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Reference Department TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Reference Department THIS BOOK MUST iIIOT BE TAKEN OUT Of THE ROOM . • ~. /' Eu_gY;I: 't'cL ".y E. Ht·,u."t.-../ --v / ../ \ \ / \ \ < / // \ / \ 100 0 <: "at~ o:f Ee En_gl-;l r (l tJ)' b. B I'"" C't . -../ \ ../ \ \ \ \ i \ \ / • F ,. In.: (L J' () \ \ \ / / \ / '\1'" t / \ • / • !rUE QUEBEC DIRECTORY, ~c. THE ~ utbtt IJfrttforYt, FOR 1'8Q~; COrNTAlNING AN A-LPHABETICAL LIST OF TIrE MERCHAN'.l'S, TRADERS,- AND· HOUSE KEEPERS, &c. WITHIN THE CITY, TO WHICH' IS PREFIXi:D A DESCRIf'TIVE SKETCH OF THZ TOWN 'JlOCETI'lER WITH ·AN APPENDIX CONTAINING AN ABSTRAC'£ OF THE llEG rlLATIOSS OF POLICE" <-Ye. "'c~ BY THOMAS HENRI GLEASON~ PRICE, SIX AND 'DHREr PENCE.; QUEBEC: J'RINTED BY. NEILSON AND COWAN, PRINTl!;RS AND EOOICSIl:LIRs', NQ. 15, MOUN·TJ\IN STREET. 18~2. ~ablt of Utfttttttt. --»fgj'.€-c€!-="'- 1. Gun Boat Wharf. A. Castle of St. LOllis. ~. Symes' Wharf. B. Bishops' Palace &c. 3. Heath & Moir. C. Court House, 4. Cape Diamond Brewery. D. English Cathedral. 5. Joncs' Wharf. E. French Cathedral. fi. Andersons' do. F. Seminary:. 7. Irvines' do. G Hotel Dieu Nunn~rY, 8. Finlays' do. Church and Gardens. - 9. King's Wharf and Stores. H. U"sulines do. do. do. 10. Brunettes' Wharf. I. Jesuit's Barrack, and Dl"ill 11. Queens' do. Ground. 12. IVI'Callums'do. K. Presbyterian Church. 1:;. Pattersons' do. L. Gaol. 14. Goudies' do. M. Commissariat Office. 15. Bells" do. N. Con:rreganiste Church. 16. Quirouet,' Brewery. O. King's Works Office. 17. Dumas Wharf. P. St. Louis St. Barrack &c. 1 R. Morrisons' do. Q. MUltary HospItal. 19. Tremain.' do. R. Artillery Bi'rrack, &c. 20. Hunters' Wharf &c. S. Wesleyan Chapel. 21. Wil.ons' do. &c. T. St. John's Chapel. 22. Vanfelsons' do. U. French Church Lowel' 2:;. Smiths' do. Town. 24. Beaupre.' do. V Fire Assurance Office. 25. Corbins' do. W. Old Intendant's Palocc. 26. Grants' do. X. St. Roc's Church. 27. Tdylors' Ship Yard. Y. Chapel. 28. Pozer & Andersolls' Whf. Z. Union Hotel. 29. M 'Callum. do. & Brewery. 30. Bells' Ship Yard. Note.-The Wharves marked 1 2 34 5 6 are laid down up­ on a lesser scale than the others fOT want of room upon the plate. The/allowing nomes were omitted in the Alphabetical List. Musson, John Druggist and Apntheeary. :; Buade street. '3rown, Richard Merchant, Goudie's Wharf; resid<.>nce 1 IS' ~I street. ADVERTISEMENT" THE compiler·0£ the QUEBEC DIRECTORY, in presentin-g it to the Public, begs leave to remark, that although aware of many di·fficulties he had to encounter, others' unforeseen by himself or ofriends arose, which considerably retarded its 'Completion. Obstacles were in -some few instan­ ces, thrown in his way which required the great­ -cst activity and perseverance to overcome. How far he has succ€eded in removing those obstacles and making the work uceptable, the public alone will be able to decide. In order to make a DIRBCTORY of this City useful, it i~, (and ever will be,) necessary to pub­ lish it by the first of J un~. 