Netherhouse Farm, Sewardstone, Epping Forest, Essex An Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment for Waltham Forest Friendly Society by Heather Hopkins Thames Valley Archaeological Services Ltd Site Code NFC08/97 October 2008 Summary Site name: Netherhouse Farm, Sewardstone, Epping Forest, Essex Grid reference: TQ 3867 9745 Site activity: Desk-based assessment Project manager: Steve Ford Site supervisor: Heather Hopkins Site code: NFC 08/97 Area of site: c. 50 ha Summary of results: The site lies in an area where comparatively little archaeological research has been carried out, but which has produced limited evidence for prehistoric and Roman settlement, and is in a topographic setting that may have been favoured for early settlement. The site has never been developed. There is only a very low potential for any remains of national importance to be present, but a moderate potential for remains of local interest. Golf course construction would involve some truncation of the archaeologically relevant levels. It is anticipated that further information on the archaeological potential of the site will be required from field observations (trial trenching) in order to devise a mitigation strategy if required. This report may be copied for bona fide research or planning purposes without the explicit permission of the copyright holder Report edited/checked by: Steve Ford9 08.10.08 Steve Preston9 10.10.08 i Thames Valley Archaeological Services Ltd, 47–49 De Beauvoir Road, Reading RG1 5NR Tel. (0118) 926 0552; Fax (0118) 926 0553; email
[email protected]; website : Netherhouse Farm, Sewardstone, Epping, Essex An Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment by Heather Hopkins Report 08/97 Introduction This desk-based study is an assessment of the archaeological potential of land located at Netherhouse Farm, Sewardstone, Epping, Essex (TQ 386 975) (Fig.