Oral History of Ann Hardy
Oral History of Ann Hardy Interviewed by: Brock, David C. Weber, Marc Hsu, Hansen Recorded July 11, 2016 Mountain View, CA CHM Reference number: X7849.2017 © 2016 Computer History Museum Oral History of Ann Hardy Brock: Well, Ann, thanks again for agreeing to sit with us and talk with us. Hardy: And I want to thank you-- Brock: Oh. <laughs> Hardy: --for getting me to do this because I have finally gotten some of my personal history together in one place, which I’ve been promising my daughters I would do for about 30 years. <laughter> Hardy: They are very happy with you. <laughs> Brock: Excellent. Well, I’m glad. I thought we could begin at the beginning, and I know that you were born in Chicago-- Hardy: Right. Brock: --in 1933, and I was just wondering on what day you were born and what your given name was. Hardy: Well, I was born on April 20th and my name is Ann Caryl, and you spell Caryl A-N-N, C-A-R-Y-L. Brock: And you grew up in Evanston, Illinois, is that correct? Hardy: Yes, we moved to Evanston when I was five so I could go to kindergarten in Evanston schools, stayed there until-- well, my mother stayed there until she died. I left-- <laughter> Hardy: --but it worked. CHM Ref: X7849.2017 © 2016 Computer History Museum Page 2 of 132 Oral History of Ann Hardy Brock: Well, could you tell us a little bit about your family of origin, about your mother and your father and their family backgrounds?1 Hardy: They both grew up in Chicago and they were both from very religious families, but their children didn’t turn out too-- <laughs> but that influenced enormous amount of their attitude.
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