PUBUSnED BV ROBERT GRIEVE & CO. - Vsxcrr TVednenrtnj- Mornlncr- - : AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM rATABLE 7.V ADVANCE. n 4ll,,,,w' -- HUB 1?.03 ipWWWtl - " Freljpi fenlrtker, " 1 truck ici4pMisrM' WpXt w4fcttemtorttB.rtMfeflElfe DECEMBER 27, 1882. WHOLE No. 937. I iwMiwi tor fcHOT i naa aaamar aa J Offleo in new Garette Bail ding. 23 und 27 VOL. XVn.-.N-o. 52.! HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, lti McrcbMt Street. gards. otitis. " ttsarattct Notices. Pfcen Summer Goc. gusintsi iirrfs. gniintss ards. JjJethnnicaI ards. Jfltchinitnl ef5rMrtf grtii ojM. SemmcT then creep Wfaea bdor TV P. ! Boston Board of Cndcnrrltere. oa Aaw the world of tree cod flowera; FRANCIS M. HATCH. BISSCOF CO., TT. f! Tlfl New Steam Bakery The Leads and Pmiwial wiixiiUta, Kxen The blrdi a Mtram alienee krep House Sign Paper Hanger, Ae A C1K.1TS r.r tbe llBnall.c I.Iaaila, Tbrtmch Autnmn'a tlowly darkened now. BANKERS, and Painter, c. liREWEii jt to. And twlftlyfadea tick Unewlnc row J. ttornoy at now. IIOAOI.rjLU, HATVAIIAM ISLANDS 8Sa ly So. 107 King Street, llonolaln. S A tl mir yp. ITT MR. HEW SHIN, HAS OPENED ma Caltfnrala raaclawijy when fnmmcrr. 6P It KlhmnBB Strftt. DRAW EXCIIAXGE OS Philadelphia Board of tndenrriten Hi SUfrt.Cn till W-1- JOII.SO.T, Summer cort-t-he disappear S.B.DOLX. IKE 811 OF CUIFOMII. HMCISCO for the Hawaiian Island. ! When ill 1TBW DA3LWIVT AdKTCTS C. BRSWEItiCO INSURANCE COMPANY Ufrt Jojooi rnth: roodJy More Counsellor at mud Notary FuUic. AD TBI1B laiXTB IS BTBiVM - hope-- , and Iran, MoroliaiitNo. fi5 Fort t?t below Dr. Stanrcnwald'fTailor.. ly Of frprlajrtide ana drrm Offlce l llie Iwot Fort and Mmbant Btrertt, no York, COMMISSIOS- XEKCXAXTS, And tkat will retarn no more cornfr Sfw F. A. MC11AXIFER, (XilmltoU.) )T BOlnla. 1 Do.lon, On.KIng Street, - Life' a deeper akadow throw I c. corr.jiA?i, UEXTef Bremen Oaardof Cnderwrllert in rkaBlerHitil, 3w Tek. . Purl., When hammer PRESTON, AND premlees. Aernt of Dredea BearU of Uaderwrlterf . Subscribed CAPIT.VL ?5,000,000 ScVrarv-Ca- .U A CmA. Waluajwia. EDWARD AntkUoil, BLACKSMITH MACHINIST next door to Hon. J.Moananira A or u4i.T h hoe I Carrlajfe ITork.. azeat Vienna uoara oi unaerwnter. fMIlr TV en fiBBUner roe atlll ttreosth rtnalnr and Counsellor at Law, (MESSRS. . M. ROTHSCHILD SOUS,: iLOMOOII.I llne nr. Attorney I the Jarl. di,ooaoooj 1- To bear wbaterer time mar brine; El Plaufnllon MaehlneiTt Alt kind., of IIHE.III Slannrartnrftl of the mciiow i iic aoore uoaroa ot -1 deeper 1, MFortStrfrt, Honolulu. Hunk Corpenitlon, s i lAndon at Cooke . oi l nacnmirr iii aT For tmfT, cotrace rrlna. oriental 9K Shop on King Street, neit Cattle ly to tm certified to by UtaboreAsBttomakthem JTTha aboro Comoaar bate now eatabBaae4 aa H. W. SETXKAX6X. Tkoajik maa mar have no bearttoriag; ATI) bf?t qnalltf onlf valid. Ktl ly " BL DAVIDSON, T11ZIR BUXCBES IS NOTT. Agency here, and are preparewtauhaSbkaaa Frop HAWtaMaHl CWeSB Ana oay raiia niuusn J. . JOHN eny oeecnpuon Ml.! itbjWhen hammer Cea. Ko. 2 Kereaant Btrttt, lone Kong, Ranges, oi errj whbi n ivuaa. Attorney at law, ardntrvaod Importer and Sealer In Store. t3T" Order reeeWed byillonsQaoa, No.SoKIn;St Insurance Notice. J. A. W4iBKJ!Ua.tiaH Ariw as nnxoLCLU. i 'i Melbourne, Mfiai, iione t ornisnin; uoouR,.rocKrry, vi" ana COMMISSION MERCHANT MiscIluieona. (.hid a are. iTarucai eccanics. (lonomio, it. i. til ISLAND ORDERS DUCTED. lyr FUR It It IT aacallforal. t AW traneac! a General DanklBgPn.lnei. 930 ly 1 AQET THE Mil Far ra rr.aHora.CaU W. AUSTIN WHITING, 9 ly TIIK Varina Iianniir UomrUaBV fIJmltedi hit Le At-La- IMIal It On account of the manner in wbich a$ Attorney and Counsellor wiLiaiAM :a SMITH, J. M. OAT & CO SATT.MAKERS, recciTcd iaatrsctinii to Itrdnra ihe Bitten of tared at and "made a Jnmbo of," the Empress ImlramCTiU for GEO. LUCAS, between llonolala and rorta in Ihe raclficand DF JORBAX A: Arret to take AeVaowIeasranits f koss merchaat Loft In A. Cooke' 2few f Bnildlnc. toot la now prepared Pollele tho frTn.rv1ST. 1141 at ivtt. F. to lsse at lowet rate, of Anutria will not fox or stag limiting in sustr oi with a pcUI redaction an frettnl per (teamrr. Ilopolnla. 1 yr Annans cirrri. I'triuj or rsor. nc England or Ireland again. S yo. 9 Kaahnmana Mrfrt. CONTRACTOR & BUILDER JOHN RUSSET.T,, I. A CASTLE, 9Mly cent Brit For. Mar. In. Co United Aaaracaf Cambca.oalaeelbTIBUoroC Henry 31. Stanly bat become thorooglily ac- TV. R. ATTOniVBY JVX IjVW S Flag of all description mad and repaired UfiVoal Goarr croec. M naMMr, climated in Africa iwv, and ettjoyi excellent ATTOIUtBV AT X.A-- 85 Merchant St-- . cor, of Fort fet. 833 ly Callbrmla. EIDXXT. loWor the PIONEER STEAM XASUiam. I. ixal araxA... Leilth Ibere. lie it bronzed by tbe sun until aadSoUry PaMlr. Attend! all the .Court, of HITCHCOCK FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, raVIXAai AU. Kingdom. i: fi. Candy Manufactory Bakorv Dusiiuonni h looVt lice an East Indian, ss: lATTORNET AT LAW, HH0, . and Disease, or xitx jp. mnr. t.fnrjmitjxrn iii.exap mw X Boo t BWctaa H TooWj. d, oHi. nilUpromptlyeolIeeted 1) Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, iiavitiu M Preston rowers model for tbe brut of I A. SCIIAErilR A: CO.. Practical Confectioner,noruM,Paltry Cook and Baker, A Minted Asent of tht abore Companr.ara or it. en. mo 3 risk oa and for Ohio's memorial niche in the old ill A Merchants TJ. 'JZt Tl Hotel between Xnnann and Fort. 5 ly KretTto lofara a?ainit fire Htnnv Uriel mporters Commission H. HITCHCOCK, itreet, and on MrrhnUt tored thmln, on of Representative! Washington, has been fin- V23 llonolnln. HawalUn I.Und.. lj Notary Esplanade, Honolulu, II. I, apol Attorner at Lav and Public JOHX XVarLCTB. . IS OUT 8. the ntot faroraole term. For particular at the ished and placed on exhibition at Colambne IIalipened an Office In mio, where he will promptly or st ij r.A.iiAi.raSBtiu ir ! ii. i:. jicOtyri: mioTii i:k. I attend to all bnelne entrnrtrd to him. O. ENGLING & CO 2IanaIac.Brta all kinds of Fisberies Ohio. HAMBURC-MAGDEBUR- GE0CEEY, FEED STOEE and BAKEEY Wrl attrad U th of lb Cirrnlt Canrt. ni Jo. 5 naann Street, C HE ARE SrECMIwLT will kino attend the Local Cfrcnlt Cocrta In Kau. C.1DtiaiaE Tbe daughter of Hayes is a Corner Kinc and Fort fctrecu, llonolnln. Tlnunitlu and Plumber, Dealers in Stores Mouldings. Brackets, FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, 8,000,000.1 T prrpie w school-ma- fees frCRTEYING DONE ritOMrTLT ly te of M!sb Molly Garfield at Cleve- lr Han;ea, Tin, Stet Iron a&d Copper Ware, keep rem Window Frames, A. JAECER, Aseal foitb. U- .- a la land. Rutherford Hayes, jr., has a position Flantly on hand a fall assortment of Tinware, Galw or IIAXBCIU). in WII.MKIt. Ac CO., Dr.N.B. EMERSON. Ued Iron and Lead lip, India Robber Hoee, Ac, Ac Blinds, Sashes. Doors STJPPLY1THS HAWAIIAN IHJIT89 the bank at Fremont of which his father is a and Cneen fcleeU, Honolnlo, UiB S3 ly MEItrilASDISE. IIHM. Corner of Fort PHYjjlCIAX XSIi SURGEON. And all kind, of Woodwork Flnl.h. BCILDI?lt.a, Tlra on th director. Lumber, Paints, Oils, Haill, Salt and Bailding and Kef Idcnce No. 2 Knknl moat favonbla irra tux eomer of Fort. HONOLULU WORKS CO. term. JUST RECEIVED Immediately every atrre, IRON Taming, Scroll and Band Sawing I A, JAH.LH, Asent for tho Hawaiian IIaad. - nr after the recent election in nir atatanan oi rtOFFICE IIOUILS-- 64 to 10;S a. m; l!i toS4 p. tm ly Hl;liet (,'ratle of Coticm XeMto, Pennsylrania, .Mr. Pattison, the cnccessful Tins. CTJMMTNGS & MARTIN m. Telephone No. t0 ly STEAM KMll.TES. SltJAIt MILU KiJiBfi or candidate for Governor, hastened to visit bis Uoll.r.(Cwol.r.(Iroaa 6raf.l L..dCMtlas. C0jStCHEE&tAHU1stG ASDXAOK crru SURGEONS AHDHOHEOrATHICIHTSlCIAES. P. A. TJE LA NTJX, Planing and Sawing. GREAT WESTERN aged mother in Alexandria, Va., to receive her Fort and tlereUnla St.., llonolnln. Machtnory of Evory Description FORT STREET. A DOVE K1NU. congratulations, SM Surveyor and Civil Engineer. tt-il- to Order. Sa morticing ana lenanung. INSURANCE COMPANY. -- Nets and Seines te Ortter, C" Addrw n(noltrln Tost Office. C Cm Particular attention paid to Snip' BlaeksaitUnf Haavd Office, 50 Wall St. Now YorV. New Goods of Various Miss Gabrielle Greeley ba begun making K. V. AIA3IS, - Descriptions MT- JOB ta.mort.HBOUC.. UJ T ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO CierU ,rrj .pecloa of THftw larj. 4 raaaH, improvements on the Greeley swamp at Chap. Auctioneer and Commission Merchant. R. BRIGGS & (XL. Tho aboTO ComDaBrhaTlaestabliihed an Arrnr at flV.racUaOr.aB. N. BURGESS, Anil Work Uuarnuteetl. llonolnln for Imiandn. Ih ndtrrmi'fiiail I and has given a plot of ground to the Qneen buret, llonolnln. CARPENTERS & BLACKSMITHS P. the ilawailln paOjUa, Sll mm Order from the other Icland ollclled. aathortaed to accept and wnte Uarine RUka oo Cotton Episcopal Society of that village, on which LaIinIuh, Jlanl. CAHTHNTKH. tb HTJUjDBII, Honolnln. May g. 1879. 91. m Fretzht, Trraaare. Commlatlon and Chinese and Japanese Ware! b lighter Una Heap, sort Bvtbi HOI.I.i: A: CO., Shop on KlnCjStreeU opposite Rose's. 1111, to erect a chapel. Will contract for work In our line or any other bnsl- - at enrrent rate. J. 3. WALK E It, ALSO. LATEST STTLE or 2zd lea ipessTt. Ship Chandlers and CommiMionHereaanU. pei. tr fralitfaction Cnaranleed. tt 3m Ecllmatesrhcnooall kind of bnlldlns. VHrn re-- ly Arewt foo the Hawaiian Imnda Bramwcll Booth, son of tho generalissimo Importers and Dealer, in General Mrrctandbe, Qneen qnirea, umces ana eiorr miea np in ine .aicFi cmn EUROPEAN NOVELTIES IN JEWELRY! S& ht,llnntlnln.ll. 1. J SARAH . PEIRCE. M. D. ern ttylea. Kepatrlnc of etery description done in UNION TJ.lmvillr mwt U tk. TJ.Ho4 n.t of the Salvation Array, was married a few the best iioMble manner, and at reasonable rate. INSURANCE COMPANY INCLfDI.-i- SOME days ago at Clapton, England, his father offic- A. S. CLUGIIOlta A; Co.. LADIES' AND CHILDRENS' PHYSICIAN, fllS ly OP 3 AS Pit AXCIC). iating. Tbe ceremony was performed in the dealxb. is FaV; SETS OF TIGER CLAWS Amorlcan Net and Seine Co. inronraB. ai Ofllc and Itcidence, o. 5 School btrcet, be- V. II. 1VICKI., presence of seven thousand persons, admitted Golioral 3VXorolifaxacilso tween Fort and Emma. Silk Handkerchiefs (hemititehed). at a shilling a bead. tne Corner Qneen and Eaahnmann frtreel.. lr OFFlCpHOUitb-10:3l)ton:a- )A. 1:00 to3r, All colon aad Qaalillea. KM AlnkeasBireet, INOOItPOBATED, 1803 ,TABI.nHCB. IM3. TELEPHONE 20I.-3- L3 D. R. Atchison, of Missouri, for J. IJ.KAWAINTJI, tS" One diwr bvlow Hotel Street, A F1SE ASMIRTMENT OF 36 hours "interregnum President" of the Uni Acknowledgments to Labor G, CASTLE & COOKE, ACENTS Agent to take A. ELLIS, Fnrnllare of all descriptions made and repaired on res INDIA RICE MILL, ted elates, is sow years old, ana in rapidly Contracts t3 Far Hawaiian island.. 1 Japanese Lacquered Ware tools. sonaoic irnn. wnrfc.uiDFHin cnirinirea. lb. CORXEKOF failing in health. He is slightly troubled villi For Ihe Diitrict of Kona. Office oter tlie Toft Oflice. JIi;V onSrolLor!HKLI. I'LASTATIOX g IT Alo, .No. 1 lilce For Sale. entirely lost the iq it WILL Ilondf. and other Marketable The City ofLondon Fire In paralysis, and has almost at Market Valoe for Cask. OFFICE WITH K P. (X II. WII.I.IA.TIN, KB ly Miitioa tad fremoat Sta Saa frMcue. senses of sight and taste. "clXsI. WHOM". ADAJUb, AncUoneer. wsir IMP0ETEE. MAHUFACTUEEB UPHOLSIIBEK surance Co., AT limited. rpilE I.IDtA Klt'C HILL, alter 3 ) Garibaldi's famous victory in 16G0 uas ATIOElfET AHD C0DHSELL0B AND DEALER IS X f praeOcal jcoTAnv M. S. GRINBATJM i; CO, eaoetlrBC,Bi ao commemorated at Naples by a procession of roue FURNITURE OF EVERT DESCRIPTION, J. D. LANE'S CAPITAL, ! Beaver Saloon IboBcarol lotfilo..f aafW Uc Klc Xf. ajrr. And Artntfor aslncAcknonledrraent.of Inurnment, wroRTEiia or 85,000,000 more ten thousand persons from city Farnitore s 'o- - 61 Fort St. Work Phop at :::::: than that of for the Island onbn. ou Capua 1. General SIcrclian discand Cmmiaslou Mrr- - inc oiu iioiri cimi. WORKS, to Santa Maria di Yetere. At Arco uWO yo. Kaahnmano llonolnln. II. lr MAIIBLF. AVISO ESTABLIMIIED A.V AU1IXCY AT Order, from the other I.landa piomptlT attended to. Honolnla - H. : : : : Felice wreaths were laid about Iho monument Honolnln. H. I. ty 1 30 FOIIT NTItni.T, SKA U I HITIX ST. H for the liawallan Island, the andet- J. NOLTE. Proprlotor. Cleansing and Felishinp E. S. CTJNHA chant.. mi ly and a patriotic speech delivered by Signor M.IS. GRINBATJM & CO, lnc.Metcbandl4;, Farnitore, 31acl.laery, on the most It taada aarivallMl' avcJ Im wiiJ iiamj n Cnspi. Xloalor, PHOTOGRAPHS ! abt Kite fma raddjr. ILotnllTJNIONWlnoSALOON, Commission Merchants, MANUFACTURER OF MONUMENTS Ies to announce to hi friend aad th The crave of Emerson is kept constantly AVING ACJAI.V UKFITTKP I'OR THE Losses Vromptlr Adjnstcdaiitl rajaMc litre. pabllc la general rrUnm trmm SUS taU lata In tlic rear of tne " Hawaiian Gatctte " bnildin. No. 121 California St. San Francisco. Cal tinmose of attending to rhotOfniDhT. I am now Headstones, Tonibs, tta aaeotaevCkaXli.lfelaamwUL''rr covered with flowers by tho young girls of Hrepared toco to any part of theGronp.tomake View, U U. 11 Ell I. tK, UHS y o. S3 Merchant frlrect. lj (sm lr) he opened tho above Saloon Concord, liawtbornc s, wiin a atono Tablets, Marble Mantels, J91y Agent for the Hawaiian I.Utul.. That has TIIK WDIA SOT aline Craphy. Only nn Wlasa prodncllona wfll Geniade. ttlfK SltX t nt rrxrxcT head and foot bearing simply bis name, is csTl. t.- uhi.ick. i:. O.HAI.I.A:!SO, Washstandriops, and where first-l-ass Refreshments thickly overgrown with a glossy myrtle IMOTAIfS- A-- HTJC, IKFlBTESS AND DEALERS IN EABDWAEE Honolnla, March.2Sth.lSS2. IfisW Tiling in Black and White Marble. to to Lahcr Contracts Co. Thoreau s is unadorned, save with a Imcfcsod Agent take Acknowledgments Drl Ooodf. ralnts. Oil and General 3Ierchandle, Swiss Lloyd Marine Insurance will b wnfl from 3 a. m. till 10 p. anderthe lulling and Dressing of HI. OK Paddj of green grass. an J Comer Fort and Kin- - fclf. KJSTLER, WISTEKTIIlll. lapvn&ion a KO. S3 HOTEL hTKEET. MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION tmnedfate of Conpeteal CltaV Ciel Mr. Winans, Baltimore, pays $75,000 a CENERAL BUSINESS ACENT. from tbr Uaaaliaa lalaada, bKa H t of corner Qneen and Kaabnmaun JNO. A. HASSLNGER, .MADE HUH'TIIOHIZKll Office In Iakece Block, TO ORDER a. tolnmre THE FINEST UlUDKS or petaj apte. year for a vast tract of deer forests extending Mreel.. iionoinin. i Aceat to take Aclcnowledcntenta to Con PLUMBER AND CASFITTER, from one side of Scotland to the other. Not DEALER IN' AT THE I0WEST POSSIBLE HATES. On Cargo, Freight WILLIAM ATJLD, tracts for LaDor. and Troasuro Tobaccos. Wm. M. GREENWOOD, content with this, be has just leased another Acknowledgments Con Interior Office. Ilonnlnln. ly Stoves From llonolala lo all part, of the world, Agent to take to and Ranees, Tin, Sheet Iron and ntitl t'lf.itnl and and njton Cigars, estate, and has brought suit against tho owner tract, for Labor T. c.Joyr , jn Copper Ware. H.num.iil. lltnt.tinrt Pipes and CobbjuImI. Kaartkaut Mai to tne shepnerds and crolters of RcbcI. JonHter, hy Npcclnl ! Gttrl for tailing eject IntlieDi.trictof Koni, I.Und of the Office C. & CO.. .Keeps Constantly on hand a Superior Assortment of leriul.Ioia Proprietor t who were on it. the llonolnln w aler n oiap, loot oi nnann Mreeu BREWER Order, from the othrr l.l.nd. promntlT attended to. On Ihe raoit farorabla tenna. Smoker's Sundries, ota. IbJU Rle. tfm. I SS7 Tin Ware. lalranlxed Iron and lead pipe, ly 1125 ki ir SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J. 8. WALKEIt, thnwn b a ixTkonal alct!ott from 8rt-cJ- Sir Thomas Watson, the famous English ITll 1. foe the H.w.lUn l.l.nd ao i nunutctc. ! naa been cbtalned. and wilt be added ta from est is seriously ill, and not expected io PA.WTTXEOIT Honolnln. Hawaiian Iilanda. Important Notice time to time. physician, noun, piKii-Hiirro-HOTEIh 01 jajii.s A. AV. PEIRCE & COH MBS. THOMAS LACE, Mr. J. T. WATERHOU8E, recover. He is now years old. A stroke STREETS. KOKOLULU. I'UIICIIASKl) THE TJNTOir Oa of Dranvwlck Jt Baltta't CORNER OF FORT AKD HOTEL SHIP HAKDLEBS & COMMISSION KEBCHANTS HAVING tock ol 31. U. CORI1EIA, Who mtt V a raKaaeer t TviAj. trc of paralysis has prostrated him, but left him Llqnor. con.untly on hand. rr fr mt Tbe letl Ale., Wine, aad AGENT FOE No. 79 St.. Honolnla. Ire and Marine Insurance Company ctwxat. aa4 aial i to flaa in possession of bis mental faculties. When YZi Llrery Mamct AM NOW" TRErAlIED TO OFFER.... Fort Adaaca a oataamito atl.cnru io inc iioiri Erand! FraacUco. calmly at- Gun and Bomb Loneee, Of A CIV ZEAI.A.M). Celebrated Milliard Tables pa stricken down, he remarked to an :. ai'ocj. 1'crry Divle' Tain Killer, LADIES.' GENT'S & CHILDREN'S SHOES IMPORTER and DEALER tendant: "This is tbe beginning of tbe end." Xo. 40 Qneen M ly Importer, Wholesale and Eetail Dealer llonolnln. at astonUhlnjly low price lor eah. CAPITAL io,ii(io,iioo I connected with the cataVIbhtnrat. ahere lovera DR. J. COLLIS BRtMNFS CHiQiiiTMtl Baron Renter was employed, when a boy, in 81 of thecal can participate. ca in General loercnanaise Call carlrtootitala a rood election aa eierr article a. TtlE OtUbUr.lI. aa4 ULT a broker's ofHco in n, an Sowing Machines, and Ccnulno trAiii.isiii:ii .iiiocrai And China Good., in tbe File proof More, corner King tttll be sold at tbe lowcet poefllilo price to enrnre for the Hawaiian, the .Vdte te Iaatid.- -f m wWk to aaeatm M r and while there be originated the idea of du 1M1 anu jsunann pireei.. ij Oommtssion Merdiant anil General Dealer Iromrdlatetale. J, H. LYNCH. Oil are prepared lo aeerpt rilk. aain.t Are lu Frraklas fre froat kyradack. Itm aaim M Zm Io. tyjfcinz hi. Parts, Attachments, dwclllnr. .tore., and on drugs am) )ii;i)kim;s rt. rtltl aa plicating stock messages from London and O W SOttTOM. O. B. aOBTOK In Pry Good. Grocerle. Hardware, Stationery, warchoo.e.. merrn.dl.e. aatrik, w ratat aad. aMwar taa acitj K ana and Accessories. term.. pratmtnl 4rfH, lavl(rt lao aanoaarj aiedU, a other large cities by'mcans of manifolding. U. IV. AORTOX A CO!' i aicni Jieoirine, i cnnniery, iii.hv ou ear?o. Ire lent., bottomry, Olarrware. J Jl.rlue reoai w emaMiiac jural mw awc, ra Soon afterward he conceived tho idea of estab- More. Urove Tlancb 1'lanUllon. Dealer, in Choice Gro 15 AOH1TT FOU '.n I I iuu euinuna.ione. yoartatf wHd aumtliMa WS WAILVKU, MAUI. ly Gr. T pvld ti wa4f hum lishing Ihe general news agency which has ceries and I ron.lon. ana uriieral jicrcoanoi.e. KtzraWEConttancly White, New Home, Loaae. iriupllv niljtl.lel nml pnjnbl. Iierr. rd by IX. J. CHU Broom ftaw Afwjy Medical taif whlck k m taa aaaM 1 UU' BOD 1 3 k-- asJ wakft him famous. fa lr KB lr J.'M WALKER. - sinco made . DR. E. H. THACHER. Saris, Crown, Howe, anrl Largest Stock and Most adnltid by tk atwrawtma to ka taa mm a awttntl Staff Commander James Charles Atkinson, icK.iiAKi. . iiicki:k'i-o.- DEWTI8T. On and Sale T ll i: aad vatuMa rrwed cr. tbe oldest officer in the British Navy, has just ATI0BKET AND C0UHSEL0B AT Xo. Hi 4 Fort htrert. (next door above M.DtcLtojt Hand For Florence Machine?, ( IlLORObn 1 irwnlt kMii ter moio-rap- n uauery.j a LIVERPOOL and LONDON and GLOBE Complete Assortment CmicktUa M.Vrtajaa. died at the age of 100 years. He commanded Will attend the Terms of Court, on the other Island.lV j At reaeonable term, complete itock of loaaamrUta. Money to lend on 31ortp.j;cf of Freehold. SatUfaction Riiaranteed Price and Howard's Machine Needles, tllLORODTSE art.Uk aaanwa DtarrkM. aw4 Penguin, and was captured and his essel ' in lll'R., M'OIiUS, I. tbe Hawaiian I.Uad. the o. 23 Merc bant Irora nr. cianjenw.ia. Quality Work. INSURANCE CO. l tbe oaly vpectic ta I'Meta aad XMaKry Inr tha American TTrtmit In 1125 3m of nil kindi &clzesi Nlrarnl rnnrttM I'urtjNltran Oxide Gas administered for palnle KlSIb.'AXI.I-- A tbe realer portion of oar Slock u obtained fron tUU)KtbTSK cSwataaU ca a kafcMU laJp4totLM, .Wt t 1619. For tbe palt 15 jeara he had ueen quite A extraction fo cJAiiiii'iui: Silk, Assets, S31,1G1,000 Eptlery. Uytnta. aarf 9 pa km. i:i. to., teeth. Tiiinm.Mis, Corticalli ftt.l band wv are enabled in bliDd, but otherwise retained all 1118 laculties IMfOEIEES AND COMMISSION MEECHANIS Afib LllLORODTXE U k otaaaUft t7UlSr'.. Oak, and Hickory l'lank, in all colors; $88,714,000 Ac unimpaired up to the very moment of hii oKW llonolnln. Oaho. II. I. ly JAJIES .M..MONSAltItAT, Claims Paid, boat. Ciaot,1WkKlt, XeataflUi, Attorney Whilo Wood, Cumberland Coal, ITAni.ISIU.I A Alit.M V I. Vrrmt Jt death. and Counsellor at Law. C1.A11KS' JIfl.K i:.M),3IACHINn C0TTDX. HAVE - SELLATVERYLOWFIGURES Itim t rkaraiaraal! Caaaafceia. Mall H.IIACKl'i:i,l A CO., fFprcltl paid to negotiation 11 for the,. and tbe nn- IU". Maala. a. T. The Rev. George 0. Uarr.cs, the "Mountain attention the of Loan,') Paints, Varnishes, llorsc-Shoc- s, are prepared to write ri Jvkj Wl T J GEHEBAL COKMISSIO AGENTS 4 Conrqranclnjr.and all matters appertalnlns to Real AUBNT derelned risks asaiu.t . .'mw, Dasatfcaaaaa. Evanrrelist, is described as beinc a Ken. roit WE KEEP "itmW rukh PiaW7, f'J3 Qnceu llonolnln. II. I. ly J F1RK OX JICKCIIAMIISK Mr valwaca lUa apacrtaaMf af cNLcrtcaiaa. btrett, U'utf Refined Uar Iron, &c.t dc Jlrllable Cat Taper TalterD., BCILVIXGS, tuckian, lallt d, ed and very Tfotarj' Deoiornt. lrla rva toa fW mtdnam if t taU tm&m HOUSE, Pnlllc and Commlasloner of Seed ud Dealer in eatfeatetl I J 1'aVa Bfwwa' CbJarvaew. cadaverous. In a fashion of his own he is EMPIRE oi (.aiuornia ana robllcatlon.. KUKl.Ll.NGS adtta. J. OLDS, Itoprielor, rtnuc niaies .tw iorK. BaTAII orders promptly filled." Qiialitv. baa caraed far aoi aaly In Btad Ua. Kt ad quite able, slid has an orignal and positive rbffice. Xe. 23 Merchant M., Honolnln, II. I. On favorable Ineltlniclllik". a Speciality Only the Best ovcrta Cat itlra rxmij far pmml atitny. w I AMIlI(ITi:i. ltlor., llttola, tlane, and Sporlln;; (lei., Urt ached dwellings and content Injured for a prrlod ant of presenting the gospel. Uo has tho IIIIMX Ml'A.M sTni:ins buLE AUE.NTS FOK THE qaetloa wbtkr a Mwi U lataorted lata l tMatrr, waj it!! frliot, ruder,C.Kt, Metatlc Cartridge.. oi tnrve Tear, tor iwoprrminaia in saTance i.hmm aad waikaH sladt kral Ut laSa aaiacat vernacular and nonchalance of a genuine CHOICE ALES. WINES AND LIQUORS COSMOPOLITAN IinMiiptlr niljulrtl aud pajabla Urrv. kmr TV otbrt araada, waara tiii.o. ii. i.vvii:s. ef7w ( Southerner, and fills his addresses with local Jasion. Geeen Co. I J. C. AYER GOMP'Y.. 10WELI. MASS rT aiaaow rtUed tk aam bxea.aad. wx. o.inwis, Lite KEROSENE STOVES juuttf IWa tkrlt w Uaxy taair aarara tW idieoms and slang. cuiiinucttu. IMF0ETEB AND COMMISSIONi MEB CHANT 1845. 1881 wtllaaVaC reaaeacrat We mmlA atalUyt 1 A. RESTAURANT In all Slic. tMaao the Southern poet, a man V3l. . CO.. JLt--t X. , I ri ujlmdwm f ta of Dr. CaS Faul II. Uajne, ii littm ASD ACEKT roa ASD THE iirardirr Scarf HOTEL STREET, . - of medium size perhaps fire and a half feet Sngar Factors and Commission Agents Llojtl'i Mir Mock uf 1'tpoK. Vlctr llohU-r- Tobacco. 4c.. wwii- aiarnu ja a nunaaa ae urarawrr. and the Liverpool Cnderwritrr. Ill be old at tSI I'llH VIZ Bt. CraaaPa. Neaaaana. lac VanJoar t tall with a well proportioned figure, olive llonolnln. ii. i. m Briitsh and Fortln Marine Invttranec Company, FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY aad aa jreaeral taai aacvara aaffaae Andyorthcrn Aifnrance Company. v33 Ij Jah. aaaa complexion, dark, penetrating brown eyes. A; I'rottii I'crfiuiicrj 'o, London, Cirtwaal oatratlMi artx yaata. la Cbatoraa'm: CO.. OF LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. aad Ta ha ta acw tvrrtai tmm af CkatV and a full, massive forehead. He has highly :. W. McCHESNEY 4p SON - eralwlf. wr aa It rfUlly cMnaO-tBH- COMMISSION MERCHANTS P. A. COSTA Proprietor- powrr W ka mmr polished manners, cordial address, and so Urain, and DEALERS IN - Sc. ltatwT &r tmm t taia And lniportrrB of and Dratrarf lu lliy. " Capital- $10,000,000 PARKE, DAVIS CO., aroWla taaa i'aUt Unmmt'm IVaaa a tS'W llopoloin, 11. Late Clilef Mevard of Mmr, LILellke." tna Coartmas much natural eloquence in conversation as to General lrodnce. 1. UNLIMITED LIABILITY. tkat 111 doradrl taa anl.aad alaoftaaa a atajM af Ala remind every one of the fact that he is a II. PATV, Leather, Hides, & Tallow 11V TZIi: DAT OK 11 EEK U.V (DETROIT. MIL'ILt to tka yrof aMi a4 tka Mht. aa a arv af JOII BIIAItlt HEAbONAllLK TEIDIK. Flro Insurance of all dcKiiplWrn all) be eUVctrd at minalaloallut tia aWtftatfoo afaayataae tkaa Cva nephew of Robert Hayne, Daniel Webster's K0TARY PUBLIC and C0MKISSI0NEE ot DEEDS AU moueraie rates oi prcminiu. oj tue nnurretneu. I a COnxWlfSSIOZT 3UtX3X.CXCJ!LlVa7S Manufacturinc? ChemUta. ltrowaf aattcuATa Caaaao rtm a raa famous opponent. For the Matee of California and New VorV. Offlce at The Talle ll .uppllcit nidi tbe be.t tbe Slarket afford. J. H . WALK E It, Azent fur Haaallaa lolandi- nr raa caaaivr a AGENTS KOIt rar W are. te. raiottua rmrrC Kev. Stopford Brooke tells of a conver tltc Hank of Klthop V Co., Hopolnln. oB Ij '. H. TheRoral Intarance ComuanT ha the larcftta tattkJalll fm A The liMoals at all hours of tho day." Mnaiwraartaeniu raaraa txtefi iot.Oreai DntUjk H!a once tne H.ojrfvl net anrpiui oi any rire uorapanj in inc aurm m it KlceiUaay Ykerwy' t'Waalata sation he bad wiin late uean Stanley, JOIIA x. ivaxiiuiioui!:, K3C1I No. 42 QneenSoapbU, Honolnla.CompV.II. I. ly the who urged him to stav in the Established GENERAL HUMPHREY IMP0KTZR AKD DZALEB IK GERMAN LLOYD C.VrriOX. kit W. Weed Church and broaden it. "Will the Church in MEECHAKDIBE. IIY.11A IKICOS. CEO. S. HARRIS, Homeoiathlc Medicine Co., New York, Ut4tkAttrr. 4 CoOtallroaB waa. 4mMT. IX my time or yours ever be broad enough to fca Qnccn fctrfft, Honolulu. II. I. Marine Insurance Company of Berlin. latealoe f Vklivawdja, taak Utaatat altaaaafvar make James Martineau Archbishop of Cante- SHIP AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH. daal rrceaMa waa dtlfwrraiefr aairao, wkMX k S. M. CARTER, Importers of General Merchandise DC reirrtWdloaay. kad tw?w aworm W ttaiaa." rbury?" asked Mr. Brooke. "No, I don't Acknowledgments to Con ultima:, itorsi: iikavy KINO AKD KOriT OTnEETS. Gr. Gr. Gr O XX, Jalj U. WL t'T Accnt to take FROM in,Ua!on Work. Uonldln? Planln? U N A think it will," replied the Dean. "Then," Si Bitl. ai Knlrr. F 0 It T wooDiii'itr. s J. Svkl la onUW t. 1A fU U 11 tract lor .uabor Anehor and Anlli repaired. Uooeeneclv, Crank Axle faek. Noaa wttkoat iW Dr Cm said Mr. Brooke, " I don't think it will ever Office Dock. planadc, Honolalu, II. ?mar. iwda J. at P. V. b. X FJtAXtE. ENGLAND, GERMA AT. AND and Waon Axle made for tbe trade on reasonable CHARLES HAMMER General lnsuranceCompany of Berlin lu Urtrwne a kaorvrf n oa vk veraavnit enoucli for bMi 15 ly term. August anil Syrup l rtaair be broad me. I1ATIXO Flowers (nTwbelaini ' 4raoaT ac9aaaaa rack Lieuleuant-Govom- UNITED STATES, AIIOVK Mr. Oliver Ames, or elect F. T. laENEHAN & CO TIIK ISM'BASt'E (UIMM1.S aeuKx. - - Heavy Wagons for Traction Engines et.lttl.hrd a Uran.l A?.nev hertf. and the Barwar Mrac of Massachusetts, although now a man of great &nd Commiaaion Alerckants. No.S3WchantMreet, Honolnla, H.I, rt General Agentr, are authorized take laallaat. af aad taiRatiana Importer Nought for Cash, Large Stock nnder.izncd. to (4aJa &ST ! Maaafar'Bra T DAVES TO CT 32. wealth, was trained to work, and did'work for XoniTjn Strm, Honolalo. 19 Illak Ihe1 n.uejf Ihe SraaMl Ihe CELLULOID TRUSSES J bro . nv.iiA.-- OF .caluat r.of years in his father's shops as a common jour- HU1aOSTR & CO-- iiitos.. ARTESIAN WELL TOQLS Hoat nenaonnble Rlev nuil on Ihe A M'ECIALTT neyman shovel maker. Hie proficiency lie s W E It ?( With all their Fitting, a Specialty. 9fo.l 1'na arable Wttnanted not to Break' or Wiaroai ' Drug-ist- Sc II 0tL SALE G1X0CE First-Cla- Terni. ltst shown by the fact Tobacconists, Order Work ss Fittings! TO F. A. bCIIAEFEK & CO.. General attainod as a mechanic Is WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, All Promptly Attended to, and Harness lr Acenl.. be alone made all tbe prize shovels and SISandSIS California Street, Uuaranteetl, that 09 Nuuann fctrtct, llonolnln. tf"JJ Physicians' Prescriptions other tools exhibited by the firm at fairs in 1 A FRAM'IMCO. tif ShoDOiitbeEfDlanade. In tbe rear of Mr. Geo. I. now enabled to mannf.ctnre & and countries. Ilia example is being MRS. A. M. MELLIS. WILDER CO., this other Fartlrnlar attention paid to filling and shipping llonolnln. Hawaiian Iilantta, .en Carefalljr prepared by aa experienced PkataacM followed by his son, now twenty years old, Faahionaole Dress and Cloak Maker, ty T33lo Island ordeiV. a ;Bost rral Ateiit of Ihe at anytionr of tbe nlht or da, at who daily works at the bench and anvil. 