TO TJSE WOilKtNG CLASSES MR. FEARGUS O'CONNOR AT LEEDS. Mr deab FbiecbSj—33»9 condition of all classes *f society has-given si® a spur to time, that it can- On Wednesday Mr. O'Connor arrived from Lon- not now be measuredt>ylfionrs , carried unani- make allowances for thoseevents to which extraor- YI. NO. 300. AUGUST ™CE perh^hkt or mously. YOL- - SATURDAY ' , 1^- *, 1B43." ¦ ^»^ -*tiiui» g» ja nrteT . dinarj causes may lead; I think I see the several ... _^ The Cha1»«a_(?, who had been recently installed Shades of opinion and Ihe varied interests of the month the functions of tbe British Parliament will BlRMiN GHAltt. Meeting.— our condition in his new dignity, owed his eleva ion as common- serefal classes disJincllymapped ©nt before xae; and —Great Public • but we nevertheless regard It as an act councilman solely to the Chartist imerest, upon the have ceased, and the rampantauthority of the domes- On TueBday Wveaing, August 8;h , one of the most of the grossest enormity, #or tt)tomtn a aD^atU0t ij&ettfcn ajj 1*5 comparing iheir respeerive positions wiih the ' under whatever pret est, to pledge tjiat he was an-out-and-out-Chartisu Tbe several modes of redress respectively sought by tic faction wili have been established; The Arms' splendid meetings which had been held for a long shut tie out from all access to legislative justice, and Bill will consfitcte the right of search', the to period of Science; pr otection for people Wfre therefore anxious to know whecher or them, I hare come to the conclusion that no one in this lown took place in the Hall our lives/our flabour , and onr homes. To Mr. U'CoNNoa's Tobs— Mr. O'Connor will address not, Mr.Jackson comsfiOii-councilman, and Mr. Jick- insult, and the power to annihilate ; while it must the following placard haviDg beca extensively cir- rob uis of our right to vote Js to rob us of change demanded by snywovid be productive 0/ ' everything wo the people of Barasley this (Saturday) evening.— ron candidate, was oue aad the same. The audience general safibfacSon , and therefore it is likely thai be observable that tbe Orange faction have already culated on the morning of Tuesday :— mighl possess as members of society. It matters not to were officially communicated with the Si ng of Hanover, ns what changes may Monday , Holmrirfh, eight o'clock.—Tuesday, Sal very speedily relieved from all doubt ; the the leadera of publicopinion willseek for other than " Mb. atxwooo's Retdrn to Public Lif e !— take place in such a Govern ment: - worthy councillor taking ihe opportunity to inform and with the Government, against the reRffious tenets public meet- they rnast ever ba for the benefit of those who govern , ford , at eight o'cljock.— Wednesday, tea party ihe nsnal means of excitement, a? a rallying point of such Men of Birnungaanj, rally to the great at the meeting " that he was no chartist ; iha"; ho was inrihe working classes^ of Ihe Queen 1 And nsportauce did the ing, to be hWti evening, of Science, and no* for us who, in time of peace , must coin gold Manchester. no ph Government itself oonsder tbia charge: of PusejiBin this in the Hall out of our —Thurday, Oldham, eight o'clock.— yncal-Jorce man ; that he was no leveller ; and If IB in. to £&ard yen agair st such arts and Lawrence-street, for the adoption of an address to sweat for the eniicbment of our social op- fchss he against the monarch of unalloyed Protestantism to pressors ; and It was Mr. O'Confior'a intention to have addressee! was t.o partisan o? Fbabgus O Conkor, w52eB th&t I Twite this .letter. Yon," ibe woriing recall"the above gentleman to the cau?e of the , in time of war , spill our test Mood for whom he hod hearo repre sented be, that the charge of the ILoyal, Loyal, Protestant the renow n and tho people of Huddersfield upon the day after he had in man y compan i es biases, may rely uponit; that as soon as Parliament people ; and for the appointment of a deputation, to glory of military chiefs. The only as being a Tary Byy in the pay of tke Tories." rhia as:prorogned,-ihQse wholiva npon the profits of other Operative Association was; thought !of suflicirnt wait upon him with the Address. change tba t can benefit us is, the powe* to govern been at Holmfinh ;i but as be is engaged at Satford importance to be submitted to the law officers ourselves ; epening speech, followed by a very cold introduction 2Qen"e labonr -mil once more use th-^r slaves to of the " Intelligent, virtuou3, oppressed working men, and the only manner you cau promot e our for Tuesday next he must forego the pleasure of of Mr. C'Connor , was received- antjmidate Yon hare Crown 1 ^elfare Is, to with breathless ibezr^politicalopponents 1 no attend, ana let those who would serve your cause assist us in obtainingof that power. meeting his Huddersfield silence and evident emotion. Upon Mr. fnexds bntamongst Those who know anything, of Irish history must We are not ye^ aware the nature of your friends until after the Bir- O' Connor jonr own order. Those classes " know tbe feelings of your hearts, and tho fccnti- plans. presenting himse lf, he wa9 received with tku ^ders above jon in society,-who have not snfficicns sense to have seen, in the past, something whereby a guess If they embrace the Charter as the mingham-Conference, as the fourth number of his may be made of mentB of your minds. gran d object of your of applause. As soon ad silence was obtained , he estimate yoar valneas consumers, look npon yoa as the future ; while those who have Birmingham labour s, we shall welcome, with pleasure, your return work on farming must be written in tho interme- read the resolutionsof ihe '* By order ot the Council of the to turned to the Chairman , and trcl y ** wiped him lire lumber¦ , as rubbish, that -would be better out of Saxon Irish lords, and of Charter Association, thejsloriouB moral struggle for Equal ri ghts , Equal diate time.—Mr. 0,'Connor will vioit Bury, Roch- down. " He so placed the question of ** - the Saxon Irish Grand Jnrors, most Laws , Equal . No Cha rtist ," ihe fray.. The farther theso classes are removed bave come to *' David Potts, Sec. Pr otection for Ibe poor man 's labour as dale, dtuckport, Halifax, Haddersfield " ph ysical-force," ¦ '• moral force," " level liDg from you the the conclusion tkat thty but await their Arms tbe rich man , and Bradford " and , greater their sympathy is for yon ; the ' Bill "John Nevhocse, Assistant Sec. 's palace. But if you have excluded that " partizanship, " that it was soon evK&irt the worthy H£arar thejcQEie to yonr erder, toe greater is iheir to abandon their present defensive position, and to measuro you hav e immediately after the Conference. and of " Chair to be takoa at eight o'clock." excluded us: and however we may Chai rman wished he had left unsaid ' what he had pride^ hatred yon. The proudest aristocrat take their stand npon the offensive- It; will be done, not desire to impugn your motives , we trust tha t not Leeds.— Mr. O'Connor will deliver a ecture in lias 3 more but nobody will do it. And when At the hour of meeting, the place ,was crowded one intelli the Chartist room, Cbeapside, said. The lecturer then proceeded for upwards of two kindly feeling for the agricultural it is done, the gent working man will countenance any to-morrow evening, at hours to instruet his audience upon the preseet state labourer than the tenant for ¦whom Minister will^ defend its necessity ; and in applying to great txcetsi while vast numbers were ooni- movement which does not half-past six o'clock ; the proceeds to goHo the fund he works has. pelled to go away, being unable io obtain admission. clearly and distinctly aim at of political parties, and upon the prospects of a 3£ven the cotton lord, lias a more kindly feeling for to the House of Commens for Ministerial fcdenmitv, securi ng him the fullest possession of his rights as a. for sending two delegates to the Birmingham Con- epeal will remind the Nothing could surpass the good feeling and enthusi- member of ference. J R of the Legislate e Union between Great lisSlavea , than4h&ovaseer has; bus jbe shop-keep- House that it was pledged to sup- the soctety. At the al tars of out unhappy Britain and Ireland ; explaining how that measure port " strong measnres of coercion, if needed" and asm which pervaded the vast assembly when homes we have vowed our determi nation Keighlev ing, eommercialj mercantile, and professional classes ^ Ccnncil entered the Orchestra. Mr. Weleford stood to free our DiSTBlcT.—A District Meeting will bo could be effected , and the benefit whi«h it would ihiTik of yon in no other seme than as mere machines the House not being assembled when aircBmslances countr y, and establish her prosperity od tbe justice and holden in the Working Man'a Hall, Sun-street required * forward, afkr the cheering had subsided, and moved , assuredly confer upon all classes of' English and for snpplyja|»inelrwants jand If your place is filled strong measures," the Executive looked purity of nor insti tutions —institutions that will deal to Keigbley, on Sunday, the 20th instant, to commence Irish society. Ha contrasted the benefits likely to up b npon the pledge as tantamount to vesting all power that Mr.Fo^lowe preside on the occasion. Mr. FusSeil all "with equal at ten o'clock iu the forenoon. y machinery -whidrcan sapplythose wants, they Beoonded the proposal, and it wasunanimouslycarried. hand the blessings of Providence and accrue from that measure, accompanied with the lose aU thought of the netesatyof consumption 35 a in the discretionof the Lord Lieutenant, who, from science. . Miners' Meetings.—A publio meeting of Miners Charter, with those which were so lavishly nro- means his presence, was most capable of applying the neces- TheChairmanroeeand said. Ladies and Yoo have now before yoo, with others equally dis- will be holden on [Bare Hon e Moor, near Barnsley jof creating their property ; and hence their you have done mo the honour of electing t^Q tirmit mised by the League, as the fruits of " Free total disregard cf yonr condition, and their ignorant sary means for the suppression of) disaffection tinguished by great efforts in the cause ot civil refor- on the 14th instant, at five o'clock in the evening, Trade •*' a.neek to separate himself from the acts of others thing depends on our resolution and propriety— prived of their most sacred rights —stand naked and Mr. D. Ross, oi' Manchester will visit the Keig to those events, 5t behoves the friends of yom (cheers). 1 will now read the bill calling the meet- , h- audience prevented the preacher from proceeding. order io be at then- posts, lest the country may moving in the samfl course ; and however he may defenceless before their tyr ant rulers , demandi ng jus- loy District next we'(ek, and lecture as follows :—On Mr. O'Connor concluded an address which appeared ba driven' stall persevere in denouncing " physica) force," yet ing, and then state the circumstances which have tice, which they have resolved to achieve. The Sunday, (to-morrow) in the Working Man a Hall, into & bloody revolution. Just mark, induced the Council to take this middle ' to give universal and unbounded satisfaction. A -how the leading organ of the middle classes can is his ev«ry word written tiown in the Black book of most important classes; involved in difficulty, and hourly sinking in Keighley, at two ojoiock in the afternoon, and at vote of thanks was given to the chairman; and tho treat of the class-legislation ; and that same law which led the step (The Ghaiiman having read the bill pro- ruin , declare that a change must be effected to save us ; rive in the eveningi On Monday he will attend a "violence of that order, whet levelled ceeded). It may not perhaps, be so generally meeting after giving three cheers for O'Connor, against any abuse that effects their own interest Queen's Justices of England and the English Attor- , while Ireland , although her millions ar e leas intelli- tea party at Siladcn ; on Tuesday he will lecture at Repeal, and the Charter, separated in high delight. ney and Solicitor General, to tbe conclusion that kiiowa as it on^ht, that Eomo short time ago the gent than the people of England , have erected a moral Bingley ; on Wednesday, at Haworth ; on Thursday while the same organ would deny to the -wra-kiug J ournal acaouucpd that Mr. Attwood was about to THUBSDAY NIGHT. classes even the rightcn of complain*. The Times every overt-act done in furtherance of ia conspiracy standard , that the armed legions of British despotism he wili lecture at Sutton ; on Friday, at Adding- ^w?pa j>er all bnt conrage&the middle classes in was chargeable upon every conspirator : and that commence a jmbiic agitation ; whereupon a few dare not strike. You have , therefore , bnt one just ham ; and on Sunday, th*3 20th , he will attend a On Thursday night, the interest appeared to in- Wales engaged in seeaESof a conspiracy may exist amongst thousands and tens individuals paid , no doubt, for their services, had cause worthy the character of a patriot , via., that your Camp Meeting, in Keighley. crease ; the spacious building being well filled. Dr. midnight violence ; and commenced a- series of Ward meetings, where the ie speaks of the conduct of the Rebeccaiteswith -of thousands who never met or meet and who are grand object is to give justice to the enslaved millions Hull.—Mr. West] w il lecture in the Freeman 's Lees, the eloquent and talented teetotal advocate, arms in their unknown to each other ; and that conspiracy" im- public were ex cluded from expressing their opinions as tbe: only means of obtain ing prosperity for our was proposed by Mr. Brook to tho chair- In doing lanes, threatening the destruction of —St. George s Ward taking the lead. And such had Lod ge, My ten-gate , jon Mon day evening, {jabject- *- poor-houses, and respiring npen tie redress of their plies not secrecy but common design, will no doubt ' count ry. If you fail to select this cours e, your expec- " Pernicious evils oi" Church Establishments. this he apologized for having imposed upon the pre- be strained against been the disgraceful conduct of these parties, that ho-weve* 1 ( " A vious meeting, proposing 4>wn grievances, as the proper issans of going to him. Should Mr. O'Connell be tation ^ lofty, "w ill vanish on your first ap- member's meeting a| the close of the lecture. .by Mr. Jackson to that ** the council deemed it their duty to come out boldly; ¦wort to make tleafi.nfhority hear ;" and compares casghtin the wide spread net of "conspiracy" by tb« pearance bi-fore a people devoted to tbe salvatio n of Mb. West will preach a sermon on the Dock - cfiico, stating that he had been imposed upon him- ib-tin 10 the ^¦pbjacaVfoics , indiscretion of others, to whom, 1 would ask, when and if Mr. Attwood had even a vestige of integrity, their ' and country. self, as he and many others had heard Mr. Jackson, Chartists " whose in- to afford him a free.and honourable course to return green , on Sunday afternoo n at half-past two o'clock. flamnmtory harasses upon ibe subject of much Parliament is not sitting, when Irish Orange sway Accept then , Sir , this hononrable invitation from a Bk adpor». —On Suuday, (to-morrow ) a cam p when canvassing for office , declare that he was a greater i3 in the ascendant, and when it is id tbe power to the advocacy of the priuciples ho embraced in public {meeting of y ou* fellqw-townsnien. We value Chartist, and had considered him such. How grievances was 100 strong a dose for tne 1838—(ehcere). That the meeting might properly meeting wili be holden on Bradford moor , at two senative stomach of the Tones. 2sow learn a lesson of the Crown io command a Jury of ;the Orange and esteem those who are strug gling in our cause. We o'clock in the af'tern'oon. Mr. Jam es Dewhirsi , one great was his surprise, however, to hear Mr. Jack- faction, to whom would he then look for sympathy ? juege of the means these Ward a&itotors were shall h'ail with, pride your return to its support ; but son declare that he was " no Chartist,'* This niRht of wisdom from this- Tke Ghsxtists marched into adopting to extend an under-current n luenee: that ot tbo " Plot " viciimB, who will be liberaLed this day , Hewport in 18E9, with a. fcw old pikes and with Whether to ihe soand public opinion of English whatev er may be the result our victory is certain . And is expected to attend. he would not fall into the same, error; for he now workingmen, or to tbe frothy sensibility of French they might the more effectually make a successful thai period is not distant when events will render the had the pleasure to propose a gentleman well-known, ecs old guns that wonld not go *£. The Tunessent public demonstration in favour of Mr. Attwood On Tuesd ay Evenin g a lecture Will be del i vered a reporter dswn to && cisirici , whose instroctions adventurers ? legislative Organization of oor rights as necessary ^o tbe in the Council Roum ], Butterworth Buildings , on the to thtm, not only as a professing, but as a practical, were It is a pitiful position fcr a public man to and his plans. Ho would relate a circum- safety and happiness of the middle class aa tlroy ate Chartist. He meant Dr. Lees. (Loud cheersA to create a deadly hostaitj against the Char- stance which occurred at their last week's Organization of the Chartist body. fists 5n general, and against Pbgst in particular. allow his jndgment to be warped by personal dis- now to ;U8. On Monbav Kveninc a lecture will be delivered The nomination was seconded, and carried unani- like! and shonld the cause of Btpeal be injured by meeting. One of Mr. Attwood's friends proposed mously. This reporter wormed nimself iiao the intimacy of that a requisition should be adopted Mr. VValter Cooper having seconded it, observed in the School Room, Park Place , on the vari ous some of lie "Welch geniry, through Mr. O'Connell'3 refusal of that strength which can by the Dr. Lees introduced Mr. O'Connor as their able, aod tncceeded meeting there av-sunbltd ; and that Means should that lie felt great pleasure iu witnessing so plans now before the Chartist body. The Northern long-tried , and uncompromising friend . the 3Ixa«s, in crcsJing aii Gsconquerable prrjudice alone insure if—lie Chartists of Ecgland will have large a meeting, and still more in beholding Star , Nation, and other Political works read in the tbe consolsnon of standing guiltless of the failure; be taken to obtain seme 20,000 ; and this the The LEAtiNEi >GEN3LBMAi« then proeeededto sddress against Prost and the Chartists, in tbe mind? of the was to be don- before even Air. Attwood's plans manner they had received the clear and able expo- room every evenmg.i jury class. The ame jnrj .class bare now discoTered while, the sound sense of the Irish Repealers will principles contained in the On Si»iDAr Mouning the visiting committee will the meeting upon the subject of the " Laud with the set iiem inquiring, as to tnt motives had been known to the public. An amendment was sition of address which grieva3iees-

$^-&&M0& ¦ ¦ ¦ X i^f^iS^'^ M^ & TflE NORTHF.RN STA B. 1_ Borou gh Hop Market. —Since our August time he had ac- when f he obser ved th e body of a man in the lane ; last repor t, Mondat , 7. increased, and as they marched in a circle around tbe and aroused the inmatefy but , by the several unfavourab le accounts have reached us from 3HnBpmai ^arliamrm. horsemen and police, each division; of tbe first floor was he was lying with the face down , so that she could . Honee sat from from twelve o'clock at noon fll under the direction complished thi s, the back part Kent and Sussex relative to the hopbine. These The of a person appo inted to eonvoul , which was fast descending the stair- not identif y who it was : and she noticed that a con- hsJf- jj astone next morning,' being thirteen hours and Jfcs movements, the one body of fire blood in a clotted state was havo cau sed the holders, to remain firm , and full superintendent exclaimed te the Mayor in ease, and it was with the utmost difficulty tbat tbe re- sider able quantity of Acg. 4. halt They vrent through the Irish Poor Law ¦" evident alarm and which appeared to have pr ices have been readi ly obtained. In the duty very HOUSE OF LOKDS. —Tbtdat , a Theyj are all drilled r The rin g leted , sidents were rescue -i. By that time the fire bad close to the head, Amendment BUI in committee, and advanced other being comp -a wound in the neck ; the body appeared little is doing, but it is called £135,000. Irat the insl ces* "was and silence obtained Mr. Vivyan addressed them in broken through the walla of the adj oining house , be- flowed fr om The House met at fiva o' clock, measure * '. She informdd some other persons of Tallow. —To-day the market is firm to presen ting petifion ^andfonra rding the Bills the followingstrain , " Wow, my lads, I nave to thank longing to M«. Martin , being No. 104. The officer , to be lifeless , with aa confined On the motion for going into committee of supply, !d seen and it was identified as the body u pward tendency. There are buyers of Y. C. oniha table a atage.' you that you have not been guilty of a breach of the immediately on discovering tbe fire , despatched mes- what Btae ha , Tallow Mr . Ewabt raised aJ brief debate on tbe great and stations. Several quickly of Ma tthias {Bailey. He was without his coat , which at 42* 9d on the spot , and 433 for the last thr eo important principles of fiee trade , being probably peace, but tbat yon have at once complied with tbe sengers to the different engine Most j at, Aug. 7. wish : ol the Qu?en (a voice " Fnd ge arrived , and as soon as water conld be procured , the was fouud in an adjoining cornfie ld; and bis gun was months , while, for spring deiivery, 433 6d is offering . tne last opportunity en vfWch this Tital subject can 1")—the wish of about fifty yards from his recei ving the Queen tha tyon should not match whole of the force was set to work ; but , notwithstand- fottn d in thtf same field , Town Tallow is held at 42s 6d net cash. IhB Irasiness -was all of a xontine oatur e, be discassed in Parliament dur ing the present year. in procession ; was examined it was still mea»nreB and now that we are on our own ground ing the' indefati gable exertions of tbe firemen , the coat . Wbek the body Manch ester Corn Market ^ Saturda y, BSis from tbe Conrmoas, and advanein s oflier His motion -was, that it was [ expedient that the , l et me hear position j it was evident that Aug. what you complain of; tell me what yoa want—("We whole of Mr. Mills*premises were consumed , together warm, and from the 5.—In the early part of the week ihe weather ppf^rn Stages. principles advanced in the celebrat ed Import Duties man had been shot from behind , was -with a diatebe want the price tbe same as befor e.") with those adjoining belonging to the Wall's-end Com- the unfor tunate . fine, but subsequentl y became unsettle d, and duri njp The MarquiB o? iosB OKPEBET , Comm ittee of 1846 should nctw be recognised in Pat it as reason- forwa rd. There was not the sligh- Spanish , asked if able men ; look to the trad e general see how the pany, and considerable dama ge done to Mr. Mart in's and had fallen the past few days , much rain has fallen in this nei aaaiE ^EFparte ro, =a» 2ate B^enfc legislation , and at onoe applied [as a remedy for the ly^ had any conflic t, gh- of Ins having em- iron-workers are reduced, and one meta l e premises, the Steam-bo at public-house . By half-past test indication that he bad as no bourhood , occasionally in very heavy showers. Gover nment bad rej oedved 'tweou nts depr ession of commerce and the distress of the goes with th . It is conjectnred Tha abip of -war. other;jth e pri ce of copper is redu ced from la. to 9d. one o'clock tbe firemen had perfec f, control of the fi re, marks of strug gling were seen tr ade has, nevertheless , remained in an inactive Ja ried onbo ard an English people. ! corn-fie ld be may have become state . said that all they vrere aware Pat it to|yourBelves; the copper compani es have studied and no tor their destructio n of property took place. A tha t when in the The arriv als of all articles , coastwise and from Ire - TisSsrl of Abkr dekk Mr. Milkeb Gibson followed,1 in a short speech. trespa ssers, and tha t he had pursued w " Had been taken on board an to keep the works going, but when they ask you to re- strong body of police'of the K division, under the direc- aware of some l and , at Liverpool and Runcorn , as also the supplies of -was, that that person Mr. Guds toisb referred to the thinness of the as was his habit , when he gave chase to ¦Pn iT«h -vessel of -war, snd accompanied tbis "wilh as duce, a little, you strike , < tion of Mr . Inspector May, were on the spot, and them ; it] from the interior , considering the advanced peri od of g attendance , as evincing the exhaustion of the Hou se 1 par ties, to thro w his weapons down , and iDtimiSmithai it was no discredit, tot the reverse, for One-of the men said in reply that Mr. V. bad not rendered essential service to the inhabitants by keeping any such tbe season , are to a fair amoun t. At our market this and the inntillty of pressi ng such a debate as the fairly stated the case, inasmu ch back tbe immense crowd, and also in assisting them release himself as much as possible from the tram- morning there was but little th eBritiih navy to shelter a fugitive! present at this perie d of the session. These impor- as he bad said they had business passing in any submitted to ns redactions when the fact was directly to remove the ir furniture. The origin of the fire is mels of dress. Inform ation of the dreadful event , ar ticle, and the weather has been of Lord HosTBAGLE intimated bis intention of review- tant subjects could not be re-considered at this late sea- conveyed*b y a young maa named a more favour - ihs country bef«Se tbe doss the contrary; for although tbey nominally received as; unknown. was immediately able character. We can make no change in the quo- Ing tbe financial conai tion -of son, even if it were fitting to disturb them at all, so Minshull , to Mr. Wilbra ham , whp, with much as formerly, yet when it was considered that theyj TOTAL DESTR UCTI ON OF BIBS S STEAM SAW-MILLS , Thomas tation ;? of Wheat or Floor , and repeat them ofihsBession. soon after the great aetOeinenta of them which were Esq. , and other magistrates , nomi- ha d now to make flevea score seven pounds to tbe ewt , GRAVEL -LANE. Clement Swettenham , n ally as on this day se' nhight ; but m made in the lastyeax. } insti tute tbe most rigorous in the value of ' and twenty-three cwt and in some cases twenty-four to' We are extremel y sorry to have to record another immediatel y proceeded to Oa tmeal a reduction of Cd per load was submitted to. Mr. H vhs said the motion was & very fair one. The inquiry into the affair. It appears that on the pre- HOUSE OF COMMONS. —Fbidat , Aug. 4. tbe ton , be thought if that wasno t reduction he did not ; most alarming and destr uctive fire, in which property Liver pool Cattle Marke t ay public ha d begun to apprehend that Sir Robert Peel waa know what was. 1 ceding evening Bailey returned home from the j, Mond , Auo — receding from the free trade principles professed by to the amount of many thousand pounds was con- and went earl y The supply of Cattle at mar ket to-day has been much7. The House held s day sitting, meeting at twelve Another workman observed tbat the reduction In the broke out on Sunda y, i n tbe i mmense bay-field, soon after seven o' clock, him a litt le -while ago ; and it became reasonable , tbfi re- sumed. This fire that he intended ' to get up the same as last week, the greatest por tion being of o' eloci- price of iro n instead of being a disadvantage was a ran ge of premises belonging to Mr. Bird , the occupier to bed , telling bis wife fore, to call for a declaration from the Bight Bon. early next morni ng, in order to get bold of " those second-rate quality , consequen tly any thing prime The Hadtne y Carriages BID -went thron sh Cemmit- positive advantage to the masters, as they rued it so ex- of the well known steam saw mills and dock contractor , fetched ' Baronet. ! ," nieanin g, no doubt , some persons suspected good prices. Beef 5d to 5£d, Mutton 4J d to tee; fee Highway Bates BUI "wa s read a third time Bri ght tensively in the works ; that theli tra de was very lin-i situate in Love-lane , Old Grav el-lane, Sbadwell. Tbe 5£d, Lamb to per lb. Mr , said he was glad to be there as the healthy and should be well of poaohin g. He arose between three and four 4£d 5£d bomber of Cattle at snd passecL representative of men with hard hands , for the rich had rewarded ; and tbat a suit premises were about 150 yard s in length , and nearly market :—Beasts 946. Sheep and Lambs L304. Some discussion took place in Committ ee on the of clothes would not last them a month ; that althoug h' height , d o'clock ; and that was the last time his wife saw representatives enough. He had been an active mem- fifty li. depth , and of proportionate an were that has yet come to Thea tresRe gulation s Bill, but the clauses-were agreed . the " Blackaen " got nominally good wages, yet when filled up with Bteam engines and tbe usual costly him alive, j The only incident ber of tbe Iieagne , because he believed that tbe aboli- finding his body, rests on the to ¦with slight alterations . it was remembered tbat they ha d to act as labourers! apparatus. The yard and adjacent outbuildings were light, previ ous to the of tion of the corn laws would be tbe abolition of all a labouring man £$auiuru$!0, «> Ssh of May. Tba petitioners complained, that pitmen had combined in the north to keep up prices* with as many engines as could fee spared from the fire ball-past twelve, at tbe Bankrupt' s Court Solicitors , market - A man bere Bang out, " Will tbe Queen fill our bellied Crow ton, before Henry Chu rton , Esq., tbe coroner , a meeting having been convened in Hull in the that might be absurd enongb , but was it worse than at Limehouse. About half a dozen other engines of Messrs. Parker , Taylor , and Rooke , Raymond-buildings , or clothe our wives ?" and in sorrow for the loyalty of and whion was attended by Mr. W ilbr aham and place on the 12th of April last , is reference to the a combin ation of three hnndred gentlemen in tbat honse the brigade , and also tbe county engine , with Mr. Car- Gray 's inn. Official assignee, Mr. WhitJiore , Basing * the copper workers of Swansea, I have to record that not several other parties. Evidence was given by the conduc t of Saras Gsniey on thetrial of William Jones to keep np «ents? Let the landlords recollect that ter , next reached the scene of conflagration , when ©ne ball-street ge of the of the a solitary cheer was raised for their sovereign. widow, Thomas Pickerin g, Mar y Yearsley , and lor sedition, a l^r body police town had they have an intere st in the people's prosperity , and I of tbe most awful sights presented itself ; tbe entire Jahn Woollam. St. Alban 's, Hertfordshire , aili suddenl y oome upon them without any notice, and Tbe Mayor then thanked tbe men for tbeir orderly range of buildin gs being one vivid sheet of fire, ascend- Thom as Min shu ll, to the facts above stated. Mr. throwster , Aug. 11, Sept. 9, at half-past two, at the that the people will prosper by the introduction of conduct, and after some further altercation abou t ' Smith , surgeon , living at Acton-brike , who had made 3nade:a ~bT&*al attack -cpsnthe meeting, knocking down food into fhe country. ' the ing to u considerrbl e height, causing large flakes of fire Bankrupts ' Court Solicitors, Messrs. Miln e, Parr y, wages they were in receipt of, tbe prominent part of a post -mortem examina tion of the body, and -wounding several persons, so as to disable them The H

¦ ¦ ~ ¦ • - V - - - -- ~^* __ THE NOBTflERN A R ^^_ : |T - & THSITESSiL BROTHERHOOD. attending to the interests of her population in connec- If we compar e 1 , the present existence of man with tion with the general inter ests of humanity. ? what it can and ought to be Nancy, whom I noticed in my former letter a« being Taa LOis ijp the Fega&us. — Holy Island , apo. XBTXBK XXL What is the feeling of , onr hearts muBt bleed, and ;s±g Russia toward s this country 7 our Inm ost natur e must impel us to searsh for the cause *3£ ag&- dan gerously ill, died a few days after its publicity ; 4.—Another of the unfortunate sufferers by the Pe- OP TTTB VOBZHXKH STAB. - A reply to thfa question will i , "Iam, yours,3S53S! tnvly, TO THE BDITOS be best seen in the result of this perversion, of this degrad ation of man's own making the thir d death in a family of five With in one gasus was picked up by the steamer Vesta (from of every intzigne which is jo t up against na; and nature , or this Tflriety ; « month. Newcastle to Leith), and pat oa shore at Holy had much pleasure in contlnu- of Tice. crime, and outrage. Me**, Ho^ana WUliams f -rtjl—I should iaTe whichlt is ceriin "will dally be more and more success- And this cause is no otner lthan ¦, l£LSSSi ^ It was not my intention at first to give my infor- Island. He te in the fatiguo dress of the 96 th Regi- Temafka «n the TrelimSmoj Charter , tat the fully pracfised -we hUnd ness and stupidity. Tnxniy nntfl shall hvn embraced the BBndness which Wnd era ua to see ' »»¦ mant's name, but as a latter appeared in last Saturday's ment, bat so disfigured as to render his identification are sriflently 3>*essang far ward at such a rapid standard of Tr uth, the real pleasures , iSSiSVilSfSS^ *».*£ to determine ^oes and unfurled the banner of universal riches, ana powers of nkture ; and Stupidity which Guardian signed Andrew Smith' militating against the impossible. On his person was found £B 3i 6d i\ great and ersntful changes, and t&B neces- Freedom. . Until in •Hito toward s * fact we shall have made Love, and makes us unable to appfopriate these powers and riches veracity of one or more of my etjatenients, I felt c lied silver, and threepence in capper. The body has not Hiy:af»*»nd snd trueOrga nizitaonto of the people to Truth , and Justice , the basis of all our actions ; indl- for onr own use. upon to do so. That letter has resulted. in my opinion, been stripped , or otherwise his name would probably and direct ihesB Changes the universal good la Highland low are guilty of these jjj ^ Tidually, nationally, and generally. Then, and not crimes. They join collectively In the erroneous notion from family pride. That pridej I neither do nor ever be found on some part of his dress ? but being in ^eaaa ing » apparent , "that I mast for a tims Asfsr en then, toII there be a power ii> England that Bhifll sIWe 8 d both these did wish of decomposition , to believe that the people*want work ; that man ought . * 5 *!? ii? S^^hsqueries. You have been too to wonnd ; bnt allo* me to add, notwith- such a state renders that operation , impertant as it is, ??? jemirHn g upon f b&tdocnmen t all enable hex to declare the universal happiness of na n ; to work ; that his physical You baVe ao standing all that has or may be Baid, Andrew almost impossible; He was found floating within a before your leaders such and that war and powers , which are exactly SfdS'SKff** i^perform^ anfl devote myself ta layingtlis Hiey misery, poverty and destitution, vice in propo rtion to Gib length , Smith was in a very pitia&le jsitaation—nor do I, by f ewyards of the sunken vessel, and was evidently dis- ^nQiT^sra to course jihonld pni- and crime, ignorance and of time he ought to live ( snaffifiona iniquity, shall be banished should be used to dig: the ground, b»w wood , carr y SJ ?° ' " J«rt>*»>, and as professed men of saying so much, mean to infer blame to the relatives, turbed by the operations of the divers . yesterday. "wfli assist &em in the peat business they for Ever from among men. ' Ve haVe nefc all of whom with one sub as bricks, ic., by which lifelis necessarily cut short The L vo ^hr < ?W . Scribe d to the Fund exception , il believe , have families The unfortunate Mr. Aird was coffined to day, and jaqpose to und ^rtaket , at ihe ntxt meefing of the It would be desirable that I should proceed to the people do uof tooj rf trorfc. i of their own, and yet I dare say, have a&brdsd Andrew tho Coroner has been sent to, bat from the unfortu- examination of our relatio ns Work is not the end, it iB Loed Cotmttau. in dpygnt "" - , not only with the -various only the means at pres ent, for want of knowing bette r every town. You have not sought assistance during the last two years ; therefore I infer , nate ciroumetance of Holy Island being in tbe county 5« do this m ths-most tfiartual manner j I hare countries of Europe; but -with America, and more es- means. The eni is that if the Poor Law officers {refused out-door relief Durham, without a post, renders his arrival uncer- seek ; provisions , happiness the satisfac - placed ssthe heading of Has letter , the ena I pecially with our vast colonies; bnt I have already tion of -all our ration al ££ T> ia f ot) flUPDlted a information. through an idea that tbe relatives would relieve , they tain. The inquest (when held) will be the means of distinct di- occupied too nmch space to desires. It is an insult to com- «h^ m l , * W ssd I shall tre at nry subject ra ider three enable me to do this. {If mon sense, and to the! nation to hear a Dofce of ha d no rigbt to do so. eliciting the facts connected with this unfortunate yonr readers will them selves , Tffi onS. . . reflect seriously upon Wellington declare in parliament , all that the people Mr. Gardener states that Andrew Smith was dire cted transaction, which appears to be enveloped in total position of tte sooai, what I hav e said, and will " mos to meet tbe Guardians on Wednesday, the 14th of lstl shall pointout Jhepresent tska all other countries wan t is work." Did he ever " want to work " in th e i^?^ , &A^fe - than that I am prepared to co- darkness at present. Mr. Aird was found with a political, and religious vffaiwi of this country. separately, and examin e the position in which England same Commifctees as I June. The latter says that to the best of his know- piece of wood across his body, which prevented bis p iw man ner as he thinks the people ought to work ? hopeC willwin £be t earnestly 2nd. TVr ^inin t>|B TriT ^oTiw ir npfl that have hitliBrto stands with them, they -will find much the same No; he and every ©very ^^immediately formed. ledge he never receive! such a communication , nor rising to the surface ; and no doubt a number of one -tcho can do witbont work ; I am, yetir ieen proposed , to remove what ias been lovnd oppres- results- . one who can get provisi ons and the satisfaction of hU Friend and Fellew Chartist , does he recollect using language that ought to be other bodies will Boon be found, the divers' impres- BT8. At present all is confusion and discord ; and unless termed violent I can readily! believe judging from sion being that a number are kept down by the desires, -withont digging and slaving for It, do bo. Tbe 1, Shoe Lane *>m ClZAVt, mat- 3rd. Shew Sat It is now incumbent on us, to jntro- some broad and comprehensive measures be adop ted, burden . Fleet Str eet. wha t I myself have eeen, that firm , but yet respectful tresses, &c., which are strewed about the cabin. of work must therefore be double heavy npon London , August dnoea new order of things, and point oat the mode in these will Boon deg«nera te into riot and anarchy, and those who are compelled to 8th, 1843. languag e, may by some of tbe Man chester Guardians be this is to be effected. so unfortunat e as to be The Lar gesc bell ever cast in England. — •which a state of thinzs win be presented to onr view sach:as work ; and the dread of work , in the minds of the se- I a8t - he d re !t your aKeotton to the reply deemed violent and insolent j "Wi'th regsifl to the&Htpsrtof my subject, the-three the mind shudders to whichwr.5.h IT transf!?n mittedi J J Yesterday an immense bell, tho largest ever cast in contemplate. • ealled higher classes, is.the cause of a wrong and unjust to Measrs. Hoyle and Williams . I am, Sir, yours, &c imgland , weighing no less than 7 tons 11 owt. 2 qrs » divisions I have named soda!, political, 2nd religi- In my next -letter , I shall You will perceive that I there have to begin an examina- distribution of wealth , and of tbe various forms of refer to a question whicb Peteii Buown , Surgeon. and 121b, wa* shipped on board the Lady SeatoD , oas, -are also intimatel yblended and depend so much tion of the various remedies that have kithe rto heen le now Bb&Q eppresslon and slavery under which the peop "&* *" « ** -*wii in justice bound to Montreal , and Tying on the Brand y-quay, cn each other Ha t I not be disposed to treat of proposed to remove wha t has been found oppressive; suffer. 