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B Y .J. R 0 R D ~\. X S .



















THE Compiler of the following pages, in attempting for the first time to apply the principle of the English "Law List" to Upper Canalla, feels that he must claim the indulgence of the Legal Profession for any errors or imperfections it may contain; and should he be encouraged to make the Work an annual pub­ lication, would be happy to receive any suggestions calculated to enhance its utility.

He would also beg to acknowledge his obligations to the heads of the various Departments, and especially to Charles C. Small, Esq., Clerk of the Crown and Pleas for Upper Canada, for their kind assistance rendered to him during the progress of the Work.

COURT'STREET, TORONTO, December, 1856.


Page Upper Canada Judiciary...... 1 Court of Error and Appeal...... ·1 ---- Queen's Bench ...... •...... 1 ---- Chancery...... 2 --- Common Pleas ...... 3 Crown Law Department ...... 3 Clerks of Assize ...... 4 Deputy Clerks of the Crown ...... •.... 4 Sheriff's Office ...... 4 Law Terms, &c...... 4 Circuits ... •...... •...... •...... 5 Heir and Devisee Commission ...... 5 Court of Probate ...... • 5 Surrogate Courts...... 6 County Courts ...... 6 & 99 Quarter Sessions ...... 6 Recorders' Courts...... 7 Division Courts ...... •..... 7 Insolvent Debtor's Court ...... 7 Law Society of Upper Canada ...... 9 Names of Benchers of Law Society ...... •...... , ...... 12 Osgoode Club ...... 13 Alphabetical List of practising Barristers and Attorneys through- out Upper Canada, with their places of residence ...... 14 List of Toronto Barristers and Attorneys, with their pl!tces of business and residence ...... 23 List of Barristers and Attorneys throughout Upper Canada, arranged under the di1i"erent Cities, Towns, &c., with their Agents in Toronto ...... List of Commissioners for taking Affiduvits in the Queen's Bench in Upper Canada ...... 36 Do. do. Common Pleas do ...... 43 List of Commissioners for taking Affidavits in Upper Canada to be acted upon in ...... 47 Do. do. in Lower Canada to be acted upon in Upper Canada ... 47 Vlll TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page List of Notaries Public in Upper Cannda...... 47 List of Chief Justices since constitution of the Province, with dates of Appointment ...... 53 List of Equity Judges since constitution of Court of Chancery 53 List of Puisne Judges since constitution of the Province, with dates of Appointment ...... 53 . List of Attorneys General, do...... 54 List of Solicitors General, do...... 54 List of Queen's Counsel since Union of Upper and Lower Canada 73 Barrister's Roll since constitution of the Province, chronologi- cally arrnnged ...... 55 List of Barristers whose names do not appear upon the Rolls of the Court ...... 63 List of Attorneys in Upper Canada since the constitution of the Province, alphabetically and chronologically arranged ...... 64 Solicitor's Roll since the constitution of the Court of Chancery 71 List of Registrars, County Court Judges, Sheriffs, Clerks of the Peace, County Court Clerks, Masters in Chancery, &c. &c., arranged under the different Counties in Upper Canada ...... 74 Lower Canada Judiciary, &c ...... , ...... 91 Judicial Officers, &c., throughout Lower Canada ...... 92 English Judiciary...... 94 Scotch Judiciary...... 96 Irish Judiciary ...... 96 Table of Distribution of Personal Estates of Intestates...... 97 TJ.ffi


~otlrt of Enor nnb ~pPfnI. JUDGES-The Judges of the Superior Courts of Law and Equity. Clerk-The Registrar of the Court of Chancery, Toronto. Tlds Court has jurisdiction in Appeal from each of the three Courts of Queen's Bench, Chancery, and Common Pleas, and sits three times a year. Its regular times of sit­ ting are on the second Thursday after each Term, except Trinity Term.

(!tourt of aUffll'S )$flltil. Chief Justice-Hon. Sir J. B. ROBINSON, Bart. p' Ji d {Hon. ARCHIBALD McLEAN. uzsne u ges Hon. R. E. BURNS. Clerk of the Crown and Pleas-C. C. SlYIALL. Reporter-J. LUKIN ROBINSON. Clerk of the Process-RoBERT PEARSON. Clerk in Bane. and Chambers-W. B. HEWARD. Clerk in Practice COUl't-W. B. HEWARD. First Clerk-JoHN SMALL. Second Clerk-THoMAS COXWELL. Crier and Uslter-ANDREW FLElYIING. Court-keepe'J' for SupeTioT COUTtS-JAS. ALEXANDER. The Court of Queen's Bench sits in Bane. during the four Terms, in Osgoode Hall. Under the Act of 1849 (12th Victoria, ch. 63) this Court now consists of three Judges; there were formerly five. This Court was first established in 1794, by 34th George Ill. eh. 2. THE UPPER CANADA

The Court of Chancery consists of a Chancellor and two Vice-Chancellors. Chancellor-Han. W. H. BLAKE. . II ~ Hon. J. C. P. ESTEN. Vzce-Chance ors ( Hon. J. G. SPRAGGE.

Master-A. N. BUELL. Registrar and Reporter-ALExANDER GRANT. lV1a~ter's Clcrl.:-W. STANLEY. Registmr's Cled-J. BLACK. Messenger-A. Ross. Terms for examination of T

(!tOUt·t of ~ommon plea,S'. Chief JlIstia-Ho:-.'. "". H. DRAPER.

Puisne JlUl;:;cs , HON. "". B. RICHARDS. ~ ~ •. J. H. IL\G.\RTY. Clo!, oj Ihe CrO!!'11 and rlcus-L. III:YDC:-.'. R(juJrla-E. t'. Jo:'>cs. Fu",t C!ak-:\ LFX. F. SCOTT. S,cul/(l C!OL-GEO. C. C;ULD5:'tIITH. C!cd of the 1'I'(I(,1.'5/(I/' n. R . •\. C. P.-ROBT. PEARSO:L C,'iu <5- [~,!/','-DA:-;lEL CO~SELL.

The Court of C,'m liiOil Picas was es(abli~heJ 1,\' Ihe Act of 1'2 "il'. ~hap. li:;. It Cllil"i,.ts of Three Judg« who sit in Term in the same manner as tile Jud:,:co of the Queen's Bench.


Statwzellt of the ?wmes ({i/,l (~!Iln'al Title or the 1'(/l'i·JUs persons on the permancnt Stalf of the CrOll'1l Lall' De­ paTtment.


HOll. G. F. (' IT.TIER ...... ' :\tt

J. A. "I.\l·""~.\L!I ...... ". " •• ('. '" i~ ~ 3 Dl-:\BAR Ilo ...,:-; ...... S()licitor Gen('r~~l for L. C. ~ ~ ~ HEXRY SMITH ...... " ..,' P. C. J~':; GEORGE FI"rH,YE ...... Pcrmnncllt Clerk of Crown Law Department. GEORGE BAllY ...... Clerk in (Iilice of Att'y Gen'} fl


W. A. CAMPBELL- Toronto. The Deputy Clerks of tlte Crou'n are ex-officio Clerks of Assize and Marshalls, in their rt"pective Counties.

DEPUTY CLERKS OF THE CROWN. The Clerks of tlH' C(llmty Courts are ex.officio Deputy Clerks of the Crown and Pleas in their ~everal Counties.

SHERIFF'S OFFICE. (United Counties of York and Peel.)

Sheriff-Frederick William Jarvis, t>q, JURoRs-The Clerk of the Peace in cach District of the Province makes up a list yearly from the A""l'~"or's Returns of the Inhabitant Householders, amI delivers the same to the Sheriff. Every person on such Li"t is qualified to serve 'on Juries, and no others. No person can be compelled to serve as a Juror at either Assizes or Quarter Sessions, who has served withiu one year preceding.


I-lilm'y begins first Monday in Februar~-, and ends Satur- day of the ensuil1&e~~k. ~ Easter begins'Wl\1:onday in~, nd ends Saturday of th~ e,nsuing, week. , :1,(_ Tnmty begInS Mt--Monday 111 ~~a ends on the Saturday of the ensuing week. -,.: Miehaelmas begins third Monday in November, and ends Saturday of the ensuing week. The long Vacation in all the Courts commences ht July, and ellJ~ 21st August. LAW DIRECTORY. 5

CIRCUITS. The Circuits are held twice a year in each outer County: Spring, between Hilary and Easter Terms; and Autumn, between Trinity and Michaelmas Terms. In the County of York there are three in each year-(Winter) commenc' ing on the Thursday in January next after the Municipal Elections, (Spring) the second Monday in April, and (Autumn) the second Monday in October in each year. There are six Circuits, as follows-viz: The Eastern - Perth, Cornwall, Otta IYa, L'Orignal, . Home-Niagara, Whitby, Hamilton, Cayuga, Barrie, Sydenham. Western-St. Thomas, Sandwich, Sarnia, Chatham, , Goderich. Midland-Peterboro', Cobourg, Belleville, Picton, King­ ston. Oxf(ffd-Simcoe, Brantford, , Berlin, Stratford, Woodstock. Toronto-Toron to.

Def): nnb meufsee Qt.ommfssfou. (ESTABLISHED UNDER PROVINCIAL STATUTE 8 VIC. C. 8.) Commissioners-The Judges of the Superior Courts and such other persons as may be appointed by Commission under the Great Seal. The Duties of the Commissioners are to determine claims to lands in Upper Canada, for which no Patent has issued from the Crown, in favor of the proper claimants, whether as Heirs, Devisees, or Assignees. Sittings at Toronto first Monday in January and July in each year, continuing till the Saturday of the ensuing week. Clerk of CO'Jnmissioners-W. B. HEWARD.

Qt.oUtt .of Dr.oIHlte. Judge (ex officio)-THE GOVERNOR GENERAL. Offidal Prindpal-SECKER BROUGH, Toronto. Registrar-C. FITzGIBBON, Toronto. 6 THE UPPER CANADA

,Surrogate C!tourt-YORK AND PEEL. Judge-S. B. HARRISON, Toronto. Registmr-WM. J. FITZGERALD, Toronto. (For County Surrogates, see the different Counties.) The Court of Probate and the several Surrogate Courts exercise the powers and functions which the Ecclesiasti?al Court exert;ises in England, relating to the Probate of WIll:> and the administration of the Estates of Intestates-persons dying and lea ving property in more than one county, those interested must prove the Will, &c. in the Court of Probate which is held in Toronto, and is open throughout the year for the granting of Probates and committing Letters of Administration. It has four terms in every year, commenc­ ing on the first Monday in January, last Monday in March, fir~t Monday in June and last Monday in September. The Surrogate Courts are held in every county on the same days as the Probate Court. Wills can be proved, and Letters of Administration granted, any day, at the office of the County Surrogate.

@ton nt!? C!tourts. These Courts are presided over by re3ident judges in each county, being barristers of at least five years' standing. They have original jurisdiction in civil matters to the extent of £50 curreney in cases of open ar.count, and £100 currency in cases of Notes or Bills, &c., and in cases of Tort to personal chattels to £30, with trial by jury. Appeals are allowed to the Courts of Queen's Bench or Common Pleas. They also possess equity jurisdiction under 16 Vic. ch. 119; Regis­ tration of Bills of Sale and Chattel Mortgages under 12 Vic. ch. 74, Clnd 13 & 14 Vic. ch. 62; also, the Registration of limited partnerships under 12 Vic. ch. 75. There are four terms of one week each, commencing first W@alu!!laa, in March, first Monday in June, fourth Monday in October, and first Monday in December. Sittings same as Quarter Sessions. Vacation from 1st July to 21st August.

a-uarter .5tssfons. Chairman-The County Judge in each county, who with one or more Justices of the Peace holds a Court of Quarter LAW DIRECTORY. 7

Sessions in each county four times a year, for trials by jury in cases of Larceny, Misdemeanour and other minor offences. This court also has the supervision of some of the accounts in the county relating to the administration of justice, &c. Sittings-~ Tuesd,ay in January, April, and July, and the lhird Tuesday in.N Q.vember, 'wIth power of adjournment.

'iltccor!Jn's (!tnUt1s· In the Cities of Toronto, Hamilton, and Kingston, the Recorder's Court takes the place of the County Sessions, the justices for counties having no jurisdiction in cities, the care of which is confided to the Recorder, Mayor, Aldermen and Police Magistrate of each. The City Sessions are held four times a year, on the first Monday in January, April, July and October.

mfbf.sfnll (!tourts. These Courts are held in different places in each county, by the County Judge, for the summary disposal of cases 1I0t ex­ ceeding £25 currency in amount so far as regards matters of debt or contract; and £10, so far as relates to injuries to per. sonal chattels and torts. A jury is permitted in certain cases. Attachments against personal property of debtors absconding from the province, leaving property liable to execution, or removing their goods from one county to another, or from the province, with intent to defraud, or keeping concealed to avoid service of process with intent to defraud, may be issued by the clerk of the Division, or by the judge, or by any justice of the peace. Couds are held once in two months in each division, or oftener, at the dis­ cretion of the judge. The divisions are established by the Courts of Quarter Session.

)Iusolbellt iDeiltor's (JnUl't. The County Jud~e in each county presides in this court for the relief of Insolvent Debtor~, under the provisions of the 8 Vic. ch. 48.


The Law,.8ociety of Upper Canada was first established in 1797 by the 37 Geo. III., cap. 13, which enabled the Practitioners of the Law to form themselves into a society. and make rules for its government, under the inspection ~f the judges as visito!'s. Tbe Act of IS'22 ('2 Geo. IV. cap. 5) incorporated the" Treasurer and Benchers of the Law Society," giving a perpetual succe~sion and a common seal, in the usual manner of Acts of Incorporation. Under the~e statutes the Society is governed by the Board of Benchers much in the same manner as the various Law Societies in London, England. The Benchers sit in Convo­ cation every Term, and admit Students and Barristers. The examination for students, which is a Scholastic Examination, is eonducted in the presence of the Benchersj and the examination of Barristers at the end of the term of five years, after admission is conducted by the Benchers in Convocation. This examination is in the various branches oflegallearning. Each student on admission is a member of the Society and entitled to the use of the library. The revenue of the Society consists of the fees paid by Students and Barristers on their admission, and the fees, called Term fees, charged to praetising Barristers. By an agreement with the Government, the SOCiety furnish tbe Superior Courts with suitable accommodation for ever for the sum of £6000 currency. The library of the Society is of consider­ able value, and is of great service to the students and practitioners. The treasurer is elected annually, in Miehael­ mas Term, and enters upon his duties on the first day of the following term.

The following Standing Orders and Rules regulating the Admission of Students, and the Call to the Degree of Bar­ rister at Law, were passed and approved in Hilary Term, 1855, and took effect from the following Michaelmas Term. 1. Ordered: That the examinations for Call to the Bar had under the rule of Trinity Term, 1 & 2 Wm. IV. cap. 12, and passed by the Convocation as sufficient to entitle the Candidates to their Degree of Barristers at Law, respectively be divided into two classes or orders-viz., those for "Call" simply, and those for "Call with Honors." 10 THE UPPER CANADA

2. Ordel'cd: That in future such examinations be partly oral as heretofore, and partly by printed or written questi~ns to be delivered to the candidates assembled for that purposl: prevIOus to the exam­ ination day-such questions to be answered in writing under the supervision of the Examiner of the Society. 3. Ordered: That a Committee of three Benchers to be called the Committee of Questions, be appointed erery term by Co.nvocation, to frame and settle the questions to be printed or Wrltten for the examinations of the following terms: which Committee shall meet on the bst Wednesday of the following vacation. when they shall be attended by the Examiner of the Society, and shall then frame and settle such queotions for the examinations of the following term, and shall provide for the printing or copying of the same. 4. Ordered: That the Canrlidates for Call shall in future attend at Osgoode Hall on the Saturday next preceding the term, and shall receive from the Examiner a copy of the questions to be an­ swered by them in writinC', nnd shall then and there, under the supervision of such Exami'ler, fr,lme the answers to such questions, and deliver such answers in writing to him for the Benchers in Convocatlon. 5. Ordered: That the attendances of such Candidates for the purposes mentioned in the foregoing Order be at 10 o'clock, A. M., and that the answers be delivered to the examiner by 3 O'clock, P. 1\1., of the same day. 6. Ordered: That all Examinations for Call do take place on the first examination d'lJ of the term, being the first Monday therein; and all examinations for admission, on the'second examination day of the term, being the first Saturd:ty therein. 7. Ordered: That in the pUblication of Calls to the Bar, under the third particular Order of Convocation of l\Iich:telm:ts Term, S Wm. IV., euch Call as shall h:tve been m3,de with Honors be stated to have been so. S. Ordered: That the form of the Diploma of B3,rrister at Law of this Society be altered by the inserting therein, between the name and addition of the Candidate und the st3,tement of his Call to the Bar, the words, "having performed his exercises and passed his examination "-or the words, "huving performed his exercises and passed his examination with honors "-as the case may be. 9. Ordered: That in addition to the question directed to be put to Convocution upon every application for call by the fourteenth St3,nding Order of Michaelmas Term, 3 Wm. IV., there be put, in cases of applications for Cull with Honors, the additional question whether such examination as had received and passed be "with honors," which question shall be put between the third and fourth questions as stated in th3,t Order. 10: Ordered: That a~l candidat~s ~or a call to the Degree of BarrIster at L3,w may, If they deSIre It, be examined for Honors' in which case they shall give notice thereof in writing to th~ Secretary at least one week previous to the term, and shall endorse their petitions for Call with the words "for honors." 11. Ordered: That after the examination of any Candidate for Call shall have been received, passed and classed and before the question for the Call of Buch candidate is taken,' such candidate L."-W DIRECTORY. II may have leave to withdraw his petition for COlll in like manner and subject to the like conditions as prescribed by the 17th Stand­ ing Order of Convocation of l\Iichaelmas Term, 3 WIll. IV., for the withdrawal of a petition for admission under similar circumstances. 12. Ordered: That the professional parts of the Examination for Call under the 13th Standing Order of Convocation of Michaelmas T~rm, 3.wm. IV., shall un.til further order be in the following books, wlth whlCh the student WIll be expected to he thoroughly familiar: that is to say, when a candidate does not go in for a Call "wilh honors," in Reddie's Enquiries, Elementary and Historical, in the Science of Law. Blackstone's Commentaries, Vol. 1. Addison on Contracts. Smith's Mercantile Law. 'Yilliams on Real Property. Story's Equity Jurisprudence. Stephen on Pleading. Taylor on Evidence. Byles on Bills. Besides the Public Statutes relating to Upper Canada, and the Practice of the Courts of Law and Equity. And when the Candidate does go in for a Call" with ROn('rs," then IIlso in Russell on Crimes. Story on Partnership. Watkin's Principles of Conveyancing. Cootte on Mortgages. Dart on Vendors and Purchaser3. Jarman on Wills. Story's Conflict of Laws. Justinian's Institutes. 13. Ordered: That the foregoing orders be Standing· Orders of Convocation, and do take effect as such from the commencement of Michaelmas Term next, ~ncl not before, except us regards the appoint­ ment of a Committee of questions in Trinity Term next, for which purpose the third of such Standing Orders shall take effect upon the first day of Trinity Term next, but not before.

RULE. Whereas, there is reason to hope tbat tbis Society may soon be able to procurt: Law Lectures to be delivered to their members upon a scale more or less extended, and it is desirable to' render attend­ ance upon such lectures necessary to the keeping of Terms under tbe Rule of the Society of 8 Geo. IV. ch. I-By the Benchers &c., it is ordained, That so soon as arrangements sball be made by Convocation for tbe delivery of Law Lectures to the members of this Society in Term time at Osgoode Hall, notice sball be given of the same in the Official Gazette of the Province in like manuer as Notice of Admis­ sion and Call is now given in the same; and from thenceforth no student of the Society shall be allowed any Term as kept under the same rule unless in addition to the.requirements of that rule, and those of the rule of Trinity Term 1 & 2 Wm. IV. ch. 1, he sh&11 12 THE UPPER CANADA attend all such Lectures as may be delivered during such Term, and shall exhibit to the Secretary on the last dilY of such Term, if not excused by Convocation during the sallle Term upon the ground of sickness or some unavoidable cause, a certificate or certificates from the Lecturer or Lecturers of such Term of his having so attended the said Lectures. That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of this Society to keep a record of the Terms in which such Lectures shall have been delivered, the days on which each of such Lectures was delivered, and of the names of the Students who having duly attended such Lectures shall have duly exhibited to him the Lecturer's Certificate thereof.


Bartholomew C. Beardsley. John S. Macdonald. . Marcus Burritt. Thomas Ward. David D. Ogden Ford. George Ridout. Charles Baby. John P.olph. George Duggan. George Strange Boulton. Acl:1m Johnston Fergusson. William Elli ott. Joseph Curran Morrison. . John Cruwford. David Jones. Allam Wilson. G. P.olph. George Byron Lyon Fellowes. Robert Berrie. Seckel' Brough. George S. Jarvis. Nesbitt Kirchoffer. . Samuel B. Freeman. Allan Napier McNab. • Skeffington Connor. Thomas Kirkpatrick. Philip M. Vankoughnet. John G. Spragge. John ShuteI' Smith. Clarke Gamble. Henry C. R. Becher. Marcus F. Whitehead. . Edward C. Campbell. Henry Eccles. Miles O'Reilly. Henry Smith. William Notman. Lewis Wallbridge . .J ohn H. Cameron. John H. Hagarty. George Sherwood. Richard Miller. Edmund Murney. George A. Philpotts. J ames Smith. George W. Barton. Johu Wilson. Alexander Campbell. John Alex. :\Iacdonald. Stephen Richards. John W. Gwynne. Thomas Galt, and John Ross. David B. Read. Samuel B. Harrison.







Adam Crooks, Esq. John Blevins, E~(l. Hector Cameron, Esq. and James Paterson, Esq. James Beaty, Esq.


J. McBride. Thomas Hodgins. R. A. Harrison. C. H. King. W. J. Harper. Frederick Proudfoot. Edward Fitzgerald. John Wilson. John Malloch. D. A. Sampson. G. Crombie. Frederick Smith. W. Sullivan. James Fitzgerald. A. F. Scott. G. Wilson. R. Moore. D. Tisdale. W. ~I. Matheson. Jno. Dewar. W. J. Stanton. lII. Crombie. C. E. English. D. P. Ross. H. Cawthm. D. F. Stevens. Walter Macdonald. G. H. DiLrtnell.


J. McBRIDE. Alphabetical List of Certificated Barri~ters a~d Attor­ nies practising in Upper Canada, wIth theu placell of residence.



A Agnew, James ..... , .... Kingston ...... Frontenac. Aikman, T H ...... Cayuga ...... Haldimand. Ainslie, Adam ...... Galt ...... Waterloo. Armour, Robert ...... Bowlllanville ...... Durham. Arnold, W ...... Toronto ...... York. Ar,lrrgb, Wm. D ...... Toronto ...... York. Alma, Wm. E ...... Paris ...... Brant. Adams, Joshua, jun ... Sarnia ...... Lambton. Alma, Jobn P ...... Toronto ...... York. Armour, J. D ...... Cobourg ...... Northumberland.


Buell,.r. Dockstader ... Brockville , ...... Leeds and Grenville. Bethune, D . .ir ...... Bowmanville ...... Durham. Burton, Geo. W ...... Hamilton ...... Wentworth. Bell, John, ...... Toronto ...... York. Boulton, D'Arcy.... Barrie ...... Simcoe. Bell, .James ...... Holland Landing ...... York. Blevins, E ...... Woodstock ...... Oxford. Boulton, E. T ...... Cobourg ...... Northumberland. Boswell, A. G ...... Cobourg ...... Northumberland. Bastedo, G. Tice ...... :Hilton ...... Halton. Bennet Burton ...... Ingersoll ...... Oxford. Brooke, Danie' ...... Drantford ...... Brunt. Burns, Wm. H ...... Toronto ...... 'York. Boyd, John ...... Toronto ...... York. Baines, C. T ...... Pakenl1i1m ...... Lanrtrk. Bell, John ...... Belleville ...... 1Hastings. Brooke, neorge ...... Toronto ...... York. Baxter, Geo ...... Vienna ...... Elgin. Barry, Thomas ...... Toronto ...... York. Becher, Henry C. R ... ,London ...... l\Iiddlesex. Boomer, George ...... IToronto ...... York. B:lll, Abm. T. H ...... Galt ...... Waterloo. B?I~, L. A · ...... iThorold ...... Well and. BIllings, John ...... Oshawa ...... . Billings, Elkanah, ..... 'Ottaw!1 ...... Carleton. Brogdin, George ...... 'Port Hope ...... Durham. Beuty, Jumes ...... IToronto ...... York. Bacon, Wm. Vynne . ..IToronto ...... York. Bull, F. R ...... IWoOdstock ...... '" ... Oxford. Brough, S ...... Toronto ...... York. Bridges, Macdonald ... IHamilton ...... " ..... Wentworth. THE UI'PER CANADA LAW DIRECTORY. 15

RESIDENCE. NA.~IE. CITY OR TOWN &C. COUNTY. Boultbee, A ...... :'oiewmarket ...... ;York. Burnham, E ...... Peterboro' ...... iPeterboro'. Burritt, M ...... Prescott...... IGrenville. Barton, George M ...... Dundas ...... IWenh,orth. Billings, Wm. H ...... Whitby ...... Ontario. Burrowes, J.:J ...... Kingston ...... !Frontenac. Burns, Thomas ...... St. Catharines ...... ,Lincoln Boulton, James ...... Toronto ...... IYork. Boulton, J. Forster ... Cobourg ...... 'INorthumberlanu. Boucher, R. M ...... Colborne ...... Northumberland. Buell, W.O ...... Perth ...... Lanark. Barrett, Robert G ...... Toronto ...... York. Blevim,John ...... Toronto ...... York. Bennett, H. E ...... c Cummins, J. P ...... Brampton ...... Peel. Clark, T ...... Kingston ...... Frontenac. Campbell, D ...... ::Jttawa ...... Carleton. Cameron, Matthew C. Toronto ...... iYork. Cameron, John ...... Bruntford ...... 'Bl'I1nt. Cameron, Hector ...... Toronto ...... ~York. Cockburn, James ...... Cobourg ...... "'jNorthumherland. Cornish, F. E ...... London ...... Middlesex. Craigie, W ...... Hamilton ...... !Wentworth. Crowther, James ...... Toronto ...... IYOrk. Crawford, John ...... Toronto ...... York. Cooper, Robert...... London ...... l\!iddlesex. Connor, S., Q.O ...... Toronto ...... I'i ork. Clark, Geo. M...... Cobourg ...... INorthumberlantl. Clegg, William ...... ...... Carleton. Coleman, C. L ...... Belleville ...... Hastings. Crickmore, John ...... Toronto ...... IYork. Crickmore, C. G...... IIrtmilton ...... 1 Wentworth. Coulter, J. W ...... Lindsay ...... Victoria. Cahill, James ...... Hamilton ...... IWentworth. Currie, J. D ...... St. Cutharinos ...... Lincoln. Carrall, Charles J ...... Toronto ...... IYork. Chambers, F. W. H ... Brockville ...... ILoeds. Carrall, John G ...... Woodstock ...... IOxfol'd. Canall, J. A ...... Stra~ford ...... Ip.erth. Cosens, Charles S ...... Barne ...... SImcoe. Crooks, R. P ...... Toronto ...... York. Crooks, Adam ...... Toronto ...... ,York. Clark, A. 1\1 ...... Toronto ...... IY ork. Cooper, C. W ...... Kingston ...... IFrontenac. Campbell, A ...... Kingston ...... IFrontenac. Crysler, M. O...... Dundas ...... IWentworth. Campbell, S. B ...... Toronto ...... IYork. Creasor, John ...... IOwen Sound .. ; ...... Grey. Clench, Leon M ...... ISt. Mary's ...... Perth. 16 THE UPPER CANADA

RESIDENCE. NAME. CITY OR TO"N &0. COUNTY. Cameron, Alexander ... Toron!o ...... York. Cameron, Malcolm C. Godench ...... Huron. Conger, W. S .....•.... Peterboro' ...... Peterboro'.

D Durand, C...... Toronto ...... York. Durand, C. 1\.. •..••.••• Berlin ...... Waterloo. Dennistown, It ...... Peterboro' ...... Peterboro'. Dunsford, Geo ...... Peterboro' ...... Peterboro'. Denison, Geo. T ...... Rusholme, Toronto ... York. Duggan, John ...... Toronto ...... •... York. Deacon, John ...... Perth ...... Lanark. Duck, William ...... Ottawa ...... Carleton. Dempsey, Richard ... Toronto ...... York. Dempsey, John W.... Toronto ...... York. Davis, James Boyd ... Toronto ...... York. Draper, W. G...... Kingston ...... Frontenac. Dalton, R. G ...... Toronto ...... •..... York. D'Olier, G. 0 ...... Peterboro' ...... Peterboro'. Daniell, J umes ...... London ...... :\Iiddlesex. Davy, B. C ...... Napnnee ...... Lenox. Doyle, James H ...... Toronto ...... York. Duok, Geo. jun ...... Chatham ...... Kent. Dougall, A. R...... Belleville ...... Hastings. Davis, J. F ...... Sarnia ...... ,ILambton. Drew, G.. A...... Elora ...... Wellington. Duggan, G ...... Toronto ...... York. Davis, William ...... Toronto ...... York. E Eliot, C. F ...... Chatham ...... Kent. Ellerbeck, Wm. R ...... Brockville ...... Leeds. Elliot, W...... London ...... l\Iiddlesex. Eyre, John ...... Brighton ...... Northumberland. Eccles, Wm ...... St. Cntharines ...... 'ILincoln. Eccles, R., Q.G ...... Toronto ...... York. F

Ferrie, Adam, jun.... Hamilton ...... Wentworth. Freeland, Pntrick ...... Toronto ...... York. Farley, James ...... ,St. Thomas ...... Elgin. Fluett, Louis J ...... SanLlwich ...... Essex. Flanagan, W ...... Toronto ...... York. Foster, C. W...... Brockville ...... Leeds. Fraser, D...... Perth ...... Lanark. Fr~eman, S. B ...... Hamilton ...... Wentworth. FaIrbanks, S. B .. ··· .. ·IO~hawa ...... Ontario. F~rgusoIJ, A. J ...... Guelph ...... IWellington. FItzgerald, E ...... Toronto ...... '" .York. LAW DIRECTORY. 17

RESIDENCE . NAME. .------CITY OR TOWN &C. OOUNTY. Ford, D. B. O...... IBrockville ...... Leeds. Fraser, Jas. Jr...... IBelleville ...... Hastings. Foley, M. H ...... ISimcoe ...... Norfolk. Forsyth, J. R...... iKingston ...... Frontenac. Fitzgerald, R. J ...... ipicton ...... Prince Edward. Flock, J. H...... London ...... Middlesex. Fraser, A. G...... IOwen Sound ...... Grey. Fellowes, G. B. L .... IOttawa ...... Carleton. Fitzgerald, W. J ..... Toronto ...... York.

G Galvin, B. C...... London ...... Middlesex. Green C. H ...... Toronto ...... York. Gibb, Alex ...... Ottawa ...... Carleton. Galt, Thomas •...... Toronto ...... York. Gamble, Clarke ...... Toronto ...... York. Gwynne, Jas. W..... Berlin ...... Waterloo. Greig, John ...... Woodstock ...... Oxford. Gwynne, John W. '" Hamilton ...... Wentworth. Garrett, Wm. A ...... 1Cobourg ...... Northumberland. Greene, F. B ...... Port Hope ...... Durham. Gildersleive, O. S .... IKingston ...... Frontenac. Garrett. W. A ...... 1Cobourg ...... Northumberland. Gray, G. A ...... Woodstock ...... Oxford. Geddes, Jas ...... Elora ...... iWellington.


Ham, J. V ...... Whitby ...... Ont[Lrio. Hemings, Geo ...... Toronto ...... York. Hutton, J ...... Belleville ...... Hastings. Horton, E ...... St. Thomas ...... Elgin. Heenan, Daniel.B .... Cornwall...... Stormont. Harrison, Robt. A .... Toronto ...... York. Harper, W. J ...... Toronto ...... York. Hopkins, H, B...... Barrie ...... Simcoe. Horton, W...... London ...... lIIiddlesex. Hardy, H. A ...... Brantford ...... Brant. Hutchinson, C...... London ...... Middlesex. Harris, John F. J .... London ...... Middlesex. Hector, John ...... Toronto ...... York. Harman. S. B ...... Toronto ...... York. Helliwell, John ...... Toronto ...... York. Hubbell, H. S ...... Trenton ...... Hastings. Hutcheson, St. J. H. Bowmanville ...... Durham. Hudspeth, T. A ...... Lindsay ...... Victoria. Hamilton, John 1\1. ... ToroIJto ...... '''IYork. Ham~lton, H ...... St. Thomas ...... EIg~n. Harns, E. W...... St. Thomas ...... "IElgm. Henderson, G. E .... Belleville ...... Hastings. Hurlburt, H ...... Prescott ...... IGrenville. Henderson, L. H .... Belleville ...... Hastings. IS THE UPPER CANADA


Henderson, T ...... Port Hope ...... Durham. Henderson, Jas. A .... Kingston ...... Frontenac. Hurd, E. E. W...... Toronto ...... York. Hallinan, John '" ...... Toronto ...... York. Henderson, R. S ...... Kingsto ...... Frontenac. Hatt, John O...... Hamilton ...... Wentworth.

Ince, T. II ...... Toronto ...... York. Irving, iEmilius ...... Galt and Hamilton ... Waterloo & Wentworth .J Jarvi" S. i\I...... Toronto ...... York. Jones, Henry A ...... Brockville ...... Leeds. Jarvis, W. D. P ...... Guelph ...... Wellington. Jones, E. C...... Toronto ...... York. Jones, Charles ...... Toronto ...... York. Jellet, It,,],t. P ...... Belleville ...... Hastings. Jones, .J <;nns A p...... Toronto ...... York. Jacholl. :\/. B ...... Toronto ...... York. Jones Jolll1 R ...... Toronto ...... York:. Jarvis, C. H ...... Hamilton ...... York. Jones, 0 ...... Brockville ...... Wentworth. K

J\ircll' ["'1'. N ...... Port Hope ...... Leeds. Eid'l"lIrj,·k. T ...... Kingston ...... Durham. Keel~, ..... C...... Toronto ...... Frontenac. Kin~,mill J. J ...... Guelph ...... York. I~er'by, J.' T ...... roronto ...... Wellington. Kippin, A. W...... Dundas ...... Wentworth. Keegl!D, U. W...... IOttawtt ...... ICarleton. Keefer. A ...... Prescott...... IGrenville. L

Lyon, G. n. Fellowes Ottawa ...... Carleton. Law, R. N ...... Httmilton ...... Wentworth. Lemou, A ...... Guelph ...... Wellington. Lttc~urse, A...... Limlsay ...... ;Victoria. LewIs, J. B ...... Ottawtt ...... Carleton. r,ewis, J ...... Goderich ...... Huron. Lapenotiere, William .. Woodstock ...... 'Oxford. Leith, A ...... Toronto ...... Tork. Long, P. B...... Brantford ...... Brant. Lllne, Samuel J...... Owen Sound ...... Grey. Lyon, ll,:,],t...... Ottawa ...... 'Carleton. Lawder, .J ohn:'lI...... Niagara ...... ILincoln. Lees, R...... Ottawa ...... Carleton. Low, P ...... Picton ...... Prince Edward. Light, Robt. N ...... Woodstock ...... Oxford. IJeggo, Wm ...... Hamilton ...... Wentworth. LAW DIRECTORY. 19

RI<:SI Dj~NCE. NAME. CITY 0& TOW", &C. I CO"CNTY. Lizars Daniel H...... Stratford ...... Perth. Lees, John ...... Toronto ...... IY.ork. L"., G. : ...... Um"...... rm"'.

