This Center for Community Progress Design Style Guide helps employees, contractors, and partners champion and strengthen our identity. Through consistently implementing these guidelines, we will help grow and expand the of our work to grow equity and eliminate widespread property vacancy, abandonment, and deterioration.

styleguideAug 13, 2020

For additional information contact:

Jovan Hackley | Director of Communications Center for Community Progress

1001 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 1235 Washington, DC 20036

[email protected] (877) 542-4842 Introduction / Contents

Introduction Brand standards and visual guidelines are an essential component of telling and growing the Community Progress story. While our brand will continue to be both living and dynamic, the elements and standards shared here contribute to a consistent visual identity, increased connection with our key stakeholders, and, ultimately, the increased impact for and in the communities served by Community Progress.

Please contact the Communications department if you have questions about using these guidelines or applying them to your internal or external materials.

Jovan Hackley Christina A. Carter-Grant Director of Communications Communications Officer (877) 542-4842 | ext. 153 (office) Office: (877) 542-4842 | ext. 162 [email protected] [email protected]

Contents 2 Introduction 3 Company overview 4 Message architecture 5–6 Message / voice 7 The Center for Community Progress logo 8 Logo files and formats 9 Using the Community Progress logo 10 Logo colors 11 Color scheme formulas 12 Brand color scheme 13 Color and type - ADA compliance 14–16 17–18 Imagery / photos

2 Company overview

Name and name references First mention should always spell out the full name with capitalization as shown: Center for Community Progress. The next and future mentions within a document should be Community Progress. Our mission At the Center for Community Progress, we work to foster strong, equitable communities where vacant, abandoned, and deteriorated properties become assets for neighbors and neighborhoods. We accomplish this mission through collaborative systems, policy, and practice reforms.

3 Message architecture

acant Spaces BIG IDEA into ibrant Places

BRAND We provide stakeholders with the policies tools and resources they need to POSITIONING build strong euitable communities where vacant, abandoned, and deteriorated How are we relevant, unique? properties are transformed into assets or neighbors and neighborhoods.


EQUITY/OPPORTUNITY COMMUNITY TOOLS & RESOURCES LEADERSHIP • Equity thru revitalization • Community-focused partner • Land banking experts • National leaders BRAND • Resources to build equity • Together we will • Research/reports • Building connections • Transforming properties transform communities • Webinars, conferences • Strategic vision, innovation PILLARS transforms lives • Place-based engagement • National communities • Thought partners What we build upon • Address systemic causes • Connectors of practice • Sustainable approach • Healthy communities • Local, resident-driven • Local, state, federal policy • Funding makes • Advocacy • Best practices practice possible • Information “hub”

PROOF POINT Policies tools and resources that transform places into strong vibrant communities. Reasons to believe

4 Message/voice By Primary Stakeholder Group

Voice Stakeholder groups Our goal is to communicate the human impact We have identified four primary stakeholder groups: that occurs when vacant, abandoned and deteriorated properties are revitalized and 1. PRACTITIONERS turned into vibrant spaces and community 2. FUNDERS assets. This will be done in part through the photos used and in part through the 3. INFORMATION MINERS messaging and stories told. 4. RESIDENTS Stakeholders see Community Progress as a national leader. Words they use to describe The messaging will be slightly different depending Community Progress are shown in the on which group you are addressing (though there is message architecture, above. These words overlap). Stories may also shift slightly within each may be used to tell our story; similar words group. For example, Information Miners may include that communicate the same intent/thought local government officials or members of the media. may also be used. Because so much of our In many cases, their intent in searching for information work is technical in nature, images may be will be different, so the message will need to be used to supplement the message/story. adjusted accordingly.

Sample messaging PRACTITIONERS n Knowledgeable team members from Community Progress provide technical assistance for local governments to revitalize vacant and abandoned properties, turning them into vibrant assets that build community. n Communities of Practice convened by Community Progress connect practitioners from across the country to share success stories and learn from Community Progress experts and each other. n The experts at Community Progress are available to help by connecting local government representatives with resources on land banking and best practices to revitalize communities. n Commuity Progress understands equitable revitalization plans require an understanding of the systemic causes of inequity. n Community Progress helps connect communities with funds to complete their revitalization projects

FUNDERS n Community Progress is a national leader and thought partner, filling a critical need and offering solutions to address vacant, abandoned, or deteriorated properties and improve our communities. n Community Progress provides policies, tools, and resources to help transform neighborhoods into strong, vibrant communities. n Community Progress drives equitable revitalization by building partnerships and educating stakeholders.

