Subscribe TOday 1 Year - 52 Issues for $3700 Feature Sports ~"'...::t. '-_' " / - Taste of G P. O~t~ ~~~o~- 5 North laxers lI~r~~Call Today ;:~~~ '"' at Ta&teFest on all-state team 18 -1C 313~343-5577J 1 _

L _ _~ince:!'!:'!!L N~ws serving the five Grosse Pointes and Harper Woods atij*ih¥i.M AIIlAC e&i.iiRiliiitMltlhMh IMiiti,ii"... ,. ',a...,dOuq. INSIDE Staffers garner 5 professional awards • Nearly a dozen mature. healthy Grosse Pomte News and 5t he has won over the years m cov- Shores ConnectIon news edItor, pers, IS pleased hIS reporters dre Norway maple trees are cut down by Clair Shores ConnectIOn wnters enng the ash borer threat earned an honorable mentIon for gettmg the profeSSIOnalrecogm- the Grosse POinte Public School collected five awards June 22 at Showmg reportmg versatilIty, her May 15 story, "Browsers and tlon they deserve System to make room for 25 more the DetrOIt Metropohtan SocIety Lmdberg also took first place In Senous Researchers Gather," "Too often the top.notch parking spaces on Fisher Road behind of ProfessIonal Joumahsts annu. Sports Reportmg WIth hIS story, about the dedICatIOn of the the Jounahstlc efforts of weekly the bleachers at the Grosse Pomte al banquet "Back Home at the Indy 500 • St Clair Shores Pubhc LIbrary's newspaper reporters are not rec- South HlgJl,School athletic field See Staff wnter Brad LIndberg hIStory center and cafe The story ogmzed," MmnIs saId "But they photos of the devastation on Page 3A took home three first-place Staff wnter Jenme MIller, cov- covered the rare matenals found bnng to theIr Jobs the same edu- See related edltonal on Page SA awards One was In Spot News enng the Grosse POInte Pubhc there, how much the center cost, catIOn, traInIng and profeSSIOnal. Reportmg for hIS story, "Two Lost School 8ytem, took third place m where the money came A-om,how Ism as their ;olleagues on larger as Boat Founders' Feature News Reportmg tor her people use the center, Its ament. publIcatIons LIndberg's "Emerald Ash Borer story, "North Future Doctors Get ties and cntlClsms ThIs year's entnes were Judged WEEK AHEAD InvaSIon" story earned hIm top AdVIcefrom Alumna" by the New Jersey Chapter of the recogmtIOn m General News Also In Feature News John Mmms, emtor and gener- SOCIety of ProfeSSIOnal Reportmg, one of many awards Reporting, Ann Fouty. 8t ClaIr al manager of the two newspa- JournalISts Thursday, July 1 Los Gatos Will perform at 7 p m at 5t Clair and Kercheval In the MUSICon the 4th holiday starts with a bang! Plaza cOhcert senes In the Village bUSI- Librarians ness district of Ihe Crty of Grosse POinte

Saturday, July 3 picket Woods l.Jz Aiken and Jeanie McNeil Will tape an epIsode of their WMTV show "Positively Positive" at the West Park groundbreaking Farmers Market from 11.15 a m to By Carrie Cunningham 1215 pm Joms the current construc- StaffWnter tion of the Park branch on The market IS open from 8 a m 10 1 Pulhng a page out of the P m and IS located on Kercheval LakepoInte and Jefferson hiStory of the labor move- The Park branch IS expected between Nottingham and the west City ment, Grosse POInte LIbrary limits In Grosse Pointe Park to be completed b) late unton members pIcketed October what should have been a fes- HoldIng SIgnS urgIng the Grosse PolOte Farms Will host Its fire- tIve occasIOn - ground- hbrary board to renew Its works at the Pier Park at dusk. breakmg ceremomes for the wage contracts that have Woods branch lam Idle bmce July 2002, the Sunday, July 4 Grosse POinte hbranans hbrary stafT wants an Happy Fourth of JUlyl and support staff have been Increase In salary compara- workmg two year~ WIthout a ble to other hbrary staff~ Grosse Pointe Woods Will provide contract Even though a across the state pool Side musIc for Its reSidents and fact-finder recently Issued a In a press release about a guests at Lake Front Park report that could have laId fact-findIng report ISbued by the groundwork for a com- the MIChIgan Em,Rloyee Wednesday, July 7 promIse, both Sides have yet RelatIons CommIttee that to come together suggested the library could Services for Older CItizens (SOC) Will On a bnght, breezy after- present a talk by Mark Barnett of MB afford Increased compensa. noon, the groundbreakmg tIOn, Grosse POInte Squared FinanCial Services at 11 15 ceremony at Mack and Llbranan PreSIdent DIana a m Wednesday, July 7, at Ihe Vernier was attended by Howbert embraced the Neighborhood Club He Will diSCUSS many noted publIc offiCIals, report's results asset allocation and Will teach tech- such as Woods Mayor Robert "ImplementatIOn of the niques that profeSSionals use to control NOVItke and school board nsks In a volall)e market report would result In much- members Ahmed Ismail and needed Improvements III JOin SOC for a hot lunch at 11 a m Joan RIchardson wage and benefits for the The presentation Will be after lunch "I am so proud of what maJonty of the member- • we've been able to accom- ShIp," she said The Wednesday mght summer con- phsh WIth thIS project ThIS For hIS part, Bruce want- cert senes kicks off at 730 P m at the faCIlItyWIll serve as a testa- ed to emphaSize the new Grosse Pomte War MemOrial With ment to the Importance of branches Crooner Paul King and hiS 15-plece lIfelong learnmg to the CIti- "We hope that the commu- Rhythm Orchestra The grounds open zens of Grosse Pomte - and nIty WIll be able to focus on at 6 pm TIcket pnces are $5 ($2 for WIll enhance the qUalIty of the SIgnIficant Impact that children under 10) on the day of con- lIfe for all who reSIde In thiS Photo" by Rob£-rt Mtl\ean the new IIbranes In Grosse cert) for all shows, except July 23 ($7 A clear and mUd early summer evening drew a record number of commumty," lIbrary board Pomte Woods and Grosse for adult or child) A limited number of people to the area of Maclr. and Vernier to watch the Grosse Pointe preSident John Bruce said In POinte Park WIll proVIde for tickets WIll be sold In advance and WIll Wooda fireworks on Sunday. JUDe 27. Although Woods officiaJa a speech at the ceremony all our taxpayers and not guarantee Indoor audltonum seating In could not give an official estimate, Deputy Public Safety Director The begInmng of construc. the event of rain tlon for the Woods branch James Fowler said the event had, uThe largest crowd ever, con- See LIBRARY, page 2A siderably more than (the 40.000 estimated averages) before. " Above. one of the 2.600 fireworks sparkles in the eastern sty. Below, Angelo Grillo. Alex Caruso and Michael Caruso enjoy their pre-fireworks sparklers .

Opinion .... 6A Obituaries. 8A BUSiness 10A Autos 16A Schools 17A Harper Woods. 18A Senior Scene 28 Entertainment 48 ClaSSified ads 3C


..- July 1, 2004 2A News Grosse Pointe News

SO VPt1r" r1P"O thi" wppk yesterday's headlines ,/ lJ 50 years ago this week WIll hear arguments thiS Baseball Coaches • A complete survey of week on relocatmg a section ASSOCiatIOn after post1Og of border between Grosse one of the finest 10dlVldual elm trees m the Grosse POinte Park and Detroit seasons m Grosse Pomte POInte will be conducted As things stand, homes on North baseball hIStory BOOn Wayburn are In both CItIes Ottevaere's statistics This 1S a commumty pro- The fronts are 10 the Park. 10clude a 546 battmg aver- ject m which the state The backs are 10 DetrOIt age WIth 53 RBIs and 51 Bureau of Plant Industry, • Hundreds of local runs scored are the second part of the agncultural best marks In North hiStory department, will furnish pohce, city offiCials and frIends Jom faDlIly members HIS lIfetIme batt10g aver- quahfied and tramed per- age of 521 IS No.1 on the sonnel to survey the extent In paYIng last respects to Andrew Teetart, retIred school's career hst for play- of Dutch elm disease dam- ers haVing at least 100 at age cluef of polIce m the CIty of Grosse Pomte bats • A day of fun ill Grosse Teetart, 65, was a native POInte Woods lakefront park of the CIty He grew up Just turns tragic when an 8-year- 5 years ago this week across the street from the • PhIl Travella of Grosse old member of a DetrOit polIce statIOn He served on famJly,gJlests of Woods rela- Po1Ote Shores gives hiS the force for 40 years and tives, drowns m the swun- matador red and chrome retIred m 1976 mmg pool 1957 Chevy Bel AIr convert- • Many Grosse Pomte Ible a good wash and shme 10 years ago this week reSidents cntlClZe the CIty'S m preparatIOn for the Improvements don't hinder bathers new pohce pohcy of shootIng • Sen John Kelly, D- Nautical MIle claSSIC car stray dogs and sending therr Grosse POInte Woods, calls CruIse. Although their lakeside park I.a somewhat noisier this summer than in severed heads to Herman for teleVIsed publIc debates • In the bIggest pubhc past seasons, residents of Grone Pointe Park still enjoy the cool comfort of K1efer Hospital for rabies among candidates for US. works proJect smce the town the batbJDg beach despite construction work in progreu on the new boat tests Senate m order to raIse pub- was laId out, Grosse Po1Ote hlU'bor and pier. In the background. beyond and away from the swimmlDg lic awareness of the Issues Farms WIllseparate most of facilities, caD be seen the pUe driving rig of Dunbar-Su1ltn.D Co. (From the 25 years ago this week facmg voters thiS electIOn Its sewers at a cost of $16 July 1, 1954 Grosse Pointe News. Photo by Fred Runnells.) year mIllIon Work WIll begm by • The Youth Service Kelly IScamp81gnmg for a the end of the year. DIVISion closes shop after Senate seat vacated by Don The project will mvolve nme years of fightIng Juve- Reigle. laYIng 16 miles of storm mlecnme • Glona Hmz of Grosse sewer pipeS rangmg from 12 Shores village attorney retires The bell tolled for the YSD Ralph Houghton, an attor- wonderful relatIonship" from Ralph's expertIse and Pomte Woods, a teacher 10 to 60 mches In diameter In last week when the school the East DetroIt publIc all, more than 84,000 feet of ney WIth the Blrmmgham Dr James Cooper, serVIng judgment as I naVIgate board unanrmously voted to offices of Clark HIll law a second consecutive term municipal government" schools, IS honored by the new pIpe WIllbe put under- WIthdraw Its support, lOam- MIchigan AsSocIatIOn of ground. firm, has retIred after repre- as VIllage preSIdent, gave "I look at my 16 years ly due to the unannounced School Boards for educatIon- • Grosse Pomte Farms sentmg Grosse Pomte Houghton a clock m remem- WIth Grosse Po1Oteas one of temporary transfer of a dIVI- al excellence 10mterdIsclph- offiCIals fine-tune the CIty'S Shores smce January, 1988 brance of tIme spent ill the the hlghbght of my legal sion officer thIs month from Dunng those 16 1/2 years Shores career," Houghton s81d "rve naryleammg disaster plan In the wake of North HIgh to the Grosse • Derek Ottevaere IS thIs month's dnnkmg water of cross-town counselmg, Cooper saId, "He gotten to know the people 10 Pomte Woods detectIve named to the All-State cnSlS caused when power IS Houghton served four VII- (Houghton) has gIllded the thIs area - Eastalders as bureau cut to the filtratIon plant lage preSIdents but only one VIllage legal shIp through we call them 10 BIrmingham • A Wayne County judge Dream Team selected by the MIchIgan HIgh School - Brad LIndberg VIllage manager, MIke new ordmances, ordmance - and what a wonderful Kenyon codificatIon, successful labor co=uruty you have It has "I'm gomg to miss hlm,~ negotIatIons, penSIOn been a pnVIlege for me to be Kenyon SaId "He's a great restructunng and has given part of that I've enjoyed Farms fireworks on Saturday attorney and good frIend" expert counsel to our van- workmg WIth all the people ThIS weekend's annual and tenms lessons IS scheduled for Wednesday, "MIke has been a steady ous boards, commiSSIOns on the counCIl~ Boat Club Regatta 10 Grosse RegistratIOn for the third July 17, at 7 p.m. hand through four mayors," and VIllage counCIl Pomte Farms begms a seSSIOnof youth sWlmmmg, • The Hentage Houghton s,nd "It's been a PE'rsonally I have benefited - Brad Lmdberg month of actIVItIes for reSI- which begins July 26, WIll Band performs on Sunday, dents at PIer Park. take place Saturday, July July 25, at 4.30 pm The regatta, WIth games, 17, from 830 a m. to noon. • The famIly outdoor ~- contests, a puppeteer and The arts and crafts pro- mOVIe features "Fmding barber shop quartet, WIll be gram WIll be held at 2 p m Nemo~ on Saturday, July 17, held Saturday, July 3, from on Fnday, July 16, and at about 9 p m 11 a m. to 7 p.m A concert Fnday, July 30 • The SWIm ChICks syn- by Soul ProVIder follows at 8 On Saturday, July 31, a chronlZed l!Wlm team WIll pm Wltn lakell\de fireworks Pewablc pottery project fOT present Its annual show on 1. at 10 p m youth ages 6 to 15 years WIll Sunday, July 25, at 6'30 p m .\ FIreworks can be VIewed nm from noon to 3 p.m. For more 1OformatlOn,call from along Lakeshore 10 the There are fees for these pro- the Farms department of >. Farms grams parks and recreatIon at ., On Monday, July 5, scuba The followmg events have (313) 343-2405 Fees must ~. dIVIng certmcatIon classes no fees. accompany registratIOns for begm, as well as the second • The Grosse Pomte all programs \ seSSIon of youth swunmmg Symphony Stnng Rehearsal t I War Memorial outdoor concert series set to begin Wednesday The Wednesday mght Sponsors of the Summer summer concert senes WIll The Wednesday MUSIC FestIVal kIck oft' on July 7, 2004, at • h d mclude Valente Jewelers, the Grosse POInte War nlg tout oor con- Comenca Bank, FranklIn Memonal The first concert cert series has Bank, NatIonal CIty Bank, of the senes WIll feature . . Rockport Properties, LLLC Pho\.() by Carne Cunnmgham Crooner Paul K1ng and hIs become a traditIOn and Standard Federal Bank Memben of the Ubrary board and adm.iDistration. above. u well u pubUc om- 15-plece sWIng orchestra, at the War All concerts begm at 730 ciaI8 broke groUDd for the new Ubrary on the afternoon of Monday. JUDe 28. the Rhythm Orchestra The pm, and the grounds open From the left are Grosse Pointe WoocI.aMayor Robert Novitke. school board concert WIll begin at 7 30 Memorial now in at 6 00 p m TJ.cket pnces member Joan Richardson, Ubrary board president John Bruce. Ubrary director pm. The group WIllbeJomed . ' are $5 ($2 for children under Vickey Bloom and newly elected school board member Ahmed Ismail. by female vocal tno, the ItS 45th season. ten, day of concert) for all Below. the Grosae Pointe Park Ubrary branch Is wen UDderway and I.a expect- SatIn Dolls, and WIllfeature = shows, except July 23 ($7 for ed to be completed by October. musIc from the bIg band era band have been nomInated adult or child) A hmlted KIng, a reSident of Grosse for several DetrOit musIc number of tickets Will be POInte Park, has appeared awards sold m advance and WIll on numerous local and The Wednesday mght out- guarantee mdoor audltan- natIOnal teleVISionand radio door concert senes has urn seatmg m the event of performances K1ng and hiS become a tradItIon at the ram War Memonal, now 10 Its 45th season Other featured The Grosse Po1Ote War artIsts In the senes Include Memonal IS located at 32 Gro& Po1nt~ N£ws Steve K1ng and the Thtthes Lake Shore Dnve In Grosse (USPS 230-400) on July 14, Red Garter Pomte Farms For more Pubh,hed every Thursday Band on July 21, Alexander mfonnatJon please contact By Anleebo Publtshen Zonjlc & Fnends on July 23, the Gro •• e Po1Ote War 96 Kercheval Avenue and Mark Randlsl on July Memonal at (1111 I'll'll7ill Grosse Pointe, MI 48236 30 PHONE: (313) 882-6900 Pf>rlod,cal PosrdRP pi! d ill {)(>lrcul Mtch gan aM add'ilonal mOl I n~

"ulxcr;pflonoil"'''' R.HM. SJ7 per yt'itr v~a mcl I ,,, rtH:- Mfotro IIfPCl Sfi S oul of Mt>tro iHf'iI PO'iTM"STf~ Sf>od oUidrMolo d ..~~ ro c..r~ Fhlnte Nt'ows % Kfor(heval Gr0'5w PolnrE'FilfTTK MI482Jfi n.. dNcIoM lor copy 10 MooIoby Summer s JOYS are many Every wee!< Hill p..... 10 ...... anolhe< reason to celebrate Jl..o:MrWilntt (09'( '0' Serrctlot'\ f'!. 'TMJ\.t ""nos be- In tht MJw.rt sinjil: ~l1mprrt h.,.. k!e and love W!ttl fnends lamdy >< 10 lO • m on and netghbot!; VIVIano s has AMrtl\m~ U>PI( t~ 'i-KftOM"~ arw:t ( mLJfJhf.IOrhf.¥M>rtl~nJi:rlI>pal1 a beauttful selecl1o<1 of the season s~ mPnlhry )OOpm ooMorrl.1-¥ your ,ORRH [10M ANI) ADlVSTMfVTS most lestIVe tIowers for all ~1""lof~.r<1,\ao,,~.-rl gJf1-gMnq aoo deco

Cf"I~ ('A IhP rh.-l~for 0I'.a rp r'11n ri ItW' por~lOf1 n PfJOl' /'I.I(Ir(Kc'lIlOf1 ml"ljf ~ II:~ mflTlPbo' nrrPd'1Ofl mlht: ~ From page lA "We contmue to encouraf{C Broce Iq ecql,stlc about the lrM ~ Mllf' VYP.t\~ no ~I our umon representative to progres. of the Woods and If'. (" fhp \,1, ...... &lE' fll"~'rN"l1lOf1 8 allow the plcket10g to Nfly,,~ ~lt down m face to-face Park branchE'S T1w ( r"..."'" fbnlP r~ *" Rht VIVIANO no! II ,I ("'P' .'In .. ~rY'I"' ... ry""'r detract from the focus," he n('gotlatlOns to qettle on a "It's f{omg to change the (,f0'N' FtllrW ~ ~ ~ ~ 'f'Pl"'P fLOV\'FR SH9J' qald contract that meets the E'quatlOn of how lIbrary ser- ...u_ h.M> no ol

I I I July 1, 2004 Grosse Pointe News 11A

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Westland Howell Monroe Southgate Bloomfield ClintonTwp, Chestelfield Southfield Harper Woods S, Clinton Twp, Sterling Hts. 1~_1ld 1100 S UIoOI\ F_1\I!l ,...IIIItS"H_llll 1Id. 1~HllIld. 11l!II~"Ad. 2I8!olT","" lid. JSmsGnllcl lOlIOltII4ro!lcbIP!nII '.,,_T.... CIoltonT.,. SloItrlt HIL, II --.(7"1- ~1nS4O-WS 1I11Hor1llT..., ClOT"""'" lid. (llII1lI-~ 15lII4'~l534 15!I1- _II HII1*- 1'*1_0 (1l

-- 12A July 1,2004 Grosse Pointe --lNews I



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~BON SECOURS COTTAGE x HEALTH SERVICES 10A July 1,2004 Business Grosse Pointe News Greenspan raises short-term rates as expected At press time last financial consultants to plane, It was resealed Monday, Wall Street econo- Jacobson Stores Inc, the behmd the walls, some- mists and traders alike parent of Jacobson's, for- Let's talk ... Stock Market where In time were almost unammous merly m the Village and A few old-timers have at a Glance that the Federal Reserve mne other Michigan loca- would post the expected 25 told LTS that thIS story has tIOns STOCKS been gomg around for Fnday Close, 6/25/04 basis pomt (l basIs oomt IS Jake's chaIrman, Nathan years, and It'S only a story Dew Jones 100 10,372 11100of 1 percent) mcrease Rosenfeld, had a phllosophy But now you know the rest In short.tenn rates that mlddle-rncome and Nasdaq Camp .2,025 ofthe story I Wednesday wealthy women were natu- In 2006, If you buy a sec- S&P500lndex 1,134 But mflation contmues to rally very fashIOn conscIous financmg WIth the state discovered a small wooden treasurer, who served as ond story condo at St Cl81r $1f1 EUROs 12159 march on, despIte crude 011 and would purchase better 8lTplane hangIng from a trustee of the MIcillgan near the alley, wouldn't It and gasohne backmg off clothmg and accessones as cellmg Crude 011 (BIll ) 37 55 state pensIOn funds be mce to look up and see their recent highs a badge of their wealth and InSide the walls, they diS- All of the bonds were p81d covered the remnants of a an airplane hangmg In your Gold (Oz) .. 402 90 ~Real mterest rates" are personal taste hbrary? based on the Fed's current Rosenfeld's goal was to m accordance WIth their former gasolme statIOn and 3-Mo T-Bills .1 26"/0 tel'l1l!l,pnor to Jake's later Federal Funds rate (l per- offer supenor qualIty mer- repair servICebay, off St 3O-YrT-8onds 533% cent, until yesterday), less finanCIal difficulties CI81ron the comer of the Joseph Mengden I.S a resI- chandise, presented m a dent of the City of Grosse the CPI rate, whICh has relaxed atmosphere by So what's the story? Russ old alley, now called the followmg Grosse Pomte Fowler, Jake's preSIdent, Pomte and former chairman Investment.related firms been about 2 percent, untll knowledgeable personnel D'Hondt Way Smce there of First of Michigan "Let's John M Ru:kel CPA, PC. Increasmg recently No longer would MichIgan told LTS that the contractor was no way to remove the Talk Stocks' I.S sponsored by and Rickel & Baun PC Anthmetlcally, that works ladles have to travel to out to a mmus "real mterest ChIcago or New York to rate" for some time now acqUIre enVIable ensembles Untl1 the Fed's recent Smce all Jake's branches Columnist enters space-time continuum expenment WIth ultra-low 1 were located then 10 south- percent short-tenn rates, ern MichIgan, Jake's buyers "Fly me to the moon; let atoms, whIle the AustrIan the U S "real mterest rate" seasonally purchased for me play among the stars!" work used p81rs of CalCium hlstoncally has averaged only one dehvery to Jake's Well, we are not there atoms Each atom's "quan- yet, but as the old saying about 2 percent Now WIth warehouse 10 Jackson, tum state," a complex com- inflation at 2 percent gomg where the buyer personally goes, "We are smffing up bmatlon of tr81ts, was on 3 percent, the Fed's goal Inspected hIsiher mcommg the tree" transnutted to Its counter- WIllhave to be a 4 to 5 per- shtpments As you know by now, the part cent short rate to get back Can you unagme the pnvately funded rocket I'll stop there WIth the to the "normal" 2 percent natIonal buyers for New plane, SpaceShIpOne, flew techno-babble ThIs ISwhat "real interest rate" 10 the York chains purchasmg for to the edge of outer space as Emstem called, "spooky," future seasonal dehvenes m the world's first commemal, and I had trouble WIth alge- manned space flIght The next Fed meetmgs Boston, MIamI, Houston, Khngon. (1 hope as a Joke) transferred phYSicalcharac- bra are m August, November PhoenIX, San FranC18COand The whIte rocket plane But I am a reahst tenstlcs between atoms by BaSically, researchers and December Bond ana- Denver? was released from a larger It took billIOns of dollars usmg a phenomenon so can use lab techmques to lysts are lookmg for another At that tune, Jake's plane called the Wlute and thousands of people to bizarre that even Albert create a weird relationship small IOcrease 10 August, Grosse Pomte branch was a Kmght and igmted Its rock- put man on the moon the Emstem called It spooky between p81rs oftlny partI- but watch out for the fire- small two-story retall store et engme to enter space and first tIme. It's not some- Such "quantum teleporta- cles - atoms. After that, works after the election' on the comer of Kercheval reach an altItude of 328,491 thIng you and your buddIes tIon" of charactenstlcs had the fate of one partIcle and St Clair Plans were feet, or 62 2 mlles above the can whIp up over a couple been demonstrated before m~tantly affects the other, Markets still stalled approved for the acqwsltIon Earth. It landed safely back of brews m the garage. Let's between beams of hght The If one particle IS made to of the entIre block, from St. at a runway 10 the MOjave Just say SpaceShIpOne work WIth atoms IS "a land- take on a certam set of The stock markets were Desert 10 Califorma still range-bound last week Clair to Notre Dame, opened the garage door and mark advance," accordmg to propertIes, the other Imme- requmng the purchase of Not MIchael Melvill, 63, pulled the car out mto the the most recent editIOn of dIately takes on Identical or The Dow dropped 45 pomts, who thus earned hIs wmgs closmg at 10,372 eight additIonal storefronts. street, but the last tIme I the Journal, Nature OPPOSiteproperties, no mat- The consohdatlOn of all as an astronaut, was greet- looked, It'S a few hundred Two teams of sCIentIsts ter how far away It IS and Meanwhlle, the Nasdaq ed by Buzz Aldnn, one of these SiteS created some thousand nules to the report sundar results lD WIthout any apparent phys- ComposIte rose 35 pomts, the first men to walk on the closing above 2,000 agam unIque engmeenng and moon that Issue One group was Ical connection to the first archttectural plans result- moon. By the way, dId anyone led by DaVIdJ Wineland of partIcle Remember the Next Sunday ISthe "The flight today opens a Fourth of July 'Ib have a mg m somewhat dlfferent notice that the shape of the the NatIOnal Institute of "ones" and "zeros" of dIgItal floor and cell10g levels from new chapter m lnstory, SpaceShlpOne was remark- Standards and Technology computer language? It's the good fourth, don't dnnk a makIng space WIthIn the fifth on the Hurd' east to west down ably sIm1lar to Glamorous 10 Boulder, Colo , and the same thing Kercheval reach of ordInary CitIZens," GlenDls, the Belle X-I rock- other by Ramer Blatt of the How IS thIs benefiCial? declared Patti Grace Snuth, What's inside At that pomt, FIrst of et plane 10 which Chuck Umverslty of Innsbruck m Imagme a computer proces- MichIgan and LTS were FAA assOCIate admuustra- Yeager first broke the sound Austna sor that can do tnlhons of Jake's? hIred to pnvately place $8 tor for commercial space barner back m 1947? ThleportatIon be~een calculatIOns more than our iA long story eut short. In . million FIrst Mortgage transportatIOn. Smce I don't have the atoms could someday he at Cray supercomputers can the early 1970s, First of bonds for construction In WashIngton, MIchael nnlhon bucks or so ~et a the heart of powerful quan- now It ISalso a tnlhon MichIgan and LTS were funds LTS negotIated the Lembeck, of NASA's office nde on SpaceShIpOne, I tum computers, which are tImes faster - but here IS of exploratIon systems, sald guess I'll stlll take the bus probably at least a decade the locker - It fits on the the agency mIght offer up to • away from development, head ofa pm IJOHN M. RICKEL, C.P.A" P.C. $30 nulhon m pnzes to Here IS an everybody- Wineland S81d Of course there IS the I encourage commemal nus- knows-tms-but Item He says "at least a decade problem of the super, tee- , CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS slOns to orbit the Earth or Computers are gettIng away" I say, ~Only a decade me-tiny keyboard JUst land on the moon Lembeck smaller The "but" IS how away?" IoddIngl They WIllall have R I C K E L & 8 A U N,P. C. s81d there was even dIscus- small can they get? Let me gIve you two ver- vOicerecogmoon and even. ATTORNEYS sIOnof offenng "a couple The computer on your sIOnsof what thiS means tually be WIred dIrectly mto hundred millIon dollars for desk has much more power First, the compbcated one. our brams You'll be able to PO Box 36200 the first pnvate Orbital and capablhtIes than the Although Wmeland's play sohtaIre and no one GROSSE POINTE FARMS MICHIGAN 48236-0200 fhght" room-Sized ones they used work moved mformatlOn Willever know TELEPHONE 313/886-0000 Hot dog' Let's get out the back m the 1950s It's even about atomIc charactenstlcs weldIng torch and start cut. more powerful than the only a tmy fractIon of an Have a tech questwn or EMAIL nckelbaun@comcast net tmg up the metal garbage L ones in the Apollo space- lOch, that's 10 the ballpark subject you would like cansl How hard can It be? craft that took men to the for what would be needed addressed In thIS column2 Now, look, I am not a moon. 10Slde a computer Want to comment or add skeptic I hke "Star Trek" In a step toward makmg HIS work mvolved trans- your two cents worth2 Mye- enough for my famIly to get ultra-powerful, ultra-small mittIng charactensbcs m411 address I.S mtmaur- me a CD of conversational computers, sCIentIsts have between Palrs of beryl hum er@comcast net 3.01 0/0 New Metro East director McPherson Annual Percentage Yield'" ready to foster business relationships By Ann L Fouty One of her goals IS to about gettmg projects News Editor mcrease membershIp by 100 underway Month As the newly appomted each year and make sure Once-a-month mixers are 22 Metro East Chamber of each receives somethmg a good way for the members Commerce DIrector, JessIca posItIve by Jommg the cham- to network because many of Rate Protection CD McPherson's philosophy IS ber With a potential of the members rely on refer- to see that the chamber 3,000 to 4,000 busmesses In rals and word of mouth to members are workmg for St Clair Shores, the five get new chents "If you are the greater good of the com- Grosse Pomtes, Harper deahng WIth referrals, thiS Will Rates mumty Woods, RoseVIlleand Fraser, IS a great avenue," she said "Workmg together we can she VIewsthe goal as achiev- The chamber can ofTer Increase? accomphsh so much more," able Additionally, busmess semmars to the said McPherson, who has McPherson would also hke small propnetors, Illformmg been on the Job SIX weeks to faclhtate networkmg them of changmg busmess No one knows for certain, but you can The first order of bUSiness between the three St Clair techmques, busmess and IS makmg sure the 270 Shores busmess a~8OClatlOns employee relatIOns, as well Invest Wisely and strll take advantage of a chamber members know - Harper Avenue Busmess as offenng members health future rate Increase, With a Peoples State Ban each other and are Increas- AsSOCIatIOn,the NmelMack msurance for their busmess mg their busmess savvy -Wise ChoiceRate Protection CD. Merchants, and the McPherson, a native of through mJll:ers, small bUSI- NautIcal Mile Merchants Sanilac County, attended ness and educational semi- BnngIng the groups togeth- Photo hv Ann I Fnuty GaIn the benefit of a rate Increase, Aqumas College and worked nars and through market- er, McPherson said, would as the dlstnct executIVe for Jessica McPhel'!lOn, If one occurs dUring the first 22 months, mg, all of which McPherson be workmg for the greater the Oakland County Boy Metro East Chamber of while locking In an attractive current rate now"" Will handle III her newly good of the commumty Scouts focusmg on market- Commerce Executive redecorated office Thanks Many chamber members mg and the commumty Director to a famdy of five sqUirrels ofTer fellow members dIS- Pnor to heTJob With the Boy she said Make the "wise choice- today I which spent a November counts, an added bonus and Scouts, she worked m the Support IS one quahty x weekend m the bUlldmg another way to promote net- Juvemle JUSticesyqtem help- that McPherqon readily dOing their own redl"Corat- workmg and commumty Grosse POinte WOQds mg young people With place- hands out by her members 109, McPherson's office has support ment, findmg Jobs gettmg and m turn she sees herself 21110 Mack Avenue PEoPLES new carpetmg and freshly The poSitIOn of executive back mto school and domg supportmg them $t Clair Shores pamted blue walls Though dIrector had been ,acant for community qervlce She sees "The memberq are readily 25901 Harper Avenue STATE BANK the walls are bare, eight months WIth the her preVIous expenence as a fnendly and ~upportlve The McPherson, who hves In retirement of Mary Jane plus because of her knowl- 8888764545 ---- .:. ---- amount of support haq been Chnton Thwmhlp, said she Amlcarelh and the chamber edge of commumty serVIce overwhelm mg. m a good Put People First We would hke to fill them WIth suffered durmg thoqe and networkmg way Everyone l~ WIlling to members' brochures, months, she q81d WIth "Everyone should be help," ~he ~Ald thu~ she 18 Arn~r""'"~",,*, "py Mllwt'''''}ol''W''j/ XXl4 AP'fi¥VJraII'l"ntwtY".tIfN<:("NI/"rQt'",,-, plaque~ and marketmg r1o~)f f""""y~ ~,.. ...01'0' """'T'<' ~~I¥4Ih<-rr~tn~Prq'~~RM1~(.htwi<""lQ"'I"'J"1C McPherson at the helm, she mvolved III thelr community on her way to fulfilhng one ~ ,f~I"""'''''''ff11P t'Tlo'l'llflf'yR;MPrt~r.o"""~""'~"""""~~'f"IyS1(()I:'Xl mfonnatlOn to focus on the silld she sees an mcrease III EVE'ryone ~hould be sup ~Trl~iIl""",,"ISo<.{_(l'''''I'T\.1/ItT'll'''''~~peII''hN,~ .....~""'ll'll1I1'1o'!lt18ad'l of her goals - workmg co rc;~.,..~ '"f"<1t N'~'" "''';:vl ~fJJ'lf'r'lIAN1llVtytlfllNldC')n(.Of';YcNnngrt.err"'l'l_'~!fJfm memlx-rs and what they mterest, and the board portlVE' of each other, the together for the bettennent c; iMota'll.l1 ~ .'I1t, fYNlr~, "'dM ...... ' ...... FDtC have to offer the community members are enthused people they ~ee every day," of the community