Macara, John ...... Hamllton...... Wentworth. Magrath, Chas ...... Toronto ...... 'York. MilicI', Thomas ...... Berlin ...... Waterloo. Morris, Alexander ..... ...... 'Lo~ir Canada. Morris, Jas. If...... Toronto ...... YorK. Miller, Richard ...... St. Catherines ...... Lincoln. Moberly, Geo ...... Collingwood ...... Simcoe. Martin, E. R ...... Guelph ...... Wellington. Martin, R ...... Hamilton ...... Wentworth. Martiu, Edward ...... Hamilton ...... IWentworth. Moore, A. J ...... Goderich ...... !Huron. Malloch, Geo. W ...... Brnntford ...... 'Brant. Miller, P,. B ...... Toronto ...... York. Mowat, 0., Q. 0 ...... Toronto ...... York. Miller, John ...... Galt ...... Waterloo. Merrick, J. H ...... !:'IIerrickville ...... Grenville. Moore, R ...... Toronto ...... York. Milner, A ...... Hamilton ...... Wentworth. ~Iorphy, H. B ...... Toronto ...... York. Morphy, G...... Toronto ...... York. Merritt, S ...... Picton ...... IPrince Edward. Mills, G. H ...... Hamilton ...... Wentworlh. Miller, D. G ...... Woodstock ...... \Oxford. Mowat, Geo. L ...... Kingston ...... Frontenac. Meyers, A. H ...... Trenton ...... IIHastings. Meudell, W. F ...... Toronto ...... York. Mallock, John ...... Ottawa ...... Carleton.

Me McDonald, Alexander. Toronto ...... York. McDonald, John ...... Toronto ...... York. McKeown, John ...... St. Catharines ...... , Lincoln. McDonell, John ...... Cornwall ...... Stormont. McKerlie, D...... Brantford ...... Brant. MacDonell, H. J ...... Whitby ...... Ontario. McGiverine, P. L ...... Brantford ...... Brant. MacDonald, J. S ...... Cornwall ...... Stormont. McKenzie, A. M...... Alexandria ...... Glengary. MeDon ell, D...... Owen Sound ...... Grey. McDonald, A. Junr... , Cobourg ...... Northumberland. McCarthy, D...... Bar~'ie ...... Simcoe. McCrea, W...... Chathftm ...... Kent. McMullen, Wm ...... Dunnville ...... Haldimand. McPhail, P ...... 13rampton ...... Peel. Macpherson, H ...... Sydenham ...... Grey. THE UPPER CANADA


Macdonell, S. S...... Will· d sor ...... Essex. l\1ac Donell, Alex. G.... l\Iorrisburgh ...... Y k McNab, JolIn ...... Toronto ...... or. lIf cLean A. D...... Chatham ...... Kent. McCutchon, P. :1\1. G. Toronto ...... York. McMichael, Daniel .... Toronto ...... York. Mc:\Iartin, Daniel...... Perth ...... Lanark. McKenzie, ,,'. 1\: ...... L'Orignal ...... Prescott. MacdoDllld, J. A. Hon. Kingston ...... Frontenac. McDonell, P. J ...... Cornwall ...... Stormont. l\Iactlonald, Richtl ..... St Catherines ...... Lincoln. lIIllcllonell, Archd. J. Kingston ...... Frontenac. MacDougall, A. D.... Toronto ...... York. McNeill, Neale , ...... ,Cobourg ...... Northumberland. McLean, Arch'cl. G.... Toronto ...... York. McLean, J oh n N ...... Prescott ...... Grenville. Macdonell, G ...... Cornwall ...... Stormont. McFadden, .hmcs ..... St. Mary's ...... Perth. McIntyre, N. C...... Toronto ...... York. Macur.ow, Daniel ...... IKing~ton ...... Frontenac. l\Illcmlllnn, JolIn ...... N npanee ...... Lenox.

Nom", p,: ...... ILoo'on ...... >!iddl,m. Nanton, A ...... iToronto ...... York. Nichol, r •. K. A...... Vienna ...... Elgin. Notman, W...... Dundas ...... Wentworth. o

O'Connor, John ...... Windsor ...... Essex. O'Brien, P ...... L'Orignal ...... Prescott. O'Reilly, :1\1...... Hamilton ...... Wentworth. O'Reilly, James ...... Kingston ...... Frontenac. O'Hare, John ...... Belleville ...... Hastings. p

Paterson, James ...... Toronto ...... York. Proudfoot, W...... Hamilton ...... Wentworth. Prince, Albert ...... Sandwich ...... Essex. Phelan, Valentine ...... Woodstock ...... Oxford. Powell, C. Henry ...... St. Catherines ...... Lincoln. P~ttee: D ...... IUOrignal ...... Prescott. Pmhc}, C. H ...... ,Ottawa ...... Carleton. Parke, Thos Jr...... Kingston ...... , ...... Frontenac. Parke, E. T ...... ILondon ...... ~fiddlesex. Patterson, Christl'. s"IToronto ...... York. Pr!ngle, J. F ...... Corn~all ...... Stormont. Pl'lDgle, J. D ...... Hamilton ...... Wentworth. Patton, James ...... Barrie ...... Simcoe. LAW DIRECTORY. 21

RESIDENCE. NAME. CITY OR TOWN, &0, COUNTY. Phillpotts, Geo. A .... Toronto ...... York. Ponton, W. H ...... Belleville ...... Hastings. Peterson, Henry W.... Guelph ...... Wellington.

R Roaf, Johnjr ...... Toronto ...... York. Reynolds, John ...... Brockville ...... Leeds. Richards, A. N ...... Brockville ...... Leeds. Ross, Alexander ...... Ottawa ...... Carleton. Rubidge, W ...... Brantford ...... Brant. Ross, William ...... Cornwall ...... Stormont. Ross, John ...... Belleville ...... Hastings. Richards, S. jr ...... Toronto ...... York. ;Reid, Colin D ...... Hamilton ...... Wentworth. Read, David B ...... Toronto ...... York. Read, John B ...... Toronto ...... York. Rapelge, P. W ...... Vittoria ...... Norfolk. Richardson, H ...... Woodstock ...... Oxford. Revel, R ...... Woodstock ...... Oxford. Ridout, John ...... Toronto ...... York. Richardson, B ...... Robinson, Christopher Toronto ...... York. Robinson, J B ...... Toronto ...... York. Rykert, J. C ...... St. Catharines ...... Lincoln. Ruttan, R ...... Cobourg ...... Northumberland. Rowlands, S ...... Kingston ...... Frontenac. Robertson, Thos ...... Dundas ...... Wentworth. Ridout, G ...... Toronto ...... York. Raymond, L. D ...... Merritville ...... Welland. Ryerson, Eg. F ...... Stratford ...... Perth. s Smith, L. W., D.C.L. Toronto ...... York. Stanton, James ...... St. Thomas ...... Elgin. Stanton, W. H ...... Toronto ...... York. Sherwood, Wm ...... Brockville ...... Leeds. Sherwood, Geo ...... Brockville ...... Leeds. Steele, R. F ...... Brockville ...... Leeds. Springer, O...... Hamilton ...... Wentworth. Scatcherd, Thomas .... London ...... ~Iiddlesex. Sadleir, C. A ...... Hamilton ...... Wentworth. Shaw, Wm. Mc~ ...... Perth...... Lanark. Scott, James ...... Port Hope ...... Durham. Stevenson, John G ... Cayuga ...... Huldimand. Saxon, J. F ...... St. Cutharines ...... Lincoln. Stanton, F. G...... Simcoe ...... Norfolk. Strathy, John ...... Barrie ...... Simcoe. Stoneman, Robt. C.... London ...... Middlesex. Shanly, James...... iI.ondon ...... Middlesex. Smith, John...... 'Port Hope ...... Durham. 22 THE UPPER CANADA LAW DIRECTORY.

======-==C::=""i-===~-===-CC~Jl ESIDENCE. NAME. ~::::.:..------CITY OR TOWN, &C. COUNTY.

Simpson, C. P ...... Gelleville ...... H:tstings. Smith, Sidney ...... Cobourg ...... Northumberland. Scott, R. W ...... Ottawa ...... Carleton. Spohn, P. B ...... Hamilton ...... Wentworth. Start, J. E ...... [{amilton ...... Wentworth. Stewart, John ...... Stmtford ...... Perth. Sutherland, r...... GerEn ...... IV aterloo. Sache, H. W ...... Dunnville ...... Haldimand. Stmchan, A. W ...... Goderich ...... Huron. Smart, Wm. P...... C>tledolo'a ...... Hn,]chmand. Snooks, Jas. L ...... Kingsto:l ...... Frontenac. Sherwood, E ...... Ott:1W!1 ...... Carleton. Saunders, Thos. W.... Guelph ...... , ... \)ellington. Smith, Henry Jr...... Kingston ...... Frontenac. T

Tremuyne, W. H ...... Whitby ...... '" Onturio. Torney, Hugh ...... Ottawu ...... Carleton. Tilt, Thos ...... Toronto ...... York, Throope, W. H ...... Osho.wu ...... Ontario. 'fhomson, Jno. E ...... Hamilton ...... Wentworth. Tnrner, R. J ...... Toronto ...... York. v

Vizurd, W. H ...... Peterboro' ...... Peterboro'. Vidul, W. P ...... Sarniu ...... Luwbton. VanNorwun, G ...... Simcoe '" ...... Norfolk. Vunkoughnet, III. R ... Toronto ...... York. Vance, J!1mes John ... Bell Ewart ...... Simcoe. Vankoughnct,P.:lI,QC Toronto ...... York. w

Wilson, W. M ...... Simcoe '" ...... N<)l'folk. Wilson, R. J ...... Oukville ...... Halton. Walker, John ...... Cornwull ...... Stormont. Wittrock, Hermann · .. IToronto ...... York. Wilson, John ·· .. · .... ··ILondon ...... :'.li,ddlesex. Wood, E. B...... Grantford ...... Grunt. Warren, T. D...... St. Thomas ...... Elgin. Worthington, P. T .... [LOndOn ...... Middlesex. Wallbr!dge, Lewis ... Belleville ...... Hastings. Wullbl'ldge, A. H ...... Belleville ...... Hastings. Weller, W. H ...... Cobourg ...... Northumberland Wilson, Adam, Q.C... !Toronto ...... York. . Wright, Alfred F ...... ,Toronto ...... York. Wilkinson. J. H ...... 'R:lllllwich ...... Essex. Weller, C. A ...... 'peterboro' ...... Peterboro'. Woods, R. S ...... Chatham ...... Kent. Wilson, T. W ...... ! Bradford ...... Simcoe. List of Barristers and Attornies in Toronto, with their places of business and residence.


A Anderson J. T ...... Court Street ...... Alma, John Peter ...... Church Street ...... Church Street. Allan, G. W ...... Retired ...... Ardagh, Wm. D...... Adelaide Street East .. Adelaide Street East Arnold, W......

B Bacon, W. V ...... York Chamb. Court St Yorkville. Barrett, R. G ...... Cou.rt Street ...... Yorkville. Barry, Thos ...... York Chambers ...... Queen Street East Bell, John ...... Church Street ...... Church Street. Blevins, John ...... King Street...... Brough S ...... Jordan Street...... Adelaide Street West. Boomer, Geo ...... Church Street ...... Bay Street. Brooke, Geo ...... Nelson Street ...... Adelaide Street. Boyd, J ...... King Street...... Bay Street. Boulton, J ...... Church Street...... Bay Street. Burns, Wm. H ...... Court Street...... York Street. Barr, John ...... Toronto Street...... Blake, Edward ...... Toronto Street ...... IBay Street. Beaty, James ...... King Street West •..... Nelson Street. c Clark, A. M ...... Court Street...... Bellevue. Cameron,Hon.,J.H.QG .Jordan Street...... Queen Street West. Cameron, M. C...... Church Street...... Wellington St. West. Cameron, Alex ...... Church Street ...... Carleton Street. Cameron, Hector ...... Wellington Street ...... Duke Street. Campbell, S. B ...... Toronto Street...... Scott Street. Campbell, W. A ...... Jordan Street...... FrontStreet. Cayley, Hon. W...... Church Street...... St. George's Square. Carruthers, F. F ...... ,Jordan Street...... Ann Street. Crawford, John .... " ... Toronto Street ...... Yonge Street. Carrall Chas. J ...... Adelaide Street ...... Crickmore, J ...... York Chambers ...... John Street. Connor, S.; Q. C. ..•... Church Street...... Bay Street. Crowther, Jas ...... Church Street...... Richmond Street West Crooks, R. P ...... Exchange Buildings ... King Street. Crooks, Adam ...... Exchange Buildings ... King Street. D • Davis, Jas. Boyd ...... ¥orkChambers ...... West Market Square. 24 THE UPPER CANADA


Davis Wm ...... ¥onge Street ...... Park. Lane. Dalto~, R. G ...... King Street...... Sl?adma Avenue. Dempsey Richard ..... Church Str-eet ...... Richmond Street. Dempsey; Jno. W... '" Church Street ...... \'ictoria Street. Denison, G. T ...... Rusholme ...... Rusholme. Duggan, John ...... Court Street...... Bay Street. Duggan, George ...... Court Street ...... Duke .Street. Duggan, George, Junr. Adelaide Street ...... AdelaIde Street. Durand Chas. A ...... Adelaide Street ...... Yonge Street. Doyle, jas. H ...... Adelaide Street ...... Adelaide Street. E Eccles, Henry ...... Adelaide Street ...... Shuter Street. F Fitzgerald, E ...... ¥orkChambers ...... Yorkville. Fitzgibbon, Charles .... Probate Office King-st Avenue Street. Fitzgerald, W. J ...... Surrogate " " Wellington i'ltreet. Freeland, Patrick ...... Church Street ...... Gould Street. Flanagan, Wm ...... Toronto Street ...... Adelaide Street. G Gamble, Clarke ...... Church Street ...... Simcoe Street. Galt, Thomas ...... Toronto Street ...... Pembroke Street. Green, C. H ...... Well'ton Build. King-st Gerrard Street. H Harman, S. B...... Jordan Street ...... St. George's Square. Hallinan, Jas ...... Court Street ...... Church Street. Hamilton, John 1\1. •.. Provincial Insur. B .... Gould Street. Hector, John ...... King Street ...... William Street. Helliwell, J ...... Y?nge Street ...... Yonge Street. Heyden, L ...... Kmg Street ...... Church Street. Hur~, Edward E. W ... ~oron!o Street ...... King Street West. Hemmgs, George ...... \ ork Chambers ...... Church Street. Harper, W. J ...... IToronto Street ...... Adelaide Street. Hawkins, Geoffry ...... King Street ...... Harrison, R. A.,D.C.L. iKing Street lYe:,!.

Ince, Thos. Henry .... ¥orkChambers ...... Yorkville. oJ Jackson, M. ll...... King Street ...... King Street.• Jarvis, S. M...... Toronto Street " ...... Wellington Street west Jones, Chas ...... Church Street ...... Richmond Street. Jones, E. C...... Toronto Street '" ...... Jarvis Street. Jones, J. R ...... Yonge Street...... Yonge Street. Jones, Jonas.t\...... ProvincialInsur.Chrs. Adelaide Street LA W DIRECTORY. 25


K Keele, W. C. '" ...... King Street ...... Dnke Street. Kerby, J. T ...... Ontario Hall ...... Victoria Street. Keele, H. R. F ...... King Street ...... Duke Street.

L Leith, .Alexander ...... Cbnrch Street ...... Church Street. Leys, Jobn ...... Col borne Street ...... Ricbmond Street East. Lount, Chas. W...... Carleton Street ...... Carleton Street.


Macaulay, J.Jermy.... Cburch Street ...... ~IcGi1l Street. Mowat, 0 , Q. C ...... Yonge Street ...... Jarvis Street. Morrison, J. C., Q. C. Cbmch Street ...... ronge Street. Morrison, Angus ...... Col borne Street...... Chmch Street. Morphy, Geo ...... York Chambers ...... Jarvis Street. Morphy, H. B ...... York Chambers ...... Moore, R ...... Court H., Adelaide-st Morris, Jas. H ...... Churcb Street ...... 107 Duke Street. Miller, R. B ...... Church Street ...... Adelaide Street West. Meudell, 'Ym ...... Cbureh Street ...... Duke Street. Matheson, W. ~I...... Toronto Street ...... ::\IacDougall, A. D..... Cburcb Street...... St. Patrick Street. McGrath, Cbarles ..... Colborne Street...... Queen Street West. McNab, .Jobn ...... Church Street...... Yonge Street. McLean, Archibald G. Colborne Street ...... Peter Street. McIntyre, N. C ...... Adelaide Street...... Cburch Street. J\Ic:\lichael, Daniel .... Cburcb Street ...... King Street West. McDonald, A ...... King Street West ...... Jarvis Street. McDonald, John ...... King Street ...... Jarvis Street. McCutchon, P. McG ... King Street ...... Church Street.


Nanton, Augustus ...... Toronto Street...... Gerrard Street.


Patterson, C. S ...... King Street East...... Ontario Street. Paterson, James ...... Toronto Street...... Peter Street. Phillpotts, Geo. A..... Provincinl IDS. Cham York Street. Price, Hon. J. H ...... Toronto Street...... Yonge Street. R Read, David B ...... Church Street ...... Queen Street West. Read, John B...... Church Street ...... Church Street. Richards, S. jr...... King Street...... Cburch Street. Ridont, George ...... Yonge Street ...... Mari .. Street. Roar, John jr...... Yonge Street ...... Charles Street. 4 26 THE UPPER CANADA LAW DIRECTORY.


Robinson, J. B. jr..... Jordan ::::treet ...... College Avenue. Robinson, J. L ...... Tordnn Street...... Peter Street. Robinson, Christophel Jordan Street...... Richmond Street. Robinson, Joseph ..... Colborne Street ...... Yorkville. s Stanton, W. II ...... Provincinl Ins. Cham. CnrHon Street. Strachan, J. lII...... York Street ...... York Street. Smith, L. W., D. C. L. King Street...... Yonge Street. Strong, S. H ...... Toronto Street...... Pnrk Lane. Slwrtls, Euward ...... Tordan Street...... Wellington Street. T

Tumer, n. J ...... King Street...... West of Yorkville. Tilt, Thomas ...... Ijilurch Street ...... Wellington Street. v

Vankoughnet,P. M. QC Church Street...... Wellington Street. Vankou~hnet, lIi. R ... Cburch Street ...... Jobn Street. Vance, James John ... Church Street...... l3ell Ewart. w

Wilson, A~nm, Q.O ... King Street...... Spadina Avenue. ", ~t1'ock, Ilermnnn ... Exchunge Buildings .. . Wflght, Alfred F ...... Court Street ...... Queen Street. List of Country Barristers and Attornies, arranged under the different Cities, Towns &c., with their agents in Toronto.

ALEXANDIUA, GLENGARY. Cqunl"'J Barris/ers, d'c. Tal rm 10 Agents. McKenzie, A. 1\1...... Richards & Jackson. Al\lHETISTBURG. Leggatt, G. W...... Richarus & Jackson.

ANCASTER. Milne, Alexander S ...... George Brooke. BERLIN. Durand, Chas. A., & 3Iiller Thos. Read, Leith & Rend. Gwynne, Jas. W ...... Wilson, Patterson & Beaty. Sutherland, Robt ...... Eccles, Carrall & Doyle. BOW:lIANVILLE. Armour, Robt., & Bethune, D., Jr. Wilson, Patterson & Beaty. Hutcheson, St. John H ...... Robinson, Bros. BELLEVILLE. Bell, John ...... Crawford & Gillt. Coleman, C. L ...... Wilson, Patterson & Benty. Dougilll, B ...... Dougall, A. R...... Vankoughnet & Bro. Everet, R. J ...... Fraser, Jas. Jr ...... R. P. & . Hutton, Joseph ...... Crawford & Galt. Henderson, G. E ...... Richards & Jackson. Henderson, L. H ...... Richards & Jackson. Jellett, Robert P ...... Henry B. Morphy. O'Hare, John ...... Richards & Jackson. Ponton, W. H ...... Crawford & Galt. Ross, Hon. J...... Crawford & Galt. Simpson, C. P ...... Wilson, Patterson & Beaty. Wallbridge, ~wis ...... Wilson, Patterson & Beaty. Wallbridge, A. II...... Wilson, Patterson & Beaty. J. BARRIE. Bernarj'Hewitt ...... R. P. & Adam Crooks. Boultpn, D'Arcy, & l\fcCart.Qy, D . ton...... ; .... Cayley, Cameron & McMichael. Ho ins, H. B ...... C. II. Green. La e, G...... ; ...... Pa . n. James,. '& Cozens Chas. S. R. P. & Adam Crooks. Stro. , John ...... Cayley, Cameron & McMichael. 28 THE UPPER CANADA BRANTFORD. country Barristers, ~c. Toronto Agents. Cameron, John, & Rilbidge Wltlter. Cayley, Cn.meron & McMichael. Hardy, II. A...... Crawfor(i & Galt. Long Peter B., & Wood, E. B .... Duggan & Burns. Mall~cb, Geo. W...... Riclmrds & Jackson. McGiverine, P. L ...... Wilkes, F. T." ...... " ...... Richarus & Jackson. BRADFORD. Thomas Tilt; at Barrie, Boulton Wilson, J. W. H...... { & J.\IcCartby.

BRIGHTON. Dalton, T ...... " ...... Eyre, .Jobn" ...... " ...... " ... ", ". Wilson, Patterson & Beaty. BROCKVILLE. Buell, J. Docksbllcr ...... " .... Ric:ll:ln]" & Jackson. Ellerbeck, '1·1Il. II., & Foster, C. W. l',iclianl, & Jackson. Ford, D:will B. ()., & Cblll;,cr:" Fitzwilliam II ... " ...... " .... ". Eccles, Carrall & Doyle. Henderson, R. S. " ...... " ...... Phillpotts & Hamilton. Jones, Ormond .... " ...... TIichanls & .Jackson. McL~an, \"'ol',hil' B .... " ...... Richm'us & Jackson. Jones, Henry A ...... " Reynolds, Jno ...... Freeland & ]\forris. Ricbards, Albert ~ ...... Ricbards & .T,,·bon. SherwooLl, Gell. I &: Steele Ricb,J.F. Crawford & G.tlt. Sherwoou, Will ...... Freeland & :llurris. Im.DII'TO::f. Cummins, J. P ...... John R . .Tones. CAYGG.I.. Aikman, Thos. R ..... " ...... Cayley, Cameron & McMichael. Stevenson, FrelS. S ...... Read, Leith & Read. COBOURG. Boulton, G. S ...... Read, Leith & Read. Boulton, Edward Trevor ...... C. Gamble. Boulton, D. E ...... Cayley, C[tmeron & McMichael. Boswell, A. G...... H. B. 1\Iorphy. Cockburn, J ames,& Boul ton .Tames Forster ...... Read, Leith & Reaa. Garre~t, Wm. A ...... Eccles, CanaU & Doyle. McNeill, ~eale ...... Read, Le~th & Read... ~ Ruttau, RIChard ...... Read, Leith. & Read.' Smith, Sidney, & Armour, .T. D ... Wilson, Patterson & Beaty. Weller, W. H. & Clark, Geo. 1\1... Wilson, Patterson & Beaty.. COLBORNE. Boucher, R. M...... Read, Leith & Read. LAW DIRECTORY. 29

CHATHAM. Counl1'Y Barristers, cl'C. Toronto .i[lenis. Duck, Geo. Jr. & Brother ...... Robiuson, Bros. Eliot C. F. and Prince, Albert, ... Phillpotts &. Hamilton. (Prince & Eliot) McLean, A. D...... Robinson, Bros. McCrea, Walter ...... Read, Leith & ltead. Woods, R. S ...... Robinson, Bros.

COR~WALL. Heenan, Daniel B ...... Richards & Jackson. Macdonald, Hon. John S., Q. C. Richards &. Jackson. McDonell, G ...... McLean, A. G. McDonell, John ...... C'lyley, Cameron & ~rcMichael. McDonell, P. J...... Vankoughnet, Bros. Pringle, Jacob F.: ...... Robinson, Bros. Ross, William ...... Richards &. J llckson. Walker, John ...... Richards & Jackson. COLLINGWOOD. Moberly, George ...... Cayley, Cameron & illcl\Iichael. (Patton & Moberly.) C.~LEDOXLL Smart, William R ...... Cayley, Cameron & McMichael.

DUX~YILLE. Barker, E ...... Crawford & Galt. McMullen, William ...... Crawford &. Galt. Richardson, John B. R ...... Eccles, Carrall & Doyle. Sache, H. W ...... R. P. & Adam Crooks. DUNDAS. Barton, Geo. 1\I...... R. P. & Adam Crooks. Crysler, ill. O...... J. J. Vance. Kippen, A. W...... Notman, William ...... R. P. & Adam Crooks. Robertson, Thomas ...... Richards & Jackson. ELORA. Geddes, Jas., & Drew, G. A ...... Richards & Jackson. GALT. Ainslie, Adam ...... Cayley, Cameron & IVJ:c'Michael. Irving, lEmilius, & Ball, A. T.H ... Cayley, Cameron & McMichael. Miller, J ohn,'.~ ...... Read, Leith & Reml. J GUELPH. Ferguson, A . .I., & Kingsmill, J. J. Wilson, Patterson & Beaty. Jarvis, W. D. P ...... Stephen M. Jarvis. Lemon, Andrew ...... :':": ...... Cayley, Cameron & lIIcMichael. ]Hartin, E. R. ... !(! ...~, ...... J. McNab. Pet~rBon, H. W. ;:, ...... PaUber, George ...... Phillpotts & Hamilton. Saunders, ThoB. W...... "' 4""" 30 THE UPPER CANADA

GODERICH. Country Barristers,

LONDON. Cblintry Barrisu..,·"

OTTAWA. Billings, Elkanah ...... " ...... mchards &, Jackson. Clegg, "'illiam ...... Wilson, Patterson &, Beaty. Campbell, Donald, &. r.I)SS, Alex ... James Paterson. Duck, William ...... Crawford &. Galt. Fellowes, G. D. Lyon, ...... Crawford &, Galt. Gibb, Alexander ...... Eccles, CaHall &, Doyle. Keegan, G. 'V ...... Lees, Robert...... Wilson, Patterson &, Beaty. Lyon, Hobert ...... Cmwford & Galt. Lewis, John B., & Pinhey, C. H. Richards &, Jackson. Mallock, John ...... Cayley, C;lmeron &, McMichael. Scott, RichOl'l1 W...... John Hel!iwell. Sherwood, E...... Crawford &, Galt. Torney, Hugh ...... Crawford &, Galt. PARIS. Alma, Wm. E ...... R. P. & Adam Crooks. PERTH. Buell, W. O...... Richards &, Jackson. Deacon, John Jr...... Crawford &, GlLlt. Fraser, ponnJd: ...... Wilson, Patterson &, Beaty. Mc:\Iartm, Dalllel...... Phillpotts &, Hamilton. McKay, .T ...... Freeland &, Morris. Shaw,: Wm. MeN ...... Richards & Jackson. PETERBORO'. Conger, W. S...... Burnham, Eli:ls ...... R. P. &, Adam Crooks. D?lll~istou~, Robert ...... WilsOll, Patterson &, Beaty. D Oller, G. O. '" ...... R. G. Dalton. LAW DIRECTORY. 33

CounN-y Barrisl.ers, d'c. Pm'onto Agents. Dunsford, George ...... Read, Leith & Read. Dunsford, Martin ...... Reall, Leith &, Read. Kirkpatrick, S. F ...... Phillpotts & Hamilton. O'Beirne, Ivan ...... Wilson, Patterson & Beaty. Vizard, W. H. J ...... Wilson, Patterson & Beaty. Weiler, Charles A...... Eccles, Carrall & Doyle.

PRESCOTT. Burritt, 111...... R. P. & Adam Crooks. Hurlburt, H ...... Richards & Jackson. Keefer, A...... Richards & Jackson. l\IcLean, Jno. N...... Arch'd G. McLean. PAKEXHAM (Lanark). Baines, C. T...... Duggan & Burns. PORT HOPE. Brogdin, Geo., & "'cller, W. H ... Wilson, Patterson & Beaty. Henderson, Thomas ...... S. B. Campbell. Greene, F. B ...... Eccles, Currall & Doyle. Kirchofi'er, Nesbitt ...... Richards & Jackson. Scott, James ...... Richards &, J'lCkson. Smith, James ...... Wilson, Patterson & Beaty. Smith, J. Shuter ...... Wilson, Pat;erson & Beaty. Whitehead, Marcus F ...... Wilson, Patterson & Beaty.

PICTON. Fitzgerald, R. J ...... Richards & Jackson. Low, Philip ...... Wilson, P:ltterson & Beaty. Merrill, Samuel ...... Re,ul, Leith &, Read.

pmIBROOKE. Scott, Francis

ST. THO)IAS. Farley, James ...... Cayley, Cameron & Mc:\1ichael. Hamilton, Henry ...... Crawford & Galt. Horton, Edward ...... Richards & Jackson. Harris, Edward W...... Hector Cameron. Stanton, James ...... Read, Leith & Read. Warren, Thomas D...... Crawford & Galt.

ST. )IARY'S. Clench, Leon M. •...... Read, Leith & Read. McFadden, James ...... Eccles, C[\,rra11 & Doyle .

.. SARNIA. Adams, Joshua Jr...... Richards & Jackson. Davis, J. F., & Lazier, Thos. A ... Read, Leith & Read. Vidal, W. P ...... John Crickmore. 34 THE UPPER CANADA

ST. CATHARINES. Country Barristers, ax. Toronto Agents. Burns, Thomas ...... Vnnkoughnet & Brother. Eccles, Wm., & Currie, J. ll ...... Eccles, Carrall & Doyle. Miller, Richard ...... Vankoughnet & Brothel". McDonald, R ...... • V:wkonghnet & llrother. Powell, C. H ...... ,Tames Paterson. Rykert, J. C ...... Vankoughnet & Brother. Saxon, J. F ...... George Brooke.

SIMCOE. Gilman, Edward ...... Itead, Leith & Rend. Stanton, F. G ...... Crawford & Galt. VanNorman, G. R., & F"ley, 1\1. H. Cayley, Cnmeron & :\Jcl\Iichael. Wilson, Wm. 1II., & O.,1.'Jrne, Vi P. Cayley, Cameron & 1I1cMichael.

SANDWICH. Baby, Charles ...... Robinson, Brothers. Baby, Wm. D ...... Fluett, LCIVi.o J ...... John :lIeSnb. Johnson, W...... J. (' .. iclouore. Prince, .\lbert, & Eliot, C. F ...... Phillpotts & Hamilton. Prince, .J ohn ...... :\Jorphy & Hemings. Wilkinson, J. H ...... John Crickmore. STRATFORD. Cnrra11, James A ...... Eccles, Carrall & Doyle. Lizars, D. H...... Robinson, Brothers. Ryersnn, E. F ...... Duggan & Burns. Stewart, J...... Eccles, Cnrrall & Doyle. THOROLD. Ball, L. A ...... Wilson, Patterson & Beaty. Whitelaw, John ...... James Paterson. TRENTON. Hubbell, H. S ...... Eccles, Carrall & Doyle. Meyers, A. H ...... Vankoughnet & Brother. VIENNA. Baxter, G ...... G. Brooke. Nichol, It. K. A ...... Read, Leith & Read. VITTORIA. Rapelje, P. W ...... Duggan & Burns.

WOODSTOCK. Bnll,. F. R., & Carrall, J. F ...... Eccles, Carrall & Doyle. BlevlDs, Edward ...... Cayley, Cnmeron & McMichael. Gra;v, Geo. A ...... Eccles, Carrall & Doyle. Greig, John ...... John Blevins. Lapenotiere, William ...... '" Read, Leith & Read. LAW DIRECTORY. 35

Count"'j BaM-iJt,rs,

WHITny. Billings, John ...... Wil,on, Patterson & neaty. Billings, Wm. H ...... R. P. & Adam Crooks. Ham, J. v ...... Wilson, Patterson & Beaty. Ham, N. G ...... "'ilson, Patterson & nealy. MacDonell, Hugh J ...... C:1yley, C:lmeron & i\Ic~1ichael. Tremayne, W. H ...... Freeland & Morris.

"'L'\DSOR. Macdonell, S. S...... Alexander McDonell. O'Connor. John ...... R. & J. R. Dempsey. Street, Juhn ...... Alexandel' McDonell. List of Commissioners for taking Affidavits in the Court of Queen's Bench in Outer Counties of Upper Canada, (as far as returned to September, 1856.)

