Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

No. 16/ 4th Year 15 th November – 1st December 2011 Politics 1. Romania’s President, Qatar’s Ruling Emir talk on means of enhancing state cooperation 2. President Basescu received the EIB deputy chairman at Cotroceni Palace 3. PM Boc, PM Netanyahu sign joint declaration on priorities for bilateral cooperation 4. PM Boc proposes scholarships and travel programs for Israelis with Romanian origin 5. MFA on maintenance of restrictions on Romanian workers on UK labour market 6. Foreign Minister Teodor Baconschi warns against two-speed Europe risk 7. Foreign Minister Teodor Baconschi has visited Libya 8. Romanian Foreign Minister has met with Israeli Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister 9. Romania and Algeria aim for more audacious bilateral relations 10. Romanian Foreign Minister has met with Armenian counterpart 11. Foreign Minister Teodor Baconschi’s letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon 12. Switzerland supports Romania joining Schengen area in two stages 13. Romanian presidency of International Exhibitions Bureau 14. Gyorgy Frunda gives Romania as an example of guaranteeing rights of national minorities 15. The International Congress for Human Rights hosted by the Embassy of Romania in London 16. The Christmas Ball of the Romanian Medical Society UK Economics 1. Romania's economy posts 2.7-pct growth during Jan-Sept, 2011 2. Romania's economic outlook, subject of debate at Economist Conferences 3. Eurostat Report Q3: Romania with the highest growth rate in the EU 4. EBRD: Continuation of programmes with IMF and EU helps Romania maintain macroeconomic stability 5. Romanian exports of primary energy resources up 6.5 pct this year 6. Investments of 780 million Euros in 11 wind farms in country's north-east area 7. Raiffeisen: 2.5% economic growth in 2011 8. The agricultural land owned by foreigners in Romania, 700,000-plus ha 9. Partnership between Ministry of Environment and World Wildlife Fund for Nature to save forests 10. Pound trades at 5.09 lei Culture 1. The National Day of Romania 2. Gala Recital on the National Day of Romania 3. Prince Charles hailed in fight to keep Romania green 4. Romania has final assent to host EYOF Winter Edition 2013 5. The Way I Spent the End of the World @ Romanian Cinematheque 6. Victor Nicoar ă @ St Martin in the Fields 7. Anca Benera reveals unseen London 8. Claudiu Komartin, back in London with a new project 9. Mircea Cantor at Tate Modern Level 2 Gallery 10. Romanian Crime Writing at the University of Leeds 11. Monooka and Cergo Banda LIVE! 12. The Man with the Luggage after Eugene Ionesco, in Liverpool 13. Cristian Luchian – ‘The Great Time’ Exhibition 14. Alexandra Dariescu (piano) in Oldham 15. Alexandra Dariescu (piano) in Bracknell 16. Alexandra Dariescu (piano) with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra at Barbican Hall 17. The Man with the Luggage after Eugene Ionesco, in Canterbury

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

December 1, a day that symbolises the national unity of Romanians

Bucharest, December 1/ Agerpres/ - Romanians celebrated 93 years since the Greater Union of December 1, 1918, a highlight in Romania's history that crowned the Romanians' century-old aspiration for national union. December 1 became Romania's National Day in 1990. The Grand National Assembly in Alba Iulia, scheduled for December 1, 1918, was seen by contemporaries as decisive to the national unity of all Romanians .

All the calls back then highlighted the historical significance of the action that was to be decided in Alba Iulia: 'It is the day when a decision about our fate will be taken for all eternity. Come and swear that we will be inseparable and stay united form here on with our brethren on the entire Romanian soil, under one and inseparable rule,' reads the call to participation issued by the National Council of Blaj.

• Politics

Romania’s President, Qatar’s Ruling Emir talk on means of enhancing state cooperation

Romania’s President Traian Basescu paid an official visit to Qatar and held talks with Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani on bilateral relations and the means of strengthening cooperation between the two states.

Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani opened a round of talks at Al Wajabh Palace evening with the Romanian head of state, who arrived in Doha on a short working visit. The two state officials reviewed ties of cooperation between the two countries and means of enhancing them. President Basescu visited Qatar at the invitation of Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, who also visited Romania in 2008. During the 2008 visit, the two states signed a protocol on mutual protection and promotion of investments, and an agreement on economic, commercial and technical cooperation. (ActMedia, November 24, 2011)

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

President Basescu received the EIB deputy chairman at Cotroceni Palace During the meeting with EIB deputy chairman Wilhelm Molterer, President Traian Basescu raised the issue of the possibilities of the European Investment Bank (EIB) to get involved in a higher absorption of the European funds by Romania, through a technical assistance in this respect.

According to a release of the presidential administration, President Basescu received the EIB deputy chairman on at Cotroceni Palace, on which occasion the Romanian Head of State voiced his gratitude for the excellent cooperation between Romania and the European Investment Bank.

The talks between the two officials aimed both the current activities portfolio of the EIB in Romania, as well as the prospect of some future projects which might be financed by the EIB and which have 'a significant contribution to a sustainable economic growth and to Romania's economic and social development, rural and agricultural development, transport, energy, SMEs and projects in the context of the EU Danube Strategy.' (ActMedia, November 25, 2011)

PM Boc, PM Netanyahu sign joint declaration on priorities for bilateral cooperation , Nov 24 /Agerpres/ - Romanian Prime Minister and his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu signed a joint declaration of the Romanian and Israeli governments regarding priorities for short and medium term cooperation, as part of an intergovernmental meeting in Jerusalem.

At the same time, four Romanian-Israeli cooperation documents were also signed as part of the same meeting: a joint declaration between Israeli's interior minister and Romania's minister of labour, family affairs and social security; a memorandum of understanding between Romania's Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports and the Vad Yashem Institute of Jerusalem, with support from the Israeli Ministry of Education; and a statement of intent between the environmental ministers of the two countries and a cooperation plan in healthcare and medicine between the healthcare ministries of the two countries.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

Prime Minister Boc says this meeting is a new stage in bilateral cooperation between Romania and Israeli in fields of common interest, such as economy, agriculture, occupational safety, environmental protection, education, emergency medical care and tourist promotion.

"Prime Minister Emil Boc has stated that this intergovernmental meeting marks the beginning of a new stage in the bilateral relations between the two countries that go back 60 years, and Romania wants this to be marked by closer bilateral cooperation through actual projects in all fields of shared interest," reads a press release issued by the Romanian Government. Prime Minister Netanyahu said that the agreement signed mean an important step forward toward intensifying the bilateral relations.

"We have always been friends, but now we want to translate into practical terms our cooperation in the fields of defence, economy, education, agriculture and other fields. The Israeli people know that the Romanian people and the Romanian prime minister are their good friends. There are Israeli citizens of Romanian extraction and many Israelis have a Romanian friend," said PM Netanyahu. PM Boc also announced that Romania and Israel will set up a research and development foundation to raise private funds and also a specialist centre for upgrading communications infrastructure.

He also introduced the Romanian Government's policy in support of investments and jobs creation, showing that Israeli business people are offered investment opportunities in Romania in various fields, including infrastructure, agriculture and the oil industry.

Another topic discussed was security in the Middle East, with PM Boc showing that Romania is sharing the world's worries and stays consistent with the stands on Iran of the European Union and the UN.

"The peaceful, diplomatic path is the only way," said Prime Minister Boc. PM Boc proposes scholarships and travel programs for Israelis with Romanian origin Bucharest, Nov 24 /Agerpres/ - While in Jerusalem, the Head of the Romanian Government met with representatives of the Israeli community with Romanian origin. Prime Minister Emil Boc stated that he is going to propose a scholarship program through which young Israelis with Romanian origin can study in Romania, in order to improve their Romanian language knowledge.

Also, the Government will develop a tourism program for Israelis who have origins in Romania, to be able to visit the native places of their parents and grandparents.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

"This gathering will help us strengthen our links and to preserve a common past that unites us" the Premier also said.

The Government in Bucharest aims through these programs that young Israelis with Romanian origin will not forget the Romanian language and continue to maintain links with Romania.

"The community of Israelis born in Romania has a fundamental role in strengthening of Romania's relations with Israel. By what people here do, they help us at economic, political and cultural levels, to have closer relations. We discussed, item by item, what we can do, so that the second generation, the third, namely the youth inside the community of Israelis born in Romania, to keep in touch with Romania. They are still speaking Romanian and it is our common duty to help the second and third generations to maintain their affiliation to Romania, to know the Romanian language and to be proud of the places where their parents and grandparents were born ", the Premier stressed.

At the same time, the Premier presented the Israeli community with Romanian origins the strategy of the Government in Bucharest in the field of "investments, jobs, areas where we further progress".

