Basket Designs of the Indians Of

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Basket Designs of the Indians Of U N I V E R S I T Y O F C A L I FO R N I A P U B L IC AT IO N S A M E R IC A N A R C HA E O LOG Y A N D ET HN O LOG Y V o l . 2 No 4 BAS KET D E SIG N S OF THE IN DIAN S O F NO RTHWE STE RN C ALIFO RNIA A . L . KROEBER B ERKELEY THE UNIV E RS ITY P RES S 5 $ANUARY , 1 9 0 G Y A nth ro pology o f th e Un e r t o f iv si y . th e p ublic atio n s of a n th rop o logi c al s d evoted to gen eral anth ro p ology o an d for s pec imen s contributed to t Th ey are also fo r s ale at o r exp ress ’ T e o s s o f h re se r e ch arge s . h y c n i t t e i s of a series o f ‘ n qu a rto m emoirs , a d o c c as ion al spe cial v - HAE OL OGY GR AECO ROMAN ARC . Tebt u n i s P P I E Vol . 1 . The apyri , art . dited rth ur n a n d . S . Hu t, J Gilbart Smyly. e btu n i s P P 2 i Vol . 2 . The T apyri , art ( n preparatio n ) . E GYPTI AN ARCHAE OLOGY . M c P ' Vol . 1 . The H earst edi al apyrus . Edited by G . A . Reis n er e i n Lyth go ( press) . AM E RI CAN ARCHAE OL OGY AND E THN OLOGY . o 1 . a n d C th e Vol . 1 . N . Life ulture of Hupa , by Pli ny Earle 88 P 30 m 1 Pages , lates , Septe ber; 90 3 o 2 H T P n E dd d. Pa N . upa exts , by li y arle Go ar 1 964 2 N o . 1 . T E n P C k . Vol . he xploratio of the otter ree C ave , by William J S n c . P 27 P 1 4 1 90 4 Pr c i lair ages , lates , April , i e , 2 n a n No . The La guages of the C oast of C aliforn ia South of S n c c A . P 72 n 1 90 4 P c e Fra is o , by L Kroeber ages , Ju e , . ri , ‘ 3 . n n C i n C n . e . No . Types of I dia ulture alifor ia , by A L Kroeb r 22 n 1 90 4 . P c 425 Pages , Ju e , ri e , k D n n n N n n N o . 4 . Bas et esig s of the I dia s of orthwester C alifor ia , . P 60 P 7 n 1 0 5 . P c . 7 by A . L . Kroeber ages , lates , Ja uary, 9 ri e , § M n P n E V ol . 3 . The orphology of the Hupa La guage , by li y arle Goddard ( i n press) . ANTHROPOL OGI CAL M EMOI RS . n i n P Ma x U h le i n i n . V ol . I . Exploratio s eru , by ( preparat o ) 1 i n N o . The Ru s of Mo c he . 2 H m c n N o . ua a huc o , C hi c ha , I c a . 3 n c B n . N o . The I a uildi gs of the Valley of Pis c o E SPECI AL VOLUM S . T k h n c n M c n c n n n a n c c n e he B oo of t e Life of the A ie t exi a s , o tai i g a ou t of th ir rites a n d superstitio n s ; a n a n o nymous Hispa n o A meri c an ma n uscript l n B c N z n n F n c . R preserved the ibliote a a io ale C e trale , lore e , Italy epro u d i n fa c h n d c n n n a n d c o m n d c e simile , wit i tro u tio , tra slatio , m e tary, by Z elia N uttall . - P . P f c n d c n a n d 80 Fa c m i n art I re a e , I tro u tio , si ile plates 1 0 3 c olors . 9 . n n m I n . Part II . Tra slatio n a d C om e n tary . ( press ) ' 2 0C Pric e fo r the two parts $ 5 . P Berkele Address o rders fo r th e ab ove to th e Un ive rsity ress , y , D m n o f A h ro C alifo rn ia . Ex c h an ges to b e add res se d to th e ep art e t nt n B r rn i a . p ology , Un ivers ity o f C alifo r ia , e keley , C alifo R ER reta . F. W . P N M Di rect r . A . L . K OEB , S ec ry UT A , o UNIV . CAL IF. PUB. AM. ARC . ET H. H VOL. 2 , PL. 15 . } C s r ap . Yu ok . z . U N I V E R S I T Y O F C A L I FO R N I A P U B L I C AT I O N S A M E R I C A N A R C HA E O LOG Y A N D ET H N O LOG Y V O L. 2 N O . 4 B A SKE T D E SIG N S OF THE IND IANS OF ORTHW T R N E S E N CAL IF ORNIA . BY A . L . KROEBE R . N TR D U T I O C ORY . n l W The Indians of extreme orthwestern Ca ifornia , hile show i n a n g many similarities to the other tribes of California , d some approximation to those of the north Pacific coast , are in many ways peculiar in their culture . The territory occupied by i l this group of tribes is very limited , compris ng on y Humboldt sm a ll i and Del Norte and parts of Tr nity an d Siski y ou counties . Their specialized culture is found in its most highly developed form among the tribes of the lower Klamath and Trinity rivers : K . the Yurok , arok , and Hupa The Hupa belong to one of the California groups of the great Athabascan linguistic stock . The Yurok and Karok are small isolated lingui stic stocks . The three languages are as radically diff erent in phonetics as they are totally unrelated in vocabulary . The three tribes live in close c l i ontact , with more or less intercourse and general y fr endly c l k . relations . In their ulture they are remarkably a i e The names of the basket designs described in this paper were 1 900 1 901 a n d obtained from Indians of the three tribes during , , n n n n 1 902. The most exte sive i vestigatio s were made amo g the s n Yurok . This accoun ts for the larger number of de ig s obtained n among this tribe . The Yurok designs described are take from o nearly a hun dred baskets . The maj rity of these are now in the Museum of the Anthropological Departme n t of the Un i versity n of California . A number of baskets , and the ames of their c i n 1 900 o f designs , were colle ted for the California Academy es ffi a Sciences . Through the court y of the o cers of the Ac demy n was this material is used in the present paper . Informatio 2 9 . A 1 1 . A 8 0 8 . E r a . ’ H R i li r n i P bh i n A A C H . E TH. 1 06 Un i v ers ty of Ca fo a u ca t o s . [ obtained among the Yurok as to the designs of a greater number of baskets than were actually collected , the total number reach i n g several hundred . The more common design names are exceedingly frequent among the northwestern tribes , and , while s n exact duplication of designs ordi arily do not occur, yet many of the variation s are so slight that it was often thought un n ec es sary to insure their preservation by purchase of the specimen . All baskets havin g characteristic designs but uncommon design s names were secured for the Mu eum of the Department . This selection gives the Yurok design names described an appearance of somewhat greater variety than they actually possess . Prob ably the fif teen most common design names constitute all but a very few per cent of the total number . Am ong the Karok and Hupa all baskets were secured about which information was obtained as to the design . The number of such Karok baskets -fi v e . is about fifty, and of Hupa twenty It was found necessary to get the names of the designs in s the native language , as many of the word are not names of ani ls m ma or objects , but geometrical or descriptive ter s not trans l l 1 at ab e by the Indians .
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