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Nine Senators, 16 Representatives in 112th Congress’ “Hall of Fame” By Shirl McArthur CongressWatch

ith the November HALL OF FAME HALL OF SHAME ative columns with no more Wgeneral election than one positive mark. rapidly approaching, the Career Pro-Israel Career Pro-Israel The House and Senate is- Washington Report is Senate PAC Donations Senate PAC Donations sues are enumerated below: pleased to again present Bingaman, Jeff (D-NM) $ 272,425 Ayotte, Kelly (R-NH) $ 14,500 its scorecard for the cur- Harkin, Tom (D-IA) 552,950 Blumenthal, Richard (D-CT) 25,500 HOUSE: The Positives rent members of Con- Kerry, John (D-MA) 23,502 Blunt, Roy (R-MO) 78,350 1. No “Contain” Iran. In Leahy, Patrick (D-VT) 145,911 Boozman, John (R-AR) 8,500 gress. As it has done in Paul, Rand (R-KY) 2,000 Brown, Scott (R-MA) 15,000 May 2012, the House passed previous congresses, the Reid, Harry (D-NV) 393,001 Cardin, Benjamin (D-MD) 148,695 the AIPAC-promoted H.Res. American Israel Public Sanders, Bernie (I-VT) 4,000 Casey, Robert (D-PA) 76,300 568, introduced by Ros-Lehti- Affairs Committee Udall, Tom (D-NM) 41,500 Collins, Susan (R-ME) 112,000 nen in March, on a Webb, Jim (D-VA) 0 Coons, Chris (D-DE) 19,000 (AIPAC) exerted major Cornyn, John (R-TX) 67,480 vote of 401-11, with nine pressure on members of Crapo, Mike (R-ID) 56,500 members voting “present” Congress to sign on to Gillibrand, Kirsten (D-NY) 77,950 (i.e., abstaining). Among other letters and measures re- Isakson, Johnny (R-GA) 41,500 things, it says “containing” a Lautenberg, Frank (D-NJ) 503,578 flecting not American, Lee, Mike (R-UT) 20,500 nuclear Iran is not an option but hard-line Israeli po- Menendez, Robert (D-NJ) 184,318 and affirms the unacceptabil- sitions. Two Iran sanc- Moran, Jerry (R-KS) 15,700 ity of an Iran with nuclear- Nelson, Bill (D-FL) 179,871 tions bills, H.R. 1905 Risch, James (R-ID) 13,500 weapons capability. Those and H.R. 2105, and the Rubio, Marco (R-FL) 15,600 who voted no or abstained are Israel “cooperation” bill, Schumer, Charles (D-NY) 83,885 recognized in Column 1. H.R. 4133, were passed Vitter, David (R-LA) 40,500 2. Diplomacy. H.R. 4173, so overwhelmingly that House House introduced by Rep. Barbara those bills are omitted Lee (D-CA) March 2012, calls from this listing. Amash, Justin (R-MI) 0 Bartlett, Roscoe (R-MD) 750 for the U.S. to pursue all Blumenauer, Earl (D-OR) 2,500 Burton, Dan (R-IN) 143,336 For the House, five Conyers, John (D-MI) 5,000 Canseco, Francisco (R-TX) 0 diplomatic avenues to avoid a positive and five nega- Edwards, Donna (D-MD) 9,500 Chabot, Steve (R-OH) 20,000 war with Iran. It has 30 co- tive issues were chosen. Ellison, Keith (D-MN) 5,500 Chaffetz, Jason (R-UT) 11,000 sponsors, including Lee. In Because it was difficult Johnson, Eddie Bernice (D-TX) 0 Coble, Howard (R-NC) 0 addition, this May, 71 repre- Kucinich, Dennis (D-OH) 14,500 Duncan, Jeff (R-SC) 0 finding positive mea- Lee, Barbara (D-CA) 0 Fleming, John (R-LA) 10,000 sentatives signed a letter to sures, two of the five McCollum, Betty (D-MN) 8,750 Franks, Trent (R-AZ) 1,000 President to positive columns reflect McDermott, Jim (D-WA) 6,000 Gallegly, Elton (R-CA) 50,250 continue diplomatic efforts Moore, Gwen (D-WI) 2,500 Gohmert, Louie (R-TX) 0 those who resisted Moran, Jim (D-VA) 3,000 Hartzler, Vicky (R-MO) 0 with Iran. Signers of the letter AIPAC’s pressures. Six- Olver, John (D-MA) 19,500 Hultgren, Randy (R-IL) 2,000 and co-sponsors of H.R. 4173 teen members registered Pingree, Chellie (D-ME) 5,676 Johnson, Bill (R-OH) 0 are shown in Column 2. in all five positive Stark, Pete (D-CA) 12,750 Lamborn, Doug (R-CO) 3,500 3. Unilateral Statehood. Woolsey, Lynn (D-CA) 3,500 Marino, Tom (R-PA) 0 columns with no more McClintock, Tom (R-CA) 0 In July 2011, the House than one negative mark, McKinley, David (R-WV) 0 passed H.Res. 268, introduced or in four positive Pence, Mike (R-IN) 83,250 by Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) Pitts, Joseph (R-PA) 1,750 columns with no nega- Poe, Ted (R-TX) 15,000 and strongly pushed by tive marks, and they are Pompeo, Mike (R-KS) 0 AIPAC. Among other things, shown in the “Hall of Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana (R-FL)* 258,240 the measure says that “Pales- Fame.” Schmidt, Jean (R-OH) 14,000 tinian efforts to gain recogni- Tiberi, Patrick (R-OH) 500 The “Hall of Shame” Turner, Bob (R-NY) 0 tion of a state outside direct lists the 29 House mem- Walsh, Joe (R-IL) 0 negotiations demonstrates ab- bers who registered in West, Allen (R-FL) 12,000 sence of a good faith commit- four or five negative Westmoreland, Lynn (R-GA) 250 ment to peace negotiations, columns with no more Wilson, Joe (R-SC) 250 and will have implications for than one positive mark. *honorary continued U.S. aid.” After re- Because leading Israel- lentless AIPAC pressure, the firster Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) ap- country, she is included as an “honorary” vote was 407-6, with 13 voting “present.” parently only signed on to bills with member of the “Hall of Shame.” Those 19 are recognized in Column 3. which she was directly involved, she did For the Senate, four positive and four 4. Two-State Solution. In April 2012, not meet the criteria for the “Hall of negative issues were chosen. Three of the 74 representatives signed a letter to Obama Shame.” However, in recognition of the four positive columns reflect those who expressing their “strong support for active fact that she arguably has done more than resisted AIPAC’s pressures. Nine senators American leadership toward achieving a any other to promote registered in three or four positive two-state resolution to the Israeli-Palestin- Israel’s interests over those of her own columns with no negative marks, and they ian and Israeli-Arab conflicts,” and saying are shown in the “Hall of Fame.” The that “U.S. equivocation on support for the Shirl McArthur is a retired U.S. foreign “Hall of Shame” lists those 22 senators emergence of a Palestinian state emboldens service officer based in the Washington, who registered in three negative columns violent extremists.” Signers are recognized DC area. with no positive marks, or in all four neg- in Column 4. 24 THE WASHINGTON REPORT ON MIDDLE EAST AFFAIRS SEPTEMBER 2012 mcarthur_halls_24-37_Congress Watch 7/24/12 1:28 PM Page 25