MFA on maintenance of restrictions on Romanian workers on UK labour market Bucharest, November 23/ MFA/ The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Teodor Baconschi regrets the decision of the British Government on maintaining the restrictions on Romanian and Bulgarian workers on the local labour market until the end of 2013.

The MFA underscores the fact that the states may only maintain restrictions in 2012-2013 if there are serious perturbations or a risk thereof in the labour market of the respective member states. In the context the MFA reiterates the fact that, according to the recent report of the European Commission, free movement of workers does not create turbulence on labour markets but, on the contrary, contributes to economic growth in the member states having opened their labour market.

The European Commission report shows that the effect of labour market liberalization for Romanian and Bulgarian nations is a good one for the economies of member states. Based on its evaluation, the European Commission insists that restricting the free movement of workers is not the right response to the high unemployment rate in Europe.

Free movement of labour is a fundamental principle of the Single Market, guaranteed by the treaties of European Union, and Romanian nationals, as European citizens, must enjoy this right in all member states as soon as possible. Maintaining the restrictions also contravenes to the shared goal Romania and the United Kingdom promote in the EU with a view to achieving an internal market without barriers.

Background The second stage of the transition period when, under the Protocol to the Accession Agreement of Romania and Bulgaria, member states may restrict Romanian and Bulgarian citizens’ access to their labour markets ends on 31 December 2011. As of 1st January 2014, the movement of

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

Romanian workers in the EU is to be liberalized unconditionally. Currently 11 countries are applying transitional measures: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Spain and the UK.

Minister Teodor Baconschi warns against two-speed Europe risk Bucharest, Nov 18 /Agerpres/ - There is quite a big risk that we will see a two-speed Europe of core euro zone countries and peripheral ones, and we are concerned. We need to avoid fracturing Europe along the imaginary border of the euro zone.

We need solidarity, cohesive policy that can lessen the gap between the new members to end up with convergence and an enlargement policy that doesn't end, Romanian Foreign Affairs Minister Teodor Baconschi told the Euronews in an interview.

The Romanian top diplomat said, in citing the effects of the economic crisis on Romania that "GDP has contracted, as industrial production has fallen in the past two years, but thanks to steps taken by the current government in Bucharest we have stabilised things from a macro-economic point of view. Inflation is under control. It is already certain that we have modest growth this year, with a more optimistic outlook for next year".

As far as Romania's accession to the Schengen area is concerned, Baconschi voiced hope that next year Romania would get out of the impasse generated by the opposition of some countries to this move.

When asked what are Romania's relations with Russia, Minister Baconschi answered: "I would say they are getting better. There is openness on both sides, and also a responsibility that is not only circumstantial. In the old days we had good relations. There weren't only disputes. Therefore we need to envisage, in a responsible way, on the basis of mutual interests, a common future in the region." Foreign Minister Teodor Baconschi has visited Libya Bucharest, November 29/ MFA/ Foreign Minister Teodor Baconschi has been on an official visit to Tripoli on 20 November 2011. He was received by the new Deputy Prime Minister of Libya, Mustafa Abushagur, and had talks with his Libyan counterpart, Ashour Bin Khayal and with the Minister of Economy, Taher Sharkes.

The visit has a special significance, the head of the Romanian diplomacy being the second foreign minister to visit Libya officially

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

after the new interim Government took office (24 November 2011).

Minister Baconschi expressed Romania’s solidarity with and support to the efforts to fulfil the Libyan people’s aspirations for freedom and democracy. Teodor Baconschi also highlighted Romania’s wish to build a new relationship with Libya, based on confidence, pragmatism and mutual advantage. The Romanian official furthermore offered Romania’s support, as a member of the EU and of NATO, too, for Libya’s rapid integration in the community of free and democratic nations, in the mechanisms of the European Neighbourhood Policy and in the Union for the Mediterranean.

Special attention was given, during all the talks with Libyan officials, to the availability of Romanian commercial companies, notably those with previous experience on the Libyan market, to participate in rehabilitating the general infrastructure (roads, ports, airports, thermal power stations, buildings and housing projects) damaged by the conflict, in resuming oil and gas production and, in the long run, in the reconstruction of modern Libya. In the context, the head of the Romanian diplomacy proposed that a Romanian-Libyan joint chamber of commerce be set up to stimulate economic contacts between the two countries.

Minister Baconschi moreover expressed Romania’s availability to share its own experience of transition to democracy with the Libyan interim authorities. He presented specific proposals on training programs and preparations for holding free elections, training in rule-of-law institution building, developing the legal framework of political pluralism, reforming the internal affairs and judicial systems (border security, penitentiaries) and supporting the organizations of civil society.

At a humanitarian level, the specific aspects discussed had to do with implementing the Romanian assistance consisting in specialized treatment in Romanian hospitals for 100 patients seriously wounded during the armed conflict and the supply, free of charge, of over 300,000 doses of Romanian-made vaccines. Romania contributed EUR 90,000, from the development aid budget, to a UN demining program.

The Libyan officials were appreciative of the support granted by Romania, both as a member of NATO and the EU, and on a bilateral level, during the crisis. They thanked for the humanitarian support provided by Romania and invited Romanian contractors having projects in the market to return as soon as possible to Libya, mentioning that they relied on the contribution of Romanian economic operators to their country’s reconstruction and modernization.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

Romanian Foreign Minister has met with Israeli Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Bucharest, November 23/ MFA/ Foreign Minister Teodor Baconschi met with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel, Avigdor Lieberman, in the context of the first session of intergovernmental consultations between Romania and Israel.

The two ministers approached the opportunities of bilateral and trilateral cooperation (including with the Republic of Moldova), topical international issues, with emphasis on developments related to the financial and economic crisis, as well as Romanian-Israeli cooperation in multilateral bodies.

They also discussed aspects of the regional agenda, notably developments in the Middle East Peace Process.

The two officials agreed the dialogue between the Foreign Ministries should continue in 2012 and Minister Baconschi invited his counterpart to come on a visit to Bucharest.

Background The project on holding intergovernmental consultations between Romania and Israel was first discussed in 2009, at the level of the two Foreign Ministries. When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited Romania in July 2011, it was agreed to hold the first joint Cabinet meeting in November 2011 in Israel.

Romania and Algeria aim for more audacious bilateral relations Bucharest, Nov 22 /Agerpres/ - Romania and Algeria aim for more ambitious bilateral relations, with both governments working on a more daring approach of the Romanian companies entering on the Algerian market, Minister of Foreign Affairs Teodor Baconschi told a press conference held jointly with his Algerian counterpart Mourad Medelci, the latter being in an official visit to Bucharest.

"Our countries and governments want to open a more ambitious bilateral chapter following almost half a century of diplomatic relations.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

We agreed on the necessity to align the legal framework to the community acquis and to hold economic forums to allow the Romanian companies to enter the Algerian market more resolutely in the fields of civil engineering, high tech, energy, infrastructure and IT, distance education included. The trade exchanges reached a record level in 2010 of 283 million dollars and the exports towards Algeria amounted to 173 million dollars in the first three quarters of 2011 compared to the 178 million in 2010 but it is obvious that these figures can double or triple with a minimal effort," said Minister Baconschi.

He showed that Algeria is a major player in the Mediterranean basin in the energy field and that this potential must be capitalized on, and that there are already certain Romanian companies with a specific expertise and a tradition spanning 30 or 40 years of cooperation on the Algerian market, which is an advantage compared to other European countries. "We want the works of the mixed commission of economic, scientific and technical cooperation to be resumed sooner rather than later and we want Algeria's fast development to be reached also with a Romanian contribution, as from a friendly country to another friendly country," the Romanian official stressed.

He also showed that Romania and Algeria can find bilateral methods to make the conditions to grant visas to the earnest businessmen and to certain professional categories in the North- African state more flexible. Minister Baconschi showed that Romania wants the relation between Algeria and the European Union, reliant on the association agreement, to get more dynamic.

"We can afford to grant a full funding to a development programme in amount of 284 billion dollars from our state budget, and during the five-year programme operating in Algeria on different fields, the Romanian companies proved to be competent in the fields of construction, hydraulic machinery, education and learning, meaning that there is a potential of cooperation and development," highlighted Minister Medelci. He also mentioned the interest of his country in drawing some Romanian investors, showing that there are highly performing Romanian companies.

"Algeria is an open country, associate of the EU, allowing us to look for European countries interested in investing in Algeria. The size of that country does not matter, but the quality and level of competitiveness of the investments," said the Algerian official. The Algerian Chief Diplomat extended an invitation to Minister Baconschi to pay a visit to Algiers, on which occasion to prepare also a visit of the Romanian prime minister to this state.