5 Message/voice (continued)

Sample messaging

INFORMATION MINERS n Community Progress provides valuable research and reports to help you revitalize your community. n Community Progress shares best practices in free webinars that provide actionable takeaways for participants. n The experts at Community Progress provide data, reports and other resources on land banking and best practices to revitalize communities. n Communities of Practice convened by Community Progress connect interested parties from across the country to share success stories and learn from Community Progress experts and each other.

RESIDENTS n Community Progress can help you turn vacant, abandoned, or deteriorated properties into neighborhood assets that build community. n Vibrant communities benefit everyone. Connect with Community Progress to revitalize your community today. n Our plans focus on systemic causes of inequity with the goal of social justice and equitable revitalization.

6 The Community Progress logo

Primary logo Secondary logo An example of a secondary logo is the single-color all white on an orange background version. This version is recommended for instances when the logo needs to be presented in its simplest form: • When a flood of orange is used for impact, like on a banner, decal or cover page The primary use of the Community • Instances where there will be heavy copy or busy graphics dominating a layout Progress logo will be in orange and • Specialty items when limited to a single gray on a white background. imprint color (T-shirts, coffee mugs, etc.)

Clear space Minimum logo size Always keep a minimum clear space around the The minimum size the Community Progress logo. Try to use the height of the Community logo should be reproduced is 1.375” wide. The Progress as a guide for clearance. This exception for this guideline is when the logo space isolates the mark from any competing or symbol appears smaller on screen as a graphic elements like other logos or body copy social media avatar or favicon. that might lessen the impact of the logo.

Shaded area is clear zone


Social media avatar Two options are available for the profile pic area on social media platforms. The same options should be used for favicon graphics.

7 Logo files and formats

To access the Community Progress logo, please visit:

print screen print screen print screen print screen print screen & video & video & video & video & video Below are file formats, their description and where they are used.

print screen print screen print screen print screen print screen & video & video & video & video & video .eps .jpg .pdf EPS (encapsulated postscript) JPEG files are compressed digital PDF stands for the portable files are known as vector drawn files usually in RGB (red, green, document format, used art. EPS files can be scaled to any blue) color profile. JPEGs are to display images and size without losing image quality. the most common format for documents in an electronic This is the format requested by photographs. The JPEG format form independent of the most printers and sign vendors. may be used for logos, but, software, hardware or EPS filesprint can bescreen utilized by both because most logos will contain operating system they Macintosh and& Windows video PC typography, JPEGs will be lower are viewed on. PDFs have applications. in quality than PNG files. JPEG become a standard storage files can be printed on in house format because they provide printers but should not be used to maximum compression while print screen send to vendors or offset printers. maintaining image quality. & video (Send EPSprint files to printersscreen or PDF files can be utilized by vendors.) JPEG files& canvideo be both Macintosh and Windows .png utilized by both Macintosh and PC applications. PNG (portable network graphics) Windows PC applications. files are compressed raster graphics files that were created print screen as an improved replacement for & video gif files. PNG files are an ideal format for logos in that they .tif don’t lose as much information TIFF or TIF files are tagged image in the compression process files similar to JPEG format. and therefore are higher quality TIF files can be saved without than jpeg images. PNG files can compression, so they will be be saved with a transparent higher quality than jpegs, however, background and can be used for the file size can tend to be very internal documents, websites, large. TIF files are used primarily social media, and emails. You for print, when the highest can definitely print a PNG, but possible image quality is required. you’d be better off with a JPEG TIF files can be utilized by both (lossy) or TIFF file. Png files can Macintosh and Windows be utilized by both Macintosh and PC applications. Windows PC applications. 8 Using the Community Progress logo

Incorrect usage: The Community Progress logo should never be stretched, squeezed or distorted and should always be scaled in proportion. Never change the positioning of the symbol.

DO NOT place logo in a confined shape DO NOT change the color

DO NOT overlay the full-color logo onto DO NOT add drop shadows or other a colored background effects to the logo

DO NOT make the logo transparent DO NOT change the position of the elements

9 Logo colors

Primary Logo colors Orange is the primary and most recognizable part of the Community Progress brand. Consequently, it should be used carefully as not to compete or distract from the logo. When using white and orange typography on-screen, the font should PMS 7417 C be at least 24 point and bold. CMYK: 0 85 100 5 RGB: 227 74 33 HEX: e34a21 type should be large (24 pt. +) and bold See page 13 for more on ADA The same applies to orange type on white background: (Americans with Type should be large (24 pt. +) bold Disabilities Act) compliance for Gray is the primary complement to its orange and also complements type and color. the bright colors within the Community Progress color scheme. It is the ideal choice for text, both large and small.

