Subscribe TOday 1 Year - 52 Issues for $3700 Feature Sports ~"'...::t. '-_' " / - Taste of G P. O~t~ ~~~o~- 5 North laxers lI~r~~Call Today ;:~~~ '"' at Ta&teFest on all-state team 18 -1C 313~343-5577J 1 _ L _ _~ince:!'!:'!!L N~ws serving the five Grosse Pointes and Harper Woods atij*ih¥i.M AIIlAC e&i.iiRiliiitMltlhMh IMiiti,ii"... ,. ',a...,dOuq. INSIDE Staffers garner 5 professional awards • Nearly a dozen mature. healthy Grosse Pomte News and 5t he has won over the years m cov- Shores ConnectIon news edItor, pers, IS pleased hIS reporters dre Norway maple trees are cut down by Clair Shores ConnectIOn wnters enng the ash borer threat earned an honorable mentIon for gettmg the profeSSIOnalrecogm- the Grosse POinte Public School collected five awards June 22 at Showmg reportmg versatilIty, her May 15 story, "Browsers and tlon they deserve System to make room for 25 more the DetrOIt Metropohtan SocIety Lmdberg also took first place In Senous Researchers Gather," "Too often the top.notch parking spaces on Fisher Road behind of ProfessIonal Joumahsts annu. Sports Reportmg WIth hIS story, about the dedICatIOn of the the Jounahstlc efforts of weekly the bleachers at the Grosse Pomte al banquet "Back Home at the Indy 500 • St Clair Shores Pubhc LIbrary's newspaper reporters are not rec- South HlgJl,School athletic field See Staff wnter Brad LIndberg hIStory center and cafe The story ogmzed," MmnIs saId "But they photos of the devastation on Page 3A took home three first-place Staff wnter Jenme MIller, cov- covered the rare matenals found bnng to theIr Jobs the same edu- See related edltonal on Page SA awards One was In Spot News enng the Grosse POInte Pubhc there, how much the center cost, catIOn, traInIng and profeSSIOnal. Reportmg for hIS story, "Two Lost School 8ytem, took third place m where the money came A-om,how Ism as their ;olleagues on larger as Boat Founders' Feature News Reportmg tor her people use the center, Its ament. publIcatIons LIndberg's "Emerald Ash Borer story, "North Future Doctors Get ties and cntlClsms ThIs year's entnes were Judged WEEK AHEAD InvaSIon" story earned hIm top AdVIcefrom Alumna" by the New Jersey Chapter of the recogmtIOn m General News Also In Feature News John Mmms, emtor and gener- SOCIety of ProfeSSIOnal Reportmg, one of many awards Reporting, Ann Fouty. 8t ClaIr al manager of the two newspa- JournalISts Thursday, July 1 Los Gatos Will perform at 7 p m at 5t Clair and Kercheval In the MUSICon the 4th holiday starts with a bang! Plaza cOhcert senes In the Village bUSI- Librarians ness district of Ihe Crty of Grosse POinte Saturday, July 3 picket Woods l.Jz Aiken and Jeanie McNeil Will tape an epIsode of their WMTV show "Positively Positive" at the West Park groundbreaking Farmers Market from 11.15 a m to By Carrie Cunningham 1215 pm Joms the current construc- StaffWnter tion of the Park branch on The market IS open from 8 a m 10 1 Pulhng a page out of the P m and IS located on Kercheval LakepoInte and Jefferson hiStory of the labor move- The Park branch IS expected between Nottingham and the west City ment, Grosse POInte LIbrary limits In Grosse Pointe Park to be completed b) late unton members pIcketed October what should have been a fes- HoldIng SIgnS urgIng the Grosse PolOte Farms Will host Its fire- tIve occasIOn - ground- hbrary board to renew Its works at the Pier Park at dusk. breakmg ceremomes for the wage contracts that have Woods branch lam Idle bmce July 2002, the Sunday, July 4 Grosse POinte hbranans hbrary stafT wants an Happy Fourth of JUlyl and support staff have been Increase In salary compara- workmg two year~ WIthout a ble to other hbrary staff~ Grosse Pointe Woods Will provide contract Even though a across the state pool Side musIc for Its reSidents and fact-finder recently Issued a In a press release about a guests at Lake Front Park report that could have laId fact-findIng report ISbued by the groundwork for a com- the MIChIgan Em,Rloyee Wednesday, July 7 promIse, both Sides have yet RelatIons CommIttee that to come together suggested the library could Services for Older CItizens (SOC) Will On a bnght, breezy after- present a talk by Mark Barnett of MB afford Increased compensa. noon, the groundbreakmg tIOn, Grosse POInte Squared FinanCial Services at 11 15 ceremony at Mack and Llbranan PreSIdent DIana a m Wednesday, July 7, at Ihe Vernier was attended by Howbert embraced the Neighborhood Club He Will diSCUSS many noted publIc offiCIals, report's results asset allocation and Will teach tech- such as Woods Mayor Robert "ImplementatIOn of the niques that profeSSionals use to control