BRANT. Thomas S. Shcnston ...... Brnntford.... 11 th l\brch 1S53. George W. Malloch ...... 21st Nov. 18.')::\, Charles P. McGinn ...... " 30th Aug. 1854. John Cameron ...... " Walter Itubiclge ...... " H. A. Hardy ...... " ELGIN. .J ohn Burwell ...... Port TIUl·well. 2Gth April 1831, Thos. D. Warren ...... St. Thomas ... l:~th Feb. 18:37. James Walker ...... Vienna ...... 26th June 1847. George Henry ...... Ahlboro' ...... 2i:'!h June 1847. David Jolm Hughes ...... St. Thomas ... 25th June 1848. James J"seph Dell ...... Aylmer...... Daniel Harvey ...... St. Thomas ... 3rd August 1848. Levi Fowler ...... Fingal...... 22nd June 1849. Robert Dhckwood ...... Fingal ...... " " E. B. Warrcn ...... Port Stanley. 17 Nov. 1849. Wm. Campbell ...... Aylmer ...... 27th Nov. 185(\. George IIlunro ...... Aldboro' ...... 14th June 1851. Wm. H. IIigman ...... Port Stanley. 10th Feb. 1852. 1Vm. l\IcKay ...... St. Thomas ... 12th March 1853. James Btauton ...... , ...... " " Peter Murtagh ...... " Nov. 1853. James Farley ...... " 28th Nov. 1853. 1Vm. Harris ...... lana...... \23rd Nov. 1854. John Lanuing ...... Union ...... 7 Feb. 1855. Henry Hamilton ...... St. Thomas .. . Edward W. Harris ...... " Edward Horton ...... " Edward Ermatinger ...... " Henry 'Varren ...... " Murdock l\IcKenzie ...... " Phillip Hodgkinson ...... Aylmer...... William Eakins ...... Vienna ...... George Baxter ...... " Robert Nichol ...... " John Livingston ...... '" Bl1yham ...... James Wilson ...... Sparta ...... Thomas Jenkins, Jr ...... Vienna ...... Alexander Ketchum ...... Union ...... LAW DIRECTORY. 37

FRONTENAC. Samuel Clarke ...... Schuylor Shibley ...... George A. Cumming ...... John A. Shibley ...... Tllmes N. L.'pum ...... W. J. F,tirfield ...... Parker Allen ...... ISl1ac B. Aylsworth ...... -G(lorge Clurk ...... Archibald i\Illcdonell ...... Sidney Warner ...... P G. Seldon ...... Philip D. Booth ...... Charles W. Cooper...... Kingston. Kenneth ~Iflckenzie ...... •...• " l.'hom;ts Kirkpatrick ...... " Overton Smith Gildersleive ...... G. W. Drliper ...... " Alexander Campbell ...... " Archibl1ld John Macdonell ...... " .T O. Reilly ...... " D. Macarow ...... " Thomas Parke. Jr...... " Henry Smith. Jr...... " .Tames Alexander Henderson ...... " R. S. Henderson ...... " John B. For8yth ...... " James Joseph Burrowes ...... " Edwin Burl'owes ...... " George L. Mowat ...... " Thoml1s Cllirk ...... " .T'tmes Agnew...... " Samuel Rowlands ...... " Tunis L. Snooks ...... " Willil1m Allan Geddes ...... Robert M. Wilkinson ...... John Smyth Stewart...... " P. O'Reilly...... "

Grenville Moyle ...... 0 •••• " James Durnnt! ...... "

George W. D~llor .0 ••• 0 ••••• 0 ...... ·.0 " Douglass Prentice...... " David Itoblin ...... Napanee .John Stevenson ..... o.o ...... 0... "

J" ames F. Ba~tedo .0 ••••.•...... eo. " Willinm V. Detlor...... " Benjn.mine C. Davy...... " Alexander Cn.mpbell ...... " -John ~Jac~lilll\n ...•••...... •..... ,.. " John W. Fel'gusou ...... " Juhn D. HILm ...... I Nowburg.


HALTO~. John White ...... ;\Iilton...... • 20th June 1848. 'Vm. Bunton ...... " 10th Feb. 1853. Geo. Crawford McKinsay ...... " " E. Williams '" ...... '" " 30th Aug. ] 853. Sameul PhiI: ps ...... " 17th June 1854. Lachlan ;\IcDonald ...... " 27th June 1854. Robert J. Wilson ...... •...... Oakville ...... 10th Jan. 1855. Wm. :\ICC'lY ...... '" ..•... '" :\"elson ...... 10th Feb. 1855. Jas. ;\IcXair ...... '" I\liltoll ...... " " " Jas. Applebe ...... " " J:1Ul"'" young ...... " " " Willi urn Clay ...... " " " Gilbert Tice Bn-te,lo ...... " " " H"bl'l't K. Chi~holm ...... , ...... " " " Robert B"lmer ...... " " Andrew Uage ...... '" 12th Feb. 1855. Wm. N, 1'. Eager ...... !.Jth May 18:>5. J. S. Laidhw ...... " Gth July 1855. l{ubl'rt l~')Ullg ••••••••••.••••••.•••• '" " ht Sept. 1855. George Brown ...... " 16th June 1856. II.\STI:\"GS. Thomtls Parker ...... , ...... '" Belleville ...... 11th Nov. 1819. 'Yrn. H. Ponton ...... '" 2nd March 1841. J. Brook, Crowe ...... Frankford .... 1st March 1r;·u. 'Vrn. Bowen ...... 1st March 18,12. C. L. Colemtln ...... Belleville ...... :;OthJulylSH. George E. Henderson ...... " !Ith June 1845. John O'Hare ...... 19th June 1:-:46. Levi A. Apl'lehy ...... Shannon ville. l,jth Feh. 1850. Allan R. Dougall...... Belleville ...... June 1850. D. B. John,.; ...... ;;;tirling ...... 12th .June 185l. L. H. Henderson ...... Belleville .... . Gth Feb. 1853. H. S, Hubbell ...... Trenton ...... 21.-;t July 18,:;3. Alexander :\bcau1:ty, ...... " " " " James young ...... " " " Anson n. -" orthl'up ...... Belleville...... 4th Sept. 18·;!." L. 1\1. Washburn ...... C'll1ifton ...... 8th Oct. 1855.

HDRO~ A:-;'D BRDCE. Daniel Shoff...... ;\IcGillivray .. 13th Feb. 1847. David Hood Ritchie ...... '" Ntanlcy ...... 5 June 1851. Alexander Wood Strachan ...... Goderich ...•.. 17th Nov. 1851. Thomas Nicholls ...... " 19th June 1R.j:.l. Allan John~on ;\Ioore ...... " 9th June 1853. James T, Contlway ...... Southampton 9th Sept. 1853. Christopher Barker ...... Penetangore. 27th Nov. 1:-:·j3. Louis ;\Iyer ...... Harpurbey .. . 28th Nov. 1853. Thomas Trivitt ...... '" Dsborne ...... 9th June 18iii4. William Rastall, ...... Penetangore . " " " Daniel L. Sills ...... Brucefield .•.. 2ith Feb. 1855. LAW DIRECTORY. 39

Malcolm Collin Cameron ...... Goderich ...... 16th June 1855. John Campbell ...... ".. Huron ...... 27th June 1855. Hugh Johnston ...... Goderich ...... " " " Fras. Wm. Irwin...... Turnbery... .. 28th July 1855. Henry McDermott...... Goderich. .. .. 11th Dec. 1855.

John Davison ...... 0 ••• " . 3th Feb. 1856. Samuel H. Rance...... Clinton ...... 16th Feb. 1856. Ira Lewis...... Goderich. David McKendrick ...... Penetangore. M. Jas. Hamilton...... Goderich. Joseph Williamson ...... Archibald McVicar ...... Brant. John Colville...... Hay.

HALDIMAND. John Armour ...... Dunnville ..... 2nd Aug. 1842. Wm. McMullen ...... " 14th June, 1849. Alexander Scobie ...... Caledonia ..... 8th Feb. 18(;0. Ronald McKinnon ...... " " John H. Rodgers ...... Indiana ...... 28th May. 1850. Hen!)r W. Sache ...... Dunnville ... . 7th Sept. " Thos. H. Aikman ...... Cayuga ...... 8th Feb. 1851. Joseph R. Brown ...... Dunnville ... . 6th Feb. 1852. John B. R. Richardson ...... " 19th July, 1852. Agnew P. Farrell ...... Cayuga ...... 2nd Sept. " James F. Thompson ...... " 16th Nov. Duncan Campbell ...... " " " Edmund DeLew ...... " " Robt. V. Griffith ...... " " " Wm. R. Smart ...... Caledonia ..... " " Neil :McKinnon ...... , 3rd March, 1853. James Sill ...... Walpole ...... 18th June, " Wm. Thompson ...... Caledonia .. .. 2ith Feb. 1855. Francis F. Stevenson ...... Cayuga ...... 23rd Jan. 1856. Samuel Kirdsall ...... Canboro' ...... Wm. Fitch ...... " Edgar Barker ...... Dunnville .... John S. Minor ...... " Daniel Thorburn ...... Indiana ......

KENT. George Duck, Jr...... Chatham ...... Alex. D. McLean ...... " Thos. A. Ireland ...... 1st Dec. 1854. Peter John Flood ...... 14th June, 1855. Abraham S. Holmes ...... 16th Nov. " Henry F. Duck ...... " " Charles F. Elliot ...... 25th Nov. " Dennis Leonard ...... 12th Dec. " Walter McCrea ...... Thomas Keating ...... John F. Delmage ...... 40 THE UPPER CANADA

LANARK AND RENFREW. Chnrles Henry Sache ...... Perth 28th Jan. 1824. Daniel ;\]cMnrtin ...... " Wm. R. F. Burford .. , ...... " 17th Nov. 1832. Alex. Fraser .. , ...... " John G. l\Ialloch ...... " 23rd April, 1834. James Allnp ...... 13th Nov. 1839. Wm. O. Buell ...... 8th Nov. 1843 John Deacon, Jr...... 7th Aug. 1044. James Bell ...... " :2:.?nd June, 1846. Charles G. Snche ...... 112Ih Aug. 1848. 1Vm. 1\1. Shaw ...... " ...... 15th Feb. 1850. George :'.littleberger ...... 13th Feb. 1852. Donalt.l Fr,18er ...... " .0 .. I. ••• l:-:t Dec. 1854. E. Robertson ...... Lanark ...... 18th Feb. 1856.

LAhlBTON Froome Talfourd ...... Sarnil1 ...... 23rd Nov. ] 841. Lionel H ..Johnson ...... Sornbra ...... 26th Nov. 1844. Wm. P. Vidal ...... Sarnil1 ...... 6th April, ] 846. Alfred P. 'l'oulmin ...... Sombra ...... 4th Nov. ]846. Peter l\lcGlash:ln ...... Moore ...... 2nd Nov. 1847. Thomas Forsyth ...... Sarnil1...... 10th Nov. 1849. James Porter ...... Jnmes F. Elliott ...... Warwick ..... 6th Feb. 1852. Alfred Fi,her ...... Snrni" ...... 27th June, 1854. 'Vm. Ketchum ...... '0' •••••••••••• '0. Bosnnquet ... " Thos. R. R. Scott...... Plympton.... 27th Sept. " J. R GemmelL ...... E':lJ'llia ...... 24th July, 1855. John Smith ...... Enniskillen... 1st Sept. " JOtihua Adams, Jr...... Sarnil1 ...... 11th Dec. "

NORFOLK. 'Vm. Salmon ...... Simcoe ...... 17tll Nov. 1827. Peter W. R"pelje ...... 28th Dec. 1829. Wm. 1\I. Wilson ...... 14th Feb. 1842. Fraser G. Stanton ...... 18th Jan. 1846. Thomas W. Walsh ...... 1st August, 1846. Abraham B. Rapelje ...... 6th Feb. 1847. Francis L. Wabh ...... l-hh Feb. 1848. Aquila Wabh ...... 14th Feb. Henry Groff ...... 15th June, 1850. 'Vm. P. O,born ...... 5th Juue, ]851. Edward Dickiu~on ...... 8th Sept. 1854. Thos. Chamberlin : ...... 17th Feb. 1855.

NORTilmIBERLAND AND DURHAM. Robt. Armour ...... Bowmanville. J. D. Armour ...... Cobourg. Donald Bethune ...... , .. .. Bowmanville. -Feb. 1842. Hon. G. S. Boulton ...... Cobourg. LAW DIRECTORY, 41

D' Arcy E. Boulton ...... Cobourg. E. T. Boulton ...... " R. M. Boucher ...... •..•... Colborne. T. D. Boucher ...... A. G. Boswell ...... Cobourg. James M. Brodie ...... George Brogdin ...... Port Hope. James Cameron ...... Donald Campbell ...... R. D. Chatter tun ...... , 21st Nov. 183:3. James Cockburn ...... Cobourg. Geo. 1\1. Clark ...... " Thomas Dalton ...... B. F. Ewing ...... John Eyre ...... W. A. Garrett ...... Cobourg. F. B. Greene ...... Port Hope. St. J. H. Hutcheson ...... Bowmanviile. N. Kirchoffer ...... Port Hope. N. McNeill ...... Cobourg ...... 10th June, 1854. Henry Rowed ...... A. Rubidge ...... Richard Ruttan ...... Cobourg. James Scott ...... Port Hope. James Smith ...... " John S. Smith ...... Sidney Smith ...... Cobourg Robert Throop ...... " Thomas Ward ...... G. C. Ward ...... Henry Weller ...... Cobourg M. F. Whitehead ...... Port Hope. Robert Fairburn ...... 22nd April, 1830. Fraser W. Howe ...... 15th June, 1850. Joseph L. Tucker ...... 14th Feb. 1852. Benj. M. Allen ...... 6th July, 1852. George Mearns ...... 27th I"eb. 1856. Thoa. H. Sweetman ...... 5th Sept. 1854.

PRINCE EDWAHD. Samuel l\ferrill ...... Picton. Philip Low ...... 1836. R. J. FitzGerald ...... David Bark"r ...... Lempriere Murray ...... " Cecil Mortimer ...... Paul E. Washburn ...... " David L. Fairfield ...... " 24th Feb. 1854. John P. Roblin ...... " Johu Twigg ...... " 26th Nov. 1855. Joshua M. Cadman ...... Consecon. Clark Whittier ...... Archd. McFaul...... Wellington. 5' 42 THE UPPER CANADA LAW DIRECTORV.

James Young ...... Ameliasburgh Owen Roblin ...... " Samuel Solmes ...... Northport. Robert C. Wilkins ...... Carrying PI. Joseph Allen ...... Marysburgh.

PETERBORO' AND VICTORIA. Elias Burnham ...... ,...... Peterboro'... 1835. Robert Dennistoun ...... 1849. Ivan (J'Beirne , ...... Charles Alexander Weller ...... George Ogle D'Olier ...... Martin Dunsford ...... George Dunsford ...... Wm. Henry J. Vizard ...... 1Vm. McDonell ...... 27th Aug. 1850. 1V. J. Logie ...... 20th Dec. 1855. Anthony Lacourse ...... 1855. Thos. A. Hudspeth ...... 1853.

PERTH. John Stewltrt ...... Stratford .... . 11th Aug. 1840. John J. Linton ...... 2nd !\larch, 1842. Joseph G. Kirk ...... " 13th Feb. 1849. James Coleman...... St. Mary's... . 1850. James Kerby Clendenin ...... 16th Feb. 1851. James Hill...... 1\Iitchell ...... 11 th Mar. 1853. Egt. F. Hyerson...... Stratford ...... 23rd April, 1853. Jas. McFadden...... St. !\lary's ... . 4th June, 1855. John Sharman ...... Stratford ...... 5th Sept. 1855. James Achmister ...... St. Mary's ... . " " D. H. Lizars ...... Stratford ...... " " Leon 1\1. Clench ...... I St. Mary's ... . 11th Dec. 1855. James Alexander Carroll ...... I Stratford ...... 18th Dec. 1855. Archibald J. Keillor...... l\Iornington .. . 19th Dec. 1855. Thos. Matheson ...... '" ... Mitchell...... 'George Fraser ...... Stratford. " " Charles Burrows ...... :vrornington. R. Boulton...... Wallace. Wm. Nelson Ford ...... Blainhard.

WATERLOO. Wm. Davidson ...... Berlin ...... 18th Nov. 1849. James Black...... " 6th June, 1851. List of Commissioners for taking Affidavits in the Court of Common Pleas for Upper Canada (exclusive of Toronto.)


Henry Alex. Hardy ...... Brantford ...... 21st Nov'r, 1850. George Gowell ...... Onondaga ...... 19th Jany. 1854. John Cameron ...... • Brantford ...... 28th June, 1854. William Edward Alma ...... Paris ...... 28th Aug. 1854. John Augustus Penton ...... " 5;,h S~pt. 1854. George Macartney ...... Daniel Brooke ...... Brantford 24th Nov. 1so4. Peter Ball Long ...... " 25th Nov. 1854. CARLETON.

Henry J. Friel ...... Ottawa ...... Es~~e ...... 25th Feb. 1851. HughTorney ...... " 12th Feb. 1855.

ELGIN. 29th Aug. 1855. ~~~:;dG~~~~;;:...... tld;~~'::::::::: Es~!,ire •...... 14th June, 1855. James A. Eak.ins ...... 24th June, 1855.

ESSEX. Joseph Mercer ...... Sandwich Gentleman .. . 14th June, 1850. George Fred. Davis ...... Port Sarnia Es~~ire ...... 13th Feb. 1852. John McEwen ...... Windsor ...... lSth June, 1053. Felix Alexis Lafferty ...... Amherstburg.. . Gentleman .. . 24th June, 1856.

FRONTENAC, LENOX ACID ADDINGTON. Hiram Lindley Spafford ...... Kingston ...... E8quire ...... 27th Aug. 1851. Parnall Green Selden ...... Shemelcl ...... Gentleman ... 26ih Nov. 1852. John Alford Shibley ...... Camden ...... " " John Bell ...... Belleville ...... Es~~ire ...... 24th Nov. 1853. James Appleby Lazier ...... 7th Feb. 1854. Andrew Shaw ...... Kingston" ...... 11th Feb. 1·,50. David Roblin ...... Richmond ...... Lucas Lasher ...... Ernestown ...... Isaac Brock Aylesworth ...... Camden Joseph Benj. Allison ...... Adolphustown .. .," " Joseph Bruce ...... Ki~~ston ...... Francis W. Sobieski Oaks '" " Lewis Wallbridge ...... Belleville ...... " 13th" Feb. 1855. James Durand ...... Ki~?ston ...... 9th July, 1855. Robt. Mortimer Wilkinson ... 30th Aug. 1855. Almond Bristol ...... Newburgh ...... Merchant ..... 28th Feb. 1856. Miles Eaton ...... " " 28lh Feb. 1856. GREY. John Creasor, jr...... Owen Sound.. .. Gentleman .. . 16th Feb. 1854. William Ferguson ...... Priceville ...... Esquire ...... 24th June, 1856.

HALDIMAND 5th Feb. 1852. ~~~:~t~: J'~f~::::::::::::::: Ca~!,ga ...... Es~!'ire ...... 16th Nov. 1852. Duncan Campbell...... " Post Master .. . " " 44 THE UPPER CANADA

Jo.eph G.e ...... Rainham ...... EFlquire ...... 16th Nov. 1852- Edmund DeCew ...... Ca~~ga ...... Land Survyr. " " William R. Smart ...... Esquire ...... Merchant ..... " " Jame. ~'itch Thomp.on ...... " " John Kirk ...... Moulton ...... Esquire ...... 15th June, 1850. Martin Edward ...... Cayuga ...... " " " " HALTON.

Elijah Williams Bronte ...... Gentleman ... 30th Aug. 1853. ]lobert John \\'iloon ...... O"kville ...... Attorney ...... 19th Jan. 1855. .. 7th Feh. 1855. Tboma~ Miller ...... Hamilton ...... Jampg S Laidlaw ...... Ulenwllliam ... E~quire ...... 6th July, 1855. Lacklan Macdonald ...... lcton,Esq uesing Gentleman ... 27th June, 1854.


Adam Henry WaJlbridge ... BpJleville ...... Ep.quire ...... 13th Feb. 1851. D."id Buckland .rohns ...... Sidn.y ...... GeTltleman ... 12th June, 1851 • Caleb Platt ~imrBon ...... Belleville E8~~ire ...... ~~llLl Nov. 1853. Robert Patterson Jellett...... John nell ...... 24th Nov. 185:3. James Applpby Lazier ...... " 7th Feb. 1854. Jo~e~)h Hutton ...... 24th ~ov. 1854. Lewis Wallbridge ...... 13th Feb. 1855. HURON AND BRUCE. Thoma. G. Ni,·holls ...... Goderich ...... crk County C. 18th June, 1852. Ludwig Louis ~lyers ...... Harpulhey ...... E~quire 28th Nov~ 1853. Daniel Lloyu Sills ...... Brucdield...... Geutleman ... 2ith Feb. 1855. Franci.'1 '''m. Irwin ...... 6th July, 1855. John DaviRon ...... Godericb ...... Esquire 26th l\~h 1856. l'atrick Flanagan ...... Blddulph ...... Gelltleman ... 1st III ""ch, 1856.

KENT. Archibald McRel"'r...... Raleigh...... Esquire ...... 4th Sept. 1851.


Alfred Fisher ...... Port Sarnia .. . Es:quire ...... 27th June, 1854. James Mencrey ...... 'Yarwick ...... Gentleman .. . 2ith March. 1855. Robert Guone ...... Zooe '!ills ...... };'quirc ...... 20th Aug 1855. John :'ITcKl'ona ...... • Brooke ...... Gt!lltll'man .. . 28th Feb. 1856. 'Villiam Hllylunl ...... Da\vn ...... EE~~ire ...... 2tth J ~,ne) ;: Peter Ta.ylor l'onsitt ...... Sarnia ...... Alexander Scott ...... Gentleman .. . " " LANAr,K A:'

David LawRon ...... Carleton Place. ES~~ire ...... 16th 8ept. lSiil. Jame8 C. Poole ...... 14th Feb. 18;'2. George C. Mittleberger ...... Smith's Falls ... 14th June, ])-;5:3. Doug,1I nlcLeod ...... " ...... Merrick ville ..•• Gentleman .. . 28th Feb. 1856. James ::.haw,jr ...... Smith's Falls ... Merchant ...... 14th June, 1806.


Albert Norton Richards ...... Brookville ...... 15th June, lR50. George C. Mittleberger ...... Smith'. Falls .. . 13th Feb. 1852. Horace Kilburn ...... South Crosby .. . 24th Nov. 1854. II iram \IcCrea ...... Kitley ...... 5th July 1855. John B. Glassford ...... Brock ville ...... 14th June, 1856.


Angus Jukes ...... Port Robinson Physician. '" 15th June, 1850. David Palmer Browu ...... Crowland ...... Esquire ...... " " " LAW DIRECTORY. 45

Joh'! J. King,mill NiagAra ...... Esquire, ...... 28th Deo. 18(j2. Gilbert Me'licking ...... Stamford ...... 27th Il'.~b, 1~~5 . Robert Hob'on...... • ...... Archibald L. Cumming...... Pelham ...... Gentleman ... 29th March, 1855.


Chules Hutrhinson ...... London ...... E~quire ...... 4tb Feb. 1852. John Fitzjohn Harri...... William Henry Higman ... . Port Stanley .. . Gentlpman ... 10th George .Tameil: ~milh Ekfdd ...... Esquire ...... 14th Feb 1854. Jam•• Henry Finck ...... Luudon ...... 21st Nov~ Ph ,lip T Worthington Robert Cooper .. "'.0 ••• 0 ...... 5th Sept. 1855, John Jrvine ...... Lobo ...... 'Gentleman ... 13th Dec ...

NORTHU.\IDEI:LAXD AND DURHA)I. William Henry Weller Cobourg ...... Esquire ...... 3Pth A "g. 1853.

John Dou~las Armour .0 •••• 22nd Nov .., Samuel Wilmot NpwcaM1e ...... 6~~ June, 1~~4. Neale '1c~eill ...... Cobour!, ...... B. F. Perry ...... Ilampton. Dar'l Gentleman ... 5~,h SCp,t. Thomas H. Sweutm an ...... Darlington ...... Hon. Robt. Chas. Wilkins ... Ameliasburgh .. 13th Feb. 1855.

NORFOLK. Archd. W. B. lIIcDougall ...... Vittoria r.f'ntleman .. . 16th F.· b. 1850. Peter Caughcll ...... Hnu~hton ...... Es~~ire ...... 6~~ J n ~e, 18,~4. St<>phen J. Fuller Simcot~ ...... John Barr ...... Port Dover ...... Gentleman .. . 23rd Jan. 1856.


John Vandall Ham ...... Whitby ...... Ee~~ire 25th Nov. 1853. Wm. Henry Mitchell ...... Pickering ...... 6th Feb. 1854.

OXFORD. Jamf"B Barr ...... Norwich ...... 16th F'eb. 1850. Jared Kilborn ...... Blenheim 10th Feb. 18~2. Barton Bennett ...... In~~rsoll ...... 14th June, 1852. Robert Itevell ...... Rth 1853. Robt-'rt Nt'wton Light ...... Woodstock ...... 7th Feb. 1855. James Kintrea ...... 12th Dec. "


William Cosoey ...... l~,th J~~e, lS~~3. Alexander McGregor ...... ~~~;I~(~~8thOPC Es~~ire Rabt. Wm. Can" ...... \Iitchell ...... 281h Nov. WilliRm M. Ford ...... Blanchard ...... 3rd D,'c Samuel Whalley ...... ;\:lol'niD~ton ...• 14 h Feb. 1854. William Rath ...... Mitchell ...... Gentleman ... 5:.h S~~t. 1~~4. AlexanJer Grant ...... " James Trow ...... 12th Dec. "

PETERBOROUGH AND VICTORIA Biram Bigelow ...... Lind,;;ay ...... Esquire 8th Dec. 1852. Wm. Henry Jame~ Vizard .. . Pet'->l'borougb .. . 25th Dec... Thoma. Alex. Hudspeth ...... Lindsay ......

PRINCE EDWARD Lempricre Murray ...... Picton ...... Esquire 24th Dec. 1850. Hon. R. C. Wilkins ...... Ameliasburg .. . " 13th Feb. 1855. 46 THE UPPER CANADA LAW DIRECTORY.

SIMCOE. D' Arcy Boulton ...... Barrie ...... Esquire ...... 10th Dec. 1853. Charles Sidney Cousins ...... " 7th Feh. 1855. John F. Davis ...... Bradford ...... Gentlem.n" '" 26th Feb. 1856. Robert Buchauan ...... Coldwater...... Merchant...... " "


Ronald S. Macdonald ...... Lancaster...... Es~~ire 15th Jnne 1850. Angus Cattanach ...... " H " Daniel McDo ugaU ...... Martintown .. . 6th June, 1854. Samuel Auld ...... Westo.nabruck " ,. ,.

WATERLOO. Alexander D. Fordice ...... Fergus ...... Esquire ...... 15th June, 1850. William Tyler ...... Erin ...... H', " lEmiliu8 Irving ...... Galt ...... " 28th Dec. 1850. John Jamps IIearle ...... nth Feb. 1851. Andrew Elliott ...... Gentleman '" 10th Feb. 1852. Francis "''fill. Irvin!;} ...... 1\" ellesley ...... 21st Sept. 1854. Thomas Miller ...... Berlin ...... Esquire ...... 1st April, 1856.


William Jackson ...... Bentinck ...... Es~~re ...... 21st Nov. 1853. James Hough ...... Gu~!ph ...... 6th .1uly, 1855. George Griffitll Ireland ...... Gentleman '" 24th June, 1856.


Alexis FideIe Beque ...... Dundas ...... Gentleman ... 4th Feb. 1852. Robert W. Suter ...... " 5th Feb. 1852. William W. Barlow ...... 10th Feb. 1853. Seth Holcomb ...... , William Bunton ...... " Peter Fisher ...... " " " Ceo. Crawford McKindley .. . " " James Richard Thomson .. . IT.milton ...... EB~,?ire 15th Mar. 1853." llIanuel Overfield Crysler .. . Dundas...... 18th June, 1853. Macdonald Bridges ...... Hamilton...... 22nd Nov. 1853. John Peter Alma ...... Drummond ville 28th Aug. 1854. Thomas Miller ...... 23rd No ... 1854- Adam Ferrie, jr ...... Hamilton ...... Attorney:::::: 7th Feb. 1854.

YORK AND PEEL. Alennder ~IcKechnie ...... Whitchurch ..... Esquire ...... Henry Wideman ...... ,. 7th Sept. 1850. " 23rd Nov. 1850. Cbarles Robinson ...... Thora ...... " James Neelands ...... ChinguacouBY ... Merchant...... 14th June, 1851. Joachim D. Hagerman ...... Caledon ...... Yeoman ...... George BeU ...... 9th Feb. 1852- " Eflquire ...... 14th Feb. 1852. Joseph Figg ...... Gore Tor~~i~::: Gentleman '" J. W. CaltlweU Brown ...... Uxbridge ...... Yeoman " " Terence McK_nna ...... 10th Feb. 1853. Richmond Hill. Gentleman ... 18th Feb. 18,4. List of Commissioners for taking Afiir'l.avits in Upper Canada, under the Act 19th & 20th Victoria Chap. 88th. GEORGE FUTVOYE, ESQ. (Barrrister of Lower Canada) Crown Law Office, Old Hospital, Toronto. ROBERTA. HARRISON, ESQ., Crown Law Office, Old Hospital, Toronto. EDWARD LEWIS MONTIZAI\lBERT, Toronto.

List of Commissioners in Lower Canada for taking Affidavits to be acted upon in Upper Canada. James Court ...... Montreal Frederick W. Torrance ...... Alexander Morris...... " William B. Lamb ...... Frederick C. Vannovous ...... .

Notaries Public in Upper Canada.

A Benjamin, George ...... Feb. 16th 1S3e. BoultoD,D'arcy, E ...... Nov. lith IH;~7. Allan, Joseph ...... Jan. 5th 1,,53. Babington, Benjamin ... Nov. 2:lrd 1837· Asken, Thomas ...... Dec. 1837. Burns, Thomas ...... Mar. 14th 1838. Asken, John H. L ...... Apri124th 1841 Bethune, Angus ...... Mar. ~lst 1838. Anislie, Adam ...... Aug. 2nd IS-12· Beekman, Robert ...... July 25th 1838. Andersen. )Iicbael...... March 4th 1845 Boulton. Wm. H ...... Sept. 5th 1837. Allchin, Thomas ...... May 22nd 1846. Brown, Richard ...... June25thlS:~!J. Armour, Robert ...... Dec 1st 1846. Brock, George...... June19th1840. Allan, Alexander ...... Jan. 23rd I8H. Beque, Alexi. Fidele ... Feb. 12th lS'U. Armstrong. John ...... Jan. 24th 1850. Boomer, Georg...... June 30 Ih1843. Allen. Benjn. )lc1ntyre. Mar.1'th1851. Baker, Hugh Cos.art ... July 24th 1843. Alma, John Peter ...... July loth 18.12. Boulton, Junr. D'arcy ... Dec, 16th 1844. Armour, Jno. Douglas ... Aug. 7th 185-1. Burton, Edmund ...... Dec, 30th 1,Q4. Alma, W. Edward ...... Sept. 13th 1854. Burton, George Wm.... !lIar. 11th 1845. Ardagh, Wm. Davis ...... Feb. 7th 1855. Buell, Wm. Oscar ...... Nov. 3rd 1845. Allchin, John ...... April20th1855. Brooke, George ...... Nov. 24th 1845. Adams, Jr. Joshua ...... Jan. 7th 1856. Barnhart, John...... Oct. 1st 1846. Agnew, James ...... Aug. 25th 1856. Bray, Josias ...... July 29th 1k47. Abbott, Christr. Charles Sept. 1st 1856. Brent, James Wm ...... Nov. 17th 1847. Browne, Philip ...... Mar. 13th 1~4!J. Baker, Sidney Bathurst April 16th 184!} B Barker, Archibald ...... Sep.17th 1849. Bell, John ...... Nov. 16th 1849. Barwick. H. Crawford ... Oct. 10th 1842. Bishop, George ...... Feb. 21st 1850. Burch. John ...... Aug. 13th 1846. Burrowes, Jame. Josiah Aug. 15th 1850. Burwell, John ...... Oct. Gth 1825. Blevins, Edward ...... Sept. 24th 1850. Black, James ...... Aug. 20th 1828. Burrows, Edwin An'sl.y. Dec. 13th 1850. BurneB, Robert Easton Sep. 291h 1831. Bennett, Burton ...... Fe h. 3rd 1851. Burk, George T ...... Sep. 27tll1831. Beardsley,Barth'w. Crn!. July 10th 1798. Burritt, Read ...... July 17tll 1833. Buell, J. Dockstader... Mar. 11th 1852. Berczy, Charles ...... Feb. 21st 1834. Brown, Georg...... Aug.llth185Z; Boulton, J~mes ...... Feb. 26th 1834. Benjamin, Emanuel n. Oct. 1st 1852. Bell, John ...... " " " Brooke. Junr. Daniel ... Dec. 23rd 1852. Boswell, William...... Oct. 4th 1834. Burnham, Elias ...... Jan. 31st 1853. BaldWin, Henry ...... Dec. 2nd 1834. Brogdin. Geo ...... Feb. 2.th 1053. 48 THE UPPER CANADA