104 Fort atrrrt, Honolulu, II, I. ly Harness WH'-- ly HAWAIIAN EVER ntODCCED 1IEHE, Mr. Labouchere tells the following anecdote S. K. CABTIT. J. . ATHEBTON Mutual Life Insurance Comp'y of Mr. Pea body: "Tips are Eeldom calculated J, .11. Willie la V. .11. !., It. I ? .V & CO.'S en oastij; cooki:. riinniifactorv - HOLLISTER on a proper basis. I rememlier once coming up Dental Soomi foit Street, SHIPPING1 AKD COMMISSION MERCHANTS Furniture Cheaper than any House or sen- YoiiK, Brighton with the Mr. Office In ErewerV UlocL, cornr Hotel and Fort ttrtvt IMPORTERS AND in the train from late vn jnirance.iiuiti cirer u IS TOWS Larcflst. Safest and Most Peabody. He had a bag which a porter carried ij in Who!esa!eJ& Retail Druggists, KOBT. LXHtlU. C. . COOKE. Dealers General rverchandlse, CO penny and a ntn street, jionoinia. 11. 1. rUHClIASE, UNTIL ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. for him, and he gave the porter a i; .v : , ow H. 'D0VT l aa SVtANC bT 8aa havo estimated,' observed the philan- i w i: it it i: J. BRUSS, JR., half. '1 bBccct to LzirEBfl THE value of man's ton t Dicsrox, AGENTS FOU MANUFACTURES Y0UHAVK SEK.V If IS (iOOI)S." IN WORLD! Corner Beale ant! Sis., thropist, with a smile, 'the that The HiUtead, )kni and what IMPORTERS & DEALERS IK LUMBER Kohalahnsar Co. It. or Ulna Cash Assots, ovorS0O,00O,0OO I JOSEPH E. WISEMAN, time over and above his salary, I Tha HaiLa InnrTo. riantatlon. Fine Mngleand Honblc SAX TXA3C I ALiruESIA And all kind of Italldlnz Material. The Alexander Ko-- Ilarncr. have given him is rather more than what ho Fort ' ly llonolnln. is A. H.fmlth&Co .'onrora anu iioir Jiamcf i, .rr For Information coneernln the Companr and htwt, riantatlon. loa, Kanal. Ezpre and Plantation TI Uettluet litrret. Hoaola!., II. I . w. ought to have.' The porter, however, did not Hamakn AMKOFMITM name, lor jute, oi in.nranee, 10 n vo.. n. rriix joiiih hooii. I'lalUtion. J. M.Alexander.Halkn, Whip", Curry Combs, tatui, J. W. ROBERTSON & CO.. v vo. a Manl. llrldle. .'7 urn i .1. ru i. n smile." ine iiucncrtt ASD Uroalie, hporf, Drcmlnsf, e It., etc J K. WISEMAN, REAL BROKER Coquelin the aclor doesn't believe that "the Importing and Mannlacttirlne Stationers I'lanuiton. trn 3m boliclliox Asent. ESTATE rs The Innranpt of Franrlnro. BUILDERS OF STEAM MACIiKKT lawyer fool for his AnbUaners, Xfews Uealers, I'nlon fnmninv Sn EMI'I.OVMK.T A(iENT man wlio is his own has a The New Enijand Life lnnranee Company, of Bo? ton AT THE LOWEST TH. A .1 court iu and Paper Ruler. PRICES! Mosdcan Saddles, STIC client." He has just apjearcd at 19 A. 21 Merchant Street, Honolnla. II. I. H5& S0 i air make jaanniaVc.urinE o.. vi iwiidd, THE ItKST IN THE ISL.VNDS. Office, IX ALL ITS IKAXCCXK his own advocate the be- I). M. Wettoafa 1'atent Centrlfnsal Machine;, FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, And General Business l'aris as in dispute The New Yo(k and Honolnla racket Line. XfT Repairing done In tlie beet manner, and at the tween him?lf and M. Ma cr. Uo argued his MlIIlUIIASI A:VC.. The Mercha'fts' Line, Honolulu and ban Francisco. Loner I Kate. Only Flnt flat Workmen Employed OF IIAHIIllKl. Steamboat, Steamihlp, L.nej I a many members of the IMFORTERS AND DEALERS IB HARDWARE Dr. Jarner .USnn Celibratrd Medicines. 03U Capital of the Compaoy Jb Reecrf eltelchimarkc,OJ IloittcM anil Land case with skill that FUBLWITURE CntlcTT. Dry Good. Taint and Olle, and Ucneral Wilcox & liibb'a. Mn?er Mannfactnrlnir Ccmeanr. and A I,WAV OX llAXn. .1X11 " their VAJCiitv bar might have envied. But as he warmed 3ierchandb, SM tt"itsMSewini Machines. ly and .Sold; ENGINES AND BOILERS to his work, his dramatic spirit gained tho JU ?o. 37 Fort btrcet, llonolala. ly ORDERS FILLED AT SHORTEST NOTICE ToUl Rclch.mark K,KSW gesture In .111 Paris of thU Klndou on, mastery, and by a too vigorous he JOS. E. WISEMAN, TOBACCO, CIGARS men rKEMr nx oxnT-.- his coat open from top to bottom. So in- THE nTBHITUBE IS NORTH CERMAN split Real Estato Broker fc Employment Bureau tUa stead applauding tho climax of his most AND NTKAn aUtltKl. aaiMArH of KrnU lloomt. Cottages. lIoad, and andlcaeea FIBE INSURANCE COMPANY, JinOJIMTO ItKST THCtlJIIOlT I1I1XU. of Wood KATJPAKUEA & IT If all. IrJ. Cowr.". telling period the audience only laughed ; and Itoal Eute in all varta of the KIntrdom. Employ- PLANTATION or iiAiim:ii(i. I. AMihrHlltfr. LaodkinUaadOwa. ment found for those recline work in all tbe Tarlouc OJII.Mi IN and For aale In AND OF THE theCompanr4Eerye..nlthfinrk8A. era otlfofiita and Ileal rstata will War la miad that I OHiil.x irtv r.xui.xij. . a he laughed too. branchc of buins connected Willi three Iland. SlCAIllxnv pnrchacers, by SMOKERS Cinltalofu am tbe onlr rrfnli;cd Iteal Efat .nrat aud Hrara - B- -- Collccl.-d- AiiTHW their IteIntjranceCoinpnic " able In the hall of the House of Representatives tST- . - Document drawn, mil Brvkrtoa ta UUnda, aad It will batoyaar tatrmt to lUroU . in Washington, each is allowed space for And AcconnUlsl Lent, and cenrral office work trane tilcr your Laadtt, TcacMcnta 3bd Jtootm lalo a baada -' ri-j-- iMMMaini State actrd. Patronage ollcitcd. moderate. BEST SEASONED STUFF, Total..... Itrlchfmark tljnwt (of dlrvoaal. Ornn i.tiMiii- t ! Tin: i.AitiiiAT jtoxr atrMcW.(ARfrK a. UN Ta.4 ba tb statues or buau or its prominent sons, miner Honolulu, II. I. 31 Wl HAWAIIAN SOAP W0EKS un rartlcnlar attmtlva siren t pro artni mpMivlbla .bam to Ohio has not used citber of these niches. and HClinrKIZERIhCHE I.I.OYI Tcaaati; (all ebarz taken ut aVaratrr; are I. Ve mtyUrjtd. i, aa4 Wa of notwithstsnding the popular belief that her laiataacr. IWpaln. Tatea aad Water Amtomettta at water praraaloeel. I H POUTERS AND C0KMIESI0N MERC HAST S, No Pains will be Spared Varied Assortment RUCK VERSICHERUNGS GESELLSCHAFT icoaru 10. 01 statesmen luvAuuatiuic. 11119 MU BOILERH. rUtfalU atteMt. bo supply is f Eatldinp. CREiY & ! defect now to bo most fittingly remedied, as nouinonT CO., TO GIVE TO EE of whn iKHTinm. lb. iwlfty f ibe iMlilal awl is (jaeeo Street, llonolnln, II. I .11 LOANS NEGOTIATED CaptUlof theCompanj-...- franca WWV sr.t-.U- at the last session of the Ohio Legislature, a JCE&Tt inufacturcri and Dealer In boo. bol .orb bf4ecot rB SATISFACTION TO HIS CUSTOMERS O VJfJCA'T 11 I bill was passed appropriating $10,000 for a The CIan sow and Honolnla Line of rackets. FOUND IN HONOLULU ! EMl'L VJIE. V kttl.tlanla.IJI AMD KtUAaJltiiUti MA at Co'a Liverpool and London ALL KINDS JL compaalea for tiencral Garfield, to bo placed in one John liar lacket. OF SOAPS, Vphol.lerlus; Hone io Onlrr. of the abore three the Hawaiian BuoVr artrc . ap.fir.e4 statue of The Waikapn riantallon. ljfico, W'v are Contantlyin Receipt of are prepared to iaiorw llalldlns, VoniUare, TIIESt: IS I'lIIXCBT lb. tving nirceii llonolnln. lUIULL.SEEkl.Mi iIOItK m an of the spaces allottee to Ohio. Some of tho The bpencer rianUtion, JIllo. Beef, Mjiton and Goat Tallow wanted. Order left a- Coffins Always on Hand. Mrrf hinill and ProtlBcr. llachtnerr. xto harr&r Ah. E.IW In. Tort. Hakalan IIllo. IUc Mi I If, and the lc L.15UK. mb4 most prominent sculptors of the country are Plantation, uoiJea x Oji1, Qneen street, will meet with prompt ai I. SEK.-Ti- s and rrMlln lurbor, aIntt lo4 trATKH or 9 beet Iroa. of aa olac WaUon, MachUcry. 1 SSI ANU Ij ! ore. on no I'll mm Sllrrlee. Tait nar tention. tJSJ ly or uamaseaJT, or ino ituiui. inm. CI -- comrctinr for the work. The 1'naio Mierj) lUnch Com,ianT. W6 Fresh. Supplies ti i M'wei n ni aaaa. la nlubf. kab. br borrarr. e fetMCbo-- l MMlcji .btaoaoac. General George Macdonald, the "father" of SOLI & SADDLE . FROM THE ebeet. rollnl, a4 fee the British Army, has recently entered his LEATHER ! int cr. aod TradeaarB. aBil all CBjplvTer. h tViir. teiij to Ve rlreltt e. tb. rro.eL Arrived Life carefol attcaUoa to IbeU boaloe... woaM do .ell I. ninety-nin- Just Mutual Co. a th year and is still bale and hearty. At Iloblnion' Mhrf, Tanned Goat and Sheep Skins New England Insurance aotirr no .aea vacaBciee eaj.1. 1 1 T 11 u 1 1 Li c n 1 rjr z i u. Doaribaatw Jwr " Dote of Abmo,', lorm Lluipool, Most Reliable UamiJactiirers rhftoo) by He was born onlr threo years after Cornwallis Dealers in Lumber and til kinds cl Baildisg flOXSTAVrl.ruXHAAD AKD FOB NALK or BOTIOX, JtI3 ur Mr aaAt bj tkl. oOablbbaaal. surrendered at Yorktown, and was sent as an Materiali. Paints, Oils, Haili, e.. UibaaSc lanUax UvbriwrT. Uut .1 nea tc, I !! TIIK ri:n, HOMES AND EMPLOYMENT. .oi; usigu in the expedition to Hanover in the year , icemi or fCUOOXtRS IVnlinra TAnnrr. J. P. IMrJirr, Prpr. FOH. SAIiB ixcoiironA iis. brl fir .aporfor tn aao4 wcaa. HALEAKALA, T.'unrry, 1. S. Ljman, to Trafalgar. In 1812 be engaged in the war in lrprll.r. AIIKXTK FOR 7he OUIetl Partly Mutual LifeInirtmnce Co in UUP WOBU. ablr teteaaa CapdaJU. KULAMAXU, 800 A. S. CLECHOHK CO A;rpU. ONE MILE OF .(.Hurl UliB-- ..c Irna the Spanish Peninsular; in 1814 he was in lr t. ft. LImiI. .kn .Mlmhl.lll or WlbC.. Air .Ml Ctrt.Ua. arer 13 KEKAL'LUOIII, dins permanent) oa tneta lalaada win lad ll adiaata j 1mf. ot. Canada, ana t the scigo of Plattsburg ; and in 8c to Itjrlr earn fort a lo call an w. vm lUtir tnVul rao.tafrveel hh MUV ELLEN. liirritopoi.ixA. jiahiilex. Light Portable Railway Rails, P. Co.'s Policies oa tba xaoit farorabla Term. jera . 1615, a young man then thirty-on- e, he was Lorillard Imid aauacRct semei; aaa iaoe jar Ilirecl raap CltT of TAUAUI, I0ir MXra. .UUi " trrilto. ot thrice wounded at WmrW Since then he 'C. WALLER, F.xnmple .rX.a.Forrellnre Pl.u meal wm tx iikcwih prmioeo. Wort., porpona. bafH.rUt ib ulabral TJ..J U1LAUA. Proprietor. 10 janl; and Wlnth an--e ylth has been Governor of and of Tin Tag Tobaccos, 1NSUUEU LIKE Valec aaperror aa prap. Sierra Leone II I, ir AUE.S SCiIm, to olaet LEA King Strttt, ltonolnl.. FLASl - Dominica. But battle vounds, malaria aud Hawaiian igUndf. corre. croMn;r, for W.rtlalaclM B.afr- .I..BT f tfti llonolnln. ly Cbolcr.1 Ieati from Flat.t Herd.. 1 AbbuI premlam eontlnae. Polley 3 rear. 3 dare CENERAL OFFICEWORK Ileal, yellow fever have all failed 13 to shatter his iron Vanity Fair Tobacco and Aaaoal premlam. cobiIbbc r&ncj f rear. dar. Of descHptltm altrsdrd to. U1U coOccfeti. ksal i. x ii i; .11, CANE WAGONS at preotlaBif ft errtj constitution, and ms nealth is still sound and xii os. it AND 10 LIGHT SUGAR Aanaal contlaa. Poller rear. dj. uptttbf all Utwl draws, Hooka aad Accvaata kept IM I his faculties unimpaired. ijiroaTixo xxd kasitacttbisb ! 4 Abbb.1 pretalcma coatina. Potkjr as daja aad Miliclted, aad care Ukra to aerk tbe lstertft f all ESTABLISHES STATIONER, KEWS AGEBT, ASD CONFECTIONERY a Annsal premlnma contlOBe PoileT 10 .car 56 tlar. The Kev. Granville Moody, the Cigarettes, "fighting PAPER RoLER, iUt) A? Ofatlj mtajrd raj new oSea drprtjnrBt la prayer X.B. Thl Rallwar I cnluble for Animal Power. lJrkk fialUiaz adjolalat aw parson," maintains uiai a ueoucrcd up Merchant near Fort, and Fort M. near Hotel, Uono Ii?W 10,1300,000! --taeavwrirewof while St n ci A.ot, InittU' edlAcv. I an falJr prepard ta mttt laora oa a certain occasion, closeted with inin. uann, u. i. ron Otbors.'SiALSO Lmei P.ll lhr.oa;la II.u.ImIi. Aseury, rtfmainrW In K.l ( tkaa kTrfVifmr. aad KXWSPAPSK. "Andy" Johnson, by Ko. 71 Fort St., aboye Hotel St., alo salt tk patronage was the nwans which Alo,rnbllheref the Hawaiian Almanac and Annual lbs. lo the S49.000 wltbnrcsUircdfaelUtir Isrlta oi the tide of war was turned and the Southern ana uawaiias Directory ana vaunaar, ic. Straight Steel Ralls, U jard. ciiuraaoa inaHarrifuaaa to a ywrman Itf CS KEEPS ALWAYS ON HAND m uunuiUR uir .v.w.ib, TheSIrTthantaUrrtSlore, The Fort btert Jb Co. CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTS llUi ariiuuiaiia wn rebellion crushed. Mr. Johnson had sent for tnt An assortment For tne wotkin: ot JI eun. John Fowler rati, do atteatl9n, aad k pvcliae a)t and ktada of 1l be devoted la Ucneral embrace Floe Stationery, of the bel French and way and the bez to refer ttit ADVERTItl him critical time in the Tennessee troubles, BooksJIiookc, ArtUta California mann factored Ixootlrr, nnderlned to FOR THE HAWAIIAN ISLA.T1). mcrcaaaaiM aoiKiiea, yrucunnT ia nt "ST. at a Mailonery. Blank Malerlaf. Spirckclr', q of bprrckelsrllle, wtcre a line 1 ta c,u ihh iw ibaa'Twaa-oj.- . C.IWiBalita. and asked him would be and Hindis; lieporMToyi and x asey uood. J. l. aarkrUBK terns lac aaortu. Booea. 9t b4 St. what best done now in iu i ojHTuon. S02TH EBITIIH AXD HERCA3TILE Saal J,raalay Cfaf.iaaw response, the menu ! MEERSCHAUM "Let us nrar." was tho and two Conlectlonery For further parilenlirs, appl to CIGARS. SolldUne Asent tor th9 WMd) he offers for sale to the trade, or at j knelt together, and Mr. Moody prayed long O-o- 3F1- - retail. Inanrnnoe Oompony AT B. J BTXtrTMf Ml miUWM Mat. "Wells, W. L. GREE3T. or AND - MUTDAL LITC INSURANCE C0MF7 Mb. IXTOBTXB SIXLtS IS Establlihod 1800. IN. aiu and lerventlr. workinr up tho spiritual facul 1S AT REDUCED G. VT. 3CACFABLANE .ii ,m PRICES! fc JCJEPtfV Li fct...y KB A;eatfoff J6bn Fowler i 1TB1 TOXUC ' ties of his comDanion to a white heat When General Musical Merchandise, Painting. BxlarPipos,ci;c.,tibo Jaovrrr. of lb. Cotapaar a at ll.t December. 0r"Acl.aowledt;rd07 UtaUit Lariat 8afC aad tomt y at last he said "Amen," Mr. Johnson sprang Engravinc. ChromiM. Ec Ko. apCapha! ttufio THE BEST BR.VXUS OF CHOICE CIGARS WANTED ! Total Bnbrlbed. X2.UJU.nui. nlcavaB aaiwiw nwvaa 10 us leet and with a tremendous oam, The place Bnj aawwawaaa pm 1 cnod, Chtapcft to Flr. Fund ind KeTTe. 1.1:1. Wi BLOCKS AND MAST HOOPS, mt "Moody, will poll us To be had la the marscL. OVERSEER WANTED, & Co. Caw rfnvr feta4 I think that prayer ILL WSDS OF FURMTDRE III HOKOLULU. PUNmiON Hollister and Aaaall Faat...... JJUJIO tWiaVatr riailna 4r through": fr Rereaae Fir Branch ... tJW 1R03T IfTRAFPEB yf ndiettaen altaaH a&d from ihii time, so claims the THE BEST ICE CREIB, SD01 WHTEB CQRDULS Apply iamedlatelT to tTEXT . HtCiin M4 - riCTCKE FRAKES of all Had. Cry 5 BemMfJfeaadABBBitTBraBebean waca,-jraarai- daurlnar wataiM Man- T "fighting tho i C. BREWER CO, noaolala. Wt.Inaleaiid Retail Tobaceoniata. Aas a. MvUIIteiron Stra97 jmu' soi a mm m ito parson," victory perched upon made lo cnlfr. t E. HOFFSCHLAEGEE Co- riajo uaaiax, a iujj rrw?T u ffarrin hrp fttv humeri of ' A ma uUIi tu. the Union. (OS S..;iOr Tcri at., h.b.ibi., ' mtm 'no Fak.ia,Ki.n.wiu Mil XIf XV 8TBEET. lli a and was ble are among the very foremost of the Coronation, and especially the means by which Shaping, Consulate, left in April for Cuba, to the Government, Dc Louvierea. The Boston merchants: they applied them- the expenses could be lessened replaced liy Count I made a great mistake In tack- - COURT OF THE government has established a selves to their task in a Fpint of fairness but think he has Hetti Cabtwricht. W S. Lrn. A. W. Brsii. FRANCISCO. SUPIZEJIE Portuguese ing an event of public rejoicing, the subject FOR SAN UtheE.titeor F. UN. paid Consulate during the year, the post and impartiality. Mr. E. P. Bond, a gen- on lo AL'STIN, of ITonolalo deceased, Inlcilate. Before 3. r. 1ST VOCri IS BT.BCS. Canavaro. tleman who has done much to further the of leprosj. There will be plenty of time after the THE Al BRITISH DARK J of tire As i tin of Consul being filled by Sr. Loronation to hik over ana wnie aoou. tarn UNION COMPANY Unreaaincananiincine pernio oi l nariei T. auhti-w- r treaty interests of this country, arranged In the mean time let ns fall HE FEED Honolaltt, tlleiln: that of The appointment oi a i melancholy affair. IIon&rwla.tMt Autla. HXDXESDAY. DECEMBER 27. USi. an very saying bury Lady Lampson, irAnnlnlat Oibt. died inteitalt at t, m of advantage, and for Mr. P. C. Jones to have interview back on a old "let the dead the - lia been creat MARSTOS. JlaHer,- day of December A.D. lAtt, nd Pjraytaf that letter business with the with the committee. JIr. Jones explained dead.' of admi&tilratioa to tatd CharleaT.OaHek. nearly at an end is 1882. in four has facilitated legal ow. 1 wtHh to sav a few to A. "W. BUSH Manager. Tor considerably; we are still without fully our position, our labor system, and Mr. lditor. words Quick Dispatch for above Fort Itliorderrrt tnai liititsuAi, ue jwa aay or r dav more we shall be ready to ray Chinese you, as a public journalist : yon have not exactly Will have A. D. lan. at 10 o'ctock a. m. or tald day. b and howeTer, and we the rate at which we sold our sugar in what you ought to have done in the premi- raaaure, hereby la appointed for aald petitlea mX a Caucasian Interpreter, done Fur or aprly ta hearts? befort U Stalk "Eiac out Ibe old, rirc in the new." wroitTtt or asd is Fr.M aald aTa.tlce, In Court lloora of Cowrt, Boso-lal- TW Ar another Legislature may see the San Francisco. One main point which ses. Allow me to remind yon that it is not only iuul C. BnEWEnJtyo.A-en- tr the thtt at Tl"" a trust that your dot to criticise the movements of the gov- ft! at which time and place tl! pertymj coDcerned mratr.aatam.a)j TV hall all be wishing one another for such seemed to be a stumbling block, was that j may appear aay Hare, why MOT m Till. " BWtVi. necessity of appropriating funds ernment, but when an occasion occurs when yon and .how tan;c, if they taM V or were petition hoM not b (mated, and that tall order be -- aaraaraom Happy New Year; we shall al more an officer the committee under tho impression can endorse their action you oucht to come oat Hay, Grainy FOR SAN FRANCISCO. dUaMMHiMM" Spreckels landed our sugars 3 news, pnblished la the Enrjlrh, lanrua for three bccw1tt I wondering what is before ns in that Mr. DOiaivana ssstain ineir inii wuuia lau Tb Antrtcan ten tint wrekaln the Hawaiian (aieUen newspaper 1b Uo cheaper be done Erreatlv to vour rablio rrrotation as a neonle'i Pr olnla. lo the raccre rrentjs have been sent abroad to facili cntfl a pound than could the lotarc, speculating as was journalist-- l And It li farther ordered that aald Charles T. (.alkV negotiated a in New York. "When this point Kitate-natil- and throwing ont of the tate immigration: Mr. Carter Dome icw wpcils bru were appearcu an tvnicie beappilnted1cinporary administrator of raid l and Lapjanrss with Portugal, and later in the year cleared up. and it was shown that Mr. in the Premier's journal, stating that there would DISCOVERY, farther order lime In. 1S53. treatv StruJtt,! l'EKUIMAN. lla.ler. n. ureemoer D. Jtxeuy. element . quite a revenue derived Food i Patrt lioaoiim, rwn, A. ISH. l.i calculation the tinrnVaant oi Col. W. Mac: arlane proceeded to the Spreckels did no such thing, a favorable be from the extra sale of BKSJ. IL AL'LTl.V. fsrB gloves. Price mretlwtT the Lowest failure which often mars the best laid eamc country to make further arrange- impression was created. Subsequently at Rt. ini Will have daick Dispatch for aboTe Fort. Atteft: D. KaFTrr, Jutieeof Sopremo Coort. s I regret this article has created a false impres- care U liken to onr .applied at tl) SR7 A- P- and P. Jones ctomers twpniy St Jans of men. Somehow, no matter how ments with regard to immigrants. Three Messrs. H. - - Carter 0. sion abroad. As it would seem from a letter in a limn. For f irther partlcnUrt , app) lo ships have arrived, but the supply of labor had another meeting with the committee. local journal, from San Francisco, that they are and City orders thoald be iddrrfifd M II. IIACKrELU Co.. couut of hard hasWn a man's eijierience,thc Xcw under the impression that gloves are all that are ll t SurnEJtE in th nutterthkor tat Bint. is not equal to the demand. The appoint- when island matters were considered A.tlndW.nUS,orto THE USIOX FEED COMPANY mptcT of LA K KIN. Year a!war presents a rosy line to him; expressed necccssary to constitute a full dress suit. I think FOR SAN FRANCISCO. rXTEB ment of an Inspector General of Immi- more in detail; the committee this overture was made about revenue Whereas Irter Larkla hai iled hli petltlem before is when the HONOLVLV II. I. me praytn? to be adjaded a Bankrupt and aw that alienation of all the ills that nesh grants has been a step in the right direc- themselves as being at last in lull posses- from gloves, you ought to hare seen at a glance, TheraTorltPmfrlcaB Bare vrder prospect of dated iwembrr Ineunt was iMned to lb X arthat heir to. Hope, brightens the tion: Hon.A.S. Cleghom.inthicapacity, sion of facts, many of which they had that it was intended as a feeler to ascertain E2 TEtEPKCUE NO. 175. yrlyi of the Hawaiian tilandtto Ukeposaeailon of Ua laid the coming year. We hope that such not fully under whether the public would go in for a debtor." property and to pat hi atore bonm, tonausr has visited all the islands of the group, been ignorant of or had .D. C. MURRAY, effect!, book tad aeaC aaat aaawi a and aspirations may be realized not Coronation. Yon ought at once to have lent faaa.ei, ptpenandfr tork and wib and reports of his tours have been pub- stood, and promised to hand in a report your valuable aid to the furtherance of this idea, A SUITABLE 1 "Sow therefore. It la ordered that MONDAY. Janaary of PRESENT &th.ltSt,ttmy Chambera hatt be the far individuals only, lint for the whole These reports have been of value favorable to tho ireaty. BUggesiea wing to carry out mis poini. not time and place lished. ion . . . TOR THE Will have Quick Dispatch for the abovcFort of hrarinsanddecldias oa aald petition aad that dae r bttJo nation collectively tipectuating answering the "slavery" calumnies The fact that the new treatv with hanngcxaRped this ides pardon pnoncaiiun m s,uxu aicicvi rrqairra py law when I state yon have missed opportuni- For Freleht or paHRt,applj lo iot en Uw latum, uowercr. is nanny as have been published in the A F. Mexico is beintr favorably considered in me if a glorious three weeks la the Iliwimw Gumi. which ty of makini? vourself famous. F. A. bCIIAEFER A CO Aernla. tIJ.rJ. II. AVSTiy, the past: itdoesnotcome Clrtmtrle papers. the states, also tells well in our xavor. Yon, Mr. Lditor, as an JnittceSnpmneVvarU and other educated man, and no HOLIDAYSWOULD BE am n c lone. then, with the last issue of 3Ir. Leopold Morse, recently elected to uouiH mnarfcacuy weu versea in anciem ana Attwt Jno. E. Baesixih 1S82 slight ancient historv. to ns For San Francisco. ClCtk Of llV SluhflM Ciwei ifee Glbttl for to make some hasl)een Cncress from Boston, has stated that in oucht have riven Honololn. xjy Considerable dissatisfaction and the Government an idea how these things Pccewbrf SH, isft. at review of the year, to pick up a few of the as" manner his opinion the Reciprocity Treaty will not a Very Handsome Parlor Suitj Tbe Al American Origan tine in some districts to the were managed in the days of Ortwr How, on the QUPUKMK COUKT OF THE HA- - raKest points and pnt them together in tho taxes have been assessed. In be interfered with. occasion of the great carnivals, these always took WA1IAN ISLANDS. In Prnhatf. in which A MCE I U I. il.. aar fcfiajie Ililo a vigorous protest has been made This intelliirence will be hichly satis place aiter asuccessiui campaign in some netga-bor- 's of the EaUtv of CI1AS. W1NO, vineyard, when they brought back immense IIOWAIID, 3Ialer. At Cbasibrri, before Jtutlce McCally. against the Assessor. These factory to our planters and merchants, and On reading and fllin; the petition and aeronnU of A. closing, not spoils and eminent captives, so that these carni- VT. TW rear which is now has of not only to them to every individual were Will have Quick Fort rtn and J. Flabrr, Erccntorn of th Will of haTc been made in consequence bnt vals naid for bv the sooils cathered In war. BEDROOM SET Dispatch for the above Charlra Wlnr, lato of been a tery erentfnl one. either at home y- directly and ransoms paid Iforolaln, drcrartl, whrreis men Iwing appointe who have no prorier in the communit- for every one the for eminent captives. The a (ojhoiitaiu.i: For freisnt or pa.rape- apply lo they a.k to b allowed SSSl, and chtire themterrev abroad. Daring the course or lbbl far i.uiunu vuizeus proper iiau not to pay one cent. j with IJ 33, and aak that the fame may be examined or knowledge of values: the blame lies with or incurecuy is lnierv&ieti in uiu KM vr O 1RIV1X A CO. occurrences happened, but Bet it Is not necesManr for you to co back so AcentJ. and approved, and that a final order may be made of aore rtriking ouu years ago, diftri ballon of the property m all the quiet and uneventful iue appointing iwtvit. xar. Boiufl lony in a small room LOUNGE OR EASY CHAIR, irmtlnlnjln their handi it after IsroRMATiox. which reaches us from tho in London, a few eminent crentleman orranirpcJ FOR SAN FRANCISCO. V na aiacnarsmc mem which tend most to give happiness carry and their inrrtlca from all rnrther repoilbuly aa jvtr? A new line of .steamers has been added- - Coast wivs that the Loan is not finding memieivea inio acomraiiiee io out inur a a ucb. We may write down patriotic nscfol and benevolent enterprise. The THE FAST CLIPPER ItRIO ordered, to mankind. at once civinc us increased facilities for commu 'fondly It li that WEDNESDAY. JAN. Wth, 1883, at one of great commercial pros that ready acceptance which was meeting must nave been an unit, for tne resolu- 10 a. m? before the laid tha -- "aZTBaaaa. the year as present the EBONY WALL CABINET! at nication with the Coast At by those astute financiers who tions tiassed without one dissentim voice riz i J. D. Spreckels, Court llonse, aad th tame U hereby perky: almost every branch of indnstry Co. only one exiected "That every member who went out to gather up Vi1"Vri " auj"uu or neanas laid peU Oceanic Steamship are using Any of which can be bad j Ji FRIES Crauandrr. ioM and accoQDt. all greatest me nanus j.ncooaiu and that Mnn.i has pushed forward: the increase ; we loolc nut it in oi ir. in me muuen ircaBures ot tne earin, at ancient monu- auX vessel the may for two fine ments, etc- my own expenses port- - thtn and there appearand thow they hare, of coon being in the product of our stead of Col. Spreckels. It is to bo hoped, - should their and that Will have quick dispatch for the above why the bhoald not b coiimxucm.u iur im they were especially privileged pay At a Very Reasonable Price tame rranted, and nay preaent preat staple: tins has we believe lully Fieamers, specially that this backwardness in getting their to the postage tor rmeoi or pa.eaffe. apply 10 eTtdrnceaatowboare tmtltled to the aald proprty. trade, alxmt the middle of next vear. on their letters, and the frieght on all discoveries WM. 0. IRWIN CO. Arentr. And that thli order. In the EcfilUh pnb- - th- - will not induce our finan- sa 4 mehed estimate given in the Gazette The coasttnc steam fleet has received no lnnn taken nn tuey maae ana sent to neaaQuarters." titncu in inn iiiKiuia uaxrtaB newppaper prime a ana tlpnrpeiated for three nctkapr-Tien- a of lest year, tiz: GWM) tns : we are informed to made riors in nrrftit coinairo in lieu ow, could not something of this Lind have BOSTON AND HONOLULU PACKFTS ! pablithedln llonolntn. inceeralTn rtitfeties additions hut one is shortly be they will not allow their been nmiea by you to tne Government after they to tbe time therein appointed for aald t carta.. that in the hands of the Flanters' V Co. A entcr- - of U. S. gold; that uatrq a i nonoiam. ii. im, 1MB, by Messrs. Foster new ifpole about the revenue on gloves. erooms, L. McC'ULLY, and Sapply Go, figure a crop 1 V ...Ml 1 P a. 1 41. fcrip to be parted with for silver, five cent War Jnatlce of the Sapreme Conrt. Labor niwn i w uicn win ue oi treat vaiue wj iub li tne foregoing idea naa been suggested at the Attet: Jx.E.PannaD.CWk. 93131 of for the year 1883. We give be- prise, mclcels or cats and dogs, musi ue Kept proper time, I have no doubt it would have been 6y) local bhipping, and will also render the it - low a taUe of exports for the first nine in mi ml that nnr loan mi cut be floated acted, upon;- the result would have been a net ATCHAMllKIEi?, CI1.CU1T JUDGE Iort advantageous to vessels irunt io ine nation oi tne increased amount of l.l.nrfi of the preent year. They show with ease if anything but gold was asked A nonths needing repairs, is. Sir. Wilder's Dfarine ;uty on gloves, in consequence of the Coronation. WILL POSITIVELY DlbfATl'II VE&SEL ON In iTobate. In the Ei tale of JOHN PARK KB. of as iecreae of JlJ571.121.C2 upon tlie simi tor; uui aiso jbum in: ivfit, iu uuuu iu-- v And von mhrhthave further THE ISTOKFEUKLMUY. iiuva aiwi ta, tacveavvu. Itad war. wmcii is rapidly approacning ii un rcaams anu nunc ine puuon or Eiita ratter, Ik periotl of 1881 the Hawaiian Letrislature never contem of llAwaiians, say about thirty-fir- e thousand all Quoon Stroot, Orders filled promptly, and frelcbt taken at tna Ion rat llnrlnr that John Parker of Walakp-- mi llawatr compieuuu. told, that would receive the distinguished visitors. it E. I". ADAMK. Aselt. to Charlea Co No. 37 Kllby WMU-,LIa- , plated the borrowing of anything elt but ratee. Apply Hrwrr .t dinl Intcatate. at llllo. on or abont the 3d day of Dec jincu lmprovemeni nas ieen maae in and all under the sway of onr Majesty the King. trret, Boctou, or to V. ltKE.t UK A (Urf ... mj. buw - - - iiiiu vi aannniluaiitm lmmilit - UaUlalu tho apiwarancp of the citv and its environs gold. x uis wotuu we uou oi not nave suggested to t none in 7ii zm ijnefn bu. Honolulu. iaane toia.eald Ellra Parker. Si --Salter aSIMWUI vited a uesire to pay tueir own expenses. It la ordered that FRIDAY, the 19th day of Jaanary. usojewn by the erection of many brick or concrete put A. D. lHI,at 10 o'clock a. ra.ia tha Court llonae, at Neuter NOTES. a.otho luwimx or roanos unrm. mn Hawaii, v and la edifices: among then? are the Lunalilo Illlo. appointed aa th tlneaad place TIMB TABLE for hearing said petition and any objection! that may Home, the new Gazette building, the Vir hear that a vessel has been chartered for the Special be offered thereto F. S. LYMAN. 