The two ministers also talked about the situation in North Africa and the Middle East. "I talked to Minister Medelci about the necessity to implement some plausible reforms allowing Algeria and the other Arab states to make the transition towards more freedom which is a prerequisite emerging from the foundation of these societies which rejuvenated and which are waiting for answers and I believe Romania is able to help our Algerian friends in this effort of audaciously reforming the institutions and the social and political milieu in Algeria," said Minister Baconschi.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

Inquired by the Romanian journalists about the critics from the Algerian authorities regarding the decision to host the family members of former Libyan leader Muammar Gadaffi, Minister Medelci said that this decision is not political, but humane.

"I am positive that our Romanian friends, faced with a similar situation, would not have refused to host pregnant women or with children; and I would like to add that the president of the National Transition Council in Libya reacted promptly and said that he could understand that it was a humane decision as regards Algeria. We have here a Libyan government whom we encourage and congratulate. Algeria will take a place on the table with the Libyan government to work in all fields of development, cooperating in the matters of reconstruction, experience exchange in the field of reconciliation or security which, as you know, raise a lot of concern," said the Algerian official.

Minister Mourad Medelci met Prime Minister and attended the third meeting of the Council of Romanian and Algerian businessmen, founded in 2003. Romanian Foreign Minister has met with Armenian counterpart Bucharest, November 16/ MFA/ Foreign Minister Teodor Baconschi had talks today with his Armenian counterpart, Eduard Nalbandian.

The two officials approached the current stage and the methods of developing the bilateral relation, with emphasis on intensifying the political dialogue, modernizing the bilateral legal framework, and increasing the contacts at an interministerial level.

The agenda of the talks included commercial and economic cooperation, the sides making a point of expressing their interest in promoting joint initiatives in the fields of agriculture, tourism, multimodal transport etc.

The talks referred also to the European theme of cooperation, in the context of Armenia’s drawing closer to the EU. Minister Baconschi voiced Romania’s support for the European course of Armenia, emphasizing the exchange of expertise and Romania’s support in the process of negotiation between Brussels and Yerevan on the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement, and on spurring Armenia’s participation in the Eastern Partnership.

A distinctive topic approached as part of the talks was the significant contribution of the Armenian community to the development of Romanian society in the course of history. Moreover, the support of Romania for Armenia’s progress as regards the process of EU visa liberalization in the long run was also voiced.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

The two ministers also approached extensively several topical aspects of shared interest on the regional agenda, including cooperation within BSEC, and of the global agenda.

At the end of the Yerevan visit, the Romanian Foreign Minister was received by his Holiness Karekin II Nersissian, the Supreme Patriarch of the Armenian Apostolic Church and Catholicos of All Armenians.

Foreign Minister Teodor Baconschi’s letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon Bucharest, November 25/ MFA/ Foreign Minister Teodor Baconschi sent the Secretary General of the United Nations Organization, Ban Ki-moon, a letter in the context of the current Romanian presidency of the Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation (HCoC).

In June 2011 Romania took over from France the annual presidency of the HCoC, the only political mechanism designed to build confidence in the framework of multilateral efforts to combat ballistic missile proliferation.

Calling attention to the HCoC problem area and to Romania’s interest in developing the relations of this mechanism with UN agencies, the head of the Romanian diplomacy asked the UN Secretary General to send a representative to the HCoC annual meeting in June 2012. Mention was made of Romania’s diplomatic efforts since it took over the HCoC presidency in June 2011, so far resulting in two more states having subscribed, i.e. the Republic of Congo and Singapore, and in focusing the interest of the subscribing states on full implementation of this mechanism’s provisions.

Switzerland supports Romania joining Schengen area in two stages Bucharest, Nov 21 /Agerpres/ - Switzerland supports Romania joining the Schengen area in two stages, federal councillor Simonetta Sommaruga, head of the Department of Justice and Police in the Swiss Confederation, told a press conference.

"Switzerland has supported Romania in preparing its accession to the Schengen area and we hope that this accession will come true. Switzerland supports the accession in two stages. As you know, Switzerland has no vote, but it supports this cause," said the Swiss official.

The European Commission said again that it had the role of an observer in the process making decisions on enlarging the Schengen area and that Romania and Bulgaria met the criteria that are necessary for joining the European free movement area.

The position of the Commission on this subject is clear and was already made known several times. Romania and Bulgaria met the criteria that are necessary for joining the Schengen area and must join it as soon as possible; this is my opinion, the opinion of the European Commission, of most member states and of the overwhelming majority of the European Parliament members. We all know where the blockage is, but the European Commission can do nothing about it, said European Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmstrom.

Head of the Schengen Department with the Interior Ministry (MAI) Marian Tutilescu said late last week that the change in Finland's stance on Romania joining the Schengen area was "a step forward."

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

He added that the change in Holland's stance was connected to Romania's progress, considering the fact that the summer report was interpreted differently "as there was a vein of subjectivism."

"Indicators cannot be quantified as standard units of measure. For instance, Holland thinks there is not enough progress, unlike the other member states, which think there is clear, obvious and irreversible progress. As we are talking about this subjectivism, we think that the next report might convince them to make their stance more flexible and understand indeed that there is obvious, irreversible progress. I rather think that this would be a realistic approach," said the head of the Schengen Department.

Tutilescu said that in case Holland did not change its stance, Romania and Bulgaria might probably have to wait for the next stage, the publication of the justice report in February, and a possible decision in March next year, when air border checks might be lifted.

In his opinion Holland stuck to its position because of the "extremely complicated" domestic political situation.

"In case of splits in the coalition, the Government may lose the current support and it has a fragile enough support. Of course, we are still optimistic," added the head of the MAI Schengen Department.

Marian Tutilescu mentioned again the fact that, over November 21-25, a team of experts in the cooperation and verification mechanism in justice would make an evaluation and voiced hope that they would "notice" the positive developments in this field.

"In this field developments cannot be spectacular as progress in justice cannot be made from one month to another, but what matters is for them to notice the progress and its irreversible character. The European calendar features two events in the time to come, in December. The European Council on December 7-8 and then the Justice and Home Affairs Council. If they come to a political agreement in this respect during the European Council, they very probably, during the Justice and Home Affairs Council on the 13-14, may adopt the decision that has already been proposed through the French-British agreement, actually the French-British proposal, which has been agreed on by all the other member states, except for the two. If not and if Finland does not change its stance and Holland gets singular, there will probably be the next stage alone, the publication of the report in February - this report on justice will be published in February - and a possible decision next year. The Council is to be held before the last Sunday in March, when air border checks might be lilted," explained Marian Tutilescu. Romanian presidency of International Exhibitions Bureau Bucharest, November 24/ MFA/ Romania has taken the presidency of the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE), following elections held in Paris on 22-23 November 2011 during the 150th BIE General Assembly. The commissioner of the Romanian section of EXPO 2012 Yeosu (Republic of Korea), Ferdinand Nagy, was elected president for a two-year term, taking over the position from Ambassador Jean-Pierre Lafon (France).

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

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Holding the BIE presidency is an opportunity for promoting the image of Romania internationally notably in the context of the Bureau’s agenda for the next two years, which includes: EXPO 2012 Yeosu, the World Horticultural Expo 2012 – Venlo, the Netherlands, as well as the campaigns for promoting and selecting the host countries for the 2017 international exposition and for the world expo in 2020. So far Belgium and Kazakhstan are the candidates for 2017 and another five states for 2020: Turkey, Thailand, Russia, Brazil, and the United Arab Emirates.

Also on the agenda of the General Assembly was the election of chairpersons and members of the specialized committees. Romania obtained a second consecutive term as member of the Administration and Budget committee.

Romania is a founding member of BIE, an intergovernmental organization created in 1928 in Paris to supervise the schedule of activities, the candidacies, the selection and organization of international and world expositions. Currently 157 states are members of BIE.

Gyorgy Frunda gives Romania as an example of guaranteeing rights of national minorities Paris, Nov 17 /Agerpres/ - During the meeting of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights, in Paris, the Member of the Romanian delegation to PACE, the chairman of the Romanian Senate's Commission for Human Rights, Religion and Minorities Sen. Gyorgy Frunda advocated the requirement for a mandatory legal instrument to be adopted to defend the rights of the national minorities, given that numerous ethnic minority groups have been experiencing a precarious situation in Europe, Romanian Senate's press release informs.

Referring to the political rights of the national minorities, Sen. Frunda evoked Romania's example where 18 Chamber of Deputies officials represent the ethnic minorities, and he emphasized the Hungarian Democratic Union (UDMR)'s considerable contribution to the Parliament and the Government's economics.