Barber, Jr. G. Anthooy. March 4th 1853 Crrler, lITanuel 0 ...... June 6th 1855. Boulton, Edwaru 'I'rever .• '" •. Cooper, Robert ...... ': .. July l~th 1855. Benson Cllarlt'P- 0 ...... Cameron. Malcolm Cohn St>rt 15th 1855. Baxter. G"ol'ge ...... Nov 21,t 1853. Clark, Ali>t"r ~J...... Oct. Mh 1855, Boyd, John ..... " ...... D,'c .. 3~th 1853, rumming., .Jeremy P .... April ~~d 1856. llridge •. Macdonald ...... Apnl22nd 1854 Cha,merR, David ...... !VI",V 2nd 1856. ))ouI'h,'r. Hobert )]...... Oct. 9th 1854 Carrall, John Uraham ... July 10th 1856. Ba,tl'do. Gilbl'rt Tice ... f let, 19th 1854. Carrall, Chas. Ingersoll. July 10th 18.6. B,own. Geo J"Reph ...... Oct, ~31d 1854, Bethllne .Ir. ()onald"" .. Nov. 15th 185 •. Barrett, H.obertul.:orge ... Jan 311'1t 1855. D B"cman Jam". " ...... March 9th 1855 Deli,le. Benjamin ...... Oct. 30th 1~52. BORweli. Au>!u,tu, G"" April 28thlH55. IJkkson, Robert ...... Dec. lutb 1825. Burns II'm, Hamilton". ~Iay 121h 1855, Deacon, Hob rt ...... ]Sov. 5tb 1~33. Ball. Abraham Tho. II Au~ ~nth 1855 Duggan, Jr. Ueorge ...... Dec, )f,th 1833. llillinlls, .Iobn ...... Ocl. 5th 1855. D) elt George ...... Mar. 11th 1835. Beaty ..Jr. ames " ...... DI'c, Lth 1855 D"vIR: .Ioserb ...... Dec, 12th 18 ' •. BartonJ}(·or~e ~I...... Feb. 25th 1856. Valv, Cbarle ...... I\ov, Uth 1836. Bram:ey, Thorna.~ C ...... ~luDe 7th 1856. Duirv ~uwal'd ...... Dec.7tb 1836. Barker, Chrj topber R, June 30th 1856 Ou"g~n, ]{iohard Oliver Jan. 13th 1837. Boulton ..Jame' Foster ... Sl'pt ttb 1856, lJoug,,11. James ...... Jan. 29tb 1837. Bernard, Hewitt...... Sept, 8th 1856, Dupuy, Hilary ...... Jan, 15 b 1838. lJ'Ar('uR, John...... Jul) :!5tb 1849. c Duvl , John :,)" ...... July 8tb 1841. Deim"ge, John F ...... April 27th 1842 Clarke, John ...... Dec. 14th 1821. !Jcltor, George H ...... Dec ht 1842. Corni.h, II m, King ...... ~Iar, 2ftb 1831. Daniell, James...... Alay ~9th 184 •. Cbl·wit. Alexander ...... Dec, 311th 1831. lJe,con, ~obert R ...... June 2nd 184•• Crofton, \1 alter C ...... Oct 29th 18:32. D'~;verado. Dextor ...... April 1st 1847. Camvbell. Bdward C, ... July :lSlh 1833. David,on, Ger.rge ...... July 30th 1847. Cooke. JnmeR .•••••••...•••. Nuv. ~I th 1833'1 Drummond, Antlr~w ..... May 3b·t 1848. Chatterton, Hicl'srd D ... Au~. 27tb 1834. Daly, "DO. Corry VdlBon Aug. 3rd 1848. Chri,tie. AlexanuerJ .. " Ser,t, 8th 18~5 lJellniRtoun. Robt ...... July3Uth 1849. Crooks, Il"bel't Pilk'gt 'n March 91b 1836 Dee, Wm. II ...... Nov. 28th 1849. Clarke. P• .'1' ...... Oct. 25th 183ti. Davy, Bel'jamin Can'ng Jan. 4th 18.0. Cameron, Allan ...... ~l·pt, 5th 1~;J7. Vuck. Jr, Ueol ge ...... Sept. 27th 1850. Campron. Johu II ...... Dec. 15th 1838. Deacon, Jr, John ...... May ht 1851. t ry.lcr,George Mo.ely". Nov. 18th 1836. D .. vid,on, Wm ... " ...... Mar. ,,7th 1~02. Cowan, Jaml" Manly ... !lIar, 18th 1842. D."jd80n, Jr, ,lames.... M .. y 27th 1852. Campbell. l harle. J ... April Hth1842, Dun,ford, !I1artin ...... " IIIRY 7th 185a Cbri>tie, Jame...... Oct. 14th 184~. lJolmage. Jobn Henry S. Sepl. lth 1853. Cumming":oI, .lameR n.... U ., ,. DrHI,~r "·m. Ueorge ... Nov. 4th 1853. Campbell, Alexander ... Feb. 1.;th 1844, Davi., JI,.b, Frederick. ... May 8th 1854. Chri.tie, Tbomas A...... Ducl<. William ...... S, pt,:.!3rd 1~04. Cameron. Jame...... May 15th 18!!. Davis. James Boyd .... " Nov. 15th 1856. Corni;b, Wm. King J .....1 une 11 th 1845. Durand Cbarl •• Alfred Dec 24th 1805. C.ron, Fran~oi<...... Apri116thIS46. IJuvlFon, Jobn...... April3IJ'h 1856 Cbampion Tbum"" ...... ~18r. 2f,th 1849. Dououll, Allen Rauney May 17th 1866. Coleman, Dr. Jame.•...... June JlJih 1849 Caroaby, Jacob II ...... Aug.17thI849. Crawford. John ...... Oct. ht 1849. E Crouk,hank, .Jr. George Nov. 291b 1849. Elliott, William ...... Mar. 19th 1818. Conolly, John lIamliton ]Sov. 21s' 18~O . Cra"ie, .11'. William ...... June25th1851. .Ewllrt,.James Bell ...... Jan, 7th 1833. Currie, James George .... Dec. 27th 1852. }<;wart, Wm ...... April 25tb'I-M Elliott, John, Tornnto ... s.-pt IGth 1842. C ..... ady, Henry ...... Dec. 28th 18o~. • ver,Irdo, Dexter D ...... April l,t 1847. Clark

Foster, Colley A ...... Jan. 14th 1830. Hume. James ...... Nov. 26th 1834. Fraser, Douglas ...... Feb. 18th 1837. Hall, Charles Lethur.... Feb. 13th 1835. Franklin, Francis ...... June14th1837. Hodgert, James ...... July fth 1835. Fluett, Louis Joseph ...... IIIar 18th 1S42. Hensleigh. Henry John Nov. 2nd 1835, Foley, Bern.rd ...... Sept 28th 1843. Huntley, John J ...... Feb. 19th 1836. Fr.ser, George ...... Dcc. 9th 1843. Horne, John G...... Feb. 13th 1837. Fraser, John ...... Aug. 31st IS!! . Hincks, Francis ...... May, 8th 1837. Foley, lllichael Hamilton Feb. 10th 1845' Headlam, Robert, ...... Jan.11th 1840. Ferrie, Robert ...... July 16th 1~45. Hill, Francis ilL ...... April 7th 1840, Fortier, James G ...... June 4th 1846. Hew "on, Franci.'...... Nov. 16th 1840. Farrell, Agnew P ...... Aug. 17th 1846. Howard, John G ...... Feb. 9th 1841. Freeland, Patrick ...... Oct. 16th 1846. Henderson .•Jas. Aiel< ... Nov.23d 1842. Foote,John ...... Dec. 1st 1846. Harrison, Samuel B. ... July 29th 1844. Ferguson, R. Colquhoun June 21st 1847. Hamilton, Jam"s ...... Aug. 31st 1844. Ferrier,Alexander David .Tuly 21,t l·QS. Hawke, Edward lleury Oct. 25th 1844. Findl.y, Walter ...... April211th 1849 Harvey, Wm. A ...... Dec. 16th 1844. Fairbanks, Silas Benj ... A ug 6th 1849. Holden, John Rose ..... Jan. 15th 1845. Fraser, Jame' ...... , ...... April22nd 1851 IIat',JohnOgilvie ...... ,. ,J.m 20th 1845. Forsyth, Thomas ...... Dec. 1st 1851. Hubbell, H. S ...... ilJarch 5th '.\5. Fraser, Donald ...... Nov. 29th 1853. Hopper, Wm. ILtrt 24th '45. Fortye, Thom.s ...... Jan. 21th 1855. Hughes, David .Iohn ... Nov. 3rd 1845. Ferrie, Jr. Adam ...... Feb. 16th IS;,5. Holland, Richard Lee ." Dec. 1st lS45. Fraser, Jr. Jas ...... July 6th Is"o. Harvey, Robt ...... M~y 7th 1847. Fortune Jas. Boswell ... July 11th 1855. Hunter, MathewT, ...... Nov. 13th 1847. Foster, Colley Wm ...... Nov. 15th 18.;5. Heward, John O'Brien April 13th 1848 Flock, Jame. Henry ...... Junc28th 1856. Ht'nder~on, .Tr. T...... "16th lR-!9. Helliwell, John ...... July 17th 1849. Hutcheson, St. J. H..... "30th 1849. G H'll. William ...... " ... Aug. 6th 1849. Henderson, Robt. S .. "... "13th 1849. Gauvreau, Charles ...... Nov. 28th 1810. Ham, John Vandal ...... Jan. 4th 185U. Geale, Benjamin ...... April 17th 1819 IIu,hes, H. C...... " .... Jan. 24th 1850. Goldsmith, Edward ...... Aug. 12th 1831. Heyden, Lawrence ...... Aug. 12th 1850 Gamble, Clark ...... Mar. 23rd 1833. Hender"on, Geo. Eyre.... Oct. 22nd 1850. Givins, Jltme...... Aug. 3rd 1833, Hurd. T. G...... " \l!ay 3rd 1851. Grant, Alexander ...... May 19th 1834. Hamilton, Henry ...... " Sept. 16th 1851 Gilkison, Archibald ...... Jan, 23rd 1807. Horne,James ...... " .. " .. Nov.2Iith1851. Gordon, A1exandcr , ..... Oct. 31st 1838, !lorton, Edward ...... " Dec. 20th 1851. Gowan, James Robert ... Dec. 15th 1839. Hammond, A. C ...... " Jan. 13th 1852. Goodwin, James C ...... Mar. 19th 184'l. Haynes, Daniel Curtis ... Jan. 17th 1852. Goodeve. George Mills.... April 'jth 18~n. HemingRl George ...... April 2nd 1852 Grundy, George ...... Nov. 16th 1840. Harri::;s, .John F...... "2nd 1852. Groff, Henry ...... Mar. 1st 1842. Henly, Richard H ...... Sept. 20th 1852 Gibb, Alexander ...... Nov. 17th 184']. Hudspeth. Thomas A ... Oct. lOth 1854. Geddes, Wm. A" ...... Sept. 20th 1843. Hillyard, Robt ...... " Nov. lot 1853, Grah&m, Henry ...... Sept.30tb.184!. Harris, Edward ~I...... March 6,1854. Gordon, Alexander ...... Mar. 29th 1845. Hardy, Henry Alex...... Sept. 7th 1854. Gunn, Wm. J ...... April 21"t 1845, Hamilton, John M ...... Nov. 4th 1354. Gray, James " ...... Apr. 26th 1845. Hutton, .Joseph ...... Aug. 6th }S,j,j. Galbraith. Malcolm ...... Feb. 13th 184b. lIar rison, Rubl. A ...... Nov. 28th 1855, Griffin, William ...... Feb. 2nd 1848. Hammrmd, Thos. L ...... M'l'ch 20th '56. Gildersleeve, Overton 8. May 25th 1842. Hender.on. Lawrence II June 12th 1856. Geddes, James Coffin ... July 11th 1849. Hallinan, James ...... ". Sept. 18th 1856. Grant, William ...... Jnly30th 1R!9. Gibberis, William ...... Aug. 17th 1849. Galt, Thomas ...... Feb. 2ith 1852. Gray, William Anderson March ~lh 1852. Greig, John...... " 10th 1852. Ireland, Geo. T. F ...... March 25, 1818 Ingcr!'oll, Jame~ April 23d 1849. Greet, Richard ...... April ~Dd 1~;):3...... Greene. Francis B ...... Feb. 23rd 1854. Ince, Tho,. H...... " ... " Au:,(. 3l'd 1849, Garrett, Wm. Alexander Oct. 9th 1854. Irving, lEmilius...... Nov. 5th 1850. Gairdner, Richard H .... Jan. 2'\th 1856. Galvin. Bartholomew C. April ~"th 1856, J Glassford, .Iohn B ...... June 5th 1856, .Tones, Jon.s A ...... Oct. 28th 1818 Johnson. Charles ...... Aug. 22d 1R:J! H Jellett. Morgan ...... Aug.18th lR36 Jackson, Thos. H ...... JUQl·2lst 1R47 Hall, P. F ...... June 13th 1820 Jones, Stephen James ... Oct. 17th IS·iS Hartwell, Joseph K ...... Dec. 10th 18~5. Jenkins, Charles Wm .... Aug. 3rd 1849 Horne, R. C ...... Sep.16th 1.q:::l'l James, .Jr. Robt ...... Nov. 2<;th 1849 Ham!lton, John ...... June 24th 1834. Jellett. Robt Putterson ... Nuv. 21st 18~3 Hamilton, James ...... Oct. 18th 1834. Jones, Henry A ...... July 6th 18a5 6 50 THE UPPER CANADA

K Morrison, Joser·h C...... :Feb. 15th 1838. ~Icllickcn, Gilbert ...... Nov. 2nd 1838, King, James ...... •.•••.. Nov. 30tb1827. ~lill"r, 1Ym ...... • May 14th 1839. KeltY., •.James ...... Sept. 1st 1830. Maduock, John F ...... • Oct. 21st 1839. Kenncdy, Wm. S ...... Oct. 2Uth 1832. 111iller, Robt. Bell ...... Dec. 6th 1839. 'KeTill, .lames ...... Jan. ~.'th 1835. ,'lylne, John ...... Feb. 3rd 1840. Keele. W. Conway ...... Nov. 21st 1835. Mc:'l'abb, Alexander ...... May,14th 1840. Keating, John W ...... Jan. 13th 1836. McQueen, David S ...... Fel>. 24th 1841. Kirchoffer, Nesbitt...... Feb. 29th ISJO. McKenna. Terence ...... March 5,1842. Knowlson, John ...... March :]:],1840. ~Jiller, Richard ...... April 4th 1842. Keeller, James ...... Feb. l"th 18M. Morin, Pierre Hector ... Aprll 30,1842. King, James ...... Feb. 13th 18 .. 6. Merigold, Edward ...... Sept. 12th 1842. Kennedy, Francis ...... Aug. 1st 181';'1 Meagher, Thomas ...... Dec. 9th 1843. Klotz, Otto ...... Nov. 5th 18 .. 13. ,"cLean, Alexander D ..• July 22d 184.. . Keegan, Geo. '''istar ...... Nov. Bth 1,.. ,. Magrath James Junr.... o· t. 18th 1844. Kissack, Wm ...... Tan. 11th 1~"9. Monk, .John BL'nning ... Vee. 16th 1841. Kerby, John ...... May 30th IK4~J. Mcl(lroy, Patrick ...... A "g. 7th 1845. Keough, Thos. ScotL ..... July, "'J.184J. McDonald, Roderick ...... April 16, 1846. Kingsmill. John J ...... Jan. ~4th }'53. Macklem, James ...... , 16th 1846. Keeter, Jacob ...... April 18, 18;)~. McLure, Robt ...... , 23rd 1846. Kerby, Joseph T ...... July I:t11 185-1. McDougall. Arch'd W. B. July 21st 1846. Kingston, Arthur ,J...... lan. ISth 1856. Moore, Hobt. M...... Oct. 16th 1846. Kirkpatrick, Stafford F. July 11th 1856. lIIacartney, George ...... Jan. 23rd1847. ;\1 iller, Charles ...... March 12,1847. L Marcon, Freelerick ...... May 27th 1847. Macdonell, Arch'd John July 5th 1847. La Force, Peter ...... Junel6th 1800. Mc}Iullen, Hobt. Clifton Aug. 11th 1847. Lyon, Geo. B ...... March 17,1834. McDonald, Jr. John ...... March 17 1848. Lapenotiere, Wm ...... Nov. 11th 183,1. Montgomery, Geo. Arch. June 9th 1848. Leslie, Anthony ...... Feb. 7 th 1835. Morse, Abishai ...... June 5th 1849. Lewis. Joseph C ...... ~Iarch 16, 1835. Muttlebury, Fred. C.... July 23rd 1819. Lewis, John B ...... Jan. 15th 1838. ~fauI80n, .J ohn ...... July 30th 1849. Loring, William C ...... Nov. 15th 1838. Mowat, Geo. L ...... Aug. 6th 1849. Larne, Andrew ...... Oct. 7th 1839. M~CutchoD,John Henry Aug. 13,1849. Lockhart, Andrew ...... Feb. 9th 1841. MItchell, Robt ...... Sept 19th 1849. Linton, J.J.Edmonstone April 13, 1842. MarlIug, John W ...... Nov. ~9th 1849. Lewis, Franci" ...... Sep. 27th 1842 Macdonell, Sam'l Smith Dec. 29th 1849. Leggatt, n ordon W ...... Oct. 18th 1844. Ma ... desley, Walk den ... lIIarch 26,1850. Lee, Simon ...... May 19th 1848. Macdonald, Wm. Robt ... Juno 24, 1850. Logie, Alexander ...... July 4th 18.18. McNeal, John N~il...... Sept. 24, 1850. Lawder, John M ...... Sept. 4th 18-18. )Iurray, Lempnere ...... Nov. 29th 1850. Law, Robt. Nicholl ...... May 25th 1849. Mercer, Lawrenco W .... Aug. 25th 1851. Leith, Alexand.r ...... Sep. 24th 1850. Meredith, John Cooke ... Nov.3rd 1851. Lemon, Andrew ...... Jan. 11th 1853. MittJeberger, H. John ... Dec. 31st 1851. Lewis, Ira ...... Nov. 21st 1853. Mills, Geo. Hamilton ...... Feb. 19th 1852. Lane, Samuel Jonathan Mar. 21st 1855. McIntyre, Neil Cameron Sept. 23d 1852. Light, Robt. Newton ...... April 5th 1855. ~Ierrill, Samuel...... Oct. 5th 18~2. Long, Peter Ball ...... July 6th 1855. MacDougal, A. D ...... Dec. 13th 1852. Leys, John ...... Jan. 5th J856. Martin, .John Robt ...... Dec. 21st 1852. Lacourse, Anthony ...... Feb. 15th 1856. Mortimer, Herbert ...... Feb. 16'h 1853. Lizars, Daniel Horne ... Feb. 27th 1856. McCutchon, Peter McGill April 4th 1853. Low, Philip ...... Aug.23d 1856. Macklem, Thos. Clark "13th 1853 Lawford, Thos. Wright ... Sept. 3rd 1856. Moyle, Granville Rich'd. June 20 1853' McN~b, John ...... July 1st' 1853: MartIn. Edward RogerR Aug.19th t853. M Mallock, Geo. Wm ...... Oct. 28th 1853 McMichael, Daniel ...... Dec. 30th 1853: McFa.lane, James ...... Dec. 14th 1821. MacDonell. Alexander.. Feb. 16th 1854. Maison ville, Alexis ...... Feb. 28th 1818. Morphy, Henry B ...... Sept 11th 1854 McKenny, Ainos ...... March 19, 1818. McCrea. Walter ...... Oct. 9th 185i McFarlane. John ...... May 16th 1822. Hugh .Ias .... Oct 11th 1854. McGregor, Duncan ...... Feb. 25th 1823. McD~nell, Mor~ls, James Henry ... Oct. 18th 1854. MeN a b, Sir Allan N ...... July 8th 18~6 Murphy, Tho...... 7th 1827.' MeGlven, Charles P ...... Oct. 25th 1854. Mallock. Geo ...... March 23,1832. Moberley. Geo!,ge ...... Feb. 27th 1855. Macarow, Dame I ...... April 2d 1855 Mc~ea~, Archibald ...... JUly 23rd 1833. ;lIcNabb, Dugald C...... June 4th 1840' lIIaIr, Thomas ...... Sept. 24th 1~:J.j. McDonald, Holland ...... Jan. 14th 1836. ~Ie'lillan, ~;nea., J ...... Dec. 17th 1840: lIIcDonell, Allan ...... Dec. 30th 1836 iVlontsa..rat,John ...... Aug.18th 1841. Mallock, John U ...... Jan. 30th lS37 Moore, Allan Johnson ... July 26th 1855. Murpby, David B ...... Aug. 20th 1855. M~Millan, Wm. C...... Sept. 14th 1837: Matheson,Wm. Marshall Sept. 11, 1855. Miller, Jobn ...... Dec. 20th 11>37. McClean, WorShip B ...... Nov.. 27th 1865. LAW DIRECTORY. 51

Martin, Richmond ...... Nov. 20th IS:,:,' R Martin, Edward ...... Nov. 29th 1,)5,)' McDermott, Henry ...... DrC'., 3rd 1855' Ridout, Charles ...... Oct. 1eth 1R27. Mitchell, Wm. C ...... March ~,]8o.,· Ridout, Jobn ...... Aug. 1 tith IB;j3 Itlagrath, Charles ...... April 14, ISii,' Robertson~ Simon F ...... ::::('p. :?-l-th 1 ~;J ..L Meudell, Wm ...... April 14. H.i5. Rorke, .Jo,eph ...... lan.1SthI836. 1rJathe.wn, Thos ...... April 22d 1855. Rod(e, William ...... Dee. 12th 1886. 1tfcDonald, Arthur ...... May ~'th 1855 Raym.·nu. Lorenzo D .... April nh 1837. Mallock, John ...... lnne 19, 1>'55. I:obin" Redford ...... Jan. 17, 1838. Muirhead, James ...... •Tune~-!th lS;,tj Ross. Charles L ...... S(·\,I. 18, 18::;8. McKay. Oliver ...... July 3ru IS:,,\ RorlH'. ~amuel ...... Junf',14, 18;:;9. McCarthy, Dalton ...... ~ept. 1st lS.)G. Ilidlard:..:, 1Yilliam Duell July :~1:..:t 184:J. McNeill, Neale ...... uct.1oth 1'36. Ro", .Jobn ...... Oct. 2nd 1843. Robin.on, Charles ...... '>0\'. 13th 1843. N l:"ad. Samuel...... Jan. 3rd·1'44. Heid, Colin D""'on ...... }'eb. 28th 1845. Nichol, Wm ...... •....•.. Dec. :?oth 1 'i:!n, Railton. G~org-e ...... ::\lal'. :!4lh1845. Notman. "·m ...... Jan. ah lS:13. Reynold., .John ... : ...... May 9th 1846. Noel, John ...... Aug. 30th lS34. Ricllanl~. Albert Norton May 2~lth 1846. Nichols, Henry E ...... Al1ril ~'j, ]S42. Reau, .James:...... _.\ ]lJ'il1~th 1847 Neville)Cbarlt"~ 0 ...... June 2:3d 1~·15. Ro>s, James ...... ,J uly ~uth 1847. Nichols, Robt ...... ,\ ug.l:)th 1,49. Richardson, Hug-h ...... " " " Numins, James ...... :\[arch 4, 1 S!)I), Ruttan, Hichard ...... ~Tal". 30th 1849. Newman, Walter P...... " :27,18;-)1. Rive-rs, James William B Aug. 3rd 1849 .. Nichols, Thomas ...... July ht 18;J~. Rykert, Geo. Zaccheus ... Dec. 3rd 1849. :Nanton, Aug1)~tus ...... Aug. 2"'th 1 :-;5-1. Robertson, Tho"'a...... June 16th 1852- Norris, Pat. Geo ...... Kov.2·SthH54. Rubidge, \Valter ...... Dec.lUth 1,'\;"12. Ryerson, E~~rton !fisk ... I\lnr. 23rd ]853. o R u biuge-, Alfred ...... oct. loth lS5:~. Ro~.:;;:. Genrge ...... June 1st 1854. O'Reilly, }liIes ...... May 29th l.q::? Rykert. John Chari.,.... F.·h.22nd1855. O'Brien, Edward G ...... Dec. 9th 18.:). Richardson Beverley R ... ;, I ar. 9th 1855. Osborne, "lym ...... Kov. 25th 1844. llowl"nds, Samuel ...... Oct.. 16th 1850. Otley, Beoj. Robt ...... Jan. 27th 1845. O'Hare, John ...... April 25,1845. Oakes, F. W. S ...... Feb. 6th 1849. s O'Keefe, Despard ...... March 23, 1853. O'Brien, Robt. D ...... Dec. 5th 1853. Street, Wm. W ...... )(ay 31st 1841. O'Reilly, Jas ...... May loth 1855. Saxon, Jas. Freucl'ick ... Aug-. 15th 1842. Osborne, Wm. P ...... March 26,1856. Scott, John ...... ,Iune 10th 1842 Street, Tho". C...... Oct. l~tb 1842. p Steward,Wm ...... Dcc. 23rd 1842. Strong, ~am'l II ...... Sept. 1st 18.13. Patton, John ...... Nov. 29th 1832. Steele, Richard ...... Dec 19th 1843. Parker, Themas ...... May 30th 1833. Smith, Sidney ...... July 22nd 1R44. Phelps, Tho•. C ...... Nov. "6th 183:!. SteveDwn, John G ...... Ian. 16th 1845. Powell, .Tohn ...... Dec. 2ml 183-1 Sadlier,Charles Andl"fiOn Nov. 24th 1845. Phipps, Wm. Brown ...... Dec. 19th 1836. Stow, Frederick Phipps July 25th 1846. Peterson. Heory W ...... April 19th1839. SI,>vcnAon, .To"eph M.... Feb. 2nd 1847. Pin bey, Charles H ...... April 25tb 1846 Smitb, Larratt W ...... Mar. 3ru 1847. Prin.le, .James Dunbar June 9th 1846. Strang-e,l\laxwell Wm ... April2Jth1841 Pointer, Wm. Healey ... Juoe 12, 1846. Stovens, Anthony ...... June 21st 1847. Pringle, Jacob Farrand June 27,1846. Steers, Abraham ...... Tuly 5th 1847. Patton, James ...... Aug. 3rd 1848. Sache, Henry Wardlaw .July 12t.h 1847. Porter, Andrew ...... Sep.llih 184R. Smart, Jr. John ...... Nov. 3rd 1847. Park, Wm. Henry ...... Aug. 3rd 1849. 8andilands, John ...... April 28th1848. Pattee, David ...... Aug. 28, 1849. Sherwood. Edward ...... July14th 1848. Ponton, Wm. Hamilton Sept. 3rd lS.9. Strange .Jame. Maxwell Aug. 3rd 1848. Park, Wm...... Sept ~7, 1849. Scott, Hichard William ... Aug.16th1848. Penton, John Augustus Oct. 22no1 lR511. Scollard, Maurice...... Mar. 13th 1849. Price, Hervey W ...... 00t.26th 1850. Sootheran, George H ... July lIth 1849. Powson, Wm ...... Aug. 4th 1851' Steward, William ...... July 30th 1849. Pearkes, Geo ...... Oct. 22nd 1851. Stanton James ...... Aug. 9th 1849. Pownal, Thomas ...... March 9, 1852. Stibbs, James ...... Jan. 25th 1850. Parke, .. July 34lth 1852. Smith, .lames Lamonu ... April lith 1860 Phillpotta, Geo. Alex ...... April 19, 1854. Scott, George Bradshaw June14th 1850. Patterson, C. S ...... April 27, 1854. Spreull,8amue!...... Aug. 19th 1850. PowpH, Charles Henry ... Dec. 28th 1.%4. Shanly, James ...... Sep. 24th 1850. Prondfoot, Wm ...... , .. April 20,1855' Symmers,Alexander ...... Nov. 1st. 1850. Pheian, Valentine ...... May 10th 1~55. 8cott, James ...... Dec. 10th 1850. Paterson, James ...... April 25, 1856. St. John Alpheus S ...... Tan. 21st 1851. Peterson, Henry Wm .... June 16, 1856. Spohn, Peter Bowman ... Feb. 21st 1852. 52 THE UPPER CANADA LAW DIRECTORY.

stuart, Charles ...... Ms.r. 5th 1852. Thomas, Geo.. " ...... " .... Aug. 3rd.1~49. Sherwood, Ueorge ...... May 15th 1852. Thomson, Jas. Richard .. , Mar. 15th 1853. Strachan, Alexander W. July 1st 1852 Tremayne, Wm. IIenry Sept, 6th 1853. Stevens, Wm. Alexander July 2nd 1852. Torney, Hugh,,, .. ,,,,,,,, .. Mar,30tb1S55. Springer, )\Olosos ...... July 13th 1852. Shortiss, Edward...... Sep. 28th 1852. v Shaw, John ...... Jan 5th 1853. Start John Edward ...... April 4th 18.13. Vidal, Wm. Penro.e ...... April 16th 1846 Stew~rt,John ...... April 25thI8;;3. Vizard, Wm. Henry J" .. Nov. 6th 1852. Snooks, Tunis Love ...... Oct. 11th 1854. ""sburg, John Sbibley ... Nov. 29th 1853, Sing Cyrus Hichmond ... Oct. 25th 1.,54. Stua'rt. John ...... Nov. 16th 1854. w Sherwood, 'lilli.m...... Nov. 23rd 1854. Smitb, Robert ...... Jan. 3rLl 1823. Walker, Hamilton" ...... Oct. 31.t IS18. Stanton, Robert ...... Feb. ~.~th j;·3 '. Willcocks,Arthur L .. " .. April 12th1830 Simp~on. Wm ...... Aug.10th1S24. Wenham. Joseph ...... ". Sept 24th 1834, Smith, John ~huter ...... Mar. 5th J~c'i. "'alton, George ...... Jan. 23rd 1836. Smith, HI!Dry ...... Dec. ~7th 18~(j. 'Yalker ..John ...... ""." .. Feb. ~~nd 1836. Smith, Henry ...... Mar. 8th lsc7. ,,'right, Francis H, "" .. Mar, ~4th 1836. Smith. 'Yilliam ...... Dec. lSth 18~9. Will,on, George."" ... "" Jan. 12tb 1837, Steven, Andrew ...... Jan. 12th 1830. 'I'hitman, Stephen .... ". April 17th 1837 Secof(l. Charlt·s R ...... l\larch 8th 1":0 WnEon, Andrew ...... Dec. 15th 1838, Scott, John ...... FdJ. 9th 18:n. 'I'ilkes, :Frederick Thos. April 6th 1838. Small, .James Edward ... July 28th 1>':'.1. Wallbl'idg<'. Lewi...... Nov. 18th 1839, Sache, Ch~rles IIenry ... Dec. 3Llth 18~:1. Walton, John ...... "." ... July 16th 1840. Steven, Andrew ...... Aug lOth 1833. Wilwn, Wm. }lerrer ... , July ~5th 1840, Smith, John 'huter ...... AJ,riI28thI835. Wilson, John "" .. "" .. ", Nov, 5th 184L). Strathy, John ...... "['Y 18th 1836. Warren, Thomas Dick'n l\Iay 11th 1841. Street, George Charles }'eb. 13th 1837. Ward, Thoma...... "" .. .. Somf·rville, .lo1m ...... Tune 17th 1837. "'ilks, James ...... l\Iar. 23rd 1842. Strachau, ,Jobn ...... July ~r·th I S;;7. 'Williamwn, .James ...... ~ep. 15th 1842. SteveDEon, Jame;;: ...... l\Iar. 1st lS;J8. Willson, Hugh llowleby May ]3th 1~42. Stokoe, 'fhoma.q ...... Sept. 2:?nfll ~:3S. 'I'eller, William l'IIenry Feb. 19th 1847. Smith, .TanH,·,':! ....•••••••••.• JuDe~(lth]S;~9. 'I'hitebead, Geo, Wash'n April 12th 1847 Stuart, Cba~ ...... April ~ath lS~O 'Woodruff, Josepb A ...... 'ept. 4th 1848, Simpson, C"leb P ...... April ~M111855 Warrcn, Edward E ...... , AprillOth ]849 Stevenson, Charles ...... June ht 1855. Westmacott, Wm. )1. ... Aug. 28th 1849. Smades, Sam'l i'herwood Sept. lOth 1855. "'"Ilbridge,Aclam Henry June 4th 1851, Stanton, Wn>. Henry ... Oct. 5th 1855. Whitehead Marcus F ..... Nov. 5th 1 c51. Springer, Oliver...... Yeb. 26th 1%6. Wileon, Thomas ...... , April 27thI852. Sladden, Wm ...... April 25th 1856 Weller, Cbas. Alexandr. Dec. 15th 1852, Saunders.1.'hos'Vilcoc:ts .June :J()th 18.5G. ~'ood", nobert Stuart ... Feb. 11th 1853, Stanton, Francis Gore •.• Aug.:l3rd 1856. Wright. Jesse Rassard ... Mar, 4Lh 1853. Wilkimon. Jas. liands May 27th 1853. T "'ills, ,Jr. Thomas, .... , .. , Jun.~4thI853. Whitelaw, John ...... Aug. 8th 1853. Tazewell, Oliver., ...... Dec. 81st 1830. Warner, ~am'l ~kinner Aug. lOth 1853. Turner, Alfred...... July 7th Is:34. Wood. E(lmd. Burke " .. July]6th1854. Taylor, .John F ...... Dec. 3rd 1~:~~. \\'ilsnn, Robert .Jno ...... Oct, 19th 1854. Tench, Frederirk Po ...... 1IIay 16th 18~ 7. '''nrtbington, Philip T, Nov.22nd1854, Throop, Benjamin ...... Feb. 16th J.'-;37. Wittrock, Herman, .... , ... Dec, 24th 1855. Tiffany, Geo. B...... ~·eb 11th 1839. Wbittier William B ...... l\Iar.18th 1856. Traveller, Heuhen ...... Dec. 20th ]"41. 'Yilliam., William ." .... May 14th1856. Throop, Robert Henry ... }'eb. 7th 1~3s. Taylor, Samuel ...... July 23rd 1845. y Townley, Alfred Buxton Mar. 20tb1847. Tbomson, James Sam'l, Oct, 25th 1847. Yarwood, Edmund M ... , Nov, 2nd 1846 List of Chief Justices since constitution of the Province, with dates of appointment. * WM OSGOODE (Q B) {Sworn Executive Councillor at ...... Kingston, 9th July, 1792. * JOHN ELMSLEy,(Q.B.) ...... Sworn at York, 2-ithNov. 1797. HENRY ALCOCK (Q. B.) ...... 14th October, 1802. THOMAS SCOTT, (Q. B ...... 14th August, 1806. WM. D. POWELL, (Q. B.) ...... Michaelmas Term, 1816. WM. CAMPBELL (Q. B.) ...... ~6th October, 1825. JOH~ B. ROBINSON (Q. B) ...... 3rd August, 1829. J. B. MACAULAY (C. P.) ...... 18th December, 1849. W~I. HENRY DRAPER (C P.) ...... 6th February, 185(i. * Only sworn as Executive Councillors, not in capacity of Chief Justices.

List of Equity Judges since constitution of the Court of Chancery. CHANCELLORS. W. H. BLAKE ...... 1849 VICE-CHANCELLORS. R. S. JAMIESON (dead) ...... 1837 J. C. P. ESTEN ...... 1849 J. G. SPRAGGE ...... ,...... 1850

List of Puisne Judges since constitution of Province, with dates of appointment. PETER RUSSEEL, B. R...... 1794. WM. D. POWELL ...... 1794. J. ELMSLEY, B. R ...... 1794. HENRY ALCOCK ...... 1798. THonIAs COCHRANE, B. R ...... 1803. ROBERT THORPE ...... 5th July, 1805. WM. CAMPBELL ...... 5th December, 1811. D' ARCY BOULTON ...... 12th February, 1818. LEVIUS P. SHERWOOD ...... 4th November, 1825. 1827-(His permanent appoint- MACAULAY, J. B...... { ment 2nd Nov. 1829.) J. WALPOLE WILLIS ...... 11th October, 1827. 2nd July, 1828,(not his permnn­ CHRISTOPHER A. HAGERMAN..... { ent appointment-Feb. 15, '40.) ...... 1836. ARCHIBALD McLEAN ...... ;...... 1836. WM. H. DRAPER ...... 1847. R. B. SULLIVAN ...... 1848. R. E. BURNS ...... 1850. WM. BUELL RICHARDS ...... 1853. J. H. HAGARTY ...... 1856. 6- List of Attornies General since constitution of Province, with dates of appointment. JOHN WHITE ...... 1792. THOS. SCOTT ...... 18th July, 1801. WM. FIRTH ...... 3ru November, 1807. JOHN McDoNELL ...... 5th October, 1811. J. B. ROBINSON ...... Acting, 3rd December, 1812. D'AllCY BOCLTON ...... Acting, 6th January, 1815. J. B. ROBINSON...... 12th February, 1818. HENRY J. BOULTON...... 25th August 1829. 22nd June, 1833-Vice- R. S. JAmEsoN ...... { Chancellor, 30th March, 1837. C. A. HAGERMA:-i...... ~7tl;. March, 1837. 15th Feb., 1840, (as Executive W. H. Dr.APER...... { Councillor only) ROBERT BALDWl:-i ...... April, 1848. 'V. H. DRAPER ...... 29th May, 1847-(as Executive ,...... { Councillor only.) RODER1' BALDWIN ...... W. B. ltWIIARDS ...... 28th October, 1851. JOlIN Ross ...... ~:;Ild June, 1853. J. A. MACDONALD ...... lIth September, 1854.