- July 1,2004 Grosse Pointe News News 3A~ Special Olympics opens ~ door to younger athletes, SpeCial OlympiCS has petltJOn With an amazing nent of the SpeCial OlymPiCS opened Its doors to younger number of strikes and Area 23 participation • athleres In March 2004, the spares thrown throughout SpeCial OlympiCS IS a com._, ~Grosse PomtelHarper the monung The ReglOnal mumty-based eITort and. Woods Commuruty" Special Director of Area 23 comph- depends on the support of OlympiCS offiCially regis- mented the GPIHW commu- schools, bus messes and mdl- ... tered as a partlclpatmg nlty contmgent of athletes, Vlduals GPIHW Commumty • team III the Area 23 RegIon parents and volunreers on SpeCial OlympiCS IS seekmg of the Michigan SpeCial their orgamzatlOn and volunteers to assist m all OlympiCS The newly formed enthUSiasm Every competI- aspects of trammg, coachmg orgamzatlOn mcludes ath. tor who partiCipated m the and managmg events '. leres of all ages for trammg event receiVed a medal or The organization IS also , Wlth competition beguuung nbbon, however the obvIOUS seekmg contnbutlOns to as early as age 8 pnde In their achievement cover the cost of Uniforms, Grosse Pomte elementary was the best eVidence of eqUIpment, trammg faclh-. school teachers Juhe their accomplishment ties and travel expenses , Walkley and Betty Lou On May 7, a GPIHW com- Pledges to date have been Rowe wanted the athletes In mumty team competed m very generous however fur- their school to have the the Area 23 track and field ther fund r81sl~g Wlll 00' nec-', opportunity to compere as a competitIOn Athletes are essary to sustam thiS c team In the SpeCial currently trammg for group's ambitious goal to OlympICS With the help of UpcOmIng events ill softball, ensure that every exceptlOn-" They paved paradise ... other wstnct teachers and basketball and golf 1 thl t t admuustrators and mterest- Special OlympiCS events a a I' e m our commum y , and put up a parking lot behind the bleachers on Fisher Road at Grosse ed commuruty parents, that are held at vanous hmes has an opportumty to hve Pointe South High School. Approved by the school board in April, some 10 dream IS now reahty dunng the year, which th~ Special OlympiCS oath • or 11 trees were cut down and the stumps removed in the island peninsu- Thanks to the efforts of results In a year-round Let me Wln, las in the parking lot between the Central Branch Library and the South dewcated school personnel, trammg schedule For thiS but If 1 cannot wm, , Hi&h School technical arts building, above, The Islands will be removed to and under the leadership of trammg, district phYSIcal let m~ be brave m the. provide 25 new parking spaces along the bleachers. Last week, the felled Chns and Carne Beck, the education IDstructors have attempt , maples were pUed like so mll.DY skeletal bones, below, GPIHW c01J1mumty team helped to develop trammg To volunteer andlor make participated In Its first event wlthm the curnculum of a tax deductible contnbu- on May 1 Seventeen ath- their phYSical education hon, please contact SpeCIal - letes competed In the Area classes, parents In the com- OlympiCS Michigan-Area 23 . 23 Bowlmg Tournament at mumty have also organized at 18530 Mack Ave, #238,.,

Cloverlanes III LIVOnia The offiCial tralDlng seSSlOns Grosse Pomte Fanns, Ml I athletes excelled In the com- that are a reqUIred compo- 48236 Planned unit development

~ on the books in the Farms ,l reSidential developments by for the proposed project HIS ~ Flexible zoning penmttmg the development mam concern at thiS pomt would facilitate of appropnate mllctures of seems to be the tune It Wlll ~ hous1Og types," as pnnted 10 take to get the project start- -: upscale condo sechon one of the amend- ed ment to the zomng ordi- The board stated that It ... developments nance would take nearly 300 days By Chris Waldmeir ThiS topiC IS Important to for any developer to move , SpeCial Wnter the commumty because of a through the process • Dunng the Grosse Pomte plan In the works to develop Monahan asked questions <. Farms city counCIl meetmg a condommlum umt on on how they could expedite : on Monday, June 21, the Jefferson next to the GrOllile the ~m~ Lt tak,es to

The fourth Ollt of e1ll:ht OYSTER PERPETU ....L EXPLORER concert.. wlll host Los Gatos. led by percu~slOm~t Pete Slerq from Ann Arbor Los edmund t. AHEE Hl1bltat for Humamty Gato. WIll explore the world Correction hOlhC wa, Incorrcctly 20139 Mack Avenue ofLatm lnd Brazlhan mU~lc C'orrl'cllOn< I/It// hI' prrnt Tn the .rune .1 (;rn',e ldcnl IIiI'd HI h prcducate~ and enter- I'rmr oj (art In any .Iory Mllh'7e\\,kl pre'(>ntmlo( 11 FoundatlOn K,m Towar I. 313-886-4600 mil the nl'lI

...- July 1,2004 4A News Grosse Pointe News Schools should encourage volunteerism By Margie RaIns Smith out the ooy tOOK one Ihursaay mornmg Wneu ne AsSIstantEditor starfish to the edge of the asked about Anna, they Betsy Schulte of Grosse water and threw lt back m explamed to hlm that Anna Pomte Farms IS a firm the ocean was away at camp believer m the value of vol- "That won't make any dIf- Gallop and Schulte met unteenng She believes the ference," said hiS father, two years ago when she was splnt of volunteenng should pomtmg to the thousands of dehvenng for Meals on be establIshed early, In chil- starfish stili stranded Wheels The two hIt It aft' dren as young as age 5 or 6, "It made a difference to Schulte and her chIldren by example and by encour- thiS one," the boy said began Vlsltmg Gallop and agement "Some people are over- staymg to chat after the When Schulte's chIldren whelmed thmkIng about all meal was debvered attended Kerby Elementary the needs m the world," "Alden IS a speCIal man," School, she and another Schulte saId "They thmk Schulte s81d,as they settled Kerby parent, AlICia they can't make a drlference m hIS hvmg room to talk Carlisle, started Kerby's "But they CIiIl " "He's a great conversatIonal- ReachIng Out KIds Care Schulte sSld that when ISt He moved to Grosse Club (KCC).an organ12iatll/D someone does.a very small Pomte m 1948 and be tells of parent and student volun- favor - read,5to a neighbor, us what It was hke here m teers who plan projects to for example, or dnves a the '40s and '50s" serve others selUOrCItlzen to the grocery "I've gotten to know Jack "I saw students learnmg store, dehvers a meal to and Anna," Gallop s81d "My crafts," she s81d "AlIcIaand someone recovermg from WIfe has been gone 10 I S8ld, 'Crafts are nIce, but surgery or donates an Item years " we can help these chIldren to a chanty auction, he or He showed VISitors a plt- do 80methmg for someone she ISmakmg a dIfference ture of hiS garden as It was else' "Sometimes the person when he and hIS WIfecould "We got more than 100 who dehvers that meal IS spend time tendmg It. ' responses from parents and the only fnendly face a par- "The garden bas been students who wanted tD vol- ticular semor CitIzensees all scaled down now," he s81d unteer and we ended up day. MItwas too much work for domg our first project - Schulte's children are one person alone." gathenng backpacks filled mvolved WIth SOC actiVI- "Grosse Pomters are good WIthschool supplies for chIl- tIes They have taken a spe- people,"Schulte s81d SOC is dren at a Detroit school We CIal hklng to Alden Gallop, umque because of Its great filled 75 backpacks " 86, who hves alone 10 a number of volunteers Schulte's enthUSIasm is Photo by Marg,e Re, ... Smlth cheerful bungalow m Grosse "Our community mfectIous, and currently Betsy SChulte md her aon. Jack. visit Alden GaUop frequently. SChulte Is the Pomte Woods A pot of red Grosse Pointe and Harper some 20-30 Kerby parents Volunteer Coordinator for Services for Older Citizens (SOC). SChulte md Gallop geraruums decorate Gallop's Woods - supports SOC," work WIth students on vol- met md tbecaD1e friends when Gallop was receiving 1IIea1aon Wheels. Jack. 10 front porch. He welcomed she added For more mfor- unteer projects throughout and his sister. Anna. 12, often accompany their mother when she visita. (Anna Schulte and Jack on a mabon, call (313) 882-9600. the school year They have WlUI away at camp when this photo wu taken.) conducted a coat drive and a Readathon. They have adopted families to receIve Grosse Pointe Woods Chnstmas baskets. They have wntten letters to men see how volunteenng by WIdevanety of classes, spe- and women m military ser- VIce They helped bwld a kids changes semors," she Clalspeakers and more historic landmark is for'sale library for a school m S8ld "It changes the kids, SOC has grown smce Its By Bonnie Caprara Detroit. too" mceptIon m 1978. Sharon Staff Writer "My dream IS to get the She finds SOC volunteers Maler IS SOC executive Grosse Pomte Woods'most school system to estabhsh a of all ages through the director Also employed are famous hlstoncallandmark, commumty seTVIceprogram schools, through word of several SOCialworkers Some the Cook schoolhouse, IS on so students can earn volun- mouth, at local churches, at 30 local CItIzensserve on the the market teer hours by gIvrng back to athletic events, commumty SOC board of directors and BUlldmg owner Marc J the communIty," Schulte acbVltles and through pub- ahout 500 volunteers are Alan has had the 114-year- S8.ld hshed articles m the Grosse entered In SOC's data base old schoolhouse on the mar- "Volunteenng changes Pomte News and other Ofthose, about 130 people ket for the past five weeks people rve seen It happen." ne:spapers are actIvely mvolved WIth He has owned the bUlldmg Just yesterday I had the Meals on Wheels and for the list 37 years wlucll.. ,"VJ ~ ~~!tlearned , ~a ed We t;hl'l!j! c:a!4l..l1l8ultmgfrom M l ~'lId,-.and Fnendslup pro- h~P .the~' ,...... re.~ att'leIe priri.ted In the GroSlre ~s, and are elthe'r work- b~. er - . , ~JWe ~and IDvolv lias IDvolunteer Pomte Newa,""he salcf' I In SOC's office at the' I ett for me sc;[fe- work ~any people want to do Neighborhood Club, are down" Alan said. "I'm 81 Schulte was born and somethmg for their commu- mvolve cers took the females - an Pomte percent blood alcohol level While approachmg the ~k of Barnngton m reported that two payroll 18-year-old Woods woman She'd been ndmg m a gold- vehicle, the officer saw thtl Grosse POlllte Park some- checks totalmg $113 were and a 17-year-old Kids, fireworks colored 2002 Subaru dnver trymg to place a 3/44 time between Saturday, taken from her car at about Chesterfield Township girl Outback dnven by a 23- empty bottle of rum unde~ June 9, and Monday, June noon on Wednesday, June _ back to the scene of the year-old Vtah man With a the passenger seat, pohCll 21. , and drugs 23 mCldent and made them On Monday, June 21, at blood alcohol level of 185 sai4. Dunng a field sobnetx clean the Shores woman s 5 Sf? l'm., a group of male percent Ulst, the woman was asked House car youths were reported hght- Pohce said he was speed- to hsti a number between 19 Broken door, I~ firewotks on Neff m the mg 38 mph m a 25 mph sec- ~2i : ransacked CI~ ldGrosse Pornte bon of northbound Mack 1'o14tjlhe answered, pob~ Ram jam near Country Club aaid She tested poSItive fot no entry A Grosse POInte Woods A Dodge Ram pickup "Upon lIrnval, five males man returned to hiS house scattered,~ said an officer a 246 bloo~ alcohol level The bottom of a glass door parked m front of a house In 1 of a husmess m the 19600 In the 2000 block of the 1100 block of Grayton In "One of the youths pomted Hood ornament block of Mack was broken VanAntwerp on Wednesday, Grosse Pomte Park was to (a 15-year-old Farms Carlatlian somebme between 7 p m on June 23, to find that some- stolen sometlme dunng the male) as haVIng the fire- stolen off Jag Monday, June 21, and 9 a m one had ransacked hiS house mght of Saturday, June 26 works~ A hood ornament was caught on Tuesday, June 22. sometIme between 5 15 and Pollce confiscated one stolen off a green 2003 A 30-year-old man from It appeared that no one 1125 pm pack of firecrackers, two Jaguar four-door parked m Ontano was arrested for entered the bUIldmg Two leather Jackets, a Spider, no man packs of bottle rockets and the 100 block of McMJllan m drunken dnvmg on cashmere dress coat, a Grosse POInte Woods pub- vanous drug paraphernaha Grosse POInte Farms on Saturday, June 26, at 5 am, bracelet, three gold chams, a hc safety officers responded The boy also reportedly had Wednesday, June 23, lo Grosse POinte Shores Other charges watch, a SUitcase, 75 to 80 to a house alarm in the 600 a bag of m8l'lJuana and a between 4 and 5 p.m The man reportedly had a compact diSCS and DVDs block of North Brys at 2:17 pipe m hiS pocket The VIctim, a 74-year-old 18 percent blood alcohol pending and $4,700 cash were taken a m. on Sunday, June 27 An Pohced s81dthe boys back- Farms woman, also said content Pohce SBld he'd A Grosse Pomte Woods llt$,ruder was found a spider pack contained five lighters, someone tossed a foamIng been dnvmg a 2003 Jeep man hv10g in the 19200 thlfl; had built its web In tm foIl, small plastiC bag- novelty toy mto her car's four-door at 53 mph on block of LmVl11edeclmed to Fore! front of an mdoor motion gles, a measunng scale and When a reSident of the front passenger compart- southbound Lakeshore near press charges agamst a 35- sensor. SWISS army kmfe Pohce Lochmoor The man's dnver 1100 block of Vermer heard ment year-old Detroit woman who - Bonnie Caprora seIZed the youth's cellular the sound of breakIDg glass "The toy left a sodIUm hcense was suspended at had slapped him m the face telephone and released rum bicarbonate cltnc aCid the bme of the mvestJga- lD front of his house at 6 45 durmg a loud argument m Way over limit to hiS mother at headquar- pm on Thursday, June 24, reSidue on the seat," pohce tlOn front of his house at IIDd- On Saturday, June 26, at ters he ran out to find the pas- S81d mght on Tuesday, June 22. 3'25 a m., a 39-year-old senger SIde WIndow of IDlI However, pubhc safety offi- Detroit man WIth a blood Two drunks Open hydrant cers arrested the woman on car shattered The eulpnt a alcohol level nearly four Gun stolen On Fnday, June 25, at golfball found mSlde the car a $500 cnmmal warrant out times the legal hmlt was On Thursday, June 24, a 12 05 am, an unknown of Chesterfield Townsrup. The nearby golf course and some drugs 79-year-old man noticed a caller reported an open fire caught speeding an estimat- On Saturday, June 26, manager located the offend- gun was missing from a hydrant near Ballantyne ed 50 mph on eastbound shortly before mIdnight, a mg golfer, who offered to pay locked weapons cabmet m and Moorland 1U Grosse Clubs gone Jefferson near WashJngton cellular telephone caller for the damage to the car m the City of Grosse POInte. the basement of Ius Grosse Pomte Shores Someone stole seven golf alerted CIty of Grasse POinte Pomte Farms home clubs, two dozen golf balls Pohce SBJd the man was "Someone had taken off pohce to a drunken dnver m "Keys to the cabmet were the cap," s81d pobce Officers and a golf bag from an Bad eggs weavmg hiS blue 1995 a Silver 2004 Ford Ranger on a hook next to the same," secured the hydrant and unlocked garage m the 1300 Two cars parked m the Mercury between lanes and pIckup on eastbound Mack pohce SBld checked all others m the VIl- block of Hollywood m Grosse dnveway m the 800 block of Into oncommg lanes. HIS from FIsher City pohce for- The theft may have lage to determme they were Pomte Woods sometIme Lochmoor in Grosse Pomte blood alcohol level measured warded the report to Farms Woods were damaged after 30 percent occurred while workmen secure. between IIDdmght and S'50 pohce, who staboned a cruis- had access to the house someone egged the cars p.m. on Tuesday, June 22 er at Mack and Kerby between September 2003 Whoever stole the clubs sometime between 7 pm Finds chemical "(I) observed the suspect and early last week, the man Men case GPS may have trouble usmg and IIDdmght on Tuesday, On Fnday, June 25, at 5 travelmg at a very slow told pohce Two men haVIng numer- them or sellmg them on the June 22 pm, an employee of a store speed (20 mph) and weav- ous warrants were chscov- black market, they were left- The person who had m the 17000 block of 109," said a Farms officer ered acting suspicIously handed clubs reported the mCldent s81d Kercheval lD the City of "He dnfted out of hiS lane to Fake janitor whIle dlstnbutmg real egging had been an ongomg Grosse Pomte found a small the nght and left He dId not estate flyers door-tD-dool problem at the reSIdence bottle of ammonIUm chlonde stop when (my) patrol car's steals laptop dunng the afternoon of Bike stolen hghts and siren were used ~ An unknown man pre- Thursday, June 24, m An • on the SIdewalk Pollee unlocked mountam A Grosse Pomte Shores .. retneved the chemIcal, The dnver made a V-turn tendmg to work for a com- Grosse POInte Shores bike was taken from a play- woman who saw two females which ISharmful to eyes and at Mack and Bournemouth merCial cleanmg company 1S Shortly before 3 30 p.m., ground m the 15400 block of egg her ear parked In the kID and parked at a bar near suspected of stealIng a the men were seen lookmg Kercheval In Grosse Pomte 1400 block of Oxford m s Mack and Moross. Police $3,200 Dell laptop computer into tl\e i'ellr ~tJrd Of a'house Park dunng the aftemlOOil of Grosse Pomte J Woods. at !f8HJ the llUSpeet, • 21.ye8l'> from offices 10 the first lltock litlJ lJttoIW 1l1l!igMdt ft~ tl.ll8f ~day, June 22' , f,' ' 12 26 8.m on Fnday, June f1e£.i~ jddg~lm.,rn old Grosse POinte Woods of Kercheval on the Hill 10 Cbul'Vlew and BallantYne. \ A 38-year-old City of man, had a 16 percent blood Grosse Pomte Farms Shores polIce S81d a 49- Grosse Pomte man, under alcohol content A search of The theft was reported on year-old Detroit man was Letter ------court order to not consume the pickup revealed two Wednesday, June 23, at 6 25 wanted by 36th Dlstnct alcohol, was remanded to pipeS m the center console P m A Witness Will examme Court on two charges of dis- From page 6A mdeed, MIchael J Monahan, JaJI last week by MUDlClpal "The pipeS (had) reSidue mug shots of a man City orderly conduct Bond preSident of the Monahan Judge Russell Ethndge ofmanJuana,~ pohce said pollce arrested earher this totaled $150 Memonal belleves that the Development Corp, has On Fnday, June 25, short- An IS-year-old female year for a sumlar cnme The second subject, a 36- hstmg values placed on served as a consultant on ly after 9 40 pm, pollee s81d passenger from the Woods year-old Lmcoln Park resI- these propertles were appro- thiS endeavor, grabs WhJle the man tested posltlVe for a was ticketed for havmg a Drunk teenager dent, had five outstandmg pnate gIVen their lot SIzeS, the concept to sell the prop- 024 percent blood alcohol 162 percent blood alcohol warrants four from 36th locabons and VIews After erties to a development com- level. level and fake IdentificatIon can't count Dlstnct Court for mOVIng more than 24 months on the pany managed by the Grosse Pomte Farms traffic offenses and property market With no serious Monahan Corp has been Drunk speeds pohce arrested an 1S-year- cnmes, one from 25th interested buyers, but much diSCUSsedby the board, no Fish story A 57-year-old DetrOit A lil-year-old Grosse old CIty female for drunken feedback, It seems that there fonnal agreement haa been COps, 20A man, who saId he'd spent all POlnte Woods woman was dnVIng on Tuesday, June 22, See page IS no longer a demand for made Once the necessary these larger, high-maInte- approvals are m place and nance homes on estate-Sized the War Memonal IS able to Iota enter mto a fonnal agree- Because of the changmg ment, any potential confhcts economy and rn response to of mterest would be many requests for condo- addressed at that time mImum-style housrng m the We hope that thIS Grosse POlntes, the War response helps alleVIate any Memonal has agreed to pur- misconceptions that you sue 8 redevelopment of the may have, and we hope that, parcels mto an attractIve, If you are not m favor of the high-end smgle-famlly, low- development proJect, you Learn more at our Grosse Pointe luncheon denSity condommlum devel- WIll keep those thoughts Just a few miles away from Benue KIrk, who moved to Henry opment m an effort to sell separate from vour feehngs you hve more than 1,200 people Ford Villagt' from Grosse Pomte the property and meet a per- Does your house or condo have a about the War Memonal and who made the best decISIOn of theIr Now, &>nue spends most of hIs ceiVed commumty demand all It does to make Grosse Fitness Center and all-season pool ... for condommlUm housmg Pomte a umque and VIable hve" Thest' people discovered a time woodworking and travelmg A senes of meebngs were commumty smarter way to retire at Henry Wlth tus Wlfe, .Joan, who he met held With focus groups that For more than 50 years, Ford Village, whert' you eI\loy the and manwd at Henry Ford Village consisted of local reSIdents the War Memonal has faith- best finanCial value the best With an expressed Interest fully served you and your wellnt'ss opportumtJcs, and the We're coming to Grosse Pointe! m purchasmg thiS type of famlhes and takes great housmg Layouts, Size, pnde In the programs and best neIghbors anywhere Come see how a new home at amemtles, pnClng, etc , were servIces It prOVIdes Consider this: You can Henry Ford Village can change your part of those diSCUSSIOnsand Please know we look for- bent'fit from tlus morE"fulfill1Og, hft' by attendmg a spe<'lalluncheon plans were drawn according- ward to continuIng that tra- mamtel\ancE"-free hfE"StylE'for the ly ditIOn wellmto the next cen- 10 your area samf' or even less than you are The War MemOrial's tury and appreCIate your Call now to rE'Serve your seat board, whIch conSISts of 16 continued support of our currently sPf'ndmg 10 your house or at our mformatlve luncheon on members from the five miSSIon, our programs and condo .July 1') at thE' Grosse Pmnte Wal- Grosse Pomtes, has openly our future Ho\\' IS hfe more t'l\Joyablf' at Ml'monal and rect'lve your diSCUSsedthe relatlonshlps Mark R. Weber Henry Ford Village? Without thf' of Its board members rela- President FREE InformatIOn KIt. n><>ponslblhtJ.E'Sof mamtamIng a tive to vanous projects or Grosse Pointe War services prOVIded to the Memorial .. house and yard, you have thE' orgamzatIOn As It relates to freE'dom to takE' full advantage of HENRY FoRD thiS devPlopment project, world-dass "emce" and amemtlE'S Wht'ther you chOOS('to spend VILIAGE your nE'wfound free timE' at the On the birthplace of Henry Ford Law-- all-season "Wlmm1Ogpool, thE' com- , -800-569-0808 From pale 7A ~evere for any motonst putRr lab, or at the fitnE'," cE'ntf'r, who~e actIOn or mactton you WIll find It all comE''' at a poc!' vehicle dlsplaymg flashmg actually causes harm to the you can afford red hghts Smce tow trucks operator of an emprgpncy "At Ht'nry Ford Vlllagp. [ gE't to Rnd freeway courte~y patrol ~el'VlcevehIcle If the re~ult E'l\IOYall thf' tJ(>npfit<;of thf' wood- vans use flashmg amber IS Injury the motonqt 1~ lights, the ongJnal wordmg gUIlty of a fploIlVpUOI"hRble workmg .,tlldlO [ hao at homE'. hut of the IRW dId not rover by up to two yeRr, 10 pn~on thprp art' fE'lIow CaIVP!"i to "harf' them, 80 the legI~lature and a fine of $1,000 If death IOE'asand have fun WIth hprf': <;ayS acted to correct that omis- results, the penalty IS up to sIon 15 years In pnson and a fine You must be 62 yea~ of age or better 10 enJOYthe Incomparable Enck~n Ilfesly1e The penaltIes are more of up to $7,500

------. --- - ~- --, They paved paradise And put up a parking lot Schools' 'Big And for what? Twenty-five parkmg spaces Sure, parkmg IS short at the hIgh school, but these added spaces do Yellow Taxi' not f'Vf'n ('omE""f'Rr to Rorlrf'""me- the any resIdents, includmg us, problem were shocked last week to True, the school dlstnct plans to Msee nearly a dozen healthy, plant mne more trees, but what about 50-year-old, Norway maples the Farms' policy of plantmg two cut down on school property on FIsher trees for every one cut down? We Will road. around them Each tree mhablted an voter!:>In Mdrch of thIS year have to walt another 50 years to get Why? The words m Jom Mitchell's island, or peninsula, each takmg up The past bchool board contends vot- back what we had classic 1970 lut, "BIg Yellow T8Xl," say the eqwvalent of about two parkmg ers approved thiS project when they Don't It always seem to go It all. spaces There were 10 Islands. voted m fa"or of the $63 mlllion bond That you don't know what you've got They paved paradIse They took all the trees two years ago and the $17 mIllion nIl It'S gone And put up a parklng lot Put 'em In a tree museum bmkmg fund thiS year We bet voters They paved paradLSe That's right. The school board, And they charged the people did not know they were approvmg the And put up a parkIng lot. excludmg new members Ahmed A dollar and a half Just to see 'em deforestatIOn of Grosse Pomte Ism811 and Angela Kennedy, approved But in April, the school board Don't It always seem to go EdItor's note: For two decades, the removal of the mature trees in awarded a $113,851 low bId to an That you don't know what you've got Grosse Pomte Farms has been a Tree order to make room for 25 more park- asphalt company to fell the trees and nil It'~ gone C,ty USA, as deSIgnated by the ing spaces along Fisher Road belund redo the parkmg lot With dIagonal Only last week, m a pubhc meetmg, NatIOnal Arbor Day FoundatIOn. ThIS the stadIum. parking facmg the bleachers WIth those m opposItion to the tremendous past Arbor Day, Apnl 30, the Farms Don't It always seem to go parallel parking along the Sidewalk mcrea'!e m mght events at Grosse recewed ItS first "Growth Award" That you don't know what you've got Be careful backmg out! POinte South HIgh School's hghted recogmtlOn for Its outstandmg efforts nIl It's gone $98,435 of the money for the project athletic field complamed of the nOIse of Improving the urban forest. wBig What IS Iromc IS that at some point IS coming from the big bond Issue at games, and they blamed the publIc Yellow Thx/," by JOn! MItChell, copy- 10 the past, a preVIOUS school board approved by voters in 2002, and the address system But the best natural right SUJuomb PublishIng Co., can be must have felt the trees were impor- balance of $15,416 IS bemg paid for sound dampener IS foliage, as m trees. heard on our Web site, www.grosse- tant enough to bwld the parking lot with smkmg fund money approved by That buffer IS now gone

