Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

No. 12/ 4 th Year 1st – 30 th of September 2011 • Politics 1. President Traian Basescu on visit to Washington 2. Presidents Traian Basescu and Giorgio Napolitano, supporters of "United States of Europe" creation 3. President Traian Basescu: It is clear that a switch to common budget and fiscal policy is required 4. President Traian Basescu welcomed Belgian Prime Minister at Cotroceni Palace 5. Romania, US sign Ballistic Missile Defence Agreement 6. The Annual Meeting of the Romanian Diplomacy 7. ForMins Baconschi and Sikorski analyse bilateral relationship, European and international cooperation 8. Foreign Ministry sets Consular Crisis Centre with permanent activity in place 9. State Secretary Doru Costea delivered Romania's national statement at the UN General Assembly 10. Romania could provide assistance to South Sudan 11. Romania, elected as President of IAEA General Conference 12. Visit of the Romanian Minister of Justice to the United Kingdom 13. Romania at the “The Scottish Low Carbon Investment - Resource use and energy efficiency” 14. Meeting of the Migration Advisory Committee with representatives of Romanian professional associations in the UK 15. Foreign affairs ministers of the states neighbouring the Danube to meet in in November 16. Important changes brought to law no.157/2011 to the judicial regime applicable to foreign citizens • Economics 1. Prime Minister is to coordinate Romanian Centre for Trade and Foreign Investments 2. British investors, interested in energy companies privatization 3. EU Economy - Lessons Learned by a Newcomer, Romania 4. Romania, in the top 50 countries in terms of economic liberty 5. Germany's Ambassador von Mettenheim: Romania should not lose sight of Eurozone accession goal 6. Romania and Turkey aim at 10 billion dollars' worth of bilateral trade exchanges 7. SKorean company to invest in Romanian nuclear plant 8. Romgaz, among the companies pre-selected by Iraq for a bid for oil and gas exploitation 9. Israel industry minister meets Romania officials to discuss deepened bilateral cooperation 10. Pakistan, Romania sign trade treaty 11. Industrial companies estimate 1.2% increase in number of employees in Q3 12. Romania's Wheat Production Exceeds 8 Mln Tons 13. Romania to register record sunflower production 14. Borsec, most powerful Romanian brand 15. Dacia to move part of Sandero production to Morocco, to build more Dusters in Romania 16. German Ambassador: Romania has great chances to invest in Germany 17. Bitdefender target: another 100 million users in a year • Culture 1. Enescu’s Farewell – A Symphony for Twelve 2. The Romanian Orthodox Parish in Nottingham celebrated the 3 rd anniversary of establishment 3. BFI London Film Festival featuring Romanian animated documentary 4. The Film of a Generation: Boogie @ Romanian Cinemateque 5. Alexandra D ăriescu, a Rising Star of Astonishing Virtuosity 6. Contraste Trio opens the 2011/2012 Enescu Concerts Series 7. Musical prodigy Matei Bucur Mih ăescu @ St Martin in the Fields 8. The Romanian Theatre Comes Back to London 9. Ştefan Constantinescu: An Infinite Blue 10. Art Embodied: Romanian artists from the 80s 11. Andreiana Mihail Gallery @ Frieze Art Fair 12. Four Faces of Modernity: Bitzan, Maitec, Mitroi, Nicodim 13. Apparatus 22 @ The Glasgow School of Art

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Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______


President Traian Basescu on visit to Washington Bucharest, Sept 14 /Agerpres/ - President Traian Basescu paid a working visit to the US, an occasion on which it was adopted the Declaration on the strategic partnership and signed the Agreement on deploying the antimissile American system in Romania's territory, moments which the Head of State says will go down in the history of our country. The Romanian Head of State had meetings with US President Barack Obama, American Vice- President Joe Biden, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and CIA director David Petraeus. President Traian Basescu, President Barack Obama and Vice-President Joe Biden met in the Roosevelt Hall, after which the American President invited the Romanian Head of State to the Oval Office, a meeting the US Vice-President attended too. The two Presidents adopted the Declaration on the strategic partnership, a moment which President Basescu says 'will certainly go down in Romania's history.' The meeting at the White House was followed by a visit to the US Congress, then meetings at the CIA headquarters and the Pentagon. At Romania's Embassy in Washington, President Traian Basescu met representatives of the Romanian community in the US, an occasion on which he spoke both of the Romanian-American relation and of questions related to the domestic policy. The Head of State told the Romanians interested in the about 30-minute talk he had with US President Barack Obama in Washington, that the US leader urged for justice to be functioning in Romania. 'I asked the US President: ‘Mr President, what can Romania do for America?' President Obama's answer was: ‘Do so that the law be enforced, do so that your justice should function and this is the greatest thing you can do,'' said Basescu. With respect to the documents agreed upon in Washington, President Basescu stressed it was for the first time that Romania had an enhanced degree of security and the United States was involved in this process. The Head of State said the strategic partnership covered what was 'apparently missing' in the Romanian-US relation, namely the economic, scientific and technological cooperation. 'It is true that, after everybody learnt, a few months ago, that the agreement on deploying missile interceptors in Romania's territory was initialled and sealed, there was a certain enthusiasm of the American companies to act and run business in Romania's territory, and the companies were not small ones at all,' added President Basescu, who also said that it was essential to remove bureaucracy from the relationship with investors. The Romanians attending the meeting with President Traian Basescu, among whom there were sportsman Ghita Muresan, but also Mihai Tanasescu, said they were also interested in

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subjects related to the domestic policy, from among which mention should be made of the unemployment rate and the situation in justice connected to the property return. The delegation accompanying President Traian Basescu on his visit to Washington included Minister of Foreign Affairs Teodor Baconschi, Minister of Defence , heads of the Foreign Intelligence Service and the Romanian Intelligence Service Mihai Razvan Ungureanu and George Maior respectively, presidential advised for security questions Iulian Fota and Secretary of State with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs .

Presidents Traian Basescu and Giorgio Napolitano, supporters of "United States of Europe" creation Bucharest, Sept 15 /Agerpres/ - President Traian Basescu and his Italian counterpart Giorgio Napolitano in Bucharest voiced their common points of view regarding the need to create "the United States of Europe". "We reviewed the issues related with the European Union and I supported the need of a much more powerful integration and I do not hinder to reiterate the thesis of the need to create the United States of Europe. Moreover, I underscored the fact that we do not have time for any delays and that the calendar of some important decisions must be very tight. We have analysed together [with the Italian counterpart] the issues concerning the future budget exercise of the European Union, underlining Romania's priorities related with maintaining a powerful development financing, namely the cohesion funds. Also, we have analysed the foreshadowing Agricultural Policy, pointing out to the Italian President and delegation our position concerning the Common Agricultural Policy," President Basescu said at the Cotroceni Palace, at the end of the discussions with the Italian counterpart. In his turn, the President of Italy underscored that he found "a complete viewpoint identity" with the Romanian Head of State, among which the prospects of the European unity relaunching. "The United States of Europe are a great ideal that must lead us on this path to a closer integration, which has now become an objective and it is true that there is a need to accelerate it, because we must make some decisions as soon as possible and to set some grounds, especially through the European Council decisions of July 21 that we comply with and for the implementation of which we collaborate," the Italian President said. In context, Napolitano also said that Italy supported Romania's commitment of accessing the Schengen area and, at the same time, that he understood Romania's points of view concerning the Common Agricultural Policy. Romanian President Traian Basescu believes no European Union member state can face the globalisation process by itself, saying the solution to the problems Europe suffers from is a higher integration and the tax integration should be the first to take into account. "I have noticed Romania's expenses incurred by operating the state and by the social issues are huge. The social area includes also the pensions that became higher than the amounts the Government collected in the pension funds. We acted harshly in 2010 in this respect and it

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Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______is obvious that, looking at the EU economic growth prospect, Romania reached a balance from these sacrifices suffered by the population," the Head of the Romanian State told a press conference held jointly with his Italian counterpart Giorgio Napolitano, held at the Cotroceni Palace. He added that Romania took a series of measures in 2010 allowing to restore the balance, but today there is a deficit at the pension fund of 3.6 billion Euros at the moment and there are 54 social programmes. "The Romanian people suffered some sacrifices over these couple of years and we believe these sacrifices will be rewarded by a macroeconomic balance of Romania. From Romania's singular problem to Europe it is a long way and I would sum up our viewpoint in several words: no EU member state can face the globalisation process by itself, be it either Germany or Romania," President Basescu said. He also mentioned the idea of a Europe with a common tax policy to allow for a common monetary policy. "How can we conceive a unique currency with different tax policies, with utterly different degrees of development? I can see the solution to our problems to be more integration, no matter what the OECD, IMF reports say. We must start with the tax integration," President Basescu concluded.

President Traian Basescu: It is clear that a switch to common budget and fiscal policy is required Bucharest, Sept 22 /Agerpres/ - A common budgetary and fiscal policy is needed at the level of the European Union and the EU member states should have the courage to discuss the matter, President Traian Basescu told a meeting of the enlarged European People's Party (EPP) group at the Parliament Palace in Bucharest. "In order to become an element that influences the direction toward which the globalisation process is steered, we need something more than unity and solidarity. And I believe there are some inevitable things to be done at the EU level in terms of general policies. Obviously, we cannot hope for a common monetary policy as long as there are 27 national budgetary policies and 27 national fiscal policies. It is clear that we have to switch to a common budgetary and fiscal policy, which is very hard to achieve, but we must have the courage to discuss the matter and see how we can achieve this objective. That will certainly have major implications on the wage and pension policies," President Basescu said. He added that there is no solid and consolidated Europe without a common EU-wide energy policy. "The same as we are now facing a difficult situation because a country is itself faced with hardships generated by its macroeconomic situation, we also had a feeling of generalised difficulties when back in 2008 we faced problems in gas supply to some EU member states. It is clear that the difficulties facing each EU member states generate difficulties for all of the

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other members and that means that we have to generate a common energy policy, a policy that will guarantee energy security for all," said President Basescu. He warned about the need for a common policy in the fields of education and research, since there are high school and even university graduates who cannot find a job on their national jobs markets. "Almost all the member states are creating graduates who cannot find a job. There are much too many fresh graduates, both high school and university graduates, who cannot find a job on their national jobs markets. It is clear that, although we are investing in education, each according our own capabilities, we need a common European educational policy that has to be adjusted for the demand of the jobs markets. We also need a common research policy. Currently, we do not quite know what the research themes are in each of the 27 member states of the EU. Many times we are wasting money retrenching the same things. It is clear that we need research priorities," President Basescu said.