List of Solicitors General since constitution of Province, with dates of appointment. ROBERT J. D. GREy ...... lI!)5. D'ARCY BOULTON ...... 1805. JOHN B. ROllI;o;SON ...... 1815. HENRY J. BOULTON ...... (As acting) 1818. C. A. HAGERMAN ...... 1829. W. H DRAPER ...... 1837. ROBERT BALDWIN ...... 1840. HENRY SHERWOOD ...... 24th August, 1842. JAMES E. SMALL ...... 27th September, 1842. HENRY SHERWOOD ...... J. H. CAMERON ...... 27th June, 1846. W. H. BLAKE ...... 22nd April, 1848. JOHN S. McDONALD ...... 2ath January, 1850. JOHN Ross ...... 2!)th March, 1852. J. C. MORRISON ...... 22nd June, 1853. HENRY SmTH, JR ...... 11th September, 1854. BARRISTERS' ROLL)


Roll of Gentlemen upon whom the degree of Barrister at Law has been conferred in the Law Society of Upper Canada. Trinity Term, 37 Geo. III. li!)7. Hilary Term, 4(; Geo. III. 18013. John White. 0 John Lowe Farrand. 0 . 0 Walter Roe. U Hilary Term, .,Ii Geo. III, 1807. . C D'Arcy Boulton, jr. iJ James Clark. U Christopher Robinson. D .Afichaelmas '1'., 48 Geo. III, 1807. Allan McJ,ean. D . f} William Dummer Powell, jr. i Alexander Stewart. t}.., Hilary Term, 48 Geo. III, 1808. Nicholas Hagerman. u Alexander Cameron. 0 Bart. Crannell Beardsley. t: Henry Bostwick, f) Timothy Thompson. i) Thomas Ward. 0 Jacob Farrand. () Samuel ~herwood. () Easter Term, 48 Geo. III, 1808. John McKay. V John Robert Small. 0 Trinity Term, 39 Geo. III. 1799. William Weekes. lJ Trinity Term, 48 Geo. III, 1808. James Cartwright. Ll ElUter Term, 41 Ceo. 111.1801. John McDonell. () James Woods. tJ Hilary Term, 50 Ceo. III, 1810. Trinity Term, 41 Ceo. III. 1801. Edward Walker. {: Thomas Scott. () Hilary Term, 43 Geo. III. 1803. Trinity Term, 51 Geo. III, 1811. Levius Peter Sherwood. !, Hamilton Walker. D ElUter Term, 43 Geo. III. 1803. Michaelmas '1'.,52 Geo. III, 1811. William Birdseye Peters. Jonathan Jones. () William Dickson. ." D' Arcy Boulton. • I Hilary Term, 55 Geo. III, 1815. John Powell. o . ~ William Elliot. D George Ridout. ... . o Jonas Jones. " John Tenbroeck. D Christophel' A. Hagerman. !,.l Walter Butler Wilkinson. b David Jones. !i 56 THE UPPER CANADA

Easter Term, 55 Geo. III. 1815. JJfichaelmas T., 3 Geo, IV. 1822. Archibald McLean. 0 William Dickson, jr. 0 Trinity Term, 55 Geo. III, 1815. Hilary Term, 30"4 Geo. IV, 1823. ~am.u~~peters. Jarvis, C, George Stephen Jarvis. 0 aTIle ones, Jr. (. Easter Term, 4 Geo. IV, 1823. Jlichaelmas T., 56 Geo. III, 1815. Daniell\Icl\Iartin. 0 Daniel Hagerman. (' Trinity Term, 4 Geo. IV, 1823. j!lichaelmas T., 57 Geo. III, 1816. Donald Bethune. 0 Henry J olm Bonlton. C John Muirhead. [I Easter Term, 57 Geo. III, 1817. JIichaclma,J T., 4 Geo. IV, 1823. John llreakenriclge. () James Hunter Samson. o Daniel Farley. o Trinity Term, C,i Geo. III, 1817. Marcus Fnyette Whitehead. o Thomas Dutler. 0 David Willinm Smith. o Samuel Merrill, jr. JJlichaclmas T., 5a Ceo. III, 1818. o George Strange Boulton. Hilary Term, 4 ~5 Geo. 11',1824. James Kickalls, jr. 1) IIilar!! Term, 59 Geo. III, 1819. J ames Boulton. :J"" Thomas Taylor. D Easter Term, 5 Geo. IV, 1824. Trinity T,'rlll, 59 Geo. III, 1819. Charles Coxwell Small. '0 Benjamin Fairfield. Thomas Maybee Radenhurst. () Trinity Term, 1 Geo. II', 1820. Trinity Term, 5 Geo. IV, 1824. Robert Macaulay. Simon Washburn. Henry Cassady. D Hilary Term, 1 Geo. IV, 1821. Nichaelmas T., 5 Geo. IV, 1824. Robert Dickson. .) George lIIalloch. D James Edward Small. iJ Hilary Term, 5 !l" 6 Geo. IV, 1825. Easter Term, 2 Geo. IV, 1821. Robert Cline. ') . ~ Richard Cartwright Robison. t> Alexander Stewart. Marcus Burritt. 0 Trinity Term, 2 Geo. II', 1821. Easter Term, 6 Geo. IV, 1825. George Rolph. ? Alexander Chewitt. 0

Mic7wclmas T., 2 Geo. IV, 1821. Trinity Term, 6 Geo. IV. 1825. Andrew Norton Buell. rr , Robert Baldwin. . r) John Boswell. l.: Robert Berrie. C JJficltaelmas T., 6 Geo. IV, 1825. Hilary Term, 2 0" 3 Geo. IV, 1822. John Solomon Cartwright. 0 James Buchanan Macaulay. (: Joseph Allan McLean. b

Easter Term, 3 Geo. IV, 1822. Trinity Term, 7 Geo. IV, 1826. George Macaulay. t Charles Richardson. {; LAW DIRECTORY. 67

¥ichaelmas T., 7 Geo. IV, 1826. Hilary '1'., 10Geo.IV, 1829,1830. Alexander Wilkinson. 0 Edward Clark Campbell. ,-, John Lyons. 0 Walter H. Dickson. . Allan Napier McNab. 0 John Bogert. Hilary Term, 7 Geo. IV, 1827. Easter Term, 11 Geo. IV, 1830. Robert Easton Burns. ", James Doyle. William Notman. t George McDonell. Charles Oliver. Michaelmas '1'., 8 Geo. IV, 1827. William FrienclMurney. C William Salmon. r:, James Woods. .c.' John Low. 0 ., m Geo. IV, & George Boswell. (I T. {ll William Alexander CampbelL 0 rtnlly .L arm 1 Will. IV, 1830. David B. Ogden Ford. J Warren Claus. .j James King. (; 1Iiles O'Reilly. ',,.,' , Philo Hawley. C William Bowers Winterbottom. y' Thomas Horatio Taylor. 0 Hilary T, 8 Geo. IV, 1827 & 1828. Charles Badeux Secord. () James Givens. 0 James Jessup. C. Easter Term, 9 Geo. IV, 1828. Miclwdmus '1'., 1 Wm. IV, 1830. John Small Donovan Ridout. '; William Wallis. C! Simon Macaulay. oj James Hubbell, D George Mackenzie. 0 John Stuart. {) Alexander Y. McDonell. 0 Easter Term, 2 Wm. IV, 1832. . / Trinity Term, 9 Geo. IV, 1828. Roland McDonald. '0 William Henry Draper. t/ Peter Freel. [: Peter Rapelje. C James McIntosh. (J David Lockwood Fairfield. V Burrage Y. McKyes. Michaelmas '1'., 9 Geo. IV, 1828. TrinityTerm, 2~' 3 Wm. IV, 1832. j Henry Sherwood. a Joseph Clarke Gamble. Joseph Nicholas Hagerman. \ Hemy Christopher Heward. o Thomas Kirkpatrick. . Nichaclmas T., 3 Wm. IV, 1832. John Godfrey Spragge. " Michael Barrett. V Charles Baby. J Richard G. Beasley. (.' John R. McDonell. r) Robert McLean. .} Hilary Term, 3~' 4 Wm. IV, 1833. Lowther Pennington McPherson.' Allan McDonell. Hilary '1'., 9 Geo. IV, 1828 & 1829. Trinity Term, 4 Wm. IV, 1833. Thomas Dalton, jr. C Robert S. Jameson. Joseph Kerby Herchimer. t} George S. Tiffany. John O. Hatt. Easter Term, 10 Geo. IV, 1829. Israel Jones. Michaelmas T., 4 Wm. IV, 1833. George Sherwood. Michaelmas T., 10 Geo. IV, 1829. William B. Wells. /; Benjamin Dougall. John Bell. i/ Charles Robinson Heward. George C. Strachan. o Colley Alexander Foster. Charles L. Hall. 6 58 THE UPPER CANADA

Hilary Term, 4 Trill. IV. 1834. Hilary Term, 7 Wm. IV. 1837. Edmund l\Iurney. C Joseph D(Lvis. '0 John L(Lw. (i Henry W. Blackstone. 0 Henry Smith. G Richard O. Dugg(Ln. '0 Ad(Lm H. Meyers. Colly Foster. () 61 Archibl1ld Gilkison. 0 Easter Term, 4 Will. IV, 1834. Easiu- Term, 7 Wm. IV. 1837. John G. l\blloch. John C. \\' ant Ale:lmnder S. Mylne. 0

Trinity Term , ~ g' ::; Trill. IV,] 834. Trinity Term, 1 Vic., 1837. John R. Forsyth. D (1r:>orge lJll,Q')2:John Strachan, jr. .hmcs Smith. (: John W. Gwynne . ~ llIichacill1as T., 5 lfm. IV, 1804. l1Iichaelmas Term, 1 Vic. 1837. .John P. C(Lrey. U Brownlow W. Roberts. iQ St(Liford F. Kirkp(Ltrick. l D' Arcy E. Boulton. (1 George A. Cumming. (I Hilary Term, 5 TVm. nT, 1835. Reade Burritt. (l Henry I3alclwin, jr. C Wm. B. Richards. :; Ephmim J. HUbbell. U Frederick T. Wilkes. to John ::Ilill,'l·. C Hilary Term, 1 Vic. 1838. Angus Bethune. (] Wm. Boswell. Easter Term, 5 lrrn. IV, 1835. Alan Cameron. John Powell. !) Richard F. Steele.

John Wilson. ~'. \..' Easter Term 1 Vic. 1838. Trinity Term, 5 .S· 6 Wm. IV. 1835. Wm. Cayley. o Wm. A. Forward. Henry 'J'yrhitt. o Lorenzo D. R(Lymond. Robert Hervey Jr, n Thomas C. Street. o Hilary' Term, 6 Wm. IV. 1836. Wm. H. Blake. D Wm. Miller. Trinity Term, 2 Vic., 1838. Charles Durand. ~ Wm. H. Boulton. o Jas. C. P. Esten. r, .J ohn A. M(Lcdon(Lld. J (L8. i\I. Stmchan. i.J ...; Jas. G. Armour. J Easter Term, 6 Wm. IV. 1836. Robert H. Throope. (; Philip Low. J l1Iichaelmas Term, 2 Vic. 1838. Francis G. Stanton. ~ J olm H. Cameron. .J ' Donald W. B. l\IacaulI1Y. t Trinity Term, 6 9' 7 Wm. IV. 1836. John Prince. (. Alexander Grant. V Hilary Term, 2 Vic. 1839. Michaelmas Term 7 Wm. IV. 1836. Jacob F. Pringle. ,"I Edward Hitchings. ' .,; Augustus B. Sullivan. Charles O. Benson. r Hamilton O'Reilly. ¥ Easter Term, 2 Vic. 1839. Arthur Acland. f' William C. Loring. f) John S. Smith. Ij Adam J. Fergusson. b LAW DIRECTORY. 59

Lewis Walbridge. J Frederick Cleverly. 0 Joseph C. Morrison. J Henry C. R. Becher. James Robertson. Trinity Term, 3 "Vi·c. 1839. Terence H. Mirrick. John Crawford. 1./ John Hector. Hilary Term, 5 Vic. 1842. . C Wm. J. Fitzgerald. William A. Geddes. J George A. Phillpotts. ,,~ L. Baldwin Hopkins. t;l Michaelmas Term, 3 Vic. 1839. Oliver Mowat. ' Charles Stuart. C, James R. Gowan. vi Easter, Term 5 Vi·c. 1842. David S. McQueen. ' Henry Eccles. . George B. LyonI'--. ,-J:' Alexander C. Hamilton.'- John Hoss. :L Hugh B. Wilson. I: Samuel B. Harrison. V George W. Burton. ./ Rubidge. (' 3 Vic. 1840. Alfred , Hilary Term, Richaru L. Holland. '.' George T. Denison, Jr. l Skeffington Connor. (; OFrederick C. MuttlebuTY. Thomas Ewart. (l ,j Wm. D. Powell. William A. Harvey. 0 Jas. Cahill. ;.;' () lto bert P. Crooks. Trinity Term, 6 Vic. 1842. Horton. -.ilwilliam D. McLean. l) (JWm. Smart, Jr. Alexander John Breakenriugc. ) Easter Term, 3 Vic. 1840. George Boomer. B. Campbell. John Delmege. 0 Stedman Chas. J. Robinson. Simon F. RobertsonC GJ Bernard F. Ball. Seeker Brough. Ham. Nesbitt Kirchoffer. .., Norman B. Hall. Thomas Moore. 'i) George John B. Lewis. J Michaelmas Term, 6 fic. 1842. Trinity Term, 4 Vic. 1840. Ro bert S. Woods. • George D. Wells. William O. Buell. John G. Stevenson. ' David J. Hughes. OJ Samuel Black Freeman.vI John N. McLean. V, Wellington Murney. J Augustus Keefer."} George W. Brock. ,1' John Duggan. v Hilary Term, 6 Vic. 1843. John S. Macdonald. 0 Robert G. Dalton. /, Henry Allen. 0 John Scott. ,0) A. Henderson. v Term, 4 Vic. 1840. James Michaelmas Douglas Fraser. C John H. Hagarty. ,!.~ Elias Burnham. Easier Term, 6 Vic. 1843. Hilary Term, 4 Vic. ISJJ. John Stewart. 0 G. McLean. 0 Miller. Archibald Richard 0- Bethune. Alexander Duff. Donalcl 0 Michaelmus Term, 5 Vic. 1841. Trinity Term, 7 Vic. 1843. William W. Fitzgibbon. ,i James F. Saxon. J 60 TIlE UPPER CANADA

Michaelmas Term, 7 Vic. 1843. Matthew R. Vankoughnet. James L. Robinson. William Leggo. William K. McKenzie. James Patton. Alexanuer Campbell. Angus Morrison. Kenneth McKenzie. William M. Eccles. Daniel G. Miller. Rilary Term, 7 Vic. 1844. Maxwell W. Strange. James J. Burrowes. Edmund A. Meredith. Hilary Term, 9 Vic. 1846. Frederick H. Kirkpatrick. Rutherford l\futtlebury. Philip i\1. i\f. S. Vankoughnet. George W. Allan. Lanntt W. Smith. Richard J. Fitzgerald. Robert A. Conolly. Robert K. A. Nichol. William P. Vidal. Easter Term, 7 Vic. 18H. John Strathy. J:tmes Hopkirk. Stephen J. Jones. John n. Hr.binson, jr. Frederick F. Carruthers. Easter Term, 9 Vic. 1846. George Brooke. William A. Garrett. Trinity Term, 8 Vic. 1844. Trillity Term, 10 Vic. 1846. James Shanly. John G. Nanton. William D. P. Jarvis. John Crickmore. Bernard Foley. Richard Marten, jr. Stephen Richards, Jr. Sidney Smith. :lflichaelmas Term, 8 Vic. 1844. lflichaelmas Term, 10 Vic. 1846. John Rose Holden. Dixie Watson. Archibahl McDonell, jr. James Cockburn. James D. Pringle. Francis C. Powell. William Ramsay. Robert J. Turner. Richard Ruttan. Rilary Term, 8 Vic. 1845. Alexander ?IcDonell. Hilary Term, 10 Vic. 1847. Colin D. Reid. Henry J. Boulton, jr. Stephen ]\1. Jarvis. Ephraim Parke. George R. Van Norman. Easter Term, 8 Vic. 1845. William H. Weller. Robert ]\1. Boucher. James W. Muttlebury. Ambrose Gorham. Hervey W. Price. John Walker. Archibald J. Macdonell. Zacheus Burnham. Thomas Galt. Easter Term, 10 Vic. 1847. David B. Read. Edward E. W. Hurd. James Crowther. Trinity Term, 9 Vic. 1845. Charleo W. Lount. Charles L. Coleman. George E. Henderson. Alexander Thorn. John M. Lawder. Elkanah Billings. John O. Hare. Robert J. Eyeritt. Francis ;\1. Hill. Trinity Term, 11 Vic. 1847. lflichaelmas Term, 9 Vic. 1845. Samuel S. Macdonell. James Stanton. James G. Fitzgibbon. Thomas Parke. LAW DIRECTORY. 61

Lewis A. Ball. John i'.IcNab. James Scott. Henry Hamilton. Alexander McDonald. Charles A. Sadlier. Easter Term, 12 Yic. 1819. James O'Reilly. George Crookshank, jr. Overton S. Gilderslieve. MiclweZmas Term, 11 Vic. 1817. John Roaf, jr. Worship B. McClean. Ira Lewis, jr. Richard Dempsey. Alexander Leith. D' Arcy Boulton. Robert Dennistown. Hugh Richardson. Robert Armour. Trinity Term, 13 Vic. 1849. William H. Merritt, jr. Will. G. Draper. Robert Cooper. George A. lIIontgomery. Hilary Term, 11 Vic. 1848. Alpheus Hurd. John Helliwell. Michaelmas Term, 13 Yic. 1849. Edward Sherwood. Walter B. Skelton. James Daniel. Patrick Freeland. Albert Prince. John Deacon, jr. Thomas Scatcherd. lEmilius Irving. John E. Thomson. Charles W. Heath. George W. Keegan. Walter n. Rubidge. St. John H. Hutchison. Woo. Proudfoot. John Macar!l.. Benjamin C. Davy. James W. Gwynne. Ed wurd Blevins. Charles W. Cooper. David M. Thompson. Hilary Term, 13 Vic. 1850. 1Y"lter McCren. Easter Term, 11 Vic. 1848. John Reynolds. Edward C. Jones. Joseph A. Cathcart. David Pattee. Charles Jones. William Ross. Z'rinity Term, 14 Vic. 1850. Richard W. Scott. Gordon W. Leggatt. Charles G. Crick more. Francis R. Ball. Trinity Term, ]2 Vic. 1848. James Hallinan. Christophel' Robinson. Peter J. Macdonell. Alexander Keefer. Neil McLeod. Robert Lees. Michaelmas Term, 14 Vic. 1850. - Michaelmas Term, 12 Vic. 18!8. George M. Clfl.rk. Thomas H. Aikman. Alexander Logie. Daniel McKerlie. Albert N. Richards. Wm. Clegg. Edward H. Hawke. George A. Gray. George Morphy. Edmund O'Brien. Alexander Gibb. Hilary Term, 12 Vic. 1849. Samuel H. Strong. Hilary Term, 14 Vic. 1851. Henry S. Hubbell. Christopher S. Putterson. Thomas A. McLean. Adam H. Wallbridge. Matthew C. C'tmeron. Henry A. Hardy. Daniel Mc}Iichael. Wm. Craigie. Oliver Springer. Alexander Morris. 7 62 THE UPPPR CANADA

Trinity Term,15 Vic. 1851. Trinity Term, 17 Vic. 1853. Adam Crooks. Walter Arnold. John E. Start. Allan J. Moore. John Bell. Wm. H. Tremayne. Hiram L. Spafford. Alexander D. I\IcDougf1ll. George H. Mills. Charles A. Weller. John BOyl1. John R. Martin. John Macdonell. DuncillJ lIIacdonell. Thomas H. Ince. AIichaelmas Term, 15 ViC. 1851. George Baxter. Edwin P:tlrick. James Paterson. Wm. B. Lambe. Robert Lyon. Alexf1nder Cameron. Hilary Term, 15 ri~. 1852. R0bert G. Barrett. Thomn.s Robertson. Daniel D. Heenan. Edward Horton. Egerton F. Ryerson. lIfic1welmas Term, 17 Vic. 1853. Easter Term, 15 Vic. 1852. James G. Currie. Wm. H. Durns. Henry Latham. John 1\1. II:tmilton. Thomns Tilt. John D. Armour. John F. Harris. Peter B. Spohn. Hilary Term, 17 Vic. 1854. Trinity Term, 16 Vic. 1852. John O'Connor, jr. Augustus Nanton. C. P. Simpson. Joseph F. Dnvis. T. A. Hudspeth. Chn.rles H. Pinhey. Thomas A. Lazier. William Ambrose. A. R. Dougall. Peter Ill. ~IcCutchon. A. G. Boswell. Chn.rles 1\lcGrn.th. J. C. Rykert. Wm. Elliot. E. W. Hf1rris. Neil C. McIntyre. Wrn. E. Almf1. Easter Term, 17 Vic. 1854. Wm. 1\1. Wilson. J. Jermy l\1acaulay. E. T. Boulton. JIichaelmas Term, 16 Vic. 1852. D. Campbell. John J. Kingsmill. Hector Cameron. Peter B. Long. Henry Macdermott. Alexn.nder W. Strn.chan. John B. Read. Charles Hutchinson. John Blevins. Andrew Lemon. James R. Thompson. Trinity Term, 18 Vi·c. 1854. John P. Almf1. E. B. Wood. Jonas Ap. Jones. Hllanj Term, 16 Vic., 1853. J. H. lIIorris. Wf11ter :\IcKenzie. W. H. Stanton. Ebenezer Stin~on. :\lacdonald. Bridges. Daniel H. Lizars. Charles Alfred Durand. George Duck, Jr. George A. Drew. Joseph Hutton. Easler Term, 16 Vic. 1853. Henry M. lIIf1son. AIichaelmas Term, 18 Vic. 1854. Wm. M. Shard. Charles Sidney Cosens. LAW DIRECTORY. 63

C. E. Eliot. W. Mendell. J. D. Buell. F. W. H. Chambers. C. Henry Powell. 1\1. n. Jackson. Wm. Sherwood. John Robert Jones. George L. Mowat. James Beaty. John Creasor, jr. r. T. Worthington. Robert C. Stoneman. Hilary Term, 18 nco 1855. Robert Sutherln.nd. F. Grant Cornish. Henry Macpherson. lIfichaelmas, Term 19 nco 1855. Samuel B. Harman. Robert A. Harrison. William Davis Ardagh. John T. Anderson. Samuel J. Lane. Frederick Kingston. Ed ward Martin. Ecuter Term, 18 Vic. 1855. Charles J. CllToll. Donald Fraser. John McDonald. 1Ii/·ItY Term, 1:) Vic. 1856. Wm. Flanaghan. G. R Grundy. A. Lacourse. Edward Fitzgerald. J. V. Ham. Trinity Term, 19 Vic. 1855. Easter Term, 19 Yic. 1856. Thomas Clark. Henry B. Morphy. Samuel Rowlands. Henry Edward Bennett. A. Boultbee. Thomas W. Saunders. C. H. Green. W. H. Pontou. Adam Ferrie, jr. John McKeown. Alfred F. Wright. Henry Wm. Peterson. James H. Doyle. J. H. Flock. W. M. Matheson. James Fraser, jr. Trinity Term, 19 Vic. 1856. James B. Davis. C. C. Abbott. A. G. Fraser. J. L. Talbot.

List of Earristers whose names are not upon the Rolls of the Court. Christopher Robinson ...... 1797 John Muirhead ...... ] 823 John McKay ...... 1797 Samuel ~Ierrill ...... 1823 Walter Roe ...... 1797 George lIIallock ...... 1824 Thomas Scott...... 1801 Simon lIIcAuley ...... 1828 James Wood ...... 1801 Charles Baby ...... 1828 William B. Peters ...... 1803 J. C. Herchmer ...... 1828 Walter B. Wilkinson ...... 1803 Michael Barrett ...... 1832 Daniel Farley...... 1823 Alphabetical List of Attornies in ypper ?anadasince the Constitution of the ProvInce, wIth dates of Admission.

Nanus. Date of Admit. Da't of Ad,n;s.

Blackstone. II. W ...... 13th }\.b. 1837. ,. A Houlton, D. E ...... 19th Aug. 1837. ,. BJake,W. H.(Chancellor) 10th Feb. 1838." . Armstrong. Chri:o:ir ...... ~rtl May, 1834. Bonnyc,,-etle. II. \Y. J .... 10th .Tan. 1839. , , At;k land, nideon ...... ~7th .TUD. lR81;, Brough, Seeker ...... 4th NO'l'.lR39. , A!m~ur, .J. 0 ...... l~th,Jlln l~~~. Burns, ThOR ...... 5th Nov. 1839." '" Alnshl~, }l.Ibm ...... I_th Juu. 1. "_'_. Brock,Oeorge ...... 3rd Feb. 18!0.- /Armour, Itob! ...... 9th June 18JQ. Burnh:.o.m, Z ...... 8tlI June 1:j4t1. 4/1 _ Asken, "', n. Z ...... 3rd Nov.lRJO. llaby. W. D ...... 5th Ani;. 184(}.... Aclcland, A ...... nt1, Aug.lRU. Becber, lIenry C. ll...... 2nd Nov. 1R40. ~_Armour, i\'J. J ...... 18th.l un. 1845. Anderson, ,1. J ...... 18th .Jnn. lS!5. Burton, G W ...... 21At .Tun. IB41. Boomer, G ...·o ...... eth Au~. H',n.# .Allan. G. W ...... 7th Yeb. 1·'·.('~. Auderson, W. Jr...... Hth .Tan. 1 :,4,. BillingA, .J ...... 1.~th Nov.I>'!l., Breakenridgc, ..Tohn ...... 13th Jnn.1S4~.# .'!'uamQ , ,lo--hua ...... 2~cl June lR48. Ball, P. J ...... 14th .Jun. 1M2. # .Arm,tron~,'\· ...... Ilth.lun. U·~9. Aikman, t. II...... 4th Feb. lR:'''. Euell, 'V. '\f. C ...... 31'd Aug. 18!::!. ~ J: ,tbune, D. Jr...... 7th Nov. l'l~ .• Aml)rn.<;;;C'. ''1m...... 2nd JUDe lS;i1. Boucher, T. M ...... l~th Feb. 1·"13.- A~ne" ..To ...... 10th Juu.lR5l. .A'lma, :John P ...... " .... 7th JunfJ 185'2. Brodie, JaB. 1\1...... 1f>thJUll.lS4:1." Burrow'::>~. J. J ...... IfJill Aug. i:'cl:j. Alma. Wm. E...... ht. Sept. 1",". Daulton, .J ...... Hltb 4\\l·~.)S.13. ~ Arnold. "\V ...... •...... }."-,th .Jun. lSG;J. Brooke. G ...... '" 13th Ft} 1'. HQ4." Armour, .J. D ...... :J1.~t. ~ 1:,·,6. B·dl, James J ...... Hth .lan. 1845." Bell, 'I'm ...... Jllth Nov. 18-lGJ B Ball, L. A ...... 18th .Jun.184i.~ Brown. J. S. B...... 4th Aug, Vi4' .. ' ...... Beardsley, B. C ...... ~qh 'Tay '.0;;. Boulton, H. J. Jr ...... 7th Ang.l"-I7.1 'Boulton, D'Arry ...... 2:2nl.l.Tan IS03. Boulton, D ...... ht Nov. 1847., 'Baldwin. W. W. (Dead) 2cd .Jan.1SII:\. Breakenridge, Wm ...... 12th .Tan. 1848.1 J'"noultoll,D'Arcy, jr. " 10th ~lar. 1807. Brooke, D. Jr...... 9th Feh. 1818 .... /:no~twick, Henry ...... 13th .Jan.lRu.'-:. Hurmfortl, Oeo ...... ith Feb. 1849! "Boulton, Hellry John ... 5th Nov.lS1G. Blevins, Edward ...... 17th Yeb 18J9.' "13r' ak\'nrid~e,.f. (Dead) 13th.July 1816. He ll, .John ...... 22d Dec. 1849. ·Butler, T. (D",,,i) ...... 1GthJuly 1817 Ball, F.lL ...... 11th Jun. 1850. S:Boulton, Oeo. S ...... 2nd JIlly 1818. Barker, Edgar ...... 21itb A u~. 1850. , , TIidweli, M. S ...... 13th APl'. IS:!]. Bonltbee, A ...... 18th Kov.1850. ~ Buell, A. N ...... oth Nov. 1821. Barrelt, Robt. G ...... 14th Feb. 1851. .... ; Barry, Hobt...... 14th Nov.1821. BOllcher, Tho.". D ...... 15th Feb. 1851. , Iloulton, Jas ...... 15thSov.l.S:2:2. Boyd, John ...... 9th June 1851. 'Boswell, John ...... 24th Apr.l S~:',. Billingq, John ...... 14th Jun 1851.1' 'Bethune, Donald ...... 9th July 1823 Burrowes~ Edwin A ...... 2Gth Aug.1851~' I Burrell, M ...... 19th Jan. 182". Blain he, Wm ...... 24th Nov. 1851.; " Baldwin, Robt...... 23d June I8:!5 Bro.~din, Geo...... 7th June 1852." ~ Burn., H. K (.Judge B.]{.) 8th Jan. 1827. Buell, J. Dockstader ...... 30th Aug. 1852. ,!'Boswell, G ~J...... 21st Apr. lS:!S. Barton, Oeo. ~L ...... 16\h Nov. 1852. I Bea'c1ey, Charles ...... 6th Nov. 18cR Boulton, E. T ...... 22,1 Nov. 1852.' I BO~:lrt. John ...... 5th Jan. 1":0. Billings, W. II...... 7th Feh. 1853." l ne~l(!y, I!.. G ...... 12th Nov. 1 S::;:2. Baxt.r. George ...... 15th Feb. 1853." I Bali, J ...... 7th Nnv. 18::0. BORwell, A. U ...... 18th ,Jun. 1853. , Burton, E ...... 1"lth Nov. 1833. Ball, A. T. H...... 30IhAup;.1853. I Burlc, C. F ...... 11th KC'Y.li"l!. Rurns, W. H...... 3t1th Aug 1853.' I Baldwin, Henry Jr ...... 15th Nov. 1834. Barry, Thos. M ...... 21st Nov. 1853. " Bethune, Angus ...... 3rd Feb. 18:35. Blevins, John ...... 22nd Nov. 1853. I Burnham. E...... 21st Apr. 1835. Bridges, McDonald ...... '22nd Xov .1853.' I'Barrett, Re.ld ...... 14th Nov.1835. Bell, .John, junr ...... 51.11 June 1854. f Boulton, IV. II ...... 14th Nov.1835. Bastedo, G. "r ...... 5th June 1854.' "Boswell, Wm ...... 20th Jun. 1836. Barr. John ...... 7th June 1854. :Ben.'on, C. O. (Dead) ...... 25th Jun.183G. Boulton, James FOl'ster 2.~th Nov. 1854. , Bell, D. M ...... 19th Nov.1836. Beaty, James ...... 6th Feb. 1855. THE UPPER CANADA LAW DIRECTORY. 65

ltlamts. Dale of ,lflmis. Nam ... Date of .Ad,nis.