14 quarter Beaver Block, besides number of priTato pcrpofre of brincinc l'ortocueso immigrants ; flbe polices. a lly the Suez am in lleceint. Hllo. Hawaii. Dee, iKg. atwaJ antwm. ad fjc&ner-a- d will shorlly for this port. is said im- I llth, fine residences. The Hotel has passed into the start It that rtooma Suite. A wnarter - migration prospects are Rood. Fun:Ihrd en neat and comt Parlor, hands of Dr. McGrew. who has expended Mttlnz Itoom and Hod Room be bid CirAMIJERS.CIKCUlTJUDGK 1,11.03 cin bran eirlr STEAMER LIKELIKE AT JUDICIAL DISTRICT, llawtilaa Ultndi ataI-a.lj.- Rl t. a Ianre amount oi capital upon improve The planters in Jamaica, encouraged by the suc application at (KQ) NO. 1 GARDEN LANE. At the California Furniture Co.'s Store, In Itobate. In tha Eitatenf TIT PS nt itiij. t 7IAhTi:it. Hawaii, deceaeed. rni. - ments, interior and exterior. In February cess of the experiments eondncted at the llotanical quarter - U2SLM Offic A docntnent pnrportlnc b .la- lt occupied Her new Gardens. Kin raton. Layp. in a measure, ceased to Br. ThAchcH to tbe Ut Will tnd tf Sdejuner totems IL ltuth Jveeukolani Will be clotrd December 4 lb, for a pntfeMioDiI OF AX INVOICE OF Steamer Llkellke Honolnln each Tuesday ment of TituaCtan. decra-e- bartns on tfa 14tb day it deTot their whole energies to the production of Ul willlearc December D. mansion on Emma street, giving at the sugar. io must. C! at r. x., tmicninz at Manama, Jitaitea nay, jiaKcna, ot A. IMC been presented to ald rrobau 'i nej nave now iccun to introuoce cmcnona if Court, tnd petition for tbe probate tbercof. tnd for tune a enes ns a iionso profit, and they have lately dono much uiaaknna. kiwi nir. ucrunnrno ana iiiui. t of entertainments with crcAt 111 touch at all above port, arrnin; lemancc oi irncra levianieniarr ana r adminUlratlon cocoa, indigenous American Waltham Watches ltetarnlns tbe to It. Coan, and Mmnel L Coan. TouU IaTd JT.1'I0.TO warminiT. to make vanilla, nnd other tionoiuiu racn ennuay a. x. Ljdla ruwaiian 9mo Medll. The only award it II la hereby ordered FIT I DA V, 234 day loUllUwaiUnliiI'dsSnro'ril t,(J31 5J!1 Joumahstic entomnse has been active: plants of commercial value. ArddTwi.Gold mrdill that the of edforWatcbM, Mellfonrne International Exhibition, Upright Pianos! February, A.D. 1SU3. it 3 o'clock p. in. at the Coart two daily papers appear now, the Jtullftin The following account of the Hawaiian Crown House. In Hllo, Hawaii, be. and tbeiantela brrtby 171,m.(2 IS). PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY appointed tntinie forprorlnx aald Will and bean a and daily P. C. X Two new monthlies we clip A fta: The robes and royal diadem Ciold aid application, when r Oar Treatv interests have, of course. from the Tlie only Medal; alo, three rpeclal and four and where, any perMn Inter- have made their appearance ih9riantmr will bo nsed at the coming Coronation of the Kin,' 157. .M.murjdiircil ested may appear andeontett tha aald WIIL aad the occBpied a large share of public atten lif Carl ltoenlcli, For San Francisco. trantlnjr of lettera testamentary and of admlnltrition. and the Anglican Vhvtrh the Ga and Qoeen. They arc modeled after those of TlieOoldMedaLl'arU.ltC). Prize iled- to Cw.i. Is Four Flrft ' tion; and care has been taken have zette has iteen enlarged and tlie aaivraay Knssia, and the crown to be worn bythe King U. PhiladrtDhU. IS76. Ilrct ilf n, and Eriipnt' Hllo. HawaH.Dee. llth. IWa. them riroierly looked ashington, larger than that of his consort. They are nearly TLb uncauKled iucccm of tbee Celcbratnl Watrhra Tin: after in has started in nn office of its own. Imitations, rMU ! fllJi. Prtu oval and each is ornamented with a cross at the hai produced a host of ortblora linjcn Cnlilor,.. V. ADMINISTEATOR'S NOTICE. The appointment of Dr. J. Mott Smith, to In the wav of amusements we were apex, and brilliantly atodded with diamonds and naTcd on tbe all Urnulne Walt bam rpjIK irXUEKSIGXEI) HAYING assist in the Legation at Washington, and - precious stones, and on either side are gold rlateof Wateb. visit! in .Tnnr- bv th Mendelssohn Ouin mher ur J. been appointed Administrator of the Kitatt f was kalo leaven. The King's sceptre is composed of tomcftef arcfitmpeuA. n.toM iiiw,; and KANE late of Hawaii, KStaJlBIt. to tpeeially look nfter Kugar matters, tetto Club, which" afforded our lovers of niiTer Catr are muiifu American ttaicu company, I'KELOWoUlA Hllo, detailed, very uie pren?nt silver imam wnn coio ine royai roues are pnr notice la hereby ciien to all peruaa haTinx elaiaa jatuaoa. ai wnuni music the chance of hearing some of the pie wnn an ermine uoruer. acalntt the aald Eatata to present tha am dniy aatk. Treaty matters to CITY ok NEW YORK enticated with tba proper voncbera. whether seem be regarded in very bett playiuff that has ever been exe- TELEUItAPHIC .VDDRE8S DUiS'N, GLA&0OW. 4'UltIl. Coiuiiiniitler. tKnrrd or is called to the fact that the Sonth otherwisr. to the undersItTnel within six monthafrom laosraUe liglit audience- - The Attzxtios WILL LE1VE HONOLULU FOR SIN FR1NCISC0 the date hereof or they will be forever barred. All per- - aTSaaaaTSaaaaaaa cuted lefore a Honolulu TO MERCHANTS, FLANTERS, ETC. . formation of an Amateur Dramatic Society Sea Islanders who are preparing to return to their Have Now Been runs vim. .uu hiu all mionir-- IO mill WAT. loHUcallv there are heavy clouds on tho native isles, are lavinc in a stock of fire arms. In Cn or about Monday Jan, 15. Immediate payment to the nnderalrned. has also added n good deal to the gaiety of AS. DUNN, MERCHANT, GLASGOW, ont cvu view of the difficulties which hare occurred in the J Admlmitrator Estate of Tekrlo Wanakane bunion, wit oi comeui good, lor tlie lour pertormances under lue might be as well, if it is within a more nowerf ul ontiosition has lwen called place, South lacine, it just (HAWAIIAN UONSCL) rOR SYDNEY VIA AUCKLAND! Honolnln. lhvember. 3a, IStt. auspices of the ociety having been riven the power of our authorities to prevent, as far ns Undertakes the porcoae and iblpment of ali kind, of tVOFFlCEKaahnmann gtrt. forth finch 0TTlUALF0J2nTii than has lieen teen in Hawaii for Exhibition possible, a too liberal supply of articles. If EriUaband Continental except Ardent during the year The Loan onr raemorr serves us a retrolauon was issued bv Rood, lplrit. si'i.r.Mini sTi:.m!iiiir JlLABSHAL'S year, and a keener interest in all and w ill to rrcelre Order, at ra ttn either freo fm tiiu notice. K'flR!MMBw held in May proved that Honolulu was the Governor of a short time ago, ordering bud J9lfr qwestions of tho day is taken by tho pub- board at thtppms portln Europe, ordcllrrrrdrx tblp In San FrancUco, and in errry c II KEN not destitute of articles of taste, value or tnat no ere arms oa usea as iraae- o; fcocli tat IIAT2fG lic in general, than has obtained before. snouia (but uttb duly for buyer account) at Honolulu, Al'KTITIOX JNO. E. DCS1I. Minis interest vessels. How the English Government mar recari Ordrr may be accompanied by rrmtltaucte, payable AUSTEALIATI I.I.OII. lUM3IAMli:it. ter or tne Interior, of orer fifty residents, of Early in theyear election matters occupied tbe supplying of South Sea Wanders with hre arms In London ur ban Krancieco: vr be will draw at till dayi th ritir nf llnnnlnln th. al.Vaa l.C. ..IJ iabbc attention both here and on the other remains io vc teen. i;ut aainei conormra creuna irora jiodoidjb nan here, Have Given Perfect Satislactid On or about Saturday, Jan. 20th city of Honolnln, ibonld be widened from llotelMfeet The year abroad has not been marked by niutmifc, io cut, me (ddtcuithcc di unjrra. io neen nireei, ana tne ttia pciuion naiinsbaen ate Mhiili r - and apply to filed with Hon A. Francis Khsds- In Honolulu Mr Gibson was any important events. The great event CovriaiKTs have time and again been made nrrKBEKCLi i For Kre'jlit Jndd, Chief Jnatlce and tMtoMnh eo TSi lc It- - HiUKFKLD A CO., Actttta. Chancellor of to Klnzdom, and directing me to elected ly a large majority, the other has about the goats on lunchbol, and the valleys MEShltb. M M. O. IUWIS x CO., Honololn. a Jnrr fiotn amou? the lent cot era nf a nai . of the year in the Great Republic HON. WALKER. Honolulu. We can coufldrutly recommend tlirm a fliHtfU tor Milimteitl ner IHtemncr cnu now aatafl meailiers being natives: as news in J. S. - of six persons to decide upon th propriety of widen! a came behind. Goats are infinitely more deitrncthe AUK A HANK, (Limited), be Htorrl. free- ul Cltnrse. In the c it been the fall elections which resulted in a TH E London. Flriirool iu iiir; ui iieiDwiam. lor from the other islands it was found that than horses or cattle. The latter have all been V10 Wn rehouse urnr ine nieniner lannri .nia.c sutu, vtij jtrajra W 1MIIH 1 11 great victory tlie Democratic party. lr according to the tenor of a petition of the of 4M. only for taken off the covemment lands about Honolulu, The Ascnte here are now prepared to three white men had been elected to result Mich chance IbaDUtnctof Honolnln. Legislature, gentleman already What the of a sudden while the wretched croats are allowed to roam about A SUPERIOR INSTRUMENT Issue Ticlets to S.m Francico and Ileturn Xow therefore. I hate drtwn the following aimed the the in public opinion may be remains to be at will, destroying the young trees faster than Jletv MdvtrtiHtmtnts. penonsto act. Tin and Messrs. . : F0KSI3S THE ltOU.M TKI1'. mentioned Itice and F. Brown. - xueti u i" i i: i nature ur an. ciuict, can lucui iu Knjvv. n T It. FOSTER, VT. BUCKLE. been. iiuempwu Hbsassiuauuii ui aeems as if it were omte the nower of the Mm and Mill warrant them free, for oncjear, It. LIMIMAN, K The Legislature was oiienod liv His r T.:.t. -- i n J i 1.1 in JI. HATCH. istex of Interior to order these nests off the Gov- 11. ii ACFARLAXE, R. AUSTIN, Majesty, on April iZhh, ana within a few . IN PEltFKCT TCNE. THE Oceanic Steam Ship Comp'y 'j4aaaaafc tat I Mi III w fc n proved to nave no iwlitical sigmncance. ernnieni tanas, unuersianu uiai n is uie O. & Son aa said Jurors to consider the propriety of wldenin Green-Carte- r nt Hall Mvv weeks the Ministry resiCTed. of the Agricultural to bring this tbe Street and to meet Ills Exeelleocy Minis-o- aaw OB. E WW Absassination. however, has been rife in intention society THE the f There had not leen sufficient time given matter ouurr tuo uoucv vi mc juiuuivi. IIEII.KIU IN ., r Al BRITISH tlM Interior at Aliiolsnl Hale, on FRIDAY, th Xh Ireland, and a thn 11 of horror ran through day of Decembtr, A. D. lf3..atS o'clock p.m.. and to criticise the action of Ministry; g-jj- y " proceed Minis- - that every country at the news of the Phoenix AccoEDDfo to the figures of the Statistician of the STEAMER SUEZ," then and there with His Excellency the am- wmm reeHMjers were making Uiemseltes ac- ifflsfdiiuiipiiis ter ot the Interior, to aald Alakea street, and then and mt n w Park murders. Nihilism still holds up its New York Chamber of Commerce, the consumption there decide to the propriety of wldenta? said SlrtH - Francisco for Hono is n.Mawe eainled with the details of the various ot sugar m uie uuiicu ouiw- umuix iuc j nti xoc4, Hall'sSteelPlows Will Learu Snu and repot t to Ills Excellency tne Minister of the Inter- head in Itussia, and tlie "uncrowned ior proceed reports, and Uie tune askinir auesuons was 11 per cent, larger than.for the previous year, ma m their loja thereon. C. PARKE. lor fo put are no lectured few YorL, whrc thry -- a Czar teems off his coronation. amoununt? to yis.ouu tons, acuinst oji.uuu in lcou. I ill 11 the '.I tli clay ol" each muiitli, om jaarsnai. had hardly arrived. Their resignations Cnttin;fnni5tnl6inchef;made for tbrm by paruy lurougii iear oi me resuu; wnue and 743,000 in 1879. Adding to this the sugars made Hrre flrt Introduce! In 1851, SS jr. a: Itelurpin Irotn Ilonolnlo un tbe II I V were announced May 19th, and between from molasses and maple, the consumption reach- Motlno P4ow Co. MARSHAL'S NOTICE. Socialism seems rampant in France and of cacb nioatli. that and May 23d the present Ministry Germany The Egyptian war, successfully es a grand total of 1,0UU,000 tons. IS'ew York, as the lrirriTio-- having been was lormed consisting oi Jlebsrs. uiuson. chief distributing point of the trade, received dar Saa rranclcoA;riita. I. II. SI'ltKCKELS .t llliuj. . filed with 111a Escellenev JNO. E. BL'SilL. Mint. brought to n close by the military skill of ing me vear ia,uuu as against tu.uuu tons AGRICULTURAL ' SIXTEEN TU0USA3, .Kt jiaraci street. ter nf the Interior, of Ower flftr residents, of Bash. Kaai and Preston. The session ions in Ilonolnla AgeiiU. W. U. IRWIN Up. ! Sir Garnet Wolsely, has opened up a 1879, and it distributed to home consumers 63,009 t th City of Iltrfiolula. that Merchant Street In the raid lasted days and was prorogued August liW). City of Honolnln. ihonld be widened, and the laid peti- series of diplomatic complications which against 568,000 tons in Of the total iniporta Of Tlii'M! Iiistriiiiivnts tion havlnzbecn filed with the Hon. A, Franc la Jndd, iiu. hit Nuiejii leaiure oi uie session will need some considerable unraveling tions into the States, which reached the amount of FOR EUROPE VIA NEW YORK Chief Jtutlce aud Chancellor nf the Kingdom, and ' i: was the Atirropriation Bill; this was 778.000, New York received .10,000 tons, or nearly IMPLEMENTS dlrectln? me to ammon tJnry from tmon the Irnl roiM dunnrrtho commc vear. 3 per . voters of Honolnln of six persona to decide npon the . aac we celled to the uniirwedented amonnt ctni. every description needed on in n of among the most noted men oi the year, of thefe Ilindt. propriety of widening Merchant Street In the city of SS,rayrG.&6, while the income of the As instsnce of the sun's rays being concentrated Honolulu, as prayed for according to the tenor of a whobc career has closed, the name oi uan Are now Us irtttlun of tbe tax parera for tbe District of Honolnln. effect Hall. in wras only Sl.780.080.44 with dangerous took place at the Town 1 nation estimated at patriot-soldie- r Now therefore. Lave drawn thn followfn? named baldi, the of Italy, is one Melbourne, lately, and proved pretty conclusive lv persona lo In order to meet the deficiency tho Ministry Tbe nOENIbCII and OAULER PIANOS act, rlxi that will ever b remembered, and which bow some fires, the oricin of which is nn known. CUNABD LINE 8, E. EI SI Or, DOWbETT. awawV rn lttvught in a loan bill which was passed: J. I. r.aaBaay..aMtat aw rvmr tu will have a lofty place in the history of the may have been caused. On the previous evening S. B. DOLE. 4. IT. KAWAINLL uie omy important measures were Combine B W. IL CASTLE, " mm a aaai ouier world. a glass paruy zuiea, was leit on a all the Latest and Established 1840. Hawaii t i the tax bill, auditor biU, the passport law window-sil- l in one of the underground offices, and a said Jurors to consider the propriety of widening la. linn the said Street, and to inert His Excellency the Minis- ana ine liquor Dill. in the morning the euu's rays were concentrated , or Death has claimed two of our pioneers by moans to a on a XxxxiDxOT7-oatn.ori.ts- Two Sailings Every Week ter the Interior at Atliolanl Hale.on WEDNESDAY, The results of such a large mniropria' of it focus the lop of desk, tbe nth day of December, A.D. Uf, at 3 o'clock r VJHMMKl.tjMMMhiv7Apnft one the Rev. Louis Maigret, Bishop of which they quickly set alight. Fortunately, the ron i.ivi.itiooi,. and then and ther proceed with the Minister lbs at lar fan. tion are still in the future, but they cannot daughter McDonald, ot X Arathea, a prelate who had watched over of Mr. the Mnvor's orderlv. I'atrut Metallic Action Frame, In one piece; I'. Prom J?eo York every HW'i(dV. Interior lo said Merchant Street tnd then and thcrt allt.Uai w.IIral lie anything to Hawaii. was present, and catching a glimpse what was decide aa to the propriety ot widening street, and MIHHt but disastrous and fostered the interest of the Roman of from uosion ttery aaturiUiy. said Provision has leen made for spendinc so quietly transpiring, she at once removed tho AcralTe Arrinemcnt. io rrpor. iu mo unifier oi m interior ineir proctea-ittc- m-- m Catholic religion, in these islands, with source of danger, and thus averted what might therevn W. C. PARIvE, a.aiiuiari..iaaar money upon every siiecies of. folly, and "They 1'iHHii Extraordinary roorr, Brill jncy tfw ManbaL i. aaaaa. ipm r i i wife fHt earnestness and yet with tact, which won nave been a serious injury. RATES OF PASSAGE. a .n seem ..v.-- .. uie jiinistry uenton spending lor nun the esteem oi all denominations. and Volume of well as Kesponelre of lnth rnblii ..w 8WO, nuil 01Ut Oulil HEME COUUT OF THE 'tarn . w. trrHgrfwsa.iMriv lollies iirst. and attending to necessities The other, the Rev. Titus Coan, a veteran The Native Press. and Prolongation of Sound. Accordlnc to Accommodation. SUP ISLANDS. In tha matter ot tbe afterwards. RETUHX TICKETS ON FAVORAWE TEKMb, of THOMAS II. DUROESS n TOlnnlary Sb 10 mi nary, who had passed through all From the "KuoLo,,, Pec. S3, IS- -. bankrupt. s in i ne The working of the liauor law is beiuir htrerK 2S tiirreiiry the hardships, and they were temble, of Wboxq ? Tbomat II. D'ircesa harln- - coma before the lion Whit have thxt Dose PRICES TO Good accunimodatlon can alwaja be rreared onap- - Uenj. 11. watched with anxious interest by all true SUiTTHETIMES liiirtv-T-i I'll. Austin Justice of thn Supreme t'onrt, tapro tho early missionary davs. ho died full of There have come to our ears complaints made ..11...1.. ii'iii iivi. Tided In SccUon INU of the Cirlt Code. It was this day friends of the Hawaiian race: it is sad to ban FrancfwCo, ordered by THURSDAY, years beloved and honored by a large by Hom regarding matters that have been com , tha tald J miles that the Sfth ray that the results so far are bad, that OOK STOVES AS, JLLAA.-VIbK- day of December Inst at 10 o'clock a. at the Court circle oi mends. mentedupon in the newspapers daring the last J'.rpte.cncinj MATTIIIAb gIlIY, Erq, of tai yjaiaicBueci, ioeion, Room of the Supreme Court be tha time and place to mere is more drunkenness than formerly, AMI VEBNOX II. DIIOWX d: CO.. hear and decide question of Bankruptcy, and few days, concerning the statas of the Government Fratcisco, Acent for Ihe CELEBRATED the thtt and that money which used to be spent by Howling Gteen, New Yot notice of inch hearing be published In tha H Hawaiian MHMWMld CMC natives Our wwrrf is necessarily imperfect, we and some of Its officers. There has lieen much Oaictte" for til persona therein concerned to appear in the support of their families is and show cause if any there be. why said Tbomat nave out culled some ot the mcst promin contention, and to look at some of oar newspa Notice to rafaentrent from Anklralia. the m4k fcm lmng diverted to the grog shops. Upon u. ourscii saouiu nut onuec:arra Danainpu Ito fiiiin1 i ent events As we close the record we pers one would judge that their anger had waxed and Honololn Tbe Canard Line t&orda mors than ninal Dj order uf the Court. Im the closing of the Legislature, the oppo- RANGESOF ALL SIZESi to s c may be thankf td that the year just past, STEINWAY PIANOS racllillcs lliroucu irom Depniy Clerk. sition watched keenly the the hot, and they pelt their" adversaries with insult- porta, tne ircrinenry ot nn "auinj;i irecinuin an nosri. Honolnln. Dec. 4th. lifts. aam. a C4mI Cilia hi. tc lautinc action of has brought no very great ills, has been so KITCHEN AND HOUSEHOLD UTENSILS-- of Ministry, the matter of n coronation was ing epithets. Itage and mere abuse are profitless. aaaaV aaMaalWla.iaiiiid.aial4bet fairly fruitful in blessings. There has This paper does not intend to allow its columns to S. Well Known to All Hie Mnileal World. I fff" Good accommudi.tiont always teerrfd. Adminijtrator'i Notice. ' .aAaap. vaaaa- - Lm oftra at once combated lmth in our columns, and PAINTS AND OILS of all Unds; VEKNON II. UKOWN Jt CO.. IV tati been. haipily, no dark page like that of be used for mere abuse and Hut in Farnl.h There tplendld In.tmmrnts 0 ly 4 Bowling Ureen, New Y01 'PHK UNDEItSICNKl) OlVKti those of the Sttfurny is evident -- ''aanW aaa aa4 aflatawt tti a3 Afior Vru. It the smallpox epidemic in 1881, The health LUBltlCATING the mulct; t L Notice that he hti been appointed AdmlnMrstor however, that in spite solid argument. the discussion of all questions pertaining to the AT THE AGENTS RATES. with the Will annexed of the Estate of JOHN JONES, ajw aalaae vaaaaaMaic. Ux. Fard. aA- oi KEItOSENE OIL Downer's, Noonday & Lustra ku record is irood. welfare of the land and the people the Kuolwi will 15 lata of Kallua, Hawaii, deceased. All persona haling aaaa. aMl w auuiiiiiuii. iiuiciue, uie curunauon will SILVElt PLATED WAllE-fr- om Barton A. FIIANR COOK any claims laid estate whether teenred by ail aaaaaaanc amaitlooal The outlook for 1883, however, is not so express ben- tfalmt i I e out. not ian to lis opinions as townat win lidi AllL'STFURTIIE FOLLOWINO COAbTERS: or otherwise, are notified to preaent them I il earned SOLID J3ILVEB. WAIIE Co. DTP. mortise a.aala. a Oiiaalaliia nialiiiii Hut hr bright ns we could wish it, Ijesides the po- ent the people and promote order throughout the from th Oorhara 3U. .DylVEIS Wollele, Malolo duly verified to me within six months front this dale or After giving ample time for the Board country, gives to tue POWDEItS-- all rS they to aaeeata and a net oc litical danirers which we have already irar iontauuiion ail right Vinds, from Cala. Powder WorVa iri tf . fc will be forerer barred; all person t Indebted r to discuss publicly and to publish their thoughts. WalolL y& Jnlla said requested make fmined late payment 'mm aataraff ffVk I aaawar aawatHaaaaaca. Sow of Health to commence a vigorous policy, CAltKIAGE AND MACHINE BOLTS-- all sues estate are to - pointed out, the of increased a right everv possesses. Walehn. jft'T Watmaln. .U EN. urn Mar aaaar aaaaaM 1H (Wuzutj the j in of the country has had to severely profpect This is which one it. wialaitiaaawatltieiarwa.apCTwd.andlamt tuiiif, cuumxi uy unub is one oi uie spec uue oi tne inquiries uiai we now near asKou by STEAMERS Honolnln, December 19SA. 331 - criticise the inaction of that Board, and P.M.S.S.C0:S aaaar aaaad a v baaA air.Ua- taw ciraoe tres of the future. some is this : What wrong hare these govern- anil aTftw, - uirougnom ment officers done that they should be opposed T vaw aaaa Mac laws itneud. nobw- uie land leeling lias become But though we must look forward and r'LAtl Iteit with While Ball. Office Cotnrrortaeei. aaivaaa'altla'OlawjaMiMaa lauaahd at Ka- very strong on this point Leprosy, The question seems to be intended to apply to NOTICE. nn guard ngainst these things, we must naa puuusueu - taaai ia yajai I ad awiiwBaim fortunately, still continues in our midst. hoie wnat uern in tue newmaners con HARDWARE uki.ow- xameu l'Kitsoxts ia lav taaatl f aar XKawje. It at for the and come what may along, cerning the Ministry. Some thoughtful teople, 'runX are relocated to call al tbe Clerk' Office Sipreme aaa and the authorities have been criminally best love anil A Splendid .Assortment, PLANTERS' LINE FOR SAN FRANCISCO ua ataaTaaaai u. all W atkbe I hate who the ancient inhabitants of the land DSC- - eft; - L'oett cnenioatb from date ard take cnttaeAppolat. ad negligent not attempting to cone with iiccepi ii oraveiy: have regard for their government, sormifaed before SIiaclSLfolci Oo- men! from tbe rrobate L'onrt. a. Admlaljtratora or in Come IjKATHEK Or All Descriptions c &. (taarduoe mentioned oppoaite the disease. wealth or want, come cood or ill. the men were appointed Ministers that the Gov Xotlfy the trarrlln pnnlic tnat tbey arc bo f$K Grower Co. Agents. at tbeu refpecltrc Let young anil old accept their part. would well name and to file tbe bond aa required by la Co&rt. F a aagl ln ai ao a teUMBU netv ernment not be administered in their Onr Gooda arc of Ibe bett qoallly; are boufbt prepared to paMsener TICKET The year, politically, closes with u And bow before the awf of w 111; hands, for reasons then evident, luae and liberal cah advancra made on ahlpment bytbta JRJI11I Adialn'.lr. EiUte of WnDrt.'dc laiaaaaaiaMMaiaTUanwTiif. lias this fear TBU - Ministry in office which is not And bear it with an honest heart. been realized, or hare the anticipations of these forratb; arealvraja new. 