President Traian Basescu welcomed Belgian Prime Minister at Cotroceni Palace President Traian Basescu welcomed Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Belgium Yves Leterme at Cotroceni Palace, on which occasion the two officials discussed the problems faced by the euro zone, the Head of State pointing out that the solution is 'a strong process of integration.' 'I believe we face difficulties, especially the euro zone. I believe we are passing through a rough patch, but I am confident we will overcome it,' the Belgian official said. As for the Romanian Head of State, he stressed that a process of integration within the European Union represents a solution to this problem, mentioning the economic integration. 'From my point of view, a strong process of integration is the solution,' President Basescu said. The president said that he is also to meet President of the European People's Party (EPP) Wilfried Martens at Cotroceni Palace. Belgian Prime Minister and EPP President together with President Traian Basescu attended the meeting of the enlarged group of the European People's Party to be held in Bucharest on September 22 to 24. Yves Leterme met Prime Minister , at Victoria Palace Belgium believes that the case of Romania's accession to the space Schengen must be viewed through a meritorious approach, and the fact that Romania has met all the needed technical criteria is very important, said Prime Minister Yves Leterme in a joint press conference with Prime Minister Emil Boc, at Victoria Palace. 'We believe that the very important file of Romania's accession to Schengen must be viewed through a meritorious approach. It is important that Romania has met all the technical criteria that have been submitted to join the Schengen space. Respecting tradition, Belgium will also support the European Commission proposals to move forward in this project ', said the Belgian official. PMLeterme added that the JHA Council decision in this regard should keep in mind only the facts in the dossier and not aspects of some other nature. On the other hand, Prime Minister Leterme stressed the good cooperation between the two countries in European dossiers and showed that, during the meeting, the two sides also approached the subject of the Eastern Partnership, in the prospect of the European Summit on

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______this subject, set to be hosted next week in Warsaw by the EU Polish rotating presidency. He also mentioned Romania's very strong interest in this meeting, namely that the Republic of Moldova accession goal will be considered on the occasion of the meeting in Warsaw. Romania, Belgium sign agreement to modernize Bucharest’s main railway station Romanian Transport Minister and Belgian state secretary for Mobility Etienne Schouppe signed a Memorandum for cooperation in transport, concerning, among others, the modernization of Bucharest's Gara de Nord train station. The memorandum was signed in the presence of Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc and his Belgian counterpart Yves Leterme. The act provides procedures for cooperation in projects for the modernization, rehabilitation and expansion of transport infrastructure in Bucharest, including the north train station. Premier Boc said Gara de Nord is the most important railway station among the Romanian sections of pan-European railway transport corridors IV and IX, and urged Belgian businesspeople to continue to invest in Romania. PM Leterme said he met with representatives of 25 Belgian businesses operating in Romania, who want to expand, despite certain problems. (ActMedia, 23 September, 2011)

Romania, US sign Ballistic Missile Defence Agreement Washington, Sept 13/Agerpres/ - Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Baconschi met US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton in Washington D.C. to sign an Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the on the Deployment of the US Ballistic Missile Defence System in Romania. Minister Baconschi said he is honoured and impressed to be at the US Department of State, telling Clinton that by signing the agreement 'we are modestly making history today.' 'I am very much impressed and honoured to be here at the State Department, and I congratulate all those who have hard worked for this successful agreement between our two nations,' Minister Baconschi told a press conference after the signing of the US-Romania agreement. He underscored that Romania is determined to participate in the effort towards global security, and President Traian Basescu's visit to Washington confirms this common approach to global security. 'My visit occurs just two days after the entire world commemorated in deep sympathy with you American people the horrible terrorists attacks of 9/11. We stand by you, as we have always done. The wind of change in the Arab world demonstrates that democracy is worth fighting for, and once gained it must be jealously protected,' said Minister Baconschi. He added 'as a member of the free world and as a strategic partner of the United States, Romania is determined to participate in the effort towards global security.' 'President Traian Basescu's visit to Washington confirms this common approach to global security,' said Minister Baconschi. In her turn, US Secretary of State Clinton said the agreement will position Romania as a central player in NATO's evolving missile defence capability.

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'Thanks to the diligent work of our negotiating teams and the personal commitment of President Basescu and President Obama, the foreign minister and I have just signed the U.S.- Romanian Ballistic Missile Defense Agreement,' State Secretary Clinton added. She also said the document is a crucial step toward countering the proliferation of ballistic missiles that are more lethal, more accurate, and can cover greater distances pose a growing threat to the people and security of both Europe and the United States. 'The agreement we have just signed will position Romania as a central player in NATO's evolving missile defence capability,' State Secretary Clinton added. The two ministers also hailed the adoption of a Joint Declaration of the Strategic Partnership for the 21st Century between Romania and the US. 'This is a concrete outstanding result of the meeting of our two presidents this morning. It confirms our excellent long term and ever-developing partnership. It also sets the pillars of our relation, political dialogue, which is excellent, security, economy, people-to-people contacts, science and technology research, education, and culture,' said Minister Bacosnchi. He added that Romania would like more US companies to invest in Romania, after announcing the IBM will open a centre in Romania that will create nearly 3,000 new jobs. 'The United States is already one of the most important foreign investors in our economy, and we are looking forward to increase the volume of these, including already decided new idea and plans to be created in Romania, which is supposed to generate something like 3,000 - well, jobs, new jobs,' said Minister Baconschi. He added 'we have this very coherent political dialogue in energy security, in strategic affairs, in transatlantic files, and in the NATO framework.' State Secretary Clinton said the US would like too. She added that the discussed at length the hope in the Obama Administration to bring about changes in the congressional laws which determine how the visa system is run and who qualifies for visa waiver. 'I want to tell the people of Romania, I'm unhappy about the way the visas - the visa system operates. And the foreign minister and I discussed at length our hope in the Obama Administration to bring about changes in the congressional laws which determine how the visa system is run and who qualifies for visa waiver. You are not the only country that I feel very strongly about trying to change the criteria. Our Polish friends feel exactly the same way,' State Secretary Clinton explained. 'We are working in our Administration to present legislation that would create a change in criteria that would enable us to have greater interactions between Americans and Romanians. Until we get that change, because if I could sign a document I would but I have to go through the Congress, we're going to be working closely with Romania to make sure that we provide whatever technical assistance is needed to try to improve the process in Romania, so we at least get as many people visas and we move closer toward the existing targets on visa waiver,' State Secretary Clinton also said.

The Annual Meeting of the Romanian Diplomacy MFA – Bucharest/ The Ministry of Foreign Affairs held, between 29 August and 1 st

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September 2011, the Annual Meeting of the Romanian Diplomacy (RADR), attended by heads of permanent diplomatic missions – ambassadors, consuls general, directors of Romanian cultural institutes. On Romanian Diplomacy Day – 1 st September, Romania’s President Traian B ăsescu received the representatives of the Romanian diplomatic corps and the directors of Romanian cultural institutes, at Cotroceni Palace. The RADR official opening on 31 August was attended by Prime Minister Emil Boc, Foreign Minister Teodor Baconschi and the chairmen of Parliament’s Foreign Affairs committees.

In his address at the opening session, Foreign Minister Teodor Baconschi emphasized the European dimension of the Romanian diplomacy, from the viewpoint of this country’s relationship with other areas of interest as well. The head of the Romanian diplomacy underscored the importance of the MFA’s role as generator of partnerships between economic operators in Romania and in the other EU member states, reiterating the importance of implementing the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. Minister Baconschi mentioned that Romania meant to become a platform for dialogue between the Eastern and Southern neighbourhoods of the EU. Moreover, Romania successfully claims for itself a pivotal role in respect to the external presence of the European Union also on the basis of the repute it has already gained as a major participant in various missions in the framework of the Common Security and Defence Policy. In connection with the role of the diplomatic service as protector of the rights of Romanian citizens abroad, he said that “ the MFA is the guarantor of Romanian nationals’ free and non-discriminatory access to the services they are entitled to as European citizens,” insisting that “the principle we should abide by in our action should be clear: each citizen counts.” In connection with the MFA’s role as a European pivot in Romania’s policy, Minister Baconschi invited attention to two major vectors of the European construction: civic solidarity of the European citizens, i.e. free movement of persons, and political solidarity of the European society, i.e. the economic and social cohesion policies. At the same time, he reiterated the importance of the Strategic Partnership with the United States of America, as a pillar of our transatlantic relationship structured in the framework of NATO. Minister Teodor Baconschi then brought up the importance of a more creative role in order to achieve better security coordination between the European Union, NATO, OSCE and, finally, the United Nations.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

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This year’s meeting had two special guests: Turkey’s Foreign Minister Ahmet Davuto ğlu and the Republic of Moldova’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, Iurie Leanc ă. On 31 August, Minister Ahmet Davuto ğlu addressed the RADR, presenting the principles underlying the foreign policy of the Turkish state, including “zero problems with neighbours” and “balancing freedom and security”. He made a point of showing that that “ Romania is to Turkey both a neighbour and a friend, as much as a major economic partner. Political, economic and cultural relations between Romania and Turkey are very good and I believe a brilliant future lies in store .” In his turn Moldovan Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Iurie Leanc ă reviewed, on Romanian Diplomacy Day, the dialogue between Chi şin ău and Bucharest in the last 20 years, highlighting the complex, very dynamic developments and the many current challenges in the Republic of Moldova. The Moldovan official thanked Minister Teodor Baconschi for his contribution to the setting up of the Group for the European Action of the Republic of Moldova. The RADR working groups, with MFA State Secretaries Doru Costea, Bogdan Aurescu and Anton Niculescu and MFA Secretary General Robert Cazanciuc as moderators, examined the strategic European priorities of Romania, the bilateral and multilateral diplomatic activity, as well as the consular activity. The participants also examined financial, administrative and human resources aspects pertaining to the management of diplomatic missions. Substantial viewpoints were set forth during the debates by , presidential adviser, Bogdan M ănoiu, head of the Department for European Affairs, and Horia Roman Patapievici, director of the Romanian Cultural Institute. In the sidelines of the RADR, a session on the problems of Romanian communities abroad was held today. Four Romanian MPs who represent the Romanians of the Diaspora attended the session: Senators Viorel Riceard Badea and Raymond Luca and Deputies William Gabriel Brânz ă and József Köt ő. This year’s Annual Meeting of the Romanian Diplomacy proved again to be a useful professional exercise, appreciated as such by the diplomats and the invited guests alike.