PMS 431 C CMYK: 65 52 44 17 RGB: 94 103 102 HEX: 5e6766

Secondary single-color logos Grayscale This is the recommended one-color 75% black logo for use on all white or light paper. 50% black STORY

Black logo Use solid black logo when only black ink is available. If placing on a dark background 100% black use the white version. Communications Strategy & Planning

White logo The white logo should be used for dark backgrounds and images that have a clean area for logo placement. The first three bars should be set to 75% “transparent.” If this option is not available use 100% white.

First three bars 100% white Be sure there is enough contrast when placing 75% “transparent” the primary logo over photos or video and if not, use the single color 100% white logo. 10 Color scheme formulas

For Community Progress, orange and yellow are Warm colors “call to action” colors. Use the warm colors for eye-catching attention on web buttons, banners, and anything that needs to speak loudly.

PMS 7417 C PMS 123 C CMYK: 0 85 100 5 CMYK: 0 16 89 0 RGB: 227 74 33 RGB: 255 191 44 Learn more HEX: e34a21 HEX: ffbf2c


Cool blues and greens are complements to Cool colors the Community Progress orange and yellow. Leverage cool tones to evoke more serious, environmental, and organic feelings. Use various percentages of a color to add depth and texture.

PMS 2915 C PMS 3015 C PMS 382 C PMS 348 C CMYK: 58 8 0 0 CMYK: 100 32 0 25 CMYK: 22 0 100 0 CMYK: 93 0 98 17 RGB: 98 181 229 RGB: 0 98 155 RGB: 196 214 0 RGB: 0 132 61 HEX: 62b5e5 HEX: 00629b HEX: c4d600 HEX: 00843d

Neutral tones Neutral tones compliment the Community Progress orange, yellow and other brighter colors. Leverage neutral tones to balance the use of bright colors. Whether as backgrounds or tertiary elements, neutral colors should be used to compliment both the warm and cool colors of the Community

PMS 446 C PMS 431 C PMS 463 C Progress color scheme. CMYK: 71 53 55 53 CMYK: 65 52 44 17 CMYK: 13 54 88 53 RGB: 63 68 67 RGB: 94 103 102 RGB: 116 79 40 In instances where maximum contrast is needed HEX: 3f4443 HEX: 5e6766 HEX: 744f28 and black type would normally be used, leverage Pantone 446 C, dark gray.

PMS 7535 C PMS 642 C CMYK: 25 21 31 3 CMYK: 15 4 0 0 RGB: 183 176 156 RGB: 209 221 230 HEX: b7b09c HEX: d1dde6 11 Color and type - ADA compliance

Color accessibility Community Progress strives to connect its story and content with all people and audiences; that work includes providing maximum accessibility through design and visual storytelling. Color accessibility enables people with visual impairments or color vision deficiencies to interact with digital experiences in the same way as their non-visually-impaired counterparts.

ADA COMPLIANT: Text and interactive elements should have a color contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1. NOT ADA COMPLIANT:

white Use this white Use this white Use this white Use this type on color for type on color for type on color for type on color for this color text this color text this color text this color text

PMS 446 C PMS 431 C PMS 123 C PMS 2915 C CMYK: 71 53 55 53 CMYK: 65 52 44 17 CMYK: 0 16 89 0 CMYK: 58 8 0 0 RGB: 63 68 67 RGB: 94 103 102 RGB: 255 191 44 RGB: 98 181 229 HEX: 3f4443 HEX: 5e6766 HEX: ffbf2c HEX: 62b5e5

white Use this white Use this white Use this white Use this type on color for type on color for type on color for type on color for this color text this color text this color text this color text

PMS 348 C PMS 3015 C PMS 642 C PMS 382 C CMYK: 93 0 98 17 CMYK: 100 32 0 25 CMYK: 15 4 0 0 CMYK: 22 0 100 0 RGB: 0 132 61 RGB: 0 98 155 RGB: 209 221 230 RGB: 196 214 0 HEX: 00843d HEX: 00629b HEX: d1dde6 HEX: c4d600

white Use this white Use this type on color for type on color for this color text this color text

PMS 463 C PMS 7535 C CMYK: 13 54 88 53 CMYK: 25 21 31 3 RGB: 116 79 40 RGB: 183 176 156 HEX: 744f28 HEX: b7b09c


PMS 446 PMS 446 PMS 446 PMS 446 dark gray dark gray dark gray dark gray type on type on type on type on this color this color this color this color

PMS 123 C PMS 382 C PMS 642 C PMS 7535 C CMYK: 0 16 89 0 CMYK: 22 0 100 0 CMYK: 15 4 0 0 CMYK: 25 21 31 3 RGB: 255 191 44 RGB: 196 214 0 RGB: 209 221 230 RGB: 183 176 156 HEX: ffbf2c HEX: c4d600 HEX: d1dde6 HEX: b7b09c

WHEN IN DOUBT: Visit to use a free contrast checker tool. 12 Brand color scheme

The Community Progress color scheme is meant to be a starting point and built upon. Color choice should be dependent upon the message that is being communicated. Use the illustrations, photos and images from the story at hand to influence and guide color choice. Consider the mood of the message - is it warm and stimulating, cool and inviting, or organic and "grass roots" in nature?

