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1'11blisheil ~rceklyduring tile i~olIr,gi~?-ear and nit~iltlllyIII .Jl~l?;iiiil .\opllht ,I: 12\Yest Stiitv Stl.cx,,t, itl~arii,Sen. Y01.k. S~~I~scripti~n$1.00 per year. 1:ntcred iib secvlld class mattcr .\lay > 1900, under tile n~tul 31ul.cli 3, 1879, ,it tire ~~ustufficc;it Ithaca, Stz\\-York. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS PROVIDENCE HARTFORD Hemphill, Noyes Cia Co. 1 Trustee Executor 37 Wall Street, New York 1 ESTABROOK & CO. Investment Securities "For the purpose of accommodat- Philadelphia Albany Boston Baltimore lng the citizens of thc state" Sound Investments Pittsburgh Rochester Buffalo Syracuse Chartered 1822 - New York Boston Jansen Noyes '10 Clifford Hemphill 24 Broad 15 State we Stanton Griffis '10 Harold C. Strong ROGER H. WILLIAMS, '95, New York Resident Partner Walter S. Marvin Kenneth K. Ward Farmers' Loan SPRIKGFIELD NEW BEDFORD Members o .fie New York Stock Exchange 11 and Trust 11 Company The Cascadilla Schools New York GRADUATES GO TO CORNELL Ithaca College Preparatory Boarding School So. 16-22 \\*illiam Street SEPTEMBERTO JUNE 11 Trust Company -4 High-Grade School for Boys-Small Fifth Aceriue Ofice I I Classes-A11 Athletics-In- 47j Fifth Avenue, at 41st St. I E; dividual Attention Special Tutoring School 1Madisorc Avenue O#ce Resources Over OCTOBERTO JULY 901 Lladison Avenue, at 72nd St. Private Instruction in any Preparatory Five Million Dollars Subject Letters of Credzt Trustees Foreign Exchange Q F. C. Cornell Ernest Blaker Cable Trnnsjers C. D. Bostwick President. .Charles E. Treman Our latest Catalog zozll appeal to that Administrator Guardian Vice-Pres . .Franklin C. Cornell school boy you are trying to interedt in Cornell Vice-Pres. and Sec., TV. H. Storms Mender Federal Reserue Ranli arid -1 postal will bring it Treasurer. .Sherman Peer Nezc York Clearing Hnzrse The Registrar, Cascadilla School Box A, Ithaca, N. Y. delivered promptly to any address in the civilized world. "Say it with Flowers" Every event is an bccasion for flowers. In your undergraduate days, the Lehigh Valley sought to earn your patronage by rendering you its best in every detail of service. By the the same means it seeks to maintain and strengthen the tie. Rased solely on its capacity to please you-and not because of "old times' saken-the Lehigh Valley invites your attention to its train service between Xew York or Philadelphia and Ithaca, Rochester, Buffalo,Niagara Falls, Toronto, Detroit and Chicago. The Boo1 Floral Its representatives will welcome your inquiries. Company, Inc. Cehigh Valley Railroad "TheHouse of Universal Service" + The Route of The Black Diamond r Ithaca, New York CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS VOL. XXVII, NO. 11 ITHACA,N. Y., DECEMBER4, 1924 I GHTEES hundred enthusiastic Bronxville, who won the fifty- and one- purchased additional land at the north supporters of the team attended the hundred-yard dashes and helped greatly end of the City of Ithaca, including Percy E second football rally in Bailey Hall in the relay race. Field and the boathouse of Cascadilla on November 25 and most of them marched School, and will soon start on the further OTTOA. STARKE,JR., '27 of Ludington, with red flares behind the band to see the development of the property. The first Michigan, was elected to the board of team off for Philadelphia. Coach Dobie step is to dredge Fall Creek cove and directors and managers of The Sibley told the crowd that the chances of being tributary waters to drain some of the Journal on November 25. beaten were at least ten to one, and that marshes. The development is being car- "with studious engineers and Phi Beta THE SAGECHAPEL Preacher for Decem- ried on with the proceeds of a fund left for Kappas" Cornell could not hope to beat ber 7 will be the Rev. Robert P. Wilder, that purpose by the late Mayor Edwin one of the greatest teams in the country. general secretary of the Student Volunteer C. Stewart. Other speakers were Rev htartin D. Movement for Foreign Missions. BOLD,BAD PIRATES held the stage of the Hardin, Harold Flack '12, Captain Frank THE BOARD TRACK has been laid on Campus Theater in Goldwin Smith on L. Henderson '25, and Robert E. Treman Schoellkopf Field, after some repairing on November 21 and 22 when the Dramatic '09, who presided. The rally was arranged the turns, and practice started on Novem- Club presented "Wappin' Wharf," its first by the Red Key. ber 28, with the close of the cross-country three-act play of the season. It was so ON THANKSGIVIKGDAY afternoon season. well done that the room was crowded for thirty-five hundred spectators watched both performances, arld they were re- THE WOMEN'SDEBATING TEAM which the progress of the game on the grid- peated on November 28 and 29 to crowds will