Indonesia - a Winning Nation

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Indonesia - a Winning Nation MCI (P) 20/07/2014 President Declares Indonesia - A Winning Nation Tax Amnesty INVITATION TO INVESTORS It’s Now or Never The Time is NOW New Era in Maritime & Air Transport KADIN: How the Economy is Shaping Up SPECIAL PUBLICATION BY THE EMBASSY OF INDONESIA, SINGAPORE OPPORTUNITY INDONESIA 2016 A Congratulations REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA INDEPENDENCE DAY Batamindo Industrial Park Bintan Resorts - Plaza Lagoi Bintan Resorts - Nirwana Gardens GALLANT VENTURE Indonesia’s Partner in Progress Gallant Venture Ltd is an Indonesia focused investment Batamindo Industrial Park holding company headquartered in Singapore. We are an integrated automotive group with coverage across Indonesia and master planner for industrial parks and resorts in Batam and Bintan. Since our establishment in the 1990s, we have been an important innovator in four key business segments – utilities, industrial parks, resort operations and property development. Our businesses are well-positioned to leverage on the strategic Bintan Industrial Estate proximity of Singapore and the strategic alliance between the Singapore and Indonesia governments. Our landmark development projects include the Batamindo Industrial Park, the Bintan Industrial Estate and Bintan Resorts, with more prime developments in the pipeline slated for completion in the near future. Bintan Industrial Estate GALLANT VENTURE LTD Address: 3 HarbourFront Place #16-01 Harbour Front Tower Two Singapore 099254 Tel: +65 6389 3535 Fax: +65 6396 7758 B OPPORTUNITY INDONESIA 2016 CONTENTS Publisher’s Note 2 FEATURES Indonesia - A ‘Winning’ Nation President Jokowi Independence Message 4 4 Tax Amnesty: It’s Now or Never 8 A New Era: Maritime & Air Transport 20 IN CONVERSATION HE I Gede Ngurah Swajaya 6 TRADE & INVESTMENT KADIN: How Economy is Shaping Up 14 18 BKPM: Speedy Startups 16 GARUDA: Strengthening Connectivity 18 CUISINE FOOD & BEVERAGE: If You Have a Taste for Travel 22 INDONESIA FACT SHEET 24 ADVERTORIALS TOURISM: BLR Bedazzles 10 PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT: Gallant Venture Ltd - 12 Noting Ventured, Nothing Gained 12 8 13 MICA (P) 20/07/2016 This commemorative special is published under the advocacy of HE I Gede Ngurah Swajaya, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia, Singapore. © Copyright 2016 by Sun Media Pte Ltd. The opinions, pronouncements or views expressed or implied in this publication are those of contributors or authors. They do not necessarily reflect the official stance of the Indonesian authorities nor their agents and representatives. The aim of this publication is to guide and provide general information. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of all information contained, the publisher cannot be held liable for loss incurred in any way whatsoever by a company or a person relying on this information. For further inquiries, contact: The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, 7 Chatsworth Road, Singapore 249761 Website: OPPORTUNITY INDONESIA 2016 1 PUBLISHER’S NOTE The TAKE OFF HAS BEGUN The level of activity and government action focused on investment and development is almost unprecedented. In fact, problems in infrastructure development, corruption and red tape are fast becoming problems of the past. In short, Indonesia really means business... UNDER President Joko Widodo the country One of the most committed stakeholders, His is making discernable progress. In August, Excellency I Gede Ngurah Swajaya, the new he reshuffled his cabinet, signaling a renewed Indonesian Ambassador to Singapore, is less than commitment to economic progress. The new six months into his term but has hit the ground cabinet includes steady old hands with the running and his economic agenda only signals his experience and expertise to bring Indonesia to vigour. We hope you heed his message that now the next level. This is great news for investors who is the right time to invest. He highlighted how appreciate Indonesia’s stability and the leadership’s the recent tax amnesty provides a local option to political will to open up the economy and promote Indonesians enticed by offshore financial hubs. trade and investments. Indeed the deal is a sweet one for anyone who wants to grow their funds and make a difference - In this issue of Opportunity Indonesia we talked if they act now. We are optimistic about the future to the major stakeholders who also offer their of Indonesia and we hope you will be too. Happy advice and share the opportunities that await the reading and Happy 71st Birthday Indonesia! Singaporean investor. Nomita Dhar Publisher & Editor-in-Chief PUBLISHER Sun Media Pte Ltd EMBASSY EDITORIAL BOARD Dwi K.I. Miftach, Aisyah Endah Palupi and EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Nomita