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THESIS NO MORALES Corrections University of Warwick institutional repository: A Thesis Submitted for the Degree of PhD at the University of Warwick This thesis is made available online and is protected by original copyright. Please scroll down to view the document itself. Please refer to the repository record for this item for information to help you to cite it. Our policy information is available from the repository home page. Andreas Tsolakis Globalisation and the reform of the Bolivian state, 1985-2005 Submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Department of Politics and International Studies University of Warwick March 2009 2 Table of Contents Illustrations and tables 3 Acknowledgments 5 Abbreviations and acronyms 6 Abstract 10 Chapter 1: Introduction 12 Chapter 2: The state as contradictory organisation of subjection 59 Chapter 3: The National Revolution, state capitalism and crisis 92 Chapter 4: The transnational historic bloc and global restructuring 125 Chapter 5: The internationalisation of the Bolivian state, 1985-2005 172 Chapter 6: Polyarchy in Bolivia, 1985-2005 221 Chapter 7: Conclusion 267 Appendix 1: Selected economic indicators 279 Appendix 2: Bolivian state map 286 Appendix 3: List of interviewees 287 Notes 289 Bibliography 322 3 Illustrations and Tables Tables : 1.1 Bolivian governments, 1985-2005. 3.1 Bolivian governments, 1951-1985. 3.2 Capital flight during Banzerato and democratic transition era. 3.3 Fixed investment, as percentage of GDP 1970-1985. 3.4 Pre-transition election results (% vote; major parties only). 4.1 Relative importance of major state-owned enterprises 1990. 4.2 Relative importance of categories of state-owned enterprises 1990, 1991 (percentage). 4.3 Structure of economy: GDP by origin. 4.4 Average growth rate by sector, 1956-1984 (percentage annual change). 4.5 Contribution of companies to GDP and employment by size, 1999. 4.6 Employment in mining (1980-1987). 4.7 The tin crash and its fiscal effects: contribution of mining sector to government revenues (in US$ million). 4.8 Bolivia: volume of mining production. 4.9 Foreign investment in Bolivia’s banking sector (1998). 4.10 Statement of IFC's Committed and Disbursed Portfolio as of March 1998 (US$ millions). 4.11 Fixed investment 1986-2004. 4.12 Number of foreign firms involved in oil and gas exploration. 4.13 The transnational bloc in Bolivia: prominent businessmen and technocrats. 5.1 Dependence of the state on external financing: Public Investment Expenditure by Source of Financing, 1989-1998 (in US$ thousands). 5.2 Official Development Assistance in US$ to selected countries, 1996. 5.3 External financing - Credits VS Grants 1989-1998 (in US$ thousands). 5.4 Overall external financing (in US$ millions) to 1999. 5.5 External debt: disbursements and repayments (US$ millions), 1980-1992. 4 5.6 Foreign debt relief 1999-2006 (in US$ millions). 5.7 Employment by the state (in thousands), 1951-2003. 5.8 Investment in capitalised companies through 2001 (US$ million). 5a Projected and actual pension costs (US$ millions). 6.1 National elections results, 1985-2005 (major parties only). 6.2 General elections, 1985-2005: Upper House Seats. 6.3 General elections, 1985-2005: Lower House Seats. 6.4 Financial developments, 1987-2003. 6.5 Capitalisation and direct employment creation. 6.6 Labour and employment, 1960-2005. 6.7 Wages, 1982-2005. 6.8 Coca farming and the illegal economy. 6.9 The fiscal effects of decentralisation and capitalisation: Investment by administration levels (in percent). 6.10 Poverty and inequality in Bolivia 1970-2005. 6a Referendum 2004: questions and results. Figures: 4.1 FDI by sectors (in US$ millions). 4.2 Gas production, Exports and Consumption 2005 (in millions of cubic feet). 4.3 Investments in the hydrocarbons sector (US$ millions). 5.1 Distribution of foreign debt stock by creditor type (public and publicly guaranteed only), in percent. 5.2 External debt by type of creditor (in millions of US$). 6.1 Bolivia relative growth performance. 5 Acknowledgments This thesis would not have been possible without the continued support and trust of my parents, of Isabel, my brothers and my friends. I am grateful to them for bringing me happiness and conviction when I needed them most. I also want to thank my supervisors, Shirin Rai and Iain Pirie, who have not doubted the value of my research, and the Politics and International Studies department at Warwick for its institutional and financial support. I finally want to express my thanks to Iván Mollinedo who fuelled my passion for Bolivia and helped me with the logistics of my research in La Paz, as well as the people who gave access to relevant material and who accepted to give their time for interviews to a stranger like me. I am particularly grateful to Guido Riveros, Teresa Ossío and the staff at the libraries of Congress and of the UDAPE for offering me their assistance at crucial moments of my fieldwork. Για τον µπαµπά. 