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Indigenization STOPPING AS SUCCESS: TRANSITIONING TO LOCALLY LED DEVELOPMENT CASE STUDY: RAKS THAI FOUNDATION WHEN RISKS BECOME OPPORTUNITIES: THE 1997 ‘INDIGENIZATION’ OF CARE’S FIRST COUNTRY OFFICE TO BECOME THE RAKS THAI FOUNDATION October 2019 Kiely Barnard-Webster, CDA, Promboon Panitchpakdi, Raks Thai Foundation, Jennifer Weidman, Space Bangkok STOPPINGASSUCCESS.ORG | 1 STOPPING AS SUCCESS This case study was developed as part of Stopping As Success (SAS), implemented by a consortium consisting of Peace Direct, CDA Collaborative Learning Projects, and Search for Common Ground, with support and funding from the United States THAILAND Agency for International Development (USAID). SAS is a collaborative learning project that aims CONTENTS: Acronyms 2 to study the dynamics at play when ending a Stopping As Success 2 development program, and provide guidelines on 1. Introduction and Methodology 2 2. Context 3 how to ensure locally led development. In doing Early civil society in Thailand 3 this, SAS looks beyond the technical aspects of an 1980 to 2005 3 exit strategy to identify examples that demonstrate 2005 to 2014 3 The aftermath of 2014 4 a transition toward locally led development. The Civil society today 4 case studies produced by the project highlight the Emerging trends in aid 4 Today’s funding opportunities 5 past and present realities faced by international 3. History of Raks Thai Foundation 5 non-government organizations (INGOs), local civil Creation of CARE’s Thailand country office 5 society organizations (CSOs), and local NGOs, “Indigenization” agenda of the CARE federation 6 TIMOR4. Mapping LESTE the Transition 6 focusing in particular on how partnerships evolve Trigger and enablers of the transition 6 during transitions or devolvement to local entities. Importance of leadership 7 Assumptions about the transition 8 Financial considerations 8 Staff retention and RTF human resource team 9 Risks 9 1. INTRODUCTION AND 5. Transition Outcomes 10 METHODOLOGY Creating a local entity: why being “local” mattered 10 A new strategy: putting staff at the center of the transition 10 A new process: why “experimentation” mattered 12 This is a case study of the transition of CARE USA’s Case study: a return to organic farming in Mae Chaem district 13 Thailand office into a local entity named Raks Thai 6. Key Lessons 14 Foundation (RTF) in 1997, which six years later was re-incorporated as a member of the CARE confederation. While “indigenization” was the term ACRONYMS originally used to communicate the drive behind this CSO civil society organization approach, today the word “transformation” is the INGO international non-governmental organization term most commonly used by the global organization. MCSO movement-related civil society organization NGO non-governmental organization This case was produced using qualitative methods NGO-COD non-governmental organization through a series of semi-structured interviews and coordinating committee on development focus group conversations. CARE staff, RTF staff, RTF Raks Thai Foundation RTF government partners, donors, and community SAS Stopping As Success beneficiaries all contributed to discussions. SCSO service-oriented civil society organization External experts with knowledge of the country’s civil society context were also interviewed. TYPE OF TRANSITION The indigenization of the Raks Thai Foundation CARE In total, 26 semi-structured key informant Thailand is an example of a transition from a global interviews were conducted. Four focus groups to a national entity, as well as an example of a reverse were held in Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Mae Chaem, transition, whereby the Foundation re-incorporated as with 15 beneficiaries, two RTF staff, and one a member of the CARE conferedation in 2003, givng government partner participating in focus group the group equal status to other CARE members. discussions. In total, 46 individuals participated in conversations with the research team. STOPPINGASSUCCESS.ORG | 2 2. CONTEXT that NGO workers are secretly either communists or working for foreign governments. As one of our Over recent decades, Thailand’s economic classification interviewees noted: “NGOs are branded as troublemakers has ranged from low- to upper-income status. Today, historically, and seen by the government as communists.” according to World Bank standards, it is a middle-income country.1 Irrespective of economic growth patterns, 1980 TO 2005 CSOs have been a driving force for change during this time. Both movement-related civil society organizations In 1980, the government sought to reach an understanding (MCSOs) and service-oriented organizations civil society with the Communist Party of Thailand, allowing its fighters organizations (SCSOs) currently play an