Abbo of Fleury: 19, 122 Abbreviatio
Cambridge University Press 052130007X - The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism: The Middle Ages, Volume 2 Edited by Alastair Minnis and Ian Johnson Index More information Index Abbo of Fleury: 19, 122 Adenet le Roi abbreviatio (abbreviation): 55, 57, Berte aus grans pies´ : 449 58, 64, 449 Cleomades´ : 438 methods of: 48, 55 Les Enfances Ogier: 449 and amplificatio: 48, 58 ‘Ad habendam materiam’: 88 Abelard, Peter: 4, 21, 22, 536, 651 adnominatio: 87 Historia calamitatum: 543 Ælfric: 19, 318–20, 322–3 Abrams, M. H.: 285 Catholic Homilies: 318–20 Abu¯ ‘Ubayd al-Bakri:¯ 380 Grammar: 316 Acallam no Senorach´ : 303–4 Latin Preface to Saints’ Lives: accentus: 52 318 accessus ad auctores: 2, 52, 53, 102, Old English Preface to Saint’s 119–20, 123–5, 126, 128, Lives: 319, 322 129, 136, 138–9, 146–7, 148, Æsir: 35 7 150–2, 154, 157, 161, 162, Aelred of Rievaulx: 441 165, 166, 170, 182, 187, 190, aemulatio: 568 191, 192, 193, 197, 199, 203, Aeschines Socraticus: 679 211, 225, 227, 285, 366–7, Aeschylus: 219 369, 375, 378, 385, 404–5, Aesop: 40, 104, 155, 173, 195, 409, 412–14, 417, 418, 419, 375–7, 426, 436 492–3, 505, 509, 522, 529, affectus: 259, 272, 286, 655 530, 566, 568, 578, 583, affective poetics: 157 586–7, 588, 594–8, 608, 609, principalis affectio: 257, 259 610, 677 Afonso Eanes do Coton: 497 accessus ad satiricos: 225, Africa: 108 228 agens (author): 595–8 Accolti, Benedetto: 657 Agli, Peregrino: 646 Accursius: 655 Agliotti, Girolamo: 641 Achilles: 444, 684 Aimeric, Ars lectoria: 122–3 Achilles Tatius: 673, 678, 685 Aiol: 440 Acro,
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