6 Abbreviations and Acronyms ADN: Acción Democrática Nacionalista (Nationalist Democratic Action). ANMM: Asociación Nacional de Mineria Mediana (National Association of Medium-sized Mining). ASOBAN: Asociación de Banqueros de Bolivia (Bolivian Bankers’ Association). BCB: Banco Central de Bolivia (Central Bank of Bolivia). BWS: Bretton Woods System. CAINCO: Cámara de Industria y Comercio de Santa Cruz (Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Santa Cruz). CAO: Cámara Agropecuaria del Oriente (Chamber of Agriculture of the East). CEAL: Consejo Empresario de América Latina (Business Council of Latin America). CEPAL: Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean). CEPB: Confederación de Empresarios Privados de Bolivia (Confederation of Private Entrepreneurs of Bolivia). CIDOB: Confederación de Pueblos Indígenas de Bolivia (Confederation of Indigenous Peoples of Bolivia). CNE: Corte Nacional Electoral (National Electoral Court). COB: Central Obrera Boliviana (Bolivian Worker Central/Confederation). COMIBOL: Corporación Minera de Bolivia (Bolivian Mining Corporation). CONAMAQ: Consejo Nacional de Ayllus y Markas del Qullasusyu (Kollasuyo Ayllu and Marka National Council). CONDEPA: Conciencia de Patria – Movimiento Patriótico (Conscience of Fatherland – Patriotic Movement). CSUTCB: Confederación Sindical Única de Trabajadores Campesinos de Bolivia (Unique Confederation of Rural Workers of Bolivia). DAC: Development Assistance Committee. DC: Development Committee. DEA: Drug Enforcement Agency. 7 DPC: Delegación Presidencial Para la Revisión y Mejora de la Capitalización (Presidential Delegation for the Revision and Improvement of Capitalisation). DS: Decreto Supremo (Supreme Decree). ENAF: Empresa Nacional de Fundición (National Smeltering Enterprise). ENDE: Empresa Nacional de Electricidad (National Electricity Enterprise). ENFE: Empresa Nacional de Ferrocarriles (National Railroad Enterprise). ESAF: Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility. ESF: Emergency Social Fund. EU: European Union. FDI: Foreign Direct Investment. FSB: Falange Socialista Boliviana (Bolivian Socialist Falange). FSTMB: Federación Sindical de Trabajadores Mineros de Bolivia (Union Federation of Mining Workers of Bolivia). GES: Grupo Especial de Seguridad (Special Security Group). GDP: Gross Domestic Product. HIPC: Heavily Indebted Poor Country Initiative. IBRD: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. IDB: Inter-American Development Bank. IFC: International Finance Corporation. IMF: International Monetary Fund. IPE: International Political Economy. IR: International Relations. IU: Izquierda Unida (United Left). LAB: Lloyd Aereo Boliviano. MDIs: Multilateral Development Institutions. MAS: Movimiento Al Socialismo (Movement Towards Socialism). MBL: Movimiento Bolivia Libre (Movement Free Bolivia). MIGA: Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency. MIR: Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (Revolutionary Left Movement). 8 MNR: Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario (Revolutionary Nationalist Movement). MNRH: Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario Histórico (Historic Revolutionary Nationalist Movement). MNRI: Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario de Izquierda (Left Revolutionary Nationalist Movement). MRTK: Movimiento Revolucionario Tupac Katari (Revolutionary Tupac Katari Movement). MITK: Movimiento Indio Tupac Katari (Indian Tupac Katari Movement). MSM: Movimiento Sin Miedo (Movement Without Fear). NEP: New Economic Policy. NFR: Nueva Fuerza Republicana (New Republican Force). NR: National Revolution. ODA: Official Development Assistance. OECD: Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. OM: Open Marxism. PCB: Partido Comunista de Bolivia (Communist Party of Bolivia). PDC: Partido Demócrata Cristiano (Christian Democratic Party). POR: Partido Obrero Revolucionario (Revolutionary Workers’ Party). PP: Popular Participation. PR: Proportional Representation. PSD: Private Sector Development. PFP: Policy Framework Paper. RDC: Regional Development Corporation. RN: Revolutionary Nationalism. SAFCO: Administracíon y Control Gubernamental (Administration and Government Control). SAP: Structural Adjustment Programme. SBEF: Superintendencia de Bancos y Entidades Financieras de Bolivia (Superintendency of Banks and Financial Entities of Bolivia). SIDA: Swedish International Development Agency. SIREFI: Sistema de Regulación Financiera (System of financial regulation). 9 SIRESE: Sistema de Regulación Sectorial (System of sector regulation). THM: transnational historical materialism.
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