1?1!?%?H¦ — 0U mht* t0 an separa tely, It would take too long to enter into the questio n ». 5f ?i JlJ * »we» quickly, viz.; • 1 London-dock. This splendid bell, which is int ended ft*>m bnt mil endeavour to lay before yon that we may see whether they are adequa te to their , political whether other than recognized members of jj consiselyas possible, of the present distribution of wealth. Besides the Chartist Lamentable Suicide. —On Wedne sday last , the for the new Roman Cathedral at Montreal , was cast the leading mat ters -erMch now purpose , or whether any improper obstruc tion has economy, based upon repugnant labour , and the con- body, or their families, are entitled to claim relief from oeeopy the public mind, locally and generall y. town of Loutb was thro wn into a state of excitement to at the foundry of Messrs. Mears aad Sons, White- been given to their being adopted ; as it must be evi- sequent scantiness of pr oducts , is not my province. I a fund to which none but Char tists have subscribed ? , ohapel , and has attracted sinco it has been finished The nrat in order , as at present thfl-inost absorbing ; which , happily, it has long been a stranger in conse- , , dent to all that np to this period matters have been know that It is impossible to create peace and happine ss, quence of a young gentleman, 'about 18 years of age, the attention of a vast number. It 33 heavier tha n isthe qiiEstion of Justice ft» Irelan d. Hub is a subject rapidl y getting -worse and worse. and good will among men ; I know that it is vain to ¦which lias hitherto teen treated TO THE EDIT OR OF having commiteed suicid e by taking poison. The the Grea t Tom of Lincoln by 32 owt. The price is -with the greatest , Sir, your expect general refinemen t, and a higher elevation of the THE NORTHERN STAR. a pward g , lrri ry bj tire ruling men of &11 parties in the stat e I am obedient Servant , deceased was being brought npj for the surgical profes- of £ 1 200. ; William Qj llpin; mind , when men are worn out with tbe malntainance Failawor th. Ang. 2, 1843. slon with S. Trough ^ Esq., and was discovered dead in scene lining been determined on acting in oppositi on of themselvesand those dear to them ; when they are , A Barrister Posed.—At the late Limerick as- ShpiT . Coneordinm. Ham Common , Surrey. SIR —TheTue isday, after the publication of my letter a chair in the surg6ry, he having taken a very large to tha Trill of the people, an ft fordng opinions harrassed by their daily , insignificant labour , and in relative to Andrew sizes, a witness of the •' low»r classes" waa cross- and feelings in the most July 29. 1843. Smith' s family, I received a note dose of prusslc acid. An inquest was held on the body arbitr arymanner , relying constant want, or fear of want , for their shattered from the Clerk of on Wednesday afternoon , at the Three Tuns , in Upgate , examined by Mr. Bennett, Qaoen'a Counsel, when ¦¦holl y upon the force that they were enabled to brin g the Manc hester Union requesting me the following dialogue took place :—Counsel.—Why health and impaired bodily powers. All the necessaries to meet the Guardian s on the following day, as they When a verdict of "felo de se " waa returned , and the to «slorca them ^ -srbllst others have thought by the TfiE NATIONAL BENEFIT SOCIETY of life mnst be made to be as plentiful and as cheap aa do you hesitate to answer me; you look at ma as u wished to inquir e into the case ^i , consequently wenL body of the unfortuna te youth was interred near mid- I was a rogue 1 most niggardly, partial, and petty measures of relief, water ia on the borders of a sweet river. Then all the The Chairm an night. Witness.—To bo sure I do.— tO Obtain the gratitDflw nf tnmff pmm imflmoat. Bnainina opened the proc eedings by askin g the (laughter). Counsel.—Upon yonr oath do yoa think THS PATJXTS, IH EFICIENCY , ASD CONSEQU ENT INSTA- artificial differences between man and man will cease, relieving officer if the statements in my letter were cor * people, -whilst they have -withheld from them nearly all and only the natural and legitimate differen ces of a Another proof of the evil consequences of the me a rogue 1 Witness.—'Pon my oath I don't thiak the righto to which they irere entitled. A sew state BILITY OP EXISTING TRADE AliD BENEFIT S0P1- rect The answer was ibat the letter was entirely false. vulgar error, that tbe ringing of bells will disperse or you're . an honest mau—(continued laughter). Coun- ETIES . OUK LAND HiltKS FOB. FDTOKB OPER- more or less elevated mind ; of mor e or less tastes , The latter gentleman then stated that ; Andrew Smith ofaffsirs has ho we ver sprang nj» In Ireland j *nd J shall desires, and passions ; of a more or less extensiv e divert a storm , was given, a few days ago, at the small sel.—You swear that on your oath? Witness.—I j n a futu reletter , point oat to -what extent redress is ATIONS. received 7s. the first week , in two separate sums—three town of Poulaines, in the Indre. About nine in the do, to be sure; and what else conld I think I Coun- knowledge of good, pleasan t, and useful things will shillings the first , an d is three or four days four shil- bow proposed to be giTen to them ; and bow mneh TO THE CHABTIST PUBLIC. exist among men. evening, eight of tbe inhabitants, seeing a Btorm , sel—Now, why do you thinks so ? Witness.—Why, Labour , in the present signification lings ; and on the 6th of July five shillinga ; afterw ards because you' fortbe r it jibonld l>e carried. in the meantime Mr. I>ependant brothers , who should and would be inde- of the word , thai is, re pugnant , forced production , will hastened to tbe church , and rang out a pe&L While re doing your best to make me perjure XyGonnell 11 sowatl managing Ma Ttmsineia of leader , pend ent. two shillings and sixpence, and ten; shillings. The thus employed the lightning struck the belfry, burst myself, —Our numerous stru ggles and attempts to rid cease, and the most refin ed pleasure in producin g wealth medical officer , that we cannot do better than watch every movement ourselves of the mighty weight of then gave his evidence , and wiieu be had the walls, and so nearly killed all the ringers , and tbe adverse circumstances withou t bounds , through the powers of our mind, ceased speaking, requested the lia makes, and endeavour to profit by the highly valu - that prsss us down , and tcfila our praiseworthy exer- 11 Chairman to read my sacristan , who waa with them , that it required all the clothed with the powers of nature , will be substituted letter that the Guardians might be better able to ableexperience he is procuring for ns. tions to live and elevate ourselves and order have for the appre- resources of art to restore them to animation. —Pa ris Cfjavttgt 3EnteUtgence. feeble physical powers of man . Man will then ciate what I was !going to say ; but he irefused, alleging -The nextn il'ject that I shall bring to your notice is hitherto failed ; sot because we did not possess the remove swamps Paper. and deserts from the surfa ce of the that they bad heard it rea d. I then called their J j the state of Wales . Prom the differen ce of language , power to remove the burden, but because -we did not globe, cure atten- the deceased and much neglected body of tion to an assertion which the Believing Officer bad A Sebies of Accidents. -t- Ilfbacomde. —A few Newcastle .—Mr. Kjrdd lectured in the Char- from their isolated position, and from many other possess the amoun t of knowledge necessary to wield our mother earth , banish Sickness from among men, in pncp» just mnde , viz. that my letter was entirely false, and j as Mr , Moses, jeweller , of Swansea was tist Hall. Goat Inn , Cloth-market , on Sunday even- I belirrs tha public jenaally "were little aware that paver ari ght. fact , create , by pleasant attracti veindustry, a paradise day9 agO , f the local ana general grievances, under wbicS Qib proceeded to show from his own statements tha t the descending one of the rocks oy the sea side, bis hat ing, Mr. Embleton - in the . chair. His subject was— O The most important of the plans adopted by the where labour is unkn own; letter was correct ; 4 agricultura ldivision of the Welsh population were working class to stay the that the app earan ce of err or arose fell into the water. He made a circuit to the beach, " The past and present state of Society, with its encroachments of the master I am, Sir , your obsdient Servant , from the fact , that the oldest girl labour ingj and it was not until Rebecca and her daugh- class, the -vendor class, , had been ill five or and regaiued his hat ; but [the tide coming in, on future prospects. " Mr. Kydd commenced by tracing the landed doss the monied C. T. STOLLMEYER , six days previ ous to the receipt of tbe ters took upon themselves lha administrataoo of what class, the government class, and all other monopolists , three shillings— his attempt to return he found himself surrounded society to its origin, and showed the comparative hap - No. 3, Northampton Terra ce, consequently throwing the four shillings into tbe second piness which the people enjoyed in their natura l state they deemed justice, thai Ihese gnvsnee .cenld he at extortioners , and oppressors, on thei r rights, liberties , City Koad, London, August 1st, 1843. with water, and no alternative was left him but to sH br onght before the public view. This lady lias, week. " It appears evident that this family^ although climb the rock. He bad ascended a considerable to What they now do in a state of " high civilization. '* aad personal property . L e. their labour, has been Trade , in a most wretched condition , however, thoroughly aroused public attention , and her Benefit , and Political Seeieties. All these societies, were left to the cold height, when the soil gave way, and he fell into the England was allowed to be one of tho most civilized sympathy of a few friends during the whole of a fort- nations in tbe world ; yet, be contended , that no jnoeee Ssga -win pa -traicbefi -with an intense interest. though good in themselves, and the very sort nec&sssiy TO THK EDITOB OF THB NOKTHEBN STAR. sea a depth of twenty or thirty feet. Providentially, xemsxka in jroar paper of this day copied night" Is this j an exaggerated statement f By the countr y iu tbe world pre sented a greater amount of Uierearesomi to the accomplishment of the objects fought after , have ' he was enabled to grasp a pjeco of rock, and with from the Tima newspaper whichexpress so forcibly the never been established npon Queen 's Prison , London , Aug. 8th, 1843. relieving officer 's own accoun t, three weeks, at least. great difficul ty climbed into a care near, where he misery than she did. On the one side was boundless a sufficiently wide basis; elapsed from the receipt of the four power of good Organization that I must again call the have never grappled so extensively with the wide Sib..—I happened to fall in with the following speeoh shillings to that of lay down exhausted. He found that he bad lost his wealth—-the supposed property of its present pos- attention of year reade rs to them, iy embodying ^hem spread evfl as|was necessary ; and therefore they have delivered from the hustings in Westminster the five. When.; I had finished toy remark s on the pocket-book, containing £59 in bank-notes, besides a sessors ; on tbe other was increasing miaer y and Hall , on evidence of the Relieving Officer , , £2 this letter. failed in tJF-cting the object sought for , through the the 6th of April 1780, by Charles Turner , Esq., M.P. and had just begun valuable watoh. wretchedness tbe snre lot of the producing classes. •¦We percerfBTFiai mnch concern that ihe Ktb eeea ignorance in «hich caste for the city of York to draw the attention of the Guardians to an assertion This followed on the principle of banse and effect. Tho , class, and party-government ; and , as it is a straightfor ward, mad e by tbe medica l attendant , dj st&rbsnces shew no symptom of decrease. Nor axe manly, avowal of ont principles, "* " that there was no Loss of the Steam Packet, Liz*bd.—A letter wretchedness existing was the result of up heap ed ¦ bath deemed it -wisete keep onr order. Bnt that is so i I have no doubt its sickneEB in the house for a fortni ate f rp riU ~ *v "- _ityntyf srKdi are Ta?uely hinttd at, reason why the ot&eds should not perusal will afford great pleasure, and ght after the receipt of has been received from Gibraltar, giving'the follow- wealth. All men on the face of tbe earth , v.betb«f ' ' ""' be accomplished iy instru ction to o s ll " {$ fl yV»Tgyyf» in f t\TniTnt existing cated acknowledged commander who makes that dan- unfairly. The individuals getting it soon spend jit; about which he appears violent and the Lizard was apparently sinking so to an unlimited monar chy, or an oppressive aristocracy. to make complaint , stating " six weeks ago." This rapidly, that the men were ordered to save them- pr evented an honest may from enjoying tha common gerous which would otherwise be mischievous; -who and sH the sought for benefits are lost. Thi» break- If you wish to be free, you have a right to insist on a count ry acted oa can threaten the weB-being of the state ,* instead of would be 7th June. On reference to the relief books , selves by climbing up the bowsprit rigging of the necessaries of life. Indeed this the ing np is generally occasioned by a fear on the part democracy, or, yon have s right to form a Republic. I find that on the week to eat and be eaten ." That is the practi cal merely few occasional words ; but I think In -most cation of tha pauper (a very pleasant term truly—I bow of the other vessel, so that the only persons on instances this fear of the members re- power you have invested them with, you have a right wonder if Mr. Gardener will terests of all classes worft more harmoniously toge- the passage as atoTe reads smoother , and is more specting their future prospectB, is but too well founded. call tbe Duke of Cambridge the quarter deck were the quartermaster's man at to re-assnme it. and his daughter paupers ?) who was directed to attend the wheel, and one or two of the officers , who had ther ?• Nothin g- of the sort ! Lord Joh n Kusseii nnd l strictly true j hut as I shall have again to refer to this -And if they -will bnt go into the question, and investi- •• You are the Lords of the Creation , not the slaves tbe board meetin g of Sir Robert Peel amused the House of CoiuaionB by msvement when speaking ef the remedies proposed , I gate tbe princi ples on -which most Benefit Societies tbe following week. On Wed- come up from their cabins, and who, seeing that to be of power. Yon are onr masters; and we are only your nesday, the 14th of June speeches proving haw incapable Whig or Tory Minis- Will «n2y ay row, Qiai if mu^y regnisite for destrue - sis fconded , they -will see that decay is certain after , he was called on, bat did not all appearance all others had left , followed their servants , delegated , and ' employed by you to do your answer, and tbe Guardians left an order for the admis- tries were to govern the people. " Finality Julrn. " oil tive purposes how very much more so mnst it be for a ceriain age; and that he who comes last on to example. Determined, however, not to abandon the the business ; and till you pay your servants , as was an- sion of the family into the workhouse , in consideration , Lizard whilst there was the most distant chance of Friday night , in his speech on the state of the country, constructing a new order of society : and without this " box" will be worst oK citntly the custom, they; will never act to your advan - Bob in England , be done wb shall have so permanent redress as Mr. Brown says, that cleanliness was one of the re- saving her, the boats of the vessel (which proved to be proved the existence of a finalit y and . In most cases the only dependance of such societies is tage. If you do not pay them the Crown will ; and then taunted Sir Robert to his teeth with the failure of the The HEXt matter to Trbich I win call attention as spon the quisites absolutely necessary fur the family, as well as the French man-of-war steanier Veloce, of 1,200 tons subscriptions of the members, and about 3^ they become the serva nts of the Crown , and no longer they would have bettor care and attention than they carry the educational measures of tho Fac- more immediatelythreatening conclusiveconn quenc *b. or 5 per cent on their funds placed " ^ and 220 horse puwer) were lowered; in which some , in some bank , the servants of tbe peop le. An honest man can have could possibly in any other way. Andrew Smith re- of the officers and men of the Lizard returned , and tory BilL The fact was, that the Gj7ernn»v jt were is the state of the mining districts. If the reports of which latter income does not pay the cflieers for no interest but that of his conntry in coming to Parli a- easily , persuaded to abandon anything that wa» ^ood. f-^m iron trade bfl ssything 1?Va correct , ?*tt ^ of *t!hat manag fused the order , using violent language to the Guar- saved a sick, boy and passenger , with some two or ing their affairs. Things go on pretty comfor t- ment. And if he sacrifice his ease and retirement to dians. Ths Factory Bill was too good a bill to be carried against aere appearsto l>e scarcsly a doubt ; ve tt&ys Ixdcrb abl y for a f ern years , if they ktep the body together. three others whs had been left behind in the first the duty of a senator , his expsnees at least oncht to be No further application was made by the family, or on confusion. All hopes of saving the vessol were at a factious opposition. Not bo with an Iris d A rms* w the prosp-ct of a movement aaosg the miners that Every member boasts •' what a #ood society bis is"; ho-w reimbursed by his country. You now pay your mem- ¦sriH j iot fail to strike awe and terror into the stontest their behalf , for assistance of any kin d to the Relieving once abandoned when we discovered that the water Bill. It was a bad bill ; and , as a matter of course , " much money they have in the box'' ; " no one on the bers with a vengeance for enslaving you and picking was carried at all hazards. Lord John told St? Kobert •niTn^a ?hen considered in relation to the general «ffWrn» funds for so many Officer , till he heard by chance , on one of bis rounds in had already made so much head as to put out the mouths ; nodeatha ; only a few lyings- yonr pockets ; bnt if you v onld ones pay tb em your - s that he bad ife in his power to silence the Repeal agita- of fia country. in the i'iock is rapidly incre asing. tbe execution ofthts duty on the 6'ch July, that Smith ' fires and to float the lower-deck hatoiies, and con- f " Ail goes on swim- selves, you would no longer complain of oppr ession. child had had an accident (this 1: latch with the stone tinued pouring in with such jviolenca as to render it tion by inducing the Irish people to believe that the The next subject I *h *T\notice , sot from its intrinsic mingly . A lot of members is proposed every meeting Act -with spirit and resol ution. Insist upon your privi - Government would do them juscice. This was aa open importance , bnt from tbs -vigour and activity "witii must be made to appear of great importance—why not most dangerous to remain on board. The last boat night Well, time wears on. The club ia getting j>ld. leges, and J tcill meet you at Runnymede. J love the (over ?) and was in a avowal ef the old Whig policy of making professions wiifib it his been carriea xnio the agricnlbiral districts, Beopie don i thins ; so much about it now. Others have say had caught the scarlet had scarcely left the Lizard When she sunk head fore- poor—I -livide my fortune with them -, and I will die bad state ; upon which he sent shillings relief to which they never designed to perfo rm ; but it was no and from the Teaction which it has there produced been start ed, promising grea ter bent fits. There has five most. The night was misty,)and the Veloce's lights with them. The poor man 's labour is the rich man's them by tbe medical officer , his informant. The man being placed on her paddle-boxes, whereas the po. The people looked at tbe distinctions of Whig and wMlst oppodng what were conEidered the strong holds bees a sort cf competition in dabs. The old club begins wealth, and without your toil a kingdom would be worth -the the is had also two shillings and sixpence additional relief on Lizard's were at her mast-Head, could ndt be seen Tory in their real colours , and heartily joined ia tha a monopoly, is Anti-Com Law movement. toic ^k down. Sick members increase; casi going nothing. Whilst I am free you never shall be Blaves. English ballad •' Tanttrara , , tits rapid depressioa which is -faster ff ian the 10th of J uly, when he was desire d to attend the until close to." chorus of the good old 2 shall sext sDtace cut it ever-came itt! A few very old mem- God bless the people." board meeting on the following Wednesday, the 12th rogues all, rogues all ; Tantarara , rogues all." Mr. K. going forward nTnnrig the agricultural interests. For bers ire all that are now left ; and these meet from instant On the hearing of tba case that day, the State of NorriNeHAM.—(From a Correspondent.) went .on in a similar strain , for an hour and a half , and some years past this interest Yax been so rapidly habit every club night, to pull long faces at each other , —On Monday a public meeting of the unemployed only means fapamt hai Guardians ordered ten shillings per week , whilst the concluded by proving the Charter to be the absorbin gthe of all other parties, that it aii J brcod over an empty exchequer. Of sickness they THE POL I TI CAL VICTIMS AND THEIR RELIEF case remained in its then state. operatives was holdon in the market; place, for the whereby the accursed system could be changed ; and ieen deal to snyttdiuz like s demand for chang g or think do! ; they are too hardy ; but oscasianally hints FUND. la the last ; paragraph Mr. Gardinor dees not purpose of devising some plan to ameliorate their urged upon the auditory the propriety of Uniting for improvEmEnt. Relieving, in the limited Tiew that are given that •• if one of us was to die, there wouldiiot draw a correct inference from my language present distressed condition. Just before the meet- tbe acquirement of that glorious object. A vote of ifncnlLnTMs take of rhir j gs, that the only change be enough to L-ary him." At last " fear "' operates, and a 1O THE CHARTISTS OP GREAT BRITAIN. when before the Guardian s, but endeavours to ing commenced, a waggon was observed passing down thanks having been tendered to Mr. K. for bis able lec- wanted to secure a continuance of-the benefits they division of the funds is effected. ' Mr Frtends — free them and their officers in a Bide-way tbe market-place, drawn by men and women, with ture , tbe meeting dissolved. ware obtaining, T»as a Tory Goremment , tbey were, Such is bnt too often the history and eytd of clubs as at I direct your earnest attention to the their children in the waggon. Such & sight was ' subjoined communication which has been addressed to manner. He| says, " at the investigation , Mr. with the assistance of tie clergy, weQ orgss zid, and present conducted. And the yeung men seldom attempt •¦ Peter Brown stated that he never intended to never seen before in Nottingham. They were Mr. Geor ge Julia n Haknbt lectured in the me as the Treasurer of the Political Tictim Fund " :— announce ment, on Monday elected ibis ohj&eL JBxperlenes is, howeTer , most to redeem t£em from their downvrarda •* sliding scale." make any char ge against the Guardians or their officers; operatives out of work from Balwell, a large village Chartists ' Hall according to rapldlj convincin g them tia -, force and fraud can- When that are a great nmnber of old amembers in s (CO PT.) four miles from Nottingham,] one of the seats of the evening at eight o'clock. Mr , H. in a very able man- jj oi bnt aa it appeared in bis letter , as well as your edi- resorted to by the nra ca longer rale the destiniesof P»* country j and dnb. ibe young avoid them , and join the "y oung clubs" torial remarks , that its tendency was to reflect blame hosiery trade ; and they had come here to ask alms. ner , showed the many schemes " Kirkdale Gaol , August 3rd , 1843. would-be philanthropists of the day to «mov« the evila they willvery soon be glad to make common cause with which yecc? oies come to the same old end I on the Guardians , an explanation seemed called for. " Several hundreds attended the meeting ; but they their fellow men for the purpose of procuring that Some societies, in order to spare their funds , have " Esteemed Sir —We embrace this opportunity of bore no proportion to the whole of those out of employ. so fearfully felt by all useful classea of the community .; writing to yon, relative to a fund which we understand Now I distinctly stated to the Guardin g that I had of all present , 'hat a happiness now b© xmidi needed bv all recourse to I-vies, in case of deaths , births , u will be kind enough to Chairman and the Board Robert 's sample , English men's and the most ispidry progressive benefit overseer to magistrate, untU he sinks by tbe way, and , on bear ing which will make sixty dozen per week on the lowest com- such is the effect of Sir to all future generations exert yourself in their behalf , and , if possible , send taken a partial view of the subject work done elsewhere , and they left to starve , what . perishes of want J "is the Board to sit here to oe putation. Silk gloves varyimueh according to the In chur char&Srs , Ireland is most justly coroplainiDg them somethin g towards defraying their exptnees home , a Guardian called out — would the sack be? Tbe most illiter ate may Trade societies fail tram similar causes ; bnt their im- insulted ?" I answered that I bad a ri ght to express sfze of the silk ; but the price to the workmen varies at finding that toe great msjority of her people are portance demand a whole chapter in order to do them and bIIowIo k tbem a small trfle to subsist upon for a The warp frame guess that if the Anti-C orn-Lavr League hatl their and residence of each i ndt vidual my sentime nts. from 8d. to Is. 8d. per dozen. . obliged to see their opinions and feefinjpiTflifibd and jnEiice, which I trill perhaps essay in my next- few da>B. Tbe figures the gloves in any way the manufacf urera desirea to-morrow , the work ing classes would abused ; srb&tthey consider treated can be furnished if required. Allow me to do an act of justice in saying that one- starve the next day. They, base olas?, have as sacred and Jholy, PoHlIeians and political societies, whilst they have , or the major part of the Guardians were design. Silfc^toves , tuck and plain backs, are 5a. 3d. be left to as dam nableand idolatrous , and themselves made to " Sincerely hoping you will attend to this most impor - balf , 1 think no kindred feeling with the masses. It ia contra ry to complained that the other societies do not sufficiently silent the whole tiwio. per dozen making ; figured with the jack-machine a eontnbnt e largely to the support of those who thus grapple with all the evils under which the working tant duty, and waiting your kind reply to'this letter , their practice of accumulating wealth . Taeir aim is Even allowing Mr. Gardiner 's statement as to my good deal more. The jack-machine makes lace gloves for aa little speak of them. Under all circumstances, we can classes groan,have never attempted the work themselves. we subscribe ourselves, on behalf of our fellow political similar to the warp frame. (There are many warp to procu re as much labour as possible pr isoners. intention to be correct, what has that to do with the wages .as possible. The interest of Working men is only wonder at the small amount of opposition upon They have satisfied themselves -with -what they deem matter ? If a number of conjoined facts naturall y lead frames in this county, and also Derbyshire, oh the tbe e matters , -exhibitedin tbe present movement. "We " the one thing needful v ' that it was snly necessary to " Yours truly, tbe reverse. The philanthropic Mr. Cobden . who * 11 rotatory principle—very wide frames ; and they will jsinst, Jsowever, be prepare d to witnessthe question of isaac hoyle, to certain inferences , the n it followa, that if the state- assays to devote his whole att ention to the benefit of battle with the political monopolist for political power; ments in my letter be true , the inferences must be make doublo the quantity the hand machine will the church of Ireland made one of the chief topics in not seeing that the enemy draws their attention to only " James Williams. make. The statement I have before me says 150 or tin working men, has not contradicted a statement that -settlement which will ine to he made before one point of the ramparts , -whilst legitimate - which publicly charged him with reducing bis calico tfct army of monopoly •' London , August 7th, 1843. Mr. Gardener admits that tbe tendency of the 160 dozen p er week, worked $y one man ! They get iustiee can be dons. is every where , and all round the walls. per d« zen less from the rotatory printers twopence in the shilling. If the middte clwuses " Moat sincerely do I sympathise with the hapless letter was to reflect bbme on tbe Guard iana. The ten- a great deal really wanted to do good to the work ing classes and. In England, besidesthe -various demonstrations of Hoping my humble endeavours will do the good I statem ents. Then if machine than from the hand] machine. The publio ¦fln^ th»t irhat is generally term ed the , condition of your fellow-isnfiWers, and th eir respective dency of what?! vf a number of to themselves effectually, let them unite in one bond dissent, we desire , 2 remai n yours, in the cause of union the tendency must of neces- will , therefore, see that it isf utterly impossible for Chorch, i« torn by tto mestTiolfiat mternal convnlsaons. GSACCHUS. families , as communicated by your letter of tbe 3rd the statem ents prove true , of union fur tbe acquireme nt of the Charter ; and if sity remain. ¦ the plain silk and jack machine glove hands to com - Tiifi party named tbePoBeyit *are excitingmoetstro ngly inst You do indeed state more than sufficient to induce doaan per frame the industrious classes were once protected in their in me the utmast anxiety to perform ** the most im- Now as tbe Relieving Officer stated that my letter pete with this machine. T-hree , they would soon the alarm of tbe ether branches; and a division is PARDISE WITHIN THE BEACH OF ALL MEN , is an average of plain silk gloves per week ; labour by means of the Charter show portant duty " which yqu have very properly required was entirely false , I call upou him , and the Guardians their willingness to repeal not only the Corn Laws but arisin gwhich willrequire attention from any reforming ; and further I about two dozen jack machine gloves. Great body j whilst the daily increasing powers of the Wea- WITHOUT LABOUR , BY POWER OF at my hands , as the accredited Treasurer of the " Poli- to back him , td prove that statement from wide every other law which might prove a dead weight tical Victim Fund" —namely, that of exertin g myself challen ge any one to prove that I havd made a single quantities of silk hose are made leyan Methodists, arising out of their superior Or gan- NATURE AND MACHINERY. frames, two to fonr at (onoe ; and are many upon the prospe rit y of all classes of society, Mr . H. j» Mtberto on behalf of tbe seventy-five individuals who are shortly fa lse assertion. I am always particularl y careful to next alluded to the forthcoming Conference to be held Trtfioa, ereitinj the fears of aiosevlK)have LETTEB ILL but what I can prove. : I am not aware of them embroidered most beautifully. Ihese are Testad sat isfiedwith the emolnments they were receiv- to be released from their present unjust and most cruel assert nothin g at Birmingham on the 5th of September , and urged 10 THE EDITOB OF THE PORTBEBN STAB. that any statement in my lette r has befen proved untrue; brought into the market at a very "cheap" rate. The ing. and considered their power over the minds of the incarceration. of employment, upon the men of Newcastle the propriety of examining Previous however, to my being enabled to effect excepting tbe omission of two and sixpence , and that markets are thus glutted j and want Peoplesecure and abiding, PeaB Sis.—What is the destiny of man ? Why " , and wretchedness, tare tbe consequences. for themselves the several Plan s of Organization sug- rf tbe ba» been and placed upon thif earth, and what anything in this matter , it is necessary that you was paid after (the five shillings. Teat . omission... I poverty, gested for the consideration of the delegates on that In Scotland, tb ^ fabric Carurch rent was he created shoulders. My wife A groat deal more might bejsaid about the imposi - asnn der; takes place whilst each function was assigned him by the Creator in the shonld supply me with more explicit information tha n am willing to take upon my own occasion ; and as much depended upon the conclu- and repose now only says, that Andrew Smith , my informa nt, told me tions practised in the hosiery trades ; but this will party prepares itself, hy an examination of its resources, nniyersal scale of existence ? Was it to ravage and is contained in your letter. When I intimate that tbe present. At the meeting on Monday, sion which might be come to there, he hoped they mother earth ? Was it to wage war fund at present in hand scarcely exceeds £30, you will of it; and , I. say that I either did not hear him or suffice for the would give such for the furt her great and mighty stru ggle whichwill devastate his Bttt j bave I made a false asserti on then ? Mr. Jonathan Barber , an operative out of employ, instructions to their delegat es brother ? Wa s It to live in hatred and con- at once perceive how inade quate it is tor relieving so forgot it as would enable them to re-o rgan!z3 the tak eplace between them, if the end of these tilings has against his Have I made an assertion as to any money emanating was cal led upon by the chai rman , Mr. Dalton , from Chair * 'xt yet nntrj, tenti on with hiB fellow-man ? Was it to pine awayihiB nameioos a body of claimants as you represe nt ; and tist body and enable tbem to bold that pwition smTed. Wesisll, in fiw^, in «&ci «o from the Board ) No, I merely said * " I am told" so Manefieldt to move the firsp resolution, which he ^ctb to witness the most destmctiTeagencies that can existence in factories , filthy workshops and mines, or to when to this I add that it is, to say tho least , question- some length, detailing the causes in society wWcb they held in Newcastle, in 1839. able whether the subscribers to that fund would and so- i did in a speech of be conceivedbrought into fifiree and -violent act ion, work as a slave in cotton and sugar fields under the * of employment, and urging that nothing After Mr. .H. sat down, Mr. James Frezer moved , and sun ? Is it his destiny to be justify its disbursement to other than persons known m But when I met the Guardians , what were our of the want Tar n the spiri t rf tea slisll enlire n all iearta , and burning ra ys of an Equato rial Clerk of the would tend to ameliorate the condition of the starv- Mr. Cockbum seconded, the following resolution, which and vexations that th e only place of Chartists previous to their imprisonment , you will relative situations ? I received, from? the Qaect the mind sof men to that nnrverssHounta, infrom so degraded by toil note coached in blind langu age, intimating ing millions of this country, but the passing into a was unanimou sly^agreed to :— " That in the opinion of which pleasure and rest he knows »>f is the nriBerr- ret&Uing f arther perceive tbe absolute necessity imposed upon Union a all good may immediate ly be made So flow in that the Gua rdians wished to see me relative to Andrew law the document called the People's Charter. this meeting a committee of asven shoul d be now absna sBce gin palace and beerh ouse? Is it a fit occupation for an ms of makin g the fullest inquiry into each individual lor alL ¦ Smith' s case I" they were always anxious that the Resolved—" That this meeting is of opinion that appoin ted to scrutiniza tbe various plans suggested by 2aTin gtJik fin mrej of onr immortal spirit to carry bricks on his hac k to the top of case. *« the friends ansi«r3ef«na inperfect tbe wants and necessities of the poor under their care the distress now prevalent in]this town, and in every of tbe people for the re-organizitiou of the mtt rml sffiira some few of a honee » No; a thousand times no I Man fa created " To enable yon the more readily to communicate Chartists of Great Britain, and otherwise make the , let us look for a moment at ! pro priety of yonr should have every attention that their eases may requrre. " part of the country, is attributable to class-made «n «xserna! In &e image of God j he partakes by divine mercy of desired details , I would suggest the an accuser? laws; and that unless some plan be speedily adopted necessary arrangements for the opinions of the relation *. over all the earth adopting a for m, setting forth the name of tb e victim, Now wh»t did I appear there for 7—as Ms -very spirit; fee U made lord nothing. I conceive that I to alleviate the distress of the country, it is hard ChwtiatB of jrewcastrta being fully repteBeated in tha Bowaie-WBsaaa tea ~m$thTisoce ? Can ttt e people of the globe s to use tha how long imprisoned, previous employment, number I had accused ihem of took with MgarS His function 1b to be oversee r give them what information I bad to tell what may be the consequences." The forthcoming ConYtotfen.'* Mr. Wm. Fleming moved f ^at ^RBiby forgetQieposiaon we them, by his mental of family , circumstances ,! residences , known or not as a appeared there to wa o^Ern mtit on goTernme nt they powers of nature, and divert ; and if the statements proved true , to resolution was put and carried unanimously. the following, whichwas ably seconded by Mr. Haraey ioh tolbroe tbem a and embell ish its surf ace; to deve- Chartist , and reference given to some one in the neigh- upon the subj ect "•^e ^Teae lo? Qtn Jiej forget ttie ilood and trea- power , to cultiTate made. endeavour to ascertain what were the motives which Mr. John M'Duff moved the second resolution, which and agreed to unanimoualy—" That in tbe opinion of lope its materialre sonrceB; to fertilize its deserts, and bourhood to whom further applicatio n might be ¦ " • ^hat was expended daring She long perio d wMeh should be immediate ly actuated them ; jconsequently I had a tight to ask ques- was as follows *.—" That it is the opinion of this this meeting a committee of five be now appointed to enn3l drain its swampsan d morasses. He 1b created to live in This return , when filled np, ¦ that it is the duty every lover of use their utmost * atea wiffi a» Jaff lB ot Wate rloo? (fen Qiey ; to extend transmitted to me, and will then confer with those tions. I . . _ meeting, {of his in procuring funds in this district for "Tjr TB the Shafc t«s peace and friendshi p with his fellow-man U Mr. Gardine r assigns as the reaso n for refusing country, of every individual who possesses one the support of such/ of our fellow-men » may;be suffer supposed national innflliati on perceptions «f the varie d creati ons ¦who are equally anxious as I am that every claim which tl!IO *» -npon aigia ^j b j esnlt cf^Siat contest? or his knowltdge and out-door relief that tbe wants of the family would he spark of Christianity, of every true pnilanthropis- , ing pecuniary embarrassmentfor the sake of theprinci ple M ; to taste the pleasures of communi- just ice and humanity can make npon the Chartist body Gene;— ™**»Twt atha expect flat Hiebw rnattwa wffl be that scrround him bette r attended ito in the poor-house. Thai this was to come boldly forward at this eventful crisis, and toseettot s«%^dji ' | »^aIy ieBii^d to ral cating and associatin g with minds who have the same should be—as far as possible— discharged without an ' *?*Hi iQTant age of, lto minister to th e person al smbi- o ' tbe motive, I cannot believe ; for , in my opinion, it assist to ameliorate the condition of the starving Treasurer, and be regularlyannounced in the columnsof UHLpf attx actisns, .feelings, end object s; to enjoy tbe dlrinest h ur s unnecessary delay. rev Jb e pr eeekt xeigBing monitclt? ioni» Philllpe " You will, of course, p i ilar plan as respects resulted from ain impre ssion on the tainds of tbe millions, whose extreme sufferings cry aloud for the NorthernStar. " Messrs. Frpswr, Smith, Usher, wisha jlace ttr one jift man has received— love: that gift which points to ado t a s m Andrew Smith 's ^ " ^ ^y to 13« Jkm on the of of where all is the fifty-nine convicted atthe Special Commission, Li- lieving officer and guardians that redress." This resolution vyas also carried unani- Fleming, Livingstone, Embleton, Ramsay, and Sinclair *pa m t% a ^ueen that the gates of Heaven's own blissfu l region, friends wonld assist him, and prevent the necessity of mously. N.B. Out of tbe 5i. 3dt paid at the were plans of mar rbgB with the young nnntterable , and which ver pool, and wMok -will form Return No. 2. warehouse appointed to examine the different 5°?toy. whlA^onpnfleni Tronia, 2 poBsdbTB, prerent ; love, love nnbosndBd and his entering the poor house ; . for silk gloves, there has to be paid for seaming, Organisation. A^vote of thanks was then tendered t* 003 passeth the power of tbe human mind to coBceiTe ; [for " I would particularly impress npon you the neces- ^^ s « every pj ospeat of tis MeompEHhing hi* as explicit as The order for ton shillings a week teas niade on the winding, master's profit, frame rent, nefdles, &o. Mr. Haraey for the able manner in which he bad ad- to we Tfe are toe centre , the focus of all love is God himself. Such, sity of making the * reference column' S"21?"6- It 3s most ^elkhtful thst too possible, by giving the proper address of the Chartist 12th of July , when the relieving officer bad strong The " haniers " would have about 6s. 6d. clear ; vocated tbe causa of Chartism in bis lecture feat mncaoeea piedaiiQnie -, in a few words, ia the terrestial destiny of man, or the ¦ had been for a {con- to take part in tiiBse mat ters in Secretary, Lecturer, or Councilman, residing in tbe reaso n to think that the faniit y the "Jingerers" about 83. 6dJ. when they have plenty evening; and aft«r a few words in reply from Mr. H. the ana iiat «ths a practical function assigned him by tb» ditfDity starvation ' J balanca ef powerher in *wnEur ope" nrst bs •lalmant's locality previous to his arrest. siderable time in a state bordering on of work. meeting was dissolved. Mjus tea by E ian ^ koowicg ptaafiou , snfl creatine and placin g him on the earth * ^ * ' 4 _ THE NORTHERN STAR,