ForMins Baconschi and Sikorski analyse bilateral relationship, European and international cooperation Bucharest, Sept 5 /Agerpres/ - Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Baconschi and his Polish counterpart Radoslaw Sikorski assessed the latest developments in the bilateral relations between Romania and Poland and cooperation between the two countries at a European and world level in an attempt to deepen the Romanian-Polish strategic partnership and implement the measures included in the two countries' action plan, on Baconshi's working visit to Poland, September 4-5. The Romanian Foreign Ministry (MAE) reports in a press release that the two ministers discussed actual ways of boosting bilateral trade, confirming its rising trend of late, as Poland is ranked 9th among Romania's foreign trade partners, with a trade volume of 2.7 billion Euros in 2010.

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The two ministers also underscored the importance of Minister Baconschi's visit now that the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union is in full swing, so that an open conversation can be conducted about the main themes on Europe and the world's agenda. Minister Sikorski thanked Minister Baconschi for Romania's constant support for the Polish presidency of the EU Council achieving its objectives. About Romania's accession to the border-free Schengen Area, the two ministers agreed to continue coordination in order to win a favourable decision at the Justice and Home Affairs Council of September 22, 2011, with Minister Sikorski reaffirming the support to this end from the Polish presidency. Ministers Baconschi and Sikorski also underscored the common interest in and the importance of approving an ambitious political declaration at the Eastern Partnership Summit to be held in Warsaw, September 29-30, 2011, that will reflect the level of ambitious and political commitments of the EU to the eastern partner states. Romania and Poland's support for Moldova and Ukraine's European efforts was also underlined. The two ministers undertook to intensify bilateral cooperation in the areas of European affairs, the Common Security and Defence Policy chapter. They also exchanged opinions on the recent developments in the Middle East and Northern Africa. Ministers Baconschi and Sikorski participated in the official opening of Romania's Honorary Consulate General in Kielce. The two ministers also attended the opening of the 19 th edition of the International Defence Show in Kielce, an event organised by the Polish Defence Ministry in cooperation with the European Defence Agency, and oversaw the signing of a memorandum of understanding between Polish BUMAR SRL and Romanian UTI Dence Security Engineering SA.

Foreign Ministry sets Consular Crisis Centre with permanent activity in place Bucharest, Sept 26 /Agerpres/ - As of early this month, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) has a Consular Crisis Centre with permanent activity in place; Romanian chief diplomat Teodor Baconschi presented the facility to the journalists, saying that this body was a must amid an increasing number of consular crises in recent years. "We decided to set up the Consular Crisis Centre and the info-point in order to enhance the capacity of the Foreign Ministry to manage consular crises, in coordination with the other competent Romanian institutions and our partners in the EU. In the past years we have witnessed a multiplication of the situations of consular crisis, we had some experiences that we have managed well, like in Libya's case. Of course, we do not want other consular crises to emerge, but they are possible anytime. It's not just the recent turbulence in the Arab space, other areas are also under the threat of either nuclear accidents that could occur, as was the case in the aftermath of the tsunami in Japan, of humanitarian crises like the one in Haiti, or political crises related to civil wars or revolutionary situations, that could all expose the Romanian communities living there to high risks," said Minister Baconschi. He added that in the eventuality that such a crisis broke out, a real-time response is essential, as is relating to all the competent Romanian and EU institutions. The Center consists of an info-

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call centre that will allow the families of the Romanian citizens trapped in crisis areas to get in direct contact with the Foreign Ministry's headquarters, as well as a Co-ordination and Secretariat Unit, which is also equipped with a "map hall" with the large-scale maps of all the states of the world. The Co-ordination and Secretariat Unit has permanently three staff on duty and in case of a top alert it can be manned by 24 diplomats and consuls; the option also exists to deploy mobile teams on site to facilitate the evacuation of Romanian citizens. Minister Baconschi said that no new resources have been assigned for the setting up of this centre and the data processing equipment was taken from the Shanghai Exhibition, whereas sponsors provided the equipment for the mobile teams. The Romanian chief diplomat also made it clear that the situation in Syria remains at the top of the Foreign Ministry's concerns. "The situation in Syria is still in a deadlock, the required and promised reforms have not yet been convincingly implemented, but, as we already announced, we sketched an intervention plan for Syria to carry it out if necessary. We do not want this to be happen, but given the scale of our community there, of course, Syria is on top of our concerns," said Minister Baconschi. The Foreign Ministry prepared a scenario for the evacuation of the Romanians in Syria, Minister Baconschi announced at the beginning of this month. He said that about 15,000 people could be evacuated, Syrian citizens included, because there are many mixed families. "We have evacuation plans devised for various ways - by air, sea or land - and we ready ourselves for any such scenario so as not to be taken by surprise if we need to take action. (...) We have about 15,000 Romanians to take care of, the Syrian citizens included, because there are many mixed families," said the Foreign Minister. After the operation this March whereby the Foreign Ministry and the National Defence Ministry joined efforts for the one of a kind airlifting, from Libya, of 793 Romanian citizens and about 150 European citizens, Minister Baconschi announced the initiative of organizing the Consular Crisis Center that was supposed to include a room with large scale maps to be used by crisis cells in order to precisely identify the exact places where Romanians are.

State Secretary Doru Costea delivers Romania's national statement at the UN General Assembly Bucharest, Sept 28 /Agerpres/ - State Secretary Doru Costea delivered Romania's national statement at the general debate of the 66th session of the UN General Assembly held in New York, and the debate's topic, this year is "The Role of mediation in the peaceful settlement of disputes." In his address, State Secretary Doru Costea underlined the need for strengthening the judicial bases of the mediation process and the reinforcement of its mechanisms through the United Nations and the regional and sub- regional organizations, so that the Member States' mediation efforts should benefit of tangible support, Foreign Ministry (MAE) press release informs. "Romania, as President of the Fourth Committee of the UN General Assembly is ready to encourage, from this position, as well, the diplomatic efforts aimed at the progress of the

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Israeli-Palestinian peace process. The direct negotiations only represent the viable way to obtain sustainable peace in the Middle East", the source reads on citing the Romanian official as saying. The State Secretary welcomed the recent changes in North Africa and the Middle East, stressing that they are in resonance with the spirit of the events Romania was experiencing 20 years before. On the occasion, he reiterated Romania's willingness to help these countries to cope with the transition to democracy, a large part of the Romania's assistance for the development being aimed at building democratic institutions, strengthening the rule of law, justice and the defence of fundamental human rights. "Romania sees developments like those in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya have to be assumed and supported by the United Nations, by all the available means. It is our collective responsibility to make sure, above all, that the welfare, the human dignity, the fundamental freedoms and the equal rights of all human beings are respected and enacted in our countries. It will be part of Romania's mandate as a member of the Human Rights Council, and I assure you it will be enacted in a constructive and balanced way," State Secretary Costea stressed. As for the situation in Afghanistan, the Romanian official referred to the progress the Afghan authorities made in gradually taking the responsibilities in fields such as security, reconstruction and social and economic development. "We believe that transition should not be dimensioned contingent upon fixed time points, but starting from the circumstances and the conditions a society needs for functioning normally. Romania thinks that Afghanistan's progress depends both on the efforts the Kabul authorities make and on the international community's continued commitment. In the context we greet the role and the efforts of the United Nations, of other international organizations and the member states, and I reaffirm Romania's commitment to Afghanistan's stabilization," said the Romanian diplomat. At the same time, State Secretary Doru Costea reiterated Romania's willingness to act, in cooperation with the partners, for a comprehensive and coherent approach to the risks and threats to the international peace and security, especially those caused by the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and conventional weapons. "Romania endorses and call all the states to a long-term responsible involvement in the disarmament, and to the prioritization of their actions in favour of the global security. Disarmament, non-proliferation and arms control represent important pillars in the global security's architecture," State Secretary Costea emphasized. According to the above-mentioned source, the Romanian State Secretary also referred to Romania's commitment to preparing the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD), the country holding the Presidency of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development, aimed at preparing the UN conference in June 2012 - Rio +20-, to the need to promote the green economy, to continue the mobilization for combating climate changes and the need to adopt a global post-Kyoto regime. At the same time, the Secretary of State referred to the difficulties triggered by the global economic crisis and, in this context, stressed the need for reforms and effective "Options are limited, during crisis times. We can launch debates on what should have been or could be done, but time is not on our side. Therefore, we must act. In the end I want to emphasize, once more, the crucial bond between the progress and the observance of the human rights and the basic liberties. We want to reaffirm that it is quite unlikely that progress lasts without a good ruling. A country without equal and dignified citizens can never be rich," State Secretary Doru Costea concluded when delivering Romania's national statement, the MAE release reads on.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