EDrrORlAL CLASSIFIED (3131882-6900 DISPLAY ADVERTISING PROOUcnON Robert G. Edgar (313) 882.3500 (313) 882-ll294 Barbui Yubeck Vethacke, (313) 88:Hi09O Peler J Bukner,. Ad \ erllslng MaNger Pubhsher JohnMinms Margie' R~1ns Smith. Manag('J' Kitn Schop. &htor and General Aswtant Ed,to'!"",ture EdIto, Amy Conrad.. Fran Velardo Adm~tTah\ e Ass1stanl Produ IS mUnity organization that It what MichIgan charges IS known as has told the ASSOCIated Press, Wayne County portIOn as qadnes'l and a deep deep IS well the tax differential, and IS precrsely "Because the profits are so fantastic, what smugglers try to capture as prof- loss In any pa~~Ing of a loved For more than 50 years, The War Memonal's we're now seemg drug traffickers, one hut truly It can he a we have proudly enhanced It achons relevant to the pur- other crImmal orgamzatlOns, and even feeling of celehratlOn If we the quahty of lifE'm our com- chase of 50 and 60 Late last year Dearborn reSident terronsts mvolved m tobacco smug- JUqt oppn OIlT heart'l to the mumty by provldmg out- Lakeshore have been strate- Hassan Moussa Makkl negotiated a glmg" "Good Nev..;" a" \\aq eVIdent qtandmg programs and ser- gIC efforts to ehmmate the plea bargam m which hE' admItted m Mary Jo" life and memor vIces In honor of veterans - deed restnctlOns so that Its Because of their populanty, most all at no tax expense to our smugghng cIgarettes from North lal service ongmal Investment In 40 counterfeIts are packaged m Altna WI' apolog17Pthat be(auqe reSIdents Carohna to Michigan He was usmg Lakeshore ran be maxI- Group, Inc (formerly Phllhp Mom'l) )f the 0\ er\\ helmIng Last year alone. we pro- the profits to help Hezbollah, a well- mized for the benefit of the brand names, such as Marlboro But re"pon,e from thp ('ommum- VIded some 2,000 speCial commumty known terrOrist orgamzatlOn WIth the counterfeIts can be far more dan- ty, fnend. ami fn- "hould know that the War 1'l22'l A\p Gro,q(' to name a few mg cIgarette taxes from $250 per car- ence MichIgan's LegJslature should Memonal paid falr market POInl,' Wood, IH2lfi We have ffllthfully mam- val UE' for th e properties at tM to $1250 per carton smce 1994, aVOId exacerbatmg these problems An,onr 1'."hlOg 10 mflk(' talON! Rnd preserved thiS the tIme of their purcha~e the MIchIgan Legislature has effec- and mstead turn to real budget cuts to tIVely created a "terronsm subSIdy" ml'moTl,,1donatIOn- can "tIll heflutlful hlstonc Site and Notwlth~tandmg the solve Mlchlgan''l bud~et defiCit do "0 at th.. '1hov('addrp,,,p,, ~'Tounds and It IS m that ThIll subSIdy Will expand If the chan~f'q In Grosse POinte's AgalO thank., to "nch a vem that we purchased 40 real estate market Since Granholm proposal passes MIchael LaFawe I.~director of fi~cal greflt commllOltv of fnpndq Lakeqhore Dnve more than their purchaae, the War policy at the Mackinac Center for flq you hflvP comfortpd all of 10 yearq ago HIgh ClgarE'tte taxes have al80 led to Publ~ Pol~y. a re'learch and educa ora zen retail theft, the hiJackmg of u" 10 f\ wa, word., cannot Once the df'ed restnctlOns tlOnal,nstltute based In MIdland squeeLes It, why does the mg) IS never called mgurgI- thmgs they might not ordl- Odd stuff JUIce always spntz directly tatmg nanly buy (skateboards, for mto somebody's eye? Shouldn't someone who IS example, or tattoos or mp- GrapefrUIt - even when not uncouth, be called pIe nngs) or on thmgs they to ponder eaten WIth the proper spoon couth? Why Isn't a person mIght not ordmanly do - ISalso gUlltv of thIS who IR PRRllv bpfuddled (hang ghdmg, for Instance At the dawn ot each new referred to as flappable? Or or bungee Jumpmg or gomg to a KISs concert) It turned year, my officeIssues a desk- If my computer freezes or fuddleable? One who IS not Say out to be a pretty clever top-sIzed blotter/calendar to our office scanner malfunc- befuddleable IS caUed marketing deVIce, a method each employee, wluch con- tions or thp Internet unflappable for broaderung the customer SISts of 12 huge tear-off cal- proVIder or one of our pnnt- • base of some busmesses. endars, one for each month ers develops a ghtch, I can Why do semor CItizens get Each day of each month has bloommg flowers (usually Barbara Walters snag an discounts? I'm not compIam- Other busmesses copIed nearly always unplug It, the Idea Semors became its own block of space to .lot count to 10, then re-start ImpatIens) that you can mtemew WIth thIS mother- 109 about thIS, smce I have down appomtments and hang on the SIde of your of-all-modem despots? Is he been one of the benefiClanes accustomed to gettmg dIS- Miraculously, the problem IS counts and got crabby and garage depressed? Is he catchmg up ofthls odd practice for sever- remmders I've used one of fixed cntlcal toward companIes on hiS read1Og? Does he al years I'm trymg to figure these calendars every year Why don't cars, garbage Mother Nature and I that didn't play the game for the last 10 or 15 years disposals, furnaces, water know that teeny-t1OYspruce keep 10 touch with Ius WIfe, out the reason beh10d It Semors don't take up less Then oodles of busmesses Every year, WIthout fml, I heaters, curlmg Irons, toast- trees don't grow m the WIld chIldren, mIstresses, any- leaped onto the bandwagon, space ill moVIe theaters We spill a cup of hot coffee on It ers, CD players and other FlamlOgos wouldn't be body? Is he seemg a psyclua- even theaters, where a seat tnst? Is he sorry? all get our own seats, thank m January The hqUld soaks electncal stuff work hke caught dead prancmg IS a seat, no matter how goodness But why are we all the way through to thiS? around on grassy meadows much you pay to SIt 10 It allowed to pay less for It? December • Impatiens never ever sprout Why are some words, hke Why then, don't we see from bnck walls mgurgItate, never used? Perhaps semor discounts • I don't get bonsaI I don't are somethmg that just got senior discounts on luxury When someone at my dm- get plastIC flam1Ogos eIther Someone can be regurgItat- cars and around-the-world ner table holds a lemon Where ISSaddam Hussem 109 (upchuckmg), but the out of hand. At first, semors I don't get those garbage were offered dISCOunts on CTl1lsesand ongmallmpres- wedge over hiS fish and bags filled With dIrt and and what IS he domg? Will reverse of upchuckmg (eat- SlOmstpamtlngs?

scout master, retIred from ing books at the Saruja 1/2 centenarian hIS profeSSional work life Lower BasICSchool Library. Wayne County Probate recently to focus on hIs love "Abaraka" means thank Court Judge David of 45 years - amsnc wood- you in Mandmka, one of the Symanski celebrated hIS workmg local languages spoken m 50th bIrthday at the "I never met a tree I did- The Gambia Magee wrote BaYVlewYacht Club recent- n't hke," he smd. "Wood IS "On behalf of the students, ly Folks descnbed It as "a good " teachers and commurnty of bang up" aff'81r SUlija, fd hke to express my gratitude for makmg Via1t the Groue Pointe Dogs website: Must read Abaraka our dream of a hbrary a rea1lty. The books will not James Patterson's "The Last year, Maureen Magee, of the Pomtes, was only help the children learn Lake House" IS rated as a to read and rmprove theu "must read" for summer- headed for a Peace Corps assIgnment 10 The Gambia, school performance, but time escapIsm by some, and also open therr eyes to the .5treetwise It has a Grosse Pomte con- West AfrIca, and knew that one of the commUDltles she world beyond thelT vlllage " nectIon Federal Judge Magee's Peace Corps Question of the Week: Marianne Battani, who would work m had no W>rary, so she aPRBaled to address IS PO Box 582, \ hves 10 the Woods, IS .quot.- Ban'.tol,'The GaJMIlI, :West ed 011 page 22 from the days Grosse Pomte New&-Jeaaers .How do you feeri.tfJfJitrt'M-maf!l!Jff'o("thk .... to stock the hbrary With Aftiea-. \ new government m Iraq? when she was a CirCUIt Be/l Bums of the CIty of CDurtjudge books Pomters came through Grosse POinte zs a professor WIth boxes and boxes of m the Jour=lzsm program Woodsman them, and recently Magee at Wayne State UlIlverslty He can ~ reached at David Steele, who for sent along her appreciation bUT1lS~n@comcast or by Very posltlve I thmk that years led Boy Scout Troop and pIctures of students phoTU! at (313) 882-2810. we ought to have democracy 96 m Grosse Pomte as Its us10g the llbrary and read- m the Middle East Thom MePharlin Grosse Pointe Woods Make room for Jmove-over law' Motonsts who fml to exer- that covers pohce cars, fire slow to a safe speed until cise due cautIOn when trucks and other emergency past the seTVlce vehIcle I am very concerned about approachmg a tow truck or a vehIcles Under the MIchIgan Vehicle It I don't have a lot of hope freeway courtesy patrol van The law mandates that a code, a person who does not for It It's laden WIth prob- provldmg roadSide assIs- motonst who sees a velucle move over or slow down lems tance now face the poSSIbilI- ahead proVldmg roadSIde when approachmg and/or Audrey Brennan ty (>fspendmg 90 days m jml serVIce must move over one passmg a statlonary, autho- Grolllie Pointe Woods and bemg fined $500 lane from the scene of the nzed emergency vehicle IS Public Act 19 of 2004, assistance bemg rendered, If guIlty of a mIsdemeanor passed m February by the posSIble If mOVIng over IS pUDlshable by a maJOmum MichIgan LegIillature and not poSSible because of traf- fine of $500 and/or Impnson- SIgned In March by Gov fic m the adJommg lane, the ment for up to 90 days Jenmfer Granholm, took motonst must reduce speed The ongInal law, known effect June 2 It extends to to a safe level, gIVen traffic as the "move-over law," I'm very hopeful that thIs tow trucks and MDOT and weather condItions, applied to any emergency WIll proVlde some stablhty Freeway Courtesy Patrol before passmg On a two- for Iraq and the people that "ans the same protectIOn lane road, the motonst must See LAW, page 9A have suffered Mary Phillips Grolllie Pointe Farms Points about the Pointes Our Library Board can make things right with their staff ....will they seize the moment? I have ~ome concerns that It'S been handed over Wlth This past Monday. the Library Board held the staff of assistantsand hbranans all the tunnOlI that's gomg offiCial groundbreakmgceremony for the new who gUideus through the ~on- on Woods Library Branch While many debate the derful worldof books much the Mamtma Guduguntla need for thc branch hbranes versus one central way a docentwould gUIdeus throughthe Smlth- mega hbrary the facl ISthai the new Wood, LI >;omanInsutute, lendmg mformallon only they Grolllie Pointe Farms brary Willbe a fine faclhly Wllhfinearchitectural couldpossiblyknowalongIhe way detail' vou"ould o;ee10a Rlt7CarltonHotel The repoJ1 from the fact finder for Ihe 12bor ThIs kmd of spend10g<;eefu.Iromc and almost dispute IS 10 The hbranans have acccptcd the Mamtma Gucluguntla 1O,ultlngto those of us who feelthe true valueof findmgsas faiT The Lilnary Board now ha' to our hbrancs beyond a funcllonal faCilityIS the get out of their "let's break the umon" mcntaht) and accept the filet finder' s repoJ1 as a compro- I'm glad the U S doesn't Want same day color prints misepositIOnthat IS best for the community 'Wc have to deal With thiS, but from your digital Imag .. ? need 10 move on and get our great hbrary 'Iaff I'm sure they're gomg to oul of the demorahzed statcthey mu'I be 10 and have to help get Ihem back to bemg e~clted about being the 'tewards of our children's readingexpenence' Ro8eann English No problem! The LibraryBoard can't plead poverty Thcy Grolllie Pointe Farms neued about $1 5 mllhon last year on "llc' of aoout $4 mllhon and have $5 mlll,on or '0 In fund eqUItyThey JUst approvedan $~O ()()(} !!lIt ler upgrade on the Park Library Acccplmgthc They tran~feTred power ~.~ fact finder's recommendation, may onl" .0'1 hefoTe .June 30 I thmk that S200,OOO/yearIl" the nght thing to do for Ihc WIlSa good Idea Hopefully lIbranan' and forthe communlt" <;() Ict ,do II' ~ jr •• 1 • AII",ed 1''''(111 (ahmed ~,mm/((J)c(>m

-,..- 8A July 1, 2004 Obituaries Grosse Pointe News on the board of the Fmleyville Commumty Twp , and grandson Demck 1944 10 Port Huron, and Center and was a member Coleman He was prede- was a homemaker whlle her of the Fmleyville Nature ceased by hiS Wife, Mary children were growmg up Anne Neighborhood Garden She then worked for Grosse ,.,,,..... 1 .... VHutQh ...... ' ~111.,~ \.., 1 t , ...... ".HJ, ,"UC: .& VJ! t:v~r Ioung r i,i"monal l-hurch Chas Verheyd'~n~-F~~;r~l vu"" Club, the Society of Farm and later attended Walsh Women and also an hon- Home, 16300 Mack Ave College At age 55, Mrs orary member of the Grosse Pomte Park, o~ LePla became a certified American Association of Monday, July 5, from 1 to 7 public accountant. working p m A funeral serVIce Will Umverslty Women 10 for Michigan Bell Telephone Grosse Pomte be held at 11 a m on Co untIl her retirement m Tuesday, July 6, at St 1989 Dunng that tIme she She was a hfelong mem- Mlchael's Episcopal was a member, church trea- Church ber of James Chapel Umted surer, and chOir member at Memonal contnbubons Methodist Church 10 Chnst Church, Detroit Flnleyvllle, where she may be made to St She moved back to taught Sunday school at Donald Edward Michael's Episcopal MarySVille and pursued her the age of 14 There she Draper Church, the Amencan Red passion for travel, the enVi- Cross, Van Elslander served as trustee Donald Edward ronment, and serVIce to oth- lllupret Thompeoa pastor/pansh chalrma~ Cancer Center or the ers She volunteered for A1ezaDdel' Leukenua Society. and as chairman of the Draper Recordmg for the Blind Beatrice R. Schafer Margaret Good Samantans Club. Donald Edward Draper, Michigan Natur~ After her move to 79, of St Clair Shores and Conservancy, Habitat for Beatrice R. Schafer Thompson Michigan, she attended former longtIme reSIdent of Humanity, MarySVille Beatnce R Schafer, 86, Alexander Jefferson Avenue the City of Grosse Pomte BeautJ1icatlon Committee, ched 10 her home in St. Clair Grosse Po1Ote Farms res- Presby ten an Church In died of complicatIons of and was the accountant for Shores on Saturday, May 29, ident Margaret Thompson Detroit and most recently pneumoma at Bon Secaurs the Lost Whale 2004. Alexander, 90, died Grosse Po1Ote Umted Hospital on Monday, June Condoffimlum AsSOCiation. Mrs Schafer was born to Thursday, June 24, 2004. Methodist Church, where 28,2004. She was a member of the George and Rose Gardella on Mrs. Alexander was born she was a current and Mr Draper was born on Coast Guard Auxlhary, June 18,1917, inDetroit She Dec. 2, 1913, to John actIve member of the Apnl 8, 1925, 10 DetrOIt. InternatIOnal Choir, and was nused m Grosse Pointe Edwards Thompson and Umted MethodIst Women HIS family mQved to Grace Episcopal Church and moved to St. elmr Jenny Wallace Barnett She was predeceased by Wash1Ogton, DC, when he where she sang III the chOIr. Shores 10 the 1980's Thompson, In Fmleyvl1le, her husband and two cml- was 6 years old. After grad- She also traveled the world Mrs. Schafer attended Pa., where she was mamed dren, Frances VUglma uatmg from high school, he with her famIly and fnends Marygrove College, and later to John Joseph Alexander Sultzman of Grosse POInte Jomed the U.S Navy After 10 hfe was very actlve in for 50 years and where they Farms, and Capt. Howard hIS serVIce, he graduated She IS SUrVIved by her many different clubs and r81sed their two children Wills Alexander, US. Navy from Leigh Umverslty m three children, Jill F ol'glln1Z8t:tonsmcluding the Highly active 10 the GOP, Ret of Leonardtown Md' Bethlehem, Pa , 10 1948 He NeUVille of Arl1Ogton, Va., Tlurd Order of St Francis, she was a delegate to the sibhngs Ruth Long and earned a bachelor's degree Sally A. (James) LePla- the Chnst CluId Society, the Republican NatIonal John Thompson, both of 10 mdustnal engIneenng Perry of Northville, and F. St. Paul Altar Society, the ConventIon 10 1944 after Finleyville; and grand- and was a member of the Joseph (Teresa Rodnguez) Cottage Hospital Auxiliary, be10g the president of the daughter Lmda Alexander Theta Delta Cm fraternIty NeD LePIa LePla of Seattle, her grand- and the League of Catholic Wash1Ogton County Hopkins Mr Draper mamed Mary daughter, Kate Lynne Women. Council of Repubhcan She IS SUrVIvedby daugh- Anne SWift July 27, 1957 Latham of Northville; her Mrs Schafer was an avid Women from 1938 to 1943. ter-m-Iaw Grace Stevenson He worked as a steel pipe Nell LePla three Siblings, Kathie F traveler One of her favonte Alexander, formerly of layer and then worked at Nell F LePla, 81, of Sansom of GreenVille, Fred tnps was to a dude rancl1 in She worked for the audI- Monongahela, son-m-Iaw L. Mernll Lynch as a broker Marysville, and formerly of B. (Manlyn) Fead of Wyommg at age 75, where tor general of PennsylVania Carl SUltzman, M D , eight for 10 years He then Grosse Pomte Farms and Boulder, Colo, and Tom C she eDJoyed ndmg horses from 1950 to 1962 as a case grandchildren and 17 worked for Comerica Bank St. Clair Shores, ched unex- (Myra) Fead of Englewood, and Sltttng around the camp worker. She was a member great-grandchildren for 20 years He retired 10 pectedly of natural causes Colo , 10 nieces and fire WIth her grandcluldren 81ld past preSident of the Funeral and bunal ser- 1990 as Vice preSident of m her reSIdence on nephews, and her best Mrs. ScI1afens 8UrVJ.ved by Business and ProfeSSIOnal vices will be held on the trust department and Wednesday, June 23, 2004. fnend, Phyllis Holzhauer of her daughter, Gretchen Women's Club Saturday, July 3, at 11 a m busmess management unit She was born to F B10gham Marysville. Schafer, son, Stephen She also served on the at James Chapel, 389 Stone Mr Draper was an actIVe and ElSie Fead on Aug 8, She was predeceased by ScI1afer (Christine) grand- board of chrectors for the Church Rd., Fmleyvl1le, Pa member at St. Michael's 1922, 10 Port Huron her husband, Bill, who died children, Courtney, Ryan, Mon Valley Health and A memonal serVIce Will EpIscopal Church 10 Grosse attended the Port Huro~ Feb. 8,1967 and Patnck Schafer; SISter, Welfare AsSOCIation be held at Grosse Pomte Pomte Woods He served on schools, and graduated from A funeral service was Barbara Conway, and broth- A hfebme member of the United MethodIst Church Its vestry for several years Port Huron High School. held June 28 at Grace ers, George and Charles White Shnne of Jerusalem at a future date He also eDJoyed collectmg She graduated from the Episcopal Church 10 Port Gardella. she served as Worthy High stamps, plaYing bndge, and University of Mlcmgan 10 Huron Mrs. Schafer was prede- Priestess of the White Memonal contnbutlOns spending time at hiS cottage 1943 With a bachelor's Memonal contnbutlOns ceased by her husband John Shnne, the .Amaranth. She may be made to James near Perry Sound, Ontano. degree m biochemistry may be made to Habitat for G. Schafer and ~18ter 'ltIasMtlae-a.WetJmE' ~:::!::::' <;:lM\pe~ V.pJted ¥"~ho4.uJt Mr Draper IS SUTVIVedby While there, she was a Humanity or The Natu,rj! Geraldme Lilly , of the Monongahela chap- Church Perpetual Care his I daughter Julre {Dmd) member I of Alpha' Ph! Con~lWcy,,_ •• \ j J<' -IV A funeral Mass was.eeJ&. ter of the Eastern Star and Fund, Box 17, GastonVille Coleman of Lake Onon, two Soronty • and rl!mained brated on June 2, at St, &iI therr past matron She was PA 15336 ' sons, Alex of Harper Woods actIve With their alumnI on the Lake Catholic Church. and Stephen of Hamson She mamed BlIl LePla 10 Register for August Move to our low-rate Home Equity Line of Credit and we'll pick up your prepayment penalty. primary by July 6 Secretary of State Tern ElectIon Day, a US CItizen Lynn Land rem10ds and a resident of Mi~ Michigan residents that and the city or townshlp m Tuesday, July 6, IS the dead- whlcl1they are applymg Ime for registenng to vote m Land also remmda voters the Tuesday, Aug. 3, pnmary p8l't1cipatIng In the pnmary election they must cast therr votes Residents can regIster at under one political party ,I their county, CIty or town- Castmg votes m a partisan r smp clerk's office, at any I pnmary for both Republican ,I Secretary of State branch and Democratic candidates , office, or by completmg a mvahdates the partisan sec- r mml-m regIstration form I tIon of the ballot ,I Mall-m forms may be Absent voter ballots are , obtmned frcm county and available to eligIble resI- , local clerks Forms are also I dents at City or townsmp I avmlable on the Secretary of clerk's offices through 4 p m. I , State Web Site on Monday, Aug 2 Absent , michigan gov/sos They must I voter ballots may be ,I be postmarked on or before obtamed by mall by subnut- •• July 6 to meet the regIstra- tmg a Signed ballot request I tion deadhne for the pnma- to the CIty or townsmp clerk I ry electIOn. ,I no later than 2 p.m on , ReSidents who register by Saturday, July 31. I mml must vote m person In I the first election In which I Voters can obtam an ,I they partICIpate unless they absent voter ballot If they I are age 60 or older, tem- I expect to be away from their ,I poranly resldmg overseas, , CItyor township on ElectIOn , or dIsabled as defined by Day, are 60 years of age or law ReSidents who have older, are In J811 awmtmg never voted In MIchigan and tnal or arrmgnment, unable regIster by mall, may also be to attend the polls for reli- subject to new IdentIfication gIOus reasons or are phYSI- reqUIrements cally unable to attend the 3.~ Introducing In equItY hnl tlI8t PlY' Inste.d of pen.,iles. To register, apphcants polls WIthout the assistance $125,000-$249999 must be 18 years old by of another person Makethe move from another bank's home equ.ty loan to Standard Federals, and we'll pay your prepayment penalty or ellrty closure fee - up to $350" Plus. there are no SPP~jcstlonfees. no appralSllIfees no clOSingcosts and no prepllyment penalties" Nonalcoholic drink YouIIbenefit from our t.ered rale structure which prOVideslower rates for Isrger hnes of cred.t, regardless of how much you borrow And appllcstlon .s qUIck and easy "'. guide available For more d9tlllls on th.s Ilm.ted offer stop by a nearby branch call us toll free AAA Michigan IS offenng lit 1m) 431-4882,or V'Sltstsndardfederalbank com/loanslfreedom htm! department at (313) 336- to help party planners add 1510 some great nonalcohohc AAA Michigan has been dnnks to their menus publIshmg the "Great As pert of Its contInuIng Pretenders Party GUIde" for >< effort to discourage dnnkIng 23 yE'ars to help hosts ofhol- and dnvmg, espeCIally Iday parties offer their among young people, the guests nonalcohohc bever- auto club IS offenng free age options ThiS year's copies of Its "Great gIllde has 16 nonalcohohc Pretenders Party GUIde" dnnk recIpes from chefs and To place an order for free beverage managers at AM cnples of the gIllde, call AAA DIamond-rated hotels and MIChigan's pubhc relatIOns restaurants In the Midwest

-- July 1,2004 20A News Grosse Pointe News Cops------From psgeIIA trom Uakland 10wnshlp told Third drunken Grosse POInte Shores pohce Dlstnct Court m Lmcoln that two unknown male Park for manJuana posses- driving arrest youths may have stolen hIS A 28-vear-old man from SIOnBond totaled $600 $16,800 Rolex PreSIdent's Newark, Del, was arrested DetrOIt authorIties told EditIon watch for drunken dnvmg In Shores polIce to let the pair The man had been spend- go Pomte Farms on Monday, June 21, at 139 109 the mght on lus boat a m Records showed he had moored at a pnvate yacht two pnor drunken dnVIng club on Lakeshore when .29 percent awakened by two boarders On Monday, June 21, at conVIctIOns The man admItted dnnk- When confronted, the paIr 901 pm, a Grosse Pomte reportedly Jumped off the City and Park pohcemen Ing but refused to take a boat One youth reportedly investigated a 41-year-old Breathalyzer to determIne fell onto a dock and lOto the DetrOit man for dnvIng a hiS blood alcohol level A water whIle escaplOg blue 1991 Ford Areostar 53 search warrant was mph on westbound Mack obtained and blood drawn at near Umverslty a local hospital for testIng The man said he was PolIce are prepanng paper- Bad turn Photo by Brad L1ndberg rushmg hiS WIfe to Detroit work to seIze the man's vehI- On Sunday, June 27, at 2 Jack Mormon representing hi. son and C.F. Pickle crewman Matthew Mor. ReceIVIngHospItal for asth- cle under felony chromc a.m , a drunken 26-year-old mOD, Tom Fruer, Pickle lIldpper; Ted EveriDgbam, former omcer of U.S. san. ma treatment The Park offi- offender laws female dnver from iDg: Michael Dodge and ChriB Grow, Pickle crewmen. cer agreed the woman need- Eastpomte made a nght ed medical attention He turn onto Vernier from the ~ove her to a local hospItal Drugs found left lane of southbound The City officer arrested Grosse Pomte Shores Lakeshore m Grosse Pomte u.s. Sail honors heroes the husband for dnvmg WIth pollee found a small bag of Shores screams," Fraser said. a 29 blood alcohol level, manJuana and a half-con- Pohce said the woman had Tom Fraser and crew save 3 fishermen "Sheer p80lC was golOg on. more than three hmes the sumed manJuana cigarette a 15 percent blood alcohol By Brad Lindberg nsk of personal harm," s81d One guy was b81lmg" In a black 2001 Chevrolet legal hrmt content Staff Writer Ted Evenngham, represent- Waves rocked the row- dnven by a 19-year-old A smlor honored for help- 109 U S Sail dunng an Warren man on southbound boat, castmg fishermen lOto mg rescue three floundenng award ceremony last week rough water Car damaged Lakeshore near Lakeshore Ignores safety fishermen credits everyone at BaYVIewYacht Club Dodge Jumped IOto the The dnver-slde passenger Lane on Thursday, June 24, A 19-year-old DetroIt man but hImself. "There's not another per- fngId water tWIceto pull a 7- Wlndow of a 2002 CadIllac at 11.31 a m WIth alcohol m ms system "ThIS IS somethlOg the son ill thls room who would- peVllle was shattered whue The man's vehicle lacked a was caught Saturday, June commumty did - the sml- n't have done what we did," year-old boy and 33-year-old man to the breakwall. parked In the 800 block of VISIble regIstratIOn plate 26, at 11 04 pm., speedIng 109 communIty," said Tom Fraser saId "Your sons and Mormon did the same for St ClaIr In the City of Officers arrested the man 49 mph and runnmg a red Fraser. daughters ill the saIlIng Grosse POInte on Monday, and released hIm on $100 hght on southbound Fraser has been awarded communIty would have done the 7-year-old's father, 39. June 21, between 10 am bond at 12 05 pm Lakeshore In Grosse Pomte the US Smlmg aSSOCiatIOn's the same thmg under the Fraser and Grow manned and 130 pm Shores Arthur B Hanson Rescue circumstances" safety hnes ashore Rescuers "As (he) approached Medal for actions rendered Fraser and those manrung struggled to manhandle Shores boys VernIer, he was forced to May 2003 C F PIckle, a green-hulled hypothermIC VlctllIlS up a 2nd drunken swerve lOto the left lane, US S81hng IS the natlOn- da~'-sal1or moored at ladder vandalize park al governlOg body for the WlOdmIlI PolOte Park, A 10-year-old boy and 24- driving arrest Three Grosse Pomte avoldmg several cars stopped for the red lIght," sport of saIlmg pulled three people from year-old man drowned Days A man dnftIng hIS beige Shores boys, consIstIng of a saId the arrestlOg officer The bronze-colored medal hkely death when a 14-foot later, one body was found 1987 Honda Accord mto the 15-year-old and two broth- was gIven to Fraser, but aiummum motonzed row- ers ages 11 and 13, adrmtted "The vehicle contmued snagged among rubble off parkIng lane on eastbound mscnbed to the crew of hIs boat flIpped m wmd- the south breakwall faCIng Mack near FIsher In Grosse June 21 to throWIng a bench through the red l1ght at a high rate of speed WIth a s81lboat, C F Pickle churned, chop the freIghter channel The Pomte Fanns was arrested at OSIUSPark lOto Lake St. Crewmen Michael Dodge upstream of the harbor's for drunken dnvmg on Clair complete dIsregard for safe- other had floated down to ty" and Matthew Mormon mam dock Grosse Ite All VlctunS and Saturday, June 26, at 1 11 "Officers had the youths earned CItatIons, as WIll Fraser had almost shoved Pohee stopped the man's those saved were from a m. It was the man's second apolOgIze to park employ- ehns Grow, who Fraser s81d off for a RIver Challenge red 2001 HYl1Od81 on such arrest HIS dnver ees," polIce s81d the saIl association Dllstak. race when calls for help DetrOIt lIcense had been suspended Fontana Officers said the enly left oul All are Grosse came from beyond the east- Fraser has been best three times, onee In Sl CI81r man had two suspensIOns POlOtePark reSIdents ern breakwall, upstream fnends and saIllOg buddies Shores Pohee found an open Thieves pocket He was released on $300 "CongratulatIons to Expenenced boaters aVOid WIth Dodge and Grow for beer can on the front pas- Rolex watch bond at 1 37 a m the next Fraser and crew for cormng the area because of rough more than 30 years senger floor day to the aId of marmers 10 waves "They're two of the best On Monday, June 21, at - Brad LIndberg 1 48 am, a 63-year-old man penl, 10 what proved to be "Matt was cast10g off the guys on the planet," Fraser fatal conditIons takmg great bow hnes when we heard saId

Learning Classes Held at Lutheran High East Extension Site Adventure 21050 Kelly Rd. Harper Woods, MI 48225 Series 313-526-2795

Spanish Summer Camp (Grades K-3) The Bookworm Club (Ages 3-7) Hola nlnos! Come JOinthe fun and learn Spanish In thiS exciting class, children WCCCD IS reaching out to children at their earliest stage Willleam the Spanish language through songs, games, crafts and other enter- of learning In order to Instill a love for reading and edu- taining actiVItiesI Class Limit 15 callon by offenng a new class, "The Bookworm Club". Course # CS7-674 Fee $75 CEUs..O Children WIll be captIVated and Inspired with an enter- talOing style of reading Session one children are read a Instructor Language Adventure short story, session two map reading Willbe taught and Section l' 95099-701, M,T,W,TH,F, 9 ooa-12OOp a treasure hunting game Will be played, session three children Will be Intro- Dates 7/12104-7/16/04 duced to the baSICSof reading musIc Withan InteractIVe musIc presentation Instructor Language Adventure Every partiCipant receives a certificate of membership as a symbol of their achievement Section 2 95099-702, M,T,W,TH,F, 9.ooa-12 oop Course # CS7-1165 Fee $00 CEUs 0 Instructor Staff Dates 7/26/04-7/30/04 Section 1 04290-701, Sat, 10 ooa-12 oop Ice Skating Academy (Grades K-12) Dates 7/17/04 Location Grosse POinte Community Arena, Course # CS7-1165 Fee $00 CEU's 0 Instructor Staff 4831 Canyon St, Grosse POinte,(313) 885-4100 Section 1 04290-702, Sat, 10 ooa-12 OOp Here's your chance to learn how to Ice skate In the USFSA BaSICSkills Program Dates 7/24/04 If you re Interested In figure skating, hockey, or speed skating, you can learn the Course # CS7-1165 Fee $00 CEU's 0 Instructor Staff correct technique of the baSICelements of skating In our Academy Instruction Section 1 04290-703, Sat, 10 ooa-12 00p Will be given at the Grosse POinteCommuntty Arena (bnng your own s\(ates) by Dates' 7/31/04 certified Instructors ready to proVide you With a fun and safe skating expenence Course # CS7-1160 Fee $45 CEU's 0 College for Kids (Ages 9-11) Instructor "Learn to Skate" Instructors On your marl<,get set, go! Get your engines rewed up for a summer camp Section 1 30063-701 Days M,T,W,TH,F, 10 ooa.11 ooa adventure to remember Hands- on science math, and technology projects are to be explored Open your mind for an awesome expenence that makes learning Dates 8/9/04-8/13/04 fun Science expenments Will make sCIencecome alive Do you know how math 15 used In our everyday life? Find out how math makes real sense Lastly, you Will learn how to use computer technology to create flyers, solve problems >< through Intemet research. and produce digital photographs REGISTER NOW!!! Course # CS7-1166 Fee $75 CEU's 0 Instructor Staff LAS Summertime Adventures are Here! Section 1 16710-701 Days M,T,W,TH,F, 9 ooa-12 oop Dates 7/19/04-7/23/04 LAS brings fun and excitement into learning. Children ,tg"" Course # CS7-1166 Fee $75 CEUs 0 Instructor Staff

3-17 years can enroll In ;j VJriNy of progr.ll1 Ie> Section 1 16710-702 Days M TW,TH,F, Wayne 9 ooa-12 OOp Dates 8/2/04-8/6/04 County For more information call 313-496-2600 • Community I or log onto . College I District UrO!lSe Point~ ~WS ( Znd Se<.:::t:ic>~ ~ )

