Scrooby Road, Harworth – Scheme for Restoring Tip 1 Following Excavation and Fill Exercise
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Scrooby Road, Harworth – Scheme for Restoring Tip 1 following excavation and fill exercise Jones Homes Ltd Scrooby Road, Harworth Scheme for Soiling and Restoring Area of Colliery Tip 24th October 2014 Revision C – 14 November 2014 –Third Issue P0-MP-SPA-RP-P3797-1RP-0001- Restoration Report 1 Scrooby Road, Harworth – Scheme for Restoring Tip 1 following excavation and fill exercise Contents Introduction Policy Background Site Location and Setting Views across Application Site Proposed Earthworks Topography Access Previous Approval of Restoration Proposals Site Preparation Phasing of Operations Operational Practices/Parameters Transportation Route Protection of Existing Trees and Vegetation Public Utilities Restoration Scheme Aftercare Appendix Appendix A: NCC letter 9 November 2008 Appendix B: JHN/1077/596 Proposed Contour Plan – Jones Homes Ltd JHN/1077/599 Location Plan Tipping Area – Jones Homes Ltd JHN/1077/594 Earthworks Cross Sections – Jones Homes Ltd JHN/1077/593 Cross Sections Location – Jones Homes Ltd Health and Safety File Materials Management Plan (MMP) Appendix C: P-3797-3DG-0200-0701 Stage 2a Restoration Plan – Spawforths P-3797-3DG-0200-0708 Proposed Landscape Restoration Plan – Spawforths P0-MP-SPA-RP-P3797-1RP-0001- Restoration Report 2 Scrooby Road, Harworth – Scheme for Restoring Tip 1 following excavation and fill exercise Introduction Spawforths has been instructed by Jones Homes Ltd to prepare a supporting statement to accompany the submission of a restoration scheme for Harworth Colliery Tip. At the time of preparing this report a significant part of the remediation works which are approved by Bassetlaw District Council under the Approval of Reserved Matters (Ref:12/01784/RE) has been completed in the part of Phase 1A Residential area immediately adjacent to Scrooby Road. Policy Background Policy12.6: Reworking of Colliery Spoil Tips states that ‘Limited reworking may be possible under the provision of the 1995 General Permitted Development Order, but where extensive reworking is proposed, planning permission is normally required. In determining proposals of this nature it is necessary to balance the potential level of disturbance to the environment and local communities, and the environmental benefits which may be gained. There is the potential for colliery spoil and dry dirt discard to be used as a secondary aggregate, particularly as a bulk fill. The impacts of reworking spoil tips are applicable both to the recovery of coal as well as the use of spoil as a secondary aggregate. Policy 12.6 therefore also applies to secondary aggregate.’ Site Location and Setting The Application Site is located south of Scrooby Road, Harworth within the extent of the former colliery use. Land use to the east is also associated with the colliery. The area of application lands that form part of Tip 1 are indicated approximately on the aerial photo below. This indicates the approximate area of the proposed earthworks, constituting an area of grassland on the southern face of the Tip, with groupings of trees and scrub which have become self- established and isolated areas of small scale excavation to the southern Tip face. A number of settling ponds are located to the west and south of the application boundary. Tree plantations are located to the northwestern and southwestern edges of the Tip. P0-MP-SPA-RP-P3797-1RP-0001- Restoration Report 3 Scrooby Road, Harworth – Scheme for Restoring Tip 1 following excavation and fill exercise Views across Application Site Application Site View 1 - View south over the Application Site, October 2014 Harworth Colliery Bircotes Phase 1A residential development View 1 Colliery Tip Application Site Harworth Colliery access road Blyth Road View 2 – Aerial View showing toned Application Site area Proposed Earthworks The proposed earthworks include excavation of 40,000 cubic metres of colliery waste material from the Phase 1a Residential Development Site and disposal upon the Harworth Colliery Spoil Tip. Excavation of 50,000 cubic metres of fill material from Area A and Area B is then required for replacement within the residential area to form a development platform to agreed finished levels. The total proposed P0-MP-SPA-RP-P3797-1RP-0001- Restoration Report 4 Scrooby Road, Harworth – Scheme for Restoring Tip 1 following excavation and fill exercise earthworks area is approximately 3.4Ha in extent, of which 1.5Ha constitutes the area of fill and 1.9Ha the area of cut. This is illustrated within drawing JHN/1077/599 included as Appendix B. The Earthworks Specification and Remediation Strategy dated June 2014, prepared by BWB, notes the requirement for geotechnically and environmentally suitable site won materials and imported material (from the wider colliery site area) in order to address the mass deficit after removal of fill material to provide a developable platform for the proposed residential development. The Strategy describes good working practices