Gain Made Plain of Or. Bell Il Allege
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WEATHER FORECAST WHERE TO GO TO-NIGHT IMriniftura SSfniT^ ni. T"rlday : • JL.fU umLuu^Ibe. i:..n|>i j.iuauin.4 TN? TOWWP Victoria and vicinity—Moderate west- Dominion—The Trap. Royal—A Doll's House. VOL. 61. NO. 28 VICTORIA, B.C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1922 PRICE FIVE CENTS FOREST SMOKE JAPAN AND FAR APPEALS OF MEN SEARCH FOR BODY HAMPERS BABINE EASTERN REPUBLIC IN ENGLISH BAY «GAIN MADE PLAIN WHO ASSASSINATED PLANE SERVICE ALLEGE LONG !E • TO NEGOTIATE UNSUCCESSFUL SIR H. WILSON FAIL * Prince Rup?rrr-*ttfr- 3. The Lar Tokio. A ig. 3.—Th_- Japanese For Vancouver, Aug 3.*—Despite search SERIES OF POSTAL eign Office was ■•itlvi«*«‘U that the by the police f*atroI boat,, no trace sen monoplaiAg, which started re IT London. Aug. 3.—The Court of Chita Government had appointed Jan- o£ Nat Thomas, who is thought t<> .Criminal Appeal to-day h nom- nemo» Ua*el- Jxrtfvr' lu- negotiate w-Bh- i.ltipan and dismissed the appeals of ton and the Çaldne latke district. ox-er questions invoking the Far have gone over board from a canoe Joseph U'Hullivan and Reginald | has been compelled to return Jo Eastern Republic in connection with in English Bay on Monday night, has Dunn, under sentence of death for -... .PECOLA m Of ALBERTI -the contemplated withdrawal of the the assassination of Field Marshal Hazel ton. It was unable to make a yet been found. "Up to the present the police have Wilson. The appellants were not landing because of the dense smoke Japanese military expedition from FI- No Doubt on That Score De Employee Is Charged With Prospector Claims Area We ni a The time and place foi the Arbitration Hearing in Ottawa present at the hearing. received no inquiries for a missing sired. Says Horne fi^bm forest fires. * Numerous Offences Equals Ontario Field negotiations were not named. woman and the authorities are in Japan lias replied, asking the Gov clined to the belief that young Is Announced ernment of the Chita Republic to fix Thomas was alone at the time of the British Note Misunderstood in Considerable Sum of Money $800 a Ton One Geologist’s an early* date. tragedy. A. Smith. Ottawa, Named to United States Said to Be Missing - Estimate Be Chairman London. Aug. 30.—That Great Charged* with the theft of letters Edmonton. Aug. 3.—A special from the mail-», t'harles* Brigden. for Ottawa. Aup. 3.—(Çauadiaa Britain has no intention of sug merly employed as a sorter of unpaid dispatch to The Edmonton Bulle French Discussing fVçssV—The first raffling of th* letters at the local post office, was tin from Fitzgerald. Alta., vn gesting any alteration of her committed for trial by a- higher-court. viuuilEuiun buard appointed to financial obligations to th* in a preliminary hearing before Mag Fort M('Murray, dated August investigate the wage dispute be istrate Jay in the city police court tu- 2, says : United States .watv re-empha- OF OR. BELL v IL tween the Canadian railway The prosecution rested Its case af “That a find of silver in the Separation of Rhine enrapanies and theft shopmen vized in the House to-day by Sir ter the hearing of- the last i mon y of Villagers Regarded Telephone Many Men Go to New Nyl- barren lands northeast of that will lie held in Otta a Tt esdav Hubert Home. Chancellor of the. tue Deputy Postmaster and a Post point has been made which will Inventor One of Themselves “~“ stroom Diggings < ‘dice in»i>ector J. A. Aikman. for at II a. m.. it was announced Exehequer. in reviewing the the," accused, stated that he realized at least equal the silver mines a committal for trial was inevitable Area From Germany by Alex. Smith, chairman of the British position on German re Messages of Sympathy from Belt Extends to Border of and reserved argument. The ac of Northern Ontario is the word Hoard, this afternoon. cused. asked as to what he had to which hits Just reached here and The personnel of the Board wax parations. Many Countries Bechuanaland sav before being sent to the liigher which is substantiated by samples completed this morning with the" ap "I wish to make it clear beyond court, declined to make a statement, of silver ore brought into the North Paris. August 3.—Separation of the Rhineland from (iendany. pointment of Mr. Smith. Isaac I*it- all question of misapprehension." de Sydney. .X.3.. Aug 3 The entitv 1 London. Akg 3 . (Canadian 1'ri sr on the advice of counsel. The offence ern Trading Cofn+atny's |K>»t here by with its own Parliament anti a separ ate financial regime supervised blado. Winnipeg, represents (the com- clared Sir Robert, "that we recog town of Baddeck was . in mourning | Cable!