INDEX INDEX ABBOTT, , Jr., member of militia, 367. ALLISON, Capt. Thomas, mentioned, ABBOTT, Elizabeth, wife of Jacques Baby, 185, 292; death, 381; sketch, 386-87. mentioned, 304; sketch, 293. ALSOP, John, creditor of Askin, 45. ABBOTT, Frances, wife of Francois Baby, AMELIN, Jean Baptiste, settler at mentioned, 304; sketch, 377. Peoria, 359. ABBOTT, James I, mentioned, 275, 293, AMERICAN Fur Company, mentioned, 308, 377, 382, 395; sketch, 304; as 278. vestryman, 310-11; partner in Miamis AMHERST, Gen. Jeffrey, mentioned, 72, Co., 328, 331-34. 75; grants land at Niagara, 47. ABBOTT, James II, mentioned, 304. AMHERSTBURG, site owned by Capt. ABBOTT, Mary, wife of William Hands, Bird, 186; founded, 243. mentioned, 304, 376; sketch, 308. AMMUNITIONS, manufacture of, 489. ABBOTT, Robert, mentioned, 213, 304; ANCIENT shilling, defined, 162. member of militia, 374. ANCRUM (Ancram), Major William, ABBOTT, Samuel, mentioned, 304. sketch, 222; dealings with Moravians. ABRAHAM, Margaret, wife of Joseph 218-22, 224, 227-30, 233. Osanny Nadeau, sketch, 318. ANDERSON, Capt. , mentioned, 303, ACHON, Ozanne, sketch, 194. ANDERSON, John, letter, 588-90. ADHEMAR, Anthony, Sieur de St. Martin, ANDREWS, Colin, partnership with Gra- sketch, 177. verat and Visger, 309. ADHEMAR, Michael, sketch, 177. ANGELICA, wreck of, 86. ADHEMAR, Toussaint Anthony, dit St. ANNIMEKANS, signs deed, 180. Martin, mentioned, 275; sketch, 177; ANTAYA, Augustin Peltier dit, seeTeltier, debts, 299-301. ADLAM, Charlotte, wife of William Augustin, dit Antaya. Dickson, sketch, 461. ANTAYA (Antailla), Jean Baptiste, AD YE, Lieut. Ralph Willet, identified, sketch, 169-70. 522; letter, 522. ANTHON, Charles, mentioned, 48; sketch, AGNEW, Edward, creditor of Askin, 45. 37.
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