relating to earthworks, filling and water control. Topography A full topographic survey is included in Appendix B. Access Access to Tip 1 is via an existing metalled colliery road which leads to an area of hard standing situated to the south of the Tip. Previous Approval of Restoration Proposals Restoration proposals for the Application Area were submitted for Harworth Colliery Pit Head on 12 August 1996. In 1998 Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC) found the restoration plan 2074.PH1 (appended in Appendix A) acceptable as an 'outline' restoration plan, subject to a requirement of further approval of details in respect of: a) clearance of all buildings, plant and foundations, including a site investigation and risk assessment to determine the potential for the former coking plant to have caused groundwater contamination, and the subsequent treatment of any contamination discovered; b) creation of suitable site topography; c) spreading of soils and associated treatments; d) seeding and planting; e) the provision of wetlands, and aquatic vegetation; f) the creation of additional rights of way through the site; g) management scheme for the aftercare of the restored areas. This approval was given subject to conditions, namely that: a) restoration be carried out before the end of the period of 24 months from the date when the mining operations have permanently ceased; P0-MP-SPA-RP-P3797-1RP-0001- Restoration Report 5 Scrooby Road, Harworth – Scheme for Restoring Tip 1 following excavation and fill exercise b) aftercare shall be carried out throughout the period of 5 years from the date when restoration of that part of the site is completed. Regarding the latter condition, NCC state that restoration should be carried out in accordance with a detailed scheme to be submitted prior to restoration works, using the normal format of steps to be taken. Site Preparation Access to the proposed area of earthworks is via an existing metalled colliery road which leads to an area of hard standing situated to the south of the Tip from where cut and fill activities will be accessed. Warning signs indicating that mobile plant is operating will be erected along this route. A site notice will be erected at the entrance to the Application Area detailing the name, address and the telephone number of the person to contact for enquiries or in cases of emergency. There is an informal track crossing the Tip indicating possible unlawful public access across colliery land. Plant will be stored on the northern Application Area. Phasing of Operations Fill will be transported to the Application Area from the Phase 1A residential development and spread within the relevant area. Selective deposition of soils will take place to ensure that the best available soil material forms the final 0.25m surface soil profile. Care will be taken to ensure that the final profile is free draining to prevent any pooling of water on the surface. Jones Homes Ltd will ensure that no stockpiles or earthworks will cover, block or inhibit existing drains or water courses, and that the proposed movement of earth between the two plots will not alter the existing drainage strategy; also that there is no increase in surface water runoff as a result of the earthworks. The site itself is well screened from adjacent land uses by the topography of the intervening land and trees. Based on the above criteria it has been deduced that the visual impact of operations on surrounding locations is considered to have none or negligible implications. Upon completion of the works the area will be significantly visually enhanced through the establishment of new grassland. P0-MP-SPA-RP-P3797-1RP-0001- Restoration Report 6 Scrooby Road, Harworth – Scheme for Restoring Tip 1 following excavation and fill exercise Operational Practices/Parameters The Material Management Plan (MMP) attached in Appendix B gives a description of the planned project and Method Statement. Fill Operations An environmental management system will be implemented which includes a programme for monitoring the impact of the operations to provide information on the effectiveness of operational practices which will be evaluated to determine any revisions or improvements which could be adopted. Wherever possible progressive placement of soils will take place. It is not envisaged that extensive stockpiling of imported soils will be required prior to final placement on the site. Except with prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority it is proposed that working operations upon the site shall be limited to the hours between 0700 hours and 1800 hours on Monday to Friday and 0800 and 1300 hours on Saturdays, and not at all on Sundays and Bank Holidays. Only very limited amounts of mobile plant and machinery will be required to operate on this site:- - 1 No D8 or D6 Dozer for spreading the imported soils - A 35t Dumper or similar may be used on occasions To assist in the control of noise on the site the applicant will employ at all times best operational practices to minimise the potential noise impact of the proposals.