Supplemental Figure S1 Differentially Methylated Regions (Dmrs
Supplemental Figure S1 '$$#0#,2'**7+#2&7*2#"0#%'-,11 #25##,"'1#1#122#1 '!2-0'*"#.'!2'-,-$122,1'2'-,$0-+2- !"Q !"2-$%," $ 31',% 25-$-*" !&,%# ," ' 0RTRW 1 !32V-$$ !0'2#0'T - #.0#1#,22'-, -$ "'$$#0#,2'**7+#2&7*2#"%#,#11',.0#,2#1,"2&#'0 #&4'-022,1'2'-, #25##,"'$$#0#,2"'1#1#122#1T-*!)00-51',"'!2#&7.#0+#2&7*2#"%#,#1Q%0700-51 &7.-+#2&7*2#"%#,#1Q31',%25-$-*"!&,%#,"'0RTRW1!32V-$$!0'2#0'T-%#,#1 +#22&# -4#!0'2#0'22,1'2'-,$0-+$%2-$Q5#2�#$-0#*1-',!*3"#" %#,#15'2&V4*3#0RTRWT$$#!2#"%#,10#&'%&*'%&2#" 712#0'1)1#T Supplemental Figure S2 Validation of results from the HELP assay using Epityper MassarrayT #13*21 $0-+ 2&# 1$ 117 5#0# !-00#*2#" 5'2& /3,2'22'4# +#2&7*2'-, ,*78#" 7 '13*$'2#11007$-04V-,"6U-%#,#.0-+-2#00#%'-,1T11007 51.#0$-0+#"31',%**4'* *#1+.*#1T S Supplemental Fig. S1 A unique hypermethylated genes (methylation sites) 454 (481) 5693 (6747) 120 (122) NLMGUS NEWMM REL 2963 (3207) 1338 (1560) 5 (5) unique hypomethylated genes (methylation sites) B NEWMM 0 (0) MGUS 454 (481) 0 (0) NEWMM REL NL 3* (2) 2472 (3066) NEWMM 2963 REL (3207) 2* (2) MGUS 0 (0) REL 2 (2) NEWMM 0 (0) REL Supplemental Fig. S2 A B ARID4B DNMT3A Methylation by MassArray Methylation by MassArray 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 2 0 NL PC MGUS 1.5 -0.5 NEW MM 1 REL MM -1 0.5 -1.5 0 -2 -0.5 -1 -2.5 -1.5 -3 Methylation by HELP Assay Methylation by HELP Methylation by HELP Assay Methylation by HELP -2 -3.5 -2.5 -4 Supplemental tables "3..*#+#,2*6 *#"SS 9*','!*!&0!2#0'12'!1-$.2'#,21+.*#1 DZ_STAGE Age Gender Ethnicity MM isotype PCLI Cytogenetics
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