, Schools 13 - 15 xtra Auto- ..... :.. :: ...•.. : .•. _..... : 16 & 17 LeBlanc to retire as Buslepp to lead Pierce princi pal of Pierce for 2004-05 school year

By Carrie Cunningham Umverslty of DetrOItwhen a By Carrie Cunningham the new sCience lab and Staff Wnter clergy member asked him to Staff Writer managing a dlmlmshmg With Its challenges and Instruct part-time at an ele- With hope 10 the budget all while providmg rewards, outgomg Pierce mentary school He agreed strength of educatIOn, Gary exemplary services to stu- Middle School pnnclpal to teach and has been 1Il Buslepp, the current assIs- dents Russell LeBlanc has loved education ever smce tant pnncipal for student Students need to be nur- bemg part of the Grosse LeBlanc taught In semces at Grosse POlOte tured, and Buslepp Pomte Pub he School Cathohc schools until 1972 South High School, will believes hIS expenence System LeBlanc has been at when he became a pnnclpal. become the new pnnclpal worklOg as a coach Will Pierce smce 1995 He start. Until 1990, he was leadIng at PIerce Middle School for help hIm cultivate a collab- vanous Cathohc schools He ed as an assistant pnnClpal the 2004-05 school year orative atmosphere at and moved on to be pnnclpal moved on to be pnnClpal of a "Change IS excltmg,n PIerce He thmks he can be 101999 school m Manchellter until "I thmk the Grosse Pomte 1995 when he came to Buslepp said "I'm 10okIOg particularly useful 10 help- schools are some of the best Grosse Pomte. forward to new relatIOn- Ing students make the ships n tranSitIOn from middle schools 10 the state of LeBlanc beheves m the Michigan It ISa pnVllege to value of commumty and Buslepp has been m edu- school to hIgh school He have been an Sdnllnlstrator hopes Grosse Pomte stu- cation for almost 30 years has been to middle school He IS married to Wife Gary Buslepp onentatlons 10 hiS current I thmk the administratIOn, Rusaell LeBlanc dents can develop mto strong mdlVIduals along Barbara and has three ents, who told him IearnlOg role to speak about what to the school board and 10 par- contmue to advance upward ticular the kids have been Side each other. He wants children, Matthew, Ann was somethmg no one expect 10 high school "It's hard to keep gomg could take away from you great to work Wlth,nhe Bald up,nLeBlanc sald some kmd of recreation cen- and Ehzabeth After gradu- WhIle Buslepp has firm ter to be bwlt to help stu- The work of helplllg kids Budget cuts that have atIOn from AqulOas College He has been motivated to conVIctions about educa- grow has been wonderful dents m thiS vem 10 Grand Rapids 10 1977, work 10 schools to make tion, he realizes mOVIngto occurred 10 the past couple Husband to wife PatnCla, but fraught Withtrymg SltU- of years require schools to he worked at De La Salle thiS Ideal a reality Pierce WIll requIre him to father of a daughter, ahons, LeBlanc said proVlde more services With High school, where he When Buslepp Inter- be open about middle Suzanne, and a son, Damel, Students are bombarded fewer resources served as an athletiC direc- VIewed for the Job at Pierce school educatIOn and a grandfather to Wlth media and cultural "Wehave been used to thiS tor, coach of basketball and With the school system's "One of the challenges I Suzanne's kids, Bnan and rmages that are sometImes community supportmg edu- baseball and an mstructor supenntendents, he Simul- will be facmg IS the learn- negative and overwhelmlllg Kevm, LeBlanc hopes to catIOn finanCially. Now the 10 bIology,health and phys- taneously talked WIth mg curve Though 1 have spend more tlme WIth hIs They also have to grapple law restncts us, and we Ical education members of the Pierce com- been at high school, middle Withthe temptation of drugs family dunng hIS retire- aren't getting any more In 1988, he went to the mumty to ascertam the school IS a different arena,~ and alcohol ment He also wants to trav- money each year from the el, read novels and sUnply UOlverslty of DetrOIt character and needs of the he said External factors hke the state,n LeBlanc sald relax Mercy where he was an school Buslepp thmks outgomg federal No Child Left LeBlanc has tned to meet LeBlanc says he WlllllllSS assIstant basketball coach SInce receiVIng the pOSI- pnnclpal Russell LeBlanc Behmd (NCLB) legIslatIOn these challenges dunng his PIerce students and the hls- and an academiC support tion, he looks forward to has served Pierce 10 a as well as budget cuts tenure He has had many tonc enVlrons of the school coordmator for student- the challenges associated favorable fashIOn, and he Impose challenges for PIerce years of expenence that pre- bmldmg WIth hIs clear com- athletes He returned to De WIth It DUrIng the sum- wants to contmue the and students, LeBlanc SaId pared hIm for these situa- mitment to educatIon and La Salle 10 1991 as a Vlce mer, he plans to work WIth school's great tradItions of Grosse Pomte students are tions He began hfe thmklng the prospenng of young pe0- bul1dmg engtneers to get among the highest scorers he wanted to become a prinCIpal and went to hIS academIC excellence and ple, the school system will the buildIng prepared for on tests hk~ the MEAP,but pnest but was swayed to current posItion at South commumty NCLB requires the scores no doubt ffilSSbun, too 10 2000 the upcommg year He WIth pnnclples and an teach 10 college at the Buslepp's belief In the antIcipates utIliZing hiS open mmd, Buslepp standl'l value of educatIOn was leadership expertise 10 prepared to take PIerce 10 Detroit's Denby High School reunions mst111ed10 hIm by hIS par- overseemg constructIon of a pOSItIvedirection The Denby HIgh SchoolJanuary and June classes of 1954 announce theIr 50th reunton on Fnday, Oct 1, 2004 at the Vtlla Lenna 10 Sterhng Hetghts, MI For further informa- tion, call Ruthle Casey Mestdagh (586) 773.1973. Grosse Pointe High reunion Grosse Pointe High class of January 1954 Willbe celebratmg theIr 50th class reunion Denby's Class of 1949 WIllhold Its 55th reunIon at Baroster GArdens Banquet Center, the week ofAug. 14.For more mformatton, please contact Marty Potter at (313) 882-4358 24225 Harper Avenue m St ClaIr Shores For more mformation, call' (586) 778-3541 or Jack Wtlson at (313) 886-6773

Board approves budget THE SALE EVENT for 2004-05 that closes OF THE SEASON $3.7 lllillion shortfall

By carrie Cunningham Supenntendent Suzanne "We're sad to lose some ser- Staff Wnter Klem was pleased WIth how VIces,teachers and support WOMEN'S EUROPEAN & AMERICAN On Thursday, June 24, the the budget process unfolded staff. These folks have made Grosse Pomte Schoolsboard "People worked long and SUbstantIal contnbuttons n of educatIOnapproved a bud- hard,~ she saId Tne dIstrIct IS strateglZ- DESIGNER CLOTHING COLLECTIONS get for the 2004-05year Klem explamed that the 109 on how to prepare for The budget was the same board IS prepared to add an shortfalls m the commg as proposed at a pubhc hear- amendment to the budget if years They want to explore ACCESSORIES & SHOES mg on Tuesday, June 15, and the state reduces the per mcreasmg the fund for detatled m the Grosse pupJl fundmg amount when excellence, asslgnmg nam- Pomte News 10 the It completes Its budget at mg rights for factlltles, Thursday, June 10, Issue the end of September Ai'. It begInmng alumm fundrals- Comblnmg cuts of approXI- stands now,the dlstnct faces mg and Imposmg regtstra- mately $1 7 mIllIOnWIth a a mid-year per pupIl cut of tlon fees for extracumcu- use of $2 mllhon from fund over $70 that has not been lar mIddle and hIgh school eqUIty,the dlstnct effectIVe- restored actIVities Klem said that while the SALE ly closed a $3 7 mIllion Fund equIty cannot be THE budget process was success- shortfall used mdefimtely as Its sur- The budget defiCit was ful, It IS still pamful to see plus Will eventually disap- ongInally $52 mllhon, but some of the services and AT WIth the use of smkmg fund staff reduced pear, and Its reduct\on revenue, It was lessened to "It's one of those bItter. might ImpaIr the dlstnct's $37 mllhon sweet feelmgs," she saId credit ratmg North, South seniors receive TENDER spectacular grade averages

Students from the Class Coury, NIcole Dupes, Juhanna Burrows, of 2004 at Grosse Pomte Knqten Engle Kely Kelsey Feucht, Calthn North and Gro~~e P01nte Foutch, JennIfer Galtley, Fortune, Courtney Grady, South High Schools Kimberly Gawel, Kaltlm Chrlstma Jacovldes, achIeved rpmarkable acad- Hanlon. John Hawksley, Bradley Johnson, John 271 WEST MAPLE emic re~ultq during their .Jull a Jeanguenat, Leveren1, Knsten Padilla, DOWNTOWN BIRMINGHAM qemor Vl'ar A total of 2,5 Katherme Klhmas, John Ehzabeth Petit. Alexandra young men and women gar. Krebs, .Julte Krugler, Sarah Plonka, Stephame Royer, 248.258.0212 npred 4 0 grade pomt aver. Kurt1 Kevm KWIatkowskI, Casey Scavone, Sarah lIg<''1at North whllp 22 ,le'l'\Ica Pano,h, Emma Shook, Hayley Soltesz, ~tlldpnt~ earned th!' ~'lme Perry, Katherine Rabldoux Klmbf'rly Sutton, Sara STORE HOURS: aI/crag!' at South .J oqhuR Romero, ,Jenmfer Swenson Courtney SUNDAY 12.5 From North the ~tud('nt~ Slmth Angela TheIS and Tompkmo, Kirk Wlllmarth, MONDAY.SATURDAY 10-6 arf' a~ followq Margaret Walton Andrea Wittman Ralph Nora Ac~adl .Jenmfer Student.. at South Zade. Megan Zaranek and THURSDAY EVENINGS 'TIL 9 Bordato Leigh Hutcher, achlevmg a 4 0 grade pomt RIchard ZUIdema CLOSED JULY 4th Ann Chapman (,hn~tma average were the followmg July 1,2004 Grosse Pointe News 14A Schools Valued aide laid off due to budget cuts

that has worked together By Carrie Cunningham she said Havmg lived In Grosse wonderfully as a team Staff Writer "ThiS has really been my The school budget cuts Pomte for 28 years. home away from home.~ she are takIng on a human Stamatakls started work- Ing at 16 for a hospital and i>ald face Klem IS a spectacular Due to staffing cuts, an then Jacobson's While she woman to work for. m Invaluable staff member spent many years as a stay- Stamatakls's opInion Wlll not return next year at-horne mom to her chil- "She IS one of the finest She IS Denise Stamatakls, dren Ann and NIcole she performed some substItute human bemgs 1 have ever executive assistant to met She's a very fan per- Supermtendent Suzanne clerical work, admInistra- tive work at Mernll Lyn<.h son She's very kmd She's KleIn constant She doesn't waver, Stamatakls has been and orgamzatIonal assls, tance at the absen tee ballot and that's why you know Wlth the dlstnct for nine you can count on her," she years, first working as a office She started workmg for the district In late 1995 saId secretary and then servmg She has SImIlar good feel. as Klem's aide From help- She hopes that her past mgs about the district 109 wIth the United Way experience In government can help land her some type "1 am proud of this diS- campaIgn to past help Wlth trict, and It felt good and volunteer recognItIon to of work m city government rewardmg to be a part of orgamzlng the mYriad once she leaves the dlstnct It," she said Issues related to the Board If not, she can work at her sister's bUSIness, Valente Stamatakls says the of EducatIOn to answenng biggest challenge the dls- mcessant questIons from Jewelry "When you try to step tnct has to encounter IS the the press, Stamatakts has dmumshIng amount of made the Inner happenings back and examine the SitU' Photo by Came Cunrungham atIOn, I am more fortunate funds and the consequent of the mstnct run smoothly, reahty of fewer staff takmg Denlae StamataJds wU1 leave her position as executive asalstaDt to Superin- thereby ensunng the quah- than some people 1 have a tendent Suzanne Klein due to budget cuts. She Interacted with many people VlSIOn and a plan I'll be on more responslblhtIes ty of the school system HaVlng moved to Grosse and helped with organization. Stamatakls says she OK," she said Pomte for the excellence of mumty's educabonal oppor- htUe pIeces of me left Wednesday nights at Blue loves IOteractmg WIth and Stamatakls says If the Pomte restaurant on the financ18l SituatIOn changes, the schools hke so many tUnltles behind," she said helpmg people BelOg avail- other famlhes, Stamatakts corner of CadIeux and able to answer questlOns or she would love to come back "1 ltke to thmk to myself has contnbuted 10 her own that I have made a dlffer- Any of Stamatakls's Warren where she smgs plan thmgs is somethmg to the dlstnct To her, the way to preserving the com- ence and that there Will be friends can see her from 6 to 9 p m that IS mnate to her bemg, dlstnct IS hke a family, one South student attends Freedom Academy mamtam and protect the Grosse pOinte South about freedom and team- freedoms they mherlt as High School student work," saId Academy dIrec- CItIzens of the United Charles SmIth attended tor Bruce Nelson "These States the MIchIgan Freedom are tomorrow's leaders, Delegates are dIVided Academy at Alpena and we're eXCIted to pro. mto small groups called Combat Readmess Vlde them With a proven flights and are led by coun- Trammg Center near and valuable learmng selors who are often Alpena from June 20 to 25, expenence" The academy's ob}ecttves Freedom Academy alumni 2004 Group actIVltles !Delude The academy IS an annu- are to promote a sense of formal presentatlons, al gathenng of more than patrlOttsm, further the group dISCUSSIOns, orga- 100 future leaders dls- deSire to lead, enhance appreclatlon for freedom D1zed sports, SOCIal bme, cussmg and learnmg more nabonal service academy about freedom. The acade- and prOVIde a better under- presentatIOns as well as m,y.. 18 sponsored by the of CIVICresponSl- speech and wrttmg con- MIchigan Freedom blhty tests All acttvltles work FoundatIOn, a group of Speakers for the acade- toward the obJecbve of bus mess and mlhtary lead- my thIS year Include pohtl- bUlldmg tomorrow's lead- ers mterested m exposIng cal, busIness and rehglOus ers hIgh school students to a leaders, a college preSident Delegates WIll also com. greater awareness of the and members of anti-drug pete for the Arthur P obhgabon and responslblh- programs Durmg the week Tesner LeadershIp Award tIes mherent to a free and speakers, staff and coun- selors prOVIde the dele- The wmner of thIS year's democratic SOCIety award Will receIve a $1,000 "ThIS IS a great opportu- gates WIth new perspec- college grant mty for students to learn bves on how they can Wonderful safety performance Automotive education program David Pingree. left. and Will Hess at Trombly MotorCItles National nals and games bnng hIS' Elementary School were awarded plaqnes for their outstanding safety Hentage Area prOVides tOrlcal aspects of the records. schools WIth free matenals regIon's nch hentage to hfe, On Tuesdays and Thursdays, Pingree helped with guiding people in and MEAP-ahgned lessons offenng teachers and stu- front of Essel[ and LakepoiDt; on these same days, Bess assisted people to promote student under- dents a ghmpse of how first at Beaconsfield and Fairfax and then later ill the year. in front of ~tandmg and appreCIatIon MIchIgan changes the Beaconsfield and Halley. for Michigan's automotIVe natIOn and the world On Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays, the two boy. committed to ser- and labor hentage The through Its contnbutlOns to vice projects: Pingree opened one of Trombly's doors while Bess sold mnovatlVe lesson plan~ and the automobIle mdustry milk for the Trombly community. mteracbve web-based mate- "By helpmg teacher~ tell Pingree and Bess llked that they have a chance to give back to the our automotne ">tory. vve en~ure that future genera- community, and they belleve that with traffic dangers omnipresent. tIOns of MlchlgaDlan. have their services are essential. pnde In our collectIve auto- .You're guiding klds' lives. They need belp," said Pingree, motive and labor hel ltage ~ said Mark Plschea, "ecu- tIVe dIrector of MotorC les The MotorClties educa. tlOnal program has a dedi- cated Web ">Ite wwwmotorcltleskldz org - Park resident and South grad Bretkels which IS full of game'" pho Massage Therapy to<;,and hIstory vlgnettes for 886-8761 the publIc wins retailers scholarship Carolyn Commer, of by the MIchIgan RetaIlers GrO'l<;e Pomte Park. was Foundation a nonprofit LASER HAIR REMOVAL orgamzatlon that prOVIdes ~"¥J../ r-1-0-%OFP--l awarded a MIchIgan scholarships for the benefit . .. ~rty I Any Purchase I Retaller'l A'l'lOClatlOn col. FDA Approved I lege scholar-hip for the of MRA members and their •jt.f'dventure L~Al~~~1Y~~~~J LASER HAIR REMOVAL: 2004-05 academIC year employees and famlhes Com mer l'l a gradUAte of ReCIpients were selected th JULY 4 W'f/~~~-7- • Permanent Hair ReductlOll based on academIC and I GrOS'le POInte South HIgh PARTY ~\ GRADUATION • All Skin Colors, Tans OK' I School and WIll be a sopho- extracurncular achIeve. • Competitive Pnces ment STARTS HERE! ....., SUPPLID more at the E~ergreen State College 10 OlympIa, ~ T.blew.'" • D8eonttloftS . PRICES STARllNG AT : r~-SiiARK[ERS'" SClOOLCUll!!! Wa.hmgton She receIved MRA l~ the uDlfied vOIce BikIni $159 I ~n MRA 'lcholar'lhlp last of retaIling m MIchIgan I ~ t 2 BOX PKG Plates. Cups. Napkins I Underarms , $179 and the natIOn's largest I 99 w1tto I Tablecloths. Banners I \ ('ar a<; well $1 .tate trade a'lSOclatlOn of _ S3" .- Centerpieces ~he " the daughter of I FREE Laser Genesis L~!!21.!!f.~'~.2.!-"'~!!O~~.J Balloons ~S I Kent Com mer, an employee general merchandIse Consultatlonsl Skin RejuvenatIon I 0tA of the LIttle Book Shoppe, retallerq MRA's nearly C\ls1 • FOR ;'In MRA memher hU'lme'l'l 6000 retail busmess mem- YOUR GRAOUATEI I her'l operate more than In PI~mol1th I The' i\ I 000 qcholar<;hlp IA 1'3 000 'ltores across the I one of 22 funded th,q year qtau- .~.~~.s~.';.~.~1.nt.e.N.ew.s H__a_r_per Woods 19A Blood drive to honor slain Detroit policeman "ThIS IS the tIme when CommunIty Center, located Harper Woods Commumty the person and he always work, and was ambushed blood IS needed the most," at 19748 Harper, between 1 By Jennie Miller .. .. ., TT 1 ,,~"" 100 N'"N'~"t ~ qhe R!ud c....u~ ... H~rt'::h~sb~dJ :9,1 1 tlnu tUU"H... Ul ,•..u~ u~a.u ..L J,. ... O and 7 p m or schedule an ~talt Writer :We'd hk~ to gIve hIm 100 Hart saId "Everybody IS death marked yet another was Stewart's partner ill the appomtment by callIng (313) Scott Stewart was an hon- percent nght back' welcome to come" She senseless murder of a police 9th Precmct orable man He was a Hart s81d that when doc- added that Stewart's mother 882-8852 officer, an act that IS Sicken- "ThIS dnve will .nemonal- "ThIS IS a fine way to Persian Gulf veteran, a tors trIed to reVIve Stewart WIll be attendIng the blood Ing to Amencans who Ize hiS bIrth," Hart saId "He remember and honor some- DetrOIt pohce officer and a after he was shot, they used dnve, beconnng a donor for admue those who sacnfice was a tremendous person - body when there's really St Chur Shores resident He an enormous amount of the first tIme "HIS fanIlly themselves for the good and kInd hearted and coura- nothIng else you can do," she was a part of an ehte group blood m the process She'd really wanted to do thiS' safety of the country geous I'm not gomg to let saId of officers called the boost- lIke to gIve back 80 others Donors can walk m to the On Monday, July 12, bls merr.llry dIe WIth bun • ers, and was dedicated to can have a chance at lIfe Stewart would have cele- Hart has set a goal of gettmg guns off the streets when facmg death brated hiS 33rd birthday To obtarmng 125 unIts of blood, But on August 11, 2002, The blood dnve WIll be commemorate thiS day, a which she SBld IS five bmes Eastland embraces one of those guns, held m just one effort made to help blood dnve has been coordI- what the Amencan Red the hands of an ex-con, alleVIate the blood shortage nated by Klm Hart of Grosse Cross expects to receive at marked Stewart's death that plagues the orgaroza- Pomte Woods, who works at an event like thIs new curfew policy He was on-duty perform- tlOn each summer Joseph's Catenng m the "But Scott was five tImes mg undercover surveIllance By Jennie Miller WIth her kIds nght next to Staff Wnter her But she had a bIg smIle Just two weeks after on her face, saYIng It was a POLICE AND FIRE REPORTS Eastland Center began mee expenence ' enforcmg Its new parental She and her fellow mall GenUIne Draft and a 35 mIl- employees were pleased Each pIece had a pnce tag of month-old chIld, who was escort pohcy, mall offiCIals hmeter dIsposable camera WIth the posItive atutude of $17 99 One gtrl told pohce also seated m the car. are already certaIn that It Store rob bed were stolen from a store m patrons she needed the bathIng swt Pohce pulled over the car was a good chOIce to make the 19800 block of Kelly on ~he publIc seemed to to SWIm m her father's pool because of expired plates. "It was well-receiVed by at gunpoint NeIther passenger nor dn- Thursday, June 24, at 4 20 thecommunIty,"s~dDemse have a lot of fun WIth It at Two men WIth nylons cov- ver was wearmg seat belts am. DeSantIs, Eastland's mar- the doors," she SBld ~Some enng theIr faces entered a Police find The store owner reported ketIng drrector. were beggmg us to 10 them. store In the 20030 block of that the perpetrators had The policy states that Most just came out m sup- Kelly on Wednesday, June fighting Disturbing been responsIble for pnor youths under the age of 18 port of the pohcy; they thInk 23, at 9.30 pm One carried thet\s at the store, mcludmg cannot be m the mall after 5 It'll prove to be a great thmg a shotgun, the other held a sticks and peace the securIty camera They p m. WIthout a parent, for the commuruty We saw small handgun A woman was escorted out are beheved to be dnVIng a guard18n or responsible so many famlhes walkIng The store owner, a 58- marijuana of a shoppmg mall m the red 1997 Ford Taurus. adult WIth them at all times. together WIth smIles on year-old male of Sterhng A 24-year-old Detroit male 18000 block of Vernier on The pubhc was mformed theIr faces' HeIghts, was workIng m the was arrested on Tuesday, Wednesday, June 23, at 3:55 Ja~uar keyed of the pohey two weeks Store employees are look- store WIth bls nephew, a 20- p.m. and arrested for dis- before It took effect Mall mg forward to the effect the June 22, at 1'50 p.m, m the A Jaguar was keyed year-old Farmmgton HIlls wbmg the peace. 2000 security officers have been pohcy WIll have on the mall 18000 block of Vermer after whIle parked m the street m reSident. Pohce were called to the Implementmg a SIX step and the commUnIty pohce dIscovered two fight- the 18500 block of Kenosha ~Glve me the money" scene by mall SecuMty, who approach WIth teens enter- "I thInk It'S a great Idea," mg stICks and manJuana In between Fnday, June 23, at shouted the suspect holdIng had detaIned the woman 109 the mall after 5 p m. said Danyelle Manley, store hIs gym bag 9 p m and Thursday, June the shotgun The sticks are approXl- after she repeatedly shouted The first step IS to ask the manager of Bath and Body 24,at8a.m. Money was emptIed from mately 2 feet long and are expletIves at store employ- teen If he or she has heard Works "It'll get the kids out the regIster, but one suspect commonly used by martIal ees, attractIng a crowd of 20 about the new pohcy If not, of the mall and back mto the pIcked the regIster up and artists, polIce s81d The boy to 30 onlookers Hats off the teen is then presented community It's temble emptIed the change mto his reported he was m karate The woman, a 21-year-old Three DetroIt youths were WIth a pamphlet outhmng when you see teens wallong hands The subjects around the mall and theIr tr81D1ng but always carrtes DetroIt reSIdent, had a war- taken mto custody after the detaJ.1s of the pohcy demanded to know where parents just dropped them the stIcks for protectIon He rant out of the 36th DIstrict being observed brealung The mdIVIdual then must the safe was but were told off You feel like a babYSitter demed awareness of haVIng Court mto a 1985 OldsmobIle m a present proper Identifica- The mall is no place for a there wasn't one They then the small amount of pot m a parking lot m the 18000 tIon, and If the teen IS not of stole the VIctIms' wallets chIld to come to hang out, It fall wrapper that was found Car theft block of Vermer on Fnday, age, he IS gIven the optIon to and a cell phone before shut- leave as he came or make IS a recIpe for trouble." ill hIs bag A black 2001 Dodge June 25, at 8 44 pm, and tIng them m the back office arrangements for pIck up ill While some community Strabls was stolen from a talong off WIth three fitted and fleemg the scene the youth w81t1ng room members are concerned the dnveway ill the 19100 block hats The owner located his Freeway crash The boys, ages 16, 17 and But smce the start of the trouble from the mall will of Roscommon on Thursday, permeate out mto the com- handgun and chased after A DetrOIt female was 18 had already been eVIcted pollcy, DeSantIs reported June 24, sometime just mumty, DeSantis argues the subjects He fired off two struck by a tractor traIler from the shoppmg mall for that no one has yet to utIlize before mIdmght and 1'30 that there are a number of rounds before the men dnven by a 25-year-old VIolatIng the curfew One of the youth W81t!ng room. jumped mto a small sIlver or am thIngs those under 18 can do IndIanapolIs man on the boys W88 seen checkIng "The kIds have been very • WIth theIr free tIme gray two-door vehicle, and Wednesday, June 23, at 5'02 out the OldsmobIle whIle the respectful," she saId, sur- A woman W88 awakened "We've developed a bst of then another two rounds p m ill eastbound 1-94 at boys walked through the pnsed at the response mall by sounds of people talkmg different youth actIVIty pI'O- once the car sped north. ramp 224 parlong lot He opened the offiCIals WItnessed "We had on Saturday, June 26, at grams for children," she bound on Kelly The woman, who was dri- unlocked passenger door some teens who had just 4 53 a m She looked out her SBld "I really thInk Ifthere's PoLIce amved 10 to 15 vmg a 2004 Dodge Stratus, and took out three hats, tIlrned 18 and came down at wmdow and saw someone any great poSItive that can mmutes later NeIther VIC' s81d she was cut ofT when wlule the other two boys 5 Just because they could, backIng her sIlver 2003 come out of thIs, the commu- urn sustaIned any lIlJunes, the tractor traIler changed looked around for any WIt- lIke It was a nte of passage." Chrysler Sebring out of the mty wIll reexamme other and all four shell casIngs lanes, and her velucle was nesses All three then DeSantIs also notIced par- dnveway and dnVlJ1g west- optIons for therr kIds, and were collected Three WIt- lut, causmg her to lose con- entered a 1993 Ford Probe, ents who were adjustIng to bound on the 19300 block of start plannmg more what nesses reported theIr trol Her car spun around before bemg stopped by mall the new pohcy. accounts of the mCldent and hIt the center barner. It Woodcrest "There was one mother our chl1dren are exposed to The vehIcle was recovered secunty was no longer In a dnveable who had her four cblldren There IS a ton of programs the next day by the DetroIt The perpetrator s81d the condItIon and was towed WIth her," she 881d "It looked out there for our youth • Pollce Department at car was hIs cousm's, and he Pedestrian hit from the scene lIke a lot of work shoppmg Tacoma and Joann. had left hIs hat IDSlde. But The man was Issued a when securtty threatened to bv car CItatIon for improper lane • A blue 2003 Chevrolet page the owner of the vebl. CITY OF HARPER WOODS A Harper Woods woman change, although he s81d she cle, the boy confessed to the crOSSIng the street on slowed down at the last TraIlblazer was stolen from 2004 CONSUMER'S ANNUAL REPORT the 18000 block of Vermer cnme Harper and Allard was mmute, causmg lum to hIt All three were arrested, ON DRINKING WATER QUALITY struck by a 2004 Ford her vehIcle A WIt1Iess sup- on Thursday, June 24, MUNICIPAL BUILDING between 6 and 11.30 P m and the car was Impounded Taurus dnven by an 83- ported the woman's story HARPER WOODS, MICHIGAN 48225 year-old Harper Woods man InSIde was a wheelchair. who had f81led to YIeld the Speeding NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that CopIes of the 2004 Consumer. Annual Car disturbed Report 011 Donklng w~ QualIty for the CIty of Harper woods are .. allable nght of way. Warrant arrest 10 the publIC free of charge at the Harper Woods CIty Offi= and the HaJper The woman, who com- On Wednesday, June 23, a with booze Woods PublIC L,braIy Cop,es of SOldrepor1 were prevtOusly dlSlllbuted to all A DetroIt male was arrest- residc:nlS JD the June Ad..eroser Times however addlUonai cOptCS are avad plaIned of a sore leg, chose to reSident of the 20400 block Wlule perched on the free- of Beauf81t notIced hiS black ed by West Bloomfield able to Interested pel'OflS al the above designated locations For more ."forma- seek her own medIcal atten- Township Police way overpass at Lochmoor, a !lOll call the Department of Pub\><:Worb between 7 30 .. m and 3 30 p m 1998 Ford Taurus had been Mooday through Fnday at (313) 34:>-2S70 tIon The man was Issued a Department on Thursday, Harper Woods polIce officer tanlpered WIth durmg the Cuy ofHarptrWoocb CItatIon by Harper Woods June 24, at 4'19 a m., after clocked a vehIcle travelmg pohce mght. 83 mdes per how In a 55 Mickey D. Todd, The wheel cover had been pohce dIScovered he was ulye- mph zone on Sunday, June G PN 07101112004 removed and placed on top wanted for several warrants, 27, at 825 p m Bathing suits of the vehicle, along With one of whIch was out of Harper Woods After pullmg over the 18- stolen plants and grass clIppIngs year-old DetrOIt male, polIce dIscovered a 1/4 full bottle of Cityof ~r1155.e 'l1inte JIf arms, MIChigan Three youths were appre- Warrant arrest Repeat Absolut Vodka lYIng on the hended by mall secunty and floor m the rear of the dn- NOnCE TO CITY OF Harper Woods police on A Harper Woods man was ff d arrested but hIS gIrlfnend, 0 en ers ver's SIde The man was also GROSSE POINTE FARMS Wednesday, June 23, at 6 34 drIVIng WIthout an operator pm In the 18000 block of was let go on Wednesday, steal booze PROPERTY OWNERSITAXPAYERS June 23, at 10 50 a m Both hcense Vernier were wanted for outstandIng Two cases of MlIler The gIrls, ages 11, 14, and The 2004 CIty tax b,l1ls due and payable July 1,2004, through 16, were reSIdents of Detroit warrants out of the 38th August 31. 2004. Without penalty BcglOOlng Seplember I, llnd Dearborn Heights They DIstnct Court-Eastpointe 2004, an additional 1% penalty WIllbe added and an additional The woman, a Westland had each stolen a bikini top CITY OF HARPER WOODS I% of each succeedmg month and bottom from an area reSident, was adVIsed of her CITY CLERK'S OFFICE clothing store and concealed warrant but was released to WAYNE COUNTY, MICHIGAN Begmnmg March I. 200~. laxes on Real Property can be paid care for the couple's SIX- them In a black Nlke bag only to Raymond J WOJtOWICZWayne County Treasurer The VOTER REGISTRATION NOncE International Cenler BUlldmg. 400 Monroe 5th Floor, Detroit. MI 48226. ~Ith 4lf properly tax admlOlslrallon fee plus I'3l- NOTICE IF HEREBY GIVEN thai all resldenl~ of the CIty of 1OIeTe-~t,as proVided by law. computed from March I, 2005 Harper Woods who meet the followmg quahficatlon~ by July CItyof~rlHliSe arms, Michigan 'ointt JIf 6. 2004, ~hall be enl1t1ed to be reglslered as an elector m the BegmnlOg March 1. 2005. Personal Puwerty lax can be paid preclOct 10 whIch he or she resIdes for the Pnmary Elecl10n SPECIAL NOTiCE on\) at the Clly of Gros'\e POInte Farms Trea~urer's Office 90 scheduled for August 1,2004 HOLIDAY RUBBISH SCHEDULE Kerby Road. Gro~,e Pomte Fan", MI 48216 With the 4% for INDEPENDENCE DAY Shall be a clllzen of the Umted Slate~. admm"tratlon fee plu~ I% mlere~t a~ proVIded by law com. JULY 4, 2004 Shall be al least 18 YeM!i of age puted frolTl March I. 2005 Shall be a resldenl of thIS Slate. There WIll he no re~ldentlal or commcrclal rubbl~h colleCllon Shall be a re.~"ient (If Harper Woods for at least 30 day~ PuNuanltO PublIc Act ,11 of 1993. the State Educallon Tax on Monday July ~ 2004 Act a~ amended by Pubhc Act 244 of 2002. requlre~ cltle~ to All rcsurenllal ruhhl~h roule~ Will be ope day late Intcre,led and qualified perlo", may make appllcallon 10 collect the Stale Educallon Tax as a ~ummer levy commenclOg become a regl~lered voler at the llty Clcrlc', Office Monday Fxamplc~ through Fnday between the hour, of 8 30 A \.( and ~ 00 P ~1 '" 2003 Monday" roule, WIllhc collecled on Tue<;day, EIC reg"ter for Ihe Augu~t \ 2004 PrImary Elecuon Will be un, me EducatIOn Tax at tbe ralC of ~IXmlll~ for the 2004 tax ycar AS Fnday'~ re~lden!tall\lhbllh roule~ Will be collected on Tue<;