Gyorgy Frunda, in Paris, presented the report called Drawing Up an Additional Protocol on the rights of the national minorities to the European Convention on the Human Rights. The members of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights passed a draft resolution stipulating five categories of rights which the Additional Protocol to the Convention must include, namely the right to identity, political rights, cultural rights, the right to make decisions on autonomy, the right to speak their mother tongue, both at home and in pubic, and a draft recommendation asking the Council of Europe's Committee of Ministers to examine the proposal. Both documents will be tabled to the PACE plenary meeting to debate and put them to the vote.

Likewise, Sen. Frunda made a speech on the situation of the Roma minority living in Bulgaria and pointed out that discriminating gypsies is an issue that can be given rather political than social explanations. "It is the lack of political will that hampers the gypsy minority to participate in the social life more actively. The members of this community need to be encouraged even through positive discrimination to earn an ever higher level of education, so that they should

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______become aware of their rights and really belong to the society they live in," the Romanian Senator added. The International Congress for Human Rights hosted by the Embassy of Romania in London Embassy of Romania – London /On November 23, 2011, the Embassy of Romania hosted the second part of the International Congress for Human Rights, organized by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD).

The Congress is taking place in London between 22-25 November 2011, and its main theme is „ Immigration & Integration in an Age of Austerity: Challenges and Opportunities". "

Among the participants to the Congress are high representatives of the ICD Board, academics from prestigious universities and research institutes such as the University of Newcastle, Kings College London, the Goldsmith University, as well as British MPs, representatives of different organisations, public and private, specialized in migration, ambassadors and former ambassadors. The Ambassador of Romania in London, Dr Ion Jinga, attended the event as key note speaker, opening the second day of the Congress with the lecture entitled „The Constructive Role of Migrants in Developing the Economy of Destination Countries”. In his intervention, the Ambassador of Romania underlined the natural link between migration – as social phenomenon – and the progress of the human race, as well as its benefits at EU level and globally. Migration is also affected by the constraints of the current economic crisis. Stressing that within the EU we are talking about “mobility” and not about “migration”, he gave as an example the temporary restrictions on the labour market imposed to Romanian and Bulgarian workers by several European States, UK among them. The restrictions are counterproductive not only for the two countries’ citizens that are discriminated and exploited by employers, but at the same time they are not working in favour of the host-countries which lose additional source of revenues because of black market labour and tax evasion.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

“What is scary about migration is what has been scaring humans since the dawn of history, and since early to old age: the fear of the unknown, the fear of challenges and complacency into acquired comforts. But it is also in the human nature – fortunately, I would say – to take these challenges and to turn them to the benefit of individuals, of families, of groups, of people and of mankind. As our planet seems ever smaller, let us for once think of us all as belonging to one and the same family, which is mankind”.

The participation of the Ambassador of Romania to such an important event focusing on human rights occurs in the context of an increased profile of Romania in this field, according to its membership of the Human Rights Council for a three years new mandate. Furthermore, Romania is asserting itself as an active participant in the human rights’ debates.

The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is an international think tank with branches in the USA, Germany, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Croatia and Ecuador.

The Christmas Ball of the Romanian Medical Society UK On November 19, 2011, The Ambassador of Romania in London, Dr Ion Jinga, attended, as special guest, the Christmas Ball organised by the Romanian Medical Society UK (RMS UK), at the Crown Plaza Hotel London.

Now in its 3 rd year, the event brought together Romanian doctors and nurses working in the UK, and had also a charitable dimension.

The funds that were raised will be allocated to the inter-generational programme “Volunteers – ambassadors of change”, developed by the Princess Margarita of Romania Foundation.

Addressing the audience, the Ambassador of Romania welcomed the co-operation with the medical community, stressing the efforts of the Embassy of Romania in London to bring closer the Romanian communities in order to promote together the values and Romania’s image in the UK.

The President of RMS UK, Dr Radu Burtan, expressed his gratitude for the constant support given by the Embassy of Romania to the Romanian Medical Society, and reiterated the commitment of Romanian doctors and nurses to continue to be involved in projects aiming to improve the Romanian medical system.

Dr Mihaela Cârmaciu, Director responsible for General Practice, made a PowerPoint presentation of the programme developed in partnership with the Princess Margarita of Romania Foundation. She encouraged the Romanian doctors to volunteer and give

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______medical assistance to the beneficiaries of this programme.

More than 70 Romanian doctors and nurses working in medical centres all around Britain attended the event.

• Economics

Romania's economy posts 2.7-pct growth during Jan-Sept, 2011

Bucharest, Nov 15/Agerpres/ - Romania's economy recorded a 2.7-percent growth in the first nine months of 2011 compared with the similar period of the year before, according to first estimates released by the National Statistics Institute (INS).

The country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) advanced 2.7 percent in gross series, and 2.6 percent in terms adjusted for seasonality, January 1 - September 30, 2011, compared with the similar period of 2010.

The first estimates read a Q3, 2011 GDP 1.9 percent bigger than Q2, 2010 in real terms adjusted for seasonality. Compared with the similar 2010 quarter, the GDP was up 4.4 percent in unadjusted terms and 4.5 percent in seasonally adjusted terms.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

International institutions' projections of Romania's economic growth in 2011 vary between 1.5 percent, the projection of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and 1.7 percent, in the autumn's estimates of the European Commission.

President Traian Basescu told an interview that Romania could end 2011 on a 2-percent economic growth. There was a 1.7-percent growth in the first quarter, a 1.4-percent growth in the second quarter, a 4.4-percent growth in the third quarter and we hope to get a 2.5-percent growth in the fourth quarter. The growth rates are 7.2 percent in construction; a 25-percent average rate in agriculture; a 5.5-percent in industry and a 17-percent in tourism, he said.

The Romanian Government has built its 2012 Budget on a 1.9-percent of the GDP deficit and a 2.1-percent economic growth.

Romania's economy fell into recession two year ago, as its GPD declined for two consecutive quarters, Q4, 2008 and Q1, 2009. In 2010, Romania's economy shrank by 1.3 percent.

Romania's economic outlook, subject of debate at Economist Conferences Romania's economic outlook was the subject of analysis at the Economist Conference “Analyzing Romania’s Future Economic Potential”, held in Bucharest. Government representatives and investors attended the meeting. The opportunities of investments and also the risk factors for those unfolding operations on the Romanian market were some of the subjects of debate.

'Romania's economic recovery is delayed by the sluggish growth rate in the Euro Zone, but an annual 4 percent medium-term growth will be possible if the authorities reinforce the recent achievements, reform the public sector, improve the regulating framework and invest in infrastructure. We gathered Romanian and worldwide experts and leaders in order to debate the most important aspects on which Romania's future development depends,' says Joan Hoey, Senior Analyst at the Economist Intelligence Unit.

The leaders of the international business milieu discussed about the latest approaches to increasing the capacity, the revenues and the market share, by emphasizing the differences between the strategies they implement in Romania and those on other markets. The leaders are Clifford Chance managing partner David Childs, CEO Petrom Mariana Gheorghe, Executive Chairman of Templeton Emerging Markets Mark Mobius, CEO Erste Group Andreas Treichl, Alexis Karklins Marchay, Emerging Markets Center Leader Ernst & Young, Kraft Foods Romania Managing Director Gerry Chandran, CEO Romtelecom Stefanos Theocharopoulos, Xerox Vice President Marius Persinaru, Agricover Managing Director Robert Arsene, Cargill Agriculture

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

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Managing Director Martin Schuldt, E. ON Romania Senior Executive Director George Cristodorescu, EBRD Director for Energy Nandita Parshad, Christian Dolezal, head of communication and public affairs Nabucco Gas Pipeline International GmbH and Dinu Patriciu, Liberty Investments founder. (ActMedia, November 25, 2011)

Eurostat Report Q3: Romania with the highest growth rate in the EU Romania reported the highest quarterly economic growth rate among the EU member states in the third quarter of 2011, according to preliminary estimates released by the Eurostat official statistics office of the EU.

Whereas economic growth in the Eurozone and the European Union overall was 0.2 percent in Q3, 2011 on a quarterly basis, Romania's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) advanced 1.9 percent. Second was Estonia, with a 0.8-percent GDP growth.

Compared with the same quarter of the previous year, Romania's Q3, 2011 growth rate was third in the EU, at 4.5 percent, behind Estonia's 7.9 percent and Lithuania's 7.2 percent. Both the Eurozone and the European Union overall recorded a Q3, 2011 year-over-year rise in the GDP of 1.4 percent. (ActMedia, November 16, 2011)

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

EBRD: Continuation of programmes with IMF and EU helps Romania maintain macroeconomic stability The continuation of the programmes concluded with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European Union (EU) will help the Government of Bucharest maintain the macroeconomic stability, even if there still are some risks because of the high arrears, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) announced in the Transition Report 2011.