Romania holds visibility and responsibility positions in the current session of the UN General Assembly, namely the presidency of the Fourth Committee of the UN General Assembly dealing with special political issues such as the Palestinian problem and the decolonization, peace keeping operations, freedom of press and public information, the peaceful use of the outer space, mine-clearing, etc., and it also holds a 3-year mandate as a member of the Human Rights Council. Romania could provide assistance to South Sudan Romania can share its experience in the field of democratic transformation, especially in areas such as organization of elections, institutional reconstruction and promotion of democracy in South Sudan, said Secretary of State Doru Costea, on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York, during a bilateral meeting with his counterpart from South Sudan, Majol Guandong. According to a press release issued by MAE, the two officials appreciated that the South Sudan, the newest UN member state, will undergo a period of transition during which reconciliation and reconstruction processes play an essential role. Also, on the sidelines of his visit to New York, on the occasion of the UN General Assembly, Secretary of State Doru Costea met with leaders of the main Jewish organizations in America (as the American Jewish Committee and B'nai B'rith) and with the Romanian international UN staff, the press release also informs. The meeting with leaders of the main Jewish organizations in America offered the opportunity to exchange views on the U.S.A.-Romania relations, Romania's cooperation with the Jewish organizations, mutual interest topics related to the foreign policy, internal social realities in Romania, and educating society in Romania in the spirit of tolerance, non-discrimination, anti- Semitism and Holocaust memory cultivation. Secretary of State Doru Costea noted that, recently, the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the pogrom in Iasi (27-29 June 1941) took place and welcomed the initiative of the National Institute 'Elie Wiesel', in collaboration with other partners and local authorities, to organize a series of commemorative events. At the same time, he stressed that the Romanian government has made considerable efforts in recent years to implement the conclusions and recommendations of the final report issued by the International Commission on the Holocaust in Romania. (ActMedia, September 28, 2011) Romania, elected as President of IAEA General Conference Bucharest, Sept 19 /Agerpres/ - Romania was elected, as a first, in the position of President of the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), taking place on September 19-23, 2011, in Vienna. The President office will be exercised by the Romanian Ambassador to the international organizations in Vienna, Cornel Feruta. According to the cited source, the General Conference is the most important decision making forum of IAEA, and Romania's election, to chair it, represents a recognition of the quality of its contribution in recent years within the IAEA, in particular by holding two consecutive terms as Vice-President of the Governing Council in the period 2008-2010, as well as during the negotiation processes of IAEA Medium Term Strategy 2012-2017 and the adoption of the agency budget for 2010-2011. In the context of the General Conference this year, as the first meeting of the main decision forum of IAEA in the aftermath of the nuclear accident in Fukushima, the debates on nuclear safety will occupy a central place. Subsequent to the ministerial meeting in June 2011 and discussions that followed, the General Conference aims to adopt an Action Plan aimed at strengthening nuclear safety measures, the release also informs.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

The agenda includes among other topics a series of resolutions focused on the North Korean nuclear dossier, nuclear safeguards, nuclear safety and technical cooperation, the release says, as well. Apart of the main prerogatives of the Conference President, to chair the plenary sessions, Romania's official will be also in charge with consensus gathering in sensitive issues featuring on the IAEA agenda and coordination of negotiations between Member States and regional groups in view to adopt resolutions and decisions. Visit of the Romanian Minister of Justice to the United Kingdom Embassy of Romania - London/ The Romanian Minister of Justice C ătălin Predoiu paid an working visit to London on 8 and 9 September 2011, as head of a delegation also including the Under-Secretary of State Radu Ragea and experts from various departments of the Ministry of Justice. The visit aimed at presenting to the British partners the latest developments in the reform of the judiciary system in Romania and exploring areas of more profound bilateral cooperation. Minister Predoiu met his British counterpart, the Secretary of State for Justice Kenneth Clarke, as a follow-up to the visit paid by Mr. Clarke to Romania in September 2010. Discussions mainly focused on bilateral cooperation, justice reform and anticorruption policies, cooperation on prison systems, bilateral and EU coordination on Justice and Home Affairs issues, including the EU Co-operation and Verification Mechanism. Other important moments of the programme included a meeting with the Minister for Europe David Lidington, a discussion at the UK Parliament with Sir Alan Beith, Chair of the Justice Committee within the House of Commons, and also with other members of the Committee, as well as an exchange of views with the President of the UK Supreme Court of Justice, Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers. Minister C ătălin Predoiu engaged in a round table discussion with representatives of the UK business community, organised in cooperation with British-Romanian Chamber of Commerce. Topics on the agenda regarded the new legal framework relevant for businesses operating in Romania, impact of new Civil Code and Civil Procedure Code on the business environment, latest developments in company legal framework and corporate governance in Romanian legislation. A brief visit of Minister Predoiu to the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) was followed by more extensive discussions at expert level between specialised members of the Romanian delegation and their British colleagues. Another specialized component of the visit regarding the legal framework and best practices in the penitentiary system of the UK resulted in a separate meeting of the Under-State of Secretary in the Romanian Ministry of Justice Radu Ragea and the Director of the National Prison Administration Ioan B ăla with British counterparts and a visit to a prison in Warwickshire.

Romania at the “The Scottish Low Carbon Investment - Resource use and energy efficiency”

Embassy of Romania – London/ Between 27-28 September 2011 took place, in Edinburgh, The Scottish Low Carbon Investment - Resource

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Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

use and energy efficiency Conference , the largest economic event of 2011 in Scotland. At the invitation of Rt Hon Alex Salmond, First Minister of the Scottish Government, the Romanian Government was represented by Mr Karoly Borbely, State Secretary with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and the Business Environment. Mr Borbely was accompanied by Dr Ion Jinga, the Ambassador of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Dr Mihai Delcea, Head of the Consular Office in Edinburgh. On the occasion, the Romania delegation had separate meetings with the First Minister of the Scottish Government and with Ron Hewitt, General Director of Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce. There were present at the conference more than 600 governmental representatives of World Council for Renewable Energy (WCRE), European Union, multinationals such as HSBC, Royal Bank of Scotland, European Investment Bank, Deutsche Bank AG, Lloyds TSB, Mitsubishi Power Systems Europe, Siemens Energy, Bloomberg, Skanska, Vattenfall and others, researchers, academics and investors in renewable energy projects. At the second day of the conference, was present the Honourable Al Gore, the 45 th Vice- president of the United States, initiator and supporter of a campaign meant to raise the awareness about the consequences of the climate change and global warming, as well as the connection between the two. In his intervention, the Romanian State secretary, Mr Karoly Borbely, underlined Romania’s interest in developing the renewable energy sector, mentioning the undergoing projects, encouraging the British businessmen interested in modernizing the classic energy infrastructure and developing new investments in producing low carbon energy to take advantage of our country’s potential. There were presented the measures taken by the Romanian government in the environment protection and ecological industries sector, including the creation of an attractive legal framework meant to stimulate the investments. Romania’s recent years efforts are reflected in environmental investments over 5.2 billions USD, our country being the first in Central and Eastern Europe with, and third in the EU, after the United Kingdom and Germany, according to UNCTAD. During the bilateral meeting, the First Minister of the Scottish Government extended his appreciation and satisfaction for the level of representation of the Romanian Government at the conference, for our country’s active and constant presence at the most important economic and cultural events in Scotland. Rt Hon Alex Salmond remarked the possibilities of augmenting, in number and dimension, the cooperative projects between Romanian and Scottish companies, renewable energy and infrastructure development being two such success examples. The Head of the Scottish Government remarked as well the fact that this is the third meeting with the Ambassador Ion Jinga, and appreciated the constant attention that the Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom is paying to the development of trade exchanges with Scotland and to promote a friendly business environment, as well as the way the Embassy is following and encouraging projects development, in the spirit of continuity and pragmatism. During the meeting with the General Director of the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce, the Romanian delegation reiterated the interest for developing trade exchanges with Scotland and to attract foreign investments, suggesting that the Scottish businessmen members of the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce could evaluate the possibility of involvement in Romanian government’s major projects in infrastructure, tourism, energy and agriculture. The Conference „The Scottish Low Carbon Investment – Resource use and energy efficiency” was organised in partnership with Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce, Scottish Enterprise, Scottish Development International, Scottish Futures Trust and Highlands and Isles Enterprise,

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______under the patronage of Rt Hon Alex Salmond, First Minister of the Scottish Government having as main sponsor the Royal Bank of Scotland Group. In the last day of his presence in the capital of Scotland, the Ambassador of Romania in the United Kingdom visited, in the city centre, the location of the future orthodox church which is going to be bought by the Romanian community living in Edinburgh.

Meeting of the Migration Advisory Committee with representatives of Romanian professional associations in the UK Embassy of Romania – London/ On September 16, 2011, in the presence of HE Dr Ion Jinga, Ambassador of Romania in London, took place a meeting of the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) with representatives of several Romanian professional associations. It was for the first time that the Migration Advisory Committee was participating in a meeting of such nature, organized by an embassy. MAC is a body of independent experts, with an advisory role on issues related to immigration policies in the UK. At the end of October 2011, MAC will report to the British Government, providing advice for the decision regarding the access of Romanian and Bulgarian workers to the British labour market. The meeting was initiated by the Embassy of Romania in London, aiming at offering MAC the opportunity to have a broader insight of the negative effects of maintaining restrictions on the labour market, through a direct contact with representatives of the Romanian community in the UK, who had the chance to add their arguments to those presented by the Embassy of Romania in the UK. The dialogue with representatives of the Romanian community took place after extensive discussions between the Embassy of Romania and MAC, based on recent statistical data provided by the Romanian Ministry for Labour, Family and Social Protection, regarding migration flows from Romania to other EU member states, the situation of the Romanian economy and the unemployment rate. There meeting was attended by representatives of the following associations and websites of the Romanian community: The Romanian Society in Scotland, Self Support Group Ballymena (Northern Ireland), The Romanian Cultural Centre – Ratiu Foundation, London Ressources Ltd., Romani Online, Romani in UK, Romanca Society, Romania in the Third Millenium, The Romanian Students’ Society in Nottingham, Romanian Medical Society and the Honorary Romanian Consulate in Leeds. The meeting started with the projection of a documentary film produced and directed by the Romanian journalist Sorana Stanescu, revealing several concrete cases of Romanians working in constructions who faced discrimination and became vulnerable due to the ongoing work-restrictions for Romanian labourers in the UK. In his opening speech, The Ambassador of Romania reiterated the arguments of the Romanian official bodies, regarding the discriminatory and unfair nature of the restrictions.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

