PUBUSnED BV ROBERT GRIEVE & CO. - Vsxcrr TVednenrtnj- Mornlncr- - : AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM rATABLE 7.V ADVANCE. n 4ll,,,,w' -- HUB 1?.03 ipWWWtl - " Freljpi fenlrtker, " 1 truck ici4pMisrM' WpXt w4fcttemtorttB.rtMfeflElfe DECEMBER 27, 1882. WHOLE No. 937. I iwMiwi tor fcHOT i naa aaamar aa J Offleo in new Garette Bail ding. 23 und 27 VOL. XVn.-.N-o. 52.! HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, lti McrcbMt Street. gards. otitis. " ttsarattct Notices. Pfcen Summer Goc. gusintsi iirrfs. gniintss ards. JjJethnnicaI ards. Jfltchinitnl ef5rMrtf grtii ojM. SemmcT then creep Wfaea bdor TV P. ! Boston Board of Cndcnrrltere. oa Aaw the world of tree cod flowera; FRANCIS M. HATCH. BISSCOF CO., TT. f! Tlfl New Steam Bakery The Leads and Pmiwial wiixiiUta, Kxen The blrdi a Mtram alienee krep House Sign Paper Hanger, Ae A C1K.1TS r.r tbe llBnall.c I.Iaaila, Tbrtmch Autnmn'a tlowly darkened now. BANKERS, and Painter, c. liREWEii jt to. And twlftlyfadea tick Unewlnc row J. ttornoy at now. IIOAOI.rjLU, HATVAIIAM ISLANDS 8Sa ly So. 107 King Street, llonolaln. S A tl mir yp. ITT MR. HEW SHIN, HAS OPENED ma Caltfnrala raaclawijy when fnmmcrr. 6P It KlhmnBB Strftt. DRAW EXCIIAXGE OS Philadelphia Board of tndenrriten Hi SUfrt.Cn till W-1- JOII.SO.T, Summer cort-t-he disappear S.B.DOLX. IKE 811 OF CUIFOMII. HMCISCO for the Hawaiian Island. ! When ill 1TBW DA3LWIVT AdKTCTS C. BRSWEItiCO INSURANCE COMPANY Ufrt Jojooi rnth: roodJy More Counsellor at mud Notary FuUic. AD TBI1B laiXTB IS BTBiVM - hope-- , and Iran, MoroliaiitNo. fi5 Fort t?t below Dr. Stanrcnwald'fTailor.. ly Of frprlajrtide ana drrm Offlce l llie Iwot Fort and Mmbant Btrertt, no York, COMMISSIOS- XEKCXAXTS, And tkat will retarn no more cornfr Sfw F. A. MC11AXIFER, (XilmltoU.) )T BOlnla. 1 Do.lon, On.KIng Street, - Life' a deeper akadow throw I c. corr.jiA?i, UEXTef Bremen Oaardof Cnderwrllert in rkaBlerHitil, 3w Tek. Purl., When hammer PRESTON, AND premlees. Aernt of Dredea BearU of Uaderwrlterf . Subscribed CAPIT.VL ?5,000,000 ScVrarv-Ca- .U A CmA. Waluajwia. EDWARD AntkUoil, BLACKSMITH MACHINIST next door to Hon. J.Moananira A or u4i.T h hoe I Carrlajfe ITork.. azeat Vienna uoara oi unaerwnter. fMIlr TV en fiBBUner roe atlll ttreosth rtnalnr and Counsellor at Law, (MESSRS. M. ROTHSCHILD SOUS,: iLOMOOII.I llne nr. Attorney I the Jarl. di,ooaoooj 1- To bear wbaterer time mar brine; El Plaufnllon MaehlneiTt Alt kind., of IIHE.III Slannrartnrftl of the mciiow i iic aoore uoaroa ot -1 deeper 1, MFortStrfrt, Honolulu. Hunk Corpenitlon, s i lAndon at Cooke . oi l nacnmirr iii aT For tmfT, cotrace rrlna. oriental 9K Shop on King Street, neit Cattle ly to tm certified to by UtaboreAsBttomakthem JTTha aboro Comoaar bate now eatabBaae4 aa H. W. SETXKAX6X. Tkoajik maa mar have no bearttoriag; ATI) bf?t qnalltf onlf valid. Ktl ly " BL DAVIDSON, T11ZIR BUXCBES IS NOTT. Agency here, and are preparewtauhaSbkaaa Frop HAWtaMaHl CWeSB Ana oay raiia niuusn J. JOHN eny oeecnpuon Ml.! itbjWhen hammer Cea. Ko. 2 Kereaant Btrttt, lone Kong, Ranges, oi errj whbi n ivuaa. Attorney at law, ardntrvaod Importer and Sealer In Store. t3T" Order reeeWed byillonsQaoa, No.SoKIn;St Insurance Notice. J. A. W4iBKJ!Ua.tiaH Ariw as