)if make. D. Edward ...... • 14th ,TUD. 1856. Carman, R ...... 211h Kov, 1854. , Ben'on. E. ll ...... 28th Au~. 1856. Cm~oD3. Chaf-l:. Sidney ... alh F~b. ]855.' Bernard, Hewitt ...... 28th .lug.1856. r.ftneron~ ~IHlcolm C.... 6th June, 185:). Boulton, Geo. D ...... 29th Au:;. 1856. C ark, AI,ster ~l...... 16th Jun. IH55 Carrall, J. A ...... 30th Aug.lSS5·" c Couiter, J. R ...... 2ndJune,1856, /" Clark, J ..me., ...... •...... 7th Jan. 1794. D ""Cameron, AIel< ...... nh Jan. 1St,S. "'Cartwright. J. (Dead) .... Ct~, July 180S. Dickson, Wm .... (d',7i11 ..• 22d Jan. 1803/ "'Cozen, W. Z ...... ISth .'\ov. 1830. Dickson, Hobt...vlead) ... 8th .Jan. 1 ,21. ..- .A::.8S.dy, !lellry ...... 5th July 1~32. Dick:'.OD, "~m ...... 6th Nov. 1822. " I Clive, I(obt ...... 19th J an. lS~5. Drap.. r, IV. H., C.J. C.P. 11th Jan. 1828 .. ! ChElvett. Alex ...... 2,)th Apt'. 1825. Dalton, Thos ...... 10th Jan. 1820 • .,.. 'Cartwright .JohnS.(Dd) Tth Nov. IS:.!;'. Dougall, n...... ,f I Campbell, W. A ...... bt May 18:.!7. Dick,on, W. II ...... 28 h Dec. 1829.' I Campbell, E. G ...... ~Sth Dec. U~2J. Doyle, James ...... 19th Ap. 1830 ..... Claus. 'farren ...... :2:2d.Juno 1830. Duggan George ...... 16th Nov. 1833.-' I Cummin~., Geo. A ...... 10th Xov. 1835. Davis. Joseph ...... 4th Nov. 1835."" I Covert, iIl'nry ...... ht July 1';)6. Duggan. R. C ...... · 8th Nov. ]836.". I Chry.ler, G. ~I...... GlIt Feb lS:>7. Dobbs, A. II ...... 4th Dec. 1837 .... I Cameron, John ...... '22d Apr. 1S:;7. Deni,ou, G. T ...... 1t.tb Jun. 1839.'" I Can8Y, Peter .Iohn ...... 16t11 Feb. lS:JS. Du):!:,gan, .Iohn ...... ,...... , ,Cam,'ron, J. H ...... ith Aug.1;;:,s. Duff, Alex ...... 2nd Nov. 1840 .... , Crooks, R. P ...... 4th }'eb. 18:19. Dalt"l, j(. G ...... 9th Nov. 1842. 'CrawfoM, Joh" ...... 10tb .Jull.1839. Deacou. J. Jr...... 6tb Aug. 1844 .... Cahill, Jame...... lOth Jun.l~39. Davy. J. C...... 6th Feb. 1845 . .1' $ Crayton, F ...... 22nd.lun.18:19. Daniel, Janw' ...... 15t.h Feb. 1845.1 Clovorley, F ...... 5th ~'"b. 184'1. Dempsey, Ricbartl ...... 30Ih.luly,1845." Campbell, A ...... 13th JUil. ISH. Dempsey, Juo. R ...... 12th JUD.1846 ... I Campbell, S. n...... 14th,Tun.lIB1. Duffield, '~an111'1 ...... 14th f\·b. 1848. ,. Dunsford, G. W ...... 7th Feb. 1849. # Connolly, P. A ...... 18th Aug.lSB. , Cooper, C. W ...... l(;th Feb. 1845. DennfOtown, [tobert ...... 9th Feb. IH49. I Colborne, C. Z ...... 13th .luly,18-15. Davy, B. C...... 16th Feb. 1849. ~ , Col.man, ChM. L ...... 3 'th July,184'. Draper, W. G ...... 17th Nov.lS49. , Connor, 8keffington,Q.C. 4th Nov. 1845. DavidsoD, Robert ...... 4th Feb. 1850.... , Chesley, A. D...... 14th N" •. 1i;)5. Dou,.II, A. IL ...... 15th June 1850. ,. Crickmore, John ...... 2nd Feb 1846. Duck, Geo Jr ...... 26th Aug. 1850 . .> Cockburn, Jame...... 10th,June1846. Davis, J. F ...... 121hJuIle1851. , Cowan, JaR. M ...... 15t11June 1846. Durand,Chas. C ...... "!'9thJune]~·)2.- , Coopct, Robert ...... 2nd Nov. 1846. D'OHer, G. O ...... 17th Feb. 1853.' Criekmore, C. T ...... 1!3th J!"eb.1S·J7. Dunsford, Martin ...... 17th F.b. 1853. Crowtber, Jame...... Hth June 1S17 Dre"" Geo. A ...... ]7th Feb. lS54:. Davis, James B ...... 5th June, 1854 ...... : Carruthers, .Fred. II' ...... 7th Aug. VA" Corni,b, W. K...... 1st Nov. 18H. Duck, 'rm ...... 13thJnlle1854.' , Cole, Geo ...... 12th Feb. 1'>48. Durand, Cha•. A ...... 29th Aug. IB54. Cameron, Matthew C.... 12lhAug 1,48. Doy Ie, .Jas. II...... 211th Nov. 185'!. , Cocbrano, J. H ...... 18th Nov. 1848. Davis, Vim ...... 1Gth Feb. 1855." Duck, IIenry F ...... 24th Nov. 1855J '- Crooksbank, G Jr. (dead) 1Rth Nov. 1848. Davison, John ...... 7th Feb. 1856. /' I' Cathcart, IL ...... 17th Feb. 1849. , Cummins, J. P ...... 13th Nov. 1849. 1 C~rrall, John G ...... 18th Nov. 1850. E I Cle~g. Wm ...... 1Htb Nov. 1850. I Cardy, II. A...... ~IRt r-;Of 1850. Elliott, Wm ...... · 2~nd ,T.n.1803. ' , Craigie, "Tm ...... 2d June, ].e;51. Elliott, John ...... 12 h.fune1837 ..... , Coult'.r, J. II...... 19th Nov. 1851. Eccle', Hemy ...... 3rd Aug. 1840. ~ I Crysler, M. 0 ...... 2nd Feb 1852. Ewart. 'rhoEl ...... ] 5th Feb, n:·l:!." Clark, Geo. M ...... 3rtl ~'eb. 1852. l~vcrett, ,l.~. J ...... ?,-lth ;rOV.l~4:~. j1c f Clark, Tho...... 7th Feb. 1852. Ji~cck~, II m ...... ,rd Nov. lu-!u. Cornigh, Fran~is G.•..... :!,th June, 1852. IWerbeck, Wm. IL...... 8th Feb. 1848. ~ , Clenrh, Leon M ...... 18th Jun. 185:!. I<~','r(', John ...... 3rt! Feb. 1851. '" Currie, .Jame& G, ...... 15th Nov. Vi;,:!, Elliot, ..Wm ...... 3ru }"'eb. 18fd ... ' Cameron, Alex ...... 15t,)J. Feb. 1853. Eliot, C. F ...... ~7th Nov.18~H ... - Crook., Adam ...... 19th Feb. 1853 . ., Campbell, Donald ...... 1st Dee. 1'';5:3. , Carl'all, Chas. J ...... 13t.h Feb. 1854-. F Creusor, John. Jr...... 16th Feb. IS54. Cameron, Hector ...... 6th Juue, 1854. Farrand, Jacob ...... 20th Oct. 1794 , Chambers, F. W. II ...... 8th :;ept. 1854. Farrand, J. L ...... lath Jan. 1806 7' 65 THE UPPER CANADA

Dato of Admis. Nam<8. Date of Admis. Names.

Fairfielu, B..T.,Jr. (dead) 16th July,1819. H Fairfielu, D. (, ...... 4th Jan. J'~7. Ford, David n. C...... 15th NOT.1827. lbgerman, NicholM .. , 20th 'Oct. 1794. Foster, C. A...... Hagerman, C. A. (dead) 16th Jan. 1813. Freel, Peter ...... 2nd ~ray, 1832. Hagerman, Dan. (dead) 6th Nov.1RI5. Forsyth. J. IL ...... 16th JuncI83-!. Hotham. P. P ...... 2nd Nov. 1824. Forward. W. A ...... 17thJuneI8S5. H[Lwley. P ...... 16th Nov. 1827. lio.'ter. Colley ... (dead) ... 13th Feb. 1837. lIagerman, J. A ...... 10th Jan. 1829. }'owl<'y, Harvey ...... l~th Feb. IS:l8. lIirchmer. Joseph R ... , lOth Jan. 1829. FerguRson, A. J ...... 11th Feb. 15:39. IIeward, C. R ...... Freeman, S. B ...... 8th Jan. 18.J.0. Hubbell, .James ...... 8th Nov. 1830. Fraser, Douglas ...... 1st Feb. 1841. Heward, II. C ...... 5th May 1832. Fairbanks, ~. B ...... 3ru }·eb. 1841. Hatt, John 0 ...... 1st May 1833. FitzGibbon, W. W. (d) ... 3ru }'eb. 18,11. Hamilton, Roht...... 8th Nov. 1833. Foley, B ...... 9th Au:.:. 18,11. Hall. C. L ...... 13th Nov. 1833. FitzGerald, W. J ...... 13th Aug. 1841. Hubhell, E. J ...... 16th Jun.1834. FitzGerald. R. W ...... 18th Aug.1S43. Hamilton, .Joseph ...... 24th Jun. 1834. Fulton. James ...... Ute.Tune 1845. Heward, IIenry ...... 27th Apr. 1835. FitzGibbon. J. G. (dead) Srd Nov. 18J5. Iiit,bings, E. (dend) ...... 8th June 1836. Flu.tt, Loui, J ...... 10th :\0". 1845. Hector. John ...... 7th Feb. 1839. FitzGihbon, C. 'J' ...... ht Feb. 184j Holland, R.L...... 5th Aug. 1839. Forrest, Cbarle...... jlh Feb. 1848. Horton, W ...... 6th Aug. 1839. Fr•• land, P ...... 5th Nov. 1849. Hagarty, J. U. (J'g C.P.) 8th June 1840. Foley, "I. II ...... 6th June 1851. Hall, Eo B ...... 6th Nov. 1840. Frs"cr, D. Jr...... 9th June, 1853. Hamilton, M ...... 19th Jun. 1841. Flock, J. H ...... 29th Au~.lS5:l. Hagarty, Henry ...... 3rd Aug. 1841. Farley, James ...... 28th :\ov. 18;,:;. Harvey, W. A ...... 15th Feb. 1842. Franklin, .Joseph E ...... 5th June, 1854. Hopkios, II. B...... 16th Feb. 1842. Fraser, A.G ...... : ...... 15thJunelS~,4. I Ham, M. G ...... 19th Feb. 1842. Fraser, .James, Junr.... 30th Nov 18:A. '. Harvey, R. Jr...... 20thJuD.1842. Ferrie, Adam, junr...... 5th ;Feb. 1.'5;;. Hu,;hes, D. J ...... 2nd Aug. 1842. Foster, C. W ...... 5th .June, 1855. Henderson, J. A ...... 9th Nov. 1842. Flanagan. Wm ...... 9th June 1855. Holden, J. R ...... 22d June 1843. FitzGerald, Ed"ard ...... 7th Sept 1855. Harrison, S. n...... 12th Feb. 1844. Foley, John ...... 9th Feb. 1856. Hill, F. M ...... 5th Aug. 1844. Hogan. J. C...... 16th Nov. 1844. Henderwn, G. K ...... 9th June 1845. G Hutchinson, J. H. ~I .... 13th Feb. 1847. Hurd, E. ~l...... 24th Jun. 1847. Grey, Roht. D ...... 22nu Oct. 1794. Helliwell, J ...... 13th Nov.1847. Givens, JIlS. • ...... 2ith Apr. hi~7. Hawke. Edwaru H ...... 7th Feb. 1848. Gamble, C' • ...... 231'dApr.1832. Hurd, Alpheus ...... 8th Feb. 1848. Grant, Ale" ...... 16th Jun. 1834 Hubbell, H. S ...... 24th .Jun.18!8. Glas,furd Geo ...... 27th Jun. 18:16. Heath, J. W ...... 9th Nev. 1848. Gwynne John "',...... • l~Hh Jan. 1,'-;:}7, IIamilton, II...... 14th Feb. 1849. (lO\\,un, J. R ...... 4th Feb. J ·"3~1. Hallinan, Jas ...... 12th Feb. 1850. Geddes, W. A ...... 10th Jun,1839. Houghton, Geo. W ...... 4th June 1850. Gellebar, P ...... 22u Jun. 1839. I-Iardy, H. A ...... 19th Nov.1850. g~ddl'R, James ' ...... 6th ~ug. 1840. Uorne, J. M ...... 28th Nov.1850. 'Ivens, A ...... 9th hb. 18!1. Henderson, R. L ...... :-th June 1851. Graham. H ...... 2~d Jun. 184,1. Houghton, Edward ...... 22d Aug. 1851. Garratt, W. A ...... jth Xov. 184,1. Horton, E

Nam ... Date of Admis. l\'rames. Dale of Admi•.

Rarpor. Wm. John ...... 8th ~cpt. 1855. LrwI., Ira ...... 16th Fl'b. 1848. Hawkins. Geoffry ...... 25th Au". 1856. LO~lC, A ...... ••...... 12th.J un. 1848. Law. R. n ...... 11th .luo.1849. Leg!;,·tt. Thomas ...... ht Aug. 1849. I AND J LOllg, Pdp.r B ...... 17th t\oY.lH51. Lyo .. , Hobert ...... 17th NOT. 1851. Jones, Jonathan ...... 6th NOT. lS11. Lcmnu, A, ...... ht Hept. 1852. Jones, Jonas ({lead) ...... 6th Nov.1S12. Lazkr, 'l'hoIDa" A ...... 6th :Feb. 1854. Jones, Davit1 ...... 9th Apr. 1815. L),stt!r, Hichanl N ...... 6th Jun. 1854. Jarvis, ~amuel ...... 5th.l uly 1815. Lacour,e, A ...... 14th .lun.1854. Jones. Daniel Jr. (dead) 5th July 1815. Light, Hobort N ...... 5th Feb. 1855. Jarvis. Geo. S ...... 14th Nov.1S:)U. Leys, Juhn ...... 19th Nov.1855. Jones, Israel F ...... ~~nd Apr. 1829. Jessop, James ...... anl July 183 I, Jones, Stewart ...... 9th Nov. 1832. M Jame'oD, R. S. (V.C.)(D) 22d April 1834. Jones, Ormond ...... 23d April 183~. Jones, W. D. P ...... 18th .lun.1844. ~ralJock, George ...... Hth Nov. 1822· Jarvis, S. ill ...... 5th Nov. 1844. Muirheal, .1. n ...... 16tb .luly 1823· Jone., S. J ...... 4th Feb. 1846. "Ierrill, SamueL ...... 7th Nov. 1823· Jones, E. C ...... 7th Aug. 18H. 'turne,', Wm ...... 27th Ap'l 1830· Jones, Charles ...... 11th .Iun 1849. II ulholland, n ...... 27th Ap'l 1830· Irving, lEmilius ...... 9th ;-';ov. 1849. ~[urney, EJrnund ...... 5th Nov. 1833· Jessop, Henry ...... 16th Nov. 1849. lteyers, A. II ...... 8th Nov. 1833' ~1iller. W ...... 5th Nov. 1834· Ince, T. Henry ...... IUth .Jun.185~. Jones. Johu R ...... 16th Nov. 1852. )liller, John ...... 5th Nov. 1834· Johns0D, W ...... 9th Jun. 18iia. llilne, A. S ...... 3rd Nov. 1835. Morrison,.J. C, '. Q.C.)., ... 5th Feb. 1038· Jack,on, M. n ...... 9th Sept 1853. Moore, John ...... 13th Au!(.1838. JeUett, Robt. P ...... 22d Nov. 1853, Murney, Wellington ...... 4th Feb. 1839. Jones, Jonas Ap...... 16th Feh. 1Rii4. \Iiller, H. B ...... 10th..lun.1839. Jarvis, C. H ...... 10th Nov. 1854. Muttlebury, F. C. (Dead) 22d Jun. 1839. Jones, Henry A ...... 15th Jun 1855. Moore, Thorn"...... 11lh Feb. 1840. MHddock, J. F. (Deud) ... 15th Feb. 1840. K Miller, lUch,rd ...... Srd Aug 1840. Merrick, T.ll ...... 1JthNov.1840. King, James (thad) ...... Gth Nov, 1827. Mowat, 0 ...... 5th Nov. 1841. Kirkpatrick, 'fhos ...... 3rd Nov 1828. ~Jorri'on, .t ...... 18th Feb. 18.. 3. Kirkpatrick. Stafford F. ~,th Jun 1834. MoechecFman ...... 11th Nov. 1844. Kornish, Wm ...... 27th April '35. Muttlebury, J. W ...... 9th Jun 1M45. Keele, Wm. Conway ...... 17th April '37. lIIuttlebury, R ...... 10th Jun.1845. Kirchoff"r, N ...... lith Feb 1840. Miller, D. G ...... 1st Aug. 1845. Keer, Tbos, ...... 2nd Nov 18 .. 0. Macara ..Iohn ...... 2tith May,1846. Keffer, A ...... 2nd Au:,: 18 .. ~. '<1artin, Ricbard ...... 28th.lun.1846. Kirkpatrick. T R ...... 17th Feb 1844. Morphy, Gporg ...... 3let .Iuly 1846. Keele, II. R. F ...... 8th .Tune 1846. Mills. W II ...... "th Aug. 1846. Kee~an, G.W ...... 19th June '46. }lontgomery, G ...... 26tb July 1847. Keefer, Alex...... 7th Sept. 185·'. Monk, J. n ...... :...... 6th Nov. 18'18. Kippen, lEmiliu. W ...... 7th Jun. 1852. I Murney, LemprICre ...... 7th Fl'b. 1850. l{in:\smill, John.T ...... 15th Nov. 1852. Martin, B. R ...... 41h Feb. 1851. Kerby, Joseph T ...... 29th Aug. 1853. ~lorris, Alexander ...... 5th Jun. 1851. Moore, Allen J ...... 9th Jun, 1851. Mills. Gt!o. 11...... ~qh Aug.l~:)L L l\lagra.th, Charles ...... 2nu Feb. 183~. l\'a!'~on, H. Monk ...... 7th .June, 1852. Lyons, John ...... 13th Nov. 1824. Martin ..Tohn R ...... 15th Nov. 1852. Low, John ...... 7th Nov. 1817. Mittleber!(pr, II ..1...... 7th .Tune, 1853. Law, John ...... lOth Feb. 1834. ~Jurpby, D. It ...... 10th Jun 1853. Low, Philip ...... 3rd Xov. 1835. ~'allock. Gl'orge W ...... l~th Jun 1853. Lyons, Ueo. B ...... lath .lun.1R38. 1'I·Ioore, gobr·l't ...... 2~tb Nov IS.ia. Loring. W. G ...... 18th A ug.183s' l\lrlrpby, llenry D ...... fJth .Tuol',185,",=. Lapenotiert--', W ...... 7th Nov. 18:JB. ~Iorris, J. II ...... 28th Au~.1854. Lewis, J. n. jr...... 15th Nov. 1839. Mowat, George L ...... 4th Sept. lRGJ. Latham, II. (Dead) ...... 14th Jun. 1841. Miller, '1'h mJa~ ...... 21,t Nov. 1854. ~awder, if ...... 7th.~ug. ]843. )Iob"rly, Geo ...... 6th Feb. 1855. eggo, ~\ m ...... 3rd ~OT. 1845. Martin Edward ...... 211th Nov.1855. Lizars, Daniel II ...... 1Uth .JuD.1847. Meudell. w ...... 5th Fob. 1856. Lount, Ch"rles W ...... 26th .lun.18H. Mallod{, John ...... 5th June, \806. Lees, Robert ...... 26tb July1847. !\Iatheson, Charles W ... 14th .lun.1856. Leith, A ...... 1,th Feb. 1848. Matheson, W. M ...... 2nd Sept.1Sii6. 68 THE UPPER CANADA

Names. Dat, of .Admis. Names. Date rif Admis.

Me McDonald, John ...... Feb. 6th ]855. MeF"dden, .lames ...... Jnne 4th 1855. McDonald, Angus ...... 7th July, ]794. McKeown, .Tohn...... • .. " " lI1eLean, Allan ...... 7th .July, 1794. ~jeC"rthJ', Dalton ...... •Jnne 7th 1855. lI1cDonald,John ...... (;th .July.1808 ~lacalllay,J.Jermy ...... Iune 15th 1805. McLean, A. J11CI~c B R. ,th April 1813. McBriele. J ...... A ug. 28th ]855. Macaulay;J. B.(C..r.(· P.) bt I\ov 1819 ,lc\lillan, John ...... Sept. 8th 1855. Macaulay, l(ohprt (D) ... 17th Ap'llo:)". ~1,·F"rlane, Hobert ...... Nov. 24th ]855. Macaul"y, U.'J. (Dead) .. 2:1tl< A 1"11822. McKenzie, Yalentine .. , Aug. 30th 1856. 1IIc\Jal'tin, Daniel...... Sal 7Ilay. lti~:J. l\lL'1,(·~ll, J::lmcs A ...... •. Mc:'\ab. A. N ...... 11th Nov.1S26. N Mackenzie, Geo ...... 4th Jan. 18~S. Macaulay. J. II ...... 4th .Tan. lS~S. Nicbolls,.Tames, Jr ...... Jan. 21.t lS~4. McDonald, Alexander ... 3rd S07. ]:-';28. Notman, Wm ...... ,Tan .. ](lth 1827. McDonald. John R ...... 5th l\(Jv. 18~8. ;\icholl, It...... Feb, 2nd 1846. McLean, Robert C. A ... 5th I\nv, 1828. ;';anton, Augustus ...... Nov. ~Oth 1852. McPherson, L ...... 5th :\ov. 1.s~:-\. Ciani." P.O ...... Nov. 20th 1854. McDonald, Geo ...... 19th Ap'l nao. McDonell, Rollaud ...... 8th Feb. 18::2. McTntosh, ,Tames ...... 2nd May, 18::2, o MeRe-ye''''' n ...... ~r(l May, 1:).1~. MeDona <1, Allan ...... 12th :,ov 18::2. Oliver, Charles ...... April19th1830. Mellillen, A. J .... 121h Nov.1S::2. O'Heilly, Miles ...... Jnne~2nd1830. McDonald, J. A .. At!'y ~ h l' O'Reilly, II. 1(., ...... Nov. 4th 1'35. Gencral. C. If. ) 5t Fell. c·~:;. 0' Brian, P ...... Aug. Cth 1844. "'IcPIJer~oD, A ...... :::O:Jrd.Tun. J836. O'Beirne, Ivan ...... Aug 12th 1844. McQueen, D. 0 ...... 27th Al'11";7. ,,'Brian, II. ~J...... " F"b. 10th 1845. Macnamara, M. J ...... 4th 1)ec. 1837. O'lIare, Jobn ...... June 19th 184G. Macaulay, D W.B ...... 14th Al:g. 1,«::S. U'Reitly, JameB ...... Au~. 7th I~ ..n. 1\1acdonald, John ...... •.• 4th Nov. 18:3D. O'Connor, .lohnJr ...... June 14th 1852. Macdonald, John S ...... 3rd Feb. l'i.O. O.borno, William P ...... ~;Oy. ~7th 18(,5. McLean. A. D ...... 12th Feb. 1S.2. Mackenzie, W. K ...... 20th ,Tun. 1842. McLean, J. TL ...... 7th Nov. 1842. p McLean, John N ...... 10th Nov. 1842. McLean. A. G...... Powell,W. D. Jr. (dead) ... Nov. 3rd 1795. lI1ackenzi .. , K .. nneth ...... 22ndJun.1843. Phillips, Davenport ...... Nov. Cth 1795. Macdonell, A ...... 23rd,Tun. lS43. Pete", Charles J ...... Jan. 4th 1796. Macdonell. Alexander ... ~th Feb. 18H. Peters, W. B ...... May 2tith 1796. Macdonald, A. jr...... 12th AUI(.1844. Powell, John ...... Jan 22nd 181 3. Macdonell, P. J ...... 15th 1,'eu.1845 Pric,', J. rT...... JuneNth1833. Macdonell, Samuel S ...... 2nd Nov. 1846. Powell, .Iohn ...... I\OY, 3rd 1834. 113('do"ell, Arch. J ...... 1st Feb. 1847. Powell, A. W.IT ...... June 2:;th 18:l5 Macdonald, Alexander ... 15th .Tun.1847. PI!"", .Tohn ...... Aug 15th 1838. McDougall, William ...... llthNov.1S,lj, Prin.~Il'. J.F ...... Nov.1l1th 1838. JIIc~Iichael, Daniel ...... 17th Nay. 1848. Powell, W. D ...... Nov. 6th 1830. McCrea, Walter ...... 12th .lun. 1.QS. Phillpott., G. A ...... Aug. 13th 18,1,1. McNab, John ...... 13thJuD.1S48. Pringle, J. D ...... Ang. 10th 1843. MeDon.,lJ. John ...... 2nd Aug. 184S. Patton, hmes ...... JuneHth1845. ~JrLo", D ...... June 1 ~th 18~8. IIIcKerlie. D ...... Feb. 4th 1850. Proudfoot, 1,m ...... Tune 11th 1849. McKay, Jno ...... June15thU50 Ponton. W.1t ...... F"b. 8th 1.%0. MacKenzie, A. ;,1...... Aug.2'lh1851. Patterson C111'i-t S ...... Sept 7th 1850. J\la"I>mell, It ...... S"p. Cth 1851. Patrick, Edwin (dead) ... l'iov. 2,1Ih ISf,O. MCI1hail, P ...... }','b. 2nd J ..... ;"l:::. PInbey, C. II ...... June ~nd 1(,')1. ]\rr{'utrhon, 1'.1\1. G ...... Sept. 8th lS;j2. I Pcarkes, George ...... Aug. 25th 18:)1. Ma'·D·,u'~alJ,.~\. D ...... Nov.15th185:.>. Pane, 8amuel ...... Sept. 3ru 18:'2. J\lcLntyr(~, },(,IL C ...... Nov.l~!Lh 1852. PaterFOD, James ...... Aug 30th 18n3. J\IcDoneJJ, Dllncan ...... Aug. 30th IS53. Palmer, Oeorge ...... June 9th 18D4. MacDonell, Allen S ...... ~cpt. 5tfJ 1853. Phelan. Tolelltine ...... Sept 1st 185.1. lIle:-

Nan"s. Dal( of Admis. .l.Yumc-s. Date of Admis.

R ~hc."vood, G ...... 24th June1833. ~m!th, Henry D ...... 4th Nov 1833 . Ridout, George ...... Jun. 4th 1813. • mlth, James ...... 20th Jun 1834. Robinson,J.B.(C .1., B.R) " Smline, Alex ...... ~rd Nov. 1835. Richardson, j<'. X ...... Nov. 14th 1820 Stanton, G. II ...... 4th H " Rolph, George ...... Jan. Cth 1 S:]l. Smith, John S ...... 2nd .July 1836. Rolph, John ...... Nov. 7th 1:-1:21. ~l'ott, James ...... 19th Nov. " ;::-t1'8C 1 Radenhurst. Thomas ... April ~I,t 18:]4. nn, John ...... 12th .lun.1831. Robinl'on, R. C ...... Jan 19th 18:..!j. Steele. R. F ...... 12th Dec. 1837. Richardson, Charles ...... ,Junf> 30th 1:'.:211 ::->tl'eet, Thomas C...... •. 12th Feb. 1838. Ridout, John ...... April :]:]nd 18:28 Stra;han, Jas. McGill ... 11:th Feb. 1838. Rapelge, P. W ...... June23rd 1828. Sulhvan. A. B ...... l,th Aug. 1838. Raymond, L. D ...... Jun'19th 1835. ~tart, John ...... 7th Aug. 1838. Smart, W. J ...... 22d June 1:,;]9. Rober~'on, 8. F ...... April2~th 1836 Richardson. P. W ...... ApIil29th IS:;G tltuv("nson, J. G •...... '2:211 June " Robert" B W ...... June 16th IS:;7 ~tuurt, Charles ...... 6th Aug. " Richards, W.B. (J. C. P.) June 24th IS:" StewRrt, John ...... 41h Aug. 1840. Ridout, Edward T ...... Aug. 18th 1838 Secord, E. ,Y...... ~:rll Nov. " Ross, John ...... June 17th 1830 Saxon, J. M. O...... 7th Feh. 1842. 'Robertson, .Tames ...... JUDe :2ht lS::'D. ~trathy. John ...... 8th Feb, " R.ymond, E. B ...... ':0"1'. ;rcl 184'1. Scott, John ...... 8th Fph. " ~teVl'DFOn, Aug " Robin~on, C. J ...... June 2':'11 lS·±:~. W. J ...... luth Rubidge, A ...... Aug. 2nd I S·U Sa"he, H. W ...... 12th Jun 1843. Richartls S ..Tr ...... Feb. 5th ISH. Smilh, L. W. (D. C. L ) ... 13th Kov. " Robinson, Lukin J ...... Feh. 9th 1844. Sb~llly, J ...... 11th Jun, 1844. Robinson, J. B ...... June 2,)th 1844 Smith, Sidney ...... _". (;th Nov. " R.id, C. D ...... Nov. 5th 184'1. Strangp., ~I. 'V. (rlw.,l) ... 10th Nov. (' Read, David B ...... June- 19th IS-!5 Shel'wood. G ...... 15th Jun. JH46. Ruttan. R ...... Nov.12th I ~+n. Riebardmn, II...... K ov. l .... t 1847. ~~~~~~:: ~~!~:f I1: :::::: i~~t~;.· 1~;1. Ros •. Wm ...... Nov. 27th 1847. ,lieriff, " ... 1I...... 4th Nov. RoES, James ...... Aug. 1st 18-1'1. ~t~llJton, James ...... l:2th Nov. " 8cntcherd, 'l'hos ...... 7th Feb. 1848. R~id, D. G ...... Aug. 2nd 1&4.'. RIChard" A. M ...... Aug. 4th 18,18. ~myth, E. B. Idead) ...... 1 ~th .Jun.• , Rockham Tbomas B ...... D.c. 7 th 18JS. 8cott. H W ...... 12th Jun. " Roaf, .John Jr ...... Feb. 5th 1849. Smart, W. It...... 8th Nov. .( Robertson. Thoma...... Feb. 11th 1849. SpriD!;er, O...... 10th Feb. 1849. R.ynolcts,Jno.:...... Nov. 5th ].':-10. Somerville, John ...... 13th Nov. ,I Rubidge, J. J ...... Nov. 10th IS-I!I. Ehaw, Wm. ~lcN ...... 4th Feb. 1850. Robinson. C ...... Aug. 26th 1850. Shortis,Edward ...... 8th Feb. 1851. Ryerson. Eg.,ton F ...... Nov. 18th 1851. Start, John E ...... 2[1d June " Rowland" SamueL ...... Nov. 20th 1851. ~opy, J. W ...... 5th June ,: Richard-on. Beverley R. June Hth 18.j~. ~p:l.lfi)rd, Hiram L ...... 26th Aug. " R?,", Alexander ...... Nov. 22nd 185~. Spohn, PetE'r B ...... ::!f.th Aug. " RItter, fI...... Feb. 7th 1853. Strachan, A. W ...... 17th Nov. " Revell, Robert ...... June 6th lR53. Stevenson, Francis S .. " 10th Jun 1852. ~e'd. John B ...... Nov. 21,t 1853. Skinne:-, Amasa ...... 10th Sept. " yl

Names. Date of Admis. Names. Dale of Admi$.

Tbroop, W. II ...... 5th Feb. 1838. Whitehead, F. M ...... 14th Jan. 1822. Talbot, It ...... l~lth June 18.J,1 \\,ilkioson.AI"xander ... 2nd Nov. 1824. Turoer, Robert .J...... 19th Aug. ISH Winterbottom. W. B. ... 31st Dec. 1827. Thorn, A., Jr ...... 9th Aug. 18-1;), Wooll" James ...... 30th Aprl.l830 Thom.on, John E ...... 14th June1S47 Wallis. i\'iIJiam ...... 8th Nov. "

Thompson, D. M ...... lGth •. 'YiJRon, Adam.I .••••••••••• ,. }I'eb. " ~'hompwn, Joseph Rich. 11th " 18-19. "'all'bridge, L ...... 11th H Tilt, '1'hos ...... 9th Aug. ,. \rard, G. C ...... 24th .Tnne 1833 Thomp.on, .J. Richard ... 9th June, 185~. Will" W. B ...... 5th Nov" 'l'remayne, \V. II ...... 0llth Aug. " WiI.on, John ...... 5th Nov. 1834. Torn~y, Hugh ...... l:.!th Feb. 1855. \\'alker, .1"bn ...... 7th " 1836. Warren, T. G ...... 13th Feb. 1837. 'Yilkcf', F. T ...... 12th June " u \\'ills, G. D ...... 6th Aug. 1839. \\·iJ.'"n. II. B...... 17th Jnne1841 Upson, Jobn ...... 10tll Nov. 1848. Woouruff, .T. A ...... 7th Nov. 1844. \\'ilLams, Heorge ...... 2Sth .lan. 1845. Wat.on. D ...... 3rd Feb. 1846. v ,roods, [I. S ...... 2IJth .June " Vankou~bnot,P.~f.(Q.C'1 8th NOT. 1A·!3 ,,''''Ier, If. H ...... 6th Feb. 1847. YarJkoughllet, I\'J. It ...... 3rtl " 1845. Wright, A. R ...... 12tb Feb, 1848. "iLia!' 'V. P ...... ~/lfl Feb.lf'Jti. 1\ ood, G Cottou ...... 5th "1849. -VOlnNorman.G. R ...... l~'h Jllue ~, iI·izard. IT. IT ...... 15th Jun .1s.jO. Tandu8(Jn,O ...... 4th Aug. " ii'aIlLr:Ui!:e. Adam H .... Hlh Feb.1F"1 Vizard. \1'. U. J ...... l.jlh JunelP50 Whitelaw, John ...... 11th " 1852. Vance, J,.". John ...... 8th Sept. 185~. "'i1kinson, .1. ll ...... 3rd Sept. " Wdler, C. A ...... 4th H c, Wittrock. Herman ...... 24th Nov. ]852 w 'Vo()ll, E. n ...... 21st I' 1853. Wilwn, Hobert J ...... 7th Feb. 1854. Week_, Ifm. (TlMri.) ...... lot April, 1798. Wil:'"on, .1. \Y. 1I ...... 5th .June " Ifill

OATH. "I DO sincerely promise and swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Victoria, as lawful Sovereign of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and of this Province, dependent on and belonging to tbe said Kingdom; and that I will defend her to the utmost of my power against all traitor­ ous conspiracies or attempts whatever, which shall be made against her person, Crown and diguity; and that I will do my utmost endea­ Vour to disclose and make known to Her Majesty, her heirs and successors, all treasons and traitorous conspiracies and attempts which I shall know to be against her or any ofthem. And all this I do swear without any equivocation, mental evasion, or secret reser­ vation, and renouncing all pardons and dispensations from any per­ son or power whatsoever to the contrary. SO HELP nlE GOD." "I ALSO DO sincerely promise and swear that I will truly and honestly demean myself in the practice of a Solicitor of the Court of Chancery in this Province, all to the best of my knowledge and ability. SO HELP ME GOD."

Salimt(YI'S' Names. When Sworn. Solicitors' Names. When SWO'I'7I

John Ford Maddock ...... 22d June, 1837. Fred. Frs

Solicitors' Names. When Sworn. Solicitors' ~Names. Jlhen Sworn.

Robcrt Davidson ...... 5th Feb. 1850. W. Johnson ...... lOth Geo. W. Houghton Jun. 1853...... 7th June, 18511. D. R. ~lurpby ...... 1Uth Jun. 1853. George Duk. jr...... 23rd Aug. 1850. D. llraser, jr...... J. Ilallinan 17th Jun. 1853...... 27th Sept.1850. Francis Seott ...... 17th Jun. Alex. Keefer ...... 1853. 4th Oct. 1850. Joseph T. Kerby ...... 5th Sept. 1853. lEmilius Irving ...... 5th Nov. 1850. ~Ioira A Higgins Henry ...... 5th Sept. 1853. It. F. Keele ...... 12th Nov.1850. James PaterFon ...... 5th John G. C.rrall Sept. 1853...... 19tb Nov. 185U. l'hom:" M. Barry ...... 10th Oct. 1853. H. A. lIardy ...... 19tb Nov. 1850. E. B. \\'ood ...... Alex. Uibb 21st Oct 1853...... 22ndNov.185U. Jobn Ble,iDs ...... 21st Oct. William Clegg ...... 1853. 26th NOY.1850. C. P. Simpson ...... ~lst Oct. 1853. (leorge F. Green ...... 29th Nov. 1850. John B He"d ...... Robert 21st Oct. 1853. t:.U"rrctt ...... 3rt! Jan. 1.%1. James G. Cu .. rie ...... 21st Patrick Freeland Oct. 1853...... 7th Feb. 1851. J. lJ. Armour ...... 22nd Oct. 1853. Euwaru Sbortis ...... ,th Feb. 1851. J. Y. Uam ...... William 25th Oct. ]>;5:l. Craigie ...... 3rd Juue, Vi51. James Farley ...... 28th John E. Sturt ...... Oct. 1853. 3rd June, 1851. !tobert ~Ioore ...... 5th Dec. 1853. III. H. Foley ...... 6th June, 11:0,,1. J. C. Hykert ...... Alcx. 13th Feb. 185.1. Morris ...... 6th June, 1851. I\obert VeunHoun ...... 13th C. II. Pinhey ...... Feb. 1854. Gtil June, 18.;1. Charles J Carrall ...... 13th Feb. 1854. John Gl'l'ig ...... loth .Jun.1851. Eo 'L Harris ...... •lames 14th Feb. 1854 • Agnew ...... l~th Jun. 1.'01. George A. Drew ...... 20th Feb. 1854...... 25th Aug.lS1,1. A. "'anton ...... 6th

Solicitors' Names. When Sworn. Solicitors' Names. When Sworn.