Dhar Melati Sosrowidjojo EDITORIAL Syed Jaafar Alkaff EMBASSY WEB LIAISON Muhamad Alamsyah Foo Yong Han PRINTING Stamford Press Pte Ltd ADVERTISING & MARKETING Alan Kanas, Neha Jain, Tan Yu Xian EDITORIAL OFFICE Sun Media Pte Ltd, 20 Kramat Lane #01-02 United House, Singapore 228773 PHOTO CONTRIBUTIONS Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Tel: (65) 6735 2972 / 6735 1907 / 6735 2986 Singapore, Visit Indonesia Tourism Office, Fax: (65) 6735 3114 Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, E-mail: [email protected] Muhamad Alamsyah, Valerius Reza Boenawan and Michael Ozaki Website: 2 OPPORTUNITY INDONESIA 2016 OPPORTUNITY INDONESIA 2016 3 HospitalBrandAd-SeniorCouple-A4-PATH.indd 1 8/22/2016 12:05:46 PM PRESIDENT’S INDEPENDENCE DAY MESSAGE Indonesia - A ‘Winning Nation’ In commemoration of the 71th anniversary of Indonesia’s independence on 17 August 2016, President Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo put emphasis on self-improvement among the civil sector and innovation at a national level on 16 August at the State of the Nation address PRESIDENT Widodo spoke on issues infrastructure development, of national development, the economy, preparing productive capacity terrorism and securing Indonesia’s and human resources sovereignty. He used Indonesia’s 71st and deregulation and de- anniversary of independence as a bureaucratisation. rallying cry to politicians and people alike “to win the competition, to serve The president then touched humanity, and to achieve equitable on the economy. He said the progress”. government’s bureaucracy has The President urged leaders and members of the state to continue their cooperation with one another and improve their communication channels and operational procedures in order to gain the trust of the public. He pointed out that productivity was highest in the history of Supreme Court in terms of settling cases until the end of last year and highlighted that should be the type of benchmark public officers should aspire to accomplish. “Teamwork and good cooperation have, so far, eased our efforts to carry out the mandate of the people,” the president said. Swinging the spotlight from the civil sector to the people of Indonesia, he strongly advised that the country needs to leave its comfort zone been deregulated and simplified to spending policy and financing policy. in order to become a “winning nation.” speed up services and boost investment The budget sets next year’s growth and productivity. He added that more target at 5.3 percent and inflation at “We must be creative, innovative, than 3,000 regulations related to trade 4.0 percent. Rupiah exchange rate is optimistic and willing to help each and investment had been revoked targeted at 13,300 per US dollar. The other. Without the courage to leave because they were not enabling president is confident the 2017 budget our comfort zones, we will continue to economic development. would meet its aims and use this year’s face poverty, unemployment and social global economic slowdown to stress his inequality,” exhorted the president. President Widodo also revealed point. He highlighted that Indonesia’s the proposed 2017 state budget economic growth had reached 4.92 To facilitate the “winning nation” at his speech. He mentioned percent in the first quarter of this year, mentality, the president stated the spending priorities for 2017 include higher than the average growth level of government is focusing on three education, tourism, health, food and the world economy. breakthrough measures to eradicate energy security as well as maritime poverty, unemployment and social sovereignty. The budget is based on The president later turned the inequality. They are – expediting three basic policies – taxation policy, attention to something more serious 4 OPPORTUNITY INDONESIA 2016 PRESIDENT’S INDEPENDENCE DAY MESSAGE “Maka, apapun bidang yang kita geluti, jadilah yang terbaik. Dengan kerja nyata bangsa Indonesia bisa menjadi pemenang, dengan kerja nyata bangsa Indonesia bisa menjadi bangsa yang maju, berdaulat, mandiri, dan berbudaya” - Presiden Joko Widodo “We should do our best in whatever field of endeavour we undertake. Only then we can be winners and Indonesia be a developed, sovereign and cultured nation.” - President Joko Widodo in his State of the Nation address 16 August 2016 (Top left clockwise): Indonesian Presidential Honour Guards and students in the National Flag Raising Ceremony in Jakarta on 17 August 2016 – terrorism. After incidents this year vessels off the gas-rich Natuna Islands and China, the president emphasised including the January terrorist attacks in recent months. Beijing claims the Indonesia is committed to the peaceful in Jakarta which left eight people dead, waters around the islands as part of its resolution of international conflicts, and the
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