influential role, to lay down arms with a guarantee of amnesty. Many who acting as intermediaries between communities and had fled did return to society and their studies, sparking a government officials. The funding landscape for aid has period of growth for civil society as various organizations changed drastically as Thailand’s economic status has began to appear, including private organizations and evolved, with many international donors decreasing networks. The nature of how social welfare organizations funding, or even withdrawing it altogether. For the last two operated also began to change in this period. decades, the effects of this economic shift have rippled out to CSOs – many of which now rely on diversified Thailand’s Sixth National Economic and Social funding streams and locally sourced contributions. Development Plan (1987–91) included a policy emphasizing cooperation between the government and the private EARLY CIVIL SOCIETY IN THAILAND sector regarding rural development. As a result, the NGO Coordinating Committee on Development (NGO-COD) The roots of civil society extend back to when the was established in 1985 under the National Economic country, led by the monarchy, began establishing public and Social Development Board, incorporating 139 NGO welfare organizations in 1893.2 This continued until representatives from across the country. The NGO- Thailand’s shift to a constitutional monarchy in 1932. The COD – an interdisciplinary network of NGOs focused combination of an oppressive government and its ongoing on holistic development contributing to the strengthening struggle with the Communist Party of Thailand in the of NGOs and CSOs in Thailand – was to serve as a 1960s/70s eventually led, on 14 October 1973, to a large coordinating body between government and civil society, movement demanding greater democracy. The movement and had reach at the provincial, regional, and national levels. succeeded in raising awareness around rights, liberalism, and democracy, as well as in bringing people together from The economic growth enjoyed by Thailand in the 1990s diverse groups. There were increased conversations about brought with it corresponding growth in civil society. freedom, the establishment of labor unions, and other Rather than merely providing basic services and public related advancements. The people ultimately prevailed and, utilities, civil society began concerning itself with such topics for almost three years, democracy bloomed in Thailand. as environmental preservation, and increasingly launched activism campaigns. Quasi-governmental organizations, This momentum came to a halt on 6 October 1976, when such as the Thai Health Promotion Foundation, also arose the military staged a coup and government forces brutally in this period. The initial investment for this foundation put down the resulting student protest at Thammasat came from tax money, and it soon came to be a major University, claiming those involved were communist source of grant funding for projects and other CSOs. guerillas. This signaled the halt of the civil society movement and dormancy for many CSOs until after 1979. 2005 TO 2014 During this period, the ultra-nationalist right-wing and the 2005 saw the beginning of Thailand’s current political Village Scouts3 spread the word that the students were conflict, known as “color politics.” Since then, the actually communists seeking to topple the monarchy. political atmosphere has been extremely divisive. Many, Aggression toward the students ironically pushed many if not most, CSOs have found themselves on one or the into the arms of the Communist Party of Thailand, other side of the conflict, making it difficult to identify where they took up arms to fight the Thai government. completely neutral organizations and individuals. As a This period is responsible for an inherent Thai suspicion result, civil society has been subject to considerable STOPPINGASSUCCESS.ORG | 3 scrutiny by the government and the public. In addition, society by closely monitoring MCSOs while at the same government and other political players view CSOs time working closely with SCSOs. With the activities of with suspicion, often regarding them as troublemakers. MCSOs now declining, focus has increasingly turned to SCSOs. Here, it does appear as if the government is During this period, questions arose about the role and willing to cooperate with civil society, as evidenced in new political ideology of the NGO-COD. For example, it regulations encouraging civil society work for development. remained silent regarding the crackdown on “Red Shirt” protesters, a political movement opposed to the military In addition, there are many hybrid CSOs in Thailand government.4 Then, in 2010 and in 2014, NGO-COD’s today, bringing with them much
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