nnxoLCLU. i 'i Melbourne, Mfiai, iione t ornisnin; uoouR,.rocKrry, vi" ana COMMISSION MERCHANT MiscIluieona. (.hid a are. iTarucai eccanics. (lonomio, it. i. til ISLAND ORDERS DUCTED. lyr FUR It It IT aacallforal. t AW traneac! a General DanklBgPn.lnei. 930 ly 1 AQET THE Mil Far ra rr.aHora.CaU W. AUSTIN WHITING, 9 ly TIIK Varina Iianniir UomrUaBV fIJmltedi hit Le At-La- IMIal It On account of the manner in wbich a$ Attorney and Counsellor wiLiaiAM :a SMITH, J. M. OAT & CO SATT.MAKERS, recciTcd iaatrsctinii to Itrdnra ihe Bitten of tared at and "made a Jnmbo of," the Empress ImlramCTiU for GEO. LUCAS, between llonolala and rorta in Ihe raclficand DF JORBAX A: Arret to take AeVaowIeasranits f koss merchaat Loft In A. Cooke' 2few f Bnildlnc. toot la now prepared Pollele tho frTn.rv1ST. 1141 at ivtt. F. to lsse at lowet rate, of Anutria will not fox or stag limiting in 3fOL.il.. sustr oi with a pcUI redaction an frettnl per (teamrr. Ilopolnla. 1 yr Annans cirrri. I'triuj or rsor. nc England or Ireland again. S yo. 9 Kaahnmana Mrfrt. CONTRACTOR & BUILDER JOHN RUSSET.T,, IIonolala.il. I. A CASTLE, 9Mly cent Brit For. Mar. In. Co United Aaaracaf Cambca.oalaeelbTIBUoroC Henry 31. Stanly bat become thorooglily ac- TV. R. ATTOniVBY JVX IjVW S Flag of all description mad and repaired UfiVoal Goarr croec. M naMMr, climated in Africa iwv, and ettjoyi excellent ATTOIUtBV AT X.A-- 85 Merchant St-- . cor, of Fort fet. 833 ly Callbrmla. EIDXXT. loWor the PIONEER STEAM XASUiam. I. ixal araxA... Leilth Ibere. lie it bronzed by tbe sun until aadSoUry PaMlr. Attend! all the .Court, of HITCHCOCK FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, raVIXAai AU. Kingdom. i: fi. Candy Manufactory Bakorv Dusiiuonni h looVt lice an East Indian, ss: lATTORNET AT LAW, HH0, HAWAII. and Disease, or xitx jp. mnr. t.fnrjmitjxrn iii.exap mw X Boo t BWctaa H TooWj. d, oHi. nilUpromptlyeolIeeted 1) Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, iiavitiu M Preston rowers model for tbe brut of I A. SCIIAErilR A: CO.. Practical Confectioner,noruM,Paltry Cook and Baker, A Minted Asent of tht abore Companr.ara or it. en. mo 3 risk oa and for Ohio's memorial niche in the old ill A Merchants TJ. 'JZt Tl Hotel between Xnnann and Fort. 5 ly KretTto lofara a?ainit fire Htnnv Uriel mporters Commission H. HITCHCOCK, itreet, and on MrrhnUt tored thmln, on of Representative! Washington, has been fin- V23 llonolnln. HawalUn I.Und.. lj Notary Esplanade, Honolulu, II. I, apol Attorner at Lav and Public JOHX XVarLCTB. IS OUT 8. the ntot faroraole term. For particular at the ished and placed on exhibition at Colambne IIalipened an Office In mio, where he will promptly or st ij r.A.iiAi.raSBtiu ir ! ii. i:. jicOtyri: mioTii i:k. I attend to all bnelne entrnrtrd to him. O. ENGLING & CO 2IanaIac.Brta all kinds of Fisberies Ohio. HAMBURC-MAGDEBUR- GE0CEEY, FEED STOEE and BAKEEY Wrl attrad U th of lb Cirrnlt Canrt. ni Jo. 5 naann Street, C HE ARE SrECMIwLT will kino attend the Local Cfrcnlt Cocrta In Kau. C.1DtiaiaE Tbe daughter of Hayes is a Corner Kinc and Fort fctrecu, llonolnln. Tlnunitlu and Plumber, Dealers in Stores Mouldings. Brackets, FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, 8,000,000.1 T prrpie w school-ma- fees frCRTEYING DONE ritOMrTLT ly te of M!sb Molly Garfield at Cleve- lr Han;ea, Tin, Stet Iron a&d Copper Ware, keep rem Window Frames, A. JAECER, Aseal foitb. U- .