NOVItke and school board nsks In a volall)e market report would result In much- members Ahmed Ismail and needed Improvements III JOin SOC for a hot lunch at 11 a m Joan RIchardson wage and benefits for the The presentation Will be after lunch "I am so proud of what maJonty of the member- • we've been able to accom- ShIp," she said The Wednesday mght summer con- phsh WIth thIS project ThIS For hIS part, Bruce want- cert senes kicks off at 730 P m at the faCIlItyWIll serve as a testa- ed to emphaSize the new Grosse Pomte War MemOrial With ment to the Importance of branches Crooner Paul King and hiS 15-plece lIfelong learnmg to the CIti- "We hope that the commu- Rhythm Orchestra The grounds open zens of Grosse Pomte - and nIty WIll be able to focus on at 6 pm TIcket pnces are $5 ($2 for WIll enhance the qUalIty of the SIgnIficant Impact that children under 10) on the day of con- lIfe for all who reSIde In thiS Photo" by Rob£-rt Mtl\ean the new IIbranes In Grosse cert) for all shows, except July 23 ($7 A clear and mUd early summer evening drew a record number of commumty," lIbrary board Pomte Woods and Grosse for adult or child) A limited number of people to the area of Maclr. and Vernier to watch the Grosse Pointe preSident John Bruce said In POinte Park WIll proVIde for tickets WIll be sold In advance and WIll Wooda fireworks on Sunday. JUDe 27. Although Woods officiaJa a speech at the ceremony all our taxpayers and not guarantee Indoor audltonum seating In could not give an official estimate, Deputy Public Safety Director The begInmng of construc. the event of rain tlon for the Woods branch James Fowler said the event had, uThe largest crowd ever, con- See LIBRARY, page 2A siderably more than (the 40.000 estimated averages) before. " Above. one of the 2.600 fireworks sparkles in the eastern sty. Below, Angelo Grillo. Alex Caruso and Michael Caruso enjoy their pre-fireworks sparklers . Opinion .... 6A Obituaries. 8A BUSiness 10A Autos 16A Schools 17A Harper Woods. 18A Senior Scene 28 Entertainment 48 ClaSSified ads 3C \ ..- July 1, 2004 2A News Grosse Pointe News SO VPt1r" r1P"O thi" wppk yesterday's headlines ,/ lJ 50 years ago this week WIll hear arguments thiS Baseball Coaches • A complete survey of week on relocatmg a section ASSOCiatIOn after post1Og of border between Grosse one of the finest 10dlVldual elm trees m the Grosse POinte Park and Detroit seasons m Grosse Pomte POInte will be conducted As things stand, homes on North baseball hIStory BOOn Wayburn are In both CItIes Ottevaere's statistics This 1S a commumty pro- The fronts are 10 the Park. 10clude a 546 battmg aver- ject m which the state The backs are 10 DetrOIt age WIth 53 RBIs and 51 Bureau of Plant Industry, • Hundreds of local runs scored are the second part of the agncultural best marks In North hiStory department, will furnish pohce, city offiCials and frIends Jom faDlIly members HIS lIfetIme batt10g aver- quahfied and tramed per- age of 521 IS No.1 on the sonnel to survey the extent In paYIng last respects to Andrew Teetart, retIred school's career hst for play- of Dutch elm disease dam- ers haVing at least 100 at age cluef of polIce m the CIty of Grosse Pomte bats • A day of fun ill Grosse Teetart, 65, was a native POInte Woods lakefront park of the CIty He grew up Just turns tragic when an 8-year- 5 years ago this week across the street from the • PhIl Travella of Grosse old member of a DetrOit polIce statIOn He served on famJly,gJlests of Woods rela- Po1Ote Shores gives hiS the force for 40 years and tives, drowns m the swun- matador red and chrome retIred m 1976 mmg pool 1957 Chevy Bel AIr convert- • Many Grosse Pomte Ible a good wash and shme 10 years ago this week reSidents cntlClZe the CIty'S m preparatIOn for the Improvements don't hinder bathers new pohce pohcy of shootIng • Sen John Kelly, D- Nautical MIle claSSIC car stray dogs and sending therr Grosse POInte Woods, calls CruIse. Although their lakeside park I.a somewhat noisier this summer than in severed heads to Herman for teleVIsed publIc debates • In the bIggest pubhc past seasons, residents of Grone Pointe Park still enjoy the cool comfort of K1efer Hospital for rabies among candidates for US. works proJect smce the town the batbJDg beach despite construction work in progreu on the new boat tests Senate m order to raIse pub- was laId out, Grosse Po1Ote hlU'bor and pier. In the background. beyond and away from the swimmlDg lic awareness of the Issues Farms WIllseparate most of facilities, caD be seen the pUe driving rig of Dunbar-Su1ltn.D Co.
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