LATEX guide

Carleton College LATEX workshop

LATEX interacts with differently than most software you are accustomed to. It does not natively support using fonts; you can’t just choose from a drop-down menu and use it in your document. (This is probably for the best.) Nevertheless, LATEX does support a variety of fonts. This document will showcase a few that are of high quality and have excellent math support.

Using a font in your document

To use one of these fonts in a document using one of the Carleton templates, go to the preamble and look for these lines: % The Latin Modern font is a modernized replacement for the classic % . Feel free to replace this with a different font package. \usepackage{lmodern}

To switch to a different font package, just replace lmodern with the name of that package. (It is very important not to load multiple font packages; they can conflict and cause strange behavior.) For example, to us the kpfonts package, you should replace the third line of the above with the following: \usepackage{kpfonts}

1 Latin Modern

This is the Latin Modern font. To use it, include this line in your preamble:


Example text

Theorem (Pólya enumeration theorem, unweighted). Let Γ be a group of per- mutations of a finite set X of “objects” and let Y be a finite set of “colors”. Then the number of orbits under Γ of Y -colorings of X is given by 1 Y X / Γ = tc(γ) Γ γ Γ | | X∈ where t = Y and where c(γ) is the number of cycles of γ as a permutation of | | X.

Theorem (Green’s theorem, two dimensions). Let C be a positively-oriented, piecewise-smooth, simple closed curve in the plane. Let D be the region bounded by C. If L and M are functions defined on an open region containing D and have continuous partial derivatives, then

∂M ∂M (L dx + M dy) = dx dy. ∂x − ∂y IC ZZD  ABΓ∆EZHΘIKΛMNΞOΠP ΣTY ΦXΨΩ αβγδζηθικλµνξoπρστυφχψω Math numerals: 1234567890 Text numerals: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 Set notation: x Ξ f(x) F − (ζ) ∈ ⊆ A string that works poorly in bad math fonts: QJqygf 

Bitstream Charter

This is the font. To use it, include this line in your preamble:


Example text

Theorem (Pólya enumeration theorem, unweighted). Let Γ be a group of permuta- tions of a finite set X of “objects” and let Y be a finite set of “colors”. Then the number of orbits under Γ of Y -colorings of X is given by

X 1 c γ Y / Γ = t ( ) Γ γ Γ | | X∈ where t = Y and where c(γ) is the number of cycles of γ as a permutation of X . | | Theorem (Green’s theorem, two dimensions). Let C be a positively-oriented, piecewise- smooth, simple closed curve in the plane. Let D be the region bounded by C. If L and M are functions defined on an open region containing D and have continuous partial derivatives, then

∂ M ∂ M (L d x + M d y) = d x d y. C D ∂ x − ∂ y I ZZ  ‹ ABΓ ∆EZHΘIKΛMNΞOΠPΣTY ΦX ΨΩ αβγδεζηθικλµνξoπρστυφχψω Math numerals: 1234567890 Text numerals: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 Set notation: x Ξ f (x) F − (ζ) A string that works∈ poorly in⊆ bad math fonts: QJq y g f 


This is the URW Garamond font. To use it, include this line in your preamble:


Example text

Theorem (Pólya enumeration theorem, unweighted). Let Γ be a group of permutations of a finite set X of “objects” and let Y be a finite set of “colors”. Then the number of orbits under Γ of Y -colorings of X is given by

X 1 c γ Y /Γ = t ( ) Γ γ Γ | | ∈ X where t = Y and where c(γ) is the number of cycles of γ as a permutation of X . | | Theorem (Green’s theorem, two dimensions). Let C be a positively-oriented, piecewise- smooth, simple closed curve in the plane. Let D be the region bounded by C . If L and M are functions defined on an open region containing D and have continuous partial derivatives, then

∂ M ∂ M (L d x + M d y) = d x d y. ∂ x − ∂ y IC ZZD   ABΓ ∆EZHΘIKΛMNΞOΠPΣTY ΦX ΨΩ αβγδεζ ηθικλµνξ oπρστυφχ ψω Math numerals: 1234567890 Text numerals: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 Set notation: x Ξ f (x) F − (ζ ) A string that works∈ poorly⊆ in bad math fonts: QJ qy g f 


This is the Kp-Fonts font. To use it, include this line in your preamble: \usepackage{kpfonts}

Example text

Theorem (Pólya enumeration theorem, unweighted). Let Γ be a group of permu- tations of a finite set X of “objects” and let Y be a finite set of “colors”. Then the number of orbits under Γ of Y -colorings of X is given by 1 Y X / Γ = tc(γ) Γ | | γ Γ X∈ where t = Y and where c(γ) is the number of cycles of γ as a permutation of X. | | Theorem (Green’s theorem, two dimensions). Let C be a positively-oriented, piecewise-smooth, simple closed curve in the plane. Let D be the region bounded by C. If L and M are functions defined on an open region containing D and have continuous partial derivatives, then

∂M ∂M (Ldx + M dy) = dx dy. ∂x − ∂y IC D ! ABΓ ∆EZHΘIKΛMNΞOΠP ΣTY "ΦXΨΩ αβγδζηθικλµνξoπρστυφχψω Math numerals: 1234567890 Text numerals: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Set notation: x Ξ f (x) F 1(ζ) ∈ ⊆ − A string that works poorly in bad math fonts: QJqygf n o

New Century Schoolbook

This is the New Century Schoolbook font. To use it, include this line in your preamble:


Example text

Theorem (Pólya enumeration theorem, unweighted). Let Γ be a group of permu- tations of a finite set X of “objects” and let Y be a finite set of “colors”. Then the number of orbits under Γ of Y -colorings of X is given by