represent Cornell against the Univer- graph in the Drill Hall. Professor Charles fully as large and appreciative. sity of Buffalo on December 13 will con- L. Durham '99 and hlarvin T. Herrick sist of Lucy L. Keate '25 of Falconer, THE TWO PORTRAITS of Former Deans '22 were the official announcers; diversions hlarjorie C. Mchlullen '27 of Schenectady, Albert ITT. Smith '78 and Eugene E. were provided by exhibition wrestling Doris M. Wood '27 of Washington, and Haskell '79 paint,ed by Professor Olaf M. matches, by an unscheduled altercation in D. M. Johnston '28 of Jamestown. They Brauner, which have been on exhibition the audience, and by the workmen aloft mill debate in Barnes Hall the question: at the Cornell Club of New York, are soon raising and lowering huge buckets of tar "Resolved, that the present tendency to- to be brought to Ithaca and hung in the through a hole in the roof. ward a third political party is justifiable." offices of Dean Dexter S. Kimball and THE BOXIR'GCLUB at its first meeting Professor William N. Barnard '97 in the A SCHOOL for officials at basketball of the year at Barnes Hall on Xovember Engineering College. games was conducted last week by Coach 25 elected officers and planned its pro- Howard B. Ortner '18, in preparation for SIGMAXI this year at Cornell is in- gram. The officers are: president, Joseph the interfraternity and independent league augurating a series of meetings at which A. Lazarus '25 of Bayonne, Kew Jersey; games this winter, when student officials representatives from each department of vice- resident, Terry S. Hinklc '25 of will be given practice. the Cniversity will present briefly the New York; secretary, Charles L. Pope '26 substance of the investigations being of Montclair, New Jersey; treasurer, THETAXI won the year's interfraternity carried on in the different laboratories. Norman A. hliller '26 of Evanston, soccer championship by defeating on The first of these, on November 25, was Illinois; and manager, Harry W. Hoff, November 23 the Chinese Club, last year's addressed by Dr. Ralph M. Holmes of the Jr., '26 of New York. champions. This year's winners have for Physics Department, Robert B. Corey, the past three years played in the final THEC. U. C. A. on December 3 started Chemistry; Albert H. Wright, Zoology; match of the season. its annual campaign for funds among the and Sutherland Simpson, Physiology. University community. The goal set is THE LARGEST BAND ever sent with LECTURESfor the week included "The $6,000, which will barely meet the ex- Cornell teams to an out-of-town engage- Peloponnesus" by Professor Eugene P. penses of the coming year, it is announped. ment made the trip to Philadelphia on Andrews '95, being the fourth in his President Farrand addressed the commit- Thanksgiving Day as a result of a drive popular series on "A Journey from Venice tee of undergraduates and members of the for funds which netted $413.74; a balance to Athens and Crete," on December 4; staff in charge of the campaign on the of $265 left from collections in the home and "The Passing of the Old West" by evening of December 2. stadium after the trip to the Dartmouth Lieutenant, Colonel Charles W. Furlong game; and a contribution of $383 left over '02, A VERBAL BATTLE regarding the desir- illustrated, on the Goldwin Smith from the fund to send the scrubs to Phila- ability of permitting "stags" at the All- Foundation, on December 5. delphia. Forty-eight players, the director, Cornell dances in the Old Armory was NORMANP. BROWN'22 is the seventh the manager, and the drum major made waged in the Sun last week. One con- of the alumni track and cross country the trip. tributor contended that he could take no representatives to visit the Campus in the pleasure and was rapidly developing into a A NEW CUSTOM has started in the Col- interests of the teams. He donned the liar and a grouch because of their insistence lege of Agriculture with the holding, on uniform over the last week end and worked on dancing with his lady. To this an- the second and fourth Tuesday evenings of out with the undergraduates, as well as other promptly replied that "stags" were each month, of song meetings to stimulate speaking before the meeting of the Track the life of the party and exp~ssedthe interest in group singing. Cass W. Whit- Club. ney '13 led the first of these, using illustra- hope that Cornell will "produce bigger FIVE TEAMS have been entered in the and better stags." tive slides. on November Zi. The affairs Indep'endents' basketball league and are sponsbred by the ~~iiculturalAs- THE FRESHMAN swimming team on several more are expected before the final sociation. November 25 defeated Ithaca High schedule is drawn up for this winter's School by a score of 56 to 16, narrowly THE COMR.IISSION in charge of the de- games.