Abram T. H. Ball ...... 30th Aug. 1855. Robert Sutherland ...... 10th Sept. 1855. W. MeudeU ...... 11th Feb. 1856. William J. Harper ...... 10thSept.1855. John Davi>on ...... 11th Feb. 1856. Edward Martin ...... 20th Nov. 1855. W. H. Stanton ...... 28th !llar.1856. Henry G. Duck ...... 26th Nov. 1855. D. Ed ward Blak...... 12th May ,1856. Robert MacFarlane ...... 26th Nov. 1855. J. B. Glassford ...... 9th June, 1856. A. G. Fraser ...... 27th Nov. 1855. A. F Scott ...... 9th Jun., 1856. Edward FitzGerald ...... 28th Jan. 1856. Henry W. Peterson ...... 9th JUne, 1856. John Wilson ...... 11th Feb. 1856. L. H. Henderson ...... 12th Jun. 1856.

List of Queen's Counsel, appointed since the Union of Upper and Lower Canada, in and for Upper Canada.

Name. IJate of Appain't. Name. IJate of Appain't.

George Boswell ...... Aug. 28th 1841. Skeffing'n Connor LL.D. Nov. 28th 1850. Jno. Prince ...... Aug. 28th 1841. Ph. ~1.M.S.Vankoughnet " ,. .. (Revoked 12th April, 1850.) John Prine...... April21st1852. Robert Baldwin ...... Sept. 15th1842. (a)Hon. John Ros ...... June22nd1853 Jno. H. Boulton ...... Sept. 15th 1842. (With special preceuenc. next after Wm. H. Draper ...... Sept 15th 1842. William B. Richard •. ) Henry Sherwood ...... Sept. 21st 1842. (b)Wm. B. Richard...... Jun. 21.t1853. Jas. Edward Small...... Sept.2Ist1842. (With special precedence next aft.r S. B. Harrison ...... Jan. 4th 1845. Attorney General BaldWin.) John H. Campron ...... 1 une27th 1846. Kenneth McKenzie ...... Oct. 10th 1853. Hon. R. B. Sullivan ...... Dee. 8th 1846. Oliver Mowat ...... Dec. 29th 1855. Thomas Kirkpatrick ... Dee. 9th 1846. Hon. J.B. Macaulay ...... April 5th 1856. Henry Smith ...... Dec. 10th 1846. Miles O'Reilly ...... Oct. 4th 1856. John A. Macdonald ...... Dec. 11th 1846. A1exander Campbell.... ., " " Wm. Hum. Blak...... Apr! 22nd 1848 Henry Eccles...... " " John S. Macdonald ...... Dec. 13th 1849. Rolland McDonald ...... " Thomas M. Radenhurst Nov. 28th 1850. George B. S. Fellowee ... " " " Wm. Notman...... ,'" James Smith...... U I' " John W. Gwynne...... " " " Gt',orge Sherwood ...... "" Wm. B. Richards ...... Lewis Wallhridge ...... "" Adam Wilsou...... " Samuel B. Freeman...... "" Hon. John Ross...... "" Henry C. R. B~cher...... " " " JOhnlH. Hagarty ...... Nov. 28th 1850. John Wilson...... "

(a) "That you, the said John Ross, do and shall have and take precedence a.a such Coun.el in all our Courts of Law and Equity in that part of our said Province abov.·mentioned. after our Attorn.y and Solicitor·General thereof for the time b.ing. and after all such others of our Conn.ellearn.d in the law for that part of onr said Province as at any time heretofore have held the offic. of our Attorney Genera.l for the Rame, and amongst those of our Bald Counsel who heretofore bave or hereafter shall have held the said office next after the Hon. Wm.Buell Richards." (b) Th. same as a.bove, n.xt afte'r the IIon. RobertBaldwin.

8 List of Registrars, County Court Judges, Sheriffs, Clerks of the Peace, County Court Clerks, Masters in Chancery, &c., in the different Counties in Upper Canada.



Warden ...... Charles S. Peiley... Burford. Treasurer ...... Hamilton Biggar ... Brantford. Registrar ...... T. S. Shenstone ...... Brantford. Clerk ...... John Cameron ...... Brantford. Solicitors ...... Cameron & Rubidge Brantford. Judge of County Court ~ Chair- } S J d man Quarter Sessions...... Jones ...... Brantfor . Sheriff ...... John Smith ...... Brantford. Clerk of the Peace ...... " ...... J. Cameron ...... Brantford. Clerk of County Court ~ Deputy} D C B t" d Clerk of the Crown ...... unean ameron... ran Lor . Judge Surrogate ...... Stephen J. Jones ... Brantford. Registrar Surrogate ...... Walter Rubidge ... Brantford. OZerka of Division Courts:- Division I. Henry Racey ...... Brantford. II. John A. Penton ...... Paris. HI. S. Stanton ...... St. George. IV. W. M. Whitehead ... Burford. V. James Malcolm .... Scotland. VI. Wm. McGruer ...... Tuscarora.



Warden ...... Joseph Hinton ...... Richmond Treasurer ...... Daniel O'Connor ... Ottawa. Regi.,trar ...... Edward Sherwood Ottawa. Cle~~ ...... Charles H. Pinhey Ottawa. Solmlor ...... John Bowen Lewis Ottawa. Judge of County Court ~ Chair- } ., man Quarter Sessions ...... ChrIst r Armstrong Ottawa. Sheriff ...... Simon Fraser ...... Ottawa.. Olerk of the Peace ...... F. C. Powell ...... Ottawa. THE UPPER CANADA LAW DIRECTORY. 75

{}lerk County Court ~ Deputy} H J F' I 0 0",eroJ k .~ Grow n ...... • ne ...... ttawa. Ju.age Surrogate ...... Christ'r Armstrong Ottawa. Registrar Surrogate ...... H. J. Friel ...... Ottawa. Ma8ters and Deputy Registrars {Messrs. Lewis, Fel- } Ott in Court of Chancery ...... lowes, and Powell awa. {}lerks of Division Court:- Division I. George R. Burke... Ottawa. II. J. A. Bryson ...... Richmond. III. John Fenton ...... Huntley. IV. W. D. Pigott ...... Fitzroy Harb. V. W. Cowan ...... North Gower. VI. Ira Morgan ...... Metcalf.



Waraen ...... Randolph Johnson Union. 'llreasurer ...... " ...... Henry Black ...... St. Thomas. [legistrar ...... John McKay ...... St. Thomas. Olerk ...... Wm. McK'ly ...... St. Thomas. ~urveyor ...... C. Fraser...... Port Burwell. rudge County Cour~ ~ Chair-} D. J. Hughes ...... St. Thomas. man Quarter Sesswns ...... ~heriff ...... Colin Munro ...... St. Thomas. 'JZerk of the Peace ...... James Farley ...... St. Thomas. 'Jlerk of ConntyCourt ~ Deputy} Peter Mul'tagh ...... St. Thomas. Clerk of the Crown ...... 'udge Surrogate ...... D. J. Hughes ...... St. Thomas. legistrar Surrogate...... Peter Murtagh...... St. Thomas. 7lerks of Division Courts:- Divi~ion I. Simon Newcomb ... Vienna. II. Wm. Campbell ...... Aylmer. III. James Farley ...... St. Thomas. IV. Wm. Harris ...... Iona. V. Finlay McDearmid Aldborough.



Warden ...... B.S. Macdonell ...... Windsor. "reasurer ...... Geo. Bullock ...... Sandwich. legistrar ...... Jas. Askin ...... Sandwich. ilerlc ...... J. H. Wilkinson ... Sandwich. rolicilor ...... J. H. Wilkinson ... Snndwich. rurveyor ...... O. Bartley ...... Sandwich. 76 THE UPPER CANADA

Judge of County Cou:t 4' Chair-} Alex. Chewett ...... Sandwich. man Quarter SessIOns ...... Sheriff ...... John McEwan ...... Sandwich. Clerk of Peace ...... Charles Baby ...... Sandwich. Clerk of County Court and} Horatio Nelson ...... Sandwich. Deputv (}lerle of Crown .. . Judge Surrogate ...... John A. Wilkinson Sandwich. Registmr Surrogate ...... James Askin ...... Sandwich. Master and Deputy Registrar} Albert Prince ...... Sandwich. Court of Chancery ...... Clerks of Division Courts:- Division I. Joseph Mercer...... Sandwich. II. Alanson Batsford ... Amherstburg. III. J. King ...... Kingsville. IV. Gorllon Buchanan ... Colchester. V. R. Wigfield ...... " Mersea. VI. F. Graham ...... Rochester.


COUNTY TOWN-KINGSTON. Warden ...... D. Roblin ...... Napanee. Treasurer ...... W. Ferguson ...... Kingston. Registrar of Frontenac ...... James Durand ...... Kingston. Registrar of Lenox 0' Addington Isaac Fraser ...... Milhaven. Kingston or Clerk ...... Geo. H. Dellor...... { Napanee. Solicitor ...... Thos. Kirkpatrick.. Kingston. Surveyor ...... D. C. Smith ...... Odessa. Judge County Court and Chair- } K M k . Q C K' t man QuaTtel' Sessions ...... ' ae enZle, .. mgs on. Sheriff ...... Thomas A. Corbett Kingston. Clerk of Peace ...... J. Wandby ...... Kingston. ClerIc of County Court, and De- } P t O'R'1l K' t puty Clerk of Crown...... e er eJ y...... mgs on. Judge of Surrogate Court ...... Geo. A. Cummings. Kingston. Registrar Surrogate Court ...... Isaac Fraser ...... lIlilhaven. Master and Deputy Regislrar Of} J A H d .Ki Court of Chancery...... en erson ... ngston. Clerks of Division Courts:- Division 1. E. A. Burrowes.... Kingston. II. Edward Wright..... Bath. Ill. Edwin Mallory ...... Fredericksb'rg IV. G. S Clapp ...... Napanee. V. W. Whelan ...... Centerville. VI. Edward Upham ...... Loughborough VII. Peter McKim ...... Waterloo. VIII. F. Selden ...... Tamworth. IX. Edwin Mallory ...... Fred'icksburg. X. Samuel Stewart ..... Spikes Corner. XI. Henry Pultz ...... Wilton. XII. Peter McKim ...... Waterloo. LA W DIRECTORY. 77 COUNTY OF GREY.

COUNTY TOWN-GWEN SOUND. Warden ...... 'V. K. Flesher ...... Artemisia. Treasurer ...... F. Le Pan ...... Owen Sound. Registrar...... Thomas Lunn...... Owen Sound. Clerk ...... George Jas. Galc ... Owen Sound. Solicitor ...... J. Creasor Junr ...... Owen Sound. Surveyor ...... Chus. Rankin ...... Owen Sound. Judge County Court, d" Chair-} F d . k T ""lk 0 S d man Quarter Sessions...... re eric . ,,1 es. wen oun. Sheriff...... George Snider ...... Owen Sound. Clerk of Peace ...... Wm. Armstrong .... Owen Sound. Clerk of County Court, and } Deputy Clerk of Crown. Petcr Ingles ...... Owen Sound. Judge Surrogate ...... Frederick T. Wilkes Owen Sound. Registrar Surrogate ...... Peter Ingles...... Owen Sound. Clerks of Division Courts:- Division I. William Smith ...... Owen Sound. II. W. Jackson ...... Durham Vil'g. III. J. Williams ...... ;\Ieaford. IV. T. Rorke ...... Collingwood. Y. G. Armstrong...... Artemisia..


COUNTY TOWN-CAYUGA. Warden ...... William Cook ...... South Caguga. Treasurer ...... Agnew P. Farrell ... Cayuga. Registrar ...... Agnew P. Farrell ... Cayuga. Deputy Registrar ...... G. S. Cotter, jr. ... Cayuga. Clerk...... Francis S.Stevenson Cayuga. Judge County Cour~, ~. Chair-} John G. Stevenson Cayuga. man Quarter SessIOns ...... Sheriff ...... , ...... Richard ;\Iartin ..... Cayuga. Deputy Sheriff ...... E. S. Martin ...... Cayuga. Clerk of Peace ...... ~'hos. H. Aikman .. Cayuga. Deputy Clerk of Peace ...... James Gordon ...... Cayuga. Clerk of County Court, and '\ R. V. Griffith ...... Cayuga. Deputy Clerk of Crown ...... f Judge Surrogate ...... John G. Stevenson .. Cayuga. Registrar Surrogate ...... R. V. Griffith ...... Cayuga. Clerks of Divi8ion Courts:- Division I. W. Thompson ...... Caledonia. II. Dunc. Campbell ..... Cayuga. III. J. Armour...... Dunnville. J { Rainham IV. Wm. ones ...... Centre. V. Isaac Bowman ...... Canbara'. VI. Edward R. Kent.... Williamsville. 78 THE UPPER CANADA COUNTY OF HALTON. COUNTY TOWN--MILTON; Warden ...... James Young ...... Georgetown. Treasurer ...... Geo. Browne...... Milton. Registrar ...... ThoB. Racey ...... Milton. Clerk ...... Francis Hamburgh Milton. Solicitor ...... Gilbert T. Bastedo Milton. Surveyor ...... Henry Winter Milton. Judge County Court ?nd Chair-} Joseph Davis ...... Milton. man Quarter SessIOns ...... Sheriff ...... Levi Wilson ...... Milton. Clerk of Peace ...... Gilbert T. Bastedo Milton. Clerk ~f County Cow'( 4' Dep- };'y L P E Milton uly Clerlcof Orown ...... ' ager...... Judge Surrogate ...... Joseph Davis ...... Milton. Registrar Surrogate ...... W. L. P. Eager ...... Milton. Clerks of Division Courts: Division 1. John Holgate ...... Milton. II. Robt. Balmer ...... Oakville. III. R. Young ...... Stewartown. IV. L. McDonald ...... Acton. V. E. Black ...... Campbellsville VI. Wm. McKay ...... Nelson.

COUNTY OF HASTINGS. COUNTY TOWN-BELLEVILLE. Warden ...... George Benjamin ... Belleville. Treasurer ...... F. McAnnany ...... Belleville. Registrar ...... W. H. Ponton ...... Belleville. Clerk: ...... Thomas Wells ...... Belleville. Solicitors ...... Ross & Bell ...... Belleville. Surveyor ...... James Jamieson .... Belleville. Judge County Court, 4' Chair.} W S t B 11 'il man Quarter Sessions...... m. mar ...... e eVl e. Sheriff ...... J. W.Dunbar Moodie Belleville. Clerk of the Peace ...... J. O'Hare ...... Belleville. Clerk of County Court and} Deputy Cleric of the Crown.. A. G. Northrup ...... Belleville. Judge Surrogate ...... John B. Crowe ...... Frankford. Registrar SW'1'ogate ...... William Bowen ...... Frankford. Master and Deputy Registrar} CPS' Court of Chancery...... " lmpson ...... Belleville. Clerks of Division Courts: Division I. Arch'd Ponton ...... Belleville. II. P. C. Ketcheson ... Sidney. III. H. Holden ...... Shannonville. IV. Robert l\IcCammon Tweed. V. William Judd ...... Sterling. VI. Charles Grenm ...... Madoc. VII. James J. Ryan ...... Moira. VIII. S. 1\1. Washburn ... Canniffton. IX. J. Simmons ...... Trenton. LAW DIRECTORY. 79 UNITED COUNTIES OF HURON AND BRUCE.

COUNTY TOWN-GODERICH. Warden ...... John Holmes ...... Holmesville. TreaauTer ...... George Brown ...... Godel'ich. RegistruT ...... ...... Goderich. Clerk ...... David Hood Ritchie Bayfield. Solicitor ...... Alex. W. Strachan Goderich. Surveyor ...... William Perceval ... Goderich. Judge County Court and Chair- } R b ·t C G d . h man Quarter Sessions ...... 0 el ooper...... 0 enc . Sheriff ...... John McDonald ...... Goderich. Clerk of Peace ...... Daniel Lizal's ...... Goderich. Clerk of County Court and De- } H h J h t G d . h puty Clerk of Crown ...... ug 0 ns on...... 0 onc . Judge Surrogate...... Robert Cooper...... Goderich. Registrar Surrogate ...... Hugh Johnston ...... Goderich. Clerks of Divi:iion Courts: Division I. P. A. McDougall ... Goderich. II. L. Meyers ...... Harpurhay. III. R. Barker...... Penetangore. IV. GeQ. Carter ...... McGillivray. V. Thomas Trivitt...... Devon. VI. John Clark ...... Wawanosh. VII. D. H. Ritchie ...... Bayfield.


Warden ...... James Smith ...... Dawn Mills. Treasurer ...... A. Charteris ...... Chatham. Registrar ...... Alex. Knapp ...... Cllatham. Clerk ...... William Cosgrave ... Cllatham. Judge County Court .and Cha;r-} W. B. Wells ...... Cllatham. man Quarter SessIOns ...... Sheriff...... John Mercer ...... Chatham. Clerk of Peace ...... G. Duck, jr...... Chatham. Clerk of County Court and De- } Thomas A. Ireland Chatham. puty Clerk of Crown ...... Judge Surrogate ...... William B. Wells ... Chatham. Registrar Surrogate ...... George Williams ... Chatham. Master and Deputy Regis/Tar} George Williams ... Chatham. Court of Chancery ...... Clerks of Division Courts: Division I. T. Glendinning ...... Chatham. II. G. Duck ...... Morpeth. Ill. D. Wallace ...... Dawn Mills. IV. G. Young ...... Harwich. V. James Little ...... Erin. VI. R. Mitchell ...... Wallaceburgh. VII. Thos. Ridley...... Clearville. 80 THE UPPER CANADA COUNTY OF LAMBTON.


Warden ...... William R. Vidal... Port Sarnia. Treasurer ...... Alex. Vidal ...... Port Sarnia. Registrar ...... Henry Glass ...... Port Sarnia. Clerk ...... Alex. Scott ...... Port Sarnia. Surveyor...... E. R. Jones ...... Port Sarnia. Judge County Court ~nd Chair-} Charles Robinson ... Port Sarnia. man Quarter SessIOns ...... Sheriff...... Jumes Flintoff ...... Port Surnia. Clerk oj Peace ...... P. T. Poussett ...... Port Sarnia. Clerk oj County Court and De-} J R G '11 Po t S 'a puty Clerk oj Crowl! ...... emIDl ...... r arm. Judge Surrogate ...... Charles Robinson ... Port Sarnia. Registrar Surrogate ...... J. R. Gemmill ...... Port Sarnia. Master and Deputy Registrar} J T D . P t S . Court oj Chance;.'1 ...... " aVls ...... or arma. Clerks oj Division Courts :- Division I. T. Forsyth ...... Port Sarnia. II. J. F. Elliott ...... Warwick. III. G. M. Webster ...... Dresden. IV. T. Carolan ...... Wallaceburgh.


COUNTY TOWN--PERTH. Warden ...... Alex. Moffatt...... Pembroke. Treasw'er ...... William Fraser...... Perth. Registrar ...... James Bell ...... Perth. Clerk ...... WID. R. F. Berford Perth. Judge County Court ~ Chair-) J G M 11 h P th man Quarter Sessions ...... I . . a oc ...... er . Sheriff ...... : James Thompson ... Perth. Clerk oj Peace ...... Wm. R. F. Berford Perth. Clerk oj County Court ...... John McKay ...... Perth. Deputy Clerk oj Crown ...... C. H. Sache ...... Perth. Judge Surrogate ...... D. McMartin ...... Perth. Registrar Surrogate '" ...... C. H. Sache ...... Perth. .Master and Deputy Registrar in} Court oj Chancery ...... Wm. O. Buell ...... Perth. Clerks oj Division Courts:- Division 1. Chas. H. Sache ...... Perth. II. W. Robertson ...... Lanark. III. J. C. Poole ...... Carleton Place IV. Robinson Harper ... Smith's Falls. V. W. Taylor ...... Pakenham. VI. George Ross ...... Renfrew VII. George Brown ...... Douglas. VIII. A. Irving ...... Pembroke. LAW DIRECTORY. 81 UNITED COUNTIES OF LEEDS & GRENVILLE. COUNTY TOWN-BROCKVILLE. Warden ...... E. H. Whitmarsh ... Merrickville. Treasurer ...... J. L. Schofield ...... Brockville. Registrar for Leeds ...... David Jones ...... Brockville. Regi8trar for Grenville ...... John Patton ...... Prescott. Clerk ...... James Jessup ...... Brockville. Solicitors ...... Sherwood & Steele Brockville. Judge of County Cou;t ~ ChaiT- } Worship B.McCleun Brockville. man Quarter SessIOns ...... Sheriff ...... AdieISherwood ...... Brockville. Clerk of Peace ...... J. Jessup...... Brockville. Clerk of County Court g' Deputy} W H C b 11 B k'Il Clerk of Crown ...... m. . amp e... roc Vl e. Judge Surrogate ...... 'lfWorship B.McClean Brockville. Registrar Surrogate ...... ".. .. James Jessup ...... Brockville. Master and Deputy Registrar in} W h' B 1\1 Cl B k ille Court of Chancery...... ors lp .. c eun roc v . Clerks of Division Com·t8 :­ Division I. John B. Jones ...... Brockville. II. V. Knapp ...... Prescott. III. Joseph McKelvey .. . Gananoque. IV. R. Leslie ...... Kern ptville. V. 1\1. Kelley ...... Merrickville. VI. John Warren ..... : .. . Beverly VII. H. 1\1cCre::t ...... Frankville VIII. .Jnmes B. Stevens .. . Newborough. IX. W. W. King ...... Farmersville. X. Thos. Robertson .. . Spencerville. XI. Wm. Lyman ...... N. August::t. XII. Alfred A. M nnro .. . M::tllorytown. * George Malloch, Esq. is Judge-~rr. McClean's appointment is temporary during the former's absence in England.

COUNTY OF LINCOLN. COUNTY TOWN--NIAGARA. Warden ...... George Rykert ...... St.Catharines. Trea8urer ...... Daniel McDougal... Niagara. Registrar ...... John Powell ...... Niagara. Clerk ...... Joseph A. Woodruff Niagara. Solicitor ...... John M. Lawder ... Niagara. Judge Count.!f Court ~nd Chair- } Edward C. Campbell Niagara. man Quarter Ses8IOns ...... Sheriff ...... Wm. Kingsmill ...... Niagam. Clerk of Peace ...... James A. Woodruff Niagara. Clerk 'Of County Court ...... J. Clench ...... Niagara. Deputy Clerk of Crown ...... W. D. Miller...... Niagara. Judge Surrogate ...... W. Claus ...... Niagara. Regi8trar SU'l'rogate ...... Chas. B. Secord ... Queenstown. 82 THE UPPER CANADA

Master go Deputy Registrar in} J. A. Woodruff •••••• Niagara. Court oj Chancery ...... Clerks oj Division Courts;- Division I. W. B. Winterbottom Niagara. II. T. Burns ...... St. Catbarines. III. A. Morse ...... Smithville.

COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX. COUNTY TOWN-LONDON. Warden ...... Thomas Moyle ...... Metcalfe. Treasurer ...... W. 'V. Street ...... London. Registrar ...... H. Burwell ...... London. Clerk ...... Wilslm Mills ...... London. Solicitor ...... John Vvilson ...... London. Surveyor ...... William McIntosh ... London. Judge County Court and Chail'- } H J E S II London. man Quarter Sessions...... on... rna .. . Sheriff ...... James Hamilton ... London. Clerk oj Peace ...... J. B. Askin ...... London. Clerk oj County Court and De- } J B A k' London. puty Clerle oj Crown ...... SIn ...... Judge Surrogate ...... H. Allen ...... Niagara. Registrar Surrogate...... J. FitzJohn Harris. London. Mastel' and Deputy Registrar} J Sh I' L d Court of Chancery...... an y, Jr...... on on. Clerks of Division Courts: Division I. J. C. Meredith ...... London. II. Jobn Irvine ...... Lobo. III. James Reilly ...... Junct. Westm. IV. W. F. Bullen ...... Delaware. V. A. Hatchi ...... Wardsville. VI. J. Keefer ...... Strathroy.

COUNTY OF NORFOLK. COUNTY TOWN-SIMCOE. Warden ...... Walker Powell ...... Port Dover. Treasurer ...... Henry Groff ...... Simcoe. Registrar ...... F. L. Walsh ...... Simcoe. Clerle ...... James Ermatinger Simcoe. Surveyor ...... W. L. Smith ...... Simcoe. Judge County Court and Chair- } .. man Quarter Sessions ...... WIlham Salmon ...... Simcoe. Sheriff ...... H. V. A. Rapelje... Simcoe. Clerk of Peace ...... W. 1\1. Wilson ...... Simcoe. Clerle oj County Court and} Deputy Clerle oj Crown...... A. B. Rapelje ...... Simcoe. Judge Surrogate ...... William Salmon ... Simcoe. LAW DIRECTORY. 83

Regi8trar Surrogate ...... W. M. Wilson Simcoe. Olerks oj Division Oourt8: Division I. A. B. Rapelje Simcoe. II. Oliver Blnke ...... Waterford. III. D. Dodge ...... Windham Cen. IV. Thomas Jenkins .... Rolph. V. William Hewitt ... Vittoria. VI. Andrew McLenna .. Port Rowan. VII. Thomas Chamberlin HoughtonCen.

UNITED COUNTIES OF NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM. COUNTY TOWN-COBOURG. Warden ...... H. Jones Ruttnn ... Cobourg. Treasurer ...... Asa A. Burnham ... Cobourg. Regi8trar jor Northumberland ... Hon. G. S. Boulton Cobourg. Registrar jor Durham ...... George C. Ward ... Port Hope. Clerk ...... Morgan Jellett ...... Cobourg. . . { Messrs. Smith & } SollC'ltors ...... " Armour Cobourg. Surveyor ...... •"" ...... Francis Booth Cobourg. Judge Oounty Oourt ?nd Ohair-} G. 1\1. Boswell ...... Cobourg. man Quarter SessIOns ...... " Sheriff ...... Henry Rnttan '''''' Cobourg. Olerk oj Peace ...... T. Ward ...... Port Hope. Olerk oj Oounty Ocurt and De- } R. D. Chatterton ... Cobonrg. puty Clerk oj Orown '"'''''' Judge Surrogate ...... G. M. Boswell ...... Cobourg. Registrar Surrogate ...... i\1. F. Whitehead ... Port Hope. Master and Deputy Regi8trar} W. H. Weller ...... Cobourg. Oourt oj Ohancery ...... """ Olerks oj Division Oourt8: Division I. C. C. Neville ...... BowmanvilJe. II. S. Wilmot " ...... Newcastle. III. J. T. Day ...... Port Hope. IV. J. M. Brodie ...... Milbrook. V. Thomas Eyre ...... Cobourg. VI. James G. Rogers ... Grafton. VII. G. S. Burrell ...... Colborne. VIII. Henry Rowed ...... Seymour East. IX. E. H. Smith ...... Brighton.

COUNTY OF ONTARIO. COUNTY TOWN-WHITBY. Warden ...... , ...... John H. Thompson. Connington. Trea8urer ...... William Paxton, jr. Whitby.; Registrar ...... " ...... John H. Perry ...... Whitby. Olerk ...... H. J. MacDonell ... Whitby. 84 THE UPPER CANADA

Solicitor ...... H. J. MacDonell Whitby. Judge County Court .and Chair-} Z. Burnham ...... Whitby. man Quarter SessIOns ...... Sheriff...... N. G. Reynolds ...... Whitby. Clerk of Peace ...... , ... H. J. MacDonell ... Whitby. Clerk of County Court and De· }J. V. Ham ...... Whitby. puty Clerk of Crown ...... Judge Surrogate ...... Z. Burnham ...... Whitby. Registrar Surrogate ...... J. V. Ham ...... Whitby. Clerks of Division Courts: Division I. Levi Fairbanks...... Whitby. II. J. Wilson ...... Pickering. III. Richard LioneL..... Port Perry. IV. John L. Gould ...... Uxbridge. V. J. Metcalf...... Cannington. VI. Charles Robinson ... Beaverton.

COUNTY OF OXFORD. COUNTY TOWN-*WOODSTOCK. Warden ...... D.Matheson, M.P.P Embro. Treasurer ...... James Kintrea ...... Woodstock. Registl'ar ...... J. Ingersoll ...... Woodstock. Clerk ...... W. H. Landon ...... Woodstock. Judge of County Cou,rt ff Chair- } D. S. McQueen ...... Woodstock. man Quarter SeSSlOns ...... Sheriff ...... " .. James Carrall ...... Woodstock. Clerk of Peace ...... Wm. Lapenotiere ... Woodstock. Clerk of County Court Dep -} . ,/, C ff James Kmtrea ...... Woodstock. u ty Cl er k OJ rown ...... Judge Surrogate ...... Wm. Lapenotiere ... Woodstock. Registrar Surrogate ...... J. G. Vansittart ... Woodstock. Clerics Division Courts :- " Division. I. G. W. Whitehead ... Woodstock. II. S. Cowan ...... Dereham. III. D. Matheson ...... Embro. IV. James Barr ...... Norwich V. David Canfield ...... Ingersoll. VI. Charles Hawkins ... Tilsonburgh.


COUNTY TOWN-STRATFORD. Warden...... Thos. B. Guest ...... St. Mary's. Treasurer ...... , ...... Alex. McGregor ... Stratford. Rrgistrar ...... Wm. Smith ...... Stratford. Clerk ...... Stewart Campbell ... Stratford. Solicitor ...... E. F. Ryerson ...... Stratford. Surveyor ...... Joseph G. Kirk ...... Stratford. LAW DIRECTORY. 85

Judge County Cou.rt and Chair- } man Quarter Sessions ...... R. Burrett ...... Stratford. Sheriff ...... Robt.Moderwell ... Stratford. Clerk of Peace ...... John J. E. Linton ... Stratford. Clerk of County Court 9' Deputy} Clerk of Crown ...... Alex. McGregor '" Stratford. Judge Surrogate ...... R. Burrett ...... Stratford. Registrar Surrogate ...... Alex. McGregor ... Stratford. Crown Lands Agent ...... John Sharman ...... Stratford. Clerks of Division Courts:- Division I. Raby Williams...... Stratford. II. T. Matthieson ...... Mitchell. III. Dr. Coleman ...... St. Mary's. IV. W. Cossey...... Shakespere. V. SamueIWhaley ...... West's Corners

UNITED COUNTIES OF PETERBORO' AND VICTORIA. COUNTY TOWN-PETERBORO', Warden ...... Wm. Cottingham ... Emily. TreasuTtr ...... Walter Sheridan ... Peterboro'. Registrar for Peterboro' ...... Charles Rubidge .... Peterboro'. Registrar for Victoria ...... Hartley Dunsford ... Lindsay. Clerk ...... Walter Sheridan ... Peterboro'. Solicitor ...... George Dunsford ... Peterboro'. Surveyor ...... : ...... John Reid ...... Peterboro'. Judge County Cour~ 9' Chair-} Geo. B. Hall ...... Peterboro'. man Quarter SessIOns ...... Sheriff ...... "...... James Hall ...... Peterboro'. Clerk of Peace ...... Geo. O. D'Olier ...... Peterburo'. Deputy Clerk of Crown and} Clerk of County Court ...... Thos. Fortye ...... Peterboro'. Judge Surrogate ...... George B. Hall ...... Peterboro'. Registrar Surrogate ...... Thos. Fortye ...... Peterboro'. Crown Lands Agent ...... Walter Crawford ... Peterboro'. Clerks of Division Courts:- Division I. J. Hall, Sen ...... Peterboro' . II. Jas. Foley ...... Norwood. III. Geo. Reid ...... Keene. IV. T. Matchett ...... Metcalf. V. W. J. Logie ...... Lindsay. VI. John R. Lytle ...... Oakwood. VII. J. Ferguson ...... Woodville.

UNITED COUNTIES OF PRESCOTT & RUSSELL. COUNTY TOWN-L'ORIGNAL. Warden ...... " ..... Archd. McBean ... E. Hawkesb'ry Treasurer ...... J. W. Marston ...... L'Orignal. Revis/rar for Preleot ...... S. M. Cushman ...... L'OrignaL 9 86 THE UPPER CANADA

Registrar for Russell •...... James Keays ...... Russell. Olerk ...... Peter O'Brien ...... Russell. Judge Oounty Oourt.and Ohair- } Peter Freel ...... L'Orignal. man Quarter SessIOns ...... Sheriff ...... C. P. Treadwell ...... L'Orignal. Olerk of Peace ...... Donald lIIcDonald ... L'Orignal. Olerk Oounty Oourt ll' Deputy} J. W. Marston ...... L'Orignal. Olerk of Orown ...... Judge Surrogate ...... W. K. McKenzie ... Vankleekhill. Registrar Surrogate ...... J. W. Marston ...... L'Orignal. Olerks of Division Oourts:- Division I. S. M. Cushman ...... L'Orignal. II. C. Waters ...... Vankleekhill. III. C. S. Ouimette ...... Hawkesb'ryV. IV. A. Hagar ...... Plantagenet. V. John S. Cameron ... Cumberland.

COUNTY OF PRINCE EDWARD. COUNTY TOWN--PICTON. Warden ...... Absalom Greely ... Demorestville. Treasurer ...... R. J. Chapman ...... Picton. Registrar ...... J. B. Roblin ...... Picton. Olerk ...... Norman Ballard ... Picton. Judge Oounty Oourt ~ Ohair-} D L F . fi ld P' t man Quarter Sessions...... aIr e ...... IC on. Sheriff...... James lIIcDonald ... Picton. Olerk of Peace ...... Philip Low ...... Picton. Olerk of Oounty 00111'1 ~ Deputy l J h T . P' t Olerk of Orou'n ...... Jon Wlgg ...... IC on. Judge Surrogate ...... Hon Sim'nWashburn Picton. Registrar Surrogate ...... Samuel Merrill ...... Picton. Olerks of Division 001lrts:- Division I. John P. Downes ... Picton. II. Thos. Cook ...... Milford. III. S. Solmes ...... Northport. IV. R. C. H. Cotter ...... Holmes' Mills. V. W. Young ...... Wellington. VI. Harvey Spafford ... Cherry Valley. VII. J. 11. CaJman ... Consecon. VIII. E. W. Wright ...... Marysburg.

