounced withdrawal of four prom­ most romantic character in the gram was carried out according to ; rett. More than 25,000,000 of the inent sponsors, three of whom at­ t. ® history of the romantic West. See the National News by the chairmen ; j little red flowers of remembrance tributed their resignations to dis­ Jane Russell in her first picture as ’ j are expected to be completed before agreement with activities of the the sweetheart of the dashing, dare­ Mrs. Graff and Mrs. McCauley. I Peppy day, May 24. The poppies council. , i devil, desperado. It’s said to be the Mrs. 0. A. Brohaugh gave a very | wj,jc|j wjn be distributed here are Richard Morford, executive direc­ most breathless drama ever fibned. interesting article on the life of being made by disabled veterans at tor of the council, said those who re­ "~r% Jack Buetel Walter Huston President Lincoln, Keith Brown Fort Harrison. signed were Harold L. Ickes, for- Jane Russell Mimi Agulgia sang three numbers. A quiz was Veterans are paid by the Auxil­ mer secretary of the jnterior; Sen. Thomas Mitchell Joe Sawyer iary for their work as fast as the Leverett Saltonstall (R., Mass.) ; In given and a contest on the national poppies are completed. The money Judge Learned Hand of the United anthetm. Group singing was en­ not only enables the disabled men States circuit court of appeals, and BROTHERS BY BIRTH AND BLACKSTONE . . . Associate Justice <( 9 9 joyed by all. Lunch was served by to contribute to the support of their William L. Batt, former vice chair­ Frank Murphy of the Supreme court of the United States is shown, The Outlaw the hostesses. The Americanism es­ families but also gives the men the man of war production board. right, with Judge George Murphy in recorders court at Detroit. They Two shows nightly at 6:45 and say contest will be on “America’s encouraging experience of being In a letter, Ickes told the council are sitting in the same court room where Justice Frank presided a few years ago, before he went on to the nation’s highest tribunal. The Contribution for a Permanent able to do productive work again. that “considerable variance exists 9 P. M. brokers were photographed as they discussed a case now before Saturday Matinee at 2:30 P. M, Peace,” and the prizes will be the The work itself is valuable to them between our points of view with re­ Midnight show Saturday starting same as last year. as occupational therapy. spect to certain matters affecting .- T-e George, while Justice Frank was on vacation. Russia.” at 11:30 P. M. All shows at regular prices

SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY Tender, juicy meat is available and at money-saving prices! February 23-24-25 • • • It shouldn’t happen to anybody but Kaye, as filmdom’s fantastic funny­ man hits new heights of glorious giggling. You’ll cry with laughter 4vÜL -L-Cv and roar for more. It’s filmed in —*r- beautiful technicolor to further your enjoyment. Virginia Mayo Eve Arden lust try a /y Vera-Ellen Walter Abel - > In 1 -J itThe Kid y • T From Brooklyn 99 llr I', ) ■i. Sunday shows at 2:30, 6:45 and 9 P. M. Monday and Tuesday shows at V** AK ÿfjl I 8 P. M. ‘ï'M i6 WEDNESDAY ONLY S. r February 26 V '• : S«: - & % BANK NIGHT ff}*. '■ À y A' Here’s a hilarious comedy mystery where a frustrated reporter solves A of a baffling crime with the aid of a •/‘T, lady policewoman, a dog, and a ~ -r—= sympathetic officer. \w Buy it at Safeway guarantees you tender, fine eating meat ev- Carole Landis Henry Morgan Allyn Joslyn Reed Hadley ery time and every cut. Here’s why this guarantee Margo Woode Jean Wallace is possible: First, we buy only the top government In grades of beef, only the top grades of lamb, pork «6 It Shouldn t gig and veal. Second, we bring these fine meats to mar­ 91 ket with special care to safeguard their satisfying Happen to A Dog ï ;mx::: flavor and tenderness. Carefully trimmed before 2nd Feature «»FEW«« weighing these meats are priced no higher than Meet the personality kid, his pets, and his pet projects. He was am­ ordinary meats. Select your favorite cut at Safeway bitious to do big things, but