GeoScape 9(2) - 2015: 33–46 doi: 10.1515/geosc-2015-0004 Available online at

Resarch report Research and Practice: Partners and/or

Competitors? General findings and regional specifics in the cooperation of research and practice sphere on the example of Czech-Saxon borderland

1* 2 3 Eva Berrová – Milan Jeřábek – Grit KrauseJüttler

1 Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem, České mládeže 8, 400 96 Ústí nad Labem, *[email protected]

2 Institute of Geography, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kotlářská 2, 61137 Brno, Czech Republic

3 CIMTTFakultät Maschinenwesen, Technische Universität

Dresden, Helmholtzstraße 10, 01069 ,

Abstract: Innovations, innovation potential and innovation transfer are very actual topics in many fields of people’s activities. This problematic intersects very broad spectrum of disciplines, from regional development crossing economy to much specified business management and engineering. In the geographical studies this theme appears most often in the connection to socialeconomic situation, internal or external potential and regional development on different hierarchical levels. This paper summarizes the results of research (questionnaires and interviews), which was carried out in the same time on both sides of the 1 border (in the Usti region and in the Central ). It was held under the cross border project “Innovation potential as a factor of increasing of the competitiveness of the Czech Saxon borderland” (INPOK). Target respondents were on both sides the same: subjects from practices (companies), research and development institutions (high schools, universities, research institutes), then the public administration (above all the municipalities) and the regional actors (for example the economic chambers). We have focuses on analyzing the general framework conditions of the CzechSaxon borderland, its strengths and weaknesses in the connection with active cross border cooperation above all between the research and practice field with the stress on the innovation behaviour in the study area.

Key words: CzechSaxon borderland; innovation; innovation potential; cross border cooperation; business; research

Highlights for public administration, management and planning: • this survey has shown that CzechSaxon cooperative creative economies are limited • the major constraints for cooperation are seen by actors in lack of sufficient institutional and policy support for the development of innovative business

Received: 2 Nov 2015 – Received in revised form: 11 Dec 2015 – Accepted: 14 Dec 2015

© Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem 33

GeoScape 9(2) - 2015: 33–46 doi: 10.1515/geosc-2015-0004 Available online at

1. Introduction For instance Maier and Tödtling (1998) cite that Czech-Saxon borderland has been the long-time there exist factors influencing the creation of area of interest of the J. E. Purkyně University in innovations in concrete area - they are for Ústí nad Labem (hereinafter UJEP), which is example highly qualified labour force, universities studying cross-border cooperation, demo- and research institutes, sufficiently large market graphics, local identity, regional development and and good market access, access to capital, forms the landscape in general for several years. This of interaction among the various actors in research was recently promoted by the three- innovation system network and many others. In year cross-border project OP Objective 3 general the term of innovation can be seen as Innovative potential as a factor in increasing the assumptions and means providing the ability to competitiveness of Czech-Saxon Borderland innovate companies and their employees that is (registration number 100088915) and necessary to achieve desired objectives in the implemented together with the Technical sphere of innovative competitive environment. University of Dresden. The results of the The issue of innovations and regional mentioned project led to an effort to create a development in compliance with socio-economic platform for proactive and effective development can be studied in the theories of communication in the field of applied science, polarized development (e.g., Friedmann 1966 ), research and development, to strengthen theories of localization ( Malmberg et al. 2000 ) or cooperation in the research and application for instance in economic geography and the new spheres and to submit several proposals or growth theory ( Krugman 1991 ). Theoretical base measures to improve the situation and increase can be for better orientation enriched with the the economic competitiveness of the Czech- theories of spatial division of labour ( Massey Saxon borderland. The complete results of the 1984 ), theory of industrial districts ( Sabel et al. research are presented in a publication called 1989 ) or no less known theory of learning regions Region a inovace na příkladu česko-saského (Lundvall 1992 ). pohraničí (Jeřábek et al. 2014 ). The concept of regional innovation systems ( RIS, The aim of this paper is to offer crucial results of Cooke 1992 ) is considered to be an essential survey and research which took place in the area concept in our research. This concept combines of the Czech-Saxon borderland. This research was both innovative efficiency and competitiveness of aimed to analyze a situation of the innovations, regions and also tools of systematic assistance. As competitiveness and cross-border cooperation also other authors (e.g., Jensen et al. 2007 ) state and to outline possible solutions. Presentation of „innovations are the results of interactive social its findings will be now preceded by some process among innovation process agents, for theoretical framework which was a basis of instance among companies and science research mentioned research. organizations creating new knowledge and The definitions of the term of innovation are further among customers“. New knowledge and differently perceived not only across disciplines findings spread by a transfer process (of but also in the different concepts or by specific innovations, technologies). According to Pred and authors - innovation in production, in the Törnquist (1973) this diffusion of innovation has methodological process, innovations in work got more complicated structure than like complex organization or upgrading the finished product diffusion of innovation. Often we can meet some (see e.g., Adair 2004 ). Trommsdorff and Steinhoff differences in perceiving of some terms, (2009) distinguish between innovation of especially among different expert groups. products and innovation of processes and Innovation ability of companies and speed and according to them innovation represents a new quality of innovation implementation in company kind of a „business subjective item“ (product or practice are important conditions of sustenance process) which must be not only „invented“, but of competitiveness in global markets. Innovations also pushed through both company and outside. are difficult when companies don’t have own

© Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem 34

GeoScape 9(2) - 2015: 33–46 doi: 10.1515/geosc-2015-0004 Available online at capacities in science and research, when they research institutes), municipalities and public don’t follow a progress in the market and administration, and regional actors (so called scientific progress in everyday practice, when intermediaries 2). Each of the target groups had its they have low absorbent ability to external own − while maintaining the key issues for findings (e.g., from research institutes and subsequent comparison − specifically modified universities) and when there is a limited questionnaire, only public administration and information transfer inside the company intermediaries had exactly the same eventually knowledge management ( Jeřábek et questionnaire. The reason for this division was al. 2012 ). the need to determine how each group is Technology transfer is one of the phenomena of reacting to the current situation, what the the economy or society development from the possibilities of active cooperation are and what is 2nd half of the 20th century. It mediates the the difference between the views on scientific transfer of results of science, research and and application sphere cooperation among these development in tangible and intangible form respondents (groups). Before the questioning it from their origin to their final use. The crucial was necessary to define innovation from the here is know-how − not only in light of perspective of the respondents, because there innovations development but also in terms of are different meanings: innovation can be in the acceleration of technological changes. Not only form of entirely new product, or in the form of because of this reason creation of knowledge and new technology or production process or in the technologies should be understood as a form of a new strategy for the introduction of a cumulative and evolutionary process based on product on the market or in a totally new work experiences ( Bathelt, Glücker 2003 ). Not only organization in the company. companies and science research institutions are The surveyed companies 3 were subjected to involved in these processes - there exist a questions relating primarily to the approach to number of other key agents (e.g., economic innovation, willingness to innovate and chambers, business institutions, regional cooperation not only with research and administrations etc.) which must be considered. development institutions on the Czech side, but Their role and engagement can be well also cross-border cooperation. Differences in understood in the regional development concept approach to innovation and regional innovation of triple helix (Etzkowitz, Leydesdorff 1997 in potential is confirmed by for example Pokorný Blažek, Uhlíř 2011 ). (2008) , who defines the innovative potential and These entrance findings were a part of more innovative environment and the indispensable extensive theoretical study of regional role of regional authorities, which is assigned to development a innovation behaviour in so called intermediaries in the questionnaire (it interested area. Subsequent application phase often depends on the position and the role, the took up this study. Complete output is available function of the intermediary can be performed in in already mentioned publication called Region a a given context by many actors). Generally, the inovace na příkladu česko-saského pohraničí innovation cycle or process is structured in (Jeřábek et al. 2014a, 2014b ). several stages. The whole cycle covers a period of several years from the first idea, through the

development, manufacturing of the product and 2. Methods its subsequent successful testing and For the first stage of the research, a standard introduction into production. We asked the questionnaire has been compiled, of course, it respondents also about these stages. The was identical on both sides of the border and it questionnaire contained 12 to 26 questions of was in the Czech and versions. different types (character): open questions, both Respondents were divided into four target simple and multiple answer, classification groups: companies (application sphere), research according to the scale, Yes/No alternatives. institutions (incl. colleges, universities, and Questioning took place both on Czech and Saxon

© Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem 35

GeoScape 9(2) - 2015: 33–46 doi: 10.1515/geosc-2015-0004 Available online at sides at the same time in the period from on the Czech side, and by the borders of the February to August 2012, the descriptive districts of , Kreis Mittelsachsen, evaluation has been carried out by the German Dresden – Kreisfreie Stadt a Kreis Sächsische side for both parties, and graphical outputs have Schweiz – Ostererzgebirge on the Saxon side (see been created together. Fig. 1 ). The area of interest is the Czech-Saxon borderland defined by the territory of Usti Region

Fig. 1 – Location of the area of interest (original names).

Fig. 2 – The methodology of the study.

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GeoScape 9(2) - 2015: 33–46 doi: 10.1515/geosc-2015-0004 Available online at

Fig. 3 – The territorial distribution of the questionnaire in the Usti region, the quantitative phase.

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GeoScape 9(2) - 2015: 33–46 doi: 10.1515/geosc-2015-0004 Available online at

Table 1 Location, innovation and potential of the Czech-Saxon Borderland - SWOT Analysis. Source: Own research, 2012.

Strengths Weaknesses

- Excellent geographic location - The negative impact of the recent industrial past - Significant poles of development (Usti, Dresden) - High unemployment - Integration thanks to cross-border links - Low competitiveness - Tendency to produce "macro-clusters" - Ignorance of innovative companies and VTP (R&D Park)

Opportunities Risks

- The use of cross-border links in the economics - Instability of the economic environment ("to learn" / learning regions) - Low ability to respond to changes - The creation of "knowledge" and "skills" - Outflow of skilled labor - Emphasis on the knowledge economy - Implementation of little sustainable measures - Support for education and business

The second qualitative phase of the research (see We have gradually specified a set of hypotheses e.g., Hendl 2008 ) was realized in the form of within the project - based on the study of expert interviews, whose contents were targeted relevant literature (especially Kislingerová 2008, at deepening the knowledge gained in the first Petkov 2012, Steinmetzová ed. 2008 ) – and we phase (survey). In the period between June and have focused, among other things, on the August 2013 several companies and institutions verification of them through our own empirical were addressed to implement the expert research. interview, which follows the survey of the 1. Communication and cooperation between the previous year. Approximately 20 actors on the scientific research sector and the business sector Czech side were contacted by phone or e-mail, 6 is difficult to find common ground because of of them consented to the execution of the a lack of motivation, no common goals and interview. The interview was conducted on the interest. basis of the agreed form, in some cases audio 2. Situation on the Saxon side is slightly better recording was made. Subjects addressed were than on the Czech side. companies operating in the Usti Region, defined by CZ-NACE within Sections C (manufacturing), or 3. Interest on the cross-border region is not so G (wholesale and retail). The size of the significant, but it is often the first place where the companies ranged mostly in the order of several cross-border activity is focused on. hundred employees, the smallest company had 4. For regional businesses, cross-border market is seven employees, and the largest had 800 more attractive (closer) than other international employees. Methodological procedure with all (more distant) markets. the steps is shown in Fig. 2. Overview of the 5. Innovations in the Czech-Saxon Borderland are number of respondents by target groups is given not carried out in a large scale. in the following Table 2 . 6. Potential for transfer and development of Colleges and universities are predominant among innovation is not sufficiently exploited. respondents who are the primary subjects of this 7. To promote innovation it is necessary to move paper, and according to the type of research, the away from the direct support for individual majority of them belongs to applied research.

© Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem 38

GeoScape 9(2) - 2015: 33–46 doi: 10.1515/geosc-2015-0004 Available online at enterprises in favour of supporting the overall 8. The professionalization of knowledge and regional innovation system. technology transfer has the great importance for the use of regional innovation potential.

Table 2: Number of questionnaires according to target groups

Target group Usti Region Central Saxony a Total Businesses 143 120 263 Research institutions 10 36 46 Municipalities and public 32 administration 28 75 Intermediaries (regional actors) 15 TOTALLY 200 184 384

Source: Own research, 2013 (Note: The cells with values of 28 and 74 for groups of Municipalities and Public Administration and Intermediaries are merged because the forms were merged when processing on the Saxon side due to an identity of both forms). aFollowing Saxon districts were involved in the project research: Erzgebirgskreis, Kreis Mittelsachsen, Dresden – Kreisfreie Stadt, Kreis Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge.

3. Results administrative and institutional structures and This paper presents selected results of the survey different social and economic levels. The greatest for the first time in a specialized periodical 4; the opportunities for Czech-Saxon borderland are results represent the most important insights and defined as the creation and utilization of tourism key findings. These findings characterize the potential, implementation of joint activities and perception of the Czech-Saxon borderland as an projects including their support, as well as the area for active cooperation between the scientific common labour market and the intensification of and research community and business industry, economic cooperation. Economic, social and cooperation between Czech and German demographic situation is reflected in the companies and institutions. assessment of the region in terms of risk, including in particular economic stagnation/

recession, worsening the condition and quality of 3.1 Subjective perceptions of the area of interest the labour market (incl. the brain drain process), by respondents limiting the amount of funds for financial support Respondents from the group of Municipalities and the lack of sustainability of the ecological and Public Administration and Intermediaries situation. Overall the respondents perceive the “were assigned to carry out the task” in the region of Czech-Saxon borderland as a region questionnaire to compile a SWOT analysis of the with the potential for further development, the Czech-Saxon borderland. In their opinion the readiness for carrying out other activities is not attractive scenery, significant tourist potential, missing on either side, there are however barriers support of active cross-border co-operation, that have not been removed successfully for relatively good transport infrastructure and a long time, for example the language barrier and a common history can be indicated the strong legislative framework conditions. points of this territory. The weaknesses include the language barrier, as well as the unfavourable situation on the labour market, different

© Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem 39

GeoScape 9(2) - 2015: 33–46 doi: 10.1515/geosc-2015-0004 Available online at

3.2 Innovative process of looking research The research showed that the Czech-Saxon institutions borderland has a great potential which is not fully Following results of the group of Research realized, however. Here it is confirmed the above institutions were selected, the conclusions that mentioned SWOT analysis, that talks about the capture the view on the self-identification within possibilities of development and the existing the innovation process, the nature and structure barriers. The surveyed companies prefer national of the existing cooperation. As shown in Fig. 4 , and regional markets, instead of cross-border surveyed scientific-research institutions have (Czech-Saxon) market. For active and effective declared that they are mostly in the early stages cooperation within the border region, there are of the innovation cycle. several barriers, they include the most striking - language barriers and different laws. Roughly half Cooperation between scientific-research of the surveyed companies have worked with institutions and the private sector is rather long- scientific-research institutions (national/state term, but the difference from the short-term and level) within the border area over the past three one-off types of cooperation is not too large years. The spatial distribution of realized (Fig. 5). cooperation between companies and scientific- research sector is described in Fig. 7 that shows 3.3 Innovative conduct of companies and cross- a very low, almost zero harnessing the potential border cooperation of Czech-Saxon borderland. Implemented coope- Surveyed companies follow already tested ration was targeted to the regions (Usti Region, innovations rather than their own innovations. Central Saxony), or nationally or internationally Lack the proper stimulus, financial resources and (it means to locations other than the Czech-Saxon stability of contact with partners from science borderland). Both parties also declared their and research area often prevent the own interest in this area and the tendency to exploit innovative activity. Overview of the most its potential, but so far it did not happen. common barriers is shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 4 – Self-identification of R & D institutions in the innovation process, data in absolute numbers.

© Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem 40

GeoScape 9(2) - 2015: 33–46 doi: 10.1515/geosc-2015-0004 Available online at

Fig. 5 – Predominant type of research for respondents - R & D institutions.

Fig. 6 – Internal barriers to establishing cooperation in the area of research. (percentages, multiple answers possible)

© Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem 41

GeoScape 9(2) - 2015: 33–46 doi: 10.1515/geosc-2015-0004 Available online at

Fig. 7 – Localization of cooperation partners of companies. (percentages)

4. Summary of results of the qualitative phase of perceive Germany as a partner regardless of the research whether they are Dresden, Hamburg or Munich. 4.1 Innovation, examples of good cooperation Links to international trade and cooperation are often stronger and more traditional than the The surveyed companies, except one of them, much closer connection to the border region. consistently stated that they have their Companies appreciate their foreign partners, but employees or an entire department dedicated to examples of long and effective collaboration in innovation. Innovations are handled on an the Czech-Saxon borderland are surprisingly little. external site or in a central department very Generally, the state border is not seen as often. Good cooperation among companies is a barrier. relatively diverse, some of them states collaboration with universities which carry out various measurements and research in labs for 4.3 Cooperation with the scientific research them as an excellent example, other companies community - recommendations for improvement indicate good relations with suppliers and The most common case is the cooperation with customers, and others multiyear collaboration on universities and high schools, where students projects with partners abroad. Impulses for the attend companies to professional practice, or implementation of innovations come either they write their thesis there. Companies are open internally or externally, it can be difficult to to students, particularly the view untouched by generalize, because the nature and focus of practice and fresh young ideas are welcome. The particular innovation always decide. problem is on the other hand, is insufficient practical knowledge − e.g., using machines, 4.2 Cross-border cooperation knowledge of production processes, and lack of practice. The companies indicate strengthening Czech companies don’t separate the border links with the practice, teaching students what region of Saxony from the rest of Germany, they

© Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem 42

GeoScape 9(2) - 2015: 33–46 doi: 10.1515/geosc-2015-0004 Available online at they really use later, customizing thinking of another entity; development and production of academics to current issues of practice as the its own innovations in this region is not quite most frequent recommendations for cooperation common. The potential for the establishment and with academia. operation of technology parks and innovation, industrial and knowledge incubators is great, but it is rather a place that is rented to individual 4.4 Intermediaries role companies. For example, in Sebnitz or Rumburk Intermediaries play different roles for companies. (coincidentally, both examples of the Šluknov Mostly they are a welcome help to the exchange region) there is a certain form of business and of information, assistance with promotion and innovation consulting, which can be one of the presentation of the company at various events, cornerstones for the development of high-quality general knowledge about competition, etc. On innovation centre. Starting the knowledge the other side, there is a sort of scepticism and economy as a competitive and innovative mistrust to these entities, as they cannot do development of the region is a matter of long- anything specifically to run the company, they term, however, its potential and importance is cannot involve and intervene in it, mostly, their unquestionable (see e.g., Kislingerová et al. role remains in a general and overarching level. 2008 ). Recommendations for more efficient work of Overall profitability of the position of Czech- intermediaries are their stronger links with Saxon borderland in terms of regional production, because they have not developed so- development confirms for example Viturka et al. called "sprint to the goal". (2010) , who talks about the positional advantages of the regions and evaluates the quality of the 5. Discussion and conclusion business environment. A total of 384 subjects were involved in the Both sides claimed during questioning that there implemented questionnaire survey, they were is lack of sufficient institutional and policy divided into four target groups: Enterprises support for the development of innovative (application sphere), Research institutions, business, grant sources are under very difficult Municipalities and public administration, mechanism of administration and small Intermediaries. The research yielded new insights businesses often do not have sufficient capacity about what is the situation in the Czech-Saxon to achieve this support. Communication between borderland, whether the companies and scientific scientific-research sphere and the sphere of research institutions are willing to cooperate application is not ideal, especially on the Czech together on research projects, whether they side. The German side has better and more implement innovation and whether they are proactive tendencies and efforts to inform each active in cross-border cooperation. other, but the Czech side does not seem to have Research cooperation, unfortunately, is not too sufficient interest in the joint / cross border frequent and active, there are rather the communication. exceptions, which operate on the basis of The said research has established qualitative longstanding personal contact between phase (especially summer 2013, supplementary representatives of both sides. Likewise, it was also in 2012), which aimed to validate and confirmed that the potential of the Czech-Saxon deepen the results obtained in specific subjects, borderland is not fully used, the tendency to to analyze their innovation process and find strengthen cooperation and willingness to examples of so-called best/good practices, implement joint projects is strong enough on significant suggestions for improving the current both sides, but there are barriers, mostly poor situation and others. language skills and differences in the legislation. The concept of strengthening the scientific and Innovations are implemented mainly in the form technological transfer of the takeover of the completed upgrade of

© Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem 43

GeoScape 9(2) - 2015: 33–46 doi: 10.1515/geosc-2015-0004 Available online at

Based on our results we specified thematic areas Area 4: The framework conditions for research in which we propose recommendations that cooperation should contribute to the strengthening of cross- • Mediation of language skills and intercultural border research cooperation. basic knowledge, • enable better linking of legal conditions, inter Area 1: Enterprise innovation culture alia through the creation of legal expertise, • General support for business innovation culture • improving the coherence of transport and and innovation capability, telecommunications networks in the border • formation and care for informal connections / regions. links between business and research institutions, • strengthening the absorption capacity of Area 5: Means of support engagement enterprises to adopt innovative external pulses, • monitoring of grant funds, with an emphasis on • offer follow-up and further training of workers oriented consulting for target groups (e.g., in innovation issues / processes. through municipalities or intermediaries), • bring closer grant programs and funding to Area 2: Research collaboration management needs of groups of actors in the region (especially businesses), • Support of the project management from the beginning of the project until its completion using • support for submitting project applications and project management methods, implementation of project plans (e.g., through cross-border networks of intermediaries). • providing legal expertise to legally effective protection (e.g., mediation of cooperation agreements models) and the protection and Area 6: Availability / presence of professional exploitation of intellectual property in joint staff research projects in the Czech-Saxon borderland. • Support enhancing thematically relevant qualifications of workers in enterprises, Area 3: The cooperative climate and mediating • support in finding professional staff (mediation contacts of universities, research institutions and • Creation of the (cross-border) communication enterprises, cross-border exchanges of jobs, platform for networking between companies and introducing the possibility of traineeships stays research institutions (e.g., also as an Internet during lessons). platform), • creation of informal (cross-border) contact Vision of solutions − cross-border innovation options (e.g., innovation exchanges, program of network: visits, specialized workshops) as a starting point We propose the creation of a cross-border for creating relations of trust between the innovation network. Its role would be primarily to relevant groups of actors, roof and link all key stakeholders. Following • allow convergence of science and economy, in issues can be offered through such a network: which the public administration (e.g., support the the implementation of measures to establish economy) and intermediary institutions could contacts between research sphere and the perform certain functions. economy, organizing promotional events, determine problem areas for scientific and technological transfer, organization of individual

support to companies or mediation of qualified personnel.

© Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem 44

GeoScape 9(2) - 2015: 33–46 doi: 10.1515/geosc-2015-0004 Available online at

Linking all in terms of innovation relevant groups References of actors into the formal innovative networking Adair J (2004) Efektivní inovace. Praha, Alfa can contribute to continuous strengthening and Publishing. appreciation of a similar innovative system. This Analýza (2012) Anazýla pracovněprávních vztahů creates a base that becomes innovation system ve VVŠ a ve V.V.I. ve vazbě na oblast VaVaI "Czech-Saxon Borderland" visible at both the a následné využití výsledků VaVaI v praxi. Analýza national and international level, represents the zpracovaná v rámci projektu „Efektivní transfer necessary interests of the region and contributes znalostí a poznatků výzkumu a vývoje do praxe to increased competitiveness in European and a jejich následné využití (EF-TRANS)“. Praha. global competition. Bathelt H, Glücker J (2003) Wirtschaft

sgeographie. Ökonomische Beziehungen in Notes räumlicher Perspektive. Stuttgart. 1 Under the project, the Central Saxony doesn’t mean Blažek J, Uhlíř D (2011) Teorie regionálního the Kreis Mittelsachsen administrative unit / the rozvoje: nástin, kritika, implikace. Karolinum, district of Central Saxony, but ad hoc territory defined Praha. for the project. To mark the term in German language we use the term Mittleres Sachsen. Following districts Cooke P (1992) Regional innovation systems: are included in the region of Central Saxony: compettitive regulation in the new Europe. Erzgebirgskreis, Kreis Mittelsachsen, Kreis Sächsische Geoforum 23: 365–382. Schweiz-Osterzgbirge and Dresden – Kreisfreie Stadt. Etzkowitz H, Leydesdorff L (1997) Universities and 2 Intermediaries are defined as specific regional actors, Global Knowledge Economy. Pinter, London. intermediaries, or persons intermediating contact between various disciplines, between companies and Friedmann J (1972) A General Theory of Polarized research institutions etc. A typical example in the Development. In: Hansen NM (ed) Growth Czech Republic are Chambers of Commerce, Centres in Regional Economic Development. Free CzechInvest, etc. Such actors can be included neither Press, New York, pp. 82–107 among research institutions, nor among production Hendl J (2008) Kvalitativní výzkum: základní companies; they are kind of "connector" between the teorie, metody a aplikace. Portál, Praha. two spheres. Jensen MG, Johnson B, Lorenz E, Lundvall BA 3Size-structure of surveyed enterprises according to (2007) Forms of knowledge and modes of the number of employees in the study area (Czech and Saxon parts together; number of employees and innovation. Research Policy 36: 680–693. percentage): 0-9 27.1 %; 10-19 19.6 %; 20-49 19.6 %; Jeřábek M, Berrová E, Lauterbach P, Krause- 50-99 10.2 %; 100-249 13.3 %; 250+ 10.2 %. Jüttler G, Lohse K, Jandová A (2014a) Region 4Complete results are included in the Jeřábek et al. a inovace na příkladu česko-saského pohraničí. (2014a; information on GRADA Publishing, Praha. Jeřábek M, Berrová E, Lauterbach P, Krause-Jütler Acknowledgements G, Lohse K, Jandová A (2014b) Region a inovace The article was written with the support of the v kostce. Manuál k posílení vědeckého project implemented by the Operating a technologického transferu v česko-saském Programme Objective 3 (Ziel3/Cíl3) called pohraničí. UJEP, Ústí nad Labem. Innovative potential as a factor in increasing the Jeřábek M, Lauterbach P, Pohajdová B, Berrová E, competitiveness of Czech-Saxon borderland, Kowalke H (2012) Analýza a hodnocení number of registration: 100088915. Our thanks inovačního potenciálu v Euroregionu /Labe. belong to other members of the research team, Výzkumná zpráva projektu v rámci Fondu malých who were also involved in the project, namely: projektů Cíle 3, UJEP, Ústí nad Labem. Katja Lohse, Alžběta Jandová, Gritt Ott, and Petr Kislingerová E et al. (2008) Inovace nástrojů Lauterbach. ekonomiky a managementu organizací. Praha, C. H. Beck.

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GeoScape 9(2) - 2015: 33–46 doi: 10.1515/geosc-2015-0004 Available online at

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