According to EBRD, after a 1.3 percent recession in 2010, the Romanian economy has come back on growth in 2011 when, according to the institution, it will register a 1.5 percent advance. This come-back on growth was helped by the cautious macroeconomic policies and the successful cooperation with the IMF and the EU. However, EBRD estimates that the short-term growth rates registered by Romania are likely to remain small.

For 2012, EBRD recommends Romania to adopt new tax reforms, among which the elimination of arrears in the public sector, and new reforms in the pension and health systems.

Moreover, EBRD believes that progress should be made in drawing private funding in the road sector, where major investments are needed, either through concession or through public- private partnerships.

In the energy sector, EBRD believes that the uncertainties on the establishment of the two national champions should be eliminated by the year-end. Also by the year-end the Government's plans concerning new privatizations of companies in the energy sector should be made clear, in the idea of providing opportunities for drawing new investments in this sector.

Worked out based on a survey on 39,000 persons, the Transition Report 2011 maintains that the current world financial crisis has led to a significant decrease in the population support for the principles of democracy and free market in the 29 states in Central Europe and Central Asia backed by EBRD.

Established in 1991, EBRD is owned by 61 states and two inter-governmental institutions (the European Union and the European Investment Bank). The bank invested a record amount of 9 billion Euros in 2010, compared with 7.8 billion in 2009, and anticipates a one billion-euro profit. In 2011 EBRD plans to maintain an investment level accounting for 8-9 billion Euros. (ActMedia, November 17, 2011)

Romanian exports of primary energy resources up 6.5 pct this year The Romanian exports of primary energy resources will rise 6.5 percent this year from 2010 to 5.27 million tonnes of oil equivalent (toe), up from 4.9 million toe last year; such shipments in the next four years will go up 1.83 million toe to 7.1 million toe in 2015, reveals the 2009-2020 energy balance forecast drawn up by the National Commission for Prognosis. Romania, in 2020, will export 9.8 million toe, up 6.7 percent on 2011-2015, the Commission anticipated. It said the Romanian energy resources are put at 42.106 million toe this year, by 1.9 percent lower than in 2010; the Commission forecasts that such resources will increase by 2.9 percent in the next four years up to 43.579 million toe and they will rise 2.5 percent by 2020 up to 51.094 million toe. (ActMedia, November 17, 2011)

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

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Investments of 780 million Euros in 11 wind farms in country's north-east area The French group Filasa International announced investments of 780 million Euros in the construction of 11 wind farms in Suceava County / country's north-east /. The list of 11 energy projects includes wind farms with a combined installed capacity of approximately 516 MW, located on the territory of several localities. All projects are developed in co-association with the respective local communities and the entire wind farm energy complex is called the Wind Parks of Northeast Suceava. According to the manufacturer, the investments for the development of these projects amount, until now, at about 6.2 million Euros, representing specific studies, advisory fees, wind measurements, locations protection, providing office space / social headquarters, execution of drilling, design and construction of roads, cable paths and other elements related to wind farms, royalties and land taxes. Estimated total investment for 516 MW is 780 million Euros, of which 30 percent (235 million Euros) represent construction-assembly works set to be performed by local companies.

'We chose to invest in the development of wind farms in Romania because we are sure of the potential of this European country in renewable energy field. In the next two years we will invest 780 million Euros in the construction of 11 wind farms in the county of Suceava, and their total installed capacity will be 516 MW/h, ie ten times the current production capacity of CET Suceava . Per total, around 170 wind turbines are to be installed in the 11 parks, which will be located on an area of 4,000 hectares, part of the land owned by town halls, and another private property of citizens from whom we leased that land ', stressed Bernard Esquirol, general manager of Filasa International.

Filasa Group intends to acquire, in December 2011, building permits for six projects to be developed in Suceava County. Fees for permits stand at around 840,000 Euros, while the rest of the projects are to reach the approval phase in June 2012. For projects to be authorized, the fee amounts to about 1.5 million Euros.

To conduct activities in Romania, Filasa Group set up, since 2008, a Romanian company for each project, currently its portfolio numbering more than 40 companies. Romania is one of European countries with the greatest potential for growth in the wind farms field. The government estimates the potential of wind energy generated in Romania at 14,000 MW, the largest in South-East Europe.

According to experts, at the end of 2012, in Romania, more than 7.5 percent of electricity demand could be covered by wind energy. Each megawatt of wind power requires an investment of 1.5 to 1.6 million Euros, so the total investments in Romania might reach five billion Euros, until 2013. (ActMedia, November 24, 2011)

Raiffeisen: 2.5% economic growth in 2011 Raiffeisen reviewed the estimate about economic growth in Romania for this year from 1.5% to 2.5% due to a third quarter over expectations but considers a 2012 prognosis of 1.8% could be optimistic because of the basic effect in agriculture. “With a figure substantially better than expectations for the third quarter, the economic growth of 2011 will have to be over our prognosis of 1.5%, even in the case of a poor figure in quarter 4, Mediafax writes.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

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GDP has already grown by 2.7% in the first 9 months compared to 2010” a Raiffeisen analysis shows. GDP could grow by 2.5% in 2011, the Raiffeisen analysis shows. Statistics announced that GDP grew by 4.4% in the third quarter, compared to the same period of 2010 and 1.9% compared to the second quarter. Both figures place were placed above market estimates, Raiffeisen notes.

INS will present in early December the second estimate about GDP as well as the factors which influenced its evolution, but Raiffeisen considers the figures are mainly due to agriculture, which had a positive influence over economic growth, both in annual and quarterly terms.

At the same time the local branch of the Austrian bank notes that all sectors (industry, constructions, and services) made a positive contribution to GDP in the period analysed. Raiffeisen estimates the GDP increase rate was also backed by consumption, investments and net exports.

The high contribution of agriculture to the increase of GDP in 2011 supposes the risk of a negative contribution in 2012 due to the basic effect, Raiffeisen anticipates. Moreover the bank notices clear signs of a slowing down of economic activity in foreign markets, which could reduce the contribution of exports to GDP in 2012. Consumption and investments continue to evolve at a slow rate. Therefore Romania’s economic growth of 1.8% could be optimistic. (ActMedia, November 16, 2011)

The agricultural land owned by foreigners in Romania, 700,000-plus ha The foreigners currently have more than 700,000 hectares of agricultural area in Romania, representing 8.5 percent of the arable land of the country, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR) Valeriu Tabara told a press conference.

'The agricultural land owned by the foreigners in Romania at the moment is more than 700,000 hectares, with Italy having 24.29 percent of the surface, Germany 15.48 percent and the Arab countries, 9.98 percent. The request to buy agricultural land is a developing phenomenon,' Minister Tabara said.

According to the data revealed by the minister, other countries with significant participations are Austria with 6.13 percent, Spain with 6.22 percent, Denmark with 4.25 percent, the Netherlands with 2.4 percent, Hungary with 8.17 percent, Greece with 2.4 percent and Turkey with 0.78 percent, whereas Malta, Cyprus, , San Marino and Luxembourg are buying property through off-shore companies, in the amount of 5.91 percent. Land owners in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Iran are present from the Arab world.

Minister Tabara said that the price of land in Romania, of at least 2,500 Euros per hectare, is much below that reported in the EU member states where it might go as high as 15,000 Euros per hectare.

According to the minister, the total number of farms belonging to foreigners reached 709 in 2011 as compared to 635 in 2010 and the largest surface is in Timis County, roughly 133,830 ha this year, more than in 2010, when they used to have only 62,736 ha. The area of farmland bought by foreigners rose to 51,553 hectares in 2011 from 37,295 hectares in 2010 in north-

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______eastern Romania, to 44,021 hectares from 26,457 hectares in south-western regions and from 149,569 hectares to 229,336 hectares in western Romania.

The ministry of Agriculture said that Romania is a country with a permissive background on the land market, with a legislation dating back in 1993 and present in the Civil Code and two elements on which buying and possessing arable and agricultural land in Romania depends on, namely to live permanently in Romania in the case of the individual land owners and to be registered in Romania for the companies.

According to the official, the investors in the Middle East are quite interested in purchasing land in Romania, especially those coming from countries importing large quantities of agricultural products. The United Arab Emirates can be mentioned, importing 85 percent of the necessary quantity.

According to the treaty of accession, Romania must open its land market for the non-resident and those living in the EU, in the light of 2016-2020.

The statistics show that Romania ranks sixth in terms of agricultural land in Europe after France, Germany, the UK and Poland, and in point of arable land, it ranks fifth, ahead of the UK.

Minister Tabara added that about 50 countries, Romania included, are the target for more than 1,000 multinational corporations in the field of land market, and the giants intend to invest in land abroad, which are the best investment at the moment.