'or particular, wercferour ne. ly c. 11 HE WE H CO, v itawiin itawuna o aar Ui at a hrtaw caafl Baattrr valae. onlv i SWKaabolet Jt H Pale ' -- aau tnitomcr. and FRIENDS to OUR NEW DESCRIPTIVE TO SAN FRANCISCO AND REfURN, Kalanlko aaa- Hi a ttaar taM .it na. totally at moat Therefore mend been uisapnoinicu I Jet ns look caimiv ob ' M " Irlta variance with the solid in with every hope for tho future CATALOGUE, one upon J a JIc Keacne ilakalli taa. ami aiiill.m by jaai fawTtlnc 4UIV4 UIKpiVD1.UlUll.riJ (lb IU13 1UCAUUU, UUb W 1111 pei- wblch we will tend to any appli- NneJa X VnIte ' I anuaisst terests of this country, and ulnesH Ilarrr Jlalekaw -- but which has also every thankf for the past we wim a leeiing anec cation, or call and examtneour Splendid Mock of Goods By tlie abore masnlfictnt fc learner, (t Kabl " Ubeoki MKaW WatiaUl pmt ofin sanai incnmination. imt oi -- uaedtaaadA' and teat mal- lot Uie large native support which it once say a iiArrr evi ear to all. tionate regard for the government of our maternal AT OUR WAREROOMSi corner of rort and REAL ESTATE I V Green Makaaabelebele O B Kaaatuwalt " aaat t&at te puated the naa lanu, yet witaoui a ppmu llonoinlu, 337 SI35 FOR THE ROUND TRIP KaUnkane Klncctrceu, J 1" Gren lloraeae " L4a Mter bow no Six months have passed since the present ad g II. HACKFELD A CO.jAgfnll, -- niared.tne Xo "iiarty concerned TXTsonally as ministration came into power, and ele Milkal ir VUlkal aaaoB lar xne imi Mfioe. A what results do Mr JI E Mailh II bailM " r em nd no very important movement during the sured the editor of this journal, the we see? aananWaa laard. inal ...... !. that I Uoaa Nakapalo w " Uke w roar in. lwu.n il.A f 1. All work connected with the health of THE WOMEN'S FRIEND H " aaaaavaaaancaUMitK. Atlotba statement which had been published with the ST. JACOB'S OIL Alrred Dolron 1 1 Mron was aa to Imt bat lUmntr8 Labor anil. Supply Coinpanr. people is conducted in the same slack manner ; yet Kahnmoa w ' . Kanbi ' Ajr the same time the expenses of the Board II t Tboinaa Meek tarn arm alan a uMtrT WbatwUwanl j reference to Mons. Feer's informing his at of Crabb. " alifc io annary iwiiarauoiis were xuftae Health are greatly Increased, and exceed thus? Washing Made Easy, Wra 11 Jarrett Wm Jarrett lataamwi tw InJ at More far Kalo KaUea " miilbau far oriiifup the platers together. On government that Mr. Carter diplomatic oi tee preceding penou. Ana uiu increase is not W Pnaa a aiattHfal. In at Horses, Cattle Hon A Tornandrr " t Ul" jaiuru orui uiis xunnentiaJ body oi men merelv fur the benefit of the diseased, but also for By the KALAKAUA Al. Kabawall Collina - Daniel PoaaUkl ' functions had ceased and Sir. Gibson's de other purposes. This is not seemly bead 'n met, with the result of fonninir the Coin-- for the t Kn Gnardla Paban ralnera V'lwCtwauao Ur Wo -- nial that he had given Mons. Feer any of onr government, because he has loudlr vaunted Etc., AT AUCTION. i W C Jonee Jone ti f Prarer. ivmy. ineorpomted under a charter dated H reason to information, his love for the people, and his promise that the. 1 W ralaale Kaba&aml Ta ; oaaaraaaa i born ixrfwtvd bj March 2Tkl Slanv valuable papers forward such was Washing' Machine Tbe Aaizncc'a of tbe Ettale of DAVID CR0WSING- - D Cbaln Eaele Eapah were ' L Kjpabaksla Kdazd. and noaouaend' rwul and considerable untrue. A "party concerned" saw our ro-- of his speeches some people have believed in, him. llUKU, a lianvmpl, will tell at rnblic Auction, Kalana w h a sum of money King regarding 1'atrntrd and Uanafactarcd by Ibe at tbe front entrance of ALIIOLAN1 irablnealll w Wahlnealll Klmollo J con- 2. These men have muled the LlllT atoa aiiiili wittnLbuOi put at the dUposal of tho Trustees rjorier, and in course of conversation regarding will HOUSE, HONOLULU. OX UQCrabbe i Crab. F - the coronation, and what take place Label w ItffaVaa nV order t tojacs llin (Vmuianr (rr af. '. firmed all that we published. The infor ilaultl v i,u "'""p wvmt-vu-..1.:la Hawaiian Washing Machine Man'fg. Co Kanenml cklUren of K1K0 JUhaBeeof Vjondon' The" iwiptsentIa''Cabinet thwarted a whemc mation of the P. C. J. upon this point is is conn? to be a verv exDensive affair and the cur UTld Malo " Ka'ama zena will to Kintrs lis- WEDNESDAY, DEC. 27TH for trying to obtain Japanese labor, by entirely wrong. have nav the bills. The of Should yon want your Ky order of tbe CoarL 1). K. PTTE. wad have been honored in previous reigns, no one Clothe, lo wear well. PepntT Clerk. will deny their dignity. And how is it that these I!.! il.l. V.rkl... AT 12 O'CLOCK 00.. HoioUio. Dee. 1Mb. no. - Vwat ijii lag tm Gwi pi the planters. Since then Sir Kapena, matter, the Premier very cleverly avoids leaders of the government think it best after Jva- - And bare 1J0 fear. ... . yiaainy lor rift ua trm on uroTprniiiPiiT. mwinni. the main point, a favorite method of fight- lakana has retimed for ten Tears to ixrform the Tbe l half I ntereat nf lh .aid Hnvl.t Crnytn' ! i i - t. t- - iath ceremony crowning him, with enormous It will pay Tor in insbnr In the partnernblp of Crewcr Jt Crownln;borc- Commissioners Sale 4 :nm with no further result than that of getting ing. As our cxitcmporary, the Prtt$ very of exptnse itself less than a year. -- SAfoS HY COiimiSINO IN PART A3 FOLLOWS : peuy japanee omaais to attend tue justly save, how is it, if there is nothing lowed to waste itself in revelry during ten long FOB IXJ'ItOUATt ... . i artM. aat want 4 coronation. A vewel, however, has been in this affair, that Mr. Gibson has had to holidavs. This will not irovb a blessing to the Acreaof Land In Makawao. more or leif . beld la SirPUElIECOUllT. iaiaed W tb lie.. A " 'MM4 wnt to the New enter into so elaborate an explanation to people. The Cabinet hare counselled badly in this 15. Ac fee aimple, of which ICQ Acrta are Ingrowing Fraacl Jdd Ibe nnderl?ed will aell at PabUe AK far r.aWiiM. 4 Hebrides, and thit is matter. O. BEnll Son tlon, t 12 o'clock noon, on "ni tn A - eMSj m4 Wtr iB the aiuJoM uailr eix?ct?d to return. the King The btory as we told it in these X True Hawaiians, and heart that love Hawaii, C3-H- 4000 err I held by Itate from tlje llganj of Education, 'L'M Cor. Fort and King Slrert, Honololn, II. tv bavlnz 26 yeaxa run. columns, was wo gave exce- auame reason drunken-ness- H A.T to 1882, a The lirbt annua! meetinp of the Com fnt; it upon are brougut to by oi the Tuesday, Jan. 2nd, T " ioe llent now prevalent on Oahu. This blessinc ia i To whom all order thonld be addreatcd. (li ly 21V Acret byleaae from the Ilanalitit Government, " rKowtta aal latal imny anw held October IGth. Thn Tnis- authority? the Adcertwr writers have Tbe rollraln; propertr to tlie E.ute - i s gift from the hands of the Ministry ; for they were uannzaoonivyean loran. belo;l.; Era fc. never remedy Ali-n- . '. L. MOEIIOXlM deceaaed, (Itnated la tec Ueport strongly condemned the action answered the real charge made. German 9000 Acrcf. more or lest. ImmkI frntn V If e. m Mn Caanrti the ones who adrlaed the King to approve the bill THE PACIFIC MUTUAL; KALIIll, HOSOLt'LU. OAUV; Ilrj t aiirr of the Government, an addre&h which was Since writimr the above, we have seen "ttinfP rum free : ther did not advise him to with der,ita a cattle tun, baring with prirlleja of tb. !fMtt o lac auaar- run AXAJIOIIO.'- - cm on Ml ! well received, was Mr. Carter and he informs us that the hold his signature to the bill. They have let loose ITTI1E PISH POSDOr rtmrir. delivered by Captain upon 13 Acre, more or leu, Jeated from A. C. Corn, ba. Ulnaao encloved area of oSAete. AadlivblazBJ. v aarl far taflcr Miftt, this Minister of Foreign Affairs in dis this flood of ruin the land which was previ LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ran. aLo made some strict Pans ously held in check by the power of the former iniyeari to lnatpaceofSMAcreaieaward. - tere tinctly stated Mons, RHEUMATISM, 31 Acre In piece. tins upon the action of the Cabinet As that Feer had re Kings, ont of consideration for the welfare and or t .ii.u on.MA. imall 2DTI1E FISH POSU UP MUAl' . more time had been available, more ex ported to his government that Mr. Carter' saiety ox tneir suDiecxa. row roomers ana chil- Xturolgia, Sciatica, Lvmlago,Ilaclacl Ulnlnz aa lr.tlo.ed area of j Aerelo3tkM fw ta? aulaKwian of hacu-tiv- dren are crvins for hue re r. and wives are watch Delre lo call the partlcnlar attention of with ta prlrllese tbereanto belocsinz. t ' . .tH.rm- - or papers were read, and one bv tho powers had ceased. Mr. Gibson's dispatch crerodr, Also, The Following Stock - aafUif uli ing at the doors ot the grog shops of Honolulu soreness cj lite Uheil; Uom, Quinsy, cwiaini for OF 8ALE-- 2S per cent on tall of Ike rU r ion taaa htiw veteran journalist, ilr. H. M. AVhitnev. on to the King denying that he had given dime TO TIIEIIt CATTLE, " TEIUI8 any their husbands, to bee of them a with which Sore Throat, Sicklings and 2100 bore or leca tbe balance wben deed are readj; otkeraUe II oj IMiiiiaTiaai.-- aHiaoL lledprocity, is a most masterly putting of Jlons. I eer such information is docu to muchase food for the family. This is prubablv II HOUSES, more or leal per cent will be forfeited. x Sprains, Burns and Scalds, IO MULES, more S inaa ul low nuutnl that important and vital matter. Before mentary evidence here. There will now the first time that such a state of things has been Tontine Investment Policies or lea. C ' - Ill" IJ IL seen in rionoiuiu. is tne wort oi our minis General Bodily a DOXKEYS, more or leu Co" For farlket Information raqnlr ot tbesndeo Hrrarating, a committee of the planters be an opportunity to clear up the whole inu Which contain " 15 1 in. tat i ters, aided by Uie last leguuture. Hawaii is strick- the lodLpntable ClAnae," UiCaru. 3 Jlale Citta. Hone Cart with FIowe, arned. who will ebow chart, Ac. alMd o aa aal IMia itiat oavm voiiru uu aliu a mem matter, and we shall await an explanation en bv her fnends. Pains, - S Ilritrktlon on TraTd or Itrildence, D. K. uie iuug prescnicu Blaekamlthi TcolJ, Carpeotert TooU, FTFE. la U. oriid axrainst with tome interest. all events the Ha- These are some of the reasons why the country Tooth, Fre. from Danzer B&tchera Toolt, Commluloner to II Ibe real of W'.I. Jloelr" la wtta tirotestinir the manner in At ar and HeadacJit, Frosted Fttt of ForfHtnre. Iloea, Shoeelj, Azea. I'ana, Iroa Vale, eetlte fa. tMtoMhk pain which the Cabinet were the waiian Government and its representatives U UIA M fM IU1UH UW 4U1D U4 I UC7a3 ,""lfrBi deceated. - Clit administering The has no desire to malign, or indnlce and tars, and all other wovo aamaa rempom affairs of this country. plant tho Derson of Mr. Carter lias been ex A(m at' CO, V tc lab oaii The whole in empty fault fintpg in these strictures. We are in Pains and Aches. ALMS F. S. PRATT is thoroughly at posed an indignity which was as un- & bad way. The compass of Captains The Drposit EniloTftncnt l'ojlrj and Asctloaeer aad General Xcrcaaata teaMi Ja U ins interest variance io the farmer . hepantloa on Mrtb sr. Jacob'. Ou.41 the has been aside. The safe course, along which 4qrV. rauli wiui iiit preseni oaumet. necessary as it was undeserved. "Yhoe cut rvr. (totDfr &d rA0 Rminlv. Atrli Mnlnal Inic-tme- Beater Block, tyncea Strrel, HonolaIa,II. I. the wise leaders ot old led the people in past time entail, bat th.mmnBPstln.1. trifllfiffonrl. nllUivta I'ollcj. One Managers House Tk Maal )lmUt was the blunder? Special alteiitioB has been forsaken, and here we are at the mercy and rcry one .nfferlae wlta lula can hare cheap and Cook Uonee slru IoUe!llIt;ea,' During the year pofctUre proof of ito ni SuMe: '.tal Property. 1 Aaarfd naardo? baa Lorn eotnsattoi ml the there have been some of a raging tide Smart indeed are these puople In elaimi. changes our Consular and diplomatic Tux news of the 'Treaty received by this with their beguilements ; some of us have been DimUoni In Eleren . This bone of theinot reliable Comoaalea mm nl gyAdranceamadeoBConllgaaieata.'tta J. tsmcixoi JlantatioB. On tltmUv tne wife of in Laozuce. an no aiprrior, and fcwrnula. bettlet all Clalmj 18 body. March M. cared by them. How are thn readers of the A'. SOLS DKUQ0ISTS proajpilj; Laborers Quarters, Kx rwazfmz.tmat of tbt band, and daoj&lcr ot In His Ex. XagasaH, mail is extremely favorable, and is, as it BY ALL AID DEALERS IB ,cU honullj and falrl Jj i3. Assignees' Sale ! accompanied by two i3C tot rarther Inrormatioa, write to, or call OS 3 Store Houses. BtmBaBaidmadeoloZ MTU. acut by other Japanese gen- were, a very pleasant Christmas present to KEDICRr. 1VEK OX CIIIXAM.O"t u tlemen visited the Islands, be-- Anctner Hawaiian ofForeign Birth on the It u f.arxF WIIKHI-LI- taw warijft to iwortnons at the Kabnlci the object CI Fanoo, BlloJIIawalI.lti tvj the Islands. From private sources we Coronation. A. VOCELER &CO., General Agent for the Hawaiian ItUndl. One Blacksmith Shop an aialmment ofallLU property to tb andrriliw? wnwe. Abrjat voB.beTboriwitafociid wmcder-no- r u. tu ovpAui uiu ii was impossiuie as 9 t Baltimore, HA--. V. S. A abous aod taixu bonx. Ibe budr was locnd to carny out the proposed treatv. learn that the league got East Man, December Vih, IKE. Admisutiator's Ana oloer peiuloln-- ii a Moek Raaeh Notic. lemi - aai aVoonraaay aflznaooB at a abort daOanoe trom oring the last months of the year, Mr. Hollistep tc Co., D and Sncu Eiuu. to 11 Jl. UIicococa..w., . , M- up a strong protest against the Treaty, Lrrroa Gucttx .Seeing that in your issue of miiE TJDEISSIO-E- are to In taelrf rawrr No. 4. lWbladBB3aabxdtn.WRsUbniiMEd 711 I1AV1XG Farther can eald Leo On. ,1 ead acco"v- Qnpf Diplomatic Agent from Norway, -, Aavata for tb Hawaiian Utanda. been partlcnllr, he obtained from . .. ' V 90.U oadowMbactacB: aear tbrbudj weielovsd two reprinting a number of the Chronicle arti- the 7th iast- yoa were land enough to give space X appointed adralnletrator of tbe 'E.ute of W mlei:tlltrbnrt.x wtlht. JUIIN Horn oi Grcra-c- . .. . . J. O. CASTE C. froWiutYarreof. wiwian, some time in oTnmin.nj the condi- ap- ntr iionoiaie, r.7Ucc una ac ownunsr uora mea so rosmui cles, and others founded on them. The in .your valuable journal fur remarks on the herebj given lo all jtenonc aarlnz claim, aalnat tbe lor tbe Artlgneei of 1. Crownlnsbgrr. tra tl JiVUS! aa boMd were anrVrng on tion of Norwegian laborers. Gen. Cornlr. .MISS L'RESTOTT'S SCHOOL, 71b-- ragai sbrMookr and but proaching Coronation, front "a Hawaiian ot uld eitati to prrtcnt the Mme, iclj ntbcntlcited, 1111.. Soe. !! Atiaa. Ibom On IsKTadt inqnnit waft and J with Ute prcw whether or on a who had for five years represented tho National Board of Trade and Transporta- foreign being 1 Toncbrn. fetnred otbet. I AiwwtfofhL birth in the same bott. would tor tairis nnd Fernaudex's Sew Cst- - all month) from tbe NOTICE! I tsfcfaaij United States GorktuneCreidgned his tion were waited upon, and they appointed ask a similar Indulgence. datehereor, or thejr will be forerer barred. Allpereoni fXS ACCOUXTOFPin-lSSrrrr- nv NOTICE owinj the aald ntate are rnneited to make Immediate a t t f . ii- -j . . - . i uoHoaa snu was repiacoa me xion. xu a committee of Uire to investigate the have read with a great deal of interest the let- Vilii Vn u rt t. T HAVE THIS DAY fy I a that the will ee then only cm WEDSEa-DA- fS J. or Ajat.e llmmkm m oiEaraio how yoa rbccm&-- 1 wno amvea ere ACgxrsi matter. The three gentlemen selected, signature A Hawaiian foreign "Ot" ciojiit xnroeit r ioul ter over the of of is Hr o AamInI.tratoe and KBIDAVR of each weV ntli Hon. II. A. 1 - Open. of tk. E.ltle of John Wlderaann.rlsned.a KI1HSOrjSI. Katard. Hill, Kem- I Mors, deeeued. JH, jcob' Oil. Mon. the Cliancelier the French Messrs. Hamilton Penny and birth,' and endorse most ot the remarks about the Ki Acctc&modatloB for a few bovdlnx pspllf. aa.J. ai.i.l.l, wt. ..".'"r" 7S.ll Na, HonofnlSor.lStb ISO. ma ,1r

enjoyed Lhemselves in the "procrarcrne of dances Treaty Toplca- - COMMERCIAL. ISLAND LOCALS. arranged for the occasion to the music of Berger'a Jfttv gictttistmtnts. Band. The Hall was tastefully decorated and the The of the Bedprocity Treaty has been About Tenor. sibct 44 HOXOLVLV DECE31BER 1582 supper was one of the best efforts of Hart Bros., taken up in the United States Congress so tar aa Mr. M. H. Jones and the response, 1 waited for T X. T. ?"ew rrenlions are the order of the day. caterers, the Hall a the Lord, by the choir are deserving of special A1AXI. dnrlnx wrrk.h wu exrtcd, feetn the liis Majesty visited at referring the matter to the Committee on Foreign gBaaioeti the ting the officers of the mention as well as the novel rendition of an bolcf deilrrt alike Tecclr LeTfj's and late hoar end after recti ! IxwmlBS," mall and k The Christmas Bale at Adams', irganizauon, renreo. Affairs and who have ere this returned a report. OffertorieV by Messrs. Yamdtey and Jones who THE GRAND OPENING of tbe it- - plfotjof ptroDCfrom the resident! received a ReuerotiB patron ape. Following we give the comments of the Eastern played a duet on violin and organ. An original - other JeUndl EhlrV e'd tie Itfxe nflaz of Tliltor- from the Amongst the Items of the festivities connected press. number, "Jubilat," by Mr. WrayTaylorforthe or the .j preent InteBd-- d for the at3 We hear that Madame Adelina Tatti ha beta organ was well rendered. The sermon of T...,. fcm to Bay it tflios. with the proposed Coronation of His Majesty, the WismxsToiT. December Talks with Beore- Terr to BfrchiBU Keoeral.j'to inrested with the Order of KapioIanL 3th. - Pastor Cruzan at the evening service appears ia Apple,jLpple bTtaelittriIon ce special one of illuminations, appears often, and it resentativea hare elicited manv expressions of ao- - arc Rood. another column. One drclxrf toil trntlneti & Co., ia nniierstoou mat ine powers tnat oe, iniena to prorai of the report of the Tariff Commissinn, and Price Mechanics or M. Oat Bazaar, To Mr. C. Glade and Messrs. J. CommmUlIr there bil been tome .,SM thoir J. make the tUuminalions as numerous aa possible. strengthened the impression that their recommend- tbebartjoea special nevs faTors. A CARD. cUtHj; the arriTaii fromthe Cct of we are Indebted for The insurance agents of the city however, have, ations likely to receive the snpport of most Cor. Fort and Merokawt Sts., P tj of protecting the interests of the home companies, of the republicans. At the same time, the Demo- To the friend wko so kindly aabtcrthed tatmoacy TkisDiy,Weiwiij,DK27 and LaT LamiotuBd The Minion Children Society meet neit Satur in to thr d a word or two to say in the matter, for if fire crats express Ihemselrn as favoring the recom- for my assistance, and particularly to Mr. feter Hilton 1 (jdaey, the Utter with mall dte IA !at, Hon-S- -- tend-In- eTeninR, 30th, . N. Castle's. lights the Cout. all day December at should result from exposed or other used in mendation in general. There are intimations that who collected the same, I desire to rrtarn my moa 13 the departure of the O 8 S finer for illuminating or other buildings, they, tbe representatives of the sugar may find to At tWi m, I wooden trade afflle-te- t"IS commercial circle. it earned Utanki for their front kindness to aa to op trade In Here's your cood health, and 3 our families insurance agents would most probably be inclined their interest to form some sort of an alliance with en caroe- - of brother mechanic. O-D- Import for tte weekconeUt of the prosper." to defer payment of insurances on buildings me Hawaiian Commissioner, who has just arrived AY O-D- The good health, and may yon lite Ions and Kalawao. 3IolokaI, Dec tiro, AY --enera) merthindi. Lro-.- by the Ladj Lamon. and would probably allow owners of such in Washington, to counteract, if practicable, the lta, llonas. ! ! ! "rwa the Cout. lamVer 3 Tessels immigrants have buildings to sue the Government, influences which are at work looking to the ter- j Choice ! Calbarlen and Cltj Dunne the year. with Ajifios coal per Loch mination of the .Reciprocity Treaty between the A Card- OrsfM r KUVlUt from Tod Towofend and ; t C27 men, COO women and " armed they broach Our Celestial brethren enjoyed the novelty as United and Hawaiian The wcatJe, S W. The Br ttmr Madrai has States the Islands. I., TJtfC.SAfa., 15H. Lee from 1051 children, all Portuguese. well as did their Cancassian friends, of the services prospects for tariff legislation by tbe House this arrived to fcarborea route to R. W. Laus, En Uonolvla, General A cent of The tree session are very favorable. While the extreme Et t fc BJt9a9 AsWIt. expor- t- for the Veel. the tar--o taken Mr. Henry Corawell had recovered sufficiently connected with the Christmas celebration held Pacific UnituI Life Insurance Company t California! The onlj Church, Fort Street, on the after- Free Traders will be willing to talk interminably, .JN 10 the Coat amount for; In domestic talaa-lio- passage in the Chinese ready to offer e amendments, seems DiMxSm: I desire to ackuowlcdfe tkronrh yoa to 3STEW tj the bx from his late illness as to be able to tale noon of the 22d insL, under the direction of Mr. and be miles it ENTIEE STOCK w J100,p. Maui the ISth inrt. probable that a decided tendency toward practical the company yon represent the receipt of $2..Q0. to his home on per tUtTUt on Frank Damon. The exercises consisted of ring- 44 XEGULAXGASN ing, eading and addresses, and were participated action, and the willingness to give and take the amount of poller Joed by them npoo. the life SUE PORT OP HONOLULU. Our thanks are due to Mr. J. O. Carter fur a by Sunday School scholars and Mr. will prevent any prolonged discussion in Commit- of my husband, the late Charles T. Dillingham, Feb. in the Chinese tee of the Whole. pamphlet upon Japanese postal matters, and to Damon, the latter delivering an address to the as- Ia connection t bejr'to eontmrnd the 'Com WakhctotoX. December 13th.--- delegation. lt, Arrived the Hawaiian poatal authorities for a report upon sembled Chinese in their own language, which was pany for their liberality, and to tender my tlncere Gents' Youth's and Boy's CLOTHING, On Tlnrsdajr altar Madras, Bradley, from Portland respectful attention. Master Chung representing the suirar importers and refining in aiik, the new Money Order system. received with thank for their promptnesi Jo. paying the claim im- Am oV Calbarlen, Hnbbut, from b F a youthful scholar of Miss Fayson'i care an illus- terests of Boston, New York and FUUdelphia, are WITH A S. Br bk Ladr Lampeoti, Mar ton, from b T mediately after Alia proofs of death. JIIHA.ll.riWli, eve tration of his proficiency in the F.nglish language, expected here to urge upon the Foreign j. Brb-- t Lch Lee. from 'ecaue The Hand Concert nt Emma Square on the tne ana tne Signed. 9ARAII L DILLINGHAM. ry City of fcydnej. Dearborn, from S F the enunciation and delivery being most excellent. Auairsixmmuieeoi iiouse foreign Dry Groods, ning of the 23d inst. was rather poorly attended. ot presents company Belstions Committee of the Senate the abrogation ! After tbe Cistnbuuon ine HkJt General Assortment of Furnishing Goods the damp weather assisting in a crcat degree to separated. of tbe Hawaiian Reciprocity Treaty. The Eastern Frascic November THh. IStti. Sailed. proTtde a cause for the absence of the fair r. sugar men nay mat anoniy aiter merauncauonoi Tbe Pacific ifntnal Life InsnraneaCo. ot California, Clothing, We been favored by the publishers with a which Fraacieco; City of fcydney, Dearborn, for fctdaey hate this treaty, the Pacific Slope people thought aa Just Received Ex Steamer Zealand! a. MesriTS. Leners &. Cooke are now the owners o& copy of "Tributes of Hawaiian Terse, a little would prove of immense value to that section. We icknowletlco receiptor youcheck Speckels, sugar Otmius! TTaderwaftr, containing as indicated in the preface, Claus the millionaire dealer of for $3,OU6.00 la payment of the amoont of Policy Vecoels in Port, the American ship Ifojf which came intj port brtfhrt t San Francisco, acquired by porohase and rental, No. verses among a number of local Ilono-lal- Am bktne iwmj, retrlman here from pea in distress, having purchased her selected from absolute control of the sugar product of tbe Sand- 11,583 npoa the life of Chaa, T. Dillingham of Hgdarr. Am bctne J 1 bprcckels, i'riis from Capt Curtis on the 30th mst terms private. poems. Tbe selections consist of specimens of who was Insured by your Company, February 40 More Cases to Come per "Suez" and "City of Sydney." Am bk I) C Murray, Ha&Enn the poetical abilities of Judge Jones, Itollin M. wich islands, and he is now the virtual dictator of lit, Haw aebr Jennie walker, Underwood Daggett, Warren Stoddard, Walker the Government of Hawaii. By the employment 1961, and whoee death occurred beptember S6tb, ISSi. Line of bpreckela, Confine (repair, a j.t Pr, Thomas See leyof Cleveland, Ohio, a brother Chas. T.lU which cheaper premiums In Fresk 6reorMfi! Am ach Claaa and Geo. W. Stewart and are interesting on of Chinese labor, is than was slave Two amount $Xi.7i had been paid and Am bytne Contoelo, Howard of President of Amherst Collece, arrived by relating labor in the .South before the war, he has made payment ot claim followed immediately Sling Br bk Lady Lampoon, Martton of the anbieeta entirelv tODortions Impossible. after S3d inst. Me hear tie Hawaii nei, isles where the Muses dwelLV As competition Spreckels, tt is said, has proofs of death. Vcryreapectfolly, REMEMBER The Price i MARKED on Ech Artie!., from Br ttmr Madras Bradley lheCaifcrrtNonthe that of driven out of business every refiner in San Fran- T PLAINLY 1 Clas Br bk Loch Lee returns to his home by the way of China and the a Bouvenier 01 Holiday season ana 01 inese & First CARI.UJE XFXESS lue cisco, and enjoys as absolute a monopoly there as alined. WELCH CO. nhich there is do dciiation. Suez Caual. isles of the little volume is a most . APAim, appropriate present to forward to in the Kingdom of Kalakana. Spreckels is now r Men. MEMORANDA. Mr. Montano has joat finished a senes of view s, timely and invading the markets of the Eatt, paying no duty TO PORCHASERS To the rnnoant of $5.00 or oier, THREE PER CENT friends abroad and the meritorious character of sugars dttrtiscmntts. HT of F S S City of bydney, Dearborn. Com . forty-eig- in number, of the VTaimanalo Planta- amongst on imported from Hawaii, and also, It U Jr Benort X the contents should afford it a place inoro averred, bringing into tbe a large quantity DISCOUNT. No Book Accounts Kept. tion and frarroundinc country. The Tiews are well pretentious and prolonged efforts ot the more noted country r Jai: vi, Hcnolaln pilot Dec 'Alb, a in Ml cabin aodSS of sugar produced in China, which is landed at WASTED. 3D worth inspected by lovers of the weird And authors on the library shelves of our residents. Bstatb! cabin 2 beinc on lecrar for llooololn; and Honolulu duty tree, bprcciels is nowattemting UI1U. OU WOMA3T FOIS - teera;e acncera for Aattralla; I'd ton freight and picturesque. to open a market for his wares In New York. Two MINIJ- Store open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Even'jr. 9 JS mall for lltwolala. Mm 21 hoar, tron Messrs. . O. Hall &. Son have again displayed las Children and for cenertl faoo.e .mlk Saturday till AT AUCTIOK, htz cargoes of bis sugar have brought V-- from N W and & W and heavy aince S W The Crown has arrived: two Crowns have ar been around the ppirt ttg it) ST. irindf ki: their characteristic business energy by the pro- Horn and landed irrNew car- ftacloOL ine enure - iu nearj rwcu imn m ; a Sceptre and any amount of York, and two other wish rmZ- rived bo has cor duction of an one hundred page catalogue goes are en route. Tbe Eastern sugar men will Couple ! S. W. SATURDAY, Thcbe were whole crowns. The Colo- Married Wanted ELLDRER, J. L. ROSENBERG. JAW. ceousne&A. illustrated with over one hundred and seventy-fiv- e urge on Congres also a reduction of the present ill, nial patibengers carried along with them a number cuts of the different articles that may duties on sugar. "AJfTED OXA SII Ki:i bTATIOX Manager, 035 of half crowns. A 3iarrieu Cvople. Apply In from ban FraaclA. per Calbarlen. Dec 23- - I'd II bo fouud at their establishment and which include New Yoax, Dec. 13. The Board of Trade urcea w noae; bcemingly everything in the lines of agricultural 11. N. ItltEENWELL, rmrttt. .1 iJtm Mint Ml. ttii.,.,. taio rnern .aue iooae, Aenis. The new building in progresH of construction on Concresa the Dassaco of an ennitable and uni Kona. Hawaii. Ir CJ-- implements, hardware, From San Francisco, per Lady Lampoon, Drc A builders' kitchen utensils, form bankruptcy law: that a tribunal be estab-lub- 1 for Mr. Thomas Waller, situated next to Messrs. cabooses, and other articles too numerous inter-Stat- Lot Contains 4 Tare Patches, ia. run carp) aiamae; ircwer vo, Jceni. sloven, for the supervision of carriers in e NOTICE. ! &, ap- m a newspaper may From baa Frandrco, per City of bydney, Dec3 A Castla Cook, on King Street is rapidlv 10 mention notice, nut wnicn business; tnat tne Hawaiian Treaty be discon- Grand Holiday Gift Sale 1 proaching completion, and will be a decided Im- be readily learned by a study of the well filled tinued at tbe expiration of its term, and that a rHlR A20flTAJj SALh' OF SLIPS Hauhaukoi. Aere. pages bew catalogue. As a JL aid Mtnnjp will be held at the Fort M Charth, on From per Loch toal. provement to the locality when finished. of their specimen of Government postal telegrapy bo established. -- - Seweartle Lee,rc the work done at the printing establish nuNU.ti VAlM.iaDaaryltt,lss3,at7ii o clock. TEQ3 Dec 51 Uazette A 13HI5GTOX. Trnpteea J.H Lot 2 Contains 14TareFatcbe,ai From Tort Townsend per Kllkf Ut, Cargo of Yesterday Mr. Adams bold auction the bakery ment wc feel a little proud at tne tangible evidence Dec 11. The Uanna CommittM The of the Church are requested to meet at 7 rantner. at on Foreign will ciock 1 , y. presented of our ability to compete with Coast Affairs probably consider on Fri- 1., jr.. Met 31-10- 8 business and property ,'to dofte the- copartnership, day the Hawaiian Treaty as it affects the sugnr HauhaukoL 2 Aere. belonging to Love &, llrolhers, which was knocked Qutieo. Notice. tcrprihiog firms like Messrs. E. O. Hall 4 Sou. unwi vi uiu uuiiuu .uasb session uic Lot :t Contain-- i down to Mr. Kobert Lore for $J0C0. This 'sale evenly divided between retaining tbe jvkk & Honolulu Clothing Emporium. Tim latea, at -a co., for the Colonic, per City of Fdory. IW Sfi S2 b- includes the bakery and premises and a boose and reciprocity character of the treaty modifying fikm or nor domestic Value The toasts to be given at the Masonic banquet and Tin; at Wallnkn, Maol.aa Retail arrowroot it so as to put sugar imported from the Sandwich Furniture comDoeed of Kamakela. 