—:A. sensation has been caused .» denied. Jack Sarcve. a prospector of this by the Allies, is a part 'of the scheme of penalties presented to panies and James Himpson, Toronto, nize to the full our obligation to pay | to-day for the noted inventor of the i 1 ; the reported discovery of a new A Serious Charge the employees. our debts to the United States and telephone, who died yesterday. In gold belt in the Transvaal stretching In theprellmloary hearing to-day "The ore was gone over carefully Premier Poincare as representative of the opinion of the French No information is yet available in we do not mean in any shape or form the thirty-five years in which Dr. ; from the border of Bechuanaland to Jhe fïertîmt several hundred letters by both the well-known geologists. Parliament and which he is known to have taken into considera official circles here as to whether to evade that obligation." Alexander Graham llell came here to' NyJatroom. had been tampered with in the Vic Dr. Hume and 'Dr O'Neill, xvho pro tion. dr not the railway companies will spend hts Summers he was regarded j A storekeeper m tt lone>> _D*r toria post Office ill the > ears If 17 and nounced the find .is tteing vei y London. Aug. 3 —The foundation of withhold application of the wage re- by the villagers as onenf themselves, j B**chuanaltnd saw ***djeaUon*J - following X • ars up to June of t his valuable The examinations mam: The scheme, which would be pul into effect upon thé tie fini te ] ’luciion until after the Board hui» Karl Balfour's note on war debts was year, and that the sum of 13.000 in _ . .. , , . ... I and sent* samples to an assa> ©mew by the geologists. Were conducted In refusal of the German Government to fulfill the agreement for handed down its .decision. the.payment of the debt to the United Although he was in falling health ; yotr.ething like a rush is proceeding volved as having disap'ieared from dependently and at different times, States, the Chancellor of the Ex throughout the Summer and in spite Th{, operations are being kept ae- thés*- letters, was indicated. Brigtlen one statiAig that the ore would run payment of private -debts owing to French citizens by Germans chequer stated in the House of Com »*f his 73 years. Dr. Bell had continued Cret. but it i* stated that gold has is charged specifically with the theft $800 to the ton. while the other en LULL TO-DAY IN his experiments with flying boats j t\v, ,i found in a number of places, yitiee before the war, also involves the expulsion of all Prussian mons to-day. of letter*, the enumeration of which gineer estimated it at $775. It is high until Jqly 18. I Options have been secured on 'several functionaries from the Rhineland. STRIKE DISCUSSION "But while this is so. we are not extended to five closely typewritten grade free milling ore. and in com blind in this country to the colossal Another of his many activities big groups of claims folios, or several hundred in all. the officials to l»e replaced” by natives, i A confession alleged to have been mon w'îthx the substantiation of the other provisions Include an exten- j , IN UNITED STATES burdens Imposed on the nations of the Which occupied Dr, Bell latterly was i The area is reached from two oi fact that qil exists at Fort Norman world at the prepent time in the in hi* hereditary studies of sheep " J ‘he main railway lines, from which made by the .accused at the time of slon in the powers of the Allied j lie . »ntril.uled coB.lderably to the 1 11 '■** ** considerable d.Manct- his examination by the postal offl in commercial quantities. Is one of IE ^ Lhineland » 'ommission and measures Chicago, Aug 3.—There was a lull debtedness of one nation to another." the biggest things which has hap to-day In |*cace mox-ement* in the he said, “and we hold very strongly eials. and prior to his resignation of e« onomk pressure upon the prin knowledge of the laws of heredity in June of this year, lent a sensation pened in the North for many years railroad strike in the United States. the view that there is no graver im- through his working directions, car- cipal German industries amenable to al turn to the proceeding*. Announced Last Fall. the action of the Commission, such as Rail men were reticent and there was pediment to the recovery of thé world ried on for over Twenty-fix* years. Evidence as to the a I leg* d confes "Word to this effect was published no forecast of where next peace offer .