USAID GOLD FY 2017 Quarterly Report

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USAID GOLD FY 2017 Quarterly Report USAID Governance for Local Development Quarterly Report July 1 – September 30, 2017 October 2017 This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development. It was prepared by RTI International. USAID Governance for Local Development (USAID GOLD) Quarterly Report July 1 – September 30, 2017 Cooperative Agreement # AID-685-A-16-00006 Prepared for Aliou Kébé, Agreement Officer’s Representative (AOR) USAID/Senegal Democracy and Governance Office Prepared by RTI International 3040 East Cornwallis Road Post Office Box 12194 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2194 RTI International is one of the world's leading research institutes, dedicated to improving the human condition by turning knowledge into practice. Our staff of more than 3,700 provides research and technical services to governments and businesses in more than 75 countries in the areas of health and pharmaceuticals, education and training, surveys and statistics, advanced technology, international development, economic and social policy, energy and the environment, and laboratory testing and chemical analysis. RTI International is a registered trademark and a trade name of the Research Triangle Institute. The author’s views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government. Table of Contents List of Figures.................................................................................................................................. vi List of Tables ................................................................................................................................... vi List of Annexes .............................................................................................................................. vii Acronyms ...................................................................................................................................... viii 1. Executive Summary ............................................................................................................ 1 2. Expected life-of-activity results ........................................................................................... 5 2.1 Summary ................................................................................................................. 5 2.1.1 Result 1: Capacity of local government to respond to citizen demand increased ...................................................................................... 5 2.1.2 Result 2: Mobilization and management of local public resources improved ..................................................................................................... 5 2.1.3 Result 3: Community participation in service delivery management (health, education, WASH, and agriculture) increased ..................................................................................................... 5 2.2 Milestones ............................................................................................................... 6 3. Project management and activities .................................................................................... 8 3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 8 3.2 Dakar office ............................................................................................................. 8 3.3 Regional offices ...................................................................................................... 9 3.4 Toolkit adaptation .................................................................................................. 11 3.5 CT selection .......................................................................................................... 13 4. Coordination and integration ............................................................................................ 15 4.1 Strategic integration .............................................................................................. 15 4.2 USAID programs ................................................................................................... 15 4.2.1 SHOPS+.................................................................................................... 15 4.2.2 USAID Neema .......................................................................................... 15 4.2.3 RSS+ ......................................................................................................... 16 4.2.4 USAID Accès ............................................................................................ 16 4.2.5 USAID SPRING ........................................................................................ 17 4.2.6 USAID Yaajeende ..................................................................................... 17 4.2.7 Lecture Pour Tous national program ........................................................ 18 4.2.8 US President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) ..................................................... 18 4.2.9 USAID WASH ........................................................................................... 18 4.3 Ministries, institutions and other projects ............................................................. 19 USAID GOLD – Quarterly Report, July 1 – September 30, 2017 iii 4.3.1 Ministry for Good Governance and Child Protection (Ministère de la Bonne Gouvernance et de la Protection de l’Enfance) (MBGPE) ................................................................................................... 19 4.3.2 PNDL ......................................................................................................... 19 4.3.3 Agency for Local Development (ADL) ...................................................... 20 4.3.4 Projet d’Appui à la Modernisation de l’État Civil (PAMEC) ...................... 20 4.3.5 Cellule de Lutte Contre la Malnutrition (CLM) .......................................... 20 4.3.6 Cercle des Communicants en Décentralisation (2CD) ............................ 21 4.3.7 RAES......................................................................................................... 21 4.3.8 National Agency of Statistics and Demography (ANSD) ......................... 21 4.4 Plans for next quarter ........................................................................................... 22 5. Cross-cutting themes ........................................................................................................ 23 5.1 Gender and social inclusion ................................................................................. 23 5.2 Communication ..................................................................................................... 23 5.3 Conflict management and mitigation .................................................................... 24 5.4 Sustainability plan ................................................................................................. 24 5.4.1 Local ownership ........................................................................................ 24 5.4.2 Capacity building ....................................................................................... 24 5.4.3 Adaptive approaches ................................................................................ 25 5.4.4 Sustainable enabling environment ........................................................... 26 5.5 Plans for next quarter ........................................................................................... 26 6. Result 1: Capacity of local government to respond to citizen demand increased ........... 27 6.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 27 6.2 Summary of progress under Result 1 ................................................................... 27 6.2.1 SR 1.1: Leadership capacity of CT councilors as elected representatives improved ......................................................................... 27 6.2.2 SR 1.2: Organizational strengths (planning, budgeting, and implementation processes) of decentralized government structures increased.................................................................................. 30 6.2.3 SR 1.3: Public financial management and oversight of public expenditures improved ............................................................................. 30 6.3 Constraints and solutions ..................................................................................... 31 6.4 Plans for next quarter ........................................................................................... 31 7. Result 2: Mobilization and management of local public resources improved .................. 32 7.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 32 7.2 Summary of progress under Result 2 ................................................................... 32 7.2.1 SR 2.1: Own-source revenue of CTs increased....................................... 32 7.2.2 SR 2.2: Social accountability mechanism for service delivery transparency increased ............................................................................ 34 USAID GOLD – Quarterly Report, July 1 – September 30, 2017 iv 7.2.3 SR 2.3: CT planning and budgeting integrates development partners’ resources ..................................................................................
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