'i y Dealer, tcAc,ii Atrf. Fnr Sat PrandkcA. txr hoez. Dee 23 ISKi tons roar. which takes place atjthe Palace are seven Islands on a basis with sugar from other countries. Tam Lnm, Aana, and Chtng Tow. all residinzln lnl tMnanaa, aomcauc vainc oumiira jr"j,w. Chiefs, subordinated, messengers, and everybody in number and as follows : LEE HOP tt CO. Lot I Contain 1 Tare atKa- - New Yoek. December 11. A larra meoftnr vii ttailakn.Mml. Dec Ik, ItaC TOT 3t Patth, PASSENGERS. but the silent and steady librarian, desert the L His Maiest v and members of the ltoval Familv. held to insist on a reduction In the tariff will pre malrla. Government buildings at the noon hour. The HesnonBe bv Hon. A. S. Clechorn. on sugar to 1 cent on ail grades. NOTICE. A handsomely painted Palette or Placque be 17100 Am. U 2. Supreme Council, From fan I ranclwe. tirr Oonanelu, Dec A general puuiic may not nope io transact any uafii- - The Grand Council of WisniNOTOX. Dec. 15. The llooso Committee K A France Lodge PAllTIIM IXDhniTEJJ TO Smltb. and wife, White, Jno U'lkox, AOonzate. and Grand of California. Response on Foreign Affairs to consider the Hawaiian sugar sented to each purchaser to the amount of SI, D Liopez. It Lopez. by Governor Domims, and Hon. A. Fornander. AJr. ItlCHARDtUN. ou behalf of tbe KohaU C P. ABAJM. AatTr. question met this morning, and after adopting a Store, are hereby reoaested to make immediate pay- Fnr windward I'orta. nerlJkellke, Decl9U R II Among the arrivals the Coast are a number 3. Worthy Masters of Local Lodges. Itesponse from imuuuuu uakiuj; iur mioimauon irom tao state ment to Mr. Joaanln Zablan. of kuhal. wlm u authnr. or over, at the grand opening P. W. by Geo. a Howe. Department, postponed lied to sire receipt In distbarje of tame, and to take Mra Kapena, Mr Boh,3liM bhedont Mra Cltrk. 3lr of kamaainas: C.Joncs,JrS.T.Alexaader, 4. Worthy Local Lodges. Hexponse and the War farther con Wardens of sideration of the matter until the first meeting irzai pruccniin;a in case m oeianit. ! 2 G. Irwin. Sam. Parker, Col. C. II. Judd, Hon. S. G. of 3Wt a, Mi by J. M. Monsarrat. 1I1LU, II. lIAWb! to. Caulks C A Klin. T V UUdcUlM Baldwlo. MUaTnrton. tho committee uftcr the holidays. There was no Cailes uuer, lion. n. a. i uaJter, Jiissuaner, w.t. f.. OftWiW nf Trfwal 11.16 l.v C. T. Itatoa, Mlaa Horner. Mlea Hindi. .MraodMrt Henry and Miss Mcluemy, Scarborough, ltnnnu hearing of interested parties at the meeting this D V 11 Foster wife. C. . ! Corn ell, ft Homer. Mr and iUf It Vlda. i'oner. morning, aituougn tnero are present gen- NOTICE OF tfEW IIOIiIIlAY GOODS, L u. uiaue ana uenry natcrnouse, 6. A luting Itesnonse several liolme. ontempaKT, Jdr hynncnly, ua eimore, and Sister Lodces. bv J. tlemen who desire to be heard for the sucar trade. uiitiiXKss Cant Baler. A ti Uurkbardt It learcn. JV Oilfillan. G on by the nuiun'oroKK A rifle toot place Christ The committee found themwlrcs equally divided The uuderelmcd aa Aactioneera and Campion, J Brown, A A Hern, F b Pooo, Mrs Maboe. match at Wailuku on 7. The Masonic rrnternitr. Itesnonsa bv 1 Collin Commi9ieu Mrrchanta nnder tbe name of Y. b, Pratt THIS WEDNESDAY MORNING, AT Li in regard to tho bill abrogating the treaty. w wticos, h r jonnaon. mas day. The prize was a 'cup valued at M. Daggett. They Xl'o. kaitb4 day been dlafoWed by mutual con sen L FOR CHRISTMAS AW NOf Hat- gave out as a reason for postponing the matter K. 8. T1S' From Kauai, per 3atnea ilakrc. Dec 45 competitors, whom 3 uawu iv.ijiuu imj., untuck an uu Pratt will continue in the butnfl and will pay field, MrCulsan. There were each of had that they wanted additional information from the all debts contracted for by the late Ann filiota. ingnest possible score was me aus picious occasion. WIU h fot ! all PrwilLHlAi. WU W HoU- - ine u. ait. Treasury and State Departments In connection A.. M. 3STo.l04t k ifm. For KaoaL per Jamei Makee, Dc w. won a score ot . a. MELLIS', Fort Street. il uornweii witn is. At the request of Dr. I lagan, resident physician with tho bill. Orth, tho absent member of the L. J. LEVEY. u4 ruanlaL cuMlast t Vrrv 11. J. milantine II, C. A. Hailey 9, J. lbuley will cast the decidinc vote, but a llonolila. DecSBlii. 188i. 3ai St For baa Francisco, per bBa.Dcc CM V F Jones, of the Insane Asylum, an inquest was held by Cor uommission. - 8. message from hira is to the will not wadi inire, api vnru, u smun. 11 jveiier, i.ut- eilect that he One of the happy episode connected with the ontr Dayton on the -- 1st insU on the body of ne auie to come 10 wnsuington mis session. REAL ESTATEFOR SALE, Fruit, Found, iijhlll,JlchJcnoa.JlV'iiiamp,J Gnlbalt.J X Low, Charles Dias, a German, aged about 45 years, who Christmas season was the presentation of a' purse Sccretarr Foloer has addressed a letter to the IX lv.tiAl.irA, u wit. v u ivuinua miner, jur ji nrpnyt iuikoh. had been fouud hanging, dead, in a cell connected Collector of Customs at New York on tho Hawaiian Sponge, t 11 Citroa, ke. Fmtu I'net Konnd. KIIkilaL Dfr 22 rim n containing $100, to Miss flaxman, by the members wuu iu? uu iuc morning 01 ine .viu. sugar matter. The following is a copy: 44 1 have THE PICEM18K8 WAIAXUA, Fmm Kahnlnt. per Kllanea Hob, Decd- -r X Makee and friends of the Kawaiahao Seminary. The Coroner Dayton obtained tbe services of six arti- considered the sppcal or Watjen, Tael & Co., from the iait nxteen yeara i"orcnplrd by the W alalu Mr Mailer, Mias bheeiey, Mrs Farafwortb. Mr Jackeon anair was a complete Borpn&e anu me nappy re- sans employed about the building, saa jury, whom vour assessment of dut v on sonar imnorted Female Seminary, eouufnin: an area vt it acrea. oertaii mo toe onuaiogs inereon. la iwr aaie. perrecu From Windward IWe, per LikeIike,Dc 2lth-- H R cipient could only blush her acknowledgments, after beinc sworn and viewmc the bodr and hear by them from tbo Uawaiiau Islands." After nile ing testimony Dr. Hagan, recit H Ullnokalanl, Var Dominic. Mrs Itosh.Mra woras lauing. the of the attendants ing tneir protests, tne secretary says: " 1 be treaty W Martball. W R nnd Superintendent Wright, E. O. HALL. Wiln.M!M bbrldon, J Tucker. returned a verdict 10 guarantee tuo Honoliilo, Decerns r U37 S. RICH MINCE MEAT Edward Dcllex, while laboring under the effect 44 reierreu ire importation into ad. MILL, F., Catbbnrt,CaptIIarlry.H It Smyth, J T Downey, Oco that the deceased had come to his death by his ports of tho United States of muscovado, brown THE INDIA RICE Klnr.JCbmtlh.FLbtolcF (tlade.W II Tbwu, of alcoholic influences, on the evening of the d own hands. The jury exonerated the Asylum au- .t!r mctv teaim 11 Alexander. Mrs Lewis, Mra Kapena, Capt Taylor, and all other unrefined sugars meaning thereby uimirii. inst. made a slicht attempt to sever his jocular thorities from all blame in the matter. Mr. II. grades of nugar heretofore commonly imported SPECIAL NOTICE. vein with the assistance of a razor. Not being ac- - Johnson, clerk of the Police Court, took down the from tho Hawaiian I&lands and set down in the fLeca.ULcec3. t From ban FrandKco, per Calbarlen, Dec 23d DrTT testimony as offered. Nothing known regarding Has Rates TVTIIVOE PUrjg; Ceo tioodacre and wife. witn tbe locality, lie only managed to it markets of San Francisco nnd Portland at the bclT, auainted me 01 me man tMth cut under the chin, and his courage ameccuents suiciae inrtner tnat lie time the treaty was passed. Sandwich Island su . From ban Francisco. ier Lady Lanipiton.Dec was streets commit- Ab.. Eur uauK AQiiTUxirr Kev Mr VJI and wife, Dr A JCaxer. lining, ue ueniaicu iruui a mimes iriiii. found in the of the city, and gar, samples, 01 nave ueen su omit- Edward, Jcnolna to AfiTlum v. 1881. fie re- - lminrtaiioii, jur iieuuaio. ted the in Jul has been ted to olhcers of tho Customs of San Francisco and For Hulling and Dressing Hawaiian Paddy Lou- garded as daugcrous, hiving displayed homicidal From ban Francleu, City f bvdney, Dec S5th Ihe many friends of Mons. the Count de Portland, who declare it to be a grade of sugar T'JIK IXSTAhl.ATlOX OF TIIK Hon II A I' Carter. MUeirCarter. I C Jon, W U Irin, vieres, Chancclier of the French Legation of this which was commonly imported from the Hawaiian L Offlcera of Lodze Le 1'nwreade Uceanle,tl A V bant Tarker. Col C H Jodd, Itr IkAnett, J Morray, Mra Islands into these ports prior to the adoption of A A si, will take I'Uoe at tneir notu, Kin Mrerl TO Y K Kingdom, ill undoubtedly be pleased to learn that he examination of the Kawaiahao II C Johoaon, 1'erley, Foster and wife. Chaa I the treaty. This sugar is unrefined and was man- THIS nEDXtnDAY V. KVtJ. Her. 27.at7.3ti SUGAR TOYS, Mlchrla, F F l'orter. Iloa b U Wilder, B Hlork. b T Al- his government has notified him of his promotion Seminary last Thursday and Friday was r. very ufactured by the vacuum pan process, and is of Hawaiian SI F A M. n III meet the r Hall. exander. J Haler.Mrs Palmer. Mr C W Kello-r- John In the corps, and has ordered him to duty at Sid- hodzt. at or sir ow V. creditable to both pupils and teachers. showed quite a high grade. Assuming that tho question Queen Mrect, at the name honr, for Jodallatlon of CENTS POUNDS; XAitrAt rraaA3 lUtbtsaoa. MUk Mclnerny, Mlii Mlcheli, A D 111 and ney, N. S. The Count and bis wife will not It x FIFTY PERilOO Kello-- ;, C umeen. ifiiin- - urfinrrn, jn uoou wife, D Woteott Mi A Morle, MUa leave more me juarcn steamer. the scholars under most excellent discipline, the involved is one of fact, tho weight of evidence sub- staiain;, Snanntecd to b ?rM 11 F are Invltod to attend wlttwttt farther notice. of all Father Bachard. Matcrbmife. Ufa Mad school premises neatly kept and the scholars quiet, mitted iu favor of appellants, such sugars hav- v rWiHH dQi, J Thalbcrs. J A JlcNrar and k Ife, J Hay. U btne-- ing been imported HyUrdetof I J. UKiulNn, M. COLTtp mi txTcaiiveiy Ilesideu the passengers whoee uameti appear prompt, trained to habits of attention and accuracy. from the Hawaiian Islands, It ti. K. lltlWE, W M. ta Ik oeit dq in aieerac. both before and adoption treaty, A Yield of from among the departures by the Sw:, there were two lia titaehfira warn nlsst dinirn tn tui snlliniiiaDtin after tbe of the 70lbs. Merchantable llico XaaafactBri of For the Colonics, per City of bydney, Dec 2"VW Lid- skiUfol We published pro in largo quantities. The appeal is sustained, and others in transit who, their minds up hur- and in their work. the Punahou Preparatory School. Saie, t jiavraoaa. made gramme in last week's Gazttte. Miss Norton's you are directed to reliquidate the entry free of riedly, and took passage for the Coast. Whether TKUSTKKS OL OAHIT COL- - lOO Wo.' 1 Faddy Tmportcct u"1. . rvm: lbs. Glean vpeciallv dispatched as envovs to meet di&tuicuifih- - classes in tustory uiu luemseives great credit, as .. Candies MARRIED. did also Miss btorrs' classes in language lessons ine iiouse uommitteo of roreiim Affairs will X LEUE hare purchased the Armstrong Premitei. 73 eu visitors, or not, will probably appear in the probably consider on Fridty the Hawaiian Treaty ucfrunia irrci.Bi lit unu ui nicmvrus Pircei. tne nir HHi.Er A'soi.iinit.T In City, SM, nnd in arithmetic We have no room for any de- house Is now being llted and furnished, AMILEYTOKBERT thlf Dec JR!, next news irom tne i&asi. as u anects tne sugar iraue 01 tuo united states and next Guaranteed. pastor Fort Y. tailed report. Prizes were awarded for neatness tbe Preparatory Department will ltyj. A. L'roiao. of bt. Cbnrrb, Geo, At the last session the committee wrern event li. be removed AofiLCr- of ban Joe. Cat to MIpb Krma E. Torbert. His Majesty paid a visit of inspection to the in the care of text books, for general attentiveness ol llonniaia, II. I. oCaraf. and improvement m stud v. It was verv evident vided between retaininc the reciprocity character the Trusters bcllee that there are enousb achoUra to THE SUPERIOR AVOIUC DONE AT THE INDIA MILL, the FRESH STOCK of CANDIES tff" ban Joee, Cal., papers please copy Commercial saloon on the night of the -- Ird inst. that the efforts made by the Principal, Miss Nor 01 me treaty anu moau ving it so as to put tne sugar lorm at once a ciaaa 01 ibwp who woum rnter the rre-- His presence there produced a most unwonted ton, iu me niauuaru ucuoiarbmp naa ueen paratorylicpartmetit nextyear. 3n I.LLA L. iltMJHE, NESS AND EVENNESS IN QU.UJTV OF THE RICE, as well aa UNI raise vi uusis witn sugars from ottier countries, recently from the Public hoola of Nana Connir. Cal. miii.ri.tuur stillness and also induced the natire element who a thorough success, nnd Hawaiian inrls under her a teacher of apvcialqaallflcation, ability and experlenco felt thirsty to iatronizo some other saloon. As a care hive had the advantage of most conscientious asnisoTox. Dec 15 At ti meetinc of the For naa dtod .imputation inriumiioQ tno FORMITY' AND CLEANLINESS OF PACKAGES, comman.t from Dealers in SKVKUAI, In I hi city, Dec to wife 0f L B. Kerr, a son, y rn:i;ru. io THIHSASO Stt, the coubequenco during the hour that His Majesty re and skillful training. Her ideas of school man- eign Affairs Committee it was decided to chw 1 ahoald be made at once to C. M. HVDC, Secretary rorsBS. mained tne commercial was as quiet as a agement have n ably earned oat with the hearty take a final vote on the proposition to abrogate nfthe Edncational Committee. The eta f San Francisco and Other Markets in tho U. S., not onlv tho or n. nlllben-, preference, bnt injr onn jfanurulure, n house. of all the other teachers, Miis Flax-ma- the Hawaiian Treaty at the first meeting of the Jan. 15th. 1341. The ttndir will be Sln-l- Drawin- Miss Chamberlain, Miss btorrs and Miss committee iu January. The committee also agreed Writing, Keadln;, Ueoraphy tbronsh ort)t Amenta, BETTER RATES than tho Troilucl of tho Hawaiian Mills which, as u rule, is (!l AKAXTKKI) to bo AUSTIN At Kapalawa, by A horse attached to a hearse belonging to Mr. C Very few fore ign not receive Arilhrnitlc thronzh Lons DtvUlon: the Life of Chrtut Dec2M, I8S, a fall from Wett. children of the same age to aiiy further oral arguments on the through the rirsl If enough ccholara nf a noree, m a, ji. dcima, arro, do years. K. attempt ...... 41 !.. t ,. J- - - subject. A delegation representing l'aorer. lorr Williams, the undertaker, made an to the united truur ruouiu ajipij ivr auniiaimit 10 a iTimary urpart-mrn- delivered at those Market in a moro or less STAINED AND ULLAGE D XTTOTUX. clear himself from the lugubrious trappings and tne eigut years course 01 staay ot mis scnool. Bugar interests of New York, Philadelphia and another clara will be formt-- and teachera STRICTLT 20th Boston arrived here and are working like The Trnitre uroDue to fnrnlth aihoronh CONDITION. FOR SALE AT Pastor Croxan't Christmaa Sermon. vehicle on the afternoon of the insU, but rclentiBc, ttr proved unsnccesdfuU The hearse however is beavers with the members of the committee to in- traded, Christian instruction and training. Hi wilt. duce them to report favorably on a bill to abrogate uuireiiftciciiturj uut r in vain i ir raraiory cnoot " Chjubt the IIabtix or HisToaT. damared to a considerable extent. The nresence what many parent dcelreu for tlielrchll- - Consignments of Paddy Solicited, The schooner Itht Sfhuanei; Capt. Joseph Spen the treaty. The committee y ordered that batelous The most wonderf o! life of al history is that of of mind of tho driver prevented collisions with area. cer, arrived at Hilo on Saturday Dec 16, sixteen letters be sent to the Secretary of the State and the r a B Jesus of Nazareth, L is characterized throughout other vehicles, which might have resulted serious HORN'S Secretary of the Treasury asking their views as to M. ly. da a from San Francisco with a full cargo of gen- NOTICE ! WM. GREENWOOD, Strum Caadjr Tactory it Hiwj-- by a singular coinbinition of humility and gran the propriety of abrogating this treaty. It is ex- IN The little U!ltttH raises its voice for " fair play" eral merchandise. pected AGENT HONOLULU, Proprlotor India Rice Mill, San Finn simplicity aid sublimity, hu- that replies from these officers will afford Aj.Tj pkicsoxs iyj)i:nxEi) U im lloin ,m. deur, of and of tho means determining If. KUTII KEKLIKOLAM to FT.. i Mjft on the supposition that the Gazttte has suppressed Tho three masted schooner Mary A. A. the committee abundant of maVe inHml. man and divine. In this it differs from all others. Ilirt the importance of the treaty to this country from 3nested to iiutuedlale payment of renta or other DEW BEDFORD MO an VJrU to Mr. Pilipo. Your ebtstothennderalned at II. It- - H. rcsideuee. Kapa- - Sl fHKSCti Christ appears in tie world as a poor child, in reply youthf ulness U. Paul, master, arrived at Hilo on Saturday Dec a political as well as a commercial standpomt. It J. T. WATBRHOTJSE, dear Mullet in has allowed ou to be gulled by the twentv-on- ttwns 16. davs from Humboldt, with a carco W Who will make Liberal Adronoe--i oa Consignments o( lKddy to Franciso . X one of the smallest of a remote country, in insinuating and unreliable TJflorta it believed tnat tne secretary 01 state will tippose Agent for II. K. H. Jjiuh KerllVoUiil. aal one of the lowliest epta in that town a stable Irfmfwr. 01 reuwooa lumoer to estate 01 vv. xi. new. the abrogation of the treaty on the ground that its nave oecn maao to nna tnat repiy " m me r.ieie. MANILA CORDAGE and guea oat from tint stable a helpless fugitive Suppose pub political advantages more than counterbalances ! cruel tyrant. Futile! the JiulUlin tries and One of the passengers on the schooner Mn lobs NOTICE from the wrath of a Bat Heaven and would any in a commercial sense derived from a 1.1 1'Mnca. n- lishes the result of its labor? That be fair A Ijfi HAA'IVO Earth do lltm honoras Ue J tea there nmo- tlm SchmtMtir just arrived at Hilo, was arrested and freedom of importation of Hawaiian sucar. espe aa lAKTIi:S.... CA'rri.K:.- ! ! iiiu:it animals in helpless Teaknees. play. cially view Sand- - - if T uo uuotOTiini oriracu ny me ! This child bets the convicted on a charce of smnzulinc opium. Four in of the fact that the loss of ttie Silver angeue 01 Silver Silver nost, ine eoiiiersol iierod, tbo slicnherds 1 he attention of our readers is called to the tins of the drug being found person com- - wicn isianus as a oase supplies lor me American UrHlu; itock except on the Monday of each on the hillside, and tie Wise Men of tbo on his on nary week, and Kaolin fplcudid showing, financially, made by the Liver mg on irom me was fined in tbe event of a foreign war would be motion. He the beit uiore schooner. lie severely felt, ready id land at auv time but Hiomp Oovcla.go attiacs elements of tho one hundred dollars and one week jail. and that Great Britain stands ibu dar lUn mmnr ni.i world and arouses tie enmity of the worst. pool, London and Globe Insurance Company of in to negotiate a treaty with the Hawaiian Govern anthorlicd to daau br m In urllln. sill - A-- ConsigtLment or Of .tm'rt... m4 IihI H..fvrti.' Of His boyhood ws have but one glimpse; wo London, England, and of which Messrs. Bishop Mm. ment as soon as mia uovcrnmem abrogates tue see Him for a few in tbe Temple question- A Co. are agents this city. The fire insurance burs in during present treaty. Bmtl ing doctors of tie law. (Jf His young alone for 181 was 5,GU0,00O, total amount of claims The weather the week has been fine, WOODS. Huh JUf tie u manhood Washington. Dec 17. A resident of California Manager of tlm KohaU lUnrh we have only one aatence: Is not this the car- with Iiiglt winds. now in this city said that while he might, if he 43 CASES OF HOLIDAY GOODS Has Been Received bv Huh B3mi. penter r But we kiow that he was no unnatural here are promptly adjusted and payable at the Last Saturday a meeting was held in Wailuku were a San Francisco merchant, oppose the abro- Sin. . prodigy in those oaly years. omco 01 SR. BAILEY There was nothing tne agents. gation of the Hawaiian Reciprocity Treaty, vat he All M .tick UI t. forced or promatun. And yet there certainly was for tho final organization of a Itifle Club. . .4, H if mn The regular meeting of Lodgo Le Progres do would labor for its abrogation be were a member p.rll. I. ....tM,h. rt a degree wisdoc, an innocence the Board of Ilrallh- PhrntrUn tnr TlUtrlr Af of and punty. an 01 uongress. declared mat aituougn tue Ik. OH-A-S- S. religion rOccania No. li'f,A. F. &. A. M will be held at Ever body is busy on things for Christmas. lie ait Makawao. has taken hi rraldi?nm at (h 1mti,r ln J". intensity of feeling and interest, which sugar used on the Pacific Slope is imported from .r FISECE3L, OF MIIAUA Sprcckera of Norton Co.a fclorei and ratablikhed Tele- - made Him a market youth. He was an obedient their hall on King street this Wednesday evening, store at Kahului has been crowded the Hawaiian Inlands free of dot v. vet costs the harln; eon, and yet He 1W His parents it yuvuti. vuniinucitauon wuu ine rariona poinii 01 onii. with a eacrvd Dec l7th, at 7i installation of officers. Ha- from morning to night. consumer more than imported duty-pa- sugar awe. id nesi ln tha vicinity, will attend promptly t all calU, To Be; Or, waiian Lodge No. 2i, F. & A. M.f will also hold costs the consumer in the East. '1 he entire crop eilht r by telephone or by tneaeeagcra. Uenill also vlait Not Te Be, ChriaVa public lib lasted only three years. A , He a meeting at their rooms this evening, at the same Snaniard nn Ifnxta ulanf atim 01 sugar on tue isiauua is uy me mu- - unlend prevented by prureDrlonal enRe-ment-- died in the full bea.ty and vigor coniroiieu Sprwkelavllle Millinery of early manhood, IVa, and The hahnliil onTneartay Leading 01 omcers. uremren, Store iiour insinuation wsiiing age orunaxy ab lrcmau, was thrown from a horse he was riding andTbard4yofeaclineck-,arrivln- : jit at an when men have not reached in cood slaudinc.aro cordialtv invited to attend the suirar to San Francisco and refines it there. at bprcckelsTlUs 9. maturity. He ILith on the 15th inst, and the horse falling on him in- - bvlioclnck. and remaining avr ni"h( tn -- nevi became an old man. citucr 01 tue aoove loages. The entire- suirar business of the Islands and the rrh - hu- His person. His tachings. His work retain, and jureu iuc uiau Kuvertij. oocc.b ai ivanuini. FORT and HOTEL streets. i'aciuc slope is tn opreckeis" nanus. , it was assert roan BAILEY, M. D. Corner always will retail, the brilliance and vigor of The cauoe assigned for the appointment of tho uy rE. OOMFOHTABIiB youth. Other mei's works and Last Tuesday week, . Batchetcr, for many ed mis gentleman irom uaniornu, mat wmie thoughts grow old, manager of the J Irtrtuer to the post of Secretary Spreckels can, because of the treaty, afford to place UKSIUa'CK ON mildewed and ruoidy. Christ's grow fresher and baker in Wailuku was seriously injured. He y Executors Notice to Consisting: of: Assortment of: . tk PU) Z) aaUsH.a mI to ft MftrnvtAUa of the Board of Health was, that Mr. HsRHuiger jean ma uupar uu iuu 1 acme oiupoinaraefcaiapnce -- Creditors. fresher with the ctituries. And yet, unlike other was to to was lower duty-pai- htrvtt. larr aitt Tmr with iwm ' U7. uau on 01 trying jump; on tho .train as it cents than tho nrico of suirar in HUES' A ITOIXTEI) llr. men of His years, Christ combined with the frcth-nea- a to resign account overwork. nat a Castors, Handkerchief Boxes, mu ut u usi u until m the East, ho charges consumer there cent more HAVING of the but mill of J. E. Chamberlain. 21 pes Mcriden kilvcr plate and energy aid originality youth, wis- 1 err capable man tno present incumbent mutt be. fiuiuL; iuu nauuiui. nc of the temporary Uippcd nnd fell, his foot being crushed by the than tho price in the East, so that California, lale olllonolula drccatetl thereby notify all parties pes Meriden silrer plate Cake Baskets. Assortment of Glove Boxes. dom, moderation aid experience of age. as. notwithstanding bis duties as c la Ketate I A VEUT aval C4t W re BrrUa.i Wxse citrK. ue was wen. which oucht to have the benefit of e in holding mi aatntl tbe tald topreitnt the vWa Christ's short Ministry Minister ot Finance, Milk Inspector, etc., he still jy ini nccoania uoing a biher plale Bntter Dishes, Assortment of Writing MilttrUliMlat M TtlLXftt hiMlw. am contains mora from a sugar, coni (Milled to pay 2 cents per pound more tame uuij irricni pie vrimin aix moniua iron uale. 21 pes Meridcn Veil; VV.tsrf DIMM. purely historical mint view, retains the position of Secretary to the "greatest h or incj ac parreu. Hrf CwiUhi. ts KiMt. St of than the longest Ihe skimmings from the mills atSprcckelsville for the Hawaiian Inlands product than residents of iu loreicr Meridcn silver plato Pickle Dishes, Assortment of Work Boxes, UKIm, eu LmL M- - life of the create; and best of men. ia suow on cann, wtuiout a murmur. 40 pes WiUt tW meal It nmt. will in bo run into sea. A good thing tuo rjist pay lor duty-pai-d sugar Irani Cuba, He llunolaln.lHh Goblets, LtMIIA M mm LIX4. a - nant the deocst conncol des- future the for Dccrmber. ftn ixr 6 pc Meriden silver plate Assortment of Ladies Toilet Setj, tit a Ml nth of God. and the li. - Previous to the departure of the steamer, Col. the sanitary condition place, likely also said that by means of tho arrangement with CotUpc ltk Wtnr Mal IkMwx Jl- tiny of the race; t is the ripe fruit of all preced- of the but it is 30 pes Mcriden silver plate Spoon Holders, Assortment of Photograph Albums, ItPBlAU ing ages, ul to n bad effect on fishing. to tne transcontinental railway lines in ruation to llftrlMU. and thefruitf germ of fnture ages; it Spreckels gave a dinner to the Hawaiian in San hao the Fish used freight 011 a. . 3X. 3rt-- 73L 3F" "X", tbe end past, swarni at Maliku, but as noon as the skimmings chorees Westward bound sucar. Snrcck pes Meriden silver plate Assortment of Traveling Necessaries, OXLlLIIU.lhfM.nMlLM ifuy is of axrandleas the center of a Francisco, the affair was a brilliant one. the follow els defies competition from the East, and that his "l of room m ai mmtfk. from Haiku were carried to sea, fish 30" Vases, Assortment of Leather Card in p9 boundless preset, and tho beginning of a bound- ing gentlemen uero present: Low, S. the the left. sugar be bought cheaper pes Meridcn silver plate fates, less Am yet years Gov. Meters. However health in more important than fish; and cut much in Montana future. three short bound his T. Alexander, G. Spreckels, Sunter, W. G. Irwin, and other Territories than iu San FraneUco Mcriden silver date Cons ; ass'tcd, Assortment of Shell Card Cases.. at $W stoat kjuic men require a ine uau wiu nna poiiic more convenient ftntntat, itself. 48 pes Cottar long succession of H. W. Severance, W. H. Dimond. C. Glade, Cob great sugar rnonopoliht seems, to ft XAVXASEA mm VKtiw In tnttnm tnlnil anrl tnnnM 1...- ;- ... J. ibis tberefore, iSdoz Meriden silver plate Napkin lungs, Assortment of hmbroidered School Baga, St Mm hir C H.J add, H. A. P. Carter, J. Tabcr, P.O. Jones, hare control of tho sugar market west itf the Rocky tktTfrMoai (.wtUx to hm, al mmiX lemsof thoughtand O110 of most Mass (.U.S. A.) 1 yt makealastiug Impression on our voiced Boston, Mountains. The Gentleman was askedtf the abro OPTICIAN AND JEWELER 60doz Sleriden silver plato llcsacrt Dpoons, Assortment 01 uauies miming sous, the world. But3hrlst,in three short 3 cars laid ji. rprccaiis, oam l arger, o. u. n uuer. exchanges recently commented on a certain matter gation of tho treaty would benefit tho consumers Forks, Ac, Ac, Ac. Ac., Aa, Ac ftt t raoat i'Ua- - U rrU Jjj ar mtmmiik 4 the fouadationi of a spiritual kingdom, which sugar HAWAIIAN UAZE-IT- I'.L ILLI.NO. tar to a rav4j4 tr stands to this dy, and is every year thus: Whenever Boston rises to speak, Boston of on tho Pacific Slope, and he replied that Uit. extending its Mr. William Austin, a well known and re says. 11 ROTKt domain, and one day possess J. mcauH just what it whether as a crowd or uc was not sure tuat would; it mignt do tuem STREET. HONOLULU, OS lac Carat fiUKU a4 MrMt, a wt the world. an individual. or her well more harm than good. Spreckels could then sell Bcaatlfil Larya Uoqm ta mum II Raata Mark still another contrast between Chri&t spected half cable, met with an accident, by a fall One known citizens La. and and builders, Mr. Chas. S. Strickland, of9Hoyls-to- n his sugar at the pnoo which now prevails there, can be expected, as these Goods tm iUb. tula. A. Ta ! t t the other heroe of History: Ve should naturally from his horse, on the afternoon of the !2d int Bargains have vltaU tor Lotfeiaj. Umm ctr) is, auppose and which resulted in his death 720 p. ra. on Place and 10T IiarrUou Avenue, after minutely and, by a combination, with the Has Received, Per late Importations, that ech an nncommon ncrona(r. t. at railroad could control the ATPCNAIIOt. rrHR.44rt. the same date, 1 he companies, market as he Lmmr t ting up such abounding claims, and proposing the circumstances connected with how to be sold; bring whatever they may bring, bi tMlI; TFfat acrtf mH, ii4Lttdatac, this Mil affair hcems to point to an almost exact the hichent medical talent failed to reticvn does now. Eastern refiners could not affect tbe A Lars d Varied Asoitment ot Thta Itmtn ! lh Rnt4awwo most extraordiary work, would surround himself how bo would so as fvrl rata rtka&a with eitraordmry similarity in the injuries received as in the acci- him, be imptisoncd, months at a racinc market in eituer cue Ion" the railroads dlrrctUrtu ArtcaUa Wl mypH w ptmmm. circumstances, and maintain a time ia a sick Vhambcr, how Last could be induced to tako tha place of a nrohlbitorr . position dents which resulted in the deaths and in the attack G-ood- on account of the want of room. Ttrma rro-i- T far abve the vulgar and degraded multi- of the lamented nearly possible treaty nbould tude We expect irfipt. nope anu 1. uiuinguam. his case appeared hopeless, said: "By tariff. It that if tho be AT KALI III. Mk, fro A aJtMfw around tin, should something inas. sugar 10 Optical to chance I heard of bt. Jacob's Od, applied it, and aurogaieu me price 01 consumers on tne ar mmtmm 4 Qt9 uncommon an striking in his lout, his dress, Eye OU llotsetta4 l real Xtrt his in a few hours was entirely free from pain in Pacific SIopo would be raised, in order to make Glase, frpectaelM bboolinz m. etc ALfiO-W- III ml manner, his ode of favors and rewards to dis- At the regular meeting of Post Geo. W. Do Long, knee, Un .Um rUat La4 aim!ax arm and shoulder. 