r and wavin g of hats. An addre ss conspatn laling him field, which we jdelighted to insert in last week's terpretatio n to the Act than tha t intended by its Trade," he is actually taking advantage of the pr e- Once , therefore , and for all, let me " deliver iny &§z nx support , asd ^lso with a stateme nt of nor ; save what lie had now stated and hoped no one disaster. We heaped upon the Orangemen " by their IN EVEBY SEVENTEENPENCE THEY EARNED !! ! He yourselves, your country and your cause,—if you the present dispute. Oar employer ha3 published who considered himself his friend would -withdraw were pushed, unfairly pushed, unnaturally and un- leaders, Roden and the Duke. B rou gh am too, laid has now got his " pilot engine," Buckley, out,!to see love the democratic principle, and wish to see that any support anotner placard Tespeofiniriheagreemen ts which he from the Slar he had formerly given it; generously pushed, by the middle class representa- > t on to nause a. The '" forbearance " of the how much farther can venture ; or whether the Drincinle established, vou must get rid, not only of «omB tOi A care fnl exa- and that those who had withdrawn their support he] but of all leadership ; you framed the workmen to tives who found their way into the first Convention Orangema n remin ds ouo much of tne tranquillity such leadership mination of those agreements has shewn " us that on his account would now return. " He said in , experiment may lead to the more fascinating result must Jearn to think and determine for yoar- placard reply to the address that he ooald take no credit to into a position from whioh there was no retreat, save of the fettered murderer , whose plaintive tone for her Majest y to call Cobden and tbej were1 nearly all in his favour , in his of compelling " " selves, and make public men execute—not ve find thst he mafccs mention of two pits at this himself for t&lent. Honesty of purpose and inten- through starvation or revolution. mercy so ill comports with his savage power , when Co. to her councils, to satisfy the popular require- gaide—the public will. I tell you that the history This is true. In the Lord Pit there is sion were his polar sta r. JBa ' devotedness to prin- ' colliery. The promoters of the Sacred Holiday had their exercised upon his defenceless .Victim. " They de- ments ! ! . of all nations proves that whenever and when- culj caerope, wKch is a hempen one. Shis, he ciple made him always discharge his public duties ever and as far as ever the people have trusted - wiihost favour or affection to any one, regardless emissaries abroad, misrepresenting the public feel- serve all; praise for their exemplary forbeara nce" !!! says, is used for fee repairs of the shaft only. That Opposed as we are to violence of any sort or kind, implicitly to leaders ; they have been betrayed ; and statement is falsa. There has been a number of whose toes he trampled npon. He then descanted ing, and urgiBg on tho people beyond their strength ; When ? 'and for what I whe n their bloody deeds always be so. Having said this, I havo we yet fearlessly say let us have Revolution in any that it will coal hewers ra flfee Lord Pit until a few weeks back, npon the prospects of the cause at present ; gars a until at length a premature strike proved the tem- of olden- times had raited up a host of defenders , no more to say. I have done my duty. You will lucid, an d succinct account of his^ views on the pro- shape or f orm, rather, than submit to the perpetual and likewise a number of sinkers ; this rope "was porary ruin of oiir cause. It would appear from all whose union placed fetters upon their han ds, aad now act as you please. I can not warn you more «3©d to UEed >ome-of the wires to break. That rope was the impediments that Jay in the way of the people cause, by admoni shing them against the folly of them to swamp your oause to-morrow ; I have getting at the Land , and the necessity for political partial strike ; while we rejoice to find that the saga- in crea ting ? Who in Ireland , but will taiea off aad the other left on the pit. The rope instrument al mixing up any other! question with their present acquitted myself of blame. Others may laud these "which was left was taken off about last Chnsfrnas , power to get the command of it. He concluded a cious leaders of the colliers have resolved upon laugh at the " forbea rance " of the Roden 's, the parties as very paragons of purity and patriotism, long, and admirable address , replete with sound rea- " bteu ggle." We highly approve of tho coarse in consequence of a split of ihe strands , about fifty working for the very lowest pitUnce, aye, at the Magee's, and the whole hungry tribe who have so and you may believe them if you like and wait to fathoms Jon?. It was taken away and pewed , and soning and political wisdom, rapluronsly applauded. taken by the Chair man of the Ashton meeting, in find out your mistake ; the fault will not be mine. The bbk sentiment propos ed was, M mere existence point, until all the machinery, their long shouted their appeals to " buckle on the sword" fctraght tracka eain to be used at the colliery ; and - May >ne oppo- inviting the police to ihe platform : and , as a further Some of you may even now be angry with me for that rope is the subject «>f dispute. In it ther e are sitions of the factions stimulate the people to in- own machinery ^—by which their body should be and " keep their powder dry"1 If Mr. O'Connell prot ection, we would strongly urge the propriety of speaking thus plainly ; I care not. I live only to six wires ir *hen out of ninery-sfx , the number of creased exertions in the advocacy of the great prin- governed pending a general strike , should circum- deserved xsredit for any one act more than another, it serve ybu &ad your cause ; and I value your good ciple of democracy." Mr. Peddie responded . He each speaker coming to every meeting that he may wires constiiutmg the rop e; the remainin g wires ac- stances render such a step necessary, —has been per- haying raised up a sufficient amount of Irish opinion and applaus e no further than as I can make cordin g to xbe employer's owb Sfcceosmt bein g greatly made an able and effective speech, tracing and is for intend to address with his sentiments briefly it serviceable to this end : beyond that it is of no strained. He has admitted^ that had we not seen exposing tbe evil results of the present system , and fected. Our advice to the colliers from the com- moral power to render pointless the Orange bayonet. more worth to me than so mil oh idle wind. using, : written down; and\ when read , let the speaker the broken place in the other rope,be would hire con- in strong language, the necessity for increased mencement has been to be cautious , to be pruden t, to From . the latitude extended by the Noble This is a most uupleasingsubject for me to write exertion. The fourth sentiment was, " Fcargus write his name uponl each page, and hand it the cealed it, by bandages of wire, and w>me coal ta r. be wise and unconf iding, 8ave*in their own order . Duke toithe wily " gentlemen in their studies" we upon : if it may be profitable to you I am satisfied. We have offered lo submit to have the rope teitfd O'Connor , Esq., may his indefati gable !exertions Chairman to be kept, and produced if neces- In any case, I have done with it. We now kno w Our That this advice has been generally acted upon we look for the most disastrous results, as soon as the with sixteen Ions upon the pulley over the pit, and in the cause of liberty be crowned with ultimate sary; so that his l otvn words, and not : those respective positions. with twenty lens at the testing machine. Their own success." It was responded to by Mr. Allan. are happy to discover in their resolution to employ ** Arms' ¦ Bill," with none of those limiMed powers , as I have ever been, of others may appear in judgment against him. I am proposal wss a test of twenty tons. This offer they He extolled Mr. O'Connor for his disinterested lecturers from their own trade ; to make their sub- contained in the " Suppression of Party ProoOBSions Your faithful friend and servant, have relQBed. colliery labonra in the people 's service, and said he had One of the owners of the . scr iptions generally, instead of locally useful ; while Bill," shal l be handed over to the Irish Execu- We are seldom false prophets ; and it will be WiLiiAU Hill. luring proposed to bb to select an engineer to carved ont for himself a monument more valuable Hull, Tuesday Night, Aug. 1, 1843. extmine the iopr^ offering to pay ns our wages if he than bra ss or marble, in the affections of the people. at the came time ihey concede the right of local tive, as their " Warrant of Attorney? ' to search, r emembered that we foretol d that the Cap italists eon demned it. We hare made such selection, and The next sentiment was " the imprisoned and treasurership, and allow the expenditure of a por- to insult, to transport , and to; shoot ! The proposed would make anot her attempt to effect what they the examination ias exiled Chartists." Mr. Tankard resporded. " The of call hampering the Government. The aboveletter was sent for publication last week, takes place lo-day. We had a tion the local subscriptions for local purposes. meeting of the Orangemen on the 7 ih of September , " " Let the opera- but from the inet of my being in London , and Mr. list of nine engineers presented to ns by tbp owner, Star and Democratic press," was given and spoken We farther find that they have appointed the proper tives beware lest byj their co-operation they may to select one ont of; "with an intimation that if we to bv Mr , Peddie, The list of sentiments being with the Arms ' Bill as their authority, and Parlia- Hobso n very pro perly thinking it right that I should chose any other , we had only to fire notice when he norr exhausted , Mr. Ai'Leod came forward and legal maohinery for defending themselves against ment pror ogued , and the Kin g of H anover at hand , " hamper " th emsel ves, instead of the Government ! see it before it was published , that I might accom- pany it with any explanation necessary, t was coming. We did not choose ont of the list ; pr oposed a resolution , " That the meetin g has heard those oppressions which , for want of legal resist- fills U8 with evil forebodings '. Authority will make Trust to none but wise heads ; and do your own he sen it bnt fixed" npon Mr. Chicken , of Monkwearai onih, with extreme surprise and regret that Mr. Hfll has work for your own there for niy perusal. I now giye it, with out much ance, the masters may impose upon them under the a stru ggle ; and authority being transferred from selves, is the best advice that we , only two sentences The following is his decision :—"Au gust 7th v 1843. ceased to conduct the Star " Mr. Lonnie seconded comment : there being, in fact the resolution , which was pnl from the chair , and semblance of law. Wo feel convinced that a moro Parlia ment to the weeded Oran ge Magistracy oi can give those who have been once mor e thrown into in tho whole requiring particular notice ; the remain- This is to certify that the unders igned lias examined ' the wire lope at the Winsate Granee Collier? - I carried " nnanimons ly. A vote of -tha-nWa was moved judicious coarse could not have been adopted , and Ireland,, will be exercised in defiance of all law. disorder , juat at the moment when the poor slaves ing portion being a reiteration of those charges to Leach think it is'not ^nfficient draw coal work. It is to the Chairman for his excellent conduct in the that the next step will be, the holding of a short had a ri ght to expect their shar e from a " revival of alr eady repeated so often against M'Douall , , chair , when tbey ultimately dispersed. and will be exorcised to " meet tho emergency, " and othe rs. The first sentence upon which I shall well seen that the rope is damaged , and not fit to convention , the proceedings to be conducted with trad e" ! trnst lives npon it. (Signed) Thomas Chickek , that " emergency " bein g to exterminate the Irish say a word is—" 1 might , in dne time, have given engineer." Account of sums received since our last open doors , and the object to be, the agreeing upon people. , you mor e reasons , had the opportunity been permit- etramnmcatfon:—Collieries . Haswell £6 18-*. lOd., such rules and regulations in the government of tho So much for the Duke ; and now a word for tho ted to me." Here I find myself called upon to refer THE NORTHERN STAR. THE BIRMINGHA M CH ARTISTS AND to the particular act which led to the removal of Mr. Sbouon =£2 JOs^ Croxhoe £3 12a£i ~ Rainton £3 16s. 2&^ body as will insure them against surprise , defend ex-Chancellor. The Noble Lord, BftyUGiuH , attaches Kewbortle ^l 34i. LnmlBV 7s-, West Anckland 5ATUBDAY AUGUST 12 1843. Hill from the " Editori al stool," in order to be fully lft« - , , them against the' macbinatioas of their enemies, and commercial importance to the present agitation ; MR. ATTW OOD. able to explain the above passage. Perhaps - od.. South Winsate £1 12*. 6d^ Belmonnt £1 7&, NewDurbani £310s., PiftiDgton £2 Is, 6d., above all guard them against any, the slightest , and fears that suoh demonstrations as those now daily We have much pleasure in dire cting attention to the readers of the Slar will recollect that after ¦North Hetton £2 4s. 6d LesziDgthorne £\ 8s. 6d« OUR POSITION. WHERE ARE WE? recurrence to violence. Should suoh course be exhibited in Ireland, will have the effect of intimi- the Court of Queen 's Bench had left the Eldon J53. €d, Shildon ^ Bank 1&. 8d, Evenwood the business-like manner in which the Birm ingham judgment upon the fourth count undecided , a 14a. od Conndon 12a. Id., Sherbnrn Hill £i 5s. 6d., WHERE S HALL WE BE! adopted , none but actual working colliers should be dating the English Capitalist from entering upon spe- Chartists have , in spite of all want of Organization , strong appeal was made th rou gh the columns of the ^ Helton £1 elected as delegates ; and to avoid expense , the culation in Ireland. What cnango ha9 como o Star to Dr. M'Djuall , not to damage the prospects He2al -£1 0s. lld^ Shiw-liff £\ 12^ 9s., So general is the desire of the working classes 'er the met tho projected new move of the " Old Ru mp Elemore £2 23s. 6tL, Pemberttws £4 23 Spittfll representation , if tho general principle is agreed dream of tho Noblo Lord, since thoso times when "pub- part y. of those whose case wis yet undecided by returning Ton sces £2, Season Bum 10s. Hd Wallsend^ to return to an agricultural life, that wherever we " We so fari appr ove their prudent course , home until the final judgment of the Court should ^ £2, upon , need not be large. lic meetings werethe inalienable righ t of every Tyne Main ^ 1 15s. 6d., Iforth Eliwiek ^l 12*. 6d go, or to whatever publication we turn, we find that British that wo may venture [to assert that the return of tbe have been known. At least such was the inference ^ subject; 4 Sheriff Hill £2 5s., a friend £l % Onston £2 7s., the one great nostrum for the one great complaint We have ever counselled the Chartist body against " and when the result was to be " the rolling Prodigal Son ," under the prescribed condition s deducible fr om the manner in which the question was Hebbron £3 3*. 6enh, on Friday Angus: 4lb, in honour of ihe Bev. daily assemblages of the pinch-bellies have passed them. The various dissatisfied classes can onl y be spleen sec in it the wasp 's sting, ra ther than the Journal mea n , by attempting to force requisitions , substantiated upon good and irrefutable evidence, I William Hill,ifor tbe purpose of welcoming him on mustered now under the general cry of *' the Chartists Statesman 's caution ? tha t have been rejected , down the throats of the will gc as far as you in exposing him . To this Mr. away ; and are more than compensated f or by the Hill replied , *• / knr-w no more than you do about this his first visit to Scotland. The meeting which " ' Let but any act of the people arouso We rely, however , upon the wisdom of the Irish people ! We will embrace Attwood , and hold him *wa3 ~rery immerons, elected Alexander Lundin to election of the Londonderry nominee, Mr. Bbight, are coming . Dr. M^Douiril. i no more charges to make such a suspicion, and all the angry sectional feeling people as a means of resistance to the construction tight, if he comes to us fairly. We do noS need against him " . " jL ut>i»", said I, " as I know nothing the ehsrr. After ihe good things of *Mq life had *or the City of Durham. " One swalloW j however , u been pretty 'well discussed, does net make a summer f and we doubt that the will not only be; lulled , as by magic, into quiesence , that tho gentlemen in their studies"' may put upon to have him thrust upon us ! whatever to his disadvantage ; nothing whatever to The Chj oskas rose, and in a few brief remarks , the Act of Parliament : whilo m> rely upon the ir disturb my confidence * in him ; and inasmuch as I Member for Durham will add much potency to the but would be united in holy brotherhood of Chartist believe his services to havo been as honest , as introduced ihe first sentiment— " Tie people ? may gloriou s demonstrations as a means of intimidation; they soon "become enlightened, and nnited to demand legislative character of the Lea gue. However tbe opposition . Irelan d would on ce moro tip tue delusive TO THE PEOPLE. zealous , as able , and as bene ficial to our caure as a full measure of justice,throu gh the People's Char- House of Commons may affect to disregard popular blessings of peace. Repeal would be abandoned as which will make tho " forbearing " and " exemplary" any other person , I will not allow my Paper to be ter. T' a teFt of that Iriah loyalty with which we are told Orange faction pause before they " buckle on the Mv dear FniENDS ,—The conten t* of this letter made the means of eiiher starving him abroad , or opinion , we have little doubt that the supposition surprise some damaging his character or influence during his Tiii3 -was spoken to in excellent style, by David sword ," or try their rt dry powder." A notion will in all probabili ty of you. I am Dickson, who gave minister s hoth spiritual and jh at the Lea gue did possess popnlar confidence had that nation abounds ; and our folly would have fur- no longer Editor of the Northern Star. absence". After a conversation ot near ly two hours temporal, welJ-mtrited casrigati on for tlssir neg- a marvellous effect upon the vote3 of many of the nished an escape to the Minister—to tho affrighted of the present strength of tho Repeal party may be I have thoug ht it (my duty , repeatedl y, as I saw upou this subject , in which Mr. Hill expressed * ' lect 01 the «ducaticn of the people. new adheren ts to the princi ple that an English work - Landlord—to the querrellous Leaguers—to the com- fcest gathered from Mr. O'Connell s just denuncia- occasion , to caution you not again to trust your his determination to use his bsst exertions The f anwnn thm gave ihe sentiment of the cause and destinies into the hands of parties by to drive M'Douall , Leach , and others from the move- man sbonld rely npon the forejgn grower for his plaining Churchmen—to the infuri ated Rebecoaite— tion of Lord John Russell, while at the same time evenin g, ** Ihe itev._ William Hfll : may be be Jong 1 whom they have been before perilled , and all but ment , he was obliged to btar t for a Hall train ; pro- spared to eondnct the Or gan of the Cnsrtist move- breakfast , his dinne r, and his supper ! . to the Pining Shopkeeper—and to tho Aristocratic WE can claim from his own words our own best de- destroyed. I have given you reasons for my mising to meet me at Leeds on the following Mon- fence for that course for which he has so as I along ; enough to enable day. We did not however meet at Leeds ; and ment , and still conimne to give his advice and The exhibition s of Cobden and Co. in the agricul- portion of the Trades ! while the " physical" torch lit cautions , havejgonc , , council as he has hitherto done for the weliare of often reviled u<* . H o now soys "he would you ;o form your own opinions ; though , not all on my departure from Leeds , where I had been all shop at the blaza of democracy would servo to light r)a EocietjJ" tural district s, where declinin g keepers by some rather have TWENTY Tories than one Lord which tended to the j forming and confirming of my y, I wrote to Mr«Hill expressin g my regret at After this, Mr, James Ferguson read an address pr ocess were converted into Hepeal Chartism to tLe tomb ! i opinions. I have told you that certain parties who the course he had taken. I explained that I had marve llons J ohn Russell." For resisting Lord John 's tyranny irozn the members ol" lie Ltiin Charier Association, farmers, must have excited the laughter of those hare heretofore figured prominently in the move- bu t the alternative of appearing in the character of to the Rev. Gentleman. and tiNAUiY v»o were all called " Tory Chartists ;" ment, an d by whom] the National Charter Associa- a consummate hypocrite , by professing my public whose places were usurped , and whose adherence to Mr. Hni, having received theaddreses, came for- THE LAWYER SOLDIER, AND THE and for triumphing over the miserable faction we tion was destroyed ] were not men to bo again .and priv ate disapprobation of the frequent attacks ward amid great app lause, anu thanked the meeting the principles of Free Trade has been thus xnani. tru sted ; that their public acts iu connecti on with upon my friencs, while I seemed to wink at them in SOLDIER LAWYER. were called " the bitterest enemies of Ireland ." Jar their iindness and warm reception. He stated fested by assumed proxy. This angry swelling is that body proved them to be men morall y and poli- the Star ; or of appearing as a cypher , havin g lost The debate upon the presentatio n of a petition We r ejoico to find that Mr ; O 'Connell has lived to ticall dishonest and unprinc ipled ; and (hat their ail controul over the paper. Tnat inasmuch as ho that in ¦whatever circomstaneea, be would always now reduced by the good sense of the working y bear m mind ifeo people and advocate ineir cauEe. from 5,000 disappointed and angry Loyal Protestants learn ! and in his declaration we receive ample public acts, since thjan , have afforded corroborative had expressed bis determination to destroy the in- classes; and the disease will doubtless break out in and confirmatory evidence of tho same thing. 1 fluence of those men and as I thought th eir ?£b&announcement ibat he stood before them not as of the North of Ireland , by the renowned loader of apology for hia frequent attacks upon us for oppo- , Editor of the Jf orihern Star , but simply as William some other form : indeed , wa find fresh symptoms have toid you that evon if this might not be s/> : influence indispensable to the furtherance of the defunct party, Lord Roben , furnishes a happy sing the Russell policy, the evil effec ts of which even giving them crejdit for the firmost princi ple and Cha rtist cause ; and as the Star was the Hill, Eeemed to stri ke the meetin g with astonish- alread y manifesting themselves in the town of Bir- >he ment. Mr. Hill went on to shew the reasons of illustration of the lengths to which statesmen may be he has at length and denounced ; not substan- strictest honesty, their judgment has beou sufficiently medium through which ha hoped to effect mingham ; and the first step taken by the new batch ' ihe dissolntion of his-connection wiih the Northern led under wounded feelings. There we fiad the tially, as we did ; but bp contrast. Ho prefers twenty proved to be unfit for leadership, and calculated his purpose, I deemed it prudent tha *. Mb which he said was entirel y owing to a differ- of quacks is in strict accordance with the pr actice only to create failure ! and retard the progres s of our functions as Editor of the paper should cease. Star, Marshal-Duke and the ex-Cbancellor chan ging pro- Tories!! Str ange alterati on from the times, when ence of opinion between himself and ihe Propri etor ; of their several predecessors. The Munt«s and ihe cau°e. Tnese were j my opinions. I held them That he should have £10-4 '* half pay " durin g my and as he {Mr- Hill} could consent to be no man 's fessions, if not sides ! the Duke , ant icipating how we wero invited to wage deadl y war under the homstl y ; and I expre ssed them honestly. I gave life, for past services ; or if he preferred earning it, Attwoods commence as usual by telling the people 75 slave, or ioJd Ms ton gue when an inflexible differ- the cunnin g lawyer , in " his study, may be able Russell standard , for no greater triumph than you reasons whereon I founded them : 1 might iu that ho should have £2 a week for a letter bearing due time have given1 you more reasons bad the op- ence of opinion existed withou t either being a knave of their sad and deplorable condition , in the hope to put a diametricall y different construction upon an tha t Of " KEEPING THE TORIES OUT." hi a own name upon political , literary, or scientific the disconnection took pl&ce. He was ex- that by an hypocritical expression of sympathy for portunity been still} permitted to me. You may, subjects. This brings me to the second passage , or a fool 5 Act of Parliament to that intended , not only by ceedingly dearous that "his removal migh*. bB, as he the snfFerera they may be enabled to convert them perhaps , gome of you, have come to concluaiond dif- in whiGh Mr. Hill says : " I shall never again believed ii was intended iisbonid be .for Ihe benefi t bofh Houses of Parliament , but to that which its fere nt from those to which I came ; with that r ever t to this matter , unless compelled by other into tools for the correcti on EFFECTS OF FREE TRADE.-ANOTHER of the people 5 and he hoped that they would not of middle-class framers , the Cabinet , after frequent consultations , I have no concern : I Bhould havo been a partit s." I beg to assure Mr. Hill and afi other Star grievances. The 1 TURNING-OUT. tr aitor to you , had 1 withheld my counsel. parties , that no party or individual shall ever again withdraw any support from the , but continue people of Birminghim however , intended it should bear ! while the ex-Chanc ellor , and increase it to ihe almost of their power. Mr. and especially the Irish portion , will bear in mind Just at the moment when the Tra de report? from I did not withh eld it. I warned you faith- rever t to the subject in the Northern Slar. That opportunity Brou gham , vouches , as he has often done before , for fully and then left you to act oa your own ©'-Connor bad jjivro Turn ihe of -eom- Axtwood's reply to Lotett upon the eve of the Lanc ashire , published in tho Bcveral newspapers paper ever has been unde r vigilant popular control . xnanin g wiih the people throu gh tbe colsmns of the the " physical 7* resistance of his pet King, Louis judgement. 1 consider you at all times entitled to I c shall ever remain so ; and Mr. Hill's contribution s, presen tation of the National Petition. It was as were of a nature to justify the antici pation that tho Slar. He would take advan sase of that offer , as he Phili ppe, and all the valuable portion of his French my opinions upon al| matters with which tne public bearin g his , uoon the above subjects. knew ihsAthe giaaj monster of corruption was not follows':—" That he never would support Equal boasted increased prosperity would have been in causa is or may be identified ; and while I live and shall have due insertion ; while no parties shall Majen y's Cabinet , to " uphold the integrity of the to be beaten down by fsclion hut bv onion, Mr. Representation , as it would place Irelan d upon an some way extended to the operative classes—just at retain your con fidence, and can find a mediu m of make it necessary for him to reveTt to matters which Hill then showed the necessity of Organization; and British empire." corDciunica -tion , you shall have thtm. have cost me hours , days, weeks, and months of equality with England , thereby destr oying that such a moment are we stunned by the threat of danger : aid his object , and aim was to have ine people Orga- We have frequently been puzzled in our endea- You know that |Mr. O'Conn or has expressed bitterest angu sh. Since the 8th of July iast. Mr. EJz-d so as to know each outer 's minds and avoid ascendancy which for a thousand years the latter from a general cessation of labour ! ! opinions from mine in refe Hill is not responsible for any arti cle that has ap- vonra to discover the beauty and consecutiveness of rence to these th e C3tastn>p he_j>r setting up men at the head of the country had possessed over the former ", Neither Our re port of the doings of Mr. Bocklkv, taken parties. He thoughi them so indispen sable to tho peared in the columns of the Star ; not having movement, who although they may havo the honesty characteristic speeches for which written for the paper from that time. Since then will they forget that the labour of nine months con- iho3C peculiar and from the Manchester Guardian , will be read by movement that he his deemed it necessary to tak e have not the abHiiy to conduct a national movement. the Nobla Duke of Wellin gton has been famed . every lover of peace and fair play with loathing, with thn controul of the Scar out of my hands that their it has been edited and mana ged by those who , from He concluded by slating that ihe people shonld siill centrated in that Petition , at the expense of £9,000, tbe comm encement , hav o shared the Editorial said: respecting them tha t n every word influen ce with you 'might not suffer. I make no have Ms advice and council, aiid he trusted that his was lost in consequence of 31 r. Attwoob ' It has been sorrow; and with disgust. It would in truth appear complaint of this. Tne duties wiih Mr. Hill ; and under whose manage- , s making Star is O'Connorit' s shownal removal frrom the editin g of the Star would become the National Petition , not the basis of a demand for is a teller ; and every sentence an apothegm. ' as if the system of " lot-casting to do mischief" property ; and he h^as a right say that l ment it shall continue to advocate those princi ples the canse of union. Mr. Bill then Eat down amidst Lacking geniu9 to comprehen d the meaning of the had been extended from the " sister country " ; and not be used either for the effecting of purpose s for the furtherance of which it was established. great applause. the Charter , but a mere pretext for urging a return which he does not approve , or for the frustr ation Fear gus O'Connor. following passage, we give it as we fiad it. His that a branch of the " black-sheep office" bad been The CBAi&Mis, in a few remarks , then introduced to One Pound Notes, as a means of destroying the of those whi ch he desires to see accomp lished. Leeds, August 10, 1843, the next sentiment.—" Frost, Williams, Jones, demand for the Charter. Grace says:— established in our manufacturin g districts. Else, Observe, th en , thai I state this to you , not with Ellis, and aH the incarcerated victims of class made "P rocessions ' - for the purpose of ce lebrating or com- how can we reconcile the neutrality and in- law"-; may they soon be returned to the bosoms of That such men as Attwood , Mokts, Cobdbn , and tho purpose of renewing crimination or of exciting memoratiDg any festival or anniversary , or political difference of the many "f eeling" aud " respect " you to angry feelings ; but simply that ©0 ££Uaft?r £ atm ®x>vve&$QYfoent$. their families and friends/ * This was responded to with any religious or you may Bbight look far beyond those limits to wnicb their event relat ing to or connected able " masters , who thus thrust their " Ballets " and know the real fact {of tlio cause of my removal in a veryS edins manuer by John Tankard. , other distinct ion or difference between any ciasses of The CBAtxms then gave oat the next sentiment , adherents would go no one can doubt. Men in their " Buckleys" forward as " pilot engines" ; lying back from the Star ; andjthe full oxtent to which, as he J. W., Macclhspield.—If he has the rent-book, with her Majeat y'8 subjects ; that ib the nature of tne pro- has himeelt' told you , the difference between me —?* Mi* Feargus O'Connor j may he live to see the situation of life, however they may profess ,—the one cessions which are prohibited under tb\s act ; and it is them selves until the succets of their brutal attempts all 'tie turns he has paid entered by the landlord's adoption of the principles he has so long and ably and Mr. O'Connor has gone. agent, and if those several sums, when added up, party to seek the redr ess of grievances by a return to a question of law, npon which I do not mean to give upon then* unprotected hands shal l have been tested ! advocated." This was responded to by that old One-Pound Notes ; and however the other * party may any opinion ; because my opinion would be worth No doubt there are tho-e who will b8 glad to answer to ihe amount of rent for -the lime he has veteran, Daniel Iverr , in an able and effective nothing. But it ia a question of law , which must have As far as the Employers can. furnish features to make a mountain ofi this molehill , if you choose fo ocmpieil the premkes, it is clear that the landlord yn buoy np hope from an ** Extension of Trade ," yet will Tn Ttf.r. been considered by those whose dnty it is to put tbe this year's bantling, it bears a strict resemblance to let 1 hem. I hope you will not. Mr. O^Co nnor has can have no claim ; though it is equally as clear, The next sentiment was—"Mr ,T_S.3>nncombe and the leaders look for something more eubBtautial for law into execution , -whether those other processions to a ri ght to his opinions anH if the landlord set up the claim, and distrain for it, ihe liberal last year's monster. The anniversary of the very day ; he has a righn to re ; Members of ihe House oj Commons ; themselves tha n would be conferred npon the general which my Noble Friend has alluded , accompanied by move me from the Edito rshi p of his pape r, when a much larger sum than the amount disputed, 9$.t may he, aad thry , coiiiinne to fight the enemies 01 , and marchin g witb music, upon which the work of destruction commenced last ? will be needed to prove that the, claim is unfounded. the peop body by the accomplishment of their object. Cobden the carry ing of banners my expressed opinion s ruu counrer to h s, on a le in th e strong hold ol corruption ; and or whatever eW may be the evidence of their criminal year , has been selected as the birth day of this year' s matter which he may think essential to the aucces'S We would therefore say to J. W., •• keep out of law." may their num bers De speedily increased /* tpwhich has now gone so far, and has succeeded in uniting intentions , fai l Tinder tbe pro visions of the Act ; and of our movement list no one,theref ore trobubty he would f ind matters turn out to be not ^k ber JSmpson of "free trade " experiment ! and the same means for , even of my * !. ' Ed ^bnrgh, responded in a neat SO lar ge an amount of the oonndence of his own party that is a question which no speech in tne House can warmest friends , think that he dues me service so clear as he may now persuade himself to think and eScenve speech, at ihe dose dri ving' out the hands have been resorted to! We are , or «f which he ex- favour that the question of Free Trade con- decide—ibear , bear , hear ).