According to statistics, the world reserves of cereals and technical crops provided food for 116 days for the entire population of the planet in 1999, whereas the same type of reserves are enough for only 56. (ActMedia, November 22, 2011)

Partnership between Ministry of Environment and World Wildlife Fund for Nature to save forests Minister of Environment and Forests Laszlo Borbely announced, in Sinca, Brasov County, the signing soon of a protocol with the organization World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF) to protect virgin forests in Romania, covering an area of 250,000 ha.

'By this year-end, we can tell which the first steps that we will take are and a clear position of the Ministry of Environment and Forests to save these forests. I personally came here to visit the virgin forest of this locality and to give a signal to all, that the forest should be protected and saved, especially now, when we talk about climate changes and carbon emissions. I think that the forest remains one of the most important resources that must be saved in the conditions of global warming. If you have a clear strategy and a program for protecting forests, then on the medium and long term you could save that area of carbon emissions or reduce them significantly', the minister said.

He added that the Ministry of Environment and Forests will send again a circular letter to all areas where virgin forests exist, so that, by mid next year, the inventory of all forests in Romania to be completed.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

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In turn, Csibi Mogor, director of WWF Romania, said that through the WWF's campaign, launched to save the virgin forests, the organization is trying to obtain a protection status for all virgin forests in Romania.

According to Sinca Forestry Authority, there is a population of 6 deer, 10 roe, 25 wild boars, 21 chamois, 10 bears in the forest there.

The Eco-Carpathian region has 322,000 hectares of virgin forests, of which the vast majority - 250,000 hectares - is in Romania. Although Romania has the largest area of virgin forests in the region, only 18 percent of them have some protected status, are included in protected areas, and an even smaller percentage are under full protection. The remaining 80 percent are not under any form of protection and in danger of being destroyed legally. (ActMedia, November 17, 2011)

Pound trades at 5.09 lei The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on November 30 by the banks authorized to operate on the currency market is as follows:

1 British pound GBP 5.0988 1 euro EUR 4.3539 1 US dollar USD 3.2764 1 Swiss franc CHF 3.5474 100 Japanese yen JPY 4.1935 1 gram of gold XAU 179.5197

• Culture & Tourism

The National Day of Romania Embassy of Romania – London/ On November 30, 2011, the reception celebrating Romania’s National Day took place in the sumptuous venue of the Embassy of Romania in London at 1 Belgrave Square.

The event brought together some hundreds of guests: members of the British Parliament, Lords, high representatives of the British institutions, defence and internal affairs attachés, representatives of the business community and academics, members of the Diplomatic Corps, journalists and members of the diaspora. The level of participation has reconfirmed that 2011 was a very good year for the bilateral relations between Romania and the UK.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

Opening the event, the Ambassador addressed the audience: “The 1 st of December, the Day of the Great Union, is the moment when, by the votes of millions of Romanians from Transylvania, this region was uniting with its motherland. On 27 March 1918, The National Assembly of Bessarabia had also decided on the union with Romania. For the Romanians living abroad, Romania has a unique significance. The distance has to be naturally atoned by a strong mental and emotional connection, fuelled by the roots which call for nostalgia and patriotism, a word we should use more often. The British Foreign Secretary William Hague recently told me that “relations between Great Britain and Romania have never better than today”. The visit of the to London in June 2011, as Guest of Her Majesty’s Government, marked the updating of the Strategic Partnership signed in 2003, according to the new status of Romania as EU and NATO member. The United Kingdom is one of our most important partners, allies and friends”. On a personal note, the Ambassador added: “After more than three and a half years here, as I travelled all over the UK, I can now confess that I needed a first year to understand; after a second year, I started to admire Britain; and after a third year, I discovered that I love Britain”.

The Ambassador’s speech was followed by the two national anthems, sung by the mezzo-soprano Irina Gheorghiu. On this occasion, the Travel Channel and European Nature Trust documentary “Wild Carpathia” was screened. The reception was organised with the support of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the following sponsors: Arcelor Mittal, Mr and Mrs George Iacobescu, Class Living, PiLON, Chivas & Brothers, IDS International Diplomatic Supplies, Cubitt Consulting, Delta Nature Resort, and Forum Invest Romania. The Romanian celebration continued the next day, on the evening of 1 st December, in the same place, with an exceptional concert organised by the Embassy and the Romanian Cultural Institute. The concert was given by the well-known soprano Alexandra Coman, accompanied by pianist Livia Teodorescu-Ciocanea, and included works by George Enescu, the Romanian great composer.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

In the next few days, the Ambassador will be with the Romanians living in Scotland which celebrate the Great Union on the 4 th December at the Orthodox Church in Glasgow and, on the 5th of December, he will be in Edinburgh participating at a cultural event entitled “The Beautiful Romania. Welcome to the Carpathian Garden”, followed by a reception that will be attended by high level Scottish officials, members of the consular corps and the local Romanian community.

Gala Recital on the National Day of Romania Embassy of Romania – London/ On 1st December 2011, on the occasion of the National Day of Romania, took place a Gala recital given by the renowned Romanian soprano Alexandra Coman, accompanied by pianist and composer Livia Teodorescu-Ciocanea. The event, part of the Enescu Concerts Series, was organised by the Embassy of Romania in partnership with the Romanian Cultural Institute in London.

The programme included works by George Enescu, the Romanian great composer, Giacomo Puccini, Antonin Dvorak, José Serrano, Claude Debussy, Frédéric Chopin, Tiberiu Brediceanu and Livia Teodorescu-Cioc ănea.

Opening the event, the Ambassador of Romania, Dr Ion Jinga, addressed the distinguished guests about the significance of Romania’s National Day and introduced the two artists to the audience: “This evening we have the privilege to enjoy the presence of one of the most talented and well- known soprano in Romania who performed on the world’ great stages with illustrious artists such as Jose Carerras, Placido Domingo, Alex Vicenes and Carry Persson. Alexandra has an impressive repertoire as well as a versatile use of vocal registers. Jose Carreras said about her: ‘Alexandra Coman is a very talented artist with a great career before her’, while Luciano Pavarotti described her as having ‘a beautiful voice of interesting colour and brilliant quality’.

Livia Teodorescu-Ciocanea is a Romanian composer, concert pianist and associate professor of Composition at the National University of Music in Bucharest. Her honors include two Grand Prizes of the Romanian Composers Union (2001 and 2002), for the Red and Black Ballet (based on Stendhal’s novel) and Oratione aliquot Sanctae Briggitae choral composition. Ms. Teodorescu-Ciocanea published several articles in Romanian and international music magazines and two books. Her music is a part of

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______the repertoires of the Bucharest National Opera and many other musical institutions in Italy, Spain, UK, Ukraine, Republic of Moldova, Denmark, Australia and USA.

The event was attended by over 200 guests and concluded with a reception offered by Arcelor Mittal, Mr and Mrs George Iacobescu, Class Living, PiLON, Chivas & Brothers, Cubitt Consulting, International Diplomatic Supplies, Delta Nature Resort, and Forum Invest Romania.

Prince Charles hailed in fight to keep Romania green The Prince has a key role in the drive to save Romania's forests, says Adrian Bridge.

Champions of the Carpathians: , Romania's tourism minister, and the Prince of Wales Photo: Ioana Chirita, ALAMY By Adrian Bridge 8:00AM GMT 19 Nov 2011

Romania's tourism minister this week praised the Prince of Wales for supporting a campaign to protect Europe's last remaining true wilderness, in the Carpathian Mountains, and for helping to attract visitors to the country.

After a meeting with the Prince at Clarence House, Elena Udrea described him as a "wonderful man" who was viewed as a hero in her country. "He has done more for Romania than most Romanians," she said. "His enthusiasm for our country has been an inspiration."

Prince Charles, a distant relative of Vlad the Impaler, is passionate about the Carpathian region and owns two properties there, both of which have been converted into guesthouses. In a recent documentary screened on Travel Channel, Wild Carpathia, he said it was vital for the region's vast forests to be protected from loggers – thus saving them from the fate that befell much of Britain's woodland.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

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"If we carry on the same way [as in Britain], we end up with destruction occurring and with people saying later on, 'We want this back,' " he said.

The greater Carpathian region – an area the size of the United Kingdom – is the largest area of unspoilt nature in Europe. It has virgin forests and natural springs and is home to some 6,000 brown bears, countless wolves and lynx. In the documentary, the Prince of Wales remarked on the region's "timeless" quality.

Mrs Udrea said that the Prince had helped draw attention to one of Europe's more unusual holiday spots and that his support chimed with her attempts to portray Romania as a "green" destination suitable for nature holidays.

"There is something unique about the Carpathians," she said.

Mrs Udrea said that the Danube Delta was another treasured spot in Romania for nature and bird lovers.

Elsewhere in the country there were many fortified Saxon churches – in which Prince Charles takes a keen interest – ancient monasteries and atmospheric medieval towns such as Sibiu and Brasov.

