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Maneuver Center of Excellence (Mcoe) Libraries Mcoe HQ Donovan Research Library Fort Benning, Georgia Maneuver Center of Excellence (MCoE) Libraries MCoE HQ Donovan Research Library Fort Benning, Georgia Report date: August 1944 – April 1945 Title: After Action Report, United States Army 5th Armored Division Abstract: U.S. Army 5th Armored Division After Action Report from August 1944 to April 1945 in the European Theater of Operations to include narratives and journals. Number of pages: 159 (some pages from the original document are not legible) Notes: The Armor Library historical documents collection is located at the MCoE HQ Donovan Research Library, Fort Benning, GA. Document#: 805 AD 402 Classification: Unclassified; Approved for public release IWMP~UI Sr £t~f 191 B t.- . 1 AFi.. AGTI0ij R1CIT .7 -WD- D I riSIUT 'I UjUT 44 TLU ALIL 45 4 V I3ocC ......T T.iSJHz A KJPSR. iTY r c? ,x iD S .k ._.9 .. R J J K.'D A £, 1 0 , 3-2. IFW'-lD JL-,1' VZ-,I SZQTA9I, -I. C,.E DIVI a Ki"" T-5,T-L72. w - Av. rI. -R S -- fib SECRET J / *1- REPORT AFTER ACTTOl" AGAINST ENEIT AUGUST 1944 HU DQUARTERS 5TH AR.ORf) DIVISION CONTENTS Pbara*t 1. Campaign 1 2. 1oa6s In Action 1-2 Jkpanditures a0d Lossos awmmition 2 4. Qpur. aders 2 - 2 5. 0 Ommenta - 21 6. a:1I 7 s 1o DEC 26 ~# hotI a ~14 *"4Jour gi '4 -- ~~y-r'~c S EQ tT5S '9 The following image(s) may be of poor quality due to the poor quality of the original. S 2 .L *Dats 13 Nov 44 .. .. ssss sss~sss : :s : 46 13 Niovember 1944. REPORT AFTER ACTION AGAINST iWY - AUGUST 1944 1. CAWAIGN VWestern 2urope. 2. LOSSES I ACTIONS Personnel: Officers Total 0 " NI. a. 14 Killed in Action 18 151 Seriously 'iomded in Act-on 286 2 7 Jounded in Ation 2 '7 LiLghtly 0 14 Seriously Injured in Action 7 69 in Action Li :htly Injured 1 24 :issi1< in Action ICC Total -Dtr b. Vehicular: Destroyed Type or Abandoned 148 Car, Armored, Light 4 Carr•, L-tr, 75mm Ho-., .t 1 Carr., Mtr, 105mm 'HOw., A7 17 .3A1-3 arri er, Fers, /1, 6 7 Tank, Liht 45Al IL, Tank, Med., 4, M4Al, I,4A3,W,'75 Tank, Med, L:4,A3 w/76 1 lank, Led, .r, w/105mnw ,cW U Trailer, Atm, 110 37 Truck 1/4 ton, 4x4 4 '9 Truck, 2,;ton, 6x6, Cargo '3 Trailer, 1 ton, Cargo 1-r Vehicle, Pank Recovery, L32 Total 3. AaUrJITIC ±XP2;DIa-RZS AND LOSSS: - r'en dod Loss due to neny Ation 16880 1235 Carbine 173 2614 609250 Cal..O30 233945 474,30 Gal..45 114030 18350 Cal..50 1242 60mm 471 20 6mm 1185 3 7-,un 2302 206 5 7mm 75m JIZ- c 502 _' 4 O 75mm floW 7 ,,: -'U V___ -SM- Letter, Report After ActioL Against Enemy - August 1944, hq 5t rmd Div, 1Y5mm gin= 4, ' '4- 271 Grenade, hand 5717 2145 Grenade, rifle 421 Rocket AT 1278 150 Signals 57 Mines AT 120 Total Tonnage 72 ,2 4. CC&3ANDIER (Beginning of Period). On 1 August 1944 units of the Division were commanded by the following named officeras 5th Armd Div - MAJ G2; LUNSFORD E OLIVER, 03536, USA Combat Comd "A", 5th Armd Div - BRIG GEN EUGENE REGNIER, 08295, USA Hq & Hq Co, Combat Cord "A" - GAPT KAL W ROTH, 01010340, IF Combat Comd "B" , 5th Armd Div - COL JOHN T COLE, 05256, GAV Hq & Hq Go, Combat Cord "B" - CAPT JOi W PERRY, 01012397, INF 5th Armd Div Arty - COL DOUGLAS J PAG", 04495, FA Hq & Hq Btry, 5th Armd Div Arty- GAPT NOaAiN W CUSIGK, 0466787, pFA Reserne Command, 5th Atmd Div - COL GLEN H ANON, 08632, IN? Hq,"Oo# 5th Armd Div - CAPT LARRY H GRENWD, 0128306-5, INF Hqtt Armd Div Thn - LT COL GLENN G DICKENSON, 0197385, CAV Hq 0e 5th Armd Div,TCn - CAPT JfS BAGIVELL, 01011081, GAV MP Platoo,.5th Arad Div - MAJ ALEAJDMR T NESM, 0335298, CAV 145t A a Sig Co -1ST 1,T GLENN A WflDm, s53447 ,80 #th av Ron Sq Meoo -LT COL KENT PAY, 0286301, CAV 10 Tank n a LT CL WILLIAM A UKg, 0292156, INF 34 th-T Bk3 -LT, CML tOa$ BB CL,022019, CAY 81at 7 nau& - LT CL LE K)Y H ANDREW, 0239452, IN? •A "In! -L CCL 401 8 WINTEWSI, JR.0220 9, INF M!m Ini&n - MU WIM H BRTON, 0366028, IN? AraI nf T - LT COL BCWARD 1 BOYER, 0218680, INF l47,td PA ' LT COL JOHN B ROSINNWIG, 024291, FA n". Md FA Bn-LT GL ZSB4IL a UR B , O2fl1l vg 9thAridFA a -LTL JAIs.W MC NHRo0zo370 -..22d trad.]r Ba - LT GOL FRED uISsUGIU, 020575, a 127thO(k4 hint. a -MOR ICa)4D fRBACU, 05182694. ioW 7 -godda..A md - L COL BUWMIN S BADER, 03 770,2 5O .. th Armered Division, aigsnd to the ird VU.S. 0 Any 0g V ST APVU LU VICOMPT in ioartul m prisd 26.