-- 18A July 1,2004 Har erWoods Grosse Pointe News Man loses hands in fireworks explosion By Jennie Miller A short time later, around father was bleedmg m the Michigan State Pohce Bomb Lt David Vroman of the made

StaffWnler 750 pm, there were four basement Souad we" cellE'd who thE'n hnmh "lJ"/l,1 ,,,,,,1,1 ",,+ M~ The ;::"l.~c ~L;;~.~ ... ~i:lt A Harper Woods tamlly rapid explosIOns, pohce SaId Officers MIchael contacted the Bureau of ment on the mCldent hopes thIs mCldent helps learned a harsh lesson on The man's son, a middle Marszalec, Anstedes Reyes Alcohol, Tobacco and Two Harper Woods offi. others understand how dan. the dangers of explOSives school student, went down. and Sgt Gerald Flrhk Flreanns (ATF) for addItion. cers were Injured by fume gerous It IS to play WIth fire. On Fnday evenmg, June stairs to check on hiS father, maneuvered through the al assistance The son told mhalatlOn, one of whom works 25, while preparmg for whom he dIscovered "Iymg smoke.filled house polIce he was unsure what spent the mght In the hospl' "ObVIOusly, With the upcommg Fourth of July cel- m the bathroom WIth hiS Furmture and other Items type of powders hiS father tal and IS stIll recovenng Fourth of July, many people ebratlOns, a 51-year.old hands nnssmg ~ had been thrown around by had been usmg and ml> Both are expected to be fine, enjoy fireworks," Skotarczyk Harper Woods man deCided Harper Woods pohce were the explOSIOn The VIctIm to make the fireworks Skotalczyk said said "But our fireworks to make ms own fireworks ImmedIately called to the was found lymg m a pool of The home has been board- The blast was extremely laws are there for a good by nnxmg powders together scene, followed close behInd blood 1D a basement bath. ed up and secured until It IS damagmg to the VIctim, purpose _ to protect peo- He huddled m a crawl space by the fire department. The room, hiS hands dlsmem. determmed to be safe Skotarczyk added He lost pIe" m the basement of hiS home man's daughter, a recent bered He was ImmedIately ATF offiCials have both hands, hiS face was Skotarczyk urged reSI' m the 20700 block of mgh school graduate, was taken to St John Hospital amassed a long hst of POSSI' badly mJured, and one of hiS dents not to tamper With Damman HIS WIfe, three found distraught, Iymg 10 After learnmg that there ble chemicals used m the eyes was dislodged At press fireworks or use chemicals chIldren and a fnend were the grass on the front lawn were stIll hve explOSIves explOSIOn, but have nar. time, he remaIned 10 the to make explOSIves m a bedroom upstaIrs The boy told pohce hiS InSide the dwelhng, the rowed It down to those com. hospital m mtenslve care "Please adVIse us If you monly used to make fire- The mCldent IS stili under know anyone makmg home- works, saId Lt Randolph IDvestlgatlOn by the detec. made fireworks or who IS m Skotarczyk of the Harper tlve bureau, as cnmmal possessIOn of Illegal fire. CUy or Qi)rosst Jlointr ;ilIoobs, Mlcblgan Woods Pohce Department charges have not yet been works," he said NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thaI Ihe Clly Couocil ADOPTED the follo"lng ordinances al liS meeung held on Monday June 21 2004 lbe onhnances were adopted as an emergeDCY measure et'fecuve unmedtately (10 accordance Wltllthe C,ly Charter)and are herebypublishedJO entirety

ORDINANCE'- 774. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAWR 6. ANIMAls' ARTICLE I IN GENEB&I By ADDING SIlCIIOM 6 2 (FEEDING WILD ANIMAlS) AND Ii 3'SEVI\BABU rot Regina High School THE CITYOFGROSSEPOINTEWOODSORDAINS top graduates ~ Tha' Chapter 6 Arumals ArtlcleI, In Geoeral. be amendedas follows Regina High School handed out dJplolllU CHAPTER6 ANIMALS ARTICLEI IN GENERAL last month to its graduating Clue of 2004 and honored Its top graduates, Sec 6-1 NulsaD«s c:ommllttd by shall be unlawfulfor the owner or petrofI havingcharge custody or con- trolof any dog or Olhe' antlnallo penroLelthe, WIllfullyor throughfadute to control such alllmal,any such dog or other JeDDifer Egelakl was named Regina High anImal 10 COrnmJ.t any nUlsance and to lhen allow such nUisance to thereafter remaln on pubhc SldeWal.k..s publtc parks or School's valedictorian for the Clue of 2004. any other publiCproperty or upon any pnva'e propertyothe, than thai of the OWDeror pe""n who has custody or cooUllI The daughter of of such dog or other an,mal It shall be unlawfulfor any owoeror petWn haVlR~ chalge.custody orcootrol of any dogor other ammal to accompanysuch dog or other arumal upon the public streets, Sldewalksor _ publicproperty or upon Joseph and Joann pI"ale property nOiowned or under such person s control uolesssuch owoer or person 1R charge, custodyor control of EgeWd. EgelsJd Is a such aOlmal shall have p

Seenon \ ThaI Chapter 6 AnImalSbe amended as follows ARTICLEIV RODENTCONTROl C,ly of <':iroSSt Jlointe, MIChigan Library events ~o:i~ ,DelilllllODS F'I! ~ p.u!""se. of Ih."ifu1,~le tile followln~ "'R'l' 'ph~1 3~ ~prd,s ''mllbe /ldi",ejl.'" NOTI~E; O~ PUBLI~ HEA~ING " The Harper Woods Pubhe Nou~ IS hereby gIven 10 accordance With the provIsIons of Act No Llbrary Will be closed for ACCESSORYSTRUCTURE Any bulidmgwhIchIS """""sory 10 the maInbtJlldmg 207 of the Pubhc Acts of the State of MichIgan for the year 1921, a, mventory on Fnday, July 2 OCCUPANT The IndlV,dualpartoersl"p or corporauonthai has the use of or OCCUpIesany bUIldingstrnetuIe or V3ClIII1 amended and the Grosse Pomte Cay Code that a PublIC Heanng WIll and Fnday, July 9 land be held on Monday. July 19,2004 at 7 30 PM at the Grosse Pomte • Council Chambers al 17145 Maumee Avenue, Gros,e Pomte OWNER The Indmdual partnerslnpor co'porallon that IS listed on the last "'" assessmeol records of the 1""ldlng On Wednesday, July 7, at 2 struc.ture or Vac.aDIland. MichIgan concernmg proposed amendments 10 the accessory pm, the hbrary Will offer a structure provISIons 10 1hf Zonmg Ordmance of the City of Grosse summer readmg program RODENT Any \'3tletyof specIesof rats Pomte featunng "Reading Tralls" The proposed amendmenls address mcreases m Ihe maumum RODENTEXTERMINATION The ehmlnallOnof rals from a btJI1dlOg,strllClureor vacanl land by ony or all of Ihe With the Sylvan LearnIng accepted measures such as polsorung. fumlgauon trapping clubbmg. Of sundar means so that there 15DOeVidence of rat permuted heIght of accessory structures, mcreases m the maumum mfcsLatlon rcmaamng permllled 101 coverage for acces.ory stmclures mcrease ID the Center maxImum pernlltted area of aCCfssol) SL'uClures on large lots and RODENT HARBORAGE. Any condlllOOwhIch proVIdesfood Waler shelter or plOleCtlonfor rodents Ibus favonog The hbrary Will offer a melr mulhphcallOn or conunued e~lstence in under or oulSuSe of a bUlldmg. structure yard. alleyway or vacant land mcrease m the maxImum penrutted area and heIght of enclosed play structure, sessIOn of Simple actlVltles The complele texi of the proposed ordmancc amendments may be for chlldren up to 3 years of sJ. 6-167 Coodltloos pemultmg rodelll harborage prolublted. It shall be unlawfulfor the owneror OCCUpanlto per vIewed al the office of the C,ty of Gros", Pomte, 17147 Maumee age on Tuesday, July 20, at 7 nut a condlllonsof rodenlharborage10 eX1S1'" any buddIngor >II1IClUre or on any OCCupIedor vacant !and. Grosse Pomte MI 48230 pm To regIster, call (313) 343-2575 Sec 6-168. ReqUIrements for prevention of rod... 1 ba1borage. All owner>andlor occupants III the City of Grosse Julie E. Arthurs, POInteWoods '" order 10 preventrodenlharborage shallcomplyw,th the followtngrequIrements GPN 07101(2004 CIty Clerk

A Stored matenal such as firewoodas defined 10 See 10-441 coal pIpe hoxes wood, bwldmg materIals and SImIlarmatenals shallbe neatly Slorcd up offthe ground alleast eight lOchesand shall be plle4no hIgher !ban (our feet above ground level and sh:a.ll not be stored In any front yard or reqUited SIde yard In addl110n to these requl~men.. storageof firewoodwtll also be SIIbj

B All garbage and debns (00< lOciudlng properly composted malenal) shall be stored IOSldeunlesskepi 10 metal NOTICE OF CLOSE OF REGISTRATION or ral proof containers .. ,ib Ilghl fining lids and shall be placed aI the curt>on the day beforecollectJon. as prescnbed by ordInance FOR

C AIIIOlS, acanl or OCCUpIed,and all btJlldlllg.and stnJCtu= shall be kept free of all Illter garbageand debns PRIMARY ELECTION at all limes TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 2004 D No person shall feed w1Id~,rds or an'mals WIth0Iher than commercIallyaVlllablebIrd food lOelud,ngseed suc.1 and other commerc:Lally 3'walJable feed In a SUitable contalOcr for the dlstnbutlon of ~uch blT(3 seed Such To the Qualified Electors Q,( Grosse Pointe Park & Grosse Pointe Farms. contaJBer 'ihall be elt\ated at least 48 mche .. abO\e ground level In the event the City of Gros~ POinte Woods through one of Its dc:~ilgnated depanments inspectors or employee., dercnnme<; that the feedmg of Grosse Pointe. Grosse PO!!!« Woods. Township of Grosse POllJte-Wa",u Wild hlrd, or animals l-' a cause or a contnbullng factor to rodent harborage the City through Its BUildIng CQ.unty. 1AJlf Townshll'=Macomb CQ.unty OffiCial shall declare that the 10( from which feedmg IS occumng IS a no-fecdmg zone for a penod of no less Ihan60 days and no more than ISOdays NOTICE IS HERF8Y GIVEN thai Tuemy July 6 2(k)4 IS the la'il day 10 reg:lo:;ter to \o(C or change your addres.o;.for the aboveSlatedeleelIon ~ 6-169 InsptcfJons. The City of Grosse Pomt

Quahfied electCK"'imay alo;.oreglster!o vote or ct\angc 1~lr addre~." In the fol'o\laomg -nanneN We 6-170 Notice of vioIabOilli. When anv ~trucllJre bUilding yard aUeywav or vacant land 10;.found to be In vlolal100 of Ituc;ArtlC~ HI lhe OWl'Ie'r3J'fdIoroccupant c;hallbe nOtIfied In wnllTlg of such v10latlon and COfTecll"emeasures lhal are 1'1/PFR'O"" to he taken to ellmmate c;uch vlOlall()fl and that ~ld nouce c;hallbe compltod with wnlnn a specified penod oftln1e hem! At ,our C1t~/to... shlp derk's oIrlC< or al tM oIrlC< of an, county clfrt DURING !108M"'l no lec;s Ihan 10 day~ <)uch notice ]Ii suffi"lenllf ~nl b)" first c1a.~ mati and eenlfled nwl and ~ 10 a eOllliiplCUow. BUSINESS HOURS portof the hu,ld1Ogslructure... v",aol laod At an, ~reta., or "tli. Rranch ome.s I""aled Ihroo~hout Ih. 'llal. durin~ """,,al hu .. nes., hours Allbe optoIIed llllfncy'ot' clients """lVIng ""lCCS Ihrou~h lbe Family Indepmdence A~ocy, the A When any olilnx:ture tnJlldlng or vacan, land I~ foorld 10 have unlawful accumulation .. of any mattnah debns De,>artmentor Community Hullh, MJChiRJInJobs (omm ...... and some e>f'IlCf'l of the ( ommlsslon for Of garbage ~hlch may cono:;tlfute.a cau'l.( or.a conlnbutmg fac!or of rat harborage the OWJ1('r and/or occupant lbe Blind ...hall be notified 10 iO!ort such accumulatIOns as required by thllo ordm3fl.C'.e or to remove such accumulations from the property AI tile mrlrtan rKTVltl1lf1l'omc:e. for ~ enIlStlnR'" 'M armed forces.

BY MAll R When an) muclure b~uldmg or \oacant land I.. found 10 be ral Infe~ed the oVlner and/or occupant shall be nohfied 10 take Immediate rodtm extennmatton mealiiures and to conunue UI11C' unul all eVI~ of nd Infes tatlon l'i ehmmaled • By obf.aJmnF: .and complellng a \fall Vocer Rcgl"iolfallOn Application and fofVIaIding 10 Ihe election offiLial a'i dlrecfed on lhe application hy tt.c c1oc;.e of 1"tp:I<;.tratlon deadline Mall \mer reg:I'lra!IOn appllc31lono;; m3) be ohtamed by OOIl1aclmg ~ ~171 FSlfure to compl" eUcnnlnalion h) C'II)' cO'\t.. Upoo (he falrure of any OWTIn'and/or IX"cupan! !o conrpJy with lhe dtRXlIVC',\; of any OO(lC(': llio<;;lIed by lhe ell) of Gr(K,~ POln~ Woodo:; ruf"'liuant to ttm Ofdlnance lhe Ctty of Grout JA". BIAHlT ~H"'I/. 1 RH.""n Potnte Wood"l hao:; lhe optlOO to and ~hall be authonred 10 take ru~ab~ aoo appropnatC' mea~urelio that art nece'iW)' (0 (,Iy (1er!< ( Ily \fa.a~"'(lty ( Ifrk femo\e unlawful ac<:umulallon~ and 10 exterminate fOf ral"i and the: ~oqs thereof 'iOhall !)e collecled In the manner herem Clt> ofl,r.,... PoInlf Pa"" afler prm lded < ,ty or (., r05,W Polare .. Iml'i 1511S F kfF...... 96 Korhy R..... 31 \-32%-6200 31l-8ll5~ 'ec 6-172 (olle of (.r ...... Polnl. Wood. 17147\fauJIlee 20025 \falt>I.Jl n(., "'~ P'lr ""(".' 07.()1.()4 i.lcyflf1'lAn"ihl'p wher" tJl(') 11\(' )f arr 'II lea\! hf') ycar, of agr or arC'hanJll.arrcd Ali,.(l lilt) mu .., flfC"iCnl r~o I 0 at f-("'O(IJ'l'I'K"~1<"fl I'fl~ f'l4 Polio:; Frr« '( <111...... (W l.oo!w" Warnke JI'''''rlnt~ fltO,H..Q4 CIty Clerk CoPN 0/l/24/2004 & ll710112004 July 1, 2004 Grosse Pointe News Schools 15A North students work on building a radio telescope By Carrie Cunningham the universe enablmg these ~ Staff Wrller sIgnals to be recorded and Wonders contmue to the back end of th .. tpl .._coTlP emanate trom ArdIs m whIch a kmd of bram for MaCIolek's astronomy the mstrument IS organized lIlstructIOn at Grosse Pomte by computer software devel- North HIgh School oped by the boys AsIde from student>. track- When the telescope IS up mg the oldest stars m the and runnmg, students WIll UnIverse, takmg pIctures of be able to see the Onon the Onon Nebula and study- Nebula, super novas, cheml- mg a NASA photograph of cal clouds and stars They Mars, students are con- WIll be able to see the move- structmg a radIO telescope m ment of UnIverse matter, order to VIew and compre- detenmmng whether It IS hend the outer reaches of our movmg toward Earth or uDlverse away from Earth Graduatmg semors Frantz saId workmg on Matthew Amsden and AJ the telescope and pondenng Frantz have been workmg the elements of the umverse on the components of the has Imbued hIm WIth an radIO telescope for two years almost religIOUS f81th of cre- While the telescope has not atlOn beyond Earth yet been completed, the two "It gIves you perspectIve boys said they have receIved When you thmk about It, the a chance of a lIfetIme m Earth IS illslgmficant The terms oflearnmg about com- umverse IS so vast, and we're puters, engIneenng and Just one tmy part of It," he space saId "A lot of people get real- "Nowhere else m school ly formal WIth religIon But would you learn that You'd for me, I can look and see have to walt for college," Just so many eXCltLng thIngs Amsden sBld. m the UnIverse It's hard for "It's mce to work on a real me to thmk It'S Just us It engIneenng proJect," sBld breeds a new respect, even If Frantz, addmg that even It's not what someone would though he IS only m hIgh call a standard rehgIon " Photo by Carne Cunmngham school, he has been mtra- LIke many other students Graduating North seniors A.J. Frantz. right. IUldMatthew Amsden have been working on constructing a duced to tools that SCIentiSts under MaClolek's gwdance, radlo telescope for the past two years. The buildJDg of it is just one of many projects that Grosse PoiDte employ profeSSIOnally Amsden and Frantz love North High School astronomy teacher Ardla MacIolek bas overseen. The boys have worked on their teacher who has mtra- "She'll suggest, but she have learned m hIgh school ence at the Umverslty of the fall to help work on It three areas of the telescope duced them to the glones of never mterferes She never m theIr college studIes MIchIgan As the boys move ahead ill They have constructed a the UnIverse gets angry when bOmethmg Amsden plans to study com- The boys want to follow theIr hves, they WIll be look- phYSical chsh that tracks the "She's been wonderful She faIls," Frantz salo puter engIneenng at the progressIOn of the radio mg back at the sClentIfic and elements of the sky, a front proVIded us WIth an awe- Both Amsden and Frantz MIchIgan Tech, whIle Frantz telescope whIle m college engIneenng foundatIon they end of the telescope whIch some opportumty," Amsden want to use the lessons they WIll major m computer SCI- Frantz plans to come back m developed at North. absorbs racho SIgnalS from saId. South graduate is a Yale star

Pre~cott DaVIS Murphy, a valedlCtonan of Grosse Pomte South HIgh School's Class of 2000, has dIsplayed leadershIp and VIrtual gemus _mce he matnculated and recently graduated from Yale Umverslty HIS perfor- mance sheds lIght on how the Grosse Pomte Pubhc School System amply pre- pares students for college WIth an exemplary educa- tIon A chemlstlY major, Murphy was selected as an Prescott Davis Murpby assIstant to the Master of hiS that he earned advanced Murphy led the 4,OOO-stu- reSIdentIal college He man- credIts at South dents graduation parade and aged the college snack bar Upon graduatIng thIS sat near Flrst Lady Laura and was captaIn of hIS resl- year, he receIved five pnzes Bush, whose daughter, denbal college hockey team for outstandmg academiC Barbara, was m the same He was also a member of the achIevement. Of 40 crechts class Yale Anti-GraVIty SocIety earned at Yale, 38 were ThIs summer, Murphy IS Visions of the National Guard and the Jugghng club stanght As. and only two one of four chemIstry stu- Academlcall), Murphy was were A-s He took classes ill dents hIred by Amgen, and On Friday. June 4. members of the Boy and GirlllCout8 at Ferry Elemen- at Yale's zemth He was one Portuguese, SpanIsh, III the fall, he WIll embark on tary met members of the Michigan Army National Guard. SCouts and fami. of four JUnIors mVlted to the Economics, Anthropology, a fully-funded scholarshIp at Des observed a UH-60 Black Hawk beDcopter toucb down on the grounds of PhI Beta Kappa honor SOCl- HIStory and Art HIStory as Harvard Umverslty to earn the Grosse PoiDte War Memorial. Students climbed aboard IUld looked around. ety, partly due to the fact well as the SClences a doctorate m chemIstry Above are guard members KevlD Sisko James McGraw anel Kris Lopicceo- 10. McGraw. aD active member of tbe guard siDce 1981 IUld a Ferry parent, answered questions witb his colleagues. The event was a wonderful opportunity to see how parents iD communi- ties sucb as the PoiDtes are belping to serve America.

ULS incoming ninth-grader wins scholarship

PatrIck Gustme. an forward to the many other courageous battle m July mcommg nmth-grader at leadershIp roles and hon- 2000, Bauble ~uccumbed to Umverslty LIggett School, ors that we are certam he cancer Followmg hIS WIll be the recipient of thIS WIll attam " death a generous outpour year's James Robb Bauble A graduate of Tulane mg of donatlons In hI_ CommunIty ScholarshIp Umverslty and the memory from famIly mem ThIS prestIgIOus scholar- UniversIty of MIchIgan, bers. classmate~ other shIp IS awarded annually Bauble was the preSIdent ULS alumm and friend_ to a Grosse Pomte reSIdent of Legend Valve and led to the establishment of who excels academIcally Flttmg, a company that he the James Robb Bauhle and contnbutes athletIcal- founded In 1988 After a Commumty Scholar~ Fund ly The award WIll be apphed throughout GustIne's upper school career SHORES PODIATRY ASSOCIATES, Re. ~Patnck IS new to the Umverslty LIggett School communIty, but hIS pnor academIC rl"cord and accompli shments pr~dlct • Currcn r LOncept~ and rrcarmenr of Ch ronle Wound Care and Management that he Wlll make tremen- D'ahcrl' I dUL.lror\ .11 '1r John Hospnal .md Bon ~ecouf\f{ orragc Ho~pnal dous contnbutlOn~ to our upper school," ~ald Head of .\ffiharcd wlrh ''I John Wound Carc Bon '1ecourslCotrage Wound ( arc School Matthew H Hanly "We are eXCIted to award and ~r Jmcph Wound Care Center, hIm the James Robb H IT Bauble Community • ReconstruCTive FOOl and Ankle "urgerv ScholarshIp, and we look "PO[(\ ~ II dlllill J;';,~ I"~,,tl 2r-~/.j'; )~,..,1 ../I.~~ 0'- ..", Subscribe Today J • James M McCarty DPM CWS. KeVin R Kreitman DPM FAPWCA 1Year - 52 Issues for ~]OO • DaVId R Calderone. DPM. CWS. Michelle DeYoung. DPM Yatuferlip 'UpflOfstery Anlllony F DelUCA DPM u 'PNIAu -~iC- b Wli"..1WIIl "')...... 28709 Harper Ave' St Clairt.Shores' 3 Blks S of 12Mile 586772 9910 20905 12 Mile Rd. 46591 Romeo Pllnk 30795 23 Mile Rd www V1nderllpupholsteq (om , , 313-343-5577 Roseville Mlcomb Chesterfield July 1,2004 16A Automotive Grosse Pointe News

Colorado lineup I a tough winner

By Greg "yl. cyllnaer or lour-wheel dnve ana two ot the dnvIng CyCle, SpeCltl- ThIs week, we test drIve But the new engIne Isn't completely new engInes, the cally from 1,400 rpm to the all-new 2004 Chevy the only thIng we lIked Vorlec 2800 Inhne four 5,200 rpm Colorado, a larger mId-sIze about Colorado ThIS Chevy cylInder and the aforemen- AvaIlable WIth both truck wIth an array of lay- IS totally redeSigned wIth a tIOned Vortec 3500 mIme engIne optIOns IS Chevy's combmatIOn of features five cylInder Our Colorado smooth-shlftmg Hydra- outs and powertram choIc- 2004 Cbevy Colorado LS 4WD es Our test model was the that proVIde mcreased func- came In 4WD dress, offerIng Matlc 4L60-E four-speed dashboard-mounted push- automatic transmISSIon, short-bed four-door Crew tlOnahty and capabIlIty and a lIve axle, rear leaf- charges extra), SIx-dISC m- button access to 2WD, 4LO whICh IS used m all of GM's Cab L5, whICh we really spnng setup hlghhght the dash CD stereo ($395); and 4HI ranges hght-duty trucks A new lIked from the get-go Other Outwardly, there's no four-wheel-drlve models automatic transmISSIon The 3 5-lIter, 211 cublc- high-torque capacity AlSIn chOIces m the Colorado lIne- mlstakmg Colorado as a Stoppmg abIlIty comes from ($1,095), and $1,000 for the mch, five-cyhnder has very five-speed manual trans- up mclude both Extended "Chevy Tough" truck Colorado's standard four- five-cylInder Vortec Th18 good acceleratIOn thanks to miSSIon IS also avaIlable and Regular Cab models Colorado IS not a smaller wheel anti-lock brakmg, brought the bottom Ime a hefty 10-1 compressIOn InSIde, Colorado looks versIOn of Its slbhng full- whIch IS deSIgned for from $24,080 to $29,720 ratIo It produces 220 horse- and feels more lIke a large, When we first drove our size SIlverado, nor a reVIsed heavy-duty service WIth WIth the $635 destmatlOn power and 225 foot-pounds comfortable, full-SIze pICk- Colorado (and before check- deslgI1 of the TraIl Blazer tandem power boosters, added of torque, and also gener- up than a typIcal mid-SIze mg the WIndow stIcker), we SUV It SIts on Its own diS- dual-pIston dISC front Important numbers ates very respectable 17 truck, WIth craftsmanshIp were Impressed that tInct body-an-frame plat- brakes and large dIameter mclude a wheelbase of mpg cIty and 22 mpg hIgh- and attention to detrol eVI- although the engIne sound- form, allOWIng more person- rear drums We'd like to see 125.9 mches, curb Weight of In way EPA numbers The dent throughout Overall, ed lIke a four cylInder, It alIty to be bmlt to every the four-wheel diSCS as 4,150 pounds, 1,366-pound advantage of the mIme the cabIn IS well-done, offer- performed hke a SIX cylIn- model standard fare one day payload, 19 6-gallon fuel engIne IS that 90 percent of mg a 60/40-spht foldmg der We found out why when Consumers can choose Flfteen-mch wheels and tank and a 36 7 cubIc-foot peak torque IS avaIlable rear seat capable of accom- we opened the hood There from both manual and auto- tires are standard, and look cargo box matIc transmiSSIons, two- across a much WIder range modatmg three adults All sat Chevy's new mime five good Chevy's new mid-SiZe IS a of the mstrumentahon IS As for safety, dual-stage wmner, which IS to be easy to read, access to all front air bags are standard, expected from those who seatIng IS superb and seat as are SIde curtam aIr bags bUild them "tough" We rate comfort IS very good on the LS OptIOns on our Colorado an eIght on a scale model mcluded heated of 10 Underneath you'll find a leather seats ($1,495), ladder-style frame WIth tor- * * * * * * * On Star Safety and Secunty sIOnal stIffness and lots of ($695); XM SatellIte RadIO - King Features 2004 ADVENTURE durabIlIty A front suspen- ($325 subSCription Syndicate SERIES SIOn utlhzmg torsIOn bars, $0 DOWNI There's a nationwide shortage 24 Month LEASE FOR of automotive service technicians (NAPS!) - If you're say they need to hue at ment, health msurance and reVVIng up your resume and least one new techmclan In retirement plan optIons lookIng for an m-demand the next SIX months Over the course of the career, you may want to Today's automotive ser- next 10 years, there WIll be $519~?*conSider bl'Commg an auto- VIce centers m establIshed an estimated 31,900 new motive techniCIan The lat- franchIse new auto dealer- Jobs available annually m est StatIStiCS show a nation- ships have mtellectually the service sector of the'of M'5~Oo:::~;d7:;~Plaok WIde shortage. challengIng Jobs, reqUlnng automotive mdustry ThIs 18 __1fJi-1':.~~I.I" "There are tens of thou- annual trammg courses to due to rapid mdustry "'1 586.~12.9600 sands of unfilled career seTVlce the latest technolo- growth and net replace- r .. gy 111 the newest models ment needs WIth figures posItions avaIlable nght now," saId James Pay and demand for these lIke that, you are guaran- au...... - "50HoIRd;.: Wllhngham, chaIrman of positions are high, whlch teed to find a serVIce POSI- "LIKE NOTHING ELSE" • ;l...... , Automotive RetaIlIng translates mto high JOD tIon that fits your personal- Today, a group representmg secunty, opportumtles for Ity, passIOns and slulls mobIlity and great benefits, For more mformatlon, .,...~b'bd."'*ltI'lCl:N:_ .... 2000llWyl'~~l..-..illl~~ >u~!lCWIIceM!"~1et s. 067eul!~rO.dHoS52!l~illCdyOllpoiill manufacturers and fran- chlse dealers mcludmg a comfortable, VISIt the Web SIte autoJob- * * * * * * * A majority of au.o dealers modern worklOg envlron-

