Understanding the Lord's Actions - Part 8

Date: 2016-04-11 Author: Narahari Krishna das

Hare Krishna Prabhujis and Matajis, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva.

This is in continuation of the previous topic titled, "Understanding the Lord's Actions". We will continue to meditate on the Lord Rama's strength and valour.

During the fight with , Indrajit struck a series of nagastras on Rama and in such a way that there was not even an inch left in their bodies, without being pierced by arrows. Indrajit applied the nagastra and bound Lord Rama and Lakshamana. Lord Rama completely fainted by the arrows and seeing Him in this condition Lakshmana also fainted. On seeing this Sugriva, Jambavan and and were all worried about how to bring Them back to consciousness. At that time, Garuda descended from Vaikunta and chased away the all the serpents and also by his touch cured Lord Rama and Lakshmana of all the wounds on their body and made them fully rejuvenated.

There is one more incident in the where Indrajit stuck Rama and Lakshmana with brahmastra and also the entire army of monkeys and rendered them unconscious. Sugreeva and Jambavan were also fatally wounded. And on the advice of Jambavan, Hanuman brought the Sanjeevani mountain and just by the breeze which emanated from the mountain Lord Rama and Lakshmana regained their consciousness.

From the above pastimes, it may appear that Lord Rama fainted like an ordinary human being struck by the weapons of Indrajit. However by careful study we can understand that Lord Rama did this for some reasons.

1. To honour the boons given by Lord Brahma to Indrajit 2. To bring out the glory of His dear servants. 3. To teach lessons to the world.

1. Boons given by Lord Brahma:- Though the Lord is Supreme and independent, He always respects the boons awarded by the devatas to the demons so that the cosmic order is not violated. If the boons are proved wrong, then no one will worship the devatas and there will not be any room for people to advance on the path of theism. So when the Lord incarnates and fights with the evil forces, He always does it respecting the cosmic laws and the boons conferred by the devatas. In this case, Indrajit got the nagastra from praying to Lord Brahma and nagastra is capable of binding any human being. Since the Lord descended in human form, as a mark of respect to Lord Brahma, He allowed Himself to be bound by the nāgastra and He wanted Indrajit to enjoy the benefits of his penance to Lord Brahma. Lord Rama Himself states it to the monkeys who were attacked by Indrajit, "This Indrajit is tormenting all the worlds on the strength of boons given by Brahmaji. And since time is in his favour, he will win over us now. To honour the boons of Lord Brahma, I need to tolerate this for sometime."

Same is the case when both of them were stuck by brahmāstra of Indrajit. Lord Rama explicitly said to Lakshmana, " Let us get hit by this brahmāstra which is the weapon of Lord Brahma who is the creator and inconceivable. If we do that Indrajit will think that he has won and leave the battle field and all the monkeys will be protected." This is confirmed by Vibhishana also who said as follows. (Ramayanan 6.74.3,4) mā bhaiṣṭa nāsty atra viṣādakālo yad āryaputrāv avaśau viṣaṇṇau svayambhuvo vākyam athodvahantau yat sāditāv indrajidastrajālaiḥ tasmai tu dattaṃ paramāstram etat svayambhuvā brāhmam amoghavegam tan mānayantau yadi rājaputrau nipātitau ko 'tra viṣādakālaḥ

Honouring the weapon of Brahmaji, the two sons of the venerable Dasaratha have allowed themselves to be knocked down by the missiles of Indrajit. Hence do not be afraid. There is no occasion for despondency now. This excellent missile, presided over by Brahma the creator, with never-failing strength, was given to Indrajit by Brahma. Honouring it, Rama and Lakshmana the princes fell down in battle. So this not a time for despondency here.

Krishna willing, let us meditate on the other reasons in the subsequent offerings.

Hare Krishna. Thank you very much. Yours in service of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva, Narahari Krishna das Chennai.