-31 144y 14. .moveat or a se teDvso oa~ml with the Division OP in the vicinity of LA FEUILLfEo Le mo.+ was startod a . I August ando~pleted by 1000, ? August. +++;, 47 (Letter. Report After Action Against Enemy - Auust 1I4 flq 5th Lrad Div (Xdet'd) r At 1100 e .2 The Divia 'I- a 7tt. of me , .....r vicinity.. atTGR for fthwtot oion.FOusS K %.#,zadingGeneral issued.orders to the Major Cammand. to drive south With a.1 pelible speed en two routes and to oapture FWUGERUS. Order of maroha' Ealt R ute; - CwB and CR; West. Routes - CGAD Division Headquarters, Division Troops; Divion Trains to remain in vicinity of MINEVILLE. The movement was started at 1430, 2 August 1944, by the 85th Gay Ron Sq, Mos. Upon departure from initial ooncentration area duffel bags and baggage were left in open storage in the vicinity of ST SAVSUR LE VICOM with a Warrant, Officer and twelve men of the Band as a guard detachment and Oaretaking detail. LiLtrine soreens, truck tops and extra tentage were utilized to cover this baggage. In aticipation of battle casualties bars were systemtically arranged to insuro rapid and easy access to baggage of any individual. The march of the Division was made difficult-by cross traffic of troops of the XX Corps moving East into the First Army zone. Control Was very difficult a- many points. Colzns were cut and held up for so long, at times, that the Divisin CF could not keep radio coftact with the heads of the Combat Commands. Elements oL' the 85th Cav Ron Sq made first contact with the enemy, in the xiOinity of the line ST ELLIER - FOUGEII&S. Mnemy vehicles were pursued by C roop patrols at 0850, and small arms fire was encountered East of this line atu 093C . Five prisoners were taken. Civilian reports and recmaissance indicated that the enemy was falling back rapidly in a disorganized retreat, without attempting to erect defenses or to establish road blocks or strong points. At 0320, 3 August a message was received from IV corps to halt movenent until further orders. Combat Commands and the Reconnaissance Squadron were ordered to clear roads, bivouac in adjacent fields, and await orders. By this time the Reconnaissance Squadron was well South and in contact with some light enemy resist- ance along the lines A Troop at LES VIt&UVILLES, B Troop at UE PERgDIER, C Troop at M.ALVAL DES BOIS. CGA was between ST DES and DUCEY. COB was between ST D1ZTh and SEE RIVER. CCR and Division Troops were in vicinity of ST DENIS. The Division was attacked at various times during the night 2-3 August by enemy air. All attacks were light. At 0820, 3 Aug~ust, the C'nmanding General departed for :readquartors, Third .'rav- and returned at 1015 with instrdctions for continuing the action. The jLzvision Was to occipy positions in 2orps reserve with the leading Combat Ceand a: LA 2IIAPhL UR2E between roads GO 5 and GO 47, the socond Combat Command at ST JKWS, ucd the renainder of the Division between the two Combat Commands. The 79tn infantry Division captured EV0UGER&3 on this day. At 03FF, 4 A<ugut 1944, 00A had first contact wit:h i-e,,e..... 'V'... ' t 1 ,:,ur-+ ice Oom-'any of the 46th Ar'V,,it'u+. r hat +",.. .". J'o casualties vier~u "- '*+ .++ + 13t , +A-" , ..... + J~~~~r~ aI c~d:LiLl C~Um~ South of tLstt aitr;ol oiSne ITw,R LcnL;; "QO cn 5: Jtin j, naissance to start patrol of line VITR2 - LAYAL - LA'7& 1Th, cen+.aot beiso -seC (Lttor, bport After Action Aalat bAM 1944, Hq 5th Armd Div, cont' c) b . 1k . jei'.tguate ntOk= t4frQvT hidsigmtted-line enountgring small *1!Sit3,Stoh wr sul1yrnp4 up. hnemy aviation wao active duing xvmnius ,hours, strafing oolmas by day when allied fighter cover was S W-fl- sad 16 enmy dead wer reported by the Division. civilian reports end0 "4oobsence of transportation with enay straggler roups which were ring at tgt ling reads towards LAVAL and DOMFRONT. 6L 4.Auwt a direotive was received from XV Corps to furnish one hundred truka lasdiately to help motorize elements of the 79th and 90th Divisions. AsUw wewoogiven that no movement of the Division would be 6rdered until these rtie'lles had returned. Fuel and lubricant trucks of the unit combat trains were dmped to previde this detail. At 0730. 5 Asgust, orders were received from XV Corps stating that the 0orp.
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