F. Teixeira De Salles, *Literatura E Consciencia National, Belo Antonio Paim, *Historia Das Ideias Filosoficas No Brasil, Spo, G
Latin-American Studies 41 BRAZILIAN LITERATURE By CHARLES M. KELLEY, Department of Hispanic Studies, University College, Cardiff I. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND GENERAL F. Teixeira de Salles, *Literatura e Consciencia National, Belo Horizonte, Imprensa Oficial, is well rev. by Rui Mourao, CoiL, 20:95-6, though his synopsis of the book is rather con- voluted. According to MGSL, 2 November, the revd ed. of Antonio Paim, *Historia das Ideias Filosoficas no Brasil, SPo, Grijalbo/Univ. SPo, has net advantages over the first ed. G. B. Rossi, *A Literatura Italian e as Literaturas de Lingua Portuguesa, 0, Telos, 1973, 224 pp., devotes four chaps to Brazilian lit. By the same author is *Letteratura Brasiliana, Naples, Cymba, 294 pp., a lit. history followed by an anthol. MGSL, 5 January, gives news of the publ. of Assis Brasil, *A Nova Literatura, Historia Critica da Literatura Brasileira. 0 Romance., SPo, Americana, 1973, the first vol. of a series designed to cover the novel, short story, poetry and lit. criticism of the last 15 years. N. N. Coelho has publ. R, Jose Olympio, Literatura e Linguagem, 389 pp., a course book which ranges very wide and often degenerates into lists of names, and *0 Ensino da Literatura, the first vol. of a projected 3-vol. work. Benedito Nunes, MGSL, 24 August, expresses reservations about Luis Costa Lima, *A Metamorfose do Silincio, R, Eldorado, in which C.L. applies the structuralist approaches enunciated in his *Estruturalismo e Teoria da Literatura, Petropolis, Vozes, 1973, to Guimaraes Rosa's `Buriti' and Mello Neto's Uma Faca so Lcimina. Despite the title, Ivan Cavalcanti Proenca, Literatura no Vesti- bular, R, Catedra, 117 pp., contains some worthwhile crit.
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