"Most Britons have probably seen countries such as France, Spain and Italy, but Romania is something different," she said.

"Here you will find a fusion of the past and the present; true wilderness – and a real chance of seeing a brown bear."

Or, indeed, the heir to the throne. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/travelnews/8897342/Prince-Charles-hailed-in-fight-to-keep-Romania-green.html

Romania has final assent to host EYOF Winter Edition 2013 Bucharest, November 25/ MDRT/ - On 24 November, at the General Assembly held in Sochi (Russian Federation), the European Olympic Committee decided to grant Romania the final acceptance to organise the Winter Edition of the European Youth Olympic Festival (EYOF), in 2013. This decision came as a result of the fact that the development of the tourism and sports infrastructure in the Prahova Valley is in an advanced stage and the mountain resorts are ready to host such an event. The meeting in Sochi was attended, among others, by Jacques Rogge (President of the International Olympic Committee), Patrick Joseph Hickey (President of the European Olympic Committee), Alexander Zhukov (Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation) and George Scripcaru (Chairman of the Organising Committee of EYOF 2013).

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

Within the framework of the General Assembly, representatives of the Organising Committee of the EYOF 2013 presented the progress report on Romania's preparation stage in terms of tourism and sports infrastructure. From the report it resulted that our country complies with the schedule of organisation agreed with the European Olympic Committee. The Romanian delegation pledged that, by the end of October 2012, when the last monitoring visit of the European Olympic Committee takes place, will complete the remaining works still under execution. The Minister of Regional Development and Tourism, Elena Udrea, said that the decision of the European Olympic Committee is a confirmation that the investment efforts the MRDT and the had conducted in recent years in the Prahova Valley resorts. "I am extremely happy that we received the final acceptance to organise the Olympic Festival in Romania, in 2013, although, I confess, I do not feel uneasy at all that it might happen otherwise. I know the efforts made by the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism, the entire government and the local public authorities in the area to make these investments. We have managed to turn the obsolete Prahova Valley into resorts of international stature and, thus, to introduce them to the world winter sports circuit. All this infrastructure was designed not only to host the Olympic Festival, but also to be used by all lovers of winter sports from our country and from abroad," said Minister Elena Udrea. At the meeting in Sochi, Patrick Joseph Hickey (President of the European Olympic Committee), Octavian Morariu (President of the Romanian Olympic and Sports Committee) and George Scripcaru (Chairman of the Organising Committee of EYOF 2013), signed the letters to all European Olympic Committees, inviting them to start preparing for the competition organised in Romania. "I was extremely delighted to sign the official invitations to participate in the Olympic Festival in 2013, where it is written, as the host," Brasov, Romania. " Today`s decision of the European Olympic Committee confirms the special efforts we have made in recent years, we, the people from Brasov City Hall and the other Prahova Valley authorities, along with colleagues from the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism and from the entire Government ", said George Scripcaru.

The Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism is investing about 400 million lei to develop the tourism and sports infrastructure necessary to organise EYOF 2013. Among these investments there are: the extension of the skiable areas in the Prahova Valley by over 40 kilometres of new slopes, the building of an Olympic ski jumping trampolines and annexes (transport devices, stands, parking places, etc.), the creation of two biathlon lanes with permanent winter-summer use, the construction of three new cable transport facilities, the construction of two new skating rinks, the provision of artificial snow installations for all slopes and the creation of a snowdrift reservoir.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

Cultural events to be organised by or with the support of the ROMANIAN CULTURAL INSTITUTE in London :

The Way I Spent the End of the World @ Romanian Cinematheque

14/12/2011 @ ICR Londra, 1 Belgrave Square

The screening will be followed by a Skype Q&A session with award-winning director C ătălin Mitulescu and film journalist Edward Lawrenson

Set during Ceau şescu's final year of reign in Romania, The Way I Spent the End of the World is a charmingly told story about a 17-year-old girl Eva and her 7 year old brother, Lalalilu. One day at school, Eva and her boyfriend accidentally break a bust of Ceau şescu. They are forced to confess their crime before a disciplinary committee and Eva is expelled from school and transferred to a correction centre. There she meets Andrei and both decide to escape Romania, crossing the Danube river. Lalalilu believes that Ceau şescu is Eva’s reason to leave and devises a plan to kill the dictator.

Co-produced by Martin Scorsese and Wim Wenders, the film was awarded „Un Certain Regard” for the Best Actress at Cannes 2006 and „Best European Project” at Sundance Film Festival 2006.

"A richly detailed and unusually lyrical film, The Way I Spent the End of the World offers us a rare vision of history as it’s actually being made, reflected in the everyday lives of its charactes. I’m very happy to have participated in the making of this film." Martin Scorsese

România | 2006 | 83 min | Cert. 12 | director: C ătălin Mitulescu | cast: Dorotheea Petre, Timotei Duma, Mircea Diaconu, Florin Zamfirescu, Carmen Ungureanu, Bogdan Dumitrache

Romanian Cinematheque is a partnership with the National Centre for Cinematography in Romania (CNC)

Free entrance. To attend please email [email protected] or call 0207 752 0134. Early booking recommended.

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

Victor Nicoar ă @ St Martin in the Fields

27/12/2011 @ St Martin in the Fields, London

Victor Nicoar ă is the fourth young Romanian musician to appear in the popular New Music Series . Pianist and composer, Victor has distinguished himself as a versatile and accomplished performer through appearances in Europe and beyond the continent.

Born in 1984 in Bucharest, Romania, Victor Nicoar ă began his studies at the "George Enescu" music school then moving on to complete his undergraduate and postgraduate studies in piano and composition at the Royal College of Music in London. He has appeared both as soloist and in chamber ensembles in Bucharest (including the Romanian Atheneum), London (including St. Martin-in-the-Fields), Paris, Berlin, Luxembourg, Brussels (Salle Flagey) and Abu-Dhabi. His works have been performed in London (including St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Steinway Hall), Bucharest (Romanian Atheneum), Germany, France and Belgium. Among the distinguished musicians he has collaborated with: Yoel Gamzou (conductor), Lionel Wartelle (clarinet), Emanuel Graf (cello), Lucy Hall (violin), Manuel Schattel (double-bass), Eliana Pretorian (soprano), Leontina Vaduva (soprano). Victor has had a piece premiered by the contemporary music ensemble Trio-Alto, led by the outstanding French saxophonist Daniel Kientzy; in 2010- 2011 he wrote and performed the music for a setting of Tolstoy's "Kreutzer Sonata" for one

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

actor and one musician as well as for a dramatization/reworking of Mircea Eliade's "Nunta in Cer" - both made by actor/director Ionut Chiriac.

When: Tuesday, 27 th December, 1pm

Where: St Martin in the Fields, Trafalgar Square, London

This lunchtime concert is free and no ticket is required. Anca Benera reveals unseen London 30/11 - 04/12/2011 @ Camden Arts Centre, Arkwright Road, Londra NW3 6DG

Join us for the opening of Anca Benera's exhibition revealing London's lost rivers, latent social tensions and hidden codes of behaviour. The works on display have been made during the artist's joint residency at Camden Arts Centre and the Romanian Cultural Institute. Benera’s work incorporates a range of media including video, performance and sculpture; her practice focuses on story telling, re-construction, performance and in particular, how these things can occur in the public sphere. For her residency, she is developing a research project begun in 2008, re-reading sculptural occurrences and interventions in the public domain as reminiscent of key art works from art history. In London, the new body of work comprises photographs, film and narrative transcriptions.

Anca Benera (b. 1977) is the co-founder of the Centre for Visual Introspection, a unique artists’ collective in Bucharest in 2007, for the support and presentation of socially engaged visual arts. She graduated from the National University of Art Bucharest. Most of her works focus on the interaction between painting, photography, installations and the memory’s structure. Her on- going projects include Re-reading the City (2008-) and Matter & History (2010-).

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

When: Opening 30 November, 7 - 9pm; Exhibition continues until 4 December, 10am - 6pm

Where: Camden Arts Centre, Arkwright Road, London NW3 6DG

Admission free.

Claudiu Komartin, back in London with a new project 06/12/2011 - 05/02/2012 @ Institutul Cultural Român Londra, 1 Belgrave Square

Award-winning poet, literary critic and translator Claudiu Komartin takes up residency at RCI London c/o the Attic Arts programme. Claudiu will work on a poetry translation project to be published next year.

Claudiu Komartin (b. 1983) is a poet, literary critic and translator. He has written three poetry collections to date, including Domestic Circus (2005) which won the prominent Romanian Academy Poetry Prize. Claudiu is also editor-in-chief of “Poesis International” and has translated poetry and prose from French, English and Italian. Appearing in several international anthologies, his poems are renowned for making ‘a synthesis, both sarcastic and full of hope, of the Romanian contemporary society”.

