Tm Array 1 Present Alcorn
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v ; •&-Z: V. I--<f ,2 feilS ^^*;vV.'- s. 'v.", '.••< :, •-:• •;•;,&• ^rUO»V: ' S THE PRESS IS® A .A i*-.A /,{••'fo'jj-T An Institution Which Works wm-": THE PRESS A Home Town Paper For :0 For Community Ad- \ s!i vancement. r ; \ Home /Town •• . : -r I IS asie'. Folks. THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE TOWN OF ENFIELl), CONN. 't'H\}5% FORTY-SEVENTH YEAH—NO. 24. THOMPSONVILLE, CONNECTICUT, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1926 PRICE $2.00 A YEAR—SINGLE COPY 5c. .T.MARRAY 1 Frank A. Simmons TOWN SEEKS TO ^v*Civic Program DR. VAIL AGAIN First Selectmen TOWN MEETING fil New Tax Collector RECOVER AMOUNT i^v?Up To Nov. 2. HEADS THE TOWN James T. Murray MAKES NO CHANGE .. Saturday, Oct. 9, Wednesday, OF TAX SHORTAGE Oct. 13, and Saturday, Oct. 16: c •' 'v^ >-*' SCHOOL BOARD IN THE BUDGET Mill inn i i Meeting of the Selectmen and Defeats A. J. Epstein by Town Clerk to admit electors Formal Demand Made from the perfected list. Any Hertry R. Cooper is Also Finance Board Recom i Majority of 203 Votes— of the Surety Company prospective elector who is not made at this meeting cannot Reelected Secretary at mendations are Adopt Frank A. Simmons Is in Which Former Town vote at the state election, No Reorganization Meet I Successful in the Tax vember 2nd. I ed—Property Tax Col Was Bonded, To Make Monday, Oct. 11: Caucus of ing of the Board Held lector's Pay Made $1,- ? Collector Contest. • W Good the Defalcation. Republican electors in the Hig- gins School 'Auditorium, for the Tuesday Afternoon. 500 Per Year. purpose of nominating a can Running for a fifth term, First The Board of Selectmen, through didate for Judge of Probate, Dr. Thornton E. Vail was unani The budget of town expenses for Selectman James T. Murray,. Demo its clerk, J. Hamilton Potter, and on two candidates for Representa mously reelected chairman of' the the fiscal year, as recommended by cratic nominee, defeated Albert J. the advice of Town Counsel Attorney tives to the General Assembly town school committee at the month the Finance Board, was left intact at Epstein, his Republican opponent by Philip J. Sullivan, Jr., made formal and ten candidates for Justices of the Peace. ly meeting held last Tuesday after ;the town meeting last Tuesday ev a record breaking majority of 203 demand on the Fidelity and Casualty noon. Dr. Vail, who had been named ening, and the full amount of $416,- votes, in a total of approximately 3,- Company of New York for the full | Monday, Oct. 11: Caucus of Democratic electors in the Town to head the committee last year to i 780, as agreed to by the board at its 000 votes cast, at the town election amount of the tax shortage for the I last Monday. Re-elected with Mr. Building, for the purpose of succeed the late Dr. Thomas G. Al recent executive meeting, was voted. period of twelve years which was dis- ' Murray was George H. Payne, who nominating a candidate for corn who had served in that capacity ,This was accomplished in one of the has been his running mate in all his closed by the report of the auditors Judge of Probate, two candi for several years, had expressed a dates for Representatives to the desire to have some other member of |shortest annual meetings that has contests, by a majority of 175 votes received by the town officials last 'been held in years, it lasting just a over his Republican opponent, Rob General Assembly and ten can i the board appointed, but the commit- week. This company is not held didates for Justice of the Peace. I tee unanimously named him chairman : little more than an hour, but not be- ert J. Hawthorne. The contest be liable for the shortage of former Col jfore the meeting had heard some tween Mr. Epstein and Mr. Haw Tuesday, Nov. 2: Bi-ennial for another year. Henry R. Cooper lector* Hamilton for the year 1913, was reelected secretary of the com I sharp discussion in which the finance thorne as to who would be the third PRESENT ALCORN which was $2,093.55, as they were state election, for the election ' board was vigorously attacked for member of the board was a close one, of a United States Senator, a mittee, and the same finance commit not the surety at that time, the col tee that served last year, M. J. Con 'some of the cuts that it had made the choice falling to Mr. Epstein by lector's bond being with the Ameri Representative in Congress, a tin the budget. The report of the fi- the narrow margin of four votes. State Senator, County Sheriff, nor, Charles