—an d on which no petition manifests good feeling for me, by withdra wing from they are ; and he wilt assuredly f ind cj *t at every pressed ms pleasu re at the harmo ny and good feel- in his , glad to find however , that it is deficient in its popular of his of he taken vohen-' pr is begun. ing laid on the table of this House can have the least in- thfl Slar one parti ci^ support because this s'ep , onee the " ocessing" which was now cxtend uij; its influence betwe. n stitutes but a very small portion indeed of his expeo- (bear ). ' These ere questions whi ch must be pr oportions. The turn -outs have wisely resolved change : tho more especiall The same rem rks apply to the other case he men- tse Charusis of Lehh fluence— y as I shall ssill com- and Edin burgh ; and hi- tations. Cosoxn is wise enongh to see that the dceided by men in their studies , in tbe first instance , upon making the Question muni cate with you; through its columns. Mr. tions. Unless there be a good understanding be- hope iiai it *onld -extend snU fnriber. The meet- one of mere wages ; and ing, wmen had length that Sir Robert Peel has gone in forwarding and which cannot be decided by tbe occurrence of O Connor , thoug h he exercises his ri ght in taking tween a rich landlord and a poor tenant, the latter been enlivened duri ng ice trmiin g particular circa.n iBta.nces, nor by the delivery of any have, as we rejoico to hear , made good pre- from me tho has very little chance of winning in any dispute iriui son^B from several the principles of Free Trade ib very likely to lose controu l of those columns. h*s promised Mends, after a vote of this Bouse. The truth is, that both in parations for resisting an attempt to f orce them still to open them \d that may arise, especially if they " ge lo law " As thanks to tbe Chairman, ior his past speeches in mo, as a medium of aceesa to services in the him that support upon which, and which alone, he this and Ihe other House of Parliament these very into ph ysical resistance against the constituted you. You will srfJl ^ thtnifore , continue to receive f or the " notice", it will entirely depend on the cause, and >s conduct in the chair, broke up of ht to give to twelve o dock. at holds his present high office ; while he has doubtless questions -were fully submitted to Parl iament at tbe authorities. They should bear well in mind the through th e Star tho *e weekly couneels, doctrines , nature the take what notice he oug act was passed ; but it was declare d that and opinion s be legal. If there be not a special aureemen c, siK discovered that the substitution of pure Whi ggery time this law as laid down by the to which man y thousaudd amon g you it was intended to apply a remed y to tho diffi- " Just Jud ge ;'' do me the honour to atta ch months' clear notice is required by law; and if SOIfiEE IH H3S0DR VF * for unmitigated Tory ism would be very unpalatable **¦ some valuo and THE HEV WM culties whi ch at that moment existed , and that the WORKIKG MEN HAVE A PBBPECT RIGHT TO ABSTAIN impor t ance. Tnos4 counsel s and opiuions will the tenement be taken at a yearly rent, those six HILL * " end of a year of , AT EDiSBUHGH. j to the public at large. Weighing these circum- legislature had ;not in view any other processions — PKOM WORKING FOR A LOW EH RATE OP WAGES THAN now come eo you in thesr own prop er character , months ' notice must expire at the , lhcy will appear occupancy. For instance if & tenant enter on A Soiree in bouonr of ihe above nam ^d gentlema n ¦ stances well, Cobden would vsry naturally and very nay, propo sitions were made both in this and th«s THEY AGRpfi t'PON AMONG XHBMSBL V£ as] the opinions of one man ; car- : of Parliame nt , to exten d the provisions S ; BUT TH EY ryin g with them premises at a yearly rent, say on, New Year' s wss Holden on Monday lasi, in xhe Calton Conytnin s fairl y expect to find his reward upon the next break- other Hou se just as much weight of n.fljence Boom, -Brbfch was numerously and of the act , but . Parliament refu sed to do eo There- HAVE NO RIGHT TO COMPEL OTHERS TO ABSTAIN as the reaseninga upon which they are founded Day, and if. after being in occupation some ten respectably at- up, in something , and for tended. The room was .tastefully deeorated with that wonld distinguish' him as the fore , I beg my; noble friend to recollect that blavne from work." Let this advice be made the ruling ihe credi t you may) choose to give to mv judgment years, he wishes to lea ve it, it will be needful leaves and banntrs. To add to leader of a large porti on of the wealth ^ classes to be cast on the Government for not and experience entitle Aim," toi sntufy the taw" , to give notice so that the fee conriT ialny of the ©f ought not maxim; and resolve ! Let not the scantiness of a theu u and no moW. And this fol- jneefing, an txtsellent Orchestral Band this conntry; baviDg applied j the provis ions of this act to those you will do me the justice to remember is all that I tenancy should expire on the 3isl December was m and with him Pree Trade j would -be- military force in the Lancashire district be relied lowing. havo to be given attendance. The evening's entertain ment was sleo come a secondary other processions to which be has alluded , because if nave ever claimed for them. Dressed up in so Notice therefore would «Eversi£ed.l>y songs. Mr.BflT, oh Fnteri nK-the consideration , and his Value to his he will examine that act , he will find that those pro- upon as any inducement to violence ; for the opera- much aut horit y, they will still meet nEFORB the end qf June; or it would not be sixclear hall, part y you ia the was greeted wiih enthu ^astk f plaudits, Mr ;GnlbES would be in proportion to Us ability and visions are not applicable to them." tives may rest assured that violence will not aid Star; while, if you weet also, in its leading or other months, as required. All notices, too, under all was called to 'chaar.' After the tea and other willingness to resist the democratic prin ciple column s, counsels differin g from mine, you have read circumstances, to be legally binding, must be in ^B- , the We know not what the admirers of his Grace may them : and that all the sectional disputes which now to get a friend to serve xefrfisbnisnte, fornfeJied in » most exeeiieit manner want of which wonld the Star too long not to be now able to use your writing. The best course is, j' ^ere done ample enable the few lucky masters gather from the above ; but we can deduce from his rage ajnonp the different classes would be instantly own jud gmen t on the merits of the the landlord with such written notice perso nally, iy ^Ii Crandon in andjus tice to, the of which reas onings on chairmiB rej ^and a concise aDpronnatc he woald be the representative to hold " The law, as merged into tho primary necessity of ** putting which the resp ective counsels may be found ed he retaining a copy of it, so as to be able to prove ^ then- words no other meaning than this:— , and address propafca tbe firss sectiment ; *• The speedy position, and in ths concession of Which those workin g classes" the instant to square your conduct , if by either , by that counsel service, if required. Where a special agreement People , it at present stands, is not applicable to the proces- down the " violence" strictly observed; EnfxancB BepHR ^oT the " Mr. M' Kao, of masters wonld see the loss of that dominion which which commend s itself best to your cool jud gment f ornotice is made, it must be Thenexjseiaimenrp roposed was sions complained of. The Act was framed for a is attempted. Forget not the lesson of last year ! by its truthful and all the above detailed forms are necessary, Leia ^pgge nd ^L . , the mal-appropri ation of capital has arg ument. This is all the prefere nce " ArJisfe agTr Dr gania ^tion ; and complete Uuion »-f hitherto ensured specific purpose, other than that sought by my Noble Strike jbut a blow in Lancashire , and Ireland an d I ask from you for any man. It is a pr eference to except as to time. In the case pu t by our querist, ,0 them. upon for 4he ^^ »6st3iDT ScoUandjHe England «ndat Ireland ." Friend. The question of extension was discussed Wales will become quiet as if by magic I and all which all are alike entitled ; and he who requir es it is certain that HE cannot be distrained n^j 5oOTxE3 n£ yesponfie d. dSsted eaasdera- Upon lie E©xt more is no pa trio t. the defalcations of. his.father- in-late. Prudenceof dissoluti on of Parl iament however , by both Houses, and was rejected. The Ministers will rally to the cry of " our profits are in danger"! to the necessity great Meien gdioh th e amporfance Itof was re-organizing the ¦ ought, however^ dictate pres ent time. the question the non-electiv e influe nce of the country marshalled endeavoured to extend the in The jL eague have expended their £50,000 in You are not bound to approve my opinions ; much caution in meddling with Msfather it-law' effects; Cta ^sUaitne v of of the day provisions a * ~ the prn dfaiee ajd FacEclty d^- as we have no doubt it will be, under «< thoroughl y single campai gn for the relief of the less to act upon them ; but , while I havo your con- for, according to his own showing, there is a defi- qiK£iE5is. V&m m»v be with the first instance; but subsequently abandoned that workin g fidence in general matters , it is my duty v-£b ^ who tatmsled tbe wise Organization , will pr esent an see how their to expre ss ciency of some £60 or £70. Nothing can ps more p!sTiaT *j amon nt of concen- -extension , and ultimately confined the operation of classes* Let us prac tice squares with my opinious to you, oh all things wuer tuu yout late i< liable orawin gno ofanew plan of our orgsnizadon , dtp-jid- trated public wisdom which wm In so in- crrtam or just, than that the father-in fotu re moTfcment . si e f ax at once establish the Act to the suppression of processions , under whioh their preaching. Cobden is treasur er of their fund. terests are con^rue d. oxpresvi ny them , and f oi' the amount deficient; and his gooa or estate, ed ine assae cf our aaai = rwf,; ii= right to represe ntation in giving yoa my ma' ^ <3!K?rf. The CSi\ i-^b ; i^ , and convince its oppo- denomination those complain ed of by my Noble Friend He has ; never tr avelled a mile or au inch , or eaten a sons for thorn , I have = duiuiiu c >n yonr > or.-. be null , in sa:i,*faction . I - THE NORTH ERN STAR . 5 de-nl has TRp-pvrtT GaL , Beuok-btkeei , Yobx, desares all Ike Telief of cases of indi-rie«al suffering to the atten- mark ed the, main of. the ParsouB for his plied te the " Repeal ers of Belfaef aa bis probable especially own, and causes The numbers of the Northsn A'toi-jpublished on the 8tb , WiLUAil JIvers , delegate to tiia lute Wost-tiiding ihosepf rsanswho had copies of the hgmns printed tion of the Chartists gener ally. All others , them to act so as to put the world infotman ta ; and they set forth the success of that 15 th, and 22 ad July, refleotin j f Dalegaie Meeting, -ral ijecte f or out of lova with them; containing paragraphs annocEcei himself as sent by the forthebenefit of JBolbem/s 'vndow on sale, to ac- ihB one onr Darhy friend s detail, are fit and tije!r teachings. But to applicatio n : concluding with an appeal to his own upon the administration of the Poor Law in War- Ddmocratic Chartists , and not by the Figtree-Iane justified in particularise. On Thursday, of j countjor iSiem taih Km, as heteantsto close the private oenarf aics;«nd every one is Angust 3rd, a corpse sense ustice}to give them hia authority for tbe rington , were read and considered. The Clerk pro- body. distre ssed. was taken from Dyson statement ; • and ,to business, and settlettith the Sheffield Chartists. trrinj to influence it on behalf of the L|ne to Ripponden Church , to , aid them in pro bing it to tho bot- duced a copy of a litter addressed by him to tbo Appeals to pnbHe bodies, ioweTer , r ff be interred ; a diBtance of a mile-and -a-half. Notice tom. Tbat letter was •writ ten Cbabde si at SteoudIs Tep0fted,hy a Correspondent, a e a di erent on the 17th of July Editor of the Northern-Star on| the 27tU of J uly, aud Notice.—By a typographical error in onr Notices to rather quietcent , which he attribut espartl y matter. In this case, the going to America was fl had been twice given to the Parson of the funera l 5 last. O CONNEt L HAS NOT DARED TO ANSWER a copy of the Paper publis hed to be Misfor- d a d t t on the 29th of July, Correspondents of last week , the sum of 1?. 6d» was the trant of a Lecturer, end partl y to the *n- •yolnBtaiy act on the part of thB husba nd. an in d i ion he Registrar's certifi cate was also it l nor notice jit in any way. The infer enco—the refemng to the letter received] from the » to rendered served npon him. inferenc e Clerk. S - stated as bavins been received from London for Mrs. crtascdpoverty of the people. The fewthere who tunes may have befallen him there , and Notwithst anding tbiB , when the only from this conduct is, that he knows veral witnesses residen t in tha Warrington Work- for his family " ont"; but cortege arri yed at taeiCoorch , (to which they had IT TO BE A SLANDER OUS Richards and inserted oa tbe 8ih of July as tor tha remain stiff handed together meet regularlyt and Mm incapable of sendine f ABaiCAtjlON — A VILE house wer e called before the {BtHuA and examined , Def.mcs I?unrl : it ought ca bs-ve been 11s. 6d. 'deareio still that dees aot entitle them to «all -upon the Char- wended their way through tor rents of rain , and were LIE OF HIS OWN , which he duns not attempt to from which it appeared that al! the vrUibe happy to receivethe tad of all teho inary as thoroughly -wetted G$btfg £3¦ were un- DERBY .Chartists .—Wb aro requested to state that asm condi- i , as Chartists , for aid. There are the ord as_ if they had been •• trailed" faceout ! O I bow " the Chartists " haunt the mind founded. ' ' " see thdr country Tegeneraid and their t sts other; through a riverj. | all commun ications for the Chartists of Darby mast means of relief open in thiB case as in every ther e! v*as no Parson to Teceive of tbia consistent politician ! H« dreaus thelt in- Resolved unanimously—That this Board refuses tion oellered, aid can only them, or to do to no- in future be addressed Mr. John Moss, boot and aboe- etbt Hxbbis SliFPOIU.—It is true that Mr. and tbe eriraordwa rymeans of Chartist dnty f or Jii$ pay. This was the more fluenci?. He knows tha t tfiey ar e making both him tico any anonymous accusation , bat is leady and B , and Chartist ends. intxcusable , for the hour and Ats policy well niafcer , Park-street , Castle Fields, Derby. Harris sent a teller here, bearing the date he men- be inroksd for Charusl pur poses , six o'clock, had been ' ] unders tood; bv both thu willing to enter into a full and Compl ete investiga tion e-rery one connected -with the Chartist move- appointed by " his KeviBrence" himself as the most English and the Irish people ; and . he has no meaiiB of the matter , provided any person will come tions, centaining a post- office order fo r4s « icith i»- W*re for- JT u. Kido, —Received. ment, who may happen to be in bad circumstances, to convenient time for . funerals. The '• mourners " of destro ying the hold they are obta ining upon the ward prepared to substantiate the oharges conta ined Dundee. ilruclions io app ly it to the relief of Mrs Ellis for aid and -waited, , The 5s. noticed in last for Defence Fttnd from Daw ged thro w ihemselTes xipon the Chartists sad waited , until all hope of his appearanc e public mind ; so io hia despera tion he tri es what in the/number of the Northern Siar published on tbe . The reason trhg the 4s. has not been,asknozeieii it is, the that evening, in for Green , per D Gtledhill , should have been for Vic- Mr. relief, there sronlfi be no end to it As a state i^t " duty, " was at an end. WILFUL SLANDER and ATROCI OUS LYING Will ae- 15th and 22a3 July la&t. is this; Mr. Harris made the xirderp ayableto enoogk— more tha n Taey, complish ! T tim Fumt ; and from L ick wood. notice has drote npon the pockets is heavy therefore , left the corpse in the church unin- he; evil will recoil on his own head ! That a copy ef the above resolution be sent by the CConnor at the LeedsTosi-rjice. Now case we have sup- Who ia there that Goodfellow , Livbr poOl. —Certainly nofc. beeng iven,^ ihat ah. money can be well borne. But in the terred. On reaching iome, the brother of the will pay the least credence to his Clerk to the Editor of tho Norihtrn Star. times without number There are many vic- deceased, reflecting stories for the future , 1 ordersfor this office must he made payable* either to posed it would be dread fuL on ihe circumstances , and etnng however " pat ? they may be ? Now, then, reader, what think you of tbo conclusion ? advocacy; and these charges attracted the notice of tha cletk to the Union ; From John Freheby , of Sctegg j itrf to payxtrdirsto secondpaxt%es 'unless they bear have a legitimate claim upon their attention. These it been a factory lord , or a factory lord' s dau ghter , swer the queries put to him by Mr. O'Hi ggins. 0 0 6 3 he wrote, on his own authority, to say that they „ tbe Swan , Now JpuD-str eet, Sirmlng - the signature of those in whosefavou rthey are they are bound to support. Whtn they have done that had required inter ring, the Parson would not It would be much better lev him to cease hatching , and have funds to spare , lies about " Scotch were wholly withsut foundat ion, and pro mised to Ziatn ...... 0 5 0 drawn. In thiscase tiie order has Jain in our dtJe joeiice to each one *f these have been abseut: reflecting, on all this, he deter- Ribbon Char tists" being " frus- lay the matter Defence tha •• BioaTd." At the Board the relief of individua l cases might perhaps be xuged mined to have the corpse interred that night. For trated" in their " designs," and - explain why he I FOR THE GENERAL VICTI M FUND. availing Mr. O'Connor ' s visit to .Leeds to get his meeting be Mail ed bis prom ise. The Northern Wars From a fey? fenvrte CfKirtiate , at Selby _ stgnalu re: for that signatureis neededbefore ice upon them ; bnt ctrta inly not before. t tbat end he went again to Ripponden , procu re d a sold the county Dublin to a non-Iiepealer fov a place 0 0 6 g August. for his son-in-law' containing the paragr aphs in question were read ,• ' „ Maifnsbury , perS. Hudson , per Simeon 0 4 0 ton even p resent U io ascertain thai it is properly The app roach ™ Sixteesth of —The preacher belonging to the Methodist body, and , with , Chris topher Fitzsimon ; why he several witnesses were anniversary of the ever-to-be-execrated and still-un- , that sold tbe countyiMeath to ci'ted before the Board , i „ T. Kidgcrs . Bristol 0 1 0 j idriscd. For ihe delay, therefore, in, the noticing a solicitor went to the church and demanded a non-Repeal er for a place and, examined j a DEri siorj was given atoced-for Manchester Massacre, rapidly approaches. tbe doors should be opened. This was done ; and the for his son, Mr. Morgan that " ull W . Rinsford ... 0 0 2 pf tie amount , Mr. Ha rris has himself to blame O' Connell ; why he sold the charges were unfounded ; '*}and yet the ""Board" ^ It is to be commemorated on this occasion by a tea burial service was read , by the Methodist pre acher , tbe county Ker ry to a non-Repealer -for a place for ^ tbe . Chartists of Newport , Isle of Ha dhe not departed frem our rules, so often laid refused unanimously to " jVCJTICE any anonymoua Wight 0 10 0 and had he not, in spite of Mr O Connor' s meeting in the Carpenters ' HalL Vfe need not ex- and the corpse committ ed to the ground at ten o'clock bis son-in-law , $ttr. Charle s O'Connell j why-he sold ~- dtarn, of accusati on''!.' ! If this be not a wiae " resolve," „ Lockwood . collected by D Gledbill ... 0 5 0 repeated request, made his order payable to that press a wish that that meetin g should be a fnll one. at night. We doubt not but that it will rest as con- tbe county Carlow to a non- Repeale r, one Raphael, pr ay , and say what would be ? .. James O'Kean , Cuckold' s Clougb , uear .gcnilcman *the amount zcould Jieve been acknow- Every CbartiBt in Manchester -will feel that it is his tentedly as it would have dona had the regular a Jew subsequently to another non -Rapealer • The accusations' why he cansedfMr. which the Board " refused to Huridarsfleld ... 0 2 0 ledged the teeek the letter came io hand; forthe dnty to be present. The jiuejj ees committed on Parson been at his post, and regularly performed bis W. S. Crawford to be turned out NOTICE ," bub respecting wjhich they have of Dundalk , and got called and „ John Roffirty, ditto , ditto 0 10 sracr vrmddhave been presentedin due course? and the 16th of August , 1819, yet cry aloud for atone- own duty. It is not the effect that these thing s a non-Repealer in his place j examined witnesses, and prono unced the decision Jjhn ment ; and we must take care to let the factions see upon tbe dead that the-Parson s should look to, but or why he sold Dungarvo n for a place for his son-in- ^ Kelson, ditto , ditto 0 10 if cashed , the amount duly entered. With respect that all were •• unfounded" were as follows :—Tbat the „ Chepstow Friends , per W. P. W. ... 0 3 0 to the other matter tee are very glad that Mr. that the deeds of that day are not forgotten by the tbeir effects upon the living; They may depend upon law, French. It would be better for him to explain Guardians farmeda portion of the poor * these matterB , to the master „ Bristol United Chartists , West atreet 0 10 0 0*Coimor has acted in the manne r 3fr^ Ha rris pjeple, however convenient it nmy bs for the per- it that so soon as folks generally get an idea tbat 'and let the Cbartists " a-be ". Jf he of the workhouse , to be by himfkopt for 't , they wiir terza him. bne-and-threc- Ditto Young Men 's Chartist Associa- states.. The letter in question use sazc; f orivefor- petrators to be silent respecting them. The time Parsons are of no use, they will app.y the property don pence per head per week. This is declared by the ^ ¦will now appertaining to Parsonships to a far different tion 0 6 0 warded il io Mr. O'Connor. Mr. Harris must yet come when the " cut-throats " will be placed Mr. Cleave, and the Board to be " unfounded ," although they " refuse to at the bar ef justice ; and nntil that day does arrive, purpose. And such treatment and conduct as tbe Victim FundCommittee — know that it contained matter deeply affecting Mr. This ia a most perp lexing and annoying business. notice it." It was alleged jthat the food the poor lom, and trhich he ought io have been made ac- it is needful that the remembrance of the horrible Parsons are greatly too much in the habi t of exhibit- inmates were kept on was so thin Pep , We fear that itjwUl eventuate in " bad blood. '* Mr. , that nature was MOKE OF " KEB3CCA. " quainted mth byMr. Harris himself. In sending hacking, in cold-blocd, of a peaceable and un- ing tends to spread the idea of lawlessness most una ble to per form her fund .ions, and retain the pasp away. rapidly. Nay, some folia talk of Cleave bus taken the position tbat Ad will distribute •Mr. PepUttsa. copy qf ihe letter theref ore, tec armed snltffcude should not he allowed to Pa rsons as a posi- : water in the system ; and l;hat consequen tly the Our most excellen t friend has sent hb another ; To observe the aEDivti-snry of the sixteenth of August tive evil, the fond of whicb he is Treasurer. We wish he communication, for which we return bins our sincere t\vtk Mr. CFGonnor acted as became a mart and had mooted the objection he now raises whe n the poor creatures wetted their bed*. This is decided it tvsry one trho receivesa letter contain ing siatc- is a religious duty incumbent on the Vantbestcr Char- A Lover of Libert y, in a letter bearing the Dept- to be •• unfounded ," though the Board acknowledgements. We truafc we shall continue to a;;d , Victim Fund Committee was firstprop osed. Then " rerusd to hear from him vuiihio ihe prejudiceor disparagement of another tists ; one whica they have hitherto religiously and ford post mark asks : " Can I make over all my 1 notice it." It was also alleged that for this , in his own good quiet style, of any property to my wife T' ¦ perhaps tho present difficulty might have been thing- of import thai may turn-up. Will ho com- v€T€ to act as Mr O'Gonnor has done,—make the feithfnlly performed. There is no reason to believe that Yes, if it he yours : i. &. if avoided. He did not do so. In his first Utter Bent bed-wettine FEMALE S WERE FLOGGED. This ia they will be less active cow than on form er occasions. you be solvent You can in thai case aattle ' * all municate to us his address, tbat a letter may reach Bernar d parly acquainted with what is said acainst " here, and prin ted in the Chartist -Circular , there is not " unfounded ;" pronounced so by n Board tbat also The meeting will be attended by Mr. O'Conn or ; and yon possess upon her in her own right " How am his hands. . Ana, xsi>ttho sats n, we sfuwld have much less a breath of. a hint even against the proposal , though it proclaims its " refusal to 'notice it." It was lumniation an d • ** denunciation" in the ranks the proceeds will ro in aid of the completion of the 1 to proceed ?" Go to a solicitor , and execute the ca was made in the very first instance. : The suggestion also alledged tbat on the very day the master of CFurtner Particulars from South Wales.) than we have had. Lelier waiting has been one .Monument erected in the burial grounds of that deed. " If we were parted , can the creditors come "tho bouse " died , be bad ^LOGGED FEMALES failtial servant of God and friend to man , the Rev. on her premises for the debts contracted by me t" waa thrown out:; tbe country approved of it; and the The copp r-workers on strike held meetinjw oa main mods adopted, by means of-whichto destroy Manchester Char tists , in obedience to a general call with hi3 own hands. Tote, too , is " unfounded ;" Jas Schoxefieid , to the memory of one of the best Yes ; if the debts were owing at the time the " settl e- , Monday and Tuesday, when they unauitsoubiy agreed ike chtrr aders of those vho have become obnoxious elected the Committee. T&em, and for the first time. decided tp be bo, after investigation , tho " the par ties to stand firm. The meeting on gning : and and mo3t unflinching advocates the people ever had, ment " weri ; made, and you had not other means Monday wosattended or unfilled for the purposes of the desi did we hear of Mr. Cleave's objection. The Committee instituting and conducting that investigation eay that by the understrapper who figured eo jj iim^a man has been made €tn vnsvspecling vic- ~the indomita ble an4 unswerving HESB? HCST. to satisfy them. This the creditors could do, and they refuse to conspicuously was app ointed! in Manchester on the evening of " NOTlCE"t hecharge. Anothe rallegation at the confereneo with tha masters on Saturday last. tim io the stealthily treacherous. The tmsycure for To complete tbst memorial -ol working-class gratitude justly too ; for it would not be right , as long as we was that an old man , named Hill , ~ July 31st, afttr the proposa l had been before the drowned himself in He was speedily desired " to make himself scarce ;" i! is, ** to have no secrets" , Act as Mr O'Conner for services disinterestedly rendered , ought to be an have a law of debtor and creditor at all , that a man the Sankey Canal , because ha ^as refused admittance object with eveTy one connected with the Democratic should be at liberty to dispose of his estate by settle- country some ten days , and approved of; and Mr. when ho cut off like a colley with a tin kettle to hisdone : furnish ihe accused party miha copynf Cleave 's letter of objection was written on the 1st of into the workhouse. Bnt tbisj, too, is •• unfounded ;" his tail. The men are quite firm in resisting letter u-riiten, and more care unil be taken as Movement. The committee for managing this busi- ment either upon his wife or any one else, and cheat according to the judgment the the August. , after examina tion , of those proposed reduction, and when tbo injury which a Id vhat is said in letters. These observations are ness has been again organ ized, and are ready to his creditors ont of what belongs to them and not ' who " refuse to nonce it" f jWelF ; tbe charget may receive aid from those ablo and disposed to render It. to him. •« If I am in; , will We are trul y sorry this point has arisen. It is calculated stoppage does to the works is taken into considera- central , an d irrespective of the letter tent to Mr. lodgings near my wife position before be " unfounded !" We do not S3y that they ar a not. Subscriptions for the abov* object will be thankfull y the law permit her to annoy me, providing I allow to place us in a very sorry the public. ( tion, even although it is only of a short duration, "b 'Gmnor by Mr- Ha rris. Into the meriss afihni It looks as if we were at baby-play. There is the God forbid that we should contradict a Board of ep istle do no! enler,further than to say that Mr. received by Mr. BcBOLEFiELD , for the committee. her a maintenance , and give up my hotue to her , those best informed on the subject are of*opinion that h * fact before our eyes that wives of Victims are being Guardians ! Of course they speak trnt b ; though We the masters must give in. A few Workmen who had {fCorawr acted rightly in sending Mr. Pepicw a On the anniversary of the " Peterloo Massacre " with a little business ," Certainly not If she does 8)ioa! d have liked tho matter ; better bad ther e not there will be ready for delivery a memento of the an noy under such circumstances , you have only to take pined to deatbjfor want of the commonest necessaries not finished the metal on hand turned out on Tuesday copy of it. of life ; that one Las been starved put of existence been such a glari ng contradiction on tbe facs of their ggr- Srneeihe abase teas in type tte Tiase received blood j transaction , is the sJispe of s handso me her before a magistrate , who will hold her to bail to own report. and tbe whole of the colliers in tho locality have also heet , containing a spirited and faithful picture of already : there is the other fact before us, too, that a j joined the strike. An address in Welsh ha3 j letterfrom Mr. Peplow himself, in rditien Io f keep tbe peace ; and in defaul t of her finding bail , The fact is, the Board have not onl y " noticed the brutsl attack of the drunken yeomanry , with sum of money lhas been subscribed {for their relief.; " tbe been issued to tho coppor-workers by a Mr. iMi. business, in icbich he returns thanks f or the commit her to prison. In conclusion our querist pr etty quarrel accusatio ns, but they have examined witnesses, and newly sharpened sab^BS, upon the defenceless crowd , furnishes thn information : " if I live with her my and we are likely to have a as to vho John Jenkins, who delights in adding . the eepy of the letter so sent. He also wishes us io shal l adminis ter it! Is not this triflin g ? Does it pronounced a decision. JThey decide tba t the receiving men. women, and CHILDRE ?> ! and the of the life is at stake ; for the green -eyed monster has paid initials M. A. ro his . Whether this state distinctly that he must decline names mean who conveys the means to save the starving charges are " unfounded." And yet they ar e the addition to be to denote that the said Juhn " for his servicesduring the Stafford f' heroes of the £rf«" of that day. It will also her a visit." Poor felloWj and poor wife 1 Both' are patt ies accused ! ! What should Jenkins ** compensation from tbo ja wa of d eath , so that they be but conveyed ? we think of a Jack Is a magister artium or a mama ' s ass, this depo&ent Special Commission. He does thiSy not because he conta in a faithful representation of the Monument to to be pitied , if this -visitation be without cause. Our Sbeppard , when accused of burglary, taking 's friend Hunt "with a *• Tbere is an old adage that " between two stools it into Baith not. One thing, however, is certain, he be- thanks he is not entitled to it; out Jrvm orhcr ttie roeinory of the pooT Bias . , advice" is, to do that which is beat calculated to hia head to call before him [several witnesses mauorr of his life and actions It will be published , you may come to tbe ground. " Mind it is not verified , and , longfc to " the cloth ;" is secretary pro tern, to tho mo&rcsvhich will be trefl understood and appre- . ensure the greatest comfort under the circumst&nceB , after examining them, declare the result to ba that the for the Monument Committee ; and the proc eeds will to both parties. in this instance ifMI will be of infinitely more 1 worshipful tho League; is lecturer extraordinary to ciated. consequence , botlrj ^pe . Victims and the Chartist " charge is unfounded ' ? Would we "let him off" - ihe same worthy fraternity ; and one of those auj sbert, Wiltshire. — We go in aid of the completion of the erection. Monstrou s Inconsistekct j i— A Number of the on such a decision who SuicEi. Hcbsos. M body generally . shouWthe relief be not administered at ? If we did , we should have very boldly aver that working men, who of course can- can well conceivevf his disappointment and cha- William Cooper , TVeldom , writes to say:— Oluhau Aktj-Mo.npolj st* Weighed in the few convictions f The thief al ways pro claims his own Several weeks «nce a short letter of mine appeared in Balance , and Fodj *d Wantin g.—Under the all, than if it be administered either by tbe Committee not justly tack MA. to their names, cannot possibly grinat not receivinghis Paperin due course. We or Mr. Cleave. [ innocence ; and bis protestations are general ly the. a o dge of the mysteries jonr paper respecting mj arrest for a charge of above heading , wa have received a communic ation loudest when h ve a kn wle of politics. Con- know that it is as natural fora reader of the The Manchester . Committee , in accordance with the his guilt is the greatest. sequently in tho present address he is at J ionhern Szzxio look forhis Paperon Saturday sedition. I had a summons served on me, "but did net from Oldhaui . detailin g conduct on the part of sonit ; The Board are •• much pains proposal made before tbeir appointmen t:, and very , however , willing to enter int» a full to instruct them; for after expressing his sorrow at or Sunday mornings as ii is for him to Iookfo7 kis attend to it. Tte next time I went to Oundle was the lond-professing " liberals ." which will tinge the and complete investiga tion into the matter , provided day tost tfce magistrates were sitiiBg to do their cheek of every honest man in that town,—let his generally approved of by tbe country, made appli- the progress of the strike, he gives them advice gratis breakfast;nay. in thousands ef instances, 'the cation to Mr. Cleavd for the monies he had in hand any perion will come forward prepared to substan- to return to their work ; tolling them u that it is breakfast icouid much soonerbe dispensed irith "sreri. 1 went in and out of the Court Room re- opinions in politic *be wha". they may ; whether he tiate the charges made ". We suppose it will do if peatedly, expecting to be served with a warrant. be Tory. Whig. Radical , < r Chartist, —with shame undfabursod. 7u relation to that ap plication we have better to bend than to break ;" that " half a loaf ia ihwi the Paper. A miss, therefore , is pregnant received the following correspondence ;— they come " prepared to try\ to substanti ate ". That beiter than none,"arid that the masters-^ kind con- irilh disappointment. Missesv~at however, some- About three o'clock I left the room , as most of the that public offices should be filled with spirits ¦would satisfy most folks. But before whom is the f case3 had been disposed of, &n<1 was standing at s so grovelling !? mean and dastardly as to let petty Manchester J 'iclim Fund Committee, siderate souls—havo been keeping open their works imesDceur, spite of all tee can do to prevent them. investigation to be had ? Who are to be the judgea ? at a ruinous loss. Ho assgyes them that when * fr ee distance from the Town-hall, when a policeman came malignant individual spite interfere to thwart and The Board of Guardi ans Sometimes they occur from our utur inability to Sir,—Please to insert Mr. Cleave 's reply and the fol- ? (Why they are tea ac- trade " causes a demand for copper , the masters feel " gel nff" in time; as broken machine ry put s a down stairs and beckoned me to him. I refused to pervert publi c duty. And for Ol'iham , too! Old- cused I U Dick Tur pin to be placed , lowing, in next week's Star. on the Bench so acutely fo their sufferings, that tlify will again " stopzo our gallop™ most rffectuslly. Oftentimes go at hi3 call, and told bin I Bbould wait unti l ihe ham that returned WilLIAM Cobbett !! OJdham By order of the Committee , to try his own case ? There [will be little chance of showed me his authority. Another fellow in blue that claims to have the most ultra constituenc y in doubtless raise their wagea. How triumphantly he the disappointmentsare caused bythe agents them WM . Tai low, Secretary. the witnesses being believed ! whatever may be the calls on them to strike the nail on the. head then came down, and without a •warrant, took hold tbe Ktntdom ! Oidbam ; Oldham of all place s in nature of their testimony, " 1" to selves. At the end of every month and quarter ; London , Aug. 3, 184S. if such a pracecltttQ be. shew the Government where tbe shoe.pinches" ! and may be seen in the Star Noticesto Agents respect- of my collar , bnt 1 resisted him ; then another coa- the worl d, to close tbe doors of her public Hall adopted. f ^ laid hold on -enthusiastic Six,—In answer to your lett er , aa Secretary of tbo to understand as they ought to do like intelligent men, ing the balanc es due ,- for tee cannot afford to send h^bfe me, and dra gged me up BtairJ against a known and advocate and en- An '• Investigation " ought to jba had : but it ought to before theii employer. I complained to the magis- forcer r>f the princi ples that distinguished William Carpenter 's Hall Locality, requestin g me to give up that the law which prohibits freedom of exchange Papers to places-where -payments arc not made- tbe funds now in my hands as tbe Treasurer of the be an investigation in which the public can have some between country and country is the n late from trates of their conduct, but it availed nothing. WUi Cobbett . and commended him to the attention reaso why the Many-a-one has had to have their Paper " Victim Fund ," I bet* to decline doing so, and to confidence. Will the Guar dians agree to name ene present reduction has taken place. Bat the men this cause. The remedy is in their men hands. you please to say if 1 can have any redress by law in and suppoi t of tbe ' Oldham electors ; and those gentleman , unconnected with the administration of i i doors closed too, because of a difference of opinion refer you to the Chartist Circular and to the Northern will not so understand it. They have studied in the They am at any f ime have the Paper duly for- th s cstasce ? Star ol this for my reasons in the New Poor Law, and ]' Washington " and the school of , for it He on one point ; the presen '- R-peal of tue Corn Laws ; day, fall. politics under abler tutors than John Jen- warded to their man address by sendingpaymen in t Tes he can ba ^e" redress ." if he can pay Yours respectfully, Chartist Council to appoint another ; by whom the can bring an action for false imprisonment ; and g<.t a point on which tbe Excluded holds opinions pre - kins, M.A.; and although be blows hid own trumpet advance, either fora week, fortnight, month, quar- John Cleave. " investi gation " can be made ? Will they afford pretty loudly, assuring them ter, -ar-year, what damages a jury will give him ; which will be cipely in common with those of Mr. Cobbett ! 1 these two gentlemen " that lie haa always , bo apj» pinted, free access to the done his best for the working classes" ; yet unfor- "WtmsncG * —On several occa- precious small , if he tells them tbat he is a Chartist Well may our correspondent exclaim " monstrous in- This settles the matter with us respecting tho funds inmates of th e Me5 s Issrmmos. workhouse , to be by them examined tunately^ they will not believe him. Ho tells them siens ice haveg iven expression to a strong desire io But still, this state of the law, or rather tbo lax or consistency !" They placa one man in Parliame nt Mr. Cleave has in hand. We hope onr Chartist bre- In the absence of the worklhouse officials ; and will (and for so doing they ate entitled to receive the thren will take it Into the ir eeriobs consideration. he is going to write no more letters ; but. ho will be see in every targe towm a commodious, suitable, non-administration of it, oncht not to purchase im- they enter into an underta king to do tbeir utmost to always happy (like any other quack) to give -wannest eratitnde of-tbe working classes) to advo- Applications have been made for relief , and each procure the them elegantlyrfttrnishedpubEc buildingdenoted te tite pnnuy for the constable who so far forgets himself discharga of anyjefiioial who should visit plentiful doses of gratuitous advice all ' praise- as " to apprehend a person on a charge of misde- cate equitabl e ADJfSTMK. NT not only of the debt , case is being . investigated. , yet they aro espceialservice of the verking classfor tbe Bin of telling the truth with punis hment in any such thankless souls as neither to fed tor this the irorthy and commendab le means of mental, moral , meanour only, without warrant Policen>en should bnt of all private contracts, before the Com Laws By order of the Committee, way upon tbe poor ? Wilt they agree to an " inves- were Repealed ; and they close the doora of their Wm. Tatlow. slightest portion of gratitude, nor to express the and socialelevation. Were suchthe -case, it reou'd reflect some little on the risks they run, in daring i tigation " of this sort, so conducted ; and agree to least -sense of obligation. ef itself betokenan earnest desire on the part of the to deprive a man of his personal liberty, even for a public Hall against a man who is now the only Now what is to be done ? Are each party to stand publish the evidence ? If they will, we shall sav that ' active pu blic as-trtor of the same princi pl e, when ¦wboj Rebbecca.