Tymshare Tymnet Passport 1984
INTRODUCTION This 17 a directory of Tyrnnc~cusromers who offer computrr and data servlccs throuph thcTYMNET" puhlicdata communications nctwork. It ~nclude~only sr~bscrlherrwho choow to he l~~tcdfor public rercrcncc. Customers whose facilbtier are solely lor intcrnal use are not included. The first qection, TYMNET Suhrcr~hers.'Fislscustomers in alphlihetical order. wtlh hnef dcscriplions ofthcbr orpanlratlonr and nfCcrinps. Each entry tncludes an address, telephone number, and contact person, and the computer%rhrouph whlch thc cu~tomcr'rservice< arc provided. The iecnnd and zhlrd section<, 'f1:tta Raws Avallahle Through TYMNET'and 'Major Appltcatlons :Software Facilit~e~Avallahle Throuph TYMN FT.'cenc US quick rderencc puidcs to the k~nd\of ~nforrnationnnd serviccf ofkrcd hy TY MVF't suhscrihets. Further ~nlorrnat~rmabout specific computcr scrviccr and data base'; may bc obtained from thc rcspectlve orptni7a1inns that provlrlc them. These compurer-based senice? can be acccssed w~tha local telephone call in huntlrcd\ of metropolltan area5 in he United State\ and morc than 60Corergn countries In almost all other counrricr, accers 1s available viaTclcx Acces~lo a \vcific ~ubscribcr5systcm must be authori~edhy thar wb$crrber. TYMNET A McOunnell Douglas Company 2710 Orchard Parkway ;,?'YMNET, Inc . 1984 L~thorn U S A San Jose. Calrfornla 95134 The 2400 bpsDifference ---- . lnmrn! nn-Pnc de:rbnam a! nunin-s nm- MORE FOR LmS. AWD 15H7Mbf WHAT lo~lt-ra.And tr10leogsr Ikr auslaan, the m'9 4LL ABOI1T7 qm+tsr lhe p~Mlorol*dllg'l In tlrnc- Go1 gr urr,!? for Snlrn lmn mon?v pr;7:!TFD ir,lqKECT mnrn lt>fo-~tW~nrng:,r!l,nrl F;\lrvFA YPEv::.I: :YMW ?40ohp- DIRAID b?-~:r An-! 1b:~I,7 13t1.1 ?1M b.'rrtnrn.: TYWVCi W ~lll-fly.lyh=%:;t.~~P O~::LI<~~FL< ..,,- ,,,., ,.: rprl!r IIPW w,,rb.
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