When: 6 December 2011 - 5 February 2012

Where: Romanian Cultural Institute London.

More info about The Romanian Cultural Institute in London’s events, please find at: www.icr-london.co.uk

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

Cultural events to be organised by or with the support of the Romanian Cultural Centre/ Ratiu Foundation:

Mircea Cantor at Tate Modern Level 2 Gallery During Dec 2011 I decided not to save the world Exhibition open until 8 January 2012 Tate Modern , Bankside, London SE1 9TG. Tel. 020 7887 8888 Free entry. Open every day from 10.00 – 18.00 and until 22.00 on Friday and Saturday. The title of the exhibition is taken from Mircea Cantor’s 2011 video of the same name in which a single take of a child saying ‘I decided not to save the world’ is shown on a continuous loop. The work is emblematic of the complexity that underlies the simplest of statements and is typical of the way Cantor responds to contemporary concerns using simple and direct gestures. Curious acts and seemingly small gestures unite the works in this exhibition. Artists Mounira Al Solh, Yto Barrada, Mircea Cantor and the collective Slavs and Tatars devise playful interventions into their everyday environment, combining social comment and investigation with humour or irony to throw off our habits of thinking. Emerging from the specific contexts in which they are working, the light-hearted approach of these works belies the artists’ acute socio- political insights.

More details on www.tate.org.uk/modern

Romanian Crime Writing at the University of Leeds Thursday 1 Dec 2011 17:30, Rupert Beckett Lecture Theatre, Michael Sadler Building, LG X04, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT

Free entrance

The University of Leeds hosts a presentation and debate on crime literature from Eastern Europe, featuring award-winning author Mike Phillips and special guests from Romania: George Arion, Oana Stoica- Mujea, and Bogdan Hrib.

The event will be introduced by the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Professor Frank Finlay and John McLeod, Professor of Postcolonial and Diaspora Literatures.

Details on www.profusion.org.uk

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

Monooka and Cergo Banda LIVE! Saturday 3 Dec 2011 21:00 – 03:00, The Hootananny, 95 Effra Road, London SW2 1DF Free entrance A pre-Christmas show at the Hootananny, organised by Stranger than Fiction. Romanian singer-songwriter Monooka comes together for the time with Transylvanian musicians Csergo Banda for an explosive programme. Also performing on the night will be French Swing Gypsy Jazz Manouche Latino big band Benoit Viellefon and his Orchestra, Suri Sumatra as the Christmas angel fairy, Vector Menace, DJs Sacha Dieu and Ms Manray. Details on www.myspace.com/gypsymadness

The Man with the Luggage after Eugene Ionesco, in Liverpool Tuesday 6 Dec 2011 19:30, The Capstone Theatre, Liverpool Hope University Creative Campus, 17 Shaw Street, Liverpool L6 1HP. Tel: 0151 291 3578 Tickets: £12 (£7 concs.) available online • The Man with the Luggage Adapted by Lizzie Nunnery. Directed by Oliver Jones Cast: Nicholas Tizzard, John Cockerill, Nicole Lewis A man strives to return home, in search of his past, hopeful of his future, and longing for those he left behind. As his journey unfolds, he finds his path repeatedly blocked and his identity endlessly questioned. His luggage and his status are lost as borders are crossed, languages confused, and modes of travel conspire to thwart him. Will he ever reach his destination? …will his luggage? …and will his identity arrive with him? Details on www.thecapstonetheatre.com

Cristian Luchian – ‘The Great Time’ Exhibition 6 - 17 Dec 2011

Opening on 6 December 2011, 19:00, Ratiu Foundation / Romanian Cultural Centre in London, Manchester Square, 18 Fitzhardinge Street, London W1H 6EQ. Tel. 020 7486 0295

Free entry. Please book in advance at www.cristianluchian.co.uk

Discover the paintings of theatre director and visual artist Cristian Luchian at the Romanian Cultural Centre in London. The opening will be celebrated with a multimedia installation where theatre performance and video design meet to explore the mysteries of The Great Time .

The exhibition features an eclectic overview of Romanian insights, traditions and performativity. The Great Time collection showcases a range of themes and symbols rooted in the Romanian ancient civilization: Cucuteni. Believed to be the oldest European civilization, Cucuteni-Trypillia

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

was already an established culture by 5000 BC. The territory spread from Romania to Ukraine and Moldova. The main theme of Luchian’s new work is Time. The concept of Great Time, coming from the Romanian philosopher Mircea Eliade, is explored trough a multitude of mediums and perspectives. In Luchian’s vision, Cucuteni culture represents the beginnings of our Great Time. Cristian Luchian was born in Piatra Neamt, Romania. His artistic career started on ladder, as a religious mural painter. He has collaborated on the painting of four Neo Byzantine churches in Moldova, Romania. He continued his visual arts journey with painting on canvas, mixed media, photography, video design and finally theatre. He graduated as a Theatre Director from the Faculty of Theatre and Television of the Babes Bolyai University in Cluj Napoca, Romania. He now works and lives in London. The opening features actresses Iulia Benze and Anca Doczi Composer and musician: Tyrrell Performance Poetry by Ankado: ancadoczi.co.uk Directing and Video Design: Cristian Luchian With the support of Romanian Cultural Centre in London, Ratiu Foundation Sponsored by Romanian Vintage: romanianvintage.co.uk

Alexandra Dariescu (piano) in Oldham Wednesday 7 Dec 2011 19:30, Millgate Arts centre, Stoneswood Road, Delph, Oldham OL3. Tel. 01457 874 644 Tickets: £12 (£4 concs.)

Alexandra Dariescu will perform a wide-ranging programme including works by Beethoven, Schumann, Liszt, Chopin, Ravel and Debussy.

Alexandra Dariescu is a multi award-winning artist, most notably of the prestigious Prix Maurice Ravel in France. Engagements in the 2010/2011 season included return visits to the Wigmore Hall, the Barbican, Leeds International Piano Series, performances with the Belcea and Elias Quartets, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Sinfonia ViVA, Northern Chamber Orchestra and the Nottingham and York Symphony Orchestras. Future plans include her debut at the Weill Recital Hall in Carnegie Hall and concerto performances with the Liverpool Mozart Orchestra. While studying in London, Alexandra Dariescu was supported by the Ratiu Foundation . Alexandra Dariescu (piano) in Bracknell Sunday 11 Dec 2011 15:00, Recital Room, South Hill Park Arts Centre, Ringmead, Bracknell RG12 7PA. Tel. 01344 484 123 Tickets: £15 (available online ) Alexandra Dariescu is a multi award-winning artist, most notably of the prestigious Prix Maurice Ravel in France. Engagements in the 2010/2011 season included return visits to the Wigmore Hall, the Barbican, Leeds International Piano Series, performances with the Belcea and Elias Quartets, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Sinfonia ViVA, Northern Chamber Orchestra and

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______the Nottingham and York Symphony Orchestras. Future plans include her debut at the Weill Recital Hall in Carnegie Hall and concerto performances with the Liverpool Mozart Orchestra. While studying in London, Alexandra Dariescu was supported by the Ratiu Foundation . Details on www.southhillpark.org.uk

Alexandra Dariescu (piano) with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra at Barbican Hall Thursday 29 Dec 2011 19:30, Barbican Hall, Level G, Barbican Centre, Silk Street, London EC2Y 8DS. Box office 020 7638 8891 Tickets: £22.50 / 30 / 41.50 / 46.50 / 52 (available online) An unmissable all-Beethoven concert. Details on www.barbican.org.uk

The Man with the Luggage after Eugene Ionesco, in Canterbury 8 - 10 Dec 2011 19:30, The Marlowe Theatre, 12 – 13 Sun Street, Canterbury CT1 2HX. Tel: 01227 787787 Tickets: £12 (concs. available) available online • The Man with the Luggage Adapted by Lizzie Nunnery. Directed by Oliver Jones Cast: Nicholas Tizzard, John Cockerill, Nicole Lewis A man strives to return home, in search of his past, hopeful of his future, and longing for those he left behind. As his journey unfolds, he finds his path repeatedly blocked and his identity endlessly questioned. His luggage and his status are lost as borders are crossed, languages confused, and modes of travel conspire to thwart him. Will he ever reach his destination? …will his luggage? …and will his identity arrive with him? Details on www.marlowetheatre.com/

To learn more about Romanian cultural events taking place in London, please visit the page of the Romanian Cultural Centre/ Ratiu Foundation : http://www.romanianculturalcentre.org.uk/cultural-diary/

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Tel. 020 7937 9666 Fax: 020 7937 8069 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.london.mae.ro