Lincolnshire. Colsterworth
DIRECTORY.] LINCOLNSHIRE. COLSTERWORTH. 145 Pickwell Henry, farmer Trafford Geo. farmer & parish clerk. Pate William, farmer 1 Peet J ames, beer retailer South Harriot (-"'iss), shopkeeper The Heath Pell Richard & Charles, farn:ers Trafiord Charles, farmer . COLSTERWORTH is a p:1rish and village, on the sub-postmistress. Letters through Grantham arnn Great North road and the river Witham, 4 miles west from at 7· ro a. m. & 1.45 p.m.; sundays, g a. m.; dis- the Cor by station on the main line of the Great Northern patched at 2 & 5·35 p.m. week days; sundays, 4·35 railway, 8 south from Grantham, 13 north-west from p.m Stamford and 102 from London, in the South Kesteven divi-sion of the county, parts of Kesteven, Grantham I WOOLSTHORPE and TWYFORD are hamlets contigu wapeutake, union and county court district, Spittlegate ous to Colsterworth: in the former stands a farmhouse, petty -sessional division, rural deanery of Beltisloe and which was the birthplace of Sir Isaac Newton, and a archdeaconry and diocese of Lincoln. The church of St. tablet placed in front of the building bears the following John the Baptist is an ancient building of stone, chiefly inscription:- in the Early English style, with some Norman and later • "In this manor-house portions, consisting of chancel, nave and aisles, south porch Sir IsAAc NEwTON, Knt., and an embattled western tower with pinnacles, containing "\Vas born 25th December, 1642." a clock and 4 bells: the north arcade is Norman, the two In 1623 the manor of Woolsthorpe was purchased of Eastem arches• being Saxon or very early Norman, with Robert Underwood by Robert Newton, then resident· here, herring-bone work around them; the south arcade is whtJse grandfather, John Newton, son of John Newton of Early English and the north and south aisles Decorated, Westby, near Bassingthorpe, had bought a ihouse and the chancel arch and some of the windows being Perpen- land here in 1561.
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