Given the fact that Romanian migration potential has already reached its ceiling and the Romanian economy develops sustainably, it is unlikely that a significant number of Romanians would be coming to the UK in case work-restrictions were lifted. The linguistic barrier is also an impediment for Romanians in choosing Great Britain, in comparison to other countries such as Spain or Italy. At the same time, maintaining restrictions also affects the British budget in a negative way as, for the self employed and those without legal status, employers are not paying the corresponding taxes to the state budget. He outlined that lifting restrictions remains a permanent priority on the Embassy’s agenda and for the Romanian authorities as well. Last but not least, the Ambassador underlined that it is also a matter of pride and dignity for the Romanians living in the UK to benefit from the same treatment as the citizens coming from other European Union member states. Professor David Metcalf explained the approach of the Migration Advisory Committee, stating that the organism has a consultative, and not a decisional role. He pointed out that, according to the MAC estimation, there are disturbances on the British labour market, but it is hard to prove that these are caused by the displacement of the British labour force by foreign workers. The implications of the presence of labour force coming from Romania (and Bulgaria) are, however, affecting the wages, the unemployment rate and the dismissal of British workers. He assured the participants that the MAC will draft an accurate and objective report, which will take into account the arguments of the Romanian community representatives. The representatives of Romanian associations and organisations pledged for lifting the restrictions on the labour market, showing that their maintenance contributes to exploitation of Romanian workers by their employers; affects the state budget due to unpaid taxes and puts pressure on the social services. They stated that it is hard to estimate the number of those who would be coming after the restrictions would be lifted, but insisted upon the necessity of regulating the status of those already present in Great Britain. As an argument against the fears of British authorities regarding the potential migration of Romanians coming from other EU countries such as Spain or Italy, they mentioned that the Romanians living there already have working places, are speaking the language and are well integrated in the society, hence they would have no reasons to look for jobs in Great Britain. Last but not least, they outlined that - even if there had been no restrictions in those respective states - the flows of workers from Romania have not caused disturbances on the local labour markets, Romanians being employed according to their qualifications, in a free competition climate. The representatives of the Romanian community can still send their arguments for lifting the restrictions in a written form to the Migration Advisory Committee, until 23 September 2011.

Foreign affairs ministers of the states neighbouring the Danube to meet in Bucharest in November on the issue of SUERD An informal meeting of the foreign affairs ministers of the states neighbouring the Danube will be organized in Bucharest on 7 and 8 November, the foreign affairs Minister Teodor Baconschi announced at the end of the first reunion of the Managing Council of the National Forum for the implementation of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (SUERD) organized at MAE. “We have proposed in the reunion, a working group on the issue of insurance of financing for the SUERD projects and in the perspective of implementing the Strategy we will organize in Bucharest between 7 and 8 November an informal reunion of the foreign affairs ministers in the Danube bordering states, which we summoned together with the Austrian foreign affairs minister as Romania and Austria are the co-initiating states of the Danube Strategy” Minister Baconschi said.

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Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

As regards the financing of the projects, the foreign affairs minister said that they could use the instruments such as structural funds and cohesion funds, the solidarity fund of the EU, and in the perspective of projects in public-private partnership they could use such funds offered by international financial institutions such as BEI and BERD. At the first reunion on the theme of Danube Strategy took part, together with the foreign affairs minister the Minister for Regional Development and Tourism, , the Minister of Environment and Forestry Laszlo Borbely, the Minister of Culture and National Heritage Kelemen Hunor. Romania currently develops projects worth 104 million Euros in Danube region Romania, through different collaborations with the states in the region, is currently developing projects worth 104 million Euros in the Danube region, Environment and Forestry Minister Borbely Laszlo told a press conference. 'Through different existing proposals, we currently have 14 million Euros in projects with several states involved both in risk maps and in environment risks, but we also have other 90 million Euros for environment related issues in the Danube region. Romania must fight for the European Union to admit that this region is very important and to draw financings within the budget for 2014-2020. In my opinion, the Transnational Programme that once existed should be resumed. What was only a desire of the riparian states ever since 2007 has become a reality, but the difficult part is yet to come. We must prove that we have viable projects, which nevertheless exist at present,' Minister Borbely mentioned. The Environment and Forestry Minister added that the Ministry he ran would continue to use European money in exceptional cases. 'The Environment Ministry will continue to be very active and we shall use the money from the European Union for Environmental Sectoral Operational Programmes in case of emergency and we must have an overview in case of transborder pollution, risk maps. Romania will be active in this field, as it has been until present,' the Environment and Forestry Minister said at the first meeting of the leading board of the national forum on implementing the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. Romania's actions will be focusing on projects' implementing and completion, especially in the prospects of the first reports that are about to be carried out within the annual EU Strategy for the Danube Region Forum taking place in the spring of 2012. On June 24 this year, the European Union announced 100 billion euro investments until 2013 for rehabilitation works in the Danube Region, the money being already earmarked through the EU Cohesion Policy 2007-2013. (ActMedia, September 29, 2011)

Important changes brought to law no.157/2011 to the judicial regime applicable to foreign citizens In the Official Gazette of Romania, part 1 no.533/28.07.2011 was published the law no.157/2011 for the amendment and completion of some documents regarding the regime of the aliens to Romania (law no 157/2011) law no 157/2011 came into force on 31 July 2011 with the exception of art.III which comes into power when the Schengen acquis is applied by Romania. Law no.157/2011 brings changes to the judicial regime applicable to foreign citizens (citizens who do not have the citizenship of a member state of the EU/EEC/Helvetic Confederation) through the amendments of several documents who regulate the regime. Thus, documents that suffered amendments as a result of adopting law no.157/2011 and the main aspects regulated in the new documents are the following: O.U.G. nr. 194/2002

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• Introduction of the “Blue Chart of the EU” Through law no.157/2011 was introduced the so-called “ Blue Charter of the EU” which represents a special permit for working purposes which confers the possessor the right to stay and work on the Romanian territory as an employee in a highly qualified position. At the same time, law no.157/2011 regulates the regime applicable to the people having such a permit. • Introduction of the visa for professional activities An amendment brought to OUG no.194/2002 is the regulation of a new type of visa for work namely for professional activities. Until now, the people who required coming to Romania for this purpose had other types of visa. • Amendment of conditions for granting visa for trade activities As regards granting the visa to foreign citizens who want to develop trade activities in Romania the minimal platforms of investments that must be covered for the visa. Thus, the value of investments in the case of foreign citizens associated in a company with limited liability is minimum 100,000 euro and in the case of shareholders in a company on shares of minimum 150,000 euro. Prior to the amendment, the ceilings were 70,000 euro for the first case and 100,000 euro for the second case respectively. • Regulations regarding highly qualified workers In direct connection to the regulation of the Blue Charter of the EU through law no.157/2011 were introduced regulations referring to the workers and work places that justify granting such permit. Thus, the highly qualified work place means the existence of superior professional qualification for the person occupying it. At the same time, there introduced requirements regarding the granting of work authorization for highly qualified workers, among which there are those regarding the selection process required in the case of work authorization for permanent workers. • Conditions for granting work authorisation As regards the granting of work authorization for foreign workers interested to work in Romania, through law no.157/2011 was introduced a new condition which must be achieved by the employer. Thus, to get work authorization it is necessary that the employer not have been sanctioned previously for undeclared or illegal work. As regards the requirement of the employer to have all debts to state paid the moment he requires work authorization, through the new law this condition was suspended, only the last quarter being necessary to be paid. (ActMedia, September, 2011)

• Economics

Prime Minister is to coordinate Romanian Centre for Trade and Foreign Investments The Romanian Centre for Trade and Foreign Investments currently under the coordination of a Secretary of State with the Economy Ministry will be coordinated by the Prime Minister, Premier Emil Boc announced at the beginning of the Government meeting. The Chief of Government pointed out that a first meeting at the Romanian Centre for Trade and Foreign Investments would take place and that the Centre would have to report weekly to the Government on each investment requested in Romania, regardless of its being domestic or foreign and on the nationwide and local notification stages and procedures and the Government would have to 'mediate in a positive manner so that these things should take place within the legal dates.' The Romanian Centre for Trade and Foreign Investments will not be structurally moved from the Ministry of Economy.

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Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

'We are in a global competition. The economic crisis points out this global competition. There is a major risk of some multinational investments in Romania or in Europe being relocated, of moving somewhere else. We must be careful, in such a situation, to always be ready to draw other foreign investments to Romania,' PM Emil Boc told the members of his Cabinet. 'I want the message we are sending to be very clear: all investors wanting to invest in Romania in projects generating jobs and investments, I am referring here to those over one million euros, will benefit from a direct approach within the Government and the Government's support for implementing, obviously on one condition - that they observe the Romanian and European legal framework,' the Prime Minister also said. (ActMedia, September 29, 2011)

British investors, interested in energy companies privatization The British investors showed their interest in the privatization of the energetic sector and in the public-private partnership in this area, reads a release of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business Environment. OMV Petrom, Transelectrica, Transgaz, Romgaz, Hidroelectrica, Nuclearelectrica and Oltchim are among the companies drawing their attention. Romanian Minister of Economy Ion Ariton met British Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills Vince Cable , who the latter's official visit to Romania. Over the first half of 2011, the bilateral trade exchanges between Romania and the UK went up by 12 percent on a year-over-year basis, reaching 1.3 billion Euros, 695 million of which the Romanian export and 610 million the import, with a positive balance of trade of 85 million Euros. On July 31, 2011, there were 4,410 companies with British capital in Romania, with an invested capital of 830.6 million Euros. The United Kingdom ranks sixth among the destinations of the Romanian exports and eleventh in terms of invested foreign capital. After a negative evolution in 2009, the trade relations between the two countries went on the mend in 2010. Thus, on December 31, 2010, the amount of the trade exchanges between Romania and the UK was 2.4 billion Euros, with 1.3 billion Euros the Romanian export and 1.1 billion the import, generating a positive balance of trade of 280 million Euros. (ActMedia, September 30, 2011)

