ISSN 20790570, Advances in Gerontology, 2015, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 201–208. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2015. Published in Russian in Uspekhi Gerontologii, 2015, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 207–217. Elie Metchnikoff—The Founder of Longevity Science and a Founder of Modern Medicine: In Honor of the 170th Anniversary1 Ilia Stambler Department of Science, Technology and Society, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel email:
[email protected] Abstract—The years 2015–2016 mark a double anniversary—the 170th anniversary of birth and the 100th anni versary of death—of one of the greatest Russian scientists, a person that may be considered a founding figure of modern immunology, aging, and longevity science—Elie Metchnikoff (May 15, 1845–July 15, 1916). At this time of rapid aging of the world population and the rapid development of technologies that may amelio rate degenerative aging processes, Metchnikoff’s pioneering contribution to the search for antiaging and healthspanextending means should be recalled and honored. Keywords: Elie Metchnikoff, medical history, aging and longevity research DOI: 10.1134/S2079057015040219 ELIE1 METCHNIKOFF—THE FOUNDER OF GERONTOLOGY The world is rapidly aging, threatening grave con sequences for the global society and economy, while the rapid development of biomedical science and technology stand as the first line of defense against the potential threat. These two everincreasing forces bring gerontology, which describes the challenges of aging while at the same time seeking means to address those challenges, to the center stage of the global sci entific, technological, and political discourse. At this time, it may be fit to honor the persons who stood at the origin of gerontological discourse, not just as a sci entific field but as a social and intellectual movement.