THROUGH July 1,2004 Grosse Pointe News Automotive 17A Safe vehicles don't have to be dull and boring By BIIt Siuru and Andrea high tallhghts to assure eqUlpped e. • ~ bemg seen under all hght- LIke Volvo wagons, the ,;.; . Stewart .,.,-_:::::::--::. - i,;ver ,lIlI"e ~\lOIVO 1Il~10- Ulg' lULU W~I;1t,.Ut:J \..OllU.tL.IUJH:I .al'l.t:J:IUJ Itio Vot.ll I".l.tVt:IJlOU.z:s ~.~. duced the first three-pOint The XC90, marketed and \ersahle Accordmg to seat belts In 1959, thiS agamst other luxury SUVs Voho, the seats can be SwedIsh automaker has hke the Acura MDX, BMW arranged In over 64 configu- r:_or '~ been an mdustry leader X5, Mercedes-Benz M-Class ratIOns For example, the when It comes to safety and Lexus RX300 comes m second- and optIOnal third- Therefore, when Volvo three versIOns - the front- row seat backs fold flat The .- ~ developed Its first SUV, the wheel-drive 2 5T and all- front passenger seat back XC90, safety was hIgh on wheel-dnve 2 5T AWD and folds down so there are the pnonty hst However, T6 AWD Two engInes are nme-and-a-half feet of Volvo showed that very safe avaIlable The 2 5T uses a unobstructed space for very vehIcles don't have to be 2 5-hter turbocharged m- long Items The second-row dull and bonng Ime five-cylinder and the seats are spht 40/20/40 and For starters, there IS an T6, a 29-llter twm-tur- sllde forward Independently Industry-first Roll Safety bocharged m-Ime-slx Both and headrests do not have Control (RSC) system to are mounted transversely to be removed when seats reduce the chances of a The T5 IS rated at 208- are folded down WIth the rollover The RSC system horsepower at 5000 rpm forward-facing thud-row uses gyrOSCOpICsensors to and 236 pound-feet of seat mstalled, the XC90 can momtor the XC90's roll torque from 1500 rpm to carry up to seven An Photo courtesy ofVoho Jnternet Melba angle and roll velOCIty If a 4500 rpm The T6 makes optional center-child-seat 2004 Volvo XC90 POSSIble rollover condItIOn 268 horsepower at 5100 booster slldes forward, plac- Chmbmg behind the com- display IS hard to read ($1,895), reverse warmng is sensed, the XC90's rpm and 280 pound-feet mg It closer to the front pas- fortable and very support- under some daylIght condI- system ($400), chIld booster DynamiC Stablhty and from 1800 rpm to 5000 rpm senger seat The taIlgate Ive dnver seat, you find an tions seat ($400), Dolby Pro LogIC Traction Control (DTSC) Both all-alumInum alloy features a 70/30 toplbottom expanSIVe dashboard Pnces for the XC90 start II Surround Sound System system reduces engIne engInes feature a dual over- spht so the lower edge of Though easy to read, at $35,125 for the 2 5T ($750), Xenon headlamps head camshaft (DOHC) dn- the hft gate IS waIst hIgh power and apphes brakes instrumentatIon IS hmlted FWD, $38,875 for the 2 5T ($300), vertIcal cargo net untIl the SUY IS stable ven by a belt, four-valves- Unless you are loadmg a to speedometer, tachometer AWD and $41,250 for the ($300), wood steenng wheel again per-cyhnder and contmu- hght object, you probably and gauges for fuel and T6 Even the lowest pnced ($300), and rear audIO con- Should the RSC not pre- ously vanable valve tlmmg WIll have to open both sec- coolant temperature XC90 comes well eqmpped trols With headphones vent a rollover, the hIgh- (CVVT) The AWDs are dn- tIons Controls for the audiO and However, there IS a long list ($100) strength, boron-steel-rem- ven by the front wheels, but clImate control systems are of optIOns mcludlng an forced roof protects occu- as soon as shppage IS On the road, the XC90 very user-fnendly, but the onboard naVIgatIon system -AutoWln! pants. There IS also a rem- detected, the electrOnically shows It umt-body, passen- forced steel cage around the controlled Haldex hmlted ger car hentage It IS based passenger compartment shp couphng transfers from on Volvo's largest car plat- Fond carburetor, and I'm The XC90 has Inflatable 5 to 100 percent of the form, the S80 Therefore, glad to say I still SIde curtam aIr bags for all torque to the rear wheels the XC90 ndes more hke a memories have the one I used three rows seats, another dependmg on road condI- luxury sedan than many of of holley back In 1968 on my first Pyrotechmc seat belt tions Only two transmIs- Its truck-based SUY compe- GTX. I also used It tenslOners on all seats sIOns are offered, an auto- tition And whIle not a three-barrel agam In 1980 on my retain occupants In place so matic five-speed transrms- sports sedan, It handles, Q. Greg, Just a 454 Chevy drag car, the front and SIde aIr bags slOn With Geartromc clutch- steers and brakes like a note on the 950 and It worked flaw- can do their Job less manual shlftmg for the very good family statIon cfm Holley three- lessly. I'm presently The XC90 features crum- T5 Because the five-speed wagon, remember that It barrel carburetor rebulldmg It and ple zones to help absorb wouldn't fit under the hood can carry up to seven It you mentioned m a WIlluse It on a 440 energy dunng a collISIon, of the T6, It IS mated to an was especlally adept at recent column I screamer Anyway, that was MOPAR engIne I even rear-end ones Volvo's automatic four-speed, also smoothmg out parkIng lot had one on my 1967 Camara a long time ago (1970) Boy, have SIttIng on my engIne WhIplash Protection WIth Geartromc speed bumps WhIle most WIth a non-stock 302 cublc- do I mJSSthat car stand Thanks for your reply System reduces inJunes LIke most full-SIze SUVs, XC-90s WIllnever see much inch small-block V-8. I know - Bob S , VIae-maIl when hIt from the rear The the XC90 does not SIp gaso- off-road duty, It IS qUIte what you are thmkIng - A. Bob, I'm not surpnsed XC90 even looks out for 1mI'. The EPA ratings for capable sIDce It IS an SUY major overkIll. But that the carburetor worked on other dnvers smce the low the 2 5T are 18 mpg clty/24 not a statIon wagon posmg engIne never loaded up, got the small cube motor, Write to Greg Zyla Ln care front chaSSIS crossmember miles per gallon hIghway as an SUY The tIght turn- good gas mileage and the because It was a vacuum of Kmg Features Weekly IS about the same height as and for the T6, 15 mpg mg radIUS IS appreCIated In tailpIpes were always whIte secondary that fed the fuel SerVIce, PO Box 536475, the bumper of an ordmary clty/20 mpg hIghway The both city traffic and off- And when the throttle was Into the Intake mamfold Orlando, FL 32853 6475, or sedan. Finally, there are fuel tank holds 19 gallons road About the only com- mashed, you better have It accordmg to the engIne's send an e-mail to daytime runmng hghts, and the XC90 can tow 5,000 plamt IS a bIt of turbo lag pOInted the dIrectIon you needs, and because your 302 letters kfws@hearstsc com anti-lock brakes and large, pounds when properly when acceleratmg wanted to go What a was not stock It was a great

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1'? y,.qr<:o "lg('. ~" s .....~ 'he L ...U ..U.O~lU.U UJ.H~; U"JUJ Vt:l,;J U1WI ~ .sw\o ~u t-ttJluer felt as If he were on a shIp- Lucasslan, songwntIng IS They expe~t to release a (gUltar) and Tony Rochon Bands----- wreck personal, If not cathartIC compact diSCby the end of (bass) have been hittIng the From page IB But what holds In the "I got to a poInt when "I wnte to get stuff out the year chords and the bars of Brownell Middle School future for the boys after thmgs fell apart," Lucasslan of my head,~ Lucassum DetrOIt and New York CIty Basset (bass, vocals), hIgh school? All of them say s81d "I felt as If I was out said "Every one of our New York CIty I Is Back Kanakan (drums) and they're worlung as hard m In the water alone" songs ISdIfferent, but there Back in Spades In Spades good enough to SchlDldt (guitar) had been therr studIes as they are on Fnends and fellow mUSI- are common threads ~ takes front & center travel several hundred playmg together SInce the theIr mUSIC CIans Park resident Steve Sillce they've struck out mIles for

-g Restaurants A To 0 • From page 18 will be offering the Apollo Pomte Park And SpIcer has had practIce 11-40 £ N Tnbute In FlU'IJl1llgtonHills Creed, a Philly-style steak The Snyders have been serv- ThIs IS the second year her Lothrop sandWIch, a clucken versIon of mg up theIr bayou bItes at Grosse Pomte Woods restau- PIn "I wanted to take the next r DolroI step and own my own restau- Its Apollo Creed; and a chicken M'Dear's for Just over a year rant, Meaghan's, has been part _Slaee (J fajita and a vegetanan fajIta - While the food ISJust like of the Taste Fest She has also ~ rant, but I dIdn't want to start -Sl8ge• An a fine dmmg restaurant," Lutes lavashes filled WIth gnlled pep- home to Snyder, been part of the TasteFest two - pers, omons, tempeh and pep- M'Dear's has been garnenng a other tImes when she was a co- 8ald "I chatted the Idea up lli J:~o West Grand Boulevard WIth Scott and here we are ~ per Jack cheese reputatIon among foothes for Its owner of Mack Avenue Dmer, =.~1";5. The result wIll be represent- "We're one of the only Testau- creole gumbo, J8.lDbalya,red also In the Woods rants dOlllg vegetanan," beans and nce, mean greens, "We chop It and dIce It there," - .....PlItt __ .....=.. ed at Lunchbox Deh's Apollo - .. ~ -YauIIMIo Creed, a Philly-style steak Zucarro 8ald. "We have 8 mee and bread puddmg - all whIch SpIcer sald "It's really labor- -:,~ . , ! selectIon of vegetanan sand- wIll be offered at the 2004 mtenslVe, but It's much fresh- III sandWlch, wluch will be fea- >. Wlches." Comenca TasteFest er~ :: tured at the TasteFest In all, 0 Lunchbox Deb offers 80 differ- "People In the area are really In addItIon to the peach cob- Milwaukee supportIng us and are really bIer, qwche and gazpacho, ent sandWlches made with Just like M'Dear used • "CI eIlJoymg our food," Snyder SaId Meaghan's WIlloffer a chIcken BaltImore ;: locally baked and artisan to make 0 breads, 15 salads and a vanety "They're glad we're m the area fiesta sandWlch wrap and a \ " , GroWIng up m New Orleans, because it's somethIng dIffer- shnmp fiesta sandWIch wrap, • ~ '. , of hot entrees. the SpICYscents of gumbo and ' " Lunchbox Deli's Park locatIon ent" both bundled WIth vegetables m 2004 Comerfca TasteFest Information J8.lDbalya used to tIckle GaIl lavash, and cold cucumber has put Itself m the spotlIght Snyder's nose, and deep-frIed WhIIlIlla: A 1N&-da)I streel ""r oI1emg a broad and wned soup assor1mllnl of'.IllSlaJJratlI$, rrusocaI ads and stonls ~ on the east 8lde. Fresh fair fare buttery catfish would melt on lha besllha mstro ""'" has oller "The optlons for restaurants Even when feedIng a crowd, WhIle her food IS admittedly DeIroot to her tongue. an alternatIve to the typIcal WIwI: 11 :llam. to 10p.m. Thursday ~ '.1IvooJ!1' on the east SIde were qwte hm- SInce 1971, Snyder has called Meaghan SpIcer doesn't take &roday ~ 4 from 1 1.JO am to 8 p.m. 00 Moodav ~ 5 deep-frIed faIr food, Spicer and WI.-: Dalroot's New CarlIer ama _ by Lolhrop lted," Zucarro SaId. "Here, we DetroIt her bome but her cook- shortcuts At her restaurant's her restaurants have always WooodwaJlj get to be a bIg fish m a small mg ISJust hke M'Dear's (a New booth at the TasteFest, there pond ~ Wlll be no canned peaches m placed either first, second or llXJIof f.94 Orleans term of endearment for AcmIIIIon Free 1Jd

LAMIA & LAMIA SALON AND DAY SPA Irrf\'ESS i. TI' \!\'l\l-~ I d. l\ \:-\: j , We are very proud to welcome to our staff, nail specialist Lon Davis, CENTEJl formerly of Edwin Paul Spa. She SUMMER TRIAL will provide a full array of naIl MEMBERSmP services for both hands and feet. Summertime has arrLVed and Custom hand made "Artlstlc Two (2) months ...$75 Call to schedule an appointment to Cupolas" deslf!ned as a crownmg Personal trammg also available. that means tIme to head to the experience the expertise of the touch for your beautlful home. We (313)417-9666. beach THE NOTRE DAME newest additions to our vel'y also carry a full lme of Copper off servlce dnve between Morass & PHARMACY has great tote and talented staff 19653 Mack Weathervanes. Phone: 586.294- Allard nautlcal bags to carryall your Avenue., Grosse Pointe Woods, 313- 6983 or Order Online: sWlmmmg needs. Plus we carry a 884-1710 nlCe selectIOn of T-shlrts and sweatshlrts wlth a Grosse Pomte logo for after the SWlm . at 16926 Kercheval m-the- Vlllage (313)885. 2154 ~ ofosewn Internationa{ IRISH e:JFFEE Salon & Spa BAR ~ GRILL ~:. WELCOMES MS. KARl EDGAR OUTDOOR PARTIES ... Cravmg an Insh Coffee Burger? Kan Joms our professwnal team RAIN OR SHINE ••• TheUler (rust You owe It to yourself The best old wlth enthuslasm! Her excellent color In WE WILL COVER IT! fashzoned bar burger town- technlques and cuttzng styles made from fresh ground round. Plus frame tents avaIlable FREE SUMMER SERIES compliment our current "A"list staff. CHEESE & WINE PAIRINGS Rated **** by Jane Rayburn, delivery, set up, and take down Please acquamt yourself WIth the the Detroit News ... Stop by and Call (586)774.5555, St. Clan Thursdays 6-8 pm July 8th, treat yourself 18666 Mack rest of our servwes as well, Facuzls- Shore3. Aveda, Natural Dlfference, Arbonne, Table Cheese from France, July Avenue, Grosse Pomte Farms, 29th, Farmhouse Cheese from the (313)881-5675. Massage- Try one of our 8 varymg U.K & AmerIca, August 19th, types, Spa Recliner- Manlcures & ArtIsanal Cheese from Spam & Pedlcures . at 75 Kercheval, Grosse Italy; Sample the world's most POlnteFarms (313)881-7252 delICIOUS cheeses and '\r. , complimentary wmes selected by x A/nO s MERCHANT S FINE WINE. $25 per person $60 per person all DETROIT three evenmgs (313)884-5637 CUSTOM FRAMING (Salono/7Jeauly 75 Kercheval, On-The-HllI PRODUCT OF FRANCE SpeciaL .. See what France's leadmg Redkm and Matnx Perms EnJOY MACK7cAFE contemporary artIsts are up to' and have a mother and daughter perm together - two for only Breakfast SpeCIals, Great Detroit Custom Framing IS Burgers Across from Pomte Plaza $100 00 Plus we <;pe('laltzrIn hazr To advertise in this column featunng the arnval of 150 Open Thes - Sun , CloSE'd Man exceptional French lithographIC cutting and tmtlng Call for your call (313) 343~SS82 appomtment - 586-530-4087 . at 19218 Mack Ave, Grosse Pomte pnnts at 19571 Mack Avenue, Farms (313)882-4475 by 2:00 pm Fridays Grosse Pomte Woods, 313-881-6922, 21721 Kelly Road, Eastpomte Section B ...... of tM Artt_..._.,...... 4 eatures ~fiJr _ \"". I.,,, July 1,2004 Fairgoers get a taste of the Grosse Pointes at TasteFest

By Bonnie Caprara Staff Writer The Fourth of July weekend marks the 16th year of the Comenca Three Pointe restaurants offer TasteFest m Detroit's New Center area, For five days - Thursday, July 1, through Monday, July 5 - 70 bands, 43 restaurants and 20 stores WIll give fairgoers a sampling of the diverSIty and the best of what the fresh approaches to cuisine Detroit area has to offer. In that mIX, three of the bands, three of the restaurants and one of the shopkeepers are from the Grosse PointelHarper Woods area, each offenng Local A something as dIfferent as the others, restaurants "We look at tIns as a true CIty festival representmg the whole three- county area," TasteFest Director Randall Fogelman said. "It's an lllcredi- featured bly diverse festival where everyone gets along and enjoys some great at the food." 2004 Comerica What started out as somethmg that was just fun to do for the regulars III the New Center area has turned out to be one ofthe rnghhghts of the TasteFest year m metro DetroIt and a fundraiser for the New Center Council, which Lunchbox Deli prOVIdes beautIficatIon and security for the economic development and planning, image budding and youth enrichment in the New Center area. Grosse Pointe Park M'Dear's Three bands represent the Grosse GrossePointeP~ Pointes/Harper Woods at TasteFest Meaghan's The Dollfaces: No Grosse POinte babes in the woods Woods While most of their class- Live mates spend their week- on the Pure ends hangmg out at the Rock 'n rustic roll mOVIes,Anthony Kanakan, Detroit Stage Mlck Bassett, Nick Dufour Grosse Pomte Park resI- and Max Schrmdt are at the at Second dent Scott Zucarro may be bars and Lothrop the first person to play dual The four 17-year-old hIgh roles at the Comenca school semors (Bassett, Friday, July 2 TasteFest restaurant Dufour and Schnudt go to owner and performer He1l Grosse Pomte South High Shipwreck Union be serVJng up sandWIches Sehool and Kanakan goes 4p.m, and salads at the Lunchbox to Grosse POInte North Deb booth, and playlOg gw- Photo by Bonme Caprara High School) have proven The Dollfaces tar WIth Shipwreck Dmon City of Grone Pointe resident Nick Lutes and their matunty m the musI- 5:30p.m. at the Pure DetrOit Stage at Grosse Pointe Park resident Scott Zucano have been cal sense as members of the Second and Lothrop In Monday, July 5 hanging their Lanchbo~ DeU ,bingle in the Park Dollfaces Detroit on Fnday, July 2, at since December 2000. Their restaurant wU1 be rep- In some ways, It's not Bade in Sptllks 4pm resented in the 2004 Comeriea TaateFest Thursday, surpnsIDg that the four- This ISthe first year July 1, through Monday. July 5. some plays m adult venues 3:15p.m. Zucarro and hiS partner, and attracts an older audIo CIty of Grosse PolOte resI- restaurant m the Park 10 tar for Uncle Kracker and ence Each of the band dent Mickey Lutes, have set November 2000 whettmg hiS appetIte to up an annex of theIr carry- In additIOn to workmg m local CUlSmeqLute~ had members say they were appeal to the genre's older greatly mfluenced by the out restaurant •.Lun~hbox other kItchen. pnor to get- spent tlme ,n m'ln) fcur \ afiClonados Deb, at the TasteFest Thp tmg lOto bUSiness, Zucarro ' star kltchens mc1ui!.r:~~ mUSICof theIr parents' gen- But their sound IS deli- eration, espeCIally the paIr turned theIr catenng had spent plent\ of tlll"e Sf'€' RESTAU«Al'IJS. Dltely theIr own WIth (NIck, busmess mto a free,tandmg tra\ehnj/; ....hlll." pJa)mg gUl- pilj;(e 6B Beatles Max and MIck) wntmg all "You should always go of the band's ongmal mate- Grosse Pointe's back to your roots In youngest roek icons. the nal mUSIC,"baSSist and VOCalist "All of It has the ele- DoUfaces. perform on the Bassett sald Pure Detroit Stage at ments of clasSICrock, but It But their musIc ISalso comes off as a modern Second and Lothrop at shaped by the sounds of sound," Bassett said the 2004 Comerlea today, most notably by the The four boys met each TaateFelt on Friday, July RadIohead and the other as students at 2, at 5:30 p.m. Smashmg PumpkIns, two alternative rock bands that See BANDS, 6B Grosse Pointe Park woman puts a trendy spin on Detroit retail

WhIle some street festi- busmess 10 the nght loca- vals select artists to show tIOn She moved to the their wares, Comenca Fisher BUlldmg 10 August TasteFest organizers decid- 2003 afrer openmg m ed to bnng together what another locatIOn In they thought retail should December 2002 Not only look hke 10 the CIty has her store attracted the City Kl1lts has a place 10 trendsetters who have that VlSlOn,which IS alqo made kmttmg popular shared by Its owner, Grosse POInte Park reSident Karen Kendnck-Hands "I thought a city of 1 mJl- Selected Items hon people should have a quahty kmt shop and a cool busmess that would be a Places to look destmatlOn In DetrOIt," Kendnck-Hands saId for City Knits Kendnck-Handq Joms 17 at the other area retailers 10 the 2004 Comerica TasteFeqtq Subwa~ 2nd Photo b" John F' '\1:art.Jn Ave Street Market Her TasteFest Grosse Pointe Park res- store, located m the con- Ident Karen Kendrick- courqe of the Fisher SulnM)' 2nd Handa opened her knit BUlldmg was recently Ayenue Street sbop. City Knits. in the de'ICnbed m another newq- MarAet FI,ber BuUding last paper aq "the Somerset August. -I thou&ht a city CollectIOn of yam" Kmttwg of 1 million people Not only can falrgOf>rq in Public should bave a qaaUty pick up a qkem or two of Saturday July 3, knit ,hop and a cool caqhmere recycled qan q,lk and Sunday July 4, b1Uinea that would be a destination in Detroit •• or a lmen/sllk blend but noon to 5 p m the\ cAn alqo ]parn how to Kendrick.Hand, said. kmt At lhp Taqt.cFeqt's Fltnesswor~s Park on the corner 1lg'llInhilt alqo cell'hntleq Kmttmg m Puhhc m the ~Ilch flqMla Farrow and F,tne,qworkq Park on of Second Kelly MCGllhAand the caAt and West Grand Saturday .July 1, and member. from "Movm' Sunday .Julv 4 from noon Boulevard Out," "ChIcago" and to 5 pm Kl'ndnck Handq Iq Stitch and Bitch "Mama Mla- alqo coordmattn~ the mod durmg the Aq for kmltlOg'q renewed em-day VerqlOnof thl' kmt- Come Ons show populsnly, K!'ndnck- tmg clrcl" a qtltch and on the Hand. a kn'tl~r of 40 ~. for the Kids Too! bltch dunng thl' Com" Onq Pure DetrOit Stage yE'arq _aId "I thmk women qhow on the Pure DetrOIt Second and Lothrop of my gE'neratlon thought If Stage on Saturday July 3, Saturday July 3 you lookl'd too domeqtlc, It (313) 882-8970.17140 KERCHEVAL' GROSSE POINTE .IN THE VilLAGE lit 4 .10 p m would comoromlqe your pro- 4:30p.m. HOURS MON THRU FRI 10 6 THURS TILL 8 SAT 10. 530 SUNDAY 12.4 Kendnck-HanrlA has cer feqqlOnallma.l\e Now, I tamly come upon thE' nght thmk we're a little more July 1,2004 2B Community Grosse Pointe News Concert to be held at Memorial Church Senior SCene Senior archi'oisfs Grosse POinte Memonal Memorial Boaters are the festive mUSIC of George Church, 16 Lakeshore In encouraged to attend the Fndenc Handel We have to be careful the wmter 10 an aban- Grosse Pomte Farms, wIll concert by anchormg off- Carillon concerts Will con- not to be Judgmental 10 doned schoolhouse present "Water MusIc and shore behmd the church tmue each week at 7 15 P m our accounts We're not She was born dunng a Flley.orks MUSIC for saYing that thIngs were bhzzard Her father could- The event IS free Tuesdays Can lion and Brass,~ at 7 Tours of the canllon wIll better 10 the past or are n't get out of the house for pm Tuesday, July 6 Patnck Maw~ka Will be be offered after the concerts By better now We're Just four days to buy the things The concert IS the first of a the canl1(meur and the For more lOformatlOn, call tellmg the way It was needed for a newborn senes sponsored by MUSICat Motor elt) Bra" \\ III pl.n I n 311'f>2-5.:ll0 Ruth One reason I thmk it'e For the four days my Cain lIDportant that a farmly mother was fed cow's mllk sac presents have an archIVist IS heated on a t10 plate held Do you remember? Some years ago I heard because I know so httle over a kerosene lamp and talk on asset LNt week's questionl through that area a presentation by a about my fBmlly's back- glven to her 10 a spoon When I was a small gJrl In This week'. questiou: woman, 75, who talked ground I remember her allocation the late 194Os, I used to take In the 19405 and '50s, what about an important role I never knew any of my excl81mmg, wrule In her grandparents. Two died 60s, about how wonderful Services for Older a bus to the comer of Mack sstabhshment on Mack at that she felt only semors aud Cook to pur8ue my Cac:beu1 had great bot dogs could fill servmg as an before I was born, another mllk was Her mother kept CItizens (SaC) will present who had been hvmg With a a cow to proVide the fam1ly a talk by Mark Barnett of favorite sport. Where was I coney clogs, bul'ier8 aud t~ archIVISt for their fBmlhes PIli and what was my best jUkebox in the city'? Semors, she swd, were the daughter 10 ChIcago died With milk The cow MB Squared Fmanclal about the trme I was born roamed wherever she Services at 11 15 a m 1IJIOrt? Each week WfI t't',Y to pro- only ones who knew the ':.-ADlnr~ To the riding voke MJders With a ~ mformatlon and events My father's father went to wanted and often feasted Wednesday, July 7, at the San francISco after the on weeds and Wild grasses Neighborhood Club Barnett lI&'iIbles at Hartz or Hills to about Gros8e that hnk the generations reQt ho~ by the hour JlIl4 The ~ if~B'.~ together death of rus wtfe He died Consequently her mIlk was Will dIscuss asset allocation r«Je' t.lul.. . - - ~ • when I was about 12, but sometimes purple or and Will teach techmques At the trme, I thought it ~ Ul ;;a-~ ",~~Al'~~':.~ ~-'.~'" he had never Vlslted ~n.andthln.unhke that professIOnals use to was an Idea that had validIty But because of a DetrOit, and my family today's whIte, creamy control nsks III a volatile Learn about Gilda's Club full-time Job, chIldren and never made It to milk market Caltforma When ArmlStlce for Jom sac for a hot lunch Cmdy Kozak from Gilda's children WIth all types of bemg active 10 professional Club Will speak from 6.30 to cancer and their famlhes OTgaruzatlons, I barely had I do have a few pieces of World War I was at 11 a m The presentation 1OformatlOn My grandfa- announced, my mother Will be after lunch 830 p.m., Thursday, July 8, and fnends can enhance time to carry on my day-to- at the Van Elslander Cancer their quahty of hfe through day hfe ther was in the earth- told of the thousands of Center on the campus of St support, networking and Now I'm retrred, my quake In San FranCISCO people who assembled in John Hospital and Medlcal education Gilda's Club children grown, With chil- He was trapped under rub- large towns throughout .~,,~~~<~f ble for three days before the Umted States to cele- Pointer ~--"~Center This Will be a free Metro Detroit IS 10 Royal dren of their own. Now 18 commumty educatIon mght Oak the time to begm this bemg rescued H1s only brate the war's endIng A regIster or to get more Important effort that could lDJury was a broken arm week later, hundreds in Kozak WIll talk about the To Bridge Club mformabon, call (866) 246- al~o be fun How wonderful It would those towns were dead support and resources Members of the Pomter 4673 As we get older we fear be to have hIs personal from a devastating flu GJlda's Club offers for those Bndge Club will go to the that people WIll thmk account of this famed and Virus that had spread hvmg WIth cancer and for Free VECC commumty Wmdsor CasillO at 10 a m we're fuddy-duddIes hving temble disaster throughout the United their families and fnends education mght programs Thursday, July 15. A bus m the past tf we start talk- My grandfather's sISter States She WIll also diSCUSS strate- are held the second Will be available m the park- mg about the old days An had lmmlgrated to St When I thInk about gIes for COp1Og WIth cancer Thursday of each month mg lot of the Grosse Pomte archiVist, however, wntes Lows from Sweden when these few tales, I regret before, dunng and after from 6'30 to 8 30 p.m War Memonal The bus Will about mformatlon from the she was about 16 or 17 how much more I could treatment return at 4'30 pm Guests past that will be read for She heard that 10 San have known about my fam- Gdda's Club IS named m are welcome. Senior Men's many generations to come franCISCO, serv10g gJrls Ily Arcluves would have honor of the late comedian The cost IS $15 for the ArchIVISts don't get were p81d $1 a week demonstrated the drestlc and former Detrolter, Gilda tnp, which Includes lunch Club to meet wound up With family There were few JObs 10 St drlferences 10 the hves of Radner It IS a free nonresI- Lows for anyone and still For more Information, call The Semor Men's Club of trees They're important, my fanuly WithIn the past dent cancer support commu- fewer WIth pay that hIgh. (313) 886-7595 or (313) 881- Grosse Pomte Will meet at but not as rmportant as 100 years Changes will OIty where men, women and My great-aunt Johanna, 8566 11 am, Tuesday, July 13, at what these people were be Just as dramatic as the at age 18 years, took a the Grosse Pomte War hke, how they hved or technolOgical wonders that tr81n to San FranclSO to l/It 1/1(1/ ( i/c'" Cddll'llio/l\ Memonal for lunch and a made their hvmg, and have entered our hves will seek her fortune The short busmess meetIng The what dramatiC, outatand- continue and change our many trwns she had to speaker will be Tem Lynn IDg or Illterestmg events world. take to reach Caluonua Land, MIchigan's Secretary happened dunng therr Me- Ifyou'd hke to be an must have taken weeks archivist, you can write cekbraSUMMER of State tlmes She got a Job and her longhand or on a comput- Enghsh Improved. She was er If neither IS av81lable, Summer S JOYS are many Eve