EU Economy - Lessons Learned by a Newcomer, Romania Embassy of Romania – London/ On 28 September 2011, in the presence of the Ambassador of Romania, Dr Ion Jinga, took place the panel-debate regarding „EU Economy - Lessons Learned by a Newcomer, Romania”. The event enjoyed a large participation, being attended by over 100 experts in field, British businessmen, members of the diplomatic corps, academics, students, and media representatives. The event was organized by the Embassy of Romania in partnership with The Federal Trust for Education and Research, and had the following key note speakers: Radu Serban, Minister

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plenipotentiary with the Embassy of Romania in London, David Marsh, President OMFIF, and Pasquale Diana, Executive Director at Morgan Stanley. In his opening remarks, the Ambassador of Romania saluted the presence of the distinguished guests as well as the opportunity offered by such a debate to people with long- standing careers in world economics as well as people with only occasional preoccupations in this field, to learn more about the state of the Romanian economy and its investment opportunities. At his turn, Radu Serban, Minister plenipotentiary with the Embassy of Romania in London, said: “Romania is implementing the lessons learned both from accession and recession, following strategic objectives and targets and actively engaging with the other EU Member States, like the UK. Realistically speaking, one needs to look at the state of the economy today to realise that, in terms of overall GDP, we are situated only on the 17 th place, higher than Hungary, Slovakia, or Bulgaria, but lower than the Czech Republic, Finland or Ireland. In terms of macroeconomic performances, Romania has a number of good comparative results. The level of public debt, one of the Maastricht criteria in this respect, reflects the resilient Romanian finances, representing about 30 % of GDP, against a much bigger share of debt in GDP elsewhere, 85.1 % in the euro zone and 80 % in the EU27. The budget deficit, another Maastricht criterion, shows the strength of the Romanian finances. With a budget deficit of 6.4 % by the end of 2010, Romania is exactly at the level of the EU27 average. The future perspective is even more encouraging, with the prognosis of 3 % by the end of 2012, according to IMF. Unemployment is of paramount importance for the EU economy. The level of 7.4 % in Romania is quite high, but compared with 10.2 % in euro area and 9.7 in EU27 is one of the lowest rates in Europe. Looking from the EU internal market perspective, the Romanians are more competitive in terms of the average cost of labour, so they have more chances to be employed than the average European. Even more encouraging for a tonic view on the future Romanian economy is the statistic of the green field investments. According to UNCTAD, in the first four months of 2011 Romania absorbed 5.2 bn $, more than any other EU new Member State, even more than Poland and Czech Republic together (4.9 bn $), which means that Romania is rapidly becoming an attractive place for doing business, comparable with UK (7.2 bn $) and Germany (5.8 bn $), the only two EU Member States surpassing our level”.

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Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

Pasquale Diana, Executive Director at Morgan Stanley, in his presentation mentioned: “Romania has improved on its competitiveness rankings over the last years. Its current major deficiency is in tax collection. It scores better elsewhere”. The other speakers referred to Eurozone’s perspectives, recent evolutions within the European Union, the difficult European sovereign debt crisis and UK approach to the complex process of solving this crisis. On the occasion, the book „European Economic Integration – With a Romanian Insight” by Radu Serban was offered for those attending. The event concluded with a reception offered by the Embassy of Romania to the participants.

Romania, in the top 50 countries in terms of economic liberty Romania went up with 37 positions on position 48 in a ranking regarding economic liberty included in the Economic Freedom of the World 2011 report, made by the Canadian Institute Fraser. The economic climate in Romania got 7.08 points out of a total of ten in the 2011 edition of the top, against 6.58 points in the last year edition, Mediafax says. The important advance in the ranking for Romania and other countries, such as Bulgaria was due to the decline of the economic freedom in other states, who increased governmental intervention in trying to stop the crisis. The top is led by Hong Kong, Singapore and New Zealand. Among the states in Central and Eastern Europe, the best placed before Romania are Slovakia (13), Estonia (15) Hungary (15), Bulgaria (28) and the Czech Republic. After Romania were such states as Poland (53), Slovenia (74), and Croatia (89). The study analyses the measure according to which regulations and institutes of the state support economic freedom using 42 indicators, grouped in five categories, the dimension of the budgetary apparatus, the legislative system and ownership rights, access to financing, international commerce freedom and the degree of regulation. As regards the budgetary apparatus, Romania went up with 53 positions on 76, and in the case of the legislative system and the right to ownership they advanced by 5 positions on 61. For the criterion referring to commerce freedom, the Fraser report placed Romania on 25, up by 9 positions, and for the regulation degree Romania occupied position 74, up by 6 positions. The degree of regulation of the market is calculated depending on three criteria, legislation of the loan market, of the work market and the business environment. Romania was placed 101 (against 110 in 2010) as regards the regulation of the loan market, on 58 ( against 64) depending on the legislation of the work market and 74 ( against 70) in the case of business environment regulation. The data used in the Fraser report are from 2009, the last year with data regarding the economy of 141 analysed states. The report of 2011 shows the average score of economic freedom is down to 6.64 points in 2009, the most reduced level of the last three decades, from 6.67 points in 2008. (ActMedia, September 22, 2011)

Germany's Ambassador von Mettenheim: Romania should not lose sight of Eurozone accession goal Romania should not lose sight of, and it will definitely manage to do it, of the Eurozone accession goal, Germany's Ambassador in Bucharest Andreas von Mettenheim said in an extensive interview with daily Romania libera.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

'I do not think Romania needs to rush to join the Eurozone, but I think that when this happens, the country should be in the position to prove that it has done its homework. Romania must not lose sight of, and it will definitely manage to do it, the Eurozone accession goal. At this point, it is interesting to note that Romania did not take steps to depreciate its national currency. On the other hand, I do not think that not to join would be a solution either,' says Germany's Ambassador. The most important challenge for Romania now is rebuilding confidence, Ambassador Andreas von Mettenheim said, answering a question about the situation of investments and the country's social system. In his opinion, 'these moves aimed at restoring confidence are supported by the current policy that envisions budget recovery measures.' 'Direct investment will then follow in Romania and domestic consumption will increase as a consequence. After that it will be also possible to address the issue of creating an adequate social system,' the German Ambassador remarks in the interview. Asked how the austerity program of the Boc Cabinet was rated in Germany, Andreas von Mettenheim replied: 'I think this recovery effort and deciding on the necessary economic restart measures, because this is what the austerity measures were about, falls under the competence of the Government of Romania, and as a principle, I consider this is the right track. We support the Romanian Government's efforts to clean up their own yard.' (ActMedia, September 5, 2011)

Romania and Turkey aim at 10 billion dollars' worth of bilateral trade exchanges The Romanian and Turkish Governments aim at a figure of ten billion dollars in trade exchanges over the next few years, as the maximum level reached was seven billion back in 2008 before the crisis onset, however, after a slump in 2009, it might be reached again this year, Ministers of Foreign Affairs Teodor Baconschi and Ahmet Davutoglu told a joint press conference within the Reunion of the Diplomacy. 'Our economic relations are getting better each day and I hope we should reach the 10 billion dollars target for the trade exchanges in a short time. I would like to say that the number of Turkish companies operating in Romania reached the figure of 6,000,' Turkish Minister Davutoglu said. Minister Baconschi stressed that Turkey is the fifth economic partner of Romania. 'We surpassed the 7 billion dollars representing annual trade exchanges before the crisis, we went down in 2009 but the trend goes towards a revival to the seven billion this year. We both pledged to have a major contribution to reaching a level of ten billion dollars representing trade exchanges between our countries,' said the Romanian Chief Diplomat, showing that apart from the current cooperation fields, some joint projects can be developed on other sectors such as the reform and the restoration of the health infrastructure, as Turkey has some state-of-the-art private hospitals. 'We intend to follow Turkey's experience in the field of tourism, as it annually hosts a number of tourists equal to half of its own population generating a revenue of 30 billion dollars,' Minister Baconschi stressed, showing that Romania is a pro-active supporter of Turkey joining the European Union, politically speaking. Minister Davutoglu stressed in his turn that the relations between the two countries are 'at a perfect level' both politically and culturally and a strategic partnership statement is to be signed this autumn when President Basescu pays a visit to Turkey. He mentioned the Turkish-Tatar community as a linking element. 'I would like to express my gratitude to Romania for its democratic approach and multi-cultural understanding towards our fellow Turks,' Davutoglu said, adding that the Ankara Government intends to open cultural institutes in Bucharest and Constanta (south-eastern Romania).