'Bhis necessity has caused the <:ompiler labour mId difficulty almost incredible. Upwards of three hundred removals has takenploc.esince ,the first of May. These he has endeavoured to correct. That there are errors he will not pretend to deny; but he con­ fidently trusts, few willbe found taking into cob­ sideration the number 'Of names he has inserted. VI Every attention has been paid to the authc­ graphy of the French names, by persons compe­ tent to the task. A plan of the City and part of the Suburbs has been procured at a considerable expence ; and the engraving although plain and simple has been pronounced correct. In particularizing the numbers of the houses, no regard has been paid to those already pla<ed upon them unless found correct. The majority of them are incorrect, but the numbers inserted in the Directory will be found accur.ate when a general numbering takes place. This the pub­ lisher has been led to believe will be done this summer. Those who' may be disposed to num­ ber their hou~t':; acconling to the Directory.may depend on their accuracy. In the arrangement of part of this work, are some unavoidable errors, owing to the riecessary information not being received until the work was in the press. A nother year this fault' (if so considered) can easily becorrec.ted. It is like­ wise the intention of the com,piler to make' many useful additions anot her year, if justified in the attempt by support, adequate to the expense. From correct descriptions previously given of the City, extracts have been mad·e with due acknow- . dgement. vii The publisher returns his grateful acknow­ ledgements to his numerous and respectable Pa­ trons, for their encouragement and assistance ; and copfidently hopes the present attempt may be useful to the community, and be attended with succuss. MAY, 1822. A LIST or STREETS IN THE CITY OF QUEBEC. Ul'l)E~ l'U',L<. HALl fE·ViLLE. Hope Str~N, HllQ ~~~, !lamille, St. JObl! J~:'2I't, Rue "~" ~ean., St. Louis ;Jtreet, Hu ..... :It. wOlllS, St. Ann 01 (...!et, lh,:...· ,S-t\". Anne, llabrique 3treet, Ifue -(!.:' 1.1 1?1briauc, l'alace St: ect, Ii'!:..' (1'1 Pahis ... Barrack Street, 1ft,,· ~~~~" Ca"larlleS, Buade Street, Hue Buade, :New cl:rect, It-ue ~'!,.H,·:.l:(~, St. Ul'su\e Stt·eet, Rue tite. <.Jrsule, Gard'~n Stre-et, Hue des Jardias, Call"iers ~::~, rct, Rae des Canieres. St. Genevieve St.reet, . R,;e Ste, Genevieve, Grisons Street, Rue des Grisol1s, Couiliard Street, Rue Coullinrd,' $t. JU""llh Street, Rue St. Jos~ph, St.Joachim Street, Rue- St. Joachim, St. :F'ra.c90ios t}tre~J Rue St. Frah<;OIs., S\. Flaviilu Stree;, .Rue St. I<'laden •. St. He,"" Street, Rue Ste. H~lene". St. :itaJlIsiaus Street,. It= St. Stanislao,.. Treasury.Street, Rue du Tn,sor, A n gel Street, -ltae Ste. Angelle, l?orr Street, ----­ Rlle du Fort, RamparlStreet, ' Rue <les Il,amparts, St. Dellnis Street, Rue St. Denis, , lVIount Carrllel Stre-et, Ru~ Mont-Carmel. Laval Street, Elle 1,,,,,al, St. George -Street, Hu,e St. George. St. Hen.), Slre,·[, RUe St. II.uti.. Dalhousie place, Place de Dalhousill. :>:. A.m Str~et prolon­ l'rolJnga.tlOn de la rue Ste. ged, . ~'\nne, I.ower St. Ann.Street, Rile b""se Sla. Anne,. St, Ursule Lane. H.uette des Grsulines. .....