she S. today. If you don’t like it for any reason whatso­ only little things like wanting a ever, we’ll give your money back without return of wedding ring. Anita Louise Barbara Brown the meat! Michael Duane Bobby Larson Ted Donaldson Oscar O’Shea There’s a world of difference be­ In Delicious Roast tween the designation—Grade A EDWARDS U S. Good and U. S. Good—Beef sold at it Personality POT ROAST Lb. 39c Safeway is Federal Graded and is COFFEE marked with the Federal Grade A Blend of the Finest Coffee 9 9 Stamp. Grown Kid U. S. Good Shows at 6:45 and 9 P. M. Lean and Meaty Round Steak ü. S. Good 2-lb. |ar 93c Lb. Lb. 65c SHORT RIBS 29c Woman Escapes Death in Turkeys Hens or Toms. Lb. ____ ...... 39c Fall in Grand Canyon CnJInak Avalon, Tomato 22c U. S. Good Fryers 79c aarames sauce, no. i ovai GRAND CANYON, ARIZ.—De De Very Tender Eviscerated. Lb. ... Johnson, 33, of , well- 59c lunch Meat TSS'om™. 43c known designer of women’s sports Sirloin Steaks Lb. Pork Chops cSTub.57c clothes, narrowly escaped death Spaghetti no1“«™___ 10c when she fell from the rim of the JUICE Grand Canyon to a sloping ridge 50 gSSVAUNT MARY 99 Happy Vale Pink 35c feet down. U-iO-o* 24 No. 2 cans _ 2.35 aaimon NO. I Tall Can...... eH“» GRAPEFRUIT She clung to a ledge until three J heard on *> Town House. No. Z Can...... 10c /> Hills or M. J. B. x : XT LOttGG i-ib. Tin ...... 49c forest rangers rescued her. KXLQ—4:30 P. M. » She was standing on a small re­ Hot Sauce Gardenside^ 7c taining wall, posing for a picture for Monday through Friday TOMATO JUICE 24 No. 2 Cans „. 2.98 7%-oz. Can...... her husband, Harold Kronthal, when Llpton’s Noodle she slipped and fell. Miss John­ i\ recommend* Sunny Dawn. No. 2 Can 13c Soup Mix 29c UOWf 3 Pkgs. _____ .’...... son suffered shock, a sprained left Corn Beef Hash. Old Virginia ny foot and rope burns. She was tak­ Red Sour Pitted. Clean-up 16-oz. Tin _____ J' C en to a hospital for treatment. KITCHEN CRAFT FLOUR 50-lb. Price. No. 10 Can______Bag .... 3.35 CHERRIES 1.39 USE OUTLOOK WANT ADS. Baking Chocolate AIRWAY 23c Dill Pickles Columbia Brand 69c True American Hersney s *.«». Pkg...... 56-oz. Jar ...... Matches 23c 6-Box Carton . COFFEE 33c Pickles Fresh Cucumber 43c Mother's Cocoa 2-lb. Pkg. Libby’s. No. 2 Vi Jar ... Raisins Seedless 55c Its Rich Flavor Can Not Be It’s 2-lb. Pkg...... — Duplicated at the Price Fisher’s 24c Kellogg’s Cake Flour 2-lb Pkg. Pep 8-oz. Pkg. __ 12c Choice Dried Apricots 1-lb. Cello 57c Diamond Brand 2.19 Cheerios 7 14c 1 -lb. Pkg. 39c Hoîîey 5-lb. Tin _____ -oz. Pkg...... Choice Dried Peaches 1-lb. Cello 45c Salad Dressing Duchess 35c Prunes Del Monte, Large 50c Flu 16-oz. Jar 2-lb. Pkg...... Choice Apricots Clean-up Price nn Dried Apples 1-lb. Cello .... 54c No. 10 Can ______VÖC Clean-up Price qq Time Fancy Black, Layer Pack Apples No. 10 Can ______TOC r Figs 20c 8-oz. Pkg.______Peaches Clean-up Price 73c Producer-Consumer Campaign No. 10 Can---- Pears Regular Oleomargarine Sunny 43c Brand 3.79 Bank. Lb We have 12 No. 2 Vi Cans ___ Fresh Creamery Now at SAFEWAY No. 2Vz Can .. 33c Butter Lb. 73c FUV- Cigarettes All Popular- 1.45 Vaporizers Prunes R-Pak Brands. Ctn *1 2.89 12 No. 2% Cans ----- Peanut Butter, Beverly, Regu­ 59c U S. No. 1 Gems * No. 2 Vi Can 25c lar, Chunk, 2-lb. Jar Heat Pads j POTATOES 100 Lbs. $2.98 Eggs Medium Extra Fruit- Cocktail Doz. ______38c Hunt’s Fey. 2.29 Sun Lamps Sunkist, U. S. No. 1, Largu 6 No. 2ti Cans______No. IV2 Can .... 39c ORANGES Size. 10 Lbs...... - . 79c Cherub Infra Red Lamps Soap O. I. Good for Household Use 39c MILK Apples ÎS eÏ'fcT 4 CLbs. 55c Cabbage 7c 3-lb. Bar U. S. No. 1. Lb.__ 4 Clean-up Price Germacidal Lamps Grapefruit Texas Pink, u. S. 45c Celery California Pascal 13c ? Soap Oxydol Case 48 6.19 NO. 2, 5 Lbs...... ü. S- No. 1. Lbr.______or Dus 35c Tall Cans Sunkist, ü. S. No. 1 New, Florida, ü. S. large Size ------LAIRD----- — 25c i 3 TaD Lemons 2 Lbs...... Potatoes No. 1-A. 3 Lbs._ 33c RADIO - ELECTRIC Dutch Cans .... 39c q Cheese ------■ PHONK 50 Pineapple Fresh Cuban | Ç Onions Idaho Yellow, U. S. 1 Mill 1.09 1*. No. 1. 5 Lbs.___ 25c American. 2-lb. Loaf —