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

Both officials said they also discussed about topics related to the issues in the West Balkans, the Middle East, Syria, Libya, Egypt. The two ministers signed a cooperation agreement between the diplomatic institutes of the two countries on this occasion, Agerpres informs. (ActMedia September 2, 2011)

SKorean company to invest in Romanian nuclear plant South Korea's BKB plans to invest in a project to build a third and fourth reactor at the Cernavoda nuclear power plant in southeast Romania, the economic ministry said."BKB, leader of Korea Nuclear consortium, voiced its firm intention to buy a stake in EnergoNuclear, the joint company developing the third and fourth reactors at Cernavoda," the ministry said. Representatives of the Korean company will travel to Romania soon to discuss the technical details of the deal, it added. The government has been seeking private investors to finance the project after CEZ, of the Czech Republic, GDF Suez of France, RWE of Germany) and Spain's Iberdrola pulled out. Their withdrawal left Romania's Nuclearelectrica with an 84.65-percent stake in the consortium, while Italy's Enel holds 9.15 percent and ArcelorMittal's Romanian subsidiary 6.2 percent. On a visit to Beijing last month, Prime minister Emil Boc called on Chinese companies to invest in the project, estimated to cost 4.0 billion euros ($5.7 billion).Cernavoda is a Canadian- designed plant. Its current two reactors provide about 18 percent of the country's electricity. (ActMedia, September 5, 2011)

Romgaz, among the companies pre-selected by Iraq for a bid for oil and gas exploitation The natural gas producer Romgaz was accepted by the Iraqi government, together with other 50 companies to participate in an international pre-selection regarding exploitation works for some areas of oil and gas, sources close to the company in Medias informed Mediafax. The Iraqi officials sent the decision to the Romgaz company. According to quoted sources, a Romgaz delegation will be on Sunday in Amann, Jordan where the Iraqi minister of oil will have a presentation for investors. The company will take place, in a fourth round of bids organised by the Iraqi state, for seven gas fields and five oil fields. The bid is programmed for 25 – 26 January. The minister of oil in Bagdhad extended the list of pre-selected companies with six new potential beneficiaries, including Romgaz, their number being 46. Among the respective companies are big names in the world industry of oil and gas such as ExxonMobil (US), Gazprom (Russia), CNOOC (China), BP (UK), Eni (Italy) or Total (France).From Central and Eastern Europe, the bid will be attended by the Croatian company INA. Romgaz controlled by the state through the ministry of economy is one of the two important gas producers in Romania, together with OMVPetrom. Romgaz has operations in Poland and Slovakia. (ActMedia, September 8, 2011)

Israel industry minister meets Romania officials to discuss deepened bilateral cooperation Israeli Minister of Industry, Trade and Labour Shalom Simhon paid a visit to Romania during which he met Agriculture Minister Valeriu Tabara, Economy Minister Ion Ariton and chairman of the Romanian Water Association Vasile Ciomos, the Israeli Embassy in Bucharest announced in a press release. Minster Simhon took part in a special event devoted to Great Rabbi Menachem Hacohen on the end of his mission to Romania after a 13-year-activity, with important contributions to the preservation and development of the Jewish identity.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

The event is organised by the Jewish Communities Federation of Romania. The Israeli Minister had talks with the Romanian officials on the ways to deepen the cooperation between the Romanian and Israeli companies. Minister Simhon will examine the future edition of the Watech International Conference and Exhibition to focus on the technologies in the fields of water, renewable energy and environment; the event is due in this November. The two sides will also discuss the Agri Tech 2012 exhibition planned for next May, which is one of the most important events in agricultural technologies. (ActMedia, September 1, 2011)

Pakistan, Romania sign trade treaty Pakistan and Romania signed a treaty to enhance bilateral trade that has so far remained below $100 million. Both the countries signed the Agreement on Economic, Technical and Scientific Cooperation. Economic Affairs Division Secretary Abdul Wajid Rana and Romanian Ambassador Emilian Ion inked the accord, said an official handout of the finance ministry. The agreement will promote cooperation between the two countries in the fields of industry, agriculture, forestry, energy, research and development. Moreover, both the countries will also find new avenues to cooperate in the areas of telecommunications, computing and informatics, transport, logistics, environment protection, tourism, investment promotion, small and medium enterprises, education, health care and science and technology. Romania – a European Union member state – has a population of 21.2 million, which is almost nine times less than Pakistan and its per capita income is around 10 times more than that of Pakistan. The eastern European state’s total economy was worth $254 billion and estimated per capita income was $11,860 for the year 2010. In financial year 2010-11, bilateral trade stood at $84 million, tilted in favour of Pakistan. Romania exported $26 million worth of goods while Islamabad’s exports stood at $58 million. Textiles, livestock and plastic remained the top three export items of Pakistan while Romania mainly exported wooden products and electrical devices. Under the agreement, a Pakistan-Romania joint commission will also be set up. The commission will work for identification of new development opportunities, develop proposals for economic cooperation between government institutions and set up ad hoc or permanent expert working groups and committees. The commission will meet at least once a year alternately in Pakistan and Romania and review progress of decisions taken in previous meetings.( Source:tribune.com.pk ) Industrial companies estimate 1.2% increase in number of employees in Q3 The number of employees in industry continues to grow, maintaining the upward trend in H1, shows the survey conducted among relevant companies by the National Prognosis Commission (CNP). The C NP's survey on a sample of 549 industrial business operators, shows that for Q3 2011 compared with the previous quarter, the companies forecast 1.2% rise in the number of employees. Moreover, compared with Q3 2010, a growth by 2.1% will be recorded. According to CNP, it is noteworthy that for the first time in the past three years, the number of employees compared with the same period of the previous year is on the rise. However, in the first nine months, there will be a 0.5% decrease in the number of employees versus the same period of 2010. (ActMedia, September 14, 2011)

Romania's Wheat Production Exceeds 8 Mln Tons Romanian Agriculture Minister Valeriu Tabara said that the country's wheat production this year exceeds eight million tons, of which four million tons can be exported. "The crop is of

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______exceptional quality. There are counties where the wheat is 100% good for baking. In the country, the share of wheat good for bread making is over 80%. We are returning to the wheat exporters' club, where Romania needs to remain," said Minister Tabara.The corn yield will exceed 11 million tons, while the sunflower harvest will yield 1.6 million tons, a new record, said the minister. Rapeseed production will near 800,000 tons, while the fall potato crop is estimated at 3.5 million tons. "It is one of the best years for grapevine - 4% of the area will yield 29,000 tons, but we expect 765,000 tons," said the minister. Minister Tabara said the price of corn exceeds that of wheat for the first time in many years. Not all of the corn crop will go to the food industry. The minister pointed out that corn is used in the USA to produce ethanol and in Germany to produce biogas and electricity. "A closer look at biomass production could help us achieve energetic self-sufficiency," said Minister Tabara. The recent drought could cause trouble for fall crops, although it is helping the harvest. "For now there are no problems on account of the drought. For now…" he said. (ActMedia, September 19, 2011) Romania to register record sunflower production Romania will register a record production of sunflower this year of more than 1.6 million tonnes, considering that it had not exceeded 1.2- .1.3 million tonnes the past years, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Valeriu Tabara told Agerpres. The estimations of the Ministry of Agriculture reveal a total production of 1.952 million tonnes of sunflower seeds, more than optimistic figures than the forecast of the minister. By September 14, a surface of 677,029 hectares was harvested (69 percent) out of the 986,096 hectares planted with sunflower in 2011, leading to a production of 1.266 million tonnes. The average per hectare is 1.98 tonnes to date, more than the initially estimated returns of 1.87 tonnes per hectare. In 2010, the sunflower seeds production was 1.26 million tonnes harvested on 794,000 hectares for returns of 1.5 tonnes per hectare. The surface planted with sunflower dwindled gradually over the past five years from more than 1.1 million hectares in 2003 to 794,000 hectares in 2010, while the crops ranged between 1.3 million and 1.5 million tonnes of seeds, with the exception of 2007 when the drought severely affected the sunflower. The production of seeds was barely 540,000 tonnes that year. (ActMedia, September 19, 2011)

Borsec, the most powerful Romanian brand Borsec is the first in the classification of the most powerful Romanian brands for the second year in a row, said Adina Vlad, managing partner Unlock Market Research, when attending the second 50 Top Most Powerful Romanian Brands. Second comes Poiana, followed by Kandia, which registered the highest growth in the classification.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

In the above-mentioned classification there are three banks, namely the Romanian Commercial Bank on the sixth place, the Transilvania Bank on the 31st place and the Savings Bank on the 36th place. Some brands saw a spectacular growth, either by their potential or they had good results and were remarked, others stayed the same, and some others went down, said Adina Vlad. According to her, the brands that managed to stay powerful are the ones that are deeply rooted in Romania's commercial history. 'Six of the first ten in 2010 are in the classification in 2011 too. They are very disciplined. They adopt the policy of the small and safe steps and manage to stay stable on an unstable market. As I was saying last year too, he real palpable results will be seen during the second such event, the third one, the fourth one as we are going to see the constant elements. The real value endures, it does not disappear from one year to another,' also said Vlad. Biz magazine and Unlock Market Research organized the second 50 Top Most Powerful Romanian Brands. (ActMedia, September 13, 2011) Dacia to move part of Sandero production to Morocco, to build more Dusters in Romania Carmaker Automobile Dacia will move part of its Sandero model production from Mioveni, Romania to the Renault factory in Casablanca, Morocco, in order to expand production of the Duster model, said Jacques Chauvet, Renault manager for the Euromed region and Dacia chairman. Chauvet also said the Renault factory in Tangiers will begin production of the family and commercial Dacia models next year. Most of the components for these models will be provided by Romanian suppliers. He added that Renault has no plans at the moment to build an electric or hybrid Dacia, but did not rule out such a project in the future. Renault announced in July that Dacia's worldwide sales dropped in the first six months by 2.9%, to 176,956 units, from 182,153 units in the same period of last year. (ActMedia, September 14, 2011) Trade in motor vehicles rises almost 6% in first 7 months The turnover of the trade in motor vehicles and motorcycles increased both as unadjusted series and as a series adjusted to the number of working days and seasonality by 2.7% and 4.8 %, respectively, in the first 7 months of this year compared with the same period of last year. According to the data made public by the National Institute of Statistics (INS), the growth was mainly generated by the trade in motor vehicles, which rose by 5.9%. From January to July, the turnover of the market services for population rose compared with the same period of last year both as unadjusted series by 8% and as series adjusted to the number of working days and seasonality by 9.7%. (ActMedia, September 13, 2011)

German Ambassador: Romania has great chances to invest in Germany Romania has great chances to make investments in Germany in areas such as information technology and communications (IT&C), software and services, said the German ambassador to Bucharest, Andreas von Mattenheim, on the occasion of a conference on business 'Bavaria : 70,551 sq km of business opportunities. ' The German official noted that, for foreign investors, the most important areas are the high-tech - nano technology, laser and medical, where Germany holds a leading position 'In the field of machine construction and auto industry, as well as as regards the renewable energy, we are the leaders, and an accelerated renunciation to nuclear energy only accentuates this evolution', said Andreas von Mattenheim. As arguments for implementation of foreign investments there, Germany's Ambassador to Bucharest noted that, despite crisis constraints, the most powerful economy in Europe is still the engine of the economic growth, due to its geographical position, infrastructure networks, market