5. Afghanistan. Again, in March 2011, bassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Its co- D. Cluster Munitions. In March 2011, Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) introduced a sponsors are named in Column 9. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) again intro- resolution, H. Con. Res. 28, directing the 10. U.N. Reform. In the 112th Con- duced a bill that would prohibit the use of president “to remove the U.S. Armed Forces gress, Ros-Lehtinen continued her assault cluster munitions, with tightly defined ex- from Afghanistan.” It was brought to a vote on the U.N. and UNRWA. In August 2011 ceptions. Co-sponsors of S. 558 are shown and defeated by a vote of 93-321. Those she introduced H.R. 2829, her “U.N. in Column D. voting yes are recognized in Column 5. In Transparency, Accountability, and Re- May 2011, Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) in- form” bill. Among its many harsh provi- SENATE: The Negatives troduced H.R. 1735 to require a plan for sions are those that would withhold U.S. E. Iran War Hawks. In May 2012, 12 the accelerated transition of U.S. military contributions to any U.N. agency that up- senators issued a statement expressing and security operations in Afghanistan to grades the status of the PLO, withhold their skepticism about the possibility of the Afghan government. The bill’s co-spon- funding for UNRWA, and shift U.S. contri- negotiations with Iran over Iran’s nuclear sors are also shown in Column 5. butions to the U.N. to a voluntary basis. Its program and saying that “no option co-sponsors are identified in Column 10. should be taken off the table” to prevent HOUSE: The Negatives Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapons ca- 6. Syria Sanctions. In June 2011, Ros- SENATE: The Positives pability. That June, 44 senators signed a Lehtinen introduced H.R. 2106, which A. No “Contain” Iran. The AIPAC- letter to Obama saying negotiations should would, among other things, impose a wide promoted Senate version of H.Res. 568, be abandoned unless Iran agrees to shut range of export, financial, procurement, S.Res. 380, was introduced by Sen. Lind- down the uranium enrichment facility banking and property sanctions aimed at sey Graham (R-SC) in February 2012. As near Qom, freeze all uranium enrichment Syria’s energy sector. It has gradually with the House bill, it says among other above 5 percent, and ship all uranium en- gained co-sponsors and now has 68, in- things that “containing” a nuclear Iran is riched above 5 percent out of the country. cluding Ros-Lehtinen, shown in Column 6. not an option and affirms the unaccept- The statement’s and letter’s signers are 7. Anti-Palestinian. The “Palestinian ability of an Iran with nuclear-weapons shown in Column E. Accountability” bill, H.R. 2457, was intro- capability. After that measure stalled in F. Syria. Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA) intro- duced in July 2011 by by Rep. Joe Walsh the Senate, Graham introduced a slimmed- duced two resolutions, S.Res. 370 and (R-IL). Among several punitive provisions, down version, S.J.Res. 41, with essentially S.Res. 435, in February and April 2012, call- it would prohibit funds for the Palestinian the same co-sponsors, that makes no men- ing for more aggressive U.S. actions to com- Authority unless certain unlikely condi- tion of a military option. The senators pel Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to “re- tions are met and would bar U.S. funding who have NOT sponsored either measure linquish power and step aside.” The mea- for the U.N. Relief and Works Agency are recognized in Column A. sures’ co-sponsors are named in Column F. (UNRWA). It has 43 co-sponsors, includ- B. Iran Sanctions. The Senate’s version G. U.S.-Israel Cooperation. S. 2165, ing Walsh, who are shown in Column 7. of H.R. 1905, the far-reaching “Iran, the Senate’s U.S.-Israel “Security Coopera- 8. Israel’s 64th. The seemingly innocu- North Korea, and Syria Sanctions Consoli- tion” bill, introduced by Sen. Barbara ous H.Con.Res. 115 was introduced in dation” bill, S. 1048, was introduced by Boxer (D-CA) in March, was passed by the March 2012 by Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) in May full Senate on June 29, 2012. Its provi- (R-NY) to recognize the 64th anniversary 2011. Those who are NOT co-sponsors are sions amount to a wish-list of defense-re- of Israel’s independence. However, after recognized in Column B. lated goodies for Israel. The bill’s co-spon- 17 problematic, and sometimes false, C. Unilateral Statehood. The AIPAC- sors are identified in Column G. “whereas” clauses, one of the six “re- promoted Senate version of H.Res. 268, H. Goldstone. In April 2011 Justice solved” clauses would seem to tell Israel S.Res. 185, was introduced by Sen. Ben- Richard Goldstone, one of the authors of that it’s okay to attack Iran. Its co-spon- jamin Cardin (D-MD) in May 2011. the U.N. report on Israel’s December 2008- sors are identified in Column 8. Among other things, it says that “Palestin- January 2009 assault on Gaza that criti- 9. Jerusalem. In every session of Con- ian efforts to gain recognition of a state cized both Israel and Gaza, wrote an op-ed gress AIPAC pushes to have a Jerusalem outside direct negotiations demonstrates piece that retracted the report’s claim that embassy bill. H.R. 1006 was introduced in absence of a good faith commitment to Israel had intentionally targeted civilians, March 2011 by Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN). peace negotiations, and will have implica- but said the rest of the report stands. The Among other things, it would remove the tions for continued U.S. aid.” It passed by Senate promptly passed a resolution, presidential waiver authority included in a voice vote in June 2011. Those senators S.Res. 138, saying that the U.N. should re- the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995, forc- resisting AIPAC’s pressure and NOT scind the entire report. The measure’s co- ing the immediate removal of the U.S. Em- cosponsoring are recognized in Column C. sponsors are shown in Column H. ❑ REPORT CARD FOR THE 11 2th CONGRESS POSITIVES NEGATIVES HOUSE KEY: HALL OF FAME. Appears in five positive columns with no more than one negative column, or four positive columns with no negative columns. HALL OF SHAME. Appears in four or five negative columns with no more than one positive column. No “Contain” Iran Diplomacy Unilateral Statehood Two-State Solution Afghanistan Syria Sanctions Anti-Palestinian Israel’s 64th Jerusalem U.N. Reform 12345 678910 REPRESENTATIVES Alabama Aderholt, Robert (R) Bachus, Spencer (R) X

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No “Contain” Iran Diplomacy Unilateral Statehood Two-State Solution Afghanistan Syria Sanctions Anti-Palestinian Israel’s 64th Jerusalem U.N. Reform 12345 678910 REPRESENTATIVES Alabama Bonner, Jo (R) X Brooks, Mo (R) Roby, Martha (R) Rogers, Mike (R) XX Sewell, Terri (D) Alaska Young, Don (R) X Amer. Samoa Faleomavaega, Eni (D) Arizona Barber, Ron (D) Flake, Jeff (R) XX Franks, Trent (R) XXXXX Gosar, Paul (R) XX Grijalva, Raul (D) XXX Pastor, Ed (D) XX Quayle, Ben (R) X Schweikert, David (R) XX X Arkansas Crawford, Rick (R) X Griffin,Tim (R) XXX Ross, Mike (D) Womack, Steve (R) X California Baca, Joe (D) Bass, Karen (D) XX Becerra, Xavier (D) X Berman, Howard (D) X Bilbray, Brian (R) Bono Mack, Mary (R) Calvert, Ken (R) XXX Campbell, John (R) X Capps, Lois (D) XXX Cardoza, Dennis (D) X Chu, Judy (D) X Costa, Jim (D) Davis, Susan (D) X Denham, Jeff (R) Dreier, David (R) X Eshoo, Anna (D) XXX Farr, Sam (D) XXX Filner, Bob (D) XXX Gallegly, Elton (R) XXX X Garamendi, John (D) XX Hahn, Janice (D) Herger, Wally (R) X Honda, Michael (D) XX X Hunter, Duncan (R) XX Issa, Darrell (R) X Lee, Barbara (D) XXXXX Lewis, Jerry (R)

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d HOUSE KEY: o n n o o a i h r t n HALL OF FAME. Appears in five I e s u a t l n i ” a positive columns with no more than o n t o n i i h m i S n m S t t t r one negative column, or four positive a a s r y l e c 4 t t o c a t e o f s n l 6 m f columns with no negative columns. n a r a i a a e e e s l o e t n m S ’ R t S P l a R C a - - . Appears in o a a i e s . HALL OF SHAME. “ l l h i i o t a u N p g r N . o i n f n r r . four or five negative columns with no w y s e U more than one positive column. N D U T A S A I J U 12345 678910 REPRESENTATIVES California Lofgren, Zoe (D) XX Lungren, Daniel (R) XX Matsui, Doris (D) X McCarthy, Kevin (R) McClintock, Tom (R) XXXX McKeon, Buck (R) McNerney, Jerry (D) X Miller, Gary (R) X Miller, George (D) XXX Napolitano, Grace (D) X Nunes, Devin (R) Pelosi, Nancy (D) Richardson, Laura (D) XX Rohrabacher, Dana (R) XXX Roybal-Allard, Lucille (D) X Royce, Edward (R) X Sanchez, Linda (D) X Sanchez, Loretta (D) X Schiff, Adam (D) Sherman, Brad (D) XX Speier, Jackie (D) XX X Stark, Pete (D) XXXXX Thompson, Mike (D) XXX Waters, Maxine (D) XX X Waxman, Henry (D) XX Woolsey, Lynn (D) XXXXX Colorado Coffman, Mike (R) XX DeGette, Diana (D) XXX Gardner, Cory (R) X Lamborn, Doug (R) XXXXX Perlmutter, Ed (D) Polis, Jared (D) XX Tipton, Scott (R) X Connecticut Courtney, Joe (D) XX DeLauro, Rosa (D) XXX Himes, James (D) X Larson, John (D) XX Murphy, Christopher (D) XX DC Norton, Eleanor Holmes (D) XX Delaware Carney, John (D) Florida Adams, Sandy (R) XX Bilirakis, Gus (R) XX Brown, Corrine (D) X Buchanan, Vern (R) XXX Castor, Kathy (D) Crenshaw, Ander (R)

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No “Contain” Iran Diplomacy Unilateral Statehood Two-State Solution Afghanistan Syria Sanctions Anti-Palestinian Israel’s 64th Jerusalem U.N. Reform 12345 678910 REPRESENTATIVES Florida Deutch, Ted (D) X Diaz-Balart, Mario (R) XX Hastings, Alcee (D) XX Mack, Connie (R) XX Mica, John (R) Miller, Jeff (R) XXX Nugent, Rich (R) X Posey, Bill (R) XX Rivera, David (R) XX Rooney, Thomas (R) XX X Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana (R)* XXX Ross, Dennis (R) XXX Southerland, Steve (R) XX X Stearns, Cliff (R) Wasserman Schultz, Debbie (D) Webster, Daniel (R) West, Allen (R) XXXX Wilson, Frederica (D) XX Young, Bill (R) X Georgia Barrow, John (D) Bishop, Sanford (D) Broun, Paul (R) XX Gingrey, Phil (R) XX Graves, Tom (R) X Johnson, Hank (D) XX Kingston, Jack (R) XX Lewis, John (D) XXX Price, Tom (R) XX Scott, Austin (R) XX Scott, David (D) X Westmoreland, Lynn (R) XXX X Woodall, Rob (R) XX Guam Bordallo, Madeleine (D) Hawaii Hanabusa, Colleen (D) Hirono, Mazie (D) X Idaho Labrador, Raul (R) X Simpson, Michael (R) X Illinois Biggert, Judy (R) Costello, Jerry (D) X Davis, Danny (D) XXX Dold, Robert (R) XXX Gutierrez, Luis (D) XXX Hultgren, Randy (R) XXX X Jackson, Jesse Jr. (D) XXX Johnson, Timothy (R) XX X Kinzinger, Adam (R) X *Honorary 28 THE WASHINGTON REPORT ON MIDDLE EAST AFFAIRS SEPTEMBER 2012 mcarthur_halls_24-37_Congress Watch 7/24/12 1:29 PM Page 29


d HOUSE KEY: o n n o o a i h r t n HALL OF FAME. Appears in five I e s u a t l n i ” positive columns with no more than a o n o n t i i h m i S n m S t t t r one negative column, or four positive a a s r y l e c 4 t t o c t e o f a s n l 6 m f columns with no negative columns. n a r a i a a e e e s l o e t n m S ’ R t S P l a R C a - - . Appears in o a a i e s . HALL OF SHAME. “ l l h i i o t a u N p g r N . o i n f n r r . four or five negative columns with no w y s e U more than one positive column. N D U T A S A I J U 12345 678910 REPRESENTATIVES Illinois Lipinski, Daniel (D) Manzullo, Donald (R) XX Quigley, Mike (D) X Roskam, Peter (R) XX Rush, Bobby (D) XXXXX Schakowsky, Janice (D) XX Schilling, Bobby (R) X Schock, Aaron (R) X Shimkus, John (R) XXX Walsh, Joe (R) XXXX Indiana Bucshon, Larry (R) X Burton, Dan (R) XXXX Carson, Andre (D) XX Donnelly, Joe (D) Pence, Mike (R) XXXXX Rokita, Todd (R) X Stutzman, Marlin (R) XX Visclosky, Peter (D) XX Young, Todd (R) Iowa Boswell, Leonard (D) Braley, Bruce (D) XXX King, Steve (R) XX Latham, Tom (R) X Loebsack, David (D) XXX Kansas Huelskamp, Tim (R) XX Jenkins, Lynn (R) X Pompeo, Mike (R) XXXXX Yoder, Kevin (R) XXX Chandler, Ben (D) Davis, Geoff (R) XX Guthrie, Brett (R) Rogers, Harold (R) X Whitfield, Ed (R) Yarmuth, John (D) XX Louisiana Alexander, Rodney (R) Boustany, Charles (R) Cassidy, Bill (R) Fleming, John (R) XXXX Landry, Jeff (R) XX Richmond, Cedric (D) X Scalise, Steve (R) XX Maine Michaud, Michael (D) XX Pingree, Chellie (D) XXXX Mariana Is. Sablan, Gregorio (D) Bartlett, Roscoe (R) XX XXX Cummings, Elijah (D)

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No “Contain” Iran Diplomacy Unilateral Statehood Two-State Solution Afghanistan Syria Sanctions Anti-Palestinian Israel’s 64th Jerusalem U.N. Reform 12345 678910 REPRESENTATIVES Maryland Edwards, Donna (D) XXXX Harris, Andy (R) XX Hoyer, Steny (D) Ruppersberger, Dutch (D) X Sarbanes, John (D) X Van Hollen, Chris (D) X Massachusetts Capuano, Michael (D) XX Frank, Barney (D) X Keating, William (D) X Lynch, Stephen (D) X Markey, Edward (D) XX McGovern, James (D) XXX Neal, Richard (D) XX Olver, John (D) XX XX Tierney, John (D) XXX Tsongas, Niki (D) X Michigan Amash, Justin (R) XXX X Benishek, Dan (R) X Camp, Dave (R) X Clarke, Hansen (D) XXX Conyers, John (D) XX XX Dingell, John (D) XX Huizenga, Bill (R) X Kildee, Dale (D) Levin, Sander (D) Miller, Candice (R) XXX Peters, Gary (D) X Rogers, Mike (R) Upton, Fred (R) Walberg, Tim (R) XX Minnesota Bachmann, Michele (R) XX Cravaack, Chip (R) XX Ellison, Keith (D) XXXXX Kline, John (R) XX X McCollum, Betty (D) XXXXX Paulsen, Erik (R) X Peterson, Collin (D) Walz, Timothy (D) Mississippi Harper, Gregg (R) Nunnelee, Alan (R) XX Palazzo, Steven (R) X Thompson, Bennie (D) XX Missouri Akin, Todd (R) X Carnahan, Russ (D) Clay, Wm. Lacy (D) XXX

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POSITIVES NEGATIVES d o HOUSE KEY: n n o o a h i r e t n HALL OF FAME. Appears in five I s t u a l n i ” a positive columns with no more than t o n n o i S i h m i S n t m t t r one negative column, or four positive a l a s r y e c 4 t t o c a t e o f s n l 6 m f columns with no negative columns. n a r a i a a e e e s l o e t n m S ’ R t S P l a R C a - - . Appears in o a a i e s . HALL OF SHAME. “ l l h i i o t a u N p g r N . o i n f n r r . four or five negative columns with no w y s e U more than one positive column. N D U T A S A I J U 12345 678910 REPRESENTATIVES Missouri Cleaver, Emanuel (D) XX Emerson, Jo Ann (R) Graves, Sam (R) XX Hartzler, Vicky (R) XXXX Long, Billy (R) XX X Luetkemeyer, Blaine (R) XX Montana Rehberg, Denny (R) X Nebraska Fortenberry, Jeff (R) X Smith, Adrian (R) X Terry, Lee (R) Nevada Amodei, Mark (R) X Berkley, Shelley (D) XX Heck, Joe (R) New Hampshire Bass, Charles (R) Guinta, Frank (R) X New Jersey Andrews, Robert (D) Frelinghuysen, Rodney (R) Garrett, Scott (R) XXX Holt, Rush (D) XX Lance, Leonard (R) XXX LoBiondo, Frank (R) Pallone, Frank (D) XX Pascrell, Bill (D) Rothman, Steven (D) XX Runyan, Jon (R) XXX Sires, Albio (D) Smith, Christopher (R) XXX New Mexico Heinrich, Martin (D) XX Lujan, Ben Ray (D) X Pearce, Steve (R) X New York Ackerman, Gary (D) Bishop, Tim (D) Buerkle, Ann Marie (R) XXX Clarke, Yvette (D) X Crowley, Joseph (D) X Engel, Eliot (D) XX Gibson, Chris (R) Grimm, Michael (R) XX Hanna, Richard (R) XX Hayworth, Nan (R) XX Higgins, Brian (D) Hinchey, Maurice (D) XXX Hochul, Kathy (D) Israel, Steve (D) X King, Peter (R) XX

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No “Contain” Iran Diplomacy Unilateral Statehood Two-State Solution Afghanistan Syria Sanctions Anti-Palestinian Israel’s 64th Jerusalem U.N. Reform 12345 678910 REPRESENTATIVES New York Lowey, Nita (D) Maloney, Carolyn (D) XX McCarthy, Carolyn (D) Meeks, Gregory (D) Nadler, Jerrold (D) Owens, Bill (D) Rangel, Charles (D) XXXX X Reed, Tom (R) X Serrano, Jose (D) X Slaughter, Louise McIntosh (D) XXX Tonko, Paul (D) XX Towns, Edolphus (D) XX Turner, Bob (R) XXXX Velazquez, Nydia (D) XX N. Carolina Butterfield, G.K. (D) X Coble, Howard (R) XXXXX Ellmers, Renee (R) XXX Foxx, (R) X Jones, Walter (R) XX X Kissell, Larry (D) McHenry, Patrick (R) XX McIntyre, Mike (D) XX Miller, Brad (D) X Myrick, Sue (R) XXX Price, David (D) XXX Shuler, Heath (D) XX Watt, Melvin (D) XXX North Dakota Berg, Rick (R) Ohio Austria, Steve (R) XX Boehner, John (R) Chabot, Steve (R) XXXX Fudge, Marcia (D) X Gibbs, Bob (R) Johnson, Bill (R) XXX X Jordan, Jim (R) XX Kaptur, Marcy (D) XX Kucinich, Dennis (D) XXX X LaTourette, Steven (R) X Latta, Robert (R) XX Renacci, James (R) XX Ryan, Tim (D) X Schmidt, Jean (R) XXXX Stivers, Steve (R) XX Sutton, Betty (D) X Tiberi, Patrick (R) XXXX 32 THE WASHINGTON REPORT ON MIDDLE EAST AFFAIRS SEPTEMBER 2012 mcarthur_halls_24-37_Congress Watch 7/24/12 1:29 PM Page 33

POSITIVES NEGATIVES HOUSE KEY: d o n n o o HALL OF FAME. Appears in five a h i r e t n I s t u a l positive columns with no more than n i ” a t o n n o i S i h m one negative column, or four positive i S n t m t t r a l a s r y e c 4 t t o columns with no negative columns. c a t e o f s n l 6 m f n a r a i a a e e e s l o e t n m S ’ R t S P l a R HALL OF SHAME. Appears in C a - - . o a a i e s . “ l l h i i o t a u N four or five negative columns with no p g r N . o i n f n r r . w y s e U more than one positive column. N D U T A S A I J U 12345 678910 REPRESENTATIVES Ohio Turner, Michael (R) XX Oklahoma Boren, Dan (D) X Cole, Tom (R) Lankford, Jim (R) XX Lucas, Frank (R) X Sullivan, John (R) X Oregon Blumenauer, Earl (D) XXXXX Bonamici, Suzanne (D) X DeFazio, Peter (D) XXX Schrader, Kurt (D) XX Walden, Greg (R) X Pennsylvania Altmire, Jason (D) Barletta, Lou (R) Brady, Robert (D) X Critz, Mark (D) Dent, Charles (R) XXX Doyle, Michael (D) XX Fattah, Chaka (D) X Fitzpatrick, Michael (R) XX Gerlach, Jim (R) XX Holden, Tim (D) XX Kelly, Mike (R) XX Marino, Tom (R) XXXX Meehan, Patrick (R) X Murphy, Tim (R) XX Pitts, Joseph (R) XXXX Platts, Todd (R) Schwartz, Allyson (D) Shuster, Bill (R) Thompson, Glenn (R) X Puerto Rico Pierluisi, Pedro (D) X Rhode Island Cicilline, David (D) X Langevin, James (D) S. Carolina Clyburn, James (D) X Duncan, Jeff (R) XXXX Gowdy, Trey (R) XX Mulvaney, Mick (R) XX Scott, Tim (R) XXX Wilson, Joe (R) XXXXX South Dakota Noem, Kristi (R) X Black, Diane (R) X Blackburn, Marsha (R) XX Cohen, Steve (D) XXX Cooper, Jim (D) XX DesJarlais, Scott (R) X SEPTEMBER 2012 THE WASHINGTON REPORT ON MIDDLE EAST AFFAIRS 33 mcarthur_halls_24-37_Congress Watch 7/24/12 1:29 PM Page 34


No “Contain” Iran Diplomacy Unilateral Statehood Two-State Solution Afghanistan Syria Sanctions Anti-Palestinian Israel’s 64th Jerusalem U.N. Reform 12345 678910 REPRESENTATIVES Tennessee Duncan, Jimmy (R) XX Fincher, Stephen (R) X Fleischmann, Chuck (R) XX Roe, Phil (R) XX Texas Barton, Joe (R) XX Brady, Kevin (R) X Burgess, Michael (R) X Canseco, Francisco (R) XXXXX Carter, John (R) Conaway, K. Michael (R) XX Cuellar, Henry (D) X Culberson, John (R) XX Doggett, Lloyd (D) XX Farenthold, Blake (R) X Flores, Bill (R) XX Gohmert, Louie (R) XXXX Gonzalez, Charles (D) XX Granger, Kay (R) X Green, Al (D) X Green, Gene (D) Hall, Ralph (R) XX Hensarling, Jeb (R) X Hinojosa, Ruben (D) Jackson Lee, Sheila (D) XXX Johnson, Eddie Bernice (D) XXXXX X Johnson, Sam (R) XXX Marchant, Kenny (R) XX McCaul, Michael (R) XX Neugebauer, Randy (R) Olson, Pete (R) XX X Paul, Ron (R) XXX Poe, Ted (R) XXXXX Reyes, Silvestre (D) Sessions, Pete (R) XX Smith, Lamar (R) XX Thornberry, Mac (R) X Utah Bishop, Rob (R) XX Chaffetz, Jason (R) XXXXXX Matheson, Jim (D) Welch, Peter (D) XXX Virgin Islands Christensen, Donna (D) Virginia Cantor, Eric (R) Connolly, Gerald (D) X Forbes, Randy (R) XXX Goodlatte, Bob (R) XX 34 THE WASHINGTON REPORT ON MIDDLE EAST AFFAIRS SEPTEMBER 2012 mcarthur_halls_24-37_Congress Watch 7/24/12 1:29 PM Page 35

POSITIVES NEGATIVES HOUSE KEY: HALL OF FAME. Appears in five positive columns with no more than one negative column, or four positive columns with no negative columns. HALL OF SHAME. Appears in four or five negative columns with no

U.N. Reform more than one positive column. No “Contain” Iran Diplomacy Unilateral Statehood Two-State Solution Afghanistan Syria Sanctions Anti-Palestinian Israel’s 64th Jerusalem U.N. Reform 12345 678910 REPRESENTATIVES Virginia Griffith, Morgan (R) X Hurt, Robert (R) X Moran, Jim (D) XXXX Rigell, Scott (R) XX Scott, Bobby (D) X Wittman, Robert (R) Wolf, Frank (R) X Washington Dicks, Norman (D) X Hastings, Doc (R) Herrera Beutler, Jaime (R) Larsen, Rick (D) X McDermott, Jim (D) XXXXX McMorris Rodgers, Cathy (R) XXX Reichert, David (R) Smith, Adam (D) X West Virginia Capito, Shelley Moore (R) McKinley, David (R) XXXXX Rahall, Nick (D) XX Wisconsin Baldwin, Tammy (D) XX Duffy, Sean (R) Kind, Ron (D) X Moore, Gwen (D) XXX X Petri, Thomas (R) Ribble, Reid (R) XXX Ryan, Paul (R) X Sensenbrenner, James (R) Wyoming Lummis, Cynthia (R) XX POSITIVES NEGATIVES

No “Contain” Unilateral Cluster Iran War Hawks Syria U.S.-Israel Iran Iran Sanctions Statehood Munitions Cooperation Goldstone ABCD E F GH

SENATORS Alabama Sessions, Jeff (R) XX Shelby, Richard (R) XX Alaska Begich, Mark (D) XX Murkowski, Lisa (R) XX Arizona Kyl, Jon (R) XX McCain, John (R) X Arkansas Boozman, John (R) XXX Pryor, Mark (D) XX SEPTEMBER 2012 THE WASHINGTON REPORT ON MIDDLE EAST AFFAIRS 35 mcarthur_halls_24-37_Congress Watch 7/24/12 1:29 PM Page 36


s Appears in three k HALL OF FAME. s ” n w n or four positive columns and no negative i o a n i l a l o t H i column. t a d s e e c t n r o n r a n n a r r o e o o a o a r t e i s t C h I e S a t t W s HALL OF SHAME. Appears in “ i - l e a . p i s i d n t n n n S o l o n u r . three negative columns and no positive a a l u a a y o r t r o N r I U C I S U columns, or four negative columns and I S M C G no more than one positive column. ABCD E F GH

SENATORS California Boxer, Barbara (D) XXXX Feinstein, Dianne (D) XXXX Colorado Bennet, Michael (D) X Udall, Mark (D) X Connecticut Blumenthal, Richard (D) XXXX Lieberman, Joseph (I) XX Delaware Carper, Thomas (D) X Coons, Chris (D) XXXX Florida Nelson, Bill (D) XXXX Rubio, Marco (R) XXXX Georgia Chambliss, Saxby (R) X Isakson, Johnny (R) XXX Hawaii Akaka, Daniel (D) X Inouye, Daniel (D) XX Idaho Crapo, Mike (R) XXX Risch, James (R) XXX Illinois Durbin, Richard (D) XXX Kirk, Mark (R) XX Indiana Coats, Dan (R) XX Lugar, Richard (R) Iowa Grassley, Chuck (R) X Harkin, Tom (D) XXXX Kansas Moran, Jerry (R) XXX Roberts, Pat (R) X Kentucky McConnell, Mitch (R) Paul, Rand (R) XXX Louisiana Landrieu, Mary (D) X Vitter, David (R) XXX Maine Collins, Susan (R) XXX Snowe, Olympia (R) Maryland Cardin, Benjamin (D) XXXXX Mikulski, Barbara (D) XX XX Massachusetts Brown, Scott (R) XXXX Kerry, John (D) XXX Michigan Levin, Carl (D) XX XX X Stabenow, Debbie (D) XX Minnesota Franken, Al (D) XX XX Klobuchar, Amy (D) XX XX Mississippi Cochran, Thad (R) X Wicker, Roger (R) X Missouri Blunt, Roy (R) XXX McCaskill, Claire (D) X Montana Baucus, Max (D) XXX Tester, Jon (D) X 36 THE WASHINGTON REPORT ON MIDDLE EAST AFFAIRS SEPTEMBER 2012 mcarthur_halls_24-37_Congress Watch 7/24/12 1:29 PM Page 37


No “Contain” Iran Sanctions Unilateral Cluster Iran War Hawks Syria U.S.-Israel Iran Statehood Munitions Cooperation Goldstone ABCD E F GH SENATORS Nebraska Johanns, Mike (R) XX Nelson, Ben (D) XX Nevada Heller, Dean (R) XX Reid, Harry (D) XXX New Hampshire Ayotte, Kelly (R) XXX Shaheen, Jeanne (D) XX New Jersey Lautenberg, Frank (D) XXX Menendez, Robert (D) XXXXX New Mexico Bingaman, Jeff (D) XXXX Udall, Tom (D) XX X New York Gillibrand, Kirsten (D) XXXX Schumer, Charles (D) XXX North Carolina Burr, Richard (R) X Hagan, Kay (D) XX North Dakota Conrad, Kent (D) X Hoeven, John (R) XX Ohio Brown, Sherrod (D) XXXX Portman, Rob (R) XX Oklahoma Coburn, Tom (R) X Inhofe, James (R) XX Oregon Merkley, Jeff (D) XXXX Wyden, Ron (D) XX XX Pennsylvania Casey, Robert (D) XXXXX Toomey, Patrick (R) XX Rhode Island Reed, Jack (D) XX XX Whitehouse, Sheldon (D) XXX South Carolina DeMint, Jim (R) XX Graham, Lindsey (R) XX South Dakota Johnson, Tim (D) XX X X Thune, John (R) Tennessee Alexander, Lamar (R) XX Corker, Bob (R) XX Texas Cornyn, John (R) XXXX Hutchison, Kay Bailey (R) X Utah Hatch, Orrin (R) XX Lee, Mike (R) XXX Vermont Leahy, Patrick (D) XXXX Sanders, Bernie (I) XXXX Virginia Warner, Mark (D) XX Webb, Jim (D) XXX Washington Cantwell, Maria (D) XX Murray, Patty (D) X West Virginia Manchin, Joe (D) Rockefeller, John (D) X Wisconsin Johnson, Ron (R) XX Kohl, Herb (D) X Wyoming Barrasso, John (R) X Enzi, Michael (R) XX SEPTEMBER 2012 THE WASHINGTON REPORT ON MIDDLE EAST AFFAIRS 37