Phytogeographical Characteristics of the Guianan Rainforest
I SYMPOSIUM TROPICAL BOTANY: PRACTICE AND PRINCIPLES i-- - -- Symposium Secretary Ben J.H. ter Welle September 2ath- October 4 th.j1986 -' Institute of Systematic Botany Royal Dutch Football Association Centre Heidelberglaan 2,3584CS Utrecht-Netherlands Zeist - Netherlands PHYTOGEOGRA.PHICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE GUIA" RAINFOREST Institut Français de Recherche Scientifique pour le Développement en Coopération Centre ORSTOJl de Cayenne A e6 w/ - 2f 1fl 1 cl4 Jo-Jo de Granville 1' Key words : Phytogeography, flora, vegetation, endemicity, refugia, Gui anas. Summary : After a presentation of the Guianan area (si-lmation, geomorphology and climate), the author gives a short descrip- tion of each vegetation type occurring in the Guianas : upland or inland tropical evergreen moist forests, montane and lower montane forests, inundated forest types, transi- tion forests, forests on white sand soils, herbaceous swamps, savannas, scrub vegetation of the bare rocks. In a second chapter, he analyses some distribution patterns of different taxa represented in the Guianan rain forest (Meliaceae, Caryocaraceae, Tabernaemontanoideae, Musaceae, Zingiberaceae, Arecaceae , Passifloraceae, Lindsaeaceae) . !.?%e endemicity of the Guayana Highland region is briefly discussed and the floristic affinities of the Guianas are given in relation with the theory of South American refugia, Mots clefs : Phytogéographie, flore, vegetation, endémisme, refuges, Guyanes. Résumé : Après meprésentation de la région des Guyanes (situation, géomorphologie et climat) , l'auteur donne une brève description de chacun des types de végétation existant dans les Guyanes : forêt humide tropicale sempervirente de l'intérieur, forêt de montagne et de basse montagne, forêts ,I inondées, forêts de transition, forêts sur sables blancs, marais herbeux, savanes et broussailles sur rochers nus.
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