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______size (accounting for 20 percent of the entire European market), lowest wage increase in Europe, even if the local workforce is still expensive, as well as the fact that Germany is part of the leading countries in innovation. The German diplomat emphasized that Germany's economic structure facilitates new investors' access - 99.6 percent of the companies in Germany are SMEs, providing jobs for 80 percent of all employees. Worldwide, 4 percent of the total direct foreign investments come to Germany, which ranks first in Europe in this respect. A number of 45,000 foreign companies provide jobs for about three million Germans. As for investment opportunities in Bavaria, director of the Romanian-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry Marko Walde said that Bavaria is the land with the largest surface, geographically closest to Romania and with the best purchasing power. GDP per capita in Bavaria last year was 35,000 Euros as compared to an average of 30,000 Euros in Germany and 6,000 Euros in Romania, Agerpres reports. (ActMedia, September 21, 2011)

Bitdefender target: another 100 million users in a year The IT security company Bitdefender targets a global figure of half a billion users of its technology in a year's time, compared to the roughly 400 million current users, said Florin Talpes, owner and managing director of the company, during the '100 most admired managing directors in Romania' gala held by Business Magazine. 'We target more than a billion users all around the world,' Talpes said, quoted by Ziarul Financiar daily. He added the company's products have entered the Japanese market this month. Florin Talpes received the 'Most admired IT manager' award during the gala. Bitdefender reported 29 million Euros in 2010 for the company registered in Romania, 17 percent higher on a year-on-year basis. These figures reflect only the figures in Romania and 'partially' those reported on other markets. (ActMedia, September 28, 2011) Romania ranks second in the world at internet download speed Romania ranks the second, after South Korea, in the ranking of the countries with the fastest internet download speed, according to a study made by Pando Networks, quoted by The NY Times. Romania is followed by Bulgaria, Lithuania and Letonia, while more developed countries such as Germany and The United States hold the 22nd, and the 26th positions, respectively. The average download speed on the internet in Romania is 15.27 Mbps while in South Korea it is 17.20 Mbps. On the other hand in the USA the download speed on the internet is 4.81 Mbps. (ActMedia, September 27, 2011)

Pound trades at lei 5.02 The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on September 30, 2011, by the banks authorized to operate on the currency market is as follows: CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1 British pound GBP 5.0281 1 euro EUR 4.3533 1 US dollar USD 3.2195 1 Swiss franc CHF 3.5703

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

• Culture

„Enescu’s Farewell – A Symphony for Twelve” Embassy of Romania - London/ On 19 September 2011, the Ambassador of Romania, Dr Ion Jinga, participated to the concert „Enescu’s Farewell – A Symphony for Twelve”, performed by the chamber orchestra „London Schubert Players” and guests, at Kings Place.

The concert is part of the project „Invitation to Composers”, an original idea of the pianist Anda Anastasescu, London Schubert Players’ founder and artistic director.

„Invitation to composers” was one of 87 projects selected by the European Commission out of 298 applications for 2009-2011. It is a partnership between the London Schubert Players Trust, the Romanian Cultural Institute in Paris and the Info Manager Association in Romania, supported by the Embassy of Romania in London and the Romanian Cultural Institute – London. The concert included, in the first part, performances of George Enescu’s last work that were heard in London for the first time. In the second part were presented three new works inspired by George Enescu written by the young composers Aurelian Bacan from România, Bjørn Bolstad Skjelbred from Norway, and Jonathan Östlund from Sweden.

The Ambassador of Romania addressed the audience: „I am delighted to be here tonight at a new concert, part of the bigger project „Invitation to Composers”. This original idea belongs to a Romanian, the very talented pianist Anda Anastasescu who is also one of the outstanding representatives of the musical culture in London. We have the privilege to attend a special concert inspired by the last and possibly greatest work od George Enescu, composed in Paris during his final years of life. I would like to welcome also the presence tonight of a young and talented Romanian composer, Mr Aurelian Bacan, and to congratulate him for his contribution to this exercise of creativity”.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

The Romanian Orthodox Parish in Nottingham & East Midlands celebrated the 3rd anniversary of establishment Romanian Society – University of Nottingham/ In 2011, September 11, the Romanian Orthodox Parish of Sts Peter and Paul, Nottingham & East Midlands, celebrated the 3 rd anniversary of establishment. Amongst the guests there were Paul Hussar, Consul, Embassy of Romania in London, Bishop Marc Nem ţeanul on behalf of the Romanian Orthodox Metropolitan See for Southern and Western Europe, Patricia Andrews, Mayor of the Borough of Gedling, and William Brânz ă, Romanian MP for Diaspora. “At the anniversary of three years of pastoral and cultural service, God blessed us today with a unique and bright day. We would like to extend our gratitude to all our guests and sponsors.” (Reverend Father Dan Ghindea) The foreign guests and members of the Romanian community living in East Midlands enjoyed the performance of a Romanian church choir and had the chance to admire the Romanian traditional costumes of Brasov County. The Romanian restaurant “La Gogu” (London) set a successful culinary end to the event by offering a feast of traditional Romanian food. “We enjoyed sharing this celebration with the Romanian community within which the Romanian students and professors are an important part, given their large number. I consider that this was an auspicious celebration for the gathering of all Romanians living in Nottingham.” (M ădălina St ălniceanu – President – ROSoc - University of Nottingham ) The event was possible thanks to the kind support of the Embassy of Romania in London, La Gogu Romanian restaurant in London, Lebara Mobile telecommunications company, and the Romanian Society within the University of Nottingham. About the University of Nottingham Founded in 1881 as public college, it became a university in 1948. In 2005, it opened an international campus in Malaysia, and in 2006, another one in China. The University of Nottingham is ranked among the top 10 in the United Kingdom and hosts over 60 Romanian students, and about 30 Romanian professors and researchers. Amongst the Romanian students’ popular choices are the Schools of Business, Arts, Science and Engineering.

Cultural events to be organised by or with the support of the Romanian Cultural Institute in London:

FILM BFI London Film Festival featuring Romanian animated documentary 14 - 16/10/2011 @ BFI London Film Festival

Director Anca Damian at the 55th edition of the BFI London Film Festival and her British premiere of Crulic – The Path to Beyond, an animated feature highly praised for its beautiful artwork and powerful story.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

The Film of a Generation: Boogie @ Romanian Cinemateque 27/10/2011

Radu Munteanu’s Boogie, one of the best films of the young generation of Romanian directors! Boogie is a film about people in their 30's who try to reconcile marriage and partying, freedom and responsibilities, teenage and adulthood.

MUSIC Alexandra D ăriescu, a Rising Star of Astonishing Virtuosity 03/10/2011 @ Purcell Room, Southbank Centre, Belvedere Road SE1 8XX

Charismatic pianist Alexandra Dariescu is back this autumn on London’s musical scene. She will open her 2011/2012 musical season at Southbank Centre with a Orchestra of Saint Paul’s concert.

Contraste Trio opens the 2011/2012 Enescu Concerts Series 06/10/2011 @ RCI London, 1 Belgrave Square SW1X8PH

For the first time in London, Contraste Trio opens the 2011/2012 season of the Enescu Concerts Series with an original and outstanding programme. The trio is a unique combination of three different instruments: flute, piano and percussion.

Musical prodigy Matei Bucur Mih ăescu @ St Martin in the Fields 25/10/2011

The Wunderkind of Romanian contemporary classical music, a musical phenomenon, the prodigal pianist and composer, Matei Bucur Mih ăescu will appear for the first time this autumn in London in a recital organized in partnership between Romanian Cultural Institute and St Martin in the Fields as part of New Music Series.

THEATRE The Romanian Theatre Comes Back to London 09 - 19/11/2011 Romanian theatre returns to London on The Barbican stage, after more than 13 years of absence. Nottara Theatre, with support from the Romanian Cultural Institute, presents Festen by Thomas Vinterberg and Mogens Rukov, directed by the critically acclaimed Vlad Massaci.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

VISUAL ARTS Ştefan Constantinescu: An Infinite Blue

09/09 - 16/10/2011 @ GALERIE8, 195-205 Richmond Road E8 3NJ

We are pleased to support Stefan Constantinescu’s first solo exhibition in a London gallery – join us to view new and existing works at Galerie8. Taking the title from an emblematic song of the 1980s in Romania, Constantinescu presents a showcase of oil paintings, drawings and tracing overlays. Art Embodied: Romanian artists from the 80s 15/09 - 13/10/2011 @ RCI London, 1 Belgrave Square SW1X8PH

Curated by Petru Lucaci A rich array of painting, sculpture, film, photography and installation from a famous artistic generation that dared to affirm a new type of sensibility during the last years of a regime that asked for none.

Andreiana Mihail Gallery @ Frieze Art Fair 13 - 16/10/2011 @ Stand F13, Regent's Park We are pleased to support Andreiana Mihail Gallery’s first participation in the main section of the prestigious Frieze Art Fair, featuring over 170 galleries from around the world that present work by new and established artists to an international audience.

Four Faces of Modernity: Bitzan, Maitec, Mitroi, Nicodim 19/10 - 18/11/2011 @ RCI London, 1 Belgrave Square Ion Bitzan, Ovidiu Maitec, Florin Mitroi and Ion Nicodim are four of Romania’s most celebrated artists for their original ideas and resourceful works that transformed the turbulent art history of the communist times.

Apparatus 22 @ The Glasgow School of Art 25 - 28/10/2011 @ The Glasgow School of Art, 167 Renfrew Street, G3 6RQThe Romanian art collective Apparatus 22 will provide the first international presence in the Wednesday Night Open Forum Events at the Glasgow School of Art, with support from the Romanian Cultural Institute London.

More info about Romanian Cultural Institute in London events, please find at: www.icr-london.co.uk

To learn more about Romanian cultural events taking place in London, please visit the page of the Romanian Cultural Centre/ Ratiu Foundation : http://www.romanianculturalcentre.org.uk/cultural-diary/

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro