

Vol. 167 , WEDNESDAY, 6, 2021 No. 4 of Representatives The House met at noon and was and our debates, that You would be re- OFFICE OF THE , called to order by the pro tem- vealed and exalted among the people. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, pore (Mr. SWALWELL). We pray these things in the strength Washington, DC, , 2021. of Your holy name. Hon. , f Speaker, House of Representatives, Amen. DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER Washington, DC. PRO TEMPORE f DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: Pursuant to the permission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- THE JOURNAL of the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- fore the House the following commu- tives, I have the honor to transmit a sealed nication from the Speaker: The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- envelope received from the on ant to section 5(a)(1)(A) of House Reso- January 5, 2021 at 5:05 p.m., said to contain WASHINGTON, DC, , 2021. lution 8, the Journal of the last day’s a message from the President regarding ad- I hereby appoint the Honorable ERIC proceedings is approved. ditional steps addressing the threat posed by SWALWELL to act as Speaker pro tempore on applications and other software developed or f this day. controlled by Chinese companies. With best wishes, I am, NANCY PELOSI, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Sincerely, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the CHERYL L. JOHNSON, f Clerk of the House. gentleman from (Mr. MANN) PRAYER come forward and lead the House in the f The Chaplain, Reverend Margaret Pledge of Allegiance. ADDRESSING THE THREAT POSED Grun Kibben, offered the following Mr. MANN led the Pledge of Alle- BY APPLICATIONS AND OTHER prayer: giance as follows: SOFTWARE DEVELOPED OR CON- O God, our refuge and our strength, a I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the TROLLED BY CHINESE COMPA- very present help in times of discord United States of America, and to the Repub- NIES—MESSAGE FROM THE and trouble. Mountains crumble, lic for which it stands, one nation under God, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED waters rage, nations roar, and yet we indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. STATES (H. DOC. NO. 117–6) need not be afraid, for even now You f The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- abide with us in these times of great fore the House the following message APPOINTMENT OF TELLERS ON discord, uncertainty, and unrest. from the President of the United We, who have pledged to defend our THE PART OF THE HOUSE TO States; which was read and, together Constitution against all enemies, we COUNT ELECTORAL VOTES with the accompanying papers, referred pray Your hedge of protection around The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- to the on Foreign Affairs this Nation. Defend us from those ad- ant to Concurrent 1, and ordered to be printed: versaries, both foreign and domestic, and the order of the House of January outside these walls and perhaps within 4, 2021, the Chair announces the Speak- To the Congress of the United States: Pursuant to the International Emer- these Chambers, who sow seeds of acri- er’s appointment of two Members as gency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. mony to divide colleagues and conspire tellers on the part of the House to 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National to undermine trust in Your divine au- count the electoral votes: Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), thority over all things. The gentlewoman from The journey of this experiment in de- and section 301 of 3, United States (Ms. LOFGREN); and Code, I hereby report that I have issued mocracy is perilous and demanding, The gentleman from (Mr. fraught with anger and discontent. But an Order declaring addi- RODNEY DAVIS). wise rulers still seek You. tional steps to be taken concerning the So help us, God, to find You in the f national emergency with respect to the midst of us. information and communications tech- So help us, God, to see Your gracious COMMUNICATION FROM THE nology and services supply chain de- plan even in the events of these days. CLERK OF THE HOUSE clared in Executive Order 13873 of So help us, God, to serve You and The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- 15, 2019 (Securing the Information and this Nation with Godliness and dignity. fore the House the following commu- Communications Technology and Serv- We lay before You the gifts of our nication from the Clerk of the House of ices Supply Chain) to deal with the hopes, our dreams, our deliberations, Representatives: threat posed by applications and other

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the .



VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06JA7.000 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE H76 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 6, 2021 software developed or controlled by of people be on the floor, may I ask Chinese companies. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- how one would make an objection or The pace and pervasiveness of the ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair make a parliamentary inquiry in the spread in the United States of certain declares the House in recess until ap- future if you are not on the floor but in connected mobile and desktop applica- proximately 12:55 p.m. today. the gallery. tions and other software developed or Accordingly (at 12 o’clock and 6 min- The VICE PRESIDENT. Under sec- controlled by persons in the People’s utes p.m.), the House stood in recess. tion 18 of title 3, , of (PRC), to include debate is not permitted in the joint Hong Kong and Macau (China), con- f session. tinue to threaten the national secu- b 1255 Mr. GRIFFITH. Further parliamen- rity, foreign , and economy of tary inquiry. the United States. By accessing per- AFTER RECESS Mr. Vice President, I am not at- sonal electronic devices such as The recess having expired, the House tempting to debate. I am trying to find smartphones, tablets, and computers, was called to order by the Speaker at out how a parliamentary inquiry or a Chinese connected software applica- 12 o’clock and 55 minutes p.m. parliamentary point of order would be made in following with the Speaker’s tions can access and capture vast f swaths of information from users, in- request that most of us not be on the cluding sensitive personally identifi- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER floor. How do you make one of those able information and private informa- The SPEAKER. As the House comes points of order when you don’t know tion. The continuing activity of the to order for this important, historic what is going to happen later? PRC and the Chinese Communist Party meeting, let us be reminded that each The VICE PRESIDENT. Respectfully, to steal or otherwise obtain United side, House and Senate, Democrats and the gentleman’s parliamentary inquiry States persons’ data makes clear that Republicans, each have 11 Members al- constitutes debate, which is not per- there is an intent to use bulk data col- lowed to be present on the floor. Others mitted in the under sec- lection to advance China’s economic may be in the gallery. This is at the tion 18 of title 3, United States Code. and national security agenda. To deal guidance of the Attending Physician Madam Speaker, Members of Con- with this threat, additional steps are and the Sergeant at Arms. gress, pursuant to the Constitution and required against those who develop or The gentlemen on the Republican the of the United States, the Sen- control certain Chinese connected soft- side of the will please observe so- ate and House of Representatives are ware applications to protect our na- cial distancing and the agreement to meeting in joint session to verify the tional security. have 11 Members on each side so that certificates and count the votes of the The Executive Order prohibits cer- we can honor the responsibility to this electors of the several States for Presi- tain future transactions, as determined Chamber of this House of Representa- dent and Vice President of the United by the Secretary of Commerce (Sec- tives. States. retary), involving the following Chi- Please exit the floor if you do not After ascertainment has been had nese connected software applications: have an assigned role from your leader- that the certificates are authentic and Alipay, CamScanner, QQ Wallet, ship. You can share with your staff if correct in form, the tellers will count SHAREit, Tencent QQ, VMate, WeChat you want to have a few more, but you and make a list of the votes cast by the Pay, and WPS Office. The Secretary is cannot be that close together on the electors of the several States. The tellers on the part of the two also directed to: floor of the House with that many peo- ple in here. Houses will take their places at the (i) continue to evaluate Chinese con- Clerk’s desk. nected software applications that may I thank the Senate, and the Demo- The tellers, Mr. BLUNT and Ms. KLO- pose an unacceptable risk to the na- crats and Republicans, for following BUCHAR on the part of the Senate, and tional security, foreign policy, or econ- the rules. Ms. LOFGREN and Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of omy of the United States, and to take f Illinois on the part of the House, took appropriate action in accordance with their places at the desk. Executive Order 13873; and COUNTING ELECTORAL VOTES— JOINT SESSION OF THE HOUSE The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob- (ii) in consultation with the Attorney AND SENATE HELD PURSUANT jection, the tellers will dispense with General and the Director of National TO THE PROVISIONS OF SENATE the reading of the formal portions of Intelligence, provide a report to the 1 the certificates. Assistant to the President for National There was no objection. Security Affairs with recommenda- At 12:59 p.m., the Sergeant at Arms, The VICE PRESIDENT. After tions to prevent the sale or transfer of Paul D. Irving, announced the Vice ascertaining that the certificates are United States user data to, or access of President and the Senate of the United regular in form and authentic, the tell- such data by, foreign adversaries, in- States. ers will announce the votes cast by the cluding through the establishment of The Senate entered the Hall of the electors for each State, beginning with regulations and to identify, House of Representatives, headed by , which the Parliamentarian control, and license the export of such the Vice President and the Secretary of has advised me is the only certificate data. the Senate, the Members and officers of vote from that State, and purports I have delegated to the Secretary, in of the House rising to receive them. to be a return from the State, and that consultation with the Secretary of the The Vice President took his seat as has annexed to it a certificate from an Treasury and the Attorney General, the Presiding Officer of the joint con- authority of that State purporting to the authority to take such actions, in- vention of the two Houses, the Speaker appoint or ascertain electors. cluding adopting appropriate rules and of the House occupying the chair on his Senator BLUNT. Mr. President, the regulations, and employing all other left. Senators took seats to the right of certificate of the electoral vote of the powers granted to the President by the rostrum as prescribed by . State of Alabama seems to be regular IEEPA, as may be necessary to imple- The joint session was called to order in form and authentic, and it appears ment the Executive Order. The heads of by the Vice President. therefrom that Donald J. Trump of the all executive departments and agencies PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRIES State of received 9 votes for are directed to take all appropriate Mr. GRIFFITH. Mr. Vice President, President and MICHAEL R. PENCE of the measures within their authority to im- parliamentary inquiry. State of received 9 votes for plement the provisions of the Execu- The VICE PRESIDENT. The gen- Vice President. tive Order. tleman from will state his The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there I am enclosing a copy of the Execu- parliamentary inquiry. any objections to counting the certifi- tive Order I have issued. Mr. GRIFFITH. Mr. Vice President, cate of vote of the State of Alabama DONALD J. TRUMP. in order to follow the Speaker’s in- that the teller has verified appears to THE WHITE HOUSE, January 5, 2021. structions that only a limited number be regular in form and authentic?

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06JA7.005 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H77 There was no objection. SENATORS the Chair will put the question, Shall The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing , John Kennedy, Ron Johnson, the objection be agreed to? none, this certificate from , the , , , The Clerk will report the objection Parliamentarian has advised me, is the . made in the joint session. only certificate of vote from that State MEMBERS OF CONGRESS The Clerk read the objection as fol- that purports to be a return from the AL–5, AZ–5, Jim lows: State and that has annexed to it a cer- OH–4, NC–11, OBJECTION TO COUNTING THE ELECTORAL tificate from an authority of the State PA–10, Mike Kelly PA–16, Clay VOTES OF THE STATE OF purporting to appoint and ascertain Higgins LA–3, John W. Rose TN–6, We, a Member of the House of Representa- electors. FL–8, SC–3, TX–36, tives and a United States Senator, object to TX–1, Brian J. Mast FL–18, Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. President, the the counting of the electoral votes of the OH–8, MD–1, State of Arizona on the ground that they certificate of the electoral vote of the MS–4, CO–5, were not, under all of the known cir- State of Alaska seems to be regular in FL–3. cumstances, regularly given. form and authentic, and it appears KS–1, VA–5, Adrian , therefrom that Donald J. Trump of the Smith NE–3, MO–7, Representative, State of Arizona. State of Florida received 3 votes for MI–1, TX–27, Rick Crawford , President and MICHAEL R. PENCE of the AR–1, Roger Williams TX–25, OH– Senator, State of . State of Indiana received 3 votes for 7, ID–1, NC–13, Barry SENATORS Moore AL–2, NY–1, Jake Mike Braun, John Kennedy, Ron Johnson, Vice President. LaTurner KS–2, NC–7, Jason The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there Steve Daines, James Lankford, Bill Hagerty, Smith MO–8, CO–3, Chuck Marsha Blackburn. any objections to counting the certifi- Fleischmann TN–3, TN–2, MEMBERS OF CONGRESS cate of vote of the State of Alaska that Chris Jacobs NY–27. the teller has verified appears to be Andrew S. Clyde GA–9, TX– Mo Brooks AL–5, Andy Biggs AZ–5, Jim 5, TN–1, Mary E. Miller Jordan OH–4, Madison Cawthorn NC–11, regular in form and authentic? Scott Perry PA–10, Mike Kelly PA–16, Clay There was no objection. IL–15, Mark E. Green TN–7, KS–4, FL–2, TX–13, Higgins LA–3, John W. Rose TN–6, Bill Posey The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing FL–8, Jeff Duncan SC–3, Brian Babin TX–36, none, this certificate from Arizona, the SC–5, Joe SC–2, MO–4, Scott DesJarlais TN–4, Mar- Louie Gohmert TX–1, Brian J. Mast FL–18, Parliamentarian has advised me, is the jorie Taylor Greene GA–14, Doug LaMalfa Warren Davidson OH–8, Andy Harris MD–1, only certificate of vote that the State CA–1, NJ–2, VA–6, Steven Palazzo MS–4, Doug Lamborn CO–5, purports to be a return from the State Michael D. Rogers AL–3, Kat Cammack FL–3. Tracey Mann KS–1, Bob Good VA–5, Adrian OK–2, TX–4, Randy K. Weber TX– and that has annexed to it a certificate Smith NE–3, Billy Long MO–7, Jack Bergman 14. from an authority of that State pur- MI–1, Michael Cloud TX–27, Rick Crawford porting to appoint or ascertain elec- The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there AR–1, Roger Williams TX–25, Bob Gibbs OH– tors. further objections to the certificate 7, Russ Fulcher ID–1, Ted Budd NC–13, Barry Senator KLOBUCHAR. Mr. Presi- from the State of Arizona? Moore AL–2, Lee Zeldin NY–1, Jake dent, the certificate of the electoral There was no objection. LaTurner KS–2, David Rouzer NC–7, Jason vote of the State of Arizona seems to The VICE PRESIDENT. The two Smith MO–8, Lauren Boebert CO–3, Chuck be regular in form and authentic, and Houses will withdraw from joint ses- Fleischmann TN–3, Tim Burchett TN–2, Chris Jacobs NY–27. it appears therefrom that Joseph R. sion. Each House will deliberate sepa- Andrew S. Clyde GA–9, Lance Gooden TX– Biden, Jr., of the State of Delaware re- rately on the pending objection and re- 5, Diana Harshbarger TN–1, Mary E. Miller ceived 11 votes for President and port its decision back to the joint ses- IL–15, Mark E. Green TN–7, Ron Estes KS–4, KAMALA D. HARRIS of the State of Cali- sion. Neal Dunn FL–2, Ronny Jackson TX–13, fornia received 11 votes for Vice Presi- The Senate will now retire to its Ralph Norman SC–5, Joe Wilson SC–2, Vicky dent. Chamber. Hartzler MO–4, Scott DesJarlais TN–4, Mar- The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there jorie Taylor Greene GA–14, Doug LaMalfa The Senate retired to its Chamber. CA–1, Jeff Van Drew NJ–2, Ben Cline VA–6, any objections to counting the certifi- b 1315 Michael D. Rogers AL–3, Markwayne Mullin cate of vote of the State of Arizona OK–2, Pat Fallon TX–4, Randy K. Weber TX– that the teller has verified appears to ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER 14. be regular in form and authentic? The SPEAKER. The Chair will re- The SPEAKER. The Chair will en- Mr. GOSAR. Mr. Vice President, I, mind Members of the need to adhere to deavor to alternate recognition be- PAUL GOSAR from Arizona, rise for my- the decorum requirements of the tween Members speaking in support of self and 60 of my colleagues to object Chamber as laid out in the Speaker’s the objection and Members speaking in to the counting of the electoral ballots announced policies of , 2021, opposition to the objection. from Arizona. in accordance with the guidance of the The Chair recognizes the gentleman The VICE PRESIDENT. Is the objec- Attending Physician. from (Mr. SCALISE) for 5 tion in writing and signed by a Sen- Members are advised to remain in the minutes. ator? Chamber only if they are participating Mr. SCALISE. Madam Speaker, I rise Mr. GOSAR. Yes, it is. in debate and must wear a mask at all today to object to a number of States Senator CRUZ. It is. times, even when under recognition for that did not follow the constitutional The VICE PRESIDENT. An objection debate. requirement for selecting electors. presented in writing and signed by both Members must also practice proper Madam Speaker, this is something a Representative and a Senator com- social distancing while present in the that is clear that our Founding Fathers plies with the law, chapter 1 of title 3, Chamber. debated about as a fundamental deci- United States Code. Please, in the interests of your own sion of how we choose our President. The Clerk will report the objection. health and as an example to the Amer- There was a lot of back and forth, if The Clerk read the objection as ican people, abide by the numbers, now anyone reads the founding documents follows: up to 25 on each side of the aisle, to of our country, about the different OBJECTION TO COUNTING THE ELECTORAL participate in this stage of the debate. versions they went through to ulti- VOTES OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA Pursuant to Senate Concurrent Reso- mately come up with a process where We, a Member of the House of Representa- lution 1 and 3 U.S.C. 17 governing the each State has ; each State tives and a United States Senator, object to procedure for counting the electoral has a process for selecting their elec- the counting of the electoral votes of the votes, when the two Houses withdraw tors and sending them to Washington. State of Arizona on the ground that they from the joint session to count the Madam Speaker, in a number of were not, under all of the known cir- electoral vote for separate consider- cumstances, regularly given. those States, that constitutional proc- PAUL GOSAR, ation of objection, a Representative ess was not followed, and that is why Representative, State of Arizona. may speak to the objection for 5 min- we are here to object. TED CRUZ, utes, and not more than once. Debate If you look at what the requirement Senator, State of Texas. shall not exceed 2 hours, after which says, nowhere in Article II, Section 1

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06JA7.006 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE H78 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 6, 2021 does it give the secretary of state of a In fact, on our first full day of this ate, to do only this: open the sealed en- State that ability; nowhere does it give Congress, many of us brought legisla- velopes and then the votes shall be the that ability; nowhere tion onto the House floor to start fix- counted. Simple. It doesn’t say counted does it give a court that ability. It ex- ing the problems with our elections, to in a manner that some Members of clusively gives that ability to the leg- restore integrity to the proc- Congress or the Vice President might islatures. In fact, in most States, that ess, which has been lost by so many prefer. No. The votes are simply to be is the process that was followed. But millions of . And we had a counted as certified and transmitted by for those States, this wasn’t followed. vote. Every single Republican voted to the States. Unfortunately, this is not new. We reform the process. Every single Demo- b 1130 have seen over and over again more crat voted against it. They don’t want States where the Democratic Party has During reconstruction after the Civil to fix this problem. War, more than one slate of electors gone in and selectively gone around But the Constitution is our guide, this process. That has to end, Madam were appointed by States. Dueling lists and it is time we start following the were sent and protracted processes Speaker. We have to follow the con- Constitution. It is time we get back to stitutional process. were undertaken in Presidential elec- what our Founding Fathers said is the tions. And, as a result, to make an or- Now, there might be reasons why process for selecting electors: that is some people don’t like the process laid derly process, Congress enacted the the in public view, not be- of 1887. This law out by a legislative body. hind closed doors, not smoke-filled Madam Speaker, I served on one of governs our proceedings today. The act rooms, not bullying somebody that provides dispute resolution mecha- those legislative bodies when I was in might give you a better ruling. the State for 12 years. I nisms. Let’s get back to and fol- Under the ECA, if a Governor cer- served on the House and Governmental low the Constitution, Madam Speaker. Affairs Committee, where we wrote the tifies a slate of electors and there are The SPEAKER. For what purpose no competing slates in that State, the laws for our State’s elections. And I does the gentlewoman from California can tell you, when we had to make Governor-certified must be counted. (Ms. LOFGREN) seek recognition? Today, every single slate of electors , those were extensively nego- Ms. LOFGREN. Madam Speaker, I tiated. We would have people on both won by , or won by Donald rise to strike the last word. Trump, got their Governor’s certifi- sides come. The SPEAKER. The gentlewoman Republicans and Democrats, Madam cation. Not a single State submitted a from California (Ms. LOFGREN) is recog- Speaker, would get together to work competing slate. There is no dispute to nized for 5 minutes. resolve. through those changes, any minute Ms. LOFGREN. Madam Speaker, this change to how a precinct would func- The 2020 election was the most secure day marks a crossroads for American tion, to how a change would be made in election conducted in modern history. . Those who object to the the time of an election, signature re- Challenges were resolved by lawful re- counting of the votes, quirements, all the many things that counts and audits. which reflect the votes of the American involve a clerk carrying out the duties The result? people, want to substitute their pref- Vice President Biden won the 2020 in each parish, in our case. You would see people come and give erences for the voters’ choice. That is election. More than 60 lawsuits were filed con- testimony, Madam Speaker. Both sides not what our Constitution requires, testing elements of the election proc- could come. Clerks of court were there and it is at odds with our American ess. None of these lawsuits prevailed. in the hearing rooms. democratic Republic. If Congress selects the next President Why? It was an open process, by the way, As even President Trump’s own judi- not behind closed doors in a smoke- instead of the American voters, we would have no need for an electoral cial appointees ruled, there was no evi- filled room where somebody might dence of any wrongdoing that would want to bully a secretary of state to college. In fact, we would have no need for Presidential elections at all. We change the outcome. get a different version that might ben- The people spoke. It was not a close efit them or their party or their can- would be moving from a elected by the people to a government election. The margin of victory for didate. That is not what our Founding Biden in 2020 was larger than Trump’s Fathers said is the process. Maybe it is selected by those already governing. That is not America. In the United margin in 2016. In fact, the Biden vic- how some people wanted to carry it tory is one of the most decisive in mod- out. But they laid out that process. States, we abide by the choices of the people, not by an elite few. ern times, exceeding the margin en- So when we would have to make joyed by Reagan when he defeated Car- those changes, they were in public The Framers of our Constitution con- sidered to have Congress select the ter in 1980. view; they were heavily debated; and Congress has gathered in a joint ses- President and specifically rejected it. then, ultimately, those laws were sion to count electoral votes every four Instead, they wrote Article II and the changed in advance of the election so years since 1789. I understand the dis- 12th Amendment. everybody knew what the rules were. appointment people feel when their Article II creates the electoral col- People on both sides knew how to play candidate for President loses. I have lege, where each State appoints elec- by the rules before the game started, felt the same several times in my vot- tors. Laws of all 50 States and D.C. re- not getting somewhere in the process ing life. and saying, well, you don’t think it is quire electors to vote for the winner of When that happens, it is not an invi- going to benefit you, so you try to go the State’s popular election. Each tation to upend the Constitution and around the Constitution. State provides for the orderly conduct the laws of the United States. It is an That is not how our system works. It of elections, including lawful chal- invitation to work with the new Presi- has gotten out of hand. So President lenges, recounts, and the like. dent for the good of the country and to Trump has called this out, and Presi- The 12th Amendment is what brings wait for the next election in 4 years if dent Trump has stood up to it. So us to today. It says the electors meet you are dissatisfied. many of us have stood up to it. in their States. That happened Decem- In that spirit, I urge my colleagues In fact, over 100 of my colleagues, ber 14. to uphold the American democracy and Madam Speaker, asked the Supreme The amendment says the electors reject the objection. Court to address this problem just a shall cast their votes, sign and certify Mr. JORDAN. Madam Speaker, I rise few weeks ago, and, unfortunately, the them, and transmit them to us, sealed. to support the objection. Court chose to punt. They didn’t an- That has been done. The sealed enve- The SPEAKER. The gentleman from swer it one way or the other. They lopes containing the signed and cer- is recognized for 5 minutes. didn’t want to get in the middle of this tified ballots from each State’s elec- Mr. JORDAN. Madam Speaker, discussion. tors reflecting the votes of the people Americans instinctively know there We don’t have that luxury today. We are in those mahogany boxes. was something wrong with this elec- have to discuss this. We have to fix The 12th Amendment directs the Vice tion. During the campaign, Vice Presi- this. President, as the President of the Sen- dent Biden would do an event and he

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06JA7.009 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H79 would get 50 people at the event. Presi- the election 3 days; not the legislature, That we are here, with a substantial dent Trump, at just one rally, gets the Supreme Court. number of our Members seeking to 50,000 people. President Trump in- law says mail-in bal- overturn an election is remarkable, creases votes with ; lots require signature verification. tragic, and all too predictable, for it is increases votes with Hispanic Ameri- Democrat secretary of state said: the natural result of a locomotive set cans; won 19 of 20 bellwether counties; Nope. I am going to decide by myself in motion months ago with a myth. won Ohio by 8; by 8; and Florida that it doesn’t, for 2.6 million ballots. For weeks and weeks, before, during, by 3. President Trump got 11 million Pennsylvania law says mail-in bal- and after our election, a dangerous more votes than he did in 2016, and lots can’t be processed until election falsehood was propagated: That our House Republicans won 27 of 27 toss-up day. Some counties said no. And you election would be marred by massive races. can imagine which counties they were. fraud. But somehow the guy who never left Democrat-run counties said no and al- Never mind it was the same election his house wins the election? lowed ballots to be cured and fixed be- which brought the very men and Eighty million Americans, 80 million fore election day. women to this Chamber who would of our fellow citizens, Republicans and They did an end-run around the Con- challenge its results. What value has Democrats, have doubts about this stitution in every State that Repub- consistency when measured against election; and 60 million people, 60 mil- licans will object to today. Every sin- ambition? lion Americans think it was stolen. gle one. It was a pattern. It was their A former Senator from Georgia, re- But Democrats say: No problem. No template. They did it in Arizona. They marking on a contested election over a worries. Everything is fine. did it in Georgia. They did it in Michi- century ago, said: ‘‘Able men, learned We asked for an investigation. We gan. They did it in Pennsylvania. They men, distinguished men, great men in asked Chairman NADLER, Chairwoman did it in Nevada. They did it in Wis- the eyes of the nation, seemed intent MALONEY for an investigation. They consin. only on accomplishing a party tri- Yet, some of our Members say: Don’t said no. They wouldn’t want to inves- umph, without regard to the con- worry about it. We shouldn’t do any- tigate something that half the elec- sequences to the country. That is thing. Just let it go. It was just six torate has doubts about. It is just the human nature. That is,’’ he said, ‘‘un- Presidency of the United States. States who violated the Constitution. What if it is 10 States next time? fortunately, party nature.’’ Why? Why not one single investiga- Was he right? tion? Why not even one single hearing What if it is 15? What if, in 2024, 2028, it is 26 States? What if it is half the We stand in a House which was once over the last 9 weeks in the United the place of giants. Have we become so States House of Representatives? Why? States that do an end-run around what the Constitution clearly spells out? small? Does our oath to uphold the Because all the Democrats care about Constitution, taken just days ago, is making sure President Trump isn’t We are the final check and balance. The authority rests with us, the United mean so very little? President. For 41⁄2 years that is all they I think not. I believe, to quote our have cared about. States Congress, the body closest to the American people, right where the dear departed friend, , 31, 2016, before he was elected that we are better than that. I think the first time, Jim Comey’s FBI takes Founders wanted it. We should do our duty. We should object to and vote for Elijah would be proud that the debate out the insurance policy; opens an in- here today is not between Democrats vestigation on the President based on this objection to the Arizona electors. Mr. SCHIFF. Madam Speaker, I rise and Republicans, and that some Repub- nothing. licans, including the Republican leader , 2017, Bob Mueller was named in opposition to the objection. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from of the Senate, remain devoted to the special counsel. Two years they inves- principle that we are a nation of laws, tigate the hoax. Nineteen law- California is recognized for 5 minutes. Mr. SCHIFF. Madam Speaker, a little not individuals, let alone a single indi- yers, 40 agents and $40 million of tax- more than 2 months ago, America per- vidual. payer money for nothing. It may seem unfair to the new Mem- 18, 2019, Democrat House formed an extraordinary feat. Under some of the most trying circumstances bers who have only just taken the oath Members vote to impeach President for the first time, that they should be Trump based on an anonymous whistle- in our history, our fellow citizens con- ducted a free and fair election, vindi- so soon tested with one of the most blower with no firsthand knowledge, consequential votes they may cast, no who was biased against the President cating our Founders’ belief once again, that we were capable of self govern- matter how long they serve. But it is and who worked for Joe Biden. so, and none of us can shrink from that But none of that worked. As hard as ment and a peaceful transition of responsibility. Nor can we console our- they tried, none of that worked. They power. selves with the intoxicating fiction threw everything they had at him. On 3, the American people So what did they do next? chose Joe Biden to be their next Presi- that we can break that oath without They changed the rules. They dent by an enormous margin. The suc- consequence because doing so will not changed the election law and they did cessful conduct of that election, among succeed in overturning the election. An it in an unconstitutional fashion, and the most secure in American history, oath is no less when the break- that is what we are going to show over was not an accident. It was the result ing fails to achieve its end. the next several hours of debate. of the dedicated work of thousands of We must be mindful that any who The Constitution is clear, as volunteers, canvassers, poll workers, seek to overturn an election will do in- SCALISE just said. State legislatures electors, and State and local election jury to our Constitution, whatever the and only State legislatures set election officials. result. For just as the propagation of law. When the conduct of any State elec- that dangerous myth about this elec- In Arizona, the law says voter reg- tion was challenged, the courts, tion made this moment inevitable, our istration ends on 5. through judges appointed by Demo- actions today will put another train in Democrats said: We don’t care what crats and those appointed by Repub- motion. This election will not be over- the law says. licans, heard unsubstantiated claims of turned. They went to a court, got an Obama- fraud, found they had no merit, and But what about the next? Or the one appointed judge to extend it 18 days. said so. after that? No debate, as Steve talked about. No But most important, the American What shall we say when our demo- debate. No discussion. They just did it. people persevered. In the midst of the cratic legacy is no more substantial Pennsylvania, same thing. Pennsyl- worst pandemic in a century, America than the air, except that we brought vania laws says mail-in ballots have to had one of the most impressive elec- trouble to our own house and inherited be in by 8 p.m. election day. tions in a century, with historic voter the wind? Democrat Supreme Court said: Nope. turnout. This isn’t the first time we have had We are going to extend it. Our fellow citizens did their civic a contentious election, and it won’t be Election day doesn’t end on Tuesday duty. The question we face today is: the last. In 1800, lost a now. They took it to Friday. Extended Will we do ours? closely contested election to Thomas

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06JA7.011 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE H80 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 6, 2021 Jefferson, in the first peaceful transi- sion, the bypassing of the deadline to mittee, I write to you with upmost urgency tion of power from one party to an- 10 days. to communicate to you several occurrences other in our history. Adams was hardly The appellate court, without legal that thwart our ability as to in- pleased with the result, choosing to justification, also decided that every- vestigate legitimate and concerning allega- one who registered after the legal dead- tions of election fraud in the most recent skip the inaugural activities, but he general election. On , 2020, Ari- did what leaders are required to do in a line, but before the deadline created by zona sent an alternate slate of electors, democratic government when they judicial fiat, could still vote. along with a resolution from 21 current and lose. He went home. He went home. Note that the Arizona legislature was 8 newly elected legislators asking you to re- Jefferson would later refer to his vic- no longer in control of determining the frain from accepting the Biden electors until tory as the Revolution of 1800, but mar- manner of appointing Presidential we could adequately investigate these claims veled that the Revolution had occurred electors because the court had set a of fraud. ‘‘by the rational and peaceful instru- new deadline, even though the appel- Soon after the election, I requested an late court found the legislature’s dead- Elections Committee hearing in ments of reform, the of the order to use subpoena power to acquire the people.’’ line was constitutionally sound. During that window, more than 32,000 machines and ballots in order to do a It has never been our place to over- voters registered in Maricopa comprehensive and forensic audit. I was told turn an election, and if we hope to re- that it was not a good idea and was denied alone. Here are copies of those voter main a democracy, it never will be. the ability. I continued to request the hear- registration records. In going around Mr. BIGGS. Madam Speaker, I rise in ing with the Speaker of the House, asked the deadline set by the legislature, the publicly, and tried every avenue to no avail. support of the objection. court ignored the Arizona legislature’s The SPEAKER. The gentleman from A full month later on December 9th, the Sen- obligation and right to direct the man- ate President authorized a hearing via the Arizona is recognized for 5 minutes. ner of choosing Presidential electors as committee, and that did result in Mr. BIGGS. Madam Speaker, I join set forth in Article II, Section 1. subpoenas to the Maricopa County Super- the objection to counting votes of elec- As a consequence of that judicial visors (who oversee the elections process) tors from my home State of Arizona, as usurpation, more than 32,000 people that have yet, as of the writing of this letter, well as Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wis- were allowed to unlawfully cast ballots been complied with. consin, , and Nevada, because in Arizona’s Presidential election in Court cases have been dismissed due to not having evidence, however our efforts to do an election integrity is the heart of our 2020. American constitutional republic? audit to obtain such evidence have been sup- The Arizona legislature seeks an pressed. We held a hearing on 11/30/2020 with In a representative form of govern- independent audit of the election. The to at least hear testimony ment, we must be able to trust that our Governor refuses now to call them into from citizens who experienced irregularities, elections accurately represent the will a . The Maricopa County along with subject matter experts who re- of the American voter. This is the ap- Board of Supervisors has refused to ported severe irregularities and probable propriate forum anticipated and pro- comply with legislative subpoenas. In tampering with the machine apparatus. On vided for by our Founders to debate Arizona, the people who control the 11/30/2020, a group of Arizona citizens re- whether this election complied with evidence related to the election have ported publicly that they had uncovered the Constitution that we have all done everything possible to prevent an with great confidence a minimum estimation of 160,000 fraudulent voters, based on over sworn to protect. independent audit directed by the leg- 1000 declarations/affidavits collected. This Every particular of the Constitution islature. supports an earlier document submitted to is to be protected, including Article II, Arizonans have used the limited the Attorney General and would largely im- Section 1. The debate as to the legit- amount of records available to inves- pact the outcome of the election. imacy of the 2020 Presidential election tigate the 2020 Presidential election. Of We have experienced obstruction at every has been suppressed by the left and its a limited sample of 1,000 addresses of turn. For your reference, I have itemized, in propagandists in the media until today. voters, they found 539 voters did not Exhibit A, many of the various ways we have State legislatures are required to de- live at the addresses on the voter rolls. been stopped from investigating claims of fraud and gross irregularities. It is my hope termine the manner in which electors Here is a stack of 1,000 declaration of affidavits supporting that. that you will see that the Arizona Presi- are chosen. Arizona names its electors dential election is still in dispute and unre- on the general election ballot and iden- I object to counting the votes of Ari- zona electors because the Federal solved. We call on you to take this into con- tifies what candidate those electors are sideration as you perform your duties on required to vote for should that can- courts went around the legislatively January 6th, and not accept the electors constructed mechanism for choosing didate obtain the majority of votes in until we have resolution to these matters. Arizona’s Presidential electors, allow- the general election. With utmost respect, ing tens of thousands of voters to un- As part of the manner for deter- KELLY J. TOWNSEND, lawfully cast votes. The court usurped Senator-Elect. mining electors, Arizona also estab- a key component of the Arizona legis- EXHIBIT A lishes deadlines for voter registration. lature’s manner of selecting Presi- The deadline has been in place for 30 1. Requests from the House Elections dential electors, thus violating Article Chairwoman (myself) and the House Federal years. II, Section 1. The legislature is being Relations Chairman () to hold b 1345 obstructed in its efforts. And what lit- an evidentiary hearing were repeatedly de- nied and have yet to be honored. Multiple This year, that voter registration tle evidence we have and what little in- formation we have has produced this Chairmen of various requested a deadline was . Early voting hearing in order to investigate claims, to no commenced 2 days later. Five days be- kind of evidence, which indicates a sig- nificant problem with the integrity of avail. We were forced to hold an unofficial fore the deadline, a group filed a law- hearing on November 30th where many came suit demanding that Arizona election the Presidential election. forward with very concerning evidence and Madam Speaker, I include in the officials not enforce the deadline. claims. RECORD my written comments, to- 2. The Senate Judiciary Committee hear- The Federal Court decided gether with the voter registration that since other States have a deadline ing was not held until 41 days after the elec- records that reflect the 32,000 registra- tion on 12/14/2020, the same day as the Elec- later than Arizona’s and some even tions permitted in contravention of tors were to cast their votes. This delay ren- allow for registration when voting, State law; letters and resolutions from dered the hearing of little effect regarding that Arizona’s new deadline would be a Arizona legislators pertaining to the having confidence in the correct votes cast. time he chose, not the legislature’s count of votes from electors; along The Chairman thus issued a subpoena for the timeline. with approximately 1,000 affidavits and equipment and ballots, but the Maricopa The appellate court effectively over- Board of Supervisors has countersued and declarations pertaining to potential refuse to comply. They will not release any turned the lower court ruling and voter fraud in Arizona in the 2020 Pres- noted that the Arizona deadline estab- machine or ballot info, even though within idential election; and the statement of the RFP for the Dominion machines, it is lished by the State legislature was Congressman of Texas. stated that their key features are their abil- sound and appropriate and complied , 2020. ity to conduct hand counts, perform risk with the Constitution. But the appel- DEAR VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: As the Chair- limiting audits, and publish ballot images late court merely shortened the exten- woman of the Arizona House Elections Com- and adjudication records with markings on a

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06JA7.012 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H81 public website, calling it their open data ini- 10. The Maricopa County Recorder at- zona electoral votes. Our election is still in tiative. Now that they are being asked for it, tended more than one DefCon conference dispute, and we have obfuscation and at- they are refusing to make it available, citing that focused on the ability to hack voting tempts at running out the clock to prevent voter confidentiality. There is no voter in- machines. The Legislature was never in- discovery of the facts. We believe it is impos- formation contained in the machine or on a formed that the outcome of these con- sible to conclusively declare a winner in Ari- ballot, however, so that reasoning is insuffi- ferences recommended that elected officials zona and pray that you would refrain from cient. Their inaction and nonfeasance pre- be notified due to unprotected ports on the counting the electoral votes from our state, vent us from proper discovery. machines, passwords left unset or left in de- and consider the alternate slate should we be 3. I, along with several others, requested fault configurations and security features of able to establish validity to the various the Governor to call us in for special session the underlying commercial hardware were claims of election fraud on such a scale that to be able to deal with the issue. It is our un- left unused or even disabled. It was rec- would change the outcome. derstanding that we cannot enforce the sub- ommended that to improve election security, Thank you, kindly, for your attention to poena for equipment and ballots unless we paper ballots should be used, and a rigorous these matters. are in session. His ongoing unwillingness to post-election audit be performed. We learned call us into session to address these issues about this issue via social media, and it was A RESOLUTION TO CONGRESS obfuscated by the Election officials. had kept us from adequate discovery. On 12/ Whereas, it is the constitutional and legal 02/2020, Governor was asked by 11. Arizona Republican State Chair Kelli Ward reports the following malfeasance and obligation of the Legislature of the State of the media if he was going to honor the Legis- Arizona to ensure that the state’s presi- lator’s request for a special session. He pro- obstruction: a. No allowed review of the digitally adju- dential electors truly represent the will of ceeded to incorrectly name Monday January dicated ballots—over 200,000. the voters of Arizona; and 13th as our first day back in regular session. b. Only 100 of the duplicated ballots re- Whereas, pursuant to the direction of Con- In response, the reporter asked, ‘‘So you see viewed—3% error rate in favor of President gress as set forth in United States Code, title no need for a special session to look at any Trump. Maricopa County refused to look at 3, section 1 as authorized by Article II, sec- of these issues or the issue of Presidential the other 28,000 ballots. tion 1, clause 4 of the Constitution of the electors...,’’ to which the Governor inter- c. No meaningful signature verification. United States, and state law adopted pursu- rupted and said, ‘‘I’ll see the Legislature in County employees doing signature ant thereto, Arizona conducted an election January.’’ verification offsite, over the internet, with- for presidential electors on the Tuesday next 4. The House leadership attempted to deter out oversight, and at times at a rate of 30 after the in November of 2020– Representative from sending a signatures or more per minute. that is, on , 2020; and letter to Attorney General Brnovich and the 12. The Secretary of State took 24 days to Whereas, that election was marred by Maricopa County Board of Supervisors re- answer a public records request by Merissa irregularities so significant as to render it garding the accurate performance of a hand Hamilton, asking them to deliver the meet- highly doubtful whether the certified results count based on the statutory requirement to ing minutes from their technical committee accurately represent the will of the voters; do so by precinct, versus vote center. By to certify the Dominion voting equipment. and doing a hand count based on voting centers, Only after four requests and the involvement Whereas, Congress has further directed in it renders it impossible to tell if there was a of the did she obtain the infor- U.S. Code, title 3, section 2 that when a state rogue precinct involved in fraud. Neverthe- mation. The results of that request showed ‘‘has held an election for the purpose of less, Rep. Robert’s efforts to enforce statute that despite the voting equipment not being choosing electors, and has failed to make a were thwarted by House leadership. able to calculate the votes properly, which 5. One week prior to the Electors voting, was never addressed, the machines were still choice on the day prescribed by law, the elec- on December 7th, the House and Senate lead- certified. The Maricopa County RFP for the tors may be appointed on a subsequent day ership closed the buildings in the name of Dominion equipment did not give the public in such manner as the legislature of such COVID–19, preventing any in-person hearings a chance to give input on the procurement. State may direct’’; and or work to be performed. This greatly hin- There was never any discussion or an offer of Whereas, that provision implicitly recog- dered our ability to push for discovery re- various options to choose from. The Board of nizes that Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of garding election integrity during the last Supervisors went straight to a vote with no the U.S. Constitution grants to each state days before the Elector’s votes were cast. discussion and approved the machines unani- legislature, with stated limitations, the sole 6. The Maricopa County Board of Super- mously. authority to prescribe the manner of ap- visors held a closed meeting on 11/20/2020 in 13. There are multiple/numerous examples pointing electors for that state; and order to certify the election results, where of how on election day observers and poll Whereas, the United States Supreme Court the public was not allowed to participate and workers were prevented from overseeing the and other courts have explained that when a ask questions. Prior to that meeting, on 12/ various procedures, thereby undermining state legislature directs the manner of ap- 08/2020, Merissa Hamilton (a data integrity confidence that there was no illegal activity pointing electors, it does so pursuant to a expert) delivered to the Attorney General a and violating Arizona’s statutes regarding grant of authority from the U.S. Constitu- statistically significant listing of deceased election integrity. We have had no formal in- tion rather than by reason of any state con- voters that received a ballot and those de- vestigation into the vast majority of these stitutional or other legal provision; that this ceased who actually returned a ballot. At the accusations. authority may be exercised by the legisla- aforementioned meeting, the Maricopa Coun- SUMMARY ture alone without other aspects of the nor- ty Elections Director Ray Valenzuela stated Arizona has many unresolved issues that mal lawmaking process; and that the state that the list of deceased voters casting a bal- we would like to have investigated in order legislature’s authority over the appointment lot was mere folklore and dismissed it as a to confidently say our electors voted for the of presidential electors is plenary and may nonissue. This accusation is still pending an true victor in the 2020 Presidential election. be resumed at any time; and investigation. We still have outstanding issues left unre- Whereas, because U.S. Code, title 3, section 7. After submitting a public records re- solved and are being stopped at nearly every 7 mandates that all presidential electors quest for the Federal only voters who cast a turn from investigating. For example, the vote for President and Vice President of the ballot in the 2020 General election, I was told Maricopa County Recorder’s office started United States on December 14, 2020, it is im- by a staff member that the Elections Direc- counting early ballots 14 days before election possible to pursue the Legislature’s preferred tor was ‘‘vetting the list’’ before he gave it day. During that time, the backup server course of action, which would be for Arizo- to me. I did not request a cleaned-up list of was removed each night by a Dominion em- na’s voters to participate in a new and fair voters, but the list in its entirety. This di- ployee. This is of significant concern because and free presidential election before that minished my confidence in that list, that I the information on those servers could have date; and have a true representation of persons who been manipulated and/or provided to nefar- Whereas, in view of the facts heretofore re- cast a ballot that cannot establish their ious people as to how many ballots/votes cited, the Legislature is required to exercise identity or citizenship. were needed to change the results of the its best judgment as to which slate of elec- 8. Arizona State House leadership pre- election as time went on. tors the voters prefer; and vented Legislators from issuing press re- Many in the Legislature believe that if we Whereas, legal precedent exists where in leases having to do with the election that did are able to do a forensic audit, we could in- 1960 the State of sent an alternate not conform to their own opinion. This di- vestigate these and other serious claims slate of electors while the Presidential elec- minished our ability to communicate to the brought forward to us. However, as you can tion was still in question in order to meet public our concerns about how the election see by the list above (not exhaustive but the deadline of selecting electors, and upon and post procedures were being handled. brief for your benefit) we have many entities recount the alternate slate of electors’ bal- 9. On 12/01/2020, I requested the Attorney who appear to be blocking our efforts to get lots were ultimately counted; and General’s Elections Integrity office to inves- to the bottom of the issue. One can only ask, Whereas, the undersigned have an obliga- tigate the claims made at the November 30th in a supposedly secure and fair election, why tion to find . For this reason, on Giuliani hearing and provided them the link. discovery is being quashed. several occasions since November 3, we state I was told that none of the items listed at CONCLUSION lawmakers have requested fact-finding hear- the Giuliani hearing would be investigated It is asked that all of these issues be con- ings to include a comprehensive and inde- by that office. sidered when contemplating the eleven Ari- pendent forensic audit. At this time, no such

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06JA7.013 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE H82 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 6, 2021 audit has been authorized. This leaves the Today we are in the people’s House to Trump last year. He rejected President uncertainty of the election results in a state complete the people’s process for Trump’s prayer to block certification that requires further investigation and reso- choosing the people’s President. We as- of Biden’s victory in Georgia, saying it lution; and Whereas, ongoing election irregularity liti- semble into joint session for a solemn ‘‘has no basis in fact or law.’’ gation is currently active, and there are un- purpose that we have all sworn a sa- Take U.S. District Judge Brett Lud- resolved disputes by both the Legislature cred oath to faithfully discharge. The wig, another Trump nominee who took and at least one Presidential campaign, ren- 12th Amendment obligates each and the bench in . He dismissed a dering the election inconclusive as of date of every one of us to count the electoral lawsuit seeking to overturn the results signing of this letter, votes to recognize the will of the peo- in , calling it ‘‘extraor- Therefore, be it ple in the 2020 Presidential election. dinary.’’ Resolved by the undersigned Legislators, He said: ‘‘A sitting President who did members of the Arizona House and Senate, We are not here, Madam Speaker, to request that the alternate 11 electoral votes vote for the candidate we want. We are not prevail in his bid for reelection has be accepted for to Donald J. Trump or to here to recognize the candidate the asked for Federal Court help in setting have all electoral votes nullified completely people actually voted for in the States. aside the popular vote based on . . . until a full forensic audit can be conducted. Madam Speaker, the 2020 election is issues he plainly could have raised be- Be it further resolved that the United States over and the people have spoken. Joe fore the vote occurred. Congress is not to consider a slate of electors Biden received more than 80 million ‘‘This court allowed the plaintiff the from the State of Arizona until the Legisla- votes. Seven million more than Presi- chance to make his case, and he has ture deems the election to be final and all lost on the merits.’’ irregularities resolved. dent Trump. A number larger than any Signed this day, 14 December, 2020. other President has received in U.S. Trump has asked for the rule of law Senator Elect , Legislative history. The sweeping popular victory to be followed, Judge Ludwig observed, District 16; Representative , translated into an electoral college vic- and he said definitively: It has been. Legislative District 21; Representative Mark tory of 306–232, a margin which Presi- I have been a constitutional law pro- Finchem, Legislative District 11; Senator fessor for 30 years, and if I were to test , Legislative District 5; Rep- dent Trump pronounced a landslide when he won by those exact same num- my students on these decisions, it resentative Bret Roberts, Legislative Dis- would be the easiest test in the world trict 11; Representative , Legisla- bers in 2016. tive District 6; Senator David Farnsworth, So now we count the electoral votes because the plaintiffs have lost nearly Legislative District 16; Representative Leo that were just delivered to us in the every case and every issue in the most Biasiucci, Legislative District 5; Representa- beautiful mahogany cases brought by sweeping terms. That is all they would tive Anthony Kern, Legislative District 20; those hardworking Senate pages. These have to remember. There is no basis in Senator , Legislative District 15; mahogany cases contain only the 538 fact or law to justify the unprece- Senator Elect , Legislative Dis- dented relief that is being requested of trict 15; , electoral votes that were sent in by the States, not the 159 million ballots that nullifying these elections. Legislative District 12; Representative Steve We are here to count the votes. Let Pierce, Legislative District 1; Representative were cast by our constituents. Those us do our job. , Legislative District 21; Senator were counted 2 months ago by hun- Mrs. BOEBERT. Madam Speaker, I , Legislative District 14; Rep- dreds of thousands of election officials resentative David Cook, Legislative District rise to support the objection. and poll workers across America who The SPEAKER. The gentlewoman 8; Representative , Legislative risked their health and even their lives District 16; Representative , from is recognized for 5 min- Legislative District 12; Representative Wal- in the time of COVID to deliver what utes. ter Blackman, Legislative District 6; Rep- our Department of Homeland Security Mrs. BOEBERT. Madam Speaker, to resentative , Legislative Dis- called the most secure election in ease everyone’s nerve, I want Members trict 20; Representative Noel Campbell, Leg- American history. Many of these offi- to all know that I am not here to chal- islative District 1; Representative Elect Jac- cials have endured threats of retribu- lenge anyone to a duel like Alexander queline Parker, Legislative District 16; Rep- tion, violence, and even death just for resentative Elect , Legis- Hamilton or Aaron Burr. doing their jobs. Madam Speaker, my primary objec- lative District 21; Representative Elect Jake Just as the popular vote was for Hoffman, Legislative District 12; Senator tion to the counting of the electoral Elect Wendy Rogers, Lt Col, USAF (ret), Biden, so was the electoral vote. On votes of the State of Arizona is based Legislative District 6; Representative Elect , Senate Majority Leader on the Constitution and the direction , Legislative District 15; Rep- MITCH MCCONNELL recognized it. ‘‘The of State legislatures through State resentative Elect , Legislative electoral college has spoken,’’ the Sen- law, as spelled out in the following two District 6; Representative Elect Joseph ator said from the Senate floor. clauses of Article II, Section 1, Clause Chaplik, Legislative District 23; Representa- ‘‘Today I want to congratulate Presi- 2: ‘‘Each State shall appoint, in such tive Elect , Legislative District dent-elect Joe Biden.’’ 1; Representative Elect , Leg- manner as the legislature thereof may islative District 1. Yet, we have seen escalating attacks direct, a number of electors.’’ on our election with unfounded claims Mr. RASKIN. Madam Speaker, I And the election clause of the Con- of fraud and corruption. More than 60 claim the time in opposition to the ob- stitution provides State legislatures lawsuits have been brought to date jection. with explicit authority to prescribe The SPEAKER. The gentleman from seeking to overturn the results. They ‘‘the times, places, and manner of hold- is recognized for 5 minutes. have failed repeatedly and they have ing elections.’’ Mr. RASKIN. Madam Speaker, I failed spectacularly. For more than three decades, Arizona thank you first and all my dear beloved Every objection we hear today ma- law, set by the State legislature, has colleagues for your love and tender- ligning our States and their officials— required that voter registration end no ness, which my family and I will never both Republican and Democrat—has later than 29 days before an election. forget. been litigated, adjudicated, and oblit- This is clear. It is law, unless amend- , whose name is a erated in both Federal and State ed by the State legislature. This is the comfort to us all, said: ‘‘We have got Courts. The President has not just had way it needs to be carried out. the best government the world ever his day in court, Madam Speaker, he In Arizona, the deadline for voter knew.’’ has had more than 2 months in court registration for the 2020 Presidential It is best because the first three looking for a judge to embrace these election was October 5, 2020. Using words of the Constitution tell us who arguments. In more than 50 cases, COVID as a reasoning, Democrats filed governs here: We the People. Madam Speaker, at least 88 different a lawsuit to extend this deadline by 18 Watch this proceeding today and tell judges, including many appointed by days. An injunction was made by an the world with pride, as Lincoln did, the President himself, have meticu- Obama-appointed judge preventing the about the brilliant and prom- lously rejected the President’s claims Arizona secretary of state from enforc- ise of our country. Our Government be- of fraud and corruption. ing the constitutional deadline set by longs to the people. Take Georgia U.S. District Court the State legislature. As President Ford said: Here the peo- Judge Steven Grimberg, who was As a result of this frivolous, partisan ple rule. named to the bench by President lawsuit, 10 extra days were added via

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06JA7.014 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H83 judicial fiat to allow voter registra- over legal observers not being able to They met their duty, and they once tion. These 10 days were added after observe and inspect signatures, that again rose to the occasion and certified voting had already begun. This is com- the laws and Constitution of Arizona the election. And the question now is, pletely indefensible. You cannot were not violated to change voting out- will we do ours? change the rules of an election while it comes? Now, I know there are many is underway and expect the American And I will wait for a response. textualists among us, many of my col- people to trust it. The SPEAKER. The time of the gen- leagues who would understand that the Now, in this 10-day period, at least tleman has expired. Constitution must guide our work today. And the Constitution is crystal 30,000 new voters were registered to b 1400 vote in Arizona. All of these votes are clear: Our duty today is a narrow one. Mr. NEGUSE. Madam Speaker, I rise unconstitutional. It does not matter if Article II, Section 1, Clause 3 reads: in opposition to the objection. ‘‘The shall, in they voted for President Trump or if The SPEAKER. The gentleman from they voted for Vice President Biden. the presence of the Senate and House Colorado is recognized for 5 minutes. of Representatives, open all the certifi- They did not register in time for the Mr. NEGUSE. Madam Speaker, today election. The law states October 5. Ei- cates, and the votes shall then be is an important day. In 1862, during the counted. The person having the great- ther we have laws or we do not. depths of the Civil War, President Lin- If we allow State election laws as set est number of votes for President shall coln submitted his annual message to be the President.’’ forth by the State legislatures to be ig- Congress, to this body, and in it, he That is it, period. Our job is not to nored and manipulated on the whims of wrote the following: ‘‘Fellow citizens, replace the judgment made by the partisan lawsuits, unelected bureau- we cannot escape history. We, of this American people with our own. Yet, crats, unlawful procedures, and arbi- Congress and this administration, will that is precisely what so many of my trary rules, then our constitutional Re- be remembered in spite of ourselves. House and Senate Republican col- public will cease to exist. . . . The fiery through which we leagues ask this body to do, to sub- The oath I took this past Sunday to pass will light us down, in honor or dis- stitute their judgment for the ex- defend and support the Constitution honor, to the latest generation. . . . We pressed will of the American people. makes it necessary for me to object to shall nobly save, or meanly lose, the In America, we don’t do that. In the this travesty. Otherwise, the laws last best hope of Earth.’’ United States, we accept the results of passed by the legislative branch merely Madam Speaker, we gather today to free and fair elections. become suggestions to be accepted, re- ensure the survival of our grand Amer- Madam Speaker, we don’t ignore the jected, or manipulated by those who ican experiment, the greatest democ- will of the voters and attempt to in- did not pass them. racy this world has ever known, and stall a preferred candidate into power. Madam Speaker, I have constituents there are millions of people watching That doesn’t happen here. outside of this building right now. I today’s proceedings. The eyes of the Madam Speaker, I will close with promised my voters to be their voice. world are on us now, my colleagues, this. Our duty, our task, is a very sim- In this branch of government in which wondering if we will keep the faith, ple one: to honor the voice of the peo- ple, to honor our Constitution, to I now serve, it is my separate but equal wondering if our constitutional Repub- count the votes, to certify this elec- obligation to weigh in on this election lic will hold. and object. Will we adhere to our Constitution, tion, and begin to heal this great coun- Are we not a government of, by, and that solemn visionary document that try of ours. I pray each of us may find the cour- for the people? has guided us so well for so long and age to do so. They know that this election is not enabled the peaceful transfer of power right; and as their Representative, I Mr. JOHNSON of Louisiana. Madam for the last 230 years? Speaker, I rise in support of the objec- am sent here to represent them. I will Will we continue to be a country pre- not allow the people to be ignored. tion. mised on the consent of the governed, a The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Madam Speaker, it is my duty under Congress that respects the will of the the U.S. Constitution to object to the Louisiana is recognized for 5 minutes. people, and a Republic that will en- Mr. JOHNSON of Louisiana. Madam counting of the electoral votes of the dure? Speaker, we have a solemn responsi- State of Arizona. The Members who Madam Speaker, those are the ques- bility today. We must vote to sustain stand here today and accept the results tions before us today. With respect to objections to slates of electors sub- of this concentrated, coordinated, par- my new colleague from Colorado, the mitted by States that we genuinely be- tisan effort by Democrats, where every question is not whether Joe Biden was lieve clearly violated the Constitution fraudulent vote cancels out the vote of elected the 46th President of the in the Presidential election of 2020. an honest America, has sided with ex- United States. He clearly was. The peo- This is the threshold legal question tremists on the left. ple of Arizona, like so much of the before us, and it is an issue before us The needs to country, spoke clearly and resound- for the State of Arizona. We have to re- make an informed decision, and that ingly. They voted in record numbers, peat this for emphasis because a lot of starts with this objection. and over 81 million Americans selected people seem to be confused. Madam Speaker, I yield to the gen- Joe Biden as the next President. Because judges and not the State leg- tleman from Florida (Mr. MAST). Now, today, we hear from some in islature changed the rules of the elec- Mr. MAST. Madam Speaker, I rise as this Chamber—not all, but some of my tion, Arizona clearly violated the plain well to support the objection, and I rise colleagues on the other side of the language of Article II, Section 1 of the with the simple question: Can the aisle—vague claims of fraud. Constitution in its selection of Presi- Chair honestly tell Americans, with a No substance. dential electors. pending Supreme Court case over legal No evidence. The Framers of our Constitution rec- observers not being allowed to observe No facts. ognized that elections were susceptible and inspect signatures, that the laws No explanation for why over 88 to corruption. We all know that. So, and the Constitution of that State judges across this land have rejected how did they fix it? How did they pro- were not violated to change voting out- the very same claims. vide for that? They created the elec- comes? Madam Speaker, the bottom line is toral college as a safeguard, and they Madam Speaker, I will wait for a re- this. As my colleague, Representative expressly empowered State legislatures sponse. RASKIN, so eloquently put it, the people to ensure the integrity of our unique The SPEAKER. The gentleman from have spoken, and that is why, on De- election system. Florida (Mr. MAST) has 25 seconds re- cember 14, the electoral college met to Only the State legislatures, because maining. certify the election of a duly elected they are a full body of representatives Mr. MAST. Madam Speaker, I will re- President, just as they have done for and not rogue officials, were given the peat my question. centuries during terrible world wars, authority to direct the manner of ap- Can you honestly tell Americans, recessions, depressions, plagues, and pointing Presidential electors because with a pending Supreme Court case pandemics. it was so important.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06JA7.016 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE H84 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 6, 2021 The Supreme Court has acknowl- Court spoke to this. They plainly ac- administered with integrity, trans- edged this over and over. They pre- knowledged this important delibera- parency, and in accordance with State viously affirmed in Article II, Section tive role of Congress. It was the famous laws.’’ 1, Clause 2: ‘‘The appointment of these Bush v. Gore litigation that everybody Arizonans showed up to the polls in electors is thus placed absolutely and remembers from 2000. record numbers. More than 3.4 million wholly with the legislatures of the sev- In a per curiam opinion—meaning all people voted, with increases in every eral States.’’ That authority can never nine Justices, that it was unanimous— county, and 65 percent of all eligible be taken away or abdicated. they noted strict adherence to the pro- voters in Arizona voted in the 2020 elec- The Arizona Legislature did enact de- visions of the Electoral Count Act may tion. Arizonans cast their ballots up tailed rules and procedures that the create ‘‘a ‘safe harbor’ for a State inso- and down for Republicans and Demo- State was supposed to follow to choose far as congressional consideration of crats, and 11 electoral votes were its electors. But in the months pre- its electoral votes is concerned.’’ granted to Joe Biden and KAMALA HAR- ceding the 2020 election, as we have However, unanimously, the Court RIS based on their victory in Arizona. heard—and by the way, a thousand said since title 3, section 5 contains a That is the story. pages of evidence have just been sub- principle of that would as- Arizonans voted in hundreds of races mitted on the facts on this—those well- sure finality of the State’s determina- this year. In addition to the Presi- established rules and procedures were tion if they followed all the proscrip- dency, these races include nine mem- deliberately changed. tions there, if the will of the legisla- bers of the State’s congressional dele- They weren’t changed by the legisla- ture is attempted to be changed by a gation that are with you—four of them, ture, friends. They were changed by State court, that is a problem. That, my Republican colleagues. These Mem- judges. And those actions taken by the they said, Congress might deem to be a bers have already been seated in the judiciary were not limited to mere in- change in the law. 117th Congress. They do not question terpretations of existing law. No, they That is precisely why we are here the accuracy of Arizona’s 2020 elections were substantive, wholesale changes to right now. Go read Bush v. Gore, and to select the congressional delegation, those statutes. you will see this. yet my four Republican colleagues Madam Speaker, that is a usurpation Chief Justice and question the Presidential election. of the authority that the legislature Justices Scalia and Thomas joined in a Our colleagues may say they are only had. That usurpation was repeated concurring opinion 8 days later, and asking questions and seeking to reas- across the country this year. It is the they reiterated this point. sure voters, but let us be clear: These primary reason—it is one of the rea- A significant departure from the leg- questions have been answered by the sons why the election of 2020 became islature’s scheme for appointing Presi- voters and by the courts. Rather than riddled with an unprecedented number dential electors presents a Federal accepting the answers and the results of serious allegations of fraud and question. It is a big problem for us, and of the election, they are fanning the irregularities all over the country. it is one we cannot get around. That is flames of unfounded suspicion and once National polls, it has been said, indi- why we are here. again creating a threat, a very real and cate that a huge percentage of Ameri- Madam Speaker, I urge my col- dangerous threat to our democracy. cans now have serious doubts about not leagues today to look at the facts, to Again, our friends do not question just the outcome of this Presidential follow the law, and to follow our con- the outcomes of their own elections. contest but also the future reliability gressional oath. We are supposed to That is because they have to, of our election system itself. support and defend the Constitution. just as they have no legitimate reason Since we are convinced that the elec- That is what we do here today. I urge to question the results of the Presi- tion laws in Arizona and some other everyone to do the right thing. dential election in Arizona. key States were changed in this uncon- Mr. GRIJALVA. Madam Speaker, I Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues stitutional manner, we have a responsi- rise in opposition to the objection. to reject this objection, to respect the bility today. The slates of electors pro- The SPEAKER. The gentleman from will of the voters in the State of Ari- duced under those modified laws are Arizona is recognized for 5 minutes. zona and throughout this country, and thus unconstitutional. They are not Mr. GRIJALVA. Madam Speaker, to fundamentally add some preserva- ‘‘regularly given’’ or ‘‘lawfully cer- this exercise in futility that Congress tion to our democracy from any future tified,’’ as required by the Electoral is undertaking is at the behest of Re- damage, that this effort that we are Count Act, and they are invalid on publican Members of Congress. The ef- undertaking in this House and in the their face. That is just the conclusion fort to overturn the Presidential elec- Senate today does not further damage that you have to reach. tion and grant 4 more our democracy. Madam Speaker, given these inescap- years is the motivation behind it. And Mr. GOSAR. Madam Speaker, I rise able facts, we believe we have no to continue a baseless conspiracy- in support of my objection. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from choice today but to vote to sustain ob- fueled threat to our democracy makes no sense because there is no viable con- Arizona is recognized for 5 minutes. jections to those slates of electors. Mr. GOSAR. Madam Speaker, I filed Mr. RASKIN and others today have stitutional or legal path to overturn my challenge on the slate of electors cited the 12th Amendment, and they the election that will make Vice Presi- from the State of Arizona that was ac- cite Article II, Section 1, Clause 3—re- dent Biden and Senator HARRIS Presi- tually put forward by Governor Ducey member that, Clause 3. And they have dent and Vice President of the United of Arizona. asserted that Congress has only one States after . My ask to you, the Speaker, through narrow role today; we are just supposed One certain outcome of this whole the Vice President, is simple. Do not to count the electoral votes that have process is the weakening of our democ- count these electors until and unless been submitted. But those advocates racy and the threatening of our democ- the secretary of state allows a forensic have overlooked a critical first prin- racy. Beginning with Arizona, Congress audit of the election, a request she has ciple. is being asked to down a rabbit denied repeatedly. Their assertion is only true so long hole baseless, discredited, and judi- We have been told over and over that as Congress first is convinced that the cially discarded fringe conspiracy theo- even though this was a public election electoral votes were not produced by a ries. using public money and public ma- process that violated the Constitution Madam Speaker, for the record, let’s chines utilizing public employees, the is there. We have to get through Clause talk a little bit about Arizona. Arizona public today has no ability to simply 2 of Article II, Section 1, before we get and State and local officials did an un- double-check the veracity of these re- to Clause 3 is the point. believable job to ensure that the 2020 sults. Look, in our unique system, Congress elections ran smoothly. Mr. Hickman, is positioned as the last bulwark in a the Republican chairman of the Mari- b 1415 Presidential election to ensure the copa County board, the largest county If the Presidential election was a Constitution has been followed. Indeed, in the State of Arizona, said: ‘‘No mat- football game, we would get a slow-mo- just two decades ago, the Supreme ter how you voted, this election was tion review from multiple angles and a

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06JA7.017 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H85 correction of a controversial decision. You have a letter from the Arizona We always knew that this responsi- But not so, we are told by our sec- Legislature stating its intent to review bility would take us into the night, and retary of state, for the Presidential the issue on . Our Governor we will stay as long as it takes. Our election, no review for you. has refused to allow the State to prop- purpose will be accomplished. We must, No access to the Dominion voting erly convene to do its proper oversight. and we will, show to the country, and machines with a documented history of Mr. Speaker, I ask you one question indeed to the world, that we will not be enabling fraud through its now discred- today: Are you a ceremonial figurehead diverted from our duty, that we will re- ited adjudication system, a system in your current role, or did the drafters spect our responsibility to the Con- that literally allows one person to of the 12th Amendment and Congress, stitution and to the American people. change tens of thousands of votes in in the Electoral Count Act of 1887, en- On Sunday, it was my great honor to mere minutes. vision a role where you made discre- be sworn in as Speaker and to preside In the only audit done in Arizona, a tionary decisions about ballot fraud over a sacred ritual of renewal as we court found 3 percent error rate and fair elections? gathered under the stone of the temple against President Trump. Vice Presi- If you are merely ceremonial, then of democracy to open the 117th Con- dent Biden’s margin of error was one- let’s be done with this. Let’s eat our gress. I said, as we were sworn in then, tenth of that, at 0.03 percent. By the tea and crumpets and witness our na- we accept a responsibility as daunting way, a 3 percent error rate at minimum tional decline. and demanding as any previous genera- is 90,000 ballots. After finding the 3 per- But if you are not merely ceremonial tion of leadership has ever faced. cent error rate, the court stopped the but vested with discernment, ration- We know that we are in difficult audit and refused to go further. ality, and legal authority to not just times, but little could we have imag- In Arizona, as my attachments make count from 1 to 270, then do not accept ined the assault that was made on our clear, mail-in ballots were altered on Arizona’s electors as certified. Remand democracy today. the first day of counting as shown in the slate back to the secretary of state, To those who stoked deterrence from data graphs we have provided, as con- back to the Governor, with the fol- our responsibility, you have failed. To cluded by data analysts. Over 400,000 lowing instructions: Until a full, com- those who engaged in the gleeful dese- mail-in ballots were altered, switched plete electoral forensic audit is allowed cration of this, our temple of democ- from President Trump to Vice Presi- by the secretary of state, the electors racy, American democracy, justice will dent Biden, or completely erased from currently certified will not be counted. be done. It will then fall on the State of Ari- President Trump’s totals. Today, January 6, is the Feast of the zona to decide are its electors in the The proof is in the counting curves, . On this day of revelation, let game or not. Anything less is an abdi- the curves that cannot occur except us pray that this instigation to vio- cation of our constitutional Republic with odds so rare and unlikely that lence will provide an epiphany for our and our ethos: one man, one vote. winning the Mega Millions lottery is We ask: Why? What is there to hide? country to heal. In that spirit of healing, I invoke the more probable. Shouldn’t the lawful victor of an elec- song of Saint Francis. I usually do. Mr. Speaker, can I have order in the tion be proud, open, and transparent Saint Francis is the patron saint of my Chamber? about an election audit? I would. In- city of San Francisco, and the ‘‘Song of RECESS stead, we are met with denials, cover- Saint Francis’’ is our anthem. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. ups, and contempt of subpoenas. MCGOVERN). Without objection, pursu- There is too much evidence of fraud, Lord, make me a channel of thy ant to clause 12(b) of rule I, the Chair demonstrated by statistical anomalies peace. declares the House in recess subject to that experts have determined cannot Where there is darkness, may I bring the call of the Chair. happen in the absence of fraud, to ac- light. Where there is hatred, let us bring There was no objection. cept such a slate. I am not asking these love. Accordingly (at 2 o’clock and 18 min- electors never be counted; it is just Where there is despair, let us bring utes p.m.), the House stood in recess. that they need to be certified the prop- hope. b 1426 er way. Our beloved Constitution is but a We know that we would be part of AFTER RECESS mere piece of paper if we do not follow history in a positive way today, every The recess having expired, the House the law, upholding the law. But now, 4 years when we demonstrate again the was called to order by the Speaker pro alas, we find ourselves lawless, destroy- peaceful transfer of power from one tempore (Mr. MCGOVERN) at 2 o’clock ing the very thread that binds us to- President to the next, and despite the and 29 minutes p.m. gether. But we need to get back to the shameful actions of today, we still will The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- rule of law. That is what has been vio- do so. We will be part of a history that tleman from Arizona (Mr. GOSAR) has lated, truly, by the actions in these shows the world what America is made 3 2 ⁄4 minutes remaining. States. of, that this assault, this assault is just The gentleman may proceed. that. It shows the weakness of those RECESS Mr. GOSAR. Mr. Speaker, as I was who have had to show through violence The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without saying, the probability of these ectopic what their message was. objection, pursuant to clause 12(b) of curves, you have a better likelihood of My colleagues, it is time to move on. rule I, the Chair declares the House in winning the Mega Millions lottery than I wear this pin quite frequently. Actu- recess subject to the call of the Chair. you do having statistical issues here. There was no objection. ally, I gave it to our beloved JOHN Over 30,000 illegal aliens voted in Ari- Accordingly (at 2 o’clock and 29 min- LEWIS just the weekend or so before he zona using the Federal ballot, yet our utes p.m.), the House stood in recess. left us. It is the flag of our country, a secretary of state refused the public ac- flag of the United States of America. cess to review the ballots. b 2102 On it, it says, ‘‘One country, one des- Over a thousand residences were vis- AFTER RECESS tiny.’’ ited for proof of residency and address; The recess having expired, the House ‘‘One country, one destiny’’ is writ- 456 failed that test. They were vacant was called to order by the Speaker at 9 ten on the flag. That was also what was lots. Even the Recorder’s office was o’clock and 2 minutes p.m. embroidered in Abraham Lincoln’s used as an address. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER coat that he had on that fateful night— What are they hiding? If the process The SPEAKER. The Chair will ad- Lincoln’s party, Lincoln’s message: was fair, these would be improbable. dress the Chamber. One country, one destiny. These would be once-in-a-lifetime-type Today, a shameful assault was made So on this holy day of Epiphany, let applications. on our democracy. It cannot, however, us pray. I am a big believer in prayer. So let’s look at the ballots, the sig- deter us from our responsibility to Let us pray that there will be peace on natures, and the adjudicated records. validate the election of Joe Biden and Earth and that it will begin with us. Until this is done, Mr. Speaker, we . For that reason, Con- Let us pray that God will continue to should not count this slate. gress has returned to the Capitol. bless America.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06JA7.020 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE H86 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 6, 2021 With that, let us proceed with our re- after court have dismissed out of hand, by the country—they voted, and they sponsibilities to the Constitution to not because there was a little evidence, voted pretty decisively. which we have just, within 72 hours, but because there was no evidence. We, the people, together, must turn taken the oath to uphold. That is why we are the longest-last- away from division and its dangers. Mr. HOYER. Madam Speaker, I rise ing constitutional democracy in the The senior Member of our body, DON in opposition to the objection. world. I hope all of us in this body are YOUNG from Alaska, spoke the other The SPEAKER. The gentleman from proud of that and understand why that day when we were sworn in and said: Maryland is recognized for 5 minutes. is the case. Because, as Ladies and gentlemen of this House, we Mr. HOYER. Madam Speaker, it is a said on this floor many years ago, de- are so divisive that it is going to de- sad day in America. It is a wrenching mocracy is a substitute for war to re- stroy our country. We need to reach day in America. It is a day in which solve differences. It proved once more out and hold one another’s hands. our words and our actions have had the ever-beating strong heart that We all have a title that we honor consequences of a very, very negative gives life to our Republic and our free- more than any other—perhaps parent, nature. We ought to watch our words doms. perhaps husband. But we are all Ameri- and think what it may mean to some. That strength, Madam Speaker, is cans. Not Americans-R; not Americans- My remarks were written before the derived in part from our institution D. We are Americans. tragic, dangerous, and unacceptable ac- and our laws, but most importantly, it Let us hope tonight that we act like tions—and ‘‘unacceptable’’ is such a is powered by citizens’ and leaders’ Americans. Not as Ds and Rs, but as tame word. My remarks started with, commitment to our Constitution. Not Americans, just as , just as Hil- ‘‘Madam Speaker, the American people just us. We swear an oath. But it is all lary Clinton, just as Adlai Stevenson, today are witnessing one of the great- of America. just as Abraham Lincoln, who had won est challenges to our democracy in its spoke from that that election, of course. But he had de- 244-year history.’’ Chamber, and he said: I am going to be feated people, and he said that is not Little did I know that this Capitol taking another title next year—citizen. the issue; the issue is to reunite. would be attacked by the enemy with- And he was proud to take that. And We, the people, must again be the in. I was here on 9/11 when we were at- every citizen needs to protect, pre- strong heart of our American democ- tacked by the enemy without. serve, and uplift our democracy. racy. We need to all work together to tame Some today did not do that, many We, the people, on this day in Con- and reduce the anger and, yes, the hate today. gress, must be agents of unity and con- that some stoke. What some—not all, Sixty-eight years ago in Springfield, structive action to face the grave Madam Speaker, but some—in this Illinois, Governor Adlai Stevenson threats that confront us and tell those House and this Senate are doing today gracefully conceded his loss to General who would assault our Capitol: That is will not change the outcome of the Dwight Eisenhower. He said this: ‘‘It is not the American way. election, which is the clear and insur- traditionally American,’’ he told his We, the Members of Congress, who mountable victory of President-elect deeply disappointed supporters, ‘‘to swore an oath before God to preserve Biden and Vice-President-elect Harris. fight hard before an election.’’ and protect the Constitution of the Instead, all they will accomplish is to United States and our democracy, b 2115 further the dangerous divisions. must do so now. This was written before this Capitol But then he added, it is equally tradi- I don’t usually read Senator MCCON- was assaulted, before this democracy tional to close ranks as soon as the NELL’s speeches, but I am not speaking was put aside by thousands, encour- people have spoken—not the Congress, as a Democrat, nor was he speaking as aged by the Commander in Chief. not the electors, the people have spo- a Republican just a few hours ago. Instead, all they will accomplish is to ken. ‘‘We’re debating a step that has never further the dangerous divisions, as I That which unites us as American been taken in American history, said, among our people and energize citizens is far greater than that which whether Congress should overrule the conspiracy theories stoked by our for- divides us as political parties. voters and overturn a Presidential eign adversaries, which seek to erode It was another man from Springfield, election.’’ America’s confidence in our democracy fourscore and 8 years earlier, who won He went on to say that he supports a and our system of free and fair elec- reelection to the Presidency in the na- strong State-led voting reform. tions. tional crisis that tested our country ‘‘The Constitution,’’ he said, ‘‘gives I was here in 2000. I was strongly in and its democratic institutions, who us here in Congress a limited role. We favor of Al Gore for President, and my pleaded even in his hour of victory for cannot simply declare ourselves a na- candidate got more votes than the the same spirit of reconciliation. That tional board of elections on steroids. other candidate. His name was George was the party of Lincoln. That hasn’t The voters, the courts, and the States Bush, of course. And one of the saddest happened to this hour. have all spoken.’’ days was January 20th of 2001 when our Lincoln said: ‘‘. . . now that the elec- Five people said the election of 2000 candidate, who won the election, in my tion is over,’’ he asked, ‘‘may not all, was over. We didn’t agree with them. view, was not elected. But it was also having a common interest, reunite in a But Al Gore said: We are a nation of one of the proudest moments of my ca- common effort to save our common laws. Five people—yes, they were mem- reer because the greatest power on country?’’ bers of the Supreme Court, but they Earth passed peacefully from Bill Clin- Such is the duty of an American who were five people—said the election is ton to George W. Bush. stands for elections, or participates in over. I sat on that podium and saw that Not a shot was fired. Nobody as- our politics, to be either humble in tri- power transfer to George W. Bush. saulted this or this Congress or umph or gracious in defeat. MCCONNELL went on to say: ‘‘If we this Chamber. Because we were not dis- I have lost some elections—not too overrule them, it would damage our appointed? No. Because we were not many—and I have won a lot of elec- Republic forever.’’ angry? No. Because we believe in de- tions. I hope that I have been gracious He said that, MCCONNELL, the Repub- mocracy. We believe in ‘‘We the peo- in defeat and humble in victory. I hope lican leader of the Senate, about 2 ple.’’ that I put my State and my country hours ago, 3 hours ago, now 4 hours. One of the speakers, I think it was first, not myself. He went on to say: ‘‘If this election the Senator from Texas, expressed: We It is clear to all that the outgoing were overturned by mere allegations are here for the people. President has not followed the path from the losing side, our democracy If those were the people, we are in a that Stevenson and Lincoln urged. So, would enter a death spiral.’’ lot of trouble. we, the people—each one of us rep- He concluded: ‘‘It would be unfair Our , our democratic resents about 750,000 to 800,000 people, and wrong to disenfranchise American system, however, did not break under some a few less. The people, they have voters and overrule the courts and the the strains of the misinformation, the spoken in the way that our Constitu- States on this extraordinarily thin claims of fraud, which court after court tion set for them to be heard by us and basis. And I will not pretend such a

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06JA7.022 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H87 vote would be a harmless protest ges- things I may not see fair or just, but b 2130 ture . . .’’ that is the way we should handle We will respect your opinion, we will How presciently he spoke. People things. respect what you say, and we are will- who think that the election has been The majority leader is right: We are ing to listen to it. I think the Nation stolen with some fraud, why do they all Americans first. will be better for it on both sides of the think it? Because the Commander in But we should also think for a mo- aisle. Let’s show the country the mob Chief said so, and they respect him and ment: What do we put on social media? did not win. We have a job to do. Let’s they follow him. And words matter. What do we convey to one another? do it with pride and let’s be better ‘‘Pete,’’ as he ended, ‘‘I will not pre- Just because you have a personal opin- when the sun rises tomorrow. tend such a vote would be a harmless ion different than mine, you have a Mr. STANTON. Madam Speaker, I protest gesture while relying on others right to say it, but nobody has a right rise in opposition to the objection. to do the right thing. I will vote to re- to become a mob. And we all should The SPEAKER. The gentleman is spect the people’s decision and defend stand united in condemning the mob recognized for 5 minutes. our system of government as we know together. Mr. STANTON. Madam Speaker, over it.’’ We solve problems before our Nation, the last few hours, we have seen the I urge my colleagues to vote ‘‘no’’ on not through destruction, but through consequences of dangerous un-Amer- this objection, as MCCONNELL said, a debate. That is the heart of this democ- ican rhetoric; an armed insurrection danger to our democracy. racy. I know what we debate today is against the seat of government of the Mr. MCCARTHY. Madam Speaker, I tough, but it is just; it is right. most powerful country on Earth; a rise for a point of personal privilege to This isn’t the first side of the aisle breach of this Capitol building to at- address the House for 5 minutes. that has ever debated this issue. I tack Congress, something that has not The SPEAKER. The gentleman from thought of what Madam Speaker said taken place since the British occupied California is recognized for 5 minutes. back in 2005, ‘‘this is democracy at its this building during the ; an Mr. MCCARTHY. Madam Speaker, I best,’’ when they talked about a Presi- attempted coup spurred by rhetoric rise to address what happened in this dential election in Ohio. coming from those who are looking out Chamber today and where do we go These are the moments that we for themselves, not country. from here. should raise the issue about integrity It is stunning, Madam Speaker, that The violence, destruction, and chaos and accountability and accuracy in our there are some in this House who have we saw earlier was unacceptable, un- elections. But you know what we voiced support for what happened. It democratic, and un-American. It was should do, the next difference? Not just was not a protest. It was . It the saddest day I have ever had serving raise the issue, but work together to was . And it should be pros- as a Member of this institution. solve the problems. ecuted as such. The Capitol was in chaos. offi- Now is the moment to show America At its root is a disease that has in- cers were attacked. Guns were drawn we can work best together. I will tell fected our politics, one that will make on this very floor. A woman tragically you, the size of the majority is slim, so some political leaders do anything, in- lost her life. it gives us the opportunity to make cluding lie and incite violence to hold No one wins when this building and that happen. The only thing that can on to power. That is what we are seeing what it stands for are destroyed. Amer- hold us back is the will of one another before our very eyes. ica, and this institution, is better than to do it. In contesting the outcome of this that. This side of the aisle always believes election, my Republican colleagues We saw the worst of America this in working with anybody who wants to make a contradictory argument that afternoon. Yet, in the midst of violence move it forward. That does not mean puts party and power before country. and fear, we also saw the best of Amer- that we are going to agree 100 percent They argue the election results were ica. of the time. That does not mean our valid when it showed they won their It starts with our law enforcement— voice cannot be heard. That does not races, but the same ballots were some- the Capitol Police, the National Guard, mean we cannot be treated fairly; we how fraudulent when it produced a re- the FBI, and the Secret Service—who should be. That may mean on the size sult President Trump did not like. faced the most difficult challenges but of committees, that means on our abil- Keep the results we like, they de- did their duty with confidence and ity to offer an amendment, that means mand, cancel the one we don’t. strength. Many of them are injured on our ability to have our voice. But at That is not how democracy works, right now. the end of the day, it helps us come to and neither is armed insurrection. It also extends to this Chamber, a better conclusion. Here is the truth: Arizona has a long where both Democrats and Republicans By returning here to complete the bipartisan record of conducting safe, showed courage, calm, and resolve. work we were sent to do, we are prov- secure, and fair elections. And I say I would like to recognize the Mem- ing that our democracy cannot be dis- that as someone whose party has more bers now who helped to hold the line: rupted by criminal behavior. We will often than not been on the losing end MARKWAYNE MULLIN, , not falter; we will not bend; and we of those elections. This last election , PAT FALLON, and TROY will not shrink from our duty. was, once again, safe and secure. And I NEHLS. Working with the Capitol Po- Let me be very clear: Mobs don’t rule commend our State and county elec- lice, they ensured the floor of this America. Laws rule America. It was tion officials, public servants on both Chamber was never breached. These are true when our cities were burning this sides of the aisle, for making Arizona the heroes among us. Thank you for summer, and it is true now. proud once again. the show of courage. When Americans go to bed tonight, We are here because the case that Re- Looking back on the past few hours, their lasting memory should not be a publicans have brought before us has it is clear this Congress will not be the Congress overrun by rioters. It must be failed in court over and over and over same after today, and I hope it will be a resolute Congress conducting healthy again. the better. I hope not just this institu- debate. My colleagues say: Let’s go back to tion, but I hope every American pauses We may disagree on a lot in America, the State, let them decide. for that moment and thinks among but tonight we should show the world My friends, Arizona has spoken. They themselves that we can disagree with that we will respectfully, but thor- have sent the correct electors. one another but not dislike each other; oughly, carry out the most basic duties Arizona’s Republican attorney gen- we can respect the voices of others. of democracy. eral, one of the most partisan in the There are many times we debate in We will continue with the task that country, said: ‘‘There is no evidence, this body, and we should. There are we have been sent here to do. We will there are no facts that would lead any- many times we can get heated. I still follow the Constitution and the law one to believe the election results will consider a very good and the process for hearing valid con- change.’’ friend. There are times I get upset, and cerns about election integrity. We will The Republican speaker of our State I will call him at home to express the do it with respect. house has told us he doesn’t like the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06JA7.024 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE H88 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 6, 2021 results of the election, but they are the This hallowed temple of democracy is of late ballots, and hand-stamping bal- right results. Joe Biden has won Ari- where generations of Americans have lots with the previous day’s date. zona. peacefully come together to face our My North Country constituents and The State supreme court, made up Nation’s greatest challenges, bridge the American people cherish the Con- entirely of justices appointed by Re- our deepest fissures, and create a more stitution. They know, according to the publican Governors, has spoken, too. perfect system of government. This is Constitution, elected officials closest The court said the President’s chal- the appropriate place we stand to re- to the people in State legislatures have lenge ‘‘fails to present any evidence of spectfully and peacefully give voice to the power of the pen to write election misconduct, illegal votes, or that the the people we represent across our di- law, not unelected bureaucrats, judges, Biden electors did not in fact receive verse country. Governors, or secretaries of state. the highest numbers of votes for of- The Representatives of the American To the tens of thousands of constitu- fice.’’ people in this House are up ents who have reached out to me, Look to the words of one of the for three fundamental American be- thank you. Please know that I am lis- President’s own campaign chairs in my liefs: The right to vote is sacred, that tening and I hear you, both those who State, our Governor, Doug Ducey. Our a Representative has a duty to rep- agree and those who disagree. Our Con- Governor loves the President. He has resent his or her constituents, and that stitutional Republic will endure this been so loyal. He made sure the Presi- the rule of law is a hallmark of our Na- tragic day because the Founding Fa- dent could hold large rallies in our tion. thers understood Congress and the State in the middle of a pandemic. The And in the spirit of healing—those American people would face unprece- Governor personally attended them. are not my words—those are the words dented and historic challenges by de- They spoke so often that the Governor of you, Madam Speaker, from this very bating them on this very floor. gave the President a special ‘‘Hail to Chamber, when some of my colleagues I believe that the most precious foun- the Chief’’ ring tone on his phone. and friends across the aisle objected to dation and the covenant of our Repub- After election day, as the legal chal- the 2005 electoral college certification. lic is the right to vote, and the faith in lenges played out, the Governor kept In fact, there were objections on this the sanctity of our Nation’s free and quiet; but when the truth became floor to the certification of nearly fair elections. We must work together clear, even he acknowledged ‘‘Joe every Republican President in my life- in this House to rebuild that faith so Biden did win Arizona.’’ time: In 1989, in 2001, in 2005, and in that all our elections are free, fair, se- I am grateful that, in this instance, 2017. cure, safe and, most importantly, that the Governor put law, not partisan pol- So history is our guide that the peo- they are according to the United itics, first. And I urge my colleagues in ple’s sacred House is the appropriate States Constitution. the House to follow his lead. venue for a peaceful debate. And this Mr. ROY. Madam Speaker, I rise in Each and every one of us in this peaceful debate serves as a powerful opposition to the objection. House, the people’s House, swore an condemnation to the violence that per- The SPEAKER. The gentleman is oath to preserve, protect, and defend petrated our Capitol grounds today. recognized for 5 minutes. our Constitution against all enemies, The violence that was truly un-Amer- Mr. ROY. Madam Speaker, today, the foreign and domestic. Over the last few ican. people’s House was attacked, which is hours, we have gained a better under- Today’s discussion is about the Con- an attack on the Republic itself. There standing of what that means. stitution and it is about the American is no excuse for it. A women died. And The future of the Constitution, the people, but it must also be about clear- people need to go to jail. And the Presi- most precious of the founding docu- ly and resolutely condemning the vio- dent should never have spun up certain ments of the greatest democracy lence that occurred today. Americans to believe something that human kind has ever known, is in our I am honored each and every day to simply cannot be. hands. Defending democracy is not, and represent ’s 21st Congres- I applaud House leadership of both should not be, a partisan task. It is a sional District, and I believe it is my parties for bringing us back to do our sacred one. Right here, right now, we solemn and sacred duty to serve as job, which is to count the electors and must recognize that fidelity to the their voice and their vote in the peo- no more. founding principles of our Nation are ple’s House. The problem we face, though, is even not about loyalty to one man, but rath- Tens of millions of Americans are bigger. We are deeply divided. We are er to ensure that government of the concerned that the 2020 election fea- divided about even life, liberty, and the people, by the people, and for the peo- tured unconstitutional overreach by pursuit of happiness. The words which ple shall not perish from the Earth. unelected State officials and judges ig- used to bind us together now, at times, The world is watching us all right noring State election laws. We can and tear us apart because we disagree now. We must get it right. Reject this we should peacefully and respectfully about what they even mean. ill-conceived attack on our democracy. discuss these concerns. My constituents at home in Texas Ms. STEFANIK. Madam Speaker, I In Pennsylvania, the State supreme are genuinely upset. I say to my col- rise to support the objection. court and secretary of state unilater- leagues on the other side of the aisle, The SPEAKER. The gentlewoman is ally and unconstitutionally rewrote we have a constant barrage of those recognized for 5 minutes. election law eliminating signature who wish to remake America into a so- Ms. STEFANIK. Madam Speaker, I matching requirements. cialist welfare State, efforts to attack rise with a heavy heart. This has been In Georgia, there was constitutional our institutions, tear down statues, a truly tragic day for America. We all overreach when the secretary of state erase our history, defund our police. join together in fully condemning the unilaterally and unconstitutionally We have seen the debasing of our lan- dangerous violence and destruction gutted signature matching for absentee guage. We teach our children that that occurred today in our Nation’s ballots and, in essence, eliminated America is evil. We destroy our sov- Capitol. voter verification required by State ereignty, empower cartels. We attack Americans will always have their election law. our Second Amendment. We destroy and the constitu- In Wisconsin, officials issued illegal small businesses through lockdowns. tional right to protest, but violence in rules to circumvent a State law, passed We divide ourselves by race. We can’t any form is absolutely unacceptable. It by the legislature as the Constitution even agree that there is man and is anti-America, and must be pros- requires, but required absentee voters woman. We extinguish the unborn be- ecuted to the fullest extent of the law. to provide further identification before fore they even have a chance to see Thank you to the heroic United obtaining a ballot. daylight. States Capitol Police. And thank you In Michigan, signed affidavits docu- But at the heart of our path forward to the bipartisan professional staff of ment numerous unconstitutional irreg- lies the essence of our Republic, its the for pro- ularities: Officials physically blocking cornerstone. That we are a union of tecting the people’s House and the the legal right of poll watchers to ob- States bound together for common de- American people. serve vote counts, the illegal counting fense and economic strength, and more

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06JA7.026 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H89 so bound together through Many States made poor policy deci- As an aside, I have seen higher per- in which we may live together peace- sions. Whether these poor policy deci- centages in other studies. fully as citizens in this vast land agree- sions violate State laws is a contested Exhibit E. The 2010 Census counted 11 ing to disagree, free to live according matter and a matter for the States to million illegal aliens in America. to our own beliefs and according to the resolve for themselves. Exhibit F. A 2018 Yale study esti- dictates of our conscience. More, five of the six legislatures are mated as many as 22 million illegal Now, many of my colleagues were controlled by Republicans. Not one aliens in America. poised this afternoon to vote to insert body has sent separate electors. Not Exhibit G. The math means between Congress into the constitutionally pre- one body has sent us even a letter by a 880,000 and 1.72 million illegal aliens il- scribed decisionmaking of the States majority of its whole body. The only legally voted in the 2020 elections. by rejecting the sole official electors body, the Pennsylvania Senate, who Exhibit H. In 2014, Old Dominion Uni- sent to us by each of the States of the managed to come up with a majority of versity and George Mason University Union. I hope they will reconsider. Republicans to complain only did so professors surveyed noncitizens and il- I can tell you that I was not going to, yesterday in an eleventh-hour face-sav- legal aliens and found they vote Demo- and I will not be voting to reject the ing political statement. Not one GOP crat roughly 80 percent of the time. electors. And that vote may well sign statewide official has formally called Exhibit I. The math is again my political death warrant, but so be on us to change. Not one law enforce- straightforward. The 60 percent Biden it. I swore an oath to uphold the Con- ment organization, State or Federal, advantage times the illegal alien vot- stitution of the United States, and I has presented a case of malfeasance. ing number means Joe Biden gained will not bend its words into contor- History will judge this moment. roughly 1,032,000 votes from illegal tions for personal political expediency. Let us not turn the last firewall for alien voting. That is the high number. Number one, rejecting the electors liberty we have remaining on its head Exhibit J. While no one knows for certified to Congress by sovereign in a fit of populist rage for political ex- sure how massive the illegal alien vot- States violates the 12th Amendment pediency when there is plenty of look- ing bloc is, we do know Joe Biden and and the entirety of the Constitution it ing into the mirror for Republicans to his campaign believed it large enough amends, notwithstanding claims that do for destroying our election systems and critical enough to winning the you must read certain sections first. It with expansion of mail-in ballots. Presidential race that, at the October is clear, it is black and white, we I may well get attacked for this, but 22 Presidential debate, Joe Biden pub- count. It is ministerial. And our only I will not abandon my oath to the Con- licly solicited the illegal alien bloc job is to count the electors before us. stitution. And I will make clear that I vote by promising: ‘‘Within 100 days, I We have only one slate of electors per am standing up in defense of that Con- am going to send to the United States State sent to us under color of law, and stitution to protect our federalist order Congress a pathway to citizenship for no more. and the electoral college, which em- over 11 million undocumented people.’’ Number two, to the extent you be- powers the very States we represent to Ladies and gentlemen, Madam lieve we do have constitutional author- stand athwart the long arm of this Speaker, that is the pot of gold at the ity to reject, we are arguing using in- Federal Government by its very design. end of the rainbow for illegal aliens. complete and often misleading data Mr. BROOKS of Alabama. Madam Joe Biden knew exactly what he was points to prove it. I am not afforded Speaker, I rise in support of the objec- doing by seeking the illegal alien bloc time to go point by point, but there are tion. vote. After all, on , 1993, then- more misleading claims than legiti- The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Senator Joe Biden voted for the Na- mate ones. Alabama is recognized for 5 minutes. tional Voter Registration Act, which Mr. BROOKS of Alabama. Madam makes it illegal to require proof of citi- b 2145 Speaker, for years, Democrats and zenship from illegal aliens and other Three, rejecting the electors ignores their media allies deceived America noncitizens when they seek to register the Founder’s specific admonition that about Trump-Russian collusion and the to vote. Congress not choose the President, as extent of foreign interference in the Madam Speaker, the evidence is com- articulated in Federalist No. 68. 2016 elections. Yet, in 2020, Democrats pelling and irrefutable. Noncitizens Four, indeed, the Founders drafted promoted massive foreign interference overwhelmingly voted for Joe Biden in the inclusion of a phrase specifically in American elections by helping ille- exchange for the promised amnesty and putting Congress into the manner of gal aliens and other noncitizens vote in citizenship and in so doing helped steal the election process then specifically American elections, thereby canceling the election from Donald Trump, Re- rejected it. the votes of and stealing elections from publican candidates, and American Five, if more than a trivial bloc of American citizens. citizens across America. this body votes to reject a sovereign Want evidence? Exhibit A. In 1993, Madam Speaker, in my judgment, if State’s electors, it will irrevocably em- Democrats rammed through Congress only lawful votes cast by eligible power Congress to take over the selec- the National Voter Registration Act, American citizens are counted, Joe tion of Presidential electors, and doing making it illegal—illegal—to require Biden lost and President Trump won so will almost certainly guarantee fu- proof of citizenship that prevents ille- the electoral college. ture Houses will vote to reject the elec- gal aliens and noncitizens from reg- As such, it is my constitutional duty tors of Texas or any of our States for istering to vote. to promote honest and accurate elec- whatever reason. Why did Democrats do that? Simple. tions by rejecting electoral college Six, voting to reject the electors is To steal elections, of course. vote submissions from States whose not remotely consistent with our vote Exhibit B. How bad is the noncitizen electoral systems are so badly flawed on Sunday, a vote I forced to highlight voting problem? In 2005, Democrat as to render their vote submissions un- the very hypocrisy: to accept the out- President ’s Commission reliable, untrustworthy, and unworthy come of the election of ourselves on Federal Election Reform warned of . through elections conducted under the that ‘‘noncitizens have registered to Mr. REED. Madam Speaker, as a same rules, by procedures put in place vote in several recent elections’’ and proud Republican, I rise in opposition by the same executive branch officials, recommended that ‘‘all States should to the objection to the electorate. impacted by rulings from the same use their best efforts to obtain proof of The SPEAKER. The gentleman from judges, State and Federal. To do so is citizenship before registering voters.’’ New York is recognized for 5 minutes. entirely inexplicable on its face. Exhibit C. A 2005 General Ac- Mr. REED. Madam Speaker, I come Seven, the argument for rejection countability Office report discovered to this side of the aisle as a proud Re- most given by my colleagues is based that up to 3 percent of people on voter publican but, most importantly, as a on the allegations of systemic election registration lists are not U.S. citizens. proud American. abuse by executive or judicial branch Exhibit D. In 2008, Electoral Studies Today, we saw an assault on our de- officials interfering with the ‘‘legisla- surveyed 339 noncitizens. Eight percent mocracy. I love this institution. I love tures thereof’’ in Article II. admitted voting in American elections. the United States Congress, and I love

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06JA7.028 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE H90 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 6, 2021 the United States of America. And Mr. REED. Madam Speaker, I encour- courts unilaterally extended the legis- what I saw today was mob rule that age my colleagues to always search latively set deadline to register to spat upon the blood of my father that their conscience and their souls. I re- vote. is in the soil of Europe and in the soil spect my Republican colleagues and b 2200 of Korea, and who gave us through that my Democratic colleagues, but today, blood this sacred Constitution and the let us pause and remember what hap- The Arizona State Senate issued sub- sacred ability to lead this world as a pened here today. Let us pause that our poenas post-election to get information power that says we settle our dif- tenure in this Congress will far surpass from the Maricopa County board on ferences not with mob rule; we settle the time that we stay here. And let us various election matters, but the board our difference through elections. And pause and cast our votes today recog- and the courts refused to help at all to when those elections are over, we have nizing that what we do here today will let the State senate complete its con- a peaceful transition of power. set the course of this institution for stitutional duties. Now, make no mistake to my col- years to come. In Pennsylvania, where State legisla- leagues on the Democratic side of the This institution, Madam Speaker, tors wrote us about their powers being aisle, I will be passionate in my dis- shall not fail because the United States usurped, the Democrat majority on the agreement with you. I will be pas- of America shall forever be the beacon State supreme court changed signa- sionate in my ideas for the future of of hope, the inspiration to all. ture, signature matching and postal this country, and I will fight for my May God bless our great country. marking requirements. The date to Republican ideas that I hold near and Mr. ZELDIN. Madam Speaker, I rise submit mail-in ballots was extended dear. But I will stand with you tonight in support of the objection. contradictory to the date set by State and send a message to the Nation and The SPEAKER. The gentleman from law. all Americans that what we saw today New York is recognized for 5 minutes. The State legislature expanded no- was not American, and what we see to- Mr. ZELDIN. Madam Speaker, my excuse mail-in balloting without a con- night in this body shall be what we do constitutional oath is sacred, and I stitutional amendment. Constitutions in America, and that is to transfer have a duty to speak out about con- apply to the acts of all branches of gov- power in a peaceful way. firmed evidence-filled issues with the ernment. Mr. GOTTHEIMER. Will the gen- administration of the 2020 Presidential The issue was magnified by the voter tleman yield? election in certain battleground rolls being so inaccurate that more Mr. REED. I yield to the gentleman States. voters submitted ballots than there from . Signature verification, ballot obser- were registered voters. Signature au- Mr. GOTTHEIMER. Madam Speaker, vation, voter roll integrity, voter ID thentication rules for absentee and I thank my friend for yielding and for requirements, and ballot collection mail-in ballots were weakened by the standing with me and with all of us. protections were weakened on top of Democrat secretary of the Common- is my co-chair of the Prob- the millions of mailboxes that were wealth without authorization. Ballot lem Solvers Caucus. He is a Repub- flooded with unrequested mail-in bal- defects were allowed to be cured in lican, and I am a Democrat. When it lots. some counties but not others. There comes to policy views, we often dis- Many of my constituents have been were poll watchers denied the ability agree. But at the end of the day, we are outraged and demanding that I voice to closely observe ballot counting oper- united as Americans. My good friend, their objections here today. ations. like me, always puts country first. This debate is necessary because In Georgia, the secretary of state Today, a group of lawless thugs rogue election officials, secretaries of unilaterally entered into a settlement sought to upend the Constitution and state, and courts circumvented State agreement with the Democratic Party, the peaceful transition of power be- election laws. They made massive changing statutory requirements for cause they didn’t like the outcome of changes to how their State’s election confirming voter identity. Challenging the Presidential election. So, they would be run. These acts, among other defective signatures was made far more tried to nullify it using improvised ex- issues, were unlawful and unconstitu- difficult, and the settlement even re- plosives, shattering windows, breaking tional. quired election officials to consider down doors, injuring law enforcement, Congress has the duty to defend the issuing training materials drafted by and even tearing down the American Constitution and any powers of State an expert retained by the Democratic flag that rises above this beacon of de- legislatures that were usurped. Party. mocracy. Some claim today’s objections set In Wisconsin, election officials as- But their attempt to obstruct democ- new precedent by challenging State sisted voters on how to circumvent the racy failed. Their insurrection was electors. That claim, of course, ignores State’s voter ID laws and signature foiled. The American people and the that Democrats have objected every verification laws, while also placing greatest democracy the world has ever time a Republican Presidential can- unmanned drop boxes in locations known won. didate has won an election over the picked to boost Democrat turnout. The Abraham Lincoln, who served in this past generation. If you don’t have any Democracy in the Park event in Wis- very body, famously said: ‘‘A house di- observations today, that is your call, consin had over 17,000 ballots trans- vided against itself cannot stand.’’ but don’t lecture about precedent. ferred that shouldn’t have been. That is why, for the sake of this coun- Over the past 4 years, Democrats These are all facts and certainly not try, we must stand together, united, boycotted President Trump’s inaugura- ‘‘evidence free.’’ and celebrate a peaceful transition of tion and Addresses, Americans deserve nothing less than power. pushed the Trump-Russia collusion full faith and confidence in their elec- In 14 days, President-elect Biden will conspiracies and investigations and tions and a guarantee that their vote— be sworn in. And despite all of our dif- knowingly lied about it, voted to im- their voice—counts and that their con- ferences, I have faith that, for the peach the President before even know- cerns are being heard. That is why we American people, we will come to- ing what to impeach him for, and then need to have this debate today, wheth- gether, Democrats and Republicans, actually passed Articles of Impeach- er you like it or not. committed to unity, civility, and ment before Senate Democrats voted to This isn’t about us. This is about our truth. We will recognize our higher remove him from office. Constitution, our elections. This is purpose to help America through these Today’s debate is necessary, espe- about our people and our Republic. dark days. cially because of the insistence that Mr. GALLEGO. Madam Speaker, I That is the only way we will beat everything President Trump and his rise in opposition to the objection. COVID, rebuild our economy, and stand supporters say about the 2020 election The SPEAKER. The gentleman from up to threats at home and abroad. is evidence-free. That is simply not Arizona is recognized for 5 minutes. Working together as Democrats and true. Mr. GALLEGO. Madam Speaker, I Republicans, I know our best days will No one can honestly claim it is evi- am the proud son of immigrants. Grow- always be ahead of us. dence-free. When I say that, in Arizona, ing up, I heard stories about parties,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06JA7.030 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H91 politicians, and Presidents invalidating Mr. BISHOP of . lawsuits aimed at displacing State leg- elections when the people took power Madam Speaker, I rise to speak in islative control. for themselves. That is why, when I favor of the objection. Now, as I have seen it, only the most joined the Marine Corps, the most sa- The SPEAKER. The gentleman from experienced and independent judges ap- cred part of my oath was to protect the North Carolina is recognized for 5 min- pear to have recognized what was Constitution of the United States. utes. afoot. In the fourth circuit, dissenting I never thought I would have to do Mr. BISHOP of North Carolina. judges Wilkinson and Agee said this: that on the floor of Congress, but here Madam Speaker, it has been quite a ‘‘Let’s understand the strategy that is we are. The people have spoken, and day. And in contrast to the gentle- being deployed here . . . Our country is the power of the people, the Constitu- man’s comments just now, I couldn’t now plagued with a proliferation of tion, will be preserved. get over this text that I received from preelection litigation.’’ And as they Madam Speaker, I left my youth, I the mayor of Charlotte, Vi Lyles, put it, 385 election year cases to that left my sanity, I left it for about 30 minutes ago. She is a progres- point on , and they referred this country because there is this one sive Democrat, a political opponent for to the website healthyelections.org to precious idea that we all had, that we years, a tremendous and graceful per- verify that. ‘‘Around the country,’’ they wrote, all believed: that this country was son. She said: going to protect everyone’s individual ‘‘courts are changing the rules of the Representative Bishop, I hope you are safe rights, that you were going to be able upcoming elections at the last minute. and well. It must have been a day of anguish It makes the promise of the Constitu- to vote, that you were going to be able for the world to see our Capitol buildings to preserve democracy and pass it on as under siege. I know you have a long night tion’s Elections and Electors Clauses a legacy, as an inheritance to every ahead and want you to know I was thinking into a farce.’’ American. about you, your family, and staff. This was a political operation But today—today—there was treason God bless. masquerading as a judicial one. And in in this House. Today, there were trai- Vi. keeping with that, it featured gross tors in this House. Back home, the generosity of spirit breaches of litigation ethics: forum So I am not asking my Republican still exists. shopping, repetitive suits after losses, colleagues to and stop this ob- And I understand the sharp words and collusive settlements with cooper- jection to Arizona; I am asking you to and feelings on the other side tonight, ating Democratic officials of State and get off all these objections. It is time but there are also good people back local . That is what led to officials changing for you to save your soul. It is time for home, and I have heard from many, the rules in State after State, mainly you to save your country. many, many of them. through consent orders, or the prelimi- That man at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave- News would suggest there are mil- nary, unreviewed decisions of State nue will forget you. He will use you lions of Americans—that is a big num- and Federal trial judges inclined by and he will dump you to the side, but ber—millions, tens of millions, who be- what will be left will be the stain—the partisanship or having limited experi- lieve something went awry in this elec- ence with the Electoral Clause. stain—on democracy that you are en- tion. And they aren’t dumb. They gaging in right now. In turn, the displacement of rules set aren’t mindless. They don’t believe by State legislatures led to chaotic Listen to yourselves. I consider most things simply because the President of you very smart, believe it or not, conditions on the ground, about which says them. There were problems. so many Americans are angry and dis- but the idea that we would rig an elec- I know that Joe Biden will be Presi- tion for the President but not preserve heartened. dent, but I don’t know that it hurts or I think we can do better. I think that the congressional seats for all of our would hurt any of us to have the gen- strategy was unwise, and I think, par- friends that we just lost in the last erosity of spirit to continue to reflect ticularly in light of what has happened election is absurd. on what might be better or what might here today, we should. The idea that we would help Vice seriously have gone wrong here, even if Mr. O’HALLERAN. Madam Speaker, President Biden win but wouldn’t make you reject the notion that the result I rise tonight in opposition to the ob- sure that we got enough Senators in was wrong. jection. the Senate for us to pass a full agenda I would like to offer a slightly dif- The SPEAKER. The gentleman from is absurd. ferent perspective, a distinct perspec- Arizona is recognized for 5 minutes. The idea that there was somehow ne- tive. Perhaps it will be rejected. I Mr. O’HALLERAN. Madam Speaker, farious border registration in Arizona think if I were sitting on the other side as a nation, we have endured trying that tipped the scale when, during that of the aisle, it would be very difficult times and overcome many challenges, same time of border registration, there for me to listen to tonight, but you all and now we face an unprecedented ef- were more registered voters that were have heard it said, and it certainly is fort to ignore the will of the American Republicans than Democrats is absurd. people and the people of Arizona. Given You are better than this. Many of true, that many executive branch offi- cials around the Nation departed from the facts and the unprecedented events you did serve, many of you have never of tonight, this effort must be finished, served, but there is an opportunity and State legislatures’ enacted laws. I know it is less understood how this and America can be united again. That a time for courage. I hope you never is going to take leadership. came to pass. have to face fire or bullets or bombs for We are all leaders. your country, but right now—right It was not a spontaneous, inde- We are elected to be leaders. And if now—this country is asking you to be pendent decisionmaking, but it re- we are going to do that, we have to do better. Right now, this country is ask- sulted, I would argue, from a coordi- it from respect to others, the idea that ing you to show courage. nated, nationwide partisan plan. And truth is important, that factual con- That man will leave. Your soul will the fact and scope of the plan really tent is important, that we are going to stay with you for the rest of your life. isn’t disputed. tell the American people what is going You owe it to democracy. You owe it If you go to democracydocket.com, it on in this country and not what we to the hundreds and thousands of men is the website of Marc Elias, the na- hope they hear from a 30-second sound and women that have sacrificed their tional Democratic election lawyer who bite. life. appeared in hundreds of cases across I used to be a homicide investigator. You know better. You are better. Be the country in the course of the elec- My job was to follow the facts, develop the good American. Be the American tion year. a case, make decisions and rec- you want. Preserve this democracy; re- This plan was not a response to ommendations based on where those ject this movement; and stop this ter- COVID, by the way. It preexisted that. facts led me. Following the process rorism that is happening from the And his website shows that as well. He means that decisions cannot be made White House. explained that in January of 2020. on rumors and innuendos alone. The SPEAKER. Members are re- It was a chaos strategy, a plan to I am proud to say that Arizona has minded to address their remarks to the flood State and Federal courts with used mail-in voting for over two dec- Chair. hundreds of simultaneous election year ades. Both Republicans and Democrats

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06JA7.031 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE H92 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 6, 2021 have long been proud of how our State American public only serves to weaken that some of the people who breached has administered elections. us and make us vulnerable to foreign the Capitol today were not Trump sup- In 2020, over 65 percent of eligible Ar- actors who do us harm. For the good of porters. They were masquerading as izonans voted, a record number. Our our country, this must stop. Now is the Trump supporters, and, in fact, were Republican Governor, Republican at- time to come together to preserve our members of the violent terrorist group torney general, Democratic secretary democracy and to protect our national . of state, and our State’s election ad- security. Now, we should seek to build Amer- ministrators and volunteers worked I know my constituents are looking ica up, not tear her down and destroy with integrity to administer a fair to Congress to move past its divisions, her. And I am sure glad that, at least election. find common ground, and pass legisla- for one day, I didn’t hear my Democrat We saw turnout increases in both Re- tion to improve the lives of struggling colleagues calling to defund the police. publican and Democratic areas, and, in families. We must stay focused on Now, I appreciate all the talk of com- fact, more Republicans registered in fighting the pandemic. We must work ing together, but let us not pretend this election than any other party. I to ensure all Americans can be vac- that our colleagues on the left have am proud that many of our Tribal, cinated as soon as possible so we can been free of some antidemocratic im- rural, and underserved communities save American lives, safely reopen pulses. Just because we signed on to voted in record numbers, all during a schools, get people back to work, and legal briefs and asked courts to resolve pandemic. In 2020, Arizonans made visit loved ones again. I urge my col- disputes, there were some on the left their voices heard. leagues to follow this. who said that we should not even be The fact is, multiple Federal and Mr. GAETZ. Madam Speaker, I rise seated in the body, that we ought to be State judges, agencies, and State elect- in support of the objection. prosecuted, maybe even jailed. Those ed officials concluded the winner was The SPEAKER. The gentleman from arguments anger people. Joe Biden. Florida is recognized for 5 minutes. But people do understand the con- In Arizona, this process was adminis- Mr. GAETZ. Madam Speaker, one of cepts of basic fairness, and no competi- tered and overseen by officials from the first things we did when the House tion, contest, or election can be both parties. Election officials con- convened today was to join together to deemed fair if the participants are sub- ducted random, hand-counted audits of extend our grace and our kindness and ject to different rules. many precincts that confirmed there our concern for a colleague who has ex- Baseball teams that cheat and steal were no errors that would change the perienced just an insurmountable signs should be stripped of their cham- result of the election. amount of grief with his family. And I pionships. Russian Olympians who The fact is that the Republican want all of our fellow Americans cheat and use steroids should be chairman of Maricopa County, the watching to know that we did that be- stripped of their medals. And States largest Republican county in the State, cause we care about each other and we that do not run clean elections should the biggest population county, stated: don’t want bad things to happen to be stripped of their electors. ‘‘More than 2 million ballots were cast each other, and our heart hurts when This fraud was systemic; it was re- in Maricopa County, and there is no they do. peated; it was the same system; and, I evidence of fraud or misconduct or Now, I am sure there are plenty of dare say, it was effective. We saw cir- malfunction.’’ folks over there who don’t like me too cumstances where, when Democrat He concluded: ‘‘No matter how you much and there are few of them that I operatives couldn’t get the outcomes voted, this election was administered don’t care for too much. But if anybody they wanted in State legislatures, with integrity, transparency, and in had been hurt today, it would have when they couldn’t get the job done accordance with State laws.’’ been even more of a catastrophe than there, they went and pressured and liti- The fact is, the President, his cam- we already saw, and I think that is an gated and usurped the Constitution paign, and several Republican-led important point for the country. with extra-constitutional action of groups filed eight election lawsuits, all Another important point for the some officials in some States. They of which were dismissed. The Arizona country is that this morning, President fraudulently laundered ballots, votes, Supreme Court, a body where all jus- Trump explicitly called for demonstra- voter registration forms, and then they tices have been appointed by Repub- tions and protests to be peaceful. He limited review. lican Governors, unanimously dis- was far more—you can moan and In 2016, Democrats found out that missed the case. groan, but he was far more explicit they couldn’t beat Donald Trump at about his calls for peace than some of the ballot box with voters who actually 2215 b the BLM and leftwing rioters were this show up, so they turned to impeach- The justices found that the party had summer when we saw violence sweep ment and the witness box. And when ‘‘failed to present any evidence of ‘mis- across this Nation. that failed, they ran to the mailbox, conduct,’ or ‘illegal votes’ . . . let Now, we came here today to debate, where this election saw an unprece- alone establish any degree of fraud or a to follow regular order, to offer an ob- dented amount of votes that could not significant error rate that would un- jection, to follow a process that is ex- be authenticated with true ID, with dermine the certainty of the election pressly contemplated in our Constitu- true signature match, and with true results.’’ tion; and for doing that, we got called confidence for the American people. After these judicial rulings, the Gov- a bunch of seditious traitors. Our Article III courts have failed by ernor said: ‘‘I trust our election sys- Now, not since 1985 has a Republican not holding evidentiary hearings to tem. There’s integrity in our election President been sworn in absent some weigh the evidence. We should not join system.’’ Democrat effort to object to the elec- in that failure. We should vindicate the The fact is, Joe Biden is the certified tors; but when we do it, it is the new rights of States. We should vindicate winner of Arizona’s 11 electoral votes. violation of all norms. And when those the subpoenas in Arizona that have Arizona’s elected and appointed offi- things are said, people get angry. been issued to get a hold of these vot- cials from both parties followed the Now, I know there are many coun- ing machines, and we should reject facts and came to this conclusion. I tries where political violence may be these electors. urge my colleagues to do the same. necessary, but America is not one such Ms. DEGETTE. Madam Speaker, I To my colleagues across the aisle, I country. rise in opposition to the objection. know we may disagree on who we want Madam Speaker, it was wrong when The SPEAKER. The gentlewoman as President, but what we personally people vandalized and defaced your from Colorado is recognized for 5 min- want is not what matters here. Rather, home. It was wrong when thugs went to utes. the people’s influence, as reflected in Senator HAWLEY’s home. And I don’t Ms. DEGETTE. Madam Speaker, I am the certified electoral college results, know if the reports are true, but The very pleased to yield my time to the is what matters. Facts matter. Washington Times has just reported gentleman from Arizona (Mr. GRI- Undermining faith in our election some pretty compelling evidence from JALVA), the dean of the Arizona delega- process by attempting to mislead the a facial recognition company showing tion.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:07 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06JA7.033 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H93 Mr. GRIJALVA. Madam Speaker, I Mr. JORDAN. Madam Speaker, on Johnson (TX) Moolenaar Sewell thank the gentlewoman from Colorado that I demand the yeas and nays. Jones Mooney Sherman Joyce (OH) Moore (UT) Sherrill for yielding time. The SPEAKER. Pursuant to section Kahele Moore (WI) Simpson I will be very brief, Madam Speaker. 3(s) of House Resolution 8, the yeas and Kaptur Morelle Sires There is really nothing left to say. This nays are ordered. Katko Moulton Slotkin Keating Mrvan challenge brought by Members of this The vote was taken by electronic de- Smith (NJ) Keller Murphy (FL) Smith (WA) House, Republican Members from this vice, and there were—yeas 121, nays Kelly (IL) Murphy (NC) Smucker House from Arizona and a Senator 303, not voting 7, as follows: Khanna Nadler Soto from Texas, the whole discussion Kildee Napolitano Spanberger [Roll No. 10] Kilmer Neal today, this challenge to the 11 electoral Spartz YEAS—121 Kim (NJ) Neguse Speier votes that are designated for President Kind Newhouse Aderholt Gaetz Mast Stanton Kinzinger Newman Biden and Vice President Harris, the Allen Garcia (CA) Stauber McCarthy Kirkpatrick Norcross Arrington Gibbs Stefanik discussion today proves there is no McClain Krishnamoorthi O’Halleran Babin Gimenez Steil merit to denying those electoral votes. Miller (IL) Kuster Ocasio-Cortez Baird Gohmert Stevens Miller (WV) Kustoff Omar There is no legal standing. The courts Banks Good (VA) Stewart Moore (AL) LaHood Owens have proven that in Arizona time and Bergman Gooden (TX) Stivers Mullin Lamb Pallone Bice (OK) Gosar Strickland time again. There is no precedent. Nehls Langevin Panetta Biggs Graves (MO) Suozzi There was no constitutional violation. Norman Larsen (WA) Pappas Bishop (NC) Green (TN) Swalwell Nunes Larson (CT) Pascrell But we are here today, Madam Boebert Greene (GA) Takano Obernolte Latta Payne Bost Griffith Taylor Speaker, because of one man and those Palazzo Lawrence Pelosi Brooks Guest Thompson (CA) who are desperate to please him. Palmer Lawson (FL) Pence Budd Hagedorn Thompson (MS) Perry Lee (CA) Perlmutter So what do we have to show for this Burchett Harris Pfluger Lee (NV) Peters Thompson (PA) process today? Fear, a lockdown, vio- Burgess Harshbarger Posey Leger Fernandez Phillips Titus Calvert Hartzler lence, and, regrettably and sadly, Reschenthaler Levin (CA) Pingree Tonko Cammack Hern Torres (CA) death, arrests, present and real danger, Rice (SC) Levin (MI) Pocan Carl Herrell Torres (NY) Rogers (AL) Lieu Porter threats, an assault on our institution, Carter (GA) Hice (GA) Trahan Rogers (KY) Lofgren Pressley Carter (TX) Higgins (LA) this House, this Congress, and the very Lowenthal Price (NC) Trone Cawthorn Hudson Rose democracy that we practice here. Luria Quigley Turner Cline Issa Rosendale And to what end? What did we ac- Lynch Raskin Underwood Cloud Jackson Rouzer Mace Reed Upton complish? Clyde Jacobs (NY) Rutherford Malinowski Rice (NY) Van Duyne Cole Johnson (LA) Scalise The reality is that the challenges Maloney, Richmond Vargas Crawford Johnson (OH) Sessions will be defeated. Come January 20, Carolyn B. Rodgers (WA) Veasey Davidson Jordan Smith (MO) Maloney, Sean Ross Vela President Biden and Vice President DesJarlais Joyce (PA) Smith (NE) Manning Roy Vela´ zquez Harris will be the President and Vice Diaz-Balart Kelly (MS) Steube Massie Roybal-Allard Wagner Donalds Kelly (PA) Tiffany President of the United States. Matsui Ruiz Waltz Duncan LaMalfa Timmons So what have we accomplished? To McBath Ruppersberger Wasserman Dunn Lamborn Van Drew McCaul Rush Schultz further divide this Nation? To continue Estes LaTurner Walberg McClintock Ryan Waters Fallon Lesko Walorski to fan the same rhetoric of division and McCollum Sa´ nchez Watson Coleman Fischbach Long Weber (TX) us versus them? To paralyze and dis- McEachin Sarbanes Welch Fitzgerald Loudermilk Webster (FL) McGovern Scanlon Wenstrup mantle our democracy? Is that what we Fleischmann Lucas Williams (TX) McHenry Schakowsky Westerman attempted to accomplish today? Franklin, C. Luetkemeyer Wilson (SC) McKinley Schiff Wexton Scott Malliotakis Wright The mob that attacked this institu- McNerney Schneider Wild Fulcher Mann Zeldin tion, I hold no Member specifically re- Meeks Schrader Williams (GA) sponsible for that madness that was NAYS—303 Meijer Schrier Wilson (FL) Meng Schweikert Wittman around us, but we do share a responsi- Adams Cicilline Fortenberry Meuser Scott (VA) Womack bility, my friends, to end it. It is past Aguilar Clark (MA) Foster Mfume Scott, Austin Yarmuth time to accept reality, to reaffirm our Allred Clarke (NY) Foxx Miller-Meeks Scott, David Young Amodei Cleaver Frankel, Lois democracy and move on. Armstrong Clyburn Fudge NOT VOTING—7 I would urge my colleagues from Ari- Auchincloss Cohen Gallagher Bilirakis Hastings Tlaib zona who filed this challenge to with- Axne Comer Gallego Brady Kim (CA) draw their challenge to this, to Arizona Bacon Connolly Garamendi Granger Steel Balderson Cooper Garbarino and to the electors that have been cho- Barr Correa Garcı´a (IL) b 2308 sen to give their 11 votes to the win- Barraga´ n Costa Garcia (TX) ners in that election. Bass Courtney Golden Messrs. MOONEY, WITTMAN, Beatty Craig Gomez VICENTE GONZALEZ of Texas, But if that doesn’t happen, then I Bentz Crenshaw Gonzales, Tony would urge my colleagues to reject this Bera Crist Gonzalez (OH) YOUNG, and GROTHMAN changed challenge and defend all voters, defend Beyer Crow Gonzalez, their vote from ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ the voters of Arizona and that democ- Bishop (GA) Cuellar Vicente Messrs. JOHNSON of Ohio, Blumenauer Curtis Gottheimer racy that we practice daily in the rep- Blunt Rochester Davids (KS) Graves (LA) RESCHENTHALER, and Mrs. resentation of our constituents. That is Bonamici Davis, Danny K. Green, Al (TX) WALORSKI changed their vote from what is at stake today. Bourdeaux Davis, Rodney Grijalva ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ Bowman Dean Grothman E So the objection was not agreed to. Ms. D GETTE. Madam Speaker, on Boyle, Brendan DeFazio Guthrie Sunday, every Member in this Chamber F. DeGette Haaland The result of the vote was announced took an oath to uphold the Constitu- Brown DeLauro Harder (CA) as above recorded. tion, and there is only one vote tonight Brownley DelBene Hayes A motion to reconsider was laid on Buchanan Delgado Herrera Beutler for those who took that oath, and that Buck Demings Higgins (NY) the table. vote is to reject this challenge. Bucshon DeSaulnier Hill Stated against: The SPEAKER. All time for debate Bush Deutch Himes Mrs. KIM of California. Madam Speaker, I has expired. Bustos Dingell Hinson was unavoidably detained. Had I been Butterfield Doggett Hollingsworth The question is, Shall the objection Carbajal Doyle, Michael Horsford present, I would have voted ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall to the Arizona electoral college vote Ca´ rdenas F. Houlahan No. 10. count submitted by the gentleman Carson Emmer Hoyer The SPEAKER. The Clerk will now Cartwright Escobar Huffman from Arizona (Mr. GOSAR) and the Sen- Case Eshoo Huizenga notify the Senate of the action of the ator from Texas (Mr. CRUZ) be agreed Casten Espaillat Jackson Lee House, informing that body that the to. Castor (FL) Evans Jacobs (CA) House is now ready to proceed in joint The question was taken; and the Castro (TX) Feenstra Jayapal session with the further counting of Chabot Ferguson Jeffries Speaker announced that the noes ap- Cheney Fitzpatrick Johnson (GA) the electoral vote for the President and peared to have it. Chu Fletcher Johnson (SD) the Vice President.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06JA7.035 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE H94 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 6, 2021 ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER original certificate submitted by the There was no objection. The SPEAKER. To remind both sides State of Arizona will be counted as pro- The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing of the aisle, during in the joint session, vided therein. none, this certificate from Con- there are 11 House Republicans, 11 The tellers will now record and an- necticut, the Parliamentarian has ad- House Democrats, 11 House Senate nounce the vote of the State of Arkan- vised me, is the only certificate of vote Democrats, 11 Senate Republicans. 44 sas for President and Vice President in from that State that purports to be a Members on the floor. Please view the accordance with the action of the two return from the State and that has an- proceedings from your offices. Thank Houses. nexed to it a certificate from an au- you. This certificate from Arkansas, the thority of the State purporting to ap- This is not a suggestion. That is a di- Parliamentarian has advised me, is the point or ascertain electors. rection, in the interest of good example only certificate of vote from that Senator KLOBUCHAR. Mr. Presi- to the public of how serious we take State, and purports to be a return from dent, the certificate of the electoral the coronavirus threat and the need for the State, and that has annexed to it a vote of the State of Connecticut seems social distancing. certificate from an authority of that to be regular in form and authentic, Please, my colleagues, if you are not State purporting to appoint or ascer- and it appears therefrom that Joseph participating in the next part of this, tain electors. R. Biden, Jr., of the State of Delaware please return to your offices. Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. received 7 votes for President and I wish to remind Members that we President, the certificate of the elec- KAMALA D. HARRIS of the State of Cali- have to reduce the number of Members toral vote of the State of Arkansas fornia received 7 votes for Vice Presi- on the floor to the gallery to witness seems to be regular in form and au- dent. the proceedings from there, in a rel- thentic, and it appears therefrom that The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there ative number. So first come, first Donald J. Trump of the State of Flor- any objections to counting the certifi- serve. ida received 6 votes for President and cate of vote of the State of Connecticut f MICHAEL R. PENCE of the State of Indi- that the teller has verified appears to ana received 6 votes for Vice President. be regular in form and authentic? MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there There was no objection. A message from the Senate by Ms. any objections to counting the certifi- b 2345 Byrd, one of its clerks, announced that cate of vote of the State of Arkansas The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing the Secretary of the Senate shall in- that the teller has verified appears to none, this certificate from Delaware, form the House of Representatives that be regular in form and authentic? the Parliamentarian has advised me, is the Senate is ready to proceed in joint There was no objection. the only certificate of vote from that session with the further counting of The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing State that purports to be a return from the electoral votes for President and none, this certificate from California, the State and that has annexed to it a Vice President. the Parliamentarian has advised me, is certificate from an authority of the At 11:35 p.m., the Sergeant at Arms, the only certificate of vote from that State purporting to appoint and ascer- Paul D. Irving, announced the Vice State that purports to be a return from tain electors. President and the Senate of the United the State and that has annexed to it a Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. States. certificate from an authority of the President, the certificate of the elec- The Senate entered the Hall of the State purporting to appoint and ascer- toral vote of the State of Delaware House of Representatives, headed by tain electors. seems to be regular in form and au- the Vice President and the Secretary of Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. President, the thentic, and it appears therefrom that the Senate, the Members and officers certificate of the electoral vote of the Joseph R. Biden, Jr., of the State of of the House rising to receive them. State of California seems to be regular Delaware received 3 votes for President The Vice President took his seat as in form and authentic, and it appears and KAMALA D. HARRIS of the State of the Presiding Officer of the joint con- therefrom that Joseph R. Biden, Jr., of California received 3 votes for Vice vention of the two Houses, the Speaker the State of Delaware received 55 votes President. of the House occupying the chair on his for President and KAMALA D. HARRIS of The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there left. Senators took seats to the right of the State of California received 55 any objections to counting the certifi- the rostrum as prescribed by law. votes for Vice President. cate of vote of the State of Delaware The VICE PRESIDENT. The joint The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there that the teller has verified appears to session of Congress to count the elec- any objections to counting the certifi- be regular in form and authentic? toral vote will resume. The tellers will cate of vote of the State of California There was no objection. take their chairs. that the teller has verified appears to The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing The two Houses retired to consider be regular in form and authentic? none, this certificate from the District separately and decide upon the vote of There was no objection. of Columbia, the Parliamentarian has the State of Arizona, to which an ob- The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing advised me, is the only certificate of jection has been filed. none, this certificate from Colorado, vote from the District that purports to The Secretary of the Senate will re- the Parliamentarian has advised me, is be a return from the District and that port the action of the Senate. the only certificate of vote from that has annexed to it a certificate from an The Secretary of the Senate read the State that purports to be a return from authority of the District purporting to order of the Senate, as follows: the State, and that has annexed to it a appoint and ascertain electors. Ordered, That the Senate by a vote of 6 certificate from an authority of the Senator BLUNT. Mr. President, the ayes to 93 nays rejects the objection to the State purporting to appoint and ascer- certificate of the electoral vote of the electoral votes cast in the State of Arizona tain electors. District of Columbia seems to be reg- for Joseph R. Biden, Jr., for President and Senator BLUNT. Mr. President, the ular in form and authentic, and it ap- KAMALA D. HARRIS for Vice President. certificate of the electoral vote of the pears therefrom that Joseph R. Biden, The VICE PRESIDENT. The Clerk of State of Colorado seems to be regular Jr., of the State of Delaware received 3 the House will report the action of the in form and authentic, and it appears votes for President and KAMALA D. House. therefrom that Joseph R. Biden, Jr., of HARRIS of the State of California re- The Clerk of the House read the order the State of Delaware received 9 votes ceived 3 votes for Vice President. of the House, as follows: for President and KAMALA D. HARRIS of The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there Ordered, That the House of Representatives the State of California received 9 votes any objections to counting the certifi- rejects the objection to the electoral vote of for Vice President. cate of vote of the District of Columbia the State of Arizona. The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there that the teller has verified appears to The VICE PRESIDENT. Pursuant to any objections to counting the certifi- be regular in form and authentic? the law, chapter 1 of title 3, United cate of vote of the State of Colorado There was no objection. States Code, because the two Houses that the teller has verified appears to The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing have not sustained the objection, the be regular in form and authentic? none, this certificate from Florida, the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06JA7.038 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H95 Parliamentarian has advised me, is the State and that has annexed to it a cer- Senator KLOBUCHAR. Mr. Presi- only certificate of vote from that State tificate from an authority of the State dent, the certificate of the electoral that purports to be a return from the purporting to appoint and ascertain vote of the State of Indiana seems to State and that has annexed to it a cer- electors. be regular in form and authentic, and tificate from an authority of the State Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. it appears therefrom that Donald J. purporting to appoint and ascertain President, the certificate of the elec- Trump of the State of Florida received electors. toral vote of the State of Hawaii seems 11 votes for President and MICHAEL R. Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. President, the to be regular in form and authentic, PENCE of the State of Indiana received certificate of the electoral vote of the and it appears therefrom that Joseph 11 votes for Vice President. State of Florida seems to be regular in R. Biden, Jr., of the State of Delaware The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there form and authentic, and it appears received 4 votes for President and any objections to counting the certifi- therefrom that Donald J. Trump of the KAMALA D. HARRIS of the State of Cali- cate of vote of the State of Indiana State of Florida received 29 votes for fornia received 4 votes for Vice Presi- that the teller has verified appears to President and MICHAEL R. PENCE of the dent. be regular in form and authentic? State of Indiana received 29 votes for The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there There was no objection. Vice President. any objections to counting the certifi- The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there cate of vote of the State of Hawaii that none, this certificate from Iowa, the any objections to counting the certifi- the teller has verified appears to be Parliamentarian has advised me, is the cate of vote of the State of Florida regular in form and authentic? only certificate of vote from that State that the teller has verified appears to There was no objection. that purports to be a return from the be regular in form and authentic? The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing State and that has annexed to it a cer- There was no objection. none, this certificate from , the tificate from an authority of the State The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing Parliamentarian has advised me, is the purporting to appoint and ascertain none, this certificate from Georgia, the only certificate of vote from that State electors. Parliamentarian has advised me, is the that purports to be a return from the Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. President, the only certificate of vote from that State State and that has annexed to it a cer- certificate of the electoral vote of the that purports to be a return from the tificate from an authority of the State State of Iowa seems to be regular in State and that has annexed to it a cer- purporting to appoint and ascertain form and authentic, and it appears tificate from an authority of the State electors. therefrom that Donald J. Trump of the purporting to appoint and ascertain Senator BLUNT. Mr. President, the State of Florida received 6 votes for electors. certificate of the electoral vote of the President and MICHAEL R. PENCE of the Senator KLOBUCHAR. Mr. Presi- State of Idaho seems to be regular in State of Indiana received 6 votes for dent, the certificate of the electoral form and authentic, and it appears Vice President. vote of the State of Georgia seems to therefrom that Donald J. Trump of the The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there be regular in form and authentic, and State of Florida received 4 votes for any objections to counting the certifi- it appears therefrom that Joseph R. President and MICHAEL R. PENCE of the cate of vote of the State of Iowa that Biden, Jr., of the State of Delaware re- State of Indiana received 4 votes for the teller has verified appears to be ceived 16 votes for President and Vice President. regular in form and authentic? KAMALA D. HARRIS of the State of Cali- The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there There was no objection. fornia received 16 votes for Vice Presi- any objections to counting the certifi- The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing dent. cate of vote of the State of Idaho that none, this certificate from Kansas, the The VICE PRESIDENT. For what the teller has certified appears to be Parliamentarian has advised me, is the purpose does the gentleman from Geor- regular in form and authentic? only certificate of vote from that State gia (Mr. HICE) rise? There was no objection. that purports to be a return from the Mr. HICE of Georgia. Mr. President, The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing State and that has annexed to it a cer- myself, members of the Georgia delega- none, this certificate from Illinois, the tificate from an authority of the State tion, and some 74 of my Republican col- Parliamentarian has advised me, is the purporting to appoint and ascertain leagues and I object to the electoral only certificate of vote from that State electors. vote from the State of Georgia on the that purports to be a return from the Senator BLUNT. Mr. President, the grounds that the election conducted on State and that has annexed to it a cer- certificate of the electoral vote of the November 3 was faulty and fraudulent tificate from an authority of the State State of Kansas seems to be regular in due to unilateral actions by the sec- purporting to appoint and ascertain form and authentic, and it appears retary of state to unlawfully change electors. therefrom that Donald J. Trump of the the State’s election process without Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. State of Florida received 6 votes for approval from the General Assembly President, the certificate of the elec- President and MICHAEL R. PENCE of the and thereby setting the stage for an toral vote of the State of Illinois seems State of Indiana received 6 votes for unprecedented amount of fraud and to be regular in form and authentic, Vice President. irregularities. I have signed the objec- and it appears therefrom that Joseph The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there tion myself. R. Biden, Jr., of the State of Delaware any objections to counting the certifi- The VICE PRESIDENT. Sections 15 received 20 votes for President and cate of vote of the State of Kansas that and 17 of title 3, United States Code, KAMALA D. HARRIS of the State of Cali- the teller has verified appears to be require that any objection be presented fornia received 20 votes for Vice Presi- regular in form and authentic? in writing and signed by a Member of dent. There was no objection. the House of Representatives and a The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing Senator. any objections to counting the certifi- none, this certificate from the Com- Is the objection in writing and signed cate of vote of the State of Illinois that monwealth of , the Parlia- by a Member and a Senator? the teller has verified appears to be mentarian has advised me, is the only Mr. HICE of Georgia. Mr. President, regular in form and authentic? certificate of vote from that State that prior to the actions and events of There was no objection. purports to be a return from the State today, we did, but following the events The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing and that has annexed to it a certificate of today, it appears that some Senators none, this certificate from Indiana, the from an authority of the State pur- have withdrawn their objection. Parliamentarian has advised me, is the porting to appoint and ascertain elec- The VICE PRESIDENT. In that case, only certificate of vote from that State tors. the objection cannot be entertained. that purports to be a return from the Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. President, the This certificate from Hawaii, the State and that has annexed to it a cer- certificate of the electoral vote of the Parliamentarian has advised me, is the tificate from an authority of the State Commonwealth of Kentucky seems to only certificate of vote from that State purporting to appoint and ascertain be regular in form and authentic, and that purports to be a return from the electors. it appears therefrom that Donald J.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06JA7.040 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE H96 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 6, 2021 Trump of the State of Florida received for President and KAMALA D. HARRIS of The VICE PRESIDENT. In that case, 8 votes for President and MICHAEL R. the State of California received 10 the objection cannot be entertained. PENCE of the State of Indiana received votes for Vice President. Are there any further objections to 8 votes for Vice President. The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there counting the certificate of the vote The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there any objections to counting the certifi- from the State of Michigan that the any objections to counting the certifi- cate of vote of the State of Maryland teller has verified appears to be regular cate of vote of the Commonwealth of that the teller has verified appears to in form and authentic? Kentucky that the teller has verified be regular in form and authentic? There was no objection. There was no objection. appears to be regular in form and au- The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing no thentic? The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing none, this certificate from Massachu- further objections, this certificate There was no objection. from , the Parliamentarian The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing setts, the Parliamentarian has advised me, is the only certificate of vote from has advised me, is the only certificate none, this certificate from Louisiana, of vote from that State that purports the Parliamentarian has advised me, is that State that purports to be a return from the State and that has annexed to to be a return from the State and that the only certificate of vote from that has annexed to it a certificate of an au- State that purports to be a return from it a certificate from an authority of the State purporting to appoint and as- thority of the State purporting to ap- the State and that has annexed to it a point or ascertain electors. certificate from an authority of the certain electors. Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. President, the Senator KLOBUCHAR. Mr. Presi- State purporting to appoint and ascer- certificate of electoral vote of the dent, the certificate of the electoral tain electors. Commonwealth of vote of the State of Minnesota seems Senator KLOBUCHAR. Mr. Presi- seems to be regular in form and au- to be regular in form and authentic, dent, the certificate of the electoral thentic, and it appears therefrom that and it appears therefrom that Joseph vote of the State of Louisiana seems to Joseph R. Biden, Jr., of the State of R. Biden, Jr., of the State of Delaware be regular in form and authentic, and Delaware received 11 votes for Presi- received 10 votes for President and appears therefrom that Donald J. dent and KAMALA D. HARRIS of the KAMALA D. HARRIS of the State of Cali- Trump of the State of Florida received State of California received 11 votes for fornia received 10 votes for Vice Presi- 8 votes for President and MICHAEL R. Vice President. dent. PENCE of the State of Indiana received The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there 8 votes for Vice President. any objections to counting the certifi- any objections to counting the certifi- The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there cate of vote of the Commonwealth of cate of the vote from the State of Min- any objections to counting the certifi- Massachusetts that the teller has nesota that the teller has verified ap- cate of vote of the State of Louisiana verified appears to be regular in form pears to be regular in form and authen- that the teller has verified to be reg- and authentic? tic? ular in form and authentic? There was no objection. There was no objection. There was no objection. The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing none, this certificate from Michigan, The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing none, this certificate from , the the Parliamentarian has advised me, is none, this certificate from , Parliamentarian has advised me, is the the only certificate of vote from that the Parliamentarian has advised, is the only certificate of vote from that State State that purports to be a return from only certificate of vote from that State that purports to be a return from the the State and that has annexed to it a that purports to be a return from the State and that has annexed to it a cer- certificate from an authority of the State and that has annexed to it a cer- tificate from an authority of the State State purporting to appoint and ascer- tificate of an authority of the State purporting to appoint and ascertain tain electors. purporting to appoint or ascertain elec- electors. Senator KLOBUCHAR. Mr. Presi- tors. Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. dent, the certificate of the electoral Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. President, the certificate of the elec- vote of the State of Michigan seems to President, the certificate of the elec- toral vote of the State of Maine seems be regular in form and authentic, and toral vote of the State of Mississippi to be regular in form and authentic, it appears therefrom that Joseph R. seems to be regular in form and au- and it appears therefrom that Joseph Biden, Jr., of the State of Delaware re- thentic, and it appears therefrom that R. Biden, Jr., of the State of Delaware ceived 16 votes for President and Donald J. Trump of the State of Flor- received 3 votes for President, and Don- KAMALA D. HARRIS of the State of Cali- ida received 6 votes for President and ald J. Trump of the State of Florida re- fornia received 16 votes for Vice Presi- MICHAEL R. PENCE of the State of Indi- ceived 1 vote for President and KAMALA dent. ana received 6 votes for Vice President. D. HARRIS of the State of California re- The VICE PRESIDENT. For what The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there ceived 3 votes for Vice President, and reason does the gentlewoman from any objections to counting the certifi- MICHAEL R. PENCE of the State of Indi- Georgia (Mrs. GREENE) rise? cate of the vote from the State of Mis- ana received 1 vote for Vice President. Mrs. GREENE of Georgia. Mr. Presi- sissippi that the teller has verified ap- The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there dent, I, along with 70 of my Republican pears to be regular in form and authen- any objections to counting the certifi- colleagues, object to the counting of tic? cate of vote of the State of Maine that the electoral votes for the State of There was no objection. the teller has verified appears to be Michigan on the grounds that the error The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing regular in form and authentic? rate exceeds the FEC rate allowed at none, this certificate from , There was no objection. 0.0008 percent, and that the people who the Parliamentarian has advised, is the The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing signed affidavits at risk of , only certificate of vote from that State none, this certificate from Maryland, their voices have not been heard in a that purports to be a return from the the Parliamentarian has advised me, is court of law. State and that has annexed to it a cer- the only certificate of vote from that b 0000 tificate of an authority of the State State that purports to be a return from The VICE PRESIDENT. Sections 15 purporting to appoint or ascertain elec- the State and that has annexed to it a and 17 of title 3 of the U.S. Code, re- tors. certificate from an authority of the quire that any objection be presented Senator BLUNT. Mr. President, the State purporting to appoint and ascer- in writing and signed by a Member of certificate of the electoral vote of the tain electors. the House of Representatives and a State of Missouri seems to be regular Senator BLUNT. Mr. President, the Senator. in form and authentic, and it appears certificate of the electoral vote of the Is the objection in writing and signed therefrom that Donald J. Trump of the State of Maryland seems to be regular by a Member and a Senator? State of Florida received 10 votes for in form and authentic, and it appears Mrs. GREENE of Georgia. The objec- President and MICHAEL R. PENCE of the therefrom that Joseph R. Biden, Jr., of tion is in writing, not signed by a Sen- State of Indiana received 10 votes for the State of Delaware received 10 votes ator. Vice President.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06JA7.041 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H97 The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there fornia received 6 votes for Vice Presi- Jersey that the teller has verified ap- any objections to counting the certifi- dent. pears to be regular in form and authen- cate of the vote from the State of Mis- The VICE PRESIDENT. For what tic? souri that the teller has verified ap- purpose does the gentleman from Ala- There was no objection. pears to be regular in form and authen- bama rise? The VICE PRESIDENT. This certifi- tic? Mr. BROOKS of Alabama. Mr. Presi- cate from New , the Parliamen- There was no objection. dent, I and 55 other Members of the tarian has advised, is the only certifi- The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing United States House of Representatives cate of vote from the State that pur- none, this certificate from , object to the electoral vote for the ports to be a return from the State and the Parliamentarian has advised, is the State of Nevada in order to protect the that has annexed to it a certificate of only certificate of vote from that State lawful votes of Nevada and all other an authority of the State purporting to that purports to be a return from the American citizens. appoint or ascertain electors. State and that has annexed to it a cer- The VICE PRESIDENT. Sections 15 Senator KLOBUCHAR. Mr. Presi- tificate of an authority of the State and 17 of title 3 of the United States dent, the certificate of the electoral purporting to appoint or ascertain elec- Code, require that any objection be vote of the State of seems tors. presented in writing and signed by a to be regular in form and authentic, and it appears therefrom that Joseph Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. President, the Member of the House of Representa- R. Biden, Jr., of the State of Delaware certificate of the electoral vote of the tives and a Senator. received 5 votes for President and State of Montana seems to be regular Is the objection in writing and signed KAMALA D. HARRIS of the State of Cali- in form and authentic, and it appears by a Member and a Senator? fornia received 5 votes for Vice Presi- therefrom that Donald J. Trump from Mr. BROOKS of Alabama. Mr. Presi- dent. the State of Florida received 3 votes dent, it is in writing, but, unfortu- The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there for President and MICHAEL R. PENCE nately, no United States Senator has any objections to counting the certifi- from the State of Indiana received 3 joined in this effort. cate of the vote from the State of New votes for Vice President. The VICE PRESIDENT. In that case, Mexico that the teller has verified ap- The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there the objection cannot be entertained. pears to be regular in form and authen- any objections to counting the certifi- Are there any further objections to tic? cate of the vote from the State of Mon- counting the certificate of vote from There was no objection. tana that the teller has verified ap- the State of Nevada that the teller has The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing pears to be regular in form and authen- verified appears to be regular in form none, this certificate from New York, tic? and authentic? the Parliamentarian has advised me, is There was no objection. There was no objection. the only certificate of vote from the The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing The VICE PRESIDENT. This certifi- State that purports to be a return from none, this certificate from , cate from , the Parlia- the State and has annexed to it a cer- the Parliamentarian has advised, is the mentarian has advised me, is the only tificate of an authority from the State only certificate of vote from that State certificate of electoral vote from that purporting to appoint or ascertain elec- that purports to be a return from the State that purports to be a return from tors. State and that has annexed to it a cer- the State and that has annexed to it a Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. tificate of an authority of the State certificate of an authority of the State President, the certificate of the elec- purporting to appoint or ascertain elec- purporting to appoint or ascertain elec- toral vote of the State of New York tors. tors. seems to be regular in form and au- Senator KLOBUCHAR. Mr. Presi- Senator BLUNT. Mr. President, the thentic, and it appears therefrom that dent, the certificate of the electoral certificate of the electoral vote of the Joseph R. Biden, Jr., of the State of vote of the State of Nebraska seems to State of New Hampshire seems to be Delaware received 29 votes for Presi- be regular in form and authentic, and regular in form and authentic, and it dent and KAMALA D. HARRIS of the it appears therefrom that Donald J. appears therefrom that Joseph R. State of California received 29 votes for Trump of the State of Florida received Biden, Jr., of the State of Delaware re- Vice President. 4 votes for President; and Joseph R. ceived 4 votes for President and The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there Biden, Jr., of the State of Delaware re- KAMALA D. HARRIS of the State of Cali- any objections to counting the certifi- ceived 1 vote for President; and MI- fornia received 4 votes for Vice Presi- cate of the vote from the State of New CHAEL R. PENCE of the State of Indiana dent. York that the teller has verified ap- received 4 votes for Vice President; and The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there pears to be regular in form and authen- KAMALA D. HARRIS of the State of Cali- any objections to counting the certifi- tic? fornia received 1 vote for Vice Presi- cate of vote of the State of New Hamp- There was no objection. The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing dent. shire that the teller has verified ap- The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there pears to be regular in form and authen- none, this certificate from North Caro- any objections to counting the certifi- tic? lina, the Parliamentarian has advised me, is the only certificate of vote from cate of vote from the State of Nebraska There was no objection. that State that purports to be a return that the teller has verified is regular in The VICE PRESIDENT. This certifi- from the State and that has annexed to form and authentic? cate from New Jersey, the Parliamen- it a certificate from the State pur- There was no objection. tarian has advised, is the only certifi- The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing cate of vote from the State that pur- porting to appoint or ascertain elec- tors. none, this certificate from Nevada, the ports to be a return from the State and Parliamentarian has advised, is the that has annexed to it a certificate of b 0010 only certificate of vote from the State an authority in the State purporting to Senator BLUNT. Mr. President, the that purports to be a return from the appoint or ascertain electors. certificate of the electoral vote of the State and that has annexed to it a cer- Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. President, the State of North Carolina seems to be tificate of an authority from the State certificate of the electoral vote of the regular in form and authentic, and it purporting to appoint or ascertain elec- State of New Jersey seems to be reg- appears therefrom that Donald J. tors. ular in form and authentic, and it ap- Trump of the State of Florida received Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. pears therefrom that Joseph R. Biden, 15 votes for President and MICHAEL R. President, the certificate of the elec- Jr., of the State of Delaware received PENCE of the State of Indiana received toral vote of the State of Nevada seems 14 votes for President and KAMALA D. 15 votes for Vice President. to be regular in form and authentic, HARRIS of the State of California re- The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there and it appears therefrom that Joseph ceived 14 votes for Vice President. any objections to counting the certifi- R. Biden, Jr., of the State of Delaware The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there cate of vote of the State of North Caro- received 4 votes for President and any objections to counting the certifi- lina that the teller has verified appears KAMALA D. HARRIS of the State of Cali- cate of the vote from the State of New to be regular in form and authentic?

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06JA7.043 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE H98 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 6, 2021 There was no objection. State and that has a certificate of au- OH–4, PA–9, LA–3, The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing thority from the State annexed to it to SC–7, NM–2, Alex- none, this certificate from North Da- appoint and ascertain electors. ander Mooney WV–2, Andy Biggs AZ–5, John kota, the Parliamentarian has advised Senator BLUNT. Mr. President, the W. Rose TN–6, W. FL–17, Madi- son Cawthorn NC–11, Bill Posey FL–8, Jeff me, is the only certificate of vote from certificate of the electoral vote of the Duncan SC–3, Brian Babin TX–36, Louie Goh- that State, and purports to be a return State of Oregon seems to be regular in mert TX–1. from the State and that has annexed to form and authentic, and it appears Brian J. Mast FL–18, Warren Davidson OH– it a certificate of an authority of the therefrom that Joseph R. Biden, Jr., of 8, Andy Harris MD–1, Doug Lamborn CO–5, State purporting to appoint and ascer- the State of Delaware received 7 votes Kat Cammack FL–3, Tracey Mann KS–1, Bob tain electors. for President and KAMALA D. HARRIS of Good VA–5, Adrian Smith NE–3, Billy Long Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. President, the the State of California received 7 votes MO–7, Jack Bergman MI–1, Michael Cloud certificate of the electoral vote of the TX–27, FL–19, Rick Crawford for Vice President. AR–1, Roger Williams TX–25, Bob Gibbs OH– State of North Dakota seems to be reg- The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there 7, Russ Fulcher ID–1, Richard Hudson NC–8, ular in form and authentic, and it ap- any objections to counting the certifi- Ted Budd NC–13, Barry Moore AL–2, Lee pears therefrom that Donald J. Trump cate of vote of the State of Oregon that Zeldin NY–1. of the State of Florida received 3 votes the teller has verified as regular in Jake LaTurner KS–2, David Rouzer NC–7, for President and MICHAEL R. PENCE of form and authentic? MO–8, Lauren Boebert CO–3, the State of Indiana received 3 votes There was no objection. Paul A. Gosar AZ–4, TN– for Vice President. The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing 3, Tim Burchett TN–2, Chris Jacobs NY–27, The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there Bill Johnson OH–6, Andrew S. Clyde GA–9, none, this certificate from the Com- Lance Gooden TX–5, IA–4, any objections to counting the certifi- monwealth of Pennsylvania, the Par- Mary E. Miller IL–15, Diana Harshbarger TN– cate of vote of the State of North Da- liamentarian has advised, is the only 1, Mark E. Green TN–7, Ron Estes KS–4, Neal kota that the teller has verified as reg- certificate of vote from that State that Dunn FL–2, Ronny Jackson TX–13, Elise ular and authentic? purports to be a return from the State Stefanik NY–21, Ralph Norman SC–5. There was no objection. and that has annexed to it a certificate Joe Wilson SC–2, Vicky Hartzler MO–4, The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing from an authority of the State pur- Scott DesJarlais TN–4, Marjorie Taylor none, the certificate from Ohio, the porting to appoint and ascertain elec- Greene GA–14, Doug LaMalfa CA–1, Jeff Van Parliamentarian has advised, is the Drew NJ–2, Ben Cline VA–6, Michael D. Rog- tors. ers AL–3, Markwayne Mullin OK–2, Jeff Dun- only certificate of vote from that Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. President, the can SC–3, Pat Fallon TX–4, Brad R. Wenstrup State, and purports to be a return from certificate of the electoral vote of the OH–2, Pfluger TX–11, the State and that has annexed to it a Commonwealth of Pennsylvania seems VA–1, Scott Franklin FL–15, certificate of an authority of the State to be regular in form and authentic, TN–8, MO–6, FL–1, purporting to appoint or ascertain elec- and it appears therefrom that Joseph Randy K. Weber TX–14. tors. R. Biden, Jr., of the State of Delaware The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there Senator KLOBUCHAR. Mr. Presi- received 20 votes for President and further objections to the certificate dent, the certificate of the electoral KAMALA D. HARRIS of the State of Cali- from the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- vote of the State of Ohio seems to be fornia received 20 votes for Vice Presi- vania? regular in form and authentic, and it dent. There was no objection. appears therefrom that Donald J. The VICE PRESIDENT. For what The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair Trump of the State of Florida received purpose does the gentleman from Penn- hears none. The two Houses will withdraw from 18 votes for President and MICHAEL R. sylvania rise? joint session. Each House will delib- PENCE of the State of Indiana received Mr. PERRY. Mr. President, sadly, erate separately on the pending objec- 18 votes for Vice President. but resolutely, I object to the electoral tion and report its decision back to the The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there votes of my beloved Commonwealth of joint session. any objections to counting the certifi- Pennsylvania on the grounds of mul- The Senate will now retire to its cate of vote of the State of Ohio that tiple constitutional infractions that the teller has verified is regular in Chamber. they were not under all of the known The Senate retired to its Chamber. form and authentic? circumstances regularly given; and on There was no objection. this occasion, I have a written objec- b 0020 The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing tion signed by a Senator and 80 Mem- The SPEAKER. Pursuant to Senate none, this certificate from , bers of the House of Representatives. Concurrent Resolution 1 and section 17 the Parliamentarian has advised, is the The VICE PRESIDENT. Is the objec- of title 3, United States Code, when the only certificate of vote from that tion in writing and signed by a Sen- two Houses withdraw from the joint State, and purports to be a return from ator? session to count the electoral vote for the State and that has annexed to it a Mr. PERRY. Yes, Mr. Vice President, separate consideration of objection, a certificate of an authority of the State it is. Representative may speak to the objec- purporting to appoint or ascertain elec- The VICE PRESIDENT. An objection tion for 5 minutes and not more than tors. presented in writing and signed by both once. Debate shall not exceed 2 hours, Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. a Representative and a Senator com- after which the Chair shall put the President, the certificate of the elec- plies with the law, chapter 1 of title 3, question, Shall the objection be agreed toral vote of the State of Oklahoma United States Code. to? seems to be regular in form and au- The Clerk will report the objection. The Clerk will report the objection thentic, and it appears therefrom that The Clerk read the objection as fol- made in the joint session. Donald J. Trump of the State of Flor- lows: The Clerk read the objection as fol- ida received 7 votes for President and , 2021. lows: MICHAEL R. PENCE of the State of Indi- We, a United States Senator and Members JANUARY 7, 2021. ana received 7 votes for Vice President. of the House of Representatives, object to We, a United States Senator and Members The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there the counting of the electoral votes of the of the House of Representatives, object to any objections to counting the certifi- State of Pennsylvania on the ground that the counting of the electoral votes of the they were not, under all of the known cir- cate of vote of the State of Oklahoma State of Pennsylvania on the ground that cumstances, regularly given. they were not, under all of the known cir- that the teller has verified to be reg- , cumstances, regularly given. ular in form and authentic? United States Senator. JOSH HAWLEY, There was no objection. SCOTT PERRY, United States Senator. The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing . SCOTT PERRY, none, this certificate from Oregon, the MEMBERS OF CONGRESS Member of Congress. Parliamentarian has advised, is the Mo Brooks AL–5, Mike Kelly PA–16, John MEMBERS OF CONGRESS only certificate of vote from that State Joyce PA–13, PA–12, Scott Perry Mo Brooks AL–5, Mike Kelly PA–16, John that purports to be a return from the PA–10, Glenn Thompson PA–15, Jim Jordan Joyce PA–13, Fred Keller PA–12, Scott Perry

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06JA7.045 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H99 PA–10, Glenn Thompson PA–15, Jim Jordan Once again, the court not only defied that he was unable to establish with OH–4, Dan Meuser PA–9, Clay Higgins LA–3, the Constitution and the will of the any degree of reasonable assurance Tom Rice SC–7, Yvette Herrell NM–2, Alex- people, but by so doing, they created a that the SURE system is secure and ander Mooney WV–2, Andy Biggs AZ–5, John W. Rose TN–6, W. Greg Steube FL–17, Madi- separate class of voters, thereby vio- that Pennsylvania voter registration son Cawthorn NC–11, Bill Posey FL–8, Jeff lating the pre- records are complete and accurate. Duncan SC–3, Brian Babin TX–36, Louie Goh- scribed in the Constitution. That is what we are relying on. That mert TX–1. How can we have two legally sepa- right there. This is the very same sys- Brian J. Mast FL–18, Warren Davidson OH– rate classes of voters? Yet, the court tem used to certify the election in the 8, Andy Harris MD–1, Doug Lamborn CO–5, made it so, not the legislature. contest for President of the United Kat Cammack FL–3, Tracey Mann KS–1, Bob The Constitution doesn’t mention States. This is the very same system Good VA–5, Adrian Smith NE–3, Billy Long the court when determining the time, MO–7, Jack Bergman MI–1, Michael Cloud that the State used to certify the 2020 TX–27. Byron Donalds FL–19, Rick Crawford place, and manner of elections because election, even though its figures do not AR–1, Roger Williams TX–25, Bob Gibbs OH– they are not authorized to make those match more than half of Pennsylva- 7, Russ Fulcher ID–1, Richard Hudson NC–8, decisions. Yet, they did it. nia’s 67 counties. Ted Budd NC–13, Barry Moore AL–2, Lee And the U.S. Supreme Court has re- To this day, right now, while we Zeldin NY–1. fused to hear the case, denying the evi- stand here, how can this election be Jake LaTurner KS–2, David Rouzer NC–7, dence and denying the demands for jus- certified using a system that after 2 Jason Smith MO–8, Lauren Boebert CO–3, tice from the people of Pennsylvania Paul A. Gosar AZ–4, Chuck Fleischmann TN– months still displays that over 205,000 3, Tim Burchett TN–2, Chris Jacobs NY–27, and America. more votes were cast in Pennsylvania Bill Johnson OH–6, Andrew S. Clyde GA–9, These aren’t my opinions. These than people who voted in the November Lance Gooden TX–5, Randy Feenstra IA–4, aren’t partisan viewpoints. These are election? Let me say that again: 205,000 Mary E. Miller IL–15, Diana Harshbarger TN– irrefutable facts. more votes than voters. 1, Mark E. Green TN–7, Ron Estes KS–4, Neal Six days before the election, guid- Mr. NEGUSE. Madam Speaker, I rise Dunn FL–2, Ronny Jackson TX–13, Elise ance emailed from the secretary of in opposition to the objection. Stefanik NY–21, Ralph Norman SC–5. state required that the counties shall Joe Wilson SC–2, Vicky Hartzler MO–4, The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Scott DesJarlais TN–4, Marjorie Taylor not pre-canvass or canvass any mail-in Colorado is recognized for 5 minutes. Greene GA–14, Doug LaMalfa CA–1, Jeff Van or civilian absentee ballots received be- Mr. NEGUSE. Madam Speaker, to my Drew NJ–2, Ben Cline VA–6, Michael D. Rog- tween 8 o’clock Tuesday and 5 o’clock colleague from Pennsylvania, I will say ers AL–3, Markwayne Mullin OK–2, Pat Friday and that they must be kept sep- this: I carry the same Constitution Fallon TX–4, Brad R. Wenstrup OH–2, August arately. That was 6 days before the that you do. And the Constitution, sir, Pfluger TX–11, Rob Wittman VA–1, Scott election. does not allow you, me, or any Member Franklin FL–15, David Kustoff TN–8, Sam Madam Speaker, 2 days before the of this body to substitute our judgment Graves MO–6, Matt Gaetz FL–1, Randy K. election, counties received new guid- Weber TX–14. for that of the American people. It does The SPEAKER. The Chair will en- ance from the secretary of state, in- not allow us to disregard the will of the deavor to alternate recognition be- forming counties that they shall can- American people. Because under this tween Members speaking in support of vass segregated absentee and mail-in Constitution, under our Constitution, the objection and Members speaking in ballots as soon as possible upon re- Congress doesn’t choose the President. opposition to the objection. ceipt. The American people do. And they The Chair recognizes the gentleman The secretary of state is not elected have chosen in resounding numbers, as from Pennsylvania (Mr. PERRY) for 5 by the people. She is not a member of every single Member of this body well minutes. the legislature. Yet, she, and she alone, understands. Mr. PERRY. Madam Speaker, this is determined the time and manner of Madam Speaker, I have been at a loss a somber day for the defense of the elections. That was unconstitutional. to explain what happened today, but Constitution. You see, the Constitution In defiance of a U.S. Supreme Court there is a statement that I found that is just a piece of paper. It cannot de- order that all ballots received after largely summarized my thoughts on fend itself. That is why our leaders election day be segregated, the sec- the matter. swear an oath to uphold and defend the retary of state knew, once they were ‘‘The scenes of mayhem unfolding at Constitution, and that is what I am canvassed, that is opened and commin- the seat of our Nation’s government’’ doing here this evening. gled with all the other ballots, they are a ‘‘sickening and heartbreaking The Constitution states: ‘‘The times, would be counted with all the rest. sight. This is how election results are places, and manner of holding elections And what is the remedy for this defi- disputed in a banana republic, not our . . . shall be prescribed . . . by the leg- ance, for this lawbreaking? So far, the democratic Republic. I am appalled by islature’’—not the courts, not the Gov- court has decided there is no remedy. the reckless behavior of some political ernor, not the secretary of state or There is no penalty for this lawless- leaders since the election and by the other bureaucrats or elected officials, ness, this dilution of lawfully cast lack of respect shown today for our in- the legislature. votes, this defiance of the Constitu- stitutions, our traditions, and our law In Pennsylvania, the supreme court tion—no remedy. When the State legis- enforcement. The violent assault on unilaterally extended the deadline for lature requested the Governor to con- the Capitol, and the disruption of a ballots to 3 days after the election. vene a special session to address the constitutionally mandated meeting of They actually wanted 10. The supreme unanswered questions and try to pro- Congress, was undertaken by people court is not the legislature. The su- vide a remedy, he refused. whose passions have been inflamed by preme court mandated un-postmarked When votes are accepted under un- falsehoods and false hopes. Insurrec- ballots to be received, destroying the constitutional means without fair and tion could do grave damage to our Na- validity of all the votes that were cast equal protection for all, the only result tion and our reputation. timely. can be an illegitimate outcome—ille- ‘‘In the United States of America, it The supreme court action defied the gitimate. is the fundamental responsibility of law, the legislature, and the will of the The voters did not create this mess, every patriotic citizen to support the people. but the will of the people is absolutely rule of law. To those who are dis- The supreme court authorized the being subverted by the deliberate and appointed in the results of the election: use of drop boxes, where ballot har- willful actions of individuals defying Our country is more important than vesting could occur. The legislature their oath, the law, and the Constitu- the politics of the moment.’’ never authorized that form of voting, tion. and the court had absolutely no right In Pennsylvania, we use the State- b 0030 to do so. wide Uniform Registry of Electors, or Those are not my words. Those are Responding to the secretary of state, SURE, system as the basis of deter- the words of former Republican Presi- , the supreme court mining who can vote. Unfortunately, a dent George W. Bush. ruled that mail-in ballots need not au- recent attempted audit by the Demo- To my colleagues, it is after mid- thenticate signatures. crat State auditor general concluded night tonight. It has been a long day

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06JA7.023 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE H100 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 6, 2021 for our country, a long day for our Re- Mr. MEUSER. Madam Speaker, a day If there is an American ideal that all public. that was intended to debate the impor- citizens, regardless of party affiliation, Let us dispense with this. Let’s do tance of election integrity and the rule can agree upon, it is that we must have the right thing. Let’s honor our oath. of law tragically became a day that election integrity. We should not cer- Let’s certify the results, and let’s get will be a black mark in our Nation’s tify these electors, which were derived back to the work of the American peo- history. Nevertheless, the work of this by unlawful actions and a result of in- ple. House must go on, as America will go accurate vote tallies. Madam Speaker, I yield to the gen- on. Madam Speaker, I yield the remain- tlewoman from California (Ms. LOF- We must all sincerely thank the Cap- der of my time to the gentleman from GREN). itol Police and Metro Police for their Pennsylvania (Mr. JOYCE). Ms. LOFGREN. Madam Speaker, our selfless actions today, putting their Mr. JOYCE of Pennsylvania. Madam duty today is significant but straight- safety and lives on the line to protect Speaker, I rise in support of the objec- forward. We must count the votes of this House. The lawlessness and vio- tion. the electors as cast in the electoral lence of today must be condemned, just Tonight, my heart is heavy as we college and announce the results. as all violent protests must be con- consider the dark acts that transpired As discussed, our roles and respon- demned. in this Chamber today. But, Madam sibilities are established by the Con- Nevertheless, the fact remains, a Speaker, the American people can be stitution and Federal law, and they are large number of Pennsylvanians are assured that violent and irrational at- clear. The facts before us are also enormously frustrated with actions tacks on this body cannot derail the clear. Pennsylvania submitted one taken by elected and appointed offi- constitutional responsibility that lies cials in Pennsylvania, which have led slate of electors, as chosen by the vot- in front of us. ers of the State. The slate was certified to a high level of distrust for this past This has always been about uphold- election. according to State law. Now those law- ing the law. It has always been about ful results must be counted and an- We have the United States Constitu- tion, which is the reason we have been protecting government of, by, and for nounced. the people. Preserving the rule of law Despite and any num- and will continue to be a great country is more important than ever. ber of false claims that you may have and a country of laws. The U.S. Constitution is unambig- We must acknowledge that unconsti- heard, including here today, as former tutional acts unduly impacted the Attorney General Barr said: ‘‘We have uous, Madam Speaker, in declaring that State legislatures are the entity Presidential election in Pennsylvania. not seen fraud on a scale that could Contrary to law, the supreme court ex- have effected a different outcome in with the authority to set election pro- cedures and to enact any changes to tended the deadline for mail-in ballots the election.’’ for 3 days beyond the election day. This is not simply a conclusory election law. Article I, Section 4, Contrary to law, the secretary of the statement. The results of the election Clause 1 states: ‘‘The times, places, and Commonwealth discarded mail-in bal- have been litigated. The record is manner of holding elections . . . shall lot signature verification safeguards. clear: The lawsuits challenging the be prescribed in each State by the leg- These leaders took advantage of a election results failed. They failed be- islature thereof.’’ deadly pandemic and seized the State cause there is simply no evidence to The authority of election procedures legislature’s rightful authority. support these baseless claims. lies with the State legislature, period. Now, it is one thing to tweet a belief, In Pennsylvania, this authority was I took an oath to uphold the law and indisputably usurped by the Pennsyl- quite another to provide actual evi- defend the Constitution. I pledged to vania Governor’s office, by the Penn- dence. These cases failed because there protect free and fair elections. I can- sylvania secretary of state, and by the is no evidence. Judges ruled in the law- not, in good faith, certify electors that Pennsylvania Supreme Court. were selected under an unlawful proc- suits that the 2020 election was sound. These unlawful actions include, but It should come as no surprise that ess. are not limited to, accepting ballots Republican officeholders have recog- I will object to the electoral college past 8 p.m. on election day; incon- certification to protect the will of nized the election results as legitimate sistent application of verified signa- and accurately determined in an elec- Pennsylvania voters, to uphold the ture requirements for in-person ballots law, to restore trust in our electoral tion that was conducted safely, se- versus mail-in ballots; authorizing the curely, and with integrity. system, and, ultimately, to save our curing of mail-in ballots with less than Constitution. We all take an oath to support and 24 hours’ notice, leading to incon- defend the Constitution. As we near At Gettysburg, which is in my dis- sistent preparedness between counties; trict, President Abraham Lincoln the end of the task before us, let’s re- and authorizing the use of unsecured member the beginning of the Constitu- spoke about the great task of ensuring drop boxes, which is not permitted in government by, of, and for the people tion. Before Article II and the 12th statute. Amendment, which spell out the elec- shall not perish from the Earth. If such unlawful actions are to be ac- Mr. MICHAEL F. DOYLE of Pennsyl- toral college, and before Article I, cepted, what do we have to look for- vania. Madam Speaker, I rise in opposi- which creates Congress, the Constitu- ward to next year? The Pennsylvania tion. tion begins with the preamble. The pre- secretary of state allowing online vot- The SPEAKER. The gentleman from amble is short and bold: ‘‘We the peo- ing because it may be raining in Phila- Pennsylvania is recognized for 5 min- ple.’’ delphia? It was a free-for-all. The people spoke in historic num- Madam Speaker, it was back in 2005 utes. Mr. MICHAEL F. DOYLE of Pennsyl- bers. Their votes have been counted. when then- PELOSI, Their choice is clear. It is time, as the while leading 31 Democrats as they ob- vania. Madam Speaker, nearly 7 mil- law requires, to announce the state of jected to the Presidential elector cer- lion Pennsylvanians showed up to vote the people’s vote. tification, as they did in the last three in the 2020 elections. They cast their The violence and disorder inflicted Presidential elections when a Repub- votes for Democrats and Republicans on our democracy by seditious rioters lican won, stated quite well, actually: up and down the ballot, including the today is an indication of why adher- The Members of Congress have entire U.S. House delegation, the en- ence to our Constitution is so vital. brought this challenge and are speak- tire State house, half of the State sen- I urge all of us to stand up for law, ing up for their aggrieved constituents, ate, and other State and local races. for democracy, for our Constitution, many of whom have been disenfran- Since the election, there have been and to stand up for America and reject chised in this process. This is their allegations of widespread election this objection. only opportunity to have this debate fraud in Pennsylvania; but, remark- Mr. MEUSER. Madam Speaker, I rise while the country is listening, and it is ably, the 20 suits filed by the Trump to support the objection. appropriate to do so. campaign, Pennsylvania Republicans, The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Thank you for those words, Madam and others challenging the results in Pennsylvania is recognized for 5 min- Speaker. They were appropriate then, Pennsylvania have never claimed that utes. as they are now. there was voter fraud.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06JA7.050 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H101 b 0040 illogical and inconsistent, colleagues, thority of the State legislature. Fur- Perhaps that is because attorneys and I am pleased to note that the Su- thermore, the chief law officer of the could lose their licenses when they preme Court rejected it as well. Commonwealth sat idly while this make unsubstantiated claims in court. The fact is, the election has received process unfolded. That is where the rubber really meets unprecedented scrutiny in the courts. I Now, I joined many of my colleagues the road. believe it is irresponsible and undemo- in Pennsylvania requesting the legisla- So if these lawsuits didn’t claim elec- cratic to argue today that the U.S. tors in Harrisburg conduct an inves- tion fraud, what did they claim? Congress ought to relitigate the 2020 tigation and audit to ensure such neg- Most of the legal challenges to the Presidential election and second-guess ligence will be prevented in future elec- Presidential election in Pennsylvania the will of the voters in multiple tions. question relatively small numbers of States, the decisions of numerous I have serious concerns about how ballots that were allegedly tainted by State and Federal courts, including the these irregularities in the application technical violations. Even assuming Supreme Court, and the counts and re- of the Commonwealth’s election laws that all of these ballots had been cast counts conducted by State election of- will play in future elections. Only with for Joe Biden, throwing them out ficials. equal application of law will the voters wouldn’t have changed the result of the There were 20 lawsuits filed in Penn- of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania election. sylvania challenging aspects of the have certainty in their election proc- Now, one exception is the lawsuit Presidential election. In 19 of them you esses. filed by one of our colleagues from got laughed out of court. The one case Now, I remain committed to ensuring Pennsylvania, Kelly v. Commonwealth, you won affected roughly 100 votes. Joe the voters receive an electoral system which would have thrown out all the Biden and KAMALA HARRIS won by over they deserve and where equal applica- mail-in votes cast in the 2020 general 80,000. tion of law is guaranteed. If our elec- election on the grounds that Act 77, the Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. tion integrity is compromised, we have State law allowing those votes, was un- Madam Speaker, I rise to support the failed the very voters who have sent us constitutional. That suit would have objection. here to defend the Constitution. disenfranchised 21⁄2 million Pennsylva- The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Madam Speaker, I yield to the gen- nians. Let’s let that sink in, 21⁄2 million Pennsylvania is recognized for 5 min- tleman from Maryland (Mr. HARRIS). Pennsylvanians would have had their utes. Mr. HARRIS. Madam Speaker, I votes nullified. Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. thank the gentleman for yielding. Now, I want to provide my colleagues Madam Speaker, I rise this evening The oath I took is very simple. with some background about the State with a heavy heart. The violence that Madam Speaker, you administered it. law at the heart of this challenge. In occurred today at the U.S. Capitol was It is to support and defend the Con- 2019, the Republican-controlled State senseless, destructive, and counter to stitution. legislature approved Act 77, a bipar- our American values. Now, as you walk back to the office tisan bill to reform the State’s election This past Sunday, each Member of buildings, you will walk by that wall laws, which instituted no-excuse mail this body took an oath to uphold the that has when the various States ac- balloting. Act 77 was supported almost United States Constitution. And while cepted that Constitution. Remember, unanimously by Republicans in the the path of least resistance, particu- when a State accepts the Constitution, State House and State Senate. In fact, larly following today’s events, would it agrees to accept every part of the it was unanimous in the State Senate be to remain silent, my oath to uphold Constitution. It doesn’t get to pick and and all but two Republicans in the the Constitution does not permit me to choose. Pennsylvania was there when it was State House. maintain silence. Moreover, once this Act was passed, While systemic voter fraud was not written. They were so enthusiastic Act 77 had a 120-day period where chal- something proven, we witnessed a sys- about the Constitution, they approved lenges could be filed against the Act if temic failure in the application of it in 1787. My State, Maryland, is a little fur- people thought it was unconstitu- Pennsylvania’s voting law when it ther down the wall, 1788. They were tional. Well, 4 months went by, nobody comes to the 2020 general election. there when it was written. files a challenge. On , Pennsyl- In late 2019, the Commonwealth re- The clause that gave the legislature vania had their primary under this new visited and modernized its election law the power over the elections was there system. Nobody challenged the pri- with the bipartisan Act 77. Granted, in when they accepted it. It has been mary election. It was only challenged late 2019, the Commonwealth’s legisla- there since. How dare the judicial in November, when Republicans didn’t ture did not have the foresight to an- branch or the executive branch of that get the result they wanted at the top of ticipate how COVID–19 would present State usurp the legislative authority. the ticket. Not surprisingly, this case challenges to voting. Despite that, it is That is a clear violation of the Con- was dismissed by the Pennsylvania Su- not up to the Governor, the secretary stitution. preme Court and an appeal to the U.S. of the Commonwealth, nor the State Now, we heard there is no evidence. Supreme Court was denied. supreme court to unilaterally create Evidence? Another exception is Texas v. Penn- law. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court sylvania. They asked the court to re- The election abuses to Pennsylvania unilaterally extended the deadline to ject the results of the Pennsylvania Act 77 taken by the Pennsylvania exec- receive absentee and mail-in ballots. Presidential contest in Pennsylvania utive branch and upheld by the Penn- Does anybody contest that over here? and several other States, sylvania judicial branch were clearly Does it say the legislature did that? disenfranchising tens of millions of the unconstitutional and had an obvious, if No, it doesn’t. It says the court did voters. Seven Republican members of not major, impact on the 2020 election, it. the Pennsylvania U.S. House delega- particularly when it comes to the citi- That is a violation. That is what the tion signed the U.S. House Republican zens’ faith in the electoral process. Texas lawsuit was all about. We dis- brief in support of Texas v. Pennsyl- Irregularities in Pennsylvania in- advantage other States when States vania. cluded: Uneven application of the law; like Pennsylvania, the executive While I feel compelled to point out to ballot curing; ignoring signature vali- branch and judicial branch, cheat on my colleagues that the same voters dation requirements; using unsecured the Constitution; and that is what they who sent them to the 117th Congress drop boxes; accepting ballots beyond did here. cast their votes for the President by the deadlines; and interfering with cer- But there is more evidence. But wait, marking the very same ballots, which tified poll watcher access, among oth- there is more. The Democrat secretary were read by the very same ballot scan- ers. of the Commonwealth eroded integrity ners and monitored by the very same These actions were taken by the by dismissing signature authentication election workers. Yet our colleagues Commonwealth’s Governor and sec- on a ballot. who signed the brief only want to in- retary of state where the Pennsylvania Does anyone here believe the Penn- validate the Presidential votes. This is Supreme Court circumvented the au- sylvania legislature would have agreed

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06JA7.052 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE H102 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 6, 2021 to create a separate system for mail-in are as clear as they are overwhelming. Russian collusion are the same people ballots and in-person ballots? That if The only question that remains is this: trying to discredit hardworking Amer- you mail it in, you don’t need a signa- Will this House reaffirm our fidelity to ican poll watchers who are risking per- ture? But if you vote in person, you do our democracy, or will we end it? jury by signing affidavits confirming and it has to be authenticated? I must concede, Madam Speaker, I massive voter fraud in multiple States. Of course not. The legislature clearly have been naive about one subject. I al- The same fake news who took the wouldn’t have agreed to that. But that ways just assumed our democracy word of Christine Blasey Ford against didn’t stop the usurpation of constitu- would naturally endure, almost as if it Justice Kavanaugh, who her own tional authority. was predestined, I never even ques- friends denied happened, also dismissed Madam Chair, I vigorously support tioned it until the last several years. the sworn under penalty of perjury ac- this objection, and I include in the Two centuries ago, one of our Found- counts from people who witnessed the RECORD the objection to counting the ing Fathers cautioned against this no- election fraud. electoral votes for the State of Arizona tion. John Adams wrote, ‘‘Remember, The same fact-checkers who told you additional signers. democracy never lasts long. It soon that Dominion machines weren’t con- OBJECTION TO COUNTING THE ELECTORAL wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. nected to the internet and couldn’t be VOTES FOR THE STATE OF ARIZONA There was never a democracy yet that hacked are the same people telling you ADDITIONAL SIGNERS did not commit suicide.’’ that there has been no voter fraud and Jeff Duncan SC–3 I now realize the wisdom of his no violations of election law. But it has Matt Gaetz FL–1 words. Never again will I take for been proven that these machines are granted our democracy. It must be connected and that they can be hacked. b 0050 jealously defended by every generation. We have heard repeatedly argued Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Pennsyl- Always. that objecting to these ballots is un- vania. Madam Speaker, I rise in opposi- But, Madam Speaker, despite the constitutional and violates the rights tion. alarm, I feel that our democracy has of State legislatures. They would rath- The SPEAKER. The gentleman from been brought to this breaking point, as er us affirm fraud and pass the buck Pennsylvania is recognized for 5 min- we have seen today. Nonetheless, I still back to States rather than following utes. maintain hope. the process Madison, Hamilton, Jeffer- Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Pennsyl- Growing up in , raised in son, and the Framers of the Constitu- vania. Madam Speaker, tonight, we an immigrant family, I was often tion designed. will not be picking the President, for brought down to visit the historic When States fail to do their job, we the people did that on November 3. sights. Every summer, without fail, we are the last line of defense. Congress is Rather, tonight, in this House, we will would spend a day seeing Independence here for this exact situation. We are decide whether American democracy Hall, , the Liberty Bell. here to be the fail-safe when States survives. Let us be under no illusion. It was at where refuse to protect the people’s votes. These are the stakes. If this objection our Nation was declared free and our By objecting today, we are telling succeeds and the will of 7 million Penn- Constitution born. At the Constitu- the thousands of witnesses who signed sylvania voters is cast aside, it will be tional Convention, the oldest and most affidavits that we have their back, and the end of our representative democ- widely accomplished delegate was Ben- we will not allow local officials who racy. jamin Franklin, one of our greatest violate their own election laws to steal Now, there is no reasonable debate Founding Fathers and my city’s great- this election from those who lawfully about what happened in this election in est citizen. voted. Pennsylvania. Seven million Penn- On the final day, as the last delegates I yield to the gentleman from South sylvanians voted. Joe Biden won by were signing the Constitution, Frank- Carolina (Mr. NORMAN). over 81,000 votes. This was certified in lin pointed to the painted Sun on the Mr. NORMAN. Madam Speaker, I rise 67 counties by bipartisan local-elected back of the Convention chair. Observ- today to support the foundation of our officials, including Republicans. And ing the painters had found it difficult democracy, the Constitution of the every single court, whether the judge is to distinguish a rising Sun from a set- United States of America. This docu- a Democrat or a Republican, has re- ting Sun, Franklin went on to say: ment is the fabric and the solid founda- affirmed this outcome. I have often, during the course of this ses- tion of a nation we call America, which The objectors, however, claim we do sion, looked at that Sun without being able has been a beacon of hope and a shining not know the will of the people because to tell whether it was rising or setting. But city on for over 230 years. the election in Pennsylvania was some- now, at length, I have the happiness to know The words of our Constitution, as how conducted corruptly. Much of it is a rising Sun. spelled out in Article II, Section 1, are their objection centers around the Madam Speaker, on a day like today, very clear when it comes to our elec- State law passed in 2019 known as Act when a mob has stormed the Capitol, tions: mandating, not suggesting, not 77 that gives voters the option of ex- and some Members are threatening the implying, but mandating that State panded mail-in voting. Objectors are core of our democracy, it can be hard legislatures, not secretaries of State, alleging that this law was somehow a to tell whether for American democ- not State commissions, not county of- brilliant plot by Democrats to dis- racy the Sun is rising or setting. But I ficials, not Governors, but State legis- advantage Republicans and rig elec- maintain my faith that tonight, by an lators prescribe the time, place, and tions. This is laughable. overwhelming bipartisan majority in manner of holding elections. Here are the facts. Act 77 was a Re- Congress, we will uphold the will of This mandate was not followed in the publican-led effort in a Republican- ‘‘We the People,’’ and our democracy great State of Pennsylvania. If we controlled legislature. Literally, every will live. allow this fraud to go on—in a football single Republican in the Pennsylvania Mrs. GREENE of Georgia. Madam analogy, the moving of the goalpost Senate voted for it. And in the state- Speaker, I rise to support the objec- after the ball has been kicked and in house, the vote among Republicans was tion. the air—the preview of coming attrac- 105–2. The SPEAKER. The gentlewoman tions will be future elections that do Here is what the Republican speaker from Georgia is recognized for 5 min- not adhere to honest and open voting of the Pennsylvania House had to say utes. by ‘‘We the People’’ and the loss of our about Act 77: This bill does not benefit Mrs. GREENE of Georgia. I would great Republic. one party or the other or any one can- like to point out that all the cases that As a lady told me not long ago, don’t didate or single election. It serves to have been thrown out have been spit in my face and tell me it is rain- preserve the integrity of every election thrown out on standing, not the evi- ing. This is exactly what has happened and lift the voice of every voter in the dence of voter fraud. I would also like to the American people in this elec- Commonwealth. to point out the same people who, for 4 tion. In the words of Winston Church- So there is no question as to the years, have failed to find a shred of evi- ill, when Great Britain was under siege facts surrounding this election. They dence to convict President Trump of by , he said: There will be a

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06JA7.053 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H103 time when doing your best is not good In fact, contrary to the assertion of the Pennsylvania Constitution and fol- enough. We must do what is required. my colleague from Georgia across the lowed the letter of the law; but, unfor- And we must do what is required to aisle, not a single lawsuit in Pennsyl- tunately, that sentiment is not shared save this great Republic. vania alleged fraud. The gentlewoman across the Commonwealth. Ms. WILD. Madam Speaker, I rise in may not be aware of this, but allega- Today, my objection is not about opposition. tions of fraud require specificity and voter fraud; it is grounded on unconsti- The SPEAKER. The gentlewoman detail, and no lawyer could risk his or tutional measures taken by bureau- from Pennsylvania is recognized for 5 her license to make such false claims. crats and partisan justices in the Com- minutes. I am heartened that several of the monwealth of Pennsylvania that have Ms. WILD. Madam Speaker, as terri- country’s leading Republicans, includ- unlawfully changed how this election fying as today was here in the people’s ing Senate Republican Majority Leader was carried out. This potentially House, it was, thankfully, fairly short MCCONNELL, Senator , changed the outcome and certainly in duration. In contrast, the pain and and former Republican Speaker of the caused millions of our States’ voters to fear that so many Americans are expe- House , have spoken out question the election results. Other riencing this year has been long and against this political stunt. speakers have outlined this issue. continuous to this very moment. Senator ROMNEY said: ‘‘The egregious In brief, the Pennsylvania State Leg- Rather than pitting Americans ploy to reject electors may enhance the islature, in 2019, passed a bipartisan against Americans, as we are here, we political ambition of some, but dan- election law reform bill, and then the should be working to ensure rapid dis- gerously threatens our democratic Re- partisan Pennsylvania Supreme Court tribution of vaccines and adequate re- public.’’ took it upon themselves to rewrite lief to Americans who are struggling And as former Republican Represent- that law just 7 weeks before the elec- economically because of this horrific ative from my district tion. They unlawfully legislated from pandemic. But we are not doing that. said, the claim by the President of the bench and made substantive Instead, we have witnessed a stunning voter fraud in our State ‘‘was simply changes to the law, including allowing assault on our democracy itself. reprehensible; the truth is that he sup- for unsecured drop boxes and ordering This challenge is not an act of patri- pressed his own vote by discouraging that ballots received after the election otism. The position of the objectors is mail-in voting.’’ be counted, among other things. completely incompatible with patriot- And as Pennsylvania State Senator The Pennsylvania Secretary of State ism. Our country is defined by her great Gene Yaw, also a Republican, has said: took it even further. Her unilateral, people, and our democracy is defined ‘‘My question is, if the mail-in voting unconstitutional changes resulted in above all else by our Constitution, a of Act 77 was so bad, why did The counties treating ballots differently so Constitution that these individuals Trump Organization send out a mail-in that some voters had the opportunity want to ignore because they have de- ballot application to every registered to change mail-in ballots to correct de- cided that their judgment, the judg- Republican in the State?’’ ficiencies, while in other counties, Today, I am thinking of all of the ment of a small minority of partisan their ballots simply were not counted. people who took the time to do their As Members of Congress, we serve as elites, should somehow override that of civic duty and vote, many standing in a voice for our constituents. This is the the more than 155 million Americans long lines or painstakingly researching one time I have a voice in this process, who participated in this election. That, how to vote by mail correctly. and I cannot simply look away when my friends, is not democracy. We reject these disgraceful attacks tens of thousands of my constituents b 0100 on the voters of Pennsylvania and this have real and legitimate concerns We should all remember this coun- attempt to throw out their votes. about how this election was conducted try’s founding was a rejection of mon- To those in this Chamber who may in Pennsylvania. archy, a rejection of the notion that cynically believe that stoking the In fact, I think an inadequate re- any one person could be all-powerful. forces of disinformation and division sponse to those concerns by Pennsyl- Our commitment to self-determination may be worth a short-term benefit to vania officials is one of the major prob- is what gave rise to our Declaration of their political careers, I would urge se- lems. Simple measures like audits Independence and our Constitution. It rious self-reflection. should be routine and random and sup- is why our Founders made Our democracy is one of the most ported by both parties, and I believe to build a country anchored in respect precious resources of the American they are critical for restoring faith in for the rule of law rather than one tied people, protected against enormous Pennsylvania’s elections moving for- to the whims of men. It is why we have odds and at great sacrifice by each gen- ward. free and fair elections that allow us to eration of servicemembers and every- The bottom line for my constituents vote out those who hold office. day citizens who put their lives on the is that Pennsylvania’s officials, at all I am proud to join the vast majority line to build a freer and more equitable levels, failed to conduct a uniform and of my colleagues in both Chambers, Re- nation. They deserve better than what legal election, and for that reason, publicans and Democrats alike, in is happening in this Chamber today. they inappropriately and unlawfully making it clear that our democracy is Mr. SMUCKER. Madam Speaker, I certified the State’s electors. bigger than any of us. rise today in support of the objection. Madam Speaker, I yield the balance Let’s be clear: Joe Biden and KAMALA The SPEAKER. The gentleman from of my time to the gentleman from HARRIS won a victory of 306 electoral Pennsylvania is recognized for 5 min- Pennsylvania (Mr. KELLER), my col- votes in the electoral college, the same utes. league. margin that President Trump won by Mr. SMUCKER. Madam Speaker, I Mr. KELLER. Madam Speaker, I in 2016 when he called it a landslide. would like to start by making two thank the gentleman from Pennsyl- Nearly 7 million of my fellow Penn- basic points: vania (Mr. SMUCKER) for yielding. sylvanians braved this devastating Number one, individual States who Madam Speaker, the violence that pandemic and economic crisis to cast administer elections must ensure that occurred in the Capitol today was their ballots, culminating in a total they are conducted fairly, uniformly, shameful, unacceptable, and un-Amer- turnout of more than 70 percent, the and in accordance with the law; and ican. We are a nation of laws, not law- highest in the history of the Common- Number two, every American wants lessness, and we will never give in to wealth of Pennsylvania. And nation- to be, and deserves to be, confident the mob. wide, we saw record-breaking turnout. that our elections are secure and that Thank you to the men and women of Both in Pennsylvania and nationally, all eligible legal votes are counted ac- our Capitol Police and other law en- the President’s efforts to overturn the curately and in a transparent manner. forcement agencies who heroically de- election results in the courts failed re- And I will say this. In my district in fended this building. soundingly, with many of the strongest Lancaster and York Counties, I think The criminal behavior we witnessed rebukes coming from judges the Presi- that occurred. I am very proud of my today does not erase the facts before dent himself appointed. county election officials, who upheld us.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06JA7.056 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE H104 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 6, 2021 I am objecting to the certification of Instead of using this time to dispute b 0110 Pennsylvania’s electoral votes because the results of our fair and lawful elec- Together, they exceeded their au- Governor Tom Wolf, Secretary of State tion, we should be spending this time thority by extending the deadline for Kathy Boockvar, and the Pennsylvania making sure vaccines are quickly given absentee ballots and by waiving signa- Supreme Court violated the State leg- to essential workers and our most vul- ture requirements for those ballots. islature’s clear constitutional author- nerable communities, that people are In their haste to make these changes, ity to set election proceedings. getting housing. the secretary and the court created Under the Pennsylvania Constitu- We should look at rental assistance. two different and unequal standards for tion, only the General Assembly has We should ensure that that is avail- voters. Pennsylvanians who chose to the power to set election law. able. vote in person still had to have their Additionally, Article II of the U.S. Small businesses, the engines of our signatures verified at their polling Constitution explicitly grants State economy, should be getting needed place, but those who chose to vote by legislatures, not the Governor acting grants and loans. mail did not. How is this process fair? alone and not the courts, the explicit That should be our focus. This objection is about Pennsylvania, power to determine the manner of ap- Hospitals desperately need support but it affects every State. As a State pointing Presidential electors. and help. We should be paying atten- Representative of New Mexico, Penn- Pennsylvania’s court unlawfully ex- tion to the needs of hospitals. sylvania’s unconstitutional actions dis- tended the deadline to receive absentee We are in the middle of a pandemic enfranchised my constituents and the and mail-in ballots. Governor Wolf’s where hundreds of thousands of people constituents of my colleagues. It is my administration dismissed signature au- are dying, and we are in a recession duty to give my constituents a voice. thentication procedures for absentee that is putting millions of Americans and mail-in ballots, allowed for the un- Signing these objections raises their at risk of hunger, homelessness, or concerns to the fullest extent my office even administration of the election both. It is time we start legislating for across counties, and unilaterally allows. the people. I, again, condemn in the strongest changed Pennsylvania’s election code One last person I want to mention is terms the violence that took place here without the State legislature’s con- our junior Senator, Senator TOOMEY. yesterday. We have many issues to sent. There are very few things that he and The Constitution is clear and the solve, including reforms to restore all I agree on, but he has stated very Americans’ faith in the fairness of our facts are indisputable. clearly that Joe Biden has won this This past weekend, each Member of elections. I look forward to those seri- election. He has stood up on the Senate this body stood in this Chamber and ous civil and peaceful debates. floor and he has stated that. swore an oath to protect and defend Madam Speaker, I yield the balance So it needs to be very clear that the our Constitution. I intend to fulfill my of my time to the gentleman from late Governor Thornburgh; Albert constitutional oath which the people of (Mr. DUNCAN). Schmidt, the commissioner; and our Pennsylvania have entrusted in me. My Mr. DUNCAN. Madam Speaker, this current junior Senator all have one objection is grounded in the Constitu- process we are going through today tion and rule of law. thing in common: democracy first, par- isn’t about personalities. This isn’t If we allow the Governor to violate tisanship second. Let’s keep that in about Joe Biden or Donald Trump. As the constitutional rights of the Gen- mind. hard as some try to paint it that way, eral Assembly, what is stopping him Ms. HERRELL. Madam Speaker, I let me say that names and personal- from violating the constitutional rise in support of the objection. ities don’t matter. This is, gravely, rights of the 12.8 million Pennsylva- The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes about the Constitution of the United nians our State legislators were elected the gentlewoman from New Mexico for States. to represent? 5 minutes. Almost 20 years ago, after the at- Mr. EVANS. Madam Speaker, I rise Ms. HERRELL. Madam Speaker, this tacks on 9/11, Americans were per- in opposition to the objection. is not how I imagined my first speech suaded to give up some of their con- The SPEAKER. The gentleman from in the House of Representatives or my stitutional liberties. Using the jus- Pennsylvania is recognized for 5 min- first week to be in Washington. tification of that global crisis, the ter- utes. The violence that occurred in this rorist attacks on that fateful day, Mr. EVANS. Madam Speaker, I rep- building yesterday is reprehensible and America saw the erosion of their lib- resent the Third District of Pennsyl- inexcusable. I am appalled by anyone erties for the safety and security many vania, which includes part of Philadel- who assaults our Nation’s law enforce- felt they may receive through the USA phia, the birthplace of America. It was ment officers. and other resulting in Philadelphia that the Constitution I swore an oath on Sunday to support processes too many felt would keep us of the United States was written and and defend the Constitution of the safe from another attack here on our signed, the very Constitution that we United States. We are here today de- shore. are all sworn to uphold as Members of layed, but not deterred, to debate a This year, using the justification of the House of Representatives. constitutional question and follow a the global pandemic, COVID–19, we We are elected to serve our constitu- constitutional process. once again saw our Nation’s Constitu- ents, and it is our job to represent The Constitution gives State legisla- tion violated. You see, the Constitu- them and their interests in Congress. tors, not State executives or judges, tion is clear in Article II, Madam Yesterday, I spoke to the son of the the sole authority to determine how Speaker, that the power and duty to late Dick Thornburgh, who is a two- their State selects Presidential elec- set the manner of national elections time Republican Governor of Pennsyl- tors. rests solely with the State legislatures. vania and was Attorney General under Nobody disputes that in Pennsyl- That power doesn’t rest with us. That President and Presi- vania, as well as in other States, rules power didn’t rest in the hands of dent Bush. His son stressed to me that and regulations were changed by execu- unelected county election officials, sec- his father would have wanted the rule tive fiat or judicial edict. retaries of state, or a supreme court of law to prevail regardless of the polit- These changes were significant and but, rather, in the hands of the State ical outcome, because he cared more irregular. They included changes to legislatures, which pass laws setting about the safeguarding of democracy vote-by-mail deadlines, identity verifi- the manner of elections held in their than partisanship. cation requirements, and other ballot States. In addition, Al Schmidt, who was a handling practices. This year, using the extraordinary Republican commissioner of elections, In Pennsylvania specifically, the circumstance of the COVID–19 pan- said, when Philadelphia certified its re- Democrat Secretary of the Common- demic, we witnessed these duly passed sults on : ‘‘I’m proud that wealth and the Democrat-controlled laws circumvented and usurped time the birthplace of our Republic held the Pennsylvania Supreme Court usurped and again, not by having the laws most transparent and secure election the constitutional authority of the changed in the respective State legisla- in the .’’ State legislature. tive bodies, but those laws arbitrarily

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06JA7.058 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H105 and unilaterally changed by county so too must the votes for President- truth. They inspire confidence and clerks; secretaries of state; and, in this elect Biden. unity rather than sowing division and case of Pennsylvania, an elected su- We have also heard today concerns strife. There is a striking parallel be- preme court, which is supposed to in- about mail-in ballots. I am not a law- tween our nascent country and what terpret the law, not make law. yer, but I am an engineer and, there- they endured in Valley Forge and what When those nonlegislative entities fore, a student of numbers. It wasn’t we are enduring right now: A hard win- change the laws without getting the just Democrats who voted by mail. It ter of division, illness running ramp- general assemblies to change the law, was not a free-for-all, as it was de- ant, and an uncertain future. in my opinion, the resulting ballots scribed earlier. Madam Speaker, 600,000 Today, our country’s resolve is being cast, either by mail or in person, those Republicans in Pennsylvania across the tested, and I know that we will pass ballots were illegal under the law. State voted by mail. By questioning this test together and be made strong- Illegal ballots should not be counted. the election results, you are telling er. We now have the opportunity and Therefore, the resulting electoral votes those Pennsylvanians that the hours the responsibility to do that tonight by should be considered invalid. they spent in line to cast their ballot upholding the will of the people, by What bothers me is that so many of or the trip they took to the post office voting to certify the results of this you are okay with that, that so many in the middle of a pandemic just didn’t electoral college and by moving for- Americans, because their person won, matter. ward with a servant heart and a com- you are okay with the manner in which Alan Novak is a man who served as mon resolve to preserve this great ex- that victory was gained. the chair of the Republican Party in periment that is the United States of It is politics. Look, I get it. But we Pennsylvania for nearly a decade. I will America. didn’t swear an oath to play politics. say that again. The Chair of the Repub- Mr. BABIN. Madam Speaker, I rise in We swore an oath to the United States lican Party of Pennsylvania for a dec- support of the objection. Constitution. As ade is one of those voters I am talking The SPEAKER. The gentleman from said: The Constitution is the guide about in Pennsylvania. He lives in my Texas is recognized for 5 minutes. which I will never abandon. district, and he split his ticket. He Mr. BABIN. It is with great pride and Ms. HOULAHAN. Madam Speaker, I voted for me as his Member of Congress a profound sense of responsibility that rise in opposition to the objection. and also for President Trump. And he I object to the 2020 election in the The SPEAKER. The gentlewoman eloquently said: State of Pennsylvania. from Pennsylvania is recognized for 5 What makes America great, exceptional, I am very proud to stand alongside minutes. and enduring is our commitment to our gov- fellow patriots who have pushed back Ms. HOULAHAN. Madam Speaker, ernment of laws, our orderly constitutional against a fraudulent and criminal elec- first, I do want to acknowledge the process that settles our election disputes, tion process—a process that was the devastating events of the last 12 hours and our peaceful transfer of power with re- antithesis to the very rule of law that spect and civility. It is easy when it is pretty governs these United States. and to express my deep appreciation and the outcome is not controversial. But for those who have worked to secure when it is not pretty and there is con- At the same time, standing here to- this building and safeguard our democ- troversy, then it is even more important night is surreal because this is a crit- racy. On behalf of my colleagues, we that we respect, honor, and abide by our re- ical juncture that will undoubtedly de- are all grateful for your service. vered and tested process for the orderly termine the survivability of this great I ran for this office on a platform of transfer of power. Perhaps that may be all Republic. civility and decency, and many of my that we can agree on, and it is the need for Our free and fair election process— colleagues and constituents know that grace, respect, and civility. and by extension, the people’s trust in I am a third-generation , and I So I ask my colleagues across the its legitimacy—is what has separated grew up in a household. aisle: Are you willing to disenfranchise us as a nation. A process that we have people like Mr. Novak and the more shared with the world, its moral force. b 0120 than 400,000 people in Pennsylvania’s A process that now, sadly, has been Madam Speaker, what you may not Sixth District? bastardized by those more interested in know, though, is that I grew up in a di- Perhaps some of the independent and the maintenance of power than they vided household. Throughout my child- pragmatic spirit that is so prevalent are in the free and open voice of the hood, one parent voted Democrat and among voters in my community comes American people. the other Republican. In my purple from the history of the place that we If I remember correctly, Democrats household, I learned that duty to coun- call home. Many Americans have vis- were calling for transparency in 2000 try was far more important than party ited Philadelphia and our historic and 2004, when George W. Bush was allegiance. With each election, my fa- sites, but very few make it out to my elected; and again in 2016, when Presi- ther would say: ‘‘And when the election community, which is the home of Val- dent Trump took office. is done, we salute smartly and we carry ley Forge. Here, General George Wash- Where are you now? on.’’ ington led the Continental Army to I ask this, Madam Speaker: What do Now I live in and I serve in a commu- winter quarters. The war had not been you have to lose by having a thorough nity that has a lot in common with the going well for our young soldiers, and investigation to determine the validity home that I grew up in. It, too, is a that winter was harder still. It was bit- of these votes? purple place that honors civility and terly cold, and food shortages and Why not encourage an investigation decency. Pennsylvania’s Sixth District were abundant. Many people to relieve the concerns of half of the is, in many ways, a microcosm of the died. people in this country? Commonwealth and of our Nation. Our We remember what happened there If you are so convinced that Biden voter registration in Chester County is because it was a test of our endurance, was elected legitimately, what do you 40–40–20, R, D, and I. Voters across my a demonstration of devotion to mission have to fear? district commonly split their ticket, and to our country over ourselves. If there was no fraud, simply show us some voting for President-elect Biden of that awful winter expe- the proof. Investigate it. Validate it. while also voting down the ballot for rience, our troops emerged better This isn’t about one candidate versus Republicans for our State legislature. trained, united, and ultimately vic- another. This is about upholding the What some of my colleagues are ar- torious. In those harsh, dark times, principles that are indispensable to the guing today is that those very ballots they found their common ground and existence of the democratic Republic are illegitimate. My colleagues cannot their fortitude. that we are so fortunate to call home. honestly believe that. In fact, just this Just like then, it is in these trying I have no doubt that there was wide- week they joined me on the House floor moments when we learn who our lead- spread election fraud this past Novem- to be sworn in to this hallowed body, ers truly are. They are the ones who ber, and I am not alone. I stand here and they trusted that the votes cast in don’t just represent the people or give today speaking for 75 million Ameri- their favor were legitimate. And they orders or ready us for a fight. They are cans whose voice was unconstitution- are right. If those votes counted, then those who educate and who speak ally silenced.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06JA7.060 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE H106 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 6, 2021 To you, the silenced, I say this: I will Ms. DEAN. Madam Speaker, this is a The SPEAKER. The gentlewoman continue to fight for you. You have sad day for America—a day of shame, a from Florida is recognized for 5 min- been heard. For more than 240 years, day of ignominy, an attack on this utes. tyranny has sought to extinguish the Capitol, an attack on our country. Mrs. CAMMACK. Madam Speaker, as light of freedom. Madam Speaker, our words matter. a new Representative here, I did not As Ronald Reagan said before: Free- Mobs, thugs, insurrectionists, domestic envision my first speech on the House dom is a fragile thing, and it is never terrorists attacked our government floor to be this, here tonight, but rath- more than one generation away from with the aim of attacking our free and er, a tribute to our first responders and extinction. fair elections. frontline workers who have been a The Constitution and the Bible on Make no mistake, these terrorists shining light in an otherwise tough which it stands is stronger than the came armed, armed with false flags; year for us all. cheap tyrannical tactics of those who armed with hate; armed with weapons; After the events tonight, I am espe- seek to destroy it. and, tragically, armed with lies force- cially grateful for our men and women Madam Speaker, I yield to the gen- fed to them by those at the highest who put service above self, confronting tleman from North Carolina (Mr. level of government, including some lawlessness and danger while pro- BUDD). from the legislative and, yes, the exec- tecting this very Chamber, its Mem- Mr. BUDD. Madam Speaker, mob vio- utive branches. Incited by the one at bers, and our constitutional Republic. lence is not representative of our coun- the highest level of government, they As a Member of the people’s House, try or of this building. The American attacked people, property, this Capitol, and the wife of a first responder, thank people—at least the ones who are still this cathedral of democracy. you to our law enforcement here today. up watching right now—have seen this Words matter. In his last words to But, especially, after tonight’s unac- body return to a peaceful debate. And our Nation and to all of us here, our ceptable breach of the people’s House, I that is the American way. So let’s get dear colleague, John Lewis, wrote last am furthermore resolved in the fact back to that debate and let’s talk for a July: ‘‘Democracy is not a state. It is that we, as representatives of the peo- moment about Pennsylvania. an act.’’ And each generation has an ple, must take a stand for every Ameri- For decades, absentee voting was re- obligation to preserve its institutions. can’s right to a free and fair election as served for members of the military and Democracy is a series of acts, acts by guaranteed by the Constitution. citizens who are medically or phys- you and by me, by citizens, one build- Article I, Section 4, Clause 1 of the ically unable to get to the polls. But in ing upon the other and another—not Constitution explicitly rests the time 2019, Pennsylvania dramatically in- acts that we have heard and seen and and manner of our elections in the creased the amount of ballots that suffered today, words and acts to incite hands of our State legislatures. How- would be cast in the Presidential elec- violence, acts that tear at the very fab- ever, State law in the 2020 election was tion through expanded, no-excuse, ric of our democracy. modified or circumvented without ap- mail-in voting. Madam Speaker, yet, I have hope. proval of the State legislature. These On , Pennsylvania’s We, too, are armed. We are armed with actions are in clear violation of the Democrat-controlled Supreme Court the facts. We are armed with the truth. Constitution, specifically Article II, violated the Constitution by extending We are armed with the love of our Section 1, Clause 2, which grants State the deadline to receive mail-in ballots. country. We are armed with our sworn legislatures the sole authority to es- Article II states that legislatures, not oaths. And we are armed with our pre- tablish how State Presidential electors the courts, determine the time, man- cious Constitution. are appointed. ner, and place of their States’ elec- We have faced tyranny and insurrec- These changes, along with other elec- tions. But Pennsylvania’s high court tion before. We are here tonight to her- tion irregularities throughout the 2020 directed the State officials to assume ald to America and to the world: We election, require me, as a Member of that non-postmarked ballots were re- will defend our democracy, and we will this body, to object to the certification ceived on time without any evidence endure. of these electoral votes, just as my col- that they were sent before election Madam Speaker, when I came into leagues across the aisle have objected day. work this morning, as I was preparing to every Republican Presidential elec- On , while early voting was to come to the floor, I read Tom Fried- tion over the last 20 years. already underway, the State supreme man’s op-ed, which began with the Tonight, as we undertake the very court ruled that election officials did words from the Gospel of Mark: For serious responsibility of debating these not have to authenticate signatures for what shall it profit a man if he gain State electoral certifications, I urge mail-in ballots. the whole world but lose his soul? my colleagues to listen earnestly and To sum it up, Pennsylvania officials For what shall it profit any man. with an open mind, remembering that illegally did three critical things: Madam Speaker, I urge my Repub- just 3 days ago, we swore an oath to One, they radically expanded vote by lican colleagues to have the courage to the United States Constitution, not a mail for virtually any reason. uphold their oath, courage like that of . Two, they removed restrictions when Congresswoman Margaret Chase Our constituents are counting on us. a ballot can be sent in. Smith, a lifelong Republican and the Our country is counting on us. Our Three, they removed signature verifi- cation on those very ballots. first in her party to speak out against children are counting on us, and we Just this week, the Pennsylvania McCarthyism. Putting duty over fear, cannot let them down. Senate pleaded with Members of this she said: ‘‘I do not want to see the Re- Madam Speaker, in December, 25 of body to delay certification until the publican Party ride to political victory my freshman colleagues and I sent you Supreme Court resolves these disputes. on the Four Horsemen of Calumny— a letter imploring you to investigate The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Fear, Ignorance, Bigotry, and Smear. these election irregularities. To date, violated their own constitution. They Surely, we Republicans are not that we have not received a response. That violated the U.S. Constitution. They desperate for victory.’’ brings us to today. My colleagues across the aisle have opened the door for thousands of un- Madam Speaker, for today, we have verifiable ballots. seen the cost of victory by such means. repeatedly invoked our Founding Fa- Because they failed to guarantee the It shook the very walls of this building. ther, , who fa- integrity of their votes, I cannot con- Our colleagues know there is no truth mously said: We have a republic, if we sent to accepting Pennsylvania’s elec- to this challenge. can keep it. toral votes. For what shall it profit a man. I say, let’s keep it. Madam Speaker, it has been my sol- Madam Speaker, it is with that senti- b 0130 emn honor to participate in this sad ment in mind that I ask my colleagues Ms. DEAN. Madam Speaker, I rise in day. I pray for our country. to defend the power vested in this leg- opposition to the challenge. Mrs. CAMMACK. Madam Speaker, I islative branch by the U.S. Constitu- The SPEAKER. The gentlewoman rise to support the objection of the tion and reject the certification of the from Pennsylvania is recognized for 5 electoral certification of the Common- electoral votes of the State in ques- minutes. wealth of Pennsylvania. tion. It is our responsibility to have

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06JA7.062 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H107 courage in the face of adversity and Madam Speaker, I wanted to point Mr. GRIFFITH. Yes, ma’am. The bring integrity back to this process. out to all these great lovers and sup- point of order would be that the gen- Madam Speaker, I yield the balance porters of the Pennsylvania legislature tleman said that there were lies on this of my time to the gentleman from the that it was the Republican Pennsyl- floor here today, looking over in this great State of Texas (Mr. ARRINGTON). vania legislature that passed a Repub- direction. I ask that those words be Mr. ARRINGTON. Madam Speaker, I lican bill that they all voted for and taken down. thank the gentlewoman from the great supported that set up the system under We may have a disagreement on mat- State of Florida (Mrs. CAMMACK), my which we just ran the election, and ters, but— friend. that the reason the President lost was The SPEAKER. Madam Speaker, as Americans, we because he was not as popular as other The gentleman’s demand is not time- believe governments receive their just Republicans in our State. He got fewer ly. powers from the consent of the gov- votes than all of them. The gentleman from Pennsylvania erned. That sacred transaction can Madam Speaker, I wanted to lay out will proceed. only happen legitimately in a free and all this evidence because I thought it Mr. LAMB. Madam Speaker, the fact fair election. was a sign of respect for my colleagues is, at the end of the day, it hurts. It Election integrity is the very life- and for all the Americans out there hurts them; it hurts this country. It blood of our unrivaled system of self- who don’t know who to trust. I was hurts all of us. But the fact is that the government. The law and the Constitu- raised on that. I was raised on that re- people have made this country work by tion gave Congress not only the au- spect, which makes this a hard speech not giving in. thority but, I believe, the responsi- for me to give. Because to do this with Go ahead. Shout it out. bility to serve as the last check on the One last thing to say, Madam Speak- any kind of honesty means admitting integrity of our Presidential elections. er. And I thank you for your patience. and declaring in this House that these We either believe, according to statute, All people tonight, objections don’t deserve an ounce of re- that every elector was ‘‘lawfully cer- Madam Speaker— spect—not an ounce. tified’’ and ‘‘regularly given,’’ or we Madam Speaker, the truth hurts. But don’t. b 0140 the fact is this: We want this govern- States certainly have broad dele- A woman died out there tonight, and ment to work more than they want it gated powers to administer Federal you are making these objections. to fail. elections, but they still must operate Let’s be clear about what happened After everything that has happened within the bounds of the Constitution. in this Chamber today. Invaders came today, we want that more than ever. Despite receiving numerous peti- in for the first time since the War of Know that. Know that, the people tions—to the detriment of the country, 1812. They desecrated these Halls and watching at home. We want this gov- I might add—the Supreme Court failed this Chamber and practically every ernment to work. We will make it to answer the most important question inch of ground where we work. For the work. They will not make it fail. of the 2020 election: Can entities out- most part, they walked in here free. A PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY side of the State legislatures make lot of them walked out free. There Mr. PERRY. Madam Speaker, par- election law? wasn’t a person watching at home who liamentary inquiry. The plain language of Article II of didn’t know why that was—because of The SPEAKER. The gentleman will the Constitution answers the question the way that they look. state his parliamentary inquiry. unequivocally no. My point, Madam Speaker, is this: Mr. PERRY. When is the appropriate The decisions made today in these Enough has been done here already to time to ask that the words be stricken, Chambers are of the utmost con- try to strip this Congress of its dignity, be taken down? sequence, and the horrible precedent and these objectors don’t need to do The SPEAKER. Immediately after that will be established if we don’t act anymore. the words are uttered. For what purpose does the gentleman will have lasting impact on our beloved We know that that attack today from Louisiana seek recognition? Republic. didn’t materialize out of nowhere. It Madam Speaker, this proceeding is Mr. HIGGINS of Louisiana. Madam was inspired by lies, the same lies that not just about the integrity of this Speaker, I rise in support of the objec- you are hearing in this room tonight. election. It is about ensuring the integ- tion. And the Members who are repeating rity of all future elections. The SPEAKER. The gentleman is I take no pleasure or pride in making those lies should be ashamed of them- recognized for 5 minutes. my objection today, nor do I wish for selves. Their constituents should be Mr. HIGGINS of Louisiana. Madam any State electors to be disqualified. ashamed of them. Speaker, my, my, my. Let us take a However, based on the law, the Con- We know what is going to happen as deep breath, shall we? stitution, and my conscience, I cannot soon as I walk away, what has hap- Madam Speaker, the cornerstone of support certifying votes from any pened all night tonight, what will con- the strength of our American Republic State that violated the Constitution. tinue to happen. They will take these is not only the peaceful transition of Madam Speaker, this decision is not same symbols, these same concepts, power; it is the peaceful transition of a about loyalty to a President. It is smuggle them into their arguments, lawful power. It is within the param- about my fidelity to the Constitution and make the same arguments. I want eters of our oath, indeed, is our duty to and the oath that I swore. people at home, anyone who is still inquire if we suspect that perhaps our Mr. LAMB. Madam Speaker, I rise in watching, to know that these argu- elections have been compromised. opposition. ments are not for them; they are for Much has been said about what we do The SPEAKER. The gentleman from you. not know. What we do not know calls Pennsylvania is recognized for 5 min- None of the evidence we wanted to for investigation. utes. discuss here tonight will change their What we do know is that, in the dis- Mr. LAMB. Madam Speaker, I came opinions or what they are about to say. puted States, Governors, secretaries of here tonight prepared to talk about the But you need to know that is not the state, or local election commissions place I represent and how well the end. It is not as if there is nothing we acted in violation of the Election Democratic and Republican county of- can do because of that. And if there Clause of the U.S. Constitution, where- ficials ran our election. I wanted to was, I don’t think this Nation would in State legislatures are granted the point out that in my home county of have made it to almost 250 years. sole authority to determine how Presi- Allegheny County, in the place they The fact is, Madam Speaker, that at dential electors are appointed. It is were counting the votes, there were 31 the end of the day, people— that simple. State executive officials video cameras—31—in the same place, POINT OF ORDER usurped the constitutionally vested au- just showing people counting votes, Mr. GRIFFITH. Madam Speaker, thority of State legislatures within every single one of them on paper, with point of order. several of the sovereign States. representatives from both campaigns The SPEAKER. The gentleman will Now, why we are involved in Con- watching. state his point of order. gress? Because the Founders gave us a

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06JA7.064 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE H108 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 6, 2021 narrow role. If we suspect that an elec- The SPEAKER. The gentlewoman how claims of election misconduct are tion was compromised in a sovereign from Pennsylvania is recognized for 5 made. It is easy to make wild claims of State, then we have a role in the seat- minutes. election fraud on cable television or ing of those electors and the counting. Ms. SCANLON. Madam Speaker, I , but those claims are not facts. America is not a confederacy of started this day disheartened that our And while there may be no immediate States. We are a union of States. We colleagues were going to drag us consequences for misleading the public are a representative republic. There- through this cynical political charade with such statements, there is cer- fore, each has a deep of objecting to duly certified electoral tainly a penalty for misleading the obligation to follow the writ of its own college votes, but I was ready and courts. election law during a Federal election. eager to defend Pennsylvania’s elec- A lawyer faces fines, jail, and loss of We would not be having this con- tions and the will of Pennsylvania’s his or her license for making frivolous versation if our objections were solely voters. or false claims. The lawyers for the rested upon the elections of sovereign Never did I expect to be answering Trump campaign never alleged wide- State Governors or State senators and calls from family and friends concerned spread fraud or illegal voting had im- representatives. It is a Federal election for my safety or to have to barricade pacted Pennsylvania’s elections be- for the President and Vice President of myself in an office. But most impor- cause those claims are false. the United States. We certainly have a tant of all, never did I expect to see our When our colleagues indulge in this role, and we should investigate and Capitol overrun by armed insurrection- political theatre and endorse fringe support that role. ists intent on disrupting our govern- conspiracy theories, they may think Madam Speaker, America is an ment at the urging of the President. there are no consequences because they anointed nation, born of imperfect men What happened here today has made know that this time the majorities of driven by perfect intent. May we be me heart-sick for our country, but it the House and Senate will overrule worthy of what it is to be an American, only strengthens my resolve to uphold them. But as the entire world saw what it is to be a representative of the the rule of law and to protect the deci- today, their baseless claims of election American people. sion of Pennsylvania’s voters. fraud do have consequences. They un- May I ask, may we seek the quiet Earlier this week, we raised our dermine faith and respect for our elec- whisper of God’s own voice within us. hands and swore an oath to bear true tions and our government. They chip And I ask my colleagues to consider faith and allegiance to the Constitu- away at the foundation of our constitu- supporting this objection. tion of the United States. But, today, tional Republic and they take a sledge- I yield the balance of my time to the those who are blocking the counting of hammer to the peaceful transfer of gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. VAN electors from Pennsylvania are show- power. It is our job to respect the rule DREW). ing that their allegiance lies not to the Mr. VAN DREW. Madam Speaker, be- of law and reject this political charade. Constitution or to their constituents, Finally, I want to offer my deepest fore I start, something I didn’t plan on and many would argue not even to the respect to our Republican colleagues in saying. This is a debate. It is a discus- Republican Party, but to their own po- both the House and the Senate who sion. Everybody has a right to an opin- litical fortunes and the outgoing Presi- have withstood intense political pres- ion. That is American. Because some- dent. sure, and today honor their oath in the one doesn’t agree with your view or Pennsylvania’s voters, not Members rule of law by rejecting these un- your ideas does not mean that they are of Congress, are tasked with choosing founded objections. liars. It means they have a different Pennsylvania’s Presidential electors, Mr. WILLIAMS of Texas. Madam view, a different opinion. and particularly not congressmen from Speaker, I rise in favor of the objec- And I think, for God’s sake, as people other States. The people have spoken, tion. watch this or see it or hear it, they ex- and Pennsylvania certified our elec- The SPEAKER. The gentleman from pect more from us than that. We can tors. We must respect our oath here by Texas is recognized for 5 minutes. disagree at a certain level. There is rejecting this unfounded objection to Mr. WILLIAMS of Texas. Madam nothing worse than moral pomposity. Pennsylvania’s electoral votes, and not Speaker, I would first like to say to my You know, today was an amazing and substitute Congress’ judgment for that colleagues on the other side of the aisle terrible day. But one thing that we do of the people of Pennsylvania. who said we should be ashamed over know is that our law enforcement pro- Legal challenges to elections are se- here, I am not ashamed, and neither tected lives, and they protected and rious matters, and that is why there is are my colleagues over here. We are ac- preserved our democracy. I watched a place to consider those challenges: In tually proud of what we are doing and firsthand, as I always have, just as I do courtrooms before impartial judges. what we are standing for. So I hope the back home in , these brave And Pennsylvania’s legal process has RECORD will show that. men and women put their lives on the worked. The pseudo-legal arguments Yesterday’s cowardly attack on our line to defend all of us. that are being raised by the objectors American democracy was a horrible May God bless the woman who lost here today are not new. Over the past act. While Congress attempted to exe- her life today, and may God bless what 2 months, the President and his allies cute their constitutional duty to de- will always be the greatest Nation in have filed more than 20 lawsuits to bate and vote on this certification of the history of the world: the United challenge the Pennsylvania election. States of America. the electoral college, violence inter- At the core of our country’s great- Those challenges have been rejected in rupted the proceedings in an attempt ness is our democratic system of gov- Federal courts, State courts, appellate to stop the democratic process. ernment. Without faith in the integrity courts, and the United States Supreme Those who committed these acts are of our elections, Americans will not Court. Challenges have been rejected domestic terrorists and should be pros- have faith in our democracy. by judges who are registered Demo- ecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The United States of America is the crats, Republicans, Independents, and And I thank the Capitol Police and all international embodiment of freedom who have been appointed by Demo- of the law enforcement organizations and opportunity, the shining city on a cratic and Republican Presidents. that pushed back against this mob. hill. Free and fair elections have al- And why did they lose all those I can’t help but be reminded of the ways been a hallmark of America’s cases? bravery during the baseball shooting greatness. As Third Circuit Judge Bibas, a on myself and my Republican col- After this past Presidential election, Trump appointee, wrote, ‘‘Free, fair leagues in June of 2017. I thank God approximately 60 million Americans elections are the lifeblood of our de- every day for their presence. have serious doubts about the outcome. mocracy. Charges of unfairness are se- The American people deserve full That is a number that we cannot ig- rious. But calling an election unfair transparency in the electoral process, nore. does not make it so. Charges require with confidence that any irregularities specific allegations and then proof. We and inconsistencies in that process will b 0150 have neither here.’’ be fully investigated. Ms. SCANLON. Madam Speaker, I What the Court said points to an im- As a former Texas secretary of state, rise in opposition to the objection. portant distinction about when and I know the electoral process well. And

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06JA7.065 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H109 above all, I know what the courts, the What unites each and every genera- ing about Act 77, how the Republicans executive branch, and the elections of- tion of Americans is the idea that in Pennsylvania were falling all over ficials can and cannot do without ap- those who submit themselves to the themselves to pass this law for mail-in proval of the State legislature. During authority of government ought to have voting because they thought it would my tenure, I knew that my authority a voice in that same government. help them. was confined to the powers the legisla- We are Americans here in this Cham- You heard Representative SCANLON ture provided me. If States fail to abide ber and in this country. But what does explaining why there were no allega- by the Constitution and follow their it really mean to be an American? It tions of fraud made in court because a owns laws, it calls into question wheth- means believing in the rule of law. It lawyer going into court and lying to er the votes in Texas, or any other means speaking up in defense of our the court gets his or her ticket to prac- State, are fairly represented. founding principles and in defense of tice law punched. They can be dis- And now, as a duly elected Member of the Constitution. barred. Congress, the Constitution outlines my Being an American means that you Politicians can say anything on cable rights to speak and voice my constitu- are proud of your country but that you TV, but they have to be darn careful ents’ concerns with my vote. It is piv- never beat your chest. And being an when they are in court. So all these big otal that we have free and fair elec- American means that sometimes you TV talkers never alleged fraud in tions in our representative democracy must stand alone while others sit. court. and, more importantly, that we trust Now, obviously, I can’t stand, but Let me tell you about one court case. in the results of those elections. trust me, if I could stand, I would stand It was a case where they brought on In no way is voicing an objection an in defense of our Constitution today. their best legal talent. It was a case attempt to overturn an election. And Mr. CARTWRIGHT. Madam Speaker, where they drew as a judge a staunch, when this process is complete and all I rise in opposition. principled, conservative Republican, objections have been heard, I acknowl- The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Judge Matthew Brann. He called this edge that we will have a peaceful trans- Pennsylvania is recognized for 5 min- case ‘‘strained legal arguments without fer of power on January 20. utes. merit’’ and ‘‘speculative accusations.’’ Mr. CARTWRIGHT. Madam Speaker, Faith in our system must be restored He called it ‘‘like Frankenstein’s mon- I completely agree with my colleague and Americans must be confident that ster,’’ a ‘‘haphazardly stitched to- Representative DWIGHT EVANS, and I their vote matters, and only lawful gether’’ case. remind this Chamber that Pennsyl- votes will be counted. This is a sad day Judge Brann said he ‘‘has no author- vania is the cradle of American democ- in our Nation’s history, but a solemn ity to take away the right to vote of racy. even a single person, let alone millions reminder that our country will not fal- We can’t claim to be the birthplace ter and will not fail. In God we trust. of citizens.’’ of American democracy. That would be On appeal Judge Bibas, a Trump ap- Madam Speaker, I yield to the gen- a disservice to James Otis, Jr., who, in pointee writing for the Third Circuit, tleman from North Carolina (Mr. 1761, stood up in a Massachusetts agreed. He said: ‘‘Calling an election CAWTHORN). courtroom and argued against the unfair does not make it so. Charges re- Mr. CAWTHORN. Madam Speaker, as King’s writs of assistance. quire specific allegations and then I said in my convention speech, I want But Pennsylvania is the cradle of de- proof. We have neither here.’’ a new generation of Americans to be mocracy. It is where we hosted the So, we have judges—dozens and doz- radicals—to be radicals for freedom signing of the Declaration of Independ- ens of them, Federal judges, State and for liberty, but not radicals for vio- ence and the American Constitution. judges, Democrats, Republicans—turn- lence. I am bitterly disappointed by the It was Pennsylvanians who imme- ing away these challenges. All they protest that happened yesterday. The diately went to battle to defend this ever wanted was evidence. actions of a violent few were cowardly idea of democracy. They went right Here is the number-one rule when and pathetic, and I am not afraid to after Bunker Hill to the Siege of Bos- you go to court: Don’t forget to bring call it out. ton. American riflemen were instru- the evidence with you. The Republican Party is a party of mental at the transformational Battles This objection, in all seriousness, re- limited government. It is the big tent of Trenton and Saratoga in victory. flects the most profound disrespect to party. It is not the party of destruc- And it is Independence Hall where our American judiciary. We Pennsylva- tion. these documents got signed, the Dec- nians understand democracy. It was in Madam Speaker, the oath I took just laration of Independence and the Con- Pennsylvania that our Founders signed days ago demand that I speak out in stitution. the Constitution, and Article II makes defense not of one President or an- You heard my colleagues. You heard it plain as day: We elect our President. other, but in defense of a hallowed doc- Representative HOULAHAN talking We don’t have a king. ument that has safeguarded this Re- about the privations at Valley Forge, If you can undo a Presidential elec- public for over 200 years. The Constitu- all in support of creating democracy. tion simply by alleging that something tion grants power solely to State legis- You heard Representative BRENDAN was amiss, then we don’t have a democ- latures to determine how elections are F. BOYLE quoting John Adams, that de- racy at all. We have something else en- carried out. When other officials who mocracy only dies by suicide. tirely. are not vested with constitutional au- You heard Representative DEAN And if we vote to sustain this objec- thority usurp their role and grind the quoting John Lewis, our hero, who tion, we are not upholding our Con- Constitution under their heel, I must said: Democracy is not a state. It is an stitution at all. We are doing some- object. act. thing else entirely. You heard Representative WILD talk- b 0200 Let’s vote ‘‘no’’ on this objection. ing about this stunning assault on our Mr. DAVIDSON of Ohio. Madam Our Nation is a nation of resilience. democracy. Speaker, I rise in support of this objec- In Valley Forge, George Washington If it seems like we get a little prickly tion. prayed for a republic to be formed from in Pennsylvania about assaulting de- The SPEAKER. The gentleman from the ashes of a . At Gettys- mocracy, you are right. We do. Penn- Ohio is recognized for 5 minutes. burg, Americans gave their lives to de- sylvania is the cradle of democracy. Mr. DAVIDSON of Ohio. Madam fend a very simple idea, that the Amer- You heard how foolish and empty Speaker, every one of us swore an oath ican democracy that had been earned these challenges are. Representative to support and defend the Constitution with the blood of their forefathers LAMB said it: 31 cameras filming the of the United States against all en- would not perish due to internal divi- place where the count was happening, emies, both foreign and domestic. I sion. resulting in thousands of hours of vid- swore that oath in uniform, and the Then, on the islands of Iwo Jima and eotape—you can see it on YouTube— first part of that oath is the same as Okinawa, American servicemen gave proving there was no fraud. what we swear here in Congress. their lives to defend this Nation’s free- You heard Representatives MICHAEL The last time we needed to defend dom from fascism. F. DOYLE and BRENDAN F. BOYLE talk- our Constitution against a domestic

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06JA7.067 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE H110 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 6, 2021 enemy, we fought a civil war. And at b 0210 So here is the truth: Joe Biden won the conclusion of that Civil War we 2021 has the chance to be remembered this election, the effort will fail, and passed the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amend- for when the leaders of a deeply divided everybody knows it. ments that make clear that no State is America came together to defend that For some out there, this isn’t about so sovereign that they can deprive sacred document and to ensure that making a statement for the betterment their citizens of equal protection of the the integrity of future Presidential of our country; it is about avoiding the laws. elections is ensured. It is imperative pain of leveling with the people and When it comes to elections, that we take this opportunity. The future of telling them the truth: the emperor means one person gets one vote. It our Republic depends on it. has no clothes. doesn’t mean that other citizens can Benjamin Franklin, in the summer of I know many are disappointed in the dilute the votes of other citizens and 1787, during the heated debate to create result, but what legacy are we leaving? deprive them of equal protection. And our sacred Constitution, said these fa- Have our kids seen the day where Ron- it doesn’t mean that a State can do mous words: ‘‘I have lived long, sir, a ald Reagan and Tip O’Neill had a beer that by law or by practice. long time . . . and the longer I live, the over their differences, or have they So whether the law was changed and more convincing proofs I see of this learned that to lead, you must tweet, made it such that there is no way to truth . . . that God governs in the af- and sometimes all in caps, because now provide equal protection—one person, fairs of men. this is Hollywood, fame is the ultimate one vote—or the practice was cor- ‘‘And, if a sparrow cannot fall to the goal? rupted, it cannot stand. Frankly, last- ground without His notice, is it prob- But the first step that we can take to ly, it must guarantee that there is a able that an empire can rise without restore this is to reject the charade, proof that it was equal protection His aid? We have been assured, sir, in and what happens next is up to us. under the law. the sacred writing that ‘Except the We get threatened with primaries; we None of that happened in a number of Lord build it, they labor in vain that worry about the political implications. States. The people of America, tens of build it.’ ’’ But our names will long be forgotten; millions of them who came out to vote, Madam Speaker, I pray that we the legacy of now will exist. have been unheard by this body and by would turn to the God Almighty that The bottom line: If we ask men and far too many courts. We need to show ordained our Nation into being to help women to be willing to give their lives them the respect they are due by the us in our time of need. for this Nation and we talk about their Constitution of the United States of Mr. KINZINGER. Madam Speaker, I service with tears in our eyes, America, the Constitution that we rise in opposition to the objection. shouldn’t we be willing to give up our fought to sustain to end the era of Jim The SPEAKER. The gentleman from jobs to uphold that Constitution? Crow to pass civil rights legislation, Illinois is recognized for 5 minutes. Madam Speaker, I yield to the gen- the Voting Rights Act, the Civil Rights Mr. KINZINGER. Madam Speaker, as tlewoman from Washington (Ms. HER- Act, and so many other pieces of juris- a student of foreign policy, if somebody RERA BEUTLER). prudence. described to me the actions that we Ms. HERRERA BEUTLER. Madam Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. Will the gen- saw, I would have assumed we were in Speaker, is this a country, is this an tleman yield? a failed nation or a banana republic. Mr. DAVIDSON of Ohio. I yield to America that we want to give to our Storming past police, some carrying children, a country of lawlessness, of the gentleman from Ohio. the flag of the Confederacy, the mob The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- might makes right, of mob rule? breached this House. Previous generations of Americans tleman needs to maintain his position But there is good news: The democ- have laid down their lives to answer and control of the time. racy held today. ‘‘no’’ to that question. I do not want to Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. Madam For the last few years, misinforma- be the first generation of Americans so Speaker, I rise in support of this objec- tion and fear has been fed into people as to answer ‘‘yes.’’ Nothing is tion and to give voice to the 249,386 for profit and power, and for too many more important to me than preserving men and women of Ohio’s Sixth Con- years, leaders around the country said this constitutional Republic as a Rep- gressional District who have had their nothing and sometimes echoed those resentative. voices silenced by the rogue political messages because of the belief that Article II of the Constitution states: actors in Pennsylvania who unilater- winning, no matter the cost, was worth ‘‘Each State shall appoint, in such ally and unconstitutionally altered everything. voting methods to benefit the Demo- Today, we saw the result of ignoring manner as the legislature thereof may cratic candidate for President. these warning signs. direct, a number of electors,’’ meaning Secretaries of state and State su- People look to Washington to give that it is the duty of the State legisla- preme courts cannot simply ignore the hope. Instead, we simply amplify fears. tures to select their electors in a man- rules governing elections set forth in People look to us for expertise on ner they stipulate. It is right here. the Constitution. They cannot choose what can and can’t be possible. Some- The Founders of our Republic did not to usurp their state legislatures to times it is easier to say what makes want to federalize elections, which is achieve a partisan end, Constitution be people feel good instead of the hard why they reserved the selection of elec- damned. facts. tors to the State legislatures. Madam Speaker, this is a sad day for Today, some Members of Congress Historically, when Congress inter- America. We have seen too many sad argue that we can unilaterally pick the vened in the electoral process, it was in days like this recently: assaults on next President, that with our glorious the Civil War. It was when States were courthouses, police stations, and now wisdom, armed with Twitter, we know sending multiple slates of electors. But the U.S. Capitol. People who disagree better than the American people. Some that is not the case today. with the results of police work and have shown that, if conspiracies are re- Of the six States actively being con- court decisions are wrong to respond peated enough, they become facts and tested, five have Republican legisla- violently. And people who disagree they aren’t disputed. tures; five are controlled by one party; with the results of an election are also Even here in this Chamber after the five have the authority to get together wrong to respond with violence. Thank events today, some speeches have been and to vote to change the elector that you to the Capitol Police and all the shockingly tone-deaf. I have seen peo- they sent to us. law enforcement involved for pro- ple applaud cheap political lines that How many of the six did? Not one. tecting the people’s House today. are embarrassing. Pennsylvania did not get together Madam Speaker, some may question Power and cultural fights have di- and vote as a body and send us a new our motives for raising these objec- vided us so much that they are the ul- slate of electors. They did not send us tions, but other than the Bible, our timate goal now, and sometimes the a bill or a resolution citing injustice at Constitution is the most sacred docu- oath we swear to uphold feels like a the State level. ment known to man because it created prop. None of them. the most free and prosperous nation in People have been lied to by too many Are they cowards? Do they not know human history. for too long. the Constitution? Have they not read

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06JA7.070 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H111 it, like you and I? Or are they merely are very, very grateful to the Capitol also poisonous propaganda of those passing the buck? Police and all those who came in to who seek to destroy our unity and pro- Here is the reality. Look, I believe protect us. mote discord. this was not a fraud-free election. I be- But the real debate right now about According to this propaganda, Amer- lieve that there were problems in Penn- Pennsylvania is Pennsylvania’s Act 77. ica cannot conduct a free or fair elec- sylvania and in Georgia. But the Con- Was it constitutional or was it uncon- tion. Our elections are rigged and stitution gives us the right to fix that stitutional? All the rest of the trim- doomed. at the State level, not throw out the mings you can set aside and just de- According to this propaganda, the electoral college. We do not want to ab- cide: Was it constitutional or unconsti- voters can no longer decide who shall solve the responsibility of the people in tutional? be President. The Congress must decide those States to hold their own law- Act 77 changed Pennsylvania’s voting for them. makers accountable. law and Pennsylvania’s Constitution. At a time when our Nation faces an I, as a Washington State Congress- Now, Pennsylvania could change that unprecedented health crisis, with thou- woman, don’t know better than the law, but it is done through an amend- sands dying every day, with Americans people in Pennsylvania and Georgia. ment to the constitution. It is not just struggling to put food on the table and Folks, we can’t vote to undermine done because somebody would like to keep a roof over their head, who are we the electoral college today. We have to see that done. to say that the man America chose to uphold it. We had a mail ballot that was avail- lead us out of this calamity shall not Mr. POSEY. Madam Speaker, I rise able. It was an absentee ballot. We did take office? in support of the objection. not have a no-excuse ballot. The coronavirus will claim more The SPEAKER. The gentleman from What did Pennsylvania have to do to American lives than all of the casual- Florida is recognized for 5 minutes. get to the point where they would have ties in World War II. To meet that mo- Mr. POSEY. Madam Speaker, as you a no-excuse mail-in ballot? ment will require unity, not discord; have heard from both sides of the aisle Number one, in two successive ses- will require an abiding faith in our over and over and over today and to- sions of the Pennsylvania Legislature, country, in our democracy, in our gov- night, Members of Congress take an that had to be passed in that legisla- ernment’s ability to function and pro- oath to protect and defend the Con- tion, one session after the other. If it vide for the needs of its citizens. stitution. passed both times, then it had to be The Members of this body cannot Clearly, the Constitution says State published in every one of the 67 coun- continue to challenge the merits of an legislatures make voting laws, period, ties of Pennsylvania, twice. When that election that was fairly conducted and end of subject. And, clearly, in Penn- was finished, it then had to go before overwhelmingly won by Joe Biden. It sylvania and some other States, non- the Pennsylvania voters to decide must stop. legislators changed those voting laws. whether they wanted the constitution Look at the damage that was No matter who wins or who loses, amended. wrought in this House today, to this those are violations of the Constitution Pennsylvania did the first one. They country today. Is that not enough? whether you, me, or anyone else likes actually did take a vote, and it was Roosevelt said: ‘‘This Nation has it or not. overwhelming. But then they scrapped placed its destiny in the hands and As Congressman DAVIDSON pointed it, and they put it in an . heads and hearts of its millions of free out, over a dozen FBI agents were im- That is an unconstitutional change. men and women. . . . Our strength,’’ he mediately dispatched to fully inves- You cannot do it. It is that simple. concluded ‘‘is our unity of purpose.’’ tigate Bubba Wallace’s garage door. So I love the idea about Washington Let us unite once again in defense of But, sadly, the FBI never responded to crossing the Delaware. I love the idea the greatest hope of freedom-loving my request to investigate massive vot- about Washington going through a ter- people around the world, this precious ing irregularity accusations, like the rible winter. democracy. video footage from Georgia that we all I hate the idea of what we had to go Madam Speaker, I yield to the gen- wished we didn’t see. through today. But if oaths don’t mat- tleman from Maryland (Mr. RASKIN). Neither has the Department of Home- ter, and we have all taken them, and if Mr. RASKIN. Madam Speaker, the land Security, the Department of the Constitution doesn’t matter, why baseless attack on Pennsylvania and State, the Postal Inspector General, do we even do it? Why go through this its electors brought to mind, for me, the Director of National Intelligence, charade that somehow we are really the great Tom Paine, the champion of the CIA, and, saddest of all, the U.S. close friends, except when it comes to popular democracy, who came over to Department of Justice. the really important things? America to fight with us in the Revolu- The right to vote is not only a con- We have driven this country apart tion against the king. He lived in stitutional right, it is also a civil right, through the people’s House, and we Philadelphia, where he wrote ‘‘Com- and we must protect it. Running a fair wonder what happened? mon Sense’’ and ‘‘The Age of Reason.’’ and transparent election is not some- The biggest loss on November 3 was And Paine said: In the , the thing America should run away from. not by Donald Trump; it was the faith king is the law; but in the , It is something we must live up to. and trust that the American people the law will be king. Every eligible American has a right lost in this voting system because we When you think about it, the peace- to have their vote counted and the have allowed it to happen. It is uncon- ful transfer of power is the central con- right to feel confident that his or her stitutional. dition of maintaining democracy under vote was counted, not neutralized by Mr. SCHIFF. Madam Speaker, I rise the rule of law. That is why the famous an illegal vote. in opposition. election of 1801 was such a big deal. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from When John Adams relinquished the b 0220 California is recognized for 5 minutes. Presidency to his passionate adversary Otherwise, I fear our Republic is Mr. SCHIFF. Madam Speaker, 80 and lifelong friend , doomed. That is why I implore you to years ago today, Franklin Roosevelt it was the first peaceful transition of support a full investigation. delivered his third inaugural address. power between democracies in a demo- Madam Speaker, I yield the balance ‘‘Every realist knows,’’ he said, ‘‘that cratic republic in the history of the of my time to the fine gentleman from the democratic way of life at this mo- world. Pennsylvania (Mr. KELLY). ment is being directly assailed in every And he said, as he rode back to Mas- Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania. Madam part of the world—assailed either by sachusetts from Washington, Adams Speaker, this has been an interesting arms, or by the secret spreading of poi- said that he did this because we are a day. And I know we want to debate sonous propaganda by those who would government of laws and not of men. We this, and we brought up all kinds of seek to destroy unity and promote dis- will betray this principle if we trade a things, all kinds of points of history cord in nations still at peace.’’ government of laws for a government and what happened and where it hap- Today, the principal threat to our de- of men or, even worse, a single man, or pened and all the rest of this, and we mocracy comes from a different but an impressionable and dangerous mob

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06JA7.071 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE H112 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 6, 2021 intent on violent sedition and insurrec- Long Owens Smucker Schrader Stevens Vela tion against our beloved democratic Loudermilk Palazzo Stefanik Schrier Stivers Vela´ zquez Lucas Palmer Steube Scott (VA) Strickland Wagner Republic. Luetkemeyer Pence Stewart Scott, Austin Suozzi Waltz Here is Abraham Lincoln right before Malliotakis Perry Thompson (PA) Sewell Swalwell Wasserman the war. At what point, then, is the ap- Mann Pfluger Tiffany Sherman Takano Schultz Sherrill Taylor proach of danger to be expected? I Mast Posey Timmons Waters McCarthy Reschenthaler Van Drew Simpson Thompson (CA) Watson Coleman Sires Thompson (MS) would answer, if it ever reaches us, it McClain Rice (SC) Van Duyne Welch Meuser Rogers (AL) Slotkin Titus must spring up amongst us. It cannot Walberg Wenstrup Miller (IL) Rogers (KY) Smith (NJ) Tonko come from abroad. If destruction be Walorski Westerman Miller (WV) Rose Smith (WA) Torres (CA) Weber (TX) our lot, we must, ourselves, be its au- Mooney Rosendale Soto Torres (NY) Wexton thor and its finisher. Moore (AL) Rouzer Webster (FL) Spanberger Trahan Wild Williams (TX) Williams (GA) Madam Speaker, my family suffered Mullin Rutherford Spartz Turner Murphy (NC) Scalise Wilson (SC) Speier Underwood Wilson (FL) an unspeakable trauma on New Year’s Nehls Schweikert Wittman Stanton Upton Womack Eve a week ago. But mine was not the Norman Sessions Wright Stauber Vargas Yarmuth only family to suffer such terrible pain Nunes Smith (MO) Zeldin Steil Veasey Young Obernolte Smith (NE) in 2020. Hundreds of thousands of fami- NOT VOTING—11 lies in America are still mourning NAYS—282 Bilirakis Hastings Steel their family members. Many families Brady Joyce (OH) Tlaib Adams Espaillat Lieu Buck LaTurner Trone represented in the Congress are still Aguilar Evans Lofgren Granger Scott, David mourning their family members who Allred Feenstra Lowenthal have been taken away from us by Amodei Ferguson Luria b 0308 COVID–19, by the opioid crisis, by can- Armstrong Fitzpatrick Lynch Auchincloss Fletcher Mace Ms. CLARKE of New York changed her cer, by gun violence, by the rising fa- Axne Fortenberry Malinowski vote from ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ Bacon talities associated with the crisis in Foster Maloney, So the objection was not agreed to. mental and emotional health. Balderson Frankel, Lois Carolyn B. Barr Fudge Maloney, Sean The result of the vote was announced Enough, my beloved colleagues. It is Barraga´ n Gallagher Manning as above recorded. time for America to heal. It is time for Bass Gallego Massie A motion to reconsider was laid on Beatty Garamendi Matsui our families and communities to come the table. together. Let us stop pouring salt in Bera Garbarino McBath Beyer Garcı´a (IL) McCaul The SPEAKER. The Clerk will now the wounds of America for no reason at Bishop (GA) Garcia (TX) McClintock notify the Senate of the action of the Blumenauer all. Let us start healing our beloved Golden McCollum House, informing that body that the land and our wonderful people. Blunt Rochester Gomez McEachin Bonamici Gonzales, Tony McGovern House is now ready to proceed in joint The SPEAKER. All time for debate Bourdeaux Gonzalez (OH) McHenry session with the further counting of has expired. Bowman Gonzalez, McKinley the electoral vote for the President and Boyle, Brendan Vicente McNerney The question is, Shall the objection Vice President. submitted by the gentleman from F. Gottheimer Meeks Brown Green, Al (TX) Meijer f Pennsylvania (Mr. PERRY) and the Sen- Brownley Grijalva Meng ator from Missouri (Mr. HAWLEY) be Buchanan Grothman Mfume FURTHER MESSAGE FROM THE agreed to. Bucshon Guthrie Miller-Meeks Bush Haaland Moolenaar SENATE The question was taken; and the Bustos Harder (CA) Moore (UT) A further message from the Senate Speaker announced that the noes ap- Butterfield Hayes Moore (WI) peared to have it. Carbajal Herrera Beutler Morelle by Ms. Byrd, one of its clerks, an- Ca´ rdenas Higgins (NY) Moulton nounced that the Secretary of the Sen- Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania. Madam Carson Hill Mrvan Speaker, on that I demand the yeas ate shall inform the House of Rep- Cartwright Himes Murphy (FL) resentatives that the Senate is ready and nays. Case Hinson Nadler The SPEAKER. Pursuant to section Casten Hollingsworth Napolitano to proceed in joint session with the fur- Castor (FL) Horsford Neal 3(s) of House Resolution 8, the yeas and ther counting of the electoral votes for Castro (TX) Houlahan Neguse President and Vice President. nays are ordered. Cheney Hoyer Newhouse Members are reminded to vote when Chu Huffman Newman (By , Mr. HOYER Cicilline Huizenga Norcross their group is called and to leave the Clark (MA) Jackson Lee O’Halleran was allowed to speak out of order.) Chamber after they have voted. Clarke (NY) Jacobs (CA) Ocasio-Cortez HONORING SHUWANZA GOFF The vote was taken by electronic de- Cleaver Jayapal Omar Mr. HOYER. Madam Speaker, this vice, and there were—yeas 138, nays Clyburn Jeffries Pallone Cohen Johnson (GA) Panetta would not be the time I would have 282, not voting 11, as follows: Comer Johnson (SD) Pappas chosen, but it may be the last time [Roll No. 11] Connolly Johnson (TX) Pascrell Cooper Jones Payne that we are in session before the new YEAS—138 Correa Kahele Pelosi administration comes in. Aderholt Cole Green (TN) Costa Kaptur Perlmutter We are losing an extraordinary young Allen Crawford Greene (GA) Courtney Katko Peters Arrington Davidson Griffith Craig Keating Phillips woman who has been with me for over Babin DesJarlais Guest Crenshaw Kelly (IL) Pingree a decade and who is our , Baird Diaz-Balart Hagedorn Crist Khanna Pocan our floor director. All of you know her. Banks Donalds Harris Crow Kildee Porter Her name is Shuwanza Goff, and she Bentz Duncan Harshbarger Cuellar Kilmer Pressley Bergman Dunn Hartzler Curtis Kim (CA) Price (NC) has been with me for a significant pe- Bice (OK) Estes Hern Davids (KS) Kim (NJ) Quigley riod of time. Biggs Fallon Herrell Davis, Danny K. Kind Raskin Shuwanza is a wonderful person. And Bishop (NC) Fischbach Hice (GA) Davis, Rodney Kinzinger Reed Boebert Fitzgerald Higgins (LA) Dean Kirkpatrick Rice (NY) the problem with having wonderful, Bost Fleischmann Hudson DeFazio Krishnamoorthi Richmond talented, good staff is that at an ad- Brooks Foxx Issa DeGette Kuster Rodgers (WA) ministration change, they steal your Budd Franklin, C. Jackson DeLauro LaHood Ross people. It is just a terrible thing that Burchett Scott Jacobs (NY) DelBene Lamb Roy Burgess Fulcher Johnson (LA) Delgado Langevin Roybal-Allard happens. Two of my staff, Shuwanza Calvert Gaetz Johnson (OH) Demings Larsen (WA) Ruiz Goff and Mariel Saez, will be going to Cammack Garcia (CA) Jordan DeSaulnier Larson (CT) Ruppersberger the administration as well, and I have Carl Gibbs Joyce (PA) Deutch Latta Rush Carter (GA) Gimenez Keller Dingell Lawrence Ryan asked the administration to please do Carter (TX) Gohmert Kelly (MS) Doggett Lawson (FL) Sa´ nchez not take any more of my people. Cawthorn Good (VA) Kelly (PA) Doyle, Michael Lee (CA) Sarbanes But Shuwanza Goff has just been ex- Chabot Gooden (TX) Kustoff F. Lee (NV) Scanlon traordinary. Those of you who have Cline Gosar LaMalfa Emmer Leger Fernandez Schakowsky Cloud Graves (LA) Lamborn Escobar Levin (CA) Schiff dealt with her understand how bright Clyde Graves (MO) Lesko Eshoo Levin (MI) Schneider she is.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06JA7.074 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H113 That is the bad news, Madam Speak- States Code, because the two Houses The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there er, that they have taken her. But the have not sustained the objection, the any objections to counting the certifi- good news is, she is going to be the ad- original certificate submitted by the cate of vote of the State of South Da- ministration’s representative to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will be kota that the teller has verified ap- House of Representatives, so we are counted as provided therein. pears to be regular in form and authen- going to see a lot of Shuwanza. I am The tellers will now record and an- tic? sure she will be talking to both of us nounce the vote of the State of Rhode There was no objection. on both sides of the aisle and urging us Island for President and Vice President b 0330 to vote one way or the other or getting in accordance with the action of the us information or doing all sorts of two Houses. The VICE PRESIDENT. This certifi- things that we might ask her to do and This certificate from , cate from , the Parliamen- that she would want to do for us. the Parliamentarian has advised me, is tarian has advised me, is the only cer- I want to say, Madam Speaker, and I the only certificate of vote from that tificate of electoral vote from the know you share my view, those of us State that purports to be a return from State that purports to be a return from who have had an opportunity to work the State and that has annexed to it a the State and that has annexed to it a closely with Shuwanza, I love certificate from an authority of that certificate of an authority of that Shuwanza Goff. She is just a wonderful State purporting to appoint and ascer- State purporting to appoint or ascer- spirit. She is smart. She knows the tain electors. tain electors. rules. She knows the floor. I think Mr. Senator KLOBUCHAR. Mr. Presi- Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. President, the MCCARTHY’s and Mr. SCALISE’s staffs dent, the certificate of the electoral certificate of the electoral vote of the would say the same thing if I had given vote of the State of Rhode Island seems State of Tennessee seems to be regular them any notice that we were going to to be regular in form and authentic, in form and authentic, and it appears do this, but I thought we had some and it appears therefrom that Joseph therefrom that Donald J. Trump of the time. R. Biden, Jr., of the State of Delaware State of Florida received 11 votes for Shuwanza, I really do want to thank received 4 votes for President and President and MICHAEL R. PENCE of the you, and we wish you the best of luck. KAMALA D. HARRIS of the State of Cali- State of Indiana received 11 votes for We know you are not going far. I know fornia received 4 votes for Vice Presi- Vice President. we are going to see a lot of you, but we dent. The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there wish you great success in everything The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there any objections to counting the certifi- you do. any objections to counting the certifi- cate of the vote of the State of Ten- I tell my staff, Madam Speaker, that cate of vote of the State of Rhode Is- nessee that the teller has verified as they can go off the payroll, but they land that the teller has verified ap- regular in form and authentic? cannot go off the staff. pears to be regular in form and authen- There was no objection. God bless, Shuwanza, and good luck. tic? The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing none, this certificate from Texas, the b 0322 There was no objection. The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing Parliamentarian has advised me, is the At 3:22 a.m., the Sergeant at Arms, none, this certificate from South Caro- only certificate of vote from the State Paul D. Irving, announced the Vice lina, the Parliamentarian has advised that purports to be a return from the President and the Senate of the United me, is the only certificate of vote from State and that has annexed to it a cer- States. that State that purports to be a return tificate of an authority of that State The Senate entered the Hall of the from the State and that has annexed to that purports to appoint or ascertain House of Representatives, headed by it a certificate from an authority of electors. the Vice President and the Secretary of that State purporting to appoint and Senator KLOBUCHAR. Mr. Presi- the Senate, the Members and officers ascertain electors. dent, the certificate of the electoral of the House rising to receive them. Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. vote of the State of Texas seems to be The Vice President took his seat as President, the certificate of the elec- regular in form and authentic, and it the Presiding Officer of the joint con- toral vote of the State of South Caro- appears therefrom that Donald J. vention of the two Houses, the Speaker lina seems to be regular in form and Trump of the State of Florida received of the House occupying the chair on his authentic, and it appears therefrom 38 votes for President and MICHAEL R. left. Senators took seats to the right of that Donald J. Trump of the State of PENCE of the State of Indiana received the rostrum as prescribed by law. Florida received 9 votes for President 38 votes for Vice President. The VICE PRESIDENT. The joint and MICHAEL R. PENCE of the State of The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there session of Congress to count the elec- Indiana received 9 votes for Vice Presi- any objections to counting the certifi- toral vote will resume. The tellers will dent. cate of the vote of the State of Texas take their chairs. The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there that the teller has verified appears to The two Houses retired to consider any objections to counting the certifi- be regular in form and authentic? separately and decide upon the vote of cate of vote of the State of South Caro- There was no objection. the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to lina that the teller has verified appears The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing which an objection has been filed. none, this certificate from , the The Secretary of the Senate will re- to be regular in form and authentic? Parliamentarian has advised me, is the port the action of the Senate. There was no objection. The Secretary of the Senate read the The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing only certificate of vote from that State order of the Senate, as follows: none, this certificate from South Da- that purports to be a return from the kota, the Parliamentarian has advised State and that has annexed to it a cer- Ordered, That the Senate by a vote of 7 ayes to 92 nays rejects the objection to the me, is the only certificate of vote from tificate of an authority from the State electoral votes cast in the Commonwealth of that State that purports to be a return purporting to appoint or ascertain elec- Pennsylvania for Joseph R. Biden, Jr., for from the State and that has annexed to tors. President and KAMALA D. HARRIS for Vice it a certificate from an authority of Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of ILLINOIS. President. that State purporting to appoint and Mr. President, the certificate of the The VICE PRESIDENT. The Clerk of ascertain electors. electoral vote of the State of Utah the House will report the action of the Senator BLUNT. Mr. President, the seems to be regular in form and au- House. certificate of the electoral vote of the thentic, and it appears therefrom that The Clerk of the House read the order State of seems to be reg- Donald J. Trump of the State of Flor- of the House, as follows: ular in form and authentic, and it ap- ida received 6 votes for President and Ordered, That the House of Representatives pears therefrom that Donald J. Trump MICHAEL R. PENCE of the State of Indi- rejects the objection to the electoral vote of of the State of Florida received 3 votes ana received 6 votes for Vice President. the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. for President and MICHAEL R. PENCE of The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there The VICE PRESIDENT. Pursuant to the State of Indiana received 3 votes any objections to counting the certifi- the law, chapter 1 of title 3, United for Vice President. cate of the vote of the State of Utah

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06JA7.077 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE H114 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 6, 2021 that the teller has verified to be reg- There was no objection. Is the objection in writing and signed ular in form and authentic? The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing by a Member and a Senator? There was no objection. none, this certificate from West Vir- Mr. GOHMERT. It is in writing. It is The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing ginia, the Parliamentarian has advised, signed by a Member, but it is not none, this certificate from , is the only certificate of vote from that signed and objected to by a Senator, the Parliamentarian has advised me, is State that purports to be a return from Mr. President. the only certificate of vote from the the State and that has annexed to it a The VICE PRESIDENT. In that case, State that purports to be a return from certificate of an authority from the the objection cannot be entertained. the State and that has annexed to it a State purporting to appoint or ascer- This certificate from , the certificate of an authority from that tain electors. Parliamentarian has advised, is the State purporting to appoint or ascer- Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of ILLINOIS. only certificate of vote from that State tain electors. Mr. President, the certificate of the and purports to be a return from the Senator BLUNT. Mr. President, the electoral vote of the State of West Vir- State and has annexed to it the certifi- certificate of the electoral vote of the ginia seems to be regular in form and cate of an authority from the same State of Vermont seems to be regular authentic, and it appears therefrom State purporting to appoint or ascer- in form and authentic, and it appears that Donald J. Trump of the State of tain electors. therefrom that Joseph R. Biden, Jr., of Florida received 5 votes for President Senator BLUNT. Mr. President, the the State of Delaware received 3 votes and MICHAEL R. PENCE of the State of certificate of the electoral vote of the for President and KAMALA D. HARRIS of Indiana received 5 votes for Vice Presi- State of Wyoming seems to be regular the State of California received 3 votes dent. in form and authentic, and it appears for Vice President. The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there therefrom that Donald J. Trump of the The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there any objections to counting the certifi- State of Florida received 3 votes for any objections to counting the certifi- cate of the vote for the State of West President and MICHAEL R. PENCE of the cate of the vote of the State of Virginia that the teller has verified ap- State of Indiana received 3 votes for Vermont that the teller has verified as pears to be regular in form and authen- Vice President. regular in form and authentic? tic? The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there There was no objection. There was no objection. any objections to counting a certifi- The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing cate of the vote of the State of Wyo- none, this certificate from the Com- none, this certificate from Wisconsin, ming that the teller has verified ap- monwealth of Virginia, the Parliamen- the Parliamentarian has advised, is the tarian has advised, is the only certifi- only certificate from that State that pears to be regular in form and authen- cate of vote from that State that pur- purports to be a return from the State tic? There was no objection. ports to be a return from the State and and that has annexed to it a certificate The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing that has annexed to it a certificate of of an authority from the State pur- none, the Chair advises Members of an authority from that same State pur- porting to appoint or ascertain elec- Congress the certificates having been porting to appoint or ascertain elec- tors. tors. Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. President, the read, the tellers will ascertain and de- Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. President, the certificate of the electoral vote of the liver the result to the President of the certificate of the electoral vote of the State of Wisconsin seems to be regular Senate. Commonwealth of Virginia seems to be in form and authentic, and it appears Senator KLOBUCHAR. The under- in regular in form and authentic, and it therefrom that Joseph R. Biden, Jr., of signed, and AMY KLO- appears therefrom that Joseph R. the State of Delaware received 10 votes BUCHAR, tellers on the part of the Sen- Biden, Jr., of the State of Delaware re- for President and KAMALA D. HARRIS of ate; and RODNEY DAVIS, ceived 13 votes for President and the State of California received 10 tellers on the part of the House of Rep- KAMALA D. HARRIS of the State of Cali- votes for Vice President. resentatives, report the following as fornia received 13 votes for Vice Presi- The VICE PRESIDENT. For what the result of the ascertainment and dent. purpose does the gentleman from Texas counting of the electoral votes for The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there rise? President and Vice President of the any objections to counting the certifi- Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. President, I ob- United States for the term beginning cate of the vote of the Commonwealth ject to the electoral votes of the State on the 20th day of January, 2021. The of Virginia that the teller has verified of Wisconsin because 71 House Mem- report we make is that Joe Biden and as appearing regular in form and au- bers, all of who condemn violence as we KAMALA HARRIS will be the President thentic? witnessed today, are firmly committed and the Vice President, according to There was no objection. to the resolution of disagreements in the ballots that have been given to us. The VICE PRESIDENT. Hearing civil, lawful, peaceful institutions with The tellers delivered to the President none, this certificate from Washington, full and fair debate, free of violence. of the Senate the following statement the Parliamentarian has advised, is the And though not a single court has al- of results: only certificate of vote from that State lowed an evidentiary hearing to listen JOINT SESSION OF CONGRESS FOR THE COUNTING that purports to be a return from the to the significant body of evidence of OF THE ELECTORAL VOTES FOR PRESIDENT State and that has a certificate of an fraud, and though some seize on the AND VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED authority from the same State pur- court’s failure to misrepresent that no STATES—OFFICIAL TALLY porting to appoint or ascertain elec- court would listen to the evidence as The undersigned, ROY BLUNT and tors. saying evidence did not exist; while tellers on the part of Senator KLOBUCHAR. Mr. Presi- Democrat leaders in Milwaukee ille- the Senate, ZOE LOFGREN and RODNEY dent, the certificate of the electoral gally and unconstitutionally created DAVIS tellers on the part of the House vote of the State of Washington seems more than 200 illegal polling places; of Representatives, report the fol- to be regular in form and authentic, tens of thousands of votes were lowing as the result of the ascertain- and it appears therefrom that Joseph changed by workers, despite election ment and counting of the electoral R. Biden, Jr., of the State of Delaware workers’ objections, plus so many vote for President and Vice President received 12 votes for President and other illegalities to fraudulently create of the United States for the term be- KAMALA D. HARRIS of the State of Cali- a 20,000-vote lead, we object, along with ginning on the twentieth day of Janu- fornia received 12 votes for Vice Presi- a Senator who now has withdrawn his ary, two thousand and twenty one. dent. objection. For President For Vice President The VICE PRESIDENT. Are there The VICE PRESIDENT. Sections 15 Electoral votes any objections to counting the certifi- and 17 of title 3 of the United States of each State Joseph R. Donald J. Kamala Michael cate of the vote of the State of Wash- Code require that any objection be pre- Biden, Jr. Trump D. Harris R. Pence ington that the teller has verified and sented in writing, signed by a Member Alabama—9 ...... 9 ...... 9 Alaska—3 ...... 3 ...... 3 appears to be regular in form and au- of the House of Representatives and a Arizona—11 ...... 11 ...... 11 ...... thentic? Senator. Arkansas—6 ...... 6 ...... 6

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06JA7.079 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H115

For President For Vice President thousand and twenty one, and shall be The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. Electoral votes entered, together with the list of the JACKSON LEE). Pursuant to Senate Con- of each State Joseph R. Donald J. Kamala Michael Biden, Jr. Trump D. Harris R. Pence votes, on the Journals of the Senate current Resolution 1, the electoral vote and House of Representatives. will be spread at large upon the Jour- California—55 ...... 55 ...... 55 ...... Colorado—9 ...... 9 ...... 9 ...... b 0340 nal. Connecticut—7 ...... 7 ...... 7 ...... Delaware—3 ...... 3 ...... 3 ...... The VICE PRESIDENT. The whole f District of Columbia—3 3 ...... 3 ...... Florida—29 ...... 29 ...... 29 number of electors appointed to vote Georgia—16 ...... 16 ...... 16 ...... for President of the United States is Hawaii—4 ...... 4 ...... 4 ...... The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Idaho—4 ...... 4 ...... 4 538. Within that whole number, a ma- ant to section 5(a)(1)(B) of House Reso- Illinois—20 ...... 20 ...... 20 ...... jority is 270. Indiana—11 ...... 11 ...... 11 lution 8, the House stands adjourned Iowa—6 ...... 6 ...... 6 The votes for President of the United until 11 a.m. on Monday, January 11, Kansas—6 ...... 6 ...... 6 States are as follows: 2021. Kentucky—8 ...... 8 ...... 8 Joseph R. Biden, Jr., of the State of Louisiana—8 ...... 8 ...... 8 Thereupon (at 3 o’clock and 48 min- Maine—4 ...... 3 1 3 1 Delaware has received 306 votes. utes a.m.), under its previous order, the Maryland—10 ...... 10 ...... 10 ...... Donald J. Trump of the State of Flor- Massachusetts—11 ...... 11 ...... 11 ...... House adjourned until Monday, Janu- ida has received 232 votes. Michigan—16 ...... 16 ...... 16 ...... ary 11, 2021, at 11 a.m. Minnesota—10 ...... 10 ...... 10 ...... The whole number of electors ap- Mississippi—6 ...... 6 ...... 6 f Missouri—10 ...... 10 ...... 10 pointed to vote for Vice President of Montana—3 ...... 3 ...... 3 the United States is 538. Within that PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Nebraska—5 ...... 1 4 1 4 whole number, a majority is 270. Nevada—6 ...... 6 ...... 6 ...... Under clause 2 of rule XII, public The votes for Vice President of the New Hampshire—4...... 4 ...... 4 ...... bills and resolutions of the following New Jersey—14 ...... 14 ...... 14 ...... United States are as follows: New Mexico—5...... 5 ...... 5 ...... were introduced and severally re- New York—29 ...... 29 ...... 29 ...... KAMALA D. HARRIS of the State of North Carolina—15 ...... 15 ...... 15 California has received 306 votes. ferred, as follows: North Dakota—3 ...... 3 ...... 3 By Mr. CLOUD (for himself, Mr. ALLEN, Ohio—18 ...... 18 ...... 18 Michael R. Pence of the State of Indi- Oklahoma—7 ...... 7 ...... 7 ana has received 232 votes. Mr. STEUBE, Mr. DAVIDSON, Mr. Oregon—7 ...... 7 ...... 7 ...... This announcement of the state of BERGMAN, Mr. PALMER, Mr. RUTHER- Pennsylvania—20 ...... 20 ...... 20 ...... FORD, and Mr. BAIRD): Rhode Island—4...... 4 ...... 4 ...... the vote by the President of the Senate H.R. 217. A bill to amend title 38, United South Carolina—9 ...... 9 ...... 9 shall be deemed a sufficient declara- South Dakota—3 ...... 3 ...... 3 States Code, to direct the Secretary of Vet- Tennessee—11 ...... 11 ...... 11 tion of the persons elected President erans Affairs to enforce the licensure re- Texas—38 ...... 38 ...... 38 and Vice President of the United Utah—6 ...... 6 ...... 6 quirement for medical providers of the De- Vermont—3 ...... 3 ...... 3 ...... States, each for the term beginning on partment of Affairs; to the Com- Virginia—13 ...... 13 ...... 13 ...... the 20th day of January, 2021, and shall mittee on Veterans’ Affairs. Washington—12 ...... 12 ...... 12 ...... —5 ...... 5 ...... 5 be entered, together with the list of the By Mr. PFLUGER (for himself, Mr. Wisconsin—10 ...... 10 ...... 10 ...... votes, on the Journals of the Senate TONY GONZALES of Texas, Mrs. BICE Wyoming—3 ...... 3 ...... 3 of Oklahoma, Mr. JACKSON, Ms. Total—538 ...... 306 232 306 232 and House of Representatives. The Chair now recognizes for the pur- HERRELL, Mr. BABIN, Mr. ROY, Mr. CRENSHAW, Mr. FALLON, and Mr. ROY BLUNT, pose of a closing prayer the 62nd Chap- ARRINGTON): AMY KLOBUCHAR, lain of the , Chap- H.R. 218. A bill to prohibit the Secretary of Tellers on the part of lain Barry C. Black. the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture the Senate. Chaplain BLACK. Lord of our lives from issuing moratoriums on issuing new oil ZOE LOFGREN, and sovereign of our beloved Nation, and gas leases and drill permits on certain RODNEY DAVIS, we deplore the desecration of the ; to the Committee on Natural Tellers on the part of United States Capitol Building, the Resources, and in addition to the Committee the House of Rep- on Agriculture, for a period to be subse- resentatives. shedding of innocent blood, the loss of life, and the quagmire of dysfunction quently determined by the Speaker, in each The VICE PRESIDENT. The state of case for consideration of such provisions as the vote for President of the United that threaten our democracy. fall within the of the committee States, as delivered to the President of These tragedies have reminded us concerned. the Senate, is as follows: that words matter and that the power By Mr. DOGGETT: The whole number of the electors ap- of life and death is in the tongue. We H.R. 219. A bill to amend the Trade Act of pointed to vote for President of the have been warned that eternal vigi- 1974 to exclude from eligibility for the gener- United States is 538, of which a major- lance continues to be freedom’s price. alized system of preferences any country Lord, You have helped us remember that fails to effectively enforce its environ- ity is 270. that we need to see in each other a mental laws or meet its international envi- Joseph R. Biden, Jr., of the state of common humanity that reflects Your ronmental obligations, and for other pur- Delaware, has received for President of image. You have strengthened our re- poses; to the Committee on Ways and Means. the United States 306 votes; By Mr. EMMER (for himself and Mr. solve to protect and defend the Con- Donald J. Trump, of the state of RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois): stitution of the United States against Florida, has received 232 votes; H.R. 220. A bill to make supplemental ap- all enemies domestic, as well as for- The state of the vote for Vice Presi- propriations to carry out farm stress pro- eign. grams, provide for expedited additional sup- dent of the United States, as delivered Use us to bring healing and unity to port under the farm and ranch stress assist- to the President of the Senate, is as a hurting and divided Nation and ance network, and for other purposes; to the follows: world. Thank You for what You have Committee on Agriculture. The whole number of the electors ap- blessed our lawmakers to accomplish By Ms. ESHOO: pointed to vote for Vice President of H.R. 221. A bill to amend title 5, United in spite of threats to liberty. States Code, to modify the the United States is 538, of which a ma- Bless and keep us. Drive far from us jority is 270. taken by individuals in the civil service or all wrong desires, incline our hearts to uniformed services, and of other purposes; to KAMALA D. HARRIS, of the state of do Your will, and guide our feet on the the Committee on Oversight and Reform. California, has received for Vice Presi- path of peace. And . By Ms. ESHOO (for herself and Mr. dent of the United States 306 votes; We pray in Your sovereign name. MCEACHIN): MICHAEL R. PENCE, of the state of In- Amen. H.R. 222. A bill to treat the Tuesday next diana, has received 232 votes. The VICE PRESIDENT. The purpose after the first Monday in November in the This announcement of the state of of the joint session having concluded, same manner as any legal public holiday for the vote by the President of the Senate pursuant to Senate Concurrent Resolu- purposes of Federal employment, and for shall be deemed a sufficient declara- tion 1, 117th Congress, the Chair de- other purposes; to the Committee on Over- tion of the persons elected President sight and Reform. clares the joint session dissolved. By Mr. ESPAILLAT (for himself and and Vice President of the United (Thereupon, at 3 o’clock and 44 min- Mr. SIRES): States, each for the term beginning on utes a.m., the joint session of the two H.R. 223. A bill to direct the Secretary of the twentieth day of January, two Houses of Congress was dissolved.) Health and Human Services to reimburse

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06JA7.020 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE H116 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 6, 2021 qualified providers for the costs nancial criminal activities associated with superadd to the oath directed by the Con- of purchasing, leasing, installing, and oper- the facilitation of severe forms of trafficking stitution such other oath of office as its wis- ating qualified equipment for cold storage of in persons within the factors considered as dom might suggest.’’ COVID-19 vaccines; to the Committee on En- indicia of serious and sustained efforts to By Ms. ESHOO: ergy and Commerce. eliminate severe forms of trafficking in per- H.R. 222. By Ms. GARCIA of Texas (for herself, sons, and for other purposes; to the Com- Congress has the power to enact this legis- Mr. CASTRO of Texas, Mr. BABIN, Mr. mittee on Foreign Affairs. lation pursuant to the following: VELA, Ms. JOHNSON of Texas, Ms. By Mr. TAKANO: Article I, Section 4 of the Constitution JACKSON LEE, Mr. ROY, Mr. VEASEY, H.R. 234. A bill to amend title 38, United By Mr. ESPAILLAT: Mr. TAYLOR, Mr. WILLIAMS of Texas, States Code, to treat certain individuals who H.R. 223. and Mr. GREEN of Texas): served in as a member of the armed Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 224. A bill to designate the facility of forces of the Republic of Korea as a veteran lation pursuant to the following: the United States Postal Service located at of the Armed Forces of the United States for Article One of the United States Constitu- 5302 Galveston Road in Houston, Texas, as purposes of the provision of health care by tion, section 8, clause 18: the ‘‘Vanessa Guille´n Post Office Building’’; the Department of Veterans Affairs; to the The Congress shall have Power—To make to the Committee on Oversight and Reform. Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. all Laws which shall be necessary and proper By Mr. GRIFFITH: By Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ (for herself, Mrs. for carrying into Execution the foregoing H.R. 225. A bill to amend chapter 44 of title CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New York, Powers, and all other Powers vested by this 18, United States Code, to more comprehen- Mr. ESPAILLAT, Ms. MENG, Mr. NAD- Constitution in the Government of the sively address the interstate transportation LER, Ms. OCASIO-CORTEZ, Ms. CLARKE United States, or in any Department or Offi- of firearms or ammunition; to the Com- of New York, Mr. JEFFRIES, Miss RICE cer thereof mittee on the Judiciary. of New York, and Mr. SUOZZI): By Ms. GARCIA of Texas: By Mr. GRIFFITH: H.R. 235. A bill to authorize additional H.R. 224. H.R. 226. A bill to direct the United States monies to the Public Housing Capital Fund Congress has the power to enact this legis- Postal Service to designate a single, unique of the Department of Housing and Urban De- lation pursuant to the following: ZIP Code for Fairlawn, Virginia, and for velopment, and for other purposes; to the Article I, Section 8, Clause 7: [The Con- other purposes; to the Committee on Over- Committee on Financial Services. gress shall have Power . . .] To establish sight and Reform. By Mr. DOGGETT (for himself and Mr. Post Offices and post Roads By Mr. HASTINGS (for himself and SMITH of New Jersey): By Mr. GRIFFITH: Mrs. HAYES): H. Res. 20. A resolution expressing support H.R. 225. H.R. 227. A bill to provide dedicated fund- for the goals and ideals of ‘‘National Hydro- Congress has the power to enact this legis- ing for the national infrastructure invest- cephalus Awareness Month’’; to the Com- lation pursuant to the following: ment program and the capital investment mittee on Energy and Commerce. This bill is enacted pursuant to the power grant program, and for other purposes; to the granted to Congress under Article I, Section Committee on Transportation and Infra- f 8 of the United States Constitution. structure, and in addition to the Committee CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY By Mr. GRIFFITH: on Ways and Means, for a period to be subse- STATEMENT H.R. 226. quently determined by the Speaker, in each Congress has the power to enact this legis- case for consideration of such provisions as Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of lation pursuant to the following: fall within the jurisdiction of the committee the Rules of the House of Representa- This bill is enacted pursuant to the power concerned. tives, the following statements are sub- granted to Congress under Article I, Section By Mr. LAMALFA: mitted regarding the specific powers 8, Clause 7 of the United States Constitution. H.R. 228. A bill to designate the facility of granted to Congress in the Constitu- By Mr. HASTINGS: the United States Postal Service located at tion to enact the accompanying bill or H.R. 227. 2141 Ferry Street in Anderson, California, as Congress has the power to enact this legis- the ‘‘Norma Comnick Post Office Building’’; . lation pursuant to the following: to the Committee on Oversight and Reform. By Mr. CLOUD: Article 1, Section 8 By Mr. RUIZ: H.R. 217. By Mr. LaMALFA: H.R. 229. A bill to amend the Federal Elec- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 228. tion Campaign Act of 1971 to prohibit a can- lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- didate for election for Federal office from Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 lation pursuant to the following: using amounts contributed to the can- ‘‘To make all Laws which shall be nec- Article 1, Section 8 didate’s campaign to make payments to ven- essary and proper for carrying into Execu- By Mr. RUIZ: dors owned or controlled by the candidate or tion the foregoing Powers, and all other H.R. 229. by an immediate family member of the can- Powers vested by this Constitution in the Congress has the power to enact this legis- didate; to the Committee on House Adminis- Government of the United States, or in any lation pursuant to the following: tration. Department or Officer thereof.’’ Article I, section 8, Clauses 1 and 18 of the By Mr. RUIZ: By Mr. PFLUGER: United States Constitution, to provide for H.R. 230. A bill to prohibit the use of funds H.R. 218. the general welfare and make all laws nec- provided for the official travel expenses of Congress has the power to enact this legis- essary and proper to carry out the powers of Members of Congress and other officers and lation pursuant to the following: Congress. employees of the legislative branch for air- Article 1, Section 8 By Mr. RUIZ: line accommodations which are not coach- By Mr. DOGGETT: H.R. 230. class accommodations, and for other pur- H.R. 219. Congress has the power to enact this legis- poses; to the Committee on House Adminis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: tration. lation pursuant to the following: Article I, section 8, Clauses 1 and 18 of the By Mr. RUIZ: Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution of United States Constitution, to provide for H.R. 231. A bill to prevent the enrichment the United States of America. The Congress the general welfare and make all laws nec- of certain Government officers and employ- shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, essary and proper to carry out the powers of ees or their families through Federal funds Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Congress. or contracting, and for other purposes; to the Debts and provide for the common Defence By Mr. RUIZ: Committee on Oversight and Reform. and general Welfare of the United States; but H.R. 231. By Mr. RUIZ: all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uni- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 232. A bill to amend the Ethics in Gov- form throughout the United States. lation pursuant to the following: ernment Act of 1978 to require the President, By Mr. EMMER: Article I, section 8, Clauses 1 and 18 of the Vice President, and Cabinet-level officers to H.R. 220. United States Constitution, to provide for release their tax returns, and for other pur- Congress has the power to enact this legis- the general welfare and make all laws nec- poses; to the Committee on Ways and Means, lation pursuant to the following: essary and proper to carry out the powers of and in addition to the Committee on Over- Article 1, Section 8 Congress. sight and Reform, for a period to be subse- By Ms. ESHOO: By Mr. RUIZ: quently determined by the Speaker, in each H.R. 221. H.R. 232. case for consideration of such provisions as Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- fall within the jurisdiction of the committee lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: concerned. Clause 3 of article VI of the Constitution. Article I, section 8, Clauses 1 and 18 of the By Mr. STEIL (for himself and Ms. In McCulloch v. Maryland, 17 U.S. 316 United States Constitution, to provide for DEAN): (1819), the Supreme Court stated, ‘‘Yet he the general welfare and make all laws nec- H.R. 233. A bill to amend the Trafficking would be charged with insanity who should essary and proper to carry out the powers of Victims Protection Act of 2000 to include fi- contend that the legislature might not Congress.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L06JA7.100 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H117 By Mr. STEIL: ADDITIONAL SPONSORS H.R. 97: Ms. WILD, Ms. ESHOO, Mr. H.R. 233. CA´ RDENAS, Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia, Mr. Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors VARGAS, Mr. MEEKS, Ms. CLARKE of New Congress has the power to enact this legis- were added to public bills and resolu- York, Mr. EVANS, Ms. KELLY of Illinois, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: tions, as follows: KHANNA, Mr. GRIJALVA, Ms. MCCOLLUM, Mrs. Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 of the United H.R. 24: Mr. BURGESS. LAWRENCE, Mr. LIEU, Ms. PINGREE, Ms. States Constitution H.R. 28: Mr. BALDERSON, Mr. BANKS, Mr. ESCOBAR, Mr. HASTINGS, Mr. RASKIN, Ms. By Mr. TAKANO: BILIRAKIS, Mr. COLE, Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Il- BASS, Mr. PAYNE, Mr. BLUMENAUER, Mrs. H.R. 234. linois, Mr. DIAZ-BALART, Mr. FLEISCHMANN, WATSON COLEMAN, Mr. TRONE, Mr. RUSH, Mr. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Mr. GROTHMAN, Mr. GUTHRIE, Mrs. HINSON, POCAN, Mr. BROWN, Mr. TONKO, Ms. SCANLON, lation pursuant to the following: Mr. JOHNSON of South Dakota, Mr. LAMALFA, Mr. LOWENTHAL, Ms. MENG, Mr. COOPER, Ms. Article I, Section 8 Mr. LATTA, Mr. MCHENRY, Mrs. RODGERS of LOFGREN, Mrs. TRAHAN, Ms. CHU, Mrs. CARO- By Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ: Washington, Mr. PFLUGER, Mr. RUTHERFORD, LYN B. MALONEY of New York, Mr. BEYER, Mr. MALINOWSKI, Ms. DEAN, Ms. SPEIER, Mr. H.R. 235. Mr. SCHWEIKERT, Mr. WRIGHT, and Mr. STAUBER. COHEN, and Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 40: Mr. PRICE of North Carolina, Mr. H.R. 173: Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Mr. HASTINGS, lation pursuant to the following: CASTRO of Texas, Mr. TORRES of New York, Mr. SUOZZI, Ms. NORTON, and Ms. GARCIA of Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 and Mr. SMITH of Washington. Texas. The Congress shall have Power to . . . pro- H.R. 51: Mr. HASTINGS. H.J. Res. 12: Mr. HERN, Mr. LAHOOD, Mr. vide for the . . . general Welfare of the H.R. 82: Mr. KINZINGER, Mr. PRICE of North WRIGHT, Mr. FULCHER, Mr. DONALDS, Mr. United States; . . . Carolina, and Mr. BURGESS. BURCHETT, and Mrs. WAGNER.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:58 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06JA7.003 H06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 117 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

Vol. 167 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 2021 No. 4 Senate The Senate met at 12:30 p.m. and was REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF MEASURE READ THE FIRST called to order by the President pro THE SENATE TIME—S. 13 tempore (Mr. GRASSLEY). The PRESIDING OFFICER laid be- Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I un- f fore the Senate the following letter derstand there is a bill at the desk, and from the Secretary of the Senate, I ask for its first reading. PRAYER which was ordered to lie on the table: The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk will read the bill by title for the The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: On Tuesday, January first time. fered the following prayer: 5, 2021, the President of the United States The senior assistant legislative clerk Let us pray. sent by messenger the attached sealed enve- read as follows: Almighty God, have compassion on lope addressed to the President of the Senate us with Your unfailing love. As our dated January 5, 2021, said to contain a mes- A bill (S. 13) to establish an advisory com- sage regarding additional steps addressing mittee to make recommendations on im- lawmakers prepare to formally certify provements to the security, integrity, and the votes cast by the electoral college, the threat posed by applications and other software developed or controlled by Chinese administration of Federal elections. be present with them. Guide our legis- companies. The Senate not being in session Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I now lators with Your wisdom and truth as on the day which the President delivered ask unanimous consent for a second they seek to meet the requirements of this message, I accepted the message at 5:00 reading, and in order to place the bill the U.S. Constitution. Lord, inspire p.m., and I now present to you the Presi- on the calendar under the provisions of dent’s message, with the accompanying pa- them to seize this opportunity to dem- rule XIV, I object to my own request. onstrate to the Nation and world how pers, for disposition by the Senate. Respectfully, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- the democratic process can be done tion having been heard, the bill will re- properly and in an orderly manner. JULIE A. ADAMS, Secretary of the Senate. ceive its second reading on the next Help them to remember that history is legislative day. a faithful stenographer, and so are The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- You. ator from Iowa. f We pray in Your sovereign Name. JOINT SESSION OF THE TWO Amen. f HOUSES—COUNTING OF ELEC- TORAL BALLOTS f MEASURE PLACED ON THE The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CALENDAR—S. 11 the provisions of S. Con. Res. 1, the Senate will now proceed as a body to The President pro tempore led the Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I un- the Hall of the House of Representa- Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: derstand there is a bill at the desk that tives for the counting of the electoral I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the is due for a second reading. ballots. United States of America, and to the Repub- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Thereupon, the Senate, at 12:51 p.m., lic for which it stands, one nation under God, clerk will read the bill by title for the preceded by the Secretary of the Sen- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. second time. ate, Julie E. Adams, and the Deputy f The senior assistant legislative clerk Sergeant at Arms, Jennifer Heming- read as follows: way, proceeded to the Hall of the House RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME of Representatives for the purpose of A bill (S. 11) to provide for an exception to The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. counting electoral ballots. a limitation against appointment of persons The VICE PRESIDENT. Pursuant to LANKFORD). Under the previous order, as Secretary of Defense within seven years of the leadership time is reserved. relief from active duty as a regular commis- S. Con. Res. 1 and section 17, title III, sioned officer of the Armed Forces. U.S. Code, when the two Houses with- f draw from the joint session to count Mr. GRASSLEY. In order to place the electoral vote for separate consid- the bill on the calendar under the pro- eration of an objection, a Senator may The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under visions of rule XIV, I would object to speak to the objection for 5 minutes the previous order, the Senate will be its further reading. and not more than once. Debate shall in a period of morning business, with The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- not exceed 2 hours, after which the Senators permitted to speak therein tion having been heard, the bill will be Chair will put the question: Shall the for up to 10 minutes each. placed on the calendar. objection be sustained?

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:23 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06JA6.000 S06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE S14 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 6, 2021 The clerk will report the objection board of elections on steroids. The vot- American voters and overrule the made in the joint session. ers, the courts, and the States have all courts and the States on this extraor- The senior assistant legislative clerk spoken. They have all spoken. If we dinarily thin basis, and I will not pre- read as follows: overrule them, it would damage our tend such a vote would be a harmless Objection from Representative GOSAR from Republic forever. protest gesture while relying on others Arizona and Senator CRUZ and others, ‘‘We, a This election actually was not unusu- to do the right thing. I will vote to re- Member of the House of Representatives and ally close. Just in recent history, 1976, spect the people’s decision and defend a United States Senator, object to the count- 2000, and 2004 were all closer than this our system of government as we know ing of the electoral votes of the State of Ari- one. The electoral college margin is al- it. zona on the ground that they were not, under most identical to what it was in 2016. If f all of the known circumstances, regularly this election were overturned by mere given.’’ allegations from the losing side, our RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY f democracy would enter a death spiral. LEADER RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY We would never see the whole Nation The VICE PRESIDENT. The Demo- LEADER accept an election again. Every 4 years cratic leader is recognized. would be a scramble for power at any The VICE PRESIDENT. The majority f cost. The electoral college, which most leader is recognized. CHALLENGE TO THE ELECTORAL of us on this side been have defending COLLEGE f for years, would cease to exist, leaving Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. Vice President, UNANIMOUS CONSENT many of our States with no real say at as prescribed by the Constitution and AGREEMENT all in choosing a President. The effects would go even beyond the the laws of the Nation, the purpose of Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I elections themselves. Self-government, this joint session is for tellers, ap- ask unanimous consent that the major- my colleagues, requires a shared com- pointed on a bipartisan basis by the ity leader and the Democratic leader mitment to the truth and a shared re- two Houses, to read to the Congress the be allowed to speak and that following spect for the ground rules of our sys- results of an election that has already their remarks, the majority leader and tem. We cannot keep drifting apart happened. We are here to receive an an- the Democratic leader each control up into two separate tribes with a sepa- nouncement of a vote that has already to 1 hour of debate time and be author- rate set of facts and separate realities been certified by every State in the ized to yield up to 5 minutes of that with nothing in common except our Union and confirmed by the courts time to any Senator seeking recogni- hostility toward each other and mis- many times—many times over. We are tion. Further, I ask unanimous consent trust for the few national institutions here to watch the current Vice Presi- that the Senators be permitted to in- that we all still share. dent open envelopes and receive the sert statements into the RECORD. Every time—every time in the last 30 news of a verdict that has already been The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there years that Democrats have lost a Pres- rendered. It is a solemn and august oc- objection? idential race, they have tried a chal- casion, no doubt, but it is a formality. Without objection, it is so ordered. lenge just like this—after 2000, after The Congress does not determine the The VICE PRESIDENT. The majority 2004, and after 2016. After 2004, a Sen- outcome of elections; the people do. leader. ator joined and forced the same debate. The Congress is not endowed with the f And, believe it or not, Democrats like power to administer elections; our , , and Hillary States are given that power. CHALLENGE TO THE ELECTORAL Clinton praised—praised and applauded By the end of the proceedings today, COLLEGE the stunt. Republicans condemned there will be confirmed once again Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, we those baseless efforts back then, and something that is well known and well are debating a step that has never been we just spent 4 years condemning settled: The American people elected taken in American history: whether Democrats’ shameful attacks on the Joe Biden and KAMALA HARRIS to be Congress should overrule the voters validity of President Trump’s own elec- the next President and Vice President and overturn a Presidential election. tion. So there can be no double stand- of the United States. Yet a number of I have served 36 years in the Senate. ard. The media that is outraged today our colleagues have organized an effort This will be the most important vote I spent 4 years aiding and abetting the to undermine and object to that free have ever cast. Democrats’ attacks on our institutions and fair election. They are in the mi- President Trump claims the election after they lost. nority. They will lose; they know that. was stolen. The assertions range from But we must not imitate and escalate They have no evidence of widespread specific local allegations, to constitu- what we repudiate. Our duty is to gov- voter fraud upon which to base their tional arguments, to sweeping con- ern for the public good. The United objections. That is because there is spiracy theories. I supported the Presi- States Senate has a higher calling than none. There is none, not brought before dent’s right to use the legal system. an endless spiral of partisan vengeance. any of the courts successfully. Dozens of lawsuits received hearings in Congress will either overrule the vot- They know that President Trump courtrooms all across our country, but ers, the States, and the courts for the and his allies have suffered a defeat in over and over, courts rejected these first time ever or honor the people’s de- court after court across the country, claims, including all-star judges whom cision. We will either guarantee Demo- losing no fewer than 62 legal chal- the President himself nominated. crats’ delegitimizing efforts after 2016 lenges. And, I might add, many Repub- Every election, we know, features became a permanent new routine for lican-appointed judges—some ap- some illegality and irregularity, and, both sides or declare that our Nation pointed by President Trump—rendered of course, that is unacceptable. deserves a lot better than this. We will those decisions. I support strong State-led voting re- either hasten down a poisonous path They know—you all know—that Joe forms. Last year’s bizarre pandemic where only the winners of elections ac- Biden and KAMALA HARRIS are going to procedures must not become the new tually accept the results or show we be sworn in as President and Vice norm. But, my colleagues, nothing be- can still muster the patriotic courage President of the United States on Jan- fore us proves illegality anywhere near that our forebears showed not only in uary 20, but they are going to object to the massive scale—the massive scale victory but in defeat. the counting of the vote anyway, and that would have tipped the entire elec- The Framers built the Senate to stop in the process, they will embarrass tion, nor can public doubt alone justify short-term passions from boiling over themselves, they will embarrass their a radical break when the doubt itself and melting the foundations of our Re- party, and worst of all, they will em- was incited without any evidence. public. So I believe protecting our con- barrass their country. The Constitution gives us here in stitutional order requires respecting This insurrection was fortunately Congress a limited role. We cannot the limits of our own power. It would discouraged by the leadership of the simply declare ourselves a national be unfair and wrong to disenfranchise majority party, but it was not quelled.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:23 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06JA6.004 S06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S15 It is a very sad comment on our times antidemocratic, there will always, al- consider the claims of illegality and that merely accepting the results of an ways be—praise God—a far broader and fraud in this election? election is considered an act of polit- stronger coalition ready to push back And I believe there is a better way. ical courage. Sadder and more dan- and defend everything we hold dear. The leaders just spoke about setting gerous still is the fact that an element We can send that message today by aside the election. Let me be clear. I of the Republican Party believes their voting in large and overwhelming num- am not arguing for setting aside the re- political viability hinges on the en- bers to defeat these objections. My col- sult of this election. All of us are faced dorsement of an attempted coup, that leagues, we each swore an oath just 3 with two choices, both of which are anyone—much less an elected official— days ago that we would defend and sup- lousy. One choice is vote against the would be willing to tarnish our democ- port the Constitution of the United objection, and tens of millions of racy in order to burnish their personal States against all enemies, foreign and Americans will see a vote against the political fortunes. domestic; that we would bear true faith objection as a statement that voter Over the course of the afternoon and and allegiance to the same. fraud doesn’t matter, isn’t real, and however far into the evening this band We swore that we took this obliga- shouldn’t be taken seriously. And a of Republic objectors wants to take us, tion freely, without any mental res- great many of us don’t believe that. Senators of good will from both sides of ervation or purpose of evasion, and On the other hand, most, if not all, of the aisle will explain why these chal- that we could well and faithfully dis- us believe we should not set aside the lenges must be dismissed. The Senators charge the duties of the office we were results of an election just because our from States whose electoral votes are about to enter, so help us God. candidate may not have prevailed. So I being challenged will explain how the The precise words of that oath were endeavored to look for door No. 3, a allegations of fraud are baseless. And a shortly written after the Civil War, third option, and for that I looked to substantial bipartisan majority must when the idea of true faith and alle- history, to the precedent of the 1876 vote to put down these objections and giance to this country and its Con- election, the Hayes-Tilden election, defend the sanctity of our elections and stitution took on enormous meaning. where this Congress appointed an elec- indeed—and indeed—our great and Let those words ring in the ears of toral commission to examine claims of grand democracy because that is what every Senator today. Let us do our voter fraud. we are talking about today: the health duty to support and defend the Con- Five House Members, five Senators, of power democracy, this wonderful, stitution of the United States, so help five Supreme Court Justices examined beautiful, grand democracy where the us God. the evidence and rendered a judgment. peaceful passing of the torch is The VICE PRESIDENT. The majority What I would urge of this body is that extolled by schoolchildren in the sec- leader. we do the same; that we appoint an ond grade but not by some here. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I electoral commission to conduct a 10- As we speak, half of our voters are yield up to 5 minutes to the Senator day emergency audit, consider the evi- being conditioned by the outgoing from Texas, Senator CRUZ. dence, and resolve the claims. President to believe that when his The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator For those in the Democratic aisle party loses an election, the results from Texas. who say there is no evidence, they have must not be legitimate. Mr. CRUZ. Mr. President, we gather been rejected, then you should rest in As we speak, the eyes of the world together at a moment of great division, comfort. If that is the case, an elec- are on this Chamber, questioning at a moment of great passion. We have toral commission would reject those whether America is still the shining seen and, no doubt, will continue to see claims. example of democracy, the shining city a great deal of moralizing from both But for those who respect the voters, on the Hill. sides of the aisle, but I would urge to simply telling the voters, ‘‘Go jump in What message will we send today to both sides perhaps a bit less certitude a lake; the fact that you have deep con- our people, to the world that has so and a bit more recognition that we are cerns is of no moment to us,’’ that looked up to us for centuries? What gathered at a time when democracy is jeopardizes, I believe, the legitimacy of message will we send to fledgling de- in crisis. this and subsequent elections. mocracies who study our Constitution, Recent polling shows that 39 percent The Constitution gives to Congress mirror our laws and traditions in the of Americans believe the election that the responsibility this day to count the hopes that they, too, can build a coun- just occurred ‘‘was rigged.’’ You may votes. The Framers knew what they try ruled by the consent of the gov- not agree with that assessment, but it were doing when they gave responsibil- erned? is, nonetheless, a reality for nearly half ities to Congress. We have a responsi- What message will we send to those the country. bility, and I would urge that we follow countries where democratic values are I would note it is not just Repub- the precedent of 1877. The Electoral under assault and look to us to see if licans who believe that. Thirty-one Count Act explicitly allows objections those values are still worth fighting percent of Independents agree with such as this one for votes that were not for? that statement. Seventeen percent of regularly given. What message will we send to every Democrats believe the election was Let me be clear. This objection is for dark corner of the world where human rigged. Even if you do not share that the State of Arizona, but it is broader rights are betrayed, elections are sto- conviction, it is the responsibility, I than that. It is an objection for all six len, human dignity denied? believe, of this office to acknowledge of the contested States to have a cred- What will we show those people? Will that is a profound threat to this coun- ible, objective, impartial body hear the we show those people that there is a try and to the legitimacy of any ad- evidence and make a conclusive deter- better way to ensure liberty and oppor- ministrations that will come in the fu- mination. That would benefit both tunity of humankind? ture. sides. That would improve the legit- Sadly, a small band of Republican ob- I want to take a moment to speak to imacy of this election. jectors may darken the view of our de- my Democratic colleagues. I under- So let me urge my colleagues: All of mocracy today, but a larger group of stand. Your guy is winning right now. us take our responsibility seriously. I Senators and House Members from If Democrats vote as a bloc, Joe Biden would urge my colleagues: Don’t take, both sides of the aisle can send a mes- will almost certainly be certified as perhaps, the easy path, but, instead, sage, too; that democracy beats deep in the next President of the United act together. Astonish the viewers and the hearts of our citizens and our elect- States. act in a bipartisan sense to say we will ed representatives; that we are a coun- I want to speak to the Republicans have a credible and fair tribunal, con- try of laws and of not men; that our who are considering voting against sider the claims, consider the facts, traditions are not so easily discarded, these objections. I understand your consider the evidence, and make a con- even by our President; that facts mat- concerns, but I urge you to pause and clusive determination whether and to ter; that truth matters; that while de- think: What does it say to the nearly what extent this election complied mocracy allows free speech and free ex- half the country that believes this elec- with the Constitution and with Federal pression, even if that expression is tion was rigged if we vote not even to law.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:23 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06JA6.006 S06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE S16 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 6, 2021 Mr. SCHUMER. Senator KLOBUCHAR. Trump’s Defense Secretaries—Dick For now, I want to address my re- The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator Cheney, , William marks to what I think is the funda- from Minnesota. Cohen—he knows that all of these lead- mental question being posed by the ob- Ms. KLOBUCHAR. Mr. President, I ers have come together to say that jectors, and that is, does Congress have first would like to say I appreciate the these scurrilous attacks on our democ- the constitutional authority to decide words of our leader, Senator SCHUMER, racy must stop and we must allow for which States’ electoral college votes as well as Senator MCCONNELL’s call a peaceful transition of power. should be counted and which should for a higher calling. Senator SINEMA will fill you in on the not based on how well we think they January 6 is not typically a day of specific facts as to why this election ran their elections? This is what the historical significance for our country. was sound and true in Arizona, but a objectors are really asking us to do—to For centuries, this day is simply the summary: President Trump received federalize elections by rejecting elec- day that we receive each State’s cer- 1,661,686 votes in the State; President- toral college votes from States whose tified electoral votes, and it has come Elect Biden won 1,672,143 votes, mean- processes they say they disapprove of and gone without much fanfare. ing that he won the State by 10,457 and thereby having Congress select the In fact, this is only the third time in votes. President of the United States instead 120 years that the Senate has gathered On , after Arizona’s Re- of the American people. to debate an objection, and as Senator publican Governor, the secretary of The answer, Mr. President, is no, CRUZ well knows, both times these ob- state, the attorney general, and the there is no such authority under the jections were resoundingly defeated. conservative chief justice of the Ari- Constitution. The Constitution assigns The last time the vote was 74 to 1. zona Supreme Court certified the re- to the States the responsibility to con- Why? Because Senators have long be- sults of the election, the Governor ac- duct elections. It is clear in article II, lieved that they should not mess tually said: section 1. It leaves courts with the re- around with the will of the people. We do elections well here in Arizona. The sponsibility to adjudicate disputes, and They have understood the words of our system is strong. it assigns to Congress the ministerial great former colleague John McCain Eight postelection lawsuits brought function of counting ballots, except for from the State of Arizona, who once in Arizona to challenge the results extreme circumstances, such as when a said that nothing in life is more liber- were dismissed by judges. Nine Mem- State sends competing slates of elec- ating than to fight for a cause larger bers of the House from Arizona were tors to Congress, which brings me to than yourself. elected in the same election, including the 1877 President. In this case, my colleagues, our four Republicans. Colleagues, I did not Some objectors claim to merely want cause, despite our political differences, see Senator CRUZ over at the swearing- a commission to conduct an audit and is to preserve our American democ- in at the House of Representatives last then let States decide whether to send racy, to preserve our Republic because, Sunday asking for an audit. He did not electors. Well, first, the situations are as someone once said long ago, it is a stop their swearing-in because there not at all analogous. republic if you can keep it. was no fraud, and he did not ask for an In 1877, Congress had before it two Now, I appreciate all my Democratic audit because we had a fair election. slates of electors from several States. and Republican colleagues who have I will end with this. My friend ROY There are no Trump electors from joined our ranks of coup fighters, who BLUNT, my fellow Rules Committee swing States; there are just Biden elec- have stood up for our democracy, who leader, many years ago found a statue, tors. stand tall for our Republic, and who be- a bust of a man at the top of a book- Second, legislators from the swing lieve in an ideal greater than ourselves, case. He did research. He went to the States—they have already spoken. larger than our political parties. That historians. All he could find out was They have made their decision. They ideal is America. that no one knew who this guy was ex- have chosen not to send us alternative And Senator CRUZ, he knows this: On cept that he was a cleric. Hence, the electors. January 20, Joe Biden and KAMALA statue is called ‘‘The Unknown Cleric.’’ Third, a commission—really? It is HARRIS will be sworn in as President Now, at the time, our leaders thought completely impractical, and we all and Vice President of the United this man important enough that they know it, with 14 days to go before a States. He knows that President-Elect would warrant a statue for him, but constitutionally mandated inaugura- Biden won more votes than any Presi- today no one knows who he is. Senator tion. dent in history and more than 7 million BLUNT’s message to schoolkids and Look at it this way: If the electors more votes than President Trump. Senators alike that visit his office, are right and it is Congress’s job to sit Despite the unfounded conspiracy when he shows them the statue: What in judgment on the worthiness of the theories Senator CRUZ tells, he knows we do here is more important than who States’ electoral processes, what is the that high-ranking officials in President we are. criteria for acceptable electoral proc- Trump’s own Homeland Security De- Senators, what matters is not our fu- esses? What investigations have been partment have concluded that the 2020 tures, not our own short-term des- conducted of these processes? What election was ‘‘the most secure in Amer- tinies. body has deemed that certain States’ ican history.’’ What matters is our democracy’s des- processes are unacceptable? What op- If he wants to improve the numbers tiny because I think many of us know portunities were these States given to in his own party that he just men- people will not know who we are 100 challenge the findings? Why are the ob- tioned of people believing in our elec- years from now or 200 years from now, jectors objecting only to swing States tions, maybe he should start con- but what they will know is this: They that President Trump lost? What about sulting with them or maybe he should will know what we did today, how we the ones he won? I don’t know—North start consulting with former Attorney voted today. That is more important Carolina? What about California? They General Barr, who said that he has than who we are. It is a Republic, if we have ballot harvesting, I am told. If found no evidence of widespread fraud can keep it. this is all supposed to be Congress’s in the 2020 election. Thank you, Mr. President. job, you would think we would have an- We don’t have to go back to 1877, my I yield the floor. swers to these questions and proce- colleagues. Senator CRUZ knows that 80 The VICE PRESIDENT. The majority dures in place because we would have judges, including conservative judges, leader. done this every 4 years, right? But we including judges confirmed in this Mr. MCCONNELL. I yield up to 5 don’t because it is not our job. Chamber, nominated by President minutes to the Senator from Pennsyl- If we adopt this new precedent that Trump, have thrown out these law- vania, Senator TOOMEY. we sit in judgment of States’ processes, suits, calling them baseless, inad- The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator then we are federalizing the election equate, and contrary both to the plain from Pennsylvania. law. We would necessarily have to es- meaning of the constitutional text and Mr. TOOMEY. I intend later to ad- tablish the permissible criteria and common sense. dress the specifics of Pennsylvania if rules for the States’ elections. And he knows that all 10 living De- and when an objection is raised in re- The ballot harvesting example—it is fense Secretaries, including both of gard to Pennsylvania. illegal in some States; it is encouraged

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:23 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06JA6.008 S06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S17 in others. Does it become mandatory or parties won races, and these results The American people have spoken . . . Sen- forbidden depending on who is in con- have been confirmed by stakeholders ator Obama and I have . . . argued our dif- trol of Congress? And, as the leader across the political spectrum. ferences, and he has prevailed. . . . Whatever pointed out, it would be the end of the The Republican chairman of the Mar- our differences, we are fellow Americans. electoral college. The electoral college icopa County Board of Supervisors He spoke to the nearly 60 million is the mechanism by which the people said: Americans who voted for him, saying: select the President. But if Congress No matter how you voted, this election It is natural tonight to feel some dis- gets to decide which States get to vote was administered with integrity, trans- appointment, but tomorrow we must move in the electoral college, then clearly parency, and . . . in accordance with Arizona beyond it and work together to get our coun- Congress is electing the President, not State laws. try moving again. the people. Whichever party controls The Republican speaker of the Ari- Senator McCain was right. both Houses of Congress would control zona State House rejected calls for the Today we have serious, significant the Presidency. legislature to overturn the election, work to do beating this pandemic and The public would never tolerate Con- saying: reviving our economy. I urge my col- gress picking the President instead of As a conservative Republican, I don’t like leagues to follow the example of Sen- themselves, so they would abolish the the results of the presidential election . . . ator John McCain and so many others, electoral college, as many of our col- but I cannot and will not entertain a sugges- reject this meritless challenge, and up- leagues would like to do, and the end of tion that we violate current law to change hold the will of Arizona’s voters. the electoral college, of course, means the outcome. Thank you. the Nation will be governed by a hand- Eight challenges contesting the Ari- The VICE PRESIDENT. The majority ful of big blue States and regions that zona election were brought to Federal leader. can drum up very large numbers. and State courts. All eight were with- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Mr. President, the Constitution does drawn or dismissed, including a unani- yield up to 5 minutes to the Senator not assign to Congress the responsi- mous ruling by the Arizona Supreme from Oklahoma, Senator LANKFORD. bility to judge the worthiness of State Court. The chief justice wrote: The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator election processes nor its adherence to [The] challenge fails to present any evi- from Oklahoma. its rules. That is the responsibility of dence of ‘‘misconduct,’’ [or] ‘‘illegal votes’’ Mr. LANKFORD. Mr. President, in the States and the courts. . . . let alone establish any degree of fraud or America, we settle our differences in Let me conclude with this. I voted a sufficient error rate that would undermine elections. What happens if you don’t for President Trump. I publicly en- the certainty of the election results. trust the election count or you are con- dorsed President Trump. I campaigned During a recent committee hearing, I cerned that so many courts denied or for President Trump. I did not want asked a simple question of the former dismissed cases within hours after they Joe Biden to win this election. There is Director of Cybersecurity and Infra- were given thousands of pages of evi- something more important to me than structure Security: Did he find any evi- dence? having my preferred candidate sworn dence disputing the integrity or fair- The reason we have a Congress to in as the next President, and that is to ness of Arizona’s election? His answer settle our Nation’s divisions and the have the American people’s chosen can- was simple: ‘‘No.’’ rules of the Senate make sure that didate sworn in as the next President. Arizona and our 15 counties should be every opinion in the Nation is heard is A fundamental defining feature of a congratulated for running a secure so issues like this can be addressed. democratic republic is the right of the election. Perhaps the most heartening The in our coun- people to elect their own leaders. It is demonstration of Arizona’s election try right now is that millions of Amer- now our duty. It is our responsibility success is Jocelyn from Phoenix. icans are being told to sit down and to ensure that right is respected in this Jocelyn is 18 years old and was a first- shut up. Their opinions matter. election and preserved for future elec- time voter in 2020. So was Rachel from During the electoral challenge on tions. I urge you to vote against this Tucson and thousand more Arizonans January 6, 2005, Senator Ted Kennedy objection. who for the first time exercised their stood on this floor and said this. He The VICE PRESIDENT. The Demo- to decide their said: cratic leader. own leaders. Today’s challenge to Ari- I commend the many thousands of citizens Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, the in Massachusetts and other States who in- Senator from the great State of Ari- zona’s election fails any factual anal- ysis. More disturbingly, it seeks to rob sisted that treating today’s electoral vote zona, Senator SINEMA. Jocelyn and Rachel and more than 3 count in Congress as a meaningless ritual The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator would be an insult to our democracy unless from Arizona. million Arizonans of a free, fair elec- we register our own protest against the obvi- Ms. SINEMA. Thank you, Mr. Presi- tion. ously-flawed voting process that took place dent. Those of us who are trusted with in so many States. We are hopeful that this I rise today to share the facts about elected office are first and foremost major issue that goes to the heart of our de- Arizona’s recent election and to urge public servants. We serve our constitu- mocracy is now firmly implanted on the my colleagues to step away from divi- ents. We do not seek to substitute our agenda for effective action by . . . Congress. sive political rhetoric and step towards personal ambitions for the will of the I agree. The U.S. Constitution does renewing Americans’ faith in our de- American people. Our system allows not allow me to assign different elec- mocracy. for a continuous contest of ideas. And tors to a State, nor should it. The U.S. The 2020 Arizona election was a suc- those voters who support the losing Constitution does not give the option cess, not for any one party or indi- side of a free, fair election have not to the Vice President of the United vidual but as a demonstration of the been disenfranchised; rather, they States to just unilaterally decide will of the voters. A record 80 percent maintain just as important a voice in which States are in and out, and it of registered voters participated, America’s future. Leaders have a duty should not. Each State decides its elec- thanks to local Arizona election offi- to serve all of our constituents, includ- tors through its people. cials who ensured our system worked ing those who voted for other can- A small group of Senators, including and our laws were upheld. Arizona has didates. myself, have demanded that we not ig- offered early voting for more than 100 Great leaders in our history faced the nore the questions that millions of peo- years, and our vote-by-mail system in- choice of whether to take an action ple are asking in our Nation, so we cludes strict safeguards. All ballots in- strengthening our democracy even if a have proposed a constitutional solu- clude tracking mechanisms and tam- different action would better serve tion. Pause the count. Get more facts per-resistant envelopes. Election staff their political ambitions. Many are re- to the States before January the 20th. are trained to authentic signatures. vered today because they chose our Re- We proposed a 15-member commission, And Arizona imposes severe criminal public over their self-interests, includ- just like what was done after the failed punishments for ballot tampering. ing my personal hero, Senator John election of 1876. We are encouraging The Arizona election produced bipar- McCain. Following his Presidential people to spend 10 days going through tisan results in which members of both loss, Senator McCain said: all the issues so States can have one

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:23 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06JA6.011 S06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE S18 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 6, 2021 last opportunity to address any chal- The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there ob- evacuation was ordered, leaving rioters lenges. Then the States, as the Con- jection? to stalk these hallowed Halls. Law- stitution directs, would make the final Without objection, it is so ordered. makers and our staffs, average citizens decision on their electors. Mr. MCCONNELL. I want to say to who love their country and serve it I have some colleagues who have said the American people, the United States every day, feared for their lives. I un- that a 10-day commission is not enough Senate will not be intimidated. derstand that one woman was shot and time, so they have counterproposed We will not be kept out of this Cham- tragically lost her life. We mourn her just ignoring the lingering questions. ber by thugs, mobs, or threats. We will and feel for her friends and family. We need to do something. not bow to lawlessness or intimidation. These images were projected to the (Mr. GRASSLEY assumed the Chair.) We are back at our posts. We will dis- world. Foreign Embassies cabled their Mr. LANKFORD. My challenge today charge our duty under the Constitution home capitals to report on the is not about the good people of Ari- and for our Nation, and we are going to harrowing scenes at the very heart of zona. do it tonight. our democracy. This will be a stain on f This afternoon, Congress began the our country not so easily washed RECESS SUBJECT TO THE CALL OF process of honoring the will of the away—the final, terrible, indelible leg- THE CHAIR American people and counting the elec- acy of the 45th President of the United toral college votes. We have fulfilled States and undoubtedly our worst. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The this solemn duty every 4 years for I want to be very clear. Those who Senate will stand in recess subject to more than two centuries. Whether our performed these reprehensible acts the call of the Chair. Nation has been at war or at peace, cannot be called protestors. No, these Thereupon, the Senate, at 2:13 p.m., under all manner of threats, even dur- were rioters and insurrectionists, recessed subject to the call of the Chair ing an ongoing armed rebellion and the goons and thugs, domestic terrorists. and reassembled at 8:06 p.m. when Civil War, the clockwork of our democ- They do not represent America. These called to order by the Vice President of racy has carried on. were a few thousand violent extremists the United States. The United States and the United who tried to take over the Capitol The VICE PRESIDENT. The Vice States Congress have faced down much Building and attack our democracy. President, as President of the Senate, greater threats than the unhinged They must and should be prosecuted to would like to give a brief statement crowd we saw today. We have never the full extent of the law, hopefully, by with the indulgence of the Senate. Today was a dark day in the history been deterred before, and we will not be this administration; if not, certainly of the United States Capitol, but deterred today. by the next. They should be provided They tried to disrupt our democracy. thanks to the swift efforts of U.S. Cap- no leniency. They failed. They failed. itol Police, Federal, State, and local I want to thank the many in the Cap- This failed attempt to obstruct the law enforcement, the violence was itol Hill Police and Secret Service and Congress, this failed insurrection, only quelled, the Capitol is secured, and the local police who kept us safe today and underscores how crucial the task be- people’s work continues. worked to clear the Capitol and return We condemn the violence that took fore us is for our Republic. it to its rightful owners and its rightful Our Nation was founded precisely so place here in the strongest possible purpose. I want to thank the leaders, that the free choice of the American terms. We grieve the loss of life that Democratic and Republican, House and people is what shapes our self-govern- took place in these hallowed Halls, as Senate. It was Speaker PELOSI, Leader ment and determines the destiny of our well as the injuries suffered by those MCCONNELL, Leader MCCARTHY, and Nation—not fear, not force, but the who defended our Capitol today. And myself who came together and decided peaceful expression of the popular will. we will always be grateful to the men that these thugs would not succeed and We assembled this afternoon to count and women who stayed at their posts that we would finish the work that our our citizens’ votes and to formalize to defend this historic place. Constitution requires us to complete in To those who wreaked havoc in our their choice of the next President. Now the very legislative Chambers of the Capitol today, you did not win. Vio- we are going to finish exactly what we House and Senate that were desecrated lence never wins. Freedom wins. And started. We will complete this process but we know always belong to the peo- this is still the People’s House. the right way, by the book. We will fol- ple and do again tonight. As we reconvene in this Chamber, the low our precedents, our laws, and our But make no mistake—make no mis- world will again witness the resilience Constitution to the letter, and we will take, my friends—today’s events did and strength of our democracy, for certify the winner of the 2020 Presi- not happen spontaneously. The Presi- even in the wake of unprecedented vio- dential election. dent who promoted the conspiracy lence and vandalism at this Capitol, Criminal behavior will never domi- theories that motivated these thugs, the elected representatives of the peo- nate the United States Congress. This the President who exhorted them to ple of the United States have assem- institution is resilient. Our democratic come to our Nation’s Capital egged bled again on the very same day to sup- Republic is strong. The American peo- them on. He hardly ever discourages vi- port and defend the Constitution of the ple deserve nothing less. olence and more often encourages it. United States. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Demo- This President bears a great deal of the May God bless the lost, the injured, cratic leader. blame. and the heroes forged on this day. May Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, it is This mob was, in good part, Presi- God bless all who serve here and those very, very difficult to put into words dent Trump’s doing, incited by his who protect this place. And may God what has transpired today. I have words and his lies. This violence, in bless the United States of America. never lived through or even imagined good part, is his responsibility and his Let’s get back to work. an experience like the one we have just everlasting shame. Today’s events cer- (Applause, Senators rising.) witnessed in this Capitol. President tainly—certainly—would not have hap- The VICE PRESIDENT. The majority Franklin Roosevelt set aside December pened without him. leader. 7, 1941, as a day that ‘‘will live in in- Now January 6 will go down as one of f famy.’’ Unfortunately, we can now add the darkest days in recent American January 6, 2021, to that very short list history—a final warning to our Nation UNANIMOUS CONSENT of dates in American history that will about the consequences of a demagogic AGREEMENT live forever in infamy. President, the people who enable him, Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I This temple to democracy was dese- the captive media that parrot his lies, ask unanimous consent that the major- crated, its windows smashed, and our and the people who follow him as he at- ity leader and the Democratic leader offices vandalized. The world saw tempts to push America to the brink of be allowed to speak and that the time America’s elected officials hurriedly ruin. not count against the 2 hours of debate ushered out because they were in As we reconvene tonight, let us re- in relation to the objection raised on harm’s way. The House and Senate member, in the end, all this mob has the State of Arizona. floor were places of shelter until the really accomplished is to delay our

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:30 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06JA6.012 S06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S19 work by a few hours. We will resume want to have debate about election se- disputes. All of those things happened our responsibilities now, and we will curity because they want to make sure after the 2020 election. finish our task tonight. The House and it is right, which is why it is an impor- Statehouses and courts across the Senate Chambers will be restored good tant issue that still needs to be re- country took allegations of voter fraud as new and ready for legislating in solved. seriously and followed the constitu- short order. Transparency in government just tional process to hear challenges to The counting of the electoral votes is doesn’t seem like a bad idea. Obvi- this year’s election. No State found our sacred duty. Democracy’s roots in ously, the Commission that we have evidence of any widespread voter fraud this Nation are deep; they are strong; asked for is not going to happen at this and neither did any court ask to review and they will not be undone, ever, by a point, and I understand that. And we the State’s findings. group of thugs. Democracy will tri- are headed tonight toward the certifi- In Arizona, Republican Governor umph, as it has for centuries. cation of Joe Biden to be the President Doug Ducey; the Democratic secretary So to my fellow Americans who were of the United States, and we will work of state, ; the Republican shocked and appalled by the images on together in this body to be able to set attorney general, ; and their televisions today and who are a peaceful example in the days ahead. the State supreme court chief justice, worried about the future of this coun- I yield the floor. Robert Brutinel all certified the results try, let me speak to you directly. The The VICE PRESIDENT. The Demo- of the election on November 30. divisions in our country clearly run cratic leader. And we know—we have heard—Arizo- deep, but we are a resilient, forward- Mr. SCHUMER. The Senator from nans have been voting by mail for al- looking, and optimistic people. And we Nevada, Senator CORTEZ MASTO. most 30 years, and Governor Ducey has will begin the hard work of repairing The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator expressed confidence in the State’s this Nation tonight because here in from Nevada. process numerous times. In November, America we do hard things. In Amer- Ms. CORTEZ MASTO. Mr. Vice Presi- he said: ica, we always overcome our chal- dent, I know that this room is full of We do elections well here in Arizona. The leaders of both parties who love this system is strong, and that is why I have lenges. bragged on it so much. I yield the floor. country, and many believe that for The VICE PRESIDENT. The majority America to succeed, our politics must He further stated: leader. find common ground. That has never We have some of the strongest election laws in the country, laws that prioritize ac- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. Vice Presi- been clearer than today, when armed countability and clearly lay out our proce- dent, I yield 2 minutes to the Senator rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol, dures for conducting, canvassing and even from Oklahoma, Senator LANKFORD. emboldened by President Trump’s false contesting the results. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator and inflammatory rhetoric about the And they are right. Arizona has one from Oklahoma. 2020 elections. of the most transparent election proc- Mr. LANKFORD. Mr. Vice President, I believe that we, in this Chamber, esses in the country with built-in ac- you said things more eloquently than have a special duty as leaders to work countability, starting with the internal how we say it in Oklahoma. In Okla- together to lower the temperature of auditing. homa, we say something like: Why in our politics, and I hope that my col- We have heard unfounded allegations God’s name would someone think at- leagues, who have questioned the legit- that voting machines in Arizona and tacking law enforcement and occu- imacy of this election in Arizona and elsewhere somehow changed vote tal- pying the United States Capitol is the all of these other States, now see the lies or somehow improperly rejected best way to show that you are right? dire and dangerous consequences of ballots while claiming to accept them. Why would you do that? sowing doubt and uncertainty. These allegations all ignore the fact Rioters and thugs don’t run the Cap- I also know that, as U.S. Senators, that Arizona counties conducted ballot itol. We are the United States of Amer- we all take solemnly the oath we swear audits by hand to double-check the ma- ica. We disagree on a lot of things, and to support and defend the Constitution chine counts, and these audits found no we have a lot of spirited debate in this of the United States against all en- widespread fraud or irregularities. room, but we talk it out, and we honor emies, foreign and domestic. At this Maricopa County, the county where each other, even in our disagreements. moment in history, I can think of more than 60 percent of the State’s That person, that person, and that per- nothing more patriotic than renewing population resides, conducted a post- son is not my enemy. That is my fellow our faith in the of Freedom election hand count audit in the week American. And while we disagree on that our Founding Fathers crafted for after the election, which showed per- things, and disagree strongly at times, our Republic, starting with the funda- fect, 100 percent, accuracy in the ma- we do not encourage what happened mental American principle in our Dec- chine tabulations. So why would we today—ever. laration of Independence that govern- need, my colleagues, to call for a 10- Now, I want to join my fellow Sen- ments derive their just powers from day emergency audit to be conducted ators in saying thank you to the Cap- the consent of the governed. by a legislative commission when it itol Hill Police, the law enforcement, The people have spoken in this elec- has already been done by the State of the National Guard, the Secret Service tion, and our only job here today is to Arizona? What happened to State’s who stood in harm’s way. While we do what they ask. It is not to argue rights? were here debating, they were pushing election security. That is not the place The audit involved checking ballots back. And I was literally interrupted for what we are doing today. for the Presidential election but also midsentence speaking here because we Our Constitution specifically re- ballots for Federal and State legisla- were all unaware of what was hap- serves to the people the right to meet tive elections. The audit report shows pening right outside this room because in their respective States and vote for every precinct’s machine and hand of their faithfulness and because of the President and Vice President. As a count totals for each of the races au- what they have done. I want to thank result, individual States oversee and dited, and for every single race in every them. implement the election process, not precinct, the difference between the Ronald Reagan once said: Peace is the Federal Government. hand count and the machine count was not the absence of conflict. It is the To guard against fraud or irregular- zero. Maricopa’s audit report stated: ability to handle conflict by peaceful ities in the voting process, the States No discrepancies were found by the means. are required to have robust election se- hand count audit boards. The peaceful people in my State of curity measures. Likewise, State legis- Seeking to find any reason to contest Oklahoma want their questions an- latures have the opportunity to exam- these results, some of the State Repub- swered, but they don’t want this, what ine evidence of voter fraud before they licans then tried to claim that Mari- happened today. They want to do the certify their electoral college votes. copa County failed to follow State law right thing, and they also want to do it And our courts—from district courts to in conducting this audit by selecting the right way. They want to honor the the United States Supreme Court—ad- voting center locations to audit in- constitutional process, but they also judicate legal challenges and election stead of voting precincts. This was

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:30 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06JA6.014 S06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE S20 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 6, 2021 wrong. And this, too, went to a court. electors can be submitted by the same Mr. BENNET. Colleagues, it has been In rejecting this claim, the State court State. That doesn’t happen very often. a terrible day for everybody here and in Arizona found that the county fol- It happened in 1960. It happened in 1876. for our country. lowed the properly issued guidance on Let’s hope it doesn’t ever happen One of the things I was thinking hand audit procedures from the Ari- again. In those rare moments, Congress about today is something I often think zona Secretary of State. And the court has to make a choice. It has to decide about when I am on this floor, which is found that Maricopa County officials, which of the electoral votes will be that the Founders of this country, the therefore, could not lawfully have per- counted and which will not. That did people who wrote our Constitution, ac- formed the hand count audit the way not happen here—thank heavens—and tually knew our history better than we the plaintiffs wanted it done. If they let’s hope that it never does. know our history. had done so, they would have exposed Many of my colleagues have raised I was thinking about that history themselves to criminal punishment. objections or had previously stated today, as we saw the mob riot in Wash- The VICE PRESIDENT. The Sen- their intent to raise objections with re- ington, DC—thinking about what the ator’s 5 minutes has expired. gard to these. I have spent an enor- Founders were thinking about when Ms. CORTEZ MASTO. Thank you, mous time on this issue over the last they wrote our Constitution, which was Mr. Vice President. I would close by few weeks. I have met with lawyers on what happened to the Roman Republic just saying, please, my colleagues, do both sides of the issue, and I have met when armed gangs, doing the work for not disenfranchise the voters of Ari- with lawyers representing the Trump politicians, prevented from cast- zona and certify their votes tonight. campaign, reading everything I can ing their ballots for consuls, for prae- Thank you. find about the constitutional provi- tors, for senators. These were the offi- The VICE PRESIDENT. The majority sions in question, and I have spent a cers in Rome, and these armed gangs leader. lot of time on the phone with legisla- ran through the streets of Rome, keep- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. Vice Presi- tors and other leaders from the con- ing elections from being started, keep- dent, I yield up to 5 minutes to the tested States. I didn’t initially declare ing elections from ever being called. In Senator from Utah, Senator LEE. my position because I didn’t yet have The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator the end, because of that, the Roman one. Republic fell, and a dictator took its from Utah. I wanted to get the facts first, and I Mr. LEE. Mr. Vice President, from place, and that was the end of the wanted to understand what was hap- Roman Republic—or any republic, for the time I prepared my remarks for pening. I wanted to give the people today, it seems like a lifetime ago. A that matter—until this beautiful Con- serving in government in the contested stitution was written in the United lot has changed in the last few hours. States the opportunity to do whatever So I am going to deliver some of the States of America. they felt they needed to do to make So it is my fervent hope that the way same remarks, but it has a little bit of sure that their election was properly a different feel than it would have just we respond to this today, my dear col- reflected. I spent an enormous amount leagues, is that we give the biggest bi- a few hours ago. of time reaching out to State govern- My go out to partisan vote we can in support of our ment officials in those States, but in the family members of those who have democracy and in support of our Con- none of the contested States—no, not been injured or killed today. My heart- stitution and in rejection of what we even one—did I discover any indication felt gratitude goes out to the Capitol saw today and what the Roman Repub- that there was any chance that any Hill Police who valiantly defended our lic saw in its own time. State legislature or secretary of state building and our lives. There is a tendency around this While it is true that legitimate con- or Governor or Lieutenant Governor place, I think, to always believe that cerns have been raised with regard to had any to alter the slate of we are the first people to confront how some of the key battleground electors. That being the case, our job is something when that is seldom the a very simple one. States conducted their Presidential case and to underappreciate what the This simply isn’t how our Federal elections, this is not the end of the effect of our actions will be. We need to system is supposed to work. That is to story. We each have to remember that deeply appreciate, in this moment, our say, if you have concerns with the way we swore an oath to uphold, protect, obligation to the Constitution, our ob- that an election in the Presidential and defend this document, written ligation to democracy, and our obliga- race was handled in your State, the ap- nearly two and a half centuries ago by tion to the Republic. propriate response is to approach your wise men raised up by God for that There are people in this Chamber State legislatures, first and foremost. who have twisted the words—twisted very purpose. That document makes These protests—hearing from those clear what our role is and what it isn’t. the words—of a statute written in the who have raised concerns—should have 19th century that was meant to actu- It makes clear who does what when it been focused on their State capitols, comes to deciding Presidential elec- ally settle our electoral disputes, to not the Nation’s Capitol, because our leave them with the States, as the Sen- tions. role is narrow, our role is defined, our You see, because in our system of ator from Utah was saying, to give us role is limited. a ministerial role, except in very rare government, Presidents are not di- Yes, we are the election judges when circumstances. That is what that law rectly elected. They are chosen by it comes to Members elected to our is about that the Senator of Texas was Presidential electors, and the Constitu- own body. And, yes, the House of Rep- talking about today. And that is the tion makes very clear, under article II, resentatives are the judges of their own law that is leading us to be asked to section 1, that the States shall appoint races there. Presidential electors according to pro- We also have the authority to pre- overturn the judgments of 60 courts in cedures that their legislatures develop. scribe, as a Congress, rules governing America, many of the courts in Ari- Then comes the 12th Amendment. It the time, place, and manner of elec- zona, some of whom have howled the explains what we are doing here today tions for Senators and Representatives. President’s lawyers out of the court- in the Capitol. It explains that the There is no corresponding authority rooms because there is no evidence of President of the Senate—the Vice with respect to Presidential elections— fraud. By the way, the fact that 37 percent President of the United States—shall none whatsoever. It doesn’t exist. Our or 39 percent of Americans think there open the ballots, ‘‘and the votes shall job is to convene, to open the ballots, is evidence of fraud does not mean then be counted.’’ It is those words and to count them. That is it. that confine, define, and constrain Thank you. there is fraud. If you have turned a every scrap of authority that we have I yield the floor. blind eye to a , you in this process. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Demo- can’t now come to the floor of the Sen- Our job is to open and then count. cratic leader. ate and say you are ignoring the people Open, then count—that is it. That is all Mr. SCHUMER. The Senator from who believe that the election was sto- there is. Colorado, Mr. BENNET. len. Go out there and tell them the There are, of course, rare instances— The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator truth, which is that every single Mem- instances in which multiple slates of from Colorado. ber of this Senate knows this election

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:30 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06JA6.015 S06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S21 wasn’t stolen and that we, just as in the integrity of our elections and re- What is interesting about the par- the Roman Republic, have a responsi- storing every American’s faith that allel between the two is they both were bility to protect the independence of their voice and their vote matter. waving flags to a sole sovereign, to an the judiciary from politicians who will America is a divided country with se- individual, surrendering democratic stop at nothing to hold on to power. rious differences, but it is still the principles to the of personality. There is nothing new about that either. greatest country on Earth. There can One was a monarch in England, and the That has been true since the first re- be no disagreement that upholding de- other were the flags I saw all over our public was founded. mocracy is the only path to preserving Capitol, including in the hallways and So now we find ourselves in the posi- our Republic. in this room, to a single person named tion, just days after many Senators I yield the floor. Donald Trump. here swore an oath to uphold and de- (Applause.) The sad difference between these two fend the Constitution—every single The VICE PRESIDENT. The Demo- times is one was yet another nation in Member of the House of Representa- cratic leader. the history of our country that tried to tives swore the same oath, as well, and Mr. SCHUMER. I yield 21⁄2 minutes to challenge the United States of Amer- I think we have a solemn obligation Senator BOOKER and 21⁄2 minutes to ica, but this time, we brought this hell and responsibility here to prove, once Senator KAINE, in reverse order. upon ourselves. again, that this country is a nation of The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator My colleague from Texas said that laws and not of men, and the only re- from Virginia. this was a moment where there were sult that we can reach together is one Mr. KAINE. Mr. President and my unprecedented allegations of voter that rejects the claim of the Senator colleagues, I applaud the comments of fraud. Yes, that is true. They were un- from Texas and the other Members of my colleague from Georgia deeply. precedented when the President, before the House and Senate who seek to My first job after school was in the election even happened, said: If I overturn the decisions that have been Macon, GA, working for a Federal lose this election, then the election made by the States, by the voters in judge, Lanier Anderson. I learned a lot was rigged. these States, and by the courts. about integrity and a lot about law That is unprecedented. It is unprece- If we follow what they have proposed, from him. I also learned some sad les- dented that, before the night of the we will be the ones who will have dis- sons, that in the history of Georgia— counting of the vote was even done, enfranchised every single person who and, indeed, Virginia and many that he called it rigged. It is unprece- cast a vote in this election, whether States—so many people, especially peo- dented that he is fanning the flames of they voted for the President or they ple of color, had been disenfranchised conspiracy theory to create a smoke- didn’t. over the course of our history. Our late screen in this Nation to cover what he I urge you to reject this, and I deeply friend, John Lewis, a Congressman is trying to do, which is undermine our appreciate the opportunity to serve from Georgia, was savagely beaten on democratic principles. with every single one of you. Bloody Sunday just for marching for But it is not just that. The shame of Thank you. voting rights. That act of violence in- this day is it is being aided and abetted (Applause.) spired this body, the U.S. Senate, to by good Americans who are falling The VICE PRESIDENT. The majority come together in of 1965 and prey, who are choosing Trump over leader. work to pass, in a bipartisan fashion, truth, who are surrendering to the pas- Mr. MCCONNELL. I yield up to 5 the Voting Rights Act. sion of lies as opposed to standing up minutes to the Senator from Georgia, We should be coming together and speaking truth to power, who are Senator LOEFFLER. today—after acts of violence—as a U.S. trying to fundraise off of the shame of The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator Senate, to affirm the votes of all who conspiracy theories as opposed to doing from Georgia. cast ballots in November. Instead, we the incalculably valuable, patriotic Mrs. LOEFFLER. Mr. President, are contemplating an unprecedented thing: to speak truth to our Nation. when I arrived in Washington this objection that would be a massive dis- Our democracy is wounded, and I saw it morning, I fully intended to object to enfranchisement of American voters. when I saw pictures of yet another in- the certification of the electoral votes. The Georgia result was very clear: a surgency, of a flag of another group of However, the events that have tran- 12,000-vote margin, 2 certifications by Americans who tried to challenge our spired today have forced me to recon- Republican officials, 4 separate re- Nation. I saw the flag of the Confed- sider, and I cannot now, in good con- counts and canvases, 7 lawsuits, as in eracy there. science, object to the certification of the other States. If we object to results What will we do? How will we con- these electors. like this, the message is so clear. We front this shame? How will we confront The violence, the lawlessness, and are saying to States: No matter how this dark second time in American his- siege of the Halls of Congress are ab- secure and accurate your elections are, tory? I pray that we remember a Geor- horrent and stand as a direct attack on we will gladly overthrow them if we gian and his words. All I can say is we the very institution my objection was don’t like who you voted for. But, more must, in spirit, join together like those intended to protect: the sanctity of the importantly, what we will be saying— Georgians on a bridge called the Ed- American democratic process. And I really, what we will be doing—is as the mund Pettus, who joined hands, who thank law enforcement for keeping us body that acted together to guarantee were called threats to our democracy, safe. Americans the right to vote, we will who were called outrageous epithets I believe that there were last-minute become the agent of one of the most when they sought to expand our de- changes to the November 2020 election massive disenfranchisements in the mocracy, to save it, to heal it—when process and serious irregularities that history of this country. they joined arm in arm and said what resulted in too many Americans losing So I urge all of my colleagues: Please we should say now, commit ourselves confidence not only in the integrity of oppose these objections. to that ideal, that together, we shall our elections but in the power of the Thank you. overcome. ballot as a tool of democracy. Too I yield to my colleague from New (Applause.) many Americans are frustrated at Jersey. The VICE PRESIDENT. The majority what they see as an unfair system. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator leader. Nevertheless, there is no excuse for the from New Jersey. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. Vice Presi- events that took place in these Cham- Mr. BOOKER. Mr. Vice President, I dent, I yield up to 5 minutes to the bers today, and I pray that America can only think of two times in Amer- Senator from Nebraska, Mr. SASSE. never suffers such a dark day again. ican history that individuals laid siege The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator Though the fate of this vote is clear, to our Capitol, stormed our sacred from Nebraska. the future of the American people’s civic spaces, and tried to upend and Mr. SASSE. Mr. Vice President, I faith in the core institution of this de- overrun this government. One was in want to say, before we begin, thank mocracy remains uncertain. We as a the War of 1812, and the other one was you for the way you have fulfilled your body must turn our focus to protecting today. constitutional duties and your oath of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:30 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06JA6.018 S06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE S22 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 6, 2021 office today. Obviously, it hasn’t been word—and our ancestors have spilled tional system is still the greatest order easy. blood to defend the glories of this re- for any government ever, and it is our Colleagues, today has been . public. Why would they do that? Be- job to steward it and protect it. When I came to the floor this morning, cause America is the most exceptional Let’s remember that today when we I planned to talk about the lesson of nation in the history of the world and vote. 1801 because I am kind of a history because the Constitution is the great- The VICE PRESIDENT. The Demo- nerd, and I wanted to celebrate the glo- est political document that has ever cratic leader. ries of the peaceful transition of power been written. Most governments in the Mr. SCHUMER. The Senator from Il- across our Nation’s history. It feels a past have said might makes right, and linois, Mr. DURBIN. little naive now to talk about ways we saw some of that hooligan nuttery The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator that American civics might be some- today. Might makes right. No, it from Illinois. thing that could unite us and bring us doesn’t. Mr. DURBIN. Mr. Vice President, in back together. God gives us rights by nature, and March of 1861, a Springfield lawyer Now, 1801 blew everybody’s mind all government is just our shared project caught a train to Washington. His over the world, by the way. John to secure those rights. America has al- name was Abraham Lincoln. It wasn’t Adams loses to Thomas Jefferson, and ways been about what we choose to do his first trip there. He served as Con- Adams willingly leaves the Executive together, the way we reaffirm our con- gressman 15 years before and returned mansion and moves back to Massachu- stitutional system. We have some gov- in the beginning of the Civil War to setts, and Jefferson peacefully assumes ernmental tasks, and we all in this serve as President. power. People all over Europe said: body could do better at those govern- It was a different place than he knew That must be fake news. Those must be mental tasks, but the heart of America as a Congressman. In 15 years, it had bad reports. There is no way any Exec- is not government. The center of Amer- changed a lot. The Sprigg’s boarding utive would ever willingly lay down ica is not Washington, DC. house across the street, which is now power. Yet Adams, in defeat, did some- The center of America is the neigh- the , was gone. And thing glorious to give all of us a gift. borhoods where 330 million Americans this building was changing—big I wanted to celebrate that, and it are raising their kids and trying to put changes. They were building a dome on feels a little bit harder now. This build- food on the table and trying to love the Capitol. But they were also in the ing has been desecrated. Blood has been their neighbor. That is the center of earliest days of war, and President Lin- spilled in the hallways. I was with oc- America. coln was counseled: Stop building the togenarian Members of this Chamber We are not supposed to be the most dome. It costs too much money. We who needed to have troops and police important people in America. We are can’t spend any more time on it. stabilize them to get down the stairs at supposed to be servant leaders who try And he said: No. We are going to a time when a lot of our staffs were to maintain a framework for ordered build that dome, and we are going to panicked and under their desks and not liberty so that there is a structure finish it. That dome and this building knowing what was going to happen to that, back home where they live, they will be a symbol of this country that them. can get from the silver-framed struc- will survive this Civil War and come It was ugly today. But you know ture and order to the golden apple at back strong. what? It turns out that when some- the center, as Washington would have So they built the dome. They won thing is ugly, talking about beauty said, which is the things that they the war. And since those days, that isn’t just permissible; talking about build together, the places where they dome and this building have been a beauty is obligatory in a time like coach little league, the places where symbol to this country, a symbol of that. Why? Why would we talk about they invite people to synagogue or unity and of hope. beauty after the ugliness of today? Be- church. Tours come through here—before cause our kids need to know that this Sometimes, the biggest things we do COVID–19—by the tens of thousands. If isn’t what America is. What happened together are governmental, like kick- you have ever noticed their tours, they today isn’t what America is. ing Hitler’s ass or like going to the are often shushed. People are saying: They have been given a glorious in- moon. Sometimes, there is govern- Show some respect for this building. heritance for the 59th Presidential mental stuff. But the heart of America We know this building and the Ro- election. If the Vice President wasn’t is about places where moms and dads tunda as a place where some of the in the Chair and if the President pro are raising kids, and we are supposed greatest American heroes of both polit- tempore was, I would have made some to serve them by maintaining order ical parties lie in state, and we go joke that has voted in and by rejecting violence. You can’t do there to honor them. We know this two-thirds of those 59 Presidential elec- big things like that if you hate your building because we work here. We tions. He is laughing. It is not as good neighbors. You can’t do big things to- enact laws here that change America. as ‘‘hit deer, deer dead,’’ but it still got gether as Americans if you think other We gather for State of the Union mes- a Grassley laugh. Americans are the enemy. sages from Presidents and honor the I don’t think we want to tell the Look, there is a lot of uncertainty people in the gallery. Americans that come after us that this about the future. I get it. There is a lot This is a special place. This is a sa- republic is broken, that this is just a that does need to be rebuilt. But if you cred place. But this sacred place was banana republic, that our institutions are angry—I want to beg you—don’t let desecrated by a mob today, on our can’t be trusted. I don’t think we want the screamers who monetize hate have watch. This temple to democracy was that. We don’t want that in this body, the final word. Don’t let needlists be- defiled by thugs who roamed the halls and we don’t want that in our home- come your drug dealers. There are and sat in that chair, Mr. Vice Presi- towns. I don’t think we want to tell our some who want to burn it all down. We dent, the one that you vacated at 2:15 kids that America’s best days are be- met some of them today. this afternoon—sat and posed for pic- hind us—because it is not true. That is But they aren’t going to win. Don’t tures, those who were roaming around not who we are. America isn’t Hat- let them be your prophets—instead, or- in this Chamber. fields’ and McCoys’ blood feud forever. ganize, persuade, but most impor- What brought this on? Did this mob America is a union. tantly, love your neighbor. Visit the spring spontaneously from America? There is a lot that is broken in this widower down the street who is lonely No. This mob was invited to come to country but not anything that is so big and doesn’t want to tell anybody that Washington on this day, by this Presi- that the American people can’t rebuild his wife died and he doesn’t have a lot dent, for one reason: because he knew it, that freedom and community and of friends. Shovel somebody’s drive- the electoral college vote was going to entrepreneurial effort and that neigh- way. You can’t hate somebody who just be counted this day. He wanted this borhoods can’t rebuild. Nothing that is shoveled your driveway. mob to disrupt the constitutional proc- broken is so big that we can’t fix it. The heart of life is about community ess which we are part of. This mob was Generations of our forefathers and and neighborhood, and we are supposed inspired by a President who cannot ac- our foremothers—probably not a to be servant leaders. The constitu- cept defeat.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:30 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06JA6.021 S06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S23 If you wonder whether I am going too itol today and across the country over and deployed to Iraq, ready to sacrifice far in what I say, just read the tran- the past year are unacceptable, and I whatever was asked of me, all because script with the secretary of state from condemn them at the highest level. I love this Nation—willing to sacrifice Georgia and listen to this President’s Like all of us in the Chamber, I am my life, if needed, because I believe in wild conspiracy theories, one after the thankful for the heroic law enforce- the sanctity of our electoral system, other, swatted down by that Repub- ment officers who worked feverishly to which had declared George W. Bush my lican-elected official and his attorney restore order so that we get back to Commander in Chief. as having no basis in fact. This Presi- the electoral certification process. I earned my wounds proudly fighting dent begs, he coaxes, he even threatens During my 29-year career as an obste- in a war I did not support on the orders that secretary of state to find the votes trician and gynecologist, too often I of a President I did not vote for be- he needs. In any other venue, that had to sit down with patients and give cause I believed in and I still do believe would be a simple, obvious crime. them a very bad diagnosis. It might in the values of our Nation; because I The lengths he will go to are obvious. have been a young mother of three believe in a government of, by, and for The Texas Senator says to us: Well, whose three babies I delivered, now the people, where voters—voters— many people still agree with him, you with metastatic breast cancer, or per- choose who leads them, not the other know, when it gets down to the bottom haps another woman with advanced way around. line. Many people have fallen for this cervical or ovarian cancer, all of which I have spent my entire adult life de- Presidential position that it must have have very challenging prognoses. But fending our democracy, but I never— been a rigged election if I lost. before I sat down with each one of never—thought it would be necessary Well, I would say that after—we have those patients, I carefully reviewed all to defend it from an attempted violent lost count—57 lawsuits, 62 lawsuits—I the labs, their x rays, and the pathol- overthrow in our Nation’s own Capitol have heard so many different num- ogy to make sure I had the facts Building. Well, I refuse to let anyone bers—after 90 different judges; after straight, but at the end of the day, my intent on instigating chaos or inciting this President took his case, the best final recommendation was always violence deter me from carrying out he could put together, to the highest going to be a recommendation from my my constitutional duties. Court in the land across the street, heart. You know, when my Army buddies where he had personally chosen three I want my fellow Kansans and all and I raised our right hands, when Justices on the Supreme Court—and I Americans to know that I have given 45,000 troops in Arizona raised their say to the Senator from Texas that he as much consideration and thought right hands and swore to protect and knows much more about that Court surrounding the issue of objecting to a defend the Constitution, we did not than I do—I don’t believe they let that State’s electoral college votes as I did qualify our oaths by saying that we paper that he sent up there even hit considering the treatment plan for a would follow orders only when the the desk before they laughed it out of serious health concern, and today’s de- Commander in Chief was someone the Court. And that is the best he had cision once again is from my heart. whose election we were happy with. to offer—no evidence whatsoever of Mr. President, I rise today to restore Just like when every Senator in this this rigged election and this integrity to our Republic, and I rise to Chamber was sworn into office, we fraudulence. do it knowing that many of our col- didn’t mutter under our breath that we The Senator from Texas says: We leagues are all concerned for current discharge our duties only when it just want to create a little commis- and future generations. We must re- served our political interests or helped sion, 10 days; we are going to audit all store faith and confidence in one of our us to avoid the wrath of a petty, inse- of the States—particularly the ones in Republic’s most hallowed and patriotic cure, wannabe tin-pot dictator on the contention here—and find out what ac- duties: voting. precipice of losing power and rel- tually occurred. There is no question our U.S. Con- evance. No, there is no ambiguity And it really draws its parallel to stitution empowers State legislatures here—Joe Biden won the election with 1876, to Hayes and Tilden. Don’t forget to execute free, legal, and fair elec- a record number of votes. Republican what that commission—that so-called tions. Unfortunately, in several States, officials nationwide confirmed those political compromise—achieved. It was the clear authority of those State leg- results, including in Arizona, as has not just some ordinary governmental islatures to determine the rules for judge after Trump-appointed judge. commission. It was a commission that voting was usurped by Governors, sec- Even Trump’s Attorney General admit- killed reconstruction, that established retaries of state, and activist courts. ted that the U.S. Department of Jus- Jim Crow, that—even after a civil war, Our laws and Constitution should al- tice had not found widespread fraud which tore this Nation apart, it re- ways be followed, especially in a time that would have affected the outcome. enslaved African-Americans, and it was of crisis. Yet still many of my Republican col- I don’t rise to undo a State’s legally a commission that invited voter sup- leagues are asking us to ignore all of obtained electoral college votes; rath- pression we are still fighting today in that. With no evidence of their own, er, I rise in hopes of improving the in- America. they are asking us to ignore court rul- Let me close by saying this. The vote tegrity of the ballot to hold States ac- ings, ignore Republican-elected offi- we are going to have here is a clear countable to the time-proven constitu- cials, and even worse, ignore the will of choice of whether we are going to feed tional system of the electoral college. the people across this vast, great Na- This is why I urge the formation of the beast of ignorance or we are going tion by trying to overturn this elec- an electoral commission to give con- to tell the truth to the American peo- tion. They are placing more trust in structive suggestions and recommenda- ple. We saw that beast today roaming Reddit conspiracy theories than the tions that States can take to make our the halls. Let’s not invite it back. Constitution, proving that appeasing elections once again safe, free, and fair The VICE PRESIDENT. The majority Trump is more important to them than after a year of jarring irregularities. protecting the most basic tenet of our leader. We must and will have a peaceful Mr. MCCONNELL. I yield up to 5 Republic—the adherence to free and transition of power. fair elections. minutes to the Senator from Kansas, To all my fellow Americans, I have If there is one thing I know, it is that Senator MARSHALL. no doubt that our Republic can grow my troops didn’t sign up to defend our The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator stronger through this difficult day. democracy in war zones thousands of from Kansas. May God bless this great Republic. Mr. MARSHALL. Thank you, Mr. Thank you, Mr. President. mile away only to watch it crumble in President. I yield the floor. these hallowed halls here at home. Yet Freedom of speech and the freedom The VICE PRESIDENT. The minor- that is what this effort amounts to—an to protest are provided in our Constitu- ity leader. attempt to subvert our democracy. In tion. While I share the same frustra- Mr. SCHUMER. The Senator from Il- the process, it is threatening what tion many Americans have over the linois, Senator DUCKWORTH. makes America American, because in Presidential election, the violence and Ms. DUCKWORTH. In 2004, I packed this country—in this country—the mob rule that occurred at the U.S. Cap- up my rucksack, laced up my boots, power of the people has always

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:30 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06JA6.022 S06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE S24 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 6, 2021 mattered more than the people in test. This is about overturning a State- I was going to try in a feeble way, power. certified election. maybe, to reach some of the rhetorical That is the ideal that this Nation was If you vote to overturn these elec- heights of . I knew I couldn’t founded upon. That is why a few patri- tions, wouldn’t it be the opposite of do that, so instead—I know I am vio- ots threw some tea in Boston Harbor, States’ rights Republicans have always lating rules. for vio- why Washington the Delaware, advocated for? lating rules. This is a photo that ap- why suffragists were arrested a century This would doom the electoral col- pears today in one of the most promi- ago, and why my friend John Lewis lege forever. It was never intended by nent German newspapers. You don’t crossed that bridge in Selma in 1965. It our Founders that Congress have the need to draw it up. You can draw up is why millions spent a Tuesday in No- power to overturn State-certified elec- photos from any newspaper or any tele- vember standing in line, braving a pan- tions. My oath to the Constitution vision feed anywhere across the world. demic to make their voices heard. doesn’t allow me to disobey the law. I And what is this photo of? It is of Listen, this administration has al- can’t vote to overturn the verdict of thugs—thugs—in the Halls of this Cap- ways had an adversarial relationship States. Such a vote would be to over- itol, diminishing everything we say we with the truth. Trump always cries turn everything held dear by those of believe in, in this democracy. conspiracy, always foments chaos us who support the rights of States in When you look at those images, real- whenever something doesn’t go his this great system of federalism that ize that those images are priceless for way. But today, we here in this Cham- was bequeathed to us by our Founders. our adversaries. I am willing, tonight, ber have the opportunity to prove that The electoral college was created to in an overwhelming way, to take a here in this country, truth matters, devolve the power of selecting Presi- small step, in a bipartisan way, to that right matters, that the will of the dential electors to the States. The start restoring that trust of our people people matters more than the whims of electoral college is, without question, and, hopefully, the billions of people any single powerful individual. an inseparable friend to those who be- around the world who believe in that I have no tea to throw in Boston Har- lieve that every American across our notion of American democracy. Re- bor tonight, and I regret that I have no vast country deserves to be heard. member, these images are still there. rucksack to pack for my country, no If Congress were given the power to I yield the floor. Black Hawk to , nor am I asking overturn the States’ elections, what The VICE PRESIDENT. The majority for any grand gesture from my Repub- terrible chaos would ensue every 4 leader. lican colleagues. All I am asking of you years. Imagine the furor against the Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I is to reflect on the oaths that you have electoral college if Congress becomes a yield 5 minutes to the Senator from sworn, on the damage done to our forum to overturn States’ electoral col- Missouri, Mr. HAWLEY. Union today, and on the sacrifices lege slates. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator made by those who have given so much It is one thing to be angry. It is an- from Missouri. to this Nation, from the servicemem- other to focus one’s anger in construc- Mr. HAWLEY. Mr. President, I want bers at Arizona’s Fort Huachuca and tive ways. That hasn’t happened today, to begin this evening by saying thank Marine Corps Air Station Yuma to the to say the least. you to the men and women of the Cap- marchers who bent America’s moral We simply cannot destroy the Con- itol Police, the National Guardsmen, arc a little bit more toward justice stitution, our laws, and the electoral the Metropolitan Police, and others with every single step that they took, college in the process. who came to this Capitol and put their every bridge that they crossed. I hope, as the Nation’s anger cools, lives on the line to protect everybody Then ask yourself whether the de- we can channel that energy into essen- here who was working inside. I want to mocracy they were willing to bleed for, tial electoral reforms at the State thank law enforcement all across this the country that each of us in this level. America is admired around the country—in my home State of Missouri Chamber has sworn to defend, is worth world for our free elections. We must— and everywhere else—who do that day damaging in order to protect the por- we absolutely must fix this mess and in and day out. celain ego of a man who treats the Con- restore confidence and integrity to our I just want to acknowledge that, stitution as if it were little more than elections. We must. when it comes to violence, it was a ter- a yellowing piece of paper. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Demo- rible year in America this last year. We I think we all know the right answer. cratic leader. have seen a lot of violence against law The VICE PRESIDENT. The majority Mr. SCHUMER. The Senator from enforcement, and today, we saw it here leader. Virginia, Senator WARNER. in the Capitol of the United States. In Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator this country, in the United States of yield up to 5 minutes to the Senator from Virginia. America, we cannot say emphatically from Kentucky, Senator PAUL. Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, I think enough: Violence is not how you The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator like most of us, I am still pretty reel- achieve change. Violence is not how from Kentucky. ing from what happened today. What I you achieve something better. Mr. PAUL. I wrote a speech for was going to talk about was the work Our Constitution was built and put today. I was planning to say that I fear I am most proud of since I have been into place so that there would be, in the chaos of establishing a precedent here, with my good friend RICHARD the words of Abraham Lincoln, no ap- that Congress can overturn elections. BURR and all the members of the Intel- peal from ballots to bullets, which is Boy, was I right. Chaos, —the ligence Committee, about a multiyear what we saw, unfortunately, attempted violence today was wrong and un- report we did into foreign interference tonight. There is no place for that in American. in our elections. Probably our top rec- the United States of America, and that The vote we are about to cast is in- ommendation of that five-volume, bi- is why I submit to my colleagues that credibly important. Now more than partisan report was that any official or what we are doing here tonight is, ac- ever, the question is, Should Congress candidate should use restraint and cau- tually, very important because, for override the certified results from the tion when questioning results of our those who have concerns about the in- States and nullify the States’ rights to elections because when you do so, you tegrity of our elections and for those conduct elections? often carry out the goals of our foreign who have concerns about what hap- The vote today is not a protest; the adversaries. Use caution because, pened in November, this is the appro- vote today is literally to overturn elec- whether knowingly or unknowingly priate means. This is the lawful place tions. We have been told that this is a and whether that adversary is in Rus- where those objections and concerns protest, that this is about an electoral sia or China or , their goals are should be heard. This is the forum that commission. No, it is not. It is about pretty simple: They want to make it the law provides for—that our laws whether to seat the electors certified appear to Americans, to folks around provide for—for those concerns to be by a State. It is not about an electoral the world, and to their own people that registered, not through violence—not commission. It is not about a protest. there is nothing special about Amer- by appealing from ballots to bullets— You can go outside if you want to pro- ican democracy. but here, in this lawful process.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:30 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06JA6.024 S06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S25 So to those who say that this is just the American people from both parties voter fraud or election irregularities a formality today—an antique cere- and all walks of life can have con- that have been suggested by those mony that we have engaged in for a fidence in their elections and so that seeking to overturn the election. There couple of hundred years—I can’t say we can arrange ourselves under the have been 60 cases in court after court, that I agree. I can’t say that our prece- rule of law that we share together. all throughout our State and through- dent suggests that. I actually think it I yield the floor. out the country, including in the Su- is very vital, what we do. The oppor- The VICE PRESIDENT. The Demo- preme Court, that have dealt with this tunity to be heard and to register ob- cratic leader. bizarre argument that we know is jections is very vital because this is Mr. SCHUMER. The Senator from based upon that lie. the place where those objections are to Pennsylvania, Mr. CASEY. In one court, the U.S. Court of Ap- be heard and dealt with, debated, and The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator peals for the Third Circuit, Judge finally resolved—in this lawful means, from Pennsylvania. Bibas, appointed by President Trump, Mr. CASEY. Mr. President, I rise to- peacefully, without violence, without wrote: night to defend the people of the Com- attacks, without bullets. The campaign’s claims have no merit. The monwealth of Pennsylvania—to defend Let me just say now, briefly—in lieu United States has free and fair elections, the more than 6.9 million voters who of speaking about it later—a word which are the lifeblood of our democracy. voted in this election—and to condemn, about Pennsylvania, which is a State Charges require specific allegations and then in the strongest possible terms, this at- that I have been focused on and have proof. We have neither here. tempt to disenfranchise the voters of objected to, as an example of why peo- So said Judge Bibas. Pennsylvania based upon a lie, a false- ple are concerned—why millions of Finally, a word about those election hood. That same lie sowed the seeds of Americans are concerned—about our officials who did such work. These elec- today’s violence and today’s lawless- tion officials all across our State—Re- election integrity. ness here in the Capitol. I say to Pennsylvania, quite apart publicans and Democrats from red One of my constituents, Susan, from counties and blue counties—did their from allegations of any fraud, you have —the community of our a State constitution that has been in- jobs. They are patriots, and these ob- State where Senator TOOMEY lives—re- terpreted for over a century to say that jections are an attack on these Penn- cently wrote to my office and, perhaps, sylvania public servants. I will give there is no mail-in balloting permitted said it best: except for in very narrow cir- you one example from Republican We cannot allow ANYBODY to overturn Commissioner Al Schmidt, of Philadel- cumstances, which is also provided for the legal votes of the citizens of Pennsyl- in the law. Yet, last year, Pennsylva- phia. vania. This would be the ultimate destruc- He wrote: nia’s elected officials passed a whole tion of our democracy. new law that allowed for universal There really should not be a disagreement, Susan had it right. We cannot allow regardless of party affiliation, when we’re mail-in balloting, and they did it, irre- ‘‘ANYBODY’’—and she put that word talking about counting votes . . . by eligible gardless of what the Pennsylvania Con- in all caps—to overturn the legal votes voters. It is not a very controversial thing stitution said. of the people of our State. or, at least, it shouldn’t be. Then, when Pennsylvania’s citizens Let me address the allegation regard- After election day, Commissioner Al tried to be heard on this subject before ing the Pennsylvania Constitution and Schmidt, his family, and his colleagues the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, they the general assembly and somehow were subjected to death threats simply were dismissed on grounds of procedure that the general assembly didn’t have because he was trying to do his job and timeliness, in violation of that su- the authority to enact ‘‘no excuse with integrity. It calls to mind that preme court’s own precedent. mail-in voting’’—that process—for the great line from ‘‘America the So the merits of the case have never people of our State. Beautiful″: ‘‘O beautiful for patriot been heard. The constitutionality of First, the law in question, Act 77, was dream, That sees beyond the years.’’ the statute, actually, has never been passed in 2019 and was implemented These election officials, like so many defended. I am not aware of any court without any serious question as to its of our patriots—and we heard from that has passed on its constitu- constitutionality. The law was passed Senator DUCKWORTH tonight, a real pa- tionality. I actually am not aware of by a Republican-controlled general as- triot—did their jobs. Let’s support anybody who has defended the con- sembly, house and senate. It was only these patriots. Vote against this objec- stitutionality, and this was the statute after the 2020 election, when it became tion. that governed this last election in clear that President-Elect Joe Biden I yield the floor. which there were over 2.5 million mail- won Pennsylvania by a little more The VICE PRESIDENT. The majority in ballots in Pennsylvania. than 80,000 votes, that some Republican leader. This is my point, that this is the politicians in our State decided to Mr. MCCONNELL. I yield 5 minutes forum. The Pennsylvania Supreme challenge the constitutionality of the to the Senator from Utah, Mr. ROMNEY. Court hasn’t heard the case, and there law. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator is no other court to go to, to hear the Second, Act 77 is plainly constitu- from Utah. case in the State, so this is the appro- tional. My colleagues allege that the Mr. ROMNEY. Today was heart- priate place for these concerns to be State constitution requires in-person breaking, and I was shaken to the core raised, which is why I have raised them voting except under limited cir- as I thought about the people I have here today. cumstances. This is not true. While met in China and Russia and Afghani- I hope that this body will not miss Pennsylvania lays out specific situa- stan and Iraq and other places who the opportunity to take affirmative ac- tions in which absentee voting is re- yearn for freedom and who look to this tion to address the concerns of so many quired, there is no in-person require- building and these shores as a place of millions of Americans—to say to mil- ment in our State constitution. The hope. I saw the images being broad- lions of Americans tonight that vio- constitution sets a floor, not a ceiling, casted around the world, and it breaks lence is never warranted, that violence for this type of voting. my heart. will not be tolerated, that those who Third, apart from the argument made I have 25 grandchildren. Many of engage in it will be prosecuted, but by my colleague, there is bipartisan them were watching TV, thinking that this body will act to address the agreement across our State—at the about this building, and whether their concerns of all Americans across the local, State, and Federal levels—that grandpa was OK. I knew I was OK. I country. our election was fair, secure, and law- must tell you, as well, that I am proud We do need an investigation into ful. On Monday, my colleague from to serve with these men and women. irregularities, fraud. We do need a way Pennsylvania, Senator TOOMEY, wrote This is an extraordinary group of peo- forward together. We need election se- in an op-ed: ‘‘The evidence is over- ple. I am proud to be a Member of the curity reforms. I bet my friends on the whelming that Joe Biden won this elec- U.S. Senate and meet with people of in- other side of the aisle don’t disagree tion.’’ tegrity as we do here today. with that. We need to find a way to There is simply no evidence to justify Now, we gather due to a selfish man’s move forward on that together so that the outrageous claims of widespread injured pride and the outrage of his

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:30 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06JA6.026 S06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE S26 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 6, 2021 supporters, whom he has deliberately leagues are coming close to breaking regard of the votes of our citizenry, misinformed for the past 2 months and this promise. even as they speak out against foreign stirred to action this very morning. Since 1797, each U.S. President has leaders who ignore their own people. What happened here today was an in- peacefully handed over power to the They will fail, and history will re- surrection that was incited by the next, and that will happen again on member them. President of the United States. Those January 20, when Donald Trump, de- I hope that future generations will who choose to continue to support his spite the protesters today, the violence view the actions of some of those folks dangerous gambit by objecting to the today—when Donald Trump leaves the today as little more than an unfortu- results of a legitimate and democratic White House at noon and Joe Biden be- nate anomaly. election will forever be seen as being comes President. Future opportunists may use this ill- complicit in an unprecedented attack We have heard tonight from both fated effort to seek short-term polit- against our democracy. Fairly or not, Democrats and Republicans about the ical gain over the long-term stability they will be remembered for their role importance of the voters speaking in of our Republic. But for the sake of our in this shameful episode of American the election and about the fact that great country and America’s standing history. That will be their legacy. there is no evidence of widespread in the world, I ask my colleagues today I salute Senators LANKFORD and voter fraud. But this is not just an to fully endorse the results of the free LOEFFLER and BRAUN and DAINES and, I issue for us here in the United States; and fair election and set aside this par- am sure, others who, in light of today’s this is an issue for nascent democracies tisan attempt to subvert the will of the outrage, have withdrawn their objec- around the world, which, as Senator people. We should be venerating the tions. For any who remain insistent on ROMNEY said, look to the United States peaceful transition of power, even if an audit in order to satisfy the many as an example. We are the shining city our own preferred candidate didn’t win. people who believe the election was on the hill. We give those struggling That is, after all, who we are in the stolen, I would offer this perspective: under oppression hope for a better fu- United States of America. No congressional audit is ever going to ture. Thank you, Mr. President. convince these voters, particularly Now, like so many of us in this The VICE PRESIDENT. The majority when the President will continue to Chamber, I have traveled to developing leader. say that the election was stolen. The democracies around the world—to Af- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I best way we can show respect for the ghanistan and Iraq, to the Western Bal- yield up to 5 minutes to the Senator voters who are upset is by telling them kans, to Africa, to the country of Geor- from Ohio, Senator PORTMAN. the truth. gia. I went there with my colleague The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator (Applause, Senators rising.) Senator RISCH. from Ohio. That is the burden. That is the duty In 2012, we went to Georgia to ob- Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. Vice President, of leadership. The truth is that Presi- serve officially, on behalf of the Sen- you have fulfilled your duties as Presi- dent-Elect Biden won the election, and ate, the election between outgoing dent of the Senate tonight with dis- President Trump lost. I had that expe- President Mikheil Saakashvili and his tinction, and we all appreciate it. rience myself. It is no fun. United National Movement Party and I thought about changing my mind (Laughter.) the challenge by Georgian Dream, and not speaking tonight, given the Scores of courts, the President’s own which was a newly formed party sup- lateness of the hour, and I know all of Attorney General, and State elections ported and funded by billionaire oli- my colleagues would have appreciated officials, both Republican and Demo- garch Bidzina Ivanishvili. It was a bat- that greatly. But I thought it was nec- crat, have reached that unequivocal de- tle for , but also for control essary to speak because I want the cision. of the government. American people, particularly my con- In light of today’s sad circumstances, Senator RISCH and I visited multiple stituents in Ohio, to see that we will I ask my colleague: Do we weigh our polling places on election day, and we not be intimidated, that we will not own political fortunes more heavily agreed with the international assess- disrupted from our work, that here in than we weigh the strength of our Re- ment that that election was free and the citadel of democracy, we will con- public, the strength of our democracy, fair and that Georgian Dream were the tinue to do the work of the people. Mob and the cause of freedom? What is the winners. rule is not going to prevail here. weight of personal acclaim compared But there was real concern in the Now, let’s face it. We did not reclaim to the weight of conscience? country that Saakashvili was going to this Chamber tonight. Brave and self- Leader MCCONNELL said that the vote refuse to give up power—that that less law enforcement officers stood in today is the most important in his 36 would lead to violence, and it would the breach and ensured that the citadel years of public service. Think of that end the nascent democratic reforms of democracy would be protected and after his authorizing two wars and vot- that were happening in that former So- that we would be defended, and we are ing against two impeachments. He said viet Republic. deeply grateful for that—as is the Na- that not because the vote reveals some- So Senator RISCH and I, tion. thing about the election but because the election, went to visit President I have listened carefully to com- this vote reveals something about us. Saakashvili to try and talk him out of ments of my colleagues, and I have lis- I urge my colleagues to move forward staying in power. I remember very tened over the past couple of weeks as with completing the electoral count, to clearly going to his home, and we sat this issue has been discussed, and I tell refrain from further objections, and to down with him, and we pointed out you, for me, it is not a hard decision. I unanimously affirm the legitimacy of that the hallmark of a democracy— stand with the Constitution. I stand the Presidential election. what he had worked so hard for in his with what the Constitution makes Thank you, Mr. President. 8 years as —the clear: The people and the States hold The VICE PRESIDENT. The Demo- hallmark of that was to turn over the power here, not us. cratic leader. power in a peaceful election to the per- My oath to the Constitution and my Mr. SCHUMER. The Senator from son the voters chose. Well, President reverence for our democratic principles New Hampshire, Senator SHAHEEN. Saakashvili listened to us, and he did make it easy for me to confirm these The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator leave office peacefully. State certifications. from New Hampshire. But it is important that future gen- By the way, I opposed this process Mrs. SHAHEEN. Mr. President, on erations recognize that America—like some 15 years ago, when some Demo- , I, along with 31 of my col- democracies everywhere—depends on a crats chose to object to the electors leagues, stood in this Chamber and peaceful transition of power, on believ- from my home State of Ohio after the swore an oath to support and defend ing in what the voters say, and ensur- 2004 elections. I opposed it then, and I the Constitution of the United States. ing that happens. oppose it now. I said at the time that It is both ironic and deeply dis- Unfortunately, we have heard from Congress must not thwart the will of appointing that only 3 days after some Senators today who have been en- the people. That is what we would be swearing these oaths, some of my col- abling President Trump’s willful dis- doing.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:22 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06JA6.028 S06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S27 Let’s assume for a moment that challenges, let’s work together for the ing, and he didn’t feel that they were those who object to the certifications people. fully and effectively engaged. He ended are right, that the Constitution in- The VICE PRESIDENT. The Demo- his speech that day with words that I tended that a bare majority of Mem- cratic leader. think have an eerie relevance tonight. bers of Congress could circumvent the Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I be- Here is what Abraham Lincoln said: States that have chosen to certify the lieve we have 8 minutes left, so I would Fellow-[Americans], we cannot escape his- popular votes of their own State citi- like to divide 4 to Senator KING and 4 tory. We of this Congress and this adminis- zens. I ask the objectors to think about to Senator VAN HOLLEN. tration, will be remembered in spite of our- the precedent that would be set if we The VICE PRESIDENT. That is cor- selves. No personal significance, or insignifi- were to do that. rect. cance, can spare one or another of us. What if the majority in the House The Senator from Maine. And here are his final words: and the Senate were of the other party Mr. KING. Mr. President, Winston The fiery trial through which we pass will when a Presidential candidate of our Churchill once said that he could do a light us down in honor or dishonor to the lat- party came through a close Presi- 2-hour speech extemporaneously, but a est generation. dential election? Would you want a 10-minute speech took immense prepa- The fiery trial through which we Congress controlled by the Democrats ration. I don’t know what he would pass, will light us down in honor or dis- to play the role you now intend for us? have said about a 4-minute speech. honor to the latest generation. It is asking Congress to substitute its We are a 240-year anomaly in world Thank you, Mr. President. judgment for the judgment of the vot- history. We think that what we have The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator ers and its judgment for the judgment here in this country is the way it has from Maryland. of the States that certified the results. always been. Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Thank you, Mr. And even forgetting the dangerous It is a very unusual form of govern- President. The mob violence and at- precedent that would be set, what ment. The normal form of government tack we saw on our Capitol today would be the basis for objecting in this throughout world history is dictators, should be a wake-up call to each and election? kings, czars, pharaohs, warlords, ty- every one of us of what happens when Look, I voted for President Trump. I rants. And we thought 20 years ago the we fail to come together, not as Demo- supported him because I believe the march of history was toward democ- crats and Republicans but each of us as Trump administration’s policies are racy, but it is in retreat in Hungary Americans, to stand up to a President better for Ohio and for the country. and Turkey—goodness knows, in Rus- who time and again has shown con- And I supported the Trump campaign’s sia. tempt for our democracy, contempt for right to pursue recounts—they had Democracy as we have practiced it is our Constitution. every right to do it—and legal chal- fragile. It is fragile, and it rests upon Today, here on the Capitol, we wit- lenges. trust. It rests upon trust in facts. It nessed people taking down an Amer- I agree that there were instances of rests upon trust in courts, in public of- ican flag and putting up a Trump flag. fraud and irregularities in the 2020 ficials, and, yes, in elections. That is not democracy in the United elections. I think we all do. And by the I don’t sympathize or justify or in States of America. way, there are fraud and irregularities any way—in any way—support—that is As every Senator who has spoken has in every Presidential election. putting it mildly—what happened here mentioned, we have for hundreds of But it is also true that after 2 today, but I understand it. I under- years had a peaceful transfer of power. months of recounts and legal chal- stand it because I saw those people Nobody likes to lose, and supporters of lenges, not a single State recount interviewed today, and they said: We the losing candidate are always dis- changed the result. And of the dozens are here because this election has been appointed. What is different this time? of lawsuits filed, not one found evi- stolen. We all know what is different this dence of fraud or irregularities wide- And the reason they said that is that time. We have a President who, as the spread enough to change the result of their leader has been telling them that Senator from New Jersey said, even be- the election. This was the finding of every day for 2 months. fore a vote was cast, that if he didn’t numerous Republican-appointed judges We cannot afford to pull bricks out win the election, it was going to be a and the Trump administration’s own from the foundation of trust that fraud and every day since then has per- Department of Justice. underlies our entire system. And I petrated that lie. Every State has now weighed in and agree with Governor ROMNEY that the We have a President who just today chosen to certify its electoral slate answer to this problem is to tell people criticized the very loyal Vice Presi- based on the popular vote, as set out in the truth—is to tell them what hap- dent, who is presiding right now, urg- the Constitution. pened. ing him to disregard his responsibil- I understand that many Americans It is easy to confront your opponents. ities under the Constitution of the who would never storm this Capitol It is hard to confront your friends. United States in order to reinstall Don- don’t trust the integrity of the 2020 It is hard to tell your supporters ald Trump as President; the same per- election, don’t think the States should something they don’t want to hear, but son who got on the phone to the sec- have certified, don’t think we should that is our obligation. That is why the retary of state in Georgia and threat- have accepted the results from the word ‘‘leader’’ is applied to people in ened him to change the results of the States, and are insisting on more jobs like ours. It is not supposed to be election. transparency and accountability. easy. It is supposed to be something Mr. President, I read something this In the 2016 elections, lest we forget, that we take on as a sacred obligation, week I never thought I would read in a many Democrats objected to the re- and if people believe something that newspaper in the United States of sults and distrusted the election. isn’t true, it is our obligation to tell America. It was an op-ed by all the liv- I challenge my colleagues on both them: No, I am sorry, it isn’t, just as ing former Secretaries of Defense, in- sides of the aisle to listen but also to Senator PORTMAN just said, as MIKE cluding Secretaries Rumsfeld, Cheney, do our part to try to restore faith in LEE just said: I am sorry we can’t do and Mattis, warning—warning—the our elections. We should all work to this here. We don’t want to do this country about our tradition of peaceful improve the integrity of the electoral here. This is a power reserved to the transfer of power and that it would be system and the confidence of the Amer- States, not to the Congress. inappropriate for the military to take ican people in this bedrock of our great And I agree with the majority leader. sides in the United States of America. democratic Republic. I think this is one of the most impor- We talk to the world about how we Today, I will do my constitutional tant votes any of us will ever take. want to promote democracy and our duty and oppose these efforts to reject On , 1862, Abraham Lin- values, and right here at home too the State-certified results. coln came to this building. He came to many are undermining those values. And tomorrow, in the wake of this this building in the darkest days of the Mr. President, Donald Trump could attack on the Capitol, the pandemic Civil War. He was trying to awaken the not do this alone. He could only do it if that engulfs us, and other national Congress to the crisis that we were fac- he is aided and abetted by individuals

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:22 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06JA6.030 S06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE S28 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 6, 2021 who are willing to perpetrate those lies disingenuous given that those concerns take a long time and a lot of work to and those conspiracies, and that is why have been fueled by the President’s overcome. It has been a day truly un- it is so important that we as Demo- own baseless conspiracy theories—not worthy of our Nation. crats and Republicans and Senators by the evidence, not by the facts, and I thank the U.S. Capitol Police, the stand up together—stand up together not by State election administrators, U.S. Secret Service, the law enforce- and tell the truth. You know when you both Republicans and Democrats, who ment officers from Washington, DC, go into a court of law, like those 60 actually oversaw these elections and Maryland, and Virginia, the National cases, you are testifying under penalty know what they are talking about. Guard, and others who have protected of perjury. That is very different than President Trump and his allies have this institution and the U.S. Congress here in the House and the Senate, and now lost more than 60 cases in courts today. in all those 60 cases, under penalty of across the country, by judges of every There will be time to say more about perjury, there was no evidence of wide- political stripe, including those ap- today’s events, but I rise now to speak spread fraud. So it should be easy for pointed by the President. The lopsided- about the unprecedented actions today us all together to tell the truth. ness of these decisions has been ex- to attempt to undermine a fairly and On January 20, Joe Biden will be traordinary. It has been nothing less properly conducted democratic elec- sworn in as the next President of the than a wholesale rejection of the Presi- tion. United States. He has said he wants to dent’s claims. But this is not sur- Under our system of government, bring the country together. He has said prising. The President’s own Attorney States bear the primary responsibility he wants to bring Democrats and Re- General said there is no evidence of for runninq elections and certifying publicans together to do some of the widespread fraud. His own Department election results, and that is exactly pressing business of this country, to of Homeland Security described it as what we have seen—all 50 States and defeat this pandemic, to get the econ- the ‘‘most secure election in American the District of Columbia have certified omy going again, to face challenging history.’’ the results of the 2020 Presidential issues of racial and social justice. I President Trump serves no one but election. himself. He is not a custodian or guard- hope we will learn from what happened The results of the election are clear: ian of our democracy. He is a man today—the mob attack on this Cap- Joe Biden and KAMALA HARRIS won. whose every decision is driven by his Challenging these electoral votes itol—the price we pay when we don’t shallow self-interest. I did not expect now is the height of hypocrisy for a stand up for the truth and for democ- him to be gracious in defeat. I expected party that prides itself on States’ racy. James McHenry, Maryland’s delegate him to throw tantrums. I am not even rights. Even worse, today’s actions are based to the Constitutional Convention, surprised that his rhetoric has incited on the faulty premise that this election wrote about a famous exchange in his violence, as it has today. That is who President Trump is; we have all known was somehow tainted by widespread diaries between Elizabeth Willing that for some time. I am surprised and fraud, which is flat out wrong. Powel and Benjamin Franklin. A lady disappointed that so many Members of Protesting these votes today is a dis- asked Dr. Franklin, ‘‘Well, Doctor, this body have let it get this far. After service to our constitutional order and what have we got, a Republic or a mon- he incited rioters and criminal actions the more than 81 million Americans archy?’’ ‘‘A republic,’’ replied Dr. by a mob attacking America’s symbol who voted for Joe Biden and KAMALA Franklin, ‘‘if you can keep it.’’ of democracy, our Capitol, what more HARRIS. My colleagues, this is a test of We must also recognize that today’s whether we unite to keep our Republic. will he do? He should just leave. He has damaged the country enough. actions could echo far beyond this elec- I hope we will pass the test together. Our job today is simply to count the tion. Our democratic Republic has sur- Thank you. votes and to certify that Joe Biden won vived as a result of certain bedrock Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President. January the election. Pretending that Congress principles, including the peaceful 6, 2021, will forever mark a historic day could effectively overturn the will of transfer of power and the right of the for our Nation. Not simply because our the American people has, predictably, people to elect their leaders. beloved Capitol building—the very poured gasoline on an already lit fire. For Congress to challenge the legit- heart of our democracy—laid under We must now get to work to put this imacy of electoral votes because Presi- siege. Not simply because rioters fire out. I am glad that Congress is dent Trump is upset that he lost far ex- stormed the Senate and House floors, taking the first step now—that is, to ceeds our role as envisioned by our assaulting Capitol Police officers and stop with this nonsense and certify this Founding Fathers. leaving a wake of destruction along the election. The next step will be harder. These challenges threaten the very way. Not simply because the President The only way we stand a chance of core of a functioning democracy—that of the United States encouraged his coming together as a country, let alone voters and votes matter. supporters to commit these — making progress for the American peo- If a State’s electoral votes can be set to march to the Capitol and ‘‘to fight,’’ ple, is by working together. aside by Congress based on conspiracy in his words. No, today will also be re- I am thankful to the many Senate theories dreamed up by the President membered because of what happened Republicans who have forcefully re- and his followers, the value of free and before all of that. Today, over 100 Mem- jected this dangerous political stunt, fair elections is damaged. bers of the House and a dozen Senators even before the violence. Your words Mr. President, those who feel they supported a ploy to deprive the States had meaning and sent a message to the needed to protest today’s results say and the American people of their con- country that our democracy will en- they do so because of allegations of stitutional role to choose our next dure. fraud. The problem is, those allega- President—a ploy that amounts to I have served in the Senate for 46 tions all originate from President nothing less than an assault on our years. I can tell you that history will Trump himself. Constitutional republic. remember this sad day. So let us en- The Justice Department found no The President’s obscene claim that sure that it is not just remembered for evidence of widespread fraud. Attorney the election was stolen from him, the destruction, for the President’s General Barr himself said there were which he continued to spout even while recklessness, and for those in Congress no irregularities that could have af- his rioting supporters roamed the Halls who so casually attempted to overturn fected the outcome of the election. of the Capitol today, has been the will of the American people. Let us Likewise, our courts—including the disproven time and again. Every single work together now and certify this Supreme Court—have tossed out law- Senator knows that Vice President election, so this day will also be re- suit after lawsuit filed by President Biden won the election and did so deci- membered for those who stood up and Trump and his allies, more than 60 in sively. Claims that President Trump rejected this dangerous political stunt total. won reelection are not just fantasy; for the good of the Republic and for the I appreciate those Republicans Sen- they are delusional. And citing voters’ good of the American people. ators who have stood up for democracy mistrust in the election results as Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President. and against these baseless objections grounds for this stunt is particularly Today has been a dark day that will to the election results.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:22 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06JA6.031 S06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S29 Senator ROMNEY called it an ‘‘egre- made and that our colleagues lend cre- This past November, the American gious ploy.’’ dence to today: that Venezuela, Cuba, people voted in the highest numbers we Senator TOOMEY said, ‘‘Allegations of and China rigged our country’s voting have seen in our Nation’s history. More fraud by a losing campaign cannot jus- machines in favor of Joe Biden; that than 155 million Americans cast a bal- tify overturning an election.’’ dead people voted in this election and lot in what was a free and fair election. Senator PORTMAN said, ‘‘I cannot they only voted for Joe Biden; and that A clear majority voted for former support allowing Congress to thwart poll watchers and election observers— Vice President Joe Biden over Presi- the will of the voters.’’ who risked their lives during this pan- dent Donald Trump. This was not the And Senator THUNE added, ‘‘It’s time demic to uphold the integrity of our closest election in our Nation’s history for everybody to move on.’’ elections—stuffed ballot boxes with by a long shot. President-Elect Joe He is right; the election is over. Biden votes and shredded Trump votes. Biden won by more than 7 million President-Elect Biden won. Not one—let me repeat—not one of votes. He and Vice President-Elect Especially now, after all of the these things is true. There is no evi- KAMALA HARRIS won 306 electoral events of the day. It is truly time to dence to back up these ridiculous votes. Donald Trump and get to work repairing our country. claims. received 232 electoral votes. Thank you, Mr. President, I yield the Many of these absurd claims from Given the tremendous impact the floor. Donald Trump and his legal team are COVID–19 pandemic has had on our Mr. CARPER. Mr. President, ‘‘free, nothing more than conspiracy theories country, everyone should be over- fair elections are the lifeblood of our circulating online. This misinforma- whelmed that Americans turned out in democracy. Charges of unfairness are tion and dangerous rhetoric from the such strong numbers for this election. serious, but calling an election unfair President and his allies, including calls People should not have to choose be- does not make it so. Charges require for violence, have polluted our dis- tween casting their ballot and pro- specific allegations and then proof. We course and imperiled our peaceful tran- tecting their own health and their fam- have neither here.’’ sition of power. And when our col- ily’s health. The pandemic wreaked Those aren’t my words. Those are the leagues show indifference or outright havoc in so many of our lives for much words of a judge on the U.S. Court of support for these unsubstantiated of last year, which is why our election Appeals for the Third Circuit, rejecting claims and conspiracy theories, they officials in most States responded by President Trump’s legal challenges to lead our nation and our Constitution taking special measures and pre- the Pennsylvania election—a judge down a dangerous path. We all swore cautions to protect the right to vote who, I might add, was a longtime mem- an oath to support and defend our Con- while safeguarding the health and well- ber of the conservative Federalist Soci- stitution—not our political party, and being of voters and election judges ety and was nominated to the bench by certainly not any individual candidate. alike. President Trump. Colleagues, for the safety of our citi- Election security officials, Federal Mr. President, the 2020 presidential zens and our Republic, we must lead by and those in all 50 States and the Dis- election was hard-fought, but the example and turn the temperature trict of Columbia—Democrats, Repub- American people spoke clearly and de- down. It was a hard-fought campaign, licans, and Independents—have all cer- cisively: 81.2 million votes for Joe but the campaign is over, the votes tified that we held a free and fair elec- Biden, 74.2 million votes for Donald have been counted, the count has been tion despite these extraordinary cir- Trump, 51.3 percent of the vote for Joe certified in all 50 States, and in 2 cumstances. The Department of Home- Biden, 46.8 percent of the vote for Don- weeks, on January 20th, Joe Biden and land Security, DHS, stated that the ald Trump, 306 electoral college votes KAMALA HARRIS will be sworn-in as November 3 election was ‘‘the most se- for Joe Biden, 232 electoral college President and Vice-President of the cure in American history’’ and that votes for Donald Trump. United States. ‘‘there is no evidence that any voting Accepting the outcome of an election We have serious and urgent chal- system deleted or lost votes, changed can be difficult when our political lenges that will require working with votes, or was in any way com- party doesn’t win, but calling an elec- our new President and Vice President promised.’’ tion unfair does not make it so. and with one another, including mak- President Trump responded how we More than 60 Federal and State ing sure hundreds of millions of Ameri- would expect a would-be autocrat to re- courts, involving more than 90 judges, cans can be vaccinated, getting our spond, by firing the head of the DHS many of whom were nominated by Re- kids back to school, and getting their agency overseeing election security, publican Presidents, including Presi- back to work, just to name a pursuing baseless and groundless law- dent Trump, are all in agreement. No few. suits, and promoting wild conspiracy evidence of widespread fraud, wrong- It is time to stop trying to overturn theories about a rigged election. These doing, or other irregularities have been the will of the people and get back to lawsuits repeatedly have been dis- uncovered during the 2020 election. working on their behalf. missed as frivolous by both State and Unfortunately, some of our col- President Lincoln observed at the Federal judges appointed by both Re- leagues today ask us to do the same end of the Gettysburg Address that publican and Democratic Chief Execu- thing Donald Trump asked of the sec- ours is a ‘‘government of the people, by tives. retary of state of Georgia: to overturn the people, and for the people.’’ Even in There is simply no evidence of wide- the results of the 2020 election without the midst of a Civil War, President Lin- spread voter fraud claims in this elec- specific allegations and without proof. coln put his unwavering faith in ‘‘the tion that can credibly affect the out- Our colleagues are asking us not to people’’ to chart our Nation’s course. come of the election, which even abide by the will of the people but to We would be wise to remember Lin- former U.S. Attorney General William bend to the will of one man, Donald coln’s words in this moment. We are Barr—speaking on behalf of the De- Trump. not a government of Trump, by Trump, partment of Justice—acknowledged. In In 1787, delegates from 13 States con- and for Trump. We are a government of December, the electoral college met to vened in Philadelphia to debate the fu- the people, by the people, and for the certify the results, and all of the ture of our country. Our Founders dis- people. And the people have spoken. States and the District of Columbia agreed on many things, but they did Our only job today is to listen to them. have now regularly reported their re- agree that they didn’t want a King, and Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, not lik- sults to Congress, pursuant to the 12th they set up an intricate system of ing whom the voters choose to vote for Amendment to the Constitution. checks and balances to ensure that we in an election does not mean it is a In Pennsylvania, a panel of the Third would never have an all-powerful King. fraudulent election. Enabling such talk of Appeals unanimously That system of checks and balances is and actively working to disseminate rejected President Trump’s lawsuit being pushed to a dangerous limit here false information that cripples our gov- making claims that a State court had today, but it will prevail. ernment is in itself a fraud committed already dismissed. Stephanos Bibas—a Here are just some of the claims Don- against the American people and our judge whom President Trump ap- ald Trump and his legal team have Constitution. pointed—wrote, ‘‘Free, fair elections

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:57 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06JA6.008 S06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE S30 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 6, 2021 are the lifeblood of our democracy. election results, the full U.S. Congress mocracy prevails over chaos. And in Charges of unfairness are serious. But would forcefully condemn such auto- America, those who commit violent calling an election unfair does not cratic and undemocratic moves. acts against our government are held make it so. Charges require specific al- My congressional colleagues who are accountable. These are the values that legations and then proof. We have nei- objecting to the electoral college re- I served to defend in the U.S. Navy and ther here.’’ sults without any evidence or legal that I have sworn an oath to uphold in On Monday, January 4, in the U.S. basis must stop coddling President the Senate, and they have not failed District Court for the District of Co- Trump’s insatiable ego. They must re- us. lumbia, James Boasberg—whom George member their oath is to the Constitu- Our democracy was tested today— W. Bush originally appointed to the tion and not the President. first, by a baseless objection to Arizo- bench—dismissed yet another frivolous Sixty years ago, John F. Kennedy na’s electoral votes, despite the fact lawsuit seeking to stop Congress from warned that people who foolishly seek that Arizona’s elections were fairly ad- certifying President President-Elect power by riding the back of the tiger ministered and certified by a Repub- Joe Biden’s victory when it meets in ultimately end up inside its belly. Peo- lican Governor, a Democratic Sec- joint session to tally the electoral col- ple should heed that advice. It is time retary of state, and public servants at lege votes on Wednesday. to put country before personal every level of government and rep- In a 7-page opinion, Judge Boasberg ambition. resenting both political parties; and noted that the plaintiffs had filed in Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, the then again when individuals, spurred the wrong court; did not have standing American people should have full faith on by the President, stormed the Cap- to sue; and had made no effort to serve in our election system, which is why I itol in an unpatriotic attempt to over- defendants with the suit, a legal re- led the passage of voter ID legislation turn our election. They will fail. To- quirement. He indicated that he was in North Carolina and why I supported night we will count Arizona’s electoral contemplating referring the case to the President Trump’s right to call for re- votes and those of every other State. Court’s Committee on Grievances ‘‘for counts and bring challenges to the For centuries, our democracy has potential discipline of Plaintiffs’ coun- courts. I share the concerns of many thrived because after elections we have sel.’’ More importantly, he wrote, ‘‘the Americans regarding the lack of secu- come together to find common ground suit rests on a fundamental and obvi- rity of widespread mail-in voting and and solve our challenges, and that is ous misreading of the Constitution.’’ the partisan actions of activist Demo- the work we begin tonight. My focus He concluded, ‘‘It would be risible were cratic lawyers who succeeded in mak- will continue to be on representing Ari- its target not so grave: the under- ing questionable changes to the voting zonans by working with Republicans mining of a democratic election for process while Americans were already and Democrats and the incoming ad- President of the United States.’’ casting their ballots. Even if it wasn’t ministration to beat this virus and re- After being shut down again and enough to change the outcome of the build our economy. again by the courts and State election election, irregularities and fraud are Mrs. LUMMIS. Mr. President, it is officials—the people who run the elec- never acceptable, and they should be the privilege of a lifetime to represent tions—President Trump has continued investigated and prosecuted when ap- the people of Wyoming in this great de- his sordid campaign to undermine the propriate. liberative body. I genuinely look for- rule of law in our Nation. He continues The Framers of our Constitution ward to joining each of you to make a to fan the flames of division in our Na- made it clear that the power to certify difference for the American people and tion, including encouraging fringe ele- elections is reserved to the States, not to uphold my solemn oath to support ments seeking to declare Congress. Refusing to certify State and defend the Constitution. or have the military intervene to over- election results has no viable path to Let me be clear. An attack on our turn the election results. This dema- success, and, most importantly, it Capitol is an attack on our Constitu- goguery led all 10 former Secretaries of lends legitimacy to the left’s stated tion and democracy itself. I strongly Defense who are still living—Repub- policy objective of completely federal- condemn the violence that occurred licans and Democrats alike—to warn izing elections and eliminating the today, which did more to thwart the against any attempt to involve the electoral college. Congress should not democratic process than to protect it. military in pursuing claims of election overstep its constitutional authority Today, many Members of the Senate fraud, arguing that it would take the by overturning the results of States were trying to peacefully use our United States into ‘‘dangerous, unlaw- and the will of American voters, espe- democratic process to ensure each and ful and unconstitutional .’’ President Trump and his enablers’ cially absent legitimate requests from every American’s vote counts. In the ceaseless provocations call into ques- States for Congress to intervene. best tradition of the U.S. Senate, we tion whether we can have a peaceful It is a precedent we should not set, will fulfill our constitutional duty and and orderly transition of power in the and NANCY PELOSI and complete the electoral count tonight. United States. This concern is not the- should not have the power to set aside In 1833, Senator said oretical, as we saw today, as a lawless electors after the 2024 election and that ‘‘duty binds . . . the conscience of mob encouraged by the President tem- overrule Federal courts and the Con- the individual member’’ in counting porarily took control of our sacred stitution as they see fit. the votes for President and Vice Presi- Capitol. I was proud to support President dent. Each of us has a solemn duty to President Trump’s recent phone call Trump’s agenda and campaign with ensure that the slate of Presidential to pressure the Georgia secretary of him, and I am deeply disappointed he electors we certify is beyond reproach, state to ‘‘find’’ the votes he needs to was not reelected despite his success in respecting the people’s voice and up- win the State is his latest failure to creating jobs, cutting taxes, securing a holding the Constitution. take care that the laws be faithfully conservative judiciary, reforming the Congress will not overturn the peo- executed. VA, and rebuilding our military. Al- ple’s voice. A president will be inaugu- Historically, American Presidents though I certainly wish the results rated on January 20. Congress cannot have understood that America is a de- were different, Congress cannot change and shall not dictate the results of a mocracy and not an autocracy or a cult them without inflicting irreparable Presidential election to our States. of personality. I find it unfathomable damage to our constitutional Republic. That would be the death of our Repub- that we even need to say that out loud. I will not oppose the certification of lic. Elected legislators cannot, in good the electoral college votes, and I will In the coming months, Congress conscience, allow President Trump to not embolden politicians in the future must take a fresh look at troubling continue to act like a dictator by try- to appoint our Presidents instead of concerns from the election that simply ing to undermine valid election results having the American people duly elect don’t add up. After the 2000 Presi- and trash and burn our Republic on his them. dential election, millions of voters in way out of office. Mr. KELLY. Mr. President. In Amer- Florida felt disenfranchised, and now 74 If a foreign leader acted in such a ica, we have fair elections and peaceful million Americans deserve the assur- blatant way to overturn legitimate transitions of power. In America, de- ance and the dignity that their votes

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:22 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06JA6.010 S06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S31 count the same as every other Amer- Tim and I have a good relationship. I [T]he President of the Senate shall, in the ican. We owe our first duty to the love . In 1876, South Caro- presence of the Senate and the House of Rep- American people, following proce- lina, Louisiana, and Florida sent two resentatives, open all certificates and the dures—like the Electoral Count Act— slates of electors—they had two Gov- votes shall then be counted;-The person hav- ing the greatest number of votes for Presi- used for nearly 150 years. ernors, by the way—and we didn’t dent shall be President. It is my fervent hope that our State know what to do. Why did South Caro- legislatures will consider meaningful lina, Florida, and Louisiana do it? To Where in there does it say that Mike election reform to ensure that our elec- hold the country hostage to end Recon- can say, ‘‘I don’t like the results; I tion laws are applied uniformly, to en- struction. It worked. want to send them back to the States; sure the technology we use is accurate The Commission was 8 to 7. It did I believe there was fraud’’? and secure, and, most importantly, to work. Nobody accepted it. The way it To the conservatives who believe in ensure that all Americans treasure our ended is when Hayes did a deal with the Constitution, now is your chance precious right to vote and feel their these three States: You give me the to stand up and be counted. voices are heard. States are at the very electors. I will kick the , count me in. It means center of elections in our country and out. The rest is history. It led to Jim what it says. will remain so. Crow. If you are looking for historical So Mike—Mr. Vice President, just Many ask why Congress should be in- guidance, this is not the one to pick. hang in there. They said: We can count volved in election matters that have If you are looking for a way to con- on Mike. All of us can count on the been considered by the courts. Some vince people there was no fraud, having Vice President. You are going to do the argue that Congress’ role in certifying a commission chosen by NANCY PELOSI, right thing. You are going to do the our Presidential elections is merely MITCH MCCONNELL, and is constitutional thing. You have a son ministerial. Under our constitutional not going to get you to where you want who flies F–35s. You have got a son-in- , it is too often to go. It ain’t gonna work. So it is not law flying F–18s. They are out there forgotten that Congress has the right going to do any good. It is going to flying so we can get it right here. and duty to interpret the Constitution, delay, and it gives credibility to a dark There are people dying, to my good especially on matters which by the chapter of our history. That is why I friend from Illinois, to make sure we Constitution have been delegated to am not with you, but I will fight to my have a chance to argue among our- Congress, like the electoral count. Con- death for you. You are able to object. selves, and when it is over, it is over. It gress interpreted the Twelfth Amend- You are not doing anything wrong. is over. ment in passing the Electoral Count Other people have objected. I just The final thing. Joe Biden. I have Act in 1887 and continues to breathe think it is a uniquely bad idea to delay traveled the world with Joe. I hoped he new life into these provisions by its ac- this election. lost. I prayed he would lose. He won. tions today. Our Founders understood Trump and I have had a hell of a He is the legitimate President of the Congress would play a key role in de- journey. I hate it being this way. Oh, United States. I cannot convince peo- bating constitutional issues as a co- my God, I hate it. From my point of ple, certain groups, by my words, but I equal branch of government. Thomas view, he has been a consequential will tell you by my actions that maybe Jefferson commented in an 1819 letter President. But today, the first thing I, above all others in this body, need to that ‘‘each of the three departments [of you will see, all I can say is, count me say this. Joe Biden and KAMALA HARRIS government] has equally the right to out. Enough is enough. I tried to be are lawfully elected and will become decide for itself what is its duty under helpful. But when the Wisconsin su- the President and the Vice President of the Constitution.’’ preme court ruled 4 to 3 that they the United States on January the 20th. I remain deeply concerned that the didn’t violate the Constitution of Wis- (Applause, Senators rising.) electoral votes of the Commonwealth consin, I agreed with the three, but I The VICE PRESIDENT. The majority of Pennsylvania were not ‘‘regularly accept the four. If Al Gore can accept 5 leader. given’’ under Pennsylvania law, as re- to 4 he is not President, I can accept Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I quired by the Electoral Count Act. Se- Wisconsin 4 to 3. yield back the balance of our time. rious concerns have been raised about Pennsylvania went to the Second Cir- the constitutionality of Pennsylvania’s cuit. So much for all the judges being VOTE ON OBJECTION TO COUNTING OF ARIZONA ELECTORAL VOTES vote-by-mail statute. Also, Pennsyl- in Trump’s pocket. They said: No, you The VICE PRESIDENT. All time has vania election law may have been ap- are wrong. I accept the Pennsylvania plied unevenly by State officials, in- Second Circuit that Trump’s lawsuit expired. cluding signature verification and wasn’t right. The question is, Shall the objection voter identification requirements. Georgia, they said the secretary of submitted by the gentleman from Ari- In 2005, Senator and state took the law in his own hands, zona, Mr. GOSAR, and the Senator from the late Representative Stephanie and he changed the election laws un- Texas, Mr. CRUZ, and others be sus- Tubbs Jones objected to the slate of lawfully. A Federal judge said no. I ac- tained? electors from Ohio. They rightfully cept the Federal judge, even though I Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I drew attention to the fact that many don’t agree with it. ask for the yeas and nays. African-Americans and other commu- Fraud. They say there is 66,000 people The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there a nities suffered disproportionate wait in Georgia under 18 voting. How many sufficient second? times at the polls, broken voting ma- people believe that? I asked: Give me There is a sufficient second. chines, and high ballot rejection rates. 10. I haven’t had one. They said 8,000 The clerk will call the roll. Raising this objection led to some of felons in prison in Arizona voted. Give The senior assistant legislative clerk these issues being remedied and more me 10. I haven’t gotten one. called the roll. Americans having the precious oppor- Does that say there are problems in The result was announced—yeas 6, tunity to vote. That is a legacy our every election? I don’t buy this. nays 93, as follows: Senate and every American should Enough is enough. We got to end it. [Rollcall Vote No. 1 Leg.] value today. Vice President PENCE, what they are YEAS—6 asking you to do, you won’t do because Thank you. Cruz Hyde-Smith Marshall The VICE PRESIDENT. The majority you can’t. Hawley Kennedy Tuberville Talk about interesting times. I asso- leader. NAYS—93 Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I ciate myself with . How yield 5 minutes to the Senator from many times will you hear that? The Baldwin Brown Coons Barrasso Burr Cornyn South Carolina, Senator GRAHAM. mob has done something nobody else Bennet Cantwell Cortez Masto The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator could do to get me and Rand to agree. Blackburn Capito Cotton from South Carolina. Rand is right. If you are a conserv- Blumenthal Cardin Cramer Mr. GRAHAM. Many times, my State ative, this is the most offensive con- Blunt Carper Crapo Booker Casey Daines has been the problem. I love it. That is cept in the world that a single person Boozman Cassidy Duckworth where I want to die but no time soon. could disenfranchise 155 million people. Braun Collins Durbin

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:22 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06JA6.020 S06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE S32 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 6, 2021 Ernst Loeffler Sasse worthiness of a State’s election proc- time and again, and they lost repeat- Feinstein Luja´ n Schatz Fischer Lummis Schumer ess, which it does not, rejecting Penn- edly, often in unanimous, bipartisan Gillibrand Manchin Scott (FL) sylvania’s electoral votes would still be decisions. Graham Markey Scott (SC) wildly out of proportion to the pur- Some of the objectors also cite Grassley McConnell Shaheen ported offenses and very damaging to Congress’s own failure to investigate Hagerty Menendez Shelby Harris Merkley Sinema our Republic. allegations of election irregularities, Hassan Moran Smith Let me go through a few facts about and that is their justification for refus- Heinrich Murkowski Stabenow Pennsylvania. ing to certify the election results. But Hickenlooper Murphy Sullivan First, some of the objectors and, in the allegations of election irregular- Hirono Murray Tester Hoeven Paul Thune fact, even the President of the United ities and fraud have been investigated. Inhofe Peters Tillis States this morning have observed that They have been adjudicated. They were Johnson Portman Toomey the Pennsylvania Supreme Court dis- adjudicated in the States in which they Kaine Reed Van Hollen regarded existing law when it ruled were alleged to have occurred. Kelly Risch Warner King Romney Warren that mail-in ballots could be counted In Pennsylvania, the Trump cam- Klobuchar Rosen Whitehouse even if they arrived up to 3 days after paign took their case of election irreg- Lankford Rounds Wicker election day. ularities into the courtroom of Judge Leahy Rubio Wyden Matthew Brann of the Federal district Lee Sanders Young Now, the objectors are right about that. In my view, the Supreme Court of court. Judge Brann is a conservative The VICE PRESIDENT. On this vote, the United States should overturn that Republican Federalist Society member. the yeas are 6, the nays are 93. illegal decision. But only 10,097 ballots Here is what he said about the Trump The objection is not sustained. arrived in Pennsylvania during the 3 campaign case: The Secretary will notify the House days after the election, and those 10,097 This court has been presented with of the action of the Senate, informing ballots have been excluded from the strained legal arguments without merit and that body that the Senate is now ready vote count that resulted in President- speculative accusations . . . unsupported by to proceed to joint session for further evidence. In the United States of America, Elect Biden winning Pennsylvania by counting of the electoral vote for this cannot justify the disenfranchisement of about 80,000 votes. What greater rem- President and Vice President. a single voter, let alone all [the] voters of edy could the objectors possibly want The majority leader. the sixth most populated state. than the complete exclusion of the Mr. MCCONNELL. So, colleagues, So the campaign then appealed Judge here is where we are. We have a few late-arriving ballots? How could we Brann’s decision to the Third Circuit, more speakers now as we wait for the possibly invalidate the entire Pennsyl- and they drew a three-judge panel, all House to finish their debate and vote. vania election over 10,000 votes that Republican-appointed judges, one ap- We expect the House to finish voting were not even included in the vote pointed by President Trump. The panel on Arizona between 11:30 and midnight. count? concurred with Judge Brann. A second charge we heard—and the f Certainly there were irregularities in Senator from Missouri alluded to it this election—there always are—but MORNING BUSINESS this evening—is that a 2019 Pennsyl- there is no evidence of significant Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I vania law that allows mail-in ballots fraud, conspiracies, or even significant ask unanimous consent that the Sen- for any reason—that that might vio- anomalies that cast any serious doubt ate be in a period of morning business, late the Pennsylvania Constitution. on who actually won the election. with the following Senators permitted First of all, as Senator CASEY observed, You know, one of the ways you can to speak therein for up to 5 minutes this was a bipartisan law passed with tell is to look at the big picture in each: Senator TOOMEY, Senator RUBIO, nearly unanimous Republican support. Pennsylvania. Look at what happened. and Senator COLLINS. Clearly, the State legislators and the In 2016, President Trump won Pennsyl- Mr. SCHUMER. And on our side, Sen- Governor believe it is consistent with vania by eight-tenths of 1 percent. In ators WYDEN, HIRONO, and COONS. the Pennsylvania Constitution. 2020, he lost Pennsylvania by a little The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Secondly, this law was not chal- over 1 percent. Is there anything at all BOOZMAN). Without objection, it is so lenged when it was passed. It wasn’t that is implausible or surprising about ordered. challenged when it was applied during a 2-percent change in the election out- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- the June . It was chal- come? ator from Pennsylvania. lenged only after President Trump lost Relative to 2016, in Pennsylvania the f the general election. But 2.6 million President lost a little ground in most Pennsylvanians voted by mail-in ballot of the rural counties he had carried. He OBJECTION TO COUNTING OF in the general election. Over 37 percent lost a lot of ground in the big suburban PENNSYLVANIA ELECTORAL of Pennsylvania voters, in good faith, counties, and he slightly narrowed his VOTES relied on a law to cast their votes, as large loss in Philadelphia. There are no Mr. TOOMEY. Mr. President, I appre- they had done previously. Now, I un- surprises here. This reflects a pattern ciate the indulgence of my colleagues derstand you can make a theoretical that occurred all across the country. allowing me to speak twice today. But argument about whether this is con- My colleagues, as I have said, it is my understanding is that later this sistent with Pennsylvania’s Constitu- not our responsibility to sit in judg- evening, objectors will object to the tion, and that needs to be resolved for ment of State election procedures in certification of Pennsylvania’s elec- future elections. But because of this the first place, but if it were, there toral votes because they disapprove of constitutional question that some peo- would not be nearly sufficient reason the process that my State used in the ple have, the objectors want to prevent to deny my constituents their right to last election. So in light of my expec- Pennsylvania voters from participating participate in this Presidential elec- tation of this objection, I rise to defend in the Presidential election entirely. tion. the right of my citizens, my constitu- That would be an outrageous remedy Joe Biden won the election. That is ents, to vote in the Presidential elec- to this purported offense. not what I had hoped for, but that is tion. A third charge we have heard is that what happened. It was an honest vic- Let’s be clear. That is exactly what Pennsylvania officials did not properly tory with the usual minor irregular- this objection is about. It is what it implement Pennsylvania election law ities that occur in most elections. would do. It would overturn the results in a variety of other ways. But the We witnessed today the damage that of the Presidential election in Pennsyl- Trump campaign has shown that many can result when men in power and re- vania, and it would thereby deny Penn- of these issues have—well, first of all, sponsibility refuse to acknowledge the sylvania’s voters the opportunity to none of these issues would have truth. We saw bloodshed because the even participate in the Presidential changed the election outcome, but demagogue chose to spread falsehoods election. more importantly, the campaign had and sow distrust of his own fellow Even if Congress did have the con- many opportunities, of which it availed Americans. Let’s not abet such decep- stitutional responsibility to judge the itself, to litigate these issues. They did tion. Let’s reject this motion.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:22 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06JA6.011 S06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S33 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ciation of Manufacturers—an organiza- died in this Capitol, somewhere not far ator from Oregon. tion with thousands of businesses, from where we are standing. Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, with just thousands of companies, and not ex- We had police officers—the men and a few minutes to speak, I am going to actly a leftwing outfit—they called for women we walk by every single day, get right to the point. moving forward with the 25th Amend- who guard the doors and we say hello Gunfire in the halls here, IEDs on the ment. That was all over the news al- to—out there with riot gear getting Capitol grounds—I will say to my col- ready this afternoon, colleagues. The spit on and attacked today—not 10 leagues, with the domestic terrorists National Association of Manufacturers. weeks ago; just a few hours ago. I roaming the halls just a few hours ago, That is what we are seeing in our coun- think it is important to think about all I have been stunned that this debate is try with respect to the fear of Ameri- those things on a night like tonight actually going forward, and that is be- cans, having watched what happened with everything that has happened. cause, colleagues, this is a fake debate here. I wouldn’t even be here today—I on electoral certifications; that is be- I am just going to close by way of doubt very much whether I would have cause it lends credibility to the bogus saying that I believe that for the next even been interested in politics—had it idea that the Congress can actually 2 weeks, we have an enormous respon- not been for my grandfather. He died toss out the results of the election, sibility to watchdog Donald Trump day when I was 14, but I grew up at his and, as we saw today, it serves to fuel in and day out, to do everything pos- knee. He would sit on the porch and would smoke three cigars a day, and he insurrection. sible to prevent the kinds of abuses Contrary to what some of my ‘‘aye’’ loved history. that we saw today, where an American He was born in 1899 in rural Cuba. It voting colleagues believe by votes cast lost her life, and we saw the fear was still governed by the United just a few minutes ago, this debate has among our citizens at what went on. States. It was a protectorate. Three never been about setting up some kind Let’s do everything we can as leaders, years later, it gained its independence of routine election tribunal. This isn’t Democrats and Republicans, to make and became a republic. about election security. If the Republic sure that in the next 2 weeks, Donald During my grandfather’s first 60 majority for the last 2 years had actu- Trump’s abuses are checked and we do years of life, he saw his country have ally been interested in election secu- everything we can to protect this won- an armed insurrection after a con- rity, they would not have worked re- derful Nation of ours. tested election, multiple Presidents go lentlessly to block my legislation to I yield the floor. into exile, two military coups, and the secure our 2020 elections with hand- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- rise of a Marxist dictator—a tyranny marked paper ballots and post-election ator from Florida is recognized. that stands to this day. security audits. Mr. RUBIO. Mr. President, over the My entire life—my entire life I have By the way, those are the kinds of last weeks and days leading up to this lived with and next to people who came approaches that are part of the Oregon vote here today, I have heard from a to America because their country was system, where for 25 years we voted by lot of people about this vote, and I chaotic and their country was unsafe. mail. I am the Nation’s first mail-in guess I want to address it as much to What I saw today—what we have seen— U.S. Senator. The second—and I see my them as anybody else. These are people looks more like those countries than colleagues from Maine and Alaska here I know. These are friends. These are the extraordinary Nation that I am because they are very fond of him, like neighbors. These are longtime sup- privileged to call home, and I think I am—Gordon Smith, a Republican, porters, generally people on my side of about the mockery that it makes of was the second mail-in U.S. Senator in the political aisle. our country. our country. That is because we do the And they are upset. They are upset. A lot of people say: Oh, well, China, job right. It is efficient. They look at the media, and the media, China. Let me just say something. In Our late-Republican secretary of they censored stories that might have all modesty, no one here has worked state, Dennis Richardson, actually told been negative toward Joe Biden or harder on the issue of China. They hate President Trump there was no evidence were negative toward Joe Biden, and my guts. I am sanctioned—I don’t of fraud. social media companies helped them know what they are sanctioning—dou- So if Republicans had been interested out. And they saw how some States ble sanctioned, and I can’t travel there. over the last 2 years in actually work- tinkered with and even mutilated I wasn’t planning to anyway. ing with me and colleagues on both State election laws, and they have China is laughing. They are loving sides of the aisle and secretaries of doubts that the election was legiti- this tonight. In Beijing they are high- state, we could have had an approach mate. fiving because they point to this and that would have empowered the Oregon It gives this country this extraor- they say: This is proof the future be- idea to go national. Instead, we are dinary crisis of confidence, which is longs to China. America is in decline. now debating tonight the idea of—a very dangerous because democracy is Vladimir Putin—there is nothing discussion grounded in total fiction, very fragile, and it is not held together Vladimir Putin could have come up with better than what happened here. brewed in cauldrons of conspiracies on- by elections. Democracy is held to- It makes us look like we are in total line. These, colleagues, are fever gether by people’s confidence in the chaos and collapse—not to mention the dreams—fever dreams laundered by election and their willingness to abide Ayatollah, who is probably bragging, if people with election certificates and by its results. he has buddies, to his buddies: Look real power. And I will tell you, it has So the notion was we need to do what is happening to the Great Satan. been painful to watch colleagues sidle something; we need to fight. Several of I think politics has made us crazy. up to some of those conspiracies that my colleagues have adopted the idea— Everybody in this country has lost would inflict so much damage on the and I respect it—that they are going to their minds on politics, and we have American experiment. object. forgotten that America is not a govern- Colleagues, I am going to close with Now, listen, it is important to under- ment, America is not a President, one last point. We saw today an effort stand something. Even the people ob- America is not a Congress. by domestic terrorists to try to punch jecting in the Senate recognize that it Let me tell you what America is. our democracy to the ground, to the is not going to pass. It is not going to America is your family. America is ropes. I am going to close by simply change the outcome, but it is going to your faith. America is your commu- saying something that hadn’t been said send a message, and it is going to make nity. That is America. That is what our tonight, and that is that Donald Trump a point. adversaries don’t understand, and that can do enormous damage to our coun- The problem is I think it is a terrible is what we need to remember. That is try in the next 2 weeks. In the next 2 idea at this moment. Just hours ago, a how we are going to rebuild this coun- weeks, colleagues, Donald Trump can young lady died in this Capitol. That try and turn the page and have a future do enormous damage to our wonderful means somebody, somewhere in this even brighter than our past. country. country, got a phone call that their So that is why I feel so strongly This afternoon—I don’t know if my daughter was dead. Their daughter was about this and why I hope those who colleagues saw it—the National Asso- going to a political rally; she is dead— disagree with me will understand.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:33 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06JA6.035 S06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE S34 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 6, 2021 I yield the floor. ers have to reach across the aisle to do the State—nothing more. We should not The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- people’s work, and we citizens also have to attempt to usurp the roles of the vot- ator from Hawaii is recognized. rise to the occasion. ers, the States, or the electoral college. Ms. HIRONO. Mr. President, it has And in 2000, during an election with The American people have done their been hard, at times, to find the words substantial irregularities and partisan job, turning out in record numbers to to describe the full harm that Donald intervention from the Supreme Court, vote in the midst of a frightening pan- Trump has inflicted on our country. We Al Gore, nevertheless, put his country demic. Indeed, as a percentage of the can spend hours dissecting how his first and he said: voting-eligible population, the turnout policies have made us less safe and less Let there be no doubt, while I strongly dis- was the highest in 120 years. Similarly, healthy, but his Presidency has also agree with the Court’s decision, I accept it. in the midst of this pandemic, hun- been a profound moral failure. . . . And tonight, for the sake of our unity as dreds of election officials and volun- Let me tell you a story. A few years a people and the strength of our democracy, teers have done their job, staffing poll- ago, a father from Hawaii joined me at I offer my concession. ing places and faithfully counting and one of my talk-story sessions in my of- As I reflect on the service of these often recounting votes. The States fice, and he asked me a question that distinguished public servants and the have done their job by certifying the struck me hard at that time and has acts they took to maintain our democ- election results. stuck with me until today. He said: racy, I am also drawn to remarks Now, I have heard the proponents of How can I tell my son that lying is not President Obama made 4 years ago in these objections raise questions about OK when the President of the United his farewell address to the Nation when whether the various States conducted States lies every single day? I strug- he warned that our democracy is their elections properly. When disputes gled to answer his question then, and I threatened whenever we take it for over elections arise, candidates are am not sure I could offer an adequate granted. able to appeal to our legal system, not answer now. It is a particularly sage warning as Congress, for recourse. But this conversation remains a clear we contend with the President of the In the 2 months since the 2020 elec- example of how we do not live in nor- United States seeking to nullify a free tion, the President’s lawyers and allies mal times. How is it normal as we and and fair election simply because he have had the opportunity to make the world watched in horror as an lost. We have to stand up, speak out, their arguments and challenge election angry mob stormed the U.S. Capitol? and fight back because our democracy results before the courts. Notably, Blood was shed. People were hurt. Van- itself is at stake. every one of nearly 60 lawsuits they dalism occurred. American democracy has endured have brought forward have been re- It is not normal when we have a over these centuries in large part be- jected. In fact, the Supreme Court has President who lies every single day. cause our institutions serve as guard- twice refused to hear their election And even in the face of this vandalism, rails to keep us from going over the challenges. We must abide by these rulings. The this mob, he really doesn’t have much cliff. As elected officials, we can time has now come for Congress to do to say except: I love you. You should strengthen these guardrails by listen- its job. We should affirm the certified go home now. ing to our own conscience in moments results of each State by counting the It is not normal when, in the middle of peril, by having what our friend votes of their electors. Altering the re- of a pandemic that has claimed the John Lewis called ‘‘an executive ses- sults of the electoral college would set lives of over 350,000 Americans, which sion with myself.’’ a terrible precedent in which the party is nearly the combined population of Before making a big decision, John in control of Congress could override the islands of Maui and the Big Island, would say: Listen self, this is what you the will of the voters and overrule our we have a President who only seems to must do; this is where you must go. courts to unilaterally choose the next care about spreading conspiracies to Today, we can follow John’s example, President. One Senator attempted such undermine confidence in our elections listen to our conscience, stand up for a maneuver after the election in 2004, and our democracy. our Constitution, and do what is right. and the Senate overwhelmingly re- It is not normal when duly elected I yield the floor. jected that effort. The Senate has dem- Senators who took an oath to uphold The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- onstrated by its vote tonight that it the Constitution pull a stunt to try and ator from Maine is recognized. will follow that precedent and do so nullify millions of votes in six States Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, let me begin my remarks tonight by express- again. so that Donald Trump can remain Today—tonight, Mr. President, I will ing my heartfelt gratitude to the mem- President. I call this effort a stunt be- continue to vote to reaffirm the foun- bers of the law enforcement commu- cause it is doomed to fail. dation of our democracy, the Constitu- nity and the National Guard whose We have a strong bipartisan major- tion of the United States. And I will re- hard work and courage made it possible ity, as noted in the vote that we just ject these challenges to the electoral for us to resume our deliberations to- took, in both Chambers of Congress college. who reject this stunt, and courts have night. Thank you, Mr. President. ruled against Trump and his allies in We return to this Chamber tonight The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- more than 60 cases. undeterred by the violence we wit- ator from Oregon is recognized. So whenever this farce ends, the re- nessed and strengthened in our deter- Mr. MERKLEY. Mr. President, I in- sult will be the same: Donald Trump mination to fulfill our constitutional vite all of my colleagues to cast your will have lost the election, and Joe duty. The Constitution is the founda- eyes upon these three boxes sitting on Biden will become the 46th President of tion of our American democracy, and the table in front of the dais. These the United States. the Constitution is what must guide three boxes contain the certified re- You can tell a lot about a person our decisions on the Presidential elec- sults from every State in our Union re- from the way they handle defeat. The tion. garding how that State voted, how way Donald Trump has handled defeat The process the Constitution sets their electors have voted for the Presi- says a lot about who he is. Watching so forth for electing Presidents through dent of the United States of America. many of our colleagues indulge the the electoral college is straight- You cast your eyes on these three President tells us a lot about them too. forward. The people vote. Electors are boxes, and you know that there is We don’t have to look back very far chosen. The electors vote. Then Con- something special. You see that there in history to find examples of can- gress counts the electors’ votes. are straps on them holding the top on didates who lost tough races but dem- That final step in the process is why and straps around the side and they are onstrated their character in defeat. we have convened today. Counting the engraved—beautiful handle, beautiful Our colleague Senator ROMNEY gra- votes of the electors, a function that leather work, crafted in the cabinet ciously conceded his defeat to Presi- the 12th Amendment assigns to Con- shop of our very Senate to say to the dent Obama in noting: gress, is an administrative and largely world that their cargo is precious. At a time like this, we can’t risk partisan ceremonial act. Our job is simply to There are three of these boxes. The bickering and political posturing. Our lead- count the votes certified by each third box is brand new. It was crafted

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:57 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06JA6.036 S06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S35 because so many States were cele- tiful happened, and that is, we sat here cent of the vote went for Joe Biden; brating this process that they started in this Chamber, all of us listening to 46.8 percent of the vote was for Donald to use very large forms, very large en- each other, 5-minute speeches, hearing Trump; 306 electoral college votes for velopes, very large seals to put those each other out, diverse views, wrestling Joe Biden; 232 electoral college votes ballots into and, thus, a third box was with a complicated issue. It is really for Donald Trump. Four years earlier, needed. These boxes contain the voice the first time that has happened in the Donald Trump referred to that kind of of the American people weighing in, as 12 years I have served in the Senate. outcome as a ‘‘landslide’’ for him, and they have election after election after We need to restore the process of he lost the popular vote by 3 million election. They have been used—these struggling with America’s issues to- votes. two smaller boxes—for the last 14 elec- gether on the floor of the Senate. That But accepting the outcome of the tions. They are transported through is the Senate I saw when I first came election can be difficult when our po- those doors to the House of Represent- here as an intern for my home State litical party doesn’t win. We have all atives, where the Senate and House Senator in 1976. That is the Senate that felt that before. But calling an election gather to witness the opening of the I saw when I worked for Congress in unfair does not make it so. More than envelopes to determine who will be the the 1980s. That is the Senate that has 60 Federal and State courts involving President of the United States. It is disappeared. more than 90 judges—many of whom our constitutional responsibility to There is a conversation going for- were nominated by Republican Presi- witness the counting. That is what the ward between Democrats and Repub- dents, including Donald Trump—are all Constitution calls for. licans to restore the ability to hold de- in agreement. That is pretty amazing, Tonight, when this Senate Chamber bate on the floor, to restore the ability isn’t it? All in agreement. No evidence was under attack by domestic terror- to have amendments on the floor so of widespread fraud, wrongdoing, or ists, we were held here in this room, that we deliberate and wrestle with—in other irregularities have been uncov- doors locked to protect us with the a very public and transparent fashion— ered during the 2020 election. That is a help of the Capitol Police. They did an the big issues. victory for democracy, for our democ- excellent job. And then they escorted So let’s take this moment, when we racy. us to a safe room. That announcement are rethinking how to restore the insti- Unfortunately, some of our col- came quickly. And when that an- tutions of our government, to restore leagues today ask us to do the same nouncement came, our senior assistant and improve how this Senate operates thing that Donald Trump asked of the parliamentarian, Leigh Hildebrand, or- to deal with the issues ahead of us, so secretary of state for the State of Georgia—to overturn the results of the ganized the team to rescue these boxes that this moment is a moment where 2020 election without specific allega- and keep them safe. we come together rather than be di- Thank you to her and the entire vided; where, in a bipartisan fashion, tions and, more importantly, without team that rescued the voice of the we craft a strategy to restore issues to any proof. Our colleagues are asking us American people. Had they not done so, the floor—bills and amendments—and not to abide by the will of the people then the hooligans outside, dis- debate and decisions before the public. but to bend to the will of one man—one man—Donald Trump. respecting the Constitution, would Out of a dark moment can shine a In 1787, delegates from the have come in here and opened these bright light, a renewal, and it is a mo- Colonies convened in Philadelphia to ment much needed now—a moment boxes and burned the ballots, destroy- debate the future of what would be- much needed in the executive branch ing the voice of the people symboli- come the United States of America. as we, on the 20th of January, welcome cally. I know no one in this Chamber Our Founders disagreed on a lot of new leadership. wanted something like that to happen things, but, you know, they all agreed And it is a moment much needed for because we are here to defend the Con- on one thing for sure: They did not us to restore the Senate to be the de- stitution, to defend the integrity of the want a King; they did not want a Mon- liberative body once renowned and re- election process, not to allow it to be arch. Many of them had been there, spected around the world. Let’s defend destroyed. done that. They didn’t want to see it But, colleagues, although we are 100 these ballot boxes, both from the hooli- and feel it again, and they set up this Senators—or 99, actually, now because gans outside and those who would vote intricate system of checks and bal- there are only 99 of us who are duly to destroy the ballots from any given ances to ensure that we would never elected at the moment. We are 99 Sen- State. And let us come together and re- have that all-powerful King in this ators united across party, defending store the Senate and fight for the vi- country. these ballots from the hooligans out- sion of our ‘‘we the people’’ Republic. That system of checks and balances side. I yield the floor. is being pushed to a dangerous limit There is more than one way these The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- here today, but that system will pre- ballots can be destroyed, and that is ator from Delaware is recognized. vail—along with it, our democracy. for this Chamber and the House Cham- Mr. CARPER. Mr. President, ‘‘Free, Here are just some of the claims Don- ber to vote that one of those envelopes fair elections are the lifeblood of our ald Trump and his legal team have representing the State will be shred- democracy. Charges on fairness are se- made and that our colleagues lend cre- ded, will be burned, that those votes rious.’’ I think we will all agree. ‘‘But dence to here today: that Venezuela, will be discounted. calling an election unfair does not Cuba, and China rigged our country’s We just held a vote on whether or not make it so. Charges require specific al- voting machines in favor of Joe Biden; the envelope containing the electoral legations and then [they require] proof. that dead people voted in this election, votes from Arizona should be burned. We have neither here.’’ and they only voted for Joe Biden; that We defended these ballots against the Those are not my words. Those are poll watchers and election observers hooligans outside, but there are those the words of a judge on the U.S. Circuit who risked their lives during this pan- in this Chamber supporting the de- Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit demic to uphold the integrity of our struction of the voice of the citizens of rejecting President Trump’s legal chal- elections stuffed ballot boxes with Arizona—six voted. And we are coming lenges to the Pennsylvania election. I Biden votes, and then they shredded back later tonight to vote on whether might add, a judge who was a longtime Trump votes. to shred or burn the ballots for the peo- member of the conservative Federalist Not one—let me repeat—not one of ple of Pennsylvania. Society and was nominated to the these things is true. There is no evi- We have to stand together to say ab- bench by none other than Donald dence—no evidence—to back up these solutely not. The constitutional re- Trump. ridiculous claims. Many of these ab- sponsibility is for us to defend the The 2020 Presidential election was surd claims from Donald Trump and process, not to proceed to destroy these hard-fought—we will all agree. But the his legal team are nothing more than ballots. American people spoke clearly, and conspiracy theories circuiting online. Now, in spite of all the troubling they spoke decisively: 81.2 million vot- This misinformation and dangerous things that have happened in this ers voted for Joe Biden—81.2; 74.2 mil- rhetoric from the President and his al- Chamber this evening, something beau- lion voted for Donald Trump; 51.3 per- lies—including calls for violence—have

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:33 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06JA6.039 S06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE S36 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 6, 2021 polluted our discourse and imperiled government of the people, by the peo- serious response, one much more seri- our peaceful transfer of power. ple, and for the people, and the people ous than the sham before us today. When our colleagues show indiffer- have spoken. The people have spoken. First, Federal and State law enforce- ence to outright support for these un- Our job here today is to listen to them. ment authorities should investigate substantiated claims and conspiracy I intend to do that. I trust that my col- Donald Trump for election fraud, ex- theories, they lead our Nation and our leagues will join me in doing that as tortion, conspiracy, and whatever Constitution down a dangerous, dan- well. other charges fit the bill and, if war- gerous path. I yield the floor. ranted, indict and try him for any All of us who serve here swore an The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- crimes he has committed. oath to support and defend our Con- ator from Massachusetts. Second, we must recognize that Don- stitution. I swore that same oath as a Mr. MARKEY. Mr. President, first, I ald Trump is and will remain a danger naval flight officer many times and as want to thank all of the first respond- to our Constitution and our democ- midshipman before that. But all of us ers who helped to protect this sacred racy. So, while time is certainly lim- here have sworn to support and defend Chamber today and protect those elec- ited, we should impeach Trump again our Constitution, not our political toral college ballots. and bar him from holding office in the party and certainly not any individual Today is a special day. On a day future. candidate. when some 2,500 or more Americans Finally, we should abolish the elec- Colleagues, for the safety of our citi- will lose their lives to the coronavirus, toral college. It is a vestige of a racist zens and our Republic, we must lead by when another 130,000 will be hospital- Jim Crow America, and we have out- example. We must turn the tempera- ized with it, when hundreds of small grown it. Every person’s vote in every ture down. It was a hard-fought cam- businesses will close their doors and State should count just the same—one paign, but the campaign is over. The put thousands of Americans out of person, one vote. votes have been counted. The count has work—on this day—the U.S. Senate is Election fraud and reform are very been certified in all 50 States. not debating how to get more life- serious issues. Election reform abso- In 2 weeks, on January 20, Joe Biden saving vaccines into Americans’ arms lutely should be debated in Congress, and KAMALA HARRIS will be sworn in as or how to put 2,000 badly needed dollars which is why, instead of today’s Ka- President and Vice President of the into their pockets. No. Instead, we are buki theater, I invite my Republican United States, as they should be. We using the first days of the new Senate colleagues to stand up and say: Yes, we have serious and urgent challenges and Congress to give time to our rad- need to protect and expand voting that will require working together ical Republican colleagues’ baseless rights and election security. We need with our new President and new Vice and damaging claims of election automatic voter registration. We need President, with one another in this fraud—all in an attempt to keep Don- online voter registration. We need Chamber—Democrats, Republicans, ald Trump in office in violation of the same-day voter registration. We should and Independents—and with our col- U.S. Constitution. There is a word for make election day a Federal holiday. leagues over in the House of Represent- this. It is called ‘‘sedition.’’ All of We should restore voting rights to peo- atives. these unfounded objections to State ple with prior convictions. We What is on our ‘‘to do’’ list? electors are seditious. They are noth- should support independent redis- We can start with making sure that ing short of an insurrection against the tricting commissions. Let’s spend our hundreds of millions of Americans get established order of the U.S. Constitu- time debating that on the floor—debat- vaccinated—that we get off the dime tion and our democratic Republic. ing how to reduce the influence of big and start vaccinating. We vaccinated 4 This is a historically shameful day money in our , to slow million people last month. We were for the Senate and for our country. To the revolving door between government supposed to have vaccinated 20 million. be clear, the notion that there is any officials and lobbyists, to stop gerry- How are we ever going to get to 250 meaningful voter fraud that has been mandering and voter suppression. That million at this rate? identified in the 2020 Presidential elec- is the real election reform that we What else is on our ‘‘to do’’ list? tion is a dangerous, anti-democratic, should be debating and supporting, not We are getting our kids back to treasonous fiction. Joe Biden won. these shameful, craven, baseless objec- school. We have kids who are unable to Donald Trump lost—period—but that tions. get on the internet, who are unable to hasn’t stopped the President and his More than 350,000 Americans have participate in their classes, and who supporters from making allegations of died from the coronavirus. That is the may not have any adult supervision at voter fraud in some 60 legal challenges truth. Nearly 8 million people have home. They are struggling, and they across the country, heard by some 90 fallen into poverty because of the eco- are falling even further behind. We judges, including Trump judicial ap- nomic crisis caused by this virus. That need to do something to help them. pointees. Not one of these challenges is the truth. Wearing a mask saves What else is on our ‘‘to do’’ list?— succeeded—not one. Despite this re- lives. Vaccines are safe and effective. getting their parents back to work, ality, my radical Republican col- That is the truth. Joe Biden won. Don- just to name a few things. Think of all leagues claim we must have a commis- ald Trump lost. That is the truth. of the millions of people who have lost sion to investigate the fraud. I urge all of my Senate colleagues to jobs and don’t have skills anymore to Well, we do know one of the most un- vote against these objections, affirm fill the jobs that are needed. They need deniable instances of substantial and our democracy, and recognize that Joe our help. They need to be retooled and significant election fraud ever. We even Biden and KAMALA HARRIS will right- retrained. It is time to stop over- have a recording and a transcript of it. fully be sworn in on January 20 as the turning the will of the people. Let’s get It is of President Trump, talking like a President and Vice President of the back to working on their behalf. Mafia boss to the Georgia Secretary of United States. Abraham Lincoln has been quoted a State—a Republican no less—pres- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- couple of times here tonight, but he ob- suring and threatening him to fix the ator from Connecticut. served at the end of the Gettysburg Ad- election in Trump’s favor, and holding Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Mr. President, dress that ours is a ‘‘government of the out the prospect of criminal prosecu- today was a stomach-turning, gut- people, by the people, for the people.’’ tion if he doesn’t. wrenching moment in our history. Even in the midst of a civil war, Presi- ‘‘Find me 11,780 votes,’’ Trump said. Truly, it was an assault on the heart of dent Lincoln put his unwavering faith Well, someone should find Donald our democracy. in the people to chart our Nation’s Trump a real lawyer and measure him I want to join in thanking the first course. We would be wise to remember for an orange jumpsuit, because the responders and the police. Lincoln’s words at this moment, at list of statutes that this latest, shock- I also want to thank others who have this special moment, in our Nation’s ing Presidential phone call may violate been heroes of our democracy—unsung history. is too long to recite. The President’s in many instances. First, they are all We are not a government of Trump, words on that phone call—indeed, his of the election officials, all of the poll by Trump, and for Trump. We are a conduct since his election—demand a workers, all of the members of boards

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:33 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06JA6.040 S06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S37 of election who actually counted the tions of this President can be followed federate flag and a Trump flag, and in votes—who went to the polls and made by more effective would-be tyrants in- other ways signaling that they had sure that votes could be cast—and who, tent on destroying our Republic. done something significant. No. In fact, ultimately, stood firm for the integrity Yes, we have more important tasks what they have actually done is weak- of that voting system. that we should be addressing as well— ened our democracy, showed some of I want to thank the judges. There are the pandemic, the economic revival. its fragility, and encouraged our oppo- now about 90 of them who, except for Yet, today, we must be mindful of the nents around the world. one or two who ruled the other way on threat to our democracy that we face In the last 2 months since the elec- a technicality, have stood firm for the down and come together on a bipar- tion, we have one man who has aban- integrity of that voting system. In tisan basis, but silence is never excus- doned his post, who has mostly spent those 60 to 70 cases, except for that one able in the face of lawlessness at the his time golfing and tweeting and in- who ruled on a technicality, they went very top of our political structure. dulging himself in conspiracy theories with the integrity of our voting system I yield the floor. and been less and less attuned to our and the rule of law. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- national security and to a raging pan- Today was, indeed, disgusting and ator from Delaware. demic, and another man, our Presi- sickening. It was shocking and des- Mr. COONS. Mr. President, I have a dent-elect, who is preparing to take picable. It was heartbreaking, but it question for all of my colleagues this over the responsibility for leading this was not surprising. In fact, today’s as- evening, which is this: What happened country out of this pandemic and out sault on our democracy—the mob vio- here today, and how is it different from of its current state of deep, deep divi- lence, the riots, the thugs and goons what we expected as we assembled in sion. who were inspired and incited by the this Chamber early this afternoon? President Trump has abandoned his President of the United States—all Sadly, much like the impeachment post. He does not deserve to be Presi- were of a piece, in these past 4 years, of trial of just a year ago, I think as dent any longer, and he poses a real a President who has no respect for the many of us slogged our way to the Na- and present threat to the future of our truth or the rule of law. tion’s Capital and dutifully filed into democracy. Donald Trump’s Presidency is com- this Chamber, we expected hours and But let me also say this to my col- ing to a close in the very same way it hours of debate and discussion, know- leagues, half of whom changed their in- began—with an attack on our democ- ing the outcome, knowing that what tended vote today after seeing what racy. In 2016, the Trump campaign wel- was being engaged in by a handful of happened in the Capitol. There were, as comed hostile foreign interference with our colleagues was a political stunt, we began, roughly 13 Senators—Repub- our election. The President refused to feeding the ego of our President, who is licans—who said they were going to acknowledge that he would accept the chasing conspiracy theories about how vote against the certification of the results of the election if he lost. Then, he actually won the election 2 months election, and when we actually finally again and again, he demonstrated his ago that he lost and indulging his be- called the roll, it was just 6—7 of them contempt for the rule of law and for lief that somehow, somehow, the Con- having been chastened by the events of laws themselves. He obstructed justice, gress could still, at the last moment, today. But two who continue on this and he would have been charged with it snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. quest clerked for the Supreme Court had he not been the President of the Even in the last day, President Chief Justice, are deeply schooled in United States. He invited a foreign Trump had been haranguing his own the law, and know better than what government to interfere in our elec- incredibly loyal Vice President, MIKE they did today. And in the House, in tions and find dirt on his political op- PENCE, as if somehow Vice President the debate going on over in the House ponent. PENCE would simply declare him Presi- Most disturbingly, these actions by a dent today. even now, more than 100 House Repub- President who demonstrated that con- We knew that President Trump had licans continue with this effort. tempt for the rule of law were met with been stirring up the spirits of thou- On this floor earlier today, this silence from many political leaders, sands, urging them to come to Wash- evening, there were strong and clear our colleagues here in the Senate ington. We had an inkling that he and brave speeches by Republicans and among them—silence in the face of might go out and speak to them, but I Democrats alike. that contempt for the rule of law and don’t think, as we filed into this Cham- So I have a question as we move for- disrespect for the law enforcers. ber, any of us—any of us—expected ward. When will this fever break? When So we could have seen today coming. that, for the second time in our Repub- will we finally say to each other: In fact, we did. I warned about it, and lic’s history, the perimeter of this Cap- Enough is enough of indulging and fol- others did because the fantasies and itol would be breached, Members of the lowing and demagoguery. Is falsehoods that drove those rioters— Senate would be rushed to safety; that it time to finally show who the leaders not protesters but the mob who as- not just the Capitol Police but U.S. are and to uphold our Constitution saulted the temple of democracy—were Marshals and FBI officers and fully that every one of the House Members fueled by the President’s combat-geared soldiers would be in the and a third of us swore to uphold just misstatements and lies and contempt U.S. Capitol, taking it back from a ri- 3 days ago? for the truth, and he was enabled. He otous mob of thugs. I will tell you, as I look ahead, that had enablers. Just a few moments ago, I went to I am confident that 2 weeks from now, Today, we are stopping, in one in- the Rotunda to see the litter and the Joseph Biden will be sworn in as the stance, that enabling, but we must also trash, the residue and the remnants of next President, KAMALA HARRIS sworn make sure to stop it going forward. those who took over this building in as the next Vice President, and we The political stunt that brought us today, and to say thank you to the men have a unique moment in my lifetime, here today offers no great solace that and women of law enforcement who because, as Presidents and leaders in it will. These stunts have con- helped secure it after it fell to an angry the Senate of both parties over the last sequences. We say words have con- mob. decades have observed, the Senate has sequences, and the actions today will But, folks, we have to think about steadily shrunk in its significance, its have significant consequences. They the consequences of what happened role, in its power, and the Presidency are an attack on our democracy that here today, why this happened, and has steadily grown. Not in my life- undermines the core tenets of our what it means and what it teaches, be- time—not since LBJ—have we had an American Government and a disrespect cause, frankly, tonight, now, the whole incoming President who spent 36 years for the will of the people and a peaceful world is watching. The entire world is in this Chamber. transition of power. The political watching a montage of scenes—of folks We have a chance with Joe Biden, a stunts themselves, driven by oppor- cavorting in the Capitol, half-naked President-elect who ran on bringing tunism, blaze a path that can be fol- men taking that seat, scrawling things our country together, a President-elect lowed by more competent challenges on different surfaces, parading up and who ran on turning the page from our just as the dictatorial instincts and ac- down the Capitol corridors with a Con- moment of national division, and a

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:33 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06JA6.043 S06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE S38 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 6, 2021 President-elect who respects and hon- And it is not just us; it is everyone Mr. MCCONNELL. I know of no fur- ors and understands the significance of who has run for President since the be- ther debate. this body. ginning of America. Only once in VOTE ON OBJECTION TO COUNTING So we have to take this opportunity America’s history have the people who PENNSYLVANIA ELECTORAL VOTES to heal, to hear each other, to com- lost tried to burn down our democracy The VICE PRESIDENT. If there is no promise, to work together, and to see on the way out. They caused a civil further debate, the question is, Shall the real challenges facing the Amer- war that nearly destroyed our Nation. the objection submitted by the gen- ican people and take this last best mo- Make no mistake, the violence we tleman from Pennsylvania, Mr. PERRY, ment. witnessed in this Chamber today was and the Senator from Missouri, Mr. What happened here today should the direct result of the poisonous lies HAWLEY, be sustained? leave all of us gravely concerned about that Donald Trump repeated again and Is there a sufficient second? the health and the future of our democ- again for more than 2 months. His Mr. THUNE. I ask for the yeas and racy, and the opportunity we will have words have consequences. Our democ- nays. 2 weeks from today is one we should racy has been grievously injured by The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk not let pass us by. this lying coward. will call the roll. I yield the floor. This effort to subvert our democracy The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- The legislative clerk called the roll. is not merely one last Presidential tan- ator from Massachusetts. The result was announced—yeas 7, Ms. WARREN. Mr. President, more trum. This effort is designed to knock nays 92, as follows: than 350,000 of our loved ones have died out the basic pillar on which democ- [Rollcall Vote No. 2 Leg.] from a terrible disease. Small busi- racy is founded: the idea that the vot- YEAS—7 ers—not the sitting President and not nesses have gone under, never to re- Cruz Lummis Tuberville open. Millions have lost their jobs, and the Members of Congress but the voters Hawley Marshall too many families don’t know how decide who will lead this Nation. Hyde-Smith Scott (FL) they are going to pay the rent or put A democracy in which the elected NAYS—92 leaders do not bend to the will of the groceries on the table. Baldwin Graham Peters It is tough out there, but Americans voters is no democracy. It is a totali- Barrasso Grassley Portman are fighters, and despite all the chal- tarian state. And those who pursue this Bennet Hagerty Reed lenges, in November they did what effort are supporting a coup. Blackburn Harris Risch I urge my colleagues to vote no on Blumenthal Hassan Romney Americans do when they are unhappy Blunt Heinrich Rosen with their leadership—they voted for this effort to overthrow our democ- Booker Hickenlooper Rounds change. They turned their backs on a racy. Boozman Hirono Rubio sitting President who fans the flames I yield the floor. Braun Hoeven Sanders Brown Inhofe Sasse of hatred while bodies pile up in the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Burr Johnson Schatz ator from Alaska. Cantwell Kaine morgue. Instead, they elected a new Schumer Capito Kelly President who wants to save lives, to Scott (SC) f Cardin Kennedy save our economy, and to save our de- Shaheen RECESS SUBJECT TO THE CALL OF Carper King mocracy. Casey Klobuchar Shelby THE CHAIR Cassidy Lankford Sinema Even as the pandemic raged, Ameri- Smith cans showed up for democracy. States Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I Collins Leahy Coons Lee Stabenow worked overtime to set up safe sys- ask unanimous consent that the Sen- Cornyn Loeffler Sullivan tems, ballot drop boxes, early voting, ate stand in recess subject to the call Cortez Masto Luja´ n Tester and gallons of hand sanitizer. Voters of the chair. Cotton Manchin Thune Cramer Markey Tillis mailed their ballots earlier, put on The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Crapo McConnell Toomey masks, and stood in line at the polls. objection, the Senate stands in recess Daines Menendez Van Hollen The election of 2020 shattered voting subject to the call of the Chair. Duckworth Merkley Warner records. Thereupon, the Senate, at 11:25 p.m., Durbin Moran Warren So here we are on the floor of the Ernst Murkowski Whitehouse recessed subject to the call of the Chair Feinstein Murphy Wicker U.S. Senate in the aftermath of a his- and reassembled at 12:28 a.m. when Fischer Murray Wyden toric election held in the middle of a called to order by the Vice President. Gillibrand Paul Young pandemic. People are suffering, and we The VICE PRESIDENT. The majority The VICE PRESIDENT. On this vote, should be working to get them the help leader. the yeas are 7, the nays are 92. they need. Instead, we are here because Mr. MCCONNELL. I know of no fur- The objection is not sustained. Donald Trump wants to overturn the ther debate. The Secretary will notify the House results of that election. The Repub- The VICE PRESIDENT. Pursuant to of the action of the Senate, informing licans objecting to the results of this S. Con. Res. 1 and section 17, title III, that body that the Senate is now ready election will be judged by history, but U.S. Code, when the two Houses with- to proceed to Joint Session for further the rest of us will be judged as well. draw from the joint session to count count of the electoral vote for Presi- It is our responsibility to stand up the electoral vote for separate consid- dent and Vice President. for our democracy even while other eration of an objection, a Senator may The majority leader. Senators work to undermine it. speak to the objection for 5 minutes Losing is hard. I ran for President f and not more than once. Debate shall myself. It was a hard-fought primary, not exceed 2 hours, after which the ORDER OF BUSINESS but Joe Biden won and I lost. I am not Chair will put the question: Shall the the only one to live through that; a Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, for objection be sustained? number of Senators in this room have information of all of our colleagues, we The clerk will report the objection run for President. None of us was suc- don’t expect additional votes tonight. made in the joint session. cessful, and when we lost, we conceded f The senior assistant legislative clerk and we got out of the race because that read as follows: MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT is how democracy works. None of us lied about the results. We didn’t throw Objection from Senator HAWLEY from Mis- Messages from the President of the souri and Representative PERRY from Penn- United States were communicated to temper tantrums. We didn’t tell our al- sylvania, ‘‘We, a U.S. Senator and Member of lies in Congress or the States to over- the House of Representatives, object to the the Senate by Ms. Roberts, one of his turn the results. We didn’t feed poi- counting of the electoral votes of the State secretaries. sonous propaganda to our supporters. of Pennsylvania on the ground that they f We didn’t urge people to march on were not, under all of the known cir- State capitals or to descend on Wash- cumstances, regularly given.’’ EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED ington. We accepted the will of the vot- The VICE PRESIDENT. The majority As in the Presiding ers. leader. Officer laid before the Senate messages

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:33 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06JA6.044 S06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S39 from the President of the United control certain Chinese connected soft- H.R. 26. An act to amend the Consolidated States submitting sundry nominations ware applications to protect our na- Appropriations Act, 2021, to correct a provi- and a withdrawal which were referred tional security. sion on the on the use of a re- verse auction, and for other purposes. to the appropriate committees. The Executive Order prohibits cer- H.R. 27. An act to amend chapter 3 of title (The messages received today are tain future transactions, as determined 5, United States Code, to require the publica- printed at the end of the Senate pro- by the Secretary of Commerce (Sec- tion of settlement agreements, and for other ceedings.) retary), involving the following Chi- purposes. nese connected software applications: f The message also announced that the Alipay, CamScanner, QQ Wallet, House has agreed to the following con- PRESIDENTIAL MESSAGE SHAREit, Tencent QQ, VMate, WeChat current resolutions, without amend- Pay, and WPS Office. The Secretary is ment: also directed to: S. Con. Res. 1. Concurrent resolution to REPORT RELATIVE TO THE (i) continue to evaluate Chinese con- provide for the counting on January 6, 2021, ISSUANCE OF AN EXECUTIVE nected software applications that may of the electoral votes for President and Vice ORDER DECLARING ADDITIONAL pose an unacceptable risk to the na- President of the United States. STEPS TO BE TAKEN CON- tional security, foreign policy, or econ- S. Con. Res. 2. Concurrent resolution ex- omy of the United States, and to take tending the life of the Joint Congressional CERNING THE NATIONAL EMER- Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies and au- GENCY WITH RESPECT TO THE appropriate action in accordance with thorizing the use of the rotunda and Emanci- INFORMATION AND COMMUNICA- Executive Order 13873; and pation Hall of the Capitol by the Joint Con- TIONS TECHNOLOGY AND SERV- (ii) in consultation with the Attorney gressional Committee on Inaugural Cere- ICES SUPPLY CHAIN DECLARED General and the Director of National monies in connection with the proceedings IN EXECUTIVE ORDER 13873 OF Intelligence, provide a report to the and ceremonies conducted for the inaugura- , 2019, RECEIVED DURING Assistant to the President for National tion of the President-elect and the Vice ADJOURNMENT OF THE SENATE Security Affairs with recommenda- President-elect of the United States. ON JANUARY 5, 2021—PM 1 tions to prevent the sale or transfer of The message further announced that United States user data to, or access of the House has agreed to the following The PRESIDING OFFICER laid be- such data by, foreign adversaries, in- concurrent resolution, in which it re- fore the Senate the following message cluding through the establishment of quests the concurrence of the Senate: from the President of the United regulations and policies to identify, H. Con. Res. 1. Concurrent resolution re- States, together with an accompanying control, and license the export of such garding consent to assemble outside the seat report; which was referred to the Com- data. of government. mittee on Banking, Housing, and I have delegated to the Secretary, in The message also announced that the Urban Affairs: consultation with the Secretary of the House has agreed to H. Res. 2, resolving To the Congress of the United States: Treasury and the Attorney General, that Cheryl L. Johnson of the State of Pursuant to the International Emer- the authority to take such actions, in- Louisiana be, and is hereby, chosen gency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. cluding adopting appropriate rules and Clerk of the House of Representatives; 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National regulations, and employing all other that Paul D. Irving of the State of Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), powers granted to the President by Florida be, and is hereby, chosen Ser- and section 301 of title 3, United States IEEPA, as may be necessary to imple- geant-at-Arms of the House of Rep- Code, I hereby report that I have issued ment the Executive Order. The heads of resentatives; that Catherine Szpindor an Executive Order declaring addi- all executive departments and agencies of the Commonwealth of Virginia be, tional steps to be taken concerning the are directed to take all appropriate and is hereby, chosen Chief Adminis- national emergency with respect to the measures within their authority to im- trative Officer of the House of Rep- information and communications tech- plement the provisions of the Execu- resentatives; and that Reverend Doctor nology and services supply chain de- tive Order. Margaret Grun Kibben of the Common- clared in Executive Order 13873 of May I am enclosing a copy of the Execu- wealth of Pennsylvania be, and is here- 15, 2019 (Securing the Information and tive Order I have issued. by, chosen Chaplain of the House of Communications Technology and Serv- DONALD J. TRUMP. Representatives. The message further announced that ices Supply Chain) to deal with the THE WHITE HOUSE, January 5, 2021. the House has agreed to H. Res. 3, re- threat posed by applications and other f solving that the Senate be informed software developed or controlled by MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE ON that a of the House of Rep- Chinese companies. JANUARY 6, 2021 resentatives has assembled; that NANCY The pace and pervasiveness of the At 12:32 p.m., a message from the PELOSI, a Representative from the spread in the United States of certain House of Representatives, delivered by State of California, has been elected connected mobile and desktop applica- Mr. Novotny, one of its reading clerks, Speaker; and that Cheryl L. Johnson, a tions and other software developed or announced that the House has passed citizen of the State of Louisiana, has controlled by persons in the People’s the following bills, in which it requests been elected Clerk of the House of Rep- Republic of China (PRC), to include the concurrence of the Senate: resentatives of the One Hundred Seven- Hong Kong and Macau (China), con- H.R. 21. An act to enhance the innovation, teenth Congress. tinue to threaten the national secu- security, and availability of cloud computing The message also announced that a rity, foreign policy, and economy of products and services used in the Federal committee of two Members be ap- the United States. By accessing per- Government by establishing the Federal pointed by the Speaker on the part of sonal electronic devices such as Risk and Authorization Management Pro- the House of Representatives to join smartphones, tablets, and computers, gram within the General Services Adminis- with a committee on the part of the Chinese connected software applica- tration and by establishing a risk manage- Senate to notify the President of the tions can access and capture vast ment, authorization, and continuous moni- United States that a quorum of each swaths of information from users, in- toring process to enable the Federal Govern- ment to leverage cloud computing products House has assembled and Congress is cluding sensitive personally identifi- and services using a risk-based approach con- ready to receive any communication able information and private informa- sistent with the Federal Information Secu- that he may be pleased to make. tion. The continuing activity of the rity Modernization Act of 2014 and cloud- The message further announced that PRC and the Chinese Communist Party based operations, and for other purposes. pursuant to Senate concurrent resolu- to steal or otherwise obtain United H.R. 22. An act to amend the Federal Fund- tion 1, One Hundred Seventeenth Con- States persons’ data makes clear that ing Accountability and Transparency Act of gress, and the order of the House of there is an intent to use bulk data col- 2006, to require the budget justifications and January 4, 2021, the Speaker appoints lection to advance China’s economic appropriation requests of agencies be made publicly available. as tellers on the part of the House to and national security agenda. To deal H.R. 23. An act to require congressional no- count the electoral votes: Ms. LOFGREN with this threat, additional steps are tification for certain changes in status of in- of California and Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of required against those who develop or spectors general, and for other purposes. Illinois.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:00 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06JA6.013 S06JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE S40 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 6, 2021 The message also announced that spectors general, and for other purposes; to leader remarks, the Senate proceed to pursuant to section 1238(b)(3) of the the Committee on Homeland Security and a period of morning business, with Sen- Floyd D. Spence National Defense Au- Governmental Affairs. ators permitted to speak therein for up thorization Act for Fiscal Year 2001 (22 H.R. 26. An act to amend the Consolidated to 10 minutes each. Appropriations Act, 2021, to correct a provi- U.S.C. 7002), as amended, and the order sion on the prohibition on the use of a re- The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob- of the House of January 4, 2021, the verse auction, and for other purposes; to the jection, it is so ordered. Speaker re-appoints the following Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- f Members on the part of the House of ernmental Affairs. Representatives to the United States- H.R. 27. An act to amend chapter 3 of title ADJOURNMENT UNTIL FRIDAY, China Economic and Security Review 5, United States Code, to require the publica- , 2021, AT 10 A.M. Commission for a term expiring on De- tion of settlement agreements, and for other At the conclusion of the joint session cember 31, 2022: Mr. Jeffrey L. Fiedler purposes; to the Committee on Homeland Se- of the two Houses, and in accordance curity and Governmental Affairs. of La Quinta, California, and Mr. Mi- with the order previously entered, at chael Wessel of Falls Church, Virginia. f 3:48 a.m., the Senate adjourned until The message further announced that MEASURES PLACED ON THE Friday, January 8, 2021, at 10 a.m. pursuant to 2 U.S.C. 2001, and the order CALENDAR f of the House of January 4, 2021, the Speaker appoints the following Mem- The following bill was read the sec- NOMINATIONS bers to the House Office Building Com- ond time, and placed on the calendar: Executive nominations received by mission to serve with herself: Mr. S. 11. A bill to provide for an exception to the Senate: a limitation against appointment of persons HOYER of Maryland and Mr. MCCARTHY DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE as Secretary of Defense within seven years of of California. relief from active duty as a regular commis- JASON ABEND, OF VIRGINIA, TO BE INSPECTOR GEN- sioned officer of the Armed Forces. ERAL, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, VICE JON T. RYMER, At 11:15 p.m., a message from the RESIGNED. House of Representatives, delivered by f UNITED STATES INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION Mr. Novotny, one of its reading clerks, MEASURES READ THE FIRST TIME announced that the House has rejected WILLIAM PATRICK JOSEPH KIMMITT, OF VIRGINIA, TO The following bill was read the first BE A MEMBER OF THE UNITED STATES INTERNATIONAL the objection submitted by the Rep- TRADE COMMISSION FOR A TERM EXPIRING , 2029, resentative from Arizona, Mr. GOSAR, time: VICE F. SCOTT KIEFF, TERM EXPIRED. and the Senator from Texas, Mr. CRUZ, S. 13. A bill to establish an advisory com- DEPARTMENT OF STATE mittee to make recommendations on im- and is now ready to further proceed BARBERA HALE THORNHILL, OF CALIFORNIA, TO BE with the counting of the electoral provements to the security, integrity, and AMBASSADOR EXTRAORDINARY AND PLENIPOTENTIARY administration of Federal elections. OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO THE REPUBLIC votes for President and Vice President OF SINGAPORE. f of the United States. IN THE AIR FORCE f INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICERS FOR APPOINTMENT JOINT RESOLUTIONS IN THE TO THE GRADE INDI- MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE ON CATED UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 624: JANUARY 7, 2021 The following bills and joint resolu- To be brigadier general tions were introduced, read the first At 3:14 a.m., a message from the COL. TERRENCE A. ADAMS and second times by unanimous con- COL. CURTIS R. BASS House of Representatives, delivered by COL. STEVEN G. BEHMER sent, and referred as indicated: Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- COL. JOSEPH L. CAMPO By Mr. SCOTT of South Carolina (for COL. ANDREW M. CLARK nounced that the House has rejected COL. TAD D. CLARK himself, Mr. HOEVEN, Mr. CRAMER, the objection submitted by the Rep- COL. LUKE C. G. CROPSEY Mr. COTTON, Mr. LANKFORD, Mrs. COL. MELISSA S. CUNNINGHAM resentative from Pennsylvania, Mr. FISCHER, Ms. ERNST, Mr. SULLIVAN, COL. ROBERT D. DAVIS PERRY, and the Senator from Missouri, COL. GEORGE T. M. DIETRICH III Mrs. CAPITO, Mr. YOUNG, Mr. CAS- COL. AARON D. DRAKE Mr. HAWLEY, and is now ready to fur- SIDY, Mr. BOOZMAN, Mr. MORAN, and COL. LYLE K. DREW ther proceed with the counting of the Mr. ROUNDS): COL. STEVEN M. GORSKI COL. GLENN T. HARRIS electoral votes for President and Vice S. 13. A bill to establish an advisory com- COL. BRIAN S. HARTLESS President of the United States. mittee to make recommendations on im- COL. JUSTIN R. HOFFMAN provements to the security, integrity, and COL. OTIS C. JONES f COL. BRIAN S. LAIDLAW administration of Federal elections; read the COL. JASON E. LINDSEY first time. COL. DEBRA A. LOVETTE MEASURES REFERRED COL. WILLIAM L. MARSHALL f COL. ROBERT A. MASAITIS The following bills were read the first COL. MICHAEL A. MILLER and the second times by unanimous ORDERS FOR FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, COL. RICKY L. MILLS COL. JEFFREY W. NELSON consent, and referred as indicated: 2021, THROUGH TUESDAY, JANU- COL. RANDY P. OAKLAND H.R. 21. An act to enhance the innovation, ARY 19, 2021 COL. MAX E. PEARSON security, and availability of cloud computing COL. JONATHAN C. RICE IV Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I COL. JASON M. RUESCHHOFF products and services used in the Federal COL. JOEL W. SAFRANEK Government by establishing the Federal ask unanimous consent that upon the COL. TIMOTHY A. SEJBA dissolution of the Joint Session, the COL. STEPHEN P. SNELSON Risk and Authorization Management Pro- COL. BENJAMIN W. SPENCER gram within the General Services Adminis- Senate stand adjourned to then con- COL. FRANK R. VERDUGO tration and by establishing a risk manage- vene for sessions only, with THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICERS FOR APPOINTMENT ment, authorization, and continuous moni- no business being conducted on the fol- IN THE RESERVE OF THE AIR FORCE TO THE GRADE INDI- CATED UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 12203: toring process to enable the Federal Govern- lowing dates and times, and that fol- To be brigadier general ment to leverage cloud computing products lowing each pro forma session, the Sen- and services using a risk-based approach con- ate adjourn until the next pro forma COL. ANTHONY P. ANGELLO sistent with the Federal Information Secu- COL. FRANK L. BRADFIELD III session: Friday, January 8, at 10 a.m.; COL. HOWARD TRAVIS CLARK III rity Modernization Act of 2014 and cloud- COL. ROBERT W. CLAUDE based operations, and for other purposes; to Tuesday, , at 12:30 p.m.; Fri- COL. LISA M. CRAIG the Committee on Homeland Security and day, , at 10 a.m. I further COL. MITCHELL A. HANSON COL. JENNIE R. JOHNSON Governmental Affairs. ask that when the Senate adjourns on COL. ANDREW J. LEONE H.R. 22. An act to amend the Federal Fund- Friday January 15, it next convene at COL. JOHN D. MCKAYE ing Accountability and Transparency Act of COL. CRAIG MCPIKE 12 noon on Tuesday, ; fur- COL. KEVIN J. ROETHE 2006, to require the budget justifications and ther, that following the prayer and COL. REGINA A. SABRIC appropriation requests of agencies be made pledge, the morning hour be deemed COL. MICHAEL T. SCHULTZ publicly available; to the Committee on THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT Homeland Security and Governmental Af- expired, the Journal of proceedings be IN THE RESERVE OF THE AIR FORCE TO THE GRADE INDI- fairs. approved to date, and the time for the CATED UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 12203: H.R. 23. An act to require congressional no- two leaders be reserved for their use To be brigadier general tification for certain changes in status of in- later in the day; finally, that following COL. JOHN M. PAINTER

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PERSONAL EXPLANATION and progressive giant, former Phoenix City gone unanswered. I am hopeful that this will Councilman Calvin C. Goode, who passed be the year that we finally make the invest- HON. ELISE M. STEFANIK away on , 2020 at the age of 93. ments we need. I am proud to introduce my legislation today—not for a massive, all-en- OF NEW YORK Calvin spoke softly but carried with him the moral authority of having fought—and won— compassing infrastructure package—but rath- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES many civil rights battles throughout his long er, for a commonsense expansion of success- Wednesday, January 6, 2021 career. ful programs based on need and merit that will Ms. STEFANIK. Madam Speaker, on Janu- Calvin was just 10 months old when his ensure we put money towards the greatest in- ary 4, 2021, I missed the procedural vote Roll family moved from Oklahoma to Gila Bend, frastructure needs regardless of any additional Call No. 5, the motion to table the motion to Arizona. The family relocated again to Pres- package passed in the House. refer H. Res. 8, due to a Presidential Medal of cott when the local school refused to enroll My legislation will significantly increase the Honor ceremony in the Oval Office. Had I Calvin because of the color of his skin. He size and scope of two existing infrastructure been present, I would have voted NAY on Roll went on to attend Carver High School in grant programs, the Capital Investment Grant Call No. 5. Phoenix, Arizona’s only high school built for Program (CIG), also known as New Starts/ Small Starts, and the BUILD Grant Program, f Black students. After growing up attending segregated schools, Calvin devoted his life to formerly known as the Transportation Invest- CONGRATULATING GILPIN COUNTY improving education access in our community ment Generating Economic Recovery Grant COMMISSIONER GAIL WATSON alongside his beloved late wife Georgie. He Program, or TIGER Grants. These programs ON HER RETIREMENT earned degrees in business and education have been immensely successful in the past, from Phoenix College and Arizona State Uni- assisting rural and urban communities HON. versity, and served as an accountant for prioritize their own needs. Each program re- Carver and other Phoenix Union High School quires matching funds from those seeking as- OF COLORADO sistance, making them smart and effective IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES District schools for 30 years. First elected in 1971, Calvin served a record avenues for leveraging federal funding to Wednesday, January 6, 2021 22 years on the Phoenix City Council. During make a real impact across the country. My bill takes these programs out of the an- Mr. NEGUSE. Madam Speaker, today I wish his time at City Hall, Calvin continued to be nual appropriations process. Instead, it estab- to recognize the accomplishments of an in- guided by his deeply held belief in the equality lishes them as mandatory programs with per- credible public servant. Since 2012, Gail Wat- of all people. Known as the ‘‘Conscience of manent and expanded funding streams total- son has served as a County Commissioner for the Council,’’ his legacy of creating opportunity ing more than $10 billion annually. Gilpin County. During her time in office she for all endures in Phoenix—from the early This expansion will be welcome news to the has proven that hard work and determination childhood education and jobs programs he thousands of communities like those I rep- are the cornerstones of implementing change. championed to the anti- ordi- resent. Consider this, since 2009, Congress As a County Commissioner, Gail has been nance he helped broker. He was instrumental has dedicated more than $8 billion for multiple a huge proponent of environmental protection. in pushing the City to recognize Martin Luther rounds of TIGER/BUILD funding. In FY2020 She has spent endless hours ensuring that King Jr. Day, paving the way for the holiday to alone, the program received over $9 billion in Gilpin County’s public lands remained free of be observed statewide. applications. That is more than the total invasive plant species and protected from de- Even after his time on the Council, Calvin amount of funding over a 10-year period in velopment. Commissioner Watson has been a remained one of the most impactful leaders in just a single fiscal year. The process is com- huge asset to her community and her work the Phoenix community. He fought to protect petitive, and it allows the U.S. Department of has positively impacted the people she has the history of his beloved Eastlake Park neigh- Transportation (DOT) to reward applicants that been so proud to serve. borhood where he lived for most of his life— exceed eligibility criteria and demonstrate She has shown a passion for maintaining an area shaped by segregation and redlining commitments to their projects. the safety and wellbeing of her constituents. that became a gathering place for civil rights By increasing these funding levels and re- During her time as a County Commissioner, leaders. In his later years, he was instrumental moving the programs from the annual appro- Gail prioritized access to broadband internet in turning his alma mater, the formerly seg- priations process, we will take the guesswork and phone service in Gilpin County, empha- regated Carver High School, into a museum and uncertainty out of the programs. This in sizing that access to broadband service is a and worked to ensure the institution would turn will allow communities around the country necessity in cases of emergency and for edu- survive and thrive to hold African American Ar- to submit funding requests for projects of na- cation. She also ensured that Gilpin County izonans’ history for future generations. tional, regional, or metropolitan-area signifi- was well prepared for any natural disaster that He was above all a man of quiet courage cance, including the construction and repair of might hit and focused on bolstering Gilpin’s and unshakeable conviction, and we are all roads, bridges, and tunnels, the installation of emergency preparedness. better because of his lifetime of service. God- high-speed internet, revitalization of drinking I am grateful for Gail’s dedicated service as speed, Calvin. water infrastructure, and the construction and a Gilpin County Commissioner, and I know f expansion of fixed-guideway public transpor- that the impact of her work will continue to be tation systems, including subways, light rail, felt for many years to come. I wish her a rest- INTRODUCTION OF THE BUILD commuter rail, and bus rapid transit (BRT). ful and well-deserved retirement. AMERICA ACT OF 2021 Madam Speaker, we have talked about f prioritizing a large-scale infrastructure package HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS for years. Last Congress, the House passed HONORING FORMER PHOENIX CITY OF FLORIDA H.R. 2, the Moving Forward Act, a $1.5 trillion COUNCILMAN AND CIVIL RIGHTS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES plan to rebuild American infrastructure. How- LEADER CALVIN C. GOODE ever, like so many other bills passed during Wednesday, January 6, 2021 the 116th Congress, it was ignored by the Re- HON. Mr. HASTINGS. Madam Speaker, I rise publican controlled Senate. We need to get OF ARIZONA today to introduce the Build America Act of serious. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2021, legislation that will provide $10 billion Every four years, the American Society of annually for merit-based infrastructure grants Civil Engineers issues a ‘‘Report Card’’ for Wednesday, January 6, 2021 across the country. For years, House Demo- America’s Infrastructure. The report depicts Mr. STANTON. Madam Speaker, I rise to crats have called for a dramatic investment in the condition and performance of American in- honor the life and legacy of a civil rights icon infrastructure, and for years, these calls have frastructure, assigning letter grades based on

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:40 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A06JA8.001 E06JAPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with REMARKS E10 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 6, 2021 the physical condition and needed investments During his tenure with the U.S. Attorney’s Boardman; her husband, Brian Terlesky; their for improvement across 16 major infrastructure Office, Jeff coordinated more than ten different three children, Brian (21), Tyler (16) and categories. The most recent report card was visits by other U.S. Attorneys General as well Emma (12); two younger sisters, Nadine issued in 2017. Among the national rankings, as visits by the Deputy Attorneys General of (Nick) Colla and Jolene (Donald) Ross; her in- transit systems were rated a D¥ and roads the United States. He served four Presidents laws, Mary Lou and Ted Terlesky and nieces were rated a D. (Clinton, Bush, Obama and Trump) along with and nephews, Jenna and Jimmy Vivo, Lia and Dams: D. many presidential appointed and acting U.S. Nicholas Colla and Tessa, Gianna and Lena Drinking water: D. Attorneys (Tom Strickland, Richard ‘‘Dick’’ Ross. Inland waterways: D. Spriggs, , William ‘‘Bill’’ Leone, Christine was one of the most caring, brave, Levees: D. , David Gaouette, John Walsh, Bob and passionate people I have ever met. She We need to move this process forward. I Troyer and Jason Dunn). gave her life to helping others and never urge my colleagues to support this critically I want to extend my deepest appreciation backed down from a fight. I’m honored to have important bill, so that our country can begin for Jeff’s long career in public service and known her. making the investments it desperately needs. countless contributions to our community. I She will be sorely missed, but her commu- f wish him the best in retirement and future en- nity—our community—will continue to work to- deavors. gether to carry out her mission. My prayers PERSONAL EXPLANATION f are with her family. f HON. ALAN S. LOWENTHAL REMEMBERING CHRISTINE TERLESKY CONGRATULATING SUMMIT COUN- OF CALIFORNIA TY COMMISSIONER THOMAS DA- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. TIM RYAN VIDSON ON HIS RETIREMENT Wednesday, January 6, 2021 OF OHIO Mr. LOWENTHAL. Madam Speaker, I was IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. JOE NEGUSE OF COLORADO absent on Tuesday, January 5, 2021 due to ill- Wednesday, January 6, 2021 ness. I would have voted aye on H.R. 22— IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. RYAN. Madam Speaker, I rise today in Congressional Budget Justification Trans- Wednesday, January 6, 2021 memory of Christine Terlesky, a beloved parency Act of 2021, which was considered on mother, wife, teacher, coach, daughter, sister Mr. NEGUSE. Madam Speaker, today I the House floor that day. and friend who passed away after a long bat- seek to highlight the career of an exemplary f tle with ALS. public servant from Colorado’s Second Con- gressional District. For fourteen years, Summit JEFF DORSCHNER While Christine played many roles, I first came to know her as an advocate. Soon after County Commissioner Thomas Davidson tire- being diagnosed, she came to as lessly devoted himself to the betterment of his HON. a passionate voice for families living with ALS community. OF COLORADO to champion additional funding, research, and Thomas has never strayed during his public IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES legislation that would benefit those afflicted service from his commitment to health, safety, Wednesday, January 6, 2021 with this debilitating disease. and equity. As the Chairman of the Combined That’s just who Christine was; a person who Housing Authority, he advocated for affordable Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise immediately was spurred into action on behalf housing for all. He spent 13 years on the today to recognize Jeff Dorschner of the U.S. of others despite being confronted with a dis- board of Early Childhood Options which start- Attorney’s Office, District of Colorado, for his ease that impacted all aspects of her and her ed the County’s Head Start program—pro- more than 20 years of service to the state and family’s lives. viding critical resources to low-income families people of Colorado. Forever the teacher, she continued to tell in this mountain county. In 2013, he was ap- Throughout Jeff’s time with the U.S. Attor- her story to teach others about the realities of pointed by the to the ney General’s office, he has had many dif- ALS. Forever the Coach, she used that plat- State’s Early Childhood Leadership Commis- ferent responsibilities and roles—from Spokes- form to fight for ALS funding and affordable, sion, and in 2015, was called on by the Gov- man and Public Affairs Specialist to a Member universal healthcare for all. ernor once more to serve on the State Board of the Executive Management Team. He is I saw firsthand how Christine passionately of Human Services—a testament to his lead- best known and will be remembered for his gave her time and energy—even as it was in ership and tenacity. hard work and dedication to the office and the increasingly limited supply—to what she be- As Summit County’s first openly gay County people it serves. lieved in. And for Christine, that meant com- Commissioner and a vocal advocate for During his tenure, Jeff handled media rela- munity. It meant family. It meant Youngstown. LGBTQ rights, Commissioner Davidson has tions for the office on issues large or small, We had that in common. broken barriers for the next generations and and no matter what time or day of the week. I have fond memories of a dinner we had in set an excellent example for his community. I This required Jeff to know about all office ac- D.C. with her sisters, swapping stories of our am so proud to represent such a dedicated tivities, stay up to date with major investiga- days as Youngstown State University athletes, public servant and member of his community. tions and law enforcement events, and be well our big Italian families, our love of sports, and I am grateful for all the work Commissioner Davidson has done as a Summit County Com- versed in all offices policies and programs. He her 19 years teaching history and government missioner and am glad that he will continue served as a spokesperson on many diverse and coaching at Boardman High School. The his involvement in his community even after subjects, ranging from criminal law to civil law evening went on for hours. and financial litigation, and served as a cred- That dinner was also when I learned of his time as a County Commissioner is over. I ible voice on behalf of the U.S. Attorney and Christine’s deep admiration for . wish him a restful and well-deserved retire- Assistant U.S. Attorneys. He developed long- In 2016, during one of Secretary Clinton’s ment from public service. standing, close relationships with members of campaign stops in Youngstown, I was able to f the news media, referred to by many reporters connect Christine to Secretary Clinton. I will CONGRATULATING J. GARY MUDD, upon his retirement as one of the state’s ‘‘top- never forget the joy in Christine’s face when VICE PRESIDENT OF GOVERN- tier’’ Public Information Officers (PIO), always she first met the Secretary. And in that mo- MENT AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS helpful, trustworthy and responsive. ment, Christine did what she always did, put AT THE AMERICAN PRINTING In his role in public affairs and as part of the others first. She used her short time with the HOUSE FOR THE BLIND, ON HIS Executive Management team, Jeff provided Secretary to advocate for those suffering with RETIREMENT sound advice and counsel to the U.S. Attorney ALS. as well as responded to citizen inquiries. On In her final months, Christine continued to HON. JOHN A. YARMUTH occasion, Jeff would also handle inquiries from use her online presence to educate and advo- OF KENTUCKY Members of Congress or state or local elected cate. She never lost her faith in government, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES officials. Jeff was on duty on 9/11/2001 and advocacy, and enacting policies to improve was subsequently assigned as the Chief Infor- the lives of Americans. Wednesday, January 6, 2021 mation Officer for the U.S. Attorney’s Anti-Ter- Christine Terlesky is survived by her par- Mr. YARMUTH. Madam Speaker, I rise rorism Advisory Committee (ATAC). ents, Ronald and Judy Moschella of today to congratulate J. Gary Mudd, Vice

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:40 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A06JA8.004 E06JAPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with REMARKS January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E11 President of Government and Community Af- public service and the prosperity of the Por- ton ‘‘Ben’’ Chafin, Jr. of Lebanon, Virginia, fairs at the American Printing House for the tuguese community in Massachusetts. He who died on , 2021 at the age of 60. Blind (APH), on his retirement. For more than tragically passed away due to COVID–19 on Ben was a dedicated and effective state legis- 34 years, Gary has been a tireless advocate December 31, 2020. lator and a kind and decent man. for thousands of students and adults who are From 1967 when Antonio immigrated to the Ben was a true son of . blind or visually impaired. United States from the Azores until his death, He was born on , 1960 in Abingdon, Gary has been the face of APH on Capitol he worked tirelessly to make his country and Virginia. He earned a bachelor’s degree from Hill for decades. His approach to educating community a better place. Shortly after his ar- East Tennessee State University and a law Members of Congress and their staff was to rival, he enlisted in the Army and proudly degree from the University of Richmond. Ben emphasize the importance of increased fund- served his country during the . practiced law in Lebanon as a principal of the ing for the blind and visually impaired; dem- His public service did not end there. Rather, it Chafin Law Firm. He also served as a board onstrating the many technologies developed was just the beginning. In 1978, Antonio be- member of the First Bank and Trust, which his by APH; and making clear how that invest- came the first Portuguese-American elected to father had helped to found, and ran a beef ment helps expand educational opportunities the Hudson Board of Selectmen and just the cattle farm. for those without sight. Gary’s determination, second elected Portuguese-American in all of In 2013, Ben won a seat in the Virginia both personally and professionally, proved to Massachusetts. His passion for politics blos- House of Delegates. A year later, he won a all who know him that a blind man can somed and he developed friendships with special election to represent the 38th District achieve great success. Gary is a proud grad- many political leaders throughout the Com- in the Virginia Senate. The 38th District in- uate of the University of Louisville where he monwealth and beyond—all to give back to his cludes all of the Counties of Bland, Buchanan, country, support his community, and most im- received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Dickenson, Russell, Tazewell, and Pulaski, portantly, help others. Sociology. Antonio’s impact on the Portuguese dias- parts of the Counties of Smyth, Wise, and Gary was known to many on Capitol Hill, pora in Massachusetts cannot be understated Montgomery, and the Cities of Norton and and his guide dogs were often more recogniz- nor can his commitment to helping other immi- Radford. He was a great representative for the able than their owner. When Gary called for grants achieve the . Antonio citizens of these , focused on lis- an appointment, the first question was: ‘‘Is the helped thousands of people make a life for tening to their concerns and addressing them dog coming?’’ Heathcliff was his first com- themselves and their families in America as with compassion and integrity. He was a voice panion. When he passed away, filled both an immigration consultant and a public in Richmond for the region he had long called the coveted position. Not that we weren’t servant with the Massachusetts Office of Refu- home and the people he had known as his pleased to see Gary, but his companions were gees and Immigrants. As a former congres- friends and neighbors. always a highlight of the day. Gary was a val- sional staffer and member of Congress, I had Ben was my friend and a good friend to all uable resource for members of the Capitol Hill the opportunity see first-hand Antonio’s deter- of us in Southwest Virginia. He and I knew community and was always available to an- mined advocacy for helping others, his devo- each other well as we often campaigned to- swer any questions about educating the blind tion to his community, his pride in his heritage, gether across our region. The wide respect and visually impaired. and of course, his passion for the Hudson and affection Ben earned is indicated by the Gary’s accomplishments are many: he Portuguese Club. I will miss seeing him statement of Virginia Governor Ralph played a key leadership role on the APH exec- among families and friends during dinners or Northam: ‘‘With the passing of Senator Ben utive board; helped establish the National Pris- feasts at the Club, where he could usually be Chafin, Southwest Virginia has lost a strong on Braille Network—a partnership with the found as the resident Master of Ceremonies, advocate—and we have all lost a good man.’’ APH and prisons across the United States to hosting in the restaurant, cheering on his fa- A similar sentiment was expressed by Virginia learn braille to transcribe textbooks for blind vorite team (Sporting Clube de Portugal), hav- Delegate Terry Kilgore, a close friend of Ben: students; and played an integral role at the ing a toast with friends, or tending to duties as ‘‘Ben was a fighter, both in the Virginia Senate APH Museum, the InSights Arts Competition, the president of the general assembly. and in the courtroom as an attorney. I am and the National Instructional Materials Acces- For his contributions and accomplishments, honored to have been able to know and work sibility Center resources services team. Gary he was awarded one of the highest civilian with him. Ben is one of the most honorable was not only instrumental in ensuring that the honors bestowed by the Portuguese Govern- and genuine individuals I have ever known, APH facility was an accessible workplace for ment, the Order of Merit and the title of and his passing is a tremendous loss for our all, but also led the team to include accessi- ‘‘Comendador’’. Throughout his life, Antonio region.’’ bility for the blind for the Louisville Metro re- would receive numerous recognitions from Ben is survived by his wife Lora and his gion to expand accessibility and technology for State and local government and other distin- children Audra, Sophie, and Gus. I offer my transit, buildings, and streets, and he worked guished organizations for his work in the com- condolences on the loss of this good man and tirelessly to help incorporate changes into city munity through the Hudson Portuguese Club great . planning documents for our city. and Portugal 73, one of the oldest continually f As Helen Keller said, ‘‘The only thing worse running Portuguese radio shows in the world. than being blind is having sight but no vision.’’ Recently, Antonio authored and published ‘‘Os WUHAN VIRUS CHRONICLER Gary’s work at the APH demonstrated more Meus Imperios’’, a memoir of establishing the JAILED than vision. He inspired others to join in his Holy Ghost Festival or ‘‘Imperio’’ in Massachu- quest to provide the best for blind students, setts and Rhode Island. HON. JOE WILSON Antonio will be remembered for his love for adults, and the visually impaired all over this OF SOUTH CAROLINA his family, our great nation, unparalleled great nation. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I wish Gary the very best in retirement and friendship, passion for helping others, and pride in his Portuguese heritage. His contribu- Wednesday, January 6, 2021 send my good wishes to him, his wife Susan, tions to our community and grateful nation will daughters Kelly and Rachel, and grand- Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Madam never be forgotten. My heart goes out to Zelia, children Cate, Carter, Davis, and Kase. Speaker, The Journal on Tuesday, Derek, and the entire Chaves family during f , Chun Han Wong reported that this difficult time. Antonio’s legacy will live on Wuhan Chronicler Zhang Zhan was convicted IN HONOR OF THE LATE MR. through his loving family and all of us who had of ‘‘picking quarrels and provoking trouble with ANTONIO DIAS CHAVES the honor of calling him a friend. her posts’’ jailing her for four years. f ‘‘A Chinese court imposed a four-year pris- HON. HONORING AUGUSTUS BENTON on term on a citizen journalist who docu- OF MASSACHUSETTS ‘‘BEN’’ CHAFIN, JR. mented how Covid–19 ravaged the city where the coronavirus was first detected . . . IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘‘Zhang Zhan, 37 years old, was convicted Wednesday, January 6, 2021 HON. H. of ‘‘picking quarrels and provoking trouble’’ OF VIRGINIA 1 Mrs. TRAHAN. Madam Speaker, I rise today after a roughly 2 ⁄2-hour trial . . . where IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES prosecutors accused her of spreading false- to honor the contributions and legacy of Mr. Wednesday, January 6, 2021 hoods about the pandemic through social- Antonio Dias Chaves, a proud Portuguese im- media posts . . . migrant who made Hudson, Massachusetts his Mr. GRIFFITH. Madam Speaker, I rise in ‘‘Her detention dovetails with Chinese home and dedicated his life and career to honor of Virginia state Senator Augustus Ben- leader Xi Jinping’s campaign to recast the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:40 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A06JA8.009 E06JAPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with REMARKS E12 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 6, 2021 coronavirus pandemic . . . featuring exten- treatment that is received in the rest of the na- RECOGNIZING SHARON STARK FOR sive propaganda and censorship efforts aimed tion. There is strength in the Union, particu- HER SERVICE AS DISTRICT DI- at mollifying public anger and suppressing larly in moments of collective crisis. RECTOR FOR THE 11TH CON- criticism against missteps in the govern- GRESSIONAL DISTRICT OF VIR- ment’s initial response. The territorial status is also primarily respon- ‘‘In Monday’s trial, Ms. Zhang said she re- sible for the island’s economic underdevelop- GINIA garded the proceeding, against her as illegit- ment and decline. imate . . .’’ HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY According to the Census there are 5.4 mil- I especially regret the Communist Party re- OF VIRGINIA lion living in the rest of the pression of the Chinese people because my IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES United States as opposed to 3.26 million living father, First Lieutenant Hugh Wilson, served in on the island—a difference of 2.1 million peo- Wednesday, January 6, 2021 China during World War II in the Flying Tigers ple, driven by the lack of opportunity. where I grew up with his affection for the Chi- Mr. CONNOLLY. Madam Speaker, I rise nese people and their extraordinary culture. It’s a pleasure to serve in this House, the today to honor my dear friend and District Di- In conclusion, God Bless our Troops and we most diverse in its history. However, we are rector, Sharon Stark, on her retirement after will never forget September 11th in the Global failing to address the pressing issue of Puerto more than a decade of dedicated and faithful War on Terrorism. Rico’s need for real, not symbolic votes in service to our community. Congress. Mrs. Stark’s strong work ethic started at a f young age when she got her first job selling ADOPTING THE RULES OF THE The island deserves equality, and my con- shoes at the age of 15. After college, she HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES stituents deserve representation. began her career as a bank teller and worked FOR THE 117TH CONGRESS her way up to be a Vice President of Oper- f ations by the time she was 29. She then start- SPEECH OF ed a second career as Vice President of a HON. JENNIFFER GONZA´ LEZ-COLO´ N CONGRATULATING LARIMER Top 25 title company for residential and com- COUNTY COMMISSIONER STEVE mercial real estate. OF JOHNSON ON HIS RETIREMENT In 2005, Sharon was selected to be a mem- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ber of Virginia’s 11th Monday, January 4, 2021 Democratic Committee where she served as Miss GONZA´ LEZ-COLO´ N. Madam Speaker, HON. JOE NEGUSE the Treasurer for many years with our dear I express my opposition to the proposed OF COLORADO friend Chairman George Burke. Two years House Rules governing the 117th Congress. later, in 2007, she was named finance chair IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES As the Congresswoman for Puerto Rico, I for George Barker’s campaign for the Senate represent 3.2 million Puerto Ricans, American Wednesday, January 6, 2021 of Virginia. The success of the Barker cam- citizens by birth since 1917. Yet as such I paign flipped control of the Senate and helped have no vote on passage of measures. Mr. NEGUSE. Madam Speaker, today I wish Democrats secure the majority. While House Resolution 8 will continue to to recognize the incredible work and achieve- Sharon has managed my Congressional dis- provide the Delegates and the Resident Com- ments of Larimer County Commissioner Steve trict offices since 2009. Under her leadership, missioner a vote in the Committee of the Johnson. For 24 years, Steve has devoted the office has established a stellar reputation Whole, the vote will only count if the votes himself to serving his community and the for constituent services and community en- cast are not deciding votes. State of Colorado, including spending 12 gagement. If Delegates or the Resident Commissioner, years serving in the Colorado Legislature and It was during the depths of the 2008 finan- while in the Committee of the Whole, cast de- 12 years serving as a Larimer County Com- cial crisis and the subsequent collapse of the ciding votes, the measure will receive a re- missioner. housing market that Sharon demonstrated just vote without any delegate or Resident Com- how hard she was willing to fight for constitu- Prior to becoming a Larimer County Com- ents. She put her considerable talent and ex- missioner casting a vote during the second missioner, Mr. Johnson served in the Colorado vote. pertise to work for our constituents. People House of Representatives for 6 years, during This is just a reflection of a continued injus- came to our office at risk of being foreclosed which time he served as the Majority Caucus tice and a step that does little or nothing to upon, having their utilities turned off, not Chairman. He followed that service with an address it. knowing where they would be sleeping the equally long 6-year stint in the Colorado Sen- More than a symbolic expression, my con- next night, and Sharon took up their cause. stituents need equal standing. ate, serving on the Joint Budget Committee She fought with the banks, gave people hope This past November, Puerto Ricans exer- and Senate Appropriations Committee. where they saw none, and even went to the cised their choice by casting 623,053 votes for While serving as Larimer County Commis- courthouse steps to prevent . She statehood, capturing 52-percent of the total sioner, he helped the county’s recovery efforts saved people’s homes and changed their lives vote. This referendum was a straight yes-no as Larimer County faced some of the largest for the better. question as to the ultimate will of the Puerto natural disasters in the county’s history. The Since 2011, our offices have kept track of Rican voters. High Park Fire in 2012, the One Hundred Year the financial assistance we have been able to Puerto Rico demands equality. My constitu- Flood in 2013, and the Cameron Peak Fire secure for our constituents. This assistance in- ents voted for equal voting representation in and COVID–19 in 2020 have caused exten- cludes helping constituents receive their re- the U.S. House of Representatives and the sive damage and posed great challenges to fund from the IRS or benefits from the Vet- United States Senate, which can only be the county’s leadership. Commissioner John- erans Administration, helping someone resolve achieved through statehood. son helped steer the community through these their Social Security Disability Insurance claim, Puerto Rico would have at least four U.S. disasters with level-headed determination and and other efforts that result in constituents re- Representatives in the House and the Con- a commitment to the people of Larimer Coun- ceiving financial assistance owed to them. stitutionally mandated two Senators when it ty. Over the past 9 years, Sharon and her team becomes a state. This would give the island have helped our constituents obtain nearly He was also instrumental in helping to pass six electoral votes during a Presidential elec- $20 million in one-time or retroactive benefits the Behavioral Health , a measure tion cycle. plus $9 million per year in recurring benefits. And still, there are those who still try to sub- which led to Larimer County being a leader in Sharon has organized countless events for vert the will of the voters who actually live in Colorado for providing mental health services the benefit of our constituents. She has estab- the island. and substance abuse care and increased lished an Open Season event that brings to- All the crises that Puerto Rico has suffered available resources for his community. gether various health plan providers and in- during the past four years, including hurri- After 24 years of public service, Commis- dustry experts to educate thousands of federal canes, earthquakes, the coronavirus pan- sioner Johnson certainly deserves a happy employees, retirees, survivor annuitants, and demic, and the fiscal crisis, demonstrate the and restful retirement. On behalf of the people veterans on their health plan options for the urgency of achieving equality with the states. of Colorado’s 2nd Congressional district, thank coming year. Sharon spearheaded the annual That is why statehood cannot wait any you Commissioner Johnson for your out- Congressional Art Competition for VA–11 and longer. The island must receive the same standing dedication to public service. has grown the event into something truly

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:40 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A06JA8.012 E06JAPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with REMARKS January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E13 memorable for the participants and their fami- of the voters and, ultimately, respected and ‘‘I just don’t think we want to endorse the lies. Students compete for more than $1,000 accepted by the losing candidate and their principle that January 6 is a legitimate forum in scholarship prizes and have the opportunity supporters. for Congress to overturn the will of the States to see for the first time their own artwork in a The other side can indulge in all the con- and the people . . . if you’ve endorsed that professional gallery setting. spiracy theories they want, but when you in- principle, then you’ve already destroyed the Sharon has also coordinated countless town volve the integrity of our elections in my home idea of American government. At least you’ve halls, roundtables, fairs and festivals outreach State of Wisconsin, well then I have a prob- destroyed the conservative idea of American booths, and numerous other community en- lem. government.’’ gagements. The events often grapple with se- In our federal system of government, the What these Republican leaders understand rious topics such as , the opioid administration of elections are controlled by is this— epidemic, health care, and she has always our States—not Congress. If Congressional Members vote to reject striven to ensure that they are meaningful ex- What happens in Wisconsin is up to Wis- valid Presidential electors for invalid reasons, changes of information and viewpoints for consin—not Washington. There is nothing anyone can do about it. attendees. Our job in Congress is to count the electoral The ugly truth is that, despite a nationwide One particular area into which Sharon has college votes, not overturn them. vote, fenced in with legal and technical safe- thrown herself and her considerable energy is Wisconsin has a long history of open, fair, guards, after 244 years of history, the U.S. the Military Service Academy nomination proc- and accurate elections because of the laws President is elected on the honor system of ess for VA–11. She organizes and coordinates that our State has established and executed 535 Members of Congress, each sworn to pre- the advisory boards from each service acad- by 2,000 state and local officials, and count- serve, protect, and defend our Constitution emy, sets the interview calendar, supports the less volunteers, all who take their responsi- and our representative democracy enshrined deliberations, and in the end helps nominate bility seriously with the highest form of hon- in it. the future military leaders of our nation. Under esty, integrity, fairness, and accuracy. It’s not an oath to any individual or to any Sharon’s leadership, our district is routinely in What is being attempted here tonight is an party. the top three nationally for having the most attempt to invalidate 3.3 million valid Wis- Now it’s easy to play war when you think students accepted into one of the prestigious consin votes merely because their preferred that you’re firing blanks, but these are not U.S. Military Academies. For Sharon, it is a candidate didn’t win. blanks being fired at our Constitution. labor of love and service to both our country But if they succeed, democracy dies and This is dangerous today because of the col- and the promising young students who seek to reigns. lateral damage that is being done to the sanc- serve their nation in uniform. The Trump campaign has filed state and tity of the ballot box. This past year as we endured the COVID– federal court cases challenging the outcome of It is also dangerous because it now pro- 19 pandemic, Sharon once again stepped into the vote in Wisconsin—all of which have been vides a blueprint for next time. the breach, deferring her retirement by work- dismissed due to lack of any evidence of President Trump will not be successful this ing tirelessly to help constituents who have fraud. time, but next time when some authoritarian faced personal tragedies and financial hard- Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Brian wannabe takes a run at our Constitution, all ships. During the pandemic, Sharon has Hagedorn, who was former Republican Gov- bets are off. helped small businesses secure desperately ernor Scott Walker’s chief legal counsel, wrote We have a tendency in this Country to kick needed grants and loans, helped families re- in dismissing one of these challenges: our Democracy around like it’s a football—it’s solve issues with economic impact payments, ‘‘We are invited to invalidate the entire pres- more like an egg, very fragile. You break it, and made every effort to ensure that our con- idential election in Wisconsin by declaring it good luck putting it back together again. Please, do not put Donald Trump ahead of stituents who were stuck abroad were able to ‘‘null’’—yes, the whole thing . . . this is a dan- our Constitution, ahead of the rule of law, make it back to the United States safely. In gerous path we are being asked to tread. The ahead of the sanctity of the ballot box. 2020 alone, Sharon and our staff were able to loss of public trust in our constitutional order Vote no on this attempt to overturn a valid help more than 1,800 individuals overcome resulting from the exercise of this kind of judi- cial power would be incalculable.’’ election. personal crises directly related to the global Vote no on this objection. pandemic. And he is not alone in that assessment. Madam Speaker, Sharon Stark is a model The former Republican Speaker of the f public servant and I ask my colleagues to join House from Wisconsin, Paul Ryan, said in a ELECTION IRREGULARITIES me in wishing Sharon Stark health and happi- statement: ness as she concludes a distinguished career ‘‘Efforts to reject the votes of the electoral HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH college and sow doubt about Joe Biden’s vic- in service to her country and community. OF NEW JERSEY tory strike at the foundation of our republic. There are people who have their health, a roof IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES over their head, or food on the table thanks to It is difficult to conceive of a more anti- Sharon. I am proud to have had her lead my democratic and anti-conservative act than a Wednesday, January 6, 2021 district offices for the past 13 years and rep- federal intervention to overturn the results of Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Madam Speaker, resent me in our community. Our office, con- state-certified elections and disenfranchise mil- after rigorous analysis and much reflection, I stituents, and district will miss her immensely; lions of Americans. will not oppose the counting of certified elec- as will I, and I wish her nothing but the best The fact that this effort will fail does not toral votes from any state. in retirement in which she will be able to mean it will not do significant damage to I share some of the concerns about election spend more time with her husband Seth, her American democracy.’’ irregularities. Today’s proceedings give Con- daughter Christine, and her granddaughter He concluded by stating: gress the opportunity to raise concerns about Jacqueline. Job well done Sharon Stark. ‘‘The Trump campaign had ample oppor- alleged election wrongdoing in several states f tunity to challenge election results, and those which I hope will ultimately lead to bipartisan efforts failed from lack of evidence . . . Joe state investigations and reform to ensure fair OPPOSITION TO THE ELECTORAL Biden’s victory is entirely legitimate.’’ and free elections. COLLEGE OBJECTION Or consider the third ranking Republican Today, however, Congress is tasked with leader in this House, Rep. who counting the electoral votes sent by each HON. described this attempt as ‘‘deeply troubling’’. state. Nullifying the electors of any state re- OF WISCONSIN She went on to state: quires proof that electors were not ‘‘lawfully IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘‘This is directly at odds with the Constitu- certified’’ according to state laws. tion’s clear text and our core beliefs as Re- In early December, Attorney General Wil- Wednesday, January 6, 2021 publicans.’’ liam Barr told the that ‘‘U.S. Mr. KIND. Madam Speaker, today is sup- ‘‘Doing so’’ she said ‘‘Would be establishing attorneys and FBI agents have been working posed to be a celebration of our democracy— a tyranny of Congress and stealing power to follow up specific complaints and informa- the peaceful transfer of power in our Country. from the States and the people in those tion they’ve received, but ‘‘to date, we have Instead we saw mob rule descend on our Na- States.’’ not seen fraud on a scale that could have ef- tion’s Capitol. That’s why I rise today in de- Finally consider what my friend and Repub- fected a different outcome in the election.’’ fense of a pillar of our democracy—the right lican colleague from Wisconsin, MIKE GALLA- All elections in the United States must be for a free and fair election decided by the will GHER, had to say about this: free and fair—any action to subvert, cheat,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:40 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A06JA8.015 E06JAPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with REMARKS E14 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 6, 2021 suppress or steal any election should be in- dened to see many of my colleagues continue CONCERNS ABOUT THE CERTIFI- vestigated and prosecuted. to peddle these lies and falsehoods instead of CATION OF THE ELECTORAL Even if the nefarious activity was minor— supporting the peaceful transition of power en- COLLEGE VOTE and not likely to alter the outcome of an elec- shrined in our Constitution. tion—individuals who engage in such acts Our elections are among the safest and HON. SCOTT DesJARLAIS should be held accountable in a court of law. most transparent in the world. For that, I want OF TENNESSEE Noone has a license to cheat. to thank the tens of thousands of Americans IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Sixteen years ago, some Democratic mem- who work to secure our elections each and Wednesday, January 6, 2021 bers of the Senate and House tried to overturn every year, including Colorado’s elections offi- Mr. DESJARLAIS. Madam Speaker, I rise to the results of the Bush-Kerry Presidential elec- cials and workers who continue to exemplify a voice my concerns about the certification of tion. They failed. When counting the electoral successful mail-in voting system and workers votes on January 6, 2005, I voted ‘‘no’’ on the the Electoral College vote. for Dominion Voting Systems based in Colo- First, I think it is imperative to highlight the objection to accepting Ohio’s electors— rado. Unfortunately, due to these baseless at- enough to reverse the outcome of the elec- importance of how our nation’s elections are tacks on the election results, many of these conducted. I have received many calls, emails, tion—sponsored by Rep. Stephanie Tubbs election workers have been threatened and in- letters, and I have spoken to many of my con- Jones (D–Oh) because the allegations lacked timidated. Yet these poll workers did their duty stituents who are concerned about the irreg- both merit and proof. Only 31 Members of the and counted the votes, shepherding and over- ularities in the 2020 election cycle. House voted in favor of the election changing seeing one of the most fundamental and inte- Today, I have many concerns about our objection. gral pillars of our democracy—free, fair and most recent election, but my objection is fo- Congress, states and local governments open elections. cused on one primary constitutional question need to undertake a top-to-bottom review of Today, Congress resolves to complete our around changes to election laws made by election law and administrative polices to en- work in Joint Session to formally receive the state officials without the approval of their sure that elections are free and fair. votes of the Electors, which have not been state legislatures. This is, of course, a legal The future of our Nation depends on it. disputed by any state. Our job is not to over- question, concerning the constitutionality of Finally, I unequivocally condemn the assault turn the will of the voters or the states, it is last-minute election law changes made by ex- on the Capitol today. And those who com- simply to certify their decision on who will be ecutive orders without the approval of the mitted violence, vandalism and other crimes the next President and Vice President of the state legislatures. Article II, Section 1 includes should be prosecuted to the greatest extent of United States. I urge all my colleagues to re- the ‘‘Electors Clause,’’ stating: the law. ject these frivolous and dangerous objections Each State shall appoint, in such Manner Special thanks to the Capitol Police and all to the vote of the Electoral College and join as the Legislature thereof may direct, a law enforcement for their brave and decisive with the country in supporting the peaceful Number of Electors, equal to the whole Num- actions to mitigate and then end today’s crisis. transition of power. It’s time to get back to the ber of Senators and Representatives to which Despite its many flaws, the U.S. Congress business of the people and of the country as the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person continues to be an extraordinary marketplace we build a better future. of ideas and differing opinions. holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector. The enactment of wise to ben- f efit all Americans requires robust dialogue and There is no question that changes in state debate—and genuine respect for one another CONGRATULATING SUMMIT COUN- election laws were made by especially when there is fundamental dis- TY COMMISSIONER KARN without legislative approval (usually under the agreement. STIEGELMEIER ON HER RETIRE- guise of COVID) to allow for ballots to be al- We must be committed to zero-tolerance to- MENT lowed after deadlines had passed and mail-ins wards violence in any form. and absentees to be allowed under far more liberal circumstances which created an envi- f HON. JOE NEGUSE ronment that allowed ‘‘vote harvesting’’ and OBJECTION TO ELECTORAL OF COLORADO thousands of ballots to be counted days and COLLEGE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES weeks after the election—without the requisite standards of verification that we should expect Wednesday, January 6, 2021 HON. ED PERLMUTTER for a secure election. Mr. NEGUSE. Madam Speaker, today I wish It is a valid constitutional question and I OF COLORADO to recognize and honor the work of retiring note a recent observation by Justice Gorsuch IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Summit County Commissioner Karn in an unrelated recently decided case between Wednesday, January 6, 2021 Stiegelmeier. Karn has continuously devoted the Brooklyn diocese and Governor Andrew Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I am much of her time and energy to maintaining Cuomo in New York on unlawful forced shut- filled with sadness and anger following the at- our beautiful public lands and environment in downs: tack on the U.S. Capitol today. It is the result Summit County, Colorado—a community I am ‘‘Government is not free to disregard the of a fever that has been building for weeks, so proud to represent. Prior to serving as a [Constitution] in times of crisis. . . . Yet re- County Commissioner, she worked for the Na- cently, during the COVID pandemic, certain months and years and which has only been States seem to have ignored these long-set- further incited by President Trump. Today is a tional Forest Service and National Park Serv- tled principles.’’ ice, where she served in the crucial roles of point of inflection and reflection, and we need All of these issues are just some of the con- wildland firefighter and park ranger, and also to say enough. This only strengthens our re- cerns and questions regarding the 2020 elec- taught students in Summit County. solve to get the Electoral Votes counted and tion and were not limited to these three states. certified and continue with a peaceful transi- During her time as a Summit County Com- Many other concerns of voting irregularities tion of power, as has been a hallmark of our missioner, Karn continued to advocate for the have been reported across the country includ- nation. protection of our environment and was fiercely ing fraud and government officials changing The vote was decisive. Despite the ongoing determined to preserve the precious quality of state laws without legislature approval. pandemic, we saw a historic 158 million Amer- life we enjoy in Colorado. She also continu- These are serious concerns and allegations. icans vote. Joe Biden and KAMALA HARRIS ously advocated for forest health and wildfire It should be the state legislatures, and not won 306 votes in the Electoral College after prevention, both of which have helped Colo- government officials or judges, making earning the support of more than 81 million rado’s Second Congressional District in incal- changes to election laws. Americans. After 60 failed lawsuits and doz- culable ways. The timing of these election law changes is ens of recounts, there is not one shred of evi- She has truly shown an incredible deter- also problematic. In some states, changes dence of major fraud in this election. Yet ever mination to better her community, and I thank were made to state election laws during the since Joe Biden and KAMALA HARRIS won this her for her many years of service as County year of the election. These last-minute election, there has been a concerted effort to Commissioner. I am grateful for all the work changes only allow for confusion and chaos, overturn the will of the voters. These objec- Karn has done during her time as a Summit as we have seen since November 2020. tions are unfounded, absurd and dangerous. County Commissioner and wish her a restful From a global pandemic to one of the most They are contrary to 60 courts which denied and well-deserved retirement from public serv- consequential Presidential elections in our life- claims of fraud or vote improprieties. I am sad- ice. times, 2020 was a year of many unknowns.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:40 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A06JA8.017 E06JAPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with REMARKS January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E15 What should not be an unknown are the rules and limitations is a solution in search of unlawfully subverted. This is an unconstitu- laws and rules states have on implementing a problem and is unnecessary to conduct a tional act. our elections. However, the actions by many fair election in this country. We need a defined For these reasons, I will object to certifi- state officials and judges, along with improper in-person voting process that includes early cation of the Electoral College. voting activities, have allowed the 2020 Presi- voting. We need voter ID requirements. We f dential election to be called into question. need a limited mail in ballot process that al- SUPPORTING THE 2020 ELECTORAL It is because of these questions and irreg- lows for absentee votes for military personnel COLLEGE OBJECTIONS ularities, that I object to today’s certification serving overseas or away from their homes, process and today, our challenge asks for a people traveling abroad for extended periods, simple remedy—an appointment of an elec- and those that have serious health issues that HON. BOB GOOD toral commission that can hear the claims of would legitimately keep them from being able OF VIRGINIA election irregularities, review the evidence, to make it to the polls. Beyond that, people IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and decide as to what the facts are and should take a brief moment out of their lives Wednesday, January 6, 2021 whether or not election laws were followed. I to show up and make an informed vote for the Mr. GOOD of Virginia. Madam Speaker, do not believe that to be an unreasonable de- candidates and issues on the ballot. first, I want to thank the incredible men and mand. Since the disputed Presidential election in women serving as U.S. Capitol Police for their I am proud to represent the state of Ten- 2000, this nation has spent billions upon bil- dedicated efforts to keep everyone safe and to nessee—a state that gets the election process lions of dollars for updated machines and secure our Capitol. done right and should be a role model for the processes, and 20 years later we are arguably On January 3rd I took an oath to uphold nation. In addition to our open Election Day in a worse position in terms of having a trans- and defend the Constitution. The lawlessness procedures, Tennessee provides a generous parent process. There is no reason—NONE— that broke down our Capitol doors today is a early voting process of 2 weeks in order for that we can’t have a procedure in this day and reminder of just how sacred our duty is to up- people to choose a day and time convenient time to have almost all votes accounted for on hold the rule of law. I want to extend my to their schedule. In unique circumstances, Election Day. thanks to my colleagues who join me in con- there are also a number of statutory reasons We cannot keep conducting our elections in tinuing the constitutional duties of Congress where a citizen can request a mail-in or ab- a way that does not provide surety and con- and having this debate tonight with civility and sentee ballot by mail and have their votes fidence in its results. We need uniform proc- without fear. counted as well. esses for our federal elections, and we need Tonight is about more than the 2020 presi- It is a process that works and is fair and eq- laws in place to ensure that all legal voters are dential election; it is about all future elections, uitable to everyone in the state. It is not unfair, given their constitutionally protected rights to and Congress doing its constitutional duty to it does not suppress voting, and it provides an participate in civic engagement, but not ensure election integrity, and not accept elec- orderly, secure method for conducting elec- through a process in which votes are gathered toral votes from states with sufficient evidence tions and counting votes in a timely fashion. and harvested without their participation in the of fraud that has not been fully investigated, Everyone has the ability to do their civic duty process. Tennesseans demand this fair proc- and whose state legislators did not ensure the with a minimum amount of effort—no drama, ess, and I will always fight for it. law was followed or ensure the integrity of no long lines and waits, and a process that is f their elections. free and fair to all candidates. Votes are tab- This challenge is not uncharted territory or a ulated, and results are provided in a timely ELECTION IRREGULARITIES new exercise, as Democrats have objected on fashion on election night. It’s not complicated, CANNOT BE IGNORED this floor to every recent presidential victory by we have done this for many election cycles Republicans, most recently challenging the now, and we did not change our procedures HON. JOE WILSON electoral votes for 10 states following the 2016 on the fly in 2020. OF SOUTH CAROLINA presidential election, with their primary jus- We are very fortunate to do things the right IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tification being the phony Russian collusion way in Tennessee and we did once again in charges. Wednesday, January 6, 2021 2020. Sadly, there were a few states that got What is unprecedented about this presi- it wrong and call into question the integrity of Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Madam dential election is first, the number of people the Presidential election. It is ridiculous and Speaker, I rise to support the objection. Peo- who believe the election was stolen, second, unacceptable in the 21st Century that other ple across the United States are rightfully con- the amount of evidence that indicates fraud states have processes that lead to a situation cerned about the mishandling of their votes and other violations of election law that has where it took weeks to have votes tabulated, and irregularities in the 2020 federal election. not been investigated, and third, the number vote totals remaining uncertain, and the num- I share this concern given the incredible irreg- of members who are objecting to some of the bers of uncounted votes being uncertain for ularities, additionally because the Constitution electoral votes, a number not seen since days—and weeks—after Election Day. provides that election laws are the sole juris- 1876—or 144 years. I respectfully and vigorously disagree with diction of state legislators which must be The 2005 bipartisan commission headed by people who suggest that the processes that maintained, and not to be changed by obscure Jimmy Carter and warned of this were opened and expanded in 2020 in many unilateral and judicial abuse with unfounded type of widespread voter fraud through illegal states are not subject to fraud and abuse— defiance of state laws. As a nation of laws, vi- aliens voting, not requiring identification under these new standards ballots are mailed olence must never be excused by any one for verification, and mass voting by mail. These three issues clearly facilitate the on behalf of people, ballots are sent to the any reason. As a former Lexington County Election compromise of election integrity. wrong addresses, and ballot harvesting is en- Yet, there have not been any evidentiary Commissioner, not just as a Member of Con- couraged. And again, one of the biggest prob- hearings to even consider these allegations of gress, I am disgusted at the irregularities in lems with mail-in ballots is managing this proc- voter fraud. ess in a way that allows votes to be counted the 2020 presidential election. The failure to Georgia is one of the most egregious exam- and winners to be determined in a timely fash- validate signatures, the omission of witnesses, ples of violations of legal election procedures ion. It should not take weeks to determine a the interruption of counting before completion, to the degree that it almost certainly deter- winner in state and federal races, and the the denial of poll watchers for access to fully mined the outcome of the election allegedly prospects of all future Presidential elections observe, the extension of ballots received be- decided by a mere 12,000 votes. being undecided for weeks on end leads to yond Election Day, and the registration of ille- The legislators in Georgia failed to protect uncertainty and a lack of confidence in the re- gal aliens, allowing non-citizens to vote, are all and ensure the integrity of their election. sults and the fairness of the process. an open invitation for fraud. I had counted on We, the Congress, are the forum for the It is absurd. Even if you accept that every- courts to fully consider lawsuits by 18 states voices of the American people. It is our re- thing is above board, no one should sit here and 126 members of Congress, but the Courts sponsibility to evaluate the validity of these and say that this process doesn’t stink. Elec- have declined to act. electoral votes and to either accept them as tion reform is needed and the mail-in process In four states, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsyl- legitimately cast or reject them as question- will always be vulnerable to delays and the vania, and Wisconsin, the authority of the able or unreliable. suggestion that foul play is involved—espe- state legislatures to enact election rules and It is my judgment that the electoral votes cially with the evidence being presented. procedures, which is delegated by Article II, submitted by the state of Georgia are unreli- Widespread mail in balloting with undefined Section 1, Clause 2 of the Constitution was able and therefore should not be accepted.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:40 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06JA8.020 E06JAPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with REMARKS E16 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 6, 2021 HONORING TREVER AUBRIA ‘‘T.A.’’ league of mine who has worked tirelessly for up and properly reform their election proc- CARTER, JR. his constituents, Colorado State Senator Mike esses, where needed, to deliver trustworthy Foote. After serving 5 years in the Colorado results for all Americans. HON. H. MORGAN GRIFFITH House of Representatives, Senator Foote then Madam speaker, I urge my colleagues today OF VIRGINIA served an additional two years as State Sen- to support this objection and to join me in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ator for District 17 in the . fight for election integrity. Wednesday, January 6, 2021 The time and effort Senator Foote put into f representing his community is a testament to Mr. GRIFFITH. Madam Speaker, I rise in his ability and dedication to his constituency. DEFENDING OUR DEMOCRACY honor of Trever Aubria ‘‘T.A.’’ Carter, Jr., who Senator Foote worked hard to generate bipar- passed away on , 2020 at the tisan agreements on legislation, putting his HON. age of 93. T.A. was a veteran, architect, and constituents above politics. He worked tire- OF CALIFORNIA philanthropist in Virginia’s Roanoke Valley. lessly to represent the values of his constitu- T.A. was born on , 1927 to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Trever Aubria Carter, Sr. and Pernell Jackson ents, especially as a leader in critical efforts to Wednesday, January 6, 2021 fight and preserve our environ- Carter Smith. He graduated from Jefferson Mr. LEVIN of California. Madam Speaker, High School. After serving in the United States ment for generations to come. During the COVID–19 pandemic, he au- for the first time since 1814, the United States Navy at the end of World War II, he earned a Capitol Building was breached by an angry degree in architecture from Virginia Tech. thored legislation that was signed into law to protect consumers from price gouging and mob. More than 200 years ago, it was British The properties T.A. helped develop dot the troops. This time it was domestic terrorists, in- landscape of western Virginia. He launched other deceptive business practices, and he spired and encouraged by President Donald the Double T Corporation with T.D. Steele and has long worked to protect consumers all Trump. also worked in partnerships with other busi- across Colorado. I started the day prepared to uphold my nessmen. Among the locations T.A. helped Senator Foote has been a dedicated public oath of office—an oath I took this past Sunday develop were Crossroads Mall, the first en- servant to the people of Boulder County for at the launch of the 117th Congress to ‘‘sup- closed shopping mall in Virginia, and many years, and he has made a tremendous Tanglewood Mall in Roanoke, University Mall impact on his community. I am grateful for his port and defend the Constitution of the United in Blacksburg, Hills Country Club, work, and I am sure that he will leave a lasting States against all enemies, foreign and do- properties for the Marriott hotel chain in Roa- legacy in our great state. I thank him for his mestic.’’ noke and Blacksburg, and residential neigh- service and contributions to the state of Colo- I planned to uphold that oath by voting to borhoods including the Stonegate neighbor- rado and wish him a restful and well-deserved certify the results of the Electoral College, and hood and the Stonegate Swim Club. He was retirement from public service. we are getting back to our work and certifying Joe Biden and KAMALA HARRIS as our next a hands-on developer who visited his projects f every day they were under development. President and Vice President. We will do that T.A. contributed to the architecture of west- SUPPORTING THE ELECTORAL work thanks to the efforts and bravery of the ern Virginia but he contributed in other ways. COLLEGE OBJECTIONS IN THE Capitol Police and other law enforcement He advocated for Explore Park in Roanoke STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA agencies who have intervened. While there and Bedford Counties. As a devotee of his will be many questions about how this security alma mater, Virginia Tech, he established the HON. JOHN W. ROSE breach occurred, I am incredibly grateful for T.A. Carter Professorship in the College of Ar- OF TENNESSEE the men and women who risked their lives to chitecture, and he supported IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES keep us safe today. in Salem as well. T.A. also belonged to the As for the domestic terrorists who sought to Wednesday, January 6, 2021 Salem Rotary for many years. overthrow our democracy, they must be pros- T.A. was known for his kind and charitable Mr. ROSE. Madam Speaker, I rise in sup- ecuted. Their leader must be removed from of- nature, taking an interest in the people of his port of the objection to counting the electoral fice as soon as possible and their enablers in community and his profession and supporting votes from Pennsylvania. Congress must be held responsible for their their endeavors. I was a recipient of his gen- Violence today did not prevail. We are back role in this catastrophe. erosity. The Stonegate Swim Club which he in this chamber, carrying out our constitutional Despite 81 million votes for President-elect built and owned had an initiation fee and a duty by holding this debate and eventually Joe Biden and Vice President-elect KAMALA membership fee, but he let a single-parent moving forward with our American tradition of HARRIS, multiple recounts, and more than 60 schoolteacher in the area pay the fees in in- a peaceful transfer of power. I want to echo failed lawsuits challenging the election results, stallments for her children so they could use the Majority Leader’s statements tonight that many of my Republican colleagues followed the facility. As one of those children, I enjoyed we need to act as Americans, as ‘‘we the peo- Trump’s lead and pushed outlandish con- the opportunity to swim and took it up as a ple,’’ and that is what I am doing—fighting to spiracy theories and baseless claims of voter lifelong hobby. I am a member of that swim ensure the election integrity of this nation so fraud without any evidence, entirely void of re- club to this day. that all Americans can have trust in the proc- ality. T.A. is survived by his wife of 71 years, Jea- ess that defines us. I am fighting today to pre- Many Congressional Republicans are seek- nette Watson Carter; his daughter, Treva Jean serve our democratic republic through a ing to overturn the results of a free and fair Carter and fiance´ Alan; his son, Edward Paul thoughtful debate on the obvious flaws of the election because they don’t like the results. Carter and wife Juliette; his granddaughter, 2020 election process. They didn’t realize—or didn’t care—that their Amber Miller Mason; grandsons Jeremy Wyatt While our actions today may not reverse the actions could result in a violent coup attempt. Carter and wife Kel and Benjamin Gerald Car- blatant failure of some states to properly vet That’s exactly what happened today. ter and wife Melissa, and great-grandchildren the votes, this is an important venue to dis- The question now is a vital one: where does Maggie, Carter, Wyatt, and Millie. I wish to cuss the concerns of the many people who our country go from here? offer my condolences on the loss of T.A., who are dissatisfied with the 2020 election process. For many decades, we have had passionate did so much for the development and support Serious irregularities and improprieties in but peaceful political disagreements—a shin- of the Roanoke Valley. several states raise legitimate concerns about ing beacon of democracy. We Americans do f the election administration in those states. not support insurrection or mob rule. In short, CONGRATULATING STATE SEN- These documented irregularities were then we are so much better than this. ATOR MIKE FOOTE ON HIS RE- under reported or ignored altogether by the We are now at a crossroads in our great na- TIREMENT media. tion’s history, a moment where we see two di- Although states have long been empowered vergent paths in front of us. We can continue to administer their elections, when a state or down a path of hyper-partisanship, divisive- HON. JOE NEGUSE states blatantly fail to a provide a trustworthy ness, and democratic decay, or we can try to OF COLORADO process, those states should expect calls for heal our country. We can come together to re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES accountability and transparency from citizens, ject the violence we saw today and recommit Wednesday, January 6, 2021 officials, and states nationwide. to upholding the values that unite us as Ameri- Mr. NEGUSE. Madam Speaker, today I This 2020 presidential election has shone a cans: democracy, justice, and equality. It is want to honor an extraordinary leader and col- bright light on the fact that states need to step paramount that we choose the right path.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:40 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A06JA8.024 E06JAPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with REMARKS January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E17 I hope my colleagues who insist on con- I must concede, Madam Speaker, I have All political power rests with the people. tinuing this charade, understand that their ac- been naı¨ve about one subject. I always just Our Constitutionally guaranteed Repub- tions will be remembered as among the most assumed our democracy would naturally en- lican form of government relies on free, fair, and honest elections to select our represent- shameful in our nation’s history. Generations dure. I never even questioned it until the last atives and leaders. of Americans to come will learn of their at- several years. To ensure equal protection and equal rep- tempt to undermine the democratic institutions Two centuries ago, one of our Founding Fa- resentation of the people, laws governing our our country was founded upon. thers, cautioned against this. John Adams elections must meet certain minimum stand- To those other colleagues—Republicans wrote, ‘‘Remember democracy never lasts ards. and Democrats alike—who will uphold their long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders It is the purpose of this Citizens Com- oath of office and help lead us down a better itself. There never was a democracy yet that mittee to concisely articulate the minimum path, I thank them for defending our democ- standards for free, fair, and honest elections. did not commit suicide.’’ These standards shall then be used by our racy. Our Constitution must never be taken for I now realize the wisdom of his words. local, state and federal legislators as a met- granted. We must continue to support and de- Never again, will I take for granted our democ- ric for reviewing and revising election law to fend it every day, as our oath demands. I am racy. It must be defended by every generation. ensure free, fair, and honest elections where proud to serve alongside them, and I look for- Always. the outcome is accepted by all citizens of ward to addressing our nation’s greatest chal- But despite the alarm I feel that our democ- good will. lenges with them in the months and years racy has been brought to this breaking point, Minimum Standards for Fair and Honest ahead. I still maintain hope. Elections Our Constitutionally guaranteed repub- f Growing up in Philadelphia, and raised in an lican form of government relies on free, fair, immigrant family, I was often brought down to ELECTORAL COLLEGE CONTEST and honest elections to select our represent- tour the historic sites. Every summer, without atives and leaders. The standards listed here fail, we would spend a day seeing Independ- shall be used by our local, state, and federal HON. BRENDAN F. BOYLE ence Hall, Congress Hall, the Liberty Bell . . . legislators as a metric for reviewing and re- OF PENNSYLVANIA It was at Independence Hall, where our na- vising election law to ensure free, fair, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion was declared free and our Constitution honest elections where the outcome is ac- born. At the Constitutional Convention, the cepted by all citizens of good will. Wednesday, January 6, 2021 All voting processes, other than those oldest and the most widely accomplished dele- needed to preserve the privacy of a citizen’s Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Pennsylvania. gate was Benjamin Franklin, one of our great- Madam Speaker, today we will not pick the vote, must be open and available for direct est Founding Fathers, and my city’s greatest observation, with no minimum distance re- next president. For the people did that on No- citizen. Physically feeble, he rarely spoke quirements, and audit by agents of the can- vember 3rd. Rather, today, in this House, we throughout the Convention. In a notable ad- didates or parties. will decide whether American democracy sur- dress toward the close of the Convention, he All election materials must have a secure vives. gently urged dissenting delegates to put aside chain of custody at all times. Election offi- Let us be under no illusion. These are the cials must be accompanied by observers their legitimate criticisms and unite to adopt stakes. when accessing any election materials. our Constitution. If this objection succeeds, and the will of 7 Records of the chain of custody shall be com- On the final day, as the last delegates were million Pennsylvania voters is cast aside, it will plete and available for audit. signing the document, Franklin pointed toward end our representative democracy. All votes, regardless of voting method, the sun on the back of the Convention presi- shall be held to equal standards. There is no reasonable debate about what dent’s chair. Observing that painters had Voters shall only be qualified electors that happened in this election in Pennsylvania. are able to verifiably provide their govern- Almost 7 million Pennsylvanians voted. found it difficult to distinguish between a rising sun from a setting sun, Franklin went on to ment issued photo identity before being Joe Biden won by over 80,000 votes. issued a ballot. Voters who provide false in- This was certified by bipartisan local elected say: formation, including information of voter officials, including Republican officials; ‘‘I have often . . . in the course of the ses- qualification, should face severe penalties. And every single court, whether the judge is sion . . . looked at that sun behind the Presi- As a condition of being issued a ballot, the dent without being able to tell whether it a Democrat or Republican, has reaffirmed the voter’s identity and signature must be re- was rising or setting. But now at length I corded in a permanent record (Poll Book). outcome. have the happiness to know it is a rising and Original Ballots must have a physical form Now, the objectors claim we do not know not a setting sun.’’ that allows voting choices to be examined the will of the people because the election in Madam Speaker, on a day like today, when and properly interpreted by the naked eye. Pennsylvania was somehow conducted cor- a mob has stormed the Capitol and some Ballots must have features designed to pre- ruptly. Much of their objection centers around vent counterfeiting. Members are threatening the core of our de- the state law passed in 2019, known as Act An auditable system for tracking the sta- mocracy, it can be hard to tell whether, for 77, that gives voters the option of expanded tus of all ballots must be implemented and American democracy, the sun is rising or set- mail-in voting. Objectors are alleging this law maintained in the State of origin. The total ting. But I maintain my faith, that with an over- number of printed ballots must equal the was somehow a plot by Democrats to dis- whelming bipartisan majority in Congress, we sum of the number of cast ballots, spoiled advantage Republicans and rig elections. This will uphold the will of the people and our de- ballots, and unvoted ballots. is false. mocracy will live. Ballot tabulation must be conducted by Here are the facts: two independent and unrelated systems. The Act 77 was a Republican-led effort in the f difference in totals between the two systems Republican-controlled legislature. CITIZEN’S COMMITTEE FOR ELEC- must be less than one half the margin of vic- Literally every single Republican in the tory or 0.1% of the vote total, whichever is TION INTEGRITY’S FINDINGS ON less. Tabulating machines must only tab- Pennsylvania Senate voted for it. FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS In the state House, 105 Republicans voted ulate and not modify ballots in any way, or be connected to the internet. for it; and only 2 voted against it. HON. RUSS FULCHER Before the results of an election can be cer- Here is what the Republican Speaker of the tified, the ballot counts must be reconciled OF IDAHO Pennsylvania House said about Act 77: with the voter records. The margin of uncer- ‘‘This bill does not benefit one party or the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tainty must be less than one half the margin other, or any one candidate or single elec- Wednesday, January 6, 2021 of victory or 0.1% of the vote total, which- tion. It was developed over a multi-year pe- ever is less. riod, with input from people of different Mr. FULCHER. Madam Speaker, election Lists of qualified electors must be purged backgrounds and regions of Pennsylvania. It law and regulations must be developed and of unqualified persons 180 days before an serves to preserve the integrity of every elec- administered at the state and local level. To election. Voter Rolls should be vetted and tion and lift the voice of every voter in the that end, I believe criteria and engagement compared with available government records Commonwealth.’’ from all Idahoans must be included in this de- to identify duplicate or Ineligible registra- There is no question as to the facts sur- bate and want to enter the Committee’s rec- tions. Laws and regulations governing an elec- rounding this election. They are as clear as ommendations into Congress’ current debate tion may not be changed for 180 days prior to they are overwhelming. The only question that on free and fair elections. that election. remains is this: will this House reaffirm our fi- The Citizen’s Committee for Election In- All election records should be retained and delity to our democracy, or will we end it? tegrity’s findings and recommendations: preserved for not less than 22 months.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:40 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06JA8.027 E06JAPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with REMARKS E18 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 6, 2021 Voter identification for provisional ballots judges altered states’ election procedures in turies based on the consent of the governed. must be verified, with information provided clear violation of Article II of the U.S. Constitu- That consent is grounded in the confidence of by the voter, prior to that ballot being tion. Article II grants state legislatures—and our people in the legitimacy of our institutions counted. only the state legislatures—the explicit power of government, the most fundamental being f to determine the manner of appointing presi- free and fair elections. The erosion of that CONGRATULATING BOULDER dential electors. foundation jeopardizes the stability of the re- COUNTY COMMISSIONER DEB In keeping with this constitutional responsi- public. GARDNER ON HER RETIREMENT bility, state legislatures have established de- I will therefore join my colleagues today in tailed rules by which that state’s electoral objecting to counting the electoral votes of Ari- process and appointment of presidential elec- zona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsyl- HON. JOE NEGUSE tors should be conducted. However, in the vania, and Wisconsin, to restore the integrity OF COLORADO months before the 2020 election, it is undeni- of our electoral process. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES able that—in several key states—either state f Wednesday, January 6, 2021 court judges or state executive officials acted deliberately to fundamentally change state CITIZEN’S COMMITTEE FOR ELEC- Mr. NEGUSE. Madam Speaker, today I wish election law, usurping the state legislature’s TION INTEGRITY’S FINDINGS ON to recognize Ms. Deb Gardner, who has express authority under the Constitution. FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS served the people of Boulder County for over In violation of the Constitution and with full a decade, and since 2012, has tirelessly de- knowledge of mail-in voting vulnerabilities, HON. MICHAEL K. SIMPSON voted herself to serving her community as a state officials, activists, and Democrat-led law- OF IDAHO Boulder County Commissioner. Over the past suits in numerous states opened our electoral IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES eight years, Deb has worked hard to make processes to fraud and abuse. The sheer vol- Wednesday, January 6, 2021 Boulder County a better place. In light of ume of mail-in voting alone triggered not just Mr. SIMPSON. Madam Speaker, election Deb’s retirement, I want to take the oppor- administrative errors and clerical mistakes but tunity to commend her distinguished career in law and regulations must be developed and actual election crimes. administered at the state and local level. To public service. As an alumnus of the Texas House of Rep- that end, I believe criteria and engagement Deb has never been afraid to stand up for resentatives, I understand and guard zealously from all Idahoans must be included in this de- what she believes in. Her work in Boulder is the prerogatives of state legislatures. As such, bate and want to enter the Committee’s rec- a reflection of her passion for equity, edu- I feel strongly that the Supreme Court should ommendations into Congress’ current debate cation, and the environment. A truly indispen- have upheld the authority of those legislatures on free and fair elections. sable community member, she has fought to to establish the manner of appointing electors. maintain Boulder County’s natural beauty and The Citizen’s Committee for Election In- Moreover, it was incumbent upon the court to tegrity’s findings and recommendations: ensure that everyone feels welcome in the determine the constitutional validity of any bal- All political power rests with the people. community. lots that were cast under rules and procedures Our Constitutionally guaranteed Repub- Prior to becoming a County Commissioner, established by entities other than state legisla- lican form of government relies on free, fair, she represented Colorado’s 11th district, and tures. and honest elections to select our represent- the people of Boulder County, in the Colorado Put bluntly, the usurpation of legislative atives and leaders. To ensure equal protection and equal rep- State Legislature as a State Representative, power in several states produced unconstitu- where she served on the House Transpor- resentation of the people, laws governing our tional ballots. As we asserted in our amicus elections must meet certain minimum stand- tation, Legislative Audit, Business and Eco- brief that accompanied the Texas case, any ards. nomic Development, and Health Benefit Ex- state executive or judicial attempt to determine It is the purpose of this Citizens Com- change Review committees. She has helped the manner of choosing electors-especially mittee to concisely articulate the minimum her community through countless disasters, in- any attempt that directly contradicts the will of standards for free, fair, and honest elections. cluding the 2013 flooding, historic wildfires, the state legislature—is void ab initio (‘‘from These standards shall then be used by our and the immense challenges posed by the the beginning’’). local, state and federal legislators as a met- COVID–19 pandemic this year, and I am ric for reviewing and revising election law to Regrettably, on December 11th, SCOTUS ensure free, fair, and honest elections where grateful for her leadership. denied Texas’ motion for lack of standing, the outcome is accepted by all citizens of For the entirety of her career, Deb has led without ruling on the merits of the case or the good will. by example and inspired countless others questions of fact therein. However, Justice Minimum Standards for Fair and Honest along the way. I am grateful for her distin- , joined by Justice Clarence Elections guished record of service, and I thank Com- Thomas, disagreed with the high court’s ruling, Our Constitutionally guaranteed repub- missioner Gardner for her service to her com- writing that, ‘‘In my view, we do not have dis- lican form of government relies on free, fair, munity. I wish her a restful and well-deserved and honest elections to select our represent- cretion to deny the filing of a bill of complaint atives and leaders. The standards listed here retirement. in a case that falls within our original jurisdic- shall be used by our local, state and federal f tion . . . I would therefore grant the motion to legislators as a metric for reviewing and re- file the bill of complaint . . . ’’ I, too, believe vising election law to ensure free, fair, and OBJECTING TO CERTAIN that the Supreme Court got it wrong. That honest elections where the outcome is ac- ELECTORAL VOTES highest court has original jurisdiction over, cepted by all citizens of good will. specifically, suits involving two or more states. All voting processes, other than those Today, we the Congress—on behalf of ‘‘We needed to preserve the privacy of a citizen’s HON. RANDY K. WEBER, SR. vote, must be open and available for direct OF TEXAS The People’’—will exercise our constitutional observation, with no minimum distance re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES duty as the final judge, jury, and arbiter of all quirements, and audit by agents of the can- contested congressional, senatorial, and presi- didates or parties. Wednesday, January 6, 2021 dential elections. The legitimacy of our repub- All election materials must have a secure Mr. WEBER of Texas. Madam Speaker, I lic rests on the foundation that our elections— chain of custody at all times. Election offi- rise today to voice my concerns regarding the whether for President of the United States or cials must be accompanied by observers irregularities and improprieties in the 2020 any other office—are transparent, fairly admin- when accessing any election materials. Records of the chain of custody shall be com- General Election. As I have said time and time istered, and above board. With the undeniable plete and available for audit. again, the American people deserve to have knowledge of illegal changes to various state All votes, regardless of voting method, full faith in our elections. The numerous votes election laws, enacted by parties other than shall be held to equal standards. cast by mail this year—due to the pandemic— the respective state legislatures, we (the Con- Voters shall only be qualified electors that have been plagued by allegations of fraud and gress) constitute the last line of defense in en- are able to verifiably provide their govern- wrongdoing. I watched with great concern as suring the trust of our citizens in the integrity ment issued photo identity before being President Trump’s legal team brought forth of their ballots. issued a ballot. Voters who provide false in- formation, including information of voter witnesses, sworn affidavits, and reams of le- Every single member of Congress swore an qualification, should face severe penalties. gitimate evidence to courts in various states. oath to uphold the Constitution of the United As a condition of being issued a ballot, the There are countless, incontestable examples States of America. Our constitutional republic voter’s identity and signature must be re- wherein governors, election officials, and has endured for nearly-two and a half cen- corded in a permanent record (Poll Book).

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:40 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06JA8.029 E06JAPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with REMARKS January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E19 Original Ballots must have a physical form dent, with the documentary and video evi- tional Association of State Election Directors, that allows voting choices to be examined dence clearly demonstrating that the Biden/ issued the following statement on November and properly interpreted by the naked eye. Harris ticket was the clear and unassailable 12, 2020: Ballots must have features designed to pre- The November 3rd election was the most vent counterfeiting. choice of the Electoral College. secure in American history. Right now, An auditable system for tracking the sta- The counting of the electors’ ballot today will across the country, election officials are re- tus of all ballots must be implemented and ratify the outcome that has been foretold for viewing and double checking the entire elec- maintained in the State of origin. The total months and only those with the most conspira- tion process prior to finalizing the result. number of printed ballots must equal the torial mindset and the willing suspension of When states have close elections, many sum of the number of cast ballots, spoiled disbelief, like the current occupant of the will recount ballots. All of the states with ballots, and unvoted ballots. White House and his band of acolytes con- close results in the 2020 presidential race Ballot tabulation must be conducted by sisting of 140 Members of the House and 12 have paper records of each vote, allowing the two independent and unrelated systems. The U.S. senators, could persist in the delusion ability to go back and count each ballot if difference in totals between the two systems necessary. This is an added benefit for secu- must be less than one half the margin of vic- that the vox populi, the voice of the people, has not spoken clearly and definitively. rity and resilience. This process allows for tory or 0.1% of the vote total, whichever is the identification and correction of any mis- less. Tabulating machines must only tab- Madam Speaker, the Biden/Harris ticket won the national popular vote going away, by takes or errors. There is no evidence that ulate and not modify ballots in any way, or any voting system deleted or lost votes, be connected to the internet. more than 7 million votes, 81.3 million to 74.2 changed votes, or was in any way com- Before the results of an election can be cer- million. promised. tified, the ballot counts must be reconciled Their victory was so sweeping that it won Even United States Attorney General Wil- with the voter records. The margin of uncer- the majority of states, including five states won liam P. Barr, the most politically biased per- tainty must be less than one half the margin four years ago by the loser, including Georgia, of victory or 0.1% of the vote total, which- son, to hold that office, publicly acknowledged which a Democratic candidate had not won ever is less. that although U.S. attorneys and FBI agents since 1992, and Arizona, which last voted Lists of qualified electors must be purged had followed up on specific complaints and in- Democratic in 1996. of unqualified persons 180 days before an formation they had received, ‘‘to date, we This day is not like its counterpart of 2001, election. Voter Rolls should be vetted and have not seen fraud on a scale that could compared with available government records when the determination of the winner hung in have effected a different outcome in the elec- to identify duplicate or ineligible registra- the balance on the outcome of the contest in tions. tion.’’ Florida, where 537 votes out of 5.82 million Under the laws of every state, the Trump Laws and regulations governing an elec- votes cast separated the candidates and the tion may not be changed for 180 days prior to Campaign was entitled to bring legal chal- U.S. Supreme Court halted the vote recount that election. lenges to the administration of the election in All election records should be retained and ordered by the , thus any state where it felt aggrieved, and it took preserved for not less than 22 months. leaving reasonable persons to question who ample advantage of these opportunities, bring- Voter identification for provisional ballots was the true winner of that state’s decisive 25 ing scores of lawsuits alleging ‘‘wide-spread must be verified, with information provided electoral votes. fraud,’’ requesting recounts, or demanding that by the voter, prior to that ballot being This day is not like 2005, where the out- votes cast for the Democratic candidate be counted. come hinged on the 18 electoral votes of thrown out or simply not counted. f Ohio, and where state officials refused to These legal challenges were met with colos- count provisional ballots and engaged in other REGARDING JOINT SESSION OF sal failure, the Trump Campaign suffering tactics alleged to be taken to suppress the stinging defeats in more than 65 cases; its CONGRESS TO COUNT ELEC- votes of racial minorities. TORAL BALLOTS lone success came in Pennsylvania where a And certainly this day is not like 2017, when court granted its request to allow monitors to Congress met to count the electoral votes cast observe ballot tabulation from a distance of six HON. in the state’s first American presidential elec- rather than 10 feet away . OF TEXAS tion in which the U.S. Intelligence Community Which brings us to this day, when die-hard IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES had confirmed was the subject of cyberattacks followers of the current occupant of the White and other subversive activities of entities allied Wednesday, January 6, 2021 House, a group I call the ‘‘Lost Cause Cau- with the Government of Russia that were un- cus,’’ now seek to revive and press forward Ms. JACKSON LEE. Madam Speaker, as a dertaken for the express purpose of influ- with the discredited and rejected claims of the senior member of the House Committees on encing the outcome to secure the election of Trump Campaign that the elections in the the Judiciary and Homeland Security Com- its preferred candidate, Donald Trump, who it states that were key to bringing about his re- mittee; of the Judiciary Sub- should be added, openly invited a hostile for- sounding defeat were ‘‘rigged’’ or ‘‘fraudulent’’ committee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Se- eign power to launch cyberattacks against his or the result of some vague conspiracy by the curity, and Investigations, and the Congres- political opponent. ‘‘Deep State.’’ sional Voting Rights Caucus, I rise today to Another important distinction involving the Madam Speaker, this is utter nonsense; offer thoughts and reflections on the congres- 2016 election is that it was the first presi- which I show by examining the challenge to sional responsibility to bear witness to the dential election held since the Supreme Court the electors from Pennsylvania, where like counting of electoral votes to determine for- issued the notorious decision in Shelby Coun- Robert E. Lee at Gettysburg, Trump pitched mally the persons elected President and Vice ty v. Holder, which neutered the preclearance his flag and made his grand stand. President of the United States and on the provisions of the Voting Rights Act and ad- Over 6.9 million Pennsylvanians voted in campaign and election that brought us to this versely affected the ability of hundreds of that election, with over 2.6 million of those vot- day. thousands of persons to cast a ballot and ers using mail-in or absentee ballots; Vice The outcome of that count is not in doubt have their vote counted. President Biden received 3,459,923 votes, and has not been since , 2020, In contrast, American voters in 2020 were easily beating Trump, by 81,660 votes. when it became clear that Democratic can- forewarned and forearmed against Russian in- Vice-President Biden’s vote margin was didates Joseph R. Biden and KAMALA HARRIS terference, propaganda, and disinformation twice as large as was Trump’s when he won had won the states of Georgia, Pennsylvania, and with no backing but with the active resist- the state in an upset in 2016. and Arizona to become the 46th President and ance of the Chief Executive, the governments Madam Speaker, it is not difficult to under- 59th Vice-President of the United States, earn- of the United States and the individual states stand why so many Pennsylvanians voted in ing 306 electoral votes, 36 more than the 270 took active measures to ensure the security 2019, and by mail in unprecedented numbers. needed for election. and integrity of election systems against fraud In 2019, with broad and bipartisan support, The results in those states, as well as every and undue interference. the Pennsylvania General Assembly enacted other state that chose presidential electors on This effort was so successful that the Elec- Act 77 of 2019, which made several important November 3, 2020, has been certified and tion Infrastructure Government Coordinating updates and improvements to Pennsylvania’s wherever necessary upheld against legal chal- Council (GCC) Executive Committee, con- Election Code, Act of Oct. 31, 2019 (P.L. 552, lenge by the courts in the affected states. sisting of the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infra- No. 77), 2019 Pa. Legis. Serv. 2019–77 (S.B. On December 14, 2020, presidential elec- structure Security Agency (CISA), U.S. Elec- 421) (West) (‘‘Act 77’’). tors met in their respective state capitols to tion Assistance Commission, National Asso- Among these were provisions that, for the cast their votes for President and Vice-Presi- ciation of Secretaries of State, and the Na- first time, offered the option of mail-in voting to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:40 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A06JA8.032 E06JAPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with REMARKS E20 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 6, 2021 all Pennsylvania electors. See 25 P.S. were backed by neither specific allegations Madam Speaker, as I noted at the outset, §§ 3150.11–3150.17. nor evidence. Trump for President, Inc. v. we are here today to exercise a duty imposed This change was a significant development Sec’y of Pennsylvania, 2020 WL 7012522, at on Members of the House and the Senate by that made it easier for all Pennsylvanians to *8 (3d Cir. Nov. 27, 2020). the Constitution and laws of the United States. exercise their right to vote and brought the Fourth, that certain counties permitted vot- But it is true that although we are called state in line with the practice of dozens of ers to cure minor defects in mail-in ballots was upon to bear witness to the counting of elec- other states. permissible under Pennsylvania law because toral votes, our role is not confined to passive Under Act 77, voters had until , minor defects—such as a failure to handwrite observation. 2020, to request a mail-in ballot for this year’s the voter’s name and/or address on the dec- The Constitution and the law, specifically November 3rd General Election. 25 P.S. laration—did not, in fact, void the ballot. See Section 15 of the Electoral College Act, 3 § 3150.12a(a). In re Canvass of Absentee & Mail-in Ballots of U.S.C. § 1 et seq., authorizes Representatives Act 77 set 8:00 p.m. on Election Day as the November 3, 2020 Gen. Election, 29 WAP and Senators to object to the counting of any due date for returning those ballots to the 2020, lA.3dl, 2020 WL 6866415, *15 (Pa. vote cast by an elector if in their judgment the county boards of elections. 25 P.S. § 3150.16. Nov. 23, 2020) (‘‘We have conducted that vote was not ‘‘regularly given’’ or the person The Election Code provides for a variety of analysis here and we hold that a signed but casting the vote was not ‘‘lawfully certified’’ as safeguards to ensure the integrity of this proc- undated declaration is sufficient and does not an elector. ess. See 25 P.S. § 3146.8(g)(3); 25 P.S. implicate any weighty interest. Hence, the lack The Constitution devolves this solemn duty § 3146.2c; 25 P.S. § 3146.8 (g)(4); 25 P.S. of a handwritten date cannot result in vote dis- upon the people’s representatives, the Con- § 3150.12b(a)(2). qualification.’’); Trump v. Boockvar, 2020 WL gress, because the linchpin of representative The presidential election results were cer- 6821992, *12 (M.D. Pa. 2020) (‘‘it is perfectly democracy is public confidence in the political tified, and Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf rational for a state to provide counties discre- system, regime, and community. signed the Certificate of Ascertainment on No- tion to notify voters that they may cure proce- That confidence in turn rests upon the ex- vember 24, 2020, long in advance of the re- durally defective mail-in ballots’’), aff’d 2020 tent to which the public has faith that the sys- quired date to fall under the ‘‘Safe Harbor’’ WL 7012522. tem employed to select its leaders accurately provision of three-day the governing Electoral Fifth, there was no state law violation when reflects its preferences. Count Act of 1887, 3 U.S.C. § 5, making the the Pennsylvania Supreme Court temporarily At bottom, this means that all citizens cast- certification of Pennsylvania’s electors conclu- modified the deadline for the receipt of mail-in ing a vote have a fundamental right and rea- sive. and absentee ballots, because state constitu- sonable expectation that their votes count and Madam Speaker, multiple challenges were tional law required it. See Pa. Democratic are counted. made to the certification of Pennsylvania’s Party v. Boockvar, 238 A.3d 345, 369–72 (Pa. For these reasons, I owe it to my constitu- electors, all of which were rejected by both 2020). ents and to the American people to consider state and federal courts. Nothing in the Elections Clause of Article I each electoral vote certificate as it is pre- First, there is no merit or truth to the claim ‘‘instructs, nor has the Pennsylvania Supreme sented and accept those that appear to be that the Pennsylvania Secretary of State ‘‘ab- Court ever held, that a state legislature may meritorious. rogated’’ the mandatory signature verification prescribe regulations on the time, place, and Were any electoral vote certificate not to requirement for absentee or mail-in ballots. manner of holding federal elections in defiance satisfy the statutory requirement that the votes See In re Nov. 3, 2020 Election, 240 A.3d of provisions of the State’s constitution.’’ Ari- reflected on the lists were ‘‘regularly given’ by 591, 610 (Pa. 2020) (Election Code does not zona State Legislature v. Arizona Indep. Re- ‘‘lawfully certified’’ electors I would oppose it. authorize county election boards to reject mail- districting Comm’n, 576 U.S. 787, 817–18 But that is not the case before us because in ballots based on an analysis of a voter’s (2015) (AIRC). The same is true for the Elec- the votes before us were regularly given by signature. ‘‘[A]t no time did the Code provide tor Clause in Article II. lawfully certified electors, whose status was for challenges to ballot signatures.’’). Sixth, there is no truth to the claim that resolved, where need be, at least six days be- Far from usurping any legislative authority, Pennsylvania ‘‘broke its promise to the U.S. fore the meeting of electors pursuant to laws the Pennsylvania Supreme Court refused ‘‘to Supreme Court to segregate ballots and co- that were in place before the election as re- rewrite a statute in order to supply terms mingled illegal late ballots . quired by Section 5 of the Electoral Count Act, which [we]re not present therein.’’ Id. at 14. The Pennsylvania Secretary of State had al- 3 U.S.C. § 5. A federal judge reached the same result. ready instructed that all ballots received during That means the validity of their appointment See In Donald Trump for President, Inc. v. the three-day period be segregated and count- is conclusive and their vote preferences bind- Boockvar, 2020 WL 5997680, at *58 (W.D. ed separately and Justice Alito adopted these ing on us. Pa. Oct. 10, 2020) (‘‘[T]he Election Code does instructions by the Secretary as an order of For this reason, I oppose the objections not impose a signature-comparison require- the Court. raised and accept the final vote tally that will ment for mail-in and absentee ballots.’’). The Pennsylvania county boards of elec- be announced by the President of the Senate Second, there is a similar lack of merit and tions complied with that order; qualified ballots at its conclusion, and in doing so will be keep- truth to the claim that certain Pennsylvania received during the three-day extension were ing faith with the admonition and prayer made county boards of elections did not grant segregated and counted separately. by President Lincoln over the graves of patri- pollwatchers access to the opening, counting, The number of such ballots is too small to ots that ‘government of the people, by the and recording of absentee and mail-in ballots. change the outcome of any federal election in people, for the people, shall not perish from See In re Canvassing Observation, lA.3d l, Pennsylvania. the earth.’’ 2020 WL 6737895, *8–9 (Pa. 2020) (holding Finally, there is nothing sinister, surprising, f that state law re-quires candidate representa- or fraudulent in the fact that late-counted mail- tives to be in the room but the viewing dis- in ballots eviscerated Trump’s temporary lead CONGRATULATING BOULDER tance is committed to the county boards, in the popular vote by disproportionately favor- COUNTY COMMISSIONER ELISE which, in that case, was reasonable); Trump ing Vice-President Biden. JONES ON HER RETIREMENT for President, Inc. v. Sec’y of Pennsylvania, The votes counted before 3 a.m. and those 2020 WL 7012522, at *8 (3d Cir. Nov. 27, counted afterwards were indisputably not ‘‘ran- HON. JOE NEGUSE 2020) (affirming dismissal of poll-watcher domly drawn’’ from the same population of OF COLORADO claim, in part, because the Trump Campaign votes, as those counted earlier were predomi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘‘has already raised and lost most of these nantly in-person votes while those counted state-law issues, and it cannot relitigate them later were predominantly mail-in votes . Wednesday, January 6, 2021 here.’’). Even the proponents of this bogus chal- Mr. NEGUSE. Madam Speaker, today I wish Third, there is no basis to a claim that cer- lenge to Pennsylvania’s electors admit that to recognize the accomplishments of an in- tain Pennsylvania counties adopted differential Democratic voters voted by mail at two to credible public servant, County Commissioner standards favoring voters in Philadelphia and three times the rate of Republicans. Elise Jones. Allegheny Counties with the intent to favor Both this fact and the expectation that it Commissioner Jones has proudly served as former Vice President Biden. would result in a shift in President-Elect a Boulder County Commissioner since 2013, This claim was raised and dismissed in Biden’s favor as mail-in votes were counted and has shown throughout her impressive ca- Trump v. Boockvar, 4:20––cv–02078 (M.D. were widely reported months ahead of the reer a passion for helping those in need. She Pa. Nov. 18, 2020) because those charges election. has fought for social justice and advocated for

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:40 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A06JA8.033 E06JAPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with REMARKS January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E21 measures that would help combat climate While she leaves enormously big shoes to fill, As an additional procedure along change and protect our treasured public lands her legacy will not be forgotten. On behalf of with the computerization of this infor- and open spaces. During her time as a Coun- the people of Colorado’s 2nd Congressional mation, the Office of the Senate Daily ty Commissioner, she also represented Boul- district, I would like to express my deepest Digest will prepare this information for der County on the Denver Regional Council of gratitude for her service. printing in the Extensions of Remarks Governments, and as the Representative to f section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD the Statewide Transportation Advisory Com- SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS mittee. She has served as a member of the on Monday and Wednesday of each Metro Area County Commissioners, which she Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, week. chaired in 2016, and was recently appointed agreed to by the Senate of 4, Meetings scheduled for Friday, Janu- by the Governor of Colorado to the Colorado 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- ary 8, 2021 may be found in the Daily tem for a computerized schedule of all Air Quality Control Commission. In this latter Digest of today’s RECORD. position, Commissioner Jones has been able meetings and hearings of Senate com- to utilize her extensive experience to fight for mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- cleaner air for all Coloradans. She has helped tees, and committees of conference. MEETINGS SCHEDULED her community through countless disasters, in- This title requires all such committees JANUARY 12 cluding the 2013 flooding, historic wildfires, to notify the Office of the Senate Daily Digest—designated by the Rules Com- 9:30 a.m. and the immense challenges posed by the Committee on Armed Services COVID–19 pandemic this year, and I am mittee—of the time, place and purpose To hold hearings to examine civilian thankful for her leadership. of the meetings, when scheduled and control of the Armed Forces. I am grateful that Commissioner Jones any cancellations or changes in the SD–G50 plans to continue her environmental work. meetings as they occur.

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HIGHLIGHTS The House of Representatives and Senate met in joint session to count electoral votes. Senate declared in Executive Order 13873 of May 15, 2019, Chamber Action received during adjournment of the Senate on Janu- Routine Proceedings, pages S13–S42 ary 5, 2021; which was referred to the Committee Measures Introduced: One bill was introduced, as on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. (PM–1) follows: S. 13. Page S40 Page S39 Electoral Ballot Count: Senate met in Joint Ses- Nominations Received: Senate received the fol- sion with the House of Representatives to count the lowing nominations: electoral ballots of the States cast in the election of Jason Abend, of Virginia, to be Inspector General, the President and Vice President of the United Department of Defense. States. Pages S13–32 William Patrick Joseph Kimmitt, of Virginia, to During the counting of electoral ballots today, be a Member of the United States International Senate also took the following action: Trade Commission for a term expiring June 16, By 6 yeas to 93 nays (Vote No. 1), the objection 2029. to the Presidential electoral vote certificate from the Barbera Hale Thornhill, of California, to be Am- State of Arizona was not sustained. Pages S31–32 bassador to the Republic of Singapore. By 7 yeas to 92 nays (Vote No. 2), the objection 51 Air Force nominations in the rank of general. to the Presidential electoral vote certificate from the 26 Army nominations in the rank of general. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania was not sustained. 4 Space Force nominations in the rank of general. Page S38 Routine lists in the Air Force, Army, Marine Pro Forma Sessions—Agreement: A unanimous- Corps, Navy, and Space Force. Pages S40–42 consent agreement was reached providing that the Nomination Withdrawn: Senate received notifica- Senate adjourn, to then convene for pro forma ses- tion of withdrawal of the following nomination: sions only, with no business being conducted on the Chad F. Wolf, of Virginia, to be Secretary of following dates and times, and that following each Homeland Security, which was sent to the Senate on pro forma session, the Senate adjourn until the next January 3, 2021. pro forma session: Friday, January 8, 2021, at 10 a.m.; Tuesday, January 12, 2021, at 12:30 p.m.; Fri- Messages from the House: Pages S39–40 day, January 15, 2021, at 10 a.m.; and that when Measures Referred: Page S40 the Senate adjourns on Friday, January 15, 2021, it Measures Placed on the Calendar: Page S40 next convene on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, at 12 Measures Read the First Time: Page S40 noon. Page S40 Message from the President: Senate received the Record Votes: Two record votes were taken today. following message from the President of the United (Total—2) Pages S31–32, S38 States: Adjournment: Senate convened at 12:30 p.m. on Transmitting, pursuant to law, a report relative to Wednesday, January 6, 2021 and adjourned at 3:48 the issuance of an Executive Order declaring addi- a.m. on Thursday, January 7, 2021, until 10 a.m. on tional steps to be taken concerning the national Friday, January 8, 2021. (For Senate’s program, see emergency with respect to the information and com- the remarks of the Majority Leader in today’s Record munications technology and services supply chain on page S40.) D22

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:05 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D06JA1.REC D06JAPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with DIGEST January 6, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D23 ligence matters from officials of the intelligence Committee Meetings community. (Committees not listed did not meet) INTELLIGENCE Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee met in closed session to receive a briefing on certain intel- h House of Representatives tion and laws relating to the election of President Chamber Action and Vice President of the United States, the two Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 19 pub- Houses of Congress met in joint session with Vice lic bills, H.R. 217–235; and 1 resolution, H. Res. President Pence as the presiding officer to count the 20, were introduced. Pages H115–16 electoral votes. The following votes were cast for President: Joseph R. Biden, Jr. of Delaware, 306; Additional Cosponsors: Page H117 and Donald J. Trump of Florida, 232. The following Reports Filed: There were no reports filed today. votes were cast for Vice President: Kamala D. Harris Speaker: Read a letter from the Speaker wherein she of California, 306; and Michael R. Pence of Indiana, appointed Representative Swalwell to act as Speaker 232. After announcing the results of the certification pro tempore for today. Page H75 process, the Vice President announced that the Joint Electoral College Vote Tellers: Pursuant to S. Con. Session was dissolved and that the results of the pro- ceedings had during the Joint Session would be en- Res. 1, to provide for the counting on January 6, tered into the Journals of both Houses. 2021, of the electoral votes for President and Vice Pages H76–H115 President of the United States, and the order of the During the joint session, a Representative objected House of January 4, 2021, the Chair announced the to the certification of electoral votes from Pennsyl- Speaker’s appointment of Representatives Lofgren of vania. The objection, having been signed by a Sen- California and Rodney Davis of Illinois as tellers on ator, was received and the joint meeting was dis- the part of the House to count electoral votes. solved for the purpose of considering the objection Page H75 in each House. The objection was not agreed to in Recess: The House recessed at 12:06 p.m. and re- the House by a yea and nay vote of 138 yeas to 282 convened at 12:55 p.m. Page H76 nays, Roll No. 11. Subsequently, notification was re- Joint Session: The Joint Session was called to order ceived in the House that the Senate disposed of the at 1:05 p.m. and dissolved at 1:14 p.m. for consider- objection by a vote of 7 yeas to 92 nays. Upon re- ation of the objection to the electoral votes for Ari- sumption of the joint session, the Vice President an- nounced that the original certification submitted by zona. Page H76 the State of Pennsylvania would stand as regular in Recess: The House recessed at 2:18 p.m. and recon- form and authentic. Pages H98–H112 vened at 2:26 p.m. Page H85 During the Joint Session various House Members Recess: The House recessed at 2:29 p.m. and recon- rose to make a point of order, object to the counting vened at 9:02 p.m. Page H85 of the electoral votes from Georgia, Michigan, Ne- vada, and Wisconsin or to make a motion. The pre- Joint Session: The Joint Session was called to order siding officer and Chair, Vice President Pence, held at 11:41 p.m. and dissolved at 12:22 a.m. for con- that each case required a writing signed by both a sideration of the objection to the electoral votes for Member of the House and a Senator. None were Pennsylvania. Following consideration, the joint ses- signed by a Senator and none were received. sion resumed at 3:25 a.m. and dissolved at 3:44 a.m. During the joint session, a Representative objected Pages H94–98 to the certification of electoral votes from Arizona. Declaration of the Election of President and The objection, having been signed by a Senator, was Vice President: Pursuant to the provisions of S. received and the joint meeting was dissolved for the Con. Res. 1, and the requirements of the Constitu- purpose of considering the objection in each House.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:05 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D06JA1.REC D06JAPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with DIGEST D24 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST January 6, 2021 The objection was not agreed to in the House by a S. 1014, to establish the Route 66 Centennial yea and nay vote of 121 yeas to 303 nays, Roll No. Commission. Signed on December 23, 2020. (Public 10. Subsequently, notification was received in the Law 116–256) House that the Senate disposed of the objection by S. 2258, to provide anti-retaliation protections for a vote of 6 yeas to 93 nays. Upon resumption of the antitrust . Signed on December 23, joint session, the Vice President announced that the 2020. (Public Law 116–257) original certification submitted by the State of Ari- S. 2904, to direct the Director of the National zona would stand as regular in form and authentic. Science Foundation to support research on the out- Pages H77–93 puts that may be generated by generative adversarial Presidential Message: Read a message from the networks, otherwise known as deepfakes, and other comparable techniques that may be developed in the President wherein he notified Congress that he had future. Signed on December 23, 2020. (Public Law issued an Executive Order that takes additional steps 116–258) concerning the national emergency with respect to S. 2981, to reauthorize and amend the National the information and communications technology and Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Commis- services supply chain declared in Executive Order sioned Officer Corps Act of 2002. Signed on Decem- 13873 of May 15, 2019—referred to the Committee ber 23, 2020. (Public Law 116–259) on Foreign Affairs and ordered to be printed (H. H.R. 133, making consolidated appropriations for Doc. 117–6). Pages H75–76 the fiscal year ending , 2021, pro- Senate Messages: Messages received from the Senate viding coronavirus emergency response and relief. today appear on pages H94 and H112. Signed on December 27, 2020. (Public Law Quorum Calls—Votes: Two yea-and-nay votes de- 116–260) veloped during the proceedings of today and appear S. 212, to amend the Native American Business on pages H93 and H112. Development, Trade Promotion, and Tourism Act of 2000, the Buy Indian Act, and the Native American Adjournment: The House met at 12 noon and ad- Programs Act of 1974 to provide industry and eco- journed at 3:48 a.m. nomic development opportunities to Indian commu- nities. Signed on , 2020. (Public Law 116–261) Committee Meetings S. 900, to designate the community-based out- No hearings were held. patient clinic of the Department of Veterans Affairs in Bozeman, Montana, as the ‘‘Travis W. Atkins De- partment of Veterans Affairs Clinic. Signed on De- Joint Meetings cember 30, 2020. (Public Law 116–262) No joint committee meetings were held. S. 2472, to redesignate the NASA John H. Glenn f Research Center at Plum Brook Station, Ohio, as the NASA John H. at the Neil NEW PUBLIC LAWS A. Armstrong Test Facility. Signed on December 30, 2020. (Public Law 116–263) (For last listing of Public Laws, see DAILY DIGEST, p. D1135) S. 3257, to designate the facility of the United H.R. 3465, to authorize the Fallen Journalists States Postal Service located at 311 West Wisconsin Memorial Foundation to establish a commemorative Avenue in Tomahawk, Wisconsin, as the ‘‘Einar work in the District of Columbia and its environs. ‘Sarge’ H. Ingman, Jr. Post Office Building. Signed Signed on December 23, 2020. (Public Law on December 30, 2020. (Public Law 116–264) 116–253) S. 3461, to designate the facility of the United H.R. 4761, to ensure U.S. Customs and Border States Postal Service located at 2600 Wesley Street Protection officers, agents, and other personnel have in Greenville, Texas, as the ‘‘Audie Murphy Post Of- adequate synthetic opioid detection equipment, that fice Building’’. Signed on December 30, 2020. (Pub- the Department of Homeland Security has a process lic Law 116–265) to update synthetic opioid detection capability. S. 3462, to designate the facility of the United Signed on December 23, 2020. (Public Law States Postal Service located at 909 West Holiday 116–254) Drive in Fate, Texas, as the ‘‘ Post Of- S. 199, to provide for the transfer of certain Fed- fice’’. Signed on December 30, 2020. (Public Law eral land in the State of Minnesota for the benefit 116–266) of the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe. Signed on De- S. 4126, to designate the facility of the United cember 23, 2020. (Public Law 116–255) States Postal Service located at 104 East Main Street

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in Port Washington, Wisconsin, as the ‘‘Joseph G. S. 1869, to require the disclosure of ownership of Demler Post Office’’. Signed on December 30, 2020. high-security space leased to accommodate a Federal (Public Law 116–267) agency. Signed on December 31, 2020. (Public Law S. 4684, to designate the facility of the United 116–276) States Postal Service located at 440 Arapahoe Street S. 2174, to the extent provided in advance in ap- in Thermopolis, Wyoming, as the ‘‘Robert L. Brown propriations Act, the Attorney General is authorized Post Office’’. Signed on December 30, 2020. (Public to use funds appropriated for the operationalization, Law 116–268) maintenance, and expansion of the National Missing S. 5036, to amend the Overtime Pay for Protec- and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs) for the tive Services Act of 2016 to extend the Secret Serv- purpose of carrying out this Act. Signed on Decem- ice overtime pay exception through 2023. Signed on ber 31, 2020. (Public Law 116–277) December 30, 2020. (Public Law 116–269) S. 2216, to require the Secretary of Veterans Af- S. 461, to strengthen the capacity and competi- fairs to formally recognize caregivers of veterans, no- tiveness of historically Black colleges and universities tify veterans and caregivers of clinical determinations through robust public-sector, private-sector, and relating to eligibility for the family caregiver pro- community partnerships and engagement. Signed on gram, and temporarily extend benefits for veterans December 31, 2020. (Public Law 116–270) who are determined ineligible for the family care- S. 914, to reauthorize the Integrated Coastal and giver program. Signed on December 31, 2020. (Pub- Ocean Observation System Act of 2009, to clarify lic Law 116–278) the authority of the Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration with re- S. 2683, to establish a task force to assist States spect to post-storm assessments, and to require the in implementing hiring requirements for child care establishment of a National Water Center. Signed on staff members to improve child safety. Signed on December 31, 2020. (Public Law 116–271) December 31, 2020. (Public Law 116–279) S. 979, to amend the Post-Katrina Emergency S. 2730, to establish and ensure an inclusive and Management Reform Act of 2006 to incorporate the transparent Drone Advisory Committee. Signed on recommendations made by the Government Ac- December 31, 2020. (Public Law 116–280) countability Office relating to advance contracts. S. 3312, to establish a crisis stabilization and Signed on December 31, 2020. (Public Law community reentry grant program. Signed on De- 116–272) cember 31, 2020. (Public Law 116–281) S. 1130, to amend the Public Health Service Act S. 3989, to amend the United States to improve the health of children and help better Semiquincentennial Commission Act of 2016 to understand and enhance awareness about unexpected modify certain membership and other requirements sudden death in early life. Signed on December 31, of the United States Semiquincentennial Commis- 2020. (Public Law 116–273) sion. Signed on December 31, 2020. (Public Law S. 1342, to require the Under Secretary for Oceans 116–282) and Atmosphere to update periodically the environ- f mental sensitivity index products of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for each COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR FRIDAY, coastal area of the Great Lakes. Signed on December JANUARY 8, 2021 31, 2020. (Public Law 116–274) S. 1694, to require the National Aeronautics and (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) Space Administration to add recommendations and Senate inform other relevant agencies of information relat- ing to the principle of due regard and the limitation No meetings/hearings scheduled. of harmful interference with Apollo landing site arti- facts. Signed on December 31, 2020. (Public Law House 116–275) No hearings are scheduled.

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Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 10 a.m., Friday, January 8 11 a.m., Monday, January 11

Senate Chamber House Chamber Program for Friday: Senate will meet in a pro forma Program for Monday: House will meet in Pro Forma session. session at 11 a.m.

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue

HOUSE Hastings, Alcee L., Fla., E9 Simpson, Michael K., Idaho, E18 Jackson Lee, Sheila, Tex., E19 Smith, Christopher H., N.J., E13 Boyle, Brendan F., Pa., E17 Kind, Ron, Wisc., E13 Stanton, Greg, Ariz., E9 Connolly, Gerald E., Va., E12 Levin, Mike, Calif., E16 Stefanik, Elise M., N.Y., E9 DesJarlais, Scott, Tenn., E14 Lowenthal, Alan S., Calif., E10 Trahan, Lori, Mass., E11 Fulcher, Russ, Idaho, E17 Neguse, Joe, Colo., E9, E10, E12, E14, E16, E18, E20 Gonza´ lez-Colo´ n, Jenniffer, Puerto Rico, E12 Perlmutter, Ed, Colo., E10, E14 Weber, Randy K., Sr., Tex., E18 Good, Bob, Va., E15 Rose, John W., Tenn., E16 Wilson, Joe, S.C., E11, E15 Griffith, H. Morgan, Va., E11, E16 Ryan, Tim, Ohio, E10 Yarmuth, John A., Ky., E10

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