1 cannot find words to convey good to the monopolist tho duty which he would Leading Millinery HUVEapIemai4BalMlajLrta pense. He waian humble peasant, without Grand Army of the Republic n branch of an - -- At the Store XaMAm friends ue oungeu to pay. O- tha Srt. Iwtrfxa, to aolf tac CtUBL TZtXi. or patrons in the Sanhednn, or ST, Mr mm at tho courts of American institution,) the following gentlemen King 01 XV CHAS. Thrro aaull Ikm mr ttum U Laawi. ltVtajtl r. rueumatum,' El J. FISHEL, tt Herod or He selected bis diannlai fmm verecjecteu as omcers n. BLR. vmxt la a tomj, tr) Tmu TtssaaaM among illiterte fishermen, tot tne ensuing term Oar Hilo Letter. In iiuhl, bllrrr anil Plated Ware and of lhc and promised them no W. Lainc, P.O.; Samuel Nott, S. V. C. ; W. It. iousek ronr'AJO iiurxi.srit. I HAVE A Mm roar LEASE is M m 7 art n reward in thi world, but a part in the bitter cup Lawrence. J. V. C. : Dr. M. Ha?en. P. S. : Dr.N. A Friend of the Treaty, LATEST DESIGNS. Oa Uixtdccp L It Uiix ritit CwtUfTi Itri of his own stf enngs. He HtLo, December 21st, IbttJ. iMaamilfety mt ii. dined with publicans si. umcer 01 me (jreen, lriS)af fl tn mVA w xnerbon, J, We welcome to A. We reg- cfca- - CX-- tUl mm and sinners, without ever condescending to their : o. jucrveasne.iy;uuapiainil : our shores a brother Editor, have showers and genial sunshine. It i IL I aa4s9t aMfarr r low uaanermasTer J. him LOT la I il , ca uarxr.m habits xi manner. He was so poor that He onson, Officer of the Guard; F. L. Clarke, Adju D Bell, Esq., of the &ttt Franci Merchant. Mr. nlar May weather in such a climate as old England. ARRIVAL OF THIRD Pjtl roartlm t a4 sa had no plao to rest his head. He depended for 0oa yV. T Lmt ml) t mmlj w the supply his wants tant. Bell lias done noble work for nt in the columns of ill vegetation seems to grow as rapidly iu Decern' oa Um tttmi BaUav fat $ln. d modest on the chanty of his paper: when other journals refused to grant Watches Tata i a a rtalUairalImty Vfihout science second of ber as in 4une. The mills are all grinding, and the Kactorlea the liU fi mtui friend. and learning, he abed Ihe of the series entertainments which any assistance or even to publish communications Fnm the of Mol ppro WaW - b dUpvd ot pry Va-- floSiiits, more light a thinrs human and divine than all the Honolulu and Heading Koom Associa prospect of a sugar crop is good. IwivBZ pwcaarr philoAophemnd library refutinif the ChronUU libels, Mr. Bell stepped for- ed 31aker. In OoM and Hlvrr. scholars; without Ike eloquence give and Hoard of Tax Appeals 1 1L1TC a a Dathtlsx Lmt ta hm far ytacs. of Li apoke tion intend to took place at the ward both by editorial work and other means, ine has ceased its labors. t af schools such words of life as were manfully defended us. He has ia f Enaaa mi-r- to a mmnp - t ftatt- never spokesiieiore or s rooms of the Association on the evening of tbe 22d also consistently Over 100 cases were heard, and all appeals were aal oafit- since. itnout writing in&L, supported the continuance of the Jteciprocity CURIOS From All Parts of Oceania NEW GOODS, CotUzt tirrvwi. single tine hi set more cens in motion, and fnr. and consUted of readings from Dickens' sustained. The rottenness Denmark has been "Christmas Hon. A. F. Jodd, Miss Treaty. Mr. Bell comes here for rest: we may be in UTIIEK OT11CI Liahwiwfl nUbed more hemes for ncrmons, orations, descrip- - Carols Lottie tLi. mm, a4 Carter, Mrs. K. P. Adams, Mr. A. T. Atkinson and sure that he will meet with a cordial retention exposed, ind the people sustain the right. It has m CALL A N II EXAM IXE M Y STtH'K. UTIlta zmi tflTlKrkU otfrmi aryrcaao. Tviuuica, BWCCt At Bailey's & s uvub, iruvo whim oi an, anil Mr. E. P.Adams were the readers of the eveninr from many who, though till now, personally unac- lifted the veil from the false prophet of Rhorossan, Co.'s Great ItMUtS. ECMICS 40 LM34ICJC; mm ta-- --rr wngs of prose, than the whole army of great EjaoHrraciil tomtom Mmmj mmmmr fear and re- - quainted with him, have known him long by hU WM. O. SMITH, MMlfW men of ancutit and modern times. Horn m a the various selections were satisfactorily and exposed his hideousnesa to the rmblia gaze. aaU tkaa mmy afkn hi Uk-- ,Hy manger, and crucified as a malefactor, He now the best commercial paper published this side We hope for the dawning of a better day, at least Stools. Brolx.or, oeEJUL omcE WO&. vm among of 'o. S9 Merchant II. I V samut aiantu aioneana solitary all the heroes of New ideas to attract the ICocky Mountains competes after the well, will wo say the o Feb. 12th, St HonoUli, ilfnirt hiatorv. Hi itreovnta an iiiooltaMA nmMnm the attention of the public and ably with its of oiucr cstxousnxu nretnren tne jjabi. Sngar PlantAtlon, Railroatl. TolepHone nod J. E. WISEMAX. tuuW e bw our heads, and with the lEoman by means of advertising circulars are constantly in Five vc&bels are now in port the Lil thlt. If-- V IUMKN5E STOCK OP box being brought Htett, Mi na. Ida fkhuauet and a vessel Pmret other Uiirporation stocks. Bonds and nXathiitMMt ivntunon,sy: l tvxr this wis nir or uod; to general notice, many of which, Burial of William Austin from timiljar aeenrities Bonrbt and Sold ifl Real CaUU besides the uniqueness and originality of the pro Sound. Our limited rooin and shabby wharf his Braktr. lfhrjtimmA Jaavat School Examination at Kotuu Uuction present useful and v&InAble information. The obsequies attendant upon tbe interment of been the theatre of business and excitement for a on Commission. Money Loaned I and GaTi Baalaaaa Ac-Mt- few days past , there the miserable on Stock Secnritle &c iueiaiedtoncreii ia one presented by air. Joseph the late William Austi n took place t (he residence ii appropriation Holiday Goods ITS r On Thnnlay last, eceniber ?st, the children K. Wiseman, the real estate broker and of $uOOQ for the Hilo wharf, out of upwards of llonolaln, II. -, October fat, MS. Jl tf attending lie Her. S, H. and Mr. DavU school in general business agent of this city, and contains of the deceased on the afternoon of the 2i(h inst, to Kona, Hkwiii, assembled for their yearly examin the sailing dates of the foreign anq island steam- and was attended by delegates from the Knights made better the condition of the wharf. Our Infonnation Wanted ! asm ,r ers, world's time, fire district. .tr A nratal will of Pythias, Fire Department, Cavalry Guard, and port might as welt belong to or the Fiji Isl- O O xntrfTi ai ation, and! must hare been very pleasing to the obtain one of the circulars for such as have not a platoon of Hit Majesty's Household Troops. ands, for all the good tbe government does for it. ESPECTIC. TIIK AV1IK1SK parents the happy, healthy look of the been supplied. A Largo concourse of People, friends and acnuatn- - An appropriation of $3300 was made by the Legis- II aoonta of my bnaband Mr. McPnAt SE3. vbo DEALERS IN SHOES ! papua, oraeriy ueporunent, ana tenanoes of the deceased, embracing lature of I'vO for the construction of a market waa married tome Irthe Iter. IL If. Parker in th? tner ue belonging members of mouuiorre&marj, 13... aot inronaauon reepecttn; Useful Articles The scholars to Sunday School Tiih which theT had been instructed, the of me ioyai ramny aa wui as tnosc in bummer po- - house at Hilo. Not one dollar of that appropriation blmor bit whrreabonta for the (5) flre years last rod Iteatatiotswcre given by eighteen ofthe children, the Bethel Church, and their parents were present eitions in me were aiM present to witness tue last naa ever oecn expeaueuior me GDiecx indicated; will be ttunkf oily recclTed by bt unhappy wife. pt, TO SELECT'rROM. cominnnciifr with the KleTihinla Indicna ami Af. at a Tery enjoyable Christmas festival held in the sad rites of the funeral. Iter. Mr. Parker eondnct- - but I understand the former administration put It ilAUi Kt'AMOO. Ladies, Mias aal GeMtIaem. ricanus, followed by shorter pieces from the First ed the services, and in his In the Palace. Where will the $3XX) go? hare il on oiain.jJce.icm. Church, on the evening 23d remarks regarding the I and Seocud Headers : and with but a sohtary ex- of the inst. Literary character of the dead man, spoke heard nothing said about the crown jewels the Orders from the Other Islands exercises were held in the Church during of him in hichlr at I ception rut an eriui was made by the little ones. the first eulogistic terms. After the last prayer had been coronation. Who wQI rise to explain F part of the evening, afterwards the assemblage ad- mOMITLrATTEXUEUTO.A.XD 01 wuicn mere were iour, journed saia, tne comn, borne by delegates o: associations Kawahi cave a erand luan on Taeadav. Dee. 10th. ?I to the were4uuisuwaexajuineo. in ueauing, SpeUing, Dictation and vestrr where Santa Clam mad his present, was taken from the house and deposited which, I am told, equalled the wedding of BalLa Ox Teamster appearance and donated gifts right Anlhmetx. with occasional o ,n,i a(w,mmni. and left to the near the vault where laid theremaios of his father. paxque, as far as the abundance of viands were merry n Re- Are Respectfully Solicited. ments 01 the piano by Mis Mary Kalomika, the faced, but juniors. Here the ritual of the Knights of Pythias was gone concerned; but as I was not present, I presume it O freshments were then supplied to all present, after BAILEY 103 O qaiawMi.L fccacncr. 1111s ooara- - inrougu wiinanu at tne ciose me oooy was depos uu wci huu iu iuuw vngageu in ii,a,nu every WAISTTED. 78 J. CO, Toil S.i'. mr acnocl for nrl baa lieen mj.. ,. w&icn tne icsuvai enaeu, me occasion navug been ited in the vault. The Household Troona then person came away happy. .1U.Ul'iJCr.illhl most one xor young ana 1 IIIOU All uttKM u. meet of Hr. and Mrs. Davis for several years, and joyous win old. fired three volleys over the grave, and the Urge There is but 4tUe busines 14 the Police Court, X WAGES, iUalr lob rill be im In tfr nim cm"; fatal rffse bdaa for their careful assemblage departed leaving the dead Tjjth excrat ft few cases of assault and batterr and de Uble tnd eiprtimlul l;olljrk Urirvr. surcrribion of Prizes to the amount of $30 were distributed the tt -- the ctnLLtnt the attention to their health, and the dead and in its Last long steep. serting bound service. Not a drunk sine the 1st Apr)Tlo L. A. ANDREWS. WILLIAMS ft GO, SX0390X.X7X.XT among JIHI. J. luwfTOSLocaa wiui wiuu, uey are tauiit. the Sblar3 of Fort Street School on Fri The deceased' wa4 highly respected by all who oz uctooer. 1 ne new liquor law works welh. Klllllll . Principal "enabled" k.w, Xail SO. 103 FORT STIIECT. day lash The waa to do this knew him, and his sudden Uking off will be a loss IlonoUI. ipih LEWEB3 A COOKE. BUCXSJHTHW6, CMMME Carp Raising Success on Hawaii through the liberality of Mr. Hobert Lewers: who not easily replaced in the circle he was wont to Chrlatmaa Services at Fort Street Church, gave the money good make clad bv his nresenee. He learea a vifn and Leading PHOTOGRAPHERS of Honolulu. KcXXTHitTX, UUUKCA, DeC &d as an incentive to behavior and sound scholarship. Two prizes were given a large circle of friends to mourn his sudden de The Christmas service at Fort Street Church on cfc in parture. XRS. W. M0RUBTV, TEACHER Holllster Co Ettna Giirm. Some eighteen months im. each room : the recipients were Annie Perry, Sunday were most interesting, the choral service WOSE miSIIED IX Xaoim St tiki On Fort A Htrtkut .u ta Dr. Trousaeas imported a lot of carps, which Edmund HartVOito Zintaro, Hattie Brown, Leta St. Andrew's. at both the morning and everting meetings being were placeU in one of the reservoirs of the Wilder, Zaida Cnnha. Willow Baldwin, Chas. Gur-ne- Water Colors Crayon. Pacific MoUy the moat effective ever rendered or; a like oocaaion Frencli. X0TICE ! y Slay Ward, Atkinson, Leslie Scott, Christmas services were held in natire and Eng Sugar Mill Company, some of the carps Lucy in this city. Tbe church was beautifully decor IUlLuu India Ink, or Oil. T. K wmmXt HMMM were Ward. The effect coon the school, of the lish Andrew's ' AOJOUIENKD-Ml-IETIN- taken out rueAAricg U to 18 inches in length promise naa very gooa. at St Tha church Photo. Colored Jec AX .ii wyaghiag ot tnese prizes, been ated. The moraine exercises were devoted ia the AT RUxVWta. WAIHEZ (COAX Bge-Sfciri- and from 2W to 3 Iba each. These were had been vtxy tatefqjly dtoarated, with kaHl, feres Koic COMPAXy. .( U. Qtrriiat MMiat; aM Instruction of the Sunday school children who . k!4 it tAlr OSUeU Xi.I. ra Tne Ancient Ordsr of Kantexs gays their first and flowers, which in this cocntry take the place were arrangtd a and The ObIjt Complete Collection of T.rtdJj-- 5ch. 18- -, numbers of yotng fiih have Wn observed at in body in front of the pulpit. bfcok, U. fUrl.x rtk. pairias;, Mki varions tiojes anniversary ball at tka New iltuic liaU on the of the traditional holly, A number of the familiar Tha Christmas carols were sung in a hearty man- n.d.i7,kctRli Wk i(Iwt (swimming on th snrfaDe of the Christmaa hymns were sung. toe Island Tlevrn, evening IXXh in-- The 7 was ner, tha singing being led by Prof essox larndlay T. S. HA . tswtwxi iroia one to f inches in lenctn. It is of the U The attendant was not compoaea Ho. 235 Bretnl St. (9 .hnUnl nocfnl that t)ui Kiuvwe r rt. Euns to music ny Mr. wray Taylor. and the choir. Pastor Crozan then gave a brief rem, Shells, c. n. jikr...... vut-rmiu- t.ZIT as large aj was hoped for, the waaihsr tending in The Kev. A. Mackintosh preached. His V.U. . . eauvi following up by a Majesty, sermon from Luke 2J1, iUostratinz the same with 8AXTS, IX BOXES OK Inrt...... Tm.M'f o others in the same great degree to keep away many who had accamrjanied br tha DeontT Chamberlain nd llu the aid of a blackboard. In tha evening the prSOJI Curiosities, r. K. W ntsun.... Hui noxrr onus ash wrrx ks. itr tickets. Those who were thus thoroughly Ex. W. M. Gibson, were among the cmgreaUc2L church was thronged. The nnuicJ services were : S IV. rtmiAX. ttcnurz. vx a cau.

...1. nlmrtOmA&Sn . ... jfflcrchatiiiit. many American goods are admitted free of duty general trthsndise. nirrl JflrTtluniiir. (genrral this prosperity on their port means more business Qjtntrat titjiandist. wmwn azettt for our merchants, manufacturerj. and farmers. i ne people- ox ice Hawaiian manas aerate ix res almost exclusively to the cultivation of un-- C. BREWER & CO WEDXESDAY, DECEMBEH 27, 16S2. gar cane. As their land is more valuable for this "PioneiBr" Line --.riff IrJS purpose than any other, ther raise nothing in the MerTy way of hay and feed. The result is they depend upon our farmers for erery pound of hay, barley, FROM LIVERPOOL. Offer for Sale the Cargo of the A STOBT TOR TUT. TJTTLB OXEA bran, corn, and oats that they need for their stock. Daring the year 1SS1, thonsantla of bales of hay, Ms&ky ChbistmasI Dear, crand old &ier and millions of pounds of barley, bran, corn, and ry Christinas, with iU good ihinpB to eat, oats, together with hundreds of e cattle, Furness horsed sheep and bog were shipped to the islands arm nne new ciotnea, candies and toji, bops from San Francisco, thus an additional and grow- and palls, ana dooks and dolls, and nngio; ing market has been created for the productions liappT carols merrT. merrr Lnnstroasl oi our rancnes. war lumper aeaiers must appre- Abbey, ETerjbodj is merrj', his and little; and ciate this market, if the millions of feet of rough aDd and dressed amber, and large quantities of floor- everjthing, the cat, dog, and canary, even m m at i . y mi 1 1 r ww UIMTn tTT W,WAV . ing, laths, shingles, pickets, and redwood posts m jm .i wi ii s v.1 the dampy little brown sparrows that hop being there are a criterion. Our jobbers ti ii at a u i it j across the gutter to jour window for the of dry goods, lioots and shoes, iron and hardware, V MS II - i IB STIV I I moIM lw s a, d. crnmbs of Christmas cake you even groceries and provisions, and of other lines of C r scatter 1 - W Mt fif E I V Matches, they, wag their wise little round heads while coods, feet the effects of tho treaty in Increased It 11111 BM PLASTEB, oraers irom tne mercaanis mere. F.nnfn Boilm. EEtT torn one eye op to you and one down to m for Odd lue. they With the GtATtirnr of new plantations come or. mi bi lv . nw mm w r im the crumbs as mnch aa to say, "0 yes, wo ders for of which our machine know what this is all about." shops hare furnished over one million dollars FRANKLIN STOVE 187C nivipfi AMERICAN WATCH CO., COAL! You hung up your stockings of coarse; not worth eince Some has if. nn imported Glasgow manu- u by a great open e, as. we grown-u- p been from Scotland, ma factory is represented there by a resident agent. mil A'-cxXtl- people used to do. Grandma can tell i iUi Hi VI m m i m a www m wt tr s i i mr i TJ. Hair Mattresses, jon woo is nivays reaay io uraw pians nnu ritc esti- am. Mass S. about those thincs: bow old Santa Clans it as mates of the machinery nut up on the plantation. come This also mves verv liberal terras wsv FOR SALE Double and Single saia lo down uie chimney firm in the OFFER am -- jw m m st of credit to reliable parties. Thift of itself is of ' wt i yai tt i ' ' wiia ins jour remueer, ana now fie crammed ! i Awarded Bl of ExcUior. the stockings of good children with beautiful great cniuuueraiion u uie planter just siAning, as GOLD Medal sugsr-mi- Cargoes it costs him about as much for a as it From the r .n i thine, sweetmeat and tors, and stuck t. . '. irrauL dii to th American onlr a does the Hirer-min- for his quartz-mil- l. Other Wit hn .;!thai i n.iiiMf ukI rrrmTtT in their Ttce are aemu- - great whip in the stockings of the bad boys items, swelling the imports from Great ltritain or mr. r. rvi ' if-. ad rtmb.ea'lott and a!TrBimt NESTS OF TRUNKS lMk 'i hr:io and girls. which nre not quite h of the total imports - - lfWl tramway, Jw, f r- MI ITU, I uinniii SECOND nAXD If grandma told you snch a story, you for the year are the portable with t. IetffBftUnsl Exhibition laughed, its locomotives and cars, and the steaia plow. An "OBERON," just as much as if it were not a agent of the manufacturer of these articles has Bk e, and hung up your stocking by vifuted the different plantations, and as their nse AND AWARDED FIRST-CLAS-S COLD MEDAL. ! the stoTe grate or register, or radiator, io a effects r great saving over tioth in tbo ... S pi tee where you like to sit, for somehow it tranRportion of the sugar-can- e to the mill and In preparation of the ground for planting, they bare The. Only Gold STedal: also, Two Special and SAFE! Good Orfrr &od t Extiraclj Low Pncf t. seems best to hang a Christmas Mocking in a many Other recent Vessels been adopted by of tbe planters. nice cosy place. Another gratifyitiK feature of the treaty it the the rouowixo for Watches. Washington Chairs, lou know ol course that crandroa a nueer manner In which it has benefited our Pour Pirst Prizes story about Santa Clans and his reindeer are Intercut. IntbeycAr 187G there were two regular dn- li.'.Ti.ili'vn Eili bitton i orami Men tn (he jusl pleasant lancies; imt must have lines of sailing vessels engaged in the IMand trade. DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING LI VT IIE of Merit children Now there are fire lines of sailing vessels and two AMMLEH li stones, particularly on so I Frazer's Christmas: will lines oi steamers, not including lumber vestwn Prints of latest styles, fast colors ; tell you now, abont The Vrnv Turn Cirn w- - Railing from Humboldt Ilay, Coon Kit, and lnget Illue Denims, White Crodon Sheeting MAS. Sound. In the trade there was for- Long Cloth!., Brown Linen Drills merly only one oteamer, where now ten steamers llorrock's Did you ever wonder nhv noonlo trie more Tore Linens, Moleskins, cttu m u are several Worthtens Watches Axle ana presents arerimnu. All tbe additional tonnaro was built there witer on llinstmai tlian at an? on this rojut, by our 'there ii also Blue and White Check Listados, other time? Why Christmas comes only once a line of sailing Teasel from New York and Hus Fancy Dress Goods, Fancy Tlaids, a year? whether there are any people who do ton to Jionomiu. iwo inagmncem iron steamers, Russia Crash, Scarfs, Ties, Cravats, tne increasing traue ron ew Goods by Grease, cot have Christmas? whether there was eer for rapidly between Crochets and Fancy Work, Iate Arrivals being time when there was no Christmas and, Honolulu, nre built bv Crumn A A ot riiiladclphia, Towel ings and Towels, Agent for the Hawaiian Islands. CHOICE SELECTION OF finally, why you Sons, at a cost of one million FROM SAN FRANCISCO, Christmas comes at all? If dollars. The carrying trade between the Hawa- Men's White and Brown Cotton Half-Hos-e, will listen to my "old. old story, ycu will iian Inland and the United States, being princi- Ladies Hose, Men's Beady made Clothing, know all about these things, for the story is pally done in American bottoms, is another source India Rubber Coats, Caps and Leggings, NEW YORK & ENGLAND, as true as it is old. It will be about tho tcry of rerenne to American capital. Marine insur- Carriages, ant and the furnishint; of shin's stores al. Regatta and woollen Shirts, first Christmas, and tho very first Christinas yield their share of profit. Bluo and Grey Horse Blankets, rrc6cnts, and tho very first little boy jcs,a io buow tue lucreohr ut cuuiinerce, kuico ine Whito Cotton Blankets, was tho very first one in tlio Adoption ot tbe treaty, between the Hawaiian Woollen Blankets, all colors, sizes and Received by Castle & Cooke world to present. So you 1 Aland 4 and the United States, it is only necessary rPha3tons, get a Christmas ice departures . weights; children, little children, Christmas lclongf to to stato that the arrival and at San ALSO. TO ARRIVE BY VESSELS DUE Fronciflco from and to the Inlands in the year 1S7G, Woollen, and Canton Flannels, FROM ABOVE PORTS, AND you more than to any ono cldc. number jdnety ; while for tbe first ten months of Velvet and Tapestry Carpetings, present THE STORY. the rear theT number two handrednnil Velvet and Tapestry Rugs, Carpets and BasKet ITops thirty two. The weal thy Islanders spend much of To kje Sox.1) IiOIVjEST England Mats, 1IATBS Diflcrrnt Sljlrs, Away beyond the seas beyond tnetr money in America, asiney xrequeutiy visit at Italy and Turkey where the skies are hlncr San Francico and other cities of our country. Sugar 1I.U.S 20x30, Coal HAUS and the shine and than Oar railroads, hotels nnd retail merchants profit GOODS stsrs larger brighter purchases they do here, it was pleasant summer wcatlici thrrtbv. Manv of their beini? carried Largo and Small. awny as personal ejects do not figure in our cus- - when beautiful the first Christmas came. The biaiuucs. JiiuiT tu mcir cuuuxen are Suitable for Plantations, Country stars looked down on the grassy hillsides, and etiucnu-- :auur schools, isor are theso the only Eice Bags, Prime IQuality Stores Carry-All- s, saw not only rosea of Sharon and lilies of the benefits that our people receive from thotredtr. Treaty valley, of beautiful white Tho Kcciprocity has opened an outlet at Heavy and Light ISnrlapa anil Twine, Or FAMILIES. Orders Filled at SatN-iactto- n tot many flocks Hawaiian Islands Shortest Xotlreaml with sheep pastures. tbe for American capital and lying fast asleep on the green Tt.oi-- hoi t.U . I.. f I muth-er- Mr to Attention is lirunnell Top Buggies The little lambs, coddled close to their s. tion thither from lnthe United States. American ! rrrliaers. Called to Our were not all afraid of the wolves, for tho lawyers and doctors are to be found there practic- SADDLERY shepherds un of doors, ing their professions. The schools, which are ALSO. rood sat all nisut. out A Full Assortment of alcove, care of numerous, re uueu wan American teachers. and watched the stars and took Americans who have Improved started in business hare Paris " the flocks below. been Rucccssrul, and American mechanics hare THE OSLY OEXUIXE PARIS TLOW. MADE OF TOI.I.H1IED CASTPLOWSTEEL. EDWARD MAY,' Theso shepherds Ioed the stars, studied found lucratiTcemnlovment in their vnrfnna Mil. GENT'S SADDLES tqn.l,lt .t n, Meel Ure.kliisno. In lb.M.iket. X leVwK " ings. In fact, them, named them, and knew more about thcra American influence predominates IIorM Hoe. Pl.l.etJr. Can. Knlre. ,n..U nriu,.f . "J . - Yellow Also a few very nico t. Cair SltU), IS. ooncr. than any one else. On this night of all niclite, ju uuiciai, iuviuuiim',nnunewRpapcrs circles, lne .Me nd Ilek IMck, Ad,e. Aim bSidleV; prime minister of the Kingdom, Jlaltk. llt, o. ud .tiee .KSivSi? " .Kfft otCompofltloa Nail. wliilo they sat un into the clear, deep the judges of the Le.lherBell ,.s,?l13lMh, bet1ulllr: 1JU R.bber .121 llSZot cazinr supreme court, and many other government LADIES' ! bone and mnleeuu. 1' rot;e.;ll.,tVlltaroVri7 blue sky. gloriously spane lea wuu I lie twins- ofiicers arc. Americans. The great increase SADDLES u.pctoii.iid Asbevto. Me.nt I.ektn?. lwi KL.t KobtJi 77. . . . in the IlibbrtJIeUI, and st.. ! lin?. borninc stars, suddenly there shone sugar crop daring the iiast few years has Ucr.Li.Uier Uclnse, India Rubber Sleara raeklur.roo.iaI .id . 11 Groecrers' TVacoiis been due Saddle Cloths, Bridles, Sic ript: do.. above and around them a wonderful light that to tho investment of American capital, which has .Vicblntrj Oil,: lant.caitor and eillider; Krai. 'rHit OH. made the night than the day. yielded handsome returns. of the "Wagons, Iwgmer plantations are owned by GALVANIZED DISSTOITS CELEBRATED SAWS AND FILES, ALL SIZES Democrat snepherus were very irigiitcncu. Americans and thoce lue inucu who are in accord with American ideas. Thus it suppose they thought the world about ! I w&s will be seen that the greater portion of the pres- CORRUGATED ROOFING, Hand Carts, and Ox Carts to come to an end: and wiiilo they were in ent prosperity of. the Hawaiian Islands Is enjoyed In 6,7,S. and 9 ft. lrnrrlh (31 gnagc), Screws v : A great distress as to whether they should try or our cuuuujuiru wuu nave inyestea or settled a i.i. u no i: Much money and Wahrrs to match. ti to escape tueir lives or an angel there. of tho made by theso people lor remain, finds its way back to America for inretmpnt nml Latest Improvements in Shelf Hardware Goods are in an Excellent came iioauogdown through the dazzling light, contributes its share II L Oil, Very Low to our revenues, Tbe writer Roofing llubbork'. at IUtc, Hubbnek'. Whit. and Red Ltad., ZUC, Small Palnu In Oil mi near uicv wuiu wear iuc music 01 ilia voire. made the acquaintance of an old resident of the Slates Fcnco Wire, Xos, 5, C, 7, and Stanlen, Condition, And the angel said to them. 