1 Y X /Γ tc(γ) = Γ γ Γ ¯ ¯ | | ∈ ¯ ¯ X ¯ ¯ where t Y and where c(γ) is the number of cycles of γ as a permutation of X. = | | Theorem (Green’s theorem, two dimensions). Let C be a positively-oriented, piecewise-smooth, simple closed curve in the plane. Let D be the region bounded by C. If L and M are functions defined on an open region containing D and have continuous partial derivatives, then

∂M ∂M (L dx M d y) dx d y. + = ∂ − ∂ IC ÏDµ x y ¶ ABΓ∆EZHΘIKΛMNΞOΠPΣTY ΦXΨΩ αβγδ²ζηθικλµνξoπρστυφχψω Math numerals: 1234567890 Text numerals: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 Set notation: x Ξ f (x) F− (ζ) ∈ ⊆ A string that works poorly in bad math fonts: © ¯ ª QJqygf ¯ This is the Linux Libertine font. To use it, include these in your preamble:

\usepackage{libertine} \usepackage[libertine]{newtxmath}

Example text

Theorem (Pólya enumeration theorem, unweighted). Let Γ be a group of permutations of a nite set X of “objects” and let Y be a nite set of “colors”. Then the number of orbits under Γ of Y-colorings of X is given by 1 Y X / Γ = tc (γ ) Γ γ Γ | | X∈ where t = Y and where c(γ ) is the number of cycles of γ as a permutation of X. | | Theorem (Green’s theorem, two dimensions). LetC be a positively-oriented, piecewise- smooth, simple closed curve in the plane. Let D be the region bounded by C. If L and M are functions dened on an open region containing D and have continuous partial derivatives, then ∂M ∂M (L dx + M dy) = dx dy. ∂x − ∂y IC D ! ABΓ∆EZHΘIKΛMN ΞOΠPΣTY ΦX ΨΩ" αβγδϵζηθικλµνξoπρστυϕχψω Math numerals: 1234567890 Text numerals: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Set notation: x Ξ f (x) F 1 (ζ ) ∈ ⊆ − A string that works( poorly in bad math) fonts: QJqygf


This is the font. To use it, include this line in your preamble:


Example text

Theorem (Pólya enumeration theorem, unweighted). Let Γ be a group of permuta- tions of a finite set X of “objects” and let Y be a finite set of “colors”. Then the number of orbits under Γ of Y -colorings of X is given by

X 1 c γ Y /Γ = t ( ) Γ γ Γ | | X∈ where t = Y and where c (γ) is the number of cycles of γ as a permutation of X . | | Theorem (Green’stheorem, two dimensions). Let C be a positively-oriented, piecewise- smooth, simple closed curve in the plane. Let D be the region bounded by C . If L and M are functions defined on an open region containing D and have continuous par- tial derivatives, then

∂ M ∂ M L d x + M d y = d x d y. ∂ x ∂ y IC ZZD −   ‹ ABΓ ∆EZH ΘIK ΛMN ΞOΠP ΣTY ΦX ΨΩ αβγδεζηθ ικλµνξoπρστυφχψω Math numerals: 1234567890 Text numerals: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 Set notation: x Ξ f (x ) F − (ζ) A string that works∈ poorly⊆ in bad math fonts: Q J q y g f 


This is the Times font. To use it, include this line in your preamble: \usepackage{newtxtext,newtxmath}

Example text

Theorem (Pólya enumeration theorem, unweighted). Let Γ be a group of permutations of a finite set X of “objects” and let Y be a finite set of “colors”. Then the number of orbits under Γ of Y-colorings of X is given by 1 Y X / Γ = tc(γ) Γ γ Γ | | X∈ where t = Y and where c(γ) is the number of cycles of γ as a permutation of X. | | Theorem (Green’s theorem, two dimensions). Let C be a positively-oriented, piecewise- smooth, simple closed curve in the plane. Let D be the region bounded by C. If L and M are functions defined on an open region containing D and have continuous partial derivatives, then

∂M ∂M (L dx + M dy) = dx dy. ∂x − ∂y IC D ! " ABΓ∆EZHΘIKΛMNΞOΠPΣTYΦXΨΩ αβγδζηθικλµνξoπρστυφ χψω Math numerals: 1234567890 Text numerals: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Set notation: x Ξ f (x) F 1(ζ) ∈ ⊆ − A string that works( poorly in bad math) fonts: QJqyg f


This is the font. To use it, include this line in your preamble: \usepackage{newpxtext,newpxmath}

Example text

Theorem (Pólya enumeration theorem, unweighted). Let Γ be a group of permu- tations of a nite set X of “objects” and let Y be a nite set of “colors”. Then the number of orbits under Γ of Y-colorings of X is given by

1 YX/ Γ  tc(γ) Γ γ Γ | | X∈ where t  Y and where c(γ) is the number of cycles of γ as a permutation of X. | | Theorem (Green’s theorem, two dimensions). Let C be a positively-oriented, piecewise- smooth, simple closed curve in the plane. Let D be the region bounded by C. If L and M are functions dened on an open region containing D and have continuous partial derivatives, then

∂M ∂M L dx + M dy  dx dy. ∂x − ∂y IC D !  " ABΓ∆EZHΘIKΛMNΞOΠPΣTYΦXΨΩ αβγδζηθικλµνξoπρστυφχψω Math numerals: 1234567890 Text numerals: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Set notation: x Ξ f (x) F 1(ζ) ∈ ⊆ − A string that works( poorly in bad math) fonts: Q Jq y g f