—The statements which I have already producingmany to better their condition, and say single instant , without sufficient justification . or staring at each other , and there the matter end ? it is the duty of those have nvude the accusa- communicated to you with regard to the movements to-th? preachers-upof ** ignorance ' 3 that their days authority. An arrest , irittwul vaarrasl, Biay be mcie his friends apply for iti to enable him , -without fee or Surel y not 1 There was at this office, as before an- tions to try to prove them. j But if tbe " investi«a- pay or reward, to stand on Oldbatn ground and of this amiablo lady, are substantially correct. I t>f delusion and craft mere mtmbsred. Many eitser by eonBta ble or private parson , ¦when any ; nounced, some £(j Hi 2d , mouey subscribed for the tioo." is to be before , and by, ' the " Board "; if the p felony is committed in the actual presence testif y to the worth of the man a»>d the soundness of accusers have learned in addition that the fiel d of wheat which ieces have already gottensuch Institutions. The . A viCTtas. That sum the Manchester Committee , and not the accused , are to bo put on their was cut last week is the property of a yuLSO y means of the private person may also arrest , upon probable sus- the principles which WllLlA-M CeBBETT so long, so lied for ; and thttt sum has been sent to them. All trial ; if the witnesses are , blacksmith, that has been developed b to! be ia tbe power of tbe wbo was considered a iittle too officious. He had several Mechanics ' Institutions , Lyceums, aiid ion of felony ; but cannot justify breakin g open arduously, *o zealously, and amid such almost over- other monies ;seiit here on the VICTIM Fund ac- jadges , where they may be [tampered with , coerced , pic whelming difficulties asserted and maintained. 0 . reported to the magistrates that on the day tho ether LiterarySocieties that have been established, uoors for that purpose. A constable may arrest" on ' coun t shall be transmitted to the Committee. and intimidated ; if the parties whose condu ct is im- Llanoll b-ibie felony ; and for that purpose is the blipbtin g curse of envy and jealousy ! How it pugned are to have y gates were destroyed, a farmer in the neigh- in some instan cesto instinct the xcorkingmen, and pro suspicion of THE VICTIMS ; ARD THE TlCTUi FIND—Again the whi p af short meals and bourhood had actuall ia many to broken f romthe lead- justified in breaking open doors, and even in killirg can blind men's eyps and btvel men's hearts! Tho Bolitary confinem ent y been guilty of tho high crime anmse him, -has must Wo remind all Chartists of tbe pressing and hung oyer tbe heada of the wit- of sharpening an axe. But the misdemeanour ing-strings pla cedaround it, an d refuses to joyon in the felon, if he cannot otherwise be tak en. He can poor victims to prejudice in this instance did not see nesses wbile they are giving , not urgent claims of the Victims to their immediate " evidence " ; if tbo " in- being prohibited by any statute " ia that case made the pr ecisehack chalked out by those mho think also arrtat for any breach of the peace committed m that the blow they aimed at another , could only vestigation " ia to be one of this sort , to them it is I They attention. The turning of tbe eye of investigation the less we and provided," the magistrates were compelled to ihal a vrorkmg man' s knowledge ought Io esUnd •his -View ; and also every person who may reason ably reach themselves ! ana a blow into this quarter has revealed an amount of suffering have of it the better. u will never recover from it! Tae y may make all the | dismus the charge. But Rebecca got notice of tho f , and nofarther" . The twaddling clothes be suspected of iiaving, or carrying, or by any ways and destitution horrible to contemplate .' Relief FATE OF ZEPHANI AH WILLIAMS —A paragrap h so ar and sun- pretences in tbe worlil to admiration of William kind intentions of the blackemilh, ond having made of babyhood have been in many instances cast conveying, at any time batwaen snn-sett ing is immediately needed f hut it be immediately is at the pre sent " going the round" of the English enquiry into his personal rising, goods saapected to be stolen. He can also Cobbett and his princip les ; but all the HBScvcraUu u ; transaction?, ascertained aside, and THOUGHT has determined to begin busi applied ! press , to tbe effect that poor Williams , tho victi m thas that this 5eld had by him been enclosed tuss on its on its oirn bottom, apprebeaiEll etil-dispostd , tuspected persons , and in tbe world cannot induce any man to think that from a men account and ' "were ; or , We have before had to tax the whole Chartist body along with Fr ost and Jones , to spyism and tre a- neighbouring common, without any duo authority; Hence the farmare Uberal cherae ler at the Ly- Tspaias t&erea. All this be can do, withou t they know vrhat COBEETT S principle ^ with gross neglect ; ourselves amongst the number. «hery, iu abouf "thetnV Here is has been ao mad dened, by the horrib 'e She consequently assembled her daughters and issued ceums nowfonned /roTn the Mechanics ' Institutions Tts ^gfe, He can do it liriute oflicii. But knowing , care one single p Tbnt neglect has been attended with most melan- treatment to which have cause for the tbe damning record ; of their " monstrous inconsis- bel has been subj ected her mandate to cat down the grain—resolved that. sf tveniy years aao. Hence the Political a ^d be i^ast reasonable exer- loan choly consequences ! Death has followed! What in the " Hell" to which he had been con- he had deprived as Against tency. " It will m; et ^thelr eyes pftea ^ ^ they the people oF their property, he Samtijic Institutionsby working men themselves.; ciKfc o£ fcis *tt&oritype in every a disgrace upon us all ! Aud wbaC an eternal dis- signed , as to comnlit murder to procure a, release should reap none of its fruits. Ttizmcrousother ^WHgaSctea rsons0 to must Cave good will like, Every honest7« QaBJ'?a»w?W- Raid at first , She has a mortal i&fjaanySdOstffSasnee and s the ¦will grace if we do not now " every mau to work" to from hia Own Wr ongs and, icflictions. Of the truth antipathy to acts of enclosure for another field improvement and moral tuition remans to suspect them - "of ' felouy- He is cot justi- ta ke shame to himself t3i1$x$rIlliberal EXCLU- * Jktf O&fOTSKeniaJ rescuo tbe scores of others now pining awny , and who of this atatement we have! no means of judging, near Llandilo had been recently inclosed, by Iciengst the labouring many. To the hhxewd fied in wrest en bate suspicion. He must be ablo to SIVE conduct ; and they.-shall onbe made to feel hhame will shortly, unless the hand of succour and com- hafa e with the matter:— other than afforded by tbe paragr aph itself. His dis- which the people were deprived of their right -obureerr>f ** mart' s progressthese " signs of the shoirtliat a felony lias been committed ; and that themselves before they; passion be raised , have to join the Dukenfield consolate wife has writ ten * Having invited ibat indefatigable^ and most disin- j to uh, to ask for our of pasturage, but Rebecca restored it bv quietly Smcs** are but so many indications rfihe growing he had grounds forsusDecting ths party apprehended Mart yr in the grave ! " opinion and advice." We hardly know what to ths law. For all other terested pat riot , and .dauntless and most powerful to levelling the wall. As a specimen of the imposition intelligenceamongst the masses, and omrns of thai guilty of it, or he is amenable Let every Chartist take sliume to himself, es he reads the say : bnt wonld recommend! an applica tion to the practised by sfhe toll keepers 's warrant is nt-cessa ry, to jnsLfy advocate of the rights of the oppressed mil- ' , I may mention better day icTien the seals of learning shall be un- oEcnces a magistrate following :— Colonial Secretary of State , ti> ascertain whether the an occurrence which took place last week before arreEt by a constable. Tbe case mentioned by our lions, Mr. F^vij ^ua 0|Gonnor , to d^Uvcr a lecture is able to a loosened,endjeaoided ge -made io xxrver ihe earth as « report be correct or not. H^ furnish tha t beach of Magistrates. The Lessee of the Greenbill the tealers J 'tsiiiuiionsare correspondent was a char ge of misdemea nour. Tbe a this town , on the iiftb instant , application was DIED on the 22nd of July, Marian , tbe wife of James cover the sea. These jusdo Town Hal), it of Dufceufleld who for his sterling ntlfcereoce information , and would surdy doso , to an application Gate was summoned before them to answer the excellentpreparatory teachthe patpU ho-c constables Kized lim without ¦vrarrani - For so doing for tbe large foom ol the Heague . schoolsto town affords; to ths people and their rights , during thu Strike in from Mrs. Williams , under such circumstance - The charge of exacting a greater amount of toll tl an the to use the ^tarer they are *d earnestly seeking. HE MIGHT HAVE KILLED THtJI ! iBd the law being the most cmVebiebt felace this f ollowing ie the paragraph bat will it be betieVed tbat the committ ee consisting August lost , wns tried at the Special Cunimit >»ion at /ojquestion :— law allowed ; when it came out in evidence that the They constitutethe jtarinersin thrm tropksty- •ftoald have rfiitlded him fron i the charge of innrd er ! ; Morder at Port ARTHUR. i-Wo alluded laBt week , , a right to resist an nntewfui of a majority of gfjEwfe ssWS " Sbe ral *," twic» decided Chester , last O-etober; and sentenced to twelve months poor farmers and coal-drivers were charged three- ance? givethem " s stake in ike country^; E.cxy man has by law of to suspicions attached to the man Williams. Tbe peuce per cart, while the carts of the Magistrates end. electivefran- capture. The captur e in this instance was unlawf ul. that the p^nte .t)fdhS»)i, whom the '• Liberals " imprisonment in Knuts/ord House of Correction . He Jury on the inquest returned 1 sofar as ii goes,f itsthem forthe laxeditd ^StiilK3 O»rn Law Ktpealer , and qnon 'iam Radical j CESSARIES OF LIFE , TERMINATED HER and foot, who nightly sao»r the country in every direc- srii be no mean test e] their general Jj ' j iessfor a it -sronld only haTe been iransla nghter in tbe wished him to let him kill] a kid. Tbe old man " warrants , Rrffarn j er . was iu the cbnir. There was present also , MISERABLE ' EXISTENCE 11 There are low five tion ; trying in vain to get a sight of " the ladies," shar e in general government: and ihei efn^c it resisting it. Arrests, therefore , even with refused ; and shortly afterwards Williams struck ensht 10 be canliously made ; wjtbeu i them never a jn.ij»ri ty <>f pmfessing Liberals. Motion made , — ! little childre n left, fatherl ess and motherless VICTIMS when tho probability is, that were they to m^ct with bchovss the -membersof such societirs to hok well h'm over the left eye with the handle of a pickaxe ; the parties in to a attempted in cases of misdemeanou r only. When " Tbat iLb large room of the Town Hall , upon pro- j to the absurd system under which , we have to live. question they would speedily wish tchat they have to do, and do it tDcli! Not he fall from the effi-ct of ifae Wow, which . W«- themselves any where else. Although the gate single ht toflag for zcant a constable has a warrant for the apprehension of any per securi 'y, bs )«t t« Mr Fe-'irguo O'Connor , for the 1 Faur bhilliD RB a-week for six human beings to live upon ! and Institution of this kind oug liama rep eated until he jconsidered him dead , posts in the Immediate aeighbourhood of Swansea of support. There are not too ros- ^y of them ; party, he is bound to preduce it, and read it to tb« pnr}>ose «1 .JeSiverin sf a lecture therein , on tbe l&th 1 Are we in hell, or are we in England ?! Four shil- 1 means <>f Governing this ) e parish , too * Williams conducted Mr. Newman to the spot where were cut down and burnt in an adjoining limekiln, but J ar too fevc.Cherish then, those we have. paity accused ; and until he has produced it, tbe inbtint. Su j ct, " The best lings a-week for six! and . from th. he had concealed the pickax e nnt ry. " ti-j ^«ti cn put hy the ch iirmaii ; ayes 13, 1 Tbat woman was murdered !. That woman 's life has handle , which was yet one of those worthies armed to the teeth, ia 'Every onesnffered to fallinto decay is a monument psxty and all others ere justified in r«sisting the O ' found according ly. He will donbt be fully necessary. Tbe nota 13. Ciia 'rinan appealed to for casting vote ; bat>n sacrificed to the infernal jobbing system , which fno com- nightly on the spot to watch the hallowed ground, of disgraceto the -workingpeople in -its locality: anest , even to the death if it be 1 mitted for trial ,; and sent to this place —Launceston jor barely telling a man that yon have a warrant for his q.u-+tson put " a>c " or " no' ; nnswer . by h ' screws tbe wealth out of the bands of the producer , lest Kubecoa should return to carry away the stumps. ihtir dutyxras to have made it subserve their in- t e : Courier. [A letter received hn Smowa , from Por t terests and advance tte cause of general amelio- apprehension is not sufficient. You nmal producs and Lifer ral . Curn Liw Repealing , and quonrtsm Radical ; an d places it in the maw of tbe tax-eater and * njaii ?fo ; I bbonl 1 most decidptily 1 manufacturing ; monopolist . Four shillings a-week : Phili p, dated in March last , says, •• Z^phaniah WiU ration. These observations, thus generally made, exhibit it- If resistance be offered to the reading of Kef'irming cbair 1 '? ' , decline, gentieinen . to let tbe Hall for an y such i no wonder " Death terminated her miserable ex- Warns tbe Newport Ctmrtist ,] for killing an old man, I.EEDS. —Stealing.—Od Tuesday, a man who are but introductoryto a particula rappeal d it , thai may then be dispensed with; bntuot other wise- : haa been han ged.]— Cambrian. gave b.13 name Henry Edward ; an to be aome little.on purpose "' When out of tha cl.iir. he said '* becausB *! istence." O what a,horribl y state of things 1 Come Harding, was brought rchile tre commend ihe spirit tendpurport theof them It behoves the police therefore , tJo is my THE London Jou p.Nevman Type Founder s.— up at the Court House, on a charge of having J ^^stituiion,of cha their ymard in -these matters ; or they n»J s^ioe 1U7 of FeaT ^ns o nnor ; that reason "!! j weal,- come woe, they must be mended , or ended! seolea to all itherccer there is an Tbeir address next week. This week we are cro wded a quantity of rope. From the statement made it me beg to call the serious etien- «• reck on ¦withont theii host. ** ".They may cha nce to TheTo i* an-ther cour t of appeal from ** the committee j Is th&e a heart that does not molt at the recita l of tbe , racier indicated , ' out. appeared that the prisoner was the mate of a vessel tion of the Chartists am their frien d*in London io me» t with a customer not at all disposed to pai c of tbe whole H«.use ;*' ,th«i court of »U*L1C oriNION. 'Bttrocity narrated above ? Chartists I look at the To tbat c'D THE " CHART IST RlBBON-MEN" . living death on four shillings a-week ! H»w many a wh ch Scientificp lace of meeting. That Institution needs — publication of bis remarks would answer any good placo the prisoner had sold it. The captain have had to be the heart ef his assaDant. It almost seems as if Huints time agn, O'Connf 11, in pursuance of his usual mote such are ; there at the present moment? Ia not of aid -and support. 13ie debts thai purpose at present. He eeema to have been under a the vessel had gone to Mirfield to see Mr. log- incurred «i fittingvp and opening the building seme lesson of this sort was needed to teach police- vocation of vilifjinjr and caluinniatin? the Chartists , hel p needed ? Ought there to be a hand unstirred ? , to think to the wheel ! misap prehension. | ham and the ease was tbereforo remanded until press ,heavil y on the managers The poverty, in- men their pr eper bounds . They seem . toirt frs open-moutb ''d hearers at tbe Corn Exchange C iH»e , every shoulder Wednesday. a consta ble's staff The whole features of this horrible picture have not The Halifax Friends. —The resolution .sent relates creased s»5 increasing of the working classes, Bow-s-days, that a blue-coat and a cocfc-aaa-bull story; that " t»u Scotch Cbartists solely to a local question ; and it woald not they list They may yet been seen, j Read what follows;— be wise Railwatt Lifb Preserver.— havecaused many who uwfld gladly-have taken gi-ses thexn a license te do as were in the North , formina ' Ribbon Societies' ; but to extend a knowledge of the matter ever having Mr. James Water- find out thei r mistake. Most assuredly it is better that their desinnb It was considered proper by the few Char tists at house, of Pudsey, near Leeds, has invented shares to refrain from so doing. \Many of those bad been happily frustrat ed by the existed beyond their own locality. mechanical apparatus ft ¦srho to resistunlawful capture in the first insta nce, than H<-peal *ra of Ballast. " ': It will be rwatmb Brcd tnat in Dulsen ficld , who exerted themselves to havu the , to be fixed to railway ha vesubscribrd for shares have not yet paid , A Communication addressed Rev. W. Linwood, Ma7ts- engines, which was p ^ceedsare enough to submit to aggression upon personal liberty, and then the Star of Jul y 15th, Mr. Julian Barney, oa tbe poor victim to oppression decently interred to inform announced in a great many them irp-; trad though the e/en should the imprisoned field , wou^mm4^^ before ae m.*epaa Tfcat DitbBSnn th e erenlng "was; supposition. They seem devoted Booms, for Mra Frosd ...... 2 Inn, where on themsslves; by creduli ty ; and knowing tha t tbe ** Repealers of tomb ; Chartists! step in, and arrest the march of 6 *P«2it in the most harmonious manner . The health ' doomed to bring that destr uction r Froni Mr. Oyerton , of London, & Char- $mmotJMving' obtained ' ¦*' iSgmt/ arm key ate tr owncondnct. Instead of acting as soothers of BsUast" had been set" fort h as tbo " frust ratora " of death * i • ^ Cf 3b. OtJannor and the health of 3ix.Boberta -were The Poor La w at WMSRlNGTONt we had tist Tailor , for the Suffjiers at the general discontent , and as allayaa cf the irri- the •* designs" of the -* Scotch Ribbon Cbartists ", they f -rAftet rac nJo aeed . amid the most enthnsia rtie ap plause. . , gone to pres s last week , we received from tbe clerk Frome ...... | ...... l 0 Tao tated feelings against Gburchism in general , they naturally concluded that if Were were a word of as Me **s AxrsDP, Ei>"nr _iBD Dbtc ot, asi> 3- &j truth in the story of Balfast* of the Wa rriii ^tcn Union a communication to Fr om ditto , towards the balance due ssrs^ Craisdale, dyers, Pearn^ls&lu^^Ka "write ^bont } •jesm as if disposed to provoke iU-natuK d observation at all , the '" R^pealera Dir, ^oa^tw&worjrtpbyMr. ¦^ex *sj >£r, D3S&BT. The czse they on must know something of wisely determined certain proceedings before the Board of Guardians , to , O Coanor , as1 Tr easurer of MkiW^^lg- is cenamjj ygjy and one which ] »nd justif y .complaint and dislike. Wha t ear * it; and they Defence Fund of ^Kon^^rjnight a heart -TBnclingone, Rippond en to have to apply to tbe •• Rrpfcalew of Belfast" ; asking fo r relative to ill-treatment in tbe Warrlogton work ' 1839-^0 ...... 2 6 ago, applied liiiMS pils ianhe aid ofthe poor woman ^s frie nds. Still it; conld have induced the Parson of loan of the key>tot ,Crqisdala:; •not cog to here after to ba describ ed, bad he Hie Tiamts of the m$ri- whose " designs" . had been house , made by different correspondents in our I mnst qwsfesBhia that the honestyjof this young jnan who seen l Mm™. temtm -ahid iir8 ^q ^ ^j i enr dedre help : acted in the manner paper. Tutit communica tion we now give s— Hv^s ppon own kbonv jlrt .Jtftowar^,t^.Mf the subj ect. Rest.J;>trt foiled, Mr. Boiwoli, for the relief of bnii £E»tena in ti» that oistre ss ! iivg ovfer the tea of bis caJlinz , or tfce r:ol to lw tliub ay fellow-sufferers ^«^ Tw United States : bni stffi *¦t. ft^cd- thty v-wtB t-i O'Coni-.eil Li mssh. Th ^y brou.&t the I ani, Sir, your obedient servant, at twute, whicii I will gW© credi t 1.aiid; eommUted:;fgntiijd: 2^*1 abf*rscE ir ^a) the soeitty cf her Lssfcsun has not Establ ishments, bad be only p«2- -2»ed c ••.: for it as requi xeii charge, but remanded^ uutfi ' cfi^S .- ' 11 ."' -.• -' cn-U.- } . :- ' r-a b^ i> s 3 appe iird in W. WM. Waostai f. on accuuii t of bauuico. W*W*y, tv S o^eut»i; t^jj r-ifc^ea by advocacy ul GfcErfisn - iiup for ids ow.i c-rder. tad felt Tesvx-rl I : !fc>. .- ' -Tji ^ ttme fe other r - >.. TLe *ha pub lf" v ¦-« ; ther ' J-nld ir-j a cf their i12.vl.3y op- Warri iigt'onj 3rd August , 1813. ehargee to bo made eompfcU 11 '- " '7 ~y- j4iiiicai suoui*iis that se can commend thst " fiuds b»Tn in cake '? It ia impossit F. O' Co.nnou. agS ¦ ^ ' THE NORTHERN STAR j ' : FROM MR. WM. HICK , ^OR- ORaxsS XBS. On Wedneaday and. Thursday pen, commenting upon the Bill now before Parliament or barrenness, and various qui te remove d the pain ; and I was enabled to give, LETTER Cfiartfct ZtteXUsmtt. , sance, celibacy, sterillity al- evenings, Mr. Qommage, of Northampton , delivered and contrasted the fact of their being compelled to spend other interruptions of the Laws of nature. a leoture at Hartl y Row on Thursday evening, THERN STAR OFFICE, LEEDS two lectures in tbfa place, to Tery numerous and a certain portion of their earni ngs with the publican Sin of thou gh I was in feat ] that morn ing I should not haw BaX&TQZ *—TJKIOS OP ^IHE COXIK CHS Ol THE andleneM , on *• the presen t Alaol&ome animadversions on the Secret leave home. attentive distress," and with tbe exertions *t Fathe r Mathew , of whom he Youth which entails such fearful consequences on bee n enabled to Two Iocaxtties. —On Sunday morning at elevsn " the remed y.** The lectures were listened Jo -with the p raise, and showed how gratif ,] I am. dear Sir, yours truly, 'dock,the council of s oke in high terms of p y- its viotima. ' ' © the United Chartists met tbe most marked attention , and elicited the -wirm app ro- ing it must be to the IriBh Catho lics to see him received To J. J. Giles, Esji. ED W. j . LANCE. «* March 17th , 1842. Council of the Bear-lane Northern Star Office , Leeds, an locality, in the Bear-lane button of tbe meeting. The meeting -was honoured by the English fas an Apostle. He then dwelt upon (S* This Work is undeniably the most interesting gratify ing communication , the pro- {aa^jrasnant io inflation from latter oonn- published on To the above ihe. -with the presence of the blue bottles, head ed by the the evils of Mother Church , and stated the fact of his and important that has hitherto been prietor of Blair * Gout and Rheumatic Pills considers ftp entlemen ,—You will oblige by forwa rding ^at cal npon the ^Organization , &sdi£te choesHu Tof a perso n superintende nt 1 being compelled many yean ago to banish himself frem this subject, imparting information which ought to him would ba superfluous. \T your earliest convenie nce, the same quantit y to represent the Ghsriists -af his any comment from Bristol at tbe Conference , — TOTfEB his country on aecbanfc ef^^ opposition to tithes , snow- be in the possession of every one who is labouring of PARR 'S LIFE PILLS as last sent. VyhileI ¦when toe .following - -lesolnisQM veie nnani moiiAly li OWPON . HjLJttETS — M?. M'Gratb. Sold by T. Prout, 229, Strand, London, Price delivered an excellent -pmeral ing that no chance of justice could be expected from our under any secret infirmity, whether male or female. am writing I cannot refrain from communicating the agreefl 3o :-!-"33h * we, the mated mvaais of tbe Oration ha Snndsy 23. 94. per box, and (by his appo intment , by Heaton , sfternoon, over the remains of & Wilhnore, a staunch present rulers. In refe rence to Church Property, Sian- Towns- flattering intelli gence of the great good your pills are Bristol Chartists ,>do recommend 3Ir _ R. P. Willia ms BY M. WILKINSON, fl ay, Allen, Land, Hai gh, Smith , Bell , It is clearly ChartiBt. The greates t attention -was paid to the ley, Russell, and Co. would never vote against the e Smeston Reinhar dt, doing in Leeds and its neighbourhoo d. as a fit and prope rperson to Teprtsent the Chartists of end, Baines and Newsom , , fault With a medicine merely convened. " address , except by a coxcomb Jack-in-office , connected Cbnrcb ; because those laymen had much to lose of tha t CONSULTING SURGEON, &c. , Dewsbur y ; Dennis & Son, Moxon, a great error to find Has c«y in /th e Conference - abont to be He then showed that no hope ¦ Leeds; Brooke patent one ; and more especially •» unite d];and indMdnaU y •with the Cemetry , -who sho-wed Mb ignorance by description of propert y. 13, Trafalgar Street, Leeds. Hardman. l Linney, Hargrove , York ; beoause it is a Thai vre do pledgeourselves tndeaTonring to torn of J ustice to England or Repeal far Ireland could Li ttle , since its use has contr ibuted so lar gely to the publia to use orcr ~best «sdesvuzrrs to laise {be jnecestaiyfoods to ridieale the ad dress of tbe be Brooke & Co., Walker & Co., Stafford , Faulkner , expected from vthe Whigs. The Tories , too, ha Of whom they may be obtained, or from any of his fact is, however, pre djudice is fast or defraying ihB pTpBT| r'»»wnt\/!» 'n> fen saeh delegation. " talented lecturer. A collection -was made for tbebenefit d 1 ' Donoaster ; Judson , [Harrison , Linney, Ripon ; Fog- health. The of the widow. ' changed tbeif tactics , seeing that both nations were Agents. Wiley, Easingwo ld j giving way, as it always must where the pills_are * That the public meeting to elect a delegate to repre- They said gitt , Coat es, Thompson, Thirsk ; point may serre to confirm Chartists in the Conference about-to be City of Losdos determined upon Repeal . it waa better to MR. M, W. having devoted his studies for many Spivey , Huddersfield ; Ward, Ri ch- tried. A few cases in sent the Bristol Politicai and Scientific , and tbe candle wenld burn itself England, Fell, what I have asserted. called to consider and concoct a perfect system of Orga - Ikstitutios. —On Sunday morai&g tbe adjourned dis- leave them alone ont years exclusivel y to the vario us diseases of the gene- mond ; Cameron , Knaresbro ' ; Peas o, Oliver , Darling- and illustra te —(laughter and cheers ). Mr. O'Connor then dwelt rative and nervons system , in the removal of those Northal lertoa ; nization, be convened for Monday evening the 14th cussion on tha Repea l -was opened by Mr. Wheeler. ton ; Dixon, Metcilfe , Laag dale, into the shop to-day for & , npon the Land ; in connection with the Charter , and distressing debilities, arisi ng.from a seore t indulgence Tadc aster • Rogerson , " A young female oame instant to be held In the Bc&r-lana Chapel , Temple- After many talented speeches bad been mide pro and Rhodes, Snaith ; Goldt horpe , who stated that they had done her immense street *' " That tie two connrils do pledge ton, the subject -was showed the superiority of the agriculturis t over the in a delusive and destructive habit, and to .the suc- Biaa t ord ; Brice, Priestley, box, themselves again adjonmed. On Sunday The ,000 Cooper, Newby, Kay, tr oubled with a hoarseness so to Etand on jVforajitn alcse, evening Nr. Benbow lectured manufacturing labourer. £20 ,000 granted to cessfu} treatment of Law fcon , Dawson , Smith , good. She had been £nd discountenance all - at the same place owners , if applied to the land Pon tefract ; Cord well. Gilf, one could hear her speak but having attempts 1o divide Qtt Chsriist puilic by any private Suljael , i: England for the English.** chair -was black slave , would have Dent on ; Suter , Leyland , Hart- bad tha t no f Tb^ p s d l o d l d f VENEREAL AND SYPHILITIC DISEASES, Wakefield ; Berry , boxes of PARR 'S LIFE PILLS * she or public personal inBinnition against any individual occupied by Mr. Parker. Messrs. Gonlding and others urcha e one mi lion acres f freehol an or ever. ley, ! Halifax ; Booth , Roohdale ; taken a few 1 Who could conceive of the benefit of such a purchase, Continues to be consulted from nine in the morning Parker, Dunn * letely restored , as was evident by the way CharHst , ' .After inninng some o£hsr preliminary a- also addressed the meeting, ¦which *Jras numeroua and Lambert , Boronghbr idge; Dalby, Wetherby ; Waite, was comp ¦ when contrasted with the use to which the money was till ten at night, and on Sundays till two,—and i she spoke. ' xangements, tbe Conncflaajaur ne3. attentive. patients requiring his assistance, by making Horrogate ; Wall, Barnsley ; and all respectable applied ? He then dwelt on ihe question of machinery , country Medicine Vendors throughout the kingdom. MOTTlNGHA3tt—A letter liaTing been sent to tbi Mabtlebohe —At a meeting of Uie Ch&rtiBts re- showing that under proper arrangements it would be only one personal visit, will receive such advice and " Ver y many cases of extraordinary cures have Bev. TVin, Ian -^ood, of Mansfield , requesting him t< sident in Mar ylebone, holden on tbe 2nd instan t., a benefit intead of a -corse to the workin g man. The medicines as will enable them to obtain a permanent occurred amon g the aged workpeople , both male and give a second lecture in I« ottingham , under Ibe scspics the folio win? resolution -was unanimously adopted :— present rise in the price of bread , when corn was falling, and effectual cure, when all other means have failed. " If," said the lato Sir Aatley Cooper , " I had fifty female. In one mill, an aged couple , enfeebled by of tbe Chartists, Jhe Rev. Gentleman Tetnxned the fol " That in tbe opinion cf this meeting, tbe) 5tb day of showed how small a quantum of sympath y the consumer In recent cases of a certain disorder a perfect cure eyes, and each had a cataract , I would not sub- disease and debilitated by premature old age, bid lowing annrei :—. September is as early a day as & Nati onal Delegate received from middle class men and " free traders. " is completed in one week , or no char ge made for mit one of them to the old operation of couching become almost pas t work ; they were persuaded to Chesterfield-road, ManrfieldjAng. 1, 1843. Meeting can be conveniently holden, and that Birming- What did they think of the conduct of Earl Roden , tbe medioine after that period , and in those oases where or extraction , but would avai l myself of the try a few boxes of PARR 'S LIFE PILLS , and ia ham is the most convenient place. ; , a perseverance in Mt deas Sis^-Yout letter Iim indeed afforded mi modem spiritual Quixote ? The poor were ejected fron? other pr actitioners have failed valuable prooes3J de8cribed by Mr. Stevenson, in a week were restored and stre ngthened thai they ¦srell On Sund.i t evenin g last , J. H. Parry, Esq. their holdings because they would not vote for their his plain , without restraint in diet , or hindrance his treatise ou jthe aubjeot. "—Now ready, the' could pursue their employment with pleasure and A degree of pleasure "which I cannot very describe patient a permanent able to work I rejoice that any thing 1 said should have cheered anc delivered an able and eloquent lecture on the " state of landlords; this proved that land conferred the franchise , f'om business , will ensure to the sixth edition , price 3s. in cloth. profit ; so much to, that from being un Ireland. * He traced the many grievances under -which and shewed the: necessity of their obtaining possession and radical cure . CATARACT | conveying in plain language , at their calling more than two days in the week, and instructed my -wronged and suffering brother men. Bi of symptoms and treat- ON sssuredto aHerixte tbe labourer 'smisery and vindicate tbe people of that oppre ssed and degraded country 'of a portion of ft. Mr. O'Connor then dwelt upon tbe A complete knowledge the full information [on every point connected with this with grea t physical difficulty and languor , they 1 ' of these insidious and dangero us diseases, can can now not only do a full week's work , but over ^ the labourer * cause, is now tbe greatest object of my xm- labour , to tbe xmjust system of class legislation ; and falling off of last quartet s Revenue, and upon the asser- ment the disease, with reference especially to the rbstora - S , nrged npon all present the necessity of adhering sted- tion of Father Mathew , that next quarter -would be only be! acquired by those who are in daily pract ice, tiou of sight, by a* peculiar mild and successful hours besides. Bad as trade is here , the old people M cn and it is so small joy to find such eSbrts have regu lar course are enabled to not been made 3n "sain I ^wlll adiver tbe lecture lastly tatbe People 's Charter , &s the best and only sure -worse. It showed the melancholy fact that the revenue and have pre viously gone through a operation , illustr ated by numerous cases. By JOHN being favourites with-the mill owner , . yon unfortunately, t employment as they can do, which has Triib. next Tuesday Treek, tfcel8th inst., and on tbe sob- means of accomplishing tbe downfal of the unprincipled depended npon 1 the dissipation of the people. Mr , of Medicai, Ikstrcctiow ; for , here STEVENSON , Esql , M.R.C.S., 38, Condui trstreet , get as much factions -which have hitherto misgover ed the people of O'Connor then remarked on tbe precarious state of the are hundreds who annua lly fall victims to the igno- Hanover-square , many years Surgeon to the " Royal excited the envy of those younger pereonB who had jecljoB wane. Assocaas yonr biDs are issued please remedie s e e laughable send me one or two to aroid mistakes. I beg yon -htU both countries. At the conclusion , as unanimous vote Welsh provinces. ' He bad received letters from that rant use of Mercu ry and other dangerous , Infirmar y fur Cataract ," and Lecturer on the been employ d in th ir absence ; and it Is a xeinrn my best of thanks iras given to Mr. Parry, and the numerous quarter , wherein the Chartists pledged themselves to admi nistered by illiterate men , who ruin the consti- Stru cture and Diseases of the Eyo and Ear. Oculist fact, that Parr 's Pills come in for a share of their t&safcs to your committee fox their Mad into the system , old people continue to ta ke the pills expressions in my favour, snd also state my -wOlingnesi meeting dispersed highly gratified -with the -words of have nothing :t6 do -with the " Rebecca" riots. HiB tution by suff ering disease -t o get to His late Majesty, Oculist and Aurist to other rancour. The circulat ion of the blood , and find them as neces- at any time fonless prevlonBly engaged ) to assist lbem truth they had heard. prediction in reference to Peel 's tariff , was fully justi- which being carried by the Memb ers of the Royal Family, and to the King of regul arly in small quantities i parts of the body, the whole fr ame becomes sary to their health and prosperity as their daily "With every jjood wish for your own advancemen t sac! METEOPOilTAM DELEGATE 5Ikktin g, -: on Sunday fied. That day's Times had shown that the Welsh into ali the Belgians. " Mr.jStevenson 's operation for catar- farmers were forming unions for the redact ion of their tainfce djwiih venereal poison, and most unha ppy con- act (th e only cure for the disease in its earl y stages, food. afternoon , Mr. Mills in the chair. Repor ts -were re- , , , rents. The policy' of the Chartist body consisted in sequences ensue, at one time affecti ng the skin thereby saving yeaiaj that must otherwise be passed I shall mention »t Selisve me sir, ceived from Marylebone , Golden lion/ Btompton , with eruptions and " The next and last case which Tery smoerely yoms, Golden Lane, Bloemsbury, Semen Town chitly keeping aloof from all minor agitation s. The only particularl y the head aftd face, in blindness ) gives scarcely any pain , rarel y requires is one of a most extraordinary natu re. I ,fate., and often tr eated as scurvy, this time, Sir. Thomas Datton. Willum innrooD. expressive of the approbation ef the measures taken by party they conld;conBistently join with was the Repealers ulcer s, closely resembling, either preparati on , applications or confinement , and, have not Been the individ ual myself, but I shall give "Mr. O'Connor concluded amid much at another period producing the most violent pains Ax the csoal -weekly the former Delegate Meeting. Deputations were of the Union. with the greatest (attainable perfection of sight , you the fact as I have received it from his employers meeting of the Chartist s resid * applanss , an address of upwards of two boura duration , in the limbs and bones, which ar e frequently mis- leaves no mark or disfi gurement in the restored, ing in tbe UaneBfia Arms locality, the following reso- appointed to wait on various localities soliciting their wholo frame becomes and from Mr. J. Hobson , who has fre quently Beert support. Mr. FasseU gave notice that on ibe earning by apologising for Mr. Roberts , the Chartist Attorney- taken for rheumatism ; thus the organ. " —Court Magazine. " The publication of convalesence. The man is a working lutions "jrer e agreed to ;—" That it is the «pix:um oj and a lingering death puts a him sinca his meeting he should move a day for the election of tbe Ganeral , who was on tbe platform , not addressing debili tated and dcoayed , this " work will form an era in the annals of ophth al- mechanic and had spent about thirty pounds last this meeting that nnde r existing -circumstances it h period to their dreadful sufferin gs. Metropolitan Delegates. A resolution was unanimously them. mic sur gery. " —Edinbur gh Journal of Medical year on the doctor , in going to the Ma of Man aud lufbJyJiecesssiyto hald aNaacmBlCoaferenee to re-or- Mr. Frjlzer moved the following resolution , -which What a gtief-for a young person in the very prime ganlEe enr Association; and Septembe i passed, approving of the 5th of September lor the Science. other places , for the benefit of his health , but to no that tbe Stb of was seconded by Mr. Spencer, and carried unani- of life, to be snatched out of time, and from all the ghley, 32 Fleet-street ; of whom may be had is the test time -for holding snch meeting.™ " aft at Conference, seeing that date had met with the approba - S. Jii , pur pose. His food had consisted for a long time of majority of tbe country. After considerable mously ;— ; enjoyments of life, by a disease alway3 loca l at first , the seventh edition of the author 's work on Deaft jBJotfingfeani :being"4b& most central place, •we zecoxn- tion of the ifproperl y treated as nothing but rice milk , tbe stomach refusin g to take discussion relative to the Organization , the meeting " That this meeting returns its unfeigned tha nks to and which never proves fatal , NfcSS, its Causes , Prev ention, and Cure , price 3,3.; jnendthat tbe Confenmce be beld there. " " That -we either to neglect or an ything stronger. Hia body was greatly emaciated adjourned. A ran muster of Delegates is earnestly that unflinching = friend of humanity, Feargus O'Connor , all its fatal results are ov?\ng; W eakness of Sight , third edition , price 3d. 6d. ; temporal prospects clouded ; with a mind leconrmend tha t each town lbronghont the kingdom ignorance. and his shall hare the pover of electing only sue delegate, requested for Sunday next Esq., for bis gratuitous services to the working classes and f hroat-Deaf k^ss, fourth edition , price Is. filled with melanchol y forebodin gs for the future , he ^j fj) without reference to creed or country ; and who, while Mr. W.'s invaria ble rule is to give a Card to each with the following exceptions: Birmingham, larer * GiBBNWICff DEPTFOBD CHABTISX AS*OCIA- of his Patients as a guarantee for cure , which he returned to his friends at Leeds , where he was told pool, andEdmbnrgh, two delegates each; Manchester TIOB.—At a general meeting of our Association, last political trnckstexs have bartered the ir ephemeral by his medical adviser that should he be restored a popularity for wealth and station , has devoted his well- pled ges himself to perform , or return bis fee. Just Published ,price 2s. 6d., and sen t free, " enclosed and Gissgo-w.