WORSHIP SERVICES Firs! Eng IISh Ev. Lutheran Church Vcrmer Rd at Wedgcwood Dr ffiSTORIC Grosse Pomte Woods ST. ANTHONY CHURCH 884 5040 Grosse POinte 9 00 a m Tradlnonal ServIce (celebnomg 147 7""") Unitanan Church 10 30 a m Contemporary ServIce '", The Good Samantan 7 00 P m 1lInIay Ev!Iq TndiloaII 5247 ShendaD Ave. off GratloC Ave I{}JO IUIt \\\rlJp ~ 930 a m Sunday School Dftro.t, Ml 48213 GROSSE & s.may Sd>x>I Summer Schedule begms May 30th 313-nl~ ooeurI POINTE Dr Walter A SchnudI. Pastor ....- Eastside l\Saint 17150 MAUMEE 881-0420 Rev Barton L Bed>< Assocllle I'asIo< Christ the King Community nmbrose UNITED Rev John corrado Mlnlste, Robert F01'!er MUSIC CoordJnalOr Lutheran Church Church Parish CHURCH \EI:J ST MICHAEL'S EPISCOPAL f•..' .... Mack at 1 ochmoor CHURCH i4tiI AFruATED WITM 1l£ UCC ANI) ABC \V 884 <;090 A CaTln~ Crml"Umm ()f~m)' .. t. ul1uTr~ ~"-12 I'll: 2AOCHALFONTE ATlClTHllOP 20475 Sunnlngdale Park "~ Jr.: 815 & Hl"';" a m WONWp Wor,hop <;er",o near Lochmoor Club ~~n'\ 884-307'5 Grosse Pointe Woods ~I .. e 10 00 a m 1n the Harper Wood~ Sf. huI Ev. LutherIn CIturch 9 WI am SuodJ\ School High S4.h001 Al'dllonUm Saturday Vigil Mass Rev Larry H.wklls Sunday 315 8t CMIfaoIM & Br~k Cla.~~ Rc," Samud f) J K-k-.on Pa.<;fOl" at 4:00 p.m. Lott;:f, Guesl Pruchtr 8 00 • m Holy Euclllm' .... 70 ~UflCT\l-.ed '\,uN'll Pn)'o tdrd Sunday Masses 13131647.0000 10-1~ • m ChuT<~SclIooI WORSHIP AT 10 A M & 10-00 A III FAMILYWORSHIP "''"''''' I,.hn"uhtklo,ggp rq ~w\\- ('-d .. I\ldc: ....()mmUnll\Ctlllr<..h com at 8:30 11:15 a.m. 1030. m Chonl Euchan" 375 LO!h'op Grosse POInte Farms (CRIB ROOM AVAILABLE) Rand. <; 8 ~chool Yolllh ,"""I W"dlll'.dn, al 6 1/1pm cvol) 'roncWj al Summer Sunday WorshIp SeTVlce Schedule Nur<;ery a\dliablc .....nwr Hl/{h l'oulh """" Th,mdnr' at ~ (I(J p m The Trnnpk,n, CenleT 31 Sunday, May 30 - Labor Day - Sunday, September 5 \\ollldm,1I PllInlc Pari; II 00 100 One SeTVlce at AM Phone ~K4 I)~ 11 10'00 COl,ff JOIN 1<; 11 nil ~ark ,\vpnup Gro~~" Pomtp "'O(lJ~ V"'loor "c!l>;llc x _'W.3t,JamPSRP.orjl Pa<\Of Re' Hen" I RClncwalc Phon" (313)88I-H43 W"h Pa!l:'" ~.~b<-.{>r,; rIE-mail gpwpchulchOaol com • Web Sits WNWgpwpc org THE GROSSE POINTEMIMORIAL CHURCH .. f' ..0:. ~ Jefferson .f4.venue ~i15tllrTC~nrintr15' a;:~urc~ :IIiiIIIJl Pres6yterian Cfiurch " wx SF Of PRA YF.R rot!: AU l'£OPI.E ntabmhed 18155 The PresbyterJall OlJrch (U SA) ~('rl "1,' (Ii'HI,n 0,(, "Ifm I~{) ."fOrc Trll<:hlu"'lal An.[l:11can Won.h,p REV. JOANNA L.J. DUNN, prelUhing Sunday, July 4, 2004 lndepcny, Jr~H-.ory Krnndh J ~...... (lrpnlot _ 161",k~ Orh" (,~w Potnt .. "'fl'ft'li ~ RH2 -:HO <--...... orr. "'-'" lI62S E JefI..-.on lit Burna, Delroll ...... _~.rtIl P...... VIsit ou' website WWH jape 0'0 313-821-.\456 (313).259 -2106 mlrlneroclfU rcborddrolt 01'1 -- July 1,2004 Grosse Pointe News Communit~ 5B Pastor!s Comer Send an explosive Liberal religion message to your taste buds By the Rev. John Corrado the only way Case closed. Umtanan Umversal1sm, This commg Sunday IS mlxmg bowl Fold 10the Grosse Pomte Unrtanan LIberal rehglon 18open, though almost all UVUs" the Fourth of July, 2004 peppers, lemon zest, scal- PICnICSat the park and A LA ANNIE hons and black pepper Church rather than closed It sees are rehglOus liberals By Anme Rouleau 5chenff We call the rehglon we words as symbols of some- Literal rehglon sees backyard gathenngs WIll Transfer to a servmg bowl celebrate at Grosse Pomte thmg beyond themselves. matters m tenns of mark yet another year of and chili for at least one Umtanan Church "hber- It seea Scnptures as IUmJ- goodlbad, yes/no, our natIOn's10dependence hour before servmg al~rehglon nous, Ie, glOWIngWIth nghtlwrong Liberal reh- Whether you're throw- Dnzzle the chilled dIp What does "hberal" reh. more truth than anyone glon, WIthItS openness, mg the party or travehng With extra-vIrgin ohve 011 glon mean? person can see, opaque recogmzes that hfe, to celebrate With family and pass Wlth barbecued There are two baSIC and nuanced, allOWIng human interaction and and fnends, It'Salways potato chips or toasted approaches or phllosQ- cont1l1ual JnSlght and deClslon.malong tend to mce to bnng a new taste pIta bread phles of rehglOn One IS interpretation have more nuance than to the table It's even Feta pepper dIp can be hberal, the othE'rISIts Liberal rehglOn, nghtly eIther/or thmkmg admIts mcer when you can pre- as hot or mtld as you OPPOSItehteral rehglOn practiced, ISnot WIshy- to Lue, human mterac- pare It 10 Just a few mm- WIsh Much of the heat uteral religion ISwhat we washy or mdefirnte, but tlOn, declslon-makmg IS utes Feta pepper dIp ISa pers (pepperoncini WIlldepend on the pep- allY__ Was fun. rather an approach t<> reli- sometImes both/and qUickand easy recipe that and/or sweet red cher- pers you choose I used a ntallsm glon that sees more than It has been s8ld that a' WIllbnng new hfe to a ry peppers), sliced or combmatlOn of pepper- onClnl(seeds 10)and hot e hteral approach to literahsm alIOW8. hberalls a person WIthhis bowl of potato chIps ThIs chopped 'on (whether that St Paul wrote, "The let- feet planted squarely on creamy and flavorful dIp 1/4 cup sliced scal. cherry peppers Withthe 'on lB Chnst~mty, ter IoJleth, but the SPlnt both SIdesof an Issue • gets a luck from mild pep- lions seeds removed , JudaIsm Clt even I- giveth hfe." (II Sometrmes that's true pers 1/2 teaspoon grated ThIs tasty dip WIlldo w-exactly-what-god.I- ConnthJana 3:6) l1beral rehglOnIsn't easy, lemon zest well spread on a burger or reJect-atheIsm) ISthat any The IJteral approach to U you do It nght Youdon't Feta Pepper Dip Ground black pepper WItha lamb kabob It's l 8 oz. feta cheese, to taste (optional) also another dip optIon for scnpture, any descnption rellglon chOOllesthe letter. have answers at the back the veggle tray of rehglous expenence;' LIberal rehglon - 10 of the book Sometrmes crumbled WhiP up some feta pep- any descnptlon of God IS whatever f8lth or denoIDI- you have to be strong 8 oz. cream cheese Blend the feta, cream per dip thiS Fourth of hterally true natIon It ISfound - enough to look at the vast U2 cup plain yogurt cheese and yogurt m a July It WlUfire up your It's 10 the Bible God chooses the SPlnt l1beral moral landscape between or mayonnaise food processor untIl sald It I beheve It That's rellglon ISbigger than "eltbe~ and "or" 112cup pickled pep- smooth, scrapmg the Sides taste buds as needed Transfer to a Some hke It hot. Harpsichord, cello recital at GPMC A free reCital featunng Memonal Church :eride of the Pointes harpSichord and cello WIllbe Performers are Mlml Mea given at 4 p m Sunday, July Morns.K1m and Susan Three student-athletea earned a Doctor of K. Odonoghue. KeDyanne Black of the 18, at Grosse Pomte Toman from Grosse Pomte have Vetennary MedICInedegree L. Rau, Nicholas CIty of receIved VarsIty awards for froln MIchIgan State Deblouw, Roger Ferworn Grosse theIr partICIpatIon 'IBmem- University's College of Jr., 1ereaa Gage, Kevin Pomte, a bers of the men's tenntB Veterinary MedICIne She IS Barry, Jeffrey Mathews, Jumor at UP TO B STORIES HIGH. team at AlbIon College: also a member of the Pbt Asbleigh Koch, Purdue 12.000 WATTS OF SOUND Jeffrey Moore. son of Zeta National Veterinary Christopher E. Vanhof Unlverslty 750 HCJRSEPOW£R_ Donald and Sandra Moore; Aca.delIllcHonor Soctety and Lindsey Grosso. and a blo- John Fodell, son of Joseph • Others on the dean's hst medtcal engi- and Mary Fodell; and Katie Ann Van Lith, are Chelsea Ocbylski, neerIng Hunter Huth. son of Paul daughter of Richard and Lindsay Yates, Bradley Black major, has and Cathenne Huth Ann Van 11th of Grosse Ball, Sarah Cournoyer, been accept. POlOte Woods, earned a Shannon Hoffman, Ryan ed to the 4th lOtematlOnal Recent AlbIOn College Bachelor of Arts degree in Misehnick, Heather summer school on blocom- graduates are Matthew M. CO=UDlcat!on from the Oboyle, Lauren Semak, plenty from system to gene Bernbeck. son of Roland College of Samt BenedIct. Kathryn David, Thomas at Dartmouth College and Carol Bernbeck (summa S. Boynton, Silvia cum laude), Caitlin E. Cadet Scott Michael Tremonti, Leonard Air Force Reserve Alnnan Fitzgerald, daughter of Somerset of the CIty of Stoehr, David L. Damore, 1st Class Daniel S. James Fitzgerald and Grosse Pomte, W8I:l honored Andrea Davison, Kelly Duchon graduated from Deborah Doyle, Emily J. for outstandlOg academiC Kellett, Thomas Lucido baSIC mIlitary trammg at achievement at The CItadel, and Eileen Plourde. Knaus. daughter of James Lackland Arr Force Base In the MIhtary College of • .and Jane Knaus (magna San Antomo, Texas He IS !cum laude), Katherine A. South Caroh~a. Somerset Deirdre Ann Deboeint the S()h of D(}uglas llrl8 aelueved dean It hilt ~ - ih- -Ci - ~ - MacKool, daughter of con and also earned a gold e lt~ of Grosse Pom Kann Duchon of Harper Kenneth and Patncla star for achIeVIng a 3 7 and NIcole Jeannette Woods MacKool; Shawn M. grade pomt average or l .. ~h_ Gatteno of Grosse Pomte • Maurer, daughter of John ~ Woods were named to the Sean Gramling of Grosse er HelsthesonofDr and d 'I t fi th te and Susan Maurer (summa Dr J. Scott Somerset. ean s IS or e WIn r Pomte Park earned a Juns cum laude), Amy K. semester at Schoolcraft Doctor degree from Ave Radgowski, daughter of College Amena School of Law 10 Lawrence and Laura Christine Hoffsten of • Ann Arbor He IS the son of Radgowslu, Tracy S. the City of Grosse POlOte Named to Albion College's Edward and Maureen Gramhng Secord. daughter of DaVId was elected treasurer of spnng dean's hst were Matthew Bernbeck, and Suzanne Secord; Kappa Kappa GaIDInasoror- Emily Knaus, Janice Kimberly K. Seiter. Ity at ValparaIso Umverslty daughter of Thomas and Hoffsten IS a sophomore Kronner, Lisa Leverenz, Susan SeIter (cum laude); pursUlOga major m nursmg Shawn Maurer, Frederic Serafina Shaska, daughter She IS the daughter of Moore, Amy Radgowski, of Fent and Esma Shaska Wilham and Jane Hoffsten Kimberly Seiter, Serafina ~ (cum laude); Carrie R. Shaska and Elizabeth Telev,sIon Sutton. daughter of George Vogel. Grosse Pomters named to for the and Juhe Sutton (cum the dean's hat for the spnng Whole laude); Elizabeth M. CommunIty semester at Western Vogel, daughter of Wilham MIchIgan Umverslty are Carolyn Black. daughter Vogel, and Maya M. Zsyat. Sarah E. AI8chbach. Erin of James and MaJ-Bntt daughter of PIerre and July 6 to July II Fearured GUCSl5 Nawal Zayat • The S 0 C Show TheSQC Show Jennifer Slone 2J! Viwuy PI .. (AerobIcs) Meg,m Guonell MT-I\C, MUSIC Therapv Wilcoxon, daughter of 2.lll.Jm Polntes of Honlculture Who. In Ihe KlIchen' l1nda and Charhe Slone of .IS.!.J! Who'. In the KJ,chen' JUSlIn ~chnelder & (,Ien RJee Scald ~callops Grosse Pomte Park, earned n...g.., m. d>c~ M:moRII SlOt') a doctorate of philosophy 10 ll.ll! Mus.ca1 Time Jamboree ~ 10 do al mew..r "'=onaI neuroscience from PRESENTS Mark Randls, & o\Jexander'c Northwestern Umverslty ~ EconomIC Club of Detro" Summer Mu." Fcs[Jv:u She WIllpursue post-doctor- l..QQ..p.m SeOlO' Men. Club al work at the Umverslty of U!WmJ Inside Art Qut of the O~m Je"lCa Buchhe"lel RelaClonshlp lnerap} ChiCago ~ The LcgaI [n51d .. biO..Izm The John Prost Show music J,.O!llzm n...g. 10m .. d>c~ M alld piCriC baskets to lhe Vmage Pwa alIne 2.Jll.~ Sen 10' 'of. n. Club Umverslty He earned a ~ The LcgaI [n.Kk, Bachelor of Sctence degree Ln.IDkMl comer of Kercht'.al and St Clair and ~v the<.e ~t tree- ool!hlr /iJllpm Who. In Ihe K"chcn' "hI) Fwald Neo Pop A'Clsl m marketmg from Anzona ZJll!..Jl1ll,!) Plu. (Tone Escrasel conceits eYSY T~ at pm State Umverslty "m UU-<1.ID n...g.1O m. d>c~ M IAerol",:.) earned Doctor of Vetennary 2,Jl!.Jzm Po,nl .. of Horttcullure IhcJob.n ~hQw

In D, RC\ Allen D l,mm & Medlcme degrees from JUll8 Who. Ihe Kitchen' Mlclugan State Umverslty's l!WS.!.j!111 n...g. 10m. d>cw.... McmonII Rev Peter ( "m Ith College of Vetennary BrfllMrslJlm M uSlcal ~IOry Ti me Ja mboree MedlClne Witherell IS the Rhythm and BIte, Molrmn Big Ba1Xl an anlllal tradition on The Plaza daughter of ,John and Ihiwlli ilave \'OlJ IiJrClng IIIthe!llreell &.on nm IC Club of Dclro1l Ehzabeth WItherell of the LOO-AlIlo;.nlo, Men. Club CIty of Groqse Pomte JulY 15 l..JQ..1.m Inc~McmonII daughter of Michael and ~ peI.oonm l1jtJusa\\'a~ ~ aOO eOO::alor our amng ~chedule Theresa VandenBussche of ",....,.,,..,.....,,..,,.... l.JQ ilI1 'ofu'feal Woods, has changed (.-.". -IJO iDI Younj\ V,ew POIn.e.

~ m earned a Doctor of r::r~",(nm "l' PnSlllvely Po... ,ve t.l~...... Vetennary Medlcme degree ~n ~..,...ll",: ~ l.J0 ilI1 o;.m .. Men' ( lub from MIchIgan State ~I ~SdaI IJ!.Q-AlIl V".lny Plu. (lone here ..e) -t'FI< .. l,.'MW{ Laurie Tyrrell, daughter (.UJ~ ...... ,.... lO. ,.. ~ n...g.., m. d>c'*'- McmonII of Sharon and Robert Tyrrell lLOO..l.I1l POStllVe1y P..... 1Ve hed' 1(> ~( blN'1 10 changfl wlthoul n()oce of Grosse Pomte Farms, -...._ '_I' .....r.7. For lur1hP rlformatoo cal 3138817511 •AItttMW ~ ... c-... of mn h MMft ~ ~ .~u_r~_s~_'e2_~~_1n_te_N_e_ws H__e_a_l_t_hlEn_gagemen ts 38 r-H-ea-r-t-d-t-.s-ea-s-e-t-.s------.....Kidney Foundation honors Pointer

The National IUdnev '1" School m l

Know Your Skin by Lisa A. Manz-Dulac, MD Summertlme and Pllotosensltlvlty can also mamfest Itself sunlIght For many though, 10 terms of photoallerglC re~ponse to Assisted Living summer's sun can be very certalO chemicals & foods For example, harmful espeCially for some indiViduals get an nchy. raised rash those WIthphotosenSitIVIty, after handling foods such as parsley or a condition thaI Increases citrus products and then hemg exposed to Respite Care your ~kms vulnerability to bum the sun (yes, spilling that marganta on for some, photosenSitIVItyISpart of their your skin can cause the area to bum genetic makeup For olhers qUickerl) photosenSItivity I~ the result of To learn more about photoben~lllvlty, medJ.canonsIncludmg ~uchcommon Items contact your dennatologlst or call us at as antibiotiCS and dIUretiCS For these EastSide Deonatology, Dr LIsa A Manz- indiViduals, preventIOn I~ key Always Dulac and ASSOCiates With offices m wear sunscreens and protective c1othlOg10 Grosse Pomte and New Baltimore You reduce the nsk of rapid bummg can reach them at (13) 884-3380 ADYBtTISalIIn'


• Licensed Nursing Care • Cemned Nursing Assistants - 24 hour care • Spmtual Care and ActiVIties avaIlable ". • Private rooms WIth DlreclV • Breakfast, Lunch, DInner and snacks • Van Ell • Sesto Meuccl • Pleasant, comfortable surroundmgs x • Rangom • Close to home Ladles'summer shoes, handbags & accessones! A s~~~~~Sl: JOHN SENIOR Somerset Collection - South COMMUNITY 248-637-3060 Lower Level Near Cartier For more information please call 313-343-8265 -- July 1, 2004 48 Entertainment Grosse Pointe News Stratford's 'Macbeth' is understated, powerful The most frequently per- dehvery, It glves tlus myste- questlOnmg the Wltches' Only the suspense of a Vlo- banc tragedy formed of Shakespeare's nous and compelbng story predictIOns and numbed by lent battle Wlth ThIS claSSICfavonte ISan plays, "Macbeth," has also an rmpact that IS rarely the death of hIS WIfe,he broadswords between him. excellent example of the been subjected to the Wldest achieved beheves the WItches' self and Macduff delays the Stratford FestIval's conSIS- vanety of treatments That IS not to say that promises that he IS InVJnCl- meVltable end tency 10 mountmg quality ProductIons range from th18 IS a bare stage readIng ble and 18 consumed by a In yet one more onglnal, productIOns that are both emphaslzmg the story's Tlus "Macbeth" has excep- commItment to see It creative touch, the play creatIve mterpretatIons and pnmItive brutality, to mak- tlOnal power and great dra. through. opens and closes WIth a ten- true to the onglnal 109 It a study In psychology matlc effects Wlth many HIS casual determInatIOn der Scottish folk tune It It IS presented 10 reperto- or to playmg up the super- genwnely creatlve touches to assassmate Banquo and serves as a reassunng ry at Stratford's Festival natural aspect to turn It The openmg scene IS an then Macduff's WIfeand remmder of love and happl- Theatre through Saturday, mto a portrlUt of Wltchraft example The play's famous cluldren only adds to the ness that continue outside Oct 30 Call (800) 567. In so domg, all sorts of spe- WItches appear as battle- enorDuty of hIS tragedy the pale of Macbeth's bar- 1600 clal effects, weIrd props and field ghouls robbmg the fancUul costumes are super- hodles of fallen soldiers It's Macbeth IShallucmatlng. Imposed on the senpt to a macabre touch very much The absence of Speclal estabhsh the nature of the in the grotesque spmt of effects bnngs audience emphas18 Often they over- the story. rmaglDatlon mto play, mak- whelm the onglnal play MeantlIDe, Graham mg It even more effective There IS a new productIOn Abbey's dehvery of the title Yet as the stress of reahz- at Stratford t1us summer role av01ds vocal hlstnomcs. 10g the enorIDlty of their that has turned to a rarely H1s speech IS artIculate and murder of KIng Duncan used but highly effective expressive He even projects mcreasss, Macbeth and b18 approach. DIreCtor John a feehng of rational wsbe- wife can no longer appear Wood lets the scnpt speak hef as he 118tensto the rational or normal, and the for Itself, UBmgunderstated WItches h81llum as future change ISa mBJor aspect of costumes and wscreet light- long He makes It poSSible the drama After expenenc- mg, mUSIC,props and sound to beheve that the witches' ing the ghost m the ban- effects that support the revelatIons are actually an quet scene, It becomes Lady actors In puttmg across the entrapment mtended for Macbeth's turn, as her words and the feelings some VJnwct1vereason to gwlty conscience makes her mherent m them. bnng about }us eventual a sleepwalker Peacock's Along WIth the Stratford downfall. performance is cbillmg company's clearly spoken As Lady Macbeth, Lucy when out of the gloom she Peacock also goes to the IS suddenly bathed in bril- heart of her role Her cos- hant lJgbt as she struggles tumes are m somber colors to WIpeaway the spots of and unadorned fabncs and blood from her guilty her emphasis, too, is on hands puttlng across the Ideas 10 Another natural empha- her hoes Yet emph881Z1Ilg SISof what the senpt offers the words that the senpt occurs when Macbeth revis- gIVes her, mstead of Its the WItches. Tlus tune indulgmg m artifiClal dra- the enhre coven 18 on stage matic effects, makes her stlrring a prophetlc caul- G.P. Theatre presents scholarships portrayal all the more effec- dron and channng its ntu- Each .priDg. the Groue Pointe Theatre holc18echolarahip auditions and tive There ISreal credibili- als It ISa scene that 15 preeenu caah awards to eligible h1gh echool .tudenu. Diane Pegg. chair. ty to her conrment to drastically cut 10 many pro- man of the 2004 echolarahip program. IU1DOUDCedthis yeu'. winners at Macbeth that she would not ductions, but here it 15 an Grosse Pointe Theatre'. May membership meeting. have urged hlID on 10 their rmportant addition to the Remi Coin won a $1.200 acholarahip and wUl uae it to attend the Purple plot had he obeyed IDSrm8- actIon The effect IS to Rose Theatre'. lUJDDler theater program and the International Thespian glVlngB and not told her restore an emphasIS on the Festival. about the witches' predic- mfluence of the WItches m Andrew McIntyre also won a fint place $1.200 acholarahip and wU1 attend tions the plot and gIVea greater the New York City Summer Dance AllIance. In the banquet scene, the rmportance to the role of SecoDd-place winner WILlMycah Artis. who WOD$800 and wU1 attend IIDpulse ISto peer mto the the supernatural 10 the Northwestern University'. Mulc Institute. darkness of the theater tragedy The Wltches are AIbten Jen Wallace WOD$500 and wm attend the International Thespian where Macbeth appears to hke a hand of fate Festival. see Kmg Duncan's ghost. By t1us time, Graham Austin Chrzanowald wU1 attend the Groaae Pointe Show Choir camp and But no ghostly Image IS pro- Abbey's Macbeth has under- a Summer Select worlulhop. Jected by some backstage gone an lIDportant change From left. are ColD; Wallace; McIntyre; ArtIs aDd ChrzaDowakl. te~lBn 18 ) J I I There a pow- lD personal1ty No longer erful reahzatIon that

". x

-- July 1 2004 Be Grosse Pomte News

~Fl _F) ~ ~ .. ~Within~ 16 Offices to Serve You

, . ~., , , .rr; ,I" f , ~ l~ ~.' r'=l1 It ~

GROSSE POtHTE PARK l..akeInInl GROSSE POlITE FAIlMS SIunnklg GROSSE POINTE WOODS AIIract!ve GROSSE POlNTE WOODS AIIord&ble Bnd< _ bedroom CoIoniaJ one and ona-IlaII ThIS------true "l.akefronl • horne IS set on the lip 01 a Vary attraclMl bnd< bungalow WI1h th_ locaIad I1BBl and reslauranls Mad< 9hoppIng sedudad pOIl1 WIttl panorarroc WlWS ITom balhs one and ona-IlaII car garage Spaaous badrooms, IomlaI (h>g room and l4J(lalad Ol!e

GflOSSE POlNTE _ Cl8IlllIIc GROSSE POlITE PARK Uka New GROSSE POINTE WOODS -... GROSSE POINTE SHORES ClIpe Cod GIlOSSE POlITE PARK Fotr IlednlomI Cer11lIr antranea CoionIai "' prrne IocalIon AI __ WIlhon past 1wO yeIlIS, I0OI Iumaoe, Thnl& badroom brick CoIoniaJ WIttl nalural eeaublYllIJ1d spaciOUS four bedroom th_ FabUous archlacluraJ det8l Latga 1wO-IaIIeI Nao.AJaI daoor Hartt.oood ~ ~ Feu central aJr WIndows kitchen cabalf balI1s, ~ countet1ops cemmoc floor SIll!<. recessed IaYels. Two garage WTlh opaner _lie car ma51e, Lobrary family room glass enclosad yllfd Charac1er bIlllt III pro/'OblUon era bedroom WTlh bath Central air finoshed iglbng, dishwashet' 8I0Ye New stonn doonI. lIoor 11 IaIdlan along WIttl a great garden port:h rec room two car at1aChad garage baseman! bar and recrea!lon araa was the basemerI, nalunlI fn!piace ard a Iwo car garage Freshly par1IBd nsoda and eM. Don' wall. WIIldow Coma taka IooIt a Great home fo' famly and antert8lmng I1lIIltiIXlrtlo spaakaasy 0Jlstanli'lg IocalIoo (LOP23Wtf) 31H86«l«I $494,900 (LGPOIlMAA) 31~ $185,900 31~ $2011,900 (LGPllOROS) (LGPS5ROS) 313-886-5040 $485,000 (LGP72PEM}31~ $545,000

,~.","., , . ~ GROSSE POINTE CIas8lc Tudot GROSSE POIfTE WOODS Spedoua GROSSE POlNTE FARMS l..<>IollIy ExcepbonaI condlIxln Gorgaous new _ GROSSE POlNTE CUrb Appeal GROSSE POINTE WOODS a.nw A~ 111_ bedroOm Iwo!l.ll ba1Il wilh Ths Ao&e TemICll Tudor cIfws a Iwo 8lOly GIllIII Great family hame WIth amaZJng appeal Many reoent '4'd8les IncIucfng most wnOOws, wrth bUilt-ms fabulous woodwork newer Room. '4"idBd kilehan WIth graMa CO\IIIars, ~ firepIaoas. Ths horne """'" rreny Walk to lI1a Hili SOIItt1 main library and rooI Iumaoe oanInIJ... re/inIShad floors newer rnaJble bath Wllh dleny van

G WOOOS ImpeccaIllI GROSSI! PoiffE MIIgnItIc81l ThIS IJncl< bungalow oilers lhrea bedrooms Ths English Tudor oIIars #Vea 1loors 01 grace PBJ1lBlly tinIshed basament v.llh fuI second and elegance _ a carnage house Two SIDry balh HaItIwood bUt. foyer Ieadng to SLfllUIn garden ThIs horne has been reslofad _ ceramoc lie and _ carpelng on second IIoor ~ rdudad CentnlI ... two oar garage Ths Is a lJI8IlIlluy II1roug11Out Ths home wi not cisappocnt you' 31~ $1511,001> (LGP94LAK) 31~ $1,960,000

GAOSSE POINTE WOOOS UpdalIld GflOSSE POINTE PARK 1Iooc>f'8mIII' GROSSE POINTE FAIlMS Gorgeous GROSSE POlITE SCHOOLS a.. GROSSE POINTC satOOLS RemodIIId Become a reel _ ITlOlJ.II l.Ne III one LrlIl, Th"'" bedrooms Iwo and one-half balhs 2004 Condo SlbslIlIJIe Delaied and IM1mBd to Grosso PCWlIeSdlooIs on a budget. ThIS home Ths IS the horne Ihat you have been waotng ~ waterpmoIed and tnshed baseman! keep coIIedJng rent ITom Ion yaar pIus_., petfaon Newer kilehan ~ ll

GROSSE PCltITE SCHOOlS AIIrdve GROSSE POIfTE SCItOOLS Ccndo same """"'lor ';/ years Wet _ four Three badroom, IWO and one-haIf baU1s on a que! _ cuI-

~ ..,._ y ,':a"' . « ~ •.

j; '" .,

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TftOy _ of LMce ST ClAIR SHORES ~ Condo CHESTERFIELD lWSP SpIl"- BLOOMFIE1.D .-..u; s-ne BteaII1takrog _ 01 pnvale 1aO. 8nd< rand1 Enooy penornmc __ cI L1lI'1dry ongn:xJnd spminn9 Maslef bedroom new 1994 t""""" 1992 One year wananty F amly room walkout 10 pa_ pete and I\tst !Ioo< IalJ'ldly room _ balhtoom ~ sta 'Nay to second !Ioo< (LGP69UT) 31.l-l186-504O $319900 (LGP4OJEF) 31~ S44$ 000 (lGP41ZACl 313-8M-5040 $342,000 (lGP94KEN)31~ $549000 ~ .. , ~,.,..,;" ..': ~; "'"I

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Groue PoInt" 5t Cl8lrSh_ SMI!)y Twp Chesterfield TWp Slerllng HeIghts Relocation service. 800-448-5817 313-888-5040 see-nW100 sae.731-S180 586-949-5590 Sl6-93t-aaoo .---4 CENOANT rn ~ ~ ...... 11 ...... ~j"'~~~~ 2...... 2..... =' 24'~1IOO Section C CLASSIFIED ort S--,iAttittir • 1 fr" I Five North lacrosse players receive All-State honors

Grosse POinte North's Grand Rapids contest for the Norsemen the Norsemen got fine per- PIllen was outstandmg as JomIng tlIe All-State qUin- boys lacrosse team recently In the first round of the but had to be moved to formances from semors he made 17 saves tet as all-conference selec- completed a successful sea- playoffs, North posted a con. Grosse Pomte South because Bozell, Chns Brozo, Chns Kelly scored three goals tions were defenders Brozo son, and the Norsemen were vmcmg 15-1 Win over North's field was set up for Fox, Jake Krystoforskl, Matt for North, and another and WOJCiechowski, JUDlor rewarded With "everal post- Auburn Hills Avondale the school's first graduatIOn Lane, Matt Schuster, senior, Bobby Scarfone, had mldfielder Alex Kapordehs season awards North then beat L'Anse ceremony m the stddlUm Michael Topper and Adam one goal and attack Max Breur, a North finished second m Creuse 9-7 10 a game that In North'" 14-8 semifinal WOJCiechowski, who gradu- Watson and Gassel added German exchange student DIvIsIOn II In the Michigan was supposed to be a home loss to East Grand Rapids, ated the mght before two goals apiece TIns IS the fourth season that North's lacrosse team has been guIded by coaches Rob Dameron and Mike Johannes The Norsemen were one of 11 MIChigan teams to be ranked m the top 50 m the MIdwest RegIon, whIch Includes IllInOIS, IndIana. OhIO, Mmnesota and Mlssoun North was ranked 38th In the regIon