COUNTY OF SIMCOE. COUNTY TOWN-BARRIE. Warden ...... James Sanson ...... Orillia. Treasurer ...... Edmund Lally ...... Barrie. Registrar ...... George Lount ...... Barrie. Olerk ...... John Strathy ...... Barrie. Solicitor ...... John Strathy ...... Barrie. Surveyor...... Henry Creswick ... Barrie. LAW DIRECTORY. 87

Juage Oounty Oourt ana Ohair- } man Quarter Sessions ...... J. R. Gowan ...... Barrie. Sheriff...... B. 'V. Smith ...... Collingwood. Olerk of Pe(J.ce ...... William B. McVity .. Barrie. Olerk of Oounty Court ...... JonathrLll Lane ...... Barrie. Deputy Clerk of Crown ...... H. H. Gowan ...... Barrie. Judge Surrogate ...... J. R. Gowan ...... Barrie. Registrar Surrogate ...... J .. Lane ...... Barrie. Olerk of Division Oourts: Division I. Thomas Lloyd ...... Barrie. II. John F. Davies ...... Bradford. III. F. S. Stephens ...... Tecumseth. IV. Andrew Jardine .. . Notta wasaga. V. John Craig ...... Flos. VI. Adam Paterson .. . Orillia. VII. John Little Mulmur. VIII. George ~Ic)Ianus ... Mono Mille.

UNITED COUNTIES OF STORMONT, DUNDAS AND GLENGARY. COUNTY TOWN-CORNWALL. Warden ...... DonaldA.McDonald Alexandria. Treasurer ...... R. :McDonald ...... Cornwall. Registrar for Stormont...... George C. Wood ... Cornwall. Registrar for Dundas ...... Alex. McDonell ...... Morrisburgh. Registrar for Glengary ...... D. A. }IcDonalc1 ... Alexandria. Olerk ...... P. J. McDonell ...... Cornwall. Solicitor ...... P. J. McDonell ...... Cornwall. Surveyor ...... John S. Bruce ...... Cornwall. Judge Oounty Court and Chair-} G S J' C 11 man Quarter Sessions...... eorge. arVlS... ornwa Sheriff...... Daniel E. McIntyre Cornwall. Deputy Sheriff ...... Angus Bethune ...... Cornwall. Olerk of Peace ...... J. Pringle...... Cornwall. Olerk of County Court and De-} Robertson~IcDonell Cornwall. puty Olerk oj Crown ...... Judge Surrogate ...... George l\IcDonell ... Cornwall. Registrar Surrogate ...... Alex. McLean ...... Cornwall. Master and Deputy Registrar} John McDone 11 ...... Cornwa I1. (J, our t 0if Oh ancery ...... Olerks of Division Courts: Division I. J. McRae ...... Williamstown. II. J. McPherson ...... Lochiel. III. W. M. Park ...... Cornwall. IV. J. Bockus ...... Osnabruck. V. John W. Louchs ... Williamsburg. VI. John S. Ross ...... Matilda. VII. W. J. Ridley...... Mountain. VIII. J. A. Cockburn ...... Finch. IX. Peter Stuart ...... Lancaster. X. J. McQuaig ...... Winchester. 88 THE UPPER CANADA COUNTY OF WATERLOO. COUNTY TOWN-BERLIN. Warden ...... John Scott ...... Berlin. Treasurer ...... Charles Stanton .... Berlin. Registrar ...... David S. Shoemaker Berlin. Clerk ...... William Davidson ... Berlin. Solicitor ...... lEmilius Irving ...... Galt. Judge County Court ~nd Chair- } William Miller ...... Galt. man Quarter SessIOns ...... Sheriff ...... George Davidson ... Berlin. Clerk of Peace ...... Thos. Miller ...... Galt. Clerk of County Court and De-} James Colquhoun ... Berlin. pltty Clerk of CrolOn ...... Judge Surrogate ...... William Miller...... Galt. Registrar Surrogate...... A. J. Peterson ...... Berlin. Clerks of Division Courts; Division 1. William Davidson ... Berlin. II. Otto Klotz...... Preston. III. Henry McCrum ...... Galt. IV. George Colcleugu ... Ayr. V. J. Allchin ...... New Hamburg VI. l\I. P. Empy ...... Hawkesville. VII. James l\lirrielees ... Canestogo.

COUNTY OF WENTWORTH. COUNTY TOWN-HAMILTON. Warden ...... John Heslop ...... Ancaster. Treawrer ...... J. Kirkpatrick ...... Hamilton. Registrar ...... Alex. Stewart ...... Hamilton. Clerk ...... " .. Charles O. Counsell Hamilton. Solicitor ...... J. O. Hatt ...... Hamilton. Surveyor ...... F. J. Rastrick ...... Hamilton. Judge County Court and Chair- ) . man Quarter Sessions ...... j A. LogIe ...... Hamilton. Sheriff...... E. C. Thomas ...... Hamilton. Clerk of Peace ...... P. B. Spohn ...... Hamilton. Clerk of County Court and De- } A d St t H'I puty Clerk of Cr010n ...... n rew uar...... amI ton. Judge Surrogate ...... Oliver Springer ...... Hamilton. Registrar Surrogate ...... George Rolph ...... Dundas. Master and Deputy Registrar} W'lli L H '1 Court of Chancery ...... I am eggo...... amI ton. Clerkl of Division Courts: Division 1. W. R. McDonald ... Hamilton. II. A. F. Begue ...... Dundas. III. John Hatt...... Waterdown. IV. Wm. W. Barlow ... Rockton. V. J. S. Bradley ...... Stony Creek. LAW DIRECTORY. 89 COUNTY OF WELLAND. COUNTY TOWN-MERRITSVILLE· Warden ...... John Fraser ...... Fonthill. Treasurer ...... Arch'd Thompson ... Montrose. Registrar ...... Dexter D'Everardo. Fonthill. Olerk ...... Dexter D'Everardo. Fonthill. Solicitors ...... MacDonald&Rykert St. Catharines. Judge Oounty Oourt and Ohair- } H W P . M't ill man Quarter Sessions ...... ervey. nee... ern sv e. Sheriff ...... Robert Hobson ...... Fonthill. Olerk of Peace ...... LorenzoD.Raymond Merritaville. Olerk of Oounty Oourt, and} N th T F't h M 't ille Deputy Clerk of the Orown... a an . 1 c... errl sv . Judge Surrogate ...... Hervey W. Price ... Merritsville. RegiltrQ1' Surrogate ...... Dexter D'Everardo. Fonthill. Olerks of Division Oourts: Division I. A. L. Cummins ...... Merritsville. II. L. S. Yokom ...... Marshville. III. James Stanton ...... Fort Erie. IV. Edward Burton ...... Chippewa. V. Jacob Keefer ...... Thorold.


COUNTY TOWN-GUELPH. Warden ...... Charles Allan ...... Elora. Treasurer ...... William Hewat ...... Guelph. Registrar ...... H. W. Peterson ...... Guelph. Clerk ...... A. D. Ferrier ...... Fergus. Solicitors ...... Fergusson&Kingsmill Guelph. Surveyor ...... Francis Kerr...... Guelph. Judge Oounty Oourt and Ohair-} A h'd M D ld G I h man Quarter Sessions...... rc ac ona.. ue p . Sheriff...... George J. Grange ... Guelph. Olerk of Peace ...... Thomas Saunders ... Guelph. Olerk of Oounty Oourt and De- } J II h G I h puty Olerk of Orown ...... ames oug ...... ue p . Judge Surrogate ...... Arch'd MacDonald .. Guelph. Registrar Surrogate ...... Thomas Keating Guelph. Olerks of Division Oourts: Division I. Alfred A. Baker Gnelph. II. William Leslie ...... Puslinch. III. Wm. McCarthy ...... Rockwood. IV. J. Cadenhead ...... Fergus. V. William Tyler ...... Erin. VI. John Cadenhead ... Elora. VII. John Cookman ...... Allansville. VIII. Thomas Grieve ...... Arthur. lX. Alex. McCosh ...... Reading. 90 THE UPPER CANADA LAW DIRECTORY. UNITED COUNTIES OF YORK AND PEEL. COUNTY TOWN-TORONTO. Warden' ...... J. Hartman, ~I.P.P. Aurora. Treasurer ...... J. S. Howard ...... Toronto. Registrar ...... John Ridout ...... Toronto. Olerk ...... John Elliot ...... Toronto. Judge Oounty Oourt and Ohair-} S B H' Toronto. man Quarter Sessions ...... arrlson ...... Sheriff ...... F. W. Jarvis ...... Toronto. Olerk of Peace ...... G. Gurnett ...... Toronto. Olerk of Oounty Oourt and} . ,'th 0 Walter McKenzIe Toronto. D epu ty 01 er k 0/ e rown .. .. Judge Surrogate ...... S. B. Harrison ...... Toronto. Registrar Surrogate ...... W. J. FitzGerald ... Toronto. Olerks of Division Oourts: Division I. A. MeL. Howard... Toronto. II. C. Keller ...... Unionville. III. J. Greive ...... Richmond-hill. IV. J. C. Hogaboom ... Sharon. V. Mark Mossington ... Sutton. VI. A. Armstrong ...... Lloydtown. VII. A. Agar...... Burwick. VIII. John Paul...... Weston. IX. A. Simpson ...... Streetsville. X. T. McKenna ...... Brampton. XI. T. Switzer ...... Sandhill. LOWER CANADA JUDICIARY.

aueen'.s llench. Ohief Justice ... Hon. Sir L. H. LAFoNTAINE, Bart. ••. Montreal. Hon. TaoniAs CUSIIING AYLWIN ...... Montreal. "JOHN FRANCIS DUVAL ...... Quebec. Puisne Juages { " RENE E. CARON...... • Quebec.


Qtft'euft Qt.oUt't. r s. G. THOMPSON, Esq •.•...... New Carlisle. HYPOLITE GUY, Esq ...... •...... •.• Montreal. WILLIAM POWER, Esq...... •..•..... Quebec. JOHN S. MCCORD, Esq ...... Montreal. Judges ...... 1I JEAN C. BRUNEAU, Esq ...•...•.•..... Montreal. ANDRE TASCHEREAU, Esq ...••...... Kamouraska. J. F. DEBLOIS, Esq...... •.••..•...•..• Gaspe. [ DAVID RoY, Esq ...... , Chicoutimi. WILLIAnI K. MCCORD ...... Aylmer.

~fce ~bmft'alt!? QtOUt't. Judge ....••... '" The Hon. H. BLACK ...... Quebec. Regi,trar ...... CHARLES DROLET ...... Quebec. 92 THE UPPER CANADA

Clecrk Bankrupt} G. H. KERNIOK ...... Montreal. ourt ...... /

Recorder ...... The Hon. JOSEPH BOURRET ...... Montreal. Attorney General " G. E. CARTIER .••.•..•• 9th Nov. 1835. Solicitor General. DUNBAR Ross, Esq ...... 2nd Feb. 1835. HENRY DRISCOLL ...... 21st May, 1823. C. S. CHERRIER ...... 23rd Aug. 1822. The Hon. L. T. DRUMMOND...... 5th Sept. 1836. JOHN ROSE, Esq ...... 13th Sept. 1842. Queell' ~ G I ir FREDERICK GRIFFIN ...... 23rd Dec. 1824. ounse HENRY JUDAH ...... 29th May, 1829. NORBERT DmIAs ...... 25th Nov. 1834. S. C. MONK ...... 23rd Aug. 1837. [ The Hon. L. V. SICOTTE ...... 28th Sept. 1837. T. J. J. LORANGER ...... 22nd Ap'l, 1844.

JUDICIAL OFFICERS, LOWER CANADA. Clerk of Appeals. J. U. BEAUDRy ...... Montreal. Deputy Do. CHARLES DROLET ...... Quebec.

DISTRICT OF QUEBEC. Prothonotaries ...... E. Burroughs...... Quebec. " ...... L. Fiset...... Quebec. Deputy P. S. C...... J. B. R. Dufresne ...... Quebec. " " ...... J. H. R. Burroughs...... Quebec. Clerks of Crowll ...... James Green...... Quebec. " " ...... P. Doucet...... Quebec. Deputy Clerk of Crown ... P. Bender...... Quebec. Shaifl ...... W. S. Sewell ...... Quebec. Deputy Sheriff ...... John Von Exter ...... Quebec. Clerks of Peace ...... Jumes Green ...... Quebec. " " ...... P. Doucet...... Quebec. Deputy Clerks of Peace ... P. Bender...... Quebec.

DISTRICT OF MONTREAL. Pruthonotm·ies...... S. W. Monk ...... Montrea.l. " ...... W. C. H. Coffin ...... Montreal. " ...... L. J. A. Pupineau ...... Montreal. Deputy P. S. C...... John Honey ...... Montreal. Clerk oj Crowll ...... A. M. Delisle ...... Montreal. Deputy Clerk of Crown ... C. E. Schiller ...... Montreal. Sheriff...... John Boston...... Montreal. Deputy Sheriff...... M. H. Sanborn...... Montreal. Clerk of Peace ...... A. 1\1. Delisle ...... Montreal. "" W. H. Brehant...... Montreal. Deputy Clerk of Pe~~~::::: c. E. Schiller ...... Montre~l. LA W DIRECTORY. 93

DISTRICT OF THREE RIVERS. Prothonotary ...... E. Barnard ...... Three Rivers. Deputy P. S. 0 ...... N. A. DuBerger ...... Three Rivers. Olerk of Orown ...... E. Barnard ...... Three Rivers. Deputy Olerk of Orown ... N. A. DuBerger ...... Three Rivers. Sheriff...... J. G. Ogden ...... Three Rivers. Deputy Sheriff...... Henry Ogden ...... Three Rivers. Olerk of Peace ...... L. U. A. Genest...... Three Rivers. Deputy Olerk of Peace .... P. E. Magnan ...... Three Rivers.

DISTRICT OF ST. FRANCIS. p,·othonoiaries ...... John Short ...... Sherbrooke. " ...... L. E. Morris...... Sherbrooke. Olerk of Oroll·n ...... J. Short ...... Sherbrooke. "" L. E. Morris...... Sherbrooke. Sheriff...... F. G. Bowen ...... Sherbrooke. Deputy Sheriff...... C. Whitcher...... Sherbrooke. Olerk of Peace...... J. Short...... Sherbrooke. " "...... L. E. Morris...... Sherbrooke.

DISTRICT OF KAMOURASKA. Prothonotaries ...... Philippe Chalon ...... Kamoumskn. Charles Dery...... Kamouraska. Olerk of the Orown ...... Philippe Chalon ...... Kamouraska. " Charles Dery...... Kamoumska. Sherijf...... Ovide Martineau...... Kamouraska. Olerk of the Peace ...... Philippe Chalon ...... Kamouraska. " " Charles Dery ...... Kamouraska.

DISTRICT OF GASPE. Prothonotaries ...... John Wilkie ...... Gaspe. " Peter Winter ...... Bonaventure. Olerk of Orown ...... John Wilkie ...... Gaspe. " " Peter Winter...... Bonaventure. Sherijf...... Martin Sheppard ...... Gaspe. Olerk of Peace ...... John Wilkie ...... Gaspe. " " Peter Winter ...... Bonaventure.

DISTRICT OF OTTAWA. Prothonotary...... A1mll Lafontaine ...... Aylmer. Olerk of Grown...... " Aylmer. Sheriff...... L. M. Coutlee ...... Aylmer. Clerk of Peace...... A. Lafontaine ...... Aylmer. 94 THE UPPPR CANADA

COMMISSIONERS IN UPPER CANADA, Appointed by the Hon. the Judges of the Superi'Jr Conrt for Lower C[lnada, under statute 19 Vic. cap. 88, for taking affidavits to be used in Lower Canada. George Futvoye, Esq., Barrister...... Toronto. E. L. Montizambert, Esq ...... Toronto. R. A. Harrison, Esq., Barrister ...... Toronto.

COMMISSIONERS IN LOWER CANADA, Appointed by the Hon. the Judges of the Court of Queen's Bench in Upper Canada, under stlltute1:2 Vic. cap. 77, for taking affidavits to be used in Upper Canada. T. Doucet, N. P ...... l\fontreal. James Court, Esq ...... Montreal. J. J. C. Abbott, Advocate ...... Montreal. John H. Isaacson, N. P ...... l\Iontreal. Alexander Morris, Advocate ...... Montreal. W. B. Lambe, Advocate ...... l\fontreal. F. W. Torro.nce, Aclvocate ...... Montreal.


HIGH COURT OF CHANCERY. Lord nigh Chancellor .. . LORD CRANWORTII. Ma3ter of the Rolls ...... Right Hon. Sir .JOHN ROmLLY, Knt. Lord's Justices ...... Right Hon. Sir J. L. KNIGHT BRUCE, Knt. " " Right Hon. Sir GEORGE JAS. TURNER, Knt. Vice Chancellors ...... Right Hon. Sir R. T. KINDERSLEY, Knt. " " Sir JOHN STUART, Knt. " " Sir W. P. WOOD, Knt.

COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH. Lord Chief Justice ...... Lord CAMPBELL. Puisne Judges ...... Sir J. T. COLERIDGE Knt. " " ...... Sir WILLIAM WIGHT~AN Knt. " " ...... Sir WILLIAM ERLE, Kut.'

" '-" ••••••• 0 •••• Sir CHARLES CROMPTON, Knt. LAW DIRECTORY. 95

COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Lord Ohief Justice ...... (Vacant.) Puisne Judges ...... Sir C. CRESWELL, Knt. .. Sir EDWARD YAUGHAN WILLIAMS, Knt • " " Sir R. B. CROWDER, Knt. " " Sir JAMES SHAW WILLES, Knt.

COURT OF EXCHEQUER. Lord Ohi~f Baron ...... Right Hon. Sir FRED'K J. POLLOCK, Knt. Puisne Barons ...... Sir E. H. ALDERSON, Knt. Sir T. J. PLATT, Knt. " Sir SAMUEL MARTIN, Knt. " " Sir G. W. BRAMWELL, Knt.


ECCLESIASTICAL COURT. Vicar General ...... , .. TRAVERS TWISS, D,C.L. Judge of Arches Court. } Judge Prerogative Co't. Sir JOHN DODSON, Knt. D.C.L. Master of Faculty Office. Judge of Consistory Co't. Right HOD. S. LUSHINGTON, D.C.IJ. Judge of Admiralty C't. " "" " Queen's Advocate Gen'l. Sir J. D. IhnDIXG, Knt., D.C.L. Attorney Gen'l. Sir A. J. E. COCKBURN, Knt. " Solicitor Gen'l. Sir R. BETHELT., Kut.

COURT OF BANKRUPTCY. LONDON ComIISSIONERS. Ohief Commissioner ..... JOSHUA EVANS, Esq. Commissioners ...... J. S. 1\1. FONBLA/(QUE, Esq. " ...... K. G. C. FANE, Esq. " ...... E. HOLROYD, Esq. " ...... EDWA.RD GOULBURN, Esq.


COURT OF SESSION-INNER HOUSE. bt Divis-L'd President. DUNCAN McNEILL (Lord Colonsay). " Judges ...... JAMES IVORY (Lord Ivory). (Two vacancies.) 2d Divis-Ld Justice elk. Right Hon. JOHN HOPE. " Judges ...... Sir JOHN ARCH'D MURRAY (Lord Murray). " " ALEXANDER WOOD (Lord Wood). " " JOHN COWAN (Lord Cowan). Outer House ...... PER;\IANENT LORDS ORDINARY ...... JOHN MARSHALL (Lord Curriehill). " ...... 0...... ROBERT HANDYSIDE (Lord Handyside). " ...... • I-IERCe-LES J. ROBERTSON (Lord Benholm). " ...... CHARLES NE.\VES (Lord Neaves). " ...... JAMES CRA"GFORD (Lord Ardwillinm).

COURT OF JUSTICIARY. Lord Justice General .... DUNCAN McNEILL. Lord Justice Clerk ...... Right Hon. JOHN HOPE. Commissioners ...... LORDS COWAN...... " I,TORY...... " 'VOOD...... IIANDYSIDE. Lord Advocate ...... Right Hon. J.\}IES l\10NCRIEFF. Solicitor General ...... EDWARD FRANCIS MAITLAND. There is no division of Common Law, Equity, Civil Law, or Admiralty in the Scottish Courts; but the whole business, Civil and Criminal, Original and Appellate, is discharged by the Conrt of Session. For the transaction of Civil business it is divided into two divisions, each discharging precisely the same fnnctions. One con­ sists of the Lord Justice General and three Puisne Jndges-the other of the Lord Justice Clerk and three Puisne Judges. The other five judges sit separately ns permanent Lords Ordinary. They pronounce judgment in the first instance; and their judgment may be cnrried for review before either of the Inner Divisions. The Criminal bnsiness is discharged by the Lord .Tustice General, the Lord Justice Clerk, and four other judges who are appointed Judges of Justiciary under a separate commission. IRISH JUDICIARY.

COURT OF CHANCERY. Lord Ohancellor ...... Right Hon. MAZIERE BRADY. Master of the Rolu ...... Right Hon. T. B. C. SMITH.

COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH. Lord Ohief Justice ...... Right Hon. THOMAS LEFROY. Puisne Judges ...... Hon. PHILIP C. CRAMPTON. " " Right Hon, LOUIS PERRIN. " " Right Hon. RICHARD MOORE.

COURT OF COMMON PLEAL Lord Chief Justice ...... Right Hon. JA~IES H. l\fONAHAlII. Puisne Judges ...... Hon. ROBERT TORRENS. " Right Hon. NICHOLAS BALL. Ie " Hon. J. D. JACKSON.

COURT OF EXCHEQUER. Lord Ohief Baron ...... Right Hon. D. R. PIGOTT. Puisne Barons ...... Hon. RICHARD PENNEFATHER. "" Right Hon. JOHN RICHARDS. " Right Hon. RICHARD W. GREENE• .Attorney General ...... W1LLIA~1 KEOGH, Esq. Solicitor General ...... JOHN DAVID FITZGERALD, Esq.

ECCLESIASTICAL COURT. Judge of Prerogative O't. Right Hon. R. KEATINGE. Vicar General ...... JOSEPH RADCLIFFE, Esq.


Table of the distribution of the personal Estates of In· testates, according to the Laws of England and Upper Canada.

If the Intestate die leaving} His personal representa.tives take Wife lind child, or children. ... thus: One third to wife, rest to child or children; if children dead, then to their representatives (that is, their lineal descendants), ex­ cept such child or children (not heirs at law) who had estate by settlement of intestate, in his life time equal to the other shares. Half to wife, rest to n~xt-of-kin Wife only ...... _...... in equal degrees to intestate or { their legal representatives. ., {All to next-of-kin and to their No Wife or child...... legal representatives. Child, children, or their re-} All t h' h th presentatives...... 0 1m, er or em. Children by two wives...... Equally to all. If no child, children or repre-} All to next-of-kin in equal degree sentatives...... to intestate. Child or grandchild...... Half to child, half to grandchild. Husband...... Whole to him. Father and brother or sister. Whole to father. Mother and brother or sister. Whole to them equally. Wife, mother, brother, sisterS} Half to wife, residue to mother, and nieces...... brother, sisters and nie


THESE Terms are regulated by Statute 9 Vic. ch. 7, sec. 3; and for the year 1857 will commence on the 9th of March, 8th of June, 19th of October, and 7th of December. The Sittings for 1857 will commence on the 6th of January, 7th of April, 7th of July, and 1.7th of November.

ADVERTISEMENTS. < 101 HENRY RO'¥SELL, :aC>C>~SELLER., ~1f£.tfQfDTIrEJra .;~ U:l~tQu:Ju~I~~ KING STREET, TORONTO, Publisher of the Upper Canada Law and Equity Reports, q-c.} ~·c.

LAW B LAN K S, Conveyancing, Chancery, Common Law, County Court, Md Magisterial forms, &c., &c., always on hand.

BOOK-BINDING In all its various branches, executed with neatness and dispatch. ACCOUNT BOOKS made to order, and ruled to any pattern. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, Executed in a superior manner by steam-power, on the mOIJt reasonable terms, and shortest notice.

BOOKS, OR ANY ARTICLE connected with the business, procured to order from Europe or the .

ORDERS FOR BOOKS, Or any other article sent to Europe every mail, and received weekly per mail or express. BEACON Fire and Life Insurance Office, VICTORIA BUILDINGS, RICHMOND ST. LONDON, CANAD,9\. WEST. T. W. LAWFORD, AGENT. 102 ADVERTISEMENTS. LA'vV STATIONERY, &c. MESSRS. MACLEAR & CO. Would beg to call the attention of the Legal Profession to their new and large assortment of OFFICE STATIONERY, Consisting of many useful aud ornamental novelties in Copying Presses, Writing CaBes Port Folio., Ink Stands, Envelope Cases, Date Boxes, Newspaper and Letter File.,'Tapor Stands, and Roger's Sheffield Desk and Pocket KniveB, &c. In Law Stationery and Blanks, they have Deeds on Paper and Parchment, Full Covenant, and ditto under the Statute; Mortgages of all kinds; Skins cf Writing Parchment in variOUB BizeB, and of Buperior quality. Also, Subpcenas, Cognovih, Writs of Summons, Notices to Admit, Affidavits of Service; Chancery BlankB,&c. LAW BLANKS PRINTED TO ORDER, with new and superior type imported for this purpose, with the utmost promptitude. MAC LEAR & CO., Publishers. IN THE PRESS, THE CANADIAN RAILWAY REPORTS, COMPILED BY S. M. JARVIS, ESQ., BARRISTER-AT-LAW. Parties desiring this Work will please ,ena their names to the Publisher•• MAC LEAR & Co., Publishers. THE COMMON LAW PROCEDURE ACT, 1856, THE COUNTY COURT PROCEDURE ACT, 1856, AND THE NEW RULES OF COURT, WITH NOTES OF ALL DECIDED CASES DIRECTLY EXPLAINING OR OTHIIR­ WISE ELUCIDATING THE STATUTES AND RULES, TOGETHER WITH AN APPENDIX: CONTAINING THE FIRST AND SECOND REPORTS OF THE COMMON LAW COMMISSIONERS, UPON WHICH THE ENGLISH STATUTES ARE BASED. By ROBERT A. HARRISON, B.C.L., RARRISTER-AT-LAW. COMPILER OF" ROBINSON &; HARRISON'S" DIGEST. Price, 25s. MACLEAR & Co., Publishers. LATELY PUBLISHED, PRICE $1, THE NEW RULES OF PRACTICE, AND THE PROPOSED NEW RULES OF PLEADINC Of the Queen's Bench and Common Pleas, Upper Canada, with Schedule of Forms, and Tabla of Costs under the Common Law Procedure Act, 1856, with Notes. Edited by W. G. DRAPlIR, M.A. Barrister-at-Law. ' MAC LEAR & Co., Publi8hers. =====A=D=V=E=R=T=I=S=E=M=E=N=T=S=,====1=03 II ROBERT MCPHAIL, HIPORTER OF Wftriting l!autrs, ~tathmtr~ «~nom ~nutr, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Publisher of the National School Books (by authority,) PRINTER, MANUFACTURER OF BLANK BOOKR, &c.. &c. Blank Books made up to order, ruled to any pattern, paged and bound in any style, 45 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO, WILLIAM SLADDEN, :PAR.LIAMENTAR.Y AGENT FOR PRO~IOTING OR OPPOSING PRIVATE OR LOCAL BILLS BEFORE THE LEGISLATURE, IS ALSO PREPARED TO GIVE HIS ATTENTION TO Claims in the Crown Land and Board of Works Department, or before the Heir and Devisee Commission. APPLICATION FOR PATENTS; RECEIVING AND FORWARD­ ING SALARY AND OTHER MONEY WARRANTS, Petitions, Bills, and other Documents Drafted, OFFICE-NO.28 EXCHANGE, WELLINGTON ST. TORONTO. ENCLISH tc AMERICAN

• • • Ii , • '" ; • i .. fft•• • : :: " : " : :f').. " : " : ". ~ Q LAW m..! ®' ®' X ~ The subscribers are prepared to supply through their London and correspondents, and on the most favorable terms, all fJ~rDmrags [?wG1 lbtl \j"J ID©@ITr~t published in Great Britain, that may be confided to them for execution, Being also in constant correspondence with Messrs, Little, Brown & Co" of Boston, Banks, Gould & Co" of New York, and T, and J, W, Johnson & C~" of Philadelphia, they can supply promptly all their Law Reports and other publications, Engli:h and American Law Catalogue, 811pplicd gratuitou8ly to applicants wuhing to order, ANDREW H. ARMOUR, & CO., King Street West, Toronto. 104 ADVERTISEMENTS. THOMPSON & CO., 'D .~ iPp ~r .f!. ~S~ Ie' if . ~~ j@ S Jt) GUf U (.t:~ ~.::J ~ JrJl JU JQl £l.. , STA.TIONEltS & PRINTERS, KING STREET, EAST, TORONTO; Respectfully announce that they have reopened those extens~ve premises, No. 52 King Street East, with an entirely new and vaned stock of every article connected with the Booksclling and Stationery husiness, purchased in the he"t markets, on the best terms, and which they are prepared to offer reasonably. An extensive and varied assortment of STANDA~~ AND APPROVED NEW WORKS, always in stock, and all the new

promptly procured to order. Orders for Books and Newspapers made up for the United States every Saturday, and for Europe the FIRST and THIRD SATURDAYS in each month. ORDERS AIlE PROMPTLY EXECUTED, by the Book-posts from Europe, or by Steamers. V'V"B..ITING- PAPEB.., of every description, in Royals, ~iediums, Foolscaps, and Pots-all qualities and prices; Plain, Wedding, lIlourning and Fancy Stationery, of every description. ~QC,QU;N/1l' 8fb Q·lfii~R BJ~~N~ ~A@E:R ~iQQ,K.S!l Manufactured to order, and bound and" ruled to any pattern.

MESSRS. T. & Co. are the publishers of the CANADIAN MUNICIPAL MANUAL, Price ten shillings; and the mCD ill (E; 51 ifn J) l1:J£ [k rn iU U~ f]J id 11~ Price five shillings. Legal, Magisterial, Connty, and Municipal Blank Forms, all the kinds used in the Province. Every description of BOOK AKD JOB PRINTING executed in a Superior Style, and on the Lowest terms. Offices of the Daily Coloni8t, Brilish Colonist and News 01 thB Week. ADVERTISEMENTS. 105






TO THE LEGAL PROFESSION. STEVENS & NORTON, LAW PUBLISHERS, AND FOREIGN & COLONIAL BOOKSELLERS, BELL YARD, TEMPLE BAR, LO~DOX, EXGLAXD, Having for many years past been fuvored with the putronnge of many of the most eminent members of the Bnr in Cnnadu, and being desirous of meeting the increasing wants of the Legal Profession, hll.ve sent out a considerable stock of LAW BOOKS FOR THEIR INSPECTION,AT THE MOST MODERATE PRICES. In returning their best thanks for the support their Agent, MR. R. W. HAYNES, has been fuvoured with, Messrs S. & N. respectfully request a continuance of the patronage of the profession, and beg to draw their attention to the increased facilities of communication that now exist (both by post and mail steamers) between England nnd Canada, so that by ordering their Books Direct from England they will save considerable time, and at least 20 per cent. in money. Catalo~ues (Grati,) may be had upon application to S. J- N, or their Agent in Toronto.


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CHANCERY. Back Sheets to Bills. Order to servo Bill out of jurisdiction. -----to Answers. --to amend Bm. Affidavits of service of Bill. --- to produce documents. ------of Decree"or Order. ---- (four day order.) Notices ofliling Answer. . Affidavit on production of documents. -----Replkation. Subprenas ad tu/. Notice of Motion to dismiss Bill. Warrants. Judge's Appointments. Injunctions. Appointments to Bettie and pass. Appeal Bonds. Affidavits of Execution of do. ------to examine Witnesse!!l. Certificates lis pendens. Notice to examine parties. Notice of 1Il0tion for decree or decretal Order to appoint Guardians ad. litem. order. • --for security for costs. Affitlavits of disburscments. COMMON LAW. Writ of Summons (special endorsement). INotice of pu tting in Bail. ------(without) Notices to Plead. ------, British Rubject, out of __ to Reply. jurisdiction. ---- to Admit. Notice of Writ, Alien do" --_ to Produce. Writ of Summons against Garnishee (to --- of Trial. shelv cause.) --__ of Assecsment. Affidavit of "ervice of summons. • - ___ of Examination of PlaintiJf or Prrecipe for Summons. Defendant. Affidavit of Mileage. ___ of Taxation. Appearance Forms. Rule Ei;i for New Trial. Capias before Action. Order to enlarge Rule Nisi. --after Action. Rule absolute for New Trial. Writ of Revivor. Summons for writ of Trial in County ---Attachment against Absconding Court from Superior Court. Dcbtor. Order for do. Ejectment Summons. -_ for weekly allowl1nce. Writ of Replcvin. Affidavits of Service. Civil Subprena n. R. " C. P. --__ -ofDisbursemcnt.. Criminal Subprena (Gmnd Jury.) Cognovits. . (before Court.) Satisfaction Pieces. Bail-pieces to Limits. Nisi Prius Submissions. Special do. to Action. Warrants of Attorney and Docquet. Affidavits of justification of Bail. COUNTY COURT. Summon. especial endorsement.) Capias belore Action. ---- (without.) --- after Action. ----British subject out U. Canada. Writ of Revivor. Notice of Writ, Alien do. --- Replevin. Writ of Summons against Garnishee (to Subprena. flhew cause.) Insolvency Notices. Appearanc~ Forms. Advertisements of filing Petition, ole. Attachment against Absconding debtor. Also, the various Forms used by the Clerks of tho County Courts. MAGISTRATE'S BLANKS. Information. Warrant of Commitment. Search Warrant. ---- under remande Summons to Defendant. Recognizance. Warrant to arrest Defendant. Criminal BaiL piece. Summons to Witness. I A L SO, Deeds and Writings Engrossed and Copied; Petitions, Memorials and Addresses prcpar€d; Parliamentary Records Engrossed; Law Blanks filled up-with the other huainesB of a Law Stationer's Offic •. LAW OLERKS' REGISTRY. The Subscriber begs leave respectfully to state, that for the convenience of Town and Country Barristers he haa opened a Registry of Barristers requiring Clerks,and Clerks recently arrived or seeking engagements. J. RORDANS, Law Stationer, Ontario Hall, Ohurch Street, Toront:,jJ ,