'Tear not: for I islands, nn LnglUhman by birth, on his way com- bring you good tidings of great joy, which ing from Honolulu. This gentleman told him Ami nill be SOI U V1W, In Clo-- e Cnl;n. shall be to all people. that he had invested considerable monev in im- DFS.T2" For to yon is born this 1 3S 3D JOHN NTOTT. proved real estate nt Cedar Lipid, Iowa. In S T day in the city David, I. of a Saviour." making a journey overland he had passed through Dculm, Band Vox. Tickins". AC A. D and 11 Uleached and UnbleachedGOODS!Cotton. RnaU Diaper, s v. nunven a co me snepucrus did not see mm come, but that place, and was much pleased with its appear- BolU and Spikes complete. ltrown and Pleached Drill, Llocu Sheet lor. Moqqlio Lace Net, Bine and Scarlet FlaoncL Buauemy mere were ance. Ho thought it had a fntnrn nml no ha A Fine A sort mint ot Whiti Flan el Also, At ike Old Stand, No. 8 with this angel thousands Fire Portland Cement, Kaahumanu Street, and thousands of other angels, filling with desired to make an investment in some growing Itrlck, WILDER ctiy ui me uiiiitu oiaics, on nis return ne stopped Klrc-naj- Whiting, Chalk, & CO. light all tho space from the highest star of tho there and made, tho purchase alluded to. ihe STAPLE GROCERIES, Golden Gate, Star Superfine Flour night down to the very hill. tons, verv much profits realized by the American people from all Yellow Oelire Importers and Dealers in as Jacob saw them in his dream, on the great these sources will almost offset the long of revenue Columbia Klrrr Salmon, llajo Dean. Alpo, c alitbrala Lime, rortland and Ilfdraolle Cement. TUT, GOPPES & SHEET IRON WORKER stairway sustained by the Government through the opera- English, that reached from earth to heaven. I treaty. Hawaiian, and imagine their white tion of the Etcu were thit not ihn mc Oil We Offer THE PAT. ACE, that robes seemed new our Government could well to For Kerosene and Guarantee and shining like afford pay for silver in the son; and that ."vmeiinu. nupitiuncj on mesa isianus. American Ensigns, each had a star on his forehead and a harp in The Hawaiian Islands, on ncoonnt of their it cannot be beat for quality or price; also, thk LUMBER nre to 3, 5, and 7 yards lengths. PiUMBING, in alljitsbranches ; his hand; but I know that they all sang a ticu, destined play an important part In the VXJXCATf, AMI Christmas carol; tho first, jiuure commerce ui me l'ncinc upon me com- a good oil and above test: best, grandest pletion of either of the Inthmntmnnla. thAvwtll Vyunauuag sung. Liverpool Salt & Rock caroi ever lie in tho direct route from. China to our Atlantic Salt, "Well Pipe, sizes; I bone with von some dav la hoar, itprhnns Kcauoaru nnu WOODWARD & BROWN'S CELEBRATED Artesian all ! ine maratime nation that Dcmijons, 1, 2, 3, 1 aud 5 gallons each. PIANOS! BUILDING MATERIALS help the angels to sing it "filory to f!od in then controls them will bold the key to the entire comme Galvanized Buckets, Tuba, Basins, etc., the highest, and on react?, and food-wi- rce of tho Pacific. The Kanaka race is fast The I'lukiiejit (!ood Piano; Xew Haven Organ earth ll fading nway. Crockery, Iron Bedsteads. Co.'s Parlor Orcans. towards men." The sweetest When Captain Cook Wted theso II' Al l. KI.M. earthly music is Mauds in tho year 177t, there were over that of hundreds of four STOVES AND RANGES little children together hundred thousand people upon them. It is doubt- - ZINCS, PAINTS AND BOILED OILS, singing Christmas carols. Think of the mi ii me natives number lorty ihousand now, r nay - M.. - I --.,.- , 1 .ae. I'juza. ILtv C jctcst. Grand IMxc, glorious light, the open tho peaceful hill iue iHuoi tar instant wnen tuis race will be Worcestershire Sauce, Groceries, & CO., 5 JUST RECEIVED air, come ILc I. v - Ifr Jt Anrt IIahtS. aIazm ChATier, I5ack. sides, the clear, still, summer nichL and extinct: n. If our Runremnrv in m.iintiin. NEW GOODS! - iwrr ed, will 'MBr-f- c A !. 1 s i aTjcz V3tN in: Iff, In jJ and lAandnr Motm, the Hawaiian Islands naturally become an Bnglish Leather Boiling, from 3'to 10 in., If. :fmt tX, thousands of whito robed angels singiDg "y' i i:x their American colony. With the exceeding fertl lity. of superior, Christmas carolsl Think of all this when you its soil and its .healthy climate, it is the best sugar ing yours. country in the world, and here, if our government Topsail Sheet Chains, "Admiralty Test OFFER FOR SME Osiv&izSzed sizes, on Iti en tho angels went back into heater, tak continue Its present policy, will the homes of Sizes, -- io, DILLINGHAM & GO Iron Vater Pipe, all and laid at LATE ARRIVALS ! ing the light .AlUfllCi.lUi. great with them, and there were 1th the abrogation the treatv. only of nil Tin Pollowini; .Mcrcliandisp just the blue sky and tho stars above, and the tages gained through it will, of coarse. ce.iie. And TKO TO AOUXCXTIIATTlIKY lowesiRaies: Cast Iron and read Soil Pipe, bEYEKAL flocks and flowers Mow, jnst as they wore does any one imagine that, if tbe Eastern sugar FLOOR OILCLOTHS, D are now openlor a Splendid Aniortment of Good refiners should succeed In their efforts to abrogate lU'CCiVea PCI" from New York and Enjland. tonhlrh they rer reci ueiorc. tal Invite the attention of buyer. Tb Gooda harla w me prrrient treaty, mai our sugar woniu COStUS j Wheu tho anircls ere "on?, the fchetiherds been bought for tah at tho lowe prices rollna b D less? It is diSlcult to understand how theresnmp-- BToiise aiiMnds; ARGEAHD CARGOES looked at one another io amazement and said, to the recent adrancc ar oliered npoo exepllon Fimsing1 Goods, tiuu ot uuuen iMi iinwaiian sngars can reuuee tne 1 farorable term. Special ateatlon la called t "Eet us now go to Uethlchcm, and sec what price of the refined Article. Thtscanonly be done WINES AND LIQUORS AsCtjXmw rTafTiyi ' pass thronch comnelint? refineries. Tbe refin A. THFJK MM -- KU3 XI lias come to there. J euli linss of flil. Ui .tI'l They knew all almut "the City of David" of ers, instead of seeking to abolish tho Ilawaiian s - treaty, siiouia uirect their efforts m extending VTZ ! fVM. m a-- - . mn- - nau this AND TO ARfflYE PBK AUHICrLTl'HAL DIl'LEJIEXTS laMf til Mrl Slbf ud IV1, Knunrkd Vuli Minds wiiitii uie iirai angci spoKen. incy nau BjBiera oi reciprocny to aieiieo, uentrai America, eipected that God would send them a mighty the West Indies, ltrazil, and to the other sugar 'Tig Brand" Stout, in pints and quarts; TlIKIlt J king, who would livo in a bcatitifnl palace, producing countries of thin continent. Shonld Guinness Stout, such a system established Blood & Wolf Ale, pints and 5 DBroEtlatirxBT surrounded with gardens and trees and s, with these countries. cs quarts; Plows, COUrjlltilNG and would the direct result would the same benefits to our Bass' Ale, in pints and quarts Mad. upon the .UKXetUcn. mt Hir.r riviere, bate Chaiideliers, ILamps, that he drive out the hateful STMR. HANSA been pronounced competent Lanterns commerce, oidy on a more extended scale, that Palo Ale, in pints and bj jmte. to be lb. noraan king and make the country clorious have been eiperienced since the adoption of the India quarts: ILL THE USUAL and them rich; instead of angels Belfast Ginger Ale, STOCK SIZES but this these tiitw.tu.iu j.ecjprucuy jrcaiy. rortue 3 ear imi Sntrogost, Easiest Handled, -r- - had come our imports from the Fine French Brandies, in bulk and cases; NOW FULLY DUE: eT-re-r.-T- i t T--r tobrinir them word of a little Hawaiian Islands amounted 1800. IN child. If, instead of angels. God bad sent a to $.",!iM.7yO, and our exports to &V71i&i For Ilcnncssy a Brandy, in cases And nioet effeetlre Breaker erer lnroduc.4 Into IM. fiscal SO, " suepuera the year ending Jane lml, our imports UIil loin. Cheap 11 randy in cases, nurkcL SCAKTLING. like themselves to tell them that tho from Cuba amounted to fC5.C47.007, and our ex Cases, 0, 7, 8 aud feet, Lest English Corru- great king they expected was a little babv ports to onlr 12J.'.3.a.9. From ltrazil nnr inirwirta Cases Scotch and Irish Whiskies. gated ItoefiDg, Galvanized Jtidsing for FULL LINES OF MOLHE PLOWS, TlilBEE. PLANK, BOARDS, ooy, i do not think they would havo raid amounted to 78.1,406, and our exports to only Duplcssis Red Bar " and other Fine same. W. Itrnvil Fnrrow Flow, aeveral ilaea aid atjlea; J. llAdnurexmrta to Pnlin nn.l Clarets cases, ROBERTSON & much in Co. attention to his story: but now they litis, llcst Knslish VortlanJ Cement. Oaba Xugu Plowt, ldo 11111 FEKCIKO AHD lKrne tho same proportion to the imports Jowi. PICKI1S knew it must bo a wonderful child to ho sung that the Best Sherry, in bulk and cases; IMls. Annealed Fencing Wire, Kos. 1, 5, Doable and Ultvzle bhorel floti. exports to the Hawaiian Islands did to tho imports best ffnboll Flown, buoui uy angeis, anu co mey nurned away to Champagne in quarts and pints. and 0, andTelrrriph Flowa. 4e. moraine 01 oar suipmcnts to uuua would naTe Harrow V find him. leavincr their sheen in the fields. Sl,OnatU)0. English Galvanized Wire of different patlenia. IncUlos the Traraas OIV Iteen about and to lirazil about f IMls. best Fencing Talent Harrow, which haa met iQcb LSO. HANI) When they reached the city a gain of millions of dollars, equivalent tlth. sen. thev found it Powell Duffryn Steam Coal os. 5 and 0, era! fafor dnrlnj the preajit teaaoa, Imponing and Manufacturing Stationers, A Host Complete Stock of crowded with people from the country, for tho to half the bullion product of the United States for Coils Galvanized Wire Kopc, all sizes, &c &c' &c. &e. A. icoman King had made an the people come Ui view of the threatened a portion Hales Genuine Twilled, CULTIVATOltS, 1I0KSC HOES, c. there lass of laroe to pay their taxes, and tto hotels and all of their Oregon and Mexican trade, through SO TI1EO. DAVIES A Ataortneii Book-Binde- rs A FINE ASSORTMENT OF WALL the It, t'O A Larse Publishers, Printers, and PAPER tho bouses were so full that the baby's father near completion 01 otner rail- and mother had to stay in a barn whero tho roads, it behooves the merchants of Kan Francisco I.I A, oxen ana cows ana sheep was to see to it that our present growing commercial 1 btntnn Puller, dm. Urw.V mri.i.Uo hj. led. It such relations w itli tho Hawaiian nice weather they did Islands are extended. GREAT ADDITIONS (Or whlcu there is a number of worllilcss KAILS, LOCKS not mind staying there, Although the present treaty has been of great ben-- and the manger made a cradle for their baby. eni 10 our mercnants mere 13 room zor improve- ! C S Cart and teiag. Ax)e XEWiS who was ment. All goods TO OUR FORMER STOCK, ii!' I',nTsoi)b comfortably wrapped up just liko American are not admitted into I&Xt-- DEALERS! BUTTS, HINGES,, Tor Fudder Cnttera, Com Mill any oilier the Hawaiian Islands free of doty. A considerable Celebrated Hags, and llie great demanda i. Ito.lnj XIII. baby in long twaddling clothes. Important Uatdrn and Canat Uama . Otdest, Largest, ancCChcapcsCStationcry Establish-KHme- nt must have number of articles are excepted, nnon Ex Suez, Kalakaua & City of Sydney, them from tho planters has induced some BOLTS. There been a good many babies in which a duty U SCREWS. Etc the collected. Among them are beer, roanufactarers and their azenU to net up a In thcCKinpdom. Kccpfconstantly city, I do not know how the shepherds fancy ware, ready-mad-e onlhand. metal carriages, clothing, cheap imitation STUDEBAKER. WXCON6, found the right one, unless a star went before crocKery anu giasgware, urugs, furni- of them. mem as it did be lore some other visitors 1 ture, hats and cans, iewelrv. milliner mods, tin With se&nlna Concord Axle Mil to trfto tb. Upon pres- ! will tell YOU of: but they found him. and when ware and wines. tbe expiration of the capacltr on hand. PHLLtV OIV treaty, 1 Axl Urease. i LARGE Assortment of STATION EiKY BEOWOOD they had ent a new one should be made, more liberal A Fine Assoifmt. ol' Crockery seen him, they went all about tho in its provisions toward the United States, in which Siautling; I'lank, Barface and rough city telling everyone about the light and the tbe Hawaiian Government should agree to admit Ship Chandlery & Ship Stores LUBRICATING OILS A SPECIALTY. angels, and what the angels all American goods free of duty, and also to make i"Or JUJ SoacripUOns. had said and sung; (iroccr-ic- tariff conformable to ours on all roods from A Splendid lot of English aud Frcnclt n, Albany Cj Under OIL, Conpuand nd Cvpt. Boards, surfaced and rough ; Baltena, and everybody wondered, and the whole citv its Ma, other countries. The benefits derived from the Cortlaje, Hemp Mm Cotton PucV, (particnlars will be civen on arrival ritVctn, Lattice, was full of tho talk, for they knew these p- 1'Ui Flax ball Twine. Ilceawax. Iiutic, Clarboard. she- present itea profit y Treaty would then be Increas- CinT. of tbo Steaunuip " Hanaa." ALSO ucrus were men. think even the It lock.. Oari.SIuSlft; Miackte Our Subscription iruimut l ed, as the concessions on the part of the Hawaiian Pair of Oalsnra. MooitS toil Tlilmblc. Club Block, A small invoice of beautiful Irish Linen Dam- - KEROSENE blL. In baby s mother was would Departni't surprised their story, Government give us entire trade of Miatch IIIncL, Iron Mrap Illocki, How Locki, at tbe tbe asli, Sheetings, and Cambric Handtcr- - Iu 'Imuiium to roll, of tbe farorlte though she knew her bov was a wonderful in hub, msieau 01 ns nt present. Matt lJ(d, Mnaluie and Patent Ilnihln, ELjCTBIC brand ' rn Sut. III , thieves. f ltd. tlzea: block holm Tar, chiefs, direct from Itclfast.Ircland. I i n r Ed ), ALMI.IKT boy. She did not say much, but was never ' li ii j apt r tti a Plica, Coal Tar. Tar Oil, A small invoico of tired of thinking it over. The shenherds went ALL PERSONS SEEKING EMPLOYMENT nrtgbt Yarnl ih, DUck YarnUh. thoico WATER COLOItS, ICEROSENE OH. STOVES Fant and Whitewash Wlte . Marline, by Celebrated . (Brushes, back to their flocks "glorifying and praising lUln-- Artists. reat variety XI) ATiTj PA1ITIES ITHKIl IX Seizins Ilonaellae, IUtlln, Also, to arrive by Vessel now loading at Mm.lhln,: pracUc.l a.le.tlrel, new. "inn: i.uai), God, because they had seen and heard every- A llonoiHtk at any of the IrUndi In tbe Oroip bpunyarn, Canlklnj; Ironf , Cupper Tack, thing just as the angels had said. Iron Tack. Connrrtias LI tiki, Marlin plkef , ! k IIITi:7I.MT. Caolklnz Mallet. Mi fcl HOopi, l""9Su: English and American Oils m-i- Presents? In Painand w ipitmemt: Oycs. I do not know whether Want of Employocs Hand bkra, Pitcb Mop. Tar Prnthc( ic ic- - iras Cast-iro- ! ralnt and ii m the shepherds brought presents or. not: thev Will nlram miVe their want Lnown to the notler. A n Vacuum Pan Wbltcwaib, i came away in such a hurry I prcsumo they lffiied, whonlllUoallln their power to All their orderi "Wc Make Description ERRV All Books, METALLIC AND OTHER "1 7ALE1T1NE"S Blank PAINTS did not; but the little boy hai other visitors. P. C JONES. Jr. Paints and Paint Oil 0 feet in diam. by 7 feet deep, AND - . i v - f3 It.,., Bva. E, L. Bt., Some very J. It. ATHEltTON. Employment Committee ROS. V .is Vt.'H.4. wise men who lived in the far, far Tt. DILUNUHAM. J V. il. U. A. 5i kit tm A Fall AltortmeDt of AH Kind and Colon ; ABNBHES. Class. 1 east, in the country where the beautiful garden Pacific A Ttnbber Paint, new lot. Including all the I Vacuum Pumping Engine, 1 l.inch Cylinder ITLL LINE. of Eden was, came to him. They also Salt, visit OOJLLISTER& CO'S varlottacoloMi and stroke. Knbber Ubrden lloee. Eureka CottonIIiec studied tho and one saw a b ucu stars, night they 3 Wrought-Iro- n Tanks, each 1,000 gallons "ombj icia;. Firewood. new one that kert moving towards the west. ! I'ump.kd Hxdraulle ltam., HavingaFirst Class GINGER AXE, E3 capacity. Ponder. Sbut and c.n. Ruling Machine and they partly knew what it meant, and fol- - S BRUSH I'enell, 1 Wrought-Iro- u Chimney, 05 feet 37-i- n i!"1: Bab".t UI. Sbect Zl4 rlnt. Vmlb, hisb, tbm TlC I'l.te. Win, ITlAf h lowca u many days over lulls, and through Miltewi.h, I'aite, ArlUt. 1 DOORS SASH BLINDS Shoe, tfcrnb diam., thick. Sauce I'an. and Kry I'an., 1 valleys, and deserts, till it came and stood Soda Wnter and tnti bash, i Sarsaparilla 1 Multitubular Boiler, 10 feet long, C feet in Charcoal Iron.. Wooden Ware. over where the young child (he A GOOD ASSORTMENT OV EACH i was. When diameter, with furnace, front doors, etc. .ui.Mir.s, star stopped they reioiced creatlv. and when SnELr HARDWARE Or ALL KINDS. Hirr never teen Eqnitleil or for cfi3 JBCo-toliot- complete. f PRINT1NC DEPARTMENT, c are prepared Of they came into the house they saw the Exceltrl jOlXOs ! to do ALL Eastern and California Make. little WOOD ASH MII.NULINI!: 4 Weston's Patent self balancing Sus uoy wan nis mouicr, and they leu down and rarity or Excellence of Fl.ror. Tl and Labor Sarins UctIcmJ KIKDS OF BOOK AND JOB LVXTERXs - pended g Centrifugal Ma- PRINTING. i on silk ix ur.NTiTii:s to srn worshipped him. Then they opened their nt ASD bIDE LlCHTSh. Kesili- llga Article, chines, with tbo reqnisito independent A LABGE SCALES treasures and made him presents ot gold, and Only Pure Fruit Acid VARIETY of Iron Framing, Wronglit-Iro- o Sugar Miicr ! BOOE : frankincense, and myrrh. Look at the word I'latlorm (kale.. Dormant Healei, ORDERING DEPARTMENT of 2,000 gallons capacity, with Stirrer. 1 nlou Scale.. Eriefc isAnsr-ma- s, aod tell me who baby boy GROCERIES PROVISIONS irocer.'aud Batter 921 this it Driving Clear &c. ramtlf Scale, and Balance., Erro;w 4 fI rWJ was. and whether you think any one who Pure Fruit Flavors, and JUL a. does not love Christ can really have, what I A Full AorUaCBt of Fine Groecrle, foclodinz House Goods, w wuu lor every cniia who reads my story, "A aoine Choice Varletlef of CsaoedGouda: Furnishing aiian Pure Filtered Water, Ttblo Pie High-Pressu- re BELL FtnlU. Jamtind article, 1 Diagonal! A MrVf. c WEBBY cintlSTUAS." AUNT .MARY. Jtlli, nor pot Kail Lin. of Tinware. Ant. Iron : ico ireani r reef era rrom 91 w npivan4. Jiisjrc : I m:i i.v I'ltHwriATiciN them aa being omcthlag rcaliy nice; j ! Tin: or jt.uiuiuM sic: music TELEPHONE COMPANY .au .naira. A w Lol Teat, Indodlng torn a anperlor Japan Hawaii k tt Steam Engine i.x onroiiATi;i m:r. . tiiii: iini.icini nF.vr.n vurs Tarletlei ; bUO and Hair; J Lamps, Chandoliors & Lattorns c it HoaiE or the BExxms icansa ntoii uie sin- mm , liacos, Uird, 5motM Jltrt, In tint, new ankle; njMior Pkimukxt fBOCZTT TECATT, A SrECIALTT. O ILUKR. . . CUItBlED TOVU C O SEBUER. . ..biicxxTAftTA!roTjLKArsxK Irlooai Cylinder, stroke, with ThevLator to the Hawaiian IfilAntL. Hnai. hia dlXGER ALE .B( rnli Doicr. CVRR1E0 OThTERb, OoTcrnor, el arrival mt Honolulu, is at once imivrefiflni with lh ftt sud Belting for Call aud i'jti:i-Aiu- .i eiamlno 111. .lock befoee or alter ptnkatlts mmrt: ark sow to si:i.l ok evidences or a tupry, prosperous cotaniunity. SODA WATER SO Ceal. per Dozen, FLVM PUDPINO. driving Centrifugals. eleenhere. W mt Itl t h tieUfr fnr lintalf nrnutMnilr niwi- - - which abound in all directions. There U a pood I SJCSAFARtLLA 50 Cent! per Dor en. amii uhu.1i- i'i ' i'uiwm. tsriranniir ui lor Mim amy of shipping moored the j KITS SAIJXON T1EU.IES, NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS, at various wharves, Wrongiit-lro- n what esptcuUv pladdens heArt, KITS MACKEREL. 2 EVaiiorator. ili cruniiheUmitr to twl prtTile Td and the victor ' Iol1,fJ wrefnlly and an lAoeie lin. 4 tbc other lUnd. For rarticslars. if he hail from the United Suten, is the fact that KITb TOXCTJEb AST) fcOU"D9, wereil" most of thefcc vessels are American built, and that 6c 1 up. HOLLISTER CO., . Steam Clarilicrs. DILLIMCHAM A CO, FtREft "sr.". ttc y titwiiua iciTcaiie many of them sail under the American nag. Iteing Codfith. Cheeae, Oxford Sanwcr, la tini; 105 the aistributing point to the different islands, the WHOLESALE AXDliETAII. lULim, In H, J, and half baxe ; FortStrnet. commerce of the place is corisidfrable, a larse fleet SALAMANDER FELTING PfcVlea, In I llif. gal, ati . and 3 cat, mil of steamers and schooners beinc engage! in the Com Hiarch. Tapioca Vcrmfcelh, e; IXSrBlXCE "t COMPANY d trade. Along the water-fron- t ell i ! iisnnmi. imtn Apple, Real Estate For Sale. FOB STIS! FOB rasue ana ficimiy, wcue tne tmsmess portion of DRUGGISTS Frames Flnra, 75 HEAD GOOD WELL BROKEN t the eitv. with its myriad of telephone wires, nabt Peachea. Teara. --3eOF j?AU FO R HI I jjL.-- , ASD A. Covering Boilers, Sfcam Pipes on in mind of a smut American cityl WORK OXEN! mwwu vi IMJ, UUUUJ IAJ U, bUCAl A3 UtCOtUia cfc FOR HALE cheap for cah. or eaj-- term aaj be ETC ETC icrenerallv raniosed to bo. Imnmrmer.ta r Flour Bread. S 1,250.000 the order of the dav. lieantifol homes Are heintr Tobacconists, Oolden ttal Extra Famllr, A Tery Saves 25 percent, of Fuel- - coasixucicv to men uie nnu oi a population Eldorado, Golden City, Pleasant ami lioomy fottage 4 LARGE DUMP WAGONS, in wealth and pros- 9S S3 : : : : numbers. Nor is this XITUC STREET. Vedlam Pii,(hrer $4,500,000 perity confined to Honolulu, as American capital Bread, Cnckertraa Wfcrtorat; rB iuiuxo me. PEICE REDUCED TO $7.50 BBL. has wrought great the srr cnipi. i any, aajorm nioi urrad. For solo! chanfieson other islands. Sda. nicBtt, KICE AND COFFEE. ONE NEW GOOSENECK CART, THEO. H. DAVIES Co., New plantations have been started, with their WHALE ASH 5FEBAI OIL. LW THE LARGEST PACIFIC COAST CO. Urce and eipenaiTe sugar mills neces- Steel FOR fpEItM am and other Ralls CANDLES, 4 Ar.aU. anilfc: sary buildings; irrigation on a LrCik"tV 1 itc Vr'nc o TLtr Tor schemes grand PORTABLE OR K??iI,':tH-.K1,tl'n- A"H1 nr w Twi T scale haTe been planned and carried out; new towps PERMANENT '' b Brick t" Ik.undenljn at Ilokaa. Ilanait, I. br ptr.vawlfw,. rrt rrm Utu I'vl Ata tk It001 back. aHoTsImC A. rIIAEKKK ,0. have sprang into existence, rly.!'.i'f.,-; "4 IIei.ta. PARTIES HOLDING LEASES extensive stores hare ALL OF THE ABOVE ; ;- roe UKU. w. been ooened. whaires have been bnill. and rail. ! "bed. SUble. t.o a. i. WILL -- roadj have ben constructed to transport ccanom-kal- lj Railways BE or AST OF - the increasing crops of sugar, while the tel- - 16 lentTtha;- 1 warranled. A . ' vl ephone has established itself aa cce of the nlanU ft. lbs. to the rani. !. ' 'P.OMFS ex's necessities. brief, SeHat the Best Market Cott.Ie,a.Ilotnln- - STEAM AND VACUUM ! Such, in is the condition "Doke AVerrora." Rates .5?,?!,,T,:",U,I" U Moelioima's Lands of affairs oa the Hawaiian islands the beneficent fr tt Sn" rw'ir.nd. till from F.6jers l7? ?i1i? T'lreUXBETtSIGXEI) HAVE JUST fruit of the liedprotity Treaty. A nation's wants Urerpool. art men reapecifallr a- - no ( Iff" St' rrMvtrd to cwnnalutc witk larited to call and III.UU DTAJiuEawALll. JI D. 1 . .Mred iwr Tnrrfee.froDi So.tOlua fall 2t-- txia a o. and purrharing power Increase with iit prosperity, Examine Onr block. ortmenteltbrM celebrated rnmpe.wkkk ar. suaraa. D. K. and as the Hawaiian KiTa. cTimnfifinT nothing I. W. L. GREEN, ASD teed In b. ckentr and belli? Uan any otber njta M rorrEn-r.-ii koxa coffkk FYFE, bat depend entirely upon the outside world for t. W. 3IACTAHIJOCE c, RAISINS OUlHtASTS. fumplmpoetedV w call thaattentlon of platerri W FW.vr bj DOLUS I cfc ' aid rp-wble- c. everything, and as, by the terms of the treaty tfS Mf Aeat foe Jio.Po.lrr A Co BOLLBS a; OO. ro bv I'JrW' BOLLEet Jt CD. bTmiiieo'J:

1 vnstiari xsa rfr.iiMn Inuursn tf! Hawaiian Gazette Supplement Dec. 27. 1882,

C A C CUTSET Supreme Court in CbamWr- Dc 21 at B X4KXX J. J. M. OAT, JR., & GO. II LBN U hVSO KtE & Co., VS. JCIXiE lUCKOTtiS 1M MAKEE ic COMPANY, H.HACKFELD & GO m PAIA1 MANUFACTURERS, Waihee. Mau in Uiia 2U0 OWA'K FOK SALE 11 The iaintifis cae claimed (lmacs of the defendants for issuing and aolLorixiuc tlio WE JIAKK i f i i SAMUEL NOTT, hcrrico of a search warrant upon their premises. The Very J!et Quality of 1'AIAI INVOICES OF NEW GOODS Mr. XlicVcrton appeared for himself, Mr. l'rreton for Mr. Fuk& from A 1 TAKO. JCST ItECEIVED rUlt Plumbikg, Tbo record of the tehtimony in the cabc of the Owln- - to rxtnt of lands cnHltatft livut, uccan Stationers uxne plaintiffs acaixiht officers Marcos and Oadt !S II1X.V CI 1 1: 4 1'KIE 'I II A A on I K.KS, and can ASU BARKS KALE, AND IOLANI, guarantee riantaliont and all employers tf labor, Gas Fitting, was acntd upon as the evidence to be talen in this aalnf t say failure of enpphes. FROM BREMEN, cane. substance of the argument of Mr. llart-vel- The by will Prompt ! counsel for the plaintiffs was as follows. Orders Post Receive Consisting la part of as follows: w Attention. 5m News Dealers Tinsmith & Roofer, 1. TheConKtitationfW.prbliibitsallEeizarcs No. 25 Street, or searches unless for probable cause, supported Merchant A Large Asst. of Dry Goods, by oath, and describing the place to be warcLcd WANTS SUPPLIED and the person to be seiiit . This complaint does Have Just Keceived, bffll nut mention the name of one of thcuo plaintiffs, Bmwa iind AVhito Cottoiu, nor their firm name. It dont nut describe the CheapforCash EX ST MR. SUEZ, Drills Tickings, Tnrkey Kcd, 4c, tilace as in Honolulu or on tbe island of Oahn or elsewhere, simply 2 Hotel bW DOYOl WANT A Photograph Albums, Merinos, black and colored, 4 qualities Z, the provision of Ch. 4 . Ac VrMl Cudc, uo ttearch warrant can israe unless some one isac i.aiv.n camii'V ni.irroN? CobuuTRS, Alpacas, Italian Cloth, and c&bed a criminal offence. This complaint Autograph Albums, cf Call ai (he IIUNOLCLl t AKKIAtiE KEIIMTOlIY charcoa no criminal offence against any of these plaintiffs or any one else. The only Losis forthe Promenade Bags, DO WANT A Dress warrant is that sundry opium i 3 concealed on the VOl' M'CMAbGoods. premises of Ix Kce, cb at No. 21 Hotel Purses, etc. u street,' If tub is a bads for a seizure and ituov i'iLi:in: Wallets, Vamj rrlntTnciity-ri- cw9 M)r search, no rs in this Kingdom are ex- Callailfav HONOLULU CAKltlAGL UEPOMTOKY empt from arrests and fcearcbeR. There most be Christmas and New Year's Cards, Printed S.ittpfeurt, Pouipudourii, Plaids GinRhams, a chare) that the parties charped hare done some DO YOU A ANT A Victoria Lnwns, tatin Ktriii, criminal act, or leen privy to it. t nncy Slripnl GrttLKlint9, 3. Iiy.Siv-- i ofth Cinl Cotit no warrant can COKMMi 1'I.ATIOKM M'UIM l'II.1.'IO.? Whito Silk Japanese, Twills, BerRe, per- Poplins, Issue bat on affidavit of personal know lege or Call atthr HONOLULU CA1UIIAGE UEPOMTOKY Satin and Moire, 9 sonal belief. In this case the officer who makes Black and Colored Velvets. w the complaint simply deposes that ho suspects DO YOU WANT A DIARIES FOR 1883 and has cause to'suspect that sundry opium is con- FINK SILKS, cealed, Ac .Suspicion is not and ought not to be tw o m;ati;i icoi ? A warrant issued on suspicion was against kau ai Mack, Grospram, Fancy, Colored and Striped' STOVES, Mtf. Call at J ON LULU CAUMAOE liETOslTOKY Magna Chnrin at common law, and was no justifi- the 0 iiorrge, Crepe,Ac, cation to court or officer. NOW IS THE TIME IK) YOC WANT A i. This warrant is illegal, told and a prooutsun-Inow- n TAILORS' GOODS: RANGES, to the law. The Magistrate no juris- bad ft It AUUN WITH MIA Hi:? HackEkiiiM, diction over these plaintiffs by reason of the com- () Diagonaltt, TMitddf Cordti, plaint, and all searches and arrests under it are (.allaiUie HONOLULU CAItlUAGE KEPOblTOKY TO BEMW Serges, Silesiaa, Doeskins. Casaimeres, Ac. illegal, making all concerned in issuing or serving SliffllFTlS Lamps, (Chandeliers, or authorizing the service of the wnt liable in DO YOU WANT A A Splendid Asst. of Shirts, damages to the parties injuriously affected. A,U ( Citing numerous American and Koglish decisions i ntsr. r3:ri:i (Woolen, Mixed, Calico, Hickory, Denim, Ac.) and texts. A.or AT.Ii Call at the HONOLULU CAlUtlAGE ItKfOMTOIIY FOR Mermci The Marshal is in the eye of the law present and Cotton Undershirts, f White Itoflora Shirts, .Gonornl withi his deputies and officers when they serve pre- IK) YOC WANT ONE OF THE cedes, and is liable for their acts.BUe should ee J SJ SocJls and Stocking Handkerchiefs, 3f H 1 15 lontards, H8USE FURNISHING that they are properly instructed in these matters. l 'AlU(IA(ii:S W 1A It GIotes, plaintiffs1 MUllT.MMi Jl.MI Mil The counsel said he believed that the A LA1USK execution of the opium law is the source of tinzx Co" iwtcnt, aud one of the but arranged iw IXV0ICK OF CLOTHING for two or four peretm AMI and irregularities, tending to L ring the law terthanceable rehlcle AS ! into deserved contempt, lie muU the plaintiffs ecrluvented? HA RIWARFi cared nothing damages, Pine Illack Cloth Coats for money lu desired Call at the HONOLULV CAKKIAUE KEl'OblTOHY frock and lVnls, their rights of person and property to 1 e respected Itnckskin Sacks Pants and Salts, by Magistrates and officers of the law. 1J3M IODIC AX. Felt, Mohair, Drill, Flannel Sacks and Pants, CAM 1MIKLTS SKV,' 3Ir. claimed Magisu&te DO YOC WANT ltojV Shirts and Children's Jtl.OCK, lnckerton that a has a FOR THE COMING YEAR. Jackets, right to use discretion in deciding w Lether a proper Monkey and Sailor Jackets, SjTIIEET. basis is laid for issuing a warrant, and Uiat the iiaumsi, Ltninnii's, I. It, Coats and Lefiugs, Carpet Slippers. l'OCT UlxIh WilJtriUo. statute required him to issue it if he was .shown or Carriage Trlmmlo-- B of any Ht'scri pllon T Kdk and I. C. Umbrellas and Parasols, cause to suspect that parties were concealing or Red Rubber fancy and Traveling Shawls, smoking opium cm their premises. That the form DO YOU WANT YOUK Cotton and Tnrkish Towels, of complaint and warrant in this case was a print- White and Fancy Quilts, ed form which he did not prepare, but which was cVlCKIACi: OK W.J(X RI.1AI.'IKI1 Stamp Agency! Felt Itags and Brussels Carpeting, itrepared by the authorities whom he must respect, or Kepalrtd? inat it would not be proper for him to call upon Vc iivc I'ronipt Attrntloa to all OrderB KrtviTnL tiffictrs to show him all the facts on which they DO YOC WANT TO BUY A A.TVI:ii:rXS : proposed to prosecute, as there would be danger J. M. OAT, Jr. & CO of prejudicing a case. That no officer is compUl. MXOMI JIAMM'AKKIAUi:? Oajettb JtIock,25Mmliut tst llorso ltlanktts. White and Fancy Blankets, Fancy Striped Woolen, two cdtodiMclode information on which ho brings a Call at th HONOLULU CAItltlAOE KEl0!sITORY sizes. criminal prosecution. Finally, that be had not Scarlet, Orange, Whitu Woolen, 5 and 4 points, authorize the officers to delay the service of tho Give My Stock an Inspection Before Threads, Tape, Klastic, Scarfs, Acv, HAVE JUST REC'D process. California; Silk and Velvet lUbbons, AlUiOE or Elsewhere, Buttons for Shirts, Coats, Pants, Dresses, Mr. Jreton for the Marshal, claimed that how Purchasing and West& Redwood J rtcritmightbeender the law of Inland, the WNor' Marshal here is not liable for the acts of the As I My Coods bo PERFUMERY, FLORIDA WATER, the wnt being expressly directed "To tho Cuarantco to v Marshal, or his Deputies or any Constable." Genuine Kan de Cologne, liUbin's Extracts, all I Represent Them, Furniture Toilet Soaps, PhUocomc, LUMBER! The arguments vcro full of interest, and the Hair Od, Combs, Chief Justice took the case under advisement. Mirrors, Looking Glasses, Pi pea, All lU tnU lull be (.'ood In Ca-- c of I. It. Balls, Harmonicas, Blank Books, Also, by Recent Arrivals, PityTUTUTrne." Albums, Gold Icaf, Jewelry, Watches, VIENNA FURNITURE: Thu audience room of Fort St Church was will tetcrn WHITE HM filled last rcanesdaj vefiifi (ITXh-lii- 1y4 Extension, Proirtcler Ann, Dining ltooiu and Parlor Black-walnu- t, tnembcrs of the Temperance boacty and a pom uf thcironoTala Oaniau Ttfloito Chairs, Settees, ry, Nos. 5" 5S of Tiaitors, ho were prchent to listen to tho Kin; llouolaln. and Company's Saddles, Calfskins, Girths, Stirrup Leathers, br for Slctre It.i Brigga A Co. evidence cxpecUd to Aiit of Amctbory, 3Ias Port Orfprd Cedar be iircbtnted in relation to The Moot CRATES OF ASSORTED the evil KtouIic ?Ianufaftnrcr CROCKERY, J effects produced ou the native clement by ! Oak, Ash, Ike Krauting of free liquor laws. Mr. Amasa Pratt In United Matr STORE Containing Plates, Cups, Teapots, Howls, occupied the chair, Mr. lL Johnaon, Socrctarj. DONTFOKOETTIIE LOCATION- - flW Chambers, Ilice Dishes and Bakers, tsT Demijohns, 3 A After prayer and on ojcninj; hymn MissltreebC and galls ; Sample Bottles, Nos. 56 &l 58 Queen Sts. Vuacs and Glassware, Manila and Tarred Koiw, BUILDERSIIARDWARE, fctated in a coudac and clear inanner her experienco Hemp and 1. It. Packing, Coal Baskets, of tho drunkenness prevalent anumest the natives, PLANTATION GOODS ! efts instancing that on every Saturday evening dnring ext IliiorJInJJIii-oni- c Hall, Sugar Bioo Bags the hut month shohad noticed oer 200 natives Of all sizes aud qualities. more or less under tho influence of liquor. Dr. Call Bags, Gunnies, Twine, Burlaps, Emerson eaid ho was well acquainted with the law STEAM Woolpack and Twilled Sacking, Linen Hose, AINTS, asfoUoxre: &nd knew how it operated and he was tatisfied New Goods HUUBUCKH' OILS, Z1XO, LEAP, that it was wurldng to tho detriment of the native CliAKlFIJEWS. GROCERIES- - wpuLitiou. WOTEEK, ATLANTIC ANP He had seen more natiies under tho son ;ai.i.o.s. Sardines, in half and quarter boxes, P inflnenou of liquor durinf tho last two mouths II. and P. Biscuits, Salt in jars. EUREKA LE.D,aaort'dcoIori, than daring the last four years preceding. When Slcel Rails, 18 lbs.. Castor Oil in Tins, Stcanne Candles, 1, 5 and 6, i- 4c c. he desired a boat boy to row him to a ycskI in tho Sugar Coolers Matches. Cocounut Oil, Wah Blue, harbor the trip was rarely made without the pro- HubbuckB Linseed Paint Oil, H While- Lead, Suez 5-- Stinr. 