Park to host Lakefront swim finals Grosse POIDte Park WIll Brad PUlen David Watson Jeff DozeD ErIc KeDy host the Lakefront State Lacrosse AssocIatIon Swimmmg AsSOCIatIon The Norsemen were 15-5 champIOnshIps on July 20 and wound up Just behmd Ricci is and 21 at W1OdmI!1 Pomte Ann Arbor Huron, whIch Park won ItS second straIght second in The Park IS the defending MSLA DlVlslOn II btle league champion Semor goahe Brad Pillen, Prehm108"" WIll be held Jumor attack DaVld Watson SCCA event on Tuesday, July 20 In the and Jumor mldfielder Dan mornmg .....d afternoon It was close but no clgar Gassel were selected to the The finals WIll begm on for former Grosse POinter All-State first team, whIle Wednesday, July 21 at 530 Jay RICCIIn hiS recent battle senior attack Enc Kelly and pm WIth former Sports Car Club senior defender Jeff Bozell Each ofthe SIXAsSOCIatIOn of Amenca champion JBm1e were second-team All- teams WIll send two SWIm- Bach at Road Amenca In Staters mers or relay teams for each Elkhart Lake, WISC The dIVISIOn tItle wasn't event The top SIX 10 each Bach nosed out Ricci for decided untIl the final game event WIll advance to the the pole, then fimshed Just of the regular season, which finals ahead of hIm In the race, but was won by Huron North The Lakefront Swun.nung the two second-place efforts played Its worst game of the AsSOCIatIon IS acceptmg dIdn't dIsappoInt RICCI year, whIle the RIver Rats sponsor advertIsements for "The J D Bynder/Joe were led by a player who the pnnted program and Grosse Pointe North's ~c~ won the Grosae Pointe South Jpvitation- RICCIDodge car ran great all received All-Amenca flon- banner ads at and the Norsemen f1nIaJIed ~e 8ClbOnl'lUlked 38th In the m-state Midwest weekend but Bach bolted ors / The league conSISts of Relflon. In front. from left, are Dobby Scarfone, Matt Schuster, eolln Brown, out to a large lead early and The Norsemen didn't let Andrew Loosvelt, Alu: KapordeUs and Dane F08see. In the second row, from left. teams from the Park, Grosse I had to play catchup all the defeat affect their per- Kelly. Pomte Shores, Grosse Pomte are Matt Lane. John Joseph. Dane WUborne. Brad PUlen, Eric Hike Zada. race," RICCIs8.1d formance In the state play- In DozeD. Woods, Grosse Pomte Michael Jerger and ShaDe MaUon. the third row. from left. are Jeff Pro One head coach FabIO offs, however, as they Martin. usi&- Farms. the City of Grosse Jame8 Andrew COnti. coachea M11I.eJobanne8 and Rob Dameron. Castellani praised RIccI's advanced to the state semIfi- Sam In POInte and 8t Clair Shores taut coach Mike Gusel. Chris Brazo, Sherer and Dan Gaasel. back. from performance nals before lOSing to eventu- For more mfonnatIon or to left, are Jake Krystofol'llld. Adam Wojclechowaki. Michael Topper and Chris FOll:. "Although commg Just al state champion East Not pictured are Mu Breur. Brett LaValley and David Watson. sponsor an ad, VISIt the Park short of the top the top webSIte at wwwgrosse. mark, Jay's qualJiymg and pOlntepark org or contact race performances were dmocvball@{:omcast net Brownell teams have a banner season textbook, earnmg hIm an A year made a world of Woods and crosstown nval (201) season for a Brownell group awesome second-place fimsh m what was perhaps one of Junior rowers difference for the Brownell Parcells Boys who had record per- that had IncredIble enthUSI- Middle School track and The gIrls tied for second fonnances Included DeRon asm and an unmatched the hardest-fought, most- competItIve June spnnts In do well in their field program place In the league WIth a 4- PInes, hIgh Jump (5-feet-10) work ethiC," Sonnenberg Last year's teams finished 2 mark and 100 (11 78), Cameron S8.1d years" Jay's younger brother, first regatta the season Wlth only 15 ath- Between them, the teams Thornton, 200 (2560), Scott "So many athletes not Andrew RICCI, competed In letes, but under new coaches set 41 school or grade-level WIlkms, 55 hurdles (883) mentIOned here set personal The DetrOIt Women's thIS year's event for the first Mark Sonnenberg and Amy records and 200 hurdles (27 65), and bests m theIr events and RaCIng AsSOCiatIOn JUnIor time Jo BOlJa thIS year's teams Record-breaking perfor- Thomas WIlkms, 400 (567) worked to earn varsity spots Crew had Immediate suc- After turnmg a practice started and finished With mances from the gIrls team and 800 (2 11 5) Patnck next year. The huge number cess last week when It par- run at 2 45 seconds, Andrew 151 athletes Included Stephame PawlowskI and Jack DaVIes of parents that helped all tiCIpated In Its first regatta was able to get down to 2 26 Sonnenberg and BOlJa set Garbanno In the 1,600- tied for the best 1,600 tIme year should also be com- seconds, which gave hIm The group brought home a goal of bemg competItive meter run (5 54), Meghan WIth a 544 mended for their unbehev- 19th place among the 39 SIlver and bronze medals In Wlth the rest of the league so DeBoer, 100 dash (1306) The 400 relay team of able support, m partIcular the regatta at Belle Isle they recruIted the school for and 55 hurdles (10 14), CalVIn Gadzmsky, Thornton, Steve Schnever and Paul starters. athletes Lauren Major, 200 (304), Rob Helgson and PInes went WilkinS, as well as student "I've never mamtamed EmIly Koltumak of Grosse And they got some good Hale} Abesslnlo, 400 undefeated and posted a -managers Melissa Sulhvan, that kmd of speed for that Pomte Park and Enn Deane length of tUlle (98001 ones (1 06 9), and the 800 relay best tIme of 5181 Mary Blglm and Joe of Grosse Pomte Farms ran Brownell ~ boy, team Voas team of DaISy Bledsoe- "It was truly a wonderful Morns" mph)," the younger RICCI neck-and-neck WIth team- said ~Most of the turns were 6-0 \\ Ith \ wtore, 0\ er pr('vI- Hernni(. Stephame Wong, mates Ashley Warner of the ou~ly-unbf<1t(l, \\nn en o\manda El.ken. and Major fiat out In fourth gear" Park and Ashlelgh Moro of Highlights from The June Spnnts IS the Fraser before nosmg them first leg of the SCCA tnple out for the SIlver medal In crown, whIch mcludes the the JUnIor doubles dlVlSlon diVISIOn champIonshIps and South Babe Ruth the Valvollne Run-off Masters coxswain Maegan This year's race was the Anderman of Utica guided SOSADMSION LaJdZlak pIcked up the sa .. 49th annual at Road the DWRA master~ four plus crE'W, which mc1uded Oriol~ 10, Marlnen 7 Andrew W)bo went 3 for 3 WIth Amenca and featured more a tnple for the DrformanC'e fOT the ,rame. F,lImore and Nathan Grosqe POinte Soccer Glannosa And Sarah Mamka, led the Onole. attack Rangers who had Iwo hll .. ap'ece from MIchael HeIde and Clarke AsqoclatlOn Salvo '94 under- HE'nslen won a gold medlll In WIth two hIts and two RBI. al'",ce the Masterq diVISIon, beat- Tom VanderSchaAf ll'ot Ihe Win DIrksen 10 travel team heAt the while Robert l.aJdZlak earned the Rochester HIlls Ga)'ltos 4-0 mg DWRA teammates IrwIn "8V(' and Renee Schulte Onoles 5, Red So" 3 Olympic hopeful The Anll'ela got a 'lOhd mound The nE'xt regatta the effort from .Io.eph Lambe .. Robert Former Grosse Pointe North and Pointe Aquat- Roi)(lort HAnQ,Cn hart Hanqron turnf'd In A Canon And Kl"vm Gmnf'hftul{l1 'mp played well defE'nqlvely for Vlqlt the group.q wehqllc at ,Irong penormane<' "hI Ie Robert plJrd the nffen"" the Salvo wwwdwraorg July 1,2004 _2C __ Sports Grosse Pointe News Park Little League highlights

MAJORS Chns Calull Alex Stana.yk, Austen Jimmy Mench! had two!uts and got 1'Jgers 7, N. 8 Brooks and Anthony Stavale had the final out WIth the base. loaded The TIgers ove reame a 4-0 defiCit key lots In the rally BrookB. smgle Alex Peter. and Jack Mamn each had two lots for the Angela to Win In seven mmng .. The TIgers drove m the tymg run and he even. t.ed the game In the fifth but the tually stole home for the WlnnUJg A's regamed the lead on a home run run Cah.lI and Stanczyk each had IDdianlI 9, ADpb " by Austen BrookB WIth two out and mulb hIt games The Ns pitchers The Angel. scored four runa III the fll'llt mnUJg but Indt8Jl8 pltchen t¥.o runners on base In the bottom combmed for 13 .tnkeouts, and Trent Magluelse and J,mmy of the seventh the Ttgers scored on they were bel ped by a fine fieldtng Menchl held them scorele •• a ground ball play by Sean M,I.vec, who stopped And...,w LllJdZlak, Matthew a hard grounder up the mIddle, and through the next five framea Reno, Billy Me.tdagh and Jon the .trong defens,ve play by out. Magluelse, Mench! and Brad Kohut Crandall each had mulbple Iuts for fielder Bnan McAllI.ter Nell collectAld two lots apiece the TIgers One of Lajdzlak's luts Le,S,ng helped WIth some perfed Nick Muer had two Iuts for the Angels and Nate Jones pItched two was an lItslde the park home run bunts Reno pitched three .corele.s Steve Peck had three Iuts, scoreless mmngs Innmgs mcludtng a double and home run, Brooks hIt a tnple and home and Matthew Reno, Andrew Gl8DU 10, Mariners 9 run, scored tWIce and drove m three LaJdzlak and Robbie KJsh collected Dallas Mllier had thri!e luts for run. Chns CaloU scored two runs two lots apIECE'for the Tigers the GIants, wlule Patnck Jackman and Sean Mllavec and Alex closed out the VIctory WIth BOrne Stana.yk also contnbuted to the Ns White So" 8, Yankeea 7 .trong pltclung. The Manners' effort was Iugh- offense The Wlute So" won WIth a three- run rally 10 the bottom of the suth Itghted by Sam Carpenter's two lutl Yankees 8, Phillies II The strong pltchmg of Nate a nd fine pltchmg by Zachary Dre" Condmo, Alex Bedan and Ztmmeth and Will Qutnn helped Hasenbuach Ryan Hennesaey each had two lutl secure the VIctory The Wlule So" for the Yankee. Jordan MIller collected 13 walks and five luts Mariners 8. ~rs /I struck out five of the last .... batte1'll Ale" Bedan had three Iuts and a The Mannen scored the WlI1I11Dg he faced to close out the VIctory walk for the Yankees, who got two run WIth two out m the bottom of Ben Roast lut a tnple and JustlD !uta from Jacob St LoIllB and dou- the sIXth mnmg Sam Carpenter The VIP Club won the IS-year-old state AAUvolleyball tournament in Grand Mamn walked three bmes for the bles from Emtly Wybo and Sean and NIck Crandall each had two llapicls. In front. are Christa Bertakls, left, and Mellsea Raffoul, In back, from Plull,es Belanger luta The Rangent got strong Pltchtng left, are coach Ryan Welser. Adriana Badalamenti. Stephanie BaranOwski. Katie CLASSAAA from Marttn Voelker and a game- lIcAlpine. Kate Graham-McNeU.Marla Raffoul. coach Kevin Knuth and Maggie YaDk""" 10, Dodge .... 7 The Dodge1'll took an early four- tylDg homer from Chnst1Da TtgnanelU. run lead, but the YIlItI A 'I ~ on the ~ame With fOUT error The game was halted by hght The Onoles had fine defeJl1llve nmg m the bottom of tlle th.rd and coach KeVin )\jugent run .. 10 the l:X>ttom of the slXth play from Zach Dettltnger who wa' resumed the next day made a good play at the plate, JImmy Heldt and Andrew Barnett Andrew Malley had a key lut to PIrates 9, Reds 8 spark the Onoles' blg rally K.J In theIr final meetmg of the 808 Schaeffner faced on Iy 8tJ[ battent son the PIrate. stayed ahve m the over the Iast two Inmngs Tennis champs playoffs ",~th the come from behmd VIctory Wimbledon Racquet Club's A team won the Ortoleo 7, Mets 2 Metro Eut League championship, finishing 10 The Red. scored three tlme. m the first on SIngles by Matt Onol .. pItchers Zach Detthnger, points ahead of the second-place squad In front, K.J Schoell'ller and DaVId Hams from left, are Jill Pietl'Owsky, co-captains BaJb Tafhnger Le,r Rodney and Keith 'lklal'llkl and a ba .. s loaded walk to combmed on a two-h.tter for seven Thomaon and Paula Cornwall and Lezlynne Bred Remlllet The PIrates got one mmngs and faced ooly five battent over tlle minimum The MetB pItch. Moore. In back, from left, are Becky SCholtes, hack 10 the bottom oftlle first when CyDthia Rivarcl and Julie Granger, Not pictured Karl Brecht scored on Patnck .ng wa. just as effect,ve a. Robert Kennedy. tnple The Red. got a Cerwtn and Ryan Newa allowed are JuUa Capran, Cindy Hill, Coleen Kordas, only three h.ts tllrough tlle first oIIX run In the second when Rodney InnIngs The Mets took s 1-0 lead .n Susie Rhode, Cathy Hackenberger. Tracy Jakary. drove 10 Tanmger .. ho had 8lngled Patti MeCracken, Joanne Petz and Mary Jo W,ll Meye ... hIt hIS first home run the bottom of the third Yoangblood. of the ..,a""n .n the bottom of the Capuano scored on Charhe Sorge'. 'IOCOndfor the PIrates w make It 4 aacnfice fly The Onole. Au.tln Montgomery made an oullltandtng 2 catch of the hne dnve to center Remdlet led off the thll-d WIth a field The Onole. then doubled up a GPSA house highlights douhle moved to thIrd on a paMed runner sttempbng to move to tlllrd x ball and """red on Joey ShRnnon. The Onol .. took the lesd WIth two UNDF.R.IO New Enlll.nd RP\olutlon 4, ~undout SomE> unchaTsct.enRtIC run. m the fifth when Andy New Enrtand RPvolutlon 4, Kanu5 Clty Wizards 2 Champions again errol'll hy the PIrate. contnhuted to Pfeuffer and Monlll'omery scored on !"Oll Anllele. Galaxy 0 (,nAI~ ,,( '1n Hul'Y.A\ 2 'vir 1 thrN" morfl Redp. rnnq In the fourth .mgl.. by DeWm!':er and (,Of II... (;;j(>an U\lIWA~ "arA (rflnl']fI "'(.'tAn R< r~rntn Wimbledon Racquet Club's B team won Its sec- The Plr.tea h<'1(.n theu come 'leha.ffner The Metlltled the gsme Rf'l,oltJtlOn l Genl,](' \1'pfi::an fk>rR'f'ron 2 ond consecutive Metro East League champi- hack In the fifth I\"'t\ Reddo", and In the bottom of the .. ,th on anntll A"'l..,,,t.. rldll ~llrrnnnT &-vnlullon) r onship all It finished 15 point. ahead of the sec- rrt'or~C' rohone led off "",th ",m.'(lpl' er .. enfice fly by Sor!':e that '!COred H\lh"~,, l m l Ia",t\ H( ... lutHln A"''':;J''lt'l Fdell(' "illrmont 2 ond-place team. In front, from left, are Sarah After. fielder' chOl<'<'Ry.n MIller Ce... ,n The Onole. hroke the game ~Revnluhon) ( omm< ')t ... ThE Rl \ (lllltJOn got o~n Wlth five run" In thE' l'e\enth In h'l • 1\'0 run double M,ller '!COred ( ommC'nlll \tntthfl¥w ...Ir m~ rm ...."lni! from \fl g m Tnmalo" Sessions, Mary Miller and Sharon Hautau. on Keonedv. double and Kennedy h,ghlIlfhted by Anlhony Saleh'. \"(,ln~Ar"('n Dan Mandf'j 1rrd HI rnArch ..... mOl'" .. r \nCl <>"1 back, from left. are Barb PrUl. Violet Kirco', cap- came home on .nother dOllble by douhle PR...... 1hn! ld; 1nn n In \1Indf'1 Yj('~an Torn a <1,1 pa""Ni ....C'1l Th£" tain Karen Stieber, Gina Forletta and Dee ,Jeff "p.rk. CharlIe Mlller \fan Staml R('v"lntlon ~("1t fltr(l"~ O(f('rl{.(' from K",n \\ II.,!>:!:' n r '"Inri A p.t1n Hutchinson. Not pictured are Jocelyn Blerkle, The P1row"l ~ot thp RfId" out In Aodrew Bar~ett aod Aodre .. Wfll Rltdllf> .and R' W'\J{Rnner (n~t~k, ... \.lr{ rf' "l.lIlt In ",noAl \\ III Amy rrrlrr for lhf' A{'C"ond~trRl~ht mnmg Malley pl.yed e'celleot defense for and ()ut.qtAnetln~ ~(lalt('ndln~ from Hltrhll 1TI!'IOE -peclallzlng In concrete dirt Any- SpeCialiZing In rep81nng & Siding / Tnm / Gulters COMPLETE WORK consultation 313-570- grout restoration & thing' Houses, yards damaged plaster (all types) Reasoneble Rates DRAIN caUlking Grout Gul, basements, estates 8155 drywall & cracks Windows f Doors Quality Service (313)378-0843 We rent 10 or 15 yard peeling paint. faux 886-8557 Sun Rooms call Tom dumpsters Sentor BOWMAN Painting In- finishes, Window llroulilld,com -Free Estimates Grosse Pointe Roollng (586)716-4429 19b!!INCORPORAno- tenorl extenor, resl- discount (586}n8- puttying and caul King .Full Product Warranty (313)884-0117 (313)88600520 4417 denhal Over 30 years Also, paint old aluminum COMPLETE baths, experience (810)326- MOLSEN Lawn Irnga- .l.ICJNiID LIt IN5URfD Siding All wOrX and .Senlor Discount ROOFING speclall Tear kitchens, bIe deSign AAA Hauling Rubbish 159B (586)BOl-9817 matenal guaranteed llon Complete lawn .References offsl repwrsl 15 year 18 years expenence removal, appliances. Reasonable Grosse workmanship warren spn nlder servICe, In- &'I:~~ lICensed, Insured .~& concrele, dirt Any- BRIAN'S PAINTING POinte re1erences .A11 Work Guaranteed tyl Micah, (313)882- stallabon, rep81rs Joe, (313}510-0950 thlngl Houses, yards, ProfeSSional palnbng, LICensed/Insured 586-557-7009 0JmmatiII MICHAEL HAGGERTY 1835 basements, estates Inlenorl extenor Free estlmales KidIl:m.w. Lie. Master Plumtlel SAN Manno TIle & Mar. Reo&oms' AdcIIiom We rent 10 or 15 yard SpeCialiZing all types 313-882-5038 RRCODDENS STUMP Raze Srump dumpsters Semor painting, caulking, Family SInce 1924 ble Tramed In Italy, .B.:mC:nIS 959 POWIR WA~HING discount (586)ne- Window glazing, QUALITY PAINTING Re-Roofs - Tear Ofts 38 years expenence gnndlngl shrub re- Sdolt. GtJlII:D Exterior I Interior 4417 plaster repal r Shake Shingle Tear Ofts (586)725-4094 moval Small trees ne- .WmdoM Plaster Repairs Expert gold/silver leaf. Chlmeny Repair moved landscaping Dooa.eana.Wo:k MOVING-HAULING All work guaranteed 25 yNrs. (313)886-5565 Steve, (586)718-

~;~,;g~~~~WS£ (313)882-6900 ext. 3

~-- Cla.sllled. Thursday, July 1,2004 4C (313)882-6900 ext. 3 Grosse Pointe News


HARPE~ WOODS at J~:DI\'!DUAl t.I V.~~IV crr.c, :::'~Q",t;t fLU ;::Rvvcr.Cc .51 M.. IIIY ....L.I:.N L.Bl\e ::>Ieeplng L.I:AINc.i I UN- Hlstonc WALLOON Lake nome, 1,600 sq ft tn-level Vemler Very nice sUite nal offices and sUites, lease. thiS recently reo 18C farmhouse, re- Bear Dunes July, Au cottage 3 bedroom SIX miles South of Pe- Lange canal 3 bed- of offices- 1,600 sq It beaullfully decorated modeled 1 400 sq It ce nlly resto red 4 bed- gust specials Cathy walk to beach tennis, toskey, 3 bedroom 2 room, 2 112 bath Beautifully fumlshed by Perlmutter Fne- of execullve office rooms, 3 baths, Kegler, Broker shopping cable TV 1/2 baths sleeps ten Com~etely re.done (optional) Reasonable- wald conveniently ler space has easy ac- sleeps 6- 10 gour- (3t3)881-5693 and many extras 160 frontage $1 900/ month Ready for Business I cated at 10 Mile near cess to freeways and met's kitchen pool, e""""" t,.,Jt~!ens $5751 week Call Sue (248)373585t 810-359 2222 or (313)882-2646 Mr, Stevens, I 94 If you are inter- ""'*" ...... m downtown Recent up- poolhouse, garden ------plex@greatlakesnet 71S RENTALS/LEASING (313)886-1763 ested In premium grades Include new From $950/ week HARBOR Spnngs de- LAKE St Clan- Newly NORTH MICHIGAN space you shou Id see built 4 bedroom coler HARPER Woods- 2 offi- kitchen, new baths (303)838 9570 luxe condo, sleeps 6, PORT Sanilac cottages ROUND Lake- Oxford! mal 3 baths, fire- ces Near freeway, these Imp resslve offi- new calpBl, new wall- Wld3@msn com pool, JacuZll, lake, Sandy beach, 1 1/2 ces CompelltlVely paper, 4 pnvate offi- 713 VACATION RENIAIS hours from DetrOit Lakeville- waterfront place Garage No NICS/ reasonable Rod near 90111 ShopPing area Weeklyl week- Cotta~ year 'round tEll t f da pnced Many ameni- ces, reception area, MI(HIGAN 313-886-1763 $1,200/ week ends (313)886'3204 Beautlfu I, serllne & pe s xce en or y ties available Call and conference room qUiet locatIOn on lake- tnps on Jet Skis & PRIME location- 19830 Barb at (586)n9- Call Dean at 313-884- BEACH O'Plnes Lake (248)644-7873 PORT Sanilac, Lake front 1 hour from boats $1,5001 month Mack, Grosse POinte 7810 1414 Huron cottage, only 2 Huron beach 6 bed. Grosse POinte 2 bed- (586)764-9619 Woods Office In- hours from Grosse HARBOR Spnngs- golf, room, 3 baths Up- rooms, unfurnished LEXINGTON- 2 bed- eludes recepbon 1st, PROFESSIONAL office 719 RENT WITH OPTION POinte, newly renovat. pool Cozy condo dates throughout 81D- No pets $1 1251 conference room fax, bUilding for lease, TO IUY ed, sleeps 6 sleeps 8, 2 5 baths 499 4444 month (586)764.9619 room lakefront home parking (313)882- Ke rcl1eval on the HIli (313)882-8587 Extras (313)823-1251 PORT Sanilac- superb Sandy beach Decks, 3 bedroom, 2 t/2 bath, 716 WATERfRONT 1470 On SIte parking includ- CASEVILLE. pnvate ------lakefront cottage, san. cathedrel ce,lIng, dish- 2,200 sq ft ranch, by RENTAL ed 313-343-5588 lakefront homes LAKE MlcI1lgan beach dy beacl1, no stairs 4 washer Sleeps 6 PRIVATE off1C8 avalla- Lochmoor golf PatIO Booking now, summer cottage, Harbor bedroom, 2 bath, HARSENS Island. 4 $7001 week $2,5001 bIe on Mack near VILLAGE- pnme first fireplace, 2 car, weeks, sprmg week- Spnngs, sleeps 6, se- sleeps 10 Fully eqUI- bedrooms, 1 5 baths month (810)385-8812 Sevem $3901 monlR. floor retail space Call $1,870/ month Last 1,600 sq ft 1 acre, Call John ends (989)874-5181, eluded, $1,3001 week ped, channing decor or ani, Dean at 313-884- month free (586)286- Fireplace $1,200/ North Channel $880/ CIassIfIeds. 3130882-6900 x 3 (313l882-5200 1414 2330, (586)854-3339 dlfc1 O2@avcl,net (313)822-5577 week 313-418-2229 week (248)545.5753 ~~P-()P- .. are- I\,int~ ~W8 12.- A 8 _ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING & 9tOW' O>NHtCnoti r-" V.-- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINQ web. 313-882-6900ext 3 FAX:313-343-5569 96 Kercheval. Grosse POinie Farms 10,41482 (313) 882~llOO ext. 3 • Fax (313) 343-5569 DEADlNS ADSTYUS: ClASSIFYlNG & __ words ~ ea:I1 web """Jlg~_ com HOMES FOR SAI! 1'I0o:I_ 12wads SI865 ~ AUTOM011VE NAME.. _ CL.ASSIFICATlON ' _ _ MLogoo FIlOAYS12PM 0 D ~""""""""" 615 ~,ilOdassIIy~ 098 104 eoo """".55, CrTY----Zlf' _ 'Mwd.Ads ~YS4P..M _redAbbrevIallorlsOlll""""'llled_ S30 90 per The~ lI1erigllt 0I>0n Suncloy II'ld r.ocJl _ Ads S3ol50 per ~~~ 105 128 650 661 CIClIurM nch COIll£C11ONS & ..J 1Wk.-O 2Wka--O 3'Hka.-,J.4 Wb ,l 'Mla-- HElPWANml (;J AMOUN'TENClOSEO 0 • f _ ~~ SP£aAI.lIAlU IQIl ADJUSTM9fTS:Responsiliily :J. TUESDAY 12 NOON HIIP WANlBl SECT1ONS. for_ 200.209 1I!NTA1S & lOTS FOIl SAU SlGNATURE exp DATE _ fRfQUENCY DlSCOUNIS: adveflJslng etroros _ 10 AMBO 1__ Sodlonl i\t~.-_> GMlnfor~_ _. ainoaIatxln dthe smJA1IOfII W HOMES FOR $AU: advertJsong WIth ~yrnenI Of d>arge Of. r&-Nn of1he 300 310 • ~ '"See oor ~ Section ryo.dHotnt~ I'IOt""""lllv..a...... aedlt opproyaI porIJon"'etror_ C8sI1 Oled<. _ .- musI be gMln m tlmB for ear for rales or for more MERCHANDISE ball ClaS8lfil!lGHome$bSabllds S21ae for _..- canis nIorm8lIan I'hono ...... be """,",*","Iha~ C8 IS8U8 We asaJmB no 400 421 GUIDETO =~"&T"'" after""""",,"billyIha first __!or the same SERV1C£SCII 900 9113 12 fiLM ".... caI-tr ANIMALS III 500 .." C.,t\LL Fail GaL Drl IttlO 18 ...... ,.

203 HEl~ WANTED 300 SITUATIONS WANTED 302 SITUATIONS WANTED 303 SITUATIONS \'JANTfD JULY 4 HOLIDAY 200 Hm WANTED GENERAL 200 HElP WANTED GENERAL DINTll/MEDIUl BUVmlERS CONVALESCENT CUE DAY CARE OFFICE HOURS ~ BOOKING and promo- The Lakeshore YMCA ~ Fnday, July 2 9= 5pm ~ DEAR family CMU se- HOME Health AIde over EXPERIENCED mom tion person Call 586- IS seekmg a mor available Ju Iy 5- 20 years expenence will lOVingly nurture ~ CLOSED 405-8473 or Emall re- Program Director Saturday. Sunday Monday August 13 for nanny/ In Grosse POinte area your IrtUe ones dunng sume to ros&IIJlIethaa to lead cu rrent programs babysrttlng posrtJon Any shdl, excellent well-structured bme DEADUNES FOR THURSDAY JULY 8 lre@aolcom and to develop new Rehable Grosse references Please ltcensed 313-886- InrtJatrves to respond to POinte references, call Mary Ann 586- 0934 ~ (Propen,,:. for Sale) CUSTODIAN- Wood- the chang tng needs of fleXIble schedule, non- n2-B624 mont Academy locat- youth and families smoker, w~n vehicle EXTREMELY expen- An, Phoros, PL= Thursday July I, 12n I'M an expenenced cer- ed In Southfield, Warm, fnendly, hon- anced, respsomble Word Ads Fnday, July 2, 3pm tified nursing assIs- seeks custodian Bachelor's degree In est Momlng noon, nanny seeking full tant FleXible, depend- Geocgl CI.... Lfi....1 112 ~U1 TH l NUTRITION 112 HEAlTH l NUTRITION 2pm full t,me VIllage I" l~r~PM ... "Il{ " d.... II \1 "1 ,, "~l"111,\ll .....lJ1'1l.H o ~ JLl paIr p"ograrr now 81,Cept,ng Marathon Cadleux at ""UK''\;(l" ~I rl \1 ..dlpt dr r III,I,I{)" ""kl'\ll Kercheval See Phil ,,,,d plti~lh.., ....~\1"'"1 ..,l,lI.., .,t; 'ar"~ aPF~1C3tIOt1sfor I"'mtNy Fhrlllioll'\ ...Air If'II''t( R ll'v.'>j' (PA.I)f<'lhRPld .'1"1IIJ", F rXlole legal 45 hrs 11'11: ACUPUNCTUREII WRECKER dnvers • - Pain Control : ACCOUNTANTI BOOKU.Pl:R {1 GroWing low company TEMPORARY I C'Ne'?t Ot"L,{jramcost average 5250/wk - Anhritis seeking expenenced \1..-: ~I~I"'( '''I'V Contact Doug ORfAX R"'''I 10 II ~ i>40 /IIlS fOr wwweura"paircom 24025 Greater Mack (il«w«o 9 & 10 M,le) (3t3)886-2405 Thursday, JUly 1, 2004 Classlfleds Grosse Pointe News (313)882-6900 ext. 3 5C

30\ SITUATIONS WANTID 400 412 MISK!NG TO arm chair two piece HELPI must sell indoor power Runs great EXPERIENCED, hard- (313)300-9166 teed pleasu rable 2002 Dodge Stratus rUR(.HA5£. Fuw CIun&. china cabinet, small 6' Norfolfk Island Pine $6,100 586 791 1175 working. reliable CryItaI SdWf" Od PamWlP. or 1-800-475-9166 shOPPing expenence Supe r mce I $8 995 Fanutwc &; chesl/ server TWin In roiling planter house keeper Will 5 Kercheval Avenue South of 26 Mile Roy O'Bnen Used 2000 Pontiac Grand Am, f~J<-Iry bed head & foot (313)885-0705 56555 West Van make your house Grosse POinte Farms Cars, 800-648- n48 2 door coupe, 30,000 .. Olr'VE S£E.N mE ROW ~H

9H IANOSCAPIRS/ 9D71lSEMENT 913 le • UcmHd 3 I3 88 1.3386 Insured • ~_. with _ .. f_ ..... f.. tIet"l~ ...,. f lth'<: 'I'hoohe1'Ihoe • t..,t We " relahoed lIO"Io of ..... ''':-' ,,' ..Ue"f. for __ I" yeanotn DON'T MOVE, IMPROVE! -----~--~~ ., ,~, 1i.~ GRAZJO • ~ ~h I '" '" .-. 00NS1R1.JCfX)N. nc. • 1 to {low, II' I dl (1 ( noJ m I 'f. FJni~hed Basements, Kitchens • ~ '1.ll ,,-( Tr.... I nmfll "i L)"'n' v",1 ...Rf'lI)f"TI~1 (0'-( K! If SINCE 1963 AddltlOm, Dormers RESIDENTIAL 0'1,1 h "I \' till I, - Ilhll '" Bathrooms, Garages, Porches DrIIIIRIS - htIos oDRIVEWAYS o~OORS -PORC"ES ." I l! It I 1 ~ 1 ....II I l }11f1Ir" • j..) J,... L l"l I ". t"l "1 I ~fi ~ ..... Free F- __ ~- 700 AptsIFlatslOuplex- Grosse POInlelHarpe< Woods 711 Garages/Mml Storage F", Rent 721 Vacabon Rental- Flood. HNlALS & WID 101 SALE P'OPO"""" ore>edtlapprovM CoIlfolraloo'" TUESDAY 12 NOON 712 Garages/Mlnl Storage wanled V3cabon Renlal--Oul of State fOl roore ntormabOn 701 AptsIFla1sIDuplex- Oetro",Bat.nce wayne Coonty 122 CIA55IfIIlS \AU OTIB ClAS5ofICA1ION5I TUESDAY \2 HOOl< "- IiIlIo ClIll bo booy ... Monday & luooday 702 AptsIf1atsI[)up- St Oar SI1oresMacOnt> Cc:IOOty 713 IndtJslnallWarehouse Rental 723 Vacabon Ren~ MlCIlIg.n - ...... aod1 __ lflY~~y close_I ClASSlFYlNG & CENSORSHI': \\Ie 703 AptsiFlalsIOuplex-W8J1led to Renl 714 LMng Quarte<$ to Share 124 V3<:abon Rental Resort ....,.,. ltlo nghllO dasStty eacIl Prwwwltlt rtgund; ad..-" -St 715 MoIot Homes F", Rent 725 Renlalsl1.easl~ Mdugan appropr>atahoa