13 Print typography

Helvetica Nue Nue is the official typeface for print. This includes any printed materials developed by Community Progress such as print advertisements, brochures, one-sheets, CREATING SIZE reports, etc. Alternatives to Helvetica Nue are the or families. Alternatives HIERARCHY WITH should only be used if the print vendor is unable to duplicate Helvetica Nue. TYPOGRAPHY Helvetica Nue Light (italic) There should be a size hierarchy for type to Helvetica Nue Regular (italic) best communicate importance. Headlines Helvetica Nue Medium (italic) are the largest and can be made bold and/or Helvetica Nue Bold (italic) shown in color to draw the eye. Helvetica Nue Condensed Bold Sub-headlines should have less visual weight Helvetica Nue Condensed Black It is recommended that Helvetica Nue Condensed bold and black be only used for headlines. (70-75% of headline size) and not take away from the headline.

Body text should have even less visual weight This Headline is 30 pt. (30-40% of headline size for print and 45-50% for Helvetica Nue Bold digital); call out body text may be shown at the higher end of the This is a sub-head with 24 pt. range and may also use Helvetica Nue Bold a different weight or color. Disclaimer type This body copy is set at 14 point with 18 point leading, may be smaller. a good minimum size for web and on screen. Print copy can be smaller. A standard for newspaper and magazine articles is 9 pt. type with 12 pt. leading.

14 type for digital & print

Georgia The type family has been chosen as the serif typeface for Community Progress. Serif type is used more often when there is going to be a lengthy amount of type, such as books, newspapers, etc. Georgia is a widely available typeface and works well in various sizes.

This body copy is set at 14 point with 18 point leading, a good minimum size for web and on screen.

Print copy can be smaller. A standard for newspaper and magazine articles is 9 pt. type with 12 pt. leading.

Substitutes for the Georgia typeface are Bitstream Charter and

15 Digital (on-screen) typography

Roboto The Roboto type family has been chosen for digital mediums. This may include digital ads, website content, emails, video overlays, etc. If Roboto is not available the alternative is Arial. Alternative fonts should only be used if the application or vendor is unable to support Roboto.

The examples at Roboto regular the left show the light different styles a word can take on medium by using different versions offered by bold the Roboto family black Roboto Condensed Reg light This Headline is bold 30 pt. Roboto Black

Suggestions This is a sub-head with • Smaller type is more readable when 24 pt. Roboto Bold letterspacing is added. (10 - 25 pt.) This body copy is set at 14 point with 18 • Upper and lower case is more legible than all point leading, a good minimum size for caps. Limit all caps for headlines. web and on screen.

Print copy can be smaller. A standard for newspaper and magazine articles is 9 pt. type with 12 pt. leading.

16 Imagery

Wall Murals Because of widespread artist partnerships and programs, there are beautiful painted murals across the country that illustrate our vibrancy. Leveraging these images when they are appropriate (and valuable) for the story being told, is always better than adding generic, stock illustrations.

Photography Our photographs document colorful, vibrant, positive, people-centric images of communities in action.

Depending on the audience, the message and the need for emotional engagement, photographs with darker, more alarming imagery may be appropriate.

The Community Progress Photography style conveys interaction, connection and transformation. Images should follow these guidelines: • People working together, caught in a slice of life moment in authentic interaction in a built environment. • Photos should be dynamic and show movement, with interaction of people. • Images that also convey transformation are important to the narrative. • No staged or posed group photos. • It’s ok to show an empty home, but it should be in the process of transformation and show people. 17 STORY Imagery / photos

Photography (continued) TheCommunications photos below were chosen for the CommunityStrategy Progress & Story Planning 2020, Communications Strategy and Planning cover and are a good example of showing the diverse and vibrant PEOPLE that are part of Community Progress.

Using photos in design Depending on the message and graphic layout, creating a hierarchy by focusing on one large photograph and complementing it with smaller ones can create a more dynamic layout than presenting all in same size.

One large photo with others in smaller size creates heirarchy and more visual interest than all four photos laid out in same size.