-tbieeeacbi and I ^ondouIobxl " evoning, the sum of ten shillings was voted oat of oar For the accomod ation of either sex, where distance little , his disorder would have its periodical return; funds to be sent to the "victim Pond. The Xewisham earned and lasting fame to its only legitimate pur pose, in a sealed envelope " on recei pt of a Post-office but being advised to try PARR'S LIFE PILLS , YORK.—The ConBcil of tbia locality met on -Snn- namely, , or delicacy prevents a personal visit , his c!ay»AngTist6th , , Association win meet us on Wednesday next , the 9 th tbe benefit of those from whom be received it Ord er for 3s. 6d.j he bought a few boxes, which have completely re- in their meeSng room Possgate, Mr. the people. And this meetin g concurring in the PURIFYING DROPS. Todd in the chair, iroen the article in the Star, headed inst , to receive our opinions npon the forthcoming Con- fully moved his disease, and enabled him to return to hia sentiments bo clear lydeveloped aod so eloquentl y en- price 4s. 6d. can be had of any of the following MANLY VIGOUil : a Popular Inquiry into the days ago by Mr. " The Conference™ "Was read , and ft discussion ensued. ference. I am also instructed to say that we are highly CONGEALED CAUSES of its PREMATURE work , whero he was seen a few gratified with Mr. O'Higgin s review of the conduct of forced by that gentleman , are firmly of opinion tbat agents , with printed directions so plain , that they Hobson, (it being dinner hour ) eating beef- steaks The folio-wing resolntion -was nnanimonslyagreed to:— Great Britain DECLINE ; with Instructi ons for its COMPLETE **3!h&t Tre» the Chaxfistsof this locality, are of opinion Mr. Q'CoxmeU , as given by him at the meeting of the the interests of; the wor king classes of may cuire themselves without even the knowledge of with great gusto ; and to whom he recite d with plea- Tri»>i Universal Suffra ge Association , oa ihe 30th nit. and Ireland are Iden tical, and that unanimity can only a bed-fellow. RESTOR ATION , addressed to those suffering from sure and gratitude the cause of his then healthy con- tiiat it ia essentiallynecessary that a Conference of tbe the Destructive Consequences of Excessive Indul- ieal representatives of tbe people of England and protect and defend those interests, do pledge our selves Tbeyfare particularl y recommen d d to be taken dition, toge ther with a long history of his past Scot- BALANCE SHEET OP THE CENTKAL VICTI M COH- individually and every facility ia e gence in Solitary a,ud Delusive Habits , Youthful land be held as early as convenien t. Should s union twfrfl ' ! collectively to threw before persons enter into the matrimonial state , lest affli cti on JUT TKE, SG"W ACTING IN LONDON, TB0M MAT 26tb, the way of procuring tbat measure of justice for our Imprudence , or Infecti on ; including a compre- place-with the good men of {he North ire -would re- ' the indiscreti ons of a paren t are the source of vexa- TO JU LT 26th, 1843. Irish brethren, a rep eal of the Legislative Union; at the hensive Dissertation] on Marri age, with direction s " Should the above three cases of cures be worthy oonimeHd Manchester as the .place of meeting ; and , tion to him the retnainder of his existence , by afflic- iJoeipif—In hand May 24th, 7s. |d. By Messrs.Bate- same time never loosing sight of the « Charter for the removal of Disqualifications , and Remarks of your notice , you are at perfect liberty to make ¦we are farther of opini onthat the 5th of September is , , P ^*% ' tin g Hiaiinnoce nt but unfortun ate offaprin e; with the man 18s. ll^d. Baxter 5s. 4d. Brevat , 6d- I Cleave, 2s. as the only measure tbat will procura j Jp^lbe people evil eruptions of the malignant tendency, and a on the Trea tment ot Gbon qrrhco , Gleet , Stricture what use of them you think proper. ihe most suitable trm *. Cnfi "cy, xs. Cooper, lid. Caugbtan , 7s. 5d. Cater, 5a. and Syphilis. Illustrated with Cases , &c. 9s. lO^ of both countries lasting happiness by living them a variety of other complaints, that are most assuredly A3UTHEROE.—Mr . Bairsl owlectared on the open Dron, 6s. 3d. Drake, ^ 1 d, Dyer, 6s. Sd. legitimate contrbu l In con- I am, Gentlemen , yours , respectfully, over their own affrirs . introduced by the same neglect and imprudence. BY C. J. LUCAS , &C0.] CO NSULTING SURGEONS , LONDON', apsee of ground «Ter Shaw Bridge, on Saturday even- E1H " 2s. 5d. Fossell 6d. Humphries , 2s. 3d. Lscum , clusion, this meeting pledges itself never to place con- la : Marke, AGENTS. ing. Through the scheming, narroir-minded despotism . Is. Mills, Is. lid. Mallard , 6s. 7d. fidence in any political reformer who will propose or And may be had j of the Author s, 60, Newman- " WILLIAM HICE. of tie antboritiesj erery pnblic room in the town has Pearcc, 2s. Page, Is. PickeregiU , 5s. Id. Railton Is. support any measure street , Oxford-s treet] London ; and sold by Brittan of representative reform in any Hcll—At the Advcrtizer Office , Lowgate, and ' To Messrs. T. Roberts and Co., 9, Crane. Court been closed! against na; consequently, -we hav e been K. Bidley, lOd. A. B. a by R- Ridley, 2s.J 6d. From way short of that document " Mr. Noble's Bookseller, Mar ket-place. 11 , Paternoster-row [; J. Gordon , 146, Leadenhall- driren to the neceaaty of imTin ^ car neetiags -and lee- B- Bidley, 2a. 6d. Sprigmore , Is. 8d. Loan, by Mr. stree t; G. Mausell *, 3, King-street , SoutUwark ; Fleet-street , London. " , , A vote of thanks was given to the Cha irman , and Leeds.—At the Times Office , and of Mr. Heaton tares in Jb« open air. A eonsid erableDumber of hearers Slater , 10s. Late Y. Committee by Simpson £l . Bri ggate. C. Westerton, 15, Park-sid e, Knigh tsbridge ; Shaw, it. 2d- T. Slater , Is. Townley, tbe meeting dispersed highly gratified . ?, assembled on tbis occasion, Mr. Balntow exposed the £\ 3s. Whee- Wakc field—Mr. Hurst Bookseller. H. Philli ps, 264, Oxford-street ; Field , 65, MIRACULOUS CURE FROM THE USE OF PARK ' S LIFE ¦jj lbaues don, 2b. Id. Wheeler, 6s. 6d. Waddingtdn 5s. lOd. , and cormption sof tte "Police ™ system, and , Halifax—Mr. Hartley * Bookseller. Quadrant , Regent-street ; Huett , 141, High PILLS. oilier unbearable grievances , that the tyranny of our Tower Hamlets Locality, Brick Lane , £5 Is. Lambeth Cheshire: —corjiTv delegate meetin g.— Huddersfield—Mr. Dewhirst , 39, New-street. H olboru, London ; J. Buckton , Bookseller , 50, Locality, Waterloo Road, 4s. 2d. Weavers, do. 5s. ogpresaens inflicts upon the prodneers cf trealii. £1 According to announcement , a delegate meeting was 1 Bradford—Mr . Bookseller , near to the Briggate, Leeds ; J. Noble, 23, Market-place , Hull; Copy of a Letter just received by the Proprietors Collected in Committee Boom, 7d. Total Receipts— Taylor , holden in the Chartist Room, Stanley-street , Maccles- Post-office. W . Lawson , 51, Stone gate , York and W. Barra- STAL.TEB1DG S—Avery pleasing ana inslruetire £13 6s. iyrmeJ\ in W»> Xtanfin pm ~R~rn field , on Sundayila st, Mr. W.J Benton in tbe chair. John Londo n—Mr. Butler , No. 4, Chea pside. clough, 40, Fargate . Sheffield ; T. Sowler , Cou rier . on Wed- St. Aun 'is Square , and H. Whitmore Brow, Salford. jiesday evening,by Mr. J. leach, ExpatdxLort.—Paid for Fornitnre , &e., for Q. White Warren , Secretary. The following resolutions , em- Barnsley—Mr. Harrison , Bookseller, M arke t- Olliee, 4, , of ilanchEster, -which , 109, Market Street , Manchester ; W. HowelJ , gave great wtfasfacfimi to a very sitentive audience. of Birmin uham £3 16s. lid. Paid for Printing, Is. 6d. bodying the sentiments of the localities represented place. ' • Paid for Stationar yand Postage , 1b. 6d. Paid for Boat were agreed to ;—1st " That in tbe opinion of the York—Mr ^ Har grove 's Library, 9, Con ey-street. Bookseller , 75, Dale Str eet, and J. HowelJ, 54, " To the Proprietors of Parr's Life Pilto TTa-RTpa- ^r ' —.According to azmosocem ent, a camp of Commit tee Room, 8s. Repaid the Loan of Mr. delegates presen t a National Conference ought to be R'pon—Mr. Harrison , Bookseller , Market-placo. Wa terloo-place , Church-s treet , Liver pool; W. Wood , meeting -wasboiaen on TTarley Moor , on Sunday last. Slater , 10s, Paid the London Delegate Committee, 5s. holden on September the 5th ; and in onr opinion Kn arcsboro ' and High- H arrogat e— Mr Langdale , Bookseller , 78, Hi n &j Str eet , Birmingham ; W. &. H. " Gentlemen,—I have the utmost pleasure in for- Owing to the Birmingham would Robinson & Co. llj Greenside-street , Edinburgh ; warding you this my oxrn rase of cure, effected solely nrtsettled state of the -weather, tbe Presented to Mr. Arthur of Carlisle, £1* Presented to be the be&t place of meeting." Bookseller. ¦: meeting was not so veil attend ed as it otherwise -would Mr. M'Cartney of Liverpool, 13*. 6d. Presented to Mr. 2nd. " That the Chartist Council of Stockport nominate Druggist Mar- T. Price , 93, Dain ?-street , Du blin ; aud by all by the persevering u*r. • war Parr's Life Pills. Manchester—Mr . Watkinson , , 6, Before havin g recourse to them, I had been, for up- have been; there -were, however, many hundreds pre - Railton of Manchester , £l. Pr esented to Mrs. Wilde , three persons , immediately to act as a finance Com - ket - place. Booksellers in the United Kingdom. sent Theapeakers -wets ISx. Kush ton, Mr. , 5s. 4d- Presen tedto Q. White of Birmingham, £5 is. 7d- mittee , ts whom; all monies for tbe delegates to the wards of five years afflicted with a most distressing Boirden Beverley—Mr. Johnson , Bookseller. " The vario us forma of bodil y and mental weakness which the different medical Hi. "Wimyri, SIsl GTeec-wood, and 3ir ; SateJi ffe; -all oi 'Total ExpenditUTe— £13 6s. *d- ; Conference should be tent. " 3rd. " Tbat the County Boston— Mr. Noble, Bookseller. malady, men who at- T»hom -were Hatened to -with profennd atten tion. A This cummittee earnestly requests tbe support of the lecturer be dispensed with until the Conference be incapacity,sufferin g and disease , fai thfully delineated tended me all pronounced to be a serious case of Louth—Mr. Hurton , Bookseller . in this cautiousl y v^ritten and practical work , are (or favourable impression Traa tnade upon many, serexal of friends of justice in London. They will see by this over." 4th . " That Mr. Clark , Mr. Doyle, and Mr. Liverpool—At the Chronicle Office , 25, Lord- street. hydrocele dropsy of the scrotum), and declared -whom never attended a Char tistmeeting before. Balance Sheet that their exertions are for the brave and Mitchell be pnt in neininatlon to represent Cheshire in almost unknown , generally misunderstood, and there was no other chance of 'either relief or cure Sheffield—At the Iris Oifipe. treated upon princi ples correspondin gly erroneous undergoing a surgical operation. I was thus true. Meeting nigbt, every Wednesday, at tbe Hall, tbe forthcom ing ¦Conference , and that each locality be Man sfield—Mr. S. Dobson , News-agent , 519, Bel- than X*£IC£ST SB.—On Sunday, Mr. Samuel Perke g Tnrn-a-gain Lane. — Bufft Ridley., Secretary. requested to send in their decision on or before tbe and superficial , by the present race of medical prac- driven almost to despair ; and consulted the treatise delivered three able dbcoozsea in the mornin g,f rom vedere street. titioners. Hence the necessity for the publi cation of written by Sir Astley Cooper, wherein he states that Xambexb. —Bbiixkbia Copjtbb Hocsk , Waieb - next delegate meeting, t7hich of the thr ee candidates Pontefraot— Mr , Fox, Bookseller. Jerprnahj xrii,iS; in lbs afternoon at"Wigeton, from they approve of* a timely safeguard , a silent yet friendl y monitor , or, the operatio n is generall y attended with considera ble ^5sii; -aa-7 L00-B.0AD.—AI the -weekly meeting of members on Sth. " That a delegate mating be Gainsborough — hit. It. Brown , Book seller. St- , 7? anS in Xb» «venin 5, Irom Ezakiel holden at the house of Mr. William Burgess , on Sun- where debility has iaade threatening inroads , the dan ger. I therefore determined not to risk so pain- aiiiv. Ito 4 T. TLb discourses gave general satis- Monday evenin g, a deput ation was received from tbe Nottingham—Mr. Sutton , Review Office. means of escape and the certainty of restoration . , day, Aug. 20, at ten oVlock in tne forenoon , to -whom Bookseller. ful and uncertain an experiment but rather chose to ftction. .. Metropolitan Delegate Meeting, wbd impressed on tbe Newark—Mr Bridges , Th e evils to which ihe book adverts are extensive Providence . Fortu- meeting the necessity fed importance of all uniting and all communi cations for the said delegate meeting must leave the result to nature and be addresse d. Mr. \y., is to be consulted every day at his Resi- aud identical in their seoret ynd hidden origin , and nately, I heard of the great fame of Parr's Life BR1SHTO3 *.—At the nsn&l -weeklymeeting of the co-operating together to carry out the Pion for the " A voto of thanks was given to the dence, from Nine in the morning till Ten at Night , Chart istsof Brighton , Cbainnan , and the meeting adjourned. there are none to whom, as Par ents , Gu ardians , Pills, and resolved to give them a fair trial. I con- the letter , insetted in the .Star, Organisation of the metropolis , and Bending delegates and on Sund ays from Nine till Two. Schools from Mr.' Cleave, together w2h th» Heads of Families , and especially of public , sequen tly took them for some time without perceiv - Editors remarka to the Conference. It was agreed to take the qnestlon SHEFFIELD. —Mb.. John West. This talented is coufided the oare of youn g people , who oughfto fi*ereon;were -read , and after considerable ^iscossion, — OBSERVE—13 , TRAFALGAR ST. LEEDS. ing any benefit , bu t still kept persevering; and I into consideration on Monday evening next, and to sum- lecturer preached two sermons in the open air , opposite "in , from Ton rema in for a momen t devoid of that information and twelve boxes, and to my great joy the subject-vasadjenmed'to the next meeting. mon the members especially for that purpose. Attendance over Thursday Bra dford nave now taken tbe Corn E xchan ge, on Sunday last His analysis of to Five.iat No 4, George-street , facing East Brook those salutary cautions this work is intended to con- I am perfectl y well, th e dropsy is entire ly removed , SUTTON-Df-ASHPIELB.—At a meeting of ths Watfobd. —Tbe second «-ntm»l Chartist «zcnrslon tee pnre principles of Chri stianity, contrasted -with Ch apel. vey. N ot ouly are the most delicate forma of gene- together with a scorbu t ic affection , which I had been CbxrtxstB colden on tbe 1Mb. instant, it "was resolved, to this pleasant town, took place on Monda y last. the actions of the Scrib es and Pharisees of the present rative debility neglected by the family physician , much troubled with since my return from India ia ¦• That flie contemplated Cenfercnce , About nine o'clock, upwards of four hundred persons , day, rivetted the attention of his auditors. Indeed , bu t they require for jtheir safe management , the ex- not a vesti ge of disease left ought to be CITY OF LO NDON POLITICAL AND SCIEN- 1827 ; and now there is bolden on tbi 59i September; and flat "IfottSngham of both sexes, left the Marylebone Chartist station , in as one remarked , *' You might go a thousand times to clusive study of a life entirel y abstracted from the in my whole system , as I am now in bett er health ¦would be Qie best place. vans, omnibusses. gigs, landaus , &c, gaily' decorated churches or chap el* and never hear Christianity so ably TIFIC INSTITUTION ,! 1 , TURNAG AIN- routine of general practice , and (as in other depart- anrd spir its than I have been for fourteen years. I with Chartist banners and devices. The ! day -was expounded." of the profession ) a ttentively concentrated in feell certain you /ould have accounts of far more 3eLA3(CHS3TER. — CaBPBSTk bs' Haxju—.—On LA NE, SKINNER-STREE T. ments . lovely in tbe extreme. Tbe various towns and village s On Monda y evening, Mr. West delivered a lecture the daily and long continued observatio n requisite cu es, if people #ould persevere in the Use of the Sund ay,aSemoon last, the adjourned discnaion upon August 13th , the City on the road poured forth their popul ation to view tbe in the Fig-tree-lane Room , SUNDAY morning, for the correct tre atment of sexual infirmities. pils at proper length of time, as I have done. I give ibe propriBty ^of amalgamnting the question of th e land si on " The remedy for na- ON Mall of the above ght, and greet the Chartists: Large quantities of tional poverty. " ' After alluding to the various nos- Chartis ts will meet ia t lte you m y heartfelt thanks , and au thority to publish "With the agitation for the Charter, took place in the tracts , Northern Stars, Circulars, fee, were distributed Institute , at eleven o'clock, when th e following sub- " If we consider the topics upon either in a moral , trums , Bnch as Corn Law Repeal , Repeal of tbe Union , wo find the interests and welfare oi this lepter , and will glad ly answer any applications larse ante-room of tbe above Hall; and so great vai and eagerly songbtafter by the agricultural population , ject will again be discussed :—" Will the Repeal of or social view, or by letter , and remain your the interest excited that the room /tras densely crowded tbe Land , &c. ho ably defended tbe Charter , as tbe mankind seriously involved . The effectsof licentious , either ersonall y and the greatest good feeling seemed to exist, not only the Union benefit the work ing class of Ire lan d, un- gratef ul and obliged servant. long before the businessjBemmenced. Several genUe- only remed y for - national grievan ces. At the con- —In the af ternoon , indiscriminate and sejoret indulgence in certain prac- towards tbe individuals , bnt likewise towards tbe clusion tbe connected with the Charter J" (Signed) snen took part in the disctiEHon, -wlut li -was conducted lecturer invited discussion , when questions will meet, as tices, are described with an accuracy and force which principles. About two miles ont of Watford , the pro- were pnt , the Metropolitan Delegate Committee "witiiHie greatest ianncny for upwards of an hour; by three gentlemen which were answered to ' — In the evening, a leoture display at once profound reflection and extensive •• W. MOAT. cession was met by two excellent brass bands, and then tbe satisfaction of tbe meeting. Mr. Edwin Gill , in usual, ait three o clock. when tha question -was adjourned for farth er discussion proceeded throu gh the town playing the " Ma rselloise will be] delivered , (it is very muoh expected) by practical experience.!" — The Planet. on Sunday afternoon next moving a vote of thanks to tbe Lecturer , expressed ' " Witness—John Hough, Cheadle, carrier. - Hymn," and other democratic airs. A large pavillion Dr. Bowkett , to commence precisel y at seven o clock. " The best of all friends is the Professional hia pleasure ak the friendly discussion tbat hod en- the Metropolitan Tailors' la the mxMSG, the spseiras Ha gTrasrcro wded had been erected at the Wheat Sbeaf Inn, and ample sued ; and said that no -working man should allow —On Monday eveniDg, Friend and in. no shape can he be consulted with " Manchester, Feb. 7, 1842. " ! Protec tion Society will mqefc on very important ¦with a respectable audience, convened 'bj. ^Mfeza ,- far accommodation provided by the . -wertby host for his such meetings to separate with any pre-existin g doubts greate r safe: y and secrecy tha n in " Lucas on Manl y nnmerens guests. The gardens and grounds ware buf ineas ; all who are interested ia the objects of BEATON BOOKSELLER , LEEDS. the purpose of heari ng a lecture from Mr. Jamas Daffy, npon his mind , - without pntting questions to " the Vigour. " The initiation into vicious indulgen ce—? FROM MR. , bsVbeea -imprisoned in the IS orthalleiton thrown open to the public, and dancing, : and other this Society should be there and attend in time. — are given with "Who " Hell" people's instruc tors. " Thanks being voted to the its nrogress—its results in both sexea, 's Life Pills. " Sothis advocacy of dexoocratic principles, and innocent amusements, -wiled away tbe summer day. On Tuesday evening a Scientific Leoture will be faithful buc slas ! for human nature , With afflictin g " To the Pro prietors of Parr srbose Chairman , tbe meeting dispersed. Sing ing CIa?s , constitution baa been materially injured by tbesufferings The only drawback on tbe pleasures of tha day, was delivered .—On Wednesday evening a truth. However , th Authors have not exposed ' the inform yon that we will be bold on the Blainzorial system ; and on e] " Gentlemen ,—I am happy to he endured while there. The chair -wasvery efficiently fee presence of a body of tbe Metropolitan police, Carx j see.-j-Meeti» g of the Counci l of the evil without a ffording a remedy. It shows how hearing accounts of the good effects of many of whom were in disguise. It had been con- Thursd ay evening a Dancing Class. —On Saturda y are daily ocenpied rbyMr , Sniton , -who, after the singing of & Cahlisle Chabtist Association. —A meeting of the " Manl y Vigour " temporarily impaired , and menutl Parr's Lif e Pills ; to enumerate the cases world templated to hold a public meeting on the occasion ; merrbers of the above named body took pl a ce in evening a select Quadrille Party will tri p the board s , produced by uneoutrolled ChartiBt Hymn by the choir, lose and stated that a . Gentlemen six- and physical cmascul ^tiou be a task too formidab le for me, and which has pre- medical certificate iaa iten TeceiYEd from Dr. HnHey, bnt tyranny threatened to suspend tbe landlor d's license th eir room , No.: 6, John-street , Caldewgate , Mr. T. " on the light fantastic toe" ; as usual , indul gence of the passions can be resto red ; how the t g t , vent ed my writing to inform you before , as I can certif ying that 3Jr. Dnffy -was then labour ing under a If it "was allo-wed oa his premises ; and Watford Fields, Carru thers in the chair. Thers were a nuiubi -r of pen ce ; Ladies fourpencc , commencing a ei h sufferer, who h as pined in anguish from the conse- of ¦where o'clock.—P.S. The abov e Hall is still to be let for hard 1 y tell where to begin. One man said he wanted severe at ^ck inflammation , -which rendered it totally the last meeting was held, being Lammas land, the membara of the association present , who took a quences of early indiscretion—afraid almost to en- to him "was not yet denuded of grass. For this and other Public Meetings , Trade Societies, &c, on moderate a box of Life Pills for Life Pills they were impasaabl * lor bun to attend to Ms appointm ent : very lively interest in tbe proceedings of the council; counter his fellow man , can regain the vigour of done him io much good, in relieving him of reasons no pnblic meeting was holden, much to the which , as wJl be seen from what follows, were of a terms. —Shares can be obtained of the Secretary, they had however, the Council had made such arrangemen ts to of health and moral courage. The work is written ' in an obstinate cough and asthma. meet the exigency ^f the caseas be -was sure vronld give disappointment of many of tbe inhabitants. They were, very interesting ^oharacter. After the minutes the at Five Shillings each , payable at sixpence per week. a concise aud perspicuous sty le, displaying how often however, consoled by tbe promise of a jvisit from lasi meeting were read over and confirmed , the secre- It is requested that those who have not paid up their fond parents aredecei yed by the outward " Another said they were worth their weight in satis faction to aU present Without ferther remarks , full shares will do so within the six month s from the physical ap- Jie -sroa ldintroduce a gentleman ~wsQ -known to them Fesrgns O'Connor , Esq. at an early period. The visitor! tary was called upon to read the leading article in pearance of their yputhfui offspring ; howtheattenua- gold 1 as he was not like the Bame man since he had all—nam ely,-\M *. Christop her ^>oyle, of Manchester, met with tbe greatest courtesy from tbe inhabitants, last weeks' Star, on the subject of a National Con- payment of their first instalment ; and if they do tionofthe framo , pal pitation of the heart ,derangement taken them. ¦who which shews the silent progress of onr princip les. On ference. ' Mr. John Lowery then moved the following not , they will forfeit all claims on the Institution , in had kindly undertaken to address them at a very of the nervoussystem ,]cough, indigestion , and a ttain bad leg for the occasion of tbe previous visit, daring the late resolution , which being seconded by Mr. James accordance wiih the first rule of the same ; and those of symptoms indicative of consumption or general " Another said his wife had had a short nstice. Jlr. Doylethen came lonrard , and -was who have paid instalments to agents, are requested years , bu t after taking one small box, which was greeted -with rapturous applause. He lamented the Strike , the great est alarm was manifested at tbe Chartist Muir, was, after condiderable discussion , put to the decay, are often ascribed to wron g causes ; and in- eruption , which certainly was more formidable than tbe meetin g and earned :— That the members of this to inquire of the Secretary if the same have been recommended by his Class Leader , her leg was much severeindisposition of their talented friend , Mr - Duffy, stead of being the natural results of congenital debi- and whe n she had taken the second box, is present in numbers ; many of the shops were dosed, council are of opinion, tbat an efficien t plan of entered in his book.—The Northern Star , Char tist lity or disease , are the consequences of an alluring better , and described the privations -which that . gen- Circular , O'Conno r's Pamph lets ou Small Farms , was quite as well as the other. tleman has -: endured since Ms liberati on from and the greatest ignorance upon tha real j[ oijecta of Organization is: essential to the well-being of the and pernicious practice , alik e destructive to the mind :™ Chartism prevailed. Now the very reverse j -was mani- Chartist movement ; but at the same time, th ey feel State of Ire )an d 4 Chartis t Magazine , and other Weekly Messenger prison. Jfay /* said Mr. Doyle, " it is of no pr emises. aud body. " —Bell 's New . " A very respectable female baid her husband had see mincing the matter , fested ; and instead of the magistrates placing a corps convinced , that a National Conference would be at- valuabl e works can be had oh the Dnfiy ia now suffering the is not the ordinary chan- been afflicted abov e two years, and had tried many pangs and bonou ol absolute starvation. of 560 policemen in ambush, twelve were thought tended with too much expence to the Chartist body, " Although a newspaper ' [Mr. Doyle nel for the expression of opinion upon the merits of thin gs, but since he had taken Parr s Life Pills -was interrupted by loud shouts of "take the boxes sufficient to preserve the peace. Another visit will shew more especially at this time, when so many calls are BLAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS. he was quite a new man. TtranfL" This -was that these also may be dispensed with. The proces- being made npon them for funds. They therefore a medical work, this rema rk is open to exception in immediately dose, and the sum ef Further Testimonials of the Efficacy of this Medicine. any instance where the public , and not the isolated £1 is 7d.-wasinstantly sion arrived safe in the metropo lis about twelve o'clock, would suggest as a substitute for the Conference , . "You will please send immediately, by Deacon 's collected.} Ths collection over, ¦w TO ME. PROUT , 229, STRAND , LONDON , and exclusive members of the profession , are the 2tr. Dojle xesnmed bis lectnre, -wbieb -was sekxtew- ithont a single accident having occorred. tbat thirteen persons be appointed by the country, waggon, 36 dozen boxes at Is. l£d., and 6 dozen leCged by to draw up a legal and practical plan of Organiza- Frimley, near Bagshot ,; Surr ey, April 23, 1843, parties addressed * Upon that which is direc ted to even the opponents of Chartism to have world will form its own at 2s. dd. been gns ge when relief can be s Gout in life of the party, T. Rober ts and Co., 9, Crane Cburt, Fleet-st reet , jre sang-witb rapid strides in this large and importa nt "to spur them ontoimpreve- aff ections of the urinary and sexual organs , in both Pills ; I shall , for the benefit of of living, and occupat ion The appo intmeu t, ment. He snpe csed this brain-guage wonldihortly and Rheumati c communication mu--t bo accompanied by the usual London ; and sold wholesa le by their town. The assoeifttioniaBteiidDyincreasing. The Sun- seat be fee Bexe&.vritb. a mild and successful mode of treatment , who may suffer , continue to recommend them. also by Barc lays and over to Irelan ded to see whet her they bid sufficient in all their forms and consequences j especially Stric- those1 consul tation fee of £1, without which no notice by E. Edward ^ S7, St. Pauls , day schoolproapers beyond car most Eangnicsexpee- bra ^o eatTaat aB S I am, dear Sir, yours truly, Sons, FamBgdon 'sireeb, and Satton and Co., Bow s" |s as scqui siOos of from TPit haRep eal^r Trnlon. Mr. tttre , Gleets, affections of the Bladder , Prostrate whatever oan be takei t of their application ; and in talaoas . 5Hier8 , twenty-to To Mn J. Giles, Esq., GEO. INN WOOD. Church yard ; Sold by Joshua Hobson , Northern thirty chfldrea jeachSunfisy; the parsons go eo de- Glands, Gravel,-Ac. shewing also the dangerous con- dll cases the most (inviolable secreey may be ment sitting m Dub lin, and also npon Frimley, Surr ey. , Star Offioe , Leeds ; and at 3, Marke t Walk, Hud- ncnoclng, sod, as a consequeiice, our sBznbers teep tie thein advant ages sequences of Mercnr y, such as eruptions of the skin , relied on. &> ***& * Land small hold- pain in the bones , &e., with plain directions for a Blackwater, near Bagshot, Feb. 25, 1843. dersfield ; and retai l by at least one agent in every angxientzng; -an d, -what is ^Btai more pleasing, the ingsLr ; andf^ rep udiat^ ed tbe Giles the effect of Blair 's Pills has been Sold by Mr. Jose ph Buckton , Bookseller , town in the United Kingdom , and by most respectable ^ is truly nsefid kno-sr- ble MeaHe of Chartist» being wishful perfect restora tion ; embellished with engravings . Deab ,— children ars j apld^ improving 1 a wealth/andland everything I could wish for. I had sympto ms of the 50, Brigjjate , Leeds jt an« Mr. W. Lawson , 51, deale rs in medicine. Price Is. lid., 2s. 9d., and ledcet ' onr psr aKS hiva joined tha association loseiZ^J^T, ' *** to An ample consideration of the diseases of women ; TfBS' i aad be conid^ have no intere st in Bucb a measure. *aso nervo us debility ; including a compre hensive Gout during Wednesday night; I took two Pills Stonegate, York ; by whom this Work is sent family boxes 11s. each. Full directions are given -wiadn the last three Tc cfes. He then dwaH -agm tho evils ensur ed by the; coal "Whip disssrtaiion on the anatomy of Marriage , impuis* durin g tb» rig '* and two in the Mor ning, which (post-paid) in a sealedkn velopo for 3b 6d. with oach box. THE NQ^THER ^ STAR

gbeat number of Irish labourers •srbo A Slip?bbi: Ghakacteh —We understand tha t the ^onrg. Or THE of water , involving the destruction o* Mysterious Disappearance of a Respectable — A chemist not many miles koa to reap the bcr yest, (ar eiag- propri etors of the GHaciarium , or Artificial Ice, who ad- nJp ^Je ^ t ? A Novel ^Remed y. annual ly went to Eog a % Y l B of fi<>y thousan d pounds , and FARMEh- ^Tho follo|win# occurren ce has excited a from street, Plymou th, inquired of a patien^ Vs have gone this season. vertise theii txhibition as **tbe only one in the world " tnePu£ total» f? i * "* ing S0,000) not more that a t*»th * deprivation of employment to several hua- m-ist painful sensation in the neighbourhood of wife how her husband was. ** .©, sir, we' ve had a TBISH SONS. Sib James Gbaha j i has refused bisi sanction to contemplate an engagement with Lord Brougham as 8 f k le took last , , a farmer Vice-Xieute nanVof the " the most slippery person in the nniverse ," to appear as 25« J5 «? W » P^ce week at the Woodbam Ferris , Essex ; Mr. John Beard terrible night with him, poor man !" " Why , did i'hk CEXKBTXIN 8F ERIN. Lord Cemenu being appointed Ead £? p^f .Mr- J FmenM, situato in the township of that p lace, occupy ma 200 aoros , was on Tuesday you appl y tho leeches as I ordered 1" " Yes, sir ; comty of leltrim, in the absence of ^e of a skater. —Punch. 11 ne' r ¦Mao-ohestexrf which supplied BY "KTR g. CRATFJOBB. nLiv ^inna ; * « week married to Miss King, grand-dau ght er, of Mr. but oh ! my poor husband ! I thoug ht he would have Leitnm. ! M. PiBara ^5iM0H , vho, in 1834, as King's Com- M f e6al Robert F. E. King, ' law Gua rdians an ° - a **?*the ManohSster ef Great Leigh, at whose house died a-taking of 'em. You see, sir, we couldn t get He stood fm the deck, the lone Chieftain of Erin , The Cabrk jk-ON-Scjb Poor missioner , sustained before the Belgian Chamb ers the Kelt. the wedding party afterwards dined. They returned ' em down. He did try , and try, and try, bu t they tm of Ma paupers and doss the house And ^asad ihB bewitifnllana> felrtb ; determined to turn out the SaUrbad Bill, Sued pr esided over Us executioB, died on &fflfCE of home late the same night , Mr. Beard being in his di d stick all across his throa t, and made sure he ,200 for bnilding by ta e May 14, at seiaj Mari e, on . fw ho1Mind.of -A few daysof ago, a fire broke < Here dear at fiat moment of sorrow appearing, if they are pressed for £1 on board the schooner Louise S* fte isbip Ihe line, the U8aal eoo«l Btate of health ; earl y in the mornin g he would be strangled. At last, he did manage to Commissioners. . ..., L .,. his way to Sti Thdma s de Gaatemala , where he was pu ^ * complained of UlneW, and having dr essed himsel f Than aJl ibe hrlgbi geras of Sie ocean and earth ; bill for the regu- Feki (Zaffar, at Constanti nople, and was rapidl y swallow one ; but will you believe me, sir, we HB-wa Bt OHE or IHE dau seB of the new [ going to fonnd a Belgian colony. appr oaching went down stairs , abd was seen at his back door, by ' tdi'd till tte last blnsh of day kad depute d, omnibuses, cabs. &a, the the powder ^magazine. The alarm did couldn t get down another . 'Twas all of no use to And ttwmgliVor the fiiendi lie tad left broken-hearted lation of stage coaches, Anothee. Bbidgb.—On was ^ehorsekeeper. HeJ not , however , return to Mrs. go on in that way ; but I knew he must tak e ' forb idden to smoke while on Suicide at Wa teeloo lmiBodiately communicated to the crew, em, Jhen dashe d«ff» tear , thai in sadnesshid started, driTers and conductors are Friday morning, about two o'clock, a dna yonng woman and the men, without making an attempt to Beard , and from that time he has not been heard of, as you ordered , sir ; aud go I chopped up t'oth er five Ana sang the *wM measure of "Erin go Bragh ! was first arc h on Bave the though the most dUigent search has been made for pieces—and then ' twas a terrible job tak en place in the exports observe! to walk into the recess of the vessel, began W throw themselves from into nice small A Ceeat Ikceeas e has the Middle sex side of Waterloo bridge , and placin g her e nto him. Hi s bride is, of course , in the deepest affliction . again ; I was with him nearly all the night , and at "I teair land of my fathers, renowned in story ! from Great Britain to Trance , in 1832 S tt i *e sea,i or take to the boats. Mr. J. Beard , whea he ef linen yams bonnet and shawl on the coping-stone, leaped over into isamiK i' acha, who chan ced to be near , immediately left home ear ly on Wednes- last he got 'em all down but one ; and , so I fried Bo more shall thy pr eudiarp awaken for ns; a>ey amounted to not more than £5.800 whereas in the embarked day las t, was dressed in his brown great coat, w ' at least a million the river. ;Qnfaccount of the early hour at which for the ship, ana with his drawn sword ith that there last one, and he took that one too. Ah, A dark dcnd has rrept o'er the aim of my glory, 1841 and '42 they had incr eased fco tende red, succeeded velvet collar , black mat , dark coloured trouser s, and , poor man. " ] occurrenc e toojc place, no assistance could be m restoring ord er and res training a part of sir, but he had a terrible night of it TeVl share but the fate of the faithful and free. sterling per annnm. and tae poor creature suck in a few moments. Near tne crew. Then, descending; lace-boots. He is about twenty -seven years of age, I go, where my tongue is snspoxen , small quantit y of hellebore powder , with great courage five feet six inches high Extr aordinar y Occurrence. —Ou Saturday last, An exfle IT is said that a bet bonnet was found one penny-piece , and some dupli- into the hold, he checked ! the flames which were , dark complexion, and dark a horse up 3airay heart o'er the -wave sendi thee many a token; orer tbeleare s of gooseberry trees, in the pro- whiskers. Clogh er market-day, a boy was leadin g dusted cates. Anoth er female was only rescued by the merest already rap idly adva ncin g towards th e magazine. J the street , and just as he was a few perches above Tbon ahalt lire in that heart , fill the last chord has portion of abont an ounce to thirty or fort y trees, will Havin g chance at six o' clock ou the previous morning by some extinguished the fire, with the assistance of Healthful Longevity —A long life without the the Lord Bi&hop's-gate , the earth opened in the spot prev ent the ravages of caterp illars . | his own servan ts and a accompaniment of health (which is sometimes of erection ; at Woolwich men in the Thames Police galley. fevi? men who followed him, to b« he was then standing on, and the horse was swal- Sin mvronrneen, * Sna go Bxagh !' A CHUEK in isin the course be return ed upon deck be met with), is noc very desirable : but a healthful lowed the whole of the smoke from the J ohn Beight's Election Expenses.—At a dinn er andjupbrai ded the officers for ! The opening, it is said , is 96 feet in depth , , zeeoHeetion s dock-yard, ass rent for it is to be their cowardice. The presence of old age is attended jwith a thousand blessings. Ac- and about *'M y brothers my brave ones! what fond in the yard and thirty feet given in Man chester on Friday last , to celebrat e the mind and trepi- six feet in breadth . By means of ropes Bring Ttmnd me, all iresbly, the days that J«e part— different flues ^ dity of Namik Pacha , in these tryin g circumsta nces, cording to the present duration of existence, families and vviudlas ses, the horse was got high er than the Monument > triumph of this eminent Leaguer , one of the speakers up, bus wa8 in- 3Cbe home, and the hearth, and the holy affections -» Mt. Hibbeit- ^remarked that he was at Roch- bave excited general admiration. are continually exposed to the moss pain ful separa- jured a little by the fall. The hole rema ins yet to "Weiahaared ia onr lwyhoba, anaiovea to ttie last! Is the eounly of CornwaH ttiere are J370 00& inha- tions. No sooner does a child attain the years of bo seen. Some people , 10,060 of whom are miners, and ] 70,000 teeto- dale on Monday, and in Hochdale and Manche ster may think this is absurd ; but Oh! dear are the scenes where together we sported , bitants Af prat at Bri ghton. —On Friday afternoo n waek , maturity and wisdom, then he begins to look for the they may rely on it as a fact. tallers; and of this large body there were but five he succeeded on obtaining £350, not to bri be, but to as There can be no lbs wild mossy cromlech where pilgrimsresorted , sow as ther aces had concluded , an affray took melanchol y decay and decease of his pare nts—and no canse assign ed for the chas m, as the street round it prisoners for trial at the last assizes ! Thus abstinence pay the necessary expenses at Durham ; for at Dur * Piaoo hetween AndDsrgle 'B deep glen,* where my Aileen I courted , , they were just emerging a number of soldiers belongiag to the sooner doss a paren t behold his family entered upon ia har d and firm. —A Correspondent of ihe Newrv • lesseos crime and abates miser y. I ham , as at Nottingham 8 0021 Guards the world , th an he is stun g by tho poignant Telegraph. : Thai gem of thy beauty, asreei Enn go Bzagh J' from the mcih es of corru ption to the purity of ¦r» e rf * , the thimble-ri g men, and the reflec- Bason Rothschild bas advanced 780.0601 to the Brighton police. It appears that on the previous tion of bidding them a final farewell. No sooner doss Will of James Wood "Bat the er r of the sea-mewarosad me Is teeaMnz, municipality of Tienna, at a low rat e of interest , for election. £350 for tbe " necessary expenses ;" pray day , Esq. — After several a ajfew of the soldiers were on the course , when the man *of science and learning become in some way years' litigation , the will and Dark ahadowi h»TB Ehrouded the son's lading fires the purpose of continuing the works on the aqueduct •what are the becessary expenses ? £350 is rath er one of them codicils of James ' \ amon gst a , a corporal, in a sta te of intoxication , acquainted with tBe objects of bis pleasurable re- wood, Esq., the late wealth y banker and drap er One look—i*fia my last!)