- a la land. Rutherford Hayes, jr., has a position Flantly on hand a fall assortment of Tinware, Galw or IIAXBCIU). in WII.MKIt. Ac CO., Dr.N.B. EMERSON. Ued Iron and Lead lip, India Robber Hoee, Ac, Ac Blinds, Sashes. Doors STJPPLY1THS HAWAIIAN IHJIT89 the bank at Fremont of which his father is a and Cneen fcleeU, Honolnlo, UiB S3 ly MEItrilASDISE. IIHM. Corner of Fort PHYjjlCIAX XSIi SURGEON. And all kind, of Woodwork Flnl.h. BCILDI?lt.a, Tlra on th director. Lumber, Paints, Oils, Haill, Salt and Bailding and Kef Idcnce No. 2 Knknl moat favonbla irra tux eomer of Fort. HONOLULU WORKS CO. term. JUST RECEIVED Immediately every atrre, IRON Taming, Scroll and Band Sawing I A, JAH.LH, Asent for tho Hawaiian IIaad. - nr after the recent election in nir atatanan oi rtOFFICE IIOUILS-- 64 to 10;S a. m; l!i toS4 p. tm ly Hl;liet (,'ratle of Coticm XeMto, Pennsylrania, .Mr. Pattison, the cnccessful Tins. CTJMMTNGS & MARTIN m. Telephone No. t0 ly STEAM KMll.TES. SltJAIt MILU KiJiBfi or candidate for Governor, hastened to visit bis Uoll.r.(Cwol.r.(Iroaa 6raf.l L..dCMtlas. C0jStCHEE&tAHU1stG ASDXAOK crru SURGEONS AHDHOHEOrATHICIHTSlCIAES. P. A. TJE LA NTJX, Planing and Sawing. GREAT WESTERN aged mother in Alexandria, Va., to receive her Fort and tlereUnla St.., llonolnln. Machtnory of Evory Description FORT STREET. A DOVE K1NU. congratulations, SM Surveyor and Civil Engineer. tt-il- to Order. Sa morticing ana lenanung. INSURANCE COMPANY. -- Nets and Seines te Ortter, C" Addrw n(noltrln Tost Office. C Cm Particular attention paid to Snip' BlaeksaitUnf Haavd Office, 50 Wall St. Now YorV. New Goods of Various Miss Gabrielle Greeley ba begun making K. V. AIA3IS, - Descriptions MT- JOB WDKK.lfCat.d.li ta.mort.HBOUC.. UJ T ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO CierU ,rrj .pecloa of THftw larj. 4 raaaH, improvements on the Greeley swamp at Chap. Auctioneer and Commission Merchant. R. BRIGGS & (XL. Tho aboTO ComDaBrhaTlaestabliihed an Arrnr at flV.racUaOr.aB. N. BURGESS, Anil Work Uuarnuteetl. llonolnln for Imiandn. Ih ndtrrmi'fiiail I and has given a plot of ground to the Qneen buret, llonolnln. CARPENTERS & BLACKSMITHS P. the ilawailln paOjUa, Sll mm Order from the other Icland ollclled. aathortaed to accept and wnte Uarine RUka oo Cotton Episcopal Society of that village, on which LaIinIuh, Jlanl. CAHTHNTKH. tb HTJUjDBII, Honolnln. May g. 1879. 91. m Fretzht, Trraaare. Commlatlon and Chinese and Japanese Ware! b lighter Una Heap, sort Bvtbi HOI.I.i: A: CO., Shop on KlnCjStreeU opposite Rose's. 1111, to erect a chapel. Will contract for work In our line or any other bnsl- - at enrrent rate. J. 3. WALK E It, ALSO. LATEST STTLE or 2zd lea ipessTt. Ship Chandlers and CommiMionHereaanU. pei. tr fralitfaction Cnaranleed. tt 3m Ecllmatesrhcnooall kind of bnlldlns. VHrn re-- ly Arewt foo the Hawaiian Imnda Bramwcll Booth, son of tho generalissimo Importers and Dealer, in General Mrrctandbe, Qneen qnirea, umces ana eiorr miea np in ine .aicFi cmn EUROPEAN NOVELTIES IN JEWELRY! S& ht,llnntlnln.ll.
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