J. Fowler, and George MEMORIAL TO can Surety Co. The town will not E. Allen, was also reappointed. FIRE DISTRICT |nance committee was presented by Mr. Murray's majority was the larg Be able to demand reimbursement for Judge of Probate, Representa j Louis Burns, chairman of the finance est ever given to a Democatic nom tives in the General Assembly The following were the other ap this first year as the period of 15 pointments to have charge of the sev- I board, following the acceptance of inee for office in the town, and ex THEM SCHOOL months following the cancellation of and Justices of the Peace. TO LOSE LITTLE | the town officers' reports in printed ceeded the previous majorities given the bond has long since expired. 1 : eral branches of the school work: In this popular candidate by consider struction committee, Dr. Thornton E. s The responsibility of the Fidelity Vail, Mrs. Stephanie Trudeau and ably. He _ not only cai-ried the two Exercises Held Last Fri and Casualty Co., for the proper con BYU1 DEFALCATION | The. report consisted of 26 separa- precincts in No. 2 voting district by Frederick R. Furey; high school com- duct of the office of the local tax col BOTH PARTIES TO ] mittee, Tudor Gowdy, F. R. Furey _____ late items, the first one being an ap- decisive majorities, but accomplished day In Which School 1 lector began in 1914, and according I and George E. Allen. The following Andi+/wc' Qlinwfi propriation of $38,000 for the roads the unusual feat of leading in Dis to the report of the auditors the Auditors Itepori onOWS an(i bridges account. When Chair- trict No. 1 by 5 votes and making Authorities and Board individual members of the board were amount of the shortage up to the CAUCUS ON NEXT I appointed to have supervision of the that the Thompsonville j r®" ®" ^ item Michael M. considerable of a reduction in the of Trade Representa time of the resignation of former . T-v. i • . Connors vigorously assailed the fi- customary large majority which the Collector Hamilton last June, was Fire and Sewer District nance board for tying the hands of voters in District No. 3 have rolled tives Participate. $57,535.42. This is the sum which the r r» ,the selectmen by cutting off $7 000 up for the Republican ticket. ItlVlWniMONDAY iuUIliNIGHT i and Brainard schools, FrederickS; R. n bonding company has been requested !Furey; North School, Mrs. Stephanie LOSS Will r>e l^Ompara-ion this account after the Board' of Next in interest to the contest for Formal presentation of the mem to reimburse the town, and for which Selectmen had already reduced it $5,- selectmen was the race for tax col ; orial tablet in honor of the late Dr. they are liable according to the in Republicans Will Meet! JKfc? £8? tively Nothing. 000 less than last year. Mr. Burns lector, which was won by the Repub terpretation of. the agreement which and Attorney Henry Fletcher defend Thomas Grant Alcorn, was made to 1 lican nominee, Frank A. Simmons, the company enterea into with the InHiggiiis Auditorium -* SS£$jl*ftSju!5; &££ The loss to the Thompsonville Fire ed the action of the board. The next who defeated his Democratic oppon the Enfield High School at the exer town of Enfield, to guarantee in the account which was the subject of de ent, Frederick R. Furey by 81 votes. cises held for that purpose in the While Democrats Will and Jabbok Schools, George E. Allen; end Sewer District, by the defalca sum of $10,000 each year the faith West Wallop, East Wallop and Scan- bate was miscellaneous, which show By a closer margin still, Tudor Gowdy school auditorium last Friday after ful performance of the duties of tax tion of Clark L. Hamilton, who was ed a large increase this year owing overcame Grover C. Luke for the un noon. The exercises were ppened with Hold Their Session In tic Schools, Mrs. Florence S. Sheern. tax collector for the district, was, collector and the correct return of all Tudor Gowdy, who was elected for to the cost of the audit being in expired term of one year on the a short address by Principal Karl amounts collected by him to the prop according to the final figures of the cluded in it. After Mr. Burns had school board. Herbert M. Marks was D. Lee, who introduced Superintend the Town Building. the unexpired term of one year, sat audit, $74.54. The audit discloses er town officials. with the board for the first "time and made some explanations in presenting -returned to membership on the Board ent of Schools Edgar H. Parkman as Accompanying the formal demand that except for a slight discrepancy it, Mr.