6-- duction of a cin nask by the oarsman and an in- Simple Belting White Zinc Paint. 4 and 4 vitation to take a drink." In tho expresses Helvetia Laces, : driven by natives, a eoarch under tho Beats cent-rai-l LIQUORS y Tuck Packing, brought to light the accomiianyiiig gin bottle. Klc:iEi( Laage Mr. A. Frank Cuokc, from his experience Parlor Suits Do fils and lkmtellcau Brandy, aud White anxingrtthateMwhoKodown to tho sea inBhips," other brands, could say with certainty that drunkenness was on Bum, Gin, St. Paul Beer, Ale and Porter. HEMP PACKING; Port Win. Sherry, Bhino Wine, the increase among the native seamen. Those I'rima Xora Ilcilrniuii St't-- . ho did not indulge before, now do. Families Ullli wlilmtit Iiiiliii Kuller Fine and Table Clarets, Champagne, ir Heidsekk Monopole, China vere more destitute now. Mr. Chas. K. Cooke Dry Ch.Farre, (K II. Mumra & Co., wtated that his firm had been in tho habit for Years Babbit Metal. (jiiile a Xi'H Stjle; Sparkling Hock, of trusting and assisting natives with lumber who Barbed Fence Wire, Moselle, Ac dosired to build. They do so no more, the cause Matting, being the impoveruihncss of tho natives by tho Mining Steels, German and Havana Cigars indulgence in liquor. J ion. A. Francis J odd, Hock, Pickaxes, PAITEKTT CIOTS, AMI A Ul!E VARIETUR Of the license law as passed, a btep backward. Plated Ware Spoons Forks, Cruets, Tea Sets, Head from a journal of his father's the Hon. O. l Cane Knives InM thcllilny Tor l'lanlution; Cups, Ac 1 Judd, the successful etera taken by a former Ith or without Hooke. FANCY COLOR'!) MATTING nr.t. . i.:t 1 . HARDWARE; dtweribed the scenes witnessed him on a by late Hand & Hammers Woven Wire Mattresses, Pocktt and Butcher KnivtM, evening at the Commercial Saloon which he Smith Sheep Shears. Needles, likened into a pandemonium and desired never ftnooin. FiIm. again sights bbmU, Axr?. TacV3Ts, Steani-pli)- ltrnhea. Sjurs. Galvanized Basins, Hoop Iron, to witness the he then beheld. He pipe Covering, Imbricating Kcc thought the of licenses in I'atest Mnm Sc. Bivets, Hammers, the country Ollf. Cement, Fire Clay, fcnear Hair Spring1 do., Yellow Metal and Composition Xails, districts or to the other hdanda had assisted great- and Coal ItAg. HANGINGS ly in reducing drunkenness in those places. Babbitt Metat Sugar Coolers. Mr. Iron Tanks, Clariners Ac. Also, T. H. Davies thought that the existence of the free Curly do., PAPER LKl.E!T ANII liquor traffic in Honolulu would tend to draw Twine, Manila Eope, Hair natives from the other islanJs, as it was now do- ing, and would thus depopulate the outer districts. Portland Cement. IN ALL. MZ1. THE CITY. Mr. Johnson tho clerk of the Police Court stated Hair and Feather Pillows, Firs Clay, Blacksmith CoaL Fire Bricks. that from the ISthof July to tho 1st of October, Tiles, Empty Barrels, Oak Itoats, Ac. iW Call and Examine Onr block. there were G2 arrests for drunkenness aim: Medium & Bread, from the 1st of October to December l?lh, there Pilot Urdr from t hi utbrr IiUadi rirttnljy LEWEHS & COOKE. wire 3H arrests for the same crime. During the I Mirrors, Btfodcd to by same period (Oct. 1 to Dec 38.) in there were C. 1$ arrests for drunkenness. He considered that R. SALMON, HONOLULU th statistics spoke for themselves. ) Sheets, and H. HACKFELD&CO. Dr. Whitney presented letters, one of which I BltlA MiWlATdl. Waialoa K. Kaal j ' from said, Hon. S. is here and FOR BY everybody has had a big drunk in consequence.) tir SALE Pillow Cases, CLOTHING EMPORIUM, aioro igyr is crceraaxy 1a sappressmg me illicit ICE traffic in liquor. From conversations ith butch- H. HACKFELD&CO. ers, dairy-me- and bakers, he learned that natives A. IIAUTIIAS .IUbT UK. V 1m Cor FOKT IloDnlalo. , now purchased far less bread, less milk, and less 4VEEN bit. Excelsior and Mat- M loncdrf.ut5tiiltai)clKo.andliM opened in Art mcai man xonneriy. Jitters werercau xromu. i Straw A. AJ. .HKLIil.S, Vropi ip(or, IL Dole of Kama. Jndce XiTm&n. uf Ililo. J. ft. ! I'aria. ILXTman. iiam&Vna: and Jaraea A COMFORTABLE HOME Ice Cream Saloon Alexander of llaikn, dprecaticR the prevalence of tresses, and STYLE!) drtmLcnnesa amongJt the natives, the illicit sellinc BARGAINS uf liquors and the incompetence and inactivity of I WILL BE SOLD tbcpuliof. One of llic audience, a member of Ka- - aL wadiao Church, etated that lately at WaiAlca. a LARGEST STOCK man - UNDEBSIGNEU THE The AT THE died; the body vas placed in a coffin, a drunk- j THE IIAb ltECEXTLY ELITE JUOVE ES.TAULlhll.MENT, ea orcie enaaed nd one of the parties maddened IS CONNECTION WITH ttauj . tieiauiiizeu iiqU0rr parted tne lips ox the 1IOI-ME- dead man and filled tug mouth vith pin At the tHtCQ Up 1H legant Style, til C ..Of Till: AXTOK Instl. nt JSro. hn Xi ! Previous to the Arrival """Ji." parucs wexo duu uruiu rAKUHU," thtir and the coffin not fittiag the craxo properly, the Large i Roomy Cottage, comlilBnlnUllIntrQtltrt now Itie 1ncrt la tbl hut of the dead man jampej on the coSin to force ALL Cltj tn If) IIART BROS.. Pmprtetari. or THE it in, bet being nnsncccsBtaL took a Ptone and Formerly bcloDcics to the Lnaon Estate." an "ns DESCRIPTIONS gnariicd in the bead of the box and tons cot the ana rtrceubeyooiltbeConunrrrial Hotel body in the crave- - A lady present poe of a FTZr.'S1? LODG- HLONA drunken native having entered on her premises ING HOUSE. The name oltblspjcafantmrraUi lal at nicht and ehe haTu foend him. ordered HOLIDAY him to leave, following Lira to the cue of her Fruit Preserving o. There she vas sorpridcd to see a police CaUed the "White House." officer. On Questioning the policeman. hvln f FURNITURE flMnntinrnrffh. mnn IT It cannot be SSTpaScd In the KliirJom for Comfort ! ' and CJganHnei. Tbe Groocd are racloQS and o Apples GOODS o""1 ?hacr Trees, rcivoa cTrcfpecUWllty A WELl AS ifr SrJS5i2VS?lT may always be &rc ot a Cscerxa! Home A M. M ' there. Put Up in Cans, 2 lbs. each. A. ELLIS, Ten at. ffpeater. iaclading llev. Dr. Damon, aho added tic- - Iioom Is rt anart for th cocrmlrcre f ifc in their51. effects ' testimony regarding; the cril noticable Gaeeta. A IXtv MuCE ROOMS AKE VACASr. Thl i reallj A DELICIOUS FRCIT ad eS. G. LEVEY & COn among the natives by the indulgence in liquor. Terms always moderate ! Wholesale and Between of the Tarions Eteakr u IV1KS. J. T. WHITE, The Lowest Prices Retail Grocers, paranhxaseof Kemember me, lore, in your pray- Carefully Prepared. For FORT STREET. DraolttU, II- - I. ers, sung by rroprimcfs of tkt ' White Hoaw " Mr. Jordan, aril, asisted by Kmh (Jroc cries, tod rrarUlotit of oo Mrs. J ohnson, VT. 1 Cook til Uodt hxai Mr. lall and Mr. C E. . P. ADAMS, Sale at Wholesale and rtceivtd rtUil frosa Ettrope tad t ana inren xrom Home, Airs. aril, as- - nMcb vill hp told at ikt kwrit laukrt rite. Risted by Mrs. Johnson and Air. Ball, both eocgs TwfSL0,oor ""i1 rr.?tmbr XVLlil V Uoodt deliTcrrd to ill Mm c( tfte city Jree of titter. bdng WtU The nan,J bnnn rlcwAtEZ I Fort ? Hawaiian Islands. and Retail. fyitAuA order ftolicttM. and prompt renf &KfSlJ.J' s Com--4 Agent for the at1a extrcue. and the mtm iSSL toSbfe nffSSgSiZ ouiiku cants.

FOREIGN NEWS. Angeles, in scnthern California, and other cities LATEST of the Union. During Lord Lome's absence it is ! W. u .1- .- v nr K. S. C.tiv ff Sadat. mhicUnrm probable General Sir Patrick L. McDouglass will New Goods NEW GOODSI MiCFMMM assume the duties of the administration at Ottawa. ia'rort at 1 1. . on the 2Sth inst. we hayo rewired m newspaper dates to the 18tn inst., inclnsiTe. Ap- The oarsmen, Edward Hani an and. John Ken nedy, this signed agreement ! pended a summary of news from all rraarters of afternoon articles of New Goods OFFER FOR SALE is to row three miles with a turn. The race is to be GO ti globe. for ;&5Q0 a side. DILLINGHAM & The German Government peridots in lis dilerml-natio- n The extensive- dcrut and wharf, together with Uio importation of American Vlie KollmTlns" to prohibit sixty cars and ten locomotives, of the Manhattan TO r NCi: THAT T 1 1 KY MrrchamlKr jlitMI lieach Itaiiroad, at Day lUdge, was burned Dec J.T.WATERHOUSE BEG norf opcnloffplcndtd The funeral of the Archbinhop of Canterbury 11th. The origin is not known ; loss $300,000. from New York antl Kdud(1, ta which they reipect Hrreiieil ptr Aildington, Eur, Dec. 8th. falj Iniite tho attention of bojcr Tho OodU hailnff took place at Part of the War Office at Madrid. Spain, was Ior at tho lowest price to be sent to r. Inn boncht cth rttilnc Another French cruiser is burned to the cround Dec 12th. and twentwner- - JUST RECEIVED to tbe recent lUrincr. arc offircd npoa seption-all- j Eons were injured, one seriously. The library and faroribJe tcna ypctial .itt. atlon U ml led to place kclectcd for the eiiled EKyp'-ta- me pan oi me arcnives were uisiroyeu. ne Ceylon is tho l ning " " TIIEI1C LINES OF prisoners. was present during the fire, and assisted in snbd tir- GLENGABER KlJi Bark OberbnH! ing t he flames. Ex and I suit has been commenced in Sew York to AOHK'ULTl'HAL U1PLK31KNTS ! f:,0X,000 for Roods confiscated during It is stated that China is makinc crcat prepara AND To AHHIVK nu .... the war. . tions to resist tho French designs onTonquin. arrivals, T1IEIU The French Government is consequently urged to other late of Marshal UacMahou is an- s The serious illness take active measures. is also reported from nounced from I'ans. It T1IKK1XET AS50KT5IEXTOK Broaltj-n- 41 Saigon that 10,000 Chinese have crossed the n Made upon tho lens of Plows,Sngir ru&urt, The State Auditor of Virginia and the Commis- frontier. turrit hT STMR. HANSa,v been indicted for fraud been pronoanctdby tompelent jndca to be the sioner of Itevenno have Mrs. Labouchere. who accompanied Mrs. Linp. and forgcry. try adopted to America and quarreled with her because the Sntrogcst,Easicst Handled, 1 The French Chamber of Deputies have "Jersey Lily" insisted on carrying on n very NEW GOODS NOW FULLY DUE: the budget. strong flirtation with one of New York's gilded jpT General Sidney Durban!;. TJ. ti. A, retired, died youths, has returned tbe batteries of her tongue Newport, Ky. on her friend. She gives an interview a breezy l.N December "lb, at TO llllllll .MI THIS KIM111UM. FULL LINES OF M0LTNE PLOWS. nteillioofinir. " State of Chihuahua, Mexico, is in review of Lanetrv's record, tells how the scheme CilTimrnl Ift!SVSr The whole attracting tne oarDarous to pay arms against the Apaches. lor lankees their Farrow lIowt, tcvrril lc and tljlc money for a sight of Abbey's last attraction was A VISIT TO HIS Cqda Side IIH1 ltf.l. 1. n I catualtics occurred in the lileck says Dsar l'lowi, l'lows. Itnt I.ll.n.1 Several marine worked up, and she has had enough of Mrs. Doable and bltcUi MiOTel I'lowt, beat Ijaugtry's nonsense and is going borne. Tho Subsoil l'lovf, Kale and Trtcjraph l'luws, Ac BJls. Anneilod Pcnciog AYire, 5e. 1,4, without through La- sdu o, .VII the Jews residmeinriuretersburi: "lily" replies her friends that Mrs. llarrout of dlCcreut pattern. Including lb Trtmu f omuu - . bouchere lives in a glass bouse anyhow, and ought NO. 10 FORT ST. STORE, Iatent Harrow, which haa met with anch Ui$. best EnglUli OilTiniitJ Ftncfnj Wft Indisposition still prevents Bismarck from at to do very carciui aoout inrowiDg stones. eral faror dortny the preaent ttnsan. os. 5 and fl. lpn"'"C WMJ Coils OalranizcJ Wire Kape, all izt, "tt"" at Edinburgh, De- - CUIiTIVATOllS, H0KSK H0KS,c. Sir Hush Allen died suddenly King St. Store, lines utnuirjo l willed, csmoervui. A Lars Avaorttw'nt Uambetta's condition is less favorable, hemor HOLIDAY AND Coirs, Chain . IUO0 4" Ox YoVei, Ux Ox STTCSrATft f threatened with 1 Stamp rnller, Urnb Hook orui Ihinj jood), BAGS The lower portion of Eome is Weatoir Differvntlal I'nllcj lork : f mm lli Tiber. GOODS. (Of wliich. tlitre is a number of worltlco. .t. Anthony Trollope were interred imitations in tho market). Wa aro The remains of . Queen St. Store, Carriage Springs, Cart and Carriage Axles. tt. Onjt. , Dec 3th in &cnsai viiwu MessrsMLLrXGHAMJ-Co- nal Importers ami SOLE AGENTS oftkesc ijisnop uwiuuu-- ip . Fodder Cotters, Corn Mllli. Cclcbratnl Bags, anil the great demands The action oi parents who liarden and Canal Harrows far from the sacrament Irish Catholic inrilr attention to their laiyeautl i3?" Will well repay the care them from the planters has induced some .rrl.rr: . inatniHh Normal hchool. auow uiou tiuv"-- "... manufacturers and their sgents to sp a 7T1. Mmpnt- At Ottawa. Out goods STUDEBAKER WAGONS, t u ciuaius fa'"" varied stork nf xiiHuhleor ful buyer, for his trouble. tbeap imitation of them. The Dutch troops have repulsed the ljijaU of With smnlno Concord Axlea tn lb Holiday Presents. capacltj on hand.:ft.i The work of tariff Tension came np in tlie Sen Axle Orcaie cimnltanwitlfilv Dec. A Fine Assort1 .... l unnUt Hill. They hare jitbt received new J. T. WATER1IMSE. ml of Crockery! A solid riece of pld welfihinc looncej was LUBRICATING OILS A SPECIALTY. . . : 1aini In 1 fl XnriP POOlllV. yt'j) a , very completeinvoicesoJSlL-VE11-PLATE-D lately iouiiu in iiu. and Albanj Cylinder OU. Compound and Cap A Splendid lot of English and Frcneh Grocer Cain. t. RioiiT. w anrca CAunt f, tvex ,w jcm. Important chances in the lIritiJ Cabinet are WARE from ies, (particulars will bo giren on arrival foreshadowed by the London Th. KEUOSKXB OIL, of the Steamship "Ilansa?' ALSO to bo sent to Ireland from the eelehrated the A small invoice of beautiful Irish Linen Dam More marines are factories of UNION FEED COMPANY In qnantitiev to suit, England to do police duty. of thi fawtto ELEl TlilC brand ask, Sheetings, and CambnojlInUVerr Tour laoro battalions of Itritish troops will re- Mcridcn Co. and theMhldhloirn ehicf.. direct from I!elfaaLIrcUiai1,' turn home from KB3T soon. KEROSENE OIL STOVES A small invoko of choice WATEU COLQltS, over by train at San Co., in designs entirely new Boat o Henry Freeman was run a Plate In great tarletj prattle! and entlrtlj new bj Celebrated Artist. Francisco and lolled Dec. 11th. Also, to arrive by Vesset now leadiss'st "Wood is to command the to this market. General Sir Evelyn English and American Paints and Oils Olasgnw : Khedive's new army. Hay am Dec d Grain Chrihtine Kilsson armed at San Francisco Their stock of 11 0 US Paint and Whitewash Itruhcs. Turprntfnr tin 11th. ami was enthusiastically welcomed. A Cast-Iro- n Vacuum Pan ! New Yort Herald, a CONSTANTLY In a libel suit against the GOODS is very AM, VALENTINE'S plaintiff has been rendered. BERRV 7 a Ttniict of $20,000 for V ARNISHES. 0 feet in dism. by feet deep. The Lord Lieutenant of Irtland has commuted conqiletc ami comjirises many sentence oi the Joyce nmruervn. ! a rtxii line. the ntc O IV 1 Vacnum Tumping Engine, H.ineii CjRftdef MrBiIinTise was ijfbtroyfd by fire in Novelties a large variety AL- HAND Habber Uardro How. Cotton 4nr.thr of Ennka lloer and London. Dec. 11th. OUllERS SOLICITED. Itvltineand ltelt Lacinar, atrote. severe COHOL I'nmpa and Hjdranllc llamv. 3 Wrongbt-Iro- n Tanks, each 1,000 gallons A heary mow storm, accompanied by LAMPS, KERO- I'm drr, Shot and Cape, ales, prevailed Dec 11th in Spain. sheet Lead, lUbbltt Metal, 2ln capacity. Sht 37-- At London on the 11th inst., tho thermometer SENE STOVES, new patterns Prompt and Correct Delivery Itoxea Tic Mate, Wins Cloth, 1 Wronght-Iro- n Chinner, S3 feet Ujh, m ?anee Van and Fry lana. diam., thicL marked 7o below tno ircezinR iwim,uiu, Charcoal Irons, Wooden Ware foe interfered with traffic in Lamps and Chandeliers ; a 1 Moltitnbnlar I'.oiler, 10 fstt leng, S feet ta to pubUhhed at St. An English newspaper ii be fine selection CUT- GUARANTEED. SHELF HARDWARE OT ALL KINDS diameter, villi lurmce, front doers, tic. Fetersonrg. if TABLE comnlete. Hooch i Tnrinn iiiatiairJi announce that Lord Tools and Labor Paving lrik 1 Weston's l'atentsrtf UlancIngjSus- - paralysis within a few LERY; Feather Dusters for all Itcrciu)! ton has had two strokes of UriUrniII be Oratcrnlly pended Sngar.Cnring Centruu gl ...Ma- days. Brushes A LAEGE VARIETY of SCALES chines, tbo requisite. Independent ljuiso Wane which took place purposes; of all kinds; t vith At the funeral of flatform bcaku, Ioraiant Sch--. Iron Framing, Wrongbt-Iro- n Sugar Nixer Anarchists tureatencu a wmuc liy --I . W. HUSH, Jlanngor; in raxis, tho superior House Brooms, Boys' lrnln bcalrt. (imcrn and Dnttcr Hralo. with SiTrrer. Family bcalea and Ualances. of S.000 gallons capeeitj, recovered sufficiently to leave his IlriTing Gear See. Gambctta has Tool Chests, etc, etc EITHER S. IEVET CO.'S. FORI TELEPHONE 31. bed. I J. 1 ST, House Furnishing Goods. "Washington Territory boasts of being ont of . debt, with money in the treasury. They make KEROSENE OIL OK.VTT11E A Full Line of Tinware, Azate Iron Wan-- 1 High-Pressu- re TJia'gbnaU Ice Cream Freexrrfl from $1 3) upward. Two bkocks or earthquake occurrwl at St. llammotkaanU Hammock Chllr-- . Thomas on the 1 Ih inst. it specialty, and arcprepared lo Durinc the first ten months uf l&EI tho utt Feed House, Telephone iro. 175 Lamps, Chandollors 5t Lanterns Steam Engine ! of the Union Pacific liailrond Company supply the best oil in color and A PI'ECIAlTY amounted to fiz,wt,TZVJ. to The False lpbet has lecu rcpuhwd at Kara lest, in quantities suit, ujion Alt Iflantl tmltn. 1'lrtic Afldrr l'jliudr, slrokr, wilK Call andtumn thl" "ttHkbrfort lloernor, Hj-L- 1 and Belting fef Agri-- the most terms. .nt.n.1 f tho American favorable elsewhere driving Centrifngals. thrco days session at cultual Aasoaation began a NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. Chicago Dec 12th. & CO., Co. Union - DILLINGHAM Feed ii 1L WUoox, tho oldest member of the New BtfT,tttir tif tniTiiij iar fnlb and prmnptlF AYrousht-lro- KTaK)rator. Harvey - laroETSB DUlEBa J York died that city Dec lltlu AD Exchange, in CO., , adop- IIAKIIW.IRE, AGRICULTURAL lMFLKMKTt. 'HONOLULU, BOX DILLINGHAM X I The rot.tiiia&tcr-General- anticipating the P. O. 127. FortStroot. Steam I'larlHer. tion of the reduced letter iostagfc bill, is preparing Palntl, Oili, YimUhcs, Ktc-- , imi for the manufacture oi cent suunio. street, Honolulu. tru io Furl lm -- In the Chicago elevators there are610f0(i0bufch A.. W. BTJSK, els of crain, acainst iaaH.000 a year ago. HAWAIIAN ! lm MASAliEll. A fire at Kingston, Jamaica, destroyed the entire TOBAGGO, CIGARS business quarter, causing a loss of b,000,UOO. Mrs..W. H.WILKINSON, Furiiitiirc aiiiil'acton The Town Hall at Dumbarton, Scotland, Mi AN- burned Decllu. CHRISTMAS Joseph Napier died in Loudon, Dec 11 th. 103 Fort Street. H. B R U N S, SriOklll.S Wm. Galignani, tbe laot of that wtll known J. JR., miS family, has died in Faris. Has determined to offer her entire MAM l lm 1:1- - Duke Sermonala died at ltome, December ltu. Tin: laiKii-s- r m Stock pnu PRESENTS The funeral of Louis Blanc toot place at lari!, of Trimmed ALL OF jr December 12th, the remains being interred in Tere Untrimmed KIIS Varied Assortment la Chaise cemetery. invite inspection of our Film, Itisnnderbtoodatlndon tbat Derby will ba ap- KWe - - TO OK pointed Secretarv of State for India, and Harting-to- n Secretary of 'ar. HATS & AT THE L0WEST PRICES! ! rart of the Spanish War Office at Madrid was BONNETS! FOUND IN HONOLULU Uth. destroyed by fire, December Wi art tun tant. m tttrttgt mi Sir Thomas Watson, one of Queen Victoria's Clothing-- , physicians, is dead. Childrens FTJR.ISriTTJB.B ! The Democrats in Doston elected Albert Palmer, AllVAlS l) llMI. AMI lresh. Supplies Mayor by a majority of over LyMJ. Ladifs1 White and Linen Suits. ORDERS FILLED NOTICE 1ROXTU- B- rTinatin Xilconn mm! A itr first annuaraRCO 1U Dec 12th, tho party being San Francisco THEFTmSITVBCIS present. .. . J.T . Most Reliable llannfacriiferl ThM fvu lmilJinp. on Montgomery ! auction Dec . treet, San, Francisco, was sold by A Large Discount from Harked Prices for Saiidkercliiefs V.'IITr.llXTATI.-- ICth for $11000. AD Oi Tilt l. THE Cash, room for A woman in Chicago gained a verdict of $23) in order to make her ui;.ivriTciii:i ami CAMitnir, AUEST ruH against & saloon keeper for welling her husband BEST SEASONED STUFF, bquor. ALT, & Co.'s The President has nominated Charles 11. Cham- New & Flcftant Slock OF SIZES AND PRICES AXD P. LoriUard berlain to be receiver of Public Moneys at San Francisco. TO ARRIVE. Thcfi Itandki rchleft an pntnpla No Pains will be Spared Tin Tag Tobaccos, fW;itniiftilraTMStt1 ri the Bi&hoD of West' Archbishopric of Canter- to civn nunsternes declined tbe a UooJj bury, Tin export nit j U me not often offered tbe Tobacco and arc si! In ood order, snu SATISFACTION TO HIS CUSTOMERS Vanity Fair Lord Derby has accepted the Secretaryship for Very Elegant Boxes! India. Vphol.frrtnc Hone lo Ortlf r. Cigarettes, Patrick Higgins has been found guilty in Dub- Mi's, COXT.MSISU Always w Willtinso Coffins on Hand. -- - lin of participation in tho murder nf tbe lluddys, WooM l. n "i and sentenced to be hangfd. esrncttlj her ptnoa to M AMI SKE.ti flj tir otJiors.- Cetewayo will return to Zolulaud next mouth end One Dozen Handkerchiefs be tnsiauea rung. INSPECT THE STOCK ! Each, ! Knim.iM itm Rlrminrlv fnymentinthe Pros' and ar initable for Hther Just Arrived sian army, and deaths by duelling jtave also been rrr Dake of Abercora form or - numerous of late. AT HEK PRESENT n pt! The Sultan of Turkey has had built for himself i MEERSCHAUM ! s bullet and grenade-pro- carnage Christmas ajstx poh svIjEi CIGARS, way home The Arctio March party are on their ! 15TD- -- with the bodies of the unfortunate victims of the Greatly Eeduced Prices OR ONE MILE OF Jeannttte disaster. A quantity of smugglfd goods was ceizrd on the Mrs. W. H. Wilkinson, Light Portable Railway Hails, BrlarPlpos,tfcc,o United States steamer at Norfolk, Ya. 2atra 102 Tart M.. ll.nolnln. New Co; X. J-- 11th, Year's W per yard, 2U A woman died in Uorristown, r Dec lb. and inch ssne with & 104 years and 7 months. Hollister aced enrrfj. 1 A tire in Hampton Court, the royal palace at ! Wholesale and UeUil ToUttoit.. iviampton, Ulg yestveruay, uoxu nm wi MILL ! SUGAR GIFTS AND 10 LIGHT SUGAR CANE 000. WAGONS fire Kingston, Jamaica, 400 stores rt In the recent at FOR SALE CHEAP Tttj nnnnrctoml fipttltlf lot a, 13 were burned and at least five persons perished in POll Tit BAMS. ocrri MARRIS. tha flames. S. M. nll.7 I. tillable tor Anlm.i 1'o.w M. Welti have been elected I SECOND-HAN- D MILL ! AT BELFAST, IRELAND, AND GENERAL BUGKSJ1TH. M. Ilichmuetwnd AU-- IXin SALE SHIP President and Vice President of the Swiss Confed- And we have no 1SS3. Sttn-Tb- heltatlm U Uey eration for ROLLERS kk C.sll; trith are autlaslbat Strakht hlctl KtU, 11 lb, lo the deaths occur daily from orthefinmtextnretbat basrrcr jrJ. InTcoaU, Mexico, sixty bees Imported to tbU Kingdom. IVrr . some places the owners of and L- tkf oill; of ilc.r?. J..Un t ovln Co.-- nil-- t Cholera, and in Spur-Whee- ls & 4 locomoilm, tkc csilml-iit- il t aborer! cm plantations have all died. Pinions Complete. - 1- - f HpnrteUYil.. Philadelphia has been sued A wealthv widow in Everything in perfect order. G, W. SfACFARLANE & CO. "ft"'- Heavx Wagws fwJracBH Ep for breach of promise. For f art.rt ptrilnlir tyyt u The Dublin police Lave made some important Very powerful lorlu .lie, bavins crot&4 one 'or with the Iltcmix Park trag- i,yw ion. eocir in ten nonut. W. u cSeKS, nr TOOlS arrests in connection O. VC. MACrAliL-lX- ARTESIAN WELL edy, and believe they have unravelled tltc mystery EC AVt'lj to CASTLE COOKE, or lo 7J ALEXANDERt X BALDWIN. Copartnership Notice. AznU for Job, fuller jt WllS all Ui'lr , vcrrousdisg it. a T.U. Daring Ithe past year 13 Tutaels and 115 men WOTICi: IS HEREBY IYEX KLOCKS AND 31 AST H00lS. Alt rnmpd Men-- U,, W HVi on Massachusetts s were lost m tnefisheries the ! QvirmiltfL coast. WANTED foe or ol" CoHsad. lata. citizenship of Pmtlp lit cnlllmloo nM.i at Kofctl.. It has been decided to confer the PLANTATION OVERSEER WANTED, hi ft " " . Lscaa rtaalssaH- Axhcsaupos Gladstone. CO.. for tb of from f ULJ.I.S fcCO 1 m m jnn Sot. aoih, 2; the Marquis of Lome and ZST Applj immediate!? . " utm It U understood that C BkTVTB CO.. lioo!e), "... " " m ninr. l. DOLOGXA SAVSAGK CS. .VXD CUIiiaA ! oyAr the Princess Louise Intend mVPE a tour of four r to I). t 7"OS. J. IUVSELDEX. IX TIX RVISINS Seates. visiting Loft roTER. or fire weeks in the United 931 raala, lUwaiL. Dated Honolalo. Nor 3d, IMS. OT" For bale by Iiatluif.enraalf'" r s2.tT rm ro. 9X BOIXE1 A CO,