-. LOWER TOWN. BASSE-VILLE. Mountain' Stre~~, ; Rp~de Ia Ttfontagne, Champlain-Street, ,E.!,\0 Champlain, . S! • .Peter Street, l~~fC St. PI~iTC,' Sault ~u l,Ia:r[:)t~Street, ltue du Sault-au-Matelot. NI)tJ'e Dame Street, Rue Notre Dame, ' . Sous Ie Fort 'Street, . line Sous-Ie-Ftll"; • Market Place, Plac:, dll Marche. Cll/.de-Sac Street, Rue du Cul·du-Sac.- Cape Diamond Street, Rue du Cap aux Diamants, Pre'Uie Ville Street, Rue Pres-de-Ville, St. Paul Street, Rue St. Paul, Union Sfreet, Hue de rUnion, .A uwille Street, Rue St. Antoiuil• CONTENTS. Page. SKETCH of Quebec, 1 Hotels, B Public Markets, 15 Literar.y Establishments, - 16. Public· Amusements, - 18 Public Baths, 19 Commercial Establishment, - ib. Post-Office, - 20 Assurance Companies, ib. Banking Institutio,ns, - ib. Steam-Boats, 21 Benevolent, Charitable and Friendly Institu- tions, and Societies, 22 Civil List of Lower Canada, - 29 Officers of different Departments. in Quebec, 33 Civil Offices in QuebEc, - - 34 Provincial Secretary's Office, ib. Provincial Court of Appeals, ~ 35 Judges of his. Majesty's Court of King's Bench, ib. Court of Vice-Admiralty, - ib. Sheriff, 36 Coq>ners, - ib. Prothonotaries of the Court of King's Bench, ib. Police Magistrates, - ib. Clerks Qf the Peace, - ib. High Constable, 37 List of Constables in Quebec, ib. xi Clerk of the Markets, 39 Custom House, ib. Arrival and Departure of Mails, ib. Arrival and Dep,lrture of Steam-Boats, - 41 Military Offices in Quebec, 42 Cul)ers of Timber, &c. 45 List of Licensed Carters, 46 Magistrates in the District of Quebec, - 49 Advocates do. do. 50 Notaries do. do. 51 Officer!> of the Quebec Fire Assprance com- pany, ib. Do. Banking Institutions, 52 Board of Trade, ib. Medical Board, ib. Vaccine Board, ib. Officers of the Quebec Fire Society, 54 Do. Benevolent do. 55 Do. Friendly do. ih. Diocesan Societv, &c. ib. Quebec Emigrant Society, 56 Do. Agricultural Society, - ih. Alphabetical List, &c. 58 Appendix. Regulations or" Police. DESCRIPTIVE 'SKET~H OF rHE ,CITY OF QUEBEC. ~ THE City of Quebec is fituatc!d in 4.·6 deg. 48 mmutes North Latituclei and 71 deg. 1O/min­ utes West of Greenwich. -It is the Capital of Low~ er Canada, and the largest Town in -British Ame­ rica. Its·petuliar situation and, natural strength render it of [he first importance, being the strong~_ est'fortified To\vn in North America.--The whole City is a complete_ Garmon, the Upper Town being surrounded by ,immeme·Fottifica. tions which protect the ''Lower Tawn. The St' ·Lawrence' which flows on one side of the City 'and one of the latgest, Rivers in the World, was visit-ed by J acques Carti~r in J 535, who sailed up the stream as far as Montreal, 18'0 Miles abov:e Quebec. Sev'enty three-years after­ wards, ·viz: in' W08, Quebec wasf~uhded under the protection of the FrenchG.o-vernment, in whose hands itreQlained ·until--October 18th ,1759, when it was taken- after a most sang~inaI'Y .hattie by the British Ferces, under the comma-a.d -ofthe intrepid General W olfe-This young com ..
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