Transportation Finance, Training, Strategic Management, and Economic Analysis
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD No. 1498 Planning and Administration Transportation Finance, Training, Strategic Management, and Economic Analysis A peer-reviewed publication of the Transportation Research Board TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL NATIONAL ACADEMY PRESS WASHINGTON, D.C. 1995 Transportation Research Record 1498 Edward A. Beimborn, Richard K. Brail, Michael S. Bronzini, Katherine L. ISSN 0361-1981 Davis, Roger L. Dean, Marvin C. Gersten, Edwin W. Hauser, Frederick ISBN 0-309-06162-8 Hugo, Joyce H. Johnson, Elaine E. Joost, C. Jotin Khisty, Patricia L. Lees, Price: $27 .00 John M. McCullough, Charles T. Morison, Jr., Neville A. Parker, Calvin Roberts, John Ross, Kwnares C. Sinha, Louis B. Stephens, Jr., C. Michael Subscriber Category Walton, Eugene M. Wilson IA planning and administration Committee on Transportation and Economic Development Printed in the United States of America Chairman: David J. Forkenbrock, University of Iowa Michael Bell, Fredric S. Berger, Stewart E. Butler, Gary DeCramer, Randall W. Eberts, Norman S. J. Foster, James S. Gillespie, Terry L. Gotts, John F. Hornbeck, Andrew M. Isserman, Hal S. Maggied, Sharon B. Megdal, Deb L. Miller, Susan Jones Moses, Bahar B. Sponsorship of Transportation Research Record 1498 Norris. Robert D. Owens, Elizabeth A. Pinkston, Wayne B. Placide, Farideh Ramjerdi, Kenneth D. Simonson, Theresa M. Smith, GROUP I-TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS PLANNING AND Robert J. Zuelsdoif ADMINISTRATION Chairman: Thomas F. Humphrey, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Committee on Strategic Management Chairman: George T. Lathrop, Charlotte Department of Transportation Management and Administration Section Secretary: Sidney Davis, Southern College of Technology Chairwoman: Julie Hoover, Parsons Brinckerhoff, Inc. Kenneth Asp, Linda Bohlinger, Mark Ford, John Glover, Mark P.
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