—ofthB lanii Tm forsaking, of ibe Emperor Ferdinand , which had been suspended large sum for a pure election to cost was playing at search , than he is moved by the chilling thoug ht of limited constitution such as that of Durham. — one of the thimble-rig tables , and that Gloucester , have been proved in Doctors ' Commons. ThelaneLof my first 1ot», thehomB of my aires. for want of fund *. j lost abou t 253. He then bet without the means of his knowledge in this world is of little or no avail , Tet ,yet, e er thy valleys, Liverpool Standard. He gives to the Corporation of Gloucester £60,000 ; ' bow wasted and gory, AT The Hertford Ass!z-s, a servant girl, who had paying. This enraged the thimbl e-riggora. who mus- for the want of opportunity to carry it into pra ctice. to Mr. Phill pote , ,000 May tbi star of thy A Dbeaotul Suicide was committed on Satu rday £50 ; to Mr. Council , £10.000 : freedom ahine oat in its glory, put a quantity of oxalic acid in her mistress's teapot , tered | rou nd him, some holding his arms whilst If the term of human life, however , be extended to a to Mr . Helps, i530,000 ; to Mrs. Goodla ke And tby battle-flag -Wave withttie prondest in story , was found guilty of administering the poison, bst at the Croydon Infan try Barracks. Tbe victim is others out period of greater length , £20.000: " off hie stripes and otherwis e defaced his , how happil y mitigat ed are U Mr. Smith, £20,000 ; to Mr. Cleveland , £14,000; Erin msvoureeo. • Erin go Brash V " KOT trfft itdesito murder!* \ Donald M'Guinness , a sergean t-major in the Soots jacket. On returning to barracks , he, of course , got these painfu l incidents of human existence ! The and to in the the family of the latter gentleman , £6,000 j The AfblcmtSentinel says the sudden; rise of wheat Fusilier Guards , and who had been employed into troubl e, and was ordered into confinement. His man of research is enabled to pursue practically that and the residue of his property, recrui ting service. The deceased got up at the usual estimated at about and flour arises from orders received to j provision all comrades det ermined to i have reven ge, and ac- knowledge whioh has cost him years to attain. The £500,000, to his executors. The property has been * Ibe environs of Powers eonrt, in the connty of tho garrisons in Ireland for a three yeai-a Beige—a store hour in the mornin g, and nothing was observe d in cordingly, on Frida y afternoon , met on the course , parent may anticipate a time when he will be surroun- ¦Wicklp-ar, are Ingbly pictccreEgne. Tbe CHen of sworn under £900,000, and the probate bears a Dsr gle*is bow being built at Athlone lar ge enough to hold hiB manner to create a suspicion that he inten ded armed with sticks, about ! 100 strong; the offender ded not only by his immediate offspring but by his stam p of £12 is beanfifnl beyond expression, and may -vie with the ' ,000. Ttte executors named are Alder- three yeart provi sionfor SOD or 400 men! commit ting suicide. At seven o clock, his servant beingfidentified , he and his gang were immediately childr en's children , in one long and successive retinue. man Wood , Choicest spots in Italy. Dargles is a deep -valley, about observed blood oozing through the ceiling ; the girl , John Chadbora, Esq ., (who committed Ho Pro peb. Place fob it.—A law of Virginia knocked down, and their! tables broken to pieces . The child has not to mourn over the un timely depar- suicide some time back under very extraordinary a mile long, bonnded by steep, sylvan, craggy hills; and allows the retailin g of spirituous liquors , at " proper at once called in a ser geant , who entered the bed- The soldiers then commenced an attack on every ture of his parents ,;but has an opportunity of behold- circumstances ) at the bottom runs a small serpen tineriver , murmuring , Jacob Gsborne , Esq., and Joh n places" In the different connties. In one of the counties, room, an d there found the deceased, with his head gambling table on the coarse , smashing them , and the ing the authors of his existenoe for many successive Surnam , Esq. The char ges of three proctors en- OTerinimmerableliaiehrf ^lri tine? ftiTTw. Usnypleasant lia-r o decided that there is no proper nearly severed from hiB body. the magistrates " umbrellas that covered them, to pieces. The soldiers , seasons— L gaged in the suit rela tive to the will, amount to Traits intersect Ibe brows oT the bills, by which are place" within their jurisdiction for that purpose.— having completel y ol«ared the course , were going u jTill worn by slow decay, gammer LokgetittI— Old Sergean t Reid , who w&s in the £17,536 33. 2d. Erected benches and houses, for pleasure and Boston paper. \ ranks at the battle of Bunker ' home; when the police mustered all their stren gth While resignation gently slopes their way." epose. s Hill , and an actor in A Petrified Human Hea d. — An interesting l THE death of the Dnke of Dorset , which occurred man y other deeds of arms ,still survives, although in and [attacked the soldier s. A furious con flict If ear the Slen of Darglea is another ¦valley, called the at Hurley Street, on Saturday last, creates a permanent Such are a few ] of the numberles s blessings of geological discovery has recently been brought to the 108th year of his age; but he is no longer able to ensued, and the battle lasted till dusk , when the light , viz., a petrified human head " Glen of the Mounta ins/' the scenery of -which is -vacancy in the Peerage. The Duke was in his 76th par ties appeared to separate by mutual consent " healthful longevity" —and such are a few of th© , which shelled out sit at the door , basking himself iu the sun , and , numberless blessings which tho vegetable remedy of of the Lincoln stone-brash bed, which compri ses Tincommonlygrand and romantic; Indeed , this part of year; and he succeeded fc» cousin Chhrlea in 1815. croonin g and liltin g song he learned in youth , each | carrying off their wounded. Sergeant- S» country may jss Qy tetermed the Tery garden and or at the immortal Parr confers on those who avail them- from No. 2 to No.. 10, of the uppermo st layers of the Dying without issae, the title becomes extinct ta , yr hen he had become a tall , athletic, Major Nutt , who was on the course at the time, went 35d*en ci Ireland. By way of contrast, howeTer, on'the mesa ble selves of its remedial powers, Lifeis ter med " a r ock beneath the alluvial soil. The layers of rock THE Edinburgh Weekl y Journal records the death of power ful man. A short time ago he was struck up to: the combatants and endeavoured to stOD anv «; other band, 5b an extensive tract, wholly composed of Hr. Charles Mackintosh , of Caropsie and Danchattan, boon," " a treasar ^," a pearl ," &c., and if life be thus denominated are those used for the formation of with paral ysis: which deprived him of the power of collision, bu t was himself struck most violently, and lime, and the petrified head was discovered and laid iarren mBuntainsand bogs—a perfect desert In the th e inventor of the waterproof cloth that bean his fell senseless with a severe wound in his skull, of deserving of these distinguis hed appellation s, sore ly locomotion. When visited lately, we found him fast that whioh ensuresjits health, happiness and prolon- aside by one of the labourers of the quarry as be was midst of these savage wilfis are the rains of seTen name. . asleep; his brea thing unimpeded his chest broad and which he is still suffering. When news of this aff ray tinrciiee, ana a round tower; Which proves tint this The Glasgow underwriters win suffer rery severely had reached the barracks gation deserves to be equally valu ed, and honour ably , engaged in breaking up stones for the kiln. The petri- deep, and his: arms brawny and muscular as ever.— , a strong guard was des- designat ed. The Iiife Pills of Old Parr fioa tion comprises the whole of the head except the uninviting spet was ones babitable, tbe abode ef by the loss of the Columbia steamer, which was prin- Dumf riespaper. patched to the course , but did not arrive till the will confer kolinessand indnBtry, and that desolation and sterility cipally insured in that city. We have heard the amount affray was completely finished on the community [such benefits as will rend er this face, where it is eviden t it has consolidated with the Shipwreck.—The Brothers yacht ; the soldier s who had discovery common rock , and being rendered incapable of shel- bare overspread is from JMj ^erf, rather thanfrom its own stated at upwards of £40,000, underwritten by several , Bruce, master, been taken into custody by tbe police were then given the most valuable acquisition which has nature. influential broken. ' < which had left Port Nicholson , on the 16th of Sep- the captain of tbe yet grac ed the discoveries of medical researc h. ling. Beneath , there is in a perfect state the cavity tember last ] o d g up to! Ruard , and were taken M-iNUFjlCTTCBB QT STEEL PEKa—T&6 steel alone , n a tra in voyage, round to the back to the barracks. On Friday, for the vertebrae of the neck , &o. The identity of southward at the Bri ghton Extensiv e Robbery of Piatb at Jesus Col- TtTR employed in this country for making pens amounts to one , havin g on board Captain Smith , of the Police Court the human head is beyond a doubt. The petrification STATE !EIN3£ERS. Royal Artillery, , Frank North, a private in the 7 th lege, Oxfobd. —On Friday week, informati on Was is at present in the posession of Mr. Skill hundred and twenty-five torn annuall y, which is equiva - was wrecked abou t tbe middle of Dragoons , was charged before Major , maltster , ' No?ember , in attempting to make the harbour of Allen and received at the chief office of the Commissioners of in the Bail Lincoln,—Stamford Mercury. The Whigsand the Tories—the tnds and-the ins, lent to about three bnndred millions of pens.g Major Willand , the sitting magist rates , with having Police, Great Scotland-yard , and was forwarded * "Vulga rlyspeaking, are both " put to their pins"; The -widow e? Colonel Fawcett , besides paying the Akaroa. Eleven persons who happened to be on the assaulted Inspector Crowhurst in the mob which took Gltphogbaphy. deck were saved ; but a native woman and her two from thence to all the station-houses of the Metro- —In this process , on ordinary Tbe T«*ftf"" L> " bellows'* the firm cannot mend, expenses incurred on account of the dyipg man at the place ;on the race-course. < Mr. Solomon, the chief politan late of copper , prepared as usual for engravers ' "WMch augurs their tinkTing must soon hare an end. children, who wer e below at the time, perished ; and City police, that between the hours of p use, Gamden Anrm, has presented to Mi. Miles, the landlord , officer of police, deposed that he received information nine o'clock on the evening of Tuesday last , and is taken , and blackened with stt lphuret of potassium. 5 and his wife, a -valuable gold ring each, in acknowledge- She was a fine vessel, the property of Capt . Bruce , that the soldiers intended a general The're deslan'd the "hammer to suck* in their turn , g , g attack on the half-past seven o'clock on Wednesday morni ng, the It is then war med and coated with a very thin layer ment of their kindness and humanity. ' and had a very valuable car o consistin of oil, seal tables. About seven o'clock a number of soldiers of a white - composition resembling wax in nature And orer their " vices" must speedfly mourn. skins, whalebone, and a large amount of specie, butlery belonging |to Jesus College, Oxford , was -• A Dexterous S-wokdsmaw. — On Thursday, the passed down the course armed with sticks, and com- burglariousl y entered by means of skeleton keys, and appearance. By means of various tools which The pincers" wiereby they bwe torn 83 most sore, , of which is a total Jobb to the owner, and , what is more , Sh»n anguish extract from thsir ererj pore. 3rd of Jul y, Serceant Corey, of the 3rd regiment pletely demolished the gambling tables. He saw the and robbed of silver plate valued at nearl y £300. need not be described here , this composition is Tmndalk , cut a leg of mutton , suspended by a cord, painful, Captain Bruce is not insured a single far- prisoner strike Inspector , ; Crowhurst with a thick The articles ohiefly: consisted of silver stoups , (with cleanly cut through by the ar tist , who sees at once With " Budget" quite empty, each reptile must budge throu gh -with one cut, for a wager of [sixty guineas. ihing. The loss will exceed £3,000 but it is be- stick ; Crowhurs t was sent to lieved that tbe New Zealand Company will mako the Sussex County handles aud with out) for drinki ng, silver tea-pots , the effect he produces , in consequence of his obtain- Be bis cognomen lord, Duke, Bishop, o- Judge." This is, perhaps , the most extraordincry feat of dexteri ty Hospital, but was too weak to attend the Cour t. salts, mustard p'ots, silver waiters , dishes and ing, as in the case of a lead pencil , a black dra wing And true-hearted men each State office must £11; and Bwordmanship on record. \ the unfor tunate man some compensation for his The adju tant said he could prove, at the proper time, upon a white ground. After careful inspection severe loss. • covers, pepper and] sugar cat tors , sauce tureens an d 2&en, resolvedto comply with the people's own wOL Comjiiitatios OF Sentence. —The sentence of th at if the police had not inter fered , there would not boats, forks , gravy ,, table , dessert , and salt spoons, through a powerful lens, the plate is Bnbmitted to deatb xecorded at our late assizes aga inst Rafferty, the LiBEEALiTY ,—" I know this *» , if a feller talks very have ibeen a blow etruck , or any riot. The magis- sauce ladles, sugar tongs, eight dozen tea- spoons, the action of a galvanic battery , by means of which, ButBDtlssnkslo the " league," "Bebecca /' or Uan soldier of the 36th, for cutting the th roat of James liberal in politics, put him into offioe , and see wbat s, Whose schemes won trates expre ssed their disapprobation of the conduct &c. &c. The robbery is supposed to have been the required deposition of copper is effected , and a 't restore the birth-right of mas, Keane, with intent to kill , has been commuted by the tyrant he'll mak e. If he talks very liberal in religion, of the police in not informing them *Ej the pacific Chartists, and theyalone, of the riot , for effected by experienced London thieves, who have new electrot ype plate is obtained. Lord Lieutenant to transportation for life. —Limerick it's because he han te got none at all. If he talks very they jwere the responsible person? , and no disturbance returned to town with their booty. Who freedom can gain, and bid tyrants be gone. Chremde. liberal to the poor , talk is all the poor will ever would have taken place. Tbe prisoner was re- Pbussic Acid.—Death cause d by prussic acid; says Wjc Ridke. - Y.EOHA?rxT Gatalbt. —The following corps , for- get out of him. If he talks liberal about Corn Law , manded. Dreadful Muhdeb at Maidstone. —On Wednes- a German paper, is only apparent; life is immedia tely Leeds, August9th , 1843. merly serving gratuitous lyhave been placed on perma- it tante to feed the hungry, but to lower wages, and day week, a murder was committed within a hun- restored by pouring acetate of potash and common nent pay and allowances under the estimate of the so on in every thing a'most. None is so liberal as , Fatal Affra y with Poachbbs. —A Constable dred yards of the old church , and close by the Pala ce Bait, dissolved in water , on the head and spine. present year: —the Lymlngton Troop ,! the Andover those as hant e got nothin '. The most liber al feller I Killed.—A desperate conflict between a gamekeeper at Maidetone. It (appears that some men were in Some time since, Mr. Rogereon , chemist, of this Wattu atfD &enttal Troop , tile Lon g Melford Troops , the Suffolk Borderer? , know on is- * Old Scratch' himself. If ever the and constabl e, and a gang of poac hers , took place on custody on a charge of stealing a hat, and that a town, instituted a series of experiments on animals 3£nMJi<*eiwe the Taplow Troops , and the Uminster Tr oop. The , they should make him Prime Friday morning week in the grounds near Apedale young woman named Ann Young, living at Linton , for the purpose of observing the effects of prussio is Liberals come in , Royal Mid Xotbi ^D Yeomaniy Cavalry Te-establlsbed. Minister. He is very liberal in religion , and would Hall,' the residence of R. £. Heathcpte , Esq. James about two miles from Maidston e, was to be a pr in- aci d , and of discovering tho means to be pursued in STJRYi—The Conrt of Holiness, No. 25, of the Capture op a Shahk. —A singular capture was jine them inexcludin ' the Bible from common schools, Beech, one of the' parish constables of Audley, lost his cipal witness against them. The comrades of these case of poisoning by that fluid. He th en, if we mis- Ancient Order of Bojal Foresters held their 18ih made last week, by Dryden Robert Corbet, Egq., of I know. He iis very liberal abont the crimi nal code, life in the rencontre , and John Vaugh an , tho game- men having, by some means not known , brought the take not , invited the attention of the medical pro- Anniversa ry on Saturday , August 5ih, when sixty- Sundome Castle, near Shrewsbur y, whilst fishin g at forh e can' t bear to see criminals punished. He is very keeper, was dr eadfully, itis feared mortally, wounded. young woman to the place above-mentioned , stunned fession of this town to the fact , that rabbits poisoned nine of its members sat down to a most excellent Town, Merionethshire. It iB a monster of the white liberal in politics , for he don' t approbat e restr aint , The savage and brutal nature of the attack , and its her by two blows on the head , and then filled her with prussic acid could be at once recovered from dinner at the ionse of Mr. Thomas Foxarof, t the shark' species, and measures fire feet eight inches in and likes to let ever y critter * go to the devil' his own consequent results, have caused a great sensation in mouth with grass ' from the adjoining bank , and apparent death by merely pouring cold water over Bridge Inn, Heap, near Bury. After the cloth -was length , and the thickest part of the body, near the way. Oh ,he should be head spy and Pri me Minister , the neighbourhood. The following are the leading threw her into the river. This horrid deed was com- the head and spine. dr *wn,Mr. James Heap was called to the presi dental bead, is upwards of two feet in circumference ; the tha t feller."45am Slick in England , particulars of this atrocious outra ge. The visits of mitted by two men]in the presence of a woman , who was providen tially so much frightened that she cried Hops.—The accounts received in town from the hop chair, and Mr. Thomas Birdshal, senior , to the vice- weight is over 401bs. Mr. Corbet also took st the same Ahciewt Hospitalitt. —It was once the universal poacher s in the locality of Apcdale Hall being of fre- u districts of Kent are favourable , and there iB every ehair ; and the evening "was spent in cast , and with the same line, a grey mullet, weighing quent occurrence it has been necessar y to keep a out mur der." Hier cries were heard by a man re- the greatest custom to place ale, or some strong liquor , in the , siding near , and the murderers were in custody in a prospect of a good average crop. . lannon y and gl«e, until a late hour , when the as- nearly lllbs. i chamber of an honoured guest , to aseoage bis thirs t striot watoh on their movements. Oh Thursday t.itbt.t at Ensis, smaa wito gave bis name as Thos. , few minutes. They [ware heard to say that they " ha d semblybr oke up. , should he feel any on awakenin g in the night ; night, a little after ten , James Beech, the deceased, The Weat her and thb Cro ps.—In the Midland Sesn. from Derryqnin , neuTolla , soldaabutter , a quan - wen£ito the house occupied by John Vaughan , the done for her, and she would not appear again;" they and Western counties the weather has of late been Z>ONz)OK.—xeetozai j sil—Father Maihew has which, consi dering that the hospitality of that perio d are workmen. The occurrence has caused a great tity of lard with a coating of butter about an inch thick. oft en reached excess, was by no means unlikel y, gamekeeper, which is situate on the estate , for tho changeable, with sudden and frequent cha nges of beeffworiing -wonders in the lEast End of the Metro - He to held to bail to appear at the petty sassiens purpose of going out with him to assist in watchi ng sensation in Maidstone. temperature ; in some places heavy thunder-storms polis. Thousands have received the pledge admini s- i t is a current stor y in Teyiotdale, that in the house court. On the preceding Saturday , a woman had con- t y of distinction the game. The men . both left the house together Tipperar y. and deluging showers of rain , with oppressive heat , tered from a platform erected in an open space of , of an ancien famil , much addicted Another Murder in —The Tipp erary succeeded in some places by cold blasts and heavy cealed in some butter which «be sold a quantity of salt, to the Presb yterian cause, a Bible was always put about half-past ten, Vaughan armed with a loaded Free Press of Wednesday week , contains the follow- . ground in Commercial Road Ea st. Since then weighing at least two pounds, but the fraud was sot dis- double-barrelled gun , and Beech with a. policeman 's showers of hail. On the whole, however , the weather numerous oiier districts have been visit ed. On Into the sleeping apartment of the guests, along with ing :—On Sunday morning last , the body of an un- covered until sbe bad left the bouse. a bottle of strong ale. On some occasion Babre , or cutlass , whioh he had in a scabbard attached has not been unfavourable , for the rain prove d highly Monday and Tuesday thousa nds congregate d on - there was fortunate man was discovered in a. most mutilate d beneficial to the turnips and aftermath Kilts.— 1 shall be off to tb.©bighlwds tbH fall j a meeting of clergymen in the vicinity of the castle to ft belt fastened round him. Nothin g can at present state in the arch way of Kil bre edy bri d , near the road , while it did Senniugion Common, to recerre the pledge at the but they haute got no woods there; nothin * but heather , , r« not injure the corn which is ra pidly coming forward all of whom were invited to dinner by the worthy be traced relative to their movemen ts until near leading to the avenue gate of tho Rev. Mr. Latouche. , Stand s of this extraordinary man and renew their and that's o^ly bieh enough to tear [ your clothes. one o'clock, when a man named James Boston , a for the sickle. In Scotland and Ireland the elements promises of devotion to the principle of total absti- baronet, and several abode all night. According to The head was completely battered , and the body pre- That' s the reason the Scotch don t wear no breeches, the fashion of the times, seven of the collier, living at Alsager ' s Bank, who was returning have been less propitious. There , during the last nence. reverend guests sented a most appalling appearance. Two large ra ven or eight , somewhat too much rain has they 3ont like to jfet em ragged up that for everlavt - were allotted to one large barrack-room , which was from iwork up the carri age road , near Apedalo Hall , stones were placed on the head and neck. The days inly, they cant afford it; so they let 'emsentch and used on such occasions of extended Baw [two very suspicious looking men near the deceased was stran ger fallen, accompanied by a temperature unusually tear their skin, for tint will grow again, and trousers hospitality. The a , and supposed to be a cattle 33£ cashtkb of the Australian Bank has abscond ed butler took care thai the divines wer e presented hedge, and from a rustling noise which ho heard in dealer from either (Cork or Kerry. inquest was low for the season of the year . All our correspon- to America with ,000. won' t."— Sam Slick » England. i , ac- An dents agreo in statin g that they scarcely remembe r a ^25 cordin g to custom , each with a Bible and a bottle of a field of oats , he believed they had a dog with them. held on the body before Mr. Cormack , coroner , A sew daily paper is abbot to be commenced in New AT the COUBT of Assizss for the Haute Garonne , al e. But after a little consultation Bostoo passed without speaking to them , and a little season in whioh such frequent changes have occurred York ,to be edited and solelyconducted by ladies held a few days ago at Toulouse, a man named Boques among them- assisted by John Mangley, Esq., J. P., and a verdict as ia the present. They are equally agreed that the . selves, they are said to have recalled the domestic fur ther np the road he saw two oth«r men , who of " Wilful Murder " returned against some person A BSASXiT fellow residing in Old Dover-road, Csn- was condemned to death, fer the third time, for as he was leaving the apartment. came: np to him , one of them being Vaughan, the ap proachin g harvest , taken as a whole, promises to lately xwaQoved poisoning Ma wife Be bad twice before had the same " My friend ," or persons unknown. A jobber who was in com- be a bountiful one. terfeni y twelve itogB for a wages. . said one of ihe venerable guests, " you must know keeper , and the other Beech, the constable. Boston pany with deceased has absconded. ^TB3£ GBABDsJlk bazaar of Granada has been destroyed sentence passed upon him by the Courts of Assizes for tola them of the men he [had seen lurking in the that when we mett together , the youngest miuister Tremendous Fire m iyfir e. two other departments , but their judgments were grounds, when Yaughan immediately proposed , after ExEcirnoN ok Sar ah DAaELBY.--BEDFORD, Sandwich WooDS.^C ape r eads aloud a portion of Scripture to the rest; only Cod has had enough of disast er by fire the present 052 HD5DBKD dindends in the Brighton Railway qnashed by the Conrt of Cassation on grounds of irre- one Bible therefore is necessary ; take away inquirin g how many men i he had seen, to go after Saturda y, August ] 5'.h.—This day being appoi nted the othe r for carrying the sentence of the law into summer. We have to record another conflagration Trere late ly sold at laverpool at 2& 6d.-each. gularity in the proceedings. ; six, and in their place bring six more bottles of ale." them] ; and Beech and the keeper moved in that execution SWIFT preached an assize sermon,and in the coarse direction. Boston went on his* way towa rds home, on the body

be false. For wher. a man tell3 me cf HEaiprnal ^arftamrm. must necessa rily method. Ja about a quarter of an hour, however, if not the whole of Messrs. Rayner's weavers im- abatement. Thirteen of tho manufacturers have X.H5DS DISTRICT. A iGenersl Council bis add ressing 200,090 men I find it impossible to be- the pressare became so great, that the fron t doors mediately left work and joined them. The body of consented to give the lJ3{ prices* 1> is notorious mg ofthisd-strict was held 0^ him : if he told me he had raddress ed20 ,000 or en Sunday morning in^" lieve T^f fSZ*^ a, the which is calculated to turn-outs then proceeded to the mill of Mr. ireter, that nearly jail that are below the mark are Corn Room , Cheap*ido. Mr. Squire Farrer was 30,060 I could und erstand it But when- he tells me holda,50O, was ' " filled ^^ e\ect&* HO USE OF LORD S—imsDxr, Aug. 8. tdoveiflowing, a considerable Plats, in Old-fitreet; where they shouted ; but they Law Repealers. chaff man.- The first business of the meeting was l? thai tbe 2S0 000 men whom he proposes to address meet number not being able to were not joined by any of the hands from that mill. The Ead of BODES pres ented & petinon , siroea by gain admission. On the deeision which the We9t Biding Delegate'isieefjj? ' calmly to discuss a great .national : qnestion , I at once motionof one of the turn-outs, R. Filling, one of the The mob then wenKto the mill of Mr. Mellor in the had come to. The 5,OD0 PzotPrtaats tl tta count ? of Doto, and com- turn with contempt , worn, and disgust ¦ from such , The kind friend who bas officiated for Mr. Dixon< meetingfelt that it could not - fcjj Chartiflfcs who was tried at Lancaster, along with same street where a number of the most aoti?e of oar Manchester correspondent, during his illness, any propriety, oppose the holding of a Cbnferej2 plaining, QaA "WMls processor and rc&e iinga of the a statement , because I know it to be physically Impos- Feargos O'Connor and them, chiefly : _ Borasm 42a.&olics for "wer e others, Was called to the lads and young men. of seventeen or writes as follows, by Thursday night's posi :— any longer, after tho sense of the West ftidS fte Bspeal of tiie tJnidn sible that at a meeting composed of such immense chair. [ He opened the meeting by saying, that they eighteen, prooeededl to olose the window shutters tolerated , they had been BsTenrfy panished for cele- numbera as jthing lik« diBeusslou can take Since I last wrote, had been expressed in favour , of .jt. It t»1 pla ce. WeU, were met together, on. that occasion, to consider of . the lower rooms of the mill, next the street. the turn-out at Ashton-under- therefore agreed upon that two delegates feating fee suniYerssry ol the Issa2» of tha Boyue; and then , the capitalist very well kn ows tha t no meeting he Lyne has assumed a very serious aspect. Every should k consideration matters of the^reatest importance ; hoped that One of tho Messrs. i Mellor instantly went out, and oent from this district, and that steps Bhoald'k 4 calling upon tfceir Jiordahlps to ta ke Into of the kind can serve the purposes of discussion; and they bail come there in earnest and not in jest. Mr. Robert Newto? being fortunately in the neigh- mill in that town is completely at a-stand. A J UbBdangera to -winch tbe Irish Pr otestants -were ex- if so, there must , of coutsb, be Bome other object ^ meeting was holden at six o'clock this morning, taken immediately ior procuring ihe requigS -would re- Although he himself was no spinner, yets he knew bourhood with a laqmber of the police, went in means of sending them. The ne^fc C]>OBedVfr03i an agit.tkm -which, they f«ax«-d. "Where auch numbsra assemble, the 6>ject cannot be B this Much about spinners among9t the turn near to Thkoker's Foundry, which was addressed consideratiij ,- j , ^afl t' in eml -war. lord urged the injustice , that their wages were outs ; this had i he effect of causing of the meeting was as to the time of holdi& The Noble harmJfiss one. I very vfellknow Iwhat that object is, quite low enough. Ho was of opinion , that should them to separate and disperse in differen t directions. by Pilling, Lee, and others ; when it was deter- .» -- -vt-easrfiBgout the law prohib iting part y precessions in but the capitalist thinks it Is for the purpose of breaking mined that work should entirely cease, until the Conference. It was thought that t2 few Orangemen -who had the men submit to the reduction now offered , other We have hot heard 'that they went to any other mill 5th of September would be the most conveuieu ;^§£*iL-3ta ^Sgour against *?» the peace. I t»o not, myself believe so. I think that masters wonld do one uniform list of prices be paid throughout the ii, wiHe immense multitudes , the same as Mr. Buckley. He after this time, wjhich was a little before three Tbe next business brought before the meeting »k i2|g£re ntared to transg ress so long as the agitators can hold the issue of those said, all eyes were upon Ashton ; every district was o'clock Lest any. violence should be attempted, district. There could not havo been less thall twenty siassembli nc -with banners beari fi? mqtoes and emblems of xneetisga in their bands —(hear)— ;tbey vrill be tie last ^ thousand persons present, and the greatest enthusiasm the propriety of building a new f ubhc Hall m thj, in arra y to tajesound of military taking!cognizance of their movements • and it was there being only a company of the 8th Foot in Ashton town. At preseh t the working men are -ssediiaaa, anti Jn ^^ cliing to rifik their oma ssfetyj (Hear. ) I put their -rfrtu e at for that meeting to say •—(at present prevailed, kfter the meeting broke up, a great put to grej^ rSintude , -were indulged -with complete impunity, Let j what should be done. At stationed in the Town Hall),—inform- inconvenience, rot having the command of a spacioo, &TL any the height of prudence , and no; hither—(a laugh )— this period, some little disturbance took place in con- ation of these proceedings was Bent to Nlancheater, number of the operatives formed themselves into a ?3th e Saw ether he put In force ¦without distinc tion or and , therefore , that they will sot break the peace if procession, and walked through the principal street*. building. Large rooms cannot be got, excen at At rate , let it sot be sequence of frnir or five policemen being seen making and Major Hartley; commanding the 8th Regiment, at an extravagant price. The suggestion ^& ^ ; stra ined to they can help it—(hear, hear )—but where you collect their Way up the whoso head The greatest exoittment prevails. The civil, autho- for » &£?e •» *»37 of Jnsn , *bo, undtT tarcnmstaECfca of ' centre of the room. The chairman Quarters are in Manchester, proceeded New HaJj met with an unanimous wish that stept 3§ S8.0G0 men together and inflame their minds by such observed, that the " canaries " (that being a nick- to Ashtou at four o'clock this afternoon. rities are on]the alert, and the military arc ready to fgre& MrrJfc-tion , had manifested roost credi table ibr- harangues us those which wejtoow have been -delivered act at a moment's notice. It is very should be taken immediately for the issuing of 8 ' bearsnee. With irepte ;; to ¦which name given to the police) were only doing the bidaing During the afternoon , the police were stationed in likely that the dauzer to the at those meetings, it is useless and absurd for ycu ts of their masters tak Stalybridge Will follow the example of the Ashton prospectusf to the working men for this object. 4 jietifieners l^^ Ttd ibtnw elTeB as Protestants to be , and he hoped that they w^ould e the streets, to prevent any parties from being inti- of all persons say that they will not take fire, [As well might you a seat beside himself midated. We have not heard men, as a deputation has waited upon the Committee meetine desirous for a new Hall wij] exposed, he Tras .conYia ceti that Iheirs -was no nn- ; that they might hear every of any acts of violence he holden on Sunday morning, Aug.. 20th, at tea approach a match to gunpowder , and say, " Dont ex- thing porrectiy. The officers accepted the invita- being attempted , and all was quiet when the last at Ashton , for the purpose of obtaining the proposed . forma ed atom. They -vrer e at least justified in soch ploda " (Hear, hear. ) Bat I believe myself that those list of prices. o'clock , in the Chartist Boom, Cheapside ; when ft an apprehension -whea tion , and the hooting ceased. As soon as order was train left in the evening. is most earnestly requested that there m&y be a asej saw a T&st proportion of per sons have a ver y diikrent object in -view. I believe restored, the chairman Tead the bill calling the From enquiries we made last evening in Ashton, laT^ Jhs ^popi&ii3->n - drilled until tbey i-iToEed tie regu - that these meetin gs axe part of a vast system of in- meeting, master. After some other local business had bees larity of ^elsian troops, and impMclBy obeying the and stated that it would ho as well if some we learned that a belief existed in many quarters, GROSS ATTACK OF A COAL PROPRIETOR disposed of, a vote of thanks was given timidation , iat ihe purpose of shemng tb& power of the of the men, who had to the Chair- •commands of their leaders , who openly profeesed thai turned out, would state to that that the torn-out would become genera l throughout UPON R. D. SWALLO man, and the meeting dissolved. leaders cf the Irish people over them, and of overaw- mectiDg, and through the press to the world, what Ashton , this (Wednesday) morning. On tho other 1|1 W , THE AUTHOR- determination to carry Repeal father by fair means ing the Govcrsramut. (Hear.) .Profoundly ignorant ,, ISED AGENT OF THE COLLIERS' UNION. WAHW1CK,—At a meeting of the Chartists o{ "by -their real grievances were. After waiting a short hand, several woll-informed persons were of opinion . fflt. loxce, and promised to their followers deli- are they of foe Government with which they have to time, one of the sp that the prices this locality, held at the Saracen's Head, on Tuej. Terance from the yoke of the Saxon. Ee angnred inners got up and stated, that the paid by many of tha principal firms A meeting of Colliers having been announced to tafec the following regoiutious deal. {Hear.) They shew themselves profoundly igno- reduction offered was 3-id. out of every 2s. 3id. which differed in so slight jt degree from those in the men's place at Hulton day e7ening, were unaiy. unfavourably , too, frem the drenmstance that a rant of my Noble Friend , the Koble Duke opposite. L me Ends , near Bolton, Air. David moualy agreed to :—"That wo deem it of the highest much ssnnDsr xsnaber of rsspeia than- usual had they earned for spinning twist, and 2d. from every list, that somo arrangement would be made. It Swallow atte'nded for tbe purpos e of explaining the He is aa little i?kely to be overawed by any of their Is. Sd .for weft ; those being the sums which they appeared to be admitted on all hands, that the turn- importance to the cause of Chartism that a Nation^ eome to this coantry in search of employment , from machinations , , nature and objects of the Miners' Association. Upon Conference should beheld, and that Birmingham their addresses or their meetings , aa previously received for spinning 1,000 hanks j he out, even if it became general, could not be of long his arrival he! was informed is the presence of a somber of foreisners in Ireland , and those agitators themselves are likely, that none of the publicans the mopt suitable placs of meeting, and the 5th with their devoted thought it was unjust, and ought not to be tolerated, duration . Wo understand that on Monday evening in the villagejdurst allow the meeting of from the close conntarcn of the Roman Catholic hier- and desper ate followers, to be overawed or made io to be holdcn on September the most convenient time. We also , especially when it was considered that a majority of 'tho hands of Mr. Mellor gave notice that unless the their premises. Mr. SwalJow therefore proceeded to archy with the Repeal msTement and expressed the swerve from their course by any conscientiou sscruples ! full rates were given they should turn out on Wed- earnestly hope that our Scotch friends will unite ^general disappo intment with -which the Irish Protest- the masters of tho town were paying more. He make arrange ments for addressing the Mine rs in the with fhe English Chartists nnder the new system or patriotic Juolives. There is no capitalist in this stated,; that if tbe reduction was submitted to it nesday morning. We are told that amongst other open air. He then discovered that of ants ha3 remarked "Sib absence of activity and energy country wno will send one fart hing ^ a coal proprietor , Organizxtion." " That a general meeting of the of money to a ¦would be from 4s. to 5s. out of their weekly earnings. i firms Mr. Mason,;who is said to be giving as and ft magistrate of the name of Hulton , ii tie SOTerniEait to -repress tlas agiiaEon. Hb ac ceaotry where there exists eucb an organized system had taken Chartists of Warwick and Leamington shall bg of Another-person said, that he understood some allu- ihigh wages as any employer in Ashton, Mr. Abel measures both, of a coaxing and coercive , to pre- inowl ^sed-with gratitude tbe excellent disposition of mischief. These, my Lords, are the reasona in nature held at the Saracen's Head, Park-street, Warwick, military f oresto zaeet any sssgmnary outbreak, but sion had been made to the Dukinfield Hall Mill, by j Buokley u,nd Mr. Mellor are giving prices equivalent vent the attendanc e of bis men ; coaxing, inasmuch as answer to my Noble Friend' s remarks why I think Mr. Buckley, ! to those in the s list, on Sunday evening, the 13th instantr to arrage the regrettedthat do measures bad been Employed to en* that the spinners of that mill were men' and agree to accept that the coal king bad descended from his high station , and necessary preliminaries for.supporting ihe approach- capital has not been and will not yet be sent int o Ireland. gettin^considerably Jess than his men, and he could jlist. Mr. Mellor states that, having taken the aver- paid for ale, and played at bowls with, those in bis em- list tfce support of all who wcnld associate to preserve I will say one word about agitati on; not only with refer- ing efforts of the fnendg of liberty, and other mat tran'guin?tT.