Für Die Flora Südtirols Neue Gefäßpflanzen (3): Ergebnisse Der Floristischen Kartierung, Vornehmlich Aus Den Jahren 2002 - 2004
Gredleriana Vol. 4 / 2004 pp. 381 - 412 Für die Flora Südtirols neue Gefäßpflanzen (3): Ergebnisse der floristischen Kartierung, vornehmlich aus den Jahren 2002 - 2004 Thomas Wilhalm, Franziska Zemmer, Reinhold Beck, Walter Stockner & Wilhelm Tratter Abstract: Vascular plants new to the flora of South Tyrol (3). Results of floristic mapping, mainly from the period 2002-2004 This paper presents records of vascular plants new to the flora of South Tyrol (Province of Bozen/ Bolzano, Italy), gained from ongoing floristic mapping. Sixteen taxa (species and subspecies) are considered native or archeophytic: Asplenium trichomanes cf. subsp. inexpectans, A. trichomanes subsp. hastatum, A. trichomanes subsp. pachyrachis, A. trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens and A. tri- chomanes subsp. trichomanes, Carlina biebersteinii, Diphasiastrum oellgaardii, Dryopteris affinis subsp. borreri, D. affinis subsp. cambrensis, Dryopteris remota, Echinochloa crus-galli subsp. spiralis, Galium laevigatum, Pyrus cf. nivalis, Rumex acetosella subsp. pyrenaicus, Stellaria montana and Veronica sub- lobata. Callitriche obtusangula and Zannichellia palustris subsp. pedicellata are probably adventitious but well established in ditches. Callitriche cophocarpa, C. palustris s. str. and Verbascum crassifolium, which are supposed to be native species as well, can now be definitely confirmed. For Pulsatilla alpina subsp. alba, whose general presence in South Tyrol has been described in literature, speci- fic sites are given. Forty-six further taxa are aliens. Among them, five can be classified as mostly well established: Amaranthus blitum subsp. emarginatus, Euphorbia esula, Fallopia japonica, Helianthus ×laetiflorus and Impatiens glandulifera, the latter showing a particular conspicuous spreading. About half of the remaining taxa are casual, such as Acroptilon repens, which is probably new to Italy, whereas the other half are (locally) persisting or are of a yet uncertain chorological status.
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