Cabinet Office CO (19) 4 (updated 24 July 2020) Circular 24 July 2019 All Ministers Intended for All Chief Executives Chief of Staff, Prime Minister’s Office All Senior Private Secretaries All Private Secretaries Chief Parliamentary Counsel Cabinet committees: Terms of Reference and Membership Cabinet committee membership has been updated in this circular to reflect the dismissal of Hon Iain Lees-Galloway. 1 The Prime Minister has agreed to changes to the membership of Cabinet committees to take account of the updates to Ministerial responsibilities that took place on 27 June and 3 July 2019. An amended list of the membership of Cabinet committees is attached for your information. 2 A number of amendments have also been made to the terms of reference for the Cabinet Economic Development Committee (DEV), the Cabinet Government Administration and Expenditure Review Committee (GOV), and the Cabinet Social Wellbeing Committee (SWC). Martin Bell for Secretary of the Cabinet Enquiries: Martin Bell, Deputy Secretary of the Cabinet Ph: (04) 830 5031
[email protected] Jenny Vickers, Senior Advisor Ph: (04) 830 5018
[email protected] 293988v3 Cabinet Appointments and Honours Committee (APH) To consider public appointments including appointments to statutory and other government agencies, chief executive appointments, nominations for New Zealand Royal Honours, and associated policy. Membership Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern (Chair) Rt Hon Winston Peters (Deputy Chair) Hon Kelvin Davis Hon Grant Robertson Hon Chris Hipkins Hon Andrew Little Hon Nanaia Mahuta Hon Jenny Salesa Hon Tracey Martin Hon Aupito William Sio Hon Poto Williams Hon Julie Anne Genter Relevant Portfolios All portfolios Frequency Meets weekly during sitting weeks 293988v3 Cabinet Business Committee (CBC) To consider policy issues, appointments, bills, and regulations, and other matters that require decisions before the next scheduled applicable Cabinet committee meeting, when other committees are not meeting and the House of Representatives is adjourned.