- The apathy of the Government had not afford to give more than other parties. He, as a age earnings of forty-two spinners for some time ploy, coercive , as he bad determined no meeting of ence to repeal , but extendin g a little fnrtber. I see spinner-at that place fpaa , he finds that average to be 27s. 6d. per week. ters importance; the chair to be taken at half-past 'flj osen jnrroT , Tsha ^meza othsrsHse -cell inclined, to , begged to say that tbey had should be holden. Mr. S wallow pro ceeded to address seven o'clock/* now many who do not care about repeal ; but who care their wagesraise d, a few days ago, 2£d per thousand His hands are by no means desirous to turn out ; but those about him , and had the gratification to find that swell thsBepal Tanks ; but he trustee that it would now a great deal about fixity of tenure , -which means confis- ' hank<=. . i they say that, if they were to continue working, and tbe utmost good feeling prevailed among his audience , Bradford.—Wool Combehs Meeting.—On cnd8aTOnT td re!«sTe its errors. He approTed the con- cation of land , (heat , hear) the destruction of property, Monday evening the Wool Combers held a meeting dnci of ioriBEr Tictrojs in calling oat ib$ yeomanry, One of the turn-outs said, the list which they were Mr. James Buckley 's hands to remain out, he would whesa numbers augmeated , notwith standing tbe the abrogation of oil rights of property whatever (hea r, wishful to be paid by was of tbe masttrs' own soon fill his mill wiih fresh hands, as there are so temptation of] tbe ale and the bowls, till tbe squire was on the open space, near the Temperance Hall, Mr. ftTi earnest appeal for protection for the loyal hear ) ; which , means turning tenant into landlord , and making.; yet they were tho first to break it. In his ¦many wanting employment ; and, therefore, liuless deserted. He( came running foaming with rage , and Atkinson was called to the chair. The committee Protestants xf-Jxalawl , carelnded by praying, in ac- and the cultivator into owner {bear , hear ) ; that is a reported the progress of the Strike. A code of ruleg cor&znoz with the petition , that the law relating to opinion, the present turn-out was a whole town'u 1 there is a general turn-out, it ivould be perfectl y use- shouting at tha top of hia voice, •• 'I saj, you , Sir. popular doctrine , an-- - very likely to be well received , eo , were then read, and passed by the meeting, for the rprcsessiaiis Slight either be repealed or brought into question , anu ought to be considered. Hq said ho less for tho hands of one mill to contend against a Swallow youj must not preach here ; if yon are not off coming from tbosa -who bave little property , to those could show, from the Manchester papers, that the [giugla employer. Unless, therefore, all the mills instantly 1 shall give you in charge of for I better organizing tho Wool Combers of Bradford ; general operation. who have none. (Hear , and a la«gb-> That is ~rexj flii^ik^j Ddke «f Wxixj isgtojj tost the masters were doing better now than they had been ' turn out this day ( Wednesday), they declare their have received jorders not to allow-pub lic mestiiw&iathe and more efficiently collecting contributions. Th» - ^Hbe wmfeased evfla likely to make some way in Ireland : and accor dingly I doing for tho last twelve majority of the masters have agreed to the advance and iacoifrcnience? attending the present state -of »ff»i«» monthB. A general con- [intention to continue at work at the present rate of thoroughfares. ;" Mr. Swallow tben asked bt ^^ ^p^n have beard there is something of preaching non-payment versation here ensued as to what course should rwages. Mr. Peter Elatt states ihat he is giving the what authority be was acting t" He said on most of the torts of Wool now combed. The in Ireland had been by no meass exaggerated ; bat of lent and convmins the landlord' s Tent into rep eal be ^ ^.;% §* adopted by way of assisting the han f's who liad [list prices, and that he had received no notification a magistrate ,) and it was his duty to disptr Sd-^ .HBqmmiueo have taken a room in Butterworth'g after -paying s "sfclS-deserred compiimtnt for their rent , and that that is begun to be felt already. The law &jjttld ings, for meetings of the trade to be holden on loyal forbearance to Orangemen of ILts North , pro- turned out. One individual pointed out the necessity ifroin his hands up to last evening of any intention to meetings. " Mr. Swallow replied , " there was n ^ ' ^ i Mb * is strong enough to deal with it; if cot, it ooght to be, of subscribing lor them which pro :quii their ladeed , it ia said , that only a few obstruction , eiiher for carriages S&eeisiOQs of emergency. Ozie master has signalized ceeded to rxplfiifc that the Act, the operation of which weekly, position, work. .or foot passeng ers f^aJf Sjj he o{(the and 2 think it is. Bnt do not let any one suppose that was imxnediutely opposed by the turn-outs themselves (O F the ematl^r manufaoturerB are paying the low respectrally asked, « what re a^nj Jit. HuUonbim ^iraaelt by deoiarin^cbajyif pots a farthing at they were called en to exteod, h»'l Tefcr ence only to that is wholly an Iriih doctrine. (Hear , heax.; Repeal coulj ^ first wno stated, that it was not that kind of support they [prices, and this is supposed to furnish ground for the assign for pr eventing the meoii^ri ^fegjving a iilr- this time, he will reducSia iJ^fp^nny slack* mBeticgs f >Tprocessions la opnnocis&rsti gn of anniTCr- ib an Irish doctrine ; rep eal between will never cross the wanted:; they had learned by experience that, ipelief that the turn-put will not become general ; or hearing ; they surely could dia ^rl ^^^ , ness that comes I Theaii^S^ii^f all parties are saries to •whiai *ither a religious or political character Channel. There w>s only one English member , bow no right theof be held if they ;bsgan to receive contributions, their places tif so, that it wilt not last long—the differenceby and wrong, and if what he adva ri ^fe^^ a prejuaical to directed to the Land, as tSsippijfc ^ans enabling 5ras attaclitd , and conld not cens^qnentiy to longer in Parliament , to support it; and there will be etween present prices and those proposed the operative to protect hinl^J^|ainBt inroads iucIndeihofe aS whlsih -ttB Bepeal of the' Union wm would soon be supplied by oi her hands, who wore out ^b so the their interests; theyhe would thta bav&if 05 opportunity of . no more to support it in Parliament Bui fixity of of employment. inion that lop^Sjtives being generally speaking small as saying bo ; an ^ assured them they of the Employers, Class L , and Monopo oiscassed. It might te asied -* Why not, then , extend It was their op p. single produced proof . aw^TOW^ta-^¦c-, ^ - t o tenure , the destruction ul d be aa injur y to them , he woold. not iisiu g Legisla or s. * its proviflion j? cnt alihoogi admitting the enlB *~ : - ' not local ; it is as likely to spread in England as in there must be a general strike throughout the whole Ithat 'ii seems to offer every facility for an amicable advocate it any more ." Mr. H. then sir. Swallow i i i i' ft* Jjfjpw ^^^ in ' i i | i »i.i . y "wMsh the present criminal itatiatk had infileted , Ireland. (Hear, bear. ) ' I ehoultl say rather more took ^g town.—XTiiis proposition. wastreceired with deafening iarrangement. by tho arm anil told him " it he was not gone in a few and most acsfcns to put as end to them—aware , likely, anl let all in England, as in Ireland , beware SUBSG|lJt#i:l3fa^|^EeEIVEI)L BY MR cheers.)—The | It is not very clear, how that which in the origin minute s t , the TespcnaiaUty of for its omiE- following motion was then made— , he wpuld send him to prison. '' Mr. Swallow , ¦ f\9 * ^E ^jkr ' Wf Jj i ioo x>* <5oT*iBineDt how they allsw ii to be introdnced. (Hear , ' . *f iijri fl"'* *i* ' ' - - ¦ * bear.) 3 " That we have a general strike throughout'the 'was a turn out of tho spinners only, should have therefore, bid the men disperse quietl y, and go to thwr i ons.a3,w=ll as its acls—iedid iot thiak it desirableto should cot have said so much, j ; I' f had I not heard some- town, should Air. Buckley persist, in makings, reduc- jbe en so strenuously supported by the weaverB, who respe,flt ve homos ; and then turning to Air. H. said , sfele.wha* were Its istsztjons far ther ffrsn te « xplain thing said in tbr ciher house of Parliament , coming from ¦^ f that in his o"sra department every thing that could be tion/' The motion was unanimously carried. A inow appear the more determined of the twi branches '' youi' craft is iu danger ;" to which ha replied , " I FOR VICTI MS. a certain quarter there , that fixity of tenure , if a thing deputation was then appointed, to consist of ono !of mill hands in their resistance. Wo have he*rd wiu not bo intuited ; I do not maa' to preven t the men '&. -%. d. ilons ' bad b«sa dent to tnatle ii ** to preserve the pfaee not to be attempted , was a sutject for consideration. Q and to meet all TnisTortnnea ssd con- spjnnrr from each of the, various mills, to wa i t upon ithis accounted for by the statement, that tho weavers from goinf! wHb .yon to another place ; get a field if you Trowbridga ...... 10 0 of the cocntr y. iHear hear.) It tttiSeB at the riot cf society (hear . W .. . 0 1 6 "wiacb aiaj xesnlt from ths? violence of the Mr. Buckley, to ascertain what steps lie intended to iare desirous to obtain the prices paid tfeem before can , and then |l will not interrupt you." Mr. S , "No, R...... sequrEccs otar)—of ail government ; and if not put down with n St. Pancraa ...... 0 10 0 pamors of- ttcst mtn who uEforinnately fcnide the pursue. It was then arranged, that each spinner the last reduction made in March, 1842 ; but if t his because you aare not : but Sir you know all- tbe arm hand and with a strong and unhesitating judgmen t, who wee in work should subscribe sixpenoe each on [bo so, we.fear, that bo far ^iogards thia class of property around here belongs to yourself . Will you E. B ... 0 0 6 multitude in Ireland. " He diBputed neither the txtent it will outstrip all the efforts of all* the enemies of the ™ tho Saturday evening, to pay aijy expenses that might ¦mill-operatives, tho 'dispute may riot bo so easily allow us a field to meet in ? ' • " No," said he, " t will FOB DEFENCE EVJiDu - of the conspi racy, ths daneerB to be expected from it, country, in working the ruin and I degradation of this «• aor the BJEstacee It hsd derived from loreigntrs ; but be incurred for printing, <&c The meeting was then settled, as a return to the prices paid prior to March, Hot" " No." said Mr. Swallow. I did aot .ttbiait you Trowbridg'} " ...... 0 10 0 mighty empire. (The noble Lord ' resumed his stat adjourned to Saturday evening, orj Tracker's ground, 11842, would j>laco their wages con!-iderably above would. Havo you not threatened the publicniia if tbey lie felt conSdest that from the measures adopted , the amidst considerable cheering. ) an ' Oidham ...... 0 12 0 fitrvtiniii Eat "B-imId ~be able to Teaist every attempt in order that tbe delegates miuh^bskve opportu- the rates paid throughout the whole of the country. allowed us to meet ; and does not your whole conduct After a few words from the Eail of Glej«6a.i.l , the nity of stating what nad bum doua^duriDfr the day. ¦At presen t, the Adi ton prices tor weaving are as prove sou dveud the diffusion , of intelligenca among f ob m'dopalL. asaiiiat the pnblie pesce, acd he believed it better, " talk" conclnded. Oidham ...... 0 4 0 1 Un Saturday evening the" 'ourned meeting was high as those paid throughout the county, wherever your vassals£ '| •• Well, '* said be, " you have no occa- of thereforr , to persevere ta its present course, and to a^ power-loo used; The rate of wages to the Proe^eite (in. part) Concert, employ no otber prtcacaons until they tboald become held according to previous arrangement, and was ad- ms are sion to come Here to teach us; we kno w more than you HOUSE OF COMM ONS—Tcesdat , Aug. 8. {who again acted as* chairman), lAshton spinners was also fixed by the in&store' list do." To which Mr. Swallow said, "I do not know &c, at City Political Insti- absolnrelynecessary. dressed i>y Pilling, tute ...... 3 0 0 Upon tfce report of the supply, WoJfenden, and several others. It . was stated, that of March, 1*4 2, which wau then agreed to by tho quite as much [about ' Peterloo '; I had to go and work T2se Bar! ol "WinchilBea and thB Bar }of WicJdow Mr. Hvus recurred to the frauds in the Customs , the delegates had waited upon Mr. Buokley, but he operatives } and which, it ia alleged, has been «te« io & coal pit , ' vhen very young, to help to aggrand:!- ) M arylebone ...... 0 13 spprored tie contract of the Government in abstaining which he belived had been te the [extent of mUlions would havo nothing to say to them. [We understand, parted from by some four or five firms, thus leading aucb men as you." Being then near the dooc of a from coercdre measures: but the •JJarqnisB of Cianri- FOB WM. JTONES. per annum. The fault lay ia the ?improper selection that ho declined to receive them, on the ground, to the results we have noticed. public bonse> iha landlord to«k Mr . Swallow by the Proceeds of harmonic meeting, csroe, alifcwigh joiniEg in this expression of approba- of Cemniissioners , who, instead of j bein g chosen from that a number of them were not mill hands, but shoe- | Thb CHAtttisfs.—Wo understand, that on Sun- Bhoulder and attempted to push him forward , saying, Feather8,Warren-street, St. tion,;w23anxious to bear what Mi-dBtere expected as a class of persons acquainted with the business and makers ! and other tmdts.j A motion was then day evening, the Ashton Chartists had a meeting in " f along, yo, u sha ll not come in xwy hovwe " Two Pancras ...... 0 16 0 the re?nit of the present state of affairs in Ireland. An capable of duly . superintending it, were appointed made, that the meeting should again adjourn to Sun- ^their room, at Charlestown, when they came to a colliers, the mere lickspittles of a tyrannical employer , Irlah '-GovErnHnait shcnld lave otter olgscts than to resolution, that they would not mix themselves up cams forwanl ] and said , dun yo noa the const quence PfH Wn.DE (OF MOTTfiAM.) merely from interest. He called for the evidence lately day evening, at half-past seven o'clock , wfacn they " Proceedsofharmonicmeeting, Kceive constabulsi yTeporfs ; and . as nothing had yet token upon this subject , contendin g that the Chan- would meet in Chailestown, and-some arrangements Jwith this movement iu any way j so that it should oa talltin abeawt Peterloo toth' Squoit e ?" Mr , S wallow "bsen ^ , ' he hoped lisat rext semrion feathers, St. Pancraa ... 0 10 0 effected wiQi tba -new thesomethis ^ cellor of the Exchequer ought to have ra ppenden the should be entered into, and carried ont on the Mon- be left perfectly free from all political complexion or wante d to reaaou with them ; but finding their oljsct -irvaia ^e^osa of impr oving eondi- whole board ; and that the -dang er ! of an interferenca day. The meeting, which was very numerous, then ^character. was to kick up a row , be left them , and proceeded on FOR MBS. ELLIS. tien cFf the populatio n. with the course of justice, which had been urged as an quietly 8t parated, his way. Tha colliers in this village ate receiving less Proceeds of raffle at Working - Xarfl BEorcBAU—Nothing can be more limentatle oV^sction, was a trils in «ompariaofl with the object to On Sunday evening the turn-outs again aseen> Thffl (Friday) morning has brough t ua the follow- wages than et any other colliery in Lancashire. They are Men's Hall, Mile-end-road 0 10 0 Ilj2jiths description given by tny 2fobieFiieuJ of the be attoieed by the production of this testimony. The bled near to the Charlestown Chapel , when Robert ing communication from one of the Ashton Chartists , paid once in each month , and have, on some occasions , Mr. W. Kerby ...... 0 2 6 ccciiition of society on Ireland ,—a novel state cf an frauds had extended not only to light goods, but to tea, Lees, better known as " General Leee," one of tho ito whoai jve present our gra-eful acfcuowleduomeuia. what the y call a long month : that is, Uvn weeks. Mr. T. Andrews, Dudley ... 0 2 6 empire, net cniy ia this conntry but ia every other tobacco, and other articles. In ose case, cigars bad fifty-eight tried at Lancaster, was appointed chair- and -shall be happy to avail ourselves of his kind This was tho case at Mr. Swallow 's visit ; and be A friend ...... 0 0 6 ' found , upon enquir y, that , afte r payiDj f dra wers and cotmtry; tbs.1 there shouldcf be indications of an nni- bb- a passed as marble. Ha btliettd the general man, and opened the meeting by giving out. a hymn, offer , to " send whatever is of importanae that may Collected by Mr. Duffell, Terssl _ j ^preiul slccst disorgani yitioii thrrc ^b the opinion to be the true one, which jwas that the publ i- &c. At this meeting it was arranged that shop (transpire". If it benot too much to ask from him , other incidental expenceB . a many of tbe colliers h«d Tepton ... 2 10 0 iiSueEca vt moderate dutiei , which wouL! Itava the at the house of Mr. Timothy Broad bcnt, the White In tho Morning Chronicle of Wednesday, tho [which will take fro m the wages of the spinner ;*nd following appeared as an advertisement :—" The MANAGEMENT OF SMALL FARMS, ontrsge—Ch esr*. They bjtd noi, indeed, included all smuggler without temptation . The Tepcrt iistOf ad- Han Inn , Park-street. this pieevra fivo shillingB per week. A meeting vfa's Giving fall Instructions respecting Rotation oi &e prie ^iw>d ; there ia eHI, I hope, a large body mitted and affirmed ibis, though the general views of We understand that of Ihirty-six mills, the oper- pariies connected with the " Times ' newspaper called by placard for tho same evening, which baviug most jindustriously endeavoured to mix my Crops, Management ef Cattle, Culture, &o. Tfln ' tsve vxA got-e so iar ax to forget tbea duty t* its authors -were not very favourable t-> * free trade. Ha atives of which had been requested to Bend delegates in the Wellington 'took place at eight o'clock, name up in j several shapes and forms with the their esnntry aad as preacben of the GosptL Ihe moved the address to the Crown for the production of to this meeting, no fewer than thirty-four were re- *oad meeting room, Charlestown, Ashton, when , BY FEAK.GUS CTCO^N'OR, ESQ., trne difficulty consisted in deciding Vhat shall be tfee evidence appended to the report. not sending repre- Rebeecaite disturbances iu Wales, and knowing r.he presented at it. The two bodies notwithstanding tho wetness of the night, the room deadly hatred of the said parties towards me in con- FARMER AND BARRISTER. done; to checi the mischief now prevailing in Ireland. Mt. J?orster seconded the motion, and Mr. Williams sentatives were the operatives in the employ of Mr. iwas filled to Buffocation. Ton zest be pr epared to pat a summary £tup to supported it. Chadwick, of Throstle Nest, Stalybridge, and those 1 sequence of my opposition to Walter , the printer of Nos. 1 and 2, constantly on hand. No. 4 will t« Mr. Richard PiJJibg w&a called to the chair, who that journaijas well as to his sen , in their attempt liotocs jsoeesfiin ga 3£ any oitose shcnlJ be com- Mr. ©oxjlbttkh agreed thst publication, when the of Mr. Jonathan Andrew, of Dunkinfield. Amongst .opened the business of tho meeting. it waB ready in a few days. initted ; you may place jcmist5f;in a ponticn to keep proper lime foz it should come, wco?d do —(the man whoso to achieve the representation of Nottingham—aware . great good i the delegateswere Richard Pilling, agreed , that sooner than submit to this reduction and of the file 3>race In case of any breath of it being at«rn»pt£d ; bnt to publish now would be to defeat the prosecuti ons defence at Lancaster, at the last assizes, excited of its profli gacy, lengths to which the Also, on Sale, in Two Numbera, at Fourpence each, " t;hey would stand another striko. It was also re- said parties would go tp gratify their personal feel - yon iaay so increase the military force in Ireland He vindicated the honour of the Commission ers of much attention and somo commiseration at the timu. iaolved that five persons be appointed to Hje Mr. THE " STATE OF IRELAND," ieDdcr any l»each of the peace fatsl to those , attorney-general ings of animosity—I take the presem opp6rtunity as to. Customs and the principle of their selection , and which was «-xpreaFed both by the Backley, and ask him whether he would withdraw not only of Idisclaiminfi any cdHiieciion with the Written in 1798, by Aethus O'Connor. .¦who may attempt it. All this, indeed , had been observed,' that nothin g could be more painful than the in his fepJy and the Jearned judge), and " General his intended reduction , or risk another general Jj impt "SS.y SoblsSrieaiS at the head of the army tad detection of the treachery committed by the subordi- , another of the ChartiBtB \hen tried and ac- Rebeccaites,but of repealing tuy previously published Lees " /strike. It was also agreed that each shop should caution to the working-classes of Wales to abi'.ain A compendiam of Irish History, and » more abend; made every possible provision in the event nate officers , «atcept the discovery that «o many personB quitted.—The meeting came to the unanimous deter-, .send a delegate to tit on committee, prepaid d to say Account of the GrieYances- of that Country, sneb ^mergency occurring. Everything from any connexion whatever with the Rebcceaiks ; correct xi any in to holding the high and honourable position of Eng kh ruination that there should be a general turn-out of what should be done'.to prevent this reductioa. than any that has appeared upon the subject. that eonld Jjaaequ ^ed order marntTiin the merchants, should hava been found-, capable of corrupt - Buckley aid not with- and f urther, t!o state that I have received two letters the spinners, if Mr. James Tho meeting adjourned to the ground near from Merthyr Tydyil, assuring me that it is the una- Cleave, London; Heywood, Manchester; Hobaon, law aa it stand s, itt the event of any overt act being ing those ofEctrs , to gain as unfai r advantage over draw the reduction he was alleged to be seeking. iThacker s Foundry ; to meet at seven o'clock on , has, I understand , already been dons, and ' nimous determination of the working-classes of that Tjfi eds. committe d rival traders. The attention of Government was anx- They also agreed to draw up a list and to require ¦Sa turday evening, to bear what Mr. Buckley in- district not to take any pare in ihe done, aa it appeared, ta an extenJ .quite «ai5dent to iously directed to the circumstances stated in —Mr. Robert Newton, Rebecca pro- " the all the ma&iers to agree to it. itended to do. ceedings ; not to attend private meetings, or in any DEATH. , J»ctar otbera irom following such an example. 3Jj rt -port ; and every precaution that human means could deputy constable of Afibtou, was present till about The town's crier announced the meenng, and by Jfoble Frie nd b*Mud me, boweTei. tells us that the include wonld be taken agains t believe, however, tlhat way to countenance secret associations ; and further- Chartists of London are requested to attend tbe recurrence of simi- midnight, when he left. We six o'clock there were thousands u pon the ground more, that during my stay at Bath a deputation from THE *Hay.ienie3 y fliat win really better ths condition ol the lar malversations. the chairman (whose name we have not heard) and to hear the answer Mr. Buckley gave to the persons the Funeral Obsequies of that Staunch Friend of people of Irela nd ia one that woula find employment assembled till about the ht art of ;he disturbed districts waited upon me, Liberty, Charles Vernon, late of Lam- I>z.BOWBFNG maintained , that publicity was a prin- a few of the delega tes remained appointed to meet him. iMr. Pilling re-as-unii d the awd assured me that tho working p -ople of that Democratic for >he peop le, Sere I confessI pause ; because I do cipla of ^>ur. iusiitat j ons, and asserted that the House two o'clock in the morning, and the probability is, tho chair and opened the meeting with considerable beth , which will take place on Sunday afternoon , at " , locality had come to a similar resolution. I had at which hour all friends are requested to jiot exactlyBee my way to ofany measures that can put an had - a right to the evidence. He wished to see a that they were engaged in drawing up a list. warmth, declaring this should not be a mere bix 3 o'clock, to the present state thinga. 3Iy Koble Priend promised to visit Wales d uring the present summer ; assemble at the Corner of Eaton Sttfeet, New Cut, ^nd thorough and organic chan ge in the management of Toesdat. week's striko but a twelve week's strike if the re- and notwithstanding tbit I pu blicl y announced the liadalso told "us, that ose xeasoBifhy Inland is not tbe Customs. . : duction were hot withdrawn, Oue of those ap- Lambeth. An Oration will be delivered over the , that capital does sot flow into the coun- Mr. This morning placards, of which the following is a existence of the Rebecca, riots as my reason for not Member's Grave. Chartists of the Metro- DrospexooBis S- Wosilxi and Mr. BAHise concurred in mill-owners, pojnted to see Mr. BuoklBy was called upni to state and although I addressed the Deceased try. TJabAPP3y Osis is too tsue. Bal -»hy besur- tbe opinion , that the evidence ought not to be pub- copy, were sent to the various mills and stated that fulfilling that pronvse. polis, provo that you respect worth and honest and in the course of the day were placed in various the result of their interview. He peopla of the ffower IJa-in.eta on Tuesday, Aug. 1st, 3>dse& at ik? • -Wliat ueea ib there of wonder ? Is it lished. he never was so insulted since lie was a man ; integrity, by doing your duty on the occasion. capitalist wi3 send hi3 capital to a shop windows in the town :— and although jl spolec at liie Rotunda on the following likely that any Sir tciisre I mn go otst and look and declared his belief thst Government kept up the in your employ, address you, en this occasion from Mr.' Buckley, saying " ho will not st-o you ; he anfl-'whEre , 3 ibeessary , 1 can send a perso n "conciliation. We are aware that a number of you taking advantage of tho present disturbances ; and I Leeds Woollen Markets.—The demand which after it, whole establ ishment for purposes ! of patronage. He of knows all about it.und you may bejj oue'." (he still io attend to it without the f ezrof being incbbed , and propose d, that for the future all orders of the Treasury , are paying considerably lower for your spinning, tban meeting in further find the following P. S. to letter of th« we noticed in our last, for manufactured goods, paid Mr. Ro»kkx Luk addressed ihe Times correspondent in Wales, iu this morning's ands Tuesday lasf j where there is no reason to fear that tie aext cry may of the Board of Trade , or ot the Commissioners should others in the town , and we are desirous of beinj? his usual manner urging tt:eia to uaity, and they continues, and both on Saturday consider is nothing but , paper:— . a much larger share of business was done at both tte rbe for fixiiy of capital, as it has alread y been of " fixity be entered in books to be kept open for public inspec- by the following list, which we should only have tli&t rcd.iiotiu:i ovi.r his u!-4d body . j ' and impartial ona We .-we sorry thai a red uction " P. S. With reference to the Rebecca meetinglasfc Cloth Halls. In the fino descriptions, however, the .of tenure; " far thatJnay be the next cry ; and aa the tion ic the Long-rocin and elsewhera Tbe production a. fair . The meeting was addressed by sev• ral op« rauve chiefly for •• SxiJy-of tenure " is to con-r at "ths tenant of these orders -would have exposed the iocompetfincy shomtl have been offered to some pBrt of our branch COtto n-sp inner s and a re-.o ution unanimous ly car - night, I should have mentioned that one of Feargus trade is dull, and the demand seems to be tendency to 3 , laids &c— into the landlord , satba tendency of "fixit y of capital' cf tbe Commissionfers. at a time -when ther e was not the least necessity for the that if Mr. James Buckley and others did not O'Connor's representatives, from the Northern Star, low-priced cloths, with a few tweeds, p , efivred may be ried, slow j might be to coErert the iKjiwr ^er into the lender— Lord G. SOHEBSST aesured tii .e House that tore same, and we hope that the reduction come up to the prices paid by tiie othe r masters in attended. He apppnred padl y frightened , for the Wool—Vancal l for the finer descriptions is (lauEhter j. A capitalist doas not like to send his was no oesire on the part of tbe Government to sup- avtr&ed , ana that tha calamitous eonsfqaencea of have a general strike. farmers woul'J have nothing to do with him. They, bat there ia much doing in noils and lour price* present occasion. tha town , they would ^capital to a esartr ? ¦where a doctrine like this might be press the evidence , but that its I production at tfeis Aui?nst last may not be repeated on the I On Sunda y, ihe spnincrs ' di ;l< gato inteiiag as- however, allowed him to be present." wool?. u» xaodtl of as&fbex eo vtr y smilar mome t waold go far to assist tbe ioffsnJ era in binding The following liBt is nothin g bu*. just ; we ask for nothing of Mr . Timothy Brosdbent , 'there can be no d9ubt that tho^e timely libels are Leeds Corn Market, Tuesday, Aug. 5.—There £Bts£li&ed en are paying the sembled at the house s up tJiEi«- Hb iUgbter }. justice. more, and we hope , as some of you jWhite Hart Inn , Park parade , where fhey «ave id published forjho puroose of having their due weight has bot 'n a. very Iar j ?e supp ly oi Wheat to this day which has already been set acwdo to the f-'urrey gentlemen Capitalist s«m scarcely have c-infideneB in &e persons Mr. He me finally withdre w Mb motion on tbe faith prices asked , that you will at once Ithe Gontributiona of their va.n ho are uiarkel. The miilers having purchased freel y of law; fn-hin Til oSctiI declarufloca. • request of Uie Operative Cotton Spinners of Ashton and which auj ouated t" upwards to try aia acd pn for libel brought by me against the there lias Wen very little business doing to-day, and "who eal! UiS3iserrfi3 j frinals of the psople of rfces= I riok o£ Ashtoti alo;;^ of 2s to 3s of IrelHifl—fls pse agitators "who profess for them a ili. DUX COMBE afterwards moved for the public its viclctty. ;£15 , to pay the incidental cxpenues-of a strike. They printer of th qi " Times'" a ml for which trial Thurs- Wheat ha^ been per qr. lower. Oats and books to bo kept in 36s. day next has], been appointed. However, lesf any Beans very heavy sale and not much doing. The friendship "violent, vehemauJ , aad absorbing—who pro- entry of tho orders in mincta resolved , that if Mr. James Buckley did not agTae to ' up to ay lessto mDEopoliseall tie fstaicg and sympathy of the the Long Room , and for the printing and publication , Twist Weft. Twist Weft ipay the same as the other manufacturers by Tuesday person may have presumed to represent himself as weather wa^ showery Saturd evening, since Ira!3i >d—is - virtse whereof I supposa , it is on tfce first day in each month , -'of ail new ostlers Doz. s. d. s. d. Bos. s. d. s. d. night they would si.ll come out. A meeting Was having authority from me, in the capacity of reporter finer. jj sopie of- s or correspowferit, spy, or informer, to attend Buch that they wrin afrom the Irish peasant, from his goodB made io tbe month preceding. 2 03 ... 1 iheld on Thaeker 's ground , when the general cry Bradfoed Markets, Thursday , Aug. 10.— Wool' 30 ... 2 6J . . 2 1 63 ... 7* we meetings, I beg leave to announce, in the most ima chattela, tea wraicaetl pit ianco towards their Afc- 3dr. GOTJLBCSN assented to the first part of tbe 31 2 ... 2 Of 54 ... 2 0.} ... 1 7 iwas, from ail classes of cotton operatives , " —We cannot add an y thing fresh to the operations ~Pxbctasov Catholic Associations iD«uaii , bus r&siated the second which on a division, ... 6J " fter some speak - unequivocal jlanguago, that no person has re- ' sap- BocaanGns, fbtir -sad , , 32 ... 2 6* ... 2 0-3 55 ... 2 0.J ... 1 6$ will come cue in tiio morning. A in the Wool trade. The market is abundantly Slepeal Etni ; all these Associat ions •»ra3 rt jected. not to come out until Wednes- ceived any such authority from me; that I have nei- , and the Spinners and io-SBardB their 33 ... 2 53 ... 2 0* 56 ... 2 0 ... 1 6,j ing it was agre ed plied with both Fleeces and Sons 'being cocaected Trith these agitator?, and all wMeh After some farther business of , no interest, it was iday morning, when- " t-he-y would wail no longer for ther re porter\ corresponden t, or spy in the Rebecca supply, themselves with nothing only for irormxiiato 34 ... 2 5j ... 2 0 57 ... 1 Hf ••• 1 H camp ; nor htavo 1 any, the slightest, intention of contributsoiiB "to suehsssocmtioas these agitators tell the observed , a littie after four, that there wtre not forty 58 ... 1 1U 1 6 ihose below tho mark to oowo up. consumption. Iu prices, ihir dinner hour ; afterwards the tion ; consequently prices ate arm—rather looking their 38 ... 2 4 ». 1 11 61 ... llf 6 | hand , act, or part in the Rebeocaito proceedings. report T^sr ^e boasSn j ;of thei r meetings , of teins ANOTHER TU RN-OUT AT ASHTON. 2 ... 1 1OJ 62 ... 1 Hi ... 1 5J han ds of Mr. Itetlfern came out ; and this evening up.— Piece.—We are glad that we are able to niijfa 39 ... 4 | Aa it is too expensive to advertise my refutation of goods, both to cominaad th>-ir JxaaGreds ot tbousanda of men. 40 ... 2 4 ... 1 1 "| 63 ... 1 llg — 1 6 | oue ot* t tio mosv numerous meetings was holden ever a steady business doing in aH kinds of Th&J See flic powss ^iieii they Snu boast of used iur "• Jiedutaion " tas been again offered at Athlon ; the Times slander in all the daily newspapers, 1 have Piain and Fancy." Mermoes have also sold butter p 42 .„ 2 3? ... 1 loj C4 ... 1 113 - 1 6 kno wn iu this town , estimat ed ot 3U,0U0, where it wan to request, asian art of common justice, tha- other the purp ose of cotvejiag tfce most vehement attack s au asd hs3 driven th ousands intoji-h e street s soon r 42 .„ 2 ... 1 10 65 ... 1 H | 1 61 resolv-d not to resume work until the manufacturcro lately, and the stocks very generally reduced. - Cie ©ovenanrii S 3£ — journal will] allow this advertisement a place in , cad tim most violent abuse of the :ha:: accede to it. From tho ZlattchcsicT Guardian 43 ... 2 3 | ... 1 93f C6 ... 2 0 ... 1 6* who paid balow the statemeni , pay the sarao pr ice? aataoa 1« -srhkiJ tbrss cspifcaJists thsmsei -ses belcnx- t.i W ednesday we exiraci the following particul ars ; their columns. WAKEFIELD CORN MARKET. 44 „ . 2 3 ... 1 Si I 67 ... 2 0£ ... 1 6 | as other manufacturers of the town were paying. Fbargus O'Connor. 23ie Ceaicc spiiai beinz nule aad the poverty exct*sive ii u n 'ortunaiely happening it»r us, th ai our Mauches- 2 04 ... 1 VVed:itd-sJ tt-J- Carrcspoflden t is at present laid id£ bed ; 46 2 2i ... 1 9 6i> .. 2 Oj ... 1 7| were as good as their W6rd . They attended a au ^t- Hu.oam.ersmith ofaiESsicii feebag eaSrezae —the wise CsS Ij afing have been on the sdoi, and ... Wheat to this day 's market, but only small of other Jot or ;.o cqabi he wonld 47 ... -2 2 | ... 1 Pf 70 ... 2 0A ... 1 6k ling cm tho grour.d, near Thacker's foundry, aad his object to Iebbcs &at ereeasive poverty, ai^d oraw can mnsicatcd information that oihs-r parties would Wheat trade is very slow, t he millers . shots p& 48 .„ 2 2 ... 1 &l 71 ... 2 »§ ... 1 6 | ilt-ft tho " o'd nods" and tho mannfacturers to spin Grain. The of Gis Saxan capital u supply the u^t be able to get. On the who!*- 'he following S$ 1 7 : $&ive pouttg ^atvtot0. the Celfac wsuts— Qas isiae 45 ... 2 1* ... 1 72 ... 2 0J . ... land weive for ti.fcn3selve ^^B ^Qr ^^ te ^it, progress:— - mere pretextpn tie part-ofthe vreaYersrr(who, it w - yaore ljQ^Jran^Or- Oanghter ^^ ^^ BTCn tB - s ( . "" ] Mr. Jamo3 Buck^eyi the person whoso hands Leeds. j ' (for jflie said Feabods O'CoshoiQ at bla D«* ^ that there has ' Orn Friday moiBing-last, 4be spinnera in the said, have been oalled upojt by tbi pinners to aid Brjggate ; - ha b^ierss beenvsoiBj ^|^b aneeti i>g. t eniploy^f Mr. the spinners turned out first , is] a Whig, a stadncU man of linglonse | Ko. 5, MarkcMtreet^ * ^ ? dames Bnokley, of Kyeofoft Lower them,Jm return, as it jb allegedjioi . qt th0 pillars of Trjiii' ' | 2ro aDu>t sCo^t ^iopleon -naT f feg^togtthBr at I M"l, ^Ashton, inrae^ont, ia oonseqottnce, as "having aided the weavers in sqke former fnrn-out) the> League; and one iy Chapel, I DEATHS. intfcnial Communication existing'betiween the «* Vjth ^jaj Saii^a, is^ tfiie^a»soo-^ ^teiy^ifthe meet- jthey kith his parson living close by; whoso name is a allege, of a redaction,of yn§&9.y Dnring the day the —Mr*BaoMei directed the eiigine ito ;bo ^topped, Mwket^treeV ,ana'the. faid Nob. 12 v iBg^t <^i—1 ^ ^?^tij f^^ ^i^B^inj -3$: 70.000 Mr. Sutolifle, and who iiasaBonin^artnership with In May last, at Hyderabad, in the East Indies, No. 5, ii: ! nantis paradiBd the streets, and issued bills, calliBg a and all fh« weaverB then left the mill. la the atiex- Tnompsonj of Her Majesty's 31st Regi- taua constituKng & Jr p^e^iL TDj ^fcre iatalR i^^p^^ frjeTaasB es t,f inen I meeting spinners and a "nlrohew of Mr. Charles Hindley, M.P.,* patron Lieutenant 13, Markefc-sticet, Briggata, ^ to be held in CSiarlestowa ^Mewing Boom, jiocn ifiey{assembledtc£ether, with the ment of Foot,|aged 27, second son of Mr. F. Thomp- 0*1 S-iave l«eit S33 ^^ 1e^s^^ ^^^ ^^ 5insssaa yc^r capitalist on Jmday evening, Towards egito' Keniworthy's ninlj and of the League movements in Ashton. This Hindley's - Wliole of tbe said Printing and Publishing JB^=2|i^3ra^aiv^jj iJjaigggapgiaes to see, laxgt olock, the time others, andin proceeded ng out to Mr. iicphow and Sutclifej of Dukenfield Hall Mill, son, auctioneer, &"!., of this town. He was mortally ^ [iS5^ c *f peeple, top, >whc Moaners' committeo paitie to of Mr. hauks. No sooner had Buckley done this, than age, Thomas, the son of Mr. Abraham Maore slaj- '^ preteaoesiirhich ^he knqwa ^ppoulted 9 stand M€ssr3.^a-yn£T, whieh ia nearly opposite that ^ ( Saturday. August 12, l&4?."; 'are «>li£€i9d3«g«£fe* =P«ier | at a bac* entrance, and admit tha eeleet few by that Keaworihy, and shouted, on whioh the greater part Kindley and' Sutolilfe withdrew their intended makor, of Quenshead, near Bradford.