Upper Canada Law Directory
-'--.-'.~------'---'----"" -- .. -.=--.-.. ~~~~:;.\{ .",,~.... ....,.--- ... ---.--~~-.- --_.' - ~;. C(.' , I THE t I I , ! DIRECTORY, I I I ! I I' J 1857. B Y .J. R 0 R D ~\. X S . TORONTO: HENRY ROWSELL, PRI~TER. THE UPPER CANADA LAW DIRECTORY, FOR 1857. B"X" J. RORDANS. TORONTO: HENRY ROWSELL, PRINTER. 1856. THIS WORK IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED TO CHARLES C. SMALL, ESQ., (CLERK OF THE CROWN AND PLEAS FOR UPPER CANADA), AS A SLIGHT ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RESPECT, BY IDS OBEDIENT SERVANT, J. RORDANS. PREFACE. THE Compiler of the following pages, in attempting for the first time to apply the principle of the English "Law List" to Upper Canalla, feels that he must claim the indulgence of the Legal Profession for any errors or imperfections it may contain; and should he be encouraged to make the Work an annual pub lication, would be happy to receive any suggestions calculated to enhance its utility. He would also beg to acknowledge his obligations to the heads of the various Departments, and especially to Charles C. Small, Esq., Clerk of the Crown and Pleas for Upper Canada, for their kind assistance rendered to him during the progress of the Work. COURT'STREET, TORONTO, December, 1856. TABLE OF OONTENTS. Page Upper Canada Judiciary......... ......... ......... ......... ........ ...... 1 Court of Error and Appeal...... ...... ... ..... .... ............... ......... ·1 ---- Queen's Bench ......... ......... •........ ......... .... ..... ...... 1 